a.- .!:. ' - - P. J. SINCLAIR, Editor. Office, No. 17 Market Square, j H-TaU Marriages, Obituarv, Funeral and Esiito L omrany an(Military Cyders forbleetings, Drills, Ac, Lodge and Sojciety Notices and Summonses, Wanta, Losses and Findings, Exhibition and Concert Notices, all coktfy, transient and foreign advertising, o whatsoever: nature or character, must bcj paid forVhen left at or ent.to the oiUce for publi cation. This arrangement will be stricty en forced. Such eash advertisements, aajthey appear, .will alws be marked by an asterisk or star thus (). - j FAYETTEVILLE, N. C, OCT. 29.' 1861. g,Our SabscriOers in town will confer a special fabor, when they fail to get .thehpa-, pers, bvf informing us immediately of.the; fact OffcouraeKve canot"know when'it occurs un Jess this be done, - j ! PAKTictLAR Attention s Called to the FoLLOvrKi. The publishers of this paper desire that their terms be fully un derstood.1 All subscriptions must be paid inadvance. Payment nius-t be made at this office, or, if to a collector, ten per cent, additional will be charged, '1 Our Collector will call weekly on delinquents unci make collections, when, in every in stance, the above rule will be adhered to Collections made every Monday. Notice. C. C. McCkummin, Esq., iour authorize agent to receive moneysf'and receipt forus in all fcWiness matteis con nected with this office,, which relates to subscription and advertisirg. ! ' ' Wanted Immediately! ; . . aw .. . r ' i nmnncTf ad ACiiniS vuu.ea one gouu vuauuciJuu to whom (permanent employment and good wages will be given. There is too little patriotism tool lit tie of that pelf sacrificing spirit which belqngs to,! and should be found among a people who are fighting for the glorious privileges of feelf-gt vernment, in these selfish times .in Uhich we live. Taere is too much fond- i i?' - . ness evinced in the daily life of cur people for show and extravagance, ana too raucn gred ;of ,gaui. How can we expect feo wbjain our freedom; how can we hope for the glorious boon of independence,; .how can we look forward to the return of the great blessings w men we inneruea irom out forefathers, unless some mighty change is wrought some gt eat moral jevcrluti- n is effected some unlooked for, uuhped for, unexpected mejvy is bestowed by the Almighty power that governs the ibion of nations as well as men ? v Let'the pruyersrff our peoph ascend let the note of thanksgiving arise let the ition for favor , and assistance be titter Let faith and hope look to that source ed of all temporal and eternal good, witVon fidtice, and ask that the country rojay be r extort d I to that morality and honesty, tha't or.cd were ours and which, when; over" thfown by the corrupt o is of bid anjdam bit ous nien, who undermined the funda. tiohs of society and shepk the pilltrs of our government, till the edifice totered and staggered, brought on us the wrath with which God has mie us feel tit i t he curses our pruneness to evil, and otir de liberate disobedier.ee of His laws. mighty radical reform must be wrou is.aetuully i.eces'sary to our salvatio! j , people. ; Some as a . Let the malefac'or strive to strangle the!. demon of dishonesty, .which' i;ever nrdmpiinc; him to Weds of 'rar'c&M thej speculator woiship Him that is the true God,, and destroy the gd.:ij c a f whfch he has made his i kl. Lt. there be a njealthier, holier, be'.ter. fetlin- anj ac tion in our relations to one anj- I.eqjsnd then we may feel assured -that t.jv ire.it Judge Will award us the victory, an ll will con!found the counsels or. our enemies, and defeat hem in, their j-lau of wickedness an'mKmanity g-iiust usand Against civ iiizkiionl ! - ! the pews frpni tle North side of the James is gocfnough the enetny repul sed: in hVsult!on our lines, j.i u with loss of prisoners. - No dojbTWrei'l soon be more news froin tereak wWr would do the ' b e veteran! there injustice we would be p a cing too low an estim ite on the woTth and skUl, add wonderful genius of Leo 0 ex pect anything else than a tiiumph. S The rarks of that army have been fil'ed. General' Lee bas received reiuforccmeiits and will receivfe r4or,e, and no fears ought to be entei Uineu of the result, whe the bsue of batile is joined on the James arid Appomattai. Imfortant MoVi;aENT. For the bst few lays' the Maco.i paprs hae b en bra;tfudv hin'ing at art JaiporuiH. move ment that was a' out !o iake plare in Georgia. Among the rest the Jntell ge- cer wa- particularly jubilant.. The; riicle in that journ:.l indicated plainly enough iri whptiiectipn this movem nt would be ma le, but .in the Macon corr spondencij of the Augusta Ilegisiert vye ilnd komet.iing more dt fin te. The writer ssys . While Hood is operating on the Statt Poidiii Scrmuo's nar, ani the ei emy aif looking afer h m, lt-.-ivin; At! n'a pn.tev ted I y a -compara iveiy snail lu'rce. . movnier.,t is on foot in this pari of the country, which wiil docbth-ss wrt nch thii. city bom iheir hands itnl luake them V1.--ret the day thy -ver saw it A cohsmn' ot '-'six or ten ih uand! men thrown rap idly against Atl n.a wouht it.i:dy cap ture.it t'd iis jr.tm.-oti, wh'cn is l.eiievid t: ie vt-ry--small. Whvie tt.ii-c- l.m.n is to ciime I'rnn, I Chn't sa; uthc er.t ti. know ti, at it tit notUtaken Ho d, and wi ll e c-mmandd b!;a g.llhnt atiil skil ful general who knows huw a. d wl eii t stnke. It will be adeatb b'ow to S-tr-mnn's' Geprg'.t cauiprfign ;isid wiU tach. .Yankee.-impudence a !e-sqn in ej,ari do i.-utherii aiwS ..i;d Gd r.'a'? rt;si:ttOti. Everything for the aj iy poisv"ioi- of At lantti looks brighf. Let the Atlanta exiles cheer up for the' rau soon leturu to tLeir homes sncT firesides, i4 The f llo ing L ter :rom Hon, GeOrge H Pendifcton, the Democratic candi''aie fo'Vioe Pre?-id: nt, has been rc;eied hy Hon. John 13. 11a kin. oi t't e New York LeuiOCiatic Executive Stats Coii!mi!,etx : r Cincinnati, Oc 17. ; My Pear Sir I have j re e.v d yrur fri ndly Utttr Malinni t i t presenta tions nnd f -lst-hooiff arrt so frHpj-nt in tJtir political struggh s, that I lave rtrelv ui.Ucrtake" tot onect oi refu e thm., l make no piofe-sion of a n-'-v faith. I on ly repeat iry re teratcd professions yf an old o iej wj:eh I say that tin; e is no one who cherishes a greater regard for the Union, who bas a higher sense of i!s iii estimable, hern tits, who would more ear nestly . lahor for its ! restoration, by all means which will effect that e.id, than myself - '""'.'.' J - . The Union is the guaranty of the peace, the p wer, ike prosperity of ti e peop'e, and no man w uld deprecat. n.ore he -r lily, or rppose. more p-rslstently, th en ta disl nici.t t f another Go rmne t nvor any. portion of tlie territory Witinn its limits. 1 I am in favor of exacting no rnnditiohs, insi.-t ng upon terms i-(.t pnsorihtd iin the Coi stitntit n , and I am oppose I to any'cooie t f policy which will deftat the re-establishintnt of the Joveriiinetit nniui its old foundation and in itS lerriti rial integrity. I am, very taulr, vonrs, &c, ( J eokge 11. Pi:n dletosJ j To John B. H skin, Now York. East Tennessee A friend has favor ed the Charlotte Dulldin with the peru sal of letters !"rnn officers in our army in Southwestern Virginia and Eat Tennes see, from which it has been permitted! to make the following extracts ; j Liberty, Va. Oct. 18. General Vaughn's troeps have left for Tennesssee. ahu arc mov-ng in the direction ot Kiioxvi'lle. If, -as 3 nie ex pect, Forrest ravr8 up the East T n e see and Georgi.rrailroul, his and Vaughn's lorces couiDineu wilt be able to tuke that place. j ..' k Bristol; Tern., Oct. 18. " O r f rospec s f r retaking a-d ccupins,E st Tennessee are beittr than at any time since we gave up the Country. Butler's CAnal This jrrcat work. or the the completion of vthich Gr.iMt and, Ymkee army ad niw are witi , dr r slowlv. The cuttin-r through tlie ieck of land known as DiitVh ga:. is o itself a b'gjoh ;but trns done, but half oi' the work towards making the can?d i, if are corr.cctly iriformo'd. arcoinphshed. is said the citaaoel r.f J-4'mes river wl we It ere it passe the g".p runs ueir the sontl ern shore. If this te the cae, when 'Hotfer shrdl have d no h dk-girg. the lwbor of cor.structi ig n breakwater to iuru the stream threuph his ran I w ill. sti'l be b -fore him. livh-re ; l1 thi- is done th snow and ice ol winter wili be u; oi him, and the pr sent fixed pos' tion of the hostile nrmies will indeed have be rune a i'ead lotR. Sherman's Arm v,Offii:il ieports have been pbi'shid n the N.sth, showhiir that-on the 1st of May, the str ng ii of Sherm-in's ars-..y vr.is about 9. '.Goo mien and 254 pieces of artillery. In hiding! all the reinforiHtiunts received it'now liUin Im a out 55,00; sbow:ng h loss if, at le st, 44.00J men in 'es t an x;o itlis. Sherman e.timdVd J hnstO:rs at my 45 to 50.UGU Tl us il l; seen thtr at in as c'aj tunng Atlanta. Sherman lias lost many mt-n as he sunnosed were in the CVntedeiate army opp sed to him. and now he has to fight that army in or er to keep h s communications op . n. V.-r ily, the road to A.Iartia I a been a bani one, and the road from there will proolb ly be worse. . v Terible CALAMiTf. Six thousand persons were, recently crushed to death by the falling of a church at St. Peters burg j. Miscellaneous :It ems. Ve ier.ru from the Danvil'e igis er that a la'ioratorv his baen esub!ishd at that .place y the Ordnance. Department, which is d,irv turning out a & -ze innn be of caitridges, and that the work is done mos;Iy by f:u ties. ; K peneral R"ft3r:ta reports that Forrest has escaped h m by cjossirR tejTennts se oil ftttboats above and Le!ow Fhr ence. n the Cth insunt, while he (Ros se;tu) was detained by h:gh water in Shat Ci0vk and Ek river. i f T'se Wat. hm in learns that -'General J. G Mar; in 1 a beet todereJ to nntke his h.jadqua.t. rs' vi, Salisbury, and that he wp uceo din,,'' move in a day; or two. 'j A ycung man bavirgbeen drowned in thie I linois river a short time agn, his i'-ijtherand soma fiiem is fired a cannon oer ti e water to ruisj ths bdy. Tu'e cannon burst and kdied the father. i ' - - i ... fit w;:s reported ia Mem? his on the S h t'iat ltu-se.tu was to be 'removed, a:ni that Wilson vas to hevssnt from; toe Vir ginia army, to l oimiiau i iho cavalry in Sheruwn s army. I . j Two 3'oun l:i;ks in Henderson, Ky., rcen ly u-. e ed' th.; m.-.Vlve iji' tnale a -tiie, ami rode tinoagii the tuvh in. reu ' 1.1'r gueri'U style, 'sctrii.g the tiiu.d c ti zi.s dfeiidfui.y. f : i The tt:l ci C4ilati.n rf the nots of the B ink uf Log ami, Uw private l a ks and joint s ook Uitiik.-. ot ih" Ufited; Kingdom wUsjom toe 23d 0" July ta;t, about 15, Ud',0;:0. r 'j h- ; It is es'itmt d thit'tbe pseeit popuhv tion of Ne V Oiha sis laiger iht at ny other tune in i.s Li.-io. v, at ibis : season of ,th? year. " . The Republican pn Ce-sion in Wash nigton. Stuid..y nili:, buriit the Mo t;lei an tlag ha .gis.g ivuui 'he jJkooeri ic Oiuo iioLS. M j A get t eaiau jusf out from j Kentucky, slates that ihe ... Yankees eohced thtt Iriee has .eceived 35.it0 reujfoiccmeutfc m Al.ss uri. t The Augusta Regist(ra s if Hood is opir.itinu asaiist Sneui.io . re r. it is t.my w a every- hou si. bo.it in thj land should n;rve don loi g ago. ! j j'Jhree hmidie.l rVilcral offiifers h-ie l een irnoleri ed Iro n t ie m ht.iry p iis n at Saiib uy, N. (.'., to b niv.l e, V.t., whee t. y ia.-e taken tu;sr.ters i b; ck t oa co la:toiiei ; n I seveial In n ired privvtes h ive been ent fruni iauv.he to tSal b.lrv , j '1 he Kinr of Ondi possest-esa fortune of five ui.h.o.j ooi ars. lie has t ot ,-lir-icd out "f his p 1 ice f r j vears, n i spen is his time in collecting! beaut "fol b;'d-' f.r his avTary, and ie:t if (if ul : birds ( i a.tother sort fo; liis liaiem I He is a lazy rac d, and a reat gldtt'0.1 at d a piince. ' : ' j j j , - m. -j j General Ramfeur '1 he deith wf this gitilatit young offia r, s lys hed'et; is urg ExproS) has r aclcd us through an offi cial ui.-ptch fruin She' man, published in. tiie) Northern jouma's ..f Ur- 21 t He died on the oiorn'ng of I ridjtyrxSO.li, fiom ' - " ' i aj wound in tlie bowels. We are not sur piised at this melantholy result, since pliy.-h-ians have always b :'e: of the oj in iQ:i, that, not wnein a thousand ialilarly wounded, ever recover, M The loss of Gen. Rninsc ur Will be se verely felt. He has alw ys' sutKin.;d hih " u.putation . in the arm.; j.n i good officers c n nov b? illy'spared a'ter ti e . ioss of so unny General Ramst ur; was a Native of. North Carolina, and; p sses-eda thorough military education, having gia i uat tl at VVt-t Point with disitiuction. lie i al not a'.aineii to h;s 30ih year, b ;t llad l ale lor himself a namejwhieh keep his mem - ry f esh in the recollection of all who adtnii j patiioeism and gaduut deeds. . f . ' ; Ti e Montgomery Mail of Sunday pub lish' s the tollowirig : j I T ie notices w!d h have .reached' us diuving t- e ias few tlivs fiom the front in regnr 1 to the Oper itio is on ;the Geor gia State read are still c lifir.e i. They hltve no t oul.t ot .the suc. e.is ef fcitn. Ib-od's movement as far as it has goo (ur infinimttion upoii m st of 'he points iyolyed has proven q d e cone t, as 'e liave no atht'tions or,eoireetion to iraku ti our statement and opinions abend pu-li.-ht'd. . j The d'. ;! ar ure of Gen. Beiiuregahl from Jacks nvillc, widi t-ther movements of a charac.er not. prud-nt to be named, convey the iippiession ihit oaf marc 1 is sijiil oow rd and ne have, die -best pssi bje 1 ea-. 11 t r bti'e ;ng t!-ia,ti certain of o:r speculation-, ..'; 't t ai el t oind the favor. they deei v d, w i! yet tc vcriied as to t e croirg of the Te nesse river. i 'ihe w t reahiu.ts of , Snunifn is. not precisely know i. A poriion of Ms ft" my is; at Kingston. A largeHp -iton is iKouh: t be n ar Rome. 'S'o its itp n he himself was in Chattant)Oa'a on the 13 h. . ; - . - An .tiif.r Yankee Murdek. A gentle uai vth" le t A 1 utta u 'ew djt) s ai-o, re p irs that a ttan by the naire of Larkin on it 1 was supe te.l by the enemy o; haxi' 1 e hi ci. ctrned in the han ing of the lridfte htiners in 18.V2. He va tw ice a. ranged and ti ied, but by f-omj nieans cime out clear both times. H alteraids starred for our lines, an I bad ntsuly rache l R.ugh ahd Ready vhen he as 4iveraV by a fiie o m mi and c rned back to A'lanta, where be was boon after wards hang. SUerihan's.. Last .'Official Falsehood He A si ends nis Fokmkk Dipatcues. Fifteen hir dred Yankee wounded fr m the nl.t at Ctdar creek have arrived at Martmsljursr, and accord ng to Stanton's hallei in. tit"; eeiv hundred j.ri-oners ! The s unt? dig;s ficd aiid trutHful document on-itmhuk-c th:;t ' Geit-ral Custer arrived at Was iiinatun this jthertiO.n with ten re-bei b;itt!jt-ti gs dispia tsi from the r iiroad sngiye. Trie fol owing is Sheri lan's last ihcial dispatch, which the reuier will do We'd to r; member comes from a Gen eral ,th t bus ju t faden back behind Ce dar cievk for sai'ety : I Cda:? Cuekk, Virginia, ) ) i O.toWr -21-4 l. M. Lieutenant-G cue rxl U S. Grant, City Point: T pur.-ued the routed forces of the ene my jjneaily to M unt Jaekson wh'ch poh.lt, lie re;a- bed during the night pf the llhti! a;d ti 'ih wiumui an organ-z&d reg iment 1f .hi.-4 army. Frmn toe accounts f our piisoot-is who .have escaped, and CitzVns, the r tit wa-conip ete. Ab ut two thous;.:i.l of the enemy broke and made t .eir way do.vu through the jm-'untaiii on 1 ii leif. For led iniles on the ilne f retreat, the road aad cuntiy -weie. coveud with small amis, thrown aw y by the fl.ting rebels, nil-1 ot er debris. ' JFir.y eight piec s of cipfured artillery are now -at my headquarters T"thifik that no. le.s t ai three hun dred wagons an 1 t.hi nilauces were either c.vp-;ure'd;' or eietnyed. 1 he, aec .letit of t e morning turred to our. id m ai i miic 1 at if .he tvhj.e movement ha b e i pitu el. , Ti e e iify regret I n.ivc is the '' Clptu-'e, in tlie e.tr.y morning, ot trmn eght Lu.i d;td to t.n iteM.sa id of ti: uien. 1 am n iv s udmg. n the War De partment ten battle fi gs. 'Itie 1 ss tf ari.ll -v in tlie men ing was seven f4;oni Cr ok, e.evim frjin i'.uio r. , m liMii W ight. hi- in all that t can ham, I think that E .i ly's rein' r men s c UlU not be less t..a i tvcleMious-d n en. j ' ? P. 11 Sheridan, ! I M:jor-Gener.tl Commanding. 1 :. " 1 mme . mm. 1 The Capture an Dkstruction of the New York Steamer Roanoke. The tol lovijng is h statement of the cipture of thelR lanoke as glemed by Captain Tcl-l'.'e.- of the hriguntine Mathilde. from Cap t.d.i D:ew : Toe Ih anokrfleft Havana for Ne x York on i r r. g:itnr day Slie proceeded -on her dm -e un'-.l cveniMg in the usual in r. uitiiout anything remarkab e Oi'ttirn 1. Captain Drew retired to hi-, cabin ah-nit 10 o'ci ck P. M. At that ti iii v; a number of the passei geiJs were assembled aft, singing ; sud i. hly, several men. arme I with p.stolscn. tereet he C .ttinV ca in. and in a too meat ho, fouuei himself handoulfcd. Oth ers o the' 6 one party, meanw ile, adop tedysim ar ue;isu;- in ther parts of the shlf), a -al in a fvw imnuies she wor com pl t iy in lossession of her captors 'Only to .-hots we.e fiivd. One took tifFt-ct on tiie cai-peiiler of the vessel, w .o oft ring resistance, was shot dead. j- Thefeaptors, having gained possession, at once shaped the course of the vessel for Bermuda. 1 f 0.i airjviiig olTthe island, they did not aMcpj-t t enter the hirbor, bufK waited for a passing vessel, by w heh they could get rid of their t rew and passengers fifty of. the ioruier and thirtyof the I t ftjij 'lhe form r were mostly Spaniard-.. 1 The Roanoke had but little freight, bnt she had on board $40,000 to $50,UUO, partly specie and pn per. . ; :$hc h d but ve y little coal on boarcl w tt'ii tlie irnsfe tO 'k plae:e. After tiie Maii.ihle reached 1 Bermuda from the W'i h tier p:issenre.'S. a party Rj n )ke ii.-riVed t'lere in boats, she, as prieviousl' ie;orte l,!iaviiig been set en fire and burned. . Gks. Breckinridge tue Hero or the ALfViLLE YicrouY. Toe folltvjng mag riaiiiin ns letlef ir.m Gen:rd RdiO to ti!c edors of; the Ly.chbu- g Republic m, explain o the nuhhc tiie I a t tliat 2l..-'y ;G'i;n Breck in; g j is entitlctl ,'o t. e hon ot of hiving !so ji idly whipped ills enemy hiitler Burbru g ac Sal tv ihe, a ' ivw . days "inee ; I .... . . ' . . . ' HI J Abinodon, Ocfwbf-r G. 18R4 j if GtfJits In your papv?: fihe5ch instant, .Vjlm sjtviJk ot the ui.e. fight at Sultviile as if it had tK-e:i'e:ons;i.u.'tid by me. - It' is n p r th t I llOUI Vtate 'hat in 'hi-i yu are mistaken, and th it I had befoie ih t period beeu lehe ed oithe comm nd of t is tpaitmeut, to m.ich that t-isiin-guisaed ofiic r. Gyneial Breckinridge, w. s o.deret a U of wi'i.;h 4.0 iia-i taken, the comm m. I, gre t;y t my grjiuo..t on, t. r I)k;iow mat in ins h m t ie :ieat inter esLs of this ponh n of hj Confederacy will he entirely sa e. Whiie I t a ik vou for the .kind..tj'ius" in wi i -h y. u have spoken of mvyet I beg thai you will i.ako 1 he pioper cor ection in th s mut ter, asiaii actg of j;,s.tce hotiilo Gen. lieek.nri Ige and my. if. Your mistake no doubt was ciiiseo by ihe public .turn oi a .i-pst di to Ue e;.'! Kaiii e.- which w.ts n l m ended lor the puoUc. 1 have a great honor of app'riiig in the papers iii my own n me, tod I will, thank you 10 Inako the j correction in sucn manner as shad 4ppvar most proper to you. : . 1 am very u uij eie Jobs Hca.Ls. Brig; Geu -jit is stated j tliat ni..e hundred and sev en female employees are g' Ug o India to asi.-.t iu the E ighsh teUg.aph depatt-raeut- i ' ' ' l u ii .con lu'.jcdrxcif, received ye ti day, brings us the glaiTtidings that ther is hut .ii!ie; sickness iri Hoou's army, iu tragglng. except in a forward direction and eve y body cheerful. One would scarc-recogniz-vthe arm3',sojuhula.t bas it be coma. The line of march presents rnanj fe 1 tu res that would bring a smile to the gravest face. The soldiers are Irani v. each others heads, resembling in their ac tions more a parcel of happy boys turned lose horn school, with satchel and book. than war worn ve;e;ans going to meet the foe. Xjod protect their lives, and give them' a signal arid decis-ite victory over their 'country's enemies.' : fI he sections t rough which they hav lately passed abounded With good thing to eat. and in the greatest abundance. At CeJar Jown the farmers actually quurrelsd wi h each other as to who should sell the army c rn. As ihe armj- rose an emin ace ovtiiOuKm feil ;r'Y Alley, a greasy butter nut at the head t f the e h to excUim' S avre, h-ll t I'lere's corn enough ;o feed the (Jonle-ieracy. .' NEr ADVERTISEMENTS. Oy YESTEDRAY, bitweea Mr. Stokely'g and the Ar enal, a dat k brown parse, con taiiiing a $5'Gold piece, ahree $20 bills (new issue,) and some small bills. Th s inside of the purse was marked W. T. TA YLOtt." The tiuder will be suicablv rewarded bv lparirxr it Cb till.- VLUbv. WU WM. TAYLOR. ,t.; ii . ' ' Crown Windsor Soap,! ALAltGK LOT JUST .tKCEIVfiU at V 223-lt No. 17, Market Square. Srowcr's Flour, - IOIt SALE.-bv the barrel or retail. Aha 1 Tobacco, Salt, Ac, at IS A AC IlOLLl A GS WORTH'S. 2SO 3t ; " . Now is tlie tiiiie to Pay.your Taxes, 4 per cent Certificates in sums to suit purchasers, can be had if immediate application be inade at tbis otlice. J29-It Fayettcville Arsenal and Armory. Q. M: Office, Oct. 27th, 1864. i LL PEUSOXS haring claims against the Q. M. Department, at this Post, are re quested to notify me of the amount-of their claim- as soon as possible. JOHN1 L. HOLMES. . 228 4t Ca,.t. &,A. A. Q. M. Obserrer copv weekly and semi-weeklr It. CARD WOT2CE. ffflHERE is now ready to be issued from this 1 Department to .the different counties in the State, a lot (t Cotton and Wool Cards. This lot of Cards will be sent to the -Agents, with Backs reatrj for tacking the Cards on, 'and be sold at $22.50 per pair to thi 'citizens generally ; in no instance is more I than one pair to be sold to a family.' Thee Cards ar not intended for the families of soldiers. This Department is having a large lot back ready for use, which will be sent out and sold to the fami ies of fildiers as fast as they can be made, at. 1 fniif-Vi lf-3 ni'ip.i A rru n t- j o ra i.-i n act luaki arrangements and cail for thein. 1 r a . var-w. a v - n. A. uuvvu, a. y. m. 224-tit ; .jpi&r Sta'te pnpers copy : Dailicslsix times, others" four tiruea and forward bill to Major Dowd. s j f'lHlS celebrated Horse will stand this, the I Fall season, at Fayetteville, N. C, com mencing the" 10th.. of October and ending too 10th December, and will be let to Mares at the reduced pi ice "of $15-.in specie or thre barrels of corn, or the market price cf the corn or spe cie in Confederate money, when due, by the insurance. Those who wish to turn by the season will he charged two-thirds of the insu rance, with S5 to the Groom in every instance; who is a good groom and will take 111 possible care to prevent accidents, but I will not be li-, able for anv that may occur. The insurance money to oe nua as soon as tne iact is ascer tained -.th at the mare is in foal, and that'for the season at the end of the season. Ctange -of oronertv forfeits the insurance. iThos'e Dot ting to this horse are requested to J send their Mares regulai ly every tenth dv. 1 lie wiil staiid aWhe subscriber's stables, east of the Ma; ket, and for further convenience of patrons, ' where there can be clasps of air- if a; es made up," will be met at a distance ef not more than ten or twelve miles from town. . PEDIGitE. ., Vick Emanual i is a thorough bred St. Law! rence ; was pui chfl-e l in Canada by Capt. La tham, one of the be? t' judges' of stock in tha Stt'e, at a cost of G3.5i)0 in golu and shipped to rfEa.t-'i n No; th Carolina in the spring of 1SC0, at i years old. t his 'horse having been purchased by 'the' prcsjnt wner about ten dari ago, his fuil'p -digree is not to hand, but will be given in lull as soon as it is forwarded. -He is c-l.'bi ateVl for being the finest blooded Horse in tha fet.ite. DESCKIPTIOX. Ytck EMANCtivas eight ve f oldlastspring, medium size, fine form and wc'I prppor,tioned, coal black. - As to style, fletness and durabili ty in harness, he has no eqaal, having been matched by the fastest horses in thie tate and never beaten . K? now challenges the Confed eracy, for stjle and fl atness in harness. Thii is a i-are chance, ii' vou wish.t: aveling etoek. , i.2UBEX JO.VES,, Agent. P. S. Mares sent from a di.-taiice will be turned on trood grazing lots, and, pasturage tre ot cuarge. . . Oct. 18-2 IS) tf W A Li l kj It V ATSO, GUN. PISTOL MAKER AND Guns and Pistols made and liepaired with Dispatch. j MEMBEItS of Ueserves and iTome Guard can have their arras repaired at .half p iue. AH kindj of Machine, work done. Hay Mount, Fayetteville', N. C, opposite the residence of E. J. Hale, Esq. : j 205 lia " ""." j ; 4 . . f WANTED. ASMALL amouBt of GOLD. The highest markit price paid at . . r27-lt No; 17, Market Square,