I ill ! -ft '; ' .- ' -"" i l; 1 '"i? '-,r ' ' ' ' ' x- . ;' THE FLOWERS tOU-ECTlOh 1 ; NO. 245 THK ST P. J. SINCLAIR & CO. I CL.AI1TX& Of Deceased Officers and Soldiers. 'J i a,? ... Rrf.. .......... Iiietwax .4.. B it t( v..'.....l4' OtTee i X. r.. June TQtn, 1864. RE, US'ntKSU.N EU bus been appointed & Ccicnili3iatr to inVestifrate. collect and i p:r OFTritof the 'parties entitled thereto,- all .Vn.4.v JJU- eer. iidi.o!ditr. lVom 'ibir State.- week, lB dywce, pjbl to tk Cirrwn , Ue deceiled.'If any, if tkerebe'Ro widow then,. dTayfe cdpiec T,f X3fTT; FIT CENTS. . if th4Tf ;be neither widw or chittten thn, . I v -'miw M A!ti8. thirdly, the fatkr, if there bj neither rjdow, SiBvle cooiw ?J repti. Jix mwotai TWEV cMW, ehildre'b "or fat'aer then, fourtTilr, the TT-FITK UOLLAUS.! Three month, tlF- othrf the tfeceard, and in default of all f flij.ii :)Qi lAHS. i theee tlwMi.lirthly, the executor Mr adininitf.? nut moDth TtlKKE DOLLARS. ' tor iff tt esaatHl. . f Tt .. lNTKLLiaFXCElt;"v weeklj wur - The cli,iu ant or claimanU must fu nun nw, J.Sncka i ...-i S6 50 V hundred aajr'd newfuauer, .pubiuhed at "UtU U i ce.'U. her or tlu-ir &tfiJTU, and .that of one disinter- , rfinUCdm ........U SS i 2Q 'flOJ' bushel wailed to bcriber at Fi VK DtLLA" for crteil witpes a to the relatiouVhip, and in all ; What....i.4!J- tli4S iA0 l'basljel lATETTfit v CORB f.1 ' : ... " Vfw 1 It 1QI I r- - ' - . ft' AW. iO, JOO.J, .2... 5 6i-tf 6 00 V 4 I oo 2 & i c .1 50 2 09 V .!0 7 so -ai- I TS 4p- !? lb - is va 3 (J. ttfin Yarn ....25 t5 40 buj'ch. D ied'ruit?.. Aptle M'-'h 75 $1 f b : Rj;v.v..;.i..;,,.......'.;i? w- v d Ktraet Lojrwood ....-h;. " $C'V ro Fl. tr J.; $525 $1-250 V: barrel yjixtseed 12 f,a Q 00 bushel Fodder .$8 flifVlO 00 hundred U K ...... .w.... ....... ...... (5 00 BHnared. Kprtrt 1y;tlte Pre Aa.octnlion. 1S14 KnterM according to Art of Cengress in the year-1863; br J. S. Thrait'r; in the Clerfg ofiiee of the Watript Court of the Confederate Statfcsfor the .Vorthern District of Gi-orexa tackv; has i-n arrested L' the (jot't j auU is o'i his nav io. Washington;.- The AVaCimett Ins arr'vetl at Fortrcas f Mnnron wilh thn Fioril in tow. f . '.TfcWrSms fitim Oair j.iv tlui thV rh- els hve disappeared froia Jo!non villein . In 5Ter York on Monday gold vr as sell ing ati!4. ' ' v : ' ' ' ' t UL- ease, hlf e'thVcl irwint is'ii.ot the widow, th , a&dariffnntt neatire the existetice or i-raun- aht r climahtt-pf;a.bJber,0MeryThitJ-:' UUSTIt It i r no. thav Three . atoathi TKiil LARS--itrietlr in ranee. an ar r" A IVVVn'nf AT AdTrt?emnt for' i C.lxai3 wUl e hjactertirv to tlmcradibilitr of the ikktfi WtBPMASyjm&&: wHnetr and ' ClerjC of tfc0pttt, Jottrt innrt h a4 ixTi.i:tixosm will eotiaiiar a.aaara. - AtVrtorfi'aeAentt "ihr the I be.:erti one;i hrf et.Hf chUaren ! of the deceased; ai rate tw thAtnierUoa. ; ; ' be niinorathe i laiw. must" h vaent br Utter, the meaey ast acCai- hf h.r or their guardian; rei'iiiai ani eihef notioea charge as aarer ri .qU aa,uttut paid far itrictlr a ad- TU Value of AUoBejr. 1 to..... KM.,. 'a ..... 4 o..... & oe. l i Of : 12 9 4. ft. B P.O. S 00 4 50 (' 7 40 IS 00 11 Of 20 00 17 50 i 00 .... 30 00 Of 19 00...... 4 00 iiu ik oo:. l iQ it IS.. A A fWI KO flfl ri2:- .t """ T-ii ' personal ftlvcts. which de 11 4000....... ""fi-1 tlIBe, ,f..h" d'ath .tz 'IK a o-. the neeieased (if a nvn-cunn 1 00 1 to.. 1 o.. 4 06.. s oo;-. 10;00.; i ctx-.-io 00... i w...... io oo if oo ; a.'of... .... is ?l'i 19 oo.. .... 3 00 -50 34 00 13 44 00 . : . 45,08... 50'00:.. 4il 09,'.. oo -dd... 44 00. 70 O0.?..L....4.4 t 01 i 00... J 40 w U 0...J;......S3 33 g...... 120 00 44 09...J. 4 K; 85 00...... HT 50 40 00 ' 80' 0 .......135 00 4 Oe......l IVi f 95 0... .....141 50 loo o...... ...Jlf ia if f oo,.............iso oo sBrcr Btu- as to States Kast or tnt r April lot; 1864j at' par; fVVd Af eerfifT. Tioer Uieeal of the Uotfrt, that he is a -J otice! ci .the 'eace . " ' It the i claimant or claiipants be a child or and he, she or they . be propounded by and tiie- et of dm biojr jru!ardiAntntoetbeceTtifletl ,to, under seal of tiw unty Court Clt-rx. 'Wheu'tha'clni is niaiie'by an executor or administrator, the fact of the expciiiorship or admimjratorahip must be certified: to, und- r seal 1 by th "County Court Clerk ; All plthfe paper g should 6 sent in aplim i ' . ' Anr person directly interestcdVill be furnish ' ed. Upnu applicatiou'to me, with a proper form of the! papers in full: a copy of which, for tUe 1 40 Jtreater 'ConreBience of parties, win be forwar- Rre... JMmS-JVJ&M ' 4U...t;C4.5ap $10 00 -W basliel ""til .:. JT 40 &200" bushal HiJes Orta:....j;...V..J. "2 0 fp 3 00 -lb ' '. :l"uuv..-...,.l..iVi - jo . ,oo ym, Ir.-wede...;..........U. 3 50 4 50 V L atbef-'-ppper ...L L. .20 00 lb ' .'; '&oie.':..:..i I is o lb- H0ft-t!tirti Whiskey i...;... 50 00 alloa Ap.Waa J?each Brandy0 00 m jratlon Mo-asse ' .' IIS 20 00 "y.- gallon 1 Is I 5 50 4 110 j$i lb n ona - 20k) 25 00 V bushel' ,t:o atbesr-lrish k..J t V IS'OO 'Jbn?hel -Tvef .......... -$-l-10 OO y bnahel. ::.L..i... 6575" lb 10 y. id t nar 2 uu t n 5 00 ft lb Fa etterille 4-4 Sheetiowt 56 S..t5 Yard jt S ft) 40 V. huhel ........... i. 1 tw.-4.',f' b .A. Su. ar P T01 ef ....... J. ...... .J ti -it Turpntine Fand dfcd aafoon m may be practicable to each County t'eurt Clerk. This coin mission is intended to facilitate the collection of tbese clai;u's, andc sate tie claim ants alUexpece. . " v 'Parties Interested mar materially aid me in t intiirit!iin f thiJr rtaims. if t.tb tim-' of forwjndhisr their paper to me. they will in- i form me of the date of the death o- the d-eea-; ! d, where he died, was killed, whether or not j iaev on anv one for them, bare recnTed tne " 1 t- . . 1 l j 1 1 j ! v. I.:'.. h men ucraseo oau ivu iim.- 9t0iM w ftr 4. . hue viiuc v ilia urniiir.tri . 4 . 00. ' " .v j. , i 1 r..:. .... jl'aa? aLoa sft '11 prirateh hao erer rerelred the. HtaWs botrntv. iit.' ii.. ftf-&a i 3 rJ' m-Sll nine liiJifc nil imiRi; tinuru p cable, I In all cases, eve the claimants' Post Otic and Count v in tull. J-NO. ASTANLT, 133-tf ' ' ' ' Comuiissione r. ...... i - t . ...... - .snow. -si oo 9 a oo v ib IIXUSTItATED lltLUSTBATEP ERCURY ! EKCUICs 1 70.00 :.....105 00 - - f 75 00...... ill 50 TO TJIE FRIK.!)- OF TIV$ SOLD IRRS 'lMi rouijls out tbt? Confederacy QCA'KTaRMA.STlCR fl.tNKHAL OaPAKTMHKT. j f Kailroao Hcubau ! lficmnoxu. Vb. ZUih, IWJ4; ) 1 fh Aru.y f Nit' t:. Virinitt are r'.'lfied thsl h: amMif rnHit hnc; THK GRKAT TJTKIUUY WEEKLY TiJK GKEAT LIT KCVUY WEEKLY OF THE SOUTH I ' OF THE. SOUTH! A SUPERB FAMILY IJOURN AL ? A SUPERB FAMILY BOURNAL! BEAUTIFULLY. llJ.lfTnATEU, BEAUTIFU ilLY itllTIUTEI), ' ELEGANTLY 1! EiTID KLEUAiNTLY P.UBjTKUa " EVERY SATURDAY,. EYE BY SATtTRKAY, HAS A liARdlR: j HAS A iaRGlK . iVIQRE TALKHTilP CORPK OF CONTIUnJ CORPS ()F CQ'B From the Valley. New MahkkV, Novinj-Lieutl Baytor, of the, 12th Cavalry, with 12 men, cup tared 10 pr'soner and 17 hornek within .three nailes of Harper' Ferry , and brought them .jfely to...this place. They report thev railroad jnnirgju lordJriOmiMait -i -rf5tntis''mil5r bolbw WTnchtstcr." N 0 R TjK E R A' ;X E'W S . Mobile, Nov. 16th A .special to the AdrftizfT from Senatobia, 15 th, says the, Chics'o Tribune of the 9th has been re ceivpd. ' Canada dispatches of the 10th say that effective steps have been taken to preserve peaci; 6n the border. The propellor Goprgta vras, seized at Chainbcrstown, Canada West, by the Col' lector of . Customs. She was believed to be fitting out for a prirater. " ' ; ; ; The St. Alban's examination proceeds .slowlyl , . 1 :- I . " A .battU i; believed imminent in the heuandoah Valley. f J RicnWoxD, Nov. 17 The Baltimore Atnerican of Thuraday evemng, has been received. I Genj Canby, while ascending White rirer on the gunboat Crocker, was shot by guerillas, from the shore, and wounded in the groin. His recovery is doubtful. The boiler of the gunboat Tulip explo j ded on the Potomac river, Friduy, killing all on board iexcept Jen. Sixty lives were A Washington tolegram says Sherman has been in conimnnicatfon with the cap ital but noihtng "t-M?d io-Toor"y , f. tVa- EURQPEAN .KEWS. RictiMosi, Nov..li.-Europ'a!i aJdviccs , nreti th 4th inffl-The seizure f.-ih.e.j Florida had beirV telegraphed, by .her; cotutiiander, Cjp!;iin Mbrrl-; to th'jL,CtVi fedemte Aent-s in Ijondo'n. The Lrdtii Timi-s nays that the . seizure Wfw' - ait? act of piracy. The J.otidort MtT?lrpoi5 aattJisitarrrfTtT . powi?r. fi- terlV.jc jf the-Florida he not t;iven up. It i; stale 1 that th'v stvauicr Lu!afy;ta Li veipool had traiVtleiVcil "vtiw,:' var;ittA merit and ammunition to the NewXf- batna tff -Madet a. . ' A: hurvirane at C ih'utta on the 5'th ult. droy( strar persons were drowned." oye 159 vessel 1 rum . their moornJ,, artded nd- Unng61 Ihvin. ' iSflVll ; FROM SAVANNAH. - Savaxnau, Nov. J6.-To-night lit'S.of our prisoners wore brought up. by tho' Yankee.-'. About one third were Myk and! otherwise dijfib!ed. The whole riumber ho far received a little; exceeds 3TO0 The delivery of Yankee prisoner will' bo-. ' grin on Thiirslnv. . A Sxfkzikg Hkao. -The manager f ,a Berlin theatre got up a drama in whicH a human head was to be offered to a tr? rant. Jn ordor. to produce as much Tt feet as'poasible, he resolved to tisa a Tiu man head. ' On the stage as" placed at tabla eovered with cloth r on the table was a basin, and an actor, concealed 1m dr the cloth, poked up hi head t"hf6ojjh' a hole in tlie table, so as: to aieni v to' be placed in the basin. Tho eETect was jro digious ; the audiencei appUude'd aaI trembled. Unluckily, a wag, jrho wai'"' behind the scenoa, sprinkled some snuff, on the basin, and just as the tyraot fin ished his address to the severed head ef his enemy, the head replied by a hearty fit of saeezing, changing tho audience JXsnirave to gay wih rantwrlcftbt x- nts i wr'k a". I'VCM i .Vc-ie.1 thtiie StrUTHERN TiJANJV, ter Arii let. ladi- not raeoi Vs? a Ki-V -1 J

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