I'' t t - . - . i' ' . ' .' 'iisjf I 3 R ; : ,. !; ;"'. ' I ; is - i !nr rtrftMTT5C r.nl r " . 1 , - ------- , i . . - - -inL f LUHU !E A YETTEYILLE, Nj a. -FU11Y. OCTOBER. tb(54. ' VOfi ill NO. 228 J. AIM TV- 7. - - NS r. , ' V ' I C-v- ' ' I 'by ' - - ;:; P. J.; StXCL,AXH. THE DATEY NOS-TII CVBOLINIAX is eerred to smirkihers in -town at ONE DOL ' LAU Atfp TWENTY-FIV CENTS per . week in . adrapee,! .payable tta the Carriers . -Single copies TivTTV FIVE CfiXTiS.", : j PRIC 1 FOR MAILIX. Single coptisd 25 cent. Six 'tnunths .TWEN : TY-FIVE UOLLAliS. Three Months; FIF TEEN DOi I. A US. . Out moniii TIIItER. DOLLAUS. . Th( "ISTELLiaKNCKJl," a weekly Sow VSLZt d newsiaer, pubiishdd at this Oiiiee, ia mailed to .qbscriers at FIVE .DULLA...f for aix antM Three Vieoatha. TilliEE. JOL- Adrertiseiuents for the C.vuolisian will be charged TU it EE DOLLAIt'S per square for each and 'fery insertion, eight liaes or less constituting a4uare. . . AyiVeiabinertu tor the Ixtklligknceh Arill be icrted jonco ii liaily; and charged iiaiiy rat li?r thit iuseriion. r . W L.tt sanjt br? letter, tha moaej must a-ccom panr taa adefrtisefuen '.Marriage?, c" oaths, -religious add thar notices- charged 'as aoyer--tise -. ints add must be paid for strictly in ad- Tau. . j-' f ' ii rmmr a mmm mi TSiie "a.ln of nioaey. 1 00 I 00 2 Gtf... S 00.. '4 00... I.... i'oO 1 33 2 (JO 2 bOY, 2 00...... 3-0.0'. 00?..... .:. 3 00 ... 4 5.0 ... c 00 ... 7 50 ... 15 00 ... 22 00 ... 30 00 ... 37 50 45 00 ... 52 50 ... 0 00 ... 7 50 ... 75 (K ... 2 50 ... ;m 00 ... U7 50 ..105 00 ..112 50 ..120 00 ,.127 50 ..135' 00 ..142 50 ..150 00 5 00......J. 10 00.. 6 b5a!-" 10 00. 15 00.. 20 00.. 25 00.. ..-10 fl .Jig y ..;2o (jo . 30 00 U 00... 20 00... 23 00... 30 0(1... 35 00... 40 00... 45 00. SO 00 '....... . 35 00....:. 40 DO.... i .... 45 DO...-;.; 50 00........ 55 00 60 00........ (35 00..'...... 70 00........ 5 00 SO 00........ ji5 00......... so oo........; !)5 00 100 00.... . . 33 ZVA 50 00. .. 3(5 t63 55 CO.... .. 40 00 CO 00. ...43 ZZi ..46 6673 .. 50 00 .. ? -a .. GO 00 ..CS 66 fio 00..... 70 00:.... 75 00..... 8J 00 85 J0..... yo 00 U5 00 L00 00- ' IS YNOPsil of Fung i kg Scheme of Uok KKser BilI, as to States East of the 31 1 ssrssiFf i . Xja-Iuteret Bearing $100 2foles. , lleceivable tor -public dues be-, fore. April 1st, Tt'4ittpar; from and af ter April lit, !l8(4,iiot receivable at all, bat , - , , Fdndabl in "Pour ?ekCent. Coed's Before 1st ApriU; 130 4 at par. ; From, 1st to last Biypf April, inc ,at 665 -.From 1st to last day of .May, inc., at 56 5 I rom 1st t-b last jday of June, inc., at 4G It roni lst tp last 'day f; July, inc., at ZG'i b vom 1st to last day of Aug., inc., at 2G t vora 1st tp last day Of Sept., in?.",at T65 S woptaway by niont'ly tax, Oct. inc. at 65 A uy nojn-inte rtst bearing $ 1 0 0 notes bvjld on the firs; of January. 1365, are Vi.seiMOO percent., thus destroying every vosligo of Value. . j ' I JL'IIit: ' :;.."''' REPOUTER'8 DiniO.MRVi ' BASED OX PKOXOGit APIIY, TN PRESS and shortly to be published, a I book witi the above 4itle, prepared by the ubsc iber, whf hiis had nearly 20 years prac tice in Phopogiaphic writing, having. been at one time-empiqved a&'-'an oiticial rep r'in the United States Senate and. who has been for the last 'seventeen months, and is now, re porter of thfe Atlanta Intelligancer. The Dictibnary will contain indications, by means of asimpld nomenclature, tjr writing with Phonographic lettejs, about 20,000 words of the English language, "of ninety-nine oner ' hundreths 6f ! those in common use the re maining words being easily written after these are learucd.l ..'..," - ' ''';; ' -.'. In the Inljrodaction to the Dictionary, sim ple instruction .will be givon for beginners of the study of-Phonography, wi.h lithographed illustrations, -prepared by one of the best ar tists in the! Confederacy. The object f Ihe 'puWicatioals to make a staxuard for Confed erate lteporers, and to render it possible for the mucU coveted and beautiful art of lieport ; iug, to be earned eyen without the aid of a teacher. - ? tA the work wjll be expensive, new type - haying been .procured expressly for it, only a am all edition will bc issued. "Those who de : eire copies sire requested to send to the author : their orders; at once, (to be recorded,) accom J panied with the price of the same, which will be five dollars per copy. The book in paper cover, and isuitable for use, will be sent to all " subscribers,) bv iift.il, without additional ex pense: i j A.E.2UUSHALL, dtf j "Augusta, Ga. jj G. GODFREY, WHOLESALE, RETAIL ' . :?-' : and - ' -'' . I . COMMISSION MERCHANT, Keepku GVtton Yarns For Hale, payetteville, K C. I99rtf U r . a j Co:-; O O ' J vy, .-. jjA.'uotiorieer and ' . FAYETTEVILLR, X. C. Jnnc i0-3m "' Of Deceased Ollicers ndVSolaiers. "Wilso's, X. V.. June20th, lS64. r 'IIE U"I)E!ISIGNED has been appointed Ij a C'cmmissioaer toinfestisrate, collect and par OTer to the parties entitled thereto, all claims forbount arreara" of pa-y and allow anci, du to th? reprusentatives of deceased ul ficeru and soldiers'trom this State. I The parties entitled are : first, the widow of the deceased, if aay, if thtrebe no widow then, secoadjy, the chiid or "chtidrea, if ther e be tuch, ' if thsre be neither widww or.children then, thirdly, the father, if there be -neither widon', child, children or. father then, fourthly, the riiother of the deceased, ancl in default of all of Jhese then, fifthly; the -executor or administra tor Of the .deceased . - i I The lahr ant or claimants must fu hxi&b his, her or their affidavit, nd that of one disiiiteii eted witness ai to the. relationship, and iu all 4ases, where the cl .iuiant is not.tha whhnr, the 4f:t-?ut b"i(fe9H?tjce vStef 4nt or claimants of a lifeer Order. The Jus-, tio of the. Peace, befor e whom the affidavit is subscribed hiust certify to the credibility of the witness, and C'lerk of the County Court must certify, under the seal of the Court, that he is" a Justice of the ieace: . t j If 'the-' claimant or claimants be 'a child or .hildren of the deceased, and he; the 'or' they be minoi, the, claim nmst bg -propounded by is,'heroB their guardian, nd the fact of his being guardian must be certified tioj under seal of .thJ County 6fourt Cllrk. ' ' ; ,' I (When thw lai is made by an executor or administrator, the fact -of the executorship or stdTnhiistratorship must be certitifed to, undt-r seal by the County-Court Clerk.! ' S All of tnac papers should be sent in npUm Any person directlvinterestcd will be furnish ild, upon application to rue, with a proper form these papers in lull; a copy of whicn, tor the greater. convenience of parties, will be forwar ded as ioon, as may be practicable to each tTounty Court Clerk"... . . Thi.s commiision is intended' to facilitate the 0'1 lection of these claims, and save the claim ants all expcae. I (Parties interested may materially aid me in the investigation of their claims, if at the time Of forwarding their paper to me, they will in ftirni me of the date of the death of the dectas ed, where he die d, was killed, whether or not they or' any one for them, have: received the personal etiects which deceased had with him at the time of his death, and whether or not the deceased (if a non-commissioned officer or private,) had ever received the State's bounty, j It is very desirable that all claims should be forwarded at as early a day as may be practir dable. In all cases, give the claim an tf Post Oiliee and County in fail. -j!123-tf ' CoMmisfJher. .TO THE niIEI)S OF THE SOU) IF.KS QCARTEKHAS'UtR GkKKHAL DePAUTMEST, ) HAILROAn BfKEAU. V KrcnrnoND. Feb. 20rh. 1S4. 'JpEE fi'ier.ds and ..relativei, oi soluiers in iJL th Arnjy of Northern Virginia are hereby notified that an arrange na on t has' this day w'eii etrected with the SOUTHERN ilXt'KESS COMPANY, to early all. pack ges of. food and weaving apparel to liich monc'. YA- . . ' ! ' . ' (To secure; the advantages thus obtained ijjrwigh theexpress company; the follewing instructions mast bf; observed : I (Paakaes inut not contain more, than pqe hundred pounds; lie vrellsecured, and llainlv marked. a:nl.sent at the expense of t he s oppei to either of the Soldiers' Kelief AssjuiAtions which are located as folio wb: j i In North Carolina; at' Raleigh; in South Carolina, at Columbia; in Georgia, at Au Hista; in 'Atabama. at. Montgomery; 01 at Any other point at which one: of these As bciations have atl office. , I . j The Agents . of. these aSfJciations will ijlicre take charge of them, and ship daily, by Southern Express Company, to tln;.prop er Agents of the respective States at Rich Inond, Nvho wjll see them distributed o the proper individual owners. ' j To meet the wishes of thesoldierp, and to give them a certain nd ppeedy communica tion wth home the Southern Express Com pany has agreed to give this freight prefer tjnee oVer.Bvery thing else : and in order ii at no obstacle may occur, to this success i so laudable an enterprise,! the. several Railroad Companies are hereby , requested to ret der the Express Company s'uck facili ties as will enable it to niake th& arrange-, ment a complete' success. . ! ' " j As the Southern Express Company as shrbos all regponsibility ot the transporta tion of those packages, the Relief Associa tions are requested to withdraw their Agents who ha oeretofore acted astravel itig messengers. - If the Kviiel Association vt,il establish agencies in the rear of there annuls, tbey may enjoy the same privileges Hereby secured to the Army of Northern irgmia. . ' ' F. W. SIMS, '. - Lieut.-Col. and Quartermaster. Annroved. . ' " i ylR. Lawton, Quartermaster; Gen. j! . If OFFICE SOUTHERN EXPRESS CO., ) H . August a, Ga.. Feb 20. 1KR4. f THE SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPA NY hereby noti y the friends and relative ot Soldiers in the Army ot Norihern Va., and elsewhere, that they are prepared to darry out arrangements as anuouueed in the above card and that they! will do all in Iho r power to fulflPits requiremensst ' J ! J AMES. SHUTER, I GenH Sap?t. & Acting Preset So. Exp. Co roayO-tf. 1 . ISAAC HOLL5WCS WORTH, Orocer and Commission FAYETTEVILLEN. 186 tf MISTRESS Ayp MAID. hTUST R EGIEVED a few more copies of that O excellent NOVEL at If-. IHf. Hf ri arisen square 1 AYETTEVItli 53 1 A IS K C3TS; COUUECTED iiY J " W LKTT. , ' Bcon Fork.. Lird . Bef . 'si so-) g 00 T-i;jt ft 00 fv l 50 fJvlb wlr': o 50 -rf J 50 ( 2 00 F IS Bie.wax S. i 25 $-;- y ft ? .,- ?r"2 0 50 -V'-'lh :a "V-".'- -15: co. ujv I,....,. ?25 m 40 V'baiithV Apples t loaches 75 SI lt B.itter G tton! 'Cf'ffee C.'tton Ya;n 1) Jed Fruit . E.gs .....j:. .3,O0J- f $o W hi v tract Lbarwood ....... 2..: . ( V 3b Fi nr i.....L........... - 525200 tTbarr el Flaxseed 12 50 PU00 ...bushel- Fodder. S OH (9 hundred ll.-y SI-ticks ...!.. I Se.oOv hundred 1 fii ain -Corn M (titZWQ. 'Phuhel J Wheat ()0 Vlah ras ,17 60. 20 OO.busU-l Hi des Qreen Dry Ir n Swedes ... '2 50 & 3 00 fi- lh .. 5 50 w (5 W f) V) 3 50 4 50 V lb L 'athei -Upper 25 GO l :.Ib 4 Sole.... 18 00 V ib -Corn Whisker. ....... :50 0 p gal'oa tit uors Annie and Ji'each Brand v.!.'.... 50 'iO i gailon Mo! asses:. .11 15 2 20 CO V gallon NaTs ..I....U. ...... 'jp on 3 ...J.j. : iv' atoc5 Irish . SVcet.U:..:.t...... 3 50 4 00 lh ...-20 00 2p. 00 V bushel .. S- 15. 00 y bushel .-$-. 10 00 y bushel .'..V C5?75.i3 lb Kite .. Hu' ar Smp . Toi'.et 10 lb Firmly Bar 2 A)0 ff ID . 5 00 ; 00 1 Spi.-itsiTurpntine FaetteviMe'4-4 Sheetiogsi: 50 3 25 y ,Yard Salt...........!..... SVOO f?- 4"i'r- y bushel billow .1. 4 00. - my ib v.l .......L $8 m--H on - '- THE r ' ILLUSTKATKD .jfFRClTKlT ! TIIE GREAT LITERARY WEEKLY THE GK EAT LITERARY WEEKLY OF THE SOLTiTl 1 OF THE SOUTH!. A SUPERB FAMILY j JOURNAL ! A SUPERB FAMILY iJOUBNAL ! ; BEAUT I FU ELY ILLUSTRATED, ' . BEAUTIFULLY ILLvjsTRATKD, 'A ELEGANTLY P!INTKDV V I . ELEGANTLY IllNTEb2 ! J?A ERY SATURDAY, '.:-. . I EVERY S-ATUJOAY,: . ! j HAS A LA ROE It ' , -: 1 ; HAS A LARfjEIt MOKE TArEytE-Dl MORE T a LIFTED! ; J CORPS OF CON TjilBUTORS CORPS OF CONlIKUTORS THAN WAS "EVER BEfORE ENGAGED THAN WAS EVER EE If RE ENGAGED IN ACTUALLY- WRITING EOR : SaSE. IN ACTUALLY WAITING- FOR ANY AMERICAS PAPER 1 any America!; paper I - , BK1LLIANT, CIIAKMINO, 'BRILLIANT, CliAKMISG, '.-. AND THRILLING AND THRILLING- ; VITn ROMANCES, WITH ROMANCES, SKETCHES, SKETCHES, TALES 1 TALES OF REAL . i-i HEAL . i! LI F E, , 1 L I F I', . . K POETKY, -' P O F'f 11 Y, " 4 HISTORY, : , ! II I STO RY, . E I 0 G R A P II Y, B l O G R A P II Y, N O V E L E T T E S, NOVEL K T T E S, ESSAYS, CRITIC SMS, ESSAYS, CRITICISMS, -WITIC1SMS Mif-CELLANY, WITI6TSMS, MISCELLANY. INCIDENTS AND ANECDOTES, INCIDENTS ANl ANECDOTES, OF THE! WAR AND ITS HEROES, THE WAR AN D ITS II EROES, OF INCLUDING THAN SLAT IONS, INCLUDING TRANSLATIONS FB0?i THE GERMAN; WRENCH, FROM TIIE GERMAN, FRENCH, ; ' AND OTHER LANGUAGES, AND OTHER LANGUAGES, A HOME JOURNAL FOR V. THE HOUSEHOLD ! AN ORNAMENT 1 ROR TIIE PARLOR. 1 A SOLDIER'S !; PAPER FOR ! THE CAMP. . S 1 traveller's READING FOR EVERYBODY. A RICH CASKET JL)F POLITE SOUTHERN LITERATURE! SUBSCRIPTION Six months $10 t The Trade supplied at $25 per hundred. AUarese, h W3I. B S"ITIIj j! oprietor, Raleigh, N. C - T,1T ii ' -. UUjllUU LUMBER; 12mcb.ide. CAPvOLtNIAN OFFICE. lit-jiorscil by Entered acccrding; to Act of Cmgress in the ?ye,ar lS63, brj-. S. thrasher, in the Clerk's oince of the listrict!Courtbt' the Confederate piates. loy tfte-; northern District of Georgia ... ' . i - If ' . : PAfvf JNG; ; IIITMILI ATIOX AND PKAYE1? PROCLAMATION'. OF THE :yfj- PI"; ESI DENT. ; ; KiCHJtfD, ;jpct.6.Tlje President has itjeil a 6?'bcMirja'ticri. iiiJmmin.r thp ICth ,ur ,.r S:k i:n'd::'i i t.v- 1..'. j 3-"1 - - - xr r v."w pwio-iiy.-aeuiaa- Gd; The" federtc Si-tste's fo assemble on" that day Jit their respective places of public worship,-J to dmte m Prayer to our Hiavenlj' Path er fur deliverence arid ptacu. .V From LGc's Army ! THE ENEMY IN MOTION. '. ih:ayy sk:ilmishing.. Petsrwickg. Oct. 22. The eacmv is repcripd .iiiov.g.m ; heavy fi-n e, witb in ftntry, artillery an J cavalry, this morning, on our exlruotf rihf, and hiavysskir-j mjsuing lfa.s been going on f-inee sunr se, 7 milts bf low here, between the YYeldon and Soutflside Hailrdad. THE ENEMY ON; THE NORTH SIDE 1 tbi THE JAMES! - ' " i- -' i-1 v x Richmond, Oct 27. Heavy skiftnish- ing comnienceJ at an carlyhour on the Parbytown and Charles City, roads. It is reported that Wliirge force, of yankess erossed to the north; side of James River last night. Canonading was distinctly heard here during the forenoon. ; ' XOKTIIERN N E AV S . Riiimond, Oe. 27- New York papers of the 25 have'telegfams from Kansas City to the 2ith, vhith say that a courier just fiom the fynt reports Price in lull retreat, courier left the enemy was 25 miles liom j here. ' J . I, j .' Advices from Bermuda to the 17. h, re' po t Braine and his; associates, vrlto bun ed the Roanoke,, as; on trial. Tho Cou:t refused to bail their).. - , ' Nolhing from Sherman. 1 SECOND I DISPATCH - Richmond,. Oct. 27. The New Orleans Era of thfe 12th, announces thetrival of a large number of Federal prisoners it the mouth of! Bed river. The Federals are strongly fortifying Morganza. 1 ' Admiral Porter has gone North to take command of tlie Nprfh Pacific squadio u: Farragut is believed to be still in Mo bile.. - n w - EuroiJeau News ! i . Richmond, jOct. 27. European advices to the I4th received.! The frigate Niaga ra had seized a vessel under Spanish col oriSj supposed! to be a blockade runner. Semmes left Liverpod on the 13th, widi ' pight officers and one hundied men, to take command of ithet Privateer Ran irer. Further jfrcm Lee's A rmy ! FIGHTING NEAR PETERSBURG 1! -PeteksburG, Oct 27 Tke enemy, with a force ef cavalry, - artillery and three corps of infantry, 2d, 5th and Oth. moved this morning by detour on bur extreme right' driving in our. cavalry and ocoupy ing the Boydon plantation near Barges' Mills, 9 miles below here. - Our forces were disposed to meet them. Considerable! fighng occurred between 4 o clock and npght. lhe enemy at nigh: still held the Plank Road, and we have captured about 60 prisoners from the 2nd corps. This move places the enemy further from the Southside Road, than they were before. Fighting not yet ended. . . 1 FIGHTING NEAR' RICTLMOND ! Richmond!, Oct. 27. 'She enemy ad vanced a heavy force to the Northside to- day, and madeseveral assaults on-our lines, which were loss. Five brought in. signally repulsed vith heavy hundred prisoners aheady Our loss insignificant. 4 i Fpomthe Trans-Mississippi. -The Herald of Saturday says : - ' By the Emily R. Seuder, which arrived from New; Orleans J last eight, we have the important rnmor that rjlker's divi- 1 - iius cr.sser the nvf, ;ju; jt t:i its 'wav to fcinforcp jK'n'f in Georgia. This,' id" course, liters confinnatiou. Tmoi-r isan-otbt-r report tn con Recti 011 witb this wl,i h throws d.scredit cin lotlu Ic is tLstt. tyo Irmrlred of tl rv troo'is. were shvt fr ri'lusm to crt.j It i. j?;u'rf.. tl;;it tua rwusmg to -cr. It Ii'xico, fu the 2Qth ultimo, vviti oi.t oj position atid tliat ;Gcr.er;il Meiia, was ap jioiMteil to tlu coninjnnti of the town. .Everything is reniW' nu.iet there, at the date of the ' latest'; accounts. . There- are' said'tohe twentyjthon.sa'uJ hrva f cut ton at Lt;:t-.un!rHsl " -BSWVV RlCHMqpCi. A letter floni bo- 1 o v R i eh mo n 4' ha vs :' i'ichmond papers to-thiy state that tho' Con federrt ' c a ut In iri t if a ha ve , w i t hd rawn our prisonvrs' t' war fronV h:'bor 0V1 their fortilications,- in co'tp.jeiice; of the retal iatory order of. Geh. ' Butler's, placing tlteir sykliers in our liands at Dutch Gap, 11 w tier fire. This ftportant concession thi the part of the rebels will result in th immediate removal of their soldiers from'. Dutch jLjap,-whe:iir:' General Butler shall have teen officially notiucd of the truth of the ani.ounceuieut. T HUE PliOl'lUETOR of the above e.-tablisl.- lneiit haviii;; ittiiintd "from tie tear." peace having been declared in Moor';: County, respecltuHy. folii-ita t!e pntroiiHue of hi.-Ttiid customers. 1 wy wili iind ; choice selection of ' Combs, Tooth Brushes. '-Fancv Soap,'' "Old indso'r," do., Ne'etlk-s, Pii:. Spool Cotton, Rl"k ; Flax'Th tread. Blaek, '. '. . Silk d-.. Hooks - ' " : " m w .and Eyes. ' . Stationary consisting of Note, Letter and Fools' cap Paper, Plain, Fan cy and Commercial En vt lopes, Pencils, Pens, Pen f Udders, Ac. &c. A'oso a new ai'd carefully elected stock of the latest Ilusic Pieces published. . . Choice Siiiokirg Tobacco lor xVale. Ott.Vtf ' PLANTATION- : ' With Cro, Stock, "Vajrons, 3Inles, JKUwUttU'HMtlK UtiV iJiOiUl . "Ill II X Gilmoi'crs,to ue solA at I'trmft?-: tion. . fffMIE above property will be ofl'ered for sale ' I on the . premises on Tuesday the "2lHh of y ember I8G1. 'The 'Land is in one Ixxiv, aint contains 4S5 ac; es neaily nil of which is vU-. liable Svatnp Land, th ere 'bving SO jiei es' 'yvell drained, cleared and under culti aliou, yield- . iyg the best crops of any land in this sietion of' the State. TheiVisabo about "ii'O acri-K of Hwutap Land epu.dly as-gt,d as 'that uudctr allivation,'L be clearer, uliich luay be easily drained, (some . of .wh-;ch is already ditched and partly cleared; ) Ike Veaiatude'r is used for as tures and wooll land. The houses and build ings are at a convenient distance from tho farming lands above dec e; ibed.. on a healthy, , high aud dry part of the' tract.--.with good water. -The buildings nvj in good repair, in cluding a comfortable uvcHiiig liou?e, coch'H ient aud-.well aiW;ed egvo houses;; good fences, stables, barn, cribs, lo.s, gttardehs, ic. The plant tion is 14- miles from f ayetleville, on the East side of the Cape Fear River, about ' one and a.half 'wiles from the Kiyer, and em braces what.i-? kcuvn a5lAHigatr SVaiup, adjoins Johnson si.d other.-, and is not very far from 'the lronih'.of Cedar Creek and the residence of Mr. l C. Blocker. ';. . At the same time' and place will be offered 'foi sale, the foIlowin personal property: ' 1500 ty 0U0 livis-hcD.'? -f Com;' -Ths crop of Fodder. Shucks, Peas. .Stock of Cai tLv,';'Hogs, CoaU, 4 'Valnablt, JLilirs; .. On-Sorrel M.are; - . Oaif . ennet: ! One 4 Horse Wiro:t: or..-. .Timber Cart ; with allthe Farming Tools and other articles on the prji.ini.-t s. -IVrms w ill be made known before sale. A. J. BVR.NH, J - A. McLEAN, J- lixVf vE. F. MOORE, ). .. N. C. : 222-ts A. J. BVR.NH, ') rs. ; Foyettevi'lc, N.;C. The Week! v Iiitcili fencer IS PUBLISHED AT AYETTEV ILLE, N. C. on TtEsnwi of each week. It is made, up irom the news contained in -the Daiiy Noam CarolisiXn, an wili alwajs contain the ' '.. . . ; ';; . : ' L X VU Y LATENT 7EI.XG UAP niC XL WS Uavii:"- toe adrahtaefof the ney? f tha PRESS ASSOCIATION, of which the Lady North Carolinian is a member. ;'' - THEMAKKETS; i Will be fully and caret uily reported tac dy and a true statement of their condition liine?l- ly given. Ve have - j '"-..SECURED cejtUESPONETSNTS . In Ui-j Armh-3 of Gens. Lkk andPtcKET, and will alwavs give a faith ul and full record of .... . .. . Pw'st Mastkks ar.d ot ior are reoutel j to in as A (JESTS, and each' Ageiit sending dix-,of. uiie subscribers. wiih 'the money tor Mx unrtlis, will receire th : YTcekly paper fix in mhs gratis. .. , . . ,-'(" M bscriptions will no be taken for a lonjirr ue: i id than six nuinths ; nd in no case w ill fie r ... . - .1 r 1 . uatu-r oe sent unui lue r 'uicv is irmw 1 1 1 . - - . ,. t ?qi'Aie of 16 lines for th tir?t. ....... r .1 : ... Jt .T; aud one dour .' for each suceeding-puol c.ition. - - r irRMS OF StJbCKIFT2CX t Wkkklt IsiELr.i5scEr.' -Three inonth,$3 tH . i.-; " i : Six JBOHths, 5 U , ;.'.:; j . j. Sinclair. J Cfin k Asr Pt'PKii:toi.- -. ". I . I -