m f i , : - r f ' - f v ' ! . , mi .-11 It v()L al J?AJ Y ETTEYILLE, N. C. MONlJA :, -MymtUMX&XteW NO. 23K 0 POT " ' iv - THE YI -toVTO!"f becec, Ofler, and SoW.er,, tKK-liii;T 5 OliTH CAVLlA X U CTd to nubtfrlts'Jn town at 0R 11 TWKNTr-FIVH CENTS per -;01alft:opiu T T, K X T T Kl" V K UK 111. ' . i IT af'd tiewapaper, !publi.lNl at -this Oii.ce, i ailed to mbscriber at Fl VI? DOhLA'i for !' aix moathi Thiet ruofiths T 1111 ,1 I.JOL- t LARai .Htriotlr.'tB a :raueo ' V t 4 it a riwoii k nvr.nTii vi:. -i T. , . i - Artite"mnt8 ifor the Car.i?iix wul oa' kirfd rilltKK liilMAi; er-.aiare 4r ; MHfci tf r.iiirtton.'riht Tines r lew j attiUtift? a fqitarq. i, - 4 ., A:riie!anw tr the N'Ri,'.fwrcR. frill btir.w-tt i on?e in Daily, and charged Dadj ratilr ijt insertion. - IV t.a 4nt hf lite, th mtincj muH aceoiii- j m the adrerti9inent. t Mrriaze., deaths, ! rrrt"i''4 fd tther notices charged as aarer-: alia . ats ana utuKt r paix lor gtrictly iu aa- ya t. The InUe oi tlonej. 3- S 2. 3 mm .-a 1 .............. 1 80............ 1 0o. 4 M) 2 00...-. 3 00 8 00 4-o0 4 00....... C 0 5 tW..vX... '..,.....' 50 io oo...r.........y. 15 oo 4a oo.;;-.!.-.v..ii. I .I3i 1 00- 2 t;ei 6 I 0... 10 Of. 10 J 1" ! It I. "X-:r SO 00.. .; 20 00 w. .hi. ia i a om . i; nm i t& 00, . r i Si 0V 33' 40 09............ 26 4& 0 30 00 M tO......... 33 3jS! i oa..... a uc?a 0 00.."."....;.... 40 00 35 t0 40 00 ... . . . ' fit 1 tl U 45 m 50 50 00....... 5.S "0.. ...... 60 00..;..... ....... 75 0 ....... 2 50 ....... 0 00 .......'7 i0 BS 00..... 15 3 05 00........ 70 0... ...... . 4f C?i; 70 00. ,ior 00 '5 00... $0 00............ 5 'pxi ' 80 00............120 T)0 S 00 ... 5G 66r N5 O0...,........tl27 50 so oo............ ;o do tib oo....... .......ii;5 oo . f5 00... j y5 OU 142 50 too o..:..... ..i'6; iG?i 'too oo..............iro oo ....... a ... V V' , . WU....... ........ vw ink I 71111 II' Mi 5rxorsi8 of FusaiNXi Scjiemic or (Jutt ptavcr.Btr.L as to IStatks F.a!t or the 2iUi. KeceiTble tor public Jties be far April :lt,'V864, at par; from and af ttr ApriFlat, 18U4, not recoivable at all, :lut w j ' Rfra 1st Aril 18G4, at par. 'rm 1st toj jastlday: of April, inc , at 6G JTroia lt to last dny of May, inc., at 5j J roin lt to lat;jilay of June, inc., at 4G$ ?Vtmi Istto last day of .July, inc., at 36$ J rom lat" to last layof Aug., inc., at ,26 ? rm 1st to last day of Sept., inc., at ltJf ptar.iy by mont'ly tax,(ct. inc., at 6f ' Any non-interest Iwarlnj; $100 notes hold on the first of January. '1.865, are t-ixed 100 per cent., thus destroying every -aaliC of faliiej . ncpoRTEim iHcno iRV, . BASUiJ OX lllO0JilAPHY. I.V PUKSS and1 she.rtl U be published, a book: with the abore title, prepared by thw ' t ubaciiber, vho ha. had nearly 20 rears nrae- tice ii Fhonojfraphic writing, having been at j -one time employed as an official repitrl'llf ioi viuiei ;-iaies nciiaic, asu, woo Has oeen j r th laft tiernieen inonths,jind it mow, r-i porier i Aiianra inteiiijj.incer, - Th Dietiojnary will contain indications, by . means of va. impls nomenclature, tjr writing with PhoBopraphlc letteis, abou20,000 words - f the KujjjlibW language, ' of ninety-nine one . kukdrvths of those in common ue the re- ' maiintr words beiae eaiilr written a - are learned. I . ; ; pi instruction will ba given for beginners of , the tudr of j Phonography, with lithoj;raphed illuitratlousi prepared by one of 4he bst ar tpt in? the Confederacy. Th object of the publication is to make asT a bahi tor Confed rate Keportert, and to render it possible for the m-uch coveted and beautiful art of Ueport iag, t be learned evetr without the. aid of a teacher. :. u As the work will be expensire, new type harinjf been procured expressly for it, oniy a amall edition willj. he issued. Those whoue ire copies are requested to send to, the anther r: their orders at ouce, (to be recorded,) accem c panied with the ppce of the sanie, which will ' fir dollars per copy. The'book in paper : orrf and suitable for u?e, will be sent to all aubcrihersti by 'mail, 'without' additional ex , pense. f , j A. K. MARSHALL, dtf : Augusta, Ga. J, G. GODFREY, WHOLESAL-E, RETAIL ; COHISSION MEECUINT, Keeps Cotton Yarns For Sale. Fayettcville, N. C. iyj-tf ; ! 3Em TVTTT.T. A ftf !IA.ii'tjtimer and ' faTETTEVILLR. X. C. . i I - . . . June 10-Sm1 . '. : PRirc 'ro niTuMW. t if tilvre be neither' widTV or, ildTru in , SiB$rl 6pi ISMnts.- Sl month TWR.V j thirdl'v, th father, if tliere'he neither widow',; TT-FIVE IIO LliA US. Three' 'iuoritb, FIF-4 chifd," ehildrefi or futaor then, fourthly, the tHkW ! Mil I;,VK.' ' mother of thWeaetU ainl in default of all t tnt rnoath TIIItKK DOLLARS; theie then, lifthlv, the executor or administi a Th "I.MTCM.10FNCKR" a.' wclcJv foqr t tir of the deceased. . -? ' W... .Lr .V ' inm 9f)th. lSC4k r nil k i J TVuiiliVrVt investigate, collect hU lil'itns for lfuutity'rrearnf: of it anu ,,)V tjcei aut Hdior1ioin tin tatc. -., . Tlwe parties entitleil.ar.t : iirt, tin' widow oi tlie' dcceuvtl. if an v. if th. c m widow Uivtit at'coiuil y tle child or children, it Wi"re be ?ucu, The claimant orvlainiant must fu;;iu.h h", bir br.' their allidavit, ami th.it of oiidisinttfr- ested witness iu to the reliitionhip, aijd in ; eaeH-where the rl-.imjintS. not the widoy,"rhv ant, or eUimantd ot a higher aNW Hi! tit jf the ae..,te4r:rltn. the alUdavit j the'aiUdavit U f hjeiJT fuuit certify to tbo credibility of the WiUt;-, and fleilto th County Court m?t. cerlifr, uodet thecal of the Ijourt, that he is ft Jaiticv of the 7'eaee. f . t,e claimant or tlaiinj&ts be a child i or .chihlren of the doascd. afid he.'ahe rtli?y Ue ininyrs. tlie claim inust he propouihlai by i,U. hip ir thvir'(ni iViRa-hi iwl the fact of his bci,)Sr guardian must be cei titled to, underseal of tlm f "ountv .Jourt Clerk. When th cli''ois made by tan executor or administrator, the fact of the.ciecutorship or admini?trator.hip must be cerjitied toy tinder aeal:ly the Couuty Court Clerk. ' ; All of the be paptr kould hi tent in iapli . . , . . ; Any porson directly inteyc?ted will be furniih cdj npon application to mej.Ayith a proper form of thesu, paper's in full; a copy of which, for the greater convtsniehce of parties, will be forwarded- as isooii as mhV.he - practicable tor' each County Court Clerk. - ; - This commission i intended to facilitate' the eolli'etion b( tfrese claim?, and save the cjaiui ants all eipcve. ' ' , ; , - . Carty interested niay materially aid me in Uthe:invy.ti:ation of their claims if at the time ?' ,Mrws,ru,,,5f " 91 M1IIJJ' Vliril l'vr t. flir:,3 fcUCf 1111 A (Iiai. l. . .A ... A 7. 4tlAtf W ill l m lu,ul iiiu "i lug unit: ti mi- iirniii ui iiic ui traa- cm, uv. V. 11 nielli mis Bllli:ui Tuv.le u ' .. S - . . . ' J J .U ine-v r .in v .one ior meiii, iiwve: rcii'n cu iu perianal ettects which lceased had with him at'tb tiine4f , hi! death, and yrhether r not theldeceased (if a noN-comniiionexl officer or priTAtii.) nad eter reeeived the State's bounty. : lit i veryldesiriille that all, claims should be ftrwanled at as early a day as may be practi cable. In all casen, "He the claimants' Post Otlice and County in full. , i , JNO. A .STANLY, 123-tf r- I Commissioner. "totiie nil k us of tii k SLII I kus"" QrAKTBRM'iSTKK (vKNRKAl. OkPARTMKST, j I Haii hoah IlrnsAV. " HE fi't'iiKls and relatives f soldier. in th Arnvv of Northern: Virginia are hereby notified that an arraujteis.ht rMiH this dav 'en cft'cctwl with tlie SOUTUEKN KXFKFISS COMPAN Y, to carry all pack a of footl and wearing apparel to liich mon?. Va. ' x f ".'fTo secure. tbe advantages' thus obtaiocd t-h rou jrb I he express company, the following iustructio'ns must, be oJjseryed : . Faakaes innpt not contain more than one bundled pounds; e well secured, and : I ainlv marked, and pent at the expense of The shipper to either of the Solders' Uelief Afifloeiatton. which arc located a-follows:" In North Carolina, at Raleigh; in South Carolina, at Columbia; in Georgia, at Au irusta; in Alabama, at Slontgonieiy ; oi a ally other point at which one oi these Aa ociationa have an otlice - Xhe Agents of these Associations will there take charge of them, and ship daily, by Soothern Ex pre. Company, to the prop er' Agents of the respectir& States at Rich mond, who will see them distributed o the proper individual owners?. ,To meet the wi?b8 of the soldiers, and to give them a certain and ppetfdy communica tion with home the Southern Kxpress Com pany has agreed to give I hi freight prefer eiice over everything else: and in order that no obfjtacie may occur to the succeps of so Iaudablen enterprise, the pevefal kUailroad Companies are hereby requested td render the Express Company such taciii ties as will enable it to make thisr arrange mut uncomplete success. i (As the ! Southern Express Company as- stitnes altjresponsibility ot the transporta- ! -i .. . . .t.i ...T ii.. m..i! .! I.' !.. lion oi tnose pacaages. me rteuei ABfcociu tiona are requesed to withdraw their AgeOts who hac nerctofore acted as travel idg laesseiigers; If the KHet Association will establish agencies in the rear of there armies, they may eujoy the fame privileges hereby secured to the Army of Northern Virginia. - . ' F. W.SIMS, - - I Lieut. Col. and QuartcrmasUr. ! Approved, y. R. Lawton, Quartermaster Gen. OFFICE SOUTHERN EXPRESS CO., ) I Aiktcsta, Ga.. Feb 20. isr4. i i. 'I THE SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPA NY hereby noti y the lnends and relative of Soldiers in the Army at Norihern Va., and elH?where, that they are prepared to carry out arrangements as announced in the above card and that they will do all in her power to fulfil its fequiremcnsst j JaAIES SHUTERr Gen'l Sup't. & Acting Presrt So. Exp. Co mny0-tf. - ISAAC HOLLINCSWORTH, CJroccr nutl Commission FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. 196-tf Bro t n Windsor Soap, LARfJE LOT JUST RECEIVED at ; 229 It . No. IT, Market Square. . COUUECTFiS Jj v j lf:tt. V - . ? Nov. i, .ihci; li iron ....:....u.......... & 60. c to y ..fr Fork Lird... , fjr' 5 50 f ?lr K-ef ..r-0 -ifm -("'Jh l'e.wax ; 4 2$ ($. . It u.ittr 4f n' y4m C ttoil 1 75 ijdp 3b Cofleo k I.'l M J tt) ' 7. ttoH Yarn n i.. 40 bunrh. U ied Fruit ... Aple.A IVaohei 75 $1 lb K-.p - 3 00 ' do Extract Logwood; ........... ..-$5 C ?0 -J Ttt Fl ur S'.00 -22& bariai. H ured ...... i....:... 12 r00. 13 00 l lmBh d F dder ........... "S? 00 1 00 V hundred SI; uckj ..Jl.............i.J.. $r.so V hundinl-j Jiain Corn 00 ft 20 no V hulul .. $35 J V t'ii,hfi J . ...15 00 (ft $ 00 V busdiel IdeiUren 1 3 WV lb ' li Dry.... 5 :0 C 0 7h r li Swed(. .. 3 50 4 50 fb L'VtherUppcr 25 00 V I" , li Sole. 18 00 V tb uors Coin Whisker 50 00 pillon Ap .fe and Feach Uranttv 50.00' .( V jallon Molassea " $15 20 00 V KHn n i n so fi a oo i ih 'In on ;.t2 00 ? 25 00"fHUshel I n ato -fl ush 55- v 15 00 V bushel .-et Hi . Sns. r So-ip !. Toilet $ tfelU 00 bushel t575(). lb lo V lb Family liar 2 DO 't V5 OO 'g th Spi -its Xh i-pv i tine .........1 ? jal. 0 (fr 3 25 ? Yard -FaxettevIa 4-4 tSheatioir-sl Salt XV..1; $i 00 .ff 40 y bjpshH ..' 4 00 ft - t 0 lb ".Mlow .i l . 00 v 8 HJf V m -: TlfK It.I.ITSTICATIJn IffKItCUUY ! ILI.L STHATII UCUU t THE GR EAT LITER A R Y W E EKLY THE GK EAT LITEKAl! Y WEEKLY OF THE SOUTH ! fc OF THE SOUTH ! A SUPERB FAMILY JOURNAL! A SUP E RU FA M I L Y 1 JOU RN A L ! P.KAUTl FULLY 1 LLUSTKAT FJ, BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED, ' ELKCANTLY-P- I NT ED : I ELEGANTLY PUINT ED2 ! LVKRY SATUJMLV',- 21' EVERY SATURDAY, ! HAS A LARGER HAS A LARGER j .. -.- .-! iXB : 1 :'" HMORE TALENTED! MORE TALENTED: ConCS OF CONTMRUTORS CORPS.' OF- CONTRIRUTORS THAN WAS EVER BEFOUE ENGAGED THAN WAS EVER BEFORE- ENGAGED IN ACTUALLY WRITING FOR SIN' ACTUALLY WRITING FOR ANY AMERICAN PAPER I AN Y AM EL' IC AN PAPER 1 Bini.I.lANT. cnAUMINO, 4 UlilM.lANT. OlIAR.MlXO, AND THRILLING ; f AND THiriLLiNG fwiTH HOMANCES, ' i' V'V WITH KOMANCE.", ? ' ,' SKETCIIFS, SKETCHES, TALES TALES ... .-OF.' REAL ! 'REAL ' "jIF B, . ' tffltJf.K. . k'P?fMRY,- ' " . . pfcB Y, IllW.OllY. 11 I STORY BIO (i R A P H Y, BIOGRAPHY, N O V-R L E T T E S, N O V E L K T t E S, ESSAYS, CRITIC SMS, ESSAYS, CRITICISMS, WIT1C1SMS XI SCELLANYf W1TICISMS, MISCELLANY INCIDENTS AND ANECDOTES, -TNCTDENTh AND ANECDOTES, OF THE WAR AND ITS HEROES, OF THE WAR AND ITS HEROES I NCLUDI NG TRANSLATIONS, INCLUDING I.ANSLATIONS I I 'FROM THE GERMAN, FRENCH, ' 1 ! FROM THE KRMA, FnENCH, i AND OTHER LANGUAGES, i : AN I OTHER LANGUAGE'S, I ! VA HOME JOURNAL FOR 1 THE HOUSEHOLD L , " AN ORNAMENT i KOR THE TARLOK. A SOLDIER'S PA PER FOR THE CAMP. A -.',' travei.i.kr's COMPANION. PLEASANT READING FOR E V E R Y B O D Y. I A RICH CASKET OF . POLITE SOUTirERN . LITERATURE 1 SUBSCRIPTION Six months......... $10 i tTke Trade supplied at $25 per hundred. " ; Address, '',' r - ' ! W ". B. SMITH, ! i Bprietor, Raleigh, N. C. Jun 200,000 Apply ; FEET OF U & l 1NCIJ LUMBER. 12 inch: wide. CAROulNfAN OFFICK". t 1 "' " 1 1 : Km ten.l aer,.rdintf to Act f Cancrf in tha r isr.:b .f. S. TkrjwhWin th ITlerlt'i' yea ooir tif th District Court nf th Cvfederat State', far th .ij therirDwtrict roMlitorffia.. IiKimortn, Xor, fi-European ndvirjes totbc23 l have heon, Tccireil. Tle B.t war in Xiirerpool, in aid of the Southert) pri.-ifHicr of war, prored n. great aucces.i. Four tlavs . receipts auiomvlcd to 10.D0O ,. . ' " ' 4 P'H""3 siernnp. AiKni nine uou?MWi A strike among tbe Colliers of Soutb Stafford was becoming alarming. Serious , collisions cith the police had occurred. Tht dcprcsHon on account of the finan cial and con' men ial crisis ' fdiowod littltt or no improvement. Failures, are daily announced. t The En iperor and Empress of Russia passed through Marseilles on the 1st, en route for Neice. It was Considered c:r f tain thftt ah interview would take place at Ncieu between Alexander and Napoleon. Bunch, ex Consul to Charleston, has ! been gazetted as Consul to Cuba. Mobile. 'SoV; fvS;-Senatobia, 4. Mempliis papers of the 2nd ay "nothing about Price, i , The Chicago". Time of the 29th, says the previous dispatches claim-, iir a victory- over Price, were bogus, got-, en up foT election purposes. 'It says the Shenandoah Valley is thrown in the shade kby Missouvi telegrams. '' V"-' , '' Nothing important from otler VW$' ' Guerrillas operations coutiaue j'u.te M. - . i . ' --' .SilSbippi. f' .' . Richmond, Nor. ' b The Baltimore 'American' says "the Tallahassee" captured and seutled d vessels off Block Island. Noihins: from Hood .or Sherman. RicnMOXD, Nov. 6. New York papers of the 4tli recti ved. 'Much excitement air OgdensburgllN. Y regarding dnhvxpcctVd rebel raid frohi'Cariada. Bus)ncs.4va.sus pended and citizens prepartngifor defence ! A large number of armed men, suppo sed to bo rebels, are on an1 Islsnd in the St. Lawrence river, below Ogdensburg. A suspicious steamer, having , on board about GO men, passed along the river close to shore in-the afternoon. vIt is re ported that the Tallahasse - cntcred? he ,1 Deleware Brejtkvater, fired aiVr!fle,4tr()yed . scvei;al vessels at anchor" therg'afld after wards burned Lewis, Del.,,;aud . robbel. the people of a largo amount of property. Four vessels j were sent in pursuit of the Tallahassee. 1 i ' " Afinirs im the Slienandoah Valley re main quiet j i Nothing from Grant or Sherman. Dix has issued an order instructing the Provost Marshals to use the necessary precaution to prevent rebel deserters fem voting on Tuesday, but no military force must be stationed at or in the vicinity of the polling place. Butleri has arrived at New, if oik with orders to report to Dix for duty. . fTFKOra: SAVANNAH. Savannah, Ga, Nor. 6. Nothing im portant ly truce to-day, and no late pa pers. Our prisoners have hot yet arrived at Hilton Head, I There will be another flag on Tuesday, when it is supposed the exchange wil take pi ice. ' From Tree's Anny ! PETEitifBLTiG, Nov; 6. Gcn.Gracie cap tured a Yankee picket line last night. A numbor of prisoners were taken. The Yankee batteries opened and kept up a heavy fire all night. All quiet to day. - t''. 'j- ' - ":. Deserted Camps.- Reliable scouts from the enemy's rear state that tlie troops who were advanced to to the Boyd ton Plank road Thursday afternoon, deserted their camps, leaving many valuables in them, and ro "guard to protect them.' Numbers of citizens and negroes, hearing, of the tempting hajt left unguarded, availed them-, selves of the opportunity offered to secure full supplies of cofrVe, sugar, bacon and crackers. Large quantities were Likn jand canicd ofF btfoie tho enemy returned. iXr" Subscribe for the Caroxim an. ;ItI.sccllaiieous ltcin.' Tbc1uat'oiantirAtor' tit Montx tiirv. , i ' ...... a - ... . a - .!'. ; injj Kit wjek! orne thausatid y Z ' ktantSn) hat. fiiriliw Government. ovl. ' rw"ni ".r'"r . ' " 1 nrras it- ttctllUcS and ' ill o as to double the , ' ' " i- namKcr . shortly t "-6? A CoLThonias IL Seyrft;nifrflf-ncrti-,, 5pnf has taken the tump f.f 3u;rll.vi nd rndletu&. .lie is a tUorourh. vtlc in n Henry1 Winter t)a vi-T ha eeu' ovrj Klauglnd j 1v the unconditional inlTe third - OmrWaionl District, an C-.liitM .Charles S. Pltlps ha a been nouiinutedi Northern papers report Ex JVef ideut ;Buchanan, ajid Mr. MattMtrli-JWifed rat ngeitit Ioth at the Regent Hotel, Lea mington, England at the latest dates, j i Eighteen ministers of the Gospel were elected to the Legislature in tho late elto-. tion in Vermont; ! ' . i s Mrs. G reenliow was drowned in c oi quence of having six hundred pounds iter ling in gold tied to, her person. - The pTf sbytcran Synod of Ala., hno inaugurated a plan for thte support and ed ucation of the children ol deceased and disabled soldiers. i. . ' ! j We learn fir m the Iredell Express that one iniirdeier, Elbert Reed, and two ! horse-thieves, Robert Cummings and B- F. Howard escaped from j.iil inStats-! 'ville, on the night of the 28th ulL A mutual and benerelent Associatiin has been fo: mcd in Raleighjto purchase for the peof.le. ' 1 " " i f PLANTaTIOIV With Crop, stock, :Vugoi.f, Mnlrl Ac, thereon, late Major John T. iiilnun e's, to be oId at Public Ac tion. . i - ; flUIE above proper tv Will be offered for ?aU i 1 ' I Ah r laa riMinitAk ntv flia mmA m sr tW f Q a IS ! was wur - f ' w - ws r aavi- mm m mm w orember 1804. The Land is in one bodj, aa contains 485 acres nearly all of which u- v al- t l uable Swamp Land, there being SO acres well i . drained .cleared and under cultivation, rieM- i "inc the bet crops f any laud in tin ta ction of the State. There is also i about 200 acres f " 'uanip Land epuall v as goinl as that under .cultiration to be clearer, which mavbe easily ' drained, 4 soiu? of which isalread v cfitcbrdand . partly cleaied:);theteuiindtT is used for pa turesand vofd land. The houses and build- 1 i t inga are at a convenient distauce from ihw 1 ) farming lands abore detci ibed, on a health? t- . hish and 4 di-v rart of the tract, -trtth trvitk .. L. eluding a coiuloi ta.bo; oweilitig noust. conrefi- icnt and well ..arranged ni'gto hou4.i ; go,4 fences, stabler, barnj crib?, lo:s, guai dviia, kc. The plant tion is 14) miles from J'avi tter ill,' on the Eat pide.of the Capv Fear Hirer, about one and,a half niHcs; from the - Ilir t-r, and rni bracis what is knoWn as Alligator v .Swamp adjoins Johnson j and others, and ix nt to t far from the month of Vdar ' Crt-k txud the residence of Mr. J. C. B1cleT. : At the same time and place w ill be offered for-feale, the following peuotial fiopeitf : 1500 to 2000 bushels of Com; l The crop of Fodder. Shucks. Peas, Ac; Stock of Cattle, Hog, Coat, A ; iy . 4 Valuable, 3lnles; j. One Srrel Mare; ! One .leniH-t; , Oik' 4 I Roi-gc Wacron; one Timber Cart f with all the FarmPfig Tools and other ai ticJea on the pi emiries. I- . 11 lua will be niarie known betore sale. n ueiore sale. VRNE,y ' KAN, V.Eirt. CORE, V A. J. BYRNE, A. McLE, E. F. MOOR Fayetteville, N. C. '222 t The Weekly Intelligencer LS PUBLISHED AT AYETTEV1LLF, If. I C. en Ti kspat of each week. It is utmdm 1 up from the news eontaiutd in the Oailt i oaiu Cauoli.ma.n, an I will always coutaia l the '. ' v ; - VEJt r LA TEST 77,7. EGRA MIC AiT fH Having the advantage of the news of tk 1 PBESS ASSOCIATION, of which the Dailf 1 North Carolinian i a ifinber-- THE MAUKKTS Will be fully and carcfuirr reportetl each Ami and ft true statement of t heir condition hones. If given. We have i SECUBE1) COUU ESFONIJENTS In the Armies of (iens. Lxk and Picket, and will always give a faith al and full record M my matters. . " 1 .- , Post Mastbus and' others are reoneite $ tci aaA'jiyiTs, and each Agent sending viz er m ra subscribers with the money fop !c UM ntbs, will reeeire "tb 1 Weekly paper i u nth? gratis. 1 f V St BscaiPTiOKS w ill no be taken for a Iwngar peloid than six months; nd in no case will the paper be sent until thei oney ii.receircd -5 ADrr.RtisEBEKif ln5crted fr 52 pr qnareot 16 line? tor th first, and one Jllr for each auceeding publ'oation. TF.ItlflS OF 8UiSCUIPT10 t Wikklt lKTEi.MGKcrB -Three months, JX ,09 - Six,noaths. 40 i 1 . J. SINCLAIR, : ..' .;.TniT a jib Paori ibtoi. : ' eFFICE POST QrAltTCtBtSTI.U, " 4th Congressional Dist., N. C, Yl Fayetteville, N. C. Oct. 21. ) Notice to Farmers and. TUhc Acnt. rpHEjJUh Agents will reeeire th' Long Fr- age a d gir receipts which the Farmers xaast bring in when thev ase?a their corn. Any Farmer who does not mak 200 burhelt .. of corn does not pay either corn r fodder from said 21 K) buheN. lint if a person makes 30" bushels they then par tithe on the whole" amount, bait the tamr Farmers mut appear be-, fore the Assessors to make oath that they do not make more than 200 bushel. J. M. M COWAN. 223-2i Capt and Poj-tQ. M. V