CI A .Iff 1 nnr tnnrrrr HH VHl'VHVV V indeed, soon expect a 'heavy "column at' Port llo a!, to which Grant will connect himself by again moving by hus k ft flank. I'ttbiiefted every IfLSD AY, at $5 for si i Shen Jan is aloo astir, working, away at 9 monthi, -c.yulle in advance. . jur communication rt- n part of the gen- em! operations. .To which must be ad- Med the attack inado bv Butler on our P. J. SINCLAIR, Editor. TUESDAY, MAY 31, 1804. It seems to be al-nost impossible to pet at too true state of affairs in Georgia. There is no doubt of the fan that Johnston has fallen &ack to' Kingston .- a poiut about .fifty or fifty-five miles fromtlartd, the junction of the Rome and Georgia railroad. It is possible, and even linesncar Bermuda Hundreds on Saturday night. , - The Examiner of the 23d saj's that it is report -d hat Grant, with his whole army was making for1 the Peninsula. His' arm v ITalca.i Corpus. We publisl to-day the President's spe-i cial i ial message upon the wit of Juibeqs cor- j " V lue UI .. Ar-.., f . . . . . ... .. -' I Legislative Droceodinsra of batwrdav and ' , : May. :Uu,'io4. i .. f- I're-siaent uav:s,i5K2 aiimcn v,noiM , nm,wWr rnidi. BuveganTs army fonovr enUen,M, possess power, areunwilling to surrender hy iIo & s oa tUe foUaw-f'1 lls' 0,1 lhe : "HJ its rower is -wc-ei 10 uie xasie anu n wiu:- .n-c-, nf ;i pr"",lu 1,1 " J- j tl LilL CI A III 111 bUW A V-Ww w w ' 4. 1, 1 .1 t 1 1 A f . is on the other ride of the Mattaponi andjof this Congress. That nine ik only be relinquished when those who pos- the' Governor : sess it are unable longer to hold cn to it. 1st. That portion which refers to con The President-has secured the passage jscription. ."- ' - V . ' ' ' -of a l iW suspending the privilpge'of thej 2nd, That which refers topropositions writ of 7ileacorvtLs. That law will be!fr peace, atjoin-lt'mmittoem in - force' for luuet v dava after' the meeting ! rfSanl to supplying tlwants of the fam- lin hm ffilli'ii still !?rth(r t-- "-t pruuavir, w j North Anna rivers, and it is stated that he is moving - down ahnt; - these rivers, be he'd to rigorously' and gardless of consequer ces. oay a two pounder tretri tneen- Allit ona. o " ...v.. . . . , - - ... uuers: " tenty's Meet ocoHSiOrfaily howling near our We are s..-nred bv Georgia -apcrs, that TJen. with thc dt-sign, it is supposed, ol making ltie excuse ot the I resident lor aeniami- iu tlie Hoas Mr McK.v introduced a lines ar.d a few shots exehangtd by pick- ''. j.-, --h "tea of indigent sjldirs reported, recom-j . . - . ' ii?y days will - . JiUI -1 . . , ... 'moved m iorce. and compelled our men 1 teiiaciouslv-Tc-l- way. Comparative quiet reigns t - juiid 7,000 to -til fauiii oi Indian sol-jjay two hundred pounder fretn the e uh'ers." " " ; - teniv's fleet occHSiOrfal lv howling near oi J the James, is the powerful fleet of t-he en- i emv. with snnif rl " his fnrriv tin land. I T " - " " I ? r - ' -i T V OKirmisumg is going on every nay: i.ay before yesterduj a general engagement seemed imminent. Our skirmishes charg ed those of the enemy, and drove him from their rifle pits, but before reinforcements ! could be brought forward, the enemy to to Johnston' u.nTeiiieiit are a part of a plan s't-!for the Peiiinsuki. bv either crossing the n2, and that ha is oaly I-sd-j n,in, ,i. ' f)t- n;no, ,iwn- the-York tied upon month aso, and that he is only haH paumnkcyt or oi- oing down the in"-them back t; thcii more eompk-tc-lv in . . ., ' " . . . i . , ... , - . i river. Aiiothcr report is tluit he mt' his power. Y e hope this is so, but, we c-onk-s.s ; . . , . , . . we have Httl, faiu ih it.' We ...u,t only hopeto Jl" Kalk1' 011 lh 11 SC irg the continuation of the suspension, is j bin to restore the juriddictiou of the ets the lamest thh we have ever seen from courts. intends! his head or pen. J - Hertry skirmishing and fighting have '.T .i i i i 'v i .T t i riorces here collected, lor more than two uthside.. It seems-j He that -we are nulebted m no uate passtxl tueir second and third roa-J. tfae greaJegt anJ moSt iinpor. that Grant -i a mov- considerable degree to the law, suspend-, uinSs Wli: , , taut battle occurred in the vicinity of lohilWawoerior could nut be placed ia com-ling his army, and has abandoned the po" ing the privilege of lhe writ, for the in- . Viiel wratng tLe nntauu iu j Dreary's Uiuff on Monday, the 145 th. I Union in xvi.i.-h 1.;. h-.t for the last week i creased ef; eionev of the mil tai v wreuara-; " . s.i.,. -ttruipt a ui-nwu oi me for the best, for wfare will auied, that G.u. jat least, well believed Kiting of our Vct-i n army The associate edii u of th The fmi;i" i n r t ;i Tntrl ! i ntn ! . . , y . t : !.: .. t i .: c . t - - " coiitroi.lea ana Hie irencrai unoi f."-: uons. l ins ih in lata im ;i"umnn. x ue . . - - it. t.: c-u i.-:..l... . .-- i . 1 i,;,,, ..,..;,. ... r.n w .. ... ..... . A lcsoiuium m lavor Ol me suil-iws w luu ui'ch uiigaucx u-micius, u-; l'r "uuu '""V . , . . t,.c;-.r,;j Jtrinr.'iriiv hit same nurht ie said ol a i-vv t fiat entirn- i ... , , . .... - it.. . All r.. ... r . TUa 1 , . , ' , - ' , .'.ti.,. i wfl Ibices to the rcninsula. ly aboluhed the v. fit, without linutauon. kcouutv. (general result of that Cattle ;s before tht covering the retreat of our a?oa train and I Ttiis rumored fiioVenient of Grant's ar '.TUe foliowing tabhs.- Gf distances1 'from' Atlanta to Chattanooga, which, wo" clip from- the Cronicle and, Sentief,''vrl af ford informal ion to our readers. They will bettor understand the relative positions o J the armies of Gen. Johnston and oi Slier man. . -v NCMBE!t 07 MILES FKOM Atlanta to Vining, '''. Vining to Marietta, Marietta to Acw orth Ac-worth to Altoona, Altoona to Cartersville, C'jrtersville to Cass, j . Cass to Kingston, Kingston to Ada irsv Tile, Adairsviile te Ualhouu, . Calhoun to Ilesaca, Reaca to'-Til ton, Tilton to Dalton Palton to Tunnel Hill. . Tunnel Hill to Ringgold, Kinggold to Chickau.auga," Chicakiaauga to Boyce, Loyce to Cuatftooga, 5 ltouie, by the Railroad, is, seventeen I miles west of Kingston. 8 12 15 5 4 5 7 10 4 9 i 7 8 5 V 1 V tfKJ if jre ol (ho wi it euarfring iw hifety. This wa the report, :rl-; my. aso rtCeivcs some confirmation, from I Pr tnoaa iiena-oua rea,oo u,u,,nX .,art. reCentv fmn Iho army would ontinue ttj ial I back u:itil it J . .V- 1-1- i eoorts that !uca a lis ruarli.l Kinrstii. v.!iere an en" n fern ont :s like- i. u. r,...,Tri. .... ,he rvib !,':..: k of the Kto ted in Washington at t!ie time of his leav- wan river. - lu ... ir .uj u -'ina iuui..vii.a.u i , Th? Yankees re prin.c for forces closely Lntf,.ve,i terribly in the recent battles, and tI'5;i'-e tvery mar. and ktriuih their advanc of the Yankees twelve thousaiu Chattanooga, but winch con scarely one handl ed thousand at the present time, the ; will not exceed 50,000, but the adminis bjis of the enemy in the different engagements I tvntion men en-ifess to a hiss of GOJJO0. the President . refers to the placing o j A bill to prevent -tlia obstruction of the i fntp'- ? 1 lenemy M as unven trom nts ..... ... , i .. . . breastlvorKS. and iorced to make a ha.-tv lucipiesoi suosutuces mine army, ms passage ol iwh Big Swamp.-; ' iretreat to his present position. It was cNT-iiAvr-5 nv rr. . ' V? Confederate Mates ofAmcr The following resolution, pastse House on the 1 Uh inst. has been i ed : " " ' -.'- "Jlcsolved, That lhe President- he rc quested to inform the House, "f not in- - compatible with .the public interest, whether tho reasons given in his special message for suspending the writ of habtat corpn still exist, and what 'additional reasons uovv exist to such extent that the public sufety requiro the continuance of tho suspension thereof." - In my opiiior the reasons given in the special mt ssage transmitted to Co.igrt-SH at its last session, recommending the sus pension ol the writ of Itahtas corpus Ktill exist in undiminished force, and the pres ent juncture especially requires the con tinuance ot the suspension. The effects of the law for that purpose have been most salutary, and to that law, iu no in considerable degree, are wo indebted for j the increased efficiency of the military preparations which have enabled our gal lant armies, under the Providence of God, to heat baok the vast invading forces which stilt'threatcn us. We find in the Nashville Times, of the 1 loth instant, a lengthy article uhde tho j In my opinion it would he perilous, if head of. "Cavalry Forces of the United j nt calamitous to discontinue the suspen- .in Washington who arSUUIL"L la hUil UIfatiini our cuuns. iiesumnou urom tne uuufc, w uoaiuiiin f-Ji'tune ot t!-.e writer to participate in I states Interesting Hacts and Statistics i "'lu'"lt; cMcuiy.-ui.i ovement was intiiflb- iia' eady Uecniod their liability, re-; to imporuug goous uy me otato a ... Ui light ol Monday and to , be associated j of what it has been and is Now : " V?,. P i irj. ". " .-7. 1 ..O...U-... .-. ti... !.. .n.,.,iin use ox t o armv. -nrotestnig airamsn,uo ac-i witti a ant. ! . tJ. tmiratu. wnieii. I am . ..r.- . .... , - .. . . - t v oi -ov i.i 3u.-"u"5 . ' , . . , . . ! r p T j. . . . V ,r sixteen years ago tins orancn !, it ?f i,.,v.w,-,- i tion oi.jugres; ana- tne reguiaions aris-1 pnrnu 10 fay, uig-iy uisunguisueu itbca A A Ir .T H IV-CI ill 11 U 'I - V l . . ( , . . - Jt nitty not improper to mention an lether Icjralh or iri , . , . and instructing theiwtinbers of Congress service was composed of three regiments only, ; shortly after the Mexican war it of the j jugatiou of our country. tux eoeo on aU ie ' !ay between,,, nt.thtt v,,,.),, r,,,Yit tht bis I''OS lli service, tncn tin;;, t,,;. (, t(1 '!.,V.,r tr, l,.,v i i. 1 u client or two. :. and our vera- r.ii.k. lhe twrcc ... . . . . . , ... law Ifas indeed been of vat advantage for i ' - ' Geu M. V . Ransom was .wounded on entire 1n5R in UilU'-i. iniinii ml and misiri!' ,uw ull,lu oetn 01 nut rtumnwt, ioi : .lstriirtmna ren.vra 1 ... v con.i.,ted of oe-hundred and . . " 1 "... ' Z ... " ;r .1 nf f,.,.t;,1 .L. m,n ! I- 7 r' IZ. , (tUe.Jltli and Cob ClurKC oi the 4t!i 1 men, wheu ihev started from ! wlU sum UP 'tUW men. .ome ol ttic pa- i " - " v. j oai w istcornoiato rue soiuier -; 0 . siu.ced to command of Ransom's Urig- o,.,,v ; ncM ti v tn make a amiear t hat ins loss '" "- vu" nuinc ui iuisviub wunui, . not : nut. i.oi. vjiarKo was wounueu on me i exeeeuing tvveive inouvanu men. Oar array i. in fine spirits and eager to fight, but it is the deteruiiuatiun of General Johnston not to ri;sk a general engagement until he has reached the ground he desires. Let our people be confident. The mov tan ut 5 being made by the aiiay of Tennessee are the reiiilt of plans formed month-" ui;o. WeVill liht a general scnptioa. A bill for the benefit of the legal reprj 1 3tl, and so neither Gen. 11. nor Col. V.., Iu an other paragraph he gives the j resent atives of deceased soldiers. 1'assed j-was in t!ie right on the Kith. Col. Rut- The hospitals in Fredericksburg, Alexan-i dria, Washin to repletion inforcemcnts ted that Grant's army, when he crossed the Rapid Ann, was one hundred and for- i i , a. Jits 2nd and 3rd readings. rAuthoiizes ! ledge of the 25lh N. C, suceeded Col peopie tu upui-jsianu mat fco long as " " . . I CI ark ft i rid i now in I'nininniv.l nf tht Rii- ... . vft.v.. .wft... 0, . fk (i,,,.,.in-,r tn .ivmnint .in nwnt with n UarhS UUU is HOW ill CU ngton and Raltimore are filled enemy continue to press us, it would bejtIlG i?0""? a? . J gade. . -, ii---.ii- .i Isalarv oi.fc2i00 per unnum, to cascliargc , n,,j the "-reat crvvits for re- perilous and calamitous to discontinue the: , . . .Al ' e 1 lie enemy ropul-sea, , .am tne 0tcc cr., vas ia ro i the duties Speciiied iu the mcssiige ot the , the m-n nllow s to be sent Grant. sta. suspension of the writ. r.,. Th. nf .llownd hi, ?VCT a: U t.h.,3QwU a"P. !ty-two thousand strong, but that it has engagement before many days and then with j , much recluceu that hcy are now ii Hip fl Lryu duo lue u.'jr oi our troops r aiu-j itY is certaiu to red n our banners. ' I man nii.ii;tf.r.)i ltftnu trA nnn , sendipg forward to him every available This is a bold and fearless stroke. We may therefore expect that if the President Governor., lhe agent is also allowed his necessary expenses. Mr. Shepherd introduced resolutions ean secure it, (and indeed the present ; relative to a basis of peace. Referred tc Congress, with a few honorable except-' a select-committee of live ordered to be ions, seems willing to extend the fight being .ed to rest and re fresh themselves while the dead and wounded were being tten4cd to my eyes happened to re.-t on a'nuuiber of ol- ficers wuj w ere seated on the. ground, in shade discussing the results ,and in coun It is a source of gratification to be able (o inform "yu that tno mere passage of the law suspending the writ was .so ef- j t ctual in restraining those wlio were en- gage.i m iinsinaiie practices aipi m dan- was increased to six. This is now the nutfibep-'n t;e regular nr:xij. In the. vol lunteer service, however, the figures as tounding,-we presume, exist only on pa-! gcrous complicity with our enemies, that r. lhe hgiues given are ns follows : the instances are extremely few in v per Six regular regiments, 7038 officers and men ; 590 volunteer regiments, of about 600,000 ollicers aird men. The arnual which arrests were found irt cessary. The effect of the law in preventing tho abuse of the. writ, for the imrnose. Ot ova- I r I t t -m- . I pay ot Uie lorce is put ciown at srl,-!dmg nuhtarv service by men whose' plain j oo-,uo , i.uiuoei m iieres,fc i t,oz i, ana , uutv it is to t'eieud their countrv. can the total estimate of, vxr-ensc or cost of hardly be over-estimated.- -outfit and one year's pay. $341, '1 22,4 1 . j The sensiiivcncss exhibi;ed indifferent The figures are, it is suiil, taken i'oml parts of the country to the legislation on the documents in theV cavalry bureau of this subject, is indicative of - the love of the -War Department. No one will be- i freedom which is innate 'among thc ,,eo. the President to an unlimited . : a.. K.:,,.. il. l..,f.1 xtend the power of I printed and made the special order for 12 " .Atenu l'"luluV, , , . i nuFticularly observed one General onice nlimited extent, it.o clocti m. on eunesuay next. . f ' ... 0 ni-t lt mt f ii .n:.: . .1 ;". - I ... , , . . .- ;.' .-v,..-v. tncionowmga-Kuaonai aeui.e uu. , r . w rill be suspended -during the W dir. anepDora, a resoiunon eoncermn in the Atlanta In .tdlJycuccv of the 20 th : Jrom Northern Geoigia we have as yet r, . t- ,-, 1-Mallett's Battallion, (Uequests that this i 1 U - u .-.1 r..v i ii c me nut ui-uius ii uu, ai u uiiju iiu;:, ..i-i . a - i : Our reporter returned trom Cass Ma- J lt this would stir nn discontent - fir be it tion on the train, whidi arrived here this arwy coirespordent o; the Atlanta Intel-) vould fetir "P discontent , tar be it morning. He bit Cass Station at 11 S-lviencer. He says, that our army is nowlrom usi bur. w (o most earnestly warn rlock last night, and C:u U-r-viile at 0 this ! between the Etowah river and the A'l'laJ11 lluole to bu careful of such palpable i neve for a moment there is r.nv such force! nle. and wlii.-b shnnld rfr b .,w.rit-i....i u i in tln fiwiil anrl ? 4c vii'..if a i- lil kc :i h"i .. , r.,'n'i.,t ! svslcm of rrd.horv of" Ti'.nsnr i "O. ' nf ililn r.iin.-i!iui!,.i.ol I ; I .... j ing on. - U is not doubted, Iiowevcr, th;ii if those i:u iiiuu la mvmcii i innaiiniueiiou W illi the bridges were burned, but we posses ev- inorning. The eneiity attaeked our lir.o a vhort tlifctan:e bevond ( 'as:: station, yesterday. rieuuriie.liwiou h.-ld tfio p -Zillion, and ; cry facility for rccrossing when the time the Yankee- attacked uteb'r eoimnaii 1 ol ; ai rives, Th'u is about all the news here Hooker. Tho coutest continued until : tooua our army crossed the river j efforts at the doti uction of their .liberties. I Qov. Vance, was also transmitted froni battaHon be recei veil into the field service of the Confederate Sfeates, under its exist ing organization.) Adopted. '(' An engrossed resolution in relation to nightfall, when the enemy were driven at present. i t Ji i i f t i.,.... Ibe Yankees are not in si-ht. although! mndem back. Skirmishino-between the advance ;onuem j.artics continued up to the time of lea v-; our cavalry, which bad been ordered loaj And we call, upon our Legislature be for e , the Senate it adjourns to stamp this unwarranted and L 'I'his r -solution compliments His in ex out the p: ! With awii ir4 voi ii miwu i oi tue .mea( raie , a... i..... i..i :.. ..r a . , . i i . i i a. i i i 1 ijv Mil, oeeo i.i i'u.-icjoioii vi iiiclii , ' !! "k' OTil'.? ' tlat it ,.s om..V nnuWe-l . ; fon,.,,,!.,,, ivhid, -t wis ,y .lu.y ,o com -i!. J ! Kinston, 0:1 the 2:;d, that the ankees . munu ate to you, and which may not yet "What General is fliar?'' I enquired. were advancing 011 that piaee, by trie wy "That is Gen. Clingman, " was the an -' of the Sower Trent raad : and this morn ing there was another report, to the ef fect that they have changed their front and were moving towards the Wihwing- ulro.ul vl.i Kcoansville, Dunlin swer. "Indeed,'' and as I realized the fact, my recollection recalled tho day when- -the General was in the legislative halls, ir. the Senate of iho United States; ami imag. ' toil Ie revealed without injury to the publio interest, they would killy have approved the exercise of the power of uspendin the writ which was entrusted to Congress by the Constitution. All trusts impose duties. The pywer was entrfisteu express ly with the intejit tlivit it should he used w uen necessary to the public s aety 111 certain poiut while on their march, were stopped and ordered to return in the direc- duty. - ... J I ! -I : .. - . . . t . 4 1 . . y. f 1 . m ( -m" . I i " ? 5 " ' i able assumntion ot nower -anon --. 101 too i.u,-i.,u,u00 iv jnua.ou urew a Mriaiug aim uvea . i-ui- ; r.flilnf,-. T.. cannot vouch ior the cor- .,f i,.vnin.,. 1 irt of Congress, and the Executive I with which' he has discnarge.1 the duties jirast which mu,t be presented, between a f' c ; () , U!UOi.s a'nd JacS llol he- j will, .me, that' the exigency had arise,, their urn i! 'Mimed ii--amiroval and lot his oflice. and expresses conlidcnco m Piece oi lat bacon ana corn bread, and the ,,.;.-.u .1 n. ..r 1 ' 1. 1 - , , , ... , . , , i: i; . it,, ... Iv,t hi uiii'i i.iv r.i.ii.ioc m uir ninri "atipn. : his integrity and patriotism,! sumptuously spread U vsmligion tables f ; hc Hue. -performed but a plain duly in pasnii.c tho Since the above was written we are Mr. Cobb offered an amendment in the , - : "V1 " . -V " " 114 r e.tiv..c - ' ' law; and such will, 1 doubt not, bo tho to see that the House has done itsj shape of an additional resolution, exnres i . ' 1 lUllt .l u - ,tonMmr .source a-nn suppose tiieir must bo some-judgment of the 1 oople, when thi facta I . ... , . , - ' i ms I'll Mi pi ei:ses.i!.;. u i, noievei pleased iape sin" like conli.lence in President Davis! is person prepossessm j the province of the ladies, to judge o! ing Cass -.station, and this morning, when the train left, slow firing by field artillery .-Mild ho br.ifil fit I v f n-v v 1 1 lit Yankeo prisoners brou-ht down on tl.eltl0il of nver" t. : . t . .. 4 I I ..1 ... r, 1 . m 1 1 .1 1 C .-rt vine t iVin t-r f Ii j- -T I rlror1 TO fl C ! J i . . . . . . . i i nmril hoe h ;ir.i Iim-iV.I livr 1 .do, - i-u i ir i 1 . .1 v . . . . . " . . , AC. a ... t 1 . . . . I 1 v- . . . . v .-. ! 1 . - I 1 . . , I . -, . ,-i,.iJ.n.i,d tn -w 1-1 .-1 vesterdav. not tenable, because AlcPherson, with his 1 " v -o mj. v.vott.. vin 1 vn nioueii 01 i 1 . i.aner, a ui vision 01 1 uouanj, 1 u.iiv., wiuou.u m vu " The general idea at Cass Station is, 'own, Hooker's and Logan's corp?, had al-;Gon, Lee's army, although we arc gf opi'n-.'the question' was ordered, and that ciau-so iiU,mna J"-''",', , " i tb-it (Un .Tdlnutnn intends to -fori it. in lw!readv cvos'scd the river and were con t inn-'. irn t.!-.nt 'fi:dti." will not. bpfrin for snndof tho amendmenf. commeudator v of the i 1 heGci-eivu .-j nead ha5? jn-t begun to ...... w l .---'....- w v..-... ---, . i J"." ,tj... .....w,--- , ,u thih'r of truth in it. - iand agrateftd appreciation of the heroism ones person. Ucatrtv o'f person and mtel Up to this tinie, 0 p.' ni., Thursday, noi OI the sohliers. hectual sunei ioritv. are ot al wa vs nav. ' Vv'c" uu.Ieistauu.that'au ex press" line i in conteitiphitiu'i from tins place to Wil mington, via the steamboat line. We can be made known without detriment tu their interest. Jr.n r.KsoN H .wis. Richmond, Va., May 2Uthv1yUl. Pkspeuate FiviiiTixc. or X. C. Tnooi-i. -....f- .i)iMl!:t.t:-'Kl tl...t ni itfi.i- Ti.iil I'iirvTriKU-rrll 1 k iw i x-s - V nrivitii v.. 7' Hie r...,,,...o tt-h-.t I mv.ov ix--k,, o-w -- o.;.k.4 ..... .... ...... , present position. His left rests on tiie nig the tlanu mo emei t. me plan oi m..- . ! President was adopted yeas, 4 5; nays; .?,';, . . , , rr , ,1',,,,., .1 ' h-tter from r.n olilcer-ii. ;;ie '2 A X. C. I?.-- Ktowah river under command of Lieut. ! Yankees seems to be to avoid a general , u' !4 the second eliuso of die amendment 1 1 U!at 'SU' " turn than ; bo arranged. 1! aL uita to toe - . t.RoiiMm '. uv-u- h I 1 tv 11 r'lwino.nfnt r.n-pvorv f-'Kt -K -n i,! . hv 1 I he Pctcrsburcc hjrpreas of the 2othi-- iw. .uiiuuuii ..u j , v.sae.j v-lla Hclear and vigorous eve. i , i,, .,... f!-1(.i,-;i, ,.o n,irii.., nf : i . i . . General Polk. jC.igamement, uu every tdo.t was .11.1 h, Uy . z was uiuwiiniusly adopted, ami the - vjiies- (4,n c, o, ;s Wtii k-iow, in fl-e i 1,,a' 'XUd oe ba.iuio.-s poitioa oi the com- been m two,it.- eii..agcmw;.-"..s v. i The liue extends eastward at right an-!en. Johnston to onng on one, hut each learns hum a gentleman who left trMhvh-, -is ! o. , ' CU k-,0rt'fm ,,,,n;fv nnnnt bi exa er.Urd It will i tite.enemv up to the ith of May.. In the tries with tho railroad, about six .ib.,s to time the enemy would withdraw from oUrWnd on Tuesday evening at a late hour " V" ? 1 u'f political wona. roc inanv years to pop- . cam. ; b. -a - ... wil lht thovVc 0 c4 v fcutWldt.s. the range of hills skirting the north side ! iront and iWme tho challenge. It thu,;tuU thc- tru--ie bet we-n Gran '"r1' U' -V 'Vuh Cnl-V llll'Cl! UhU" V-i? L. . jL onijress J ,,ti!l a nc.v hie m the entire "-" , trn()lli one line of our troops drove of Etowah river. The centre is enmmau-1 becomes a necessity lor our troops to fall- , . . , . , , vueutmg vote-. . , ,...-.,! v , 1 ,u u t.. - d'1.-.Mu will ald that .ua'rgy and 1 back li c lioesof the eueinv iw-ar Si.on- ded by Lieut Gen.' Hardee, and the -righl b:,e'i by Lieut. Gen. lolU. "Ye have nothing new from Virriuia. Grant is afraid to attack Lee and v. e not believe he will attempt any move lhent of that nature for some tim. Thc '1" i JJuquirer ol the 21st says: Although w.e have no new' battles to record, we have accounts from the glori ous old army of Northern Virginia which would gladden the breast of stone. Our army is nut only in the best possible spir its" and, fighting condition, but is confident ' that if the enemy dares another general engagement he will be finally and irretrie vably defeated. The movement of Grant df from our right, though apparently a lbtnkir.g manoeuvre, Is ir. fact tantamount to nothing. If neither causes our army to 'retreat" nor in any way interferes with the plans of hen. Lee. The day is not far olf, we feel assured, when tho menda cious boasts of the enemy will be com pletely exposed and his most sanguine hopes'turned to misery and mourning.' r i . ... i ... . ' uu, moleet Ihe.V flank. Sherman :ui" ' on, uay. eatimr Rosecraiis- Hank movements, j At 5 p. m.,' the battle was reported to be t r , v ..... ,- .. . .'. . ., : I. .. .1 V,. ! . . . . .. ... , . ...u..,-.,ur---. j,nai Ul 1 ! ::..'i as . nieauiaoa t ioseu mac vienei ti s general ami racing niriousiy, uCiWeeK i ; ctree'r, so will a battle, soonto take place ! iJowlinjr Green artd Hanover juncllou. --'tween the. h. to wan and Chattaiioochee tr.ade b the fancy eT-ejHpts over the crying s-hame and traitorous eonduct of thc Le-isl attire. i ... r ,i x- i ! At twelve last ui it, nothing lor the press - , . Uosc the career of thc 1 ankee ar- m exempting 3lau:ist rates under the ago ol 7..'77, 2377 nst. On the south side little is tit present " The SxKAtTEST Sect.'' The canvass in Johnson county is begiuing to be re freshing. Three candidates, D T Snead, Esq., for the Senate, and Setu vYooddall, and AY.m H Avn.i, Esqrs., for the Commons They were announced as favoring Mr. Hidden, but that gentleman in an article in the Standard, of tie 2:lth remarks as follows': "On the 12tlf Messrs. A vera and Wood all were Conservatives 'after the straitesl sect," and opposed to Gov. Vance ; and on the 20th of May these gentlemen are Con servatives aftsr the c ooled sect, arid sun- j porters ot Gov. Vance. We respectfully I advice the Conservatives of Johnson Conn- 1 -r-ll i - i -v lli r I ,-i t I In 1 1 - i 1 I o-Ooli t years irom onscnption. jby telograpti. Vt0nchoi. Knron;t, OHTt for rf'l" - ,i. l . . t . - 1 T i ' O " xms is trie oainc vien. lcc s cksi . . ., . , . . 1 j connty-mfcrmfs us, that the number oi i tin referred to, pnohshed in our last issue. ! ,r. . . . , - . j ' 1 Magistrates exempt by reason ef their of-! On the contrary the Richmond "Whi"'" ! .. . .., . . , , , , ; , w - ; fice, in this count v, aivi who would other-i . 01 me ,-iii, gives us 10 uiiuersiauu inai ;rii;i, i.t u.cii'.e in r euv i a: iiine-- v ere wed know 11. I 'k beve li.y Ge. serai bvlotge-i to j'k '!;: -ig'oal pannel" itud tha. he wan among the first-to resist the Fed eral iMei-o.K-niii nts. . ('., nn ii'o.e maiiv others of his jo .atos ha. shown his "f'alih b' his and 1 f elieve he has tleclared his lIi -iiie. , . -1 'Oliess of t.' ' .1 IS Gu lilical WOl'Ie Wo -win ti ll to the t AJivair.a t . 11., alter a weary nays uuu eii and no sie-p lor two lirzht-1. mr men were so exhausted, w h. 11 ordi red t . . -. .... 11 .1 ii . 1- I. trii-t I'Ur e;ti..e:i-, and isi interest- ennrgo, iney couio not. go out 01 a waiii, every en eon ra gem en t. mteation to rtm-im in act'V Wixr. iruiy yours. 1 t w a v n f t A nu n'e r ef crippled soldiers have ar j service tor ,;VC1 at the Hospital at this place, from d; rent points. Our fri. nds in the coun- TUK1 . - X ExlTiLSS Vv'e are ha -.pv to thc t Icy are aware of the fact, that thc mariv ets are very pcgily supplied with vecefa- enormQUSjailUc.15Ce- the fact, that thisebergctio Cmi- .hies, chickens and other delicacies which about to establish an Agency ai . arc r.eoessary for our sick and wsunded rcie be hi tho avmv. is active operations need not be looked' for I . r ? k iumouu oi nvt.-i . . in some time. - i ,,,, , ' . , , , ., . , pany f 1 i 1 :!. nv s i' f !i im: n ....... . 1 . . ... 1 The correspondent of th Richmond j , , , s , , , Ti this place. They have secured the large ; so. .hers. Cod has b lessen them w nn pica- ... . . , uum 11 uu ait iin.-v. n .ivy imirwv.- it. . 11, i.- 14.. Iron Front Store, formerly occupied by i l-Vl i4 I)ispatch', under date of the 2lith, lias! the following : hose who make it ? It is men who aro themselves bask inn in the smiles and favors of the Government , and I Messrs.. Starr & Williams, and wih doubt- ' ty, let them rcm.c.nbcr the wants ui the urifoitui c su less be erin business next week. The follow jug is lhe list f casualties in companies C and. ii, d N. C. Troops doing, but it is merely the lull before the! storm. - ! i Thc Petersburg Express gives the fol owinj? as the situation:' Our forces now occupy a line some thi "ee or four miles east of the railroad, ll villi' forced Inn nnmv vit nf Tnrliv Rend on the James River. Our light rests ltl,afc Personal abuso of Mr. Ilolden, that ty to keep a sharp eye 01, their public men." Now it must be annoying to M. Hold on to have his friends desert him that way, but these gentlemen are doubtless consci entious in their advocacy of Gov. Vance. For our part we have cot indulged in t I O T - ' '1 1 II 1 . '. t I t : 1 - 1 1 1 1 f I't-.vlVi burtr to Suottsvlvania Court Ib.n.e som..:or a m3Jont avc busl1 engaged 111 rais- eight miles bom the former and three inS something for. the people, to eat. on the Appomattox and our left on tho ! has characterized other journals. We have . lames III' .iniiiivr u-i i.An 1 ... nr..Mnl. .,..11 11.. t- IT.. IT. J.I,-... 1 ..?.. 1. . I. . 1 .:. . ... I I . ... ..v...., ...i..-v... . vwi.w.t. , uutu.u j: peisoiianv auraiosi, aii. iejn.n.n, awui mnv; v eiuetv me utiiiiinir eeuseo. 1 1 1 . . , ,. ..1 m ,,t,,,!A i 1.. ii.... ,i'i .1. o 1 - ? , , i- , . . .. e. ,r. , : laturc and tuvxi uoi - v.. ... ..iui.-mi vin,- i.eiuiuua iiuuoieos u,o . r,. r v.,...,. .111- ami our oo ieii oaeK . ih- ee.i 1 ene iei i rvck altoiiether. as there is now sea reel v I - . . - . i.oii.ui l im-,....- t ii.. . i iueas a u'tu - - - ' t . J . . 1 1 . 1 . t . . 1 .1. . .- - - -- --- .... .i.'.wK''-. ..u - . 1 1 . : . oue trial, lie uas ueen lounu wtutny 01 iue - . , . . , -., , 1 ' J home tWO hoinh ed .nn li re k r 0. He has never !.,..,lltlr ,i .....i V..-. it- - i, ... .. ! .wv.v. .- ....... 1. v.iiii. ijii 111 iitir.i. Al.,w.f f ... ..V.l,...!. ........ 1.,-. r t- l'. 0 1 .1 1 arc resting under its protesting shield, m teruoon. Gen. l-jwcli moved torwaros with. 1 0 ' a sullicicnt forec bi order to foci the etie-l hc form of comfortable exemption papers. Vv'e have received the following card jmy's position on their extreme rigid, our ! The number of Home Guards and Mili- j from the gentlemen, whose names are at- (Jo- C Killed, none. Wounded, 3ergt ; left. General i. sli uck their colu.iiiia near-tju o'li ers is liftv nine and all of these j tached, and take pleasure iu publishing . H H RutlCr, corp s P Lam, David , A uh- . i 1 edencks-! , . 'if i brd. A Davis. Prvts Alien .vrnett jr., : ,r T - j I) 11 West. Captured, cap.t H Vi Home, UB,! --J2:L. .r Lieut C P Mallett, Sergts JT Mullms, miles from thelattci place,. a, .out halt past! Rut they ought to be in the service, so!., . ' , .'; , ' . ' l Robertson, Prvts N II Arnett, J C i l....l- .. 1 ... . . . I . . .. ... . . . . ' iu iuut ui.v iii ii.c ..nenioou. 11. .111 iuisj(l;lt theb'.ate would oe entirely without1, tunc until nine o'clock .t ni 'hi, ihc bat-' , , i .. . , - - ' .1 1 ... 1 ... 1 . r 1 ' any lot.-; ueieuee . auo cvei v man in u tie rncred and roared mo.-, fuvtonslv. , J ' - The enemy having repulsed our attat k ' "iuy under military law, thus ' handing j attempted in turn to press us, when they "over the entire State, body and soul to j ,,' J were hurled back most sued ioiiy. At ;anv c0rt of despotism that in the course one tuna; our line of skirmisicors reached - , , ui- t- i i- 1 i i ..... . - ... ioi events miirht bo established over lier tho eneniv s wairon lrum who h w-,5 n.: smg along the high road, 1 m. were force-, . That would be marvelouslyuproper ex- j 1 1 i -. 1 ... . li . itt. lr.....-l. ...... i. -lfnr- tiit nnrl 1-l.rlir - l" CD V' uuu. U1UU Uiy 'I'll UI,' l...e.; J"-;. j 1 I T VnillJ -1 iin't WV.' shootin- nml r-.i.t.n i.i.r -. r.-...- .i,1.w i i,- I '.t ... t- .1.1 r . . U. I.-VUA.IS, a:-M.MiM. m-.m x (vuw 'i uiuiv.p Tii 11 cast'ii 1 1 1 1 v 1111 .r 1 1 1 -1 1 11 1 r 1 rt tv ( t m and i-ouie could not ro at all. When tho colors of the 2d Regiment were advanced to the enemy's works, only l.j men were tkere with C.qt. Cobb, Capb Whilfii'M and Lieut, ilobson. Ihdh parties fought dcqjei ately. ' Our tucn clubbed the Yan kees v hh their inu ,Uets,- and these gallant officers snatched the emmiies guns from their Ir nds, pulled them out of their en trcnc'mients, and forced the surrender of tho enemy. Near Germanna Ford, RaneyitrV rig ale had to contend with Indian sharp-sh- cters of the Ojihwa ti tlx; from the otafe of Michigan ; and our men captured a number of Indian mockasins and other beaded work. . Since this letter was written w; learn that Capt X. Ii. Whitfield has been kill el. I. Ik W. Cobb wounded. All the casualties we can now report. from the -'nd. .Stii'c Journal. To Tim Pt pi.ic. It is due to myself,-it is due to my fj 'ends, it is due. to General un an." Express" to Fyetfeville. We ! ;l-;l'u j, V. 1 t 1 V r t '1 Reauregai it is due to rcniuvitcchng una ... 1 .. v l. .1 ii o .:i... i Guiton. U L Ilorne, it Johnson, A L l.Cd- ir(inill.m.,Idv ennrtese it. is dim in the nn- e:arc i.ieaseu 10 s.-oe inui, uie . c-ouuiein , , XT. T,,iii r i V , , . i L .. . i better. O Mel'haUer. A McCall, n 1 , ;,,,., no! cm t v r im t,i il... in-ftf..-. I'.xpress ompanv nave miue arrange- i ,. n , r , ,r T J ' , ' " ....I. . - .... Li . i.pri Newell, A J Ray, C P Ldev, A J Mnith, -u.n .,.,, 0 due to evervthm-r in i,ri lh.o hents-- t!;erebv w-.-. I iineannon, J M 1. Wailaec, hion v. ,- .j)e 1!U,)(l of lntn n.;lt generous 'v,,,r?n'-. n r vice ml n d v . I ' rd , 11 J W ilhicrd, J A 1 isht r Kole.f uul noble, that -I should say that I am .jtage to vour citizens t. Government and j 01c CJ lured, 5; esciper not lhc author (neither did I know M,y . . . .. ..... mil wit tho ermotane 1 : ! .1 : : l i, : ...r .1:. .-...o..i t o. Si.l. ;he s from t IK V. I -" i . - m uiiul m iipuu umimi i.iiw ii i.i .ii.viiii. room Tor him to even bivouac an army oil the contracted space left to him. Every day his situation grows more and more precarious. The L.muiinct' has the fol io win 2: 1 i ui her frc-rrc thes Very truly yours, . Adams, Ass't Si .u oniii,::, A-'t at Wilmington. I enlisted, 4. S Co H, Killed, corpls WS k-s, ! son. Wounded. Prvts W F V D V Y'minir. u: -gcutlcm inh', igiirtble. inhtnnan, barba rous, dastardly, unmanly and cowardly p ir igrapti in regard to Mrs. General IJeau- ! Captured, Lts Z H bowd riniil:. R 11 Ly- . n;rar(l, that ajipeared in the local c-oliiniitH ' j Wc arc pleased lo see" that most of our ' on ; Sergts I) A Sikes, U A Hargrove, J (f the Era on 1'hursday evening, Maich jreprcsentalives from this and llarnet t i " St5i! 15., f li, ri ' on ,. -. , .- .... I Jones, R Kemp; Privates t A im idge. J 1 .i.wkijt I I'knnktt. (.Verv-;Cou.itiesstandupto the views ot uV"- ; M Jh-ady, T Hush, W Pmie, U i'raven, E, Wc finl tlii. card iu the New Orleans the Cngagen 1 e ut we lost! . 1 i ii . t it t : : conuuence 01 uie peopio. lie nan uevei Wtnmdtd and missi,,- Gen. K, veil's horse ; P,.lcr 1'AixiXii. Thi mice nf deceived them. He hasfudilled all lus was snot Inm uuuer him. a-ivimr him a ii,:,,.. ;.. i. f.. 1.. ... :.. i Vance." A.' II. Stcnhens and (iov. EiowiiiG i:oide. DMdward0, l J McMillan, J i r... .r 1 v.. . l.,.iv T pledges to thc letter, and the people will'hard Jail, but he is all right again, and. s.m,.u.j. Mn'nev is now b-iu-' .-ou-bt i ul,uU-lhe wrifc of-hibeas corpus. 9 McLeod, A C Pope, E Spnngs.AA 1 uug. . was a rv,-tcr of the Es'n, ami" as 'ii.-iij'v iv;iri r 1 1 i -ii. n -. rvfr..., ir. .. on o .1 i- t ir ' not risk anything in tiustintra man who VUMlf.1'., ..I. IV 'J - O U LJI.II&. i . .!. i - . The fiht commenced to-dav about two has proved himscif true to them, to their o'clock, and lasted two hours. Gen. D. H. Hill's troops were engaged.. We , drove the enemy. from his breastworks, but we were unabl to hold vtheni. The enemy flanked us and oar forces fell back. Report says we took a battery but af terwards lost it. The fight occurred about two miles from here. Our loss about three hundred killed and wounded. Thc rights as freeman, to his State and the countrv at large. The voice of the lowr House of. the Legislature has tmanirnously endorsed the course of Gov. Vance; This shows where tho people stand. The Senate also en From the South side, the "Ex mess' has little of interest to record. thin any-thin:; OicsC. s LCC- Kcsoluiious condemnatory of the act There was nothing dono on Tuesday, i' lulatorsare be-mniug o mveat Iheir plun- ispem.u,ig 1:10 wr.i were aa-mii ui tue i 0 1 ,.-i.i Legislature on w eur.estiay, uy a vote 01 ler in mney rather than their money ne writer is Kiich KI1. Killed, i; wounded, 1 ; xap.Uired, L'U; cs- j,,h It i.N interestiio' lo see that, not- taped and wit.i the company enhiled withstanding his connection with such an im1-!. organ, he retains some sensa of decency aud courtesy and gentihtj'. dorses the course of Gov. Vance with two enemy lost. many more. Tho wounded j exceptions. Tho fault which these twoj'vusmg tho"shov I .1,,, nMnrnnr 1,0c ibpn ouut unes aro I III- if nil iti j wvvAliwty iiaj w w,v..fl tore now arrivrnc here 111 ! r .) I".' . ...Ml ....UI! .. .1. 7 ; t. ... rir. -rvl .w - n 1 !.: :. ...1.. ii.. i, .f'u-j lo 00. ve win i uaa i i.ic oi oeeeii- ' .n i. t . . . . - - Save the occasional tlcm-'' of a tuckei mid pnmuci. - xjos uuiiuuir 01 i , . - , . . - . ,u,1"o 01 a I j -- T 0 . iu-s in our nest- 1 Mn. Editor -r As the tunc l anpioaeh- The n.n-n-T'mps -iv- t 'the Smi th uaii.a to nebs ait: Jhe -a-1 Ui. i-cuy '-oi iavl.n Jtma Ute Co;- iliLi." l1 M : ..,..-mr. trrrrrm.rUTf.l r. Trnh ' p-f lUAiiS-Ciini- iTTt roe-e ,.1! it S.1..1H.M rrei-o on .-real iT,,rf-w 3Tr. Bhcpucrd lulroJuccu tLe uulow.nir : , - , . -. 1 ; t;iy Fair in .vcw tjrk the married ladies : 7 , , 1 .ieuerate ia..i ;; i:e . paiu ne.t .wiui u m trie next i.egiMature, 11 ma y ni no ! ,. .. , , , down cither river as tar as tney dare go, i - v- . - ; bills : . improuer for me to state thnt I have crni- j are k aprons, the and throw a shtfll over in the direct ion ol ono" 1 " ld ci3 nnX j To extend the corporate limits of the huI ted gentlemen from all portions of cur j "nmarned by white; Cahtorma and , other the rebels, merely to keep their nanus in. , ing in July of tue hve uollar bills ' town of FaveLtevile and for other imrno. ! ocunu" and there soem to be but - one i widows byaprns hemmed with yellow. Loth armies arc said to be nov very ousi- j oi our harness 1110.1 think that i CvH Ci CUCvUC tuu u I ur- 0 M:!til nn.-i tuat : . tr. tioro ,.tnil-.i he no i And this leads us to remark that we r- .010, r o-;.?. jsauy, 1. uin. J sUtcd Vy0 doubt if it cver gcc j;llt . bu( ! 1 . . . -- --: "" we siiffcst. the nronrietv of handing their . pp- 1 - t a The Petersburg Kxitcss says that ev-j names down to posterity as mod. Is of pu rry thing is quiet on the youth side of the ; 1 "ity and ''straitneSl" James, but preparations are doubtless on Twotnonths since in a spirit of thc most the. tapis, which will at an early day give! friendly nature, we advised Mr. Ilolden to the enemy about as lively a time as they ; withdraw, to save himself the 'mortilica-f-ver enjoyed, These lively scenes may j fion which his inevitable defeat in August cvnic off to-day, or the' be deferred until j would inflict -upon him. Our advice was to-morrow, or next day, or even next week, j jiot adopted, and Mr. ilolden yvill expe occur they certainly will, and then J rience this fall all the mortification and w e shall see how Eutler the Least, who, j disappointment of a badly defeated poli Yankec -journalstells us, . commands in f tician. , Lil. 1 1 . ......i,. 'l I " II ll.. v, 1101 iuoic man &jen- ty-live yards apart. . . . . . ... . . . i nni illli ill'.- l!i. vpir : f roui Northern Geororia. wc h ive hit, t a . -- - as a crsequcner, j other, goods will be down as low as at anvi little besides that iiiven in our pr h-gca h- . ... . . 1 1 1 t- .. 1. .. l 1 . 1 . .. .1: 1 : : ir . .1 1 n. i . 1. finveni ions r caucuses neni i r iue ;u.-i .uu tueii a umtiuiiiii.i as tieeiueuiv iacK- lso. a bill to amend the Charter of the j p0,.of nominating candidates; neither : n true moilesty. It is an attempt to ! L I ore nee anu r ayeltoviuc lvaiiroaU Conv f should there vc any r!:va-sin- m me c.omhmr . ii.:itrimom:i kn..eidntinn f " : . , ., r . i: ' : I -v.w.. ...... ! -. Flour that has been sold here for :;00. 1 i,J".Y- U i . . i . ji iitii. oi" i aiii i. uumii uai o hfivn hnVVi,Vi'P iui T(l!rc m ' o rj Laeua Luat soid for is now bring- t county ny trm.,,, who tijy i.e ome eanui- ; c!U-itv auti g)0,vs that our womcn arc -uates; me reasons are tmvious, in .uie .nsi , p;,, ja Also a bill to aid to the construction off ' , ' 'Z "Z retaking largely of the. demoralization a railroad from i avetteyille to Florence. roin thcil'.i;f; p-nrsuits to attend which has taken possession of society. In Jitatc approjni .toin 400,000. y ltt d;s1rict ,rath'ei jns; and in the other no truly molest, sensitive lady " . .. . i i ii T.. ir t... ii i-u. i. i ic column itini.t-i S 1 wi'in-i n v-ill return ilh n!' .lllHll.U. W ..V... ...... ..... ..vv.... as he did irom his Mississippi! person, w ill stand the stoim. The A -.'; ;i ,1 say a that Grant is show ing ian ac-ivity which promises speedy collision witli Lee's rmy. Many rumors "were afloat on yesterday on authority or fiinari'y rcpcctible, of movements ou the part of his own or auxiliary columns. A fi rce was alledrc-d to be landing at Port Royal, on the Ruppahnnock, where by way of Boyliug Green, it would be a menace to Leo's right flank. Wo suppose, how ever, it cannot ho e.vaiddnrable, nd",i,af it is possibly an instalment from Batler's "tbortivc'expeditic.n to the Nuth Side. If Wc notice one thing 4 wery peculiar" in trie Legislative reports of the Progress. The resolution endorcing Gov. Vance's course ia reported in the Progress as hav ing been adopted merely y thu .Confeder ate and Conservative say it was unani mously adopted. The Progress could not trouble itself with thc word u n-a-n-i- m-o-u-s-l-y ! That was too hrad a word for ! our wor i i . i . -, . -.I i . i - . aua i ! ivf r.wii ii raiu, pioyi'.eu ot'll. t;oiiusiOii m iei nmj. f The following was the condition on the 23d inst : Reporter; w ho h f t thc front at noon to- Butter lias -sold I for -3io aii i so:ae tias old on the otreetc for The crops "in every part of the coun- A liKJTEl" CoiiPLWiEXT. Tho ....... .1 iA.rr -iit... .r...l I f.... tit tw71I' .. ii1y i-v . .llUtlJ .i(tl.l., PIMHU Vi '.l . IA . ' v.t... . ' i i . i l i ..I.. .. ;.. i - , .... - - , ,- . . I I ,t i.i uu (iriij iiait uu a it "'tin . . .... ll... ...i,iit ,nn. itirili-l .urn I ttiin n-I ... Gen T). II. Hill Xow that Petersburg has escaped the peril With which it was threatened since day s..y tlurc h i be-u very little k.itStrJ' are mest Prom5ii, and. everything tnH approach of 15 u iter's Expedition, we mishing lor two oays, mostly on our left, i betokens pleuiv-. .Our . snnies are tilled ;have leisure to recollect the services oi The maiu body ot the enemy seems tovvjth brave and fearless' souls, "willing to have abandoned tho line of the railroad;, a-.c.. i. " - .,. .....-.i i ,. . . , jdo or dielor thc can e in tact, everything and are attempting to mass on our left, to . - 7 J & support the tUnking column under Mc- "'"'o' ?'r4 U,CCII,,; Pherson moving on Dallas.- . - Tho developments of the enemy's plans render it necessary for a change of posi tion on our part. These have made that Johnston remains inasterbf thc situ ation. There is no straggling, and the troops are m line spirits, and confident. The Mayor of At'anta has issued a proclamation tbr all citizens not in mili- ccd as candidates, and iu alf piooaoility others will be out asking our suffrages, claiming as they do, rhat the army is en titled to representation, a claim which all must concede to bp just tmd equitable, and all must concur in believing that if a those To whom our city is indebted for it.- . cnyass is gone into fhat the heroes of deliverance. To no one of our -gallant do-J many -a hard fought battle, would of ne ftnders di we owe greater obligations j cessity have their churns prejudiced from than to Major General I). IL Hill. We j their inability lo leave their posts and meet have the assurance of person competent I their competitors upon the tumn. Pied.- "Wo arc -sorry : to learn of the j to pronounce an "opinion in the matter, i The general opinion is that thc field death of Wui. McPhtrson, w ho was report-1 that it was chiefly due to the indefatiga- j should be letl open, bnt let all who desire 1 lit .... 1 l-JII 4 U I i .1 i .i i.L ed wounded a few lays since, in this pa per. He was wounded on the 12th inst., and died on the lt5th. bio activity, the professional skill, and the characteristic;gallantry of this able and veteran soldier, that Eutler's Expeditions against Petersburg, were so successfully .'neighbor:,, but he will have to spell I organizations to report for orders, , . . . . . i and advising non-combatants to leave the se woius tnan that r.ext August. ; -, - . -' . , Xo dispatches w-re received from any j A Union coaVentioa made up of Boll, qunrtcr whatever last nip-ht. Wc will Breckinridge and Douglass parties is to,- bis tact , and fcuppoM'iou. b- true, V9 may ' ly have romc nwvs during the dav. .' be hcLIia Louisville, May 25 to, announce themselves through the me dium of tho press, and the people will not fail to elect the best man this course was adopted two years ago and .met the ap probation of all. C H M BE RL VXD. , E3 'la the House . of Commons," on Tuestliy last, the vote of Monday in that body, endoisiDg President Davis, was re- . - i - - I vnnoi. "t-it rT j n rTi tt' nn r i v iki i ii men ami boys - --tiyt . ricrai navy, . lr nnt r.jUnd.'int:v rich in tmlitarv j " ::'eu .""v" 'J .at rresent.'-na csfiiaated-rat- - )"r v' thcus-nni that. h a hi h tic" of ft. IL Hill are! her -consideration of the subject pos,t- x ' -T .-.....-;.,.'"----. ' - . , and This is a severe, .stroke to his parents, frustrated. We have the greater pleasure as he- was the las & a hapivfamily circle i m.making.thU .fckiiowiedgement of grat , . , T i . T 'itude to Gen. Hill, as tne services he rcn- the members of wnich, have, one by oue,(!crea ns was the voluntary.- impulse ol been taken hence. The total number of seamen J , . I his own" patriotic heart. How . long shall " , 1 this accomplished cCicer be permitted to .lands-! - -A, .... ' , .n ....ti..,- ; itui tin wtiui'UL n i" . j. ...j vuuii- 1 ef iio need at thi exigent taoient. pcutd until Thursday, that i.-, to-day. would allow herself to be thus labeled to appear in public, with To Jjet," or 'Taken," or "J ust Vacated and To Lot Immediately," conspicuously ticketed on her as a part of her attire. It is said, says the Richmond Sentinel that a Utter was captured on this South -side from Gen, Grant, in which he iufor ed Butler that he could not spare him any reinforcements, as he needed all he could get himself. If this is true, Butler must have asked for more men, at a time when tf Grant was powerless to help him. The troops under Quautrell are said to have committed sad h.ivoc on tho leased p'antations hanged all the overseers that he caught and all the negroes dressed m ' Federal uniform. . 11 had also captured seme 800 negroes who were at work on the plantations. Gen price had issued orders against this conduct, but very iittle attention was paid to them. . . t u ? v 't, ii ft in' H