v J :. ,.-" : , r;-. t:i . . ...-.! . 5 i - . ' . . ' ' V- . J? r .A. . in? itf r 1 VOL ill MM' i f P. " J." SINCLAIR. TUB DAILY XOtlTH CAROLINIAN is rrd to tvbicriberi Sin town at ONE DOL LAlt AND; TWENTY-FIVE CENTS per irek in dtnce, payable to tb ; Carritrs 'wMkit. r V :: ' r j - Biagle copi TWENTY -FIVE CENTS. VBICa . WOK MA.ILIWO.-- " Single eopies 2 cents. Six tnouthi TWEN .TT-FIVE UULLAKiS. Three monthj, FIF tlilLS DDI LARS. .1 J Ont month THREE DOLLARJ .1 Ttr-r-fNTELtilaFNOStt,7 weekiy four pad newspaper, published at this O dice; ii . ' wail ad to subicritMifl at FIVE DULLAi.'b for months- Three months THREE jOL LAR3 Striotlr in a-jTance. . ( RA TCiS OP ADVERTISING, AdrertisemenU for the Carolinian-will be kar .eh ,nituutiDg a tqaare. AvlrerUgetnenu tor! the Intelligence will jba ic.orUi onee ia Dailj, and charged Dail ratM tor that iagertioo. L0 nt by letter, the raonerraast accom- jaa; tnt adrertitement. ilarciagea, death, Xei:iioai and other notices charged as adver tise . nU aad in at bt;, paid for strictly in ad : ran. . . - Xlte Vulite of loney. Of Deceased OlHcers andSoldiers. IrertisemenU for! the Caroliniak will be 0,. DreMe De.Ioie w?om t.cL!l1I.llaa, red THREE DOLLARS per .qoare for ' bicribed mustcerUfr t the credibility o' aad. erery intertion, eight lines or les , and Clerk of the County Court i ititatinsr a tqoarei i certify, under the seal of the Court, that f: 5 ' C-1 XT L 0 3 00 2 00 6 09 3 33jJ 19,.. tM - IS 00. W 00 30 00 13 n . Ji 1)0 50 00M..MM. ..20 ,00 51 oe....;.w.... ii zi 40 00. 2 m 4k oo....; 30 oo j 40 00............ 33 33 ' M 00.. 36 68 . CO 00 4(00 j 6& 00..'.......... 43 33 . Tfr 00............ 46 66 . .& 00.. so 00 1 0 DO... 63 34 t- IV 00............ 66 66 i 90 00............ 60 00 , 9i jD0.f....,.:.-63 33 III 0f......66 6(J 1 00...... 1 50 J 00.... .L.... 3 00 3 00 4 0 Wilsos.K. C June 20th, 1S64. ! f lHE UNDERSIGNED has been appointed' J Commissioner to inres titrate, collect and pay : oveto the partled entitled thereto, all elaiopi forootint ' .'arrearagea of pay arid allow" ances,due to the representalives of deceased of ficer and soldi -i s from ibis State. ' The parties entitled "are : first, the widow T the deceased, if any, iftht-re be no widow then, secondly, the child or children, i I' there be such, if there be neither widow or children then, thirdly, the ather,' if there be neither widow, child, children or fataer then, fourthly, the mother of the deceased, and in defanlt of all of these then, Jtjfthly, th ejcjacaiior M;uiiBinitt ' tot of the. deceased. "'.;. i The claimant or claimants must furrtsh his, her or their aflidavit, and that of one dUinter ested witness ai to the relationship, and in all cases, 'waere thecl.imantis not the widow, the athdaTit must negative the existence of a claim ant or claimants of a 'higher order. The Jus- tie of the reace, before whom the amdavit is fthe must,. he is a Justice of the Peace. If "the claimant or claimants be a child or children of the deceased, and he, she or they be in in Ore, the claim must be propounded by his, her or their guardian, and the fact of his being guardian must be certified to, under seal of the County Court Clerk. , "When the clai'it is made by an exocutor or administrator, the fct of the executorship or . administratorship must be certified to, under seal by the County Court- Clerk. AH of thes papers thonld 6 tent in dopli cat.' : : : - - " Any person airecily interested will be furnish ed, upon application to me, with a proper form of these papers in full; a copy of which, for the greater convenience of parties, will be forwar ded as sorra' Tnay bo practicable to each County Coart Clerk. Thw commission is intended to facilitate the 1 AYEIIVTE VIXI.E M AltKETfcl CORRECTEO JiY J W J.KTT. ", ! i-i " - -Kovl, 1864. I ...... ..t. ....... Bicon I.irk.. Jiird ...... B;ef ... Rjeswax I. Hatter C tt on Ctfee C.'ttrtn Yarn ... 5 so i;.H y ib 2 i)9 2 ! m 50 c 'i v ........ g g m v th ....... ir S ' 15 t ()' i I" 1 .. !?i3 fir.tfn V bnnch. I). led. Fruit ... Apples t IVaeLs'7S $1 tb ...1...-...... ........... 3 00(5, do tract Logwood ri ur . .., .3 oarrel " v 5 U11U( ! - . : L. FI txseed . 12 $y. l,',tfLVft-ii,A't ; I ,ffiIrhy ..'irfingicfi!wlstfar'a rtiow .......... Ir. -n SwmIbs....-. It: V .......... Srucks ........... 'Jiuiw Corn ... Wheat Rve...... - Oats a" as 17 50 .20. Oft "tbnshel Hides Green . 2 50, 3 W ib J .nry .-o,.n t'f xt -mt. in . ....... OO KTlli.W." P- lt L ".aher-yupper 2.. Off y ft O'MC lO UjJ il j jji uors Corn Whisker,.."... ...SO 00 grlIoa Ap(leand Peach Rrauir0 00 60 Ttf firation 1 .Molasses j.. IS 20 00 V , gallon vis 3 50 (a) I 00 m .Onions , 'Potatoes' wi?et .. Riie Suj:ar Sop . Toilet Spirits Turpentine . ' I !' ..1. - if. .-. t . : . n ;.i Reorteaiyne Pre A .aoc-ial iou. wM.i V. " . .f , V!',"'n.!l,p ou-s.iiess tura - 4 j - - - - . j Ik.s I c tii publishes! ; , ; r 180-3, bv ,J.r!S. Thrasher, in the Clerk's Acfomfy a'-4 fcffnaglhr at Lnr, rea oftjee of th Stater;, for the N Distiriet Court tf the Confedertte; i ovtheru District of ,Gei jds - STo te etjraphie news received from any cjo irter. laft night. : The lolIjiw.ndiSpAtches'jrere receired StKJ y 10 fK)T iuindrd i OfT iV hundred. ' S6 50 f liHPdr'l . -20,00 V bushel i ......... ,$35-00 buihei i 15 00 0i) f W.iel ;f 00-10 00 bushel worked off X OKTii gi.-ul tQknw 4i?ek ' 4 H ntk & 00""!!" 7 50 j collection of these claims, and save the el aim 10 00 ... 15 00 ! expee. Xfc 00....... zz oo n oi "V rn no W VVa. ........... w wr - . , . ... ... . 25 0O 37 (i : ot forwarding their paper to me, they will m- Farties interested mr materially aid me in 30 00 i ur-1U "''ftnn"" lueir ciuims, n at me ume 30 00 45 00 35 00 52 50 40 00 60,00 45 00 50 QP 55 00. 60 00. ......... Si 00 W 50 70.00....'. ...105 00 75 00....... ......112 SO 80 00 120 00 85 00.......,......1'J7 50 90 00 ,.135 00 95 00.:..... ..142 50 too 00. .Mmt)l 5009 form :rae of the date of the death of the deceas ed, where he difd, was killed, whether or not they br any one for, them, have received the 1 1 , . . i.it- -i j 1 i ... i - t n Fcl 'iii eucc.r j uivu uvcrasco nna wim mm " 75 r t)0 t'ie rae ms death, and whether r not ci Kn j the deeeased (if a non-commissioned officer or 90-00 j P,4Tilr-,,u crcr rett'iieu nit' oiaie s oouniy. it is vcry-aesiraDiR tnat an ciiais nbouia-oe forwarded at as eaiiv a dav as may be praeti- not receivable at all,. t 'Stxopsis or! FaNigiiNa Schbmk of Cur Bxxcr Bill as to Btatkh East of the Muaissirri. Non-Interest Bearing $ 100 .Koiti. Kecei tablel for public dues be fore April 1st, 11864, at par; from and af- Ur April 1st, 1864, but :.; :,, FOKDABLE IN FOUR PER CeWT. BOXDS Raforo 1st April, 1864, at par. from 1st to last day of April, inc., at 66 From 1st to last dajT of May, inc., at 56 Jf rwrn 1st to last day of June, inc., at 4Cf .1 rota ltst to last da of July, iuc, at 86 1 rum lt to last dayf Aug., inc., at 26 1 roia 1st to last da$ tf Sept., inc., at 16 i wopt away by monthly tax, Oct. inc., at 6 Any non-interest bearing $100 notes V kn the first of January, 1 86 5 , are ' xed 1 00 per cent., itltW destroying every vestige of value. ' - : THJ5 -:' , XXEPOsTXEU'! DICrriO.lfAItY, BASED ON PHOKOGRAPHY, TX PRESS and shortly to be published, a . 1 book with the above title, prepared by the iobfiibcr,.who has liad nearly 20 vears prac- 1c9 m rnuuuziapuic wnungy Having ueen ai e-ne time employed as an official rep t rin ,tke United States Senate, aad, who has been V for the last seventeen months, and is now, re- porter of the Atlanta Intelligancer. Jhe Dictionary wilL'eontain indications, by .nteana of a simple nomenclature, fur writing irith Ph6nographie letters, about 20,000;word f.the English language, of ninety-nine one handreths of those in common use the re gaining words being easily written after these ' re learned. ' - Ia Ihe Introduction to the Dictionary, sim-" e instruction iill be given for beginners of ke study of Phonography, with lithographed nitrations, prepared; by one of. the oest.ar tsts in the Confederacy. The object of the jablication is to make a stanoabd for Confed erate Reporters, and to render it possible for the much coveted and beautiful art of Report- ing, to be learned even without the aid of a teaeher. I '! ' - As the work will be expensive, new type f -having been -procured jexpressly for it, only a i 'email edition will! be Issued. Those who de- ,v ire copies are requested to.send to the author r .their orders at once, (to be recorded,) accom- naniea witn tne-once 01 tae same, wnicn will be five dollars per copy. The book in paper cover, and suitable , fof use. will be sent to all subscribers, by mail, without additipnaPx- pense. . A. iu. MAKSHALL, x dtf . . : : . Augusta, tia.i cable. In all cases, give the claimants' Post Ofiice and County-in full. .-.!- .1X0. -A-. STANLY, 123-tf , Comm lsioner. TO ! THE FKIKI)S O EiTHES0LD-I ERS 'A'ltrwaigiioiit tlse Oonfilrracy QiartkRic aster Gkxeral DiPaRT.MBJIT, ) I Railroa" Burkaw.- ! . KiCHmovo, Feb. 20th, 18fi4. ) r TBE friends and relatives wf soldier?! in JL j the. Array pf Northern Virginia are hereby ooiitied that n , arrangement has this dav een effected with the SOUTHERN EXPRESS CO.MPANi to carry all pack age? bf food and wearing apparel to lltch- montf. Ya f Topecure the adrafitaj:eR thus obtained throtigh the express company, the following instructions miift be observed : Paakaes must not don tain more thaq one hHindred pounds; be well secured, and plninSv marked, and sent at the? expense. of the snipper to either of the 'Soldiers Relief Assoeiations. which are located. as follows: In North Carolina, at Raleigh; South. Carolina, at Columbia; in Georgia; at Au gusta'j in Alabama, at Montgomery 01 a any other-point at which one ot 'these As ociation have an office. - The! Agents ,of these issociations will there take charjre of them, and ship daUv. j JJohthern Express Gooapaay , to the prop er Agents of tlB respective StateR at Ricli- mond, who wursre tnem ciistriDutea 'o tae prope" i ndividual ownerp. ; To ineet the wishes or toe soldier?, and to give them a certaiu and speedy coramunica-' tion,with home tne soutnern express tom- ....-.2t)0 25"r)OiJbushel lruh ' 4.. , 5 -fry, J o t00 Jbufihel ... .....-$- -10 00 bushel 6575 V 1t ta,uylv J5sr 2 00-1 tt ....... ? V5 00 lb ....:r.v.'.. .6 00 y& Favetteville 4-4 Sheftiogsl.50 eh ?, 2.r Kyard Sall........J....... . S 00 (if 40 $ bushel iMiow...-.......... . 4 60 . - ocm ib Wi 1..... J...... ...... ..;...?6 00 8 0OV --lb . . . j." j , TIFF v 1LLUSTIUTJGD MEKCUUVJ RicnM.i, Nov. -2. Now York- nd BWlirnrg i papers to the evening of Hie t3.1.at QpiitnjLti.telegram from Chattanooga, dated tbe3oth, which; state that Ifood nt tacki'Vl; lcatur on the ni'ght of the "29th apd mornilig ot the oOth,' anil was hand ijoinely repnUei each tirue Kour pitqes 6f artillery were cap turei, '2 spiked, nd -u.piwoiicia la veii. j :Our eivalrv xr? Ue re&eia arc retreating from Decatur,. j tmn or tnein sieep in nouses iri ir.eao but arp rtpOrted to have crossed the Teii. ! uri)S &VCZY r"g!-t. TO )VU)1. TV MAY CONCERN. J Mr Arl Histqmrs and thrs are no doubt a are f't.ih terrible time I h.Tve bad in rossiii!r thfv -stream, ..and will bb J ; .or ixwJ . I win 1 ip ready to Svfnn li 'Arso'ii)i"ne.hse Law. 1 v j make JokesJ Splits mil. . and .'perform ' ' other matters ,m a email way. .y-.'.-.z.--' ;'FRm Gkuu;ia. iiteru- is a runmr, t!i?it lias the J flor of probability, that G-neri! Hood is making a dash for Ivashville. If tj3 bs true, it will pr.t ,'1 new aspecj up n tbv Georgia c.imp iin. 1 . ' ( A gentleman who came ont of A'ttanfft" 40th reports tVo tboiisHijri sick Yanhoo Soldiers "ami ftbout Isix thousand , effect iv6 ones in tliat citv. The garrison is stud- ipgj the -means of-esr-ane from' Atlanta.: i.jti'1 Jtlw ;c:ty; and a 6f - iiessee at file mouth of G3''iis Crtek. -prisoryer; say that . . li oouregari and .tiood arn vith the rebel arniy, and that Hood's" Orders state iShermaa's force at pbt nioreftuuu 25.000. ' ' " " - fl Tlin LpuLsyillo. Journal .saysthat parti,ts ffroaaOhttaiM)oa repoit ti.e eacuatiau J. G. GODFREY, . WHOLESALE, RETAIL .V AtfD COMMISSION MERCHANT, . Keeps CJottoaYarns For Hale. Fayetteville, .N. Ci , 190-tf j I . , .".v'-.v A.uctioiieer and June 10-3m " pany has agreed to give this freight prefer euee over everything else : and in order that no obstacle may 6ccar to the success ol so Jaadable an enterprise, the several Railrpau Companies are' hereby requested to rai der the Express Company such facili ties as will enable it to make this arrange ment a complete success. . As the Southern tixpress Gompany as sumes :all responsibility ol the tran?porta-" tion of those packages, the Rebel Associa tions are requested to withdraw their AgeDts who ha neretofore acted as trivel- iujr messengers. 11 the Relief Association will establish agencies m the rear ef there armies they may enjoy the same privileges berebvi secured to tae Army 01 JNorloera Virginia. . i - , J" . VV . ai31J, , , f Lieut. Col. and Quartermaster. Annroved. . . 1 y. R. Lawton, Quartermaster Gen. 1 OFFICE SOUTIIERN EXPRESS CO., ) THE SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPA, NY hereby noti yt the frUods and relative ot Soldiers in the Array fvNorthem Va., and, elsewhere, .that tffly are prepared ; to carry out arrangements as announced in the above card and that they will do all ixk ho r-power to ful&Lits requiremensst . .p j ' : . ; JaaIES SHUTER, Gen'l Sup-t. & Acting VresH So. Exp. Cd mayuftl. 4 1 7 v THE GREAJ LIl'ERARY WEEKLY THE GREAT IlTEUA H Y W EEKLY - I OF THE SOUTH !. " -.h OF THE -SOUTH ! , . A SUPERB FA Ml LY ! JO URN A L ! i A SUPF.RH FAMILY JOURNAL C BEA UTIFU LLY 1 LLUSTK ATEOV v j BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATK EbEO'ANTTiY Pj'INT MD - - ELKOAXTLY PRlNTfcU2 - L VERY, SATURDAY, EVERY SATURDAY, HAS A LARGER . '-r HAS A L A KG It AND . , iMORE TALENTED! : ! MORE TALENTED; CORP-S OFCONTRIRUTORS CORPS OF CONTRIBUTORS THAN WAS EVER BEFORE ENGAGED i . ' . ' THAN WAS EVER, liEFI )R II E GAGED IN ACTUALLY WRITING FOR a IN ACTUALLY : VRfl ING FOR- " 'K AN Y AMERICAN" P.AP4SR I -. ANY AMERICAN-PAPIER,!. I; BRU.LfANT. ClfARMlSC, BRILLIANT, CHAlOflMS, v I AND THRILLING ': AND THRILLING ' ' i f WITH ROMANCES, '. wff H- KOlHANCES," SKETIES, ' ' - ! SKETCHES, - ' ! TALES . TALES. .- F , a ; real - ' ; J L 1 F E , Li F E, sh PORT;JlTi ?, - P'OKTKT,, . H I S T O R Y, II I ST O RY, F 1 0 G R A P 11 Y, ' HI O OR A PltY, N O V E L E T't E S, : N O V K L E -T T E S, . ..ESSAYS,-CRITIC SMS, ESSAYS, CRITICISMS. WITIC1SMS MCELLANY, ''fVITICISMS, MISCKLLATs'Y, INCIDENTS AND ANECDOTES, .INCIDENTS -AND ANECDOTES, OF THE WAR ANDITS HEROES, QF THE WAR AND ITS HEROES, INCLUDING TRANSLATIONS, INCLUDING TRANSLATIONS" ' ' FROM THE OERMAT, TREXCH" FROM THE GERMAN, FREXCn, and other Languages, . AND OTHER LANGUAGES, " ;A HOME JOURNAL FOR THE HOUSEHOLD ! i ' AN1 ORNAMENT ; ' Kt)TtTHR' Parlor. I. ASOLPfERS , s PVPER FOR ' TltftOA3IPY - ' of Atlanta -bv" Sierraan. iledi Report discrtd- :pTERs6ia'G.' Nov. 2; -Th'Llhco'rilie majority it) Pennsylvania is l-2,UuU. Li, - .bin iia$ssubda1 Nevada Ibtd the nedTii Phi occun 4roelauiation. admitting Union.. An ejection riot adeiphia ba the 29th, in which v 2Kt was killed and man seri ously injured,! - One hnnUrcd avrnsits were N...Y4, pa the auth.the inade inHiiUjilo, -luiiitury txpecth uda. . ;' Gohi2H. i .-.'.' From a f ebr raid froni Caii- Peteksbukg," tl.at the enemy t u t'i ISAAC HOLL1MCSVORTH, irocer and Commission i96-tr to MERCHANT, FAYETTCVILLE, N. C.- Brotvn Windsor Soap, A-- 4 1 : THA vEtJLKR R 1 CO MP A'Ni ONV ' ' PLEASANT READING ' FOR E V E R"Y"B O D Y.; v : A RICH CASKET OF " POLITE SOUTHERN LITERATURE! SUBSCRIPTION Six montht.......,$lO -The Trade supplied at $25 per hundred. Address, .-.-; - . 1 m - r I. SUHTII, - . . -. . oprietor, Italeigh, N. tV Jun . , . 90fl (((X FEET OF U & I INCH UU,UUVI LUMBER. 12 Yncb. wMe. Apriy ; 1 i CAROLINIAN OTFICE. Petersburg. Nov. la.-It'is rcriorted is 'busy ' shit'ti ng' troops from.tue Nofth tq ttie? South, side of the JaiaiS,.aiid that there is' considerable ac tivity m their -camp. I Nothing definite is known as to their yoirpose. ' ' " ' ? TliT Of 'LYMorfTn; A special dis patch d a t xL 1 ; e a r P 1 y m o u t h 2Isi to be "lounl in our telegraphic news, brini'S us the distressing intelligence of the ''recap-, tuie of Plymouth by, the Ynnkees When we hjoarjl of the sinking of the ironclad Albemarle we weie prepared fo horn of an a'tenipt' on the part "of the Yankees to occupy, Plymouth, though our mlormation was' as 'stated 'yesterday, that the gun$ of the Albevarlc were still cf focti;e ad commanded the channel. Genefal L. S. Baker commanded the garrison in'person,and the protracted re sist nee the Yankees met gives some in dications qlaj bloody light. It would seeiiij that immediately after sinkihs: iemarlr,probably at daylisrlit Friday morn lug, ! the Meet ascended the river andcoiineiced the attack upon the forts, and that the attack wa continued Eriday; Saturday and Sunday, for our dis patch says the right Ksted three days. On Sunday night, 'finding the front at tack unavailing, the Yankees moved down the rijer again, and .ascended Middlo. riv er, add on Monday morning were found on theliank or riear the lorts, and tnen en sued the attack, which resulted in d is mountmg all burjguiis.! i Nothing was then left General Baker but to- get olf Tils troops.- and the town 'wsis -successfully eva-cuated. . ' ; lf would .b Worse than atTectatioa tb jindeyi;a,te4he importance of this victory jof the .eriemy:? A large portion of East ern Nbilfli Carolina 'is once more at the .rtfyWrtnB-eneiy, ivitli all the immense quantities .of; suppKes that might have "been gatheredfthrtf?r; .More, than this, it elKiV-thrrcmv from the necessity of fceepiiag' ailarge ileot in' the sound and feaves that fleet at iilicrty to operate else where In a political sene Lineo:n will jejoqe,for th; Rupture of Plymouth will add hundreds of thousands to his vote against McClellanj ." Ibat some blame attaches somewhere we think thers can bo After, the disahlins; the Albemarle we arc sure all was done that possibly could be; but in the surprise of - tne piquets on -tne success; urauempt o 1 the Albemarle there seems to . bt? some -thing wrong. Wc should be careful, how- ever how w cast censure, and wc, there OHWrsAvh'j; retnrne l from the NorVu by the 1-iSt fh' r'f truef boit, exprss tV. nndtri winin-' bat.fo.Cle'lan. w-iP h f TirncbTn 'a ?-Xr Tl ey r.y that bis is.tre the genera 'mprcssioTji in th JJJNoi t' y A)" far a5? they culri scei tim' IV m h p , v t nndCfber accessible soiuds. They think flint Lincoln rnay idea'vor.- Aojrfrver.t M ClellanJs friends 'frohi voting, jn nji'ti i vfit. a scene of bloodshed, will rcnr uti-, par.tlled in the: .his tor v ol the wh' ld. . . . . ' ConffatP'tfc ;"T " p tj nt4:tTon- v ."With-. Crop, Sto 1 Wa onjn, .'5J nles, . Jcc.,' thereon, late .Major John T. GiIfjiore?s, to be hold at iublic Ace tia. 1 ( ;-; .. : . fl'MIE -above prpporty. Will be offered for sae" JL on the pi'eii "i.jes on Tuesday the 29th of ovembr 1 Hit. The Lan in one body, and contains 4J aerw nearly allj. w JjxJxiajl -We-tiwaiOp La iuTth Ore "btiii 0 acres web drained, jch-ared and under cultivation yiebl in the heft crof -of any larul in thisettion of flu Static. Theie is al-o . about 200' acres of .Swamp. Land epually at .good a. that under cultivation, to be clt-are.t, w-hicli ina v- bi ea.-'ily drained, (some of which already OitcInAl and part ly clvared: Vthe remainder i.- used for pas'., titles and wood hum. The houses and build ings are at a convenient" distan'eii from the faruimg lands' above dwcribrii, ou a healthy, hi h and dry part of the tract, with 'j;ood water. The buiidinpa ai'ein pood repair, ci'uding a comfortable dwelling hou.-e, conven ient ajid well arranged ncio honiri;-. ;.jrood fences, Stables, barncs'ibs, !ol-:. uardiui", .vc4 The plant tion is 14 miles lt in .Favo-iteville, on the Eiist -side of. the Cape Fear-tvivor, h'out onelind'a IVaK aiils from ilu Uiver and em braces what is known as Alligator. "A'wanip, adjiins Johnson aiUi'otheiV. ami is not very far from the wvath of CViar Creek andthe residence of Mr. J. C. blocker. for this disaster but lit tie-doubt, j At the Fame time and niee tt5'I 3e ofi!'d for sale, the J'ollowinsr jpej-ouiil property: ; 1W) to '20,00 bushels f Corn: ; , The n op of Fodih-i Shuck?, peas; Ac;1 . Stocc: ot JJattk, Hogs, ,Goati:, Aic; 4 Yai'oable ilules: "' f i '; - -: V One Sorrel Mare; .: - '' One .1 ennet: , ! " One 4- Horsq AVa-ron: one Timber. Cart i . with all the Farming: Tools'and other articles ou the premises. Terms will be made known bforoale. , , A. J, liYUNiv ). A. McLEAN, j ExVs. 1 I E. P. iiOOIiE, 5 " Payottcville, N..1'.. : '222 ts The Weekly Iiitelligeiieiir I S PUBLISHED ; A Y ETTK V 1LLE,"n '. C. 011 TcKsn.vy of etich week. It-ii ind up from, the news contained in the Paiit ;5 oh ra- Caholi mux, an I will alwav contain tho - ..'! VKU Y LA TEST Till, EG RA riflC XE WS Having the advijrta-re of the newi of the PKKSS ASSOCIATION, of ChieU the Daily North Carolician i a member. ; THE IMA HKBTS 1 r Will be tuily and c-aretully reported tar!i t'-nr and a true stateinept of t heir condiiioi honest ' ly xiven. have " . ' SKCUREt; COilKr:SPOyDnXTS rfl 1 n l! e Armies of (ieni. Lee and Picket, snd will always &iveja faith- id and full -record of iuiv matters. !" V I ' . ' 1 lusrM asters-and other! nre requited to, iCt vs Aoksts, aii'j earlrAqent sending fix or on kv gubFcribeifj ' "with the " raoney" Vor rii.;-: uienfis wUl aceite tiM VWeekly . paper i hk nchs gratiJ " :; fi asearpTfojf will no b taken for a lonpi peii.)d than fix months; Ad in no case will the: papir be sent until the o y is receive. I " fU AnYKUTisKMESis. inserted for 2 p'er u:tteot lfi lines for th first, and one dollar for csch sucecdinj pubi cation." TTF.ItlTlS OF SlJi.SCStlPTIO Wkkklt Istelt.khcer --Thi eojnontli.3 OU " " : :Si.x mowths, 5 0o ' - r i. !j. sixclaih, ' j Eorxa and PaopErRToit. th WALT E RV AT8 OST GUN. PISTOL MAKER, AND Guns' and J'Ltfo! wic and Titnire trffh, Jh'xnnte'ti. . ' 1 VI'' can have itheir ai t-i "repair A at half fore, withhold anv further rpnarks till w. t price. Alt kinds of Machine work done. ' " . mt ' w i T liar Mo'iat; C, oppOBite'. 1 A LARGE LOT JUST RECEIVED at aro in possession of all the facts. a V' ttev it t' . ,'. Jin.! - . I th l esidence o! - 'X 17, Market Square. if - i Sh'itr JohvumI. J