v()L ill ' , NO.'24-2-., ' " ' ! - -- ' ' - - - -- - - . - . ..!-. i .'- i Ml C - -' '. j-1 j s . - ;. ; n k - - . nr. P. Jv SINCLAIR- ,pj TMK DAILY SOUTH' CAUOLl.VUtf is i.A to..abrW in ioro at ONE DOL- LAK AKD T.W EXT tf4 FIVE CENTS pe I -l UWhl t. th -CaWdu F fcl ."""" I j :, - j '3Su rVHTYFfYE CEXTS.f l Tr6' 7 v f L 'vHH" !in;U eopjes 25 Cents, smx montns ivyt.v TWITE .UOLLAllJ.! Throe months, FIF-; bet month Tlltt KF. DOLllA US. ' Tl' "INTELUQFSyfX, a weeWj 'oar ; d fiespafcyr", utiWie4 "a t -.th U.esii . iJ f-thn tK. . 1 -. t m-aflad to ubscriber at; r E DOLUA Jbr ., ixita.ooths.-. .lur?,o ,mpntU llivitii Ol--IVvtea, whV the cliinant is not the widow, the LAjitf strictly .in yance. ; ! r pva'.nn! nvrnTKlv? " ; Adrertiserasots for the Caromkian will be j aafged THtlEE UOLUXA. per ; "square for ,ich and erirj insertion, eight lines or less , ach awnstttutinc- a sauare. jsl'.Te. tiie.nent lor the lxrj!t,i.iaEMCEt will be ItAerted ouce in Uailj, and charged aily ratp ir that insertion, j ' , r..-a sent by UiUr. the money must aeom pan ::ie adrertiseinenU '.-Marriage,' cvaths, reU'io'iU and tther;not-ices. charged as adver-li-e ntii aud'Uiuit; paid for strictlv n ad .rail' j. . , . - i :. . ! .. Xlie Vuluti of Jioiiey. S 2. .2. : ttt' : a . 'i - ' c j 1 00 i os ! 2 00 U.....-:.: 3 0t ! 3 00 4 50 ! 4 00 ! 00 ; 5 00 7 50 10 00...... 15 00 I - 14 00 22 00 I 20 u0...7 5i ('' i 125 00.... 37 !30 00 45 00 35 00 52 50 40 yo...- fi' 00 45 00... i 07 50 !50 00...:........... 75 U0 55 00- 2 50 60 00........ UO 00 :65 UU.. 97 50 170 00... .105 00 75 00,.:....' .11 50 j 80 0!) 120 00 55 00:..... 127 50 jSO ..:..., ......135 00 I'i5 00 142 50 i 0?) 150 00 ; g 1 334 2 00 2 6S5 4 00... St 00 3 33 U If M...... 6 6t7a lag 00....... 10 00 ?0Q.. 13 33 00 16 tU?Z M 00......... .. 20 00 . 3b 00... 23 331 i 00 -2B 68?s 45100....;, 50100..... 5fi0D ..... ai o3...... ' 4ua -"" 70, 03 s! oo iK 00 ..... ($5: 00...... i-3S 0 .... 0 .... 40 I .-) .... a ... 30 00 33 33 ,...36.-6?4 ....40 00 .... 43 33 ;i 4c tjy .... 60 00 .... 53 3:v j 50 GSJa" .... u JO . ...fe'J i' -j ' IJ ?i a (5 SO PS IS. )F i'jlNillUd SCHKMi5 OK CUH- ju ' 'ates Cast or tuf. -'iJitrejt. -J fearing $liH .or pultlic dues be- forg April isl, i f "r4. jiiv p.iV; fmrA and T- -t'orf April 1st, 136-iy;nbt reccivlo at all,' but f - t - t UsuARi.K is FpiTP. Iter Cent. Hufore 1st April, i8G4, at- par. Bon n J. ! 4 Fr)iiV 1st to last iliT (if April, inc , at Krjhiu 1st to Wi ;day of May, inc., at 56 J'Tlnn lt to last day 6f June, inc., at 46$ !rin 1st to last flay of July,, inc., at 36j h rpm 1st to last day -;f-Aug., inc., at 26f Jiun 1st to last jday of Sept., inc., at 1G S t,opt away by moiit'ly tax, Oct. inc., at 63 fAny non-interest bearing $100 notes ?Kitd on the first of January, 1865, are l nod 100 per cent., thus destroying every o.Mipro of value. ' , i ..--Mi. - : 'fEBSttOS - I : THE Ji I I1ASKD mi tIIf)XtGRAPHY.' V IK PRESS and Jshortly ta be published, a book with the above; title, prepared by the usciiber, who has -had nearly 20 years prae ticl iu Phouog apbic waiting, having been at onl time employed as an Oiticia! rep. . r.'in th United'StatesJSenate, and. who bias been fotiie list seventeen months, and is now, re polter of the Atlanta Intelligancer., . r J The Dictionary will contain indications, by means of a simple nomenclature, tjr writing "wih Phonographic letters, about 20,000 words of the English ladguage, of ninety-niae one huadreths. of thoe iui common Qse the re m fining words being easily written after these are learned. ,. In the Introduction to the Dictionary, sim pll instruction will be given, for beginners of the study of Phoriographv, wj h.lithograph'ed liiasiraiions, preparea oy oe qi tue oess ar tisls in the Confederacy. The7 object of the publication is to make a standard tor Confed erate. Reporters, and to render it possible for . thl much coveted and beautiful art of Heport iAg, to be learned even without the aid of a "tesicher. .' 1 1 ' ' As the work will be expensive ne type baying been procured expre.-sly for it, only a ' small edition -villi be issued. Those who de sire copies are requested to send to the author thir orders at once, (to be recorded.) accom panied with the price of the same, which s ill be 'five dollars per copy. The book in paper cover, and suitable for, use, will be aent to all .subscribers, bv nail, without additional ex pense: J f ArE. MARSHALL, dtf k Augusta, Ga I J.G.GODFREY,, WHOLESALE, K ETAIL l ' , I AND :connssroN ; merchant, iveeps wuon xarns r or sale. IFavetteville, N. C. 199-tf ! , -A.vxctioneer and I rAYETTEYILtB, X. C. " !June lC-Sm' . . h v':. . . . j . ' i . . i ' -V'-'CJL AIMS . y ' Of Deceased Officers and Solaicrs. j . -"w ilsox. June20tn. ifet 'I HE UpI)HSHrNlil been appointed "j ' a CbininisMoner to investigate, collect and j OTerio tne parti entitled thereto jui i?rpoMi--arrearg3i pay anaano-f , Jdytoth repretat.resof deceased of- '?dlro . ' y " Parties entitled are : first, the widow of t . k . - i f the d$cejwiJ, if -anv, if t litre be no widow then, ?econdiv, fchechildor children, if this, e be such, tn.?rcj pe neither wulon: or children then, .1.? ..t. r' -f " child, ehi dien or fatW fchpn. fourth!, the ';, mother of the deceased, ind in default of allof !.!L -t-""intt nn S . ' The clain at or claimants roust fu -pi-'h hlti h ....... A ft j . . m. . . . V C1ted wiknlesa a to the .reUtiihVflifn, and in att a:lidariciiust negative the cxiitence of' a claini- ant or claimants of a higher-order The Jus Peace, befora whom th. nifidavit is rjbs - cribU mtcertifrto the credibilitr or' the e,,, ?aa Clerk of the Countv Court must CertifV. det thv seal ol- tbe Court, that he U a Justice or' the 'eace.. If tha claimant or claimants be a child or children f the deceased, and he, she; or they be minor?, the tliim must b propounded by his, her jo j their guardian, and the inct of his being giiairdian itiudt be certified to, under seal of the Couuty C'ourt (71erk. j Vhenjtjh!. clai is made by an executor or administrator, the fact of the executorship or ! administratorship must be certified to, und r ' seal br the Omntv Ciurt Cleric . All olthete paper should be tent in aplim cate. Anr ufcrson directly interestrd w ill be i'urnisK ed, uyon! application to uie, with a proper form greater Convenience of jni tiej, y4ll be to i war ded as .i on as ruav b-i Practicable to each t'ounty AC dun Clerk. v I " u mission is intended to facilitate the collection of these claims, and save the'clahu- ants all ekpece. i Parties Interested may materially aid me in tht invalidation of their claimf" if!at the time k s'.ii wd: ding their iap-.r t ,-e, they Ul in fo ;".n tj: jot' the date of tb - death oi' the d etHS i A, v hcv(Q he died, was kflh-d, whether oi not tbey or jauy one for them, have received l he personal jelTects which deceased had -with hie at, the time of his death, anil wheth -r r not th" deceased (if a noi cornmi?sioned oilier or private,) had ever received the State'? bounty. Tt is very desirable that all claims shouid be torwardejd at as early a day as may be practi cable. In all cases, Vive the claimants' Post Oilice aijid County in full. JNO. A -STAXLY, 123-tfi CoHimissiner. s.i UIE FRIEXUS OF TUE 0LI li'HS ''rvus'hout tlie ConsV!?rcj Q vAivr,&KU'A.NTR Gkxkral DsI'AUTMKNT. INTER GkXK'RAL DlI'AUTMKMT.O H.in.R0A Blrkau. Iicnmoxo. Feb. 20rh, 14: ) I !pI?K' "l i- is and relatives of soldier in t ' Miiy Northern Virgitrn are "tilled bnt u:i arranstmenl htv 'Tti fflectcd with the SOUTHERN 'icrew EXPli KS COMPANY, to carry all packf i ires o i tood aud 'earing apparel to Kich-i :: ;!)(. . vja. To ,fcur the advantages thus obtained iirougujihe express company. the following HistrucHons niiist he observed : I'aaklales 'must not contain more than ne hundred' pounds; be well secured, and l aiulvj parked, and sent at I lie expense ol tie s ipber to either of the Soldiers' Relief Associations wriich are located as follows: In S6Hh Carolina, at Raleigh; in South arolirta, at Columbia; in Georgia, at Au .usta: ill Alabama.-at Montgomery; 01 a any oih'tjr point at which one of these As oCtatio!n;s ;r,ive an office. 5 The Agii!s of these Associations will :heve tdl echdi i:e of them, and ship daily, by .Sonj-Heru Express Company, to the prop er Agei'its of t"e resptive States at Rich mond, i will s'e them distributed ro the proper i dividual owners. 1 To meet the wishos of I.' - soldiers and to give therln a certain and sp t -iy communicar. tioii wit li home, the outhei u Express Com- pany haJ agreed to give this freight' prefer wice oytjr everything elsn ; and in' order t hat noobsuicl: may 000111' to the success i so 'taikdabl-? au t-n.ler r:.e the Si vt ral vR'ii'Uoti !( Corn fiuiiev re .li?.rvb i -qu-sted to re dor f-e 1 xprew .Company suet, facili lies as" wfil 1 enable it to; make this arrange -mwnt a comp'ete success. ' ! s tlt'j Southern Exjues- Company as-.-.11 in all resj'toisibiUt;:- I tin traiisporta ;i n ol it iiose putka s. tl.e-1 lie! 'Asocia- .vns'Utri "requ "t , to withd'-avv theif Agents' -v ho hw- in r ioore acied as travel ng messengers. II I h Ii:iet Assoc-iition v. ill t staDiish .tgef'Vses in the rear oi there n miesj t'hey may fjoy , 1 he umj privileges I't'iebyisit'cured to lu .; .nuy of Noiihern Vitguiia. 'Aid; . i.ieut. Col. ar! QtiartM master. ArPtweu. 1 : r.. . r oiFiqitsouTiiE -N KXPi rscvv, i- . j Ai'Ot'STA. (Ja . reb 10. iJjiilT J iiu souhiekn xprk-s compa ny: hereby uoti the fne; di i ie! tiv ol Soliiil rs UV the Army A ,N hi-m Va.. and elW where, that they ty pi pared to cat ry nit arrangement a an ounee in th 'above jcaid and that tbiv will i,, a'J in hr power to IuI'm it equiremensst ifnfljSni-H. .;. v ,'i m1 v oUl. ISAAC HOLL1HGS WORTH, drocei niiI ?om:iisioM. MERCHANT, FAYETTEVILUt N. C 196-tf Brown Windsor Poap, IiA ROE LOT JUST K!:c'Ciri) at " 2lt . 17, Market Square. 1 AYEXITJE VJIftfS ITJAilSiET. CL)KRLCTE1 Y J ITT. -..'- No 8, 1864. n. 6 'ef 6 co v ft .U' f? & 50 il ft rurk...."".'.'. jj ,r(j ""...".' Bef tog;' 2 00 ?? lb U sewar . ...... ........ 5 lb B itter .............-...7t0 7 50 V C tton 1 P lb .fte -...J.......A. -15 oa & C tton Yarn ..U........... !?2S -40-V tmnefc. D itd Fruit ... .Apple J'eaohci 75 SI V lb .............. 3 W'V io. ft" - L tract LogW'iod ....v..... ..;$5j(S $6 "J lb : i oot .r.MZ. in.'... u v .J. ' nniredJ S5 59 V hundred P r a" i. j . .1 - ......... $ nn0"00 y bushel Wbeat.Vk.4&---cy UO- il- b5feel.l Kve..........I5 00 00 y bushel Oats........ .9 00 10 00 V bwsheU ras ..............1....... 17 50 20 00 ) bashl n:Js Green..'............... 2 60 3 1)0 "i) lb -Drv......L...... -5 50 & 6 00 $ lb. Tr Sweden....... S 60 4 30 ft L atherUpper .i. ...... 20 00 B Sole... .. .i. 18 00 V lb - ,4i, uors Corn VTliuskev ..50 00 p gallon Ap de and Peach U randy 50 00 60 gallon M' asses .. SI5 20 00 y gallon .... 3 50 4 00 Ih ..23 00 25 00 xl bushel-- 5 15 00-V bushel $ ijjpiO 00 y lmshel- C575 lb 10 v lb N Is . jr ons ....... Co a toes- Irish i. v.-et" . Tiii e .... Savr ,op ... Toiiet . Family Bar .2 00 Tb ......... 5 00 -ib- Spi -its Turpvntine A 00 gal.. Faetteville 4-l Sheetiocsl 50 S 25 f? Yard-; Sail...... I....... $00 & 4!) V bushel Mlow . 4- go (7J4 501,? lb V d ...... J...U $6 ,00 ( 8 00 lb i the if.LUSTirAnvEi hiercuby,: TH GRKAT TdTKTi ARY WEEKLY T5i li GRPlAT L1T.KRARY-N ElOKLY OF THE SOUTH ! ' OF TIIK F.OUTH ! A SUPERB FAMILY JOURNAL! A Ft i ERR FAMILY . JOURNAL ! REA I 'H FULLY ILLUSTRATED, BEAUTIFULLY ILL.CSTRATE1), ELKGANTLY P INTER : ELKOAyTLY PUINTKD i EYEftY SATURDAY, EYERY SATURDAY, HAS A LARGER HAS A LARGER j .mORE TALENTED' more talented: : CORPS- OF CON i RIRUTORS 1 CORPS' -ht CON'i KIRU i ORS TH AS WAS EVER BHUXiltE ENGAGKD TiiAN V'AS KYI- R BEFORE EN'GAGEJ) JNr ACTUkl.LY WIMTISG FOR -IXACTUAlrLY WRi'llX' FOR ASY 'AKRi'UX PAPER I ANY .ANIHia-'.'AN PAPER!.' Brtir.BliST CHAKM1NO, Brtllll.IANT, CHAKMINd, AND! THRILLING f AND j THRILLING 4 : WiTFI K0MANCES, WITH K03IANCES, SKETCHES, SKETCHES, TALES . ' TALES ' "1 OF , : ' REAL ' rIcal 4 LIFE, i L I F.E, P 0 ET RY, POETRY, . H I S T O R Y. . lli l S T O R Y, B I O G R A P II Y, . . B I 0 G R A ? il Y, N o V E L E T T E S, NOVEL E T T E S. ESSAA, CIUTI SMS, : , j ' hSATS, CRITICISMS, WITIC1SMS' M CELLANY, WITICISMS, MISCELLANY, INCIDENTS AND ANECDOTES, INCI DENTS ANRN EC DOT KS, OF THE W Alt AND 1 1 S H E ROES, OP THE WAR AND ITS HEROES, INCLUDING TRANSLATIONS, INCLUDING V..ANSLATJONS,; FROM. THE GKRMAN. WRKNCH, FROM THK GKRMAN. FRENCH, AND u IT 'IKK I.ANGUAGEa. ANP OTHER LANGUAGES, A HOVE JOURNAL FOR THE JIOUSEHOLD ! AN ORNAMENT . ROR THE PARLOR. r A SOLDIER'S L PAPER FDR THE CAMP. . .;. " ' A ; .; ' :.' traveller's COM V ANION. PLEASANT READING FOR E V E R YBODY. A RICH casket;-F POLITE SOUTHERN LITERATURE! SUBSCRIPTION Six months...... ,?10 The Trade supplied at $25 per hundred. Address, WM. B. S31ITH, oprietor, Raleigh, X. O. Jun . ! 900 OHO FEET OP. li TNCLT : UMWU LUMBER, V2 inch wde j Apply; CAROLINIAN OFFICE. s '! r . f - f . I- 4r T" Ke;;ortd J' the. Trtaa Ascialio. 1)G4. Entered according 4o Apt of Congress in ttc t of Confess m the o'r'tw istrict of Georgia jetr 18C3. br J. S. Thrasher ontca of the ihstrict Court States, for the Northern District N 0 U ( ill R X SE!S, KiciiMoNi4 Kov. J2. It .was., reported this morning, on good authority, that the nu horitiis at Washington issued an order prohibiting ths comrnnnication of any intelligtihce witfi repect to th result of flio late ; election, either by telegraph, rai ;rciijtr "j oach --or- jtlt&Rv ise, .-Th?. new.s i.t. - coin'firmetl by an oiacer. at the lines below Jltifhmoyid, who has heretofore made te exchange )f newspapers lor .Hie 'Richmond press, lie says upon oing out lor papers this morning, he was informed by the Yankee "officer that orders had been received for iddnt. an exvluri?r. Dow- long it would last fte could not' tell. He said further! that it was' his belirf that t 1 it 'i ' : ' Lincoln is elected, but-that the returns . 1 . 'I were very unreliable. Noitliciii Election ! '! Richmoxi), Nov. 32th. New Yoik and Baltimorr papers ofiWedroosday have been received. The N.Y. Herald announces the re-election of Lin col n The Baltimore Anieucan, evening edition, contains the the latest ;;returuSj. A Nfw . York tfle gratn says the -Tribiudf claims for Lincoln all j the New -Delaware, England States, Pennsylvanir, New York," Maryland, Onio ' IhdtiiDi, MJchigani Illinois, AYisconsin Mit nesola, Iowa, arid Kansas, with a total majority ofjj one hundred and ninety elec toral votes. 1 The'New York Conxresaion- .',' I , ;i : al delegation stands 22 Union to D D.mo crits. j " 7 The Herald says Fernando Wood has dcfeaiei Brooks by a m tjority of 125. The Jit w York AYorld concedes L:n coin's election, claiming, however, New Yoik, Iveniucky, -New Jersey and Mis. souii for Mcdeilan. ''!. . .The Tribune claims only 3,000 majority in New Yoik. ' I The Fio: i a w::s; cpturpi(i by surprise, in the liarbjirjof Bahia, early in the morn ing, whoa r, ntunl-er of hei ofScers and crew were'- on "shore. The demand for surrender (was immediately acceded to, when a hawser was made fast to her and t he was tow ed o ut to sea. The IJerald say the cajptureotithe Florida-will doubt less be denoum ed as a violation of the rights of asylum in a neutral port, and may become a object for internatienal d scussion, jbut juliries the cap ure. bold in Kew York on the 19th, 2.j7. -Pktersburg, Nov. 13. The Herald of the luthjukt received. Lincoln is certain -1 elecsed. j The vote was close in New York and .Pennsylvania. McClellan car ried New Jersey, Delaware and Kentucky. Capt. Argo, frouv New Orleans, reports a naval engagement olf North Carolina, l ist Tuesday, btw;eeu three FedL-ral war sti. rners and a rebel steamer, brlieved io he the Tallahassee. The rebil steamer had long range guns and was apparently crip pled whe Te let. !. " y "f. Reports : from Sheridan's army, says Early is eyidentyprep.ring for another ofti nive inoveineni at New Market. ' Mobby is still among the federals be low Winchester and Martinsburg. le had huug seven Jederls in retaliation for a like number of iponfederates executed by "Custer. - ij . ;- " , It is reported that Sherman had de stroyed the Railroad between Chattanoo ga and Atlanta, burned the latter place, and at the head uf our corps was mar ching on Charleston;.' The report was not credited in official circles at Washington. Nothing from Forrest. The Wachusett was pursued out of. the port of Bahia by two Brazilian war stea mers, but! they coud not overtake her.. All quiet aronnd Petersburg. .;; Gold sold in New York on the 9th at 2C0, buWclosed at 257 FROM SAYANNAH. ; Savannah, Nov 13. About 2,000 of our prisoners were received last night and to-day, and 1,200 ill com up tc-morrow and next day. The men were Looking well for the most ptart and In fine sDir"t- Many are ready for the front with, ut fur loughs. i ' From I Petf-rstmrir. . pKTr.::sKUR, jvov. lu .Ml (mWtilonsr1 hoes. . - i r The'pffKrts, iestrrfTov, veie nrahl to evchunje pHoeisl, ftTid said prpers if the j :-tHft were tkeni Irom them bv officer l y cf4jr.!L,1W.l.8ht; ! , a "g:p p--ict edii.-gt bnU coula fHt. inogine cm?, . , Three f Han't oil's senu'i ptr.red 25 Yankees twt or thiee Mights hi.ce, nvar JauiHS Uiver. 11!ne escaped v " y- J P-L A HT A TI OT - ' With Crop, stack, ITagotis, lules, 6zci9 -thciaei) lat -r.ttn.fr John l. Cihnoie's,to be svuld net Public Auc tion. - ; . , ... on i j:t vr?H.i5c. r-TTsrsnTn-asiJt'it -N'orehiber lsMil. 'Tlie Land is in on- bMly, aui. contains 45;.r) acres i.early all -f whith i uable Swamp Laud, there bi'iri; 80 acres WeH drained, cleared and under cultivation, Yield ing the best crops of "any lnml ii thi.-i if ectlon of the State. There is abo about 20(- acre - f A'wamp . Land epually as good' as that und-r eultjration, to be clearer.-which may be ejUfSy drained, (some of which is already ditched ad partly clearvd:) the remainder i uted for p--tures aud wood land. The houses and build ings are at a convenient, distance froni t& farming lands above dc-ciibed, on a healthy, high and dry part, of the tract, wil-h Rootl water. The buildings are in good repair, iiv eluding a eomfortabielwelling house, conven ient and, well arranged negro houses; god fences, stables, ba-H. cribs. lo;., giiardeus. ic" Thtf lant tion is 14 miles from FajettCTille on the East side of the Cape Fear River, about one and a half miles from the River, anil em braces what is known as Alligator A'wamp, adjoins Jobason and others, and is not Very" far-from the mouth of Cedav Creek aiid the ' residi-nce of iir. J. C Rlockwr. . At the same time and place will be offered for sale, the followiii-j: personal pi opertr : 1 500 to 2000 bushels of Corn; The crop of Fodder, Shucks, Peas, Ac; Stock of Cattle, Hogs, Goats, ic; ..' 4 -Valuable. Mukls;!-. . . ; One Sorrel Mart!; j One .lennet; I 1 .; One 4 IIor?o Wagon; one Timber Cart,j with all the Farming Tools and other articles on the premises. terms will be made known before sale. A, J. BYRNE, ) ' A.j McLEAN, H Ex'rs. E F. MOORE, y Fa'attvi'h, N. C 222 ts 'Si I S PUBLISHIR) AT; AYETTEVILU:. X. (". on TirtsoAV - olf each week. It is made up trom tlie new? coutainen in the Dailt NoarH Cakoi.imax, ian i will-ahva 3 contain tho M ' " ; VERY LATEST fEG RAP Ilia XKWS Having the advantage of the v.ewH of, tho Pli ESS ASSOCIATION, of which the Daily North Carolinian is a member. " THE MA RKETS W ill be fully and carefully reported each day and n true statement 'of t heir condition htmeat ly given, ncliavu ; SECURED CORK ESPONDSNTS '' In the-Armies of GensL Lkm and Pickkt, and will always give a fiith ul and full record of 1 1 ui matters. I , Post Masxkks and others are requested to ict a? Acksts, and ench A?ent senaing t ix or u ro subscribers with the money for sir uu nibs, will receive th 5 Weekly paper six iu n.hs gratis: m BScaiPTioxs will no belaken for a longer pei hd than six months ; nd in no case will the papi r .be sent until the . oney is received. i;. An vkhtisb jikkI's inserted for ?2 jer square of 15 lines for th first, and one dollar for each sucecding publ cation.' T 2KI3S OF UK SCUIPTIOJ : W.KKKI.T IiiTKLLiOiXCE -Three montba,$3 00 . " " Six moRths,' 5 0 j 1 . . J. SINCLAIR, TyWTt U AND PROPRIKToa. OFFICE POST QI A'lTnRlIlSTEJt, FayettevilIe,Os. C. Oct. 1. J Notice to Farmers and 'Tithe Agents; j""IIE Tithe A gentsl will receivp the Long For f age a d give rycipts which the Farmers must briner in when thev r-?c.s their, corn. Ary Farmer wh.o doe? not uiake . 200 buhels of corn does not pay fither corn or foddei- from said 200 bushels. But if a person makes 200 bushels they thtn jpav titiies on the whola amount, but the stimit; Fanners must appear be fore the Assessors to make-oath that they do not make more than 200 bushel. J. 31. McGOWAN. 2'2o-2t Capt and Rost Q. M. CARD notIce; TfinERE is now ready to be issued from this J Department to the diifererafc countien in the State, a lot of Cotton and lVool Cards. This lot of Cards will be sent to the Agents with Backs ready T for tacking the Car"n on, and be sold at Si'-.50 per pair to the citizeiiit generally : in no instance is more than on pair to be Void to a family, t,. Jhcse Cards are not intended for the families of soldiers. This Department is having a large lt back ready for use, which will be pent out and nold to the fami ies if soldiers as fast as thev can be mad, at a much less price. ; Agents are requested t make arrangement and call for them. , H.A.JIOWD, A.Q.JT. - 221-6t ' I .. j ;pJT State papers cony :i Dailies six timi, ;i others four tinvs and forward bill toMajort I)owd. .:- ? WALTER WATSON; PISTOL MAKER AND Chins and Ftsfols made and Repaired tcith - Dixpatcli. MEMREKSof Ke-ei ref and ?TomA O'urds can hare .'their aris repairedft half price. All kind? of Machine Work don." Hay Mount, Fayetteville. S. C., epperite the residence of E. J. Iialc, Ecq. . The WcddYtlfitc! i!

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