NORTH '. THK , i. j. , siNctAm. - TUR DAILY NORTH CAROLtXI A.!f U served t subicrihers in. town at OXE DOLLAR per we;k in advance, parable to the Carriers weeklj. u Single copies TYYENTY CENTS. ' rates -o ma. i M Ha. Single copies 25 'cent: Six month FIFTEEN DOLLARS. Three month EIGHT DOLLARS. Oa month TURK 12 DOLLAR. ' ' . Toe "INTELLIGENCER," aweeTflr four paged newspaper, published at this Office Is mailed to subscriber at FIVE D0LLYU3 For six months. Thrae months TICRER fcOLLAl: Strictly m advance. - re FN T I L L i will Di cor' wr an mTB OP Ths fillowift rat advertisement inserted in tlii North Carolinian : OVd 3i?tat or eir mm, oa lkss If N C E R a VOL 1. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C, MARCH 29. 1864. NO 7; Mail Scirix-rr.:'.- Owing to a change One iar....M....M$2.09 Two days..." "3 5 Three dars. ......'! 00 .Pour da v s...... ...' 50 Fire dVa.:.......8 03 Oa we-ek 50 Tvr wsk..'.....18 00 ThV- WJik.....2s 50 One ni-vrith... ...... 31 50 Two months. .....70 00 lord; 2nd Circuit, Charles C Clark, Gravenrd Circuit, Sien II Roger. Wake, Attorney Gen eral; 4th Circuit, Thomas Sett'ellockingbam. 5th. Circuit, Ralph Buxton, Cumberland, Cth Circuit, Robert F Armheid. Yadl-in, Tth Cir cuit, Willara P Bynnmf Htii Circuit, Agustuag. Merrimou, Buncombe. - t . Coxfdbbatb Statks District CccnT.--lion Aia Brijfs, Marti nt Judge. George V Stroa Vayn. Attorney, W N Watson, Lraveu, Clerk. Wesle Jones, Wake, Max? ha I. CWscit. or Statu f? B Satlerthwaitr Robert i Diclr, Gidilbrd.dJr Jaiae Calloway Wilkes, L ldrcdge, Johnston. J K uargrave. Aiioa, U StuMis, Martin, Jam" A Pattoc, fnuombe. ' ' Lincnvnr His Excellcn y Gov. Van'ee, President Kx orncio. Kev William K Pell, Wak. an I Professor Ricbard Sterling. Guilford. Dr. 5Vm. Shrau. of Gaston, Richard l Rattle, Jr. Seervtary. V II.UUD IXTKKN'U. IaPROVKMKXTS.- -Hi El- celleucv Governor Vance, Preiddnt kx officio where the prqpetty is impret-sed with -is rea son for disapproving the same v and said com missioners may bear such proof as the parties may respectively . adduce, and their decision shall be final, provid d. that ttie owner may receive the price off-red by ther impressing ffieer, without prejudice to- his claim to receive the higher compensation.-. ' SC ?ta. Provides that all pnw-ry neees-iary-for-tbe1 support of the owner and bis farailTi or for the carrying, on of hi. bu.ines wte, Pitt or occupation, snail not iw impressci.- . 'happened to Wnk hfiw astonUhd aiul indijrnaAl ;allovay SEC, oil. :rnes iJr.,M:tiy i h Ce, and I uaa w laagii. I fairly roared, damaged wh ic temporarily tatprewed tj iuilnlit wa,- ne of tholwidest, lnest. ar-splitting ol ficer, fthall be , paid for, by tbern or an laughs you erer heard ia any bodv-? parlor. After Mivivilnt in d awakes ' several tria!s LaccompltsLvd the teat ufkfsirtsr her Src. 9th. Provides " I was joking." " I was not; and I intend to kiss tou the first op portunity, wneiner you are wuung or not. If TOU dOl II gretangrV.' Tl,e Yr1r ta Vhm Cr VU rr frtr- "I don't pare if you vU do; I gire vou faiaJ .jtLZ. 71. ;"."f- .V ' ' j VJ'P'.i. warning, so vou niavjtnow what o exoectJ A week afterwards, w e (f'istr Lizzie,-Annie ami mrself) were in the parlor. 1 thought I "would try the kissing esieriraenU r-pretendid to hare a great secret to tell Anie, which must be whisper ed in her ear. She, with , a woman. curiosity, wanted t know what it was. I cot as close 4o"ber I as possifdo, bet just as I was about to kis her, I mat'.fl in ti.stinu' ;jiT'T):;r?nreof tlio Northern mail, oiir y:i -r of yc-tt-lny did not ci .i"nu tliemnil. W uk u ; i. Lr.,t;i: J the ii-V or!' r oJ' tilings, a.ij,l i:(!.-t;tru-i?ijll will bo riht " -We have rer. i-... I f:i trio Ii,tii:fvst r l.oro a schedule of t r Ij' uu i ("'lul'uii' If.'dl, from learn that the mail j Trains will k-.:Vc j'al-Li;! POPULARITY OF THE WAR IN THE " NORTfl. ' ' and VI litioivil squares will bj charged the same. kfr.rtts tits inssrtvi oie, tWiea or thte tirnVs a n k be eh rg ;J two dollars a square tor ivrv iiertion. . ' a " a. . f il. a T. w wall tl inserted oace.n th,- Daily, and charged Daily rates ( rt'm Katou, Jr, of W arren and J 11 f un ier.ot for that insertion. i Sow Hanover, Richard II Battle, Jr Secrc- - - . , x mm . rrt. - Commissioners of sixtno r csd. non. i no u ltuffia. Alamance, Hon. Weldoo N Edwards. Vrrcu. and Hon. David L Swai:; Orange. Th. lloiir.-r-ii tv of X rlh Carolina is ai Chapel Hill. Hou. lAuvid. Iwain, Priden. ilev. Calvin TI Wib-y is .S'aperiutendeiit ol tbeConyncn Schools ot the .tate. W ley J Palmer. A M. is Principal of the X. C Iistituiion tor the Deaf and Dumbaud B.ind at Raleigh. Dr. Edmund C Fisher is Superintendent of Asylum for the Insane, at Raleigh. Rev. W U WrngAte is President cf Wake, Fores. College,. OP1'1) which is for tht present suspend ifl- . . Rev. liraxton dr iven is Prrsideut of Trinity CoTlegc, (Methodist.) Rev is President of Davidson tbealrertiivnont: M.irriig, deaths, religuu; and other notices ehArjl a adrcrtiments and Bst be paid for strictlr ia adranee. , M. r.ri II . mm- '. ' s.i im Q-EN fcUI TjXXtTO TQRYJ . Coafe tlerrttc aorcritiitent. fleSWson Davis of Mississippi, IVi-ident, Alex. II. Stephens of Georgia Vric-Presi d J P Benjamin, of Louisiana, Sec'y of State. J imes A Se llv of Virginia Sec'y of War C G Mo nminr af Soata CarsUna Sec'y the Treasury , S 11 Mallorv of Florid v;-.:r of tUo Navy. Geor". Davis of SortU Carolin Chief of the Department of J.astice ,o'r Attorney General. J Revait of Txa.s Postmaster General. The President serves six years. $EfcOXD COX8UESS. ri Srjt m of th Second Congress will crnra -ac? on th 13th of th-pr9ont m'nth (Feb r, ,rr. ) folloxviair 'u a li.t of ths S-ntrs ! ct an l thosi holding orer with th yoar annex .,t in mUrh thir resJ'rtive t.nas of o.Tic-? expire. Ala, lw rtf th miub rj elect of the HuUse of Represeatatlres, as far as ascertained. SKNATK, . . msrssrrpi. College. (Presbyt rian.) Major W M Gordon is Supenndeut of riill.-boro Military Academy. the that the impressment -of slavea shall b regulated br the laws of the State-where th imtires.sment'is maili-. and tt absence of jucb State-laws, then to be regulat ed by the Secretary of War. - , Skc. 10. That pr vions to the first day of Decem'er next, no Slave laboring on a farm or plantation exclusively devoted to the pro duction of grain and provisionr, shall be t-aken for the public us, without the confc?t of the owner, exbpt iu case of urgent necessity. "See, M. That ;wiy eommlasioned officer or private wfto shall violate, the provisions of the act. shall be tried lieforVtfl? taHUary conr'. o oirpr, w which Ee is attacbetl, on comnlaini made by toe ownc or otner ptrrron, ana on conviction, if an officer, be s-ball be cashiered and put intotranks :vs a private, and if a non comm!s?ioued off cer or private be shall suffer such punishment mot inconsistent with military law. "as the court may derect." From the Georgia Educational Journal. MI FIRST SWCET-IIEAR1V AND HOW I LOST HER. BY .TIMOTHY TOOOLES. THE I.nPItlAsME.TT AIL.? The boys were seated round the camp-fire one cold Jiitrht in the latter part of December, 1862, just belore the battle of Murfreeeboro',-enjoying themselves as best they could, when some one pro ! posed that I shotild spin a yarn. I objeeted, but the boys iusifU'd, so 1 "pitched into" a story of ! real life, substituting factitious names for the real 1UII1V1. ltd Wil i vValke, 1lobrt Jtfiuiion, hk Ito V. Johnson. Uha?. II. Mitchell, Fl.rtMDU Ja M R-iVtsr, A K MaxvtII, H. V. Toh'isoi, Bnj. ii. nm. KKSrCCKT. Sec. I. Whenevor the exigencies oT any army in the Geld are such as to make impressments of forage, articlesofsiibsisttnce or otbor proper- MnM Qf the parties concerned. ty absolutely necessary, then such unpressm-nt It was in the spring of 1861, if I mistake not, miy be ru;id- by the olliceis whose duty it is to 'that a young geut., seventeen or eighteen years of f.irnish sucli forage, artieles of .-ubsifteuee " r age, might have been seen, a3 the story-tellers say, . . c .. i. T.. 'mkan.. I n:iti,d in th ttiirlor nt'a fcrt.iii) house in the vil- iZ o. rr? isjj .b, .cf u pn. i ;je ic-, sins jussoori. oillrter agree upuu .u wc,e t . r,-.k r,u ,Vli.rrt, voon.r ldra narnn was t e duty f such impresMii j .:ii7.abt;ih c'oooo: thev were brother and .ister. II. C. Burn tt. I.OOISK.S1. E vard Sarro .r, Thas. J: rTjai:ns, M. T. TTait-'r, 170 1S70 .1970 l3fS 136S 170 1SGS I SOS vi urns i i. lH-; Allen T. Caperton, 70 of. it shall be : , UCO SORTH CinOLISi. W.n. . Qrahana, 1S70 Wm. T. Wortch, 1366 mra colik. James L. Orr, 1R65 Robt. W. Barnwell, 1866 TilfSESSRS. , 170 Landon C. Flaynes, IS6S TKX1S. W. S. Oldham'.- 1S63 Lewis T. VTigfall, 1S66 ISGd twice. - Thunder and Mars I bine blazes and! chain light h, t Jerusalem ! how mad die got! . That fed bair seemed to grow more fiery every minute. And what a storm of wrath burst on uy devoted head! Thre was no way of vhippir.g the'devil round the stump, and out it caiue - "llez Cooper, I'll never speak to you again as lohg as I live I. I hate you I despise you 1 . Keep cool, old lady," said I. "don't get in a pastion. "Tis dogs delight to bark and bitei' i5 I told you I'd do it, and 1 did do it." "Yes, yen did, and X don't thank tou for "it. You're a fool 1" v '' ", , 41 just as vou please, ilis-3Ta1ker I replied, with assumed anger. .. . . . - r ' in it was nrtojnshiag to see" now quickly she eooled down when she found I didn't cae whether she was angry or not. Before we parted that night we were as good friends as ever, but she would not let me get closer than five feet to her for a week Afterwards. Things went on all right for some time, when I took a. notion to.test her affection.' So I wentgto tno daguerrean gallery and got a full length pic ture taken in uniformV I belonged to the Rip S'nortinfr Ramrers at that time. I went dor.-n home and p ere u acted sis to send for her. We went into tue parlor, sung, several songs, got tired and sat down to have a cosy chat. I thought I'd commence my experiment. I told Annie I had something pice to show her (and I may as well tell you, boys, that she had already returned .my picture to its place on the centre-tablet, and given me hers, with the request that I would have cne taken especially for her. "What is it? I asked. I showed her the picture, and, as a matter of course, she wanted atfe but I told her I did not in tend to give it to her. That did not suit her a bit, aud I knew it by the way her voice Changed whn she asked nie it" I had not "promised to trive her one?" & Yes," was'my reply, ''but thi3 is for Another young lady." For wh'oni?" That's what you'd like to know, but I wont tell you." Vhe thought I had forsaken her, and had fallen in love with sme one else. Her face crimsoned got almost as red as ln?r head and she said : "I'll thank you, sir to give uie back my mini a- ture. "I'll not do it." "You will." "I will not." cibl rt murks upon thi war and LiiidreU sub jects : We hive only to eoritcttrp'&te the s'mple and naked facts, that with a population three times that of the States at warNvith ns. and a fighting population proportionately much larger with bounties proffered, such as rtcver tempted cupidity, in any war before we are ofimjielled to secure foreigner from their home to fight ottr battle for pay and are driven to the still more degrading necessity, of Commit ting the honor of bur flag and the vindication of our manhood to the hand of negroes bond and free. Not the relentless grasp of a most merciless and unconstitutional cnscriptiort, nor the seduction of bounties large enough to ma ke a p or man's fortune, can now drag or entice American citizens, 'except in numbers absolutely insignificant, to tight the battle of this war. Jr. is insolent, as well a irJi'e and absurd, to talk of the 'popularity" bf any war that can "command, no wanner support I tbanthis, from a fcraveatid impulsive people. i me jeans ox use re jpie were in (AC war, they themselves would lie tathe field to fight to tlx death. Tf they sincerely believed it to be a war in which they ought to offer tii em selves as a sacrifice, they would croWd td' the very horns of the altar, without threat "or bribe. That they shrink from the contest-that they will "devote all the little earniugsf their lives to purchase exemption that they can not be tempted or forced into the ranks, while there is any escape ah things tell the story. .The people do not feel any longer that the war is their war. They may support it flr a little while because the government is waging it and the fl'g is waved juver. it. Some of them may be willing it should continue, because it pays themselves or their friends large pro fits, or.keeps up their influence, or advances their party, or flatters their vanity , or grati fies tbuir rancor. But the great current of public feeling and opinion runs in its favor vq, longer. It ha now no liolr on public en thusiasm. Its popularity is dead ! - If the Administration really believes that all this is false if it is persuaded that the "I am quite sure," she gaid. "I would not keep ! a young lady's picture against her will, if f were HOITSK OF R KPRKSKXT ATI VE3. AL HUM i. 1 TSo-t. J. F .tr. 6. W. P. Chilton, 7. David Clooton. S. Jam.M L. I'ugh, 'J. J.' S. Dickinson, 3. Win. tl. - -in th, 3. W. II. W. rbb. 4. M. II. (mk'V.ui'i., 6; FraVcN S. Lyost, A UK. ANS AS. ..We hr nr inf-r nit.iti of .th election Rerijntativei to th n vtt Congress. F-ro v. - i, ... St. Oorgi R ;-r, II. 15. Hilton, i'IV'5I V, Ju'liai H vrtri 1 - J.. II. lhol-i, W. K. nth. 7. J.-Jnu-.M M. 5-nith. Mark' ii. Bl ttM t. s. Uvmt n- Lsstr, Cli ior t And-iu. 'J. II. I. H. J, T. Sbewniake. 10. Warren Aiviri.' kr.STiriir. Xo election for nxt Coajr-'sJ. oiheer, UP i:i aihd.iv it. in wrttli'Jf ul tue Ownei !aiKi troul ..ii :ll)D,.araiices. were much interested of such propel y or his, that such tri-jin conversing upon some absorbing topic. We will perty was grt)vvn, raised or produced by said i take the privilege to eavesdrop awhile, in order owner, or ?s held or has bt:t.u purchased by! that we may learn the subject of their couversa him not for wl or spcciilation. but for hi.-! """V- . ... own use or e.i-iiiuitiJn. to cause the same to "Hozzv said theyounglady "I thought I told v. . , lv :., ,i.,, , vou to DiacK your ooois ana eouio vour neau oeiore i vou. be aer ai tied or d,tcr,n.ncd by the adgtn, nit Comu illto tLc. parIor to-night;?" ' j ' This touched me in a rather sensative place, so I o two olyal aud disi.lterestvd cituens ot the .. So ,u lAztXii, but I forgot it clear as a passed it to Sis, who was ait ting between us, and City county or paristi in w men sum impief-- whistle. bat's the use ot fixing up to-night 7 you told her to '-pass it on." She would not do it, but ineiii may U : inai; on; 10 oe svireicu, unci j Know i never go to tuat trouoie tukinir an out to jniiraise the property im-lday." pressed, tairlv aud iiupartiatly (which oth as I "Didn't I tell you that Annie Walker would be h thi atbd tvi i provided for in this section, lnt!;iere. , iiapre.-u.nent officer is hereby an", irized- toK , 'bd ; but what of hat ? I dont know any- ' j 1 I ever saw." or tiif'r.o;; i,..-r., ui... ; .. 1 and I expeJt- you to behave yourself while she is pr'.-s- i here." " tfoii ol I "I'll 'be bound for you. Sis. You think a fellow o-iit or ' Da!' nothing to do but sit and say nothing bite his anger nans, or uo soinetning equally asioonsn, anu j 1 1 -fc compensation for the proper cd, whether l;e absolute ownership le'iipoiary use :!iei of i a juire " Skc. 2. That t ht- 'ifticeror pe. in; pi-opyrty. as af'r!'snil ihail s.wd taking. navto the owner, v pprai." iitorii'iv. compensation lixed by sa... i t ji .i : .. .. -is; ail l Mian aiso K'f m ine owner ui w;i niu i ;f..,wl m. ..,..,.,. i,.... .. . ;,,i, .. .... ii.i controlling said property, a certificate over hisj ..j dont waut' VOu to sit and sav nothing, vou fTicial signature, specifying the battalion, re-: duhc-but I do want you to behave vourself "and i fl uent, brigade, division or corps to wlncn tie . oe polite, it nothing more. handedt back to me; I told lur I did not want it, as long as fiss Annie wished me to give it up. "ijivf it to. me, lizzte, was the m-xt remark from Annie; "he says he does not want it." She was beginning to come around. I' asked : "Did you not demand it of me?" "Yes; but I thought you did not vrant it." and she appeared to be verv muehiurtat the idea. "If that is thtf case. Lwill keep yours and her; passing nunc to ner, you may have this, they will have it. They are tired of ."milita ry necessity" and military rule. They pre fer the government created by thc Constitu tion to a war-begotten despotism, supported by black janizaries. They do not tUeiro to exterminate the slave aristocracy' at the South, in order to establish, at the North, an aristocracy of shoa'.der-straps aud cavalry bouts. They believe that the mission of this Republic is somethingbetter than "miscegeu&r tton" and the establishment of negro cqu'aiT-' ty or superiority. They will endure taxation, privations and tacf ilices no longer, to defy the idols of New England's hypocrisy, cupidity and fanaticism. They yearn for peace, ice repeat, and peace they 'will have.' ; ..-O, . 'A; Drixo Govkbsment. fri the Yankee House of R ipfesentatives or Wednesday last Mr Voorhees of Indiana said r It wasa melancholy, spectacle to behold a free Government die. Liberty once lost Ira's nevar in the' history of the world been regained by . the same people, A republi can formf Government once overthrown, has,, never risen -again. - iienevvr in me tkiu domain of hnman conduct, a people mce possessed of liberty,' with all the . power in their own fcands, had surrendered these great gifts of-ood at the command of a usurper, they have never afterwards proven themselves worthy to regain their forfeited treasure. The' American Republic, he said, is dyings and he proceeded to enumerate' the Causes which are working- its downfall, sayfng among other things, that under the present Administra tion justico "was no longer established, nor the blessings of liberty secured to the citizen. No instance m aU history could be found where a people claiming Christian civilization has tfaged a war of any kind a gain it any foe iff dumb ferocious silence without' a word, 5ftv, or a look in behalf of a peaceful solu tion, as long as we have now been- engaged in this cruel conliici. . lie argued at length that negotiation now opened would lead to a restoration f the. Union without further slaughter, and that such a course of statesmanship was sanction ed by enlightened precedent and especially commanded by- Divine law. But such a popularity oi tue war continues, Jet it aban- I cuUrse would not accomplish emancipation, don the conscription and the bounty system j nor bind un a central despotism: hence it was not pursued by the party, iri" power. and make the experiment of volunteer enlist uients tor a. single week. I hat bi ief space of time would suffice for the entire solution uf the problem If such an txperi.nent, how ever, be deemed too hazardous, let Mr. Liiv coin and his couneslors make a still simpler one.. Let them tell tiie 'people the trmk for a single month; if the thing be possible, if not let tlkein endeavor to d'it for a fortnight. uet Mr. Chase give us the real amount of the public debt and of his means and provisions for its payment. Let him inform us of the amount of taxes which we must endure to ing for such of our men as were destitute, avert the shame of repudiation, now without and could nof supply themselves elsewhere. Draws by Just tiie Right Patitt. A corrs"pohdent of the Atlanta Register write3 from the -Camp o the sixty-fifth Georgia Regiment a word of encouragement to the old ladies, lie says: A short time since oiir - quartermaster drew from the Georgia Relief Aid Association clotli- increasing the debt a single dollar. Instead of see-sawing between greenbacks and bond which appears to be the substance of his finan- j provided vou take me also. "I won t d do that." "Hut we are alreadv engaged." That was all done away with when we quarTel all because a red-headed girl is coining to see you.J ed just now 1 bunder it was ! and I very deliberately put tue picture in my pocKet i. ojloritrs: that said nroprtv is essential for th' . ... ftu Tt'irt? cifr. cM m -Mi,oi-wc prt--f ( e,nr 1. ami wv VAkux ru i -"l c iS nothing vtart, hey f L'icien J. Dtipre .-. llt'prv .i irsn.-ii. f nrist AS ." 1. Chas. J. Viil-re, 4, 2. Chas. M. floiirad ' 3. Duncan E. Kennr, 6. John Perkins, jr., Mississim. 1. J. V. Orr. i. Ot'jo R. Singleton, 1. W. D. II-.I It, rt. Kthel lUrksdale, 3. Israel Wel-h. 7. J. T. L.impkin. t. Hoary C. Chambers, MISSOURI. The n'renont I.lp .ition were elected to hold o fiee until their successors wore elected. Question of oualiucation will bo decided by the t -fiK s.w ?" 1 understand. Jt ?s ; love at first sight. wen, i oj.i' to iose . . ... i.. .. ... ... : i .i ...! sily; setting lorm me ume a-'i ..... j iufIJlit and ho ,Jllt on an air of resignation truly .vheie taken tlie ol como-nsatuMi li.v.i , e(iiiyinj, tt tlft beholder. by ;iiid appraiser, and th: sum. "it any.: a" pause in the conv rsation ensued, and the si paid for thu same. Said certifica te -hall lc lenee remained unbroken until a bang upon the evidence for thc owner as well as ot the takina ;door announced the arrival of the young lady of .U s-.inl ornnertv for the miblic use. as the niht: the aiiourn tress r- r j . - of the amount of compensation li ved as afore-! Whew!" said Ilez-kiah ; "She's on-' of the I'll take it!" the cried "Upon mv condition?" "Y-f-s."" .vf it. nere it is wajj-f answ "a now m, a case otWO nol?. 1 II have to "i simtx-j 5 .." "lon.'t you know it?" ".NV I'don't balflike the war you have treated me to-night, and ought not to forgive you for it." " until I ask yuu to. hadn't vou?" She looked at me, and Jier eyw fairly flashed fire; we were larttier apart tnan ever but 1 was deter cial policy, and concocting policy schem On each garment of this ciothing was tacked a card, stating by whom the article was ! made. &c. When the clothing Was received. there was not enough to give each man a lull suit; consequently it became necessary to make a lottery of it. During the engagement at Missionary Ridge, private' ' Burton Weaver was lucky enough to get a pair of shoes; but, poor fellow, iivv at Rakish at -re. h at t a. in. and mn ni. The i:.:iil train will reach - Web! :i at'd "iSO p.'m.'an.i leuvr WeUlon for 'R;tl -ig-li at C SO j. in. The accoinnr.xl ilion train leaves halcrT aC 7 p. m., audrc..c!:uo Wehlun at 4;u. Le'iivcs. Wtldon at 5 a. in., :uid reaches Raleigh at 4 p. m. , We hare not r-rsn fLo 'schedule for the-' Western, trains, but presume they will !xs run in connection vk'ith the uhve schedule of the Raleigh and Gas'v.i liiilroad. H ileigh ('vnftdf-.tie. Bank's Mcvemknt that the movement v. t made against M.-Mlo, weakness of thc fore: to take part in t!iv "N' XT' hi i.e. Tt is said' '.v!i nanks was to hava w;is . frustrate. 1 by the .vitii.lraw:i iVoui Te.H forward - movement' of which Sherman's, ..Smith's,',. Grid-sou's 'and Fartagnt's dcrnhnvtivtiuns firt. Bauk v' to' Hhve'j adva'icVdrtia ..Mobile frr-ni Pascagouia, or some other '.p.iiyt, but Lad not the Torce. ; , " - a.-aWwf ' vroiight back fvm Texas is arcmuiud f.r.tJy thus7at. Client, that thousands have itWitcd to Mexico to take "part in tlie troubles g,4iig on th-rv but wliether for Juarez or Ut3.irt':ich, or on their own hook",, no one -knows, - - The delegates' .frfrV ; to the National Uliion Convention'-have' been reeoinV mended to vote for thercnomination of IVcsi-" dent Lincoln. , A street rumor was c'rcul d mg in Washing. 4-nn nlrriit- l !rfl I ...'....I I under the rebel' Gen. Sturii t,- were making a dash upon the city, and that the various ap proaches to Washington wre being bnrrioa-4p dod, and rifle pits thrown up, to impede tho pfgrs of the Taiders. r !-- Tl. rw...i..;:iV 'Li, :..t..r , .'.,. a political scheme, called the Georgia Plat- form, fox there-construction if a Union siiui- lar to that of 1773, acknowledging the neces sity of American unity and of -State sovereign- ' ty, and-guaranteeing thc protection ofslavery." The Chronicle names several papers in Gria and Alabama that openly, advocate the schcmV. ftnd saj'S they claim most of tho leading men of Georgia, as favoring Lt, nd several of other States, and assert that tho' Address of Congress " embodies'' its princi ples. '0, dear me!" exclaimed Henrietta, throw ing herself into the rocking chair, "I'll never go to the post office again, to be looked out cT cotnvfehsnce by all tlusc Tm-n on the corn er. It's so provoking! What can I do, Surah Jano, to stop thoe awful r;en spring at me so in the face ?" "Do ns 1 do," replied Sa rah Jano, with a sly look "show your ;;rp kle." said. And in case said off cer or person, tak ing said property shall have failed to pay the owner or ins agent. said compensation as here strong-minded kind, I reckon, or she wouldn't try to breaK the door down. To this observation his sister deigned no reply, for jobbing in gold .on Wall strectf let him trust the people, if he 4"re, with the f icts from which they may. know tliwir own solv ency or insolvency, and apueal to tboin to'! meet the issue, f ce to face. Let Vif; Sew ard try if he can write one solitary despatch I itiiiiwui Buiiir ijui VL'iiMii Oi lie 1.11. i i . : i. . ii r. i .i i; i- v . , . . . ne nau no socks anu winter was ineu very lasi. irtith, ard onuno himselt to to the legiimate . , , ; AUWi,- !?rrsnondenceabroMl, ' 'i o-j , - - . jpaitment with cl ip trap and misrppivswi'a- "Fortune favors the brave" so he drew a tion tor home consumption and deception. Let 1 pir ot well knit, alt wool socles, With a card Mr Stanton, instead of Hooding the country attached, on which was Written: "These with false Im.ictins from u i espopsilde or fic- ; SOcks were knit for our soldiers by Mrs: Nancy Weaver, of Fannin county, an old lady seventy litmus sottreSy riiidervaluimr ol i t . ... , .... Jt ,. , ab , - years of aire, who has six sons in the army. mined to carry it out, if I lost my sweetheart bv " ""' ,"m ' ""1 ng u.cir . - it. One word brought on another, until she vow"- reverses and our triumphs, give himself up, j octr " , , 7 Vi uunou U1C yun ed she would never speak to me again. (for ever so brief a spuco, to the dissenmvn i- est of tho s,x l) mere chance drew and is She had no one to accouioanv her home that; linn .!' il.. imil. u-l.T.-h ! ...... i now wearin" these vfirv soclrsr and T have no , . ,ii i l.i . I . i . . , t... v. ...w ..-. niv. nit n ; o J 7- - i hut rose and onened the door, and there sure enough i nmht. ami I tnciv it? I t.ilrl 3u.r. ;r .i.i .. ... , . . 1 . . . . .. in before rfiired then said owner shall he en-istooll a yttnu,r lsuW asre.l about 17years, blue eyes, I asked to go, he must retse. Jle eaid :dl i , U l - 'V rt , 103 stSSlV ior "lncti Uoubt ne appreciates ttiem more tnan tl.o tilled to the speed v pavment of th- siuie l'v i alabaster brow, rubv lips, pearl v teeth, and lat of iri Hit, JTrz. I uuoerstand." " , i they are taxcu to tho utmost m treasure and possas.don of a dozen pairs knit by strangers the nrop-r disbursing otticer. .winch, when so all, a nair. ue watKeu in, Kisseu Kizie, iookcu i i'i eseotiv Anais spoke : "Well, Lizzie, I mnst I iom. vv un wnnt luce can ne usseri tne when of all claim Con federate next Congress. NORTH 1. t . II. Smith, 2. H. U. Hri Iges, 3. JT. Leach, I. Thos. C. Fuller, 5. Josiah Turner, jr., SOtJTK L Jas. II. Witherspoon,4 1. W. Porcher Miles, 5 3. Lewis M. Ayer, G ovnoi.iMA. fi. John A. Gilmer, 7. Saml. II. Christian, 9. James (1. Hamsev, 9. H. S. Gaither, 10. Geo. W. Logan. C.VI.OMNA. W. D. Simpson, James FarroW, W. W. Hoyo. 1. J. . Haskell. 2. Wia.. tl. Swan, 3. A. S. Crvlyar, 4. John I. Murray, . H. S. Foote, h. K. A. Keeb!, TEXAS. 1. John A. Wil en. 4. Frank I. Se.xton, 1. (liiWn'o d. Herbert, S. J. It. Kay lor, 3. A. M. llraaeh, 6. S. II. Morgan. Vina IN! A. t. It. L. M-nt-igu, 9. Diri l Funstn. 2. Kobt. II. WhitefiMd, 10. F. W. M. Holliday, 3. William C. Wickinan, 11. John B. Baldwin." 4.. Th"s. S. Gholon, . Th'iuias S. lnock, 6. John G6olr Jf., Wni. C Hires." . 3. D. C. De Jaraetto. Oorernincnt of o.iid. siiH.ll he iu full satistactiou urawHt thc Government of the States. Skc. Ii. Illienever the apara sement provid ed for in the fst, section of this act. shall, for any reason, bi. impracticable at the time of said impr ssinerjC then and in that case, the value ot rlfr nronortv impressed shal I be assessed as soon i ii i 1 ne A J TM-wuitili bv two IiivaI :inl disiilteresl ed c.i v. - . . .. , - - - - - - - " - - - . . . citizens of the city, county or parish wherein the property was taken cho-en as .follows One by the owner, and oiie by commissary, or quartermaster general, or his a vent, who. in case of disagreement shall chouse the third eitize i ot like qualification, as an umpire to decile th'-initter in dispute, who shall -be sworn as afor'id, who shall h ar the proofs adduci d hv tli : parties, as to ilie value ofsaid property, and assess a ju-t com.eiisatioii there of, according to flie testimony. Skc. 4 That whenever the Secretary of If'ar shall be of opinion that it is necessary to take private property for public use, by reason ol the impractibilify of procuring the same 'by purchase, so ais to accumulate necessary sup plies for the army, or the good of the service in any locality, he may, by general order thro' the proper subordinate officer, authorize such property to be taken for the public use. the compensation duethe owner for the same to be determined and the value found as provided for in the first and secoud section of this act. Skc. 5. That, it shall oe the duty of the President, as early as practicable after the passage of this a t, to appoint a cofnmiasioner 12. W altar R. Staples, 1 in each State where property shall be taken IX Fayette McMauJlen, (or thc public use, and request of the Govern or of such of the States in which the President at me, (there, now,.tne cat s out oi tne oag, so i , jrt); jrood-bve. TENNESSEE. 7. .Lumos McCullum, ' 8. Thus. ITeneiw, 9. J. D. C. Adkins, 10. John V, Wright, 11. David M. Currin might as well tey you thaU iezckiah and myself j Good-bye, Annie were one ana the same person.) as much as to say, with her. " that's him, is it? and took the seat loitered her. "Sistei Lizzie looked at me, and J looked at her. I began to feel embarrassed she saw it, and enjoy ed mv confusion. At length she said, "Annie, this is my brother llezzy." You ought to have seen the bow I made her. The first words she uttered quite astounded me. "Mr. Cooper, I understand you "are to be mar ried soon ; is it true ?" I did not know, for a while, what to say, but at length stammered out, "I that is no." " o!" she exclaimed, in" feigned surprise j " I thought you were engaged to Miss Bella Owen." "No, indeed," 1 replied, having by this time recovered mv self-possession : "I am not quite so fortunate. I would have been married long ago, but could not find any one who would have me." "Whv," said she, "you surely have not asked all the girl's ?" " Yes all." "N'o sir; you have not; I know one you have not even named the subject to." 1 looked at Sis: she was making all sorts of signs to me, none of which I comprehended;Jbut she help ed me out. vv bv uui ou ask her to have vou, Jlez?, she's just waitingsor you to pop the question." 1 turnea to tne reu-naireu uiviuiiv anu saiuy witn much mock solemnity as I cwuld command. .in. vou must i wax to be tin- people's War. when' after bur ro home jns: caused thc press to team TVith telegrams. As Interesting Lovk Letter. "hs Mo bile Tribune publishes the following love letter .received bv a soldier in the armv go with her, I won't" and he sat down with a very ! siastic re-enlistment oi uie Veterans ot li.e j Gr xnnssee and appended to his appli .!.,...,..:... .1 : - u ... i t i -....:. r... , ... r.. . . , . .... r. . . . ' utivi HHUI.U . . . ; ,u ill liv." Uil,- liluVU V i I ...ituu.H Llf kiu: Annie started to go turned back. held out hes to the House of Hep' e.-cntativcs A New Point of Ex iianh:. Wcyndcr stand that Savannah, Georgia, or some point niglr ifnto it has been selected as neutral grotmd for the delivery j-uid exchange of tho prisoners of Avar sent from Richmond b Atner icus and such others' as may be gathoro.1 at that post. Major B. Griswold. late provost marshal of Richmond,' has loe;i detached front service there, and ordered to the above in.-,t. Some of the members of Congress still Iirit er about Richmond and among them arc sev eral of the "forty" conscripts, seeking, no doubt, ns o'ft a place as j ib!e. A promi nent .Senator H iid, a short time ngo. he hd received no less than twenty different ppli cntions from ex-mcmbers fur i-cccomnieuda-tion to office. renowns 1 rnv is rep'.rffd fo I won't do it," was Sam's reply; "if iez can't annoui.ting the almost universal ami enthu siastic re-enlistment of tlu hand to me, and said, as sweetly "good-bve, llez.v." Not a vvrd did I sneak: I intended make another offer towards reconciliation. After much persuasion, he induced aiu, (who had obtained my permission) togo with her. Sis. Annie and Sam all went to the door together, and l' I c.ition lor a furlough. Gen. Johnston grunted any in- , ;l Df absence for fif een daVs.' How po.iuie, j-orni;ii,l)u n the subjoct, on the ground that ; coad he avoid it ? j -i V...U it would lo nre'imlivinl t the. iitifilitz in- i x, - . . ... . ' r. . , . .011 lertiil '- It the Administration will not veil- j xuklah 10,100. jtuie to pursue the plain-,' straight lorward ! yr MoasT Rsteemejj Fkiexd ; 1 ani awair icouise we indii-ritc, let it cease t rate of its i that you will be surprised to hear that father left me sitting by the tire, rocking a-.vay as if mv i W!" P1,c roien in inc couu ie:ice 01 uie ; anrt mouier lias consenieu ior mysen ana you life depended on it. ' " 'people. to get married, which affords me great pleas- I heard them sav eood-bv ao-ahi. and thoueht 1 il tl,e P;,io npuohl it, wny co:iceai irom ; wre ; ior 1 don t leel as liiotagti 1 could ever give my conxcni 10 marry any oiner geniie- A nnii wn trcnt X woa miatatran 1 iwl Htd " cm- i tliO rOi kT 1 1 IV ji;it t" ' I k tlTlllf)lfl ing, she slipped back into the parlor, stole softly I the war can tie maintain.-d in Or, is it that its pretended 1. Samuel Miller, 15. Robert Johnston, 16. Charles W. Kussall. shall appoint said commissioners to appoint I able." IVorClt Carolina. His Kxcelhmcy, Zcbulon 11 Vance, Duucombe, GTrfior. Col Dan'l A HuncS, Northampton, Ai . do George Little. Wake. do." Richard 11 Battle, Jr, Ano'a, Private Sec retary. Dr K I ward Warren. Chowan, Surgtori Gen'l. John P If. Ituss, Wake. Secretary -t' State. Jonathan Worth. Uan.lolph, Pa lie Treasurer. Curtis II Broglen; Wayne, Comptroller. Samuel F Phillips, '.(range. Auditor. Kbenezer itmrriers. State G -ologist. Oliver II Ilerry. WaVe. State Librarian. Major General R C (Jatin, Lenoir, Adjutant General. Captain William D Culick, Beufe-t. Pay master. Captain Thomas D Hogg. Wake, Commisry and Ordnance.Officer. Captain James Sloan, Guilford. Quart erra aster. Captain Henry Dowd, Kdgcombe, dff T WW 1.11 1 I'l " I jam's 11 roote, ireucii, as s. uji. oen.,i,i,v another commissioner to act in conjunction with the commif.siouer appointed by the Presi dent, who shall receive the compensation of eigTit dollars per d;iy. and tea cents per mile as mileage, to be paid by the Confederate Gov ernment. Said commissioners sh'all constitute a board whose duty it shall be to fix upon the prices to be pai. by the Government,- for all property impressed or taken for the public use, as aforesaid, so as to afford just comper sation to the owners thereof. Said commission ers shall irgree npon.and publish a schedule of prices every two months or ofteuer if they j shall deem it proper; and in the event they f sh'all nor he aoie to agree in ;.ny m mrif r con- as "Miss Walker will vou accept mv heart and hand? "Certainly I will. Who could refuse such an oSer from such a nice young gentleman." 1 had, "by this time, entereu fully into th ; spirit of the afl'a'ir, and replied., "So I am or gaged-at last and now, my lady, if you have no objections, we will name the day." " I have none." "Well, then, let us go to church on the 21st dav of August next, and then and there br married. r' " I will do so wua.the greatest pleasure miagin- 1-1 ,v up nemname , put ner arms aronna my necic am ;,,,, V.r;tv- onlv 5U Um as the people are 1 1 1 1 - . . . . au'd what it 1 man, foi j'ou know, yourself that I always es teemed ye'u higher than any one els. Mi bear in miud- you know )'on once said that you never could live an sec me in the annes if Anothc man. Know is the time to prove it. You will haf I am shore that tried to look mad, but a broad erin overspread mv ! ktl,fc tl'"m Kirywin- wiiat rl countenance. I arose, and followed her to the promises. door. A'he Jseemed loth to depait. Finally, .Vis ; We axe i ej.iv-ed to see thac theso consider 8ai'. ''ez you're a fuol !. don't you see "she is j iltions and (.tli.-rs akin to thvm ure opening " ft J A'l rr.Vr"","" so many lo.rg blinded eyes. The people hare j te come home immediately. She pushed me oil" tlie' steps, aud away I went ! begun to think lor .themselves, at last, and i the commanding officers will not object to with Annie hanging to my arm. '(here can be but one result of their so dojng, 'your haveing a fur low to come on stich im- ! i they will bulspck out, f itrlesslv, what ' portant business as that. Ma an pa has give The secession q,,?stio .had been agitated long be-; j th;nk Tho w.,r C;Um.,t pr.,bing. ! their consent, thinking that you would hardly fore, and I was on- of its most ardent supporters. y . . . .. -n I . t i .1 .l , i When old Fort Sumter fell, 1 threw up my hat. ; " ,ts :ascs. Us conduct, its pir poses or us j get a fur low, and then they could say it was shouted and swore I would " " j prospects. Il c.tmiot survive the touch of! not ihir fault ; bivt I want you to take them "Join the Southern army ad for Jeff Davis fight." free l bought. free s-picch. The friends of j onn a suprize. 1 know, if Joiilove me as you Annie and I had a bio- i.lnw nti. SW aroused m' peace, hc:-et6ibre, have lacked boldness and ! sav vou do, you ' will no fail to conic. of flirting with Jl-dla Owen. I said I had not done confidence in thcin.-ei vos and their cause. lc- Give my kindest regards to General Johnston so : I 1 her she ; have "Now remember,- Miss Annie, I intend to hold ; the sunny fluting with -H-:lu Owen. I said I had not done confidence in thcin.-ei vos and their cause. De-j Give my kindest regards to General Johnston ' ; she kn.w better, and we got into a regular row. 'sorted, at the outset lv ths- in whom thc- I and fell him to be a friend to matrimony this t'teiSf!.int'd l hvo.nothi,,S ro ? wilh ; trust, d as lenders, it is: scar, elv to he wood- j timo &r ,ny sake. r from that time, no matt-r how manv advances , . . , , , ; , J , T , r i iu made tirwards a reconciliation. " jevel that they should have despaired, and! jTothlng more until I hear from you ; an be j have permuted themselves" to be huihed out , ashurcd tnat r shall await, your arrival with un the rourii nay ol Julv, lstl, i lert home for of Ihe expression ot their v. . O I. i i- .." i . l -i, ...:.i .t. I . . . . . - " Gen. William K Jones, , airy leader, of East Tennessee, nave enierea rventtieKy, a few d.-.v.? ag through Fulkerson's Gap, oil an expedition. Tho Iiristol Gazette is confident that wo vh'all have god news from him. The case of the Famporo the ensjiec(el Confederate steamer seized on th Clyde hai been brought before tbe Court of Sessions at Edinburg. Tho information contains- ninety eight counts. Thb defendants plead that thu information is untruci in fact, and bad in law; "Wasn't that a waste of powder ?" snid an Irishman fo a Kantuckia.n, v. ho had ymi brought a coon to thc ground, with his ri:!p, from a large trw. VWhy Pat?"" asked th hunter. "Sure thc fall would a kilt him." The Richmond Sentinel says that o-ir scouts report that tho arm'- of the Pot-.mic has orders to move, aud that Grant has as sumed ennmand; this docs not ngrc.', Vow ever, with thc dispatch in the World stating that. Grant and his stuff were at Ca;ro ou the ICth inst. Thc D:invillo Jpp'exl says a Yriiikce was captured in Caswell county, N. C., a day or tVo ago. He said he belonged to Jbihlgi vn's l'aidiiig party, and was separated from Ins re giment while near Richmond, and has be-, u vou to this engagement. ' bloody- soutn noluicrcii a while with the i... ih...,,f c , , , U .1.1 f91r . ' M b ft I .1'. TV -regimeiit Lfor wounaeo was ihkou lli.ini.irii- c nvictions themselves. " All riirht: but what will I do with mv other i trin.W, nH Mrr.',.,i t.T .xi i ; Hut these -times tiave ciucnged. I he tide is sweetheart, who's ambrotype I have here?" and had bjen there about three weck, l' received a let-' HOW Setting in the right direction, anl tliev she held up one which bore a strong resemblance ' ter from sister Lizzie." and what d- think, bovs ? I must take it at the flood. Thc pi o pie must 1 " r-v .. : "B;e.r n"a'n,".ri' unc .yucnaanezzari ot awai! 1or nK.., to !l.,k1 nicm U(nv 1UIU" " v'K."i.-,. caiM a3 x ivsi- iu iu- i oouics ; i erhaps l roar : 1 had Ion" since ' vestigate the matter ontgrown my firft, or -puppy lore,' as it is called, ot tor this world! 1 must keep it to remem- ! and enioyed'it . hue-el v. " ber somebody. j I was "parol nl and" went home went to Uncle I to-day will be onlv to bappr to return 'OS iiusiiiiici wai seai emu- me cmrr,; taoi. Uabez loper's hist dulu't want to go to Luclo I the f.-utse of e;iCt d'Vvolope its Thuid Not a sirrn of in v- l.iplnrn mil.l 1 lln.l- If I v.u... l .i:.i- l ' 1. .. . . . ' ' '. I O where to be seen, therefore I came f. th.. i-nnr-l.ul.m i.,,- ..i.i i. i .o a .':.. T;poilron. Us sliengill. lL that she bad it, and subsequent evei'! troved that ; w.n v..n- mrl. fatiri,od. I f..r- l 1,. i t'ian who wants Peace, ciV I eace ! Jet ttiere 1 wa..- 'n1. 11 i -""jeviiii-e. jdown to Uncle Jabe's to see me. Sbv came, and; De no " eil DOTS. 1 went to bed that mhf willi rm. i t-.jri . f I, . t i,.i :...i .: i i..i ; .. c .. .1.: ., . . , .- - - iyiu lit . lum un i. &ll,il uu ffllll. l l.iiu: ty lOl 111;? oi i uj-'iu b u-w u iuneiiuj; in my loo e greatest anxiety. lours, as ever, . Ton ami, II. T. W -no ! at i iinm s ii iris nu vpnnir in mr tov .ix .ui : i i ,i..t.ix i . .! . . i ' - i- - i - - v .-ucvi.ioioiL . i iiii'ii i iri urm v. :n u unu ui in run nn mini i iinm i i i i ' i -v . . l- 1 1 irr:- io tit "in ... ci-. "V e.' aP" bosom. In a bad i x wasn't I?-Sis was to Llau e. 'the next day The next day came, and I went. She , Z' i , " ., i hiding things. Alter a time point an umpire iu ueciue ioe man-r in dispute She bad planned this meeting, intendiugtbat Annie wet me at the door j luc taro '! l-s"'i s auvocaits, It.iney, tj ,. then found to i ..u.ii t .... ui..i t ihAAr.i'!. :.. i . .r : ir , .... " hy. how d'ye flo. Ilezz.v V and blame her : .. , . t . . . . , . , i true. n Hid ou tell Us ,,r'a,m """"" 'i''-f-' fm - -". u.m k- - d :li-,aM e just did if for the!"'- no man ie rooici or ingiueneu '-, hundred and iifiv Yankees" w -::j'?rrrs lz.:hi h.Tim MV ,nm tavi-m : A-jv; he is ,.10 Support .:;f rccito ucd scveral. rvcW: iHLTImVUid commisseVs sdrnh il i ' nC,P " ""i "'1 .V" '.V.. ?. .'T. " There are at least two bu oe residents of (he .state tor vhich they shall o proceeded. I dreamed of red-haired I,. " Well, we think it b-af? Tfvtrail. and thev ' -i " &- ll n t more, w itliin two mih be aVlye'' 1111,1 ,n Governor of any State moonshine, rainlfows, churches, parsons, kid Way that liobtnd beats the devil,' KahMim T. " j ., " ., . .- . W4V coolly re.spomied the dulge, shall teniae, oi negieei to appoint said com !glfves, wJnte dresses, mist v veils, and oi anc JacK 31. thought iu tcen treated badlv, and j - . . " . i : all Ucticu. Jli 3181 ppt'in. mission. rs within t.Mi .lava Hlier o ,-.ntMnci t-. I riowi-rs: thoueht I was marriee. and init Ti-.Jv. said : " ji'rrment wi n his money aivl itis blooH, ba's ; . A Good Joke. Ii seoms that old age and 4.rillLnA InU'JcinnU 111 VA 1 At rKm"ri .dirtrl ty, civilisation the biased tcaolungs of C 1., is- : fondness of 0ur old ,riend JwlrQ Hhiirkoy of ....... j ...v. .v . . v.,. v.. J .,v.6.4 i . r i for nracticnl ioke?; lo throw tho streets of J'ackson in a considerable conster- .s gran a pio- , ,iatj0-n a fy days ago, by riding in town and t, then every i rt.p((rtm that there were two hundred and Ce . Let tfieie r.:tv V:inL-ei wit.ldn fvrn imli- rd'.tbe nlnfo. cateripg lor noptir,iri:v ! ...., i- . , i ,i. i:,..,.. .i . t.i. influence or tnat no puftmg .n i i ..!.....",-.... 1 ;.. ,,....5-;., ...,,i - . ri in t ULiiri.'v.i i. Aiizy.n inn .iu up &iiiji 1 ' ? C7 " the report was be positively un- thcie were two ithin'two miles rrdred and fifty, is ot the c:ty," out ttiey arc Roll of Honors William A Graham, Jr., Orau?e, Ass't Adj't. General. Lieut. John IJ Neathery, Wake, Asijt. Adjt. General. Lieut.-Thomas White, Frankliu, Ass. Quarter master. Judicial. St'PnKMK Courts. Richmond M Pearson, ITadkin, Chief Justice.; William H IJattle, Orange,-aud Matthias E Manly, of Craven. Judges, Sion II Rogers, Wake, Attorney Gen era!, Hamilton C Jones, KTowan. Reporter, Edmund U Freeman, Clerk. (.Meets in this city of Raleigh second Monday in June each year. The Morgan. an term has been' discontinued.) crKRioR Cociits. Judges John L Daile-y. Ji-Biibcombe, Romulus M, Saunders, Wake, Hob't B Heatlh, Chowan, Rolvt S French. liobeson. Jaoje W Osbernc, Mecklealmrg, George How ard, WHtou. Itibert Ii, GranvUie, WUHaai il .Shipps, Henderson. iUctro:: Circti, JeJ. Vatcs, U'ert'- poi n t rxii.T. ir-'iioe.s; iii.Mii; 11 1, i .is ma i i lee. ;ii.o lusr :; ii'hi.n. so bv the President, flie rrei.l.ii i.-.!! ed mv bride in mv arms awoke, and found I wa-! " Vou'd better find a-gi;l in thxi Southern Con- 'ne light, nay is hound in dity. to inHuence 1 . ... . rll :.,.,.)... 1 ..1 . , .. , . w l-. l--. l.-l. . .-. r- . T T.' . T" . l..iT noiu commissioners by- and wita the i . fe . ""-'V . iispouev.ov me pu on- tixpres.-ioii ol nis lion- i & r. st i h .. t.r.. um inai xwunessce ex- advice and consent of the Senate. . 1 t!tte? m,sllV wo?u" l -f a k,:? fro. i t" ,.c,"fac,-a TV -r .. ." u . , . I t opin.ons. c is hHui.d to iev the laws, , changes seem to be confident that an engage- . . , Ti... .,11 iM.,.n,., t ... Annie, uui i,in.u i uii-niiunt'ii iQCSUOlnci. til;' Said jail, fuiiu unu ... .1111 ims miu uis 1 i 11 i , t . , 1 . .1 1 , , 11. .t fcKC. ll'i- an piopeitv imoressed or tak-i u . i..i i A . . 1 4 , '....'T.- : . " - out not to smother or be he Ins enh vutioni. : mint cunnot be Ions: delaved between the it- . Mlf IPIU uri VI mrtJUaL t lllll ir irpi I1II19I1 111 nor PU I'll II lb ui -v. - - - . . ..... ty , - - iu the barn'shifo. and wouldn't kis? inn'ifwc w.-i pniJ ! Well." saiil Jack, when boom, boom we i The talk of "emii-irrassinir the Government " i forces of Loujrstreet uud S h rield. The Yan- straggling ever sinee. Fkomotep'. The Fetershurg Esprrx says that it is reported that lirig. Gen. Martin has been promoted to the rank of Major General, Ool. W. J. Clark to be Brigadier General. Both are on duty in North Carolhia. .n for the public use. as aforesaid i of any person other tha the persons who have raisird. grown, or produced the same, or per sons ho. ding the same for their own use or consumption, and who shall make the affidavit herei; bulore required, shall be paid for accord ing to the schedule of prices fixed by the com missioners as aio-resaid. But, if the officer and the owner shall differ as to the quality ol tlv articfe.or prRPer,7 impressed or taken, there by making it tah wilhin .a higher or lower pricu named in the schedule, then the owner or agent ami the officer may select each a loyal and disinterested citizens of the qualifications, as aforesaid, to determine the quality of such article or property, who shall, incase of dis agreement, appoint an umpire of like qualtica tionsy and his d ecision, if approved by the oflieers impresfing, shall be final. Iut if not approved, the fmliressing officer shall send thc award to the commissioner of the Stale, Iut one night she wanted me to do au errand for her, 1 too it: she begged: but I jvouldn't bridge. Finally she said, "Hezzy, if you'll go that errand for me, I will kiss you when vou come m 1 JjaeK. "WilJ you?" " Yes, "indeed I will," she answered, as she saw ray lonk of incredulity. "'" Will you swear it?" "o !" . - " 1'on honor, then?" " Y i - - So otl'l -went, and eoon came back". 'Waited a m bile; njn signs of the kis yet. I concluded to let it pass until some other time. : Two or three nights afterwards the same thing occurred. I thought 1 would say something to her about it; o I commenced: -Annie, don't vou in tend to pay me those two kisses v ou owe me?" " You are foolish, boy. Do you suppose I'd kiss you or any body else?" " You promised to." is but the stereotyped jargon of deapotimn kees havo advanced to Rusffullville in force, rice srovcrninenis were made i and are running The cars"from Knoxvilie as heard the artillerv upon the Lavei'trne road. ......... .- . 11: . .. .... . " o time ior storv leuing now dovs, saia Jim : j and servUity. iWr- innmnt,. the " OwWi SapiHnt mto be "embarrassed"' bv free fpeech and free i far East as i?o-ritovn. down "Four tlays coockrd rations, boys pack j suffrage It is" precisely what dittnguishes j your knapsacks "orders to bc ady at a moment's; them' froin governments which arc not free.' ing MieeIer s; tais side of Lavergne going -2Ilf.yy "' .....v Innvunirnt i miloii below rwnvi'.lB on Thiji-Rilav. in sometimes,' to both, the- people, and ther ser- which wc are reported fo U.ivs lost i-ight warning it like thunder! n't . ...1.. l i. " T piouen xue wuoie l ansee army is au- vancinjr !"-.'. - We pitched into cooking with a vim, and bright A ;kiraiish between the rMiemv's cavalry and our own' ?Qok place at Vhitesluirg 22 it i and early the next morning took our position on j involved in the fact, that our clwcf servant is stone nvcr to awau me uung oi yie inc. a President and not au autocrat. Let him and . vv e never nearu ihk "ck s story, ne ieu on vants, but all inconveniencies of the sort are i kill'd. The Yankee loss is not stated. Stir ring times" arc hourly looked for. Lyncn- The General Assembly of.thc I'resb tnrjan Church of the Confederate States meets in Charlotte, X. C, on thc oth day of May next. Thomas's Sti:et,tii. The Atlanta CovtYd erary learns, from scouts and citizens immedi ately from the Fcdt-ral lines that the enemv's strength at Ringgold and Chatianurga is under 20,000 cifsctivc men Sr.N'.vTOit IIjcks of Maklai.p i.nsrs a L;::. The Alexandiia JoiU'ii'd, of thc evening of the 12th, says that it became necessary, on tno day befoie,to amputate a leg of Senator Hicks, a-, a last expedient of saving his life. 1 1 i -s disase in erysipelas, from which inortiCcutiou was abou t to ensure. I) i! A'ri i nv T.ikt t' Cor.. Gkavks. Vv'c.'io ; pained to hear of the death of Lieut Col. Ji.o. j A Graves, of thc 47th regiment N. C -Troojis, wlueli occurred at Johnson's IslanJ on tho 2d ! of March.- i "William," said a teacher to one of his'pu J pils, can you tell me why tho sun rises in iho Ciiat V" "Don't know, sir," replied v Hiia.n, ."ept it be tllat 'east makes everything ri?e." teacher fainted. Wednesday morning- Peace to his 'ashes! There is said to le a soldier in the Tennes see army so verdant that when asked how he would, like to; go ''home on a furlough, repli ed, 4iI wouldn't like it I'd rather go hpme he cars." ' his Cabinet and his Congress be dealt with as servants and riot bowed down to as masters. Let them hear the truth, from those to whom they will not tell it- from those who made theft"nnd an and will uptuake them. Unless we' greatly err, the seemingly small voices to jday will be loud enough for them, eic many morrows. The people y urn for peace and iturg Republican. the New York Tribune says that the letter of Franklin Pierce to JefT. Davis assuring hini that Wood would flow at th North if the South should secede, has been lithographed and dis tributed through New Hampshire. General Tierce is said to be the Democratic condikite .or United States Senator.- f&T Wanted , at this offiVc, one or I wo good, steady COMPOSITORS, to whom '"n Tta nt employment will be given at 1 pur 1000 m's. t? i i! v ns: i i TWKI.vr. jf- CENTS a pound will h i paid for all' CLEAN Cotton or Linen Ksgr. d liwrcd to nf nt this ofee, in cash, or we wilt receive them in pay ment for Bubscription to the paper.