' '-" '" -' ;)''"' ' . IU-H1. '"' . Ill ,1.1 I . - ., i I..,.., I . i..i .. ' - J ; I - ' - . r . ) .' - - . : i -'; " . . , " 1 e . ' 1 ! -,; - - . 'E ' . ; I . -. I ' t i . ,, f. ?. -:: V . r ! ., - - - t i ' . . I ' - ' i - J . i v .'...!... , . i ,;. j' j : -: . . - li - , - s .--.! , - t . , . . r: .- , . . MH, ; . ' , j. . it' in jy v ol NO. 232 4fe AW J! :' - .J". I 1) fl TI1K BY P. S INOL, ATR. ..twerib. i ton at ON K IOL- , LAIC AND TWENTY- VI V K UxuNTS per week to adyance, pavjiUl? to the Carii wtekir. . - r t lnla capiwiTWK.'JTY FIVE CENTS. lih 1 ropiet ;2i ceata. Si months TWivN TY-FITTE iKJlVit.S. Three tnontlii, FIF i. A US. ISrfiLLHiFVCfwV 9ftr d-nepapcr, pujh!liei at, this Uu.ce,-11 . tailed ;o ubcri4Hx at VI VK-DULL A "N tor tl-wwth.--U'ruioiit6--:.THiiE&:. LAUS Strietl f in aace UL- A4ferlisemenWaiorne .yhV.V25 - 'attltatiez a utfar. ltrif - lSt"'TiFf . iiuu. ciJCMfc hum nr ieh Acr4.-(iw oais; lor ta Ixr8.iisNCEfi will ic.?Ud ooee in .aily, nd charged Jaily rtft ter that iusertion. ' f W a sent br littjr. the money must accom- Faa tae urmuenec Marriages, reams, ry iwu. iui.r .u.. v.u-.s y , iue ntf and must b paid for strictlvn ad- 'l'he Value of .lionoy. 3 -. ct Ia m 6 .So 2 c . : r : 1 eo 1 uo.... 2 00.... GO.... 4 00.... 4 00.... 1 o0 1 1 ow ..... 1 00...... 4 w... ...... .. 4 0.... 1 1 3 00 4 50 6 00 7 5J 15 00 i w 2 66;i It ow..... 6 !tJ' lo eu.... 14 00 3 0 ..... . - ,w 10 ioo J li .;.;13 i3i!$, io 00..,. 00.,.. .. 22 00 .. 30 00 .. 37 50 .. 45 00 52 50 : 40 00M..MM .. U0 00 1 30 00. -00...: . t 33-1 3a 00 49 00 ..6 t6i 40 00. m 00 4 00 30 00 45 00.... bt 04 .......33 3i a! 50 00.... is oe ........... 3" 'fjfiii 55 00 ... o 00:..... 40 00 j CO 00.... 45 00 43 33! 65 00.... "YO 00 :.J4t 70 Do.... 'S 00..... ..!5o iyo j 75 00.... 0 00 ........... t53 00.... S 00..,. ...... !5d 85 00. .v. 10 00.. .... 60 00 StffW).... t5 00 65 3.1'i U5 00..., lfi 00 J if ti 667a 100 00.... .... 1750 ... 75 0) .... 2 50 .... !0 00 .... w7 50 ...106 00 ..Alt 50 ...120 00 ...127 50 ...135 00 ...142 50 ...150 on StSOPSIS OK FCNUINU iScUKMt UK UlIK- rr.:r Bill is iroLSrATts Wast ofJhe Jf KTrrirrriTt-Interest 'JUari ng 1 0 0 ffotes. Ileccivnble lor public dues be- t fbro April 1st,' ISJ 1, at .p ir;"iVitn AtuTaf ir April 1st, I8b4, not receivable at all; . but - " . f KUKDABLE IJf.FotTR PKR CENT! pOSPS IW.for Ut AHl lii-l. at par. Jjr.m 1st to lastday of April, inc ,at 6C ITmiu lat to last ilay of .Iay, iuc, at Sii ? nmi' Ut to last iay of. June, inc., at 4t Kr.ia , 1st to last tlay f July, inc., at 3G j f rom list to'liwt llay if Aug., inc., at 26 fcirn' lrst to astday of Sep., inc., at IGJ 8 wwptaway by lhont'Iy tax, Oct. inc., at (J A fey n n-iuttjrest iiearlng $ 100 notes 1jM on the iirst of January. 1805, are tvivl lOt) per. cent., t.'ius destroying every xioi.tige of value, i REPI1 XKSi'M 1 14TXBO A R Y, U SICi t. lH SHil A PH Y. TN PUlvSS and. shortly t he' published, I bok with the above title, prepared 'h the iaugc.iber, who has' had nysrly 20 years prac tise iu Phwiiog aphic wiitinir, having been at one time employed a an o.Iicial iep i in the United States Senate, aid. 1m hf been for the last, seventeen m i.iths, and is h a". re -porter of thi Atlanta Intelliinc'r. The Dictionary will contain indi.tiona. by means of a simple noujeaclature, Ijr writing ; eriAk Phraoraphic ltteiej rfcbout 20,006 words f-th English iituguaget of ninety-nine one 'buodreths of f thpsd in coin-uon use tlie re naaining words beiing tyuily. written after these ara learned. . . .. . f latfc IntrodctMwa to the pictionarj sim ple instruction will be given "for beginners oT the study" of Phonography, wi h lithographe'd 111 astratioud, -prepared byoae o the best ar- v lists in the U inederaey. The. object f the publication is to make a'f rAKnft'oMof Confed erate lidyortssrs, and 'to retider it possible fo the much coveted and; beautiful art of Report 'lag, to be lektned even without the aid of a teacher. : i . As the work will be expensive, new tvpe . having been procured expressly for, it, only a tosall etlitionj ill issued. 'Those whode ire copies are requested to send to the author - iaeir orders at once, to be recorded,) accom panied with bj pt;ice of the same, which -vill be five dollars per copy. ' Tho- b ok in paper ' cover, and suitable for j3e, will be sent to all subscribers, bv mail, wftno'ut additional ex pense: ; ' A. E. MARSHALL, dtf . . - - Augusta, Ga. J. G. GODFREY, WHOlj,EALH, RETAIL commission' mercha.nt, Keejw - Ciitton Yarns For Hale. FvettevUle, . C. ' iyu-tf i ; I ; ; J i - . JViictioneer and. FAYETTEVILLR, K. C. . -Jane 1G-Cra0 i Of Deceased omcer and SoKiirr. 'I nc UNDtlKrtHl.N U has vcimM a Ceina'irtBar ti if tijU, eoilet b4 nce,'dB ,?e TTW"'' ficert And olii-r from tb"u &iate4 -; The parties entitled are : &rtt the widow of the dcCf&sed, if any, if t litre tie do widow then, eeondly, the child orchUdren, if the e be ruchv if t! i-re b. neither iri4fr children thea, thirdly, father, iC there be neither widow, child, ehildreu or fatbejtliwn, foarthlT, th mother .f the deceafed,VfcBiln default of all of I thee. tKjT.. lifthlr. the exweatur or admi&ietf I Vr ol t!itf ;t :5?5siil. , . - 1 , iy cmui am or cniiD?j.t .mmi iu nun an, 1 her r their artidaviu ain ested witness a to the' reOttinhip, and iB-'aif cases, where the cl ttnant tfft tb wdW, t ajrt or H!ji.ajit u 'er1beI ntutftbortift -to the credibHitr of the and Clerk of the O'ountr Court must certity, under the seal of the Oftrt, that be u a Justice of the eace. " It ' the claimant or claimants be a child r ehiidren of the deceased, and he, she or they be minors, the Jaim inu.-t be propounded by hijV.her-or thou guardian, and the tact of bis bt,in, ardjaa woat ..-tified to, under seal of ttj , rountv Court (TIerk Whe i tlirf claw is made by, an ezecatar or administrator, th? fact of the executorship or adtniniatt atoi-eliip must be certified to, ucd. r seal by the fouuty (-'oui t leik All of theie papet should 6c sent in' opti cal. 1 Aiiy person directly intere?ted will brf Tarnish ed, upuu application to ine, with a proper form of these papers in full; a copy f which, for the greater convenience of partii?. will be forwar ded as oon mav b? practicable to eavh County Com t flerk. s - Th'u coinmindion t.- intended to facilitate the collection of these claims, and aire Che claim ants all expe?e. Parties Interested may materially aid me in the investigation of their cj-tiuis, if at the time of forwarding their paper t-me, they will in forn? jne. oi the date of the death of tb's deceas ed, whre Jie died, was kii..-d, whether or hot thev . anv on forlthm, hare reeeivrd the perst il etlects -hich deceased had with him at the time el his dvath, anu wheth r or net the (L'teaved (if a nc t cnnimiwionw! officer or pj ivatc,) had ever rotaved th, State' bount. .. It i. very desirahle that all claims hodUi be lorw-arded at aji early a lay as may h? practi cable. - In all cases, 'give the clahnauts' Pst Oilice-and County in lull. I . JXO. A .STANLY. r I 4 Coitiiniisiuner, VJR S0LI 1KRS Co n f8 r rn ry 'M;ris:ltoiit Ifu- 'QUAUI IKSASIKK Gk.' KAl-.I 'RVAKTMbht. ! ' liii mint I'riup ' ;.AII.ki4 0 rriBAl. rTinrtf ? -aatia tt,ii' K.-r?n. a th Arw.r ai .North- r v::re.i ;. r 'iereby 'itiwl thit an Hirarrrail h? ihiHj.lav vii vrtectcd vvitht;n; SUimiKIJN rtX-. KE? 0() MS "AN Y. to C4?ly all vmcK ge ol j"d and wearing apparel iu irc nion'. Va. ! l o M'etu' ill'1 ?vJvantaget' tlni''lf.btini ihru,b b? expn'McoHipaii . the following MtHtirnci s. n" tnust be obervel :. .- Pii.ik a inua not coutatti tnor th-' uie hundred pnuudp; be well secured. ':. ' lainlv mark-tl. and pent at thepxpDM? vi iieja ipei to either of the Solrtier' lieik Hfciitio-iM wtiich arc located a follows: lit North Carolina, a lialetyh: ?n South 'aroliiia; at Coltimbsa; in (Jti.rgia. at Ao ua; iu Alab una' at Montgomery: ot a ny otft r point at h;c!i one ot these Ai cihi'o 'ia ve an office. " The Agents of these WociatioU" will htfrfvtke cli.ire of them, and Fl ip daily, oy.Sotu'herii KpivC'ipiiiy,to'ili- pnp r AeiH of t r-spctive Mi ten at Hicli inotid, h will -e litem ditrLtMtt" ro th pr er individual oa nrif. ' IV, mett the wihes of the soldiers, a ud to give :?eiu a certain and "preu comuiunica i ti wih liotne the Southern Kxpre'Com (an uarf agreed to gite thi-Irtg t prefer -e ,ci ver ev'ry t hing : ami in order luvt i.tLotwtacte may oeeur to the nuecenf tl Hi laudable alt enieipiise. the w verai Uiilroa Cotu iauie.H ure hereby tequested to re'der the xprens Company Mieb facili ties as will enable it- to make this arraugt me ut a conjpicte succeaa." Ak ih Southern Exprese Company a 'unr ftU responsibility ol the tratiporta t i is' ot t nose pac k age . t b e Kel ief Ajw c ia u.t!8 are reqoi.d . to jiithd"aw thtir Agei'ts who haveot retotore acted a. travel ing "irlt'Bseuger." It" the livtiet Ammx Mtion wift publish 'jewiMiTn rear of there ti it-.ts,- they nay mjoy the ame privilege i-i"jl'v secured to t ho Arm j ot Noitbcrn VitgUjia. - ; . V F. W. SIMS, Lieut. Col. and Quartermaeter. Approved y.iU'.Luwlou, Quartermaster Gen. OFFICE SOfJTU Eli N EXPUFS COM 1 At'GisTA. Ga.. reb 20. 18H4. hlE SOU l llERv LXIMiESS COMPA N) hereby iioti the tneude? and lei t t ol JSoldn t in the Army t -Northern Va., and eh where, that tbey are prepared to eai ry out artangi-nients aniicunced in ,hi above eaid and that they will do all in hr power to lullil its' reqoirnenRt ?r Ja-f SHU1ER, ; . e v Gen'l Sup?t.& Acting Preset So. Exp. Co 2SAAC HOLlINCSWGRTH, droccr nud Comtubisdon MERCHANT,- FAYETTE VI LLE. N. C. 196 tf i .. MISTRESS ArD MAID. . TDT RECIEYFD a few more eopW?s of that J excellent .NOVEL at L . Ne. 17, Market 3quar mnu the affidatit is - v COIiKECTKD B I.KTT., r j II etwas Sis-Qr lb B itter - 50 V C ttoa I 75 tt -V fi It f.li n v C'ffiee I. C Uon Yarn U ied Fruit . E srs .......... .t. .. Apple 31 to .........1 ;3 O0P-- d K tract Logwood b . q V Xh PI .nr .. - ..2? hflift PI ?.m......1 12 I iVjUff V bIS 1 n ...... s m V'rei, at ia?-Cor!r 2$ 0(r wfaejt . -.wheat y r- bertx, lflwSTSs - 17 -Art Ml .) l..,.i;r l 17 W 2' 00 V bnsh'ef W WM II .ie-iwrren... 2 50 3 10 V IT. 5 50 6 00 It. 3 50 4 50 ? ft liry Ir n Swede?. V itther Upper 25 00 V ft , 18 00' W'ft 4 bole.. ,o uors Uorn v rnpkev., 50 00 galloa Ap le.and Peach Brandr50 00 '60 "? gallon Mo a&sea .. $15 20 00 ViCallon Is ..1. 3 50 4 (TO J5S. tb ons .....20 00 25 0O"Vbusliel t-o atoas-Irith ......... $- 15 00 t butshel .. -$ 10 00 V linshfl 6575 i j To ru; ar .'-p . Toi et : io. ft Familr liar 2 00 ft . 5 00 V th Spi its Torpentine .1 00 y gal. Fa- Mtevill 4-4 Sheetiogsl 50 ft 3 25 ard Sa.l....i $ 00 & 40 "f? bushel .Mlowj .J 4 00 - 00 lb U l J..........L...... ..$6 00 (?? 8 00 $ Ir . i THE I! LtSTKATFD WKRCURY t ILLlISTItATi:i IrlEliiUUb ! TH GREAT THE GREAT- LITERARY WEKKLT LITFl'ARY WEEKLY OF THE Sor.TJi ! F THE OU l K ! A SUPERB FAMILY JOURNAL I A SUPERB FAMILY JOURNAL! BEAUTrFUI.LT 1LLU8TUATKI), BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATE!,' ELECJANTT Y F 1 VIKD ELKO A .""TI.Y PUlNTKDI r VERY SAI'URhAY," EVERY SATURP Y, ! HAS A LARGER HAS A LARGER j i, A NO . HMORE TALENTEDI MORE TALFXTF1P i CORPS OF C ON I RIB U'l OKS CORPS OF CONTKIBUTORS! THAN WAS E V EM B EF( ) R E TSN G A G F.D THAN WA EVER BEF !:i ENGAGKD ! IN" ACTUA LY WRITING I OR IN; ACTUALLY VRHJNG rOR a ny american i'arfl: i any; amkki an paver i BK1LLINT CI1AKM1NO BhII.UAST. CITAKMtNO, AND THRILLING ANJJ THRILLING fwiTH HOMANCES, Wil li Kt MANCJCS, i SKETCHES, -SS KETCHES, TALES TALES O F HEAL . REAL LIFE. LIFE, POETRY, P O E T it Y, 11 I ST O R i. II lTO I, V, ! B I O G R A P H Y, I ! B 1 O G R A PH Y, I i K a V E L E T T E S, ! N O V K L E T T E S, i ; KSSAYS, CUITI Si!S, 1 i i FSSAY, CKITICISMS, W1TIC1SMS M hCELLANT, W1TK7ISMS, M1SCELLANTT, INCIDENTS' AND ANECDOTES, ! INCIOENTANP ANEt-I;OTES li OF THE 'W Alt AND I IS HEROES, OF THE WAR AND ITS HEROES, INCLUDING TRANSLATIONS, INCLUDING aANSLATIONS r V' FBoM THE GEBMAiN, FBEKCH, i FROM THE GERMAN, FRKKCIt, j l AVD'OTHFR LANGUAGES,- i AND OTHER LANGUAGES, I Ji HOX'E.IoUltNAL FOR i ! THE I10USEHOI.! ! i . AN ORNAMENT j KOlt THE PAKJO. , M A SOLDIER S PAPER FOR 1'HE CAMPi tratem.ek's j COM P ANION, ir PLEASANT READING ; F O B E V E R Y B O D Y. A RICH CASKET OF POLITE SOUTHERN LH EUATUEE ! UBSCRIPTIOXS?x month? ..$10 f Ike Trade supplied at $25 per hundred. Address, - ' h 1731. B. SMITH, j i oprietor, Kaleijjb, NJ C. Jun I 200,000 Apply ! FEET OF H 4' i INCH LUMBER. !2 inch. wide. CARQi JIIA? OTFIClv TfelXiP A lPlTiTTTbr It;rtetl by.lhe PrM-AKocitiou. 18GI' i'atered .according to Act of Courrei" in , thi 'year 1863, by J. is. Thrasher,, in the ClerkV oiHce of the District Court of the Confederate Statd,Jbr the Northern District of Georgia Fighting in Nos;th Carolina. 3EVeftAT.aN OF- PLYMOUTH : 111 OJJB FORCES, UNDiR GEN', il.kl .Iroitt near JHt nvoatbxatl jgjyn.,pxay'vwr:vcKv Atotntv tue isr,.say! : - Af"r ,hr- ''' ,"'a P" ,k!iat.) ii. i:iUU -..1. .....1 .1 paeMfu u. ..uaie ner ami snne o wn tnc R6:n ke tl.U tiioruing. Gen. Baknr commanded the g-irrison iri person, and' fought until jlhe enemy .j.gtmboats tad passed one fi-rt and dismounted all our r 'T -guns in the other. Th evacuation was then 6rdered under a severe sbeliinc which wa efic'Cteil without much loss." Col. jWbitford acted vrith conspicuous oravery. RELEASE OF BRA INE AN f ASSO SOClATES. FOR THE BURN NG OF THE 51EA.MEK ROANOKE. WiLMixfrio, oV l.yJo u b ;ts cived B rmuda aivices to ti e VZ L and lyth ull., rout .iniujj the trial htm'. r;c -e of Acting Marvr J. C. Bra:n C. S. X , arid a'Kcia"tes, for the burnirg of the steamer Roanoke. 1 They were released on the 12th and set at liberty.; The: charges against them have been withdrawn by the Attorney General. THE TENNESSEE K1VER BLOCK A DED BY FORREST IMPORTANT CAPTURE, Ac. pAni.lenii., -0-t. 30, via Corinth, 31. Major General Forrest has the Tenner see river blockaded. He captured rA Frt 1 Hinsoti, ye.-terday, a transport jvhirjj ,Sd .L.ftiiltvjHLto fcei f iiiw-une 1arg'1.ae7Iler (QlS Ms,a,V,wVn?vL" i ; , partly clesirfd: ) the re. t ut in two on drifti d down were brought he second fire. The boats on the opposite si-Ie, -.'tnd over by ropes.. We pot ff 60 waj;0 .loads ol shoes, boots, blanket and h rd biead. .Gunboats esaue up mid sh' lied the transport and bargn, which were destryed, Lui the goods on shore wer saved. ! Five! tian -ports and one gunboat are above For test's baiUries. . The 4tieiny are niovitig eve y thing frim Paducaii -ncioas the river. They have i e n iemovingfiveiranspoits p. r day up to Johutonvihe, heavily iuden with bup- piies. ti1 0 II T II E ILi SEWS. Richmond, Nov 1st. The Washington Chronicle of tile oOJi received. . 1 ':S' , t Si. Louis telegrams of ti a 20th stated ihitt ycpoums put Pr ce near Caithage, btid skedati uing, with our cavulr in m i pursuit. ! P.eaVajitoti was slightly injuied 0 to lalf lioin tiore. ' An Cihcial di.jatcii from Sit Jo.-eph's .-j Bill Andt;ij.-o;i aiid 7 of bio UiCn weie aulvU o i tue 2iu. '-Ooti ri.or liriidlord has issued a proda iiiknoii, aiinniucing tlie adotiibti of tue i.w irce:Sta.e UoQalitution in M.iry lan-i. A ie.eji,rui Iroiii Knxvine says Vugtj au b cuiuuiaud iva route i at ioiri&t jyii o.. ihc zih, byGei.erai Gtdiatur wito the loss uf tbr piisuoeis and 0-guns. Mc Clutig'a buitery was captuied eotire The j-e tt Kibied uud wounded were, lcll on the bed. ' : ; ' ' . 1 ' A telegram from Louisville, of the 29th, says au attack on Padueah by Forrest ;& expeciedl .11 business i su.speuded. and goods beiDg removed to a piace ol safety. The proceedings iiu tue Cas of tue Vermouti raulers nai been trauslerre to Montreal; and the prisouers removed to that place. , Ore..t excitement has been produced in the United rtate& by; an uhegttd di.very of electiou irauds ou too. part ol tue i"iev York State Agency; Seymour has sent three commisi ners to Washington U in vatitigate the charges. Gold 219. iloBtLE, Nov 1. A special to the Ad ttrtutcr trotn Sena oo:a, d.ed 31t. ha advic s Ircm &t. L .u..-. p.ipei ol the 2U,ti. Piice is reibtMi 2u r iies suutb ol Kju a Cuyj fihl.ng. 'i be materia! Io s on 'bs th sides amount to no reat cuoscqufn e It Is Vutpo.ed aim. mam oMiy ot ri e's 'at my is hot yet .engaged. ' -'L.e'M.' LouU. Repuodcan slys little re.ia can be placed in auyttdng Couih.g frvio Blotnt ana Lane- ' A sree!i:.l to tf-e JiUrAt.:liyr' War- . -makinvbis wr"Ubltaili KarkfaS, Susiik forowinr; - ;v) ' I - k The latent n wt 'tTlct im" Ve4on4 tht. t State 1m3, with tl 'pluiider of ftventr counties, caiiiinjE: taucb rnuirtriuHnjr. rieasantcj.'ii reportfd waking tip tli letleralo He lost'thtCt? buntlfexi'nt Ka saa 5i, :ni3 claimi 6.000 pTisoDrS.' ! 1 Europeati News i ; ?.tcnMosi. Toy; j H -Pluropean iri- -ttdi r:,;fL, rt,- igl.tmi 'cob ti li ne. Twenty T iverpool frrnts have failed. The Duke of New Castle is dead. I A compiercial pnrlic had occurred in Rio. Janerio. Four bank.- had suspended pay met tJ Consols ?elOsed m tha 20th at 88 for ruoney: From Lee's my ! . ! PcTKRBUtto, Nov pst. All iniet. Nf grres are eomir-g inj every day- to act' H ' ntivers and laborers. The wsipms men tioned by Grant as j being capture! near ? BurgessJ MUJ were private nod .not Got- : eminent property. Toeir conteuts were leit ou the road side. ' 1 v Wc Irarn wita pleasure5, that the ropovt brought by )osscnj;cr"from Petersburo; of the .ilcatli .of Gen. Dear ii!r, was incorrect. We learn that the Gin rat was mfsping for a short tiint, u hich gave rise to the report of Ibis diath. ' ' Richmond Seliiihd. ' PL iNTATlOT With Crop, Stock, Wagons, JVItiles, 6iC, thereon, late Major John T. GUmorc?s,to be sold at Puiilic Ac r tipn, ;"'! . r 1 1 1 1 aboye proporty will be oflered for sale ! J on the- premises' on Tuesday the 29th of November 184. The Land is in one body, and j contains 485 acres nearly all of which is'.valv ; uablg Swamp Land, there -being SO acre." well ; drained, cleared and under cultivation, yield- L ing tlj best crops of any land in thissect jdn of th; State. Thee U abo about 200 acres - of ; '.waifiu Land epuallv e? rood as that under j H-ich isalreftv v dtithettauu : parti v clew red: ) the remainder i ned for pa- '; tui es and wood land. .The houses and build in '3 are-' at a convenient distance from .the fanning lands above described, on a healthy, ; liih and dry part of; the tract, with gftiid water. The buildings'are in good repair, in cluding a coinibrtablo dwelling-house, conven ient and well arranged neprro house? : good ; fences, t able?, barn, cribs, lo ., gu ardent, Ac. The plant tion is 14 inilcs froiu-Fayetteville, on the Last side of the;Cape Fear Hiver, about one and a half miles from the River, and cm- ; braces what is known as Alligator .Vwaiup, ! adjoins Johnson .and "Others, and is not very : far H orn "the mouth of-Cedar Creek and the residence of Mr. J. C.i Blocker. . At the same time and plaeo will be offered for sale, the fullowin ' personal property : 1500 to 2000 bushels of Corn: The erop'of Fodder, Shucks. Peas, Ac; ; Stock of Cattle,. Hogs', Goats,&c; 4 Valuable Mules; " , , Qne Sorrel Mare; ,; One Jennet; v 'On-4 Horse Wairon: one Timber Cart ; with all the Farming 'foola and nthr articles on the premi?t5. f " . Terms will be rnado known before sale. A. j. BYRNE, ). A. McLEAN, Ex'rs. E F. MOORE. ) j Fayettevillc, N. C. , "lS 67 1 7, "MarkeT Squlirc ! " REMWIPTIO OP JS8 Sir2?i.i. riMIE PliOPHlETOR of the above establish JL meat having returned "from the tcatt," peace having been declared in Moore Countr, respectfully solicits the patronage ofhu eld customers. They, will; find a choice selection of Combs, "tooth Brushes, Fancv Soap, "Old indsor," do., Needles, Pin?, Spool Cotton, Bl'k Flax Thread. JJlaek . ! Silk dh.; Hooks - an Eyes. Stationary consiptirtg of Note, Letter and Fooh' cap Paper, Plain, Fae cy and Cominereial Envelopes, Pencils, Pens, Pea Holders, Ac. Ac Aloso a new and carefullv .solected stock of the latest Music Pieces published. Choice Smoking Tobacco for S'ale. 0ct5-tf ' ' COTTON CARDS, IVo. tO. rilHH FayettevilleiCUTTON CAIU) Mamr j factoring Company are now manufactur-' ing Cards superior j to anr fun-"tbroueh the blockade, and at prepeas selling for ale. p'iae the single pair or by the quantity. , Any person ordering six or ncre pairs, thee will be securely packed and delivered at "Vfil- mington free or expense. Call upon or address A. A. McK KTflAN, J. A. -WORTH, ALEX. JOHN SON', Jr. WALTER WATSON, - ! GUN. JMSTOL MAKEIt AND Guns and 'P.istols made and Hepaird xrifh Dhpaich. J.. 'EMBERS "of Reserves and ITotre Gna'fda can have: their arms repaired tt hsl price. All kmd3 of Machine wrj-k Tion. liay Mount, . layettevdle, N. '.. .njpite tne residen?" yl t-. ii. Hate, L-o, V'Z. 1m .. , J 4.