:"-. i 4 i - ' ' ' -" '" " 'i -' - . f i i I - . i I . . . .'.'- '" i .'' m iY r-sar a CI-1 Ikn THE FlfiYPS CCUICTIOM FA ! ill 1 229 - - - 5 - 1 - ' j rriiK .'- j HIP- J? I SINCLAIR. the!; dailyI noktu carolixia.v served W-subscribers in ton at O.VE DO TjA R AND T WE N'T V- F I V K C EA TS i week' ia advance, pa;.tle to the Carries weekly: 1 " ' - ' : ' ' - Single copies; T W E N' T Y FIVE CENTS. Sin tDt 102 mailed ia. .liAito otricuy mja vance. . j ; RATES 05 j IVJCIiTISlNd; j la 'L ri . rDt tw. AdTertwcmenta fur the CabolinunuI be charged TiIttLL DO LI.A U. s er aa. e tor . cacband every mprtion, eigut ha,a or la f cojirttitutm? a sauafe. ' be ic.ertei once in Paily, and charged Jaily rate ur that insertion. :v.: Ihatnoner must accrm- ; t.ent. Marriage., Ciaths, notices charged as aurcri I be paid fo, strictly iu ad- i i , J pan ? tae adveeitoeaient re!:iL)a. and other ai?e --nts and aiot Tan . . f J 1'lc -'Value ?r JTjr. 3 5 rr -v o - c C Cr 1 oo......... f 2 00......... . 3 U0...A....I . fit? 1.v- jo 2 DO 1 00 roo , O &J , h i)'J. ....... .. 1 50 .. 3 00 .. 4 5U . 5 00 .. 7 50 .. 15 l;0 .. 22 00 .. 3o 00 :. 37 50 .. 45 00 .. 52 50 4 Oil. ; 5 00. ...I -i my f t ' li V ' 10 00......... 0 10 OO:....... 15 oo...;. rio j00..... 25 00..... 10 00 j li 00........ 13 I'U I', i ovir -5 oo. 30 00.....w. 4 2i. 0 ; 30 yj ......... 35 00.. 41) 00......... 4." 00......... 50 '00 55 00 ........ 0 i'0....... (!5 tjO... ...... 35 00...... 2 3;$ 40 00... .. till 00 . 45 00 30 op .. 7 50 60 00;.... t0 U) . 3 .50 0ji'3 '40 Of) .. 75 00 ... 2 50 .. IiO 00 .. J)7 50 55 00. - CO V0. 5 00. 70 00...........i:4G.tii;pij 70 00.... 5 00 .'...L oO 0 " j 75 00.... 0 00......,.. .153 3,!Yi!' S0 00.... 5 00.......4 5 6073 1 '55 00.... 90 00 L 00 00 j 'JO 00.. 4. y 00 J.o;i 3ij'05 00.... aoo oa.:........4.o5 tf3 iou eo3.. -ST .105 00- 1- ,-fti ..135 00 ;.142 50 150 0 ; Synopsis ov Fjnq 1 nq Schkmeok Coh ;XENer Bill as t! S i'ates TSast. of the 31ississiFPi.iVo-7iire.sf Bearing $100 ht i.. tU': .Li - r.' ...1 l,., " I ;:fore April 1804, at par; from and af- at- iter April IstL 18.04. nut -receivable at all.J Imt FHNDABLT5 iN-FoiTB per Cent. Bonds "Before 1st .prtl, il8t4. at par. ?f 'roni 1st toj last (jay of April, inc ,at G6 From 1st tq last jday of .Maj inc., at 5tij -from lt tqf last day of June, inc., at 46 j V rora 1st to! last jday tf July, inc., at 3Gj rom 1st (lay Hf Aug., Ldc, at tl&s iota 1st to last day of Sept, inc., at 1U , Swept away ;by niont'ly tax, Oct. inc., at Gf Any non-interest bearing ol00 notes bold on th$ firsjt of January, 18G 5, are filled 100 rkir cent., thus destroying every vestige of vialue.i ' ' . 1 . r i - x j the: , ; .. KEPoitbrEzrj nicooSfA2iY, BASED OX PII;X.iaitA PT V. ; TN PUES and shortly t be published, a I book with the above title, prepared b, the Subset ib'er, who has had nearly '20 years prac tice in Phonog- aphic writing, ha ring been at .one time employed as an oihcial rev rin the United (States Senate, and. who has been for tbe lastjseventeeninonths. and is now, re porter of the Atlanta Intelligancer. The Dictionary will contain . indications, by means of a! simple nomenclature, tjr writing , with Phonographic letteis, about 20,000 words of the" English language, of ninety -nine oae kundreths bf those in ctMomon use the re maining weirds being easily-written alter these Are learned; . In the Introduction to the Dictionary, sim ple instruction will be given for beginners of the study of Phonography, wi'b lithographed . illustrations, prepared by okc of . the be.jt a: -.tists in the Confederacy. The object of th publication! lis to inake a stand.. it i iir (.oaveu- crate Keo ters, and to render it pocsi jle ;or the much epvieted and beautiful art of Id port ing, to be ilearned eveur without the aia of a teacher. I ; ; - As the Work ivill be expensive, new type havinr bcein iprocurcd eipre.-slv for it, onlv a e raaii euiiipu win ue. issueu. muse f nn ie- jire copies jace requested to send to to author i jire copies ;are requeste their orders at oiiee, (to be record .'d,') rieom- E anted with the price of the saiae, which will e five dollars per copy. The book in paper, cover, and! suitable for use, will bes.'..t to ail subscribers, .by mail, without additional ex- pense dtf - Augusta, Ga. J. G. GODFREY, WHOLESALE, K ETA' IL ' - ' : AND " .-' COMMISSION . 31 E R C H A N Keeps Cotton -Yarns For bale. ?v - Fayettevllle.'N. C lU9-tfi r - v :-: i r third v, f he lather, it Unite be neither widow, V VVtr innml 4 jr? 1 ?t L-J i ' ' ? trie copies 25 cents. . Six months ,TVE r.hn;, 'r.;,,. ftr thon. tvrthlv ti. 1 tra wood f -.ft r1 s7f?rl,l5.io. Si rSo- PTVE i)!HJ,AkS ThreiS mouth- FI- ! It V.i j , V- j . m , 1 mr 1 r carrtl t . - rl""T29 y"a vx . r t6 um.jiAro. liirvc u.ou.i.. , r- . rmthiir ot t'us de?;aii-d. and in d;htnlt .l all ist ' oi t e v. i v . i 1 I s.V ; - - I DioAllS.! , ! thcriUI tlitm t:ithJ': thf irfc-citiir fi'ad'uiniitia'' I f.' i V."o f..."!L'- a I S. "fQ ! " t ttAVL ;4 vf 7'7f f7A" t? F PTT f K FTi month TTriKF liOl.L' S 1 i i- " r r I T UUtT ........... J- iVUU f nUTtarea i .r ;7T w . ;yJVA .UrtltL.i:V'-fcr CK1 -cn.r Tli6 clahiantorclaimrnt? must, fu nUh hii. 'J C::' ' ' ' 'Z Ml i . ' iilCHMOlH U A.i'oRi UiJ tiDtch d newspaper, uuol&h.-d af.tr.i? O. .c, is hr !...ir tiidi;t: .-t orniSd;,:i;,ter.-i- - R r ,"rvrr",r "rvSi I Auctioneer and ' f FAYETTiiVlLLH, -K. 'C. June 10-Ssi " Of Deceased OJIice is and SoMiew. Viivx, N. V.. Jane 20th, If C4. HE UNI)JiiriONfc.i has bevn appointed !aj Ccnawiis.ioner tinreafi)rat.i, collect and Thii parties eiititled : first, the widow of the flicwstkLiranr, i" tiu-rcbe no ilido-.r then, socpWfliy,! the cliild v chiSd. en, if the e be f uch, j if tlj'i1 be neiUu r w jdw ' or children tht-a, ..alrit jr.nst neaUrc'tbe" exist?fiCe of a cbiin-; nior claiuantsnf a higher order. The Jus- tiH t the Peace, before whom thf atlidavifis 8nb,iriUt;U - I,llIstrtifv to tb, credibHitv ofth alj -6'Ierk of the County Com t must ..i UI:der thr s,,d, of thtt . Le is . t : . .i . , Ii it! tJantrant or il'iiiaant? be a ctmfl or chUitfU .of the d:.'ccaser. a?d lie, I she orJLhey 7'4r""'.;r i 'i ' i V V7 T Karaian and thu fact ot b.s bf"f ar.uan inu.H be ccrUa.d to, under seal ol c nty J ourt 6-l,.rk . th Ci.vi i irf rruiiJe Dv an executor or bf? fainori, the chiim must hi- prnDuundtd .Will on th- c.-.i i iamaJe t ! ad:n?nisitrtor, the fact of thy executorship or i anmi;irftHtrhi) ': uiv.t ha certiiied to, undir j asvA hy t ii; j County drat t , (Jink . , Aiy, oj Iiushc papers nAould Ue sent n apl- Aty person directly interested will be furnish ed, lipim a pplic.itiotj to lr.e. w'ith a iproper form of these papers inl'ui!; a copy of which, for the srreiiiter 'convenience of parties,, 'v.ill be. forwar ded j as own m m:y hi practicable, to ca-jh C'o'iijtty (A).irt Cltvk. ; L ' 1 Iji.s' comuiisMon i- inter.Jed to f.iciiitate the cllctioii of these ClaitiiJ, aud save the ciaiui antja!l t-xce. .i i'arti s iiitereattd may materially aid me in thi'iiivs.t!gt;n of their -claims, if at the time" :. fiirwa; dii'g their paper ifrme, they will in forlti nit of the daCe of the doath i- die decta- ed,jwhere he di.-d, was .killed, whether or nut thvv or any one to. thejn, hare !r ived t!ie ! l(rfTi:ll Hit.'Ct. vi ifli 1wr-tU!i.il Ii-aA with him ft the time oi" his n--s;th, an 1 wheth r .ir nut the1 'deceased (if a ima ciii)ij:is'f ioncd olliccr or p:ivate,) bad ever r ec.iVod the St.ite.'s bounty-, t ' l,i. very -desirable that all claims shoud be torwarurd at as eniJy a day as uiav be praeti- igj tlaiiBf toir bHiut,- 'arrearajfi-si of pay aca aiiwvf ;MWX -1 ,. ? iT i- w ' i .i j. . i f itftri ep ncti isIaKUi -iolwit i s tsoui tin frtattv I- . j tt04j - liU'oa ; DiliSce and County 'iu t'uil. iZilnli i j . . JNO. A .STANLY ' " if-'-U .Co.iimassiiner. lb 'Jp iim'll.."!lv. t?.i '...V..1 ...... .... . V 1-T.VTK1 M A.Vi'fcU ( K X K IW. I'EJ-XUTHEJj r. L. I I.AII.KOA 1:heal. V I , IJicmriONO. Feb. 20".h , l'!. ) '.JpIIE f' t-: ds and relative!. ,0 soldiers in 1 1 '- - - 1 H ' jU 1:1- v 1 i: v 01 .ori.iiTii 11 u liiiii are herebv iihLsdur 'en .ei.-cJ.-d wil!; the HUUTiIEUX w. EXfKFS CO.di'ANY. .0 "carry, all pnek- I agfc;1.oi.iooa ana weavuig up pare 1 10 iiicu inont', Ya. ! Ijio fee u re ihe advantages thus obtained tl) (.uih he express eetapany . the following iitflructmnraurt be oln-erved : - il'aakaes iniift. not .cotiiawi more tiian o?fti hundredpounds; .be well secured, and ilainlv iark'.-il. and sent at Ihe expense o! ilije. s ipper to titner of the Soldiers i.eiiet AifSoci itioiis wnieli are h.caied as follows:. ilu North Carolina, tit Ualeigh; in SoitSh Cdroiina, at Columbia; in (Ji'rgia. at An ita; in -'Alabaiha. at Montgiiaierv; 01 at ahy other point at which One ! ol tliese As tvci&Vious have an oll'ice. : r jTire -A'ieuis' of, tiiese !irocm'tion8 will there lake charaQ of liiem. anr ship daily, j by Southern Exprtss Onpany1, io ihe prop- Qt Agents of t.-' respcrtive Stati-s aL Uich- noiid, who will s e them distribufd ro the j pf,per iiulivnlual owiieif!. j I To- met t the w if-hts o! Ihr soldier"-, and to give them a Ci T'-aii1 ami 'pecuy coiuiiuo4ea tilin with home the iiou. Lom uxpre.s Com-, pkny tins a ..reed to give ihi- Meg t prefer of.oe over. everything l'- :ai:d in order i.&at noobacie may oecut t tht- hacce.s' oil f-o lautlable a:, cnleria'e.1 the sveral ll till ia Coii-ui.:;es '.ro hen-bv I'eqnt-sted.-tp re. der i'.e i Xi -vvs Con pan; .- aci. lacill lies as w i l mnhie it to li.ake this rrangi. jAuut a compieie succets;. ' i J A th. -Southern Expic.us ' Com pat j rs slimtali recpoop.bility. i.t Ihii tru n porta tpiii ol li.!: packages, tbe liiiel A-scic.a-ti us, are rtAiii--'d to wiihd"aw their Agei'ts who hrtVc in retorore ac'ied us tiavel- iii ir.essei.ofjrs. li Ihe iiiicJ As.- c ation vst;b'tis!i itgeTicies HI tile re.; r Ol iheie l un.es, I hey may i-joy 1 1 e anie fivtleg'-s iTidiv steured lo tk.: Aruiv lol NoitLeru a-1' r :'f ' ' . j - f. w.sirs; ! l.ejit. Col. and Quditeiuiaster. Approved. I ' : j li. Lawttin, Quartermaster Gen. t.iMri.-'e.'UTl!"iri': wo rcc rr Ml l LC L , .OuTIiEt. N hX, -SSCO. ) ."iKasu, ma.. t eo tou. lan-i. ) fllC S(U filERN EXPRESS COM PA N h -re.hv noli y the friends and leb'iive- bl Sudiu ia the Army t Nor.iiciu Ya., U'-.l els iiere, tr;at f.ey arepicpared to" icai rv oi ariangeiaeats as anr.outiced i:i aiove e.aid ami that they will do all ia her power to iuiLl it ieqniremen.st ) J.aES SliUlER, Gen'l Sup't. & Acting i'res't So. Eip. Co nay o-ti. v 1 ISAAC HGLLiriCSVJORTM, Grocer ststsl CoiiitwIsisIofa JkllSRCIIAjirT, FAYETTEVILI.E, N. C. loc-tf ; .. - ... ''".Mr ', .' '- ' MISTRESS AD MAID. 1 rUT REGILV ED ifiew iBofe copies ol that O excellent .NO YEL at j : 1 ;AlE'&,TJ3VItI-K;.iri IIIU ETS; buiiltEUTIiW liV J T.V I.KTT. Oi I Neon ... 5 .'0 . 6 l ft j , 2 OD 240 V ! Jirk Lird " o !0it ift (i ......tr&a (KJ y ' ftj j -r " i -1 C"y - C,-fle Oats.:.. 3 OU S10.00 4) bushel as .. , 17 50 00 baskl K'.'.es- -Green.....:... 2 50 G 3 00 V lb j Dry........ Ir n ?v. cde?..!.. li .-fethcr Upper 5 50 ff G:(!0 V b 3 50 4 5 "f? ib' 25 v!0 V lh -i ! ib- j .bol?;..j..-.......' , ; nors Coro.1T hisk t- V. ...50 1 Ap, le;ind Peach i-iracty .. 50 K) ? "-ai'Ion asses ... $15 29 CO V psllori.: - 3 50 ft) 4 r.o p-' tt ..'JO 00 25 -00 V bushel . ft.', 15 00 P burfhel 10 0f V bushel v Is ... 'jr ons ....... .i... io atoes, Iri.h f et ( e "-T ,.... -u.j. 1 . r.f . i 10 lb 5 F; 1: ilr Bar '2 CO "? lb Toi etj 1.. w-. ,-5 00 jh -tpi -it!4 Tnijt'iitirie ......i (.'0 V aJ. Fax etteviib- 4-4 Shetth-;;1 50 ft 3 25 p Yard Sal.J i-OO (3 40 bushfi :ilhny......-.:.i- - . 4 00 - GOV lb I ...... ..A.;.....; ffi : 8 00 V '. ' j' Tl'K - - I L, lj'LTS'ri2ATl2 i E U CVU I XiW C MAT, MTJER A HY IV'EliJvLY - OK THYj SOUTH ! . TMK VJHJrsi I ' ' - A ;SUPEBB FAMILY JOURNAL! j. a Frrrm axsh.y jouknAli ! VAA UTI FC I ,LY ILT.USTiiATF.I), BKAfJTlFULIY ILLUSTRATED, hl.WA NTI Y P INH Kit KI.KCAMT.Y PKINTKDJJ i YRRY SATURDAY, EYFRY SATURDAY, ' HAS A LA lift EK 11AS A LA KG EU i AND. ' SMORE-TA' ENTF.D1 V.'OTil-: TALf-'NTKir COnPS OF COM RIBUTORS' X:plUS "..OF roNTUliiUiOilS THAN WAS KVK.R'lir'FO-'rHi KNGAGm IVi IAN WAS KVi R L'.EK --UK 'ENGAUKli IX ACTUALLY WHITING lOR IN ACTUALLY WK1MXG FOi: ! ANY iAMl RI'-AN PAl'FI. ! ANY; AMKRL'LAX PAPER f 1 SHU.LUNT CUAKMINO, IuiM.IIAT. ClJAKMINft, AND THRILLING ' AND THRILLING - I wiTil llOi;ANCC, i W I I 11 HMANCS, - .SKETCHES, 1 KE'lCllES, TALCS ! I TALES j OF i . ' ' ''. .. ! ' . KEAL ; :- . . r . ! ' REAL ' . . "j - L I F E, ! LIFE. ' P O KT H V, A 1 p oe 'i it y, I II I S TO IS Y . 11 1ST O 1. Y. B I O G R A P H Y, . 1 ' B 10 G R A V II Y, H V O Y E L E T T F: S, N O Y F L F. T T E S, E'SA YS CblTI S.MS, I SSA Y.CKI I ICISMS, M'iTK.iS.VS Vi rt'i.I.l.ANY, IVlTICISilS. M1SUSLLANY. INC; DENTS AND ANECDOTES, INC1HENTS AND ANE' I OTKS. OF THE WAR AND IIS 11KKO&S, Of-VTUIJ WAR AND ITS HEROES, INCLUDING r2 R A f ."SLAT i ONS, IN LLC DING 'x.-ANSLATIONS FROM THE OKI MAN, "KKSCH, , FROM TIIk'gEUMAN. FRENCH,: j ; ANJ Dl l-i;R l.ANGUACl j ! 'f- AVI OTHER ANGUAGES; 1 A HO'E .lOCiiNAL FOR THE HOUSEHOLD I j AN ORNAjv'KNT ' ' KOU THE PARLOR.--. - I A SO ELMER'S . L PAPER FOR .: V i .THE CAMP. thavei.i.kk'r C 0 M P A N I O N. ; PLEASANT READING ..- ' F O R E V E R Y B O D Y. i ..'A RICH CAF-KET OF POLITE iO JTHERN LITERATURE ! SURSCPvIPTIOX Six months.; ,.$10' The Trade supplied at $25 per hundred." ' Address, V2I.Rv.SITIL T -oprietor, Raleigh, X. O. Jua . : .'-..-.I ona nna feet of u -t i inch 1 UU,UV LUMBER, !21nch. wide. I Apply .. -i "' ' v .-- ' ' ' 1 ...... " r- .w.--.- I ; i o -i I - U!ifiSti "by Entered attfor!mp-fft At .Prrtti.Ma ;i K r lS63,ibr S. TbrUher,' in the Clerk' otftce of. thrf1iitHct Court t the Confederate IoriL?r liistrict of Georgia L T&:s Mills atui loi cel back our cav:tl- rv. J11 atierno n II; th att ckej a -A itt fitst :tive; tlifjiu, bi.t fVi.md liita in too strong foi e:l Afttrw. rds th eneniv a 'r hwu Vuif liijips but were repulsed. They stiti Lb'dithijjjPiank road at Buries Mi;L JL th to(.k st)iaa doN-rs and rrisoners. Ti c ii.iv.m jbt of the enemy against .our le.t lo day ys&s repultc t. Two attacks upon our lifitis were n-adc one between Hcmico .jPooj" Iloibe atid the CI a las Ci;y rU;d, a: d the other on the WiJli-unsbiirg. iohiK Sertrjal liundreJ prisoners aixl 4 t;.i';.d'ot'!colors were captured. - Our'Jq.-s very siiLt. . j.. On t. 271 h, Co!. Mosv, nrnr B n ker j IJUj ttipH;nd (Jen. Djf3e an 1 Is v- eral other prisoners, a number of horses' urn? ki! ed a number of the eneuiv. Hc suti no ioss.i F I G IiTT NG ! A ll( (J N D PETERSBURG NO DEt 1SIVE -RESCLIS. ' V Pk'i EKjfEUBG,. Oct. 28tti. L-st ni"ht abi u,! doi'k the enemy ciiarg?d our works n lit? .B- xtn '' roarf, cspiurUig h s i a 1 poi ti n of thf m; i'i 1 m which, 1 owey.er, they were subsequently di-Iodg.d, M-ith the loss f about hdozn piiorurs Our U)s rira 1. 1. Col.-. Harrison and Yise,-; of Wife's Bngide, were captured by the .enemy. 1 - !j About 10 ox-lock last night the enemy charged: our works on the Jerusalem Piank road, capturing- a part of ojr pi.k et line and ttrivir g in the rest of it. Ab ut 12 o'clock, hoeyer, this part of the line was re-estab!i?hid. , In tlie fight yesterdey ereninfr, on the Boytot PI ink rood, b ,-Iovv here, tluee bat lie flags were c":ptn red from the enemy ;. About Sfl 0 prisui.ers weie taken yester day. Nothii g heard fioin below this morning.- The enemy'? cavalry are on lhi roud towards the S.u;hside Railroad. mu ) -aa"" From the Fkont. The Columbus Ei.quiier has theUtnuexed news fretn tbe . front : f;. j. - If - ' The latest accounts seem to show that Howl's advance has induced Sherman to 1 move tip still nearer to Chattanooga.- j The latest Movements of our army are j -not ceaainly known or frilly understood, j 1 here 's however, nothing confirmatory j of the yaukee report that it is 'falling back.' Whether its march is stiil to be ouward, even into Tennessee, or whtther it will go into winter Cjoarters conve- niciilly near its new base, retrains for the t lutui'e to tkscloBe The late movement has ciJtctuJly re- lieved JJiddle and Western Georgia of ! the immetiiatp pressure of war ; and though he Yankees still maintain a garr rison at Atlanta,; it is retaining its hold by a tenure, every day slackening, and which must son be. ent.rely broken, . without -some altogether improbable oc currence. I ' i It is stated tlint-JGen. Beauregard left Jacksonville a few' d.iyss'nee. but hisdes . t nation is conjectural. . Some say that he was arxiut to cr.ss the Tennessee riv er It is tiot likelv, however, that- his irtentiohs wfre kuown outside of high consulting offieers. The place of the tw trmies for the winter, nn.st soon be developed' by their acts, and until we huve such manifestation, speculation would be iile. "Yocden Ti:GS.--It is stated that a sin gle Ea3ierjiTeg factory has leased eight sqirare miles of forrest In Maine, for tho purpose of obtaining tupplie of timber for the manufacture of the artificial limb. All kinds fire turned out, from the flesh colored and silver plated prop for the General, lown to the rough, unpaiated stump fori the private soldier. TXI E CKJjESTIAI AHJIT, DT O. W. HOLMLS. . I stood by the open ceent, " ' j And looked upon the niIit, :' -And sa?r the westward going start ' , 1 , Pa?s sIowIt out of sight. - -S'owly thi bright procession t A Went down the gleaming nrch, : ' And my srtil dwcFrned tbe-tnusic - Of the long triumphal march. v Til 1th e great ce! e ial arm v, . Stretching f r Revord the pole, Bcnif the .trnal symbol" -'-z Of theniMtj-BSTrcrlv I ' . . ' ! "'"; Onwnrd. forever onward. Red Mars lerl down hi dn :" , An'1 the rnon like n mailed maiden, AY as rising in the rnn. And -jfme wrrt Hrirht in he-uitv, , -Aid smp wero - i t nd small. Buf these m:s;ht be in therr great heightf The noblest of them all. i - 1 .:.'- i ) Down wnrii. forerpr dotrnwird, - . Pebind erth dnfkr sho-e, Thv rass ?nto th unknown nght , They pass and wfrc no more, "' "Xo n're ! Oh ! sv not so ! j .And dowtwa-rd is not ; For !tli. sight is weak and the tiense rhm ' . - That looks through heated dust, j TV.ptnrs md the milled rooon. j Thoorb tbpV see? to fM (R.i S!lljswe"n wifb the:r embattled lini. An endless reach of sky.. , 1 - . . - '. An''! thrt'ith the hUU of eirth fav bidf the hrgbfc arrnv, - Tbelrm-halled hr trrbond of souls S ill keeps its pmvard way; Upward, forever v-pwnd., I sre thir m"!! eublim, And bfir the clorioii misij " , Of ihe conquerors of time. And Ions: V-t tne. rem"mV'er Tin t'r past. fairest on, ' Ma' to dHiner v2?'-n be A bright and Mazing sun . 1 - PLANT.VTiON With Crop, Stock, Wagons, Males, fcc, theieoii, late Major John GiTiiiore'Sjto be sold at Public Auc tion. f I iIE above property will be offered for sale I on the pren ises n Tuesday ihe 29th o.f Nuveniber 18-l. The Laud is in one body, and -cou tains 485 acres nearly all of which is val uable Swamp hand, there, bejnir 8J acres well drained, cleared and under cultivation, '-yh-ld-ir. the best crop-: of any land in this section of the State. There is also about 2Mt acres of 'wanip Rand epually as good as that under eul-tivatiou, to beclearea, which may be easily drained, (some of which is already ditched and partly cleared; ; the remainder is used for pas tureand wood land. The houses and build ings are at a convenient distance from the farming lauds above described, on a healthy, high and dry part of the truct. with good w ater. The buildings re in good repair, in cluding ja comfortable dwelling house, conven ient anj.1 wejl arran ed negro, houses ; giwd . fences, siables, barn, cribs,-Una, guardens, &c. The plant tioi is 14 miles from Payetteville, oil the Eat side of the Cape Fear Uiver, about t one and a half miles from the River, and em 'braces what is known as Alligator Vainp adjoins 'Johnson- and others, and is not very far from the mouth of ' Cedar Orc-ek and tba residence of Mr. J. C. Blocker. . I ' At the same time an4 plncc will be.offercd for sale. -the following - personal pmpertj : - . . 15U0 to 20UO bii!h-ls )f Corrr; ': f ! The ceop of Fodder' Shucks,, Peas, &e; l Stock or Cale, liogs, Coati-jJiC; I Valuable Mules; . i Une Sorrel Mare; " ' - One .lennet; i One 4 Horse agw; nne Timber lart,; with all the Frrriuing Tuols and other articles on the preicises 1 i Terms will be mad? known before sale. I Ai J. BYRE, ) I ". ' A. McLKAN. V ExV: E. F. ilUORE, ) 1 r- FayeUcvillfe, N. J 22-ts i The 'Weekly Intdligea i S PUBLISH lift AT A Y E T T E Y l b LE, X . I t..ou Tcesoay of each week. It- is mad iip ironi the news eotiniined ic the Daii.t Aoaru CAaoili.NlAX, an will always Contain tho - - : I 1 h II Y LATENT TELEGRAPHIC XEWS 1 1..'. t-i. aAv'ATit.vrii of the'news of the I I 1 III . . " ' fc ... - - ; PlvKSS ASflATlON, of which tbe Daily; North Carolinian is a member. I THEMA RKETS uj J ill be fuliv and carfetudv reported tacb day and a true statement of their condition honet-. If gifen. Vv'dfbavQ v SECCUEi) COR?; eSPOXTlENTS In Hie Armies f Cen-iiKS and Pickbt, na will always give a faith ul aad full reeoruf iui matter.-. j Post M.vsiEas and other- are requested to id :. AvJKNTS, and each Agent sending six er in subscribers with the iaoney for six m nibs, will receive th Weekly paper ix i n;hs gratis. -1 :m tcttiiTioss will no b taken for a lonter p ; 'k-u than si.i im.uths ; ud in no case will the' pap. r be sent until tin oney is received, j Ai'VEHTisfMENTS inserted for $2 tr jii.Vie ot It; lir.ei for. tit tirst, aud oue dolUr. for each sucecdin publ ejtiuiu . ; NT iki.y l--T2i.i.T;i:rCEit -Three worth, 3 00. j' Y Six ifOi,ths. ! iin I t 1 . .1. SINCLAIR,; ' . Eiiiii t: i.vt Pa or aim ok.. ro. 17, ilartet iquara 15 Subscribe for the Caroukian. i

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