155 (V - ! t'ahHshtd every T( L'.S D A i, inunths, pitgaiU in ailv ' kfm y "tuksday, may gi .i4- We have out little news lrginia. Kt cry thing seems quictr'and dentlv a determination 'to lp intern-;. . .i . , Lrniv from 1 gei.ee oi the niovemcnts -of o rarm 1101 j ..If . the press -at irer?nt. , ! The Kiohu; :nd oc:;lia learns from pai,se!irs w'no Hanover Junction th:tt skir iino fron tiing Wa- continually gh:g on betwec :ec hi i antitcs, but U'-thiu eu:-tgcrncnt luol ;et taken P'Tf' Che 1 ntr tttfttm I VV V VVI' V4VV V There ar.-s rivnrs "f movt 1 1uth jcoi. quest of Georgia, on the nart cf Gen. Lee a:uf Gravt.i Let there b no despondency, but wc nrelVr to uair lor in'4Jauthex.ticjfore, at Johnstons Hilling baek, for mfurination, bcfore r open tin T5 Vi,rtii:r,.r .f .! SAYS tiiat It; i:; probable, th'-t v. e Will fcUL'V""' ' cord an"thi:r grent h.attle, a f.fs Gcner al Lee .uppeM.:d to have thctcUcmy just; whtre h; want.; tliem.'it is ljvevise sup-; pocuble that Grant is Jcstiutf to a decisive i5leat.- Trorn the S'.'iitbfi''e we yT ' ? 1 nothing, ot importance. , Tho Whig of the 2Gth says that the enemy wi'l soon be compelh t auandon the Bermuda Hundreds Nc -U lltogether, as there j now scarcely. roo v fpr him to even hivouac an army on tl contracted space left to him. IS very c ' situa tion grows mc-rc and more j feVrious. Tho Petersburg Kcprcss ; tts that we may expect soitia ycry irn frtnt move ments at a very eaify day, Mich, if we aru not mistaken, will cam llevcry Yan kee now in the Bermuda II ijjreds Neck to rue the day they ever ii foot upon it. These are manifestly t 5 indication 5 at this time, but we must twally await developments. They will b- oade appar ent in due fceason. svv From Northern Georgia 1aeem3 that the backward movement ha pscd. St. Glair, arm'- eorrespo lorit of the Atlanta iH.iclli-j' Hcer, undt &te of the SOth, states that our army '. ceased re treating arid is now in posil extending from Ltowah river towards Allatoona. This portion of the coun'.r s, very rug ged and has a chain of ridj . trinning in a Southerly direction for sec' Sniles. In a military view ho consi l fa it strong, although there would not 1: much difii- t ulty in Hanking it, shoult the Yankees succeed in crcsifi": the rive aeove or be low. But'our pieket3 oxt 14 along the bankB for miles, so he. appro cads but lit. tic danger from any furihe strategic de signs of the Yankees. 1 On the north side of the Etowah, they are aaul to ho massing-Uieir- atrny, and ' havo now a considerable fore' iiOixr front. That they cannot remain" in rtiTe is cvi ilent, fur it is imperative" ou uto regain al! the territory we havo a andoned to Drobct our communications iaid unless the Yankees cross the river; idattack u.s, vo will be compelled to assr n the offen- bivo when another scerje of -rategy will!sideof the Mississippi is to culminate at l.e tho consequence. The o '.y difl'-ieuce will be that the Yankees wi ifthen be on the back track, and our r: jjr following. Some officers, however, surir w lhat Sher - man has. either melt -a rat,- of a portion c t his array has been ordered to V aai for this reason he hat ceased his movements, and in the even of. our ad vauce, will fall back" to Ciiatincoga. It is also conjectured that a cc-jain body of "rebelr." who were expected at a certain point, has arrived there, and threatens to cut off Sherman'.-; supplies.. The latter is t he most likely of the two, r he does not believe that the Yankee Government intends to abandon its dc igxis on At lanta when that city is of fa greater im portance than Richmond. a will short ly bee, however. Further pa. tictilars will be found in (he n legraph cc; tiffin. Nkth ("Anoi rs A. Whilci$he r.oldiers r,f tho old North State are U ieiooet in ev ry fight offering up frceh fibir lives to Fecure the itvh'peudeuce of t teir country we regret with tho Petersb.ljjf Express to hear that the guuernatori 5 flection is ra.i tin so nuirb ef rit.pmen "Itf Raleigh. lass meetings are ot ireque Occurrence with the friends of HoTden aiiJlVance. la bo momentous a crisis as ; in which the country is now placed U4 matter of a gubernatorial eitcuoo, sin is iito com parative insignificance." It k.fci too much like Nero fiddling while Ron Y? burning. The-r-allauz- swtas uJ . ortu-UJ ftinA Iia,g falleu by hundreds iu the re battles, and her peoplo will be filled yjjh mourn ing, when the lists of killed i nJ wounded t ball have been received. P lineal strug gles should be held in abeya ' when a great struggle like the prese (for nation al existence, i engaging t inattention and testing the towers of firance of Of course we desire the defc i gf Holden,; k'ast Ior coutnouting to any of our buo apd .thks from every indicitic jsleins to be i ceases. a foregone conclusion. A'tc, hij. j - It b but seldom we -reatl ajrthing inj Gallant Conpcct. A correspondent the columns of the Whig t t4loed noti the Confederate giving an acccouut ol Bieet our approval. AYe an srry that j the part taken by Kirkland's brigade, in the errouious imp region h. j -en tuad the battle at Wilderness, gives the follow upon the Whig that the fiends of j iflS evidence : Virz-e" iiC ho'ditg politi'-'Siftotings. "P is deserving of mention, that amidst Ihii.uc-tafa-.-t. The. friei of Gov.j i"I . - . . .. I , i , tu,r , i .i Vance arc v . t i a . course tncy anouia "z niounwn with those of Gov, " ante, -. SndKwo trust v, ill riofc p osatute itaJ ur coterpporary olumns o far as to be uUtih ' thii blander upon Gov. Vance. " FPia. fiEv. Wildes. The Richmond .,PrE of 1'htir.d.y Uzi, state that Brig. n t l. Winder has been relieved ot rn-i it F.:c"B!T!C".d. Va , and iHj v.-itb hi: I i.i-aed to duty ta fh's-u erjnS: and clepicre it w ! ic. paQ ctocsjtew of his men of the 44th regiment, u;r cetmporary of the, T'. If the ! brought if off by hand au act-on compli- frieudr-f Mr. Holdon pc in the mtel ntrnU wlto sa iu Tb ir.eu a. p.. TZ- . . names of the others will bs 'i5u1bshd. lartor at TOl'i--' The Situation. lu the West, Juhuaion is pressed by superior number, but hia gallant little I I IT K ...... ".....- TnfTintiJfe"a stawfftfft ve inff ieted severe ! punishment upon the enemy. We confers, that although vo have I b'indoTied much territory in Georgia, ' to the ravages of our cruel enemy, we feci that a master haud uides the um- ilieie t. evi-jments of our little army, and tlmt the day not r uwwbs it may ue eveu now. our readers t.re perusing these ,. . , . lines, w nun he will turn upon his pursuers , , . v t . -Ai , !may a d consternation, upon their base; j and that when they succeed, if they shoud 4 : at all, in reaching their base, it will be '1v)"with the remnants of a discomfited and gtneraL u,erjy demoralized remnant u isu!td laud uuti'iai to a second attempt ai the iere- i we i can not call it "retreat." 'He is seco nd ; to n Geaer.il in t ie army of the Con. :vute Suites, and his movements, we ilaa; assn.ol, are tha result of his superior : I'l'iruenr.in wn'cn ne is not wuung to nsis unt;1 u ( We a5inost cefuia sure of his gr.me. that tho ' wind- ..g up ot- this Sherman raid will be t a virtupv mi .-;iinat ami Wlovinus a h.is eviir yet been vouchsafed to the Confederate j fc. I From the Southside, ITeaurcgard is rest- ing, and watching the Beast. He has But ler hemmed in so completely that an ad vance is death and annihilation to him, and he will not attempt it. In his pres ent fortified position, Beauregard has enough men to be able to spare Lee, should he require them, a division or Hwo. By reference to our telegraphic column, it will be seen that Grant ha3 gotten off his horse and is diggiug. This looks like a scarcity of Yankee carcasses, and we fear that the rifles of our brave army of Northern Virginia will not for some time have their appetites refreshed with a full supjdy of Yankee, gunpowder food. It may be that Grant is fixing up a base of operations, and that when he has fortified it, ho will make another ettort upon iticnraonu. v nen uns occurs we ieei confident of the result. We assure our readers that upon every point of the military map where an eye can rest the prospect is cheering and en couraging lor our success. We be lieve, in the language of an exchange that Lee, in his late battles, has accomplish ed a great deal, and has still much to do' nevertheless, we believe he is master of the situation, and, therefovre, to us the failure of the last expedition which the enemy will ever make to Richmond -is a foregone conclusion. Tha reports that Johnston has fallen back from Dalten do not in the least disturb our faith thit, be fore the conclusion of the Summer, the thunder of his guns will be heard upon tlie banks of the Ohio. Bauks may liavc 'surrendered to Smith,-or he may bo still shut up iu Aoxndria, or tse uy Imi? escaped to New Orleaus urith his rwm nant of 5000; Steele may be anywhere the telegraph chooses to locate him; all theso contradictory rumors no whit affect oar trust that the campaign on the other St. Louis in the redemption of oppressed Missouri. Lastly, as the result of these 'triumphs, We expect to wake un some Ljne moni;M2 within the next twelve month , to the music of happy bells proclaiming j the acknowledgment of our independence irgiaiajand the inauguration of the reign of peace" This might seem extravagance if we were alone in this hopeful view, but there are thousands of brave men in the Confed eracy, who, while appreciating the difli cuHies still before us, entertain at least an equal confidence." The Lcnquircv of the 27th is out in a lengtli3r article railing for the removal of Gen. Bragg. It appears that Gen3. Bar ton and Pickett, like Gen. D. H. Hill and Longstrect, have incurred the displeasure of Gen. Bragg, and Bragg being a pet of the President, all others must fall, but he must be sustained. Gen. 1). II. Hill has I saved Petersburg by his genius and abil- ity, even after (it is siid) Gen. Bra DO given the order to evacuate that place and abandon it to the tender mercies of the Beast and his hirelings. The Enquirer goes through the labored effort of enumerating tho failures of Gen. Bragg, (and -our readers know that this is a task of no ordinary m ignitudge), and, asks where is the necessity of an '"order ing" General, who 'under the direction of tho President is cjTgj-gcd wifu the conduct oi military opcrafcorn in tnewirmies ei toe Confederacy Yy Tor our part.wc cannot devine the ob ject which President Davis h is had in placing a man at the head of affairs whose name is associated with nearly all of our reverses, and who has nevor had credit at Mc" httCiit 01. ' had been dnv the fire, when the gunners ibai been driven awav from oijo of our 'en awav from oijo of our tout. Winship fcitcdman, with a ii . M: Stedman, of the 4-ltb. was wounded Ha iw mr.tm nn rfutv Maj. &todman has, since that time been j Both these gallant soldiers arc from thi j place, and well may t'io citizens ana their friends be proud of their reputation. ii have received a number of political j communication: , -wiicc 3 r-y.c-j v ax- the pre:? ri zz- umn:. v:I! j rrfn. .IT" N Gov. Vancl-. We publish iu oar daily of yesterday and in thU weeks issue of! tke Intelligencer, the patriotic rand able! m opposition to the bill suspending thejwalKmg up the lines yesterday with hi privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, great coat on his left arm; That is D. If further evidence had been required toUl- Hill," was the answer. Were it not prove that Governor Vanco has always been jealous jof the rights of his State; j watchful of the liberties of her people, j and devoted to her honor and interest, we think that thi letter conclu-sively shows that such is the fact. One remarkable point should be ticed by our readers. This objection. nay we may call it solemn protest, w.oi niaae, oy tne uoernor oeiore ne,naa known that he should have a competitor in the field and at a time when it was reasonable to suppose that he would have none. He did not, therefore, urge this matter for individual agrandizemcnt, nor ur political purposes, bu! rig11 an'l just- As right, but because it was! he became Its CtiJUnPlon We call upon our renders to give itajdercd them a vote of thanks, and sugges- careful perusal, for they will find it woithy I of Governor Vance, a production that does! honor to his head and heart. The Legislature afj mrned on yster day at 4 A. M. A bill-was introduced"-, by Hon. N. Boy- den, entitled an act more eltectually to sc - 1 . ' I U . ' ' , corpus, anu to prevent tne transportation of citizens in civil ii'e beyond the limit;- ; of the State. ' This bill passed the Senate by a vote oil 20 to 19, and the House by 51 to 11. We prtsunre that this is the snuie im- re, in the prune ot lite, and his head be mortal eleven th:it voted against the peace !5inning to frost a little. 1 never hear of resolutions. They have become notoi ious the name of this distinguished North Car i f not celebrated. folinian hut that of the late Lieut. General - ! Jackson, ut orce presents itself. Both are SERIOUS Accident. o regret to learn than an accident occurred at Anderson's Foundry," near this place on yesterday, by which several persons were badly in-j jured. Vhiie Uking ofl" a heat at the above place, the kettle overturned and spilled the eontens upon some of theilue rciaiionhinp ana virtues ot nis mus operatives. A negro belonging to Miss Ann C. Hall, and one belonging to the j jjargrove estate were badly, and it is tear' led mortally burned. Passed thf, Lkgislatuhc The lutions with reference to a basis ot peace,! , , ,;- , ' 7 'real hero of the war.', introduced by Judge Shepherd, were pas-! T, , , , . . J . . 4 A. ' . , , Gen. Matt. . Ransom passed through sed with amendments on tne 2oth, bv a . , , . rfr, , , r- Petersburg I learn, on his way home on vote of 71 to 11, Mr. Shepherd voting , ri. , ; . - it . . , , sveferuav. His woundf-Mlthough not dan- aoainut the -resolutions as amendea. i .,, , . , - ... . .A. A , . i gerous will detain him from his command The bill in opposition to trie suspension , . , . . - i - i tor some tune, much to the regret of ofiicers of the writ ol .'uihzi; ernus was passed ; ' . , , , ,. ir . ... and un n ot his comnrin.l. Our rations by the Senate, leas 2b navs 11. . r. , , , ... , ,. , , , " , .,, . I consist ot bucon anu corn bread, lhcmcal Ave will pubnsn both of tucbo bit's in t. ., A -. , , , is short, but w got plea-ntv of bread. Men our next issue. " i , , . . , , . ,. ' , , . ire detatcru'-u to j:o to the r- ar to cook it. What tbj:y ap.t; Ai-.x::. Tt-.e.t ing from tlie New York Trta t the whole Yankee animus : betr is m "lac sduvetiohUTS irone, the South 1, . mains, with all its vast productive eapaei- ty. Heretofore it mw only the indi v i'dua I i itiiKcw inai ctc- l" -contact wn.ii tin. i-.".n r- " -"' r j cotton process. Hereafter iheV uU sv:rnn . , . - ... i . . " t . -i ;!r some ot our -ovh. A very delicate on every plantation. A no can nouut the. ! . . J result jdihh considered by yotne. The men arc i somewhat surprisotl to find them out here ARMY ' COKRCSPO,iIV(.' Bjaurioakd's Army oi Va.,1 Mae 2:?i-d. IsfU. I propose in this letter to give yuv risiaers a brit:t account of the part taken bv Karionr.s lirigudc in U.e recent operation ia this Mcin - ty. The Brigade arrived at Petersbnrtc on the morniue ol the lth inBt.. to tind the city ia moved cautiously ah no- the Tuinpike to the v'i - ci.nity of Drewrv'js Ulufl", the ewm.v purtuiutr. jusisouiu oi mtf inui are two nue.-. ot orca?t-. works running nearly- parallel, ero..-ing the were jast then deploy inr to protcci-a.- rroiu a fl;inlc nATimr.nt. t)ur .skirrBi.ihArs v:r. ovit. i powered, and th i men by coaoi'on consent uiountid the vi.r cs and turned tbir gnus on the Xaukees, wlia advanced witii nupetu - o?ity, till tho railing rite from the 35th and a part of the 49th and 56th reiriments eoumelh-d thcra to retreat. Their attack v;!.-: so sudden and unexpected thai Generals Ilokc cni Bao - soin, who were in a house just iu tun far, now i become our troct, were toreed to Lavy uuee imonion-iv: ward situation we had seen in neously with those would have been In h-la -n.rl-.t l-i-kf ot tlie 49th, conimanoiujc the skinm- uers, Uy?i t"Tt at it, sod Kepulsmir those Brigade, after gome from the position iu oar line of brea iu.it mentioned, the railroad. In - ay and Sonda v lory exchanges were ly, Uen. Kanaoin wnue oeinf woauaeu. a? stattc il. a to.iiici letter. , About 4 o'clock on the siflrnin of vto- K.'tb. ; Iha Tlri.fiHi. a m.v-f t.. ill.. l.-f'f railroad to the point WIkts ibe workj. ejo.- the Turnpike. Al litohq at i-tn-i pnrv, to tue - J .-!- I . . front and a littio to uur left the ball wa oitn- 1..,,, .- . . .... - with the r.iar fit inukftrv anfi ll-. . . . , . . , " v " lne tight lasted an hour or mre, .vh n it wj nimmn-i) thil. our - .-n had ptuil Ji-d itip - Vt:?1 x.?lt:-l'?y- aat 'a--'t A novc. Hgnt would have presented itsell greatly strengthened, by what seemed tu mati(. , oatvimin ten.h;r of his Wrvi in Weduclav. the Kthl were di -coveiM ) orted muvu.tf forward. The Lirhra.h- move. I : io 0nc u " ':KS nVver v""l-ed trie army. Up e a stuutol exclusion ol the antt-sece.-nrcn- , the h -pe d being able- to piv-noto the our hues in noai ton a! Dall.u aud th. i t to the fronton the Turnpike to meet the enc-;;m,l down the hue as far as can be seen; j ts from alj the more important fiicfs of 5 tu.-c of !m:n trutv. and although iittlo bo- about:, to the io ',h ward. General HhV W..J r"l4nHk!: .au,d.thc rllr:,'d, b-aJ:e ' t..MV .,.. ,lw,r, ,.,.,. ..;ii.r n .n.Jtbe government, even from those promo- lief was cutertan.ed ei" his so -ce. I theor- I cr'8 corns s al mfrontimr it.l'a .-.on, miles from tue Utter placeroiakinir vert acuu-L.v.,.,,.1 i,h .hi., ..nA ... .iti, ,IOTJS lu the army, which many of them tu 3 uiie( to his -Migget,t.o . that t.i j .romnoscd ofk.Mewart, tStveu:;on and angle, the Kieboamd end f tho r, i!r....d b : f " - 7 , , - had won vith their blood. Was this tuts- cxp.riment sno-iJ-a be tr.e.l. I lie enemy Hindman's Dvl oris. ing west, and the Petersburg end b -iutf oa.st of H-olh shut and drawers o, intently m- . . . . ., r- - . r refused to let lum pass through tutor lines , . , . ,. .,. the Turnpike. The euc.ny did u,t ,irao, s, ccliK methiug in shape of a "Coiifod- '? J i 1 IT SUa?U or to hold any conference will, them. He Prc ! :ir' sk', '1. anu our ioiuuh oil n can iav aua iiiuryaav i ... wi m.w; 'u.'imuoj uiui n ex.isieu, n n Frhlay, the lath, compelled tostup and cract. myseit. ; administration has been indulged iu, but. J to send Commissioners or Agents te pro- j ter at every "p ct Their tines wero was near the river, inoved rapidlv to the lTjjht It is to be hope that our baggage will j w here and wheu have our people failed T0"'5 peace, is to invite insult and con- j tjrjvcu from ion arpl poshed north-nci-o.3 the Turnpike and railed n, the w,L c . you in battle, or witheld cither their blood tuely ind to subject ourselves to indig- x h h ly. a,Jval,K. of our nthtJ. end ot owr southern hue ot brea.-t wot k. I - . , ,0 f. , . Pity Without the slightest clutUCC of beilliT ' - . , 4-- .,m i i , When the Brigade arrived at this point., whieh j l'Lg o truce have pissed frequently ! "r tc,r abt ur' s " I "hat exict- Hsjcned to. j s,:,stlc eolumnpL t 1 he slaughter and il- wai only defended by a few of our uisaiout.ted it-'r f1.. i.,.. Utvt. T1 v.,U. ',,' 'OTl have they not submitted, what draft . ' . , , tructiou -of tile ' nemy is reiiresrut-d t carah-v, iu our irout, just west of the railroad, i t,n thc Usv lne d'lK luo Yankees aje r;,(tu-n, h , i!,..,. v o - No true eit.zen, no man who has our , , ? . .' ... Jn; w ' n , was posted one or two regiment, of the en in clear view, about tWft or threo hundred ?V A - I C (h cause at heart" can desire this, and the 1,0 Vcr-V ' he ofll' Cn'1 rr mv. The Brigade was scarcely propei lv di.--; , . . ,r. , , t. . nonorcd . Conscription, ruthless and un- rrl)0(l neoplo of North Carolina would . ' P'rt that theifig ding and resis a ice- wa-i Yankees -wa.- charirinir our fekiimiuMs. hoi.itiU irn,ilnnt, hur .,.',.,, .i...,-1 liCVOr,t. ot .tlii -,eutKm by the impress- a warn oi all the facts, bo tar Irom remov- innts, ami ohr isuoltiej lew ujouipari- 1'his left the BriKi:din .u wk-: !'n'Hni Ull't" :,!IU .wnswa it'i ui nave suomuieo, nni so rtr per- , thrliUg!i envoys, because the enemy wooid ! armv for hixlrf.-ve and invmeiblr North : and had the Ya.--,c-whom is teen cuiplctiy destroy ed. 'i i.is, in fornid wilu honor, their duty to their t not receive them, how in it noilvi. tn m;,:. t -.... "i' :.. ..r;,.,;,,;.,,,, r.m .. ;u v .. . I - - It l i . . - . . ... , .iiltilllia:in .1 ' uniin.i uiit null 1U our tronL ativttueed iiWiTota- L--clt. proves coitciusivttv ttiat there is a country, tliou-'h tue vote..1! o i .. :r verv ! ..,n..;tn ,.nr ...i..,.' . : ... i. I. .? . in. our rear, the eeca.ion i o! an, lbr U1,D .r j,tSf T.ioe.seft to arum nat mal munucr is .t down toiH, ,v:,i C ! IW ,' 'T' 7 ; . V - T th;iMasm al mcnTnrahl bcrK-s ,n a little more hve.v teitr.n ...... t... m t i , . V " V . " v Vwm-,.k u .i , ,-: .,.... nn ,lnrler h s u danre lo,v KBthfi -Tfae ikro. tnt-L ttr:r Tt;. !-..,T.;i 'Cra8.iir-"T 1 iimlv wl4;li'tie ti(inie-sr; m:. -ritiii. ii . i l'tt.-ioiVi f..n 'Tt.l. i.. , l ami most t-rrl.Jf ill reTUI.M-. "o catwv in a. rrar, tne., .. 7. . . . Ilu-n. 1 v.n i I A.. I ..........4 f....U.o :.(. r i. -j -i i . . , I .......... lit t- (-.afiuL,., v;ft,.ir.. i! iwrtvexi i :inlS-ltfa-Uve Ihousaud ; .VV.' vv "v" " -wwiow iuu m wmcu i uaveiaueu aunouoce tiiat u 3iTeruy,'Mu..ir, . ..c ....... VUI , and nest morning found u-conscripts and .7 rcci riits. t wor.tv-iii vo. . "" -m5, ..ot mi; our omy '.esue was peace, . ami tlie only stwurkaa little pwtli ot th..t ! .t. j ? .-' ..' ... , A, " 1 rumr oi that c untry. I inane no threat. . terms which formed a sine ova no.L wore -i i i - - t i i.i'tj.-'.iirii f 'liu'lS M I'VJ 1, alio Hir; SaniC 'ii 1 -.1 i r 1 ... , with Kanxoiu s brv-a-io aljt-u 1 - ' ' :i deire only wth Mti'rlenes-i of tiiirwwe mwrt mt;. vn -...r.....i .......... i this titration dull..? Satur- amount ct hour, ills -recruits will oc .,.., r;v vf h.. ,r c......t K..... ,..r.ic L ... .f, i ... i : : , ' '. ' . b. , , . . , - . ...... .,.v,.,., v.i.vh, ,,w rv u' '-- ll'l.-. n UCMl.iIC4 U1I1T IO HH CI U illlC Ull L ri-k akirmi.-bm-r aud arid- j.i'aniy.J iu . f,w Hjv. 'wlw-r L U.... I -r i.... .. J.uz.u' -.1 ' . .. . . Ul kept up ah.ioit ia..--.-stc-' - N . v U. ; .Cl1w..iu wuui, nuitii '"ay, w uu dUppOsC ll were pract;caii to obtain anu . ui. i;i i:- u i lie !iir:M"i- " . i I - - - - --" w .. j t 1.111 i.i.. i . j .. v .r.t ii. .. ..' ril.t..- r-i'ii.ti- i.i..i..ii.f- ; i i-XNtii'- i.i rir! v..'wr w.ir.i.T-.. r.ii. I . . . . i . ..... . -.. etny at that point. It was then our time. jglers, who aTc tryii.g t-get into tlie Guu-aSomedistaue-- toom- trout w:i n d n.se thiek-. federal lints or back. to their homes. ct or wooiis at tne oaeK sina ot w men were ported tte Y-uik-rca behind temporal earth work;', haatu enst; ucted. j he 21th and 47th rejriment? ot liansux g brnraue m af. ordered forward, when thy arrived near the woods, skirniUhers were thrown out v ho encountered thtwe of the enemy inmeditely aler they reached thtj wods, driving them before then?, thus preparing the way for the adrauce of the two ror-iinent:', whreh movitig on had not far advanced wben the leaden ba:!-bean to pour upon. But on they moved facing thnot;rm of ro i a rue balls, and UriTinff the enemy trom his reikis but cot being Eumcicntlv protected on v . v . . . .. J : i-. i- . : waiJu. About iixjj toe Gen. Ct'so beiran to f route the eneay on th? rirht aud bi.-iny repul-' Fed at all points Lo was forced to retreat to liir fi, , ' . ,'i . . prent-piirion. j ho rnu-.t go back, or they would not 30 tU the r?irinieuu of Ranaom'o brigade that! iorwaru. pullered fe cr Ir in the lata ficriitE, 1 ct bo'-! , j tion the 49tiu. hote Col. M'Afee, 53 jti-rhriy j wMunasc ; Ljf-t. An fy, Jytie ana l.ts i3r; rJs'ti nd ;al -orek-.lkd ; Lt... Liacberger.:inaT--inis S--T- ana nerHn.K:3 .io; z z.'..'-- "C'r2.Z, oiC?i' es'iut Ij - 1 c . t u 2 r - v.!uib!t c?5 """? wi. t-. A LEX A ""ypLP. . JfrL AlTitX'J AKij's AKilV CF V.4.. j " May 27. f . v" Who is that?" inquired several, uan ifr his military costomc, yeu would take him to be a man from the country coming to town to setllc some business with tho Clerk or the Sherifl or perhaps get his papers and discuss army nerji. The name and presence of Gen. Hill are encnura- no-igig thoughts to the troops here, espeei- ally to Xirth -arolinian.i. Tiiu biography Gen. ll.t and dee -U of historic renown. which he lias so nerovcany perlorrneu uu ring this slruggle, are-so 4WKiliar to every urn that they ueed scarcely be adverted to here At the heal nftfae 1st K. C. reg iment on the 10th of June, IStJl, he was j I the first to give a decisive victory over the enemy. And so sVgnal was the victory. ' ;ind so conspieious' gallant where and his icoiomand. that the N. C. Convention, teu- ted that " IIvaue" be inscribed on their colors. Although a ?irm!l event in the reat tirama oi tms' revolution, yet 1 siiiuk I may say thC- ttf A .'achievement :'n.pired Ihc outaerni with more j enthusiasm than ahy shnpiar actio , and j contributed ' ih no '"e' grec to the j prowess whiclr hB3.'t$vtoMbc career of t... . I l-.fr.v- .1 I - 1 .1 "ecu m-u-cu o. gtonio uecus, aim ai though some havef attempted to mar its? jgWy, it nevertheless phjaes with lustre, J evidenced by his late success in this jdepa tment Gt-o. H. is of ordinary stat- ; !uijitary cliaractcrs, belonging to the same church, baying married into the same family, and both Lieutenant Generals; the name of tlw one is naturally suggestive jof the other. Aud it is evident from the following that Genh II. duly appreciated i Ur;ous cousin. Abo-t the time of the i fight at Chaneellorsviite, Gen. 1 1 ill w as m j command-' at Kinstou,' and in a dispatch jio his ommand announcing the victory r.md the wound of Gen. Jackson. I re- ' collect that he characterized Gen. Jack-roso-1 i HM ! lll .'Invlint i-l? 'S'l'ilr ! Wc have to broil our me it. ai wc have us no ccoAi uletji-iU since wc came to Vi-.-.-i-.i i t i UC 111 M I -t U)M Oi llQCCi-W IHOIl I li e , ! mm. . - .-Vi.. . - i ..-.t - a. t i. . . i ' was issued to cUv",t. y m it littio c er a po'.;Tjl'pc" month. F'rogs-- S"n high land- some of them account for it Iflii-: w.-iv tht V Sav : f ' te- Y-ittkpr lii" 4 , j j - -- v. -.0 runsh ive scared them out of the ground. i A l.irgc swarm .f bnCS passed over our : i " , j ,v -ri j xvorks ta '" thnenn. 1 he ibovs accused them of 'Meseitinsi the C n- I I , . n V- i m i todeiary aihl -omg over to the Yankees, j lerate creeper, auae:o.jnt of wlncli I gave ! ytiU j a former letter, this vermin is be ! coming insupport itdy annoying, I have a siiell from tiie uiemv's i ! U1C '" " i j ; . t -everrd lersoi?s ALLXANDLIL O- : from the vici.utv Ol Iv.ioxv die state positively that tiie Yan - 'kces are h-avin-- that place and moving j m the direction ol v tjh.-utanooga. -The oi t.ieir u-rii.-v iiroacn up t- Van ec d -SrterH", ;V that Gntlt Il-lS ''j-l utiie.y io.u-oad yl -his b-'.st nier-, and .1. .. ..1. t.l 1 . ! .- i.'iai iuv.v va.j i wiejii,:. inc uue ami r.U.iutrY in the ivar nf'hi , nrmv ni,l tt, ,'-), . - -..-. - v ' , . . - . . !oi tne i:ippaln r ; UlOUS S ttil ii hannot-k. arc sdd to ?e pop ink.'e de;a;rters and strasr- TliOPc wbfyoted in the negailve were Messrs. lie alt, Iirowrt, "Brimpass, Burns, Cobb, Costncr, Crnrfojrd, Oavis, Iuke. Francis, G ask t n s G -gv G ill iam , Harris of Calrarrus. Hawc Henderjson, Hodges, ffudkhm, Kirby. Lenitnoprhi, I-ove, Pee ble.s, Per&on. Rt-ymddi. ryhodesllichard-w-n, Ivivcs, Robiiui, f-iljrepherd. Smith of Washington, StangifJ, Williams 32. ly Robertson's) Texan Biigadea; but the b".Vi f-afhcrerl "numri bio and fntrt blrn Ge:-v Matt. Rafsoh.- We have heard 4 J . ll ' It J - .!2.2Z COtl prOi otec-t--i tL3 ? 1'j r-i? j '"-v'"' -".'ii :inh..,. a i r i i-v. -i,ivuci.i. h.iihj. j ( nui iiui-4 j uu m'sluuim.ji iur an uic tinned m aiitiost ev. rr oo's-:i i-vmv ,.ii i ' T . . . - J r .. ii lc iTTT r. iJ.'JJC, jni. i iti .ji - - - - - - - - , - , - - - , . t. i i . vu MUlli,-. !VllVlilS.lCei . - - . j OOV VANCI7S ritOTEST AGAINST i . - ! " I rrnn orrcuL-votav rr n rrr writ ' J. XJ. Ij OU '?IAJilJlVii Vi- I'll; ""ii OF HABEAS CORPUS. 1 tateTFXorthUarolina, ) I Executive Department, x --J- Ti..: .1 ; Raleigh, Feb. 9th, 1864 His Exedleney, Jefferson Davis, Mr Dear Sir; Since receiving your Tetter of the 8th ult., to which it was my intention to have replied before this, re ports have reached me from Richmond, which, if true, would render my reply un necessary. I hear, with deep regret, that A bill io certainly expected to p iss the Congress, suspending tho writ of Habeas Corpus, throughout the Coufed Jraey, and that certain arrests will immediately be made in North Carolina Of course, if Congress aud your Excellency be resolved upon this, as the only means of repres sing disaffection in this State, it would be a mere waste of time for ine to argue the matter. And yet I should not hold my seif guiltless of the consequences "wnich I fear will follow, did I not add j et another word of expostulation to tho many I have already spoken. If the bill refer red to, about which I can form uo opin ion until I see it, be strictly within the limits of the Constitution, I imagine the people of this State will submit to it so great, is their regard for law. If it is adjudged, on the contrary, to be in viola tion of that instrument and revolutionary' in itself, it . wii! by re.-istce.l. Should it become a law soon.. I earnestly advuo, vou to be charv of exercisinc tho nmvrtrs! with vvhich it will invest vou. Be content o x to try at least for a while, the moral effect of holding this power over the heads of discontented men before shocking all worshippers of the common law through out the world, by hurling freemen into sheriffiess dungeons for opinion sake. I do not speak this factiously, or by way of a flourish. Nor do I beleivc that as an enlightened lawyer, and a christian .states man, you could feel any pleasure iu the performance of such an ungracious task. I am on the contrary convinced that ou believe it to be tho only way to secure North Carolina iu the psrforrnauee' of her obligations to her C-ufederatcs. The misfortune of this belief is yours, the shame will light upon those tin worthy sons who have thus sought to stab their mother because she east them off. - If our citizens are left untouched by the arm of military violence, I do not despair of an appeal io the reasons and patriotism of the peopie at the ballot box. Hundreds j nj a iu :insWerit.,- our letter to wi jtc sug- j to gather i-ch strength nc. to require of good and tru nii now acting with, 1 .re.,tion.A as to the method of opening nego ui re violent ia.sures than ure now nted and possessing the confidence of the party- j tiattons, and as to the terms which vou j d? With yoir ufluenec and position the called Conservative, arc at work against ! thought should bo oficrod to the enemy. I . pro noterr. vf jth mifuunded di-i ontent the daugcrous movements for a Couven- I kit persuaded you would appreciate tho noa p; eva!euU j our State, houM be tmn, and whil.t civil law remains intact -;ii t o,i ;.!, i. , 4 i. . , i - --w .j.i.-.. v r v ui. j . ' iA ... ii.i.;i .ft-. my, position will allow me, and shall ex- rfc every effort to restrain tho revolution ary tendency of publk? opinion. Never, yet, sir, have the poople of North Ctroli a.i refused "o listen tu their public men if ! tlu: Jlll'v TVAhi ad reason on their side. I do not fear to trust the issue now to the:;c patent w,lp.,ns io tlvi h-iods of such : me.n as will wiclu tuem u-'Xt : tiuittior. 1 t t t Utt icar to r.rn.,r oiv-juets an 1 Oi:cr.n i c,u.caTtrfu ro.'u ;;:rcr tnv aece..-'?u to tl.e Chief Mji-T iv.. -y of North CUrolina, to make you a-.ir; tr t-.-ih fit: f,wt. -i'..-afTcction tu thi State anl the cau.;c of it. In addition to the m iuv letters to you, I hav tvvico visited luohmond. cxprct-sly to give you information on this point. The truth is. as I have often said Jrofure, th.it the great body of ur people hav' been suspected by their government, perhaps because of the reluctance with which they gave up' tne old emon , and I know vou will pard.oi tne for saying that M-e cousci ' - outness ot their L-cmtr susreuted lias been rcidly did not exist in Bichmond ? Dis cussion,, it is true, has been unlimited and j bitter, and uurcleutiug criticism upon your ! liicni. nt iii-iihi.rtv f i"r I n'!i H - otifriiofnrl . V.T...J : a. . i jr. i i . i liicu uuj'uuv.ii!Ui. liiMiii.iiM, anu ii icu to overflowing w ith all the petty measures ef a little brief au - small miuds dressed in Xhority j The files of my offlce are piled u with i the unavailin-z comrdainis of outracrd t citizens-, to w hom redress is impossible. , - - . 0 . .-v., . ..4 -"--' v "'"'b vvwowj. Those words I now i.f.Ht,vP ' in b. tlu J advice herein trivftit. to refrain r from . v r. ci-ih'; the extraordinary powers abo t to ll, . . . ! rc given V'U )' given yu ny ftie tongrtuM, at least un ,U tu.. ..2t !...... .an,....i ....... i. : . , .ii vii v I . I . ' v 1 1 L KJt HHJi ell ll'UUIItV UL III. I . . v..j sumotcrt, is i:jnuce. inougn you ex pressed a fear iu your last Ltter that uiy continued efTdrte to conciliate were injudi cious, 1 cannot yet t-ee just cause for abandoning it. lVrhapa 1 am unduly biased in uy judgment concerning a peo ple whom 1 love, and to whom 1 owe so uiw-h. Though I trust not.. Our success depends not on the numbers engaged to support our cause, but upon their zeal and aS'ection. Hence I have every hope iu per suading, not one in forcing the sympathies of an unwilling people. The Legislature of this State meets nest May. Two-thirds are required by our Constitution to call a Convention. This number cannot be ob 'raeTi'rOpxtoiTIwTTfl'l 1 1 . 1 ,,nyirrrrrDu73o' impossible - Under no circumstances can a Convention be assembled in North Caro lina ment t - ! tKltv anuoy.inces. thn insolence of offiec. t (440,.o-e- j always been. WOtioymiin Utp iliarge i i I T . . . I 1 1 . n . .-. iM ..... 1 .-.'ii . . I T . nf r. r l'.l..i-'.l IT . . . .. -.L 1 . . 1 ..-fa i-uvj, .u it j : . 'r Ti 1 . L,ule Kock on tho lht inst., (.Sunday.) ment, and during next summer the ap- resentat.ves. 1 have seen no action ol whcu the was eapected to return proaeliing State election will afiord au that ii'.!e- tv o.w f.,t tmhoute by ,.,. ;,. . i lopnortuajty for a full and complete iris- very decided majohiy, the purpose of the I r. Ttirr :.?y cmceri cus.ssion at all the issue:-, the-re:;mt oi enemy 10 vefuo-j ad teras. to the. South 1 ..n: V." , V m r 1 1 i 1.1:11 r tiit 1 ni 11 1 1 n k 1 n wnn w v- t.- w which ! do sot it-ar, if left to our-dve.. !f except absolute, unconditional Mibjuga- w n,it n;, Z ' " -s-ond tW'"'". r-vti.r.h!--tr -t'ir-'i-., Le v ai :r-t - itl; tbj1 vun f U"' ct c31ilri 12 .on and regardful ol 'their plighted Vauor . . .. . . . . . : . : . i . believe in.it i may ciaim mat it to people of North Carolina. Very respectfully, Z. U. VANCL. CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN GOV VANCE AND PRESIDENT DAVIS. State of North Carolina, ate of North Carolina, ) Executive Dtpartmenl, leigh, Dec. SOth, lc03. )' Ral His Excellency t Pjs.sintiijIA.Yia-: - My DtAh Sir"; After a cweful-ccnsnd crition of all the source of diontcnriTrUin-?,as t?i:curo th-ir North Carolina. I have concluded that if ! will be impossible to remove it, ex-ept by making some ettort at negotiation with the enemv. Th.j recent action of the Fid eral Housa t.f Representative, thouch ' uieanin"; very little, has greatly excited j the public hope that thw northein mind is looking towards peace. I am promised by all men who advocate this course, that if fiir terms are rej acted, it will tend gieit ly to strengthen and intensify the war feeling, and will rally all classes to a more oordial support of the Government. And, although our position is well know n, as demanding only to be let alone, . yet it seem; to me that for the sake of liuuu-.:.ity, vrlthout having any weak or hnpsoffr mo tivjs attributed to u-, wc might, with pro priety, constantly tei.der negotiiti jus. lu doing so wc would keep consp:cuinisly be fore the world a disclaimer of our respon sibility for the great slaughter of oer race, a.id convince the humblest of .our citizens who souietime forget the actual situa tion tint the Government ij tender ot a their.ftiffiinp.umtiwaryy u..e .... . mm i. ........... ..i. .... tneir iivrs ana nppnu't, ano,;wouui noi moment. 1 hough statesmen might re gard this as useless, the people will' not, and 1 think our oiuso will be strengthened thereby. 1 have not suggested the meth ol of these negotiations, or their terms. The f.Jj'orl to obtain peace is the principal matter. , Allow me to beg your e-irnest consider ation i this suggestion. Veiy Respect fully your.-, Z. B. VANCE. KxEccriV!: Orricr, i Richmond, January 8th, 1 S-1. DuauSir: I have received your letter of tlie l 1th ult mo,.ron ai ling suggestions of the measures to be iidopttd fir the pur pose o1' romov-ing "the so irees of discon tent in North Carolina. The contents of the letter are substantially the. kiiiu j s those of the letter addressed bv you to Senator Dortch, extracts of wnich wero ny him read to me, I rematkcl to Mr. D -rtch that vou were nrobablv not aware of tho obstacles to tho course you indica - ted, and without expressing an opinion on t.hftmpt iiAi tb. ih-..i.msm1 r.oiiee. I flin il U,U i,s aS ..ur Ur" aiciiui uif iivitohv ii j a a i .. .. i . subject i i detail. As v.!j have, made no ; n r ii"it:tt ; 1, hum. in" tlin in. inner ot nvi-r j tu, ..h.icles. I infer that tuu were 0 -------- - j not apprised bv M . iJortch of my rcmarhs j.p. to inai Apart froMi insupeiable objections to tue imc oi policy you propose, (and t hi'.-h I will presently advert ') I cannot ec ho v the morn material o .-l.iCie.s are to b-j suvniMunted. Wo h -vu made three .ii:;tinet efforts t ' mm unic te with the authorities at Vii:Vt.n;;t u, a i 1 have been iiivaruibi c tiTiv.o.8fn?. Oowris!--,ers ? wrrc v.m -.: ore- .joslio::e a were- ix-'ti-'. i and tin W ;.: irii''t..iu .veitu-.i.M.t refused hem or be,ir wh.jt they hg.il to o l orcivc say. , secoiis tHVic l n uout'iry ot fice v i h a eornrmioieat i.in Hdirs.--cd by mvse'f to ln-sident JL.n o- i. The lott r was received bv Gon. Scott, who did not j p:rmit the olli-cr to see M. Lint oln, but j promised that an answer would be suit. No annu el- h-t.s ever been -rec i ed. The third time, a few mv-nths ago, a gentleman was tent whose position, charac er and reputatioii e;c such ?;S t ensure ids rc- l ofMtion, it" the enemy v. ere not determined i I ru.iii1... iim Iirr....M 1 1 tl li'l4.. ... ... !l... 1 ... . t . i ... . l.-. . i : ir:vei nmciu. i-cs rmsi itni u miens was stopped before he ever reached Fort r-ss Mouioe on bis way to Washington To attempt aguin (in the. fice of the re peated,re'ectins of all conference with us) ittrr Oliri,il nf rlii'iinti'lil v-ii-.l. trnnli1 r-nji.-. it M-.ii.l.t i.ioimI . .v...-. ..vm., iniuu- demnation of tluso true patriots who have lV - 'n, l,,'-i,;,trwa.ufe ,to m-imtain the freedom, equality and mde- nenuence. Which .heeno .l to th'.i frr,i the immortal heroes of King's Mountain and other bat' le fields of the revolution. If, then, these proposals cannot be made toiuu -jiicv mruuii o:n iMisioiiers wiiti : tr.c g-yfi Moieoi oi t'rasuieut imicotn, is i it at tbfo woment tlnt we arc to eon, id ! er it dtsiri:ble. or even at all Md.iiiKaM? I Have we not mst been apprised by that - ' icsput tnat wc can only e.pect bis gta- !. ... - ..- cicus paroon by emanctpaMng ail our slaves, swearing allegiance and-obed'-Mice to him a id his proclamation, and becom ing in point of fa.t the slaves of our own negroes 'i Can there be m North Carolina one citizen so fallen beneath' the dignity of his ancestors tui to accept, or" to enter into conference on the basis of these terms? That there are a few traitor to the State who -would be willing to betray their fel low citizens to suth a degraded condition in hope of being rewarded fbi; treachery by an escape from the common doom, may be true. " IJut 1 do not believe that the vilefet wretch would accept such terms for himself. I cam ot conceive how the peopie of your State than which none has honor to b,) can have been deceived bv anvthing to which vou refer in "the m .. - I T O !- House ol Kprjscnta ive V lc is witut Lincoln alone that we ever cmld confer, i&d his own partisans at the North avow g nnT1 7. hls Purl" hi hb intsf hope that h jfoxAX tver treat with us on any tirms.j yf wevil break up our gor. ernment, d"Te the Confederacy, di. band our arjt emancipate our ftlivcs, take an oath CPiUegtance, binding i ur selves to obcMeu toihiui ant c disloy alty to our tpvn States he propose, to pirdou us a'lKl p0t to plunder usot any thing moro tta tlie property already stolen from usl nduch slaves still' re main. In oraQr ti rouJ. r his proposal, bo JS"TorrT21i--r- t!tn rt with bis army ooeft ii .f tt I.- if anv Suite who wiD a tenitit to set iu u Cv- ernuient onifcl other nine-tenths thutf s-eaing to Gm discord an 1 suspirjoti nong the ptj 0f the sev.ml States, asm to exeiiefn m to civil war in luthel -aace of hU eJf. I fcnw wtji jt would be iuipossildtb gCt your people, if thry possessed lul;Uivlttdge of these facv, to eonsent that rtp0,als .shoul I now bo made by us ti i.hoso who control tho government afe gashing on. Your own well-known dfevilion to the great cause "f libc. ty and ijgfe kndeiirc. to which rkt lure 11 commit ?cd wfiativer we nare of etrthly posscCx ns, would indu.v von to take ine !eadtx .elUiw th? bllMeOtt of abject ouoCaioTTttf the ennny. Yet peace o i any Toller term is now imp-nsi-idj. To ob aifa't tcrm t which rouor I could listc;itl ls struggle mut,continiie until the eneipT buauu out of his vain confidence ii ur subjugat:on. Thn, in 1 n )t till tt will it be p ssible treitof peaceiJinH then all t ndcr of trms to the"pr)ny . will be rereived. a proof that weMN ready for fix misuirw, aul will encoon c him in 'he atrocious whi -fire whicfc h! is Aaging. I fear mucll fiu the tenor of the news I icceivo froid rth Carolina that an al io apt will bon.de by -oine bad men to inaugurate flOumeuts which must he OJtisidercd ast,ei. livalent to aid and cm fort to the ni and which all patii -ti should combine to put do.vn t any cot. You may coujftt in my aid in ewrv if!'rt i to sparo vourtHf ite the scenes-of civil war- l ire, which will evastat" its homos if th du.-igus of thcV3 triitors be j-u flared t i make head. 1 now that yu will p!a o yourself in a feg iimate position iuthtlcad of those who ril not sutlVr the naiuj of the old North S ite to bo blackened by sucii a stain. . V ill you pardon me for suggest ing tlit iv oly source ol disrpai et i do mi the "sill ject ariJ-e-i from the fvar tkat you will did. y to log the action which uow appeals U1C itahle, ami that by anov. er earnest de$tte to reclaim bv eoncili lion 1 whom yotl e)icv to be .sound ut i luv.rt, but wrto i loa)ty is mom then ! s,.isected ul.-eWl ere, vou will permit them i J ;r ' V. X.. Z SulT? ' concilia' ; et lh:m t d ti iuc. In tins course, trait .iy nti l tniniv pui uco. y oil would rally noun'" y mi all th-t l best and n:bij in vurSi e, ai.d jour triumph woutd L blKdlcs-. If the conn-. ! ry polic y be pdt ,ted. 1 mm b f .r ;. o i wi.l ite drivoif tt the ue of fm ce to npi e a treason In CitUr evei t bowerer, Ue .i. Mired tint V'lu i ill ha-e my ordial eoi. currenee aid,.ai- istaor- in ivairttitoin .; with you tho, I oiH', dignity and f;iir iMine of vou St tte, and io i .our ! t ;fct.. cru !i trta.ioif; v lu'iber in tpi-hf. a.i I b- ! here it now t b-,'or more :.vtui-d, n- I t pcJ Ii oily ui-t, it will m our j fllurc mcvii-aW. oe-:o.m-, tUtiMf!" to tf I h tvtt4 'r rt:vnei full-, yourt, .SlvuN davl. Hi- Kx tlleifc , ,. Ii. ViM :. Governor jf Nortli Ciro!nn, Ihiloigl N. C. ; Vr" A.l iati utiUi :a: ;r of ths . 37l"i. Till BATILi:. We Icirn'.thit the nmy carlv v several assatfltj luring the d-y on divfoT eut portions .jf our lines. They vrvrti met firmly and r pulsed v. ith great alatiuh- ! r i lj T . a i - j.ntc m lliQ-C -niug a ojo.ti larneutaD 6 accident occufre' to our army by Genr. ! i myooLU roctjVi S vcrc woon.1 i.i tl . ; , CJ , T u i i i t c : ""U W mu uiao.eu mm irom uty. This f as most unfortunate for onr ; army His pret-uicc is worth a half doz-n regiments to the j effective strength of the ed to be in hear: flanking column to ht left, with a pjira dable centre hujfid t. be yud'. r Tbro Our army did not make any ad Van or op...-e their limv,. so far a v ,.outI v learn. ll'-nce the - -.. -l - t i Zz , , " I entire line anii a wumj t.. iw engaged all i dav ill ft-elimf'iH f I"sitiou. The diiemya u '2P lrc. under the oommaud of Tho"-. r right, Hook- j .-r m the ceue, ald, it u oupp-xjed, Mc- I'hcnuin on tl1 ft- We have he dubt of the result, for w arc uiulicmayl, nd believe firmly that our General, qpc his, brave, cool-headed veterans'will ivi the fight, and conqn r tuTectually the runken horde of vaga bonds, such itft'e'batch of dirty prison ers, with cerultia- abdomens, we saw on our streets lasie ei-dotf, rcpreaout. The Arkaus Omipoiideiit of the N. Y. Timet uti& 4l'of May 6tb, makca the following lea 'did admission : laaSgfeS-1 to say that Steele' movement so far have been "a complete failure -a disastrous one, barely saved trom being a perfect rout. As I was in -1