its- $ Xt4Sr. Ml THE FICWZSS COLLtCnpff KO. 23 h'-'-i' I ' - i ( III 111 I ' flr ; ... . . ; t -.- r ' .. . ;: -- ;Vp- r-f. 2? ' .-,- --r- .- . : ; J.::: ' - ' i ' 1 i . r ' "" ' r- ' - 'i. ft ,L ' -. i J .' i " 11 1 1 - - t - ' 1 1 ' . ' ' 1 1 1 - v L Hi IN 4 or wr htft.Y XJlfiTU rnjLltnf.lKl a r wVedtA sueriberi' 4n lra at ONE Dbt, ncei.itt ,the reprwcntatieMf deceased f fcikk 4lKl TWN'TV-'FIVE CENTS per Brt ,ld i'liier trom tbU JUte .s . . wtk i dr Alice, pvU to.iht Cwrwr Ptf enUtlcd av : . irst, thewidrtw f ;V Ttt'klS'TV EIVR r?icvT3r,v:- cenHlv tle child or cbiiarco4C the: be mcIi, i - Cr TM' Wr ' iwWIy.. the father, if there be iH-kher mdoir 4 . tTWS UOJ.LAip. SCUM. K'mYX Lae4..aVii.erauH of .11 of ;j .1 IVAW. ' - j i ' ' i-tteaW thef fiitbly.'the executor or AdmUii V VrK 1 V, WrALHukf Cf v 7.e,MT- -TheUia ant w'claimraU 'm-t fu ftisli LAUS HtrioUr u' ance. 4rrtt4iaeU for the Cakmlimiam will b harea Til.lta DOLUlitS per quarwrfrr ack. aa2. artrj iiiirtiwn, eight lioetf wr leif eatjttiojr a aaara. 1 : . , - A. Irartii aaats lOjT the larKLLiKXQiH will be ,er4;oia ia ji.'ail, aad charmed-Jail ra tar.tht 'iurtiija. ; . , , t v k : T Vi .a!ieai b v l ;ttr, the moner mutt aceom- p "'- ' b :aa adrerUoejient. !'t Marriages, Cvaths, faa 'Ita 'ulu of Jliiy. 1- 2 i - So 1 m. I 09. 4 W ii 00. :!J OU. 3 uw. 4 00. i 60 4 SO 5 00 T 60 4 6 H.. 10 14 ...66; ... 10 Of lu on... ....... u ou... Ju uo, 25 00.... 3 o.......... 3$ ou : 4!J 00 15 0U ..... 3'i 00 3ti 00 37 50 45 5J 50 u oa . I50 75 00 ..... ii id ..... 0 00 Jl 50 ....lo5 00 ....112 50' 00 f...li7 50 135 00 142 50 .....15- 0t 13 W. i ......... 34 o. ... ii ... ii dfis ... J J ot , ...ii i ... itf Ji. 14 5 ,00 54 00........... 55 00 OU..... 65 00 .... 70 00... J5 U0 .,.'.. . 80 oo.....:., 45 00....... . a ao....... . 95 U0 40 tf J ; .... 4 i 3J ....16 4ik Tf 0 0 'Oft 1 8 0 ..... J i4 & ..... 16 6$X ..... tfv a U 44 ; 103 O0.:...v BKKi:r Bill as to Static Kast ir thj MtMissirri. U $6 htttrtsi tearing $100 J . -L .t 1 V j ecci.blo ior pubhc dues be- iivks. Re: re April 1 at, 14i4. xt; f)tn aud af ter April 1st, lgSi, not recoivabls at all, j ltTVOABLC IJt FOITR PKK CiCST. BOMBS Hfvre .at April, lii4. at par. . lMrif 1'to laatdaypf April, tuc ,t 66f Krom laV ib lait jay of -'ay, inc., at 6df rru Ut to last iay of Juue, inc., at 4 XiHn. 1st to last 4ayif July, line, at 36 t.HU Ut to' lait 4ayNf Aug:r inc., at 2ftf t st:h ls to last liay of Sept., inc., at l t . eVpt away by mjonly tax, Oct. inc., at 4 1 Kur n )u-iuteest btjarlng $100 note jr.t i on the first of January. 1 866, arti tv l 100 wr ceiit.(jtUus destroy ing every :o.fte of value. f ' i rXErOatTsSUM ' i)ICTIO.VARY, If' si l ii i J p I i ti it A PH Y. JK PstKSS and ! shortly to be pablished, a book above title, prepared b. the obsc.iber, who hasHad neatly 2u years prac? tiee tn Phonovf aphic writing, havjii beeu at ess time employed at au oiticial ep r in the United States' Senate,', and. w bo hat been for the last seventeen months, aoi is-aow, re porter of th Atlajntai Irit diiijancor . , ;, -The Dictimary jwilt contain indications, by nseaasof a i-aplij nO.'ueaclaturf, tar writing with Phinorahie letters, about 20,00Q.wordj (tUi Knglush lajivrajr, of ninety-nine one kuadretbs of :tbise n ;c;;n;uon xuse (hetr tnainTiig. words Seingi easily witten after these are learned. . :, ,5 .. . . j , la the Introdaction trf the Dictioriary, sun- fie instruction will ' be. gircn for beginners of publication i to.make a sTapAtto lor.Con'ed er'afe Heprttfr8t and:, to render it panaible ior tkie much.coveted and beau tiiul art of lieport iny, -to" be learned rea without the aid of a ' teacher. . :- f - -: ' As the work will; be'expensire, ifew type katingT b?n procured expressly lor (iVonly a inH ..edition ill .be issued... Those who 'de sire copies are requested, to send to the author, their orders at once, ti be recordpd,) accom panied wilh-the price of the atue, whieh will oe tire dollars per copy. , fhe. book in paper coyer, and, suitable for use, will be sent to all abscribers, by (mail, without additional expense- j ) A. E. MAKSUA1.L, dtf ' " ', ! Augusta, Ga. . J. G.1GODF21EY, WHOIaESALEiKliiTAIL .' ' ' vANl ' - COMMISSION :MEECHA NT, Keeps Gittou Yarns " For aale. V Fayetttsvillei N. C. 19-tf ! i - ' A.ii6tioaeer SAia'tl : ; ' FATETTETltUt; TC C. Joae 10-3ra smqy.oi , ruonorapuy, wi n uiuog.-apuea illustrations, prepared by one. of the best, ar tists in the Oput'edjracv. ; . The "obi-oct ' of the Deceased Officer aiid SoJU ters. ffiuox. K. C L. June ?3tixl8fi4., Ufa IJSUrtRSiUN tlD ha Wee ftjF QTrrtw 4b partir? fatitied thereto, ku Uitnt fm bont "afrerart of pt &n4UloW eaf, wlre4he cl iuiaiit is 6tt theWilIor;t- aiiidaTjt ji.ut negatire iit:.ezUteiiee of a elaiuj ! nt er eliit aiitjf a higher order. The Ju-' - of the Peace, beto; whoui 'the aliderit ii subscribed mnt Ctfi'tity to th credibility t the . witncn, aud ('lerk of the U'ianty CouVt mutt certify, uuder the teal ot the O'aai t, 'that he i a Justice y: the Pca.cs. y ! the claimant or claimant be a child r '.children of the dep.-ased. and he, she or.hcy be ifiiaors, the .Tui.o must b. propounded hi hi.. her or -tlwfr'guat dian, and the .'act of his - inK ardiau must be certified to j underseal f th Wbe i th clai i is male br an execator' er adtuinistratpr, (he fact of the executorship r : adiaiuijtr&toi'hip must be certified j to, und r : aal by;th- 7oui4ty Court Clerk" K s ! All of then paptr should be sent i Vi ! att. y ; ",- - j Aay person directly inteiregted will be fai rish ed.'upoa application to ms, with a proper form of these papers iu lull; a copy of vhich, tor the jrr'.-aW conTeniifiice of pa; ti-i, will be foiwar ; ded xs oon as :nar b pra;ticablc t each XVuDty (Twurt Clerk. . ' : " . This cVa:eiion . intended to facilitate the eollectun of these claims, and save the elaiai 'ants all ejtpere.' I -1 "j I'ai-ti.'S' Interested mar ratt -: iiill v aidjme ic th inTestiaticn of their clain.. i at the time ol ferwnardin paper to nie, they will in form nje p- th date ol the death o' the dec.aj t'd. wheehe dieC wa.- icillJd, whi-th r or noi thoy or aui one for them, hare rwetTpd th ' pernal t; fleets w hich dwct.a-d had with him at the tiiaf: ot his deuth, nn wheth r oi mf thr. je -.-astd (ii a n or-com missioned offiesr or pi ivate, )j had erer rec- iWd the State's bount . It is. T:rv deni able that all "ej:iiii; Khocd be foi- wardcid at as early a da . as may be practi cxb!t. In all cases, riTe the elaii&anU' ri 0."ace aud Touaty iu iull. j J JXO. A .STANLY, ; . - Noiaisiouer. ii- ..:iKl 'F fiV. S0L5) 1FKS )la)ilioi)K lire oirMlrrtey ';' . ! l?!CMmou. '!. 20M!. 14. J -P fl1'' dJ ' J-"' J thi Arn-T of NorM' htfrll j . 4h.,, tive? ofi "oliie:ii iu r ii Vrjrini. -r reby jl-'othr i ii t t'i arragemput h'5 this iUt. tii !ltct (l w!.ththe.SoM IIKli'N KX HKS C0M:ANY. t. carry all .ncV ae- ui' 6od and w curing-apuarel to ktcii rnon J Ya. . . i . To Keeur- the advantapea him;. I hr o;li he exprep- cow jiny . the tullvw in' ntra0.tioni must be ob.ervel : Paakae" . aiu' not contam irorf thu. oe hmidr'Ml puundH; be .veil 5jcurfd aim ' lainlvjuiark'-d? aid nent at the expense c: ?!ie a ipppj to ?ither of the SoMb'r.' i.elie Vs.,cntioHS wtijch arc located a follqns: In Nori:i CiU,m- HalHjrb, in aroHnH.'a Columbia; in Geirjia, in Sou tb a t "A a iif-ta; in Alabatna. at Montgnsut-ry; ot a n v t!i t powit at ahich one ut these Ai ciins bafc an office. . . Tl;e A-reuta.of tbes lociations wiK ibi-rH talso cbaristf of them, and ship rfatlj, by 84uihert) Expr C-iiMpauj, io tbr prop er AKi-n1 ol r"p'cv:v Nute? at Men uffiid, h will s'e Ihem ditribut-U o th'' pr per ndiidual oner. - To ine t thtvwi.hft of thesohfier, nri t ghe ;nm uxertain and cptiy.fommunica .jn with oibi" the Southern hx pre (' m j anv ha-j a-.rved to give thi-ln'ig t prater e ice oi ei bin jj elr : and in ordtr ba n obs.ach iQ-ty ccur to the iuccef 01 o laudable an fiiierprihe. the -r Rtdro4 Cont.isi.nies re hen-bx M.-qtntcd toie ler tt'C fcijiress Company Micl lac-ii tie a wiil rouble it to make thir jrraugt meiii a! complete ucci , t"i-! S'.'Utheru Exrexa Oompai j a suni nit :'reeioii!biiii nl the trauperta ti o ol! tCu-tf package. th K lieJ AHicia tit'iici are ;iequrd , U- vvithd'-uw their Asei't wbo b!)- uvrt toforfHCteu a1ruvel . u j; "iht;BHegt'r. -- ''I f ' fa' . IC-'icI Akmc ution jkill tsL.tbtit.h agent "! n the rtai of thre tti'nu'f tb y ruayf i ijuy ttie samr rtTtUg--s b'riyj .-ecured to tb. Ainty ot Noithvri. V'l guitar i:,r;-"-. F. W. SIM.S, i Lieut. Col. and tuarteinsar-tir. Approveil. , . r. ti.i Liaiiu, wuariei m-isier v n. "ur'FirK-sou.ruK'K.N kxpuscom i AoorsTA. (Jai. reb i0. f t HE SOU! H r.R.V i Xl'l tSS COMl'A N hi rebj ot the friend' and isl i re ot Soldier?' iii.lbe Army -1 orrhern ' Va tfW where, that they are pfct pared to oairvjout arra'igt-meuttv ati outicei in ih above caid aud tha'ibt y will do all in h 'riower to tulal its equiveinetist . iU'l 8upH.'k Aett t res't o. Kxpl Co iny lo-ti. , - v !' " - : . ISAAC HOLLINCSWORTH, Urocer n r.d oninlNlon MERCHANT, . FAYCTTI-yiLLC N. C 196 tf ; ''' j Brotvii 'iT3iOi onp, . 1 LA1E LOT JfS-T REFIVn at J; 22-lt No. 17, Market Square. il t.eoa' &. so- 6 in ; fc t ork........-2 S i& i JB I.ird ....-....,.M..M..:.,.;....v ; ff Baef ........ B ittex. ....i. 60 V fl . C ttoa ........ .....!.... ...a. ; 1751S 1 fti C flee '-'15 00 V lb C ttpu yarn ,.."..;..v.. ?'i5 4t $f -bunch ! 1 jt4 P'r uit '.i. A plea A t-aoh 75 $1 V 1b : 4C jrl i,.,..i.J..........v . 3 CO??- .-y ' do ffl fC tract Logwood $5 $G n- fl f UUI i.U;:.i.$)0 j3S5 J barrel Fl xeed .......v ; W) S 13, 00 V bushel F d4T ,..;....... ' f 8. 00 - I ui fiar.dred 8 U ....;.'. C (M7 4itadred. 4Lck4 $v5 a) V-buKdrd i aiuCrtrn ...:'.. Of) 4 W V bull . . Oats. i as " T'50 H)t" bushel H Jes Green ............72 50 4r 3 X) V Drv.......... 5 50 a 6 00 It ... V lb r n nwcnpF -a ou wr L ..ther Uiper 25 60 . . ; -Sole ..18 Of) f? m ,... uors Coru Whiski-v ?0 00 ft alloa A leand Peuch Branny 50 0ft 60 V KHn9- Mo asses :. ........ $15 20 00 V &alloo V l ....i 3 50 dp 4 dO . Ifc irons ........;...20 flQ 25 00VbtiheT I'n ators-Iri ......... 15 00 4 busht4 n -ft -$ 10 0 ft bushel In e ;575f? lb u; sr .J i..... ...... a i. b) V lb Sp I. ....... ft. .... Faniilv ,lUr- 1 00 f ft Tot t-...U 5 00 ft yi it Turpentine ..v...1 00 pal;. Fa' ?tteville 4-4 Sheeting! 50 fS) 3 2h.V ard Mai .... 55 00 u 40 y bushel .Mlow 4 00 CT - 00 f lb 00 s 00 .y, ir. lLLlSt KATED MIU I UI J T II K G Ti K A T UT ER A I Y W E KK I.Y ,TliE GKKAT I ITKKa' Y W KEKLY . OF TI'E -fd'TP V - M OF TUP. OUTH ! i A STTF.KR FAVTl Y .JorKNAL! A - S VVT ? TB F M 1 1 Y .WUKV AL ! BKATJTlFri l,y iLI.USTKATEl), ; BKAUTIFCU.Y, ; ELKUANTT Y P I A! Kir KI-MS A M'LY, TJ I r.Lj 4 VFHY AUHJl'AY, . -VFUY SA irilD VY, HAS A-LAKGEH i HAS A LAKGKK i A N . ! iMORE TA'T.NTF.Dl I VOKE -TLFN-rtFJC..' TOKl'S OF t (5Kl-Tj'lf'RS ' .rOK'PS OF qNi-fclliU'IORS i TP AN 'A A l-:VKl.!U?F(JKK i'NGAGi H TP AN WA-" HViU I'.KF KK KNiAGhlJ IV AJ IUA! LYWIMTIX; I OR f IN Af'U'AM Yfw uru Nc; lOR ANY AVKKirN P AIM;. I ANY A M I AN- i'APEH I PHIIMANT; CHAKMlnt AND TIJHIIXING AND TllKILLr U " j 'TTITH ROMASCtS, Wl'IH K"MAyCKr, KFIVJJES, TALES TALKS -! ' ..OF... i . ' RFAL , J - . KKAL ' ' L UK i L I F. B. POETR Y , POETRY, If I S 1 V U h i pro i Y, B I O 0 R A PHY, B 1 O GRAPH Y, N i V V. 1,'K T T K S, novki;k t t k s, i i ES8AY., -CKltlt SMS i .SAYS, CKI'lICISMiS MTIC1SV.S KCELLANY, WITIf'ISMS. 12ISCELLANY, INCIUKMS AND ANECDOTES,! INCIDENT AM ANE l OTS. i OF THE 'VAR ANTM -IS HEUOESj O w l HK NVAR AND ITS 1 iiulil) KS, INCLUDING MRANSLATIONS, IN LI DING rVI:ANSIAT10NS,; ! FRoM THE GERMAN FRENCH, ' FROM THE GKRMAK. KREKCH, vAU OUil K I AMl?Al;K5f. A N I V OT H KKI .A NGU AGES, " A HO'E JOURNAL FOR ! -THE IKK SEHOI.D ! AS ORNAMENT ROR THE PARLOR. A SOLDIER'S PAPER FOR 7 THE CAMP. A ....-.. . TRAVEIJ.lLRt . i CO MP AN ION. PLEASANT READING FO R EY ER Y BO D Y. ; A RICH CASKET OF H POLITE SOUTHERN LITERATURE! ?DBCBII TION Six months.... $10 1 he Trade supplied at $25 per hundred. ! Address,-; ' . i TT3I. B. SHUT II, ; j . prietor, Kaleigh, N. C. - Tan ' .. 200,000 Apply j FEET (1F I I INCH LUMBER, !inch, wide. CAROLINIAN OFFICE. ..... : s: 00 $ 1 o- w "bashpT 1 fr- tic port el ty lite Picks Asmm:!! icu. l!64 Knered. coord iogf to Act oQonrress in the f. ear 1 803, by J. Thrasber, in the Clerk's otlice of. the Diistriet Court !' -the Confederate States, for the Northern District of Georgia; IF'1 ttf eraiatc r.ciys re.eive j from any qu ; itci la.t nijjht. SUMMARY- OF iULlTARY.EVjE.VTSv .)i4. 1 2-"Uli,:5 ,0.en. ! -inax; (-two ttiMyk'si f the eneiiiy in Warren tpu.iS' " then t tmi brintfe.i ltri SJ i lit enemy sum e they iiitnened niorittg tip tboM.nassa? Gap Rai'r- a . Anitdig hi latest o.ptues is the Xankee Bdgn iier Duffie. Tiiese opeia . tr.s h tve cost tins wiz ni ofllie saddle four . . n?en roun-dt-d a id one capture !. . . The h te figiiitig South of Petei'-b'jrg roilttd in the ta. tit re ol over &yu In ndreil prisoners, while oyer tire bun drel u-re ken on ttnn side f the rir-r. Oiir qui-i i. nl'ot rtns, &f.t was ,a ;t and al i' 1. Il a u day! wothy .ol a Te Deom. . T.i Ya kee cl im to have vrlilpp- d Gen rti; Ptic , though tbeir ovyn at c.u ds ' ar.i y inaUc i pj artist any btttln his i t e. f- ugh. T e eld Misouii;in has a loiijj i e .'i, nd is uiuc to th it It X iikve.-tlojis- who are ye p'n ; fte. uun. ii ev 1 ave ru con epfi.ri hai he is ;.iui uijc t. Wh. n they fin i nut, it will pioV . b-y e to their -oirtw. Const- er,!!; that Early was t-o "thor rf'ugiily t outed ind ho nearly x erniiua ed tile ohtr uay; ti-e follow it ; tioui bhet i- nlan's uriny Wii haruty t tiave beeu ex pected viz : I'he eiicmy b .s sail n v.ry llng force ui tiie Valley. It is reiia biy lejrtir.ed to" boj reoi ganlzni. Tie i. my has a stior'p.Joree pf cavalry in Lnray V J ey; Uwkr cuvcr of tr.e pit-sent ll;'.tless uivernenis are 'ben g maiir lij ti e in my d an t nmnntly iin poitant h;tra(ier.' Vfnig. HokniBLE ' ArrAK; QuT.lcotnrouriitv itij4 to e.rn that tiie wifvj jt C)l7sipii" ij-Bt "soti, ot li n e son county. u i l.een tiruiidiv rt d, and his lVo i.:ijtters sevieiy wi u oie-, on M nl y iitrhi. , lie .t' etn, were. r. u ii' anoes. ...... n. as ve .tar, i t toilows : a: m eti Imiir 'fin M i . .! I:i v Hvi-iiiifr t- ftht u.en cl e l at L-or iSty n -j g.te a a - akeii lor hiin.' Ueiiapi ein-d t be .4stt- p, and jii. u iti- iihd d uin r, dnd a i e - iu .mat;, ht p, eo ttt tin the pore, , c i ilia -me at in-g.te faitd on 'Mittn, killing M.s. liry -o ii.s.Hinli, and i. flic Van du: and dneerous wounds bpun iho tiling btUlt.S.: U ho the inpr- wero, or tiifir motives icr Mat n .n act, w.etsot s .is not cer- t. jnly kfi- wi. Br son is an Jyut h- lact that Co. U VI V s-A'Ufc IV. I ii s- v A - ' ': I. tA SOI t i ut f ti O i ta. 1 I it. is pte-utne I f r t..i Ut k lit V"Ot v a, a g ve a key to tne motive and airticiot.s t.te,i. M;s. lad : tiii hi - tsemed by thoe who knew her, and hi-r a I iltle, ,s well . s i. e sutktin- con ' nansl-ter.-. will excite tin; itious ot r ive i s eino- t 'ns oi yui a-i v "swift and teniae t ne-tite wili piohahlv pveitake muiUt reis. fts.'itvidt Xeifx. NwBiKN.-j-A f'iend who has ' had n orp .itiui'y jjf deiiv ng inftrnv. i n frtn Nv. b t ti itrprnif :)c Crtfcd;riite that the . i t :o'yr tver jh;ts a-a td s;nce he fj!-ts an . cold v e jth-i. un il theaveragc of deaths ttoui thi4 ca .sa i nC niOie han one oi two hlr -1a . - . Wliie lie fevtr ra:ed as an epidemic tbe du'.ly ait On .n- 1m;, p laons die-. cnnect-CK,' ye th i hs wis fifty s; en. v hiin.lit d an i sixty a 1 ven Eigt-ty stddiera of the 15th ii;e i in o. e d.iy, d t'i s .whole re ment has hen nearly annii ila tei, (tr an God V 'I he Provtst Marshal and lend iks dd ; Major Laws' n vas his n me. C-ipt 1 1 Stone, of For Ander Kon itt. jn II. over sixteen hnndrtd Y nl-e- hnje perished, and abour one bu dre- ei tzei t 17f0 in all. ( it ze; s w Von the lines aie required to -ay they wis j Grant to whip Lee, I e ii re t;ey ' re; allowed to buy or sell ; a d ti en U ey have to p iy f r pa8-es."for pei tnits. A;- until haidly their souls are left to thi-m. : i - - I ! The Battle of TnuRsiMY Last. This "-a'tVextepiled a'o g the wh e lire, fr, m b ond Pe e- .-btirg othe harbvtown toad. T e p'lef-ess a most tr U'np'.iant. v evtr w' j wi'h Itn-'St n I ss, trium ph tntl e u'8 d the entny One of our ro tio,or !s stunt e is entire loss at 8 1 . 0 men. We have no doubt it reached a erv high figure. We 'ook 1 -8 5 pri- l er-i. who now in th;s eity 1 . 1 1.' L . j' tf.t x.r n nav oe n ro. nu a. M;ne i.naefs ?ad aTd! :hf TI7T V C?1? WOud l D2TS WrUtlEU Q Uv I AiiamvKlVirg. ' : i '- I Rich. Whi l as kiied, w. uridtuha c;jj.rcJ 6oo of ; ' Iktskkstiso Prom kiw'XAhe Ilcr-''; ,rrn iiiis received a common leauon frww j-ti(tge Uiiiu wniei convj$ toe artaeanie 1 iirtjBlligenc that ' withta be pkstteW t&y ail arr figeni-tit Has .fertsen fmtd, 1st wliich? ; suen of our soldiers as! are held as firisuit-' oi yt&r ca: oejSuppiieu vr:id doming, b auKetsv bread, meattrsuaxt Mijer pickf Usvincgar,.kc.;; i r S. -y.v..-'-,. tv Wfi trust that pur hurjane and jpatH ottts ilellow cituens.'win-jpdt 'yrftjoir-thifi., ' ppoftunity to pans :intit. doirtj;1iprae'r. tbi g to idreviiile th jsufsiing of 0ir on and brothers who at no iV languish- AtL cimtribiittona for this purpose .retll dua i: aton, ifi'itftj.ttb ib Sltrewr1co' t!hi ald.of ihe2$th aays : Co .firmatioh of the fcp'ort that the Mpjc- ian General CMrtina-hadllo! SAUen the ti--p?iblican cuuse and gone over '.o tne" iin peralit is furnished fey the 'arrival hefe yesterda of the suainship llav aujt, fropv 11 -Tana on the 22d institnt. That blui tering cx-patnot iaitl t have .urrender Vd Inn. self, '.his' troops and the town f Ma amoras to M jia oh te 2rith ultl, andV s-cr'n lealty! to Mdxitbiriari .Qeuf r4 Canah-., Kftotherol the republicAn crtsjrh, -relus.d to give m h:s adUesi-'tK tt tlie ci'a p r. but FviSc d uveriftym .Matutnoras to Brownille, Texas, w'itU abJut three hunv drei tne: and iirrendeifi tu Col. Ford, the reov-l coinrnantier !at khe latter, plae.-;, ; PL NT T ION With Crop, Stock, Wagons, lulef, itc. thereon, late .Major Johr T GiImore'stobe woltt at Public Aac-' tion. . I ' - I X tHH above property il bo offered for sale. on the preuji.-es on ueday the 2lhh of; November 1S04. The Laud id in one body, aaC contains 485 acre? nearly? att of which is vab: uable Swamp Land, there eiojr bO acres wall drained, cleared and under cultivation yieftf . ing the best'erops of any laud in this section of the State. There id alo about 200 acres af i)'vainp Land epuall,- as 4d as that under cultivation, to be cleare.i, which may be easily, drained, (some of which is;already ditched and partly cleared;) the remainder is used for pas', tures aud wood land. I The hsifes and build-; ingg are at a convenient; distance from th t'arniinjr lands . ab)ve described, ou a health t, water. The buildings krtl in crood repair; fif ciuam a coiniortaDie qweinng uousej coDvea ieut and well arranged ricgro huuses ; gurd fences, stabler, barn, cribs, lo.s, guardens, Ac. Tbv' planV.ti is 3i Jironi .FayetteTille, on the Kas-t tide of the Cape Eear Ri ver, about one and a half miles from tinr Kirer, and em braced what is known a? Alligator. .Vwafflp, adjoins ; JobuBtm and others, aud is not very far troin the mouth of Cedar Creek aud the residence orMr. J. C. Blocker. " r? ' r. ... .... . " At tho saipe time and place will be fferetl ', for sale, the following personal property : 1500 to 2000 babels of -Corn;; The crop of Fodder, Shucks. Peas, e Stock of Cattle Hogs, Ueats, Ac; ' 4 Valuable Mules; One Sorrel Mart; One Jennet; " - v On. 4 Horse Wagon; oho Timber Cart j ! with all the Farming Tools and other article on the premists. - '. ' , 1 Terms will be made known before sale. ' A. J. BYRNE, ) ; , A. McLEAN. Ex'rtk " E F. MOORE, ) . Fayetteville, N. C. , 222-U -I till' I"! PUBLISHED AT AYETTEVILLE, K. on icksdat oi eacn weetc. it is rntai up- iroiu the news contained in the Uaixt CaaoLiNiAN, an t will always contalts the ' A It Y LA TEST TEL KGB A PHIC XRWB haing the advantage of the news of the Y ESS ASSOCIATION, of which the Dail Ntn th Carolinian is a member. TH.E MA RKETS ill be fully and carefully reported each day ' ami i true statement of t heir condition honest lv given. We have '," : j - - SECURED: CORK ESPONDKN T8 " In the Armies of Gens. !Lee and Picket,. ansl wll always give a faith ul and full record ef tu- matters. 1 - Fosr Masters and ot-icrs are requested tj. ict ks Agknts, and each Agent tenaihg six ok ve subscribers with: the money-. for,; six luntbs, will receive th Weekly paper Ala nt n;hs gratii. - J ' n " S BscaiPTiOKS willnoj be taken for alonper tvn i-d than sis months ; nd in no, case will the papi r be sent until the i oney ie reeeived; - ; AnvEaTisKjiENis inserted for. SI per of 16 lines for th first, and one doilw for each sucecding publ cation.' - i rims of scuip.Tion t W kkklt Ikielliocxcer -Three mouths 3 eJ . ' i Sir months, I 6o. 1 . J. SINCLAIR, : E'DlTavJD PaSPKIKTOS. WALTER IwAXSON, GUN. ! PISTOL: MAKER AN LV Guns and Pistols made and ' Repaired j ."'; tcith Dispatch. I "JI 1"EM B ERSof Reserves and TUrne Cotrde XfJL can have their j arms repaired T half price. .AH kinds -of Machine work don. - Hay Mount, Fayettcville. N. C., opposite the residence of E. J. Halo, 1I. - 205 1m , - . ' . i . - iC -Kalpiskrv r- dciiverud W any' 00a ' fi-,. a . i - - -- . . ! . - . mi i Ir 1 1 T . II ' I' hn-VVf W I nto lifrnniioi 111J illlUillltllLH

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