. . . " . s . , . . i lte;ortctl by the Press Association. loi Entered according to Act O'Sf veirWS. by J. S. Thrasher the Clf-rk's oUce of the "District Court ot;tf Confederate State, tor the .oi them Dvtf 1CJ Ul Richmond, July 2i-T-fi itest dates by fl2 of truce arc-t(f Uiof 3th, and were received at Variria on haflay. Another 1-C is expected at Varin-f Hxt week. - lf Examiner received f tfie Herald at a ittc hour last :jht.' 1:1 Ge-1-J csed on the ISjtl ' 2321. The II em 1.1 says the- negotiHti!N of Fewen den with the b inks '- pruv 4 a barren re sult and prospect Joo' fcafi!3' for Treasury departmert. f The rumors of Grants llath were un found id. " .Lincoln Ins issued '-j J'rocl-irnat'cn railing for 500,000 men f f. r,4it--f"1''-couiin within 50 days, fl:-nft wilr be enforced to tupply all . v "Helen cy. Th JJeiuld eaj-s the prsclufaucn bus come too late. " ' Kichmo ;rr. Julv 22. It'olhing addi'ion- al from the Valley sincev'cclnesdny. It i- rrjioi Utd tluu u o,cfijf rel 4 pinn-jimx H:0 pris-Jrter.'i iu the ti btfat Hdckfri Gap. , j.s - f"-? RrcKMoKD, June 22- . Etitoprau aav- cs to tli tn hrjref beer received. j-srae;i moved a resoidipn of want of confidence ic the ministr ' I Lord Malnis burg vill rmare a similar resolution in the House of Lords. The det ia the House of Commons, was postp nel after ioug peeches by Cobdea and triers perfect qi.iet alor.;tue 1. 1. The enernv brcmjiht s iemen an I sotc new guns and very hea mortars into itction last night. Chu were very few froi.il the whole n' Uiiair. Richmond, July 22 ' $he Baltimore (.iazeite of yesterday ha JTboan. received. Xutljin of interest froir Qr.'nt or Sher man. The former has bet -l expected to at tack and preparations iafe been made t meet it A telegram from liar '.fitturg says that Cook overtook the ra ers at Snickers (tap and defeated Hhem Sr capturing 300 - wagons. The Gazette : lM that no. con firmation of this story h - been received from W'a.shin-iton. . Lf ) f Gei .ifiiith claims a 4ffyrv over Le in Mississippi. Hnntej" La. a-kd tit "i 4 lifvc.! of Ids i -j t'ommand of the depart 1V- of Wc-levn - 'irinia, his troops ha tbeen tranofer- - red to the conj'uand'pf -'fdrht. It is rumored that St i in-dias rosign cd in 'consoquenco of a ift re! with' Sec retary I'd air. " (in failuf.-? to obtain Mkan in New ork, Fcssciulen propos ti issna inter-' est neavn notes, lor tl'.eeycar to run. Gold closed 2-d2 7-8. &i 1.ic:iM'nc, Jidy 2ii- Lufopean advices to the 10th have o'ein received. In the House of C'ominons, o: -'tbe 7th, the de bate on D'hr.iel'.e's mo! Vri'juf v ensure was. r-'sum.-d. A fierce pa; y t'debate ensued. Lr.y.-ird severely denoi i($l D'Isij. tile's nrgunient and chargct biii v.itli having garbled ru ii i.iie.it vi: array of pa pers. Hard- ir.dignan y rpliod ai-d said Luy aid's statenient wis 'calumnious. 'fhisord was objecte ;ti. Palmerston i nrfjifd it was not pern ,"ildo. A turbu but scone eiisucd, th- wliole opposition siiie defendinpj tlie reu rk. -After an ap ology from. Lay a.id, the Rebate proceeded. Iu the Ilouse lbdi iss'on applied a calumnious epithet to -jtyard a few yean a.r0 The .'iker tlic. n i.d il-o flVnr, i aeo. Jdu paakei the ru.cd tie ex pics-1 sion m order. I he d bate was renewed j on tlie eth amidst gret ir excitement. The j i:us i, ionnng ine eneuvlatuuked our left . . a . j uu.Jrr Stewart with gi vigor, and were ; recti vett with a gauin;-ftre from both ar- tillcry and infantry, v ddi caused thorn j t laltcr. when the r -t,.... ... ; , f , , U W ! chtrge. (.fur tro'ops Je, charged with great g ncuy from two lines ment.- inSicting imme ti.ririg rr large numbe: V2 pieces of artillery, h "'5 t 1 '""i ; cnetny t nanh, is-iin ;j;tjicir r -ar don ..... : - .-i-f . . . . great execution; ; Tb lighting still ' con tinues. $ Kicosd, July 23i.!fTho following ivas receive at non olj-v Head Q'rs Ap fr2Tt.'NNESSEE, .Tnl-rOM 1 XI i I - fl Al' To the Secret'trt of uW' . . u:r..,t ;t 1 si ... - . 1 " muhcu u jwsmon, lortifyin- J on Peach Tree Cree'j st nlgbt, and j Stewart s ana neaiii,s corps formed I ' . . t .1 11 .1 a " i 1 in line of battle roulthe citv. ' Ilar-I . ii - j ' a c fifct march and at- .eumjefijovin dec's corps made a c tacked the enemy. about one o'clock. fj&iSSSSsaiaKS bis breastworks, capturing 16 pieces artillery and 5 stands of colors. Cheatham attacked tho enemy, cap turing 6 pieces f artillery. - 1 ?o on 2 S meUt AV CaplUml i about 2,000 prisoners. . j "Wheeler's cavalry reutfd the enemv in ' the neighborhood of Decatur to day, ctn- ....... ..1 .vw u iv . Ureeley applied to Liiicom, vriio sent aoc- L-.a!c lh;iu couij :nve Lccn auticioated, theieaeoa following in his swaih, eoo;i- brels.uffi advanced. Fi unwn ts saying he would consider peace! constituf acCcrdin- t -the'e i;g his apt quotations, when -the man 11 propositions, ii.-.sean the integn'y of, Vn..k T a p ,".1 d;-, f , trldonly. sprsnir f.om hi p!a.e leaving PETEnsBuno, July 22-tBisk artillerv the Uidon and abandonment of slavery. lOik Jouiual el Umme.vi,- a diastijiu rncT1 UriR was kept up all la rUht; also rap- Clay and Ilolcombo enclosins a lettor to record, ta d-.race oi which caabo.wip- B7t vr J ' fJ id musketry skirmishing ffi'his morning celey to repel the cendition proposed jeu out enly by a more vigorous admini,- - .bl, the rtici?-' Lurr'cdh- enquir- it slackened. A t Anon lre is a- most !,y L.:.o;l':i. A fuer i t-port ol the cor-j tratitn ei.navai aila.rs. In 1 ciu7, con- cd deaeon. : " . Speakers were Osbo-lvrallpoDle, Pal- rnod wire tcudeicd u side conauct froiit j " -'"ant we may not have to wait Ion- f,r a ties, as one of tb.ir mom,a8-7 v.-. - - ,.1.r.f; l , 7 mctr-,. .! "Tftm,di i I nt i- Lincoln. FULL OF CorPERHKAms.v. The I'.uffalo ; t-hxr n.-niiM.. be-r It 1 '!!n,'ns the next Ceix'.-rrd Assoxi.bly. 4"7i JiarUEs.S AM) MAID' a bons-hold ine st J; and Isiaelle ( Ihe divion re- that they were not accredit-i Courier tbus give- good re.tsons An- not.' e -War - s bo cdli l iV - Ju-5t 0ls C: - ' ' Aut"r oC iUl" ::"eJ:n,18 JO"ty?Uist the motion. Ud with such propositions, but felt author-1 ub!ishinS the Declaration of Indepen- iV.cvcr fil" until he hapeitu illy ar - kF'aT A UTHOl'yZL7!) j ul .n,rr F.vn.v.' Ovorwbe.nung cheenrfrom the Minis- izd to dee.aru t.i,.t if the circmustanccs j denco : , ranged evcypfelimiarv detail. Previous tlk to announce Gen. A. 1). Me-! " Xorms XEvr," - AWthtVs Hp.band,'!. t eii.il sole greeted the innounci:!d. were disclosed in the correspondence and "U c haa intended to ro-pubhsh the 0 one cd'ki cnvcmen behave orders LKAX as a candidate to renre?er.t C'uniW.-bind &e.. Ac., Ae. -Jtyt received aaa lor.&ine at The same evening, i f Bouse cf Lords, communicated to iachuioud, they would Declaration of Independence to-day, but j that'll left of hi liiw slioubf t,t "com- f "jfnett in the House of Couimoas iT rie j the Sth un:.4er m7VI . v OFFIrp. Malmshurg moved a raofliticm simi lar to be l!lSX wj,!,.u!I Pavers. Greedy omit it because it might bo construed into meace the bHttlc until the right was heard LllLLi.i. r-- I -l1 iJ -1 - Cl D-Isracllo's and denoiaced the forei-n 'onferre.i with Lmcoin, who sent j an attack upon tne Administration, and j to be well at work While riding towards I f The raos of Col. .J. J-j 'jaiIi for fe?!IioSi. rolicv cf the Uoveni'iKWf u i v- , - ....i F'-i'"-'- J-" -'vv'1' , ""i'"v,,v,u ' n-S tatter po:nt, -what should be heard tun rT Vo T t' i i, . ..'T-V-ii i.T,-. ' IlE MAOXOLI 1 j ui,t.i ii to.- uuicin.ient. Lbvby as ; ,nf H ivstf rt ! ion of re, arid inte--- ' UieV. sud Demoorat c urinci' Iok viV,i ! . ' i - , . , . , . , j to learn tl: at be ha? const ntcd to be a car.v i- at j ,,., ', ,, ..1, t c. :i!..c... a .! tO , , ui,itiii0 n . . .. ; pc.cc,a,na aut0 muwhu priiu.i,..cs Au.cn tne s,aro j-RtUO oi musketry. Vfh?cb U?-A I cunnif..mi Cum-' 1 'Pickens' srrcat i '7 n iw tveraipeecnc, riy oi me.wnolc ;mon and an abandon ; are held to b-treHSona.do by too pow- ; of disobednce of orders and the ht I Wian'dV in IJoaVe of Commons of tie- ncxtS had at ou, count-e,. t.,c m. ion a s,md.u d by majority, j meut ol slavery, con:mg by authority lini ers thut be. e mzj; however, be ivr: j begun' wro'nVCnd foremost.' Forrest stop i Uc-nerai Assembly. : Jure 23-liyte tfvSVlU.v six uxoxulu. - I he Danisii .unstr .had resigned. j thos that control the armies now at warimitted to express the liope t La c, bv ore pej arae,' pulled out Pencil and paper, iLALil. t!fi!'f,"l.-ir:i,i b ir 'i! 1 !-.. ...... I :-!i-n;t thi 1; ?4 . will l.rt rrciv.J :n,i (ho iff li J rr u (if n noi 1 1 cr j.r. ni v-rtirv -if i . l 'li'".'- .. k -. f . . i r ... . 1 T?tz. f a ? r 2 ' ! . - -gHvc-u, uuia- iuo- "o--v--" - - ' . ....... --- - - - -- , ' . "J i aim wrote with an ang-y icrK s.s.i"!ius i - vm jip -w- y? y. iru lL 4 :; ' ;v t- J r ;;'; :.:,. rr . , i"1' b .k ti ten you not to ugttt .m 'j--'n ;;.",,; : , u tamed t, hi. o A r r n " a , J ii 1 y 2J. Alii'i! a ";l conoid ioui v. ays. Clay anu-j-nu .4u- u-onsuuiuou t.x.v iramui as mo ; started ri-ht an d F arrest -V. o n a vctt-rv. I'o r:;;.:7i v.' i,,,. i CObD and ILViiR i mirv. drivi:i the to assume, bnt wtr convinced that the ....... .. '.. r ..:: . I. f li e-.i-'-....-...:..'.;'..;.,....-. 2 50 V lb i - n,a'v27--.te IiFCTOIt IcXi:iLb. oMhE o. ne.v ib-dC, c Among their kill ed Wis Gen M Pher- ' nfoMial.o., a .t p:ts,ilt.s l.. .m-.an lssu but he tics:rcd to know it before j Ft -ur S150 m!75 V barrel 1 watchful the interest? of hi? e.-?t:tiicrts. For saleat No. 17. Market Squara. under th- ! nbiy 1 son bot l-rroTb tK-i Ui , i, r , ' -"" i-- nar.cl. ' - t Kl xseed ...t.v..i.'.;::-12 50 p 1 tn Lu.-aie; , an-.i ever ocstrou to oo inaiwncr. .. LA u'J 1. 1 Al A A Ui r H K . r" " " son, .1 jt J-ro,3h .h., fart, I,fS. Oe. inev have no use whatever tor the papM'l The r wfXS t!(,t thc Federal Gene- j der " KV J-' " ! -" There . any betl- Jurc. ?;J. ,;v-tf sigf FuS-lii.ll; ! M 7J I LI K Ii. r.iles A. Maith and Kee Gen. Hood. und could not present it to tho President ' ...,t j . u.,rH ,Q .. . MP y- .i....,.7.... 10 eo 4 !.--,-.!-,,;. , e , t.e pre -:..t be;, -...:! . -i.j.. : ; T J : Ge:,. Graham lost a 1, J of tho Confederate States without Yt'0iC rpiIE .CCBY with back rn., cen - g"f &r t' OF ?'0!lTiI CAP. 01. IN A, r-, , rr.,r.T.- hr 1.. ..-, , g indignity and mcurrmS the! cP LA trt ;.ominrt ,h r:i! ;T,ai.n n,. i tvh" :?' a-in m iS' hZZi i ?d,v 1 . T4. 4,-tni:: .tl,ose """ 'i -i i-fe', blf-' ' trailed, ilsj. Sen. Walker Ui!!'l ; General ..Smith, Gist and Mercer -o- I uuinu. uui uoua iu-.it wiw &v-.u. aa4 ! Jantry. ; . (Stgned) J. B. HOOD. Gen'l. RicnwowD, July 2 3. A tble.ram 'from the reporters of the Press Assoc ation, convevinx the fflorious tidings of our sue- cess near Atlanta, yosterd ly wasposted on tlirt-b ilh t'ms :it an early hour, an J dif fused general joy through th? cainmani ty. WlJUt a battle vas dveme'-l iuiini nent, people were taken 'somewhat by surprise at the announcement of victory, nsccrt and anxiously awaited cjfE.ial confirnia-; nut to be cowed, though, 'when thsrugh tion cl tho nAS, which cam: to hand at ly vnnqiushcd, they will have the m:ni- noon. Erervbdy u nophiudiir- General jhod t own it. J5, until they are van Hood r.nl his noble army for thp skill Ucishe.!, they will -fight with aa 'energy nd gsll-iutrv displayed by . them Ln this ngaAment. " . i'.fiu' liac.:. capturing 500 rggvns v.'ith 1 supplies od a large unrnbr of prisoners. LTe is still pursuing. Very lit tie lighting Jvbile;d-.'x-!or:us their felly and dospisul ' . "Sirtfpli . themais, "my name is Atlanta, July 2?.. Gen. VwieeT-ir,' iheir car.se. Tha "body of l ee's amy. is i Ebcti, ;a"tuVvn"t Ebenezsr Mead. Ymir las evening attacked the enemy'si left iu ! made up of veterans, who are used, to ex- J nrir.?, J. t;!eve, is Peter " Read.""' Now, theieiahbrbOoil of Dt-catur and drove pasure.' familiar with"- hardship, cnxtred 1 won"! d"toa answer if T hhoald call -ron j-after dark vest ard.Ty. 200-prisoners. TolNcv ara th.ey nkely 'to; beome .'deniyral- cMtmsWrHrl iiwrr-4 -e if -, XJS t zl: "vThg'y - i' id to an. irjevita' aad 7 sfAirf.s of colors' -have beefi ''nseessitv only' v'kea thev 'recogiiizr'it i brought -in. Use Ijss -o:i either ?ide uo't't'ineritable. Tl.t they will bo -mad vt KUT.VH, ours 'was severe . 111 o.icers,' cmpitivViy. Quiet reigns this morn- I ing; soma little skirmishing oa or left. RCMMOMr, July 2k The Gazette of the 23 I was received to-night. It coutains a correspondence of Clay, of Al'., ilol- j c ;uibe, Va. , and Geo. N. Hauhders with (.lrc:.y iu relc. e-nce to peace. - iim tormer asked a safe conduct to ashmston. :tS'. j!iucncu tomorrow RiCHMoxD, Julv 2-1. The TTa shin ton C'jvi't P - J I Ui swon .- - terms icr some ume past, uiair since ma l-it.I rn'.l rlnrwit Vinfnn nnd ! f 1 b. r-b l.tt i.'J, enatgea .an.on ana iiaije(k J corrcf j.onacnt oi tne jjiuune savs Tihicoln, in private conversation recog nized the elements of dissatisfaction. The n-w crdl for troops stated emphat ically that men were needed and most be had. Should-he fail he would go down with colors flying. a - r . I 'i! Richoxd, July to.-, An ofIlcil dispatch from Gen. Hood, on the 231, says that iu tlie CR" agemeut on. the 22:1, 16 stands ef colors were captured instead of o, and 10 ftuns instead of 20, us pieviously import . 1 , ' . vere in row n iiem ine-etimv s oai:er;c.j out few have entered -the city. A fe-w houses have been struck, bat no material ... so distant as seems generally supposed. Richmonp, July Co. Sardur letter tol. - (Irccly dated O'iifton House 12th, requests ' I .. r ....... ,1 , . w-..t. i iu ;u " ""ii11 v:a; , H,lcomhe and hm.se' f. Qrceley ieplic-1 on the 18th that the iiwdeUaid ngs were tli.u the beartrs ot,;-roposi'.iuns trum itieh u i c il'0 tne ivuu.'l to .-.111; n.i iiiU'.l it1, i k ..Sill . ( intwa on. the hypothesis that tluy we e ! the accredited bearers of poace proposit-j umH was acpd a? an evidence of grat- "'S ' ' toe. p a.icy Vi J.incoin, scorn f tn- coimtrv. J iler General Price, have also entered' the ! .... ... . .1 btate. Ine au.lumties seem a'armed at c .v , V.t - .. . J .. u V. ... ...... .... .J u. w - V ... c. f 1 cr,r,ditbn t meet the emergency with an I ad,a,tate material force. VTimnxcTox, July 2i.-The stor sea - , r .u . 'i i rd was ran-m- from north-east ad day. is quiet heavy at 3 o'clock to night. andiurham m.uir: and o.heV JbB!n-. T!.e Nv Xativc .Trou.or.u e -an . half wav to ;::.:ct the Wold, c p : pcr - 't - ad j.'tunai. ' i witb ir.competeticy. lie was so abusive '. ' " 'W' i ire-it i with, marir e'-paiixful Etin, Hallecu- s..'n t a remenstrar.ee to Lincoln !nnr;y divided between American and ' -.n rcat di-e ' mti 'u e ii ov. i.ie matte: w in enu ir is nor. Known, j i ; reign, vesre-'s, and tne ciiange has ' su.ee "Ah I - shouted, the other It is lelioved Stanton will resign. Iirone en woranid!v t-hat during 1 3iS throe- chuckle "the Drudent m ,n fbrsii Aether disputch on the 2 Uh, says all !ei nt t..v i.i.ilo. ..c..c s &, ;j V 1" ' itl t,, wholcMe er retail. ' Oce anaWyind.nl c , is quiet, .except a little pit ket tinner and cf' U Len ul I:itrts ?v" j bU womikcrc always de, ther bcste;vc 2.1:: h,l annuuo ia-,,.;r n.candi- noJKuf I. ILOLLtNGS Oiwi.T. 1 2rn h- lr. occasion dlv .h.ll, thrown into the city. ;'Xr-tUm by an impartial hand, uprm tll3n, every atlentio.n, gave them for tho Tlon.o .f Ooaon h:. T , , .2jSg Ko-IO ! 44l . j-wiil be a few pages-norc discredit-1 ibod, rest and ve-band,ged t-lr. wound, ! fe ' Hid Sdld) iih;S Atlanta. Julv 125. Contu uou.i skir-. d to th nation than that which - I It anrears. however, 'that tl bnnd at ' e-archt. oHlui.a-; who stav at Iiomt1 to inakM f r, -..,, r.v p-a- ar: iin mi ?". tut-- ! i Iwosjlflf j4 1 t?a n'tlrsCeileii'iiey d..rv,n, m'k -Mr.nv' fvtrou I ooi.p As rue c!;i cause oi ttiO n"gn j tuou on 1 y to' ti'fe.geu t l.r sex, .step ped aside,' iviilioat th? tdocHeti e sutai ijitn to oiiiC"' V; o Ca"ii-pm or-udUi-5s' hereby W.c fed that o arran?.'-i,iot,t damage uone. 1 be enc.n s rxtre.nc pru.e of goli i:? its ?r..rd: h has bven l00cCa..d - lo:rthin which ' fell o thai wUl n"v'"r bV a l)eriaila(,nt ttCt?- '!:ir ' A. A. V; TvE-TIT AX, ' this dav b fleeted, with th- S Jl'T II K'd ' ri,ht endeavoiing to S,in P a of a j J. -says the Colombia Cb.,,, gro.n,; lifted ber ".tty feet out of it, and ! Ztl': ' H; t V will' si v that T ' ifa vc- - ' ldoirOX Jr TEXi fSd -oVr?l "to i'h" commanding emuuneebetwo.n there and tuat th supply Cold be practicadt dcub- then tfarin. it ilito 8tri deliberatelv i their f,:r.!b or n,,;, Favctteville, Apr 19-tf J t "r f lUd - "' iP ' t,J""" 0..,. h'iit" wiM-f rioU.-..l b- Hu Ii tb 'IV v iG'J Uy t!l- '"ue jroid certificates. 1 e- , , . . , . 1 '. , ,. , ' . , cording to mv moans t!ian any anooib; iu tl., - J fi.on.. . f-i . , ,. . , o.i imcs, wtte .ho ldh itx (lccm Ue ;.t (hp -. ,he ho.lk.rs j;r. proceeded tc replemsli theuppiy of Dan- j Coatv of Chatham. " " " -To ocrl the advant Um ob'n.nI lis. All quiet this inornmg. , ,., , ,.,,. ( : n darjes requiro-d. I Fcliiv.v cb:oii.s -ad ,.ldior.. "to ih p"j i . ' .3wst RcccnTdi . . thnugh xpresrt compaay . the lollownu : ' 'y'V : , ' 0 f 1 r'"Se,71U11 It.VonftetanrV. fr-;i,n - --'" W?- A CHOICE lot of chewino- and smoking to- istructilS busfll-fobrvcil : HiVhmoxi, ' Juh- 2o -Greelv savs in li- "V-f , martcctnr-.to lor SolV;.V.r'd Jt;c of hosc toiuam, mc den.s tivo(? .f ,.ft -ce. -RpS b(;afr,PA baceo. Consisting in part of the folio v- y,.M must not cofrtam" r.orc tbv. paner, that the odv part takci by 4 dm in j Wl'5-1 !'" "' whicn bdmau nature can scarce help ad-j p,ople. Do m-t be iutimidated, but ,taud uP j mg "Jd; v . . one huni POds;-be well see,rod. d he r'cent corre.oon Uuce rc4 ited v rcmainea l!mm; .aired, the cerldi -aics minng under any circumstances; and we i r your rigl. . p C' Iwc Oianoka, Ao. 1; olaiuly f al' fed. and s. u at the exp.es,- cd : , . i ' p ":. lr4'U ' , "Ould seldom be presented for redemp- venture the remark.that there wa hot an . ' J' A JicD0;';T?; Tioxhoro Geld Leaf ; ,be s'. rt? Jo either of. the fM-hli-.V l!elb-f ..0....,r vv """ ,n. As the ovrnmcut vannot prop Lrranr limb--honnd ! -tb'i- i r I - with ihs- viw tt Jin uftivd muT Mm..t . . . . .... . L .L arm or iirau; uounu or taap tidv nit'of ; -cuurt ior pence x?rom shingt0ii his . , . ! i, 4, 'i,., ' t.uuiuiu-jw in.cn, tinii, uctu t loei a ; - f . x-' . . . . I vi s y i:;;ui-U(avi; uii-i Mwvnw, un- unt i :.i 1 1: u... -?-. - t genenu intormation us mat the pae.acation ph,ht(1 if at an is hv- thc combination fi " beUer' ?rwM mfre association if ot our country is neither as.duaeult nor f,, ri,nA-r, eld,. i nothing els -Carolinian. i - , - . - . . i . iin.u: iti un. u in'- ir; wr van tc diL'.'.ii i 5 t . . r . r 1 I t:" '.u.ori,o a un.uioi ' i1;1 V", ,rCLl".."1 . 1 V. '! I bnnnthi itynl .-Cease ' ti; ing.' Thmgs 5 ; '.Vu '...." :'I':;----a,- !.a-d1ot of (iOU ..a - i ...... i. . , V , . , ; " ( ne m st atlvanee o tlie xmiXee arm v-1 ui-ra a e tore ojsot.arge tne etudes wu- nuai aoiuv F,irtfi4 Next Wppk iftt'ir brca.tw C-I ks ' roiidncr in a char .cter rb t- b-m nt. r u ilm-. . ., ... - i - . . -- . i no "V 1. t - . -A5i ,c nt.xi . o ecu. . r-A " . .. ' . I P-,;i,!,.t f ,', n.u.tuv.., ,.,!'." 1 " "u V1 c. e ui , R - ....-;: oc V ft. i 1 : m 4 -cuar.n.ng ew rico. ja?t iie, at -lird cl lineir entrench i 1 -l -nBU"' pb:n the v. ar was to be waged if the-; ,j to " - -! .n ff7-l-T5 lb - J Xo. 17, at ket .Square. Lrv ;f . '' . ! tnstcau oi me sale Conduct solicited, a Yankee battle ery was to 1 "F.-rt Pil-' Cotton -Yarn -f 18 JR. 4o V banco. tlVj in your paper as a candiuate lor , rZ ' 7i Ub- r;.f ;tOl prisoners and dcument was presented whi-h provokes nnti v n,r..,.- uX. ,w, i i B ied Frnll ..i Apstes & Peaches $1 '0 j. lb re-election, Xeilt McKay, Lsq. A...--W me als. . -inJclKM I Aliilciit . I i L an r hn,ri r nnn. I . . .. - . . .... uiuoiv in: was meniii. 10 ue laisct a:ei mc ' i;. fee ..... , la ou ? ic i - .a - i - . u. ..i!Wmt ( - . . . i nv ujiiKin. au.iH'iin. t. : .. . 4 . . u .... J .1 . 1 i . , -rr. . .wr. , j 1 : 1 Si'e 1 ., imic 1 y .it . s t .. ..mL ...f .. i . t v . m rr j . v - - - v r. m t: ij . . . r z1 i e1-iTi t t ti " r, t ;i imm t.-f-r ir, i i i : A.iiLL 3 a i i,nr i -i .a i l . . ...i. a Miipi.se. -niii pie-;( fomecf In- Yiaikra (2f-npra on sieh .- TJ VV:" -"-t- . - t - , !,lTr' u.eof.unV It w w env-rL-HLtr;,,. .n.-Trc (lOUl .JUiV., .1 . ...i- i zettesays the latest advices from Missou-1 as prisonbrs of war.. ' 1 . I)!-....!.;","'.'.'.'." 5 50 c 00 V lb f Cdn(Uilite for ?he"riif of Pa: netf Counr. t JJfJ; lty jiu.nc ha anived at I . - . - , ... . .... v-. -r . i j t i -.-' I .... c,A " " o :f, j .--. v. i the on;aiiicr election in August. t.r : ' J-tao I 123-tt ri are exc. in". Guerrillas nre inrt-fciiin I bus Gen. i orrcst has tau-rut on? -in- ' v bweaes.... j oU Gi 4 . t " - " . - x- tr .!.... I "!, i ii t . -tbprTrjipfr ' IS 00 V - iNO. w, .uar.;ex rnusro. ; ! t an unprecedented extent. It is c.n kf encra! the .iS"0 er 'noueration - ti er tP r ....v............... i T v.'E R K 5 P E C T F P b L V PF- : , 1 I fidently ascertaiaed that 50.000 men, un-! l k'J,-i vh uors-in VTbiskey::. 5 to p gallon tW !nJ:iX.M5i . fy ' i ' iiiiwutcu'i a in iiic triivji ma lia.iif. . i i jaKSSffiSteSiS.?r: &igr'JI-.-?.c.''- ,.-,.,..-;S!rA"'etl.llii "on ,,! li.U'j.-UiUian.r'l C2- o 1 V. ;-rf.r:i .nnti?s has not vet been barr.-stt'd.a ! "v 1 i !: -" f j The Dgmocrat h- and rcemont rLillit?T ",A!:::ata ' -Lao i .-.atL-. . c -,e:r-. t : - bi the ' 7tC and LetJev Paper, j''ap! SMp ! - j are cviifcr.flV co-nbi te -ether in he'tation rW.rnif d-thU g,H" of A t' , -!S2rttSi . r-.,,,,..,., .h '.1Td rt i 4f ti-V,Sr oA- HkIV v V...,,. Vb.....J-..v "...K,..i, .. Cxo dr v. It i r-o.vttVdlrsr VPP V HtT ?? t? T i r t V VT ii V ? " IhL' A" V;' L Jne tf . ,( 0ai.UL.iA,iA A Ul i..U. t i. . l)SO. - -.-i Co;, federal Ti itt So,.,. ! Cleveland t'.snv. n't ion, and tho poakers that vcu extend tbe.mvaali'.n to Ute otli- . - : ; .;-. . in the -te copy f-ur t ;.... ' ; ianc..;r.. - ;.fV, '. J . v nin-iu .IWilll. I il Ui "1 'i.UUI li 'Ulili-w"1 lilt - ' ' " ---- - ------- - ' - - i . t ' 1, A rl I I t fi X i - . s . ' i . i, . , ' " " : ' "-' I. !..-. . J V I - - . - -s - ,!" - . . at th-j recent Frcemont vatidcnliou mecti-iir cananlatr-s tor the i.vis-.ture ;t. ?: r " ; ' u-t -. ' '! f 1 - :'- - 2... TtCLO XVXX-ZLsTTiST. : U ,. . .. Tho following very remarkable article PpL 11 5 1:1 U1-.UUlUi U -"o:ili (" I .ministration, edited by- John W, Furi.ey, !He savs . . . . th.;t wa are goi'ig to get Richmond with out farther and most cleterniiaed- fiht ing, is m:6takin. The men wtf . fight ara Americans. The v are free-Virn "citizns -v,d of the proudest of the proud.: The rebal army of Virginia U comiietl 'of the' title of tuo'bo-utnera people. ' it reckons in its ranks men olreducatio" and position, full of the pride q family, and accustom ed to exalt courage into a God-like virtue. J-'fiey are burain with a passionate antip athy To r. peojle whom they hve thor oughh misunderstood, formerly 'd-sspiscd. ! are paining te respect. They are. ! aud a dosperatba that.mr.st cetivuaadthe l CaU yeu'Vlin,. I.ll'ha Udn-.irati5;2 of 'every . heroic sp!:it,- evcnff;aied -r ' ' : ta discipline, :and' are undiakeu by the J tlraudcrs cf battle.', - Such troops can be i beaten only by a succession of strrrgses, 8,3 ii i"tVi tiiis, we have not the slightest "doubt. Bw.xgt. eonf. to YNSzr. CoixtncE. .T, T.nv.dun Timr-s rifv ftrtifR bsfiwcK that advjes from 2Tew York- bring th, , . . , . . , , , - statistics wmch had just been made up f the ocean carrying trade for the pasbyear compared with each preceding year since 1857. The result is much more remar- Si.icrabiy more tnan twe-thtrds.ot the en- tire lrepert aad export trade 9 1 iiew iork was cni,!!rtvl Jh-v .. vKsrl nridpr lli.- (American fia- and us to the commence- mint .1 i! ri, :! ia-.-i- tl.i t-.rnn.-,ri.-.i. Vi iJ . , .... ... ,-c U'L. espencufca ay terv .serious luXHU- i . - fourths of it was absoibcd by -'foreign Mags. Apparently, however, even this ! P" "d ari punished." statcracHt convevs scarcely au ilea of the I ' The -goed deacft had found his equal present state ot 'the case, fine- tho falling j )? "uiking applications of the sacred y,ri , . ' . , t tiag:', and thereafter was not known to f in the employment of native vessel, fare-m a mowing field. become more striking with each succeed - in nsonth f 18G2, until in the last quar ter f tho car tho proportion of goods sported and imported in other then for S--1 vese was only 11 per cent. In- 1 stead of iuduliiing in vituperation 'against ! '"breig-n'powej-s for the fact of the Confed- wavs in ,be presence of t-wo or tia-e riot- i l.V Ll'lViUCtTS. leiged integrity. A capital of 50,009 in I cold trne-ht thus be raised, and cerlifi- . - ufcs issue to that extent the snenie remaining n depsif. at one of the bank-. The su.vsiion is mentioned for the cot'y- i tie suv,vsttri is mentionea lor tiie con ; ideration of all who are interested in th nr rcvet;' IH vf o;',r fPUinges, c. t:.;.. 11 ..... t. "TT. ... ........ t ivi v.c. x tuo is .10 t; ut u iu 1 wu brato on this natal day of the Aaiwicin riepublic. r G ro w i i; C i v i L j y u C i v j li 7. e x -'' I 'r"-" j iinmane and civilized principles of modern wanaie. no oi-ny ictp: ica aiai vis ne-; t. r it- -i.... i.t. . i- Mobile gecista For the Carolinian. V ft. BroaJfo-t, J. . ly rover t'nd others. 1jVr.. JI". G. nroaJM, J. A. McFc, ' L. My rover , nd others. I Guntlkmkn : e see m the (xe.T(?rr jf the. 23 th iust , that you have invited Hon. J. G. bhepherd, rf' of tha eandi- ju fof th. rup.u- m this cou-itv jto aj,lre99 ' MrSi; upon the public may i:d:d: t'th, J.d ui .air .vd;ud,Se orlis '- Vc'rv res poet r-ipy, - LAIU I x, . . , --'1 yi'Uli.io y lll J II 11 i;v'l I I. UC I UIJVI llCtl liU m - , - ' . I :i,v--' ---- .-.- ..... v- t. i - -- .link's is rcai!. Djre arrive" sit i L' .M'b;iktfxl t i ivnir:. im. Th b Wxtox c; t a MR. - A company was di-iv.vni.pia line, and an oeer hegin to, call the roll. As he proceeded le came to tfro;jb$Bf 6f;rEbeneer Mead" .He - ofilcer, sttir Ijuder' than ; before. " 1 here still -being' no ans wer, the ofcicer, stej)pcd a paca oi-two forward " Is there, siTy Mead here?" t "2,Iy name is Mead,' rep-lied one othc men -"JE'wi Mead" . fiascit!" continued the enraged ofScer, "wliy d-?)'t yf'U answer when year name ir callsdih-;! will call it once more Kbe nczr Zlxii' L" ' '. , , There wa? still no answer. ''RaFcaJlf you dnt answer .when I have, you court-mar - Fctwfrccssr- Re.1. t' ItTrors- Vt,' t1-rat.-aftl- i - i 7- ISt aV3 -hlS ' tfue-iftia nr.meT T.nrUc?.r-c the W asps. -A wor thy cft?o:t ir a towrl of Maine was re -cwu-fetjiil" thff-fariilify - with which" he quoted SQr'jstuvu on ull .occasions. The I divine -wordves cvcr-ttt-his-torisrtic's end,- ; and all Ui6 d,nv;a s as-well as important I ocfcurrerC of life furnished occasion for quolib the laaa. f the bible, '-What was bjfetyer. howevcjr, Oie exemplary man aTwavs JiiVd'hi.-i n't-tj; linr.a tho foW Qf action, " ' ' - . QiWxday -hp wns cnnp-ed in mowing with his hired manwho was leadinjr off. v;asps,,I wfia thn U con to -'opTy 4iI'oord". .s id fh dea - on, ik wicked ! fiBft whttir no man" biir3 h. hnt tht riwh. testis ate a3 bld as a Ijoa," and, takiag 1115 lttHiaU a AlLO lie HlOVt'U Dl'.t stcD. when a swarm of bri.sk insects el- , , - . Ucd about his ear uud he was forced t and with a eh the ! eril, aad hidetlfiiimself; but the gimp le A Ritai or AI;.T -v Stark 1'vf: .r.b,.l Wkw, tli. !,i,frtrv r.F f.k oadionary h,t oiae, who tore up her ban- jiei petticoat (the ladies wnl excuse us for spelling: such a sacred word sloud) to make cartridges;. but Molly Stark has her rival T.r,-T',. , ;.Lit 'r,:;: " . - 1.. i: 1 -.. . . i u- !n aMVi,nvM.. u uviru hu, ui., tke hidins, with a combination, ingenuity, ...... - , ,. ' . 1 - - ' atnoiism, impo re. a,d generosity cma- Parsenac," writing to tho Columbia Carolinian, y'gfvcs the foilowirj anecdote -if Cen. Forrest : NcTs of tW ocAiai of the enemy at T- Ny -Idsttt. -Gen. Stephen D. Lee and Hf-n. Fon-oaf ia inf .er-oSr ITt-.Vr.n aescKi3?amsSRSJeii w-gggac 2. AJt -UtU' CORIiSCXflEUiY J AT 1J.TT. ' 'i - dULT 2 6 1864. TT.ron - r (? i 00 V i .rk .---...'...-.-': ..V.'-.'.' . 1 fit tract, wp-o v.. Rre.......'.i.I5 00 S20 00 "i bushel Oats S10 eo V bushel .17 50 g23 00 'p bushel . Molasses .. ...... gallon i -! 'Is ...,.-.';:.: 3MI- 4 '0"js ib Vioons- 20 -0 v' hushfi , ; i o .nr. lrith ...-.I. ? TT?'et - " 'v-" ZSZZZ - - 'P -;Farai I 7oi ct ...r... r.-:..:ot i v;" "3 1,hf' F".5?'- '""-; "vJr rlr i "lle 4-A bsttol oO J.ff; ! rF : l i biU's rtad-ile.' Y7ul h"V :.i at Af. t'i-in on TU:rsia v aext t!: 'i-tlin-r: 1 ... J. IT . 'f'T: . .JuP. -G :t Aticlioa, vi- V - 1-41. '- 7" rhe in mv power to rec ths . people. !i ISiee. Mother." WmdM.s. Sttt, rs-fd -A-SiATfON, of which the Vily ,cla,med tht ; officer, m a. louder .voice.- tnay j.v tKt-for to ,hat ,Mad JsphHarfeDenck. : . , ' .orlW CarCa.n.mkr. Still ntfir$r.;; ,,. . if elected, tny influence and votes wifl b'o j Har Mother, I've Come 2Kie to Die. . - ;TifA.RKETS I Ebauzcri" was . asjain thundered r,.t ;n f v 0f ,urfr riojsmrc!-a in mv 'U L-v o One to Love ? , , . i "7 ,rfiv4fT. n r . t " riJv. rr. 7,,w f.-;1 ,n. nitRnrc , as . ?y star tfpangk-a Crois and Tnre Field of Whit.-. A bs fulfil carefo'ly rcjort v -i. , i-; ,vi iN,n' Huns,.. r,-n.i -t" BTtkriiiiH. vuii.iucu iy sjiMt mi.-, -ii, nm.i.uii a repiv to tii j cv!r uusvur -.uotx ujc n niTin; nnr rriitai 01 iue dshe ui-ws m , up.ra hjv .uiuum ui mo - niuiguaut UUmCIU may D UCSt CSICUiUiC'i 10 1U ! . tc .... .- i . uj pt. ui' i' uusiiei : rr -.Im,-. 1' 17 l..t- . rv r- Fmi(tXP.cmzEa A;n Sntimiw : yielding to tlie solicitations of frTcrtd : ,-n Cumberland r.nd Harnett countk-s,. i have .consented to .gervty. if fleeted, a.y ,r.;. - f,f thfyffotise of Commons nt ttylby Fof. H?wefj. ; sure 4he syecess of our arms and serure the independence of the South. It will bemy constant aim to l.e-ic' wlvrajs to thp cmfort and cr.re of mv brother sold- ri'erf," and I shall support every m.-.nr cr'e-dHted to promote ln w interest and to enco-urasre and cheer tH:n in their ar- ; dnous and patriotic service. Sympathi zing with fi;s pec.i1 r.nd s.-'a-r-!. what ever, mllucnco I may havu shall he ex erted to restrain oppression and guaran tee to all fust rigats and pnvik's. In the discharge of my LegiI ttive dutiesr all lawful efforts sh'il bo used f pro mote the- interest ard carry out the n r-h- f 3 of rnv Jeliow-ciiizens believing that i. 1 eprescntalive, i- th:s '1u-ic;fy, is U'.cl public servant nf-therorple and is thc-ie nre hound to yield- V rendv obeer- to tlir. rtr; .y,ccrral -mphce with .Uie.r wishes, m every --aJ consiire-21 -rtttu-uie pumic goou. . 1 hav? served three vcitrs in "the nrrnv, an 4 i f th people now desire me to serve them .. . , in-ax'Hhr iapacty.rI will cheerfully com idvwkh4W wirdlPS "X - 'w. JOd.N P.".tcbLAX- x'i mo-:-n, , v. ljiv tco. is Tt . 1 T" . A I i . fuii v "J A.MK;i M. TVIlXEit. July- 2-lSt4-te mNY C1T1ZLNS of CUM .SjAwiS berlind nd harnett couatios will v.oto on the itk of August next, The ;k federate E'lokel., FOR G OVER X Oil FOFv Tin; SEXAtE V for Tiiy com:.toxs I Gt2. A . .15- HCLCaH, Ilamctt, S 1 McTJtime. do. Col M. J. McDuaic, do. July S. 132 te ( br" rrv cr copy. v i c . -i iit- ' " - - r o-'cupr tn.n-sp;v nmiu., .' , ;V:: ' f;ul -TJ-'l.v, on th platform 'f t'ns sn.l j JSiOW'.J. ! tb?0;Oiq, Jilld W . W llobi.-M tor f .foVi-nor ati-ost. tL w,rld : ad I bsliove that ;n.n..lr . r, ! h i :! n t ,f. irm f,f frV'fn-? anil man ia:eH!:-,ii.i5 as i..i. .... i ,d"4J TTn th SnlfliM'S nn;i riti - leens of Cam bcrlan and Ilarnct!. A. J.-Bttbune of co "A'i 5th X; C cavslrv. is a candid ale. and if elected wil represent" the good people' of said .counties In tne ciomnifvjs ot our next jjegisiature, what ability he may possess. Julv 5! 152-Int3t THH Fill ENDS OF LIEUT J0HX P. McLEAX, f.eth Re I o-hr.'t . O. i.. .'esrcctfrdlv veccommend him ib, ih T-tcvs of T '-'"land and Harnett eoun- June C-t 3.-: TO THE FUHIwdEX OF CU31 - f .itKRTAM) COltXTY.-Bv re- " : ' . " RAi.riaa, June 9, 1 til. ! Th-pi-T; VttUd'aV : fut. tu -.viJ.iw -,t Jj. i j jCl L -if i j . -r- . ir x-'.T" nn tm ti t- rt t -i i . ' lllO Jt'l'US.-U f I! ! if ll) f'' -' h J liU V. i 1 '"' til-"". afe .S; 4f l.S j ' i- , i -tr - .v , , , thirdlv. th iJaTar, if wrc be neitncr w -id , nrm-i One Lurch of. r rn f.r tbre noauda washed I ..umj -.i:tIJ Er.V'.T... .1. ... ,u.. - In compliance with the solicitations of rr.anv ul -aai oao.1'UilcU lor fou' fuds tUlU"a-h- j .notker of La?etL a ud in d War It f -a!i of friends, I -announee myself a candidate for "a Accnts l;nve been sppolnVd to rfrt? th, er- K'dlfc111' :C,X: ' UL"" Cr ivUtj5:'t: a " seat iu ttje lower. brand, oj tuy ensuing Lecis-t t ' ti f .il.Alh r 'n'lwi- a:.,"..:.i T -.r i tr i th- .... Katnre 'of North Carolina. Mv vulitscl flt.i- f, V- r ft na f vL d" ! 'l'h ti ,i:: ranls mint fu nih hi. , meHts raewcH kaewn to be ol tha ,?iten Hockr?!:ain. Kender.cm i?!.e, e?ute?vi!Ie, lt.v Tl ft', IV" 'H ff.c-t, and I stand berore von, mv fcllow-citizt-n?, .,T;n -iiftMv,.v r 1-v.. cs.ca wit n?-fa.,to toe iv!.tii-l): , r.w! i. .ill square!, and faivlv on the plaVora, of P;inci-1 A, hi J ' ca,es. Vhcr not h-, wid.av. h, pcoaby enuncjatedbv A ice Presidcrrt .Vte- Fergo shiPPinff wool . to tlis plac will f : ' ' teni and Gov. Drown ol Ooora-ia, ana so pa- . .T.i i.i ant or cfaioCi, of. a bigh-r orucr. ihe Jus- bioticallv advocated by W. W. H.Hca ofthis ns0 a rb , .A C- f bvfer. v i.oa fa, aflidavit ii j .Vt.it?, and rk:"!il h- rtr:f.- " r:-"- ' ' rub.cri.3d 'cci tifv to th,- orrdib'Hty Vlb-, I c f V-r.- -tf r,l., ; ti,' i-jifrioition 1 4"V'". ' . ' . . .. ' . witaesrf, an'(-'!rk o.th- bounty C-)ui t must I te which lpire, i h?li-dc all m iny powe-'. to th!above r.otiee, as the oid ic-; clotL . T5:(. w., RV-"lJ " ' ; . l.?? to orra-T about an armi?tief, wita a view - ... v 'v - a i,---c-- j . ... e. tu a nsroti'ilioa for ar. hoaorabl,, paco i . n ' n'v'n A Yl - r. a 1 Tt 1,19 c'iW-t or.eiaiir.irlf b n el.od or I houe to be abb- to net vou, saVfeiiow-cit-! -'m V" , cl..'d;-en o.f .'idaceajrcd. wad 1... ,h." . r u. y tr-.r.s f. !Av....! T it hrir:;. nnd rr. .! '-J ' '.:., 'J . .. ' . . bs ininur?. lklasm'irust bo l"CiMU41:dfd by exnlaia in v viws on the ri cat and all ab- V;-"..L. i " " 1 "v ; bi;, liCr or juaraian. un-.t too iae. oi i.m . u ... v . . .. -............ . . . .,,-. 'I .,.li.lT.!r if( tfft S(lff M"l 11 ..1 .Mf . . . B 1 .. . ".. . . .-i soibir.TV.U',.-.tiuii3 of th tirrt-s. i "u;-' "" l-einff sruarijier.-nust ku cm ul.cd to, u.ab-r se! 1 - , rr. . T - . - , - . t i a nnnn crrrim v- ..fi ..i t. ! mi k ii i tin,n -is ra it m. u t iii u in u . - 1 X J - 1 . . oue.t. "I ain aHmmne-nvlf a candidate forV V' -thoa.ghesf price ,n rnonv. or hrter j Ibe rtbe. '.'t ....rifTo.- Cumberland count v.-- ' ' "j. c' &c- Apply at th, O.nce. j Showfd I be lecteii, I -ntT gnly porrtst- a re- 1 - Tne fiden" rf -f l:x oll, next Hon." of Co ran: ers. irota Cuiulx-i laud .and llatnett'ccaaties. . 3iav 2 1, is4. iitA. l tuiot.a.v Jbfy will at oiV-Hto thl pUc 0.tribuf ton. - toa. ts ! tne e. -tl c t:.a.re rerost-d to appoint O-mPsr-n. 7 of aia Jr a in fei -v T ?h;:o:::.vT-j pd ! . r:r;:-: ap f I i.i "..ib'AMi".'. t '..-. i.i; " ii. :i -::;.!. x. Afi --'- ..?,. ...i;. 4 -,.-.-1.-,.-. i 4 ""i i' l ft tu t " t-4 .111.0 rj jzrr TJ 5 Q XT : br th., ia-fli.p.t"c.'ivt tin S. L-UOY- UAkiiOXD," of'th. JLataw aiu.jnt, iuiic -u- Up with tiu Flag. Ths .c.-uith-ra Cr.3. , . Southern SiJier iicr; . Ail iaiet Along the Votaiac To -Night Itcch me to. ?lrep Mother Mv V'iftt aad Child.- KatLltven .ViavourDee?. Virginia Marseillaise, (French and Eagli'-L worUs - . Farewell EncLartlrr Ilc'-pi: Xo SarrcJer. Harp of the South, Awkoj. Gor'-hr?. Swctheai t,?fd bye. Mollis?-". Oh! Sing nu to Re f." The.March ofnhe'Scuth'e'in 'ua. Musical Souvenir, contaiaing thre S nga. In a Jdiiion to tho above. ti'r foiion iujf njv pieces hav. jt . b-?n rjc.iv-d ; ' r-T-t.- -nf. . . Aura Ler: U Heiucmer tlis IJnr; . - : " ISi-l Bearer; - c, ri,rtlcuiiir attsm?.-n U called to our eol -! 'leciiaa of Mivie. Call a: No. 17, Market Squsro. 118 (f - ! WOOL T7rJ TICK' I . . . . . ... ..... . , . Ke?ls. iPinict Spool Gotten. a PiiaTiTi.wfvrrnT tcs 'ci .u. A C 11 OK E lot of N LLUL1-..M M.ap a ass f ) bu beaded Pins; -toother with CLARK'S SPOOL COTTON, for snip under tha JunMT C ATtOT.IX TAX QFFICK. ")LATK ANtJ WnftE PTXSV 3J Uldv. X WIT IT K HOOKS k KTB3. At Xo. IT, Markjt nf-uare. ur.dprthn CAUOklXIAX OFFKJK. Juno 21. 120-t t' Esl-iT?yecI or tocn. X?iO: i toii sub3rib?r on the tt H test., a rcc- " tV.f investia.'n f tt-..ii- t- i:is. it a ; 'bun j diun rriz,.brind'lf nii'ch C-OW, cnimptod , of forwarduirf .hwrjiTaix r t-; iix 1 1: -y will in humed, haii- scratched off a little on one side. : farm me offltt ' dat4 Of !'.". ' d -i.-tb tb.a d.c. a -Anr hi format ion rocidvfd concerrif Eaid ! ed. vki mti icd, was !virt. d . vh:ii-r o- n.t COW will bo lib-uallv rewardd bv ' j they or a.aVOis for-tlu'.r, 'ia. i-. .-itcil lb 4 S. W. SKIXXF.K. f prrsr.nl ofycXI which d.-c -r d had -.vith hiai At W, Pi:ac-. Oi'i J5vo;ta. the tiat4b his deaih. aa-i wheth r r nt 23g-Ct tka doeeasll.jl a(no-co;aa.i.-ioa."d o.Ticc-r r ! iivat?A ia-JS ver r.ec-i cd tar- St.it '.- b.ua?y. JTtifet Received. .i 'i i" ii ; i 7, .i .1 l ' . . . j . . a.aci i.i - j blockade, aad at present tvlUng tor ale rico tL-iuoi nair i.r fev the ouantitv. i ........... ..J ..... . will be socurely -pack.-d and ucliv-ered ii .u: run irui imMA in ti For .Vfdf. ivbalgal and retail, at Xo.1T. 'M..i , i.v,n,.A ,'. c,..n,.-,.v m;;.. janaS-tf- J. . I , - . . ' U LoBff Comlw. .xut, 101 oi uuiia i-ercr.a - j- TV , L A I HTTQ!S:i?S! T nTl .mfT ubJ IjUA (r Wd.Ji-, of various sizes, fust received and for sale at the Store-under toa Jane2y-tf CAIIOLTXIAX OFFICE. 1 ; .WKKlHlbY, c :i : 1 rd r g Li5 ie two' (Cities mr Price 50 cip.' per copy Also the ii'JL 1 il Kii; iz-s tf HAS UK- dice and has n hand a FOIL' AX I) T Li-Til. Also, PLA'TH. ! - - Af iUA. A .PT; Tav airy Horse, for which 1 will nnpru- l Ontitraercial size. Itt ric.ived ard t.r; at the nore undnr June 2U-tt UAi:-uj.i. i. . iii rltt.. t - ' . .. , - A ' ' 1 recvtveU and tor sale, a superior azti- .W. f " - - ,v.f a v.-,v ' - ' 3. - i - l-.V!-;,T1 i". V.U. In- 10-Cu" : miitcfon trof or cvoTt - -- U S S l l; i'J.ISIlKD "AT An.lliiUi''. ' i-n H' LATEST. T! GRAPHIC- XSiri'V i i LLZ : s j-:c C445 co'Ri; kspon ; exts . In t?:o Arsnieftot- fi) aid I'lcxsr, and vvU Vwnys JlT?a faKji ul'aKd fall record of. xw i.: t-Tr .-'. it U't Ac f:T.o . i -Aent zeroing nix o- iu ;v sa'sciT-fcl with th inonev Icr .is. '.. -id:i, wiltfi Hv'e th Weekly paper .tmj.i grutii-lf :t.rCTMrri fivUt be tak?r for a Ion -nr i fji.iUiU d iu no CA3e will t! , 'ih'd on i? received. tfeEMit!?! i-.s-ri-l for S'2 Mi for tJf fii st, and onv doi: ir Jig pfthfeition. - if SIT f fj C Sit 1 PT I O -V : v i i id Ui.tn si t ?.V for .jpai t ot U or t acti sue?1 f- Six ir.owth?, u rAL -h j. srxcLAiu. Sf- -ik Si t mnafie. u iA v I -Jti ix -A vvc Ftt..aiKroa. ' ' . -1 " DeceaPi OClctrs and r;M uer-f. ,Jf . Ifeox, C, Jtino ?C!h. 1?54. --r cH cnt.uoa tn-r-t ... reci. fSTtT e: d-;.;t'ut vd wt- pay pvt .'.if4 i prdtis entitled th.-i-.-tf?. ell 1 rf. . . .:" - I . . . of the Counfr ' l.'ourt t'lerk. ! " tl' " ,s ,b: uu viator or i atiasiiiMtratfr'h lact ot m x.-ciiior.slnp or U:ntuistvt&f ip-.mt be cvrfitu-d to. und. r Uea, hy th.fJ,'tr !oui.t rK.iJc. .ii.' u iuM w'oeri'sfiouid !t sent in d-sU- i ccte. t, --i? : j -Any per?ciS!.rectly interest'. .1 aib b" fan t- L ' d, upon ajtix Uiwn to u.. with p.. opor f.-rn j of the"?? pajffln full; a, cufy to -Mei, b- 1j , i rreatr canJfe'ileTicc of pai ti--.:. bo fo: v. a - ded .as ?ou.l mstY'hs p: a jtic.tbl.? to i-ndi CouBty Coif t'lerkV. This cointtk' ion is int -nd ! to fjcililatc tlu collection ef fese ctaib!i, and save the chiita ants all ese. . ,-; Parties :&tfii vstcd n'a v mnbMidl. r.i-l ar. In It is vnCduirabie that all claiwr rhnud hi V' ' - ' 'Uaji.so'i iirKKAf. . rerrrftoxo. I-N b. 2 m!,, isi-l. ) t-EE fpiK.bs' add - rclatn t :. .'" saldiers in L thCAi iav of 'Nortlicrn V:.: giaia .oo hereby 'WCfed that -.r. a:va I.. .,3 .JarOllOa, t;l 1. - C : m.oiiMi 1 ,.,.:.,.. n ,1t:w1:a' Tm (h-t-v :: -.tt A n- "-nsta: jnRiabAtmi. f.t Monom.-ry; rr at, i Iny othejlp jint at which cue 61 thcM- As- j ,C;aw!v,tl1.Tre aa'-fmce. The AftS-S Q? "these bs-ciafin? wjll - t , ..C-Uv'tp tb.-ri ajid shind ii'v I hi. I' t 17 - f - IT - . - r- ' " 1 . . . . L T i f . . 1 -. . : . i i ..i t. . I , l-.i ........ er Agendo ! thrtspectivt: States at Kit -h- a.ol "wp? j-ilTse them fibtrilut-d 'o ihe firnnr idl hiaaJ its net p. Pr -wt4e. of ti e soldier,, and to rr--- l.dbk'ii CCrtaiU and spced.x coiiiiiiit.de.;- T OUllfn ! ufi,- .'i' "", i..- piw,.- ri " autucrii lv?::rcs boi'. - Ir,J . t 1 .r. t , etc ovftl. i-erv thing el ; v.d. r that imidt elo mr occur to the st;cct..-. ol to lMl---i a'n-'rciiipre. ? -':-.u Uailfoivl.C moivules i"-c M .r uy rctpi-.'.'.-d' to rsuc4fei e E'ie-.s Cora ti any Mici. b-.cilt-ties as i'u'fble'it to li.ake this ai rai.gt - . meat fei plet-yoicevs. As thfc tbu'vh?po i. ; e - CJon'pary a-. - - r funv s ail r spous-.b; too fr iiupoi ta ! tion of wo o ':, .v.- v. .- j 1'or.s ; iou.' i re i'.i't t! t h trsu t I- iu :rr-.e- :cr?. - 1 f : ilvKoS A v -ociut:'ti' wVIl t';bf d' aw r; the r-: r of lh'-; -i arn-.i-'viw . v " t 1 1 1 hcrobi' ? .)'--d, to .... A.iny ul I oil her a V'.: guirjUi :- . - " -V . T- v. yiMS, LLaLCol. :.';i.i 6u.'utc ..iaUr. Li - - ... . - ,. . , . .. ... .... . ..: y. U .' jfiVpn ' Qti a r t ' rm : -.fr t c r G n .' Q'.-p-rpn i-pTTTII F'd N' FXPRFF CO , j u' Al. - ITT 12.5? UTIlElt.N EXPKL.V i..!Pa lioti y ti e friend. and iu!'-in a in the Alley 1 Nor hern V ... ;trei that ar- p-tepart-d in K 't heii; lr , & 8oldlt kna'figOiM'uts us. an "' nrcco m aid and that, they wiii !o ad i.i w-jr tU fal l, ils i pfirn;e;;.yvi m ". ' jAMiis smn i::r. i'eh t iu. IIp. C. 4"j?-r ", Jit nr.. "2" 1 4 . To Cl jtf'Caii lissicn'-is: I uV'Ts,rp?V',,. -U, at s-.v-t. to any of jJ4 ctitiatii fi tmiir.i , for th" usi of ;"-.; ;r. ot, fat.'iil? ljfrJ'M5r'' a portion of the Ui-n m.-- en nu: Jil f'r hrt -M-o o,. t.toa:;!-. V.Mi" iohe! 4 t"fi" need ofliac v. dl wnnuu, ,. .in I v me- -: . i r l.THOS. D. HOP':: Mi. .t v Ju.3. ' '' PJi 4t 1 ti.i :l t n " '" at . 1-rrj U .III.'il.V III I. II : Ml 'Vf j - riT P-UMX(; 5350 in $f.O hi!N. n P..r H 1 : 't -,x'XT -. '1. 1 '.,' .si.at IfVv.ch weak. It i made ir:n tlt riewj ro it.tiw in the D.Air.T. A-urn CA,t.Lti.an i rrM nrzja Cor.ta..- -i 1 1 (.iiiirmion ); m tin, .. i . i, 1 ... M, love, ,, f.r uhi.h the finder Gll recJvc a I iib-rvd r.-r. v-d b, l.-avb'" if with Is AbL Auras. i