-- i-r. " . -s - , r as 7 I. J, SIXtffcAW.EpiTOR, TUI2jDAT. AUGUST 0, 1801. elections iti North Caroliaa are ov " sf er. f Uoae vvbc hare bsen o unfortunate , s to be .elected, are.: remarkably' well pleas! with themselves and the rest of mankind generally, and those who arc de i.T feati feel unaccountably blue. On the result of the Gubr rnatorial elec-; lion, all speculation is at "an end except, so far mi'to count upon Vance's probable majority. "It-is 'not only evident that Gov. vVaoc"li8-lw.icti-TC-kcted.- but that it has 1ten by an overpo Bering majority. True there aa bven otve cattei iug votes i.iityfl ernne counties ior.Hold?n, but they are Kuch as have beett given out of sympathy for the man, not tor bis poMtioSi and they ouly ctv to sTiov that Holdcn .can wot charge -force unou. the arm" vote, fur it ! but no charge was ever iu tended to be Deems that tbepponls have with more uni. '.made by us, and consuiFjueatly the-enemy versa! ::iyaiimity stamped bin-course with! were greatly disnppoiated. Yhcy uo the tca! of their eternal. condemuotion. Tbe Petersburg Express at the 2a says, f tjba 4Front,M that nothing sav$ the usu al PVft "fifing and &helot.a ercitly taken place. '"-Some pinions says the Ei prts, wliose imagiuations bwe been doubtless auch quickened by tbe event of biturdoy lat, state that the enemy arc- Still miring,, and give as a reason there-., for; that tbey can ee them bringing the dirt from, their saps," and depositing it I io the u-ar. The general impression scHmslm to be. that tbe enemy bad but one, and that they expeted greater results from that than tbey have realized. It was man ifetdly to bur advantage, and thc-y hntw it as wt-ll as we, to have fprung all tbir rr.icoa simultaneouFly, if they Lad - more than on 'lbere are but few .points along the lines where-mining operations can be tuc-cfcsfully coucuctto, atd one of t.feese hsa ttcu already uio l.- T:;e Express tbicke, tucrtrc, tLtt this njede of vrai fare, it ttout at an erd itb Grtut. TU Er ; acIs tLU the craer.y rrcc- ccafess to a lctt of 4000 u :Le tirit oi Saturday last The Standard of the 5iL hux bceu re ceived.. For ccco the Standard is filled th aicjy uews, but it is remarkable ihii be docs cot publish any election returns. We shall uow watct with deep interest tbe next taovetntnt of Mr. lloiden, cr. tlie political chess board. cfort six incr.ihs Hidden will be over to the "Destructive Vance party' atid before twelve aionthi; be wi 1 ba reading Tinco and S. J. Per-j aon and othere, out of the raols. Holden has rua' twice for Governor. The first tiioo be had the army at his lack (when he run for Gov. Vance, from tbe Georgia soldiers,') and the last time the soldiers were at his front, and have iffeCtually barred his entrance into the Gos'errfOi's i.ian&ion. e V 1 - Wc find a very" interesting f.uinmary of ncwa from the Ni.rt'j in the 1VUitt of the 2nd." Gen. Wright L; now ir; command of the Yankee force ; an the upper Poto mac. The Y'ar.kees etit".-.iia Earlv's Torcc at 40,000, and fear that it ic hiu in tention to annoy and h arras? the people in t'hat section by raids during the entire summer. A fight is locked for at an ear ly day. .Early, at last accounts, was tear ing up tho 15 alt 1m ore and Ohio Hai'mod near Marti nsburg. A dispatch from lingers own states that th Yaukec General Averitl is still alive and well, and o-n duty at that point. Stanton styles tbe fight al Kearnstown n5 a " sKirtvi.-a. the Yankees. Kather a co.tlv one to YOTK IS CcUBKKLANb A NO If AKNETT. We intended. giving the vote in Cumbcr- ....... -..vi ...... .v, .u.. ,c.u.la t Legislature, m tabic .form, for the pur- pose cf easy reference, but we find our!? - . - , columns too nrirrw for its insertion. Tire snccesMful candidates are Wm. 1 Wright, for the Senate, and J. G Sh en ti. rnn:n. . i .A t throDgbeut the loj'al States. 1 he names tierd, John McCormtck atut A. U. c-i c u i 1 1 .1 T .. . of all who visited him at the Clifton Lena, lor the Common?, the bitter gen-n-use are known to tho government. tleman receiving 52 majority over Ntill ! Among thehi the names ot sevt-nd prom McUay, the nxt highest candidate. inent politicians are published. The k- .p. (suits of the conference are also known to rm Kxciiangk. We are pleased to learn from inst under the Federal Charleston sometime since' by our Cov ernment. The exchange took place off Charleston on Wednesday last. Tnis is a much more christi vnand humjine way of doing business, than placing them in that Cujic. o!m . PiK.r. cf this id.npo f hitf Enrolling of3ei --i 1 t . i'!i'l.iTl,r ... A n . ? V .1 it rt. . , eTert'.y i.iiursu ir:P ... t r.n. t I ST ii ho T ...vir.o-fr.n fZtiU . ... - . u . . j imaw . auer uoi wing tue recent destruction of the deposits, f :;.. of the -Staunton hanks, bv the burnin;r of a t:.r cu tlie Pichmond and OatBvilie railroad, sayr. gentlemen, who had nearly their whole me uminston Journal, ol tnc 5th . , .i , ': ". iwno will lmmeuiateiy oe murdered iv r--.it..T.- ., . . - . i iuvui iiiv; j.l.'i. j ii u ii.ii v . v ii i ini i. . .... ..... . ,.,L - - - - ' nam i.i.sueu io ine mcmoers oi tne tjroluen i -c i v i . canuie. - avivuni'ji . , that our odeer who were placed Circle, in the loval State,, in whi.l. bJmobs. ,f carned rth, whom no ua.ion ' ol.rcmark nf.Jn PJ1;r,ftftr- wn ftro of our Forts' at Charleston, bv i called upon them to renew their vows, i1 ... -.,.' '.. -IMmni unf--ith Ids-own netnrd" is .ntl!- . ' i i j . r . , . ' as ireeman ;n ineir miasi, arm wucm mo ' 1 -x Yankees, havo been exchanged for lhejan.d. t dMt . A ? flst.PPrach'"S North cannot afford to send utf, if she (cable to. thfc' aukce attack oa - Saturday. officor.4 who were quartered in ' "',.'!...,: Sr tu.L - , ? ' coul 1 find a spot on earth willing tt, re- Their sapp'aig'and munng'ebst them about portions to be murdered by their resnec- March, the day fixed for tbe draft but no i i , . J . ;V i - k i .-A - . ' t rl . VVT i T V" 1 la15 about inhabitants. Thus a - " Jiapt. j i , ' . 'ieotton fields. Poor darkies it will be I he x, .- . r,i ..t available. iorcv at present -at his commaud. .,T0. t.,i rtf t.w-,nna , . r.v, ;v de.Sn-.te nl.in was resolve! cr.on. 'be. .-r. . . . i o.v ta- The Autrusta Ckton- ,m . - .r ..t. .i... . urSc body ot citizens are reduced frtfui ...i.ix..-.. . . - - nappies.t a-.v oi vwur ii.e, iiv- nooiest. in- r . - , . . . i me catre coiMniauu oi an me woops, in c rcji-ci. '.o inarn irom tne tjssr tcri . , . . "itanitical or i ... ... c .i .i k nf.irn i i. cr.rin i:n r-i .in, !rr H.l - .. . i i i . .i i i ... .. , , lla'iters. of New York i!bji 1 iiimt i r : . , 7 r. t .., ,..i:v:ij rim inmi t-uirenofimeuis. - .. , , r- suneruig in our oomniuiiirv. . ire llev. hntldowon th:hud wi.h.slick istLL j GenS. le had arrive;! from Mis-?l Wy h ,' .Jjuhn ,;VVarncr, of Gettysburg, provil ,on,cnp: named Cam, who had Uen ar-!ari., ' . MC" -V" ' i"Jl 1 r " - i v.sipi , witi4 larg 'nunibei- of reiniVree-1 jtn!..f 'Vs retTT'irmvs e H-aunJ ,,un?ial,Jr - ,tb this tdme S &ac- re-ted and to th rr-y. He struck j 'ihs numcrcal strength cf this Order Official VTE.-"We have received thtf ruei, andik parf iu -.he bat tie-aV a 'n"fo4' t"orsand Tin- ;Ut.V irt 1 ;4tfi;nl " Mxr cien frreeivinK before G.Ft. Prior w.u ar.re of his Inf aidto le considerabiy over hala mil. oflidal voto r Q3vernor-and members cf! quids' hftif galianr !y . lalVtlic western count s ot Mrylu.d are tf"i't:tt ntribut ions for relief." ter.tion, and then jmr.pe.r.n the crsandj . , - . '. "V , jsend ng their valuabfes to Baltimore. ' the expected a.un os wheemn- etc wig o?f, but it is sui.; will certainly b ? ?f .-.' n f lork-Mt- . , , V-.-!, "Sst bYjfc, .qk ran Eahl's Dacgh- A d; snatch te the New York "Herald,' s on wheuin., uc. ' 11 ctnain.y ot ire called Mctlellan Ilniutc Mui. ..!oi whicn-loot .np aa 5w!0"ars. We -wih w. - ,r, a: , - ., t . . Cumlerhmd ; ,i7 t..w urrstftd 1 tk.- ! - - . . t - ites. Dns 3ae oi the most facinatmgtdated Uarn&burg, Slst int., gives tee io!- mvcrMna 4ia Jury Jl. Phe j . f f heie is the most convincing evidence -tvw Ue rote bv prtzmcsm our reiit n , . - -t . 'T . , V j r u' t. Reportsiu circulation tha rie i,.b1 ;.. a vio : . 1 1' ... ioi ;ae .rutuiM T3SS oi tnis sea tern nr.- . ... . --.rvvv"----w...., ...... c, ..- ...w. - - rn.i. ,-M Private letter from Staunton imViiJ A loug list o the narr.es of trie Order v.s that almost every family in the place (?frthe dJirefc1t r Sther with full ia more or les, affected 7Iii.rtly -by . .,, . . , . J .12 m the hands of the authorities at Wash- ternWe catastrophe; ai:d that several 1:Vrtfi,, nrn rill rrhr.h!v h iv a property invested in the stock of these) . The tULe.nor.ts are brsed upon -?ery banks, will ba reduced from coinfortablo ' voluminous testimony, taken during se.--circumstanccs to poverty. Jrl months past by the Provost Mar- r : ihal General oi the JDcpai iaieut of Mis- TLhe county elections in Wake for Com-' sou; i. mfliK SCCinS to le doubtful. VJn loin. that Gen. Fawle is probablv elected. Tim' Holden candidates with this exception1 .. . . . r. . i - are pro -ably ejected, but it is stili ia ubt,s twocoirtpanj are to near from, The News. ' Some days since, s'avs die EVm-.v U ! was discoved thtfC the enemy: were m in j juig in front of Grade's Brigade. Jthn-ji j iron's Divuiion, jesr -mr centre. Mes- jures were imaiaditcly taken 'to counter - act this movement and a "ijallei v'.vas soc-avrun, aud a luifte arranged beneath i the enemy's." guile ry. Yesterday "at 12?tja CArncu, the orgm of Mr. o'clock was fixed upon to give the eoc-' 'Adxaiulstrutian, of a late date : "Throug- sny a -blow up," tut the : sensation clihf 1 SSf" &n tlndoult; - . . . , 1 v, 4 , - - cd tenement in t;ivor of pea.ee, unopposed not take place uutil half p.st 6 p. m. At CXf ept by sone n.v?n arnry contractor or this hgtir, some of our xnen went but -and sordid uraiy Uwc.? 'ibis U very well t-tlectcd an x change of newinaners with - for a beginning.' IcieeJ, Wc thiuk it rath- the enemy and the latter, to th number of 2-5 or SO, clustered arounil thohicky man to hear the latent news from Dixie, The signal was nowiven, the fiisa. light ed, and iu less time than it takes to write it, up went the se'.id earth to the height of about 40 feet, arrj'in; the n&wjj gath erers enid, enetoy immediately opeutd their batte ries, and their infantry manned the breasts worka.- Oar artillery, replied vigorously doubt hoped to serve;, us as vre had served iheiu ou Saturday, but the "tebals were too smart for broth- r Johuhua,wthis time. ' X?ur yperiiueut accdnipiishe a!ous with it. Others in the vciui-lMr. Forney- V'e have n-j loubt'that thereliMjiny thrMf-divtMOfis to a coris. "tbcf dis-lVt ..f i.torthtir. with itk iVairmcht id to tlia breastworks, badly fright-ir' a .great many hottvSt abo'iit-ouists, indj paritv of Cfimbersctweeii the' "aiitagoii-l mint beds, big muFnuitocs and muddy it was eSpectedoaccoishafdo?fei jcc?Pl j1,.1 WX KZfiZZ r j , 7 t'lci -iJhope and behove if.vas made.. A) hen both isfied at'the result. It has at least effect ually exploddo'the "'coal-diggers" efforts Xti.nlcilUr Dain. anJ taochfc lhej Uiat bU he may "mine," vc - 1 . ; can'couteunine, and tbat "sapping and - nin - u a gau,e at which two Ufl m06t effecmally play. The Itiehmcnd Santiml. learns 4roin a ! gentleman who left our army on Wtdnec day evening, that tlio Federal--army, sup posed to number from tlurty'ta tliirty-tive thousand were, at t'hii-laStownj Jclrerson county, ou the read from Harper's Ferry to Vriucheste:, tadttn irilcs frosa the first r.irued place, and tweaty-two railcs from the Utter. Our cavalry, ic ccn.idcralo fotce, in Pennsylvania, wiieii it& ;ctc:-u&at !tf:. Prob-bl;, before this, a battle Las been fought , and frcu: the bkiil. of the General iz. couauind, aud the. kncwa-valcr cf the troops, we have reason Jto hope that :t will be in our f-vor whenever it takes place- TuASS-SdiSsisfciF-pi.r Yankee papers say Gen. Kirby iiiaitb is crosfcicg the Missis sip pi to tho oztt tile, but at what point they do not know. General ilarmaduke. they say, ws crossing his rae i in small parties in the neighborhood of Jaates' Landing. 'Ou tbo-l-0th.-ijit. Shelby, whe Lsi at Coarcay, between Little Rock and Batesvilk, captured one hundred and eighty of the 10th, Illinois vcavalry. in cluding eight or nine commissioned offi- . , . , , , . - tnemseivei. in me way oi a t.ur anu ijcu- Fedral troops at Littie Rock :5yhilstrtble pea-e a peace b.-tWctn equals.'-, Gens. Lee and Gordon from Louisiana 'Subjugation, ymUsion, is" not peaoe. " vere at the mouth of White liver with ' Let peace, coiniiaisioaers be appHHad" I'einiioTcementfi for Gen. Steele. -'"y ettlver 3ection,7nd invedtp'! awag aw a i The 5Jt. L-uirt J' nicer at givag the an nexed account of thd treasonable associa tion wliich tins btfeii formed in Yrankee dom and which. throntens t!i3 peace and quiet of that ddectible portion of our con tinent. Tho whole nffiir is doubtless gotten up to benefit Lincoln and defeat tho Chicago . nominees. Whether it will have the desirod effect will bc ascertained in due time : The Order is of Southern oriin, being erected on the ruins of the Knights of the; Golden Circle. Of the Southern organ i . zation General Sterling Price is Supreme Commander C. C Vallaudigham, while in Richmond, was made the Supreme Orde r. A conspiracy, it is -said, was en tered into between him and the rebel au thorities to divide; the Fast from the West, and to ibui; aid the Southern rebel- rt j . allandtham s time in Canada it is - , l'ilri l" ' " 1 ,ut, J"S i mis soiieifie. land soon ranged tne governmer.u a i. . ...I. . . it. . i v . rn rifi is fti t 1 n i!. Trcv ont J.inco'n is a usurper. O --.-j - tj i lie nau a coniercnce wun i t .i:i .uu- u.. 4 ' ' . ' . . . of the lcadins; spirits in tke Jsorth. .v.a.. ' T... ....r.s' . . AJSf-- iaunuit.ii afler his aniva! in Canada ar-i rU".i -TaTa "a , f , and ltfrial't!TOl lankoe. says the for the establis.hmer.t of an Order! -I p . 1 " 'j Petersburg Register were marched through i- r T.' ,. possession ot some hail amilho'i! ot rie 'roes; .i.ro t-Wa ii r.-nr.-i.i oio-. i.'clii! i ii c jii .uiu uoiijine liners ui t . i l' - 4U aut ' c,..,,,0,, i ,7 v-s ,'iiDHsioits would pfhv their tunncr moter. the diuerent States was held in N. orki i . . c --- . ur-7 f t t c " - to let bygones bc -bygones, fur 'ifb thm. - nrrr'in'Vin re nr. nnlhrrl- nnv iflr!. ,.- . mrmt i coisp.iai.,r are also u.rh 0f pracucal lmmanitv over Marrow. trt'; OI -;Kas eneering.iiews irom At-. claUmJ iho&.. under Gon. Hunter. i:um:r.:tnuers at Vt Vin lsor, Canada, early i ! H Ami'. Amcrrst those in atIcr.da.nC3 were Mc ,.,-. - .. .- i :j.tit3 i sttsmi . iiic Dujaiu J'Jii.ill Ul- .... r . . . . . . . ... . . . .. ....... . x . landiibarj to Ohio was. -the tear rf ?ip:h- defeated as a delegate to Chiaigo, and it : was enlv by his presence that bis election 'ciblic in . hart time. KOOKs Jsa. Yankee papers of toe I . . . . ... wim i. ire m s;y the lossess of Oen Crook, at . . - .... . " atcd in kiPed ir.d w vn uUn nt tbouspnd men. ir i .rtwittiessed. : waa 5,ecure. i - - 0- TiimiS OF PEA'CE. Thts fottCwifig remarkable artjele ap- pear in th: liuhiuond -.Se,,r7flr. lloing jtftc org:yi of the ndm'mstration, its sng" Igwstions upoti the u;rm.? of pjare ate pe culiarly interesti'ig at ihij time : We find the f allowing- in the Washing Liocolu's er cvr-ups te moacs y pi niu-e. But yesterday this organ talked of noth ing -but fir a- and swuvd and .t$ubjugauon, and all at buce it begijis cooing; as sooth ingly as 4 ha tutllc dove. Like all. new converts, its new born z&al hurries it too far. It denounces all who hold tord-iy what it held vt-stc: dy as mtan and swr- and amalgamiitionis'i?, who would have the war go on until tneir dorctriues were carried into pracHcil cttect, or, at least, until the Jews shall return to Jerusalem. The prospects cf'. peace are very promi sing. Kiue-tcnths of the people, North and South, are heartily tird a"d sick of the war. Dot he-prospc?ts are not quite so bright as 31iv' -Forney paints the'm ; for unfortunately, there aro; a great many people, N'ofth. and Sontb; besides army contractor aiud camp fq)lovevs iaterest- l ed in l6 cfoTitinuaficvr cf tre ar. YetciTe tnaRKine unrorip.; ior tys. H5TOi;'iunj auji sides desire peace, peace cannot be very far off.- "Where theie's a will there's a !way. - in the meanume, wc presume, neither side will remit in exertion, nor I VWUV.. .-O 5l Jr . I' O i.cLC(r i f c in .nr- in nrn.t'p.ii t tv r tnft war. W.e would .respectfully suggest, however ihat it is a little out of the ordinary course of peace, negotiations to begin with ultima ta. They, as tbuir name imj lies, come last and shut tho door on further negoti atiens.- row we want to weat, to bargain to who deitrn talk the matter coolly ever ; but slams the dcor rudely iu cur faces, just 'Singing out at the window, at the same time,' a-string cf ultimate, which any newt boy might pick up, a:-d properly appropriate tt di rected to '..iuiseV', for ueaco " concerns sac i,ir.cw:r. euesns t&grm witu nut tc.v, tacy of gratified, rewnge, and at good a, gays to. Lis deceived follows : "Ye have trusted U:e, and I. bay e betrayed yea. With ut peace ye are ruined, and peace re shall net have ':" Are ye cf the North too f weak and fee ble, too tauia, submissive' at id down-trod dca, looppObc the tyrant's will ? with hiu ultimata, stands in th way 'of peas1 ; says there thall be no negotia tions to bring about a peace and insisis, in fact, on un cctistitutioaai surrender on .ur part. We hope. however, that ho will soon be.diiv eu from his position, or if ne s.inry, from his scat. We want peace with the North, and, therefore, shall contin;;e to make war V T upon ,tnose ot eitner swetio wno put! arv powers ot nesrotiation, meet on neu- tr territory and discuss the truis oi caco, Jj?i all subject? lie open to tree' dijcus-si-u and negotiation. e of the South conKider independence as the g?"Cut and first object of the war, and that sena ration i essential to independence; ye; we shall be willing to listen to what you nave to Buy and propose ou tue omer siui You may offer us something that will st - cure our equal lights within the Union' You may .propose to ive the slaveholi ;ng and free States" cqualiiy ot Vine in Ccuqrress and in the election o rresident; ' and partly to effect this, you may throw New England int one State,- or givc did men. -'Tiis is going Jt rather, strong, j commanii "-ilvi&i.TlsVhcTvm.' There iiWf TUvks nrav. h sua red from the negotiate, for peace, and .Mr. Lincoln. r- M-XuA.ti was to advance and 5oin the forces of Early , it scans, wants peace also, Will not " IST""'.-- and' Kreekiniidee. and operations were to -kLuw Lis face to us. much loss wron.y n may uo bo, nevercneies s.ams -77- - - . - ,lWirt, .;,.t.r .r,-rllU-.. m .,ivv.fl(iv CiAd ecrmo-t wuut'1'" UUi s x r J - V W V 1 '" J Anu uaesi s or.es pevad. t ho stents cveryuot u.a -.3 coc . cia . cuici.l , t . f.r, ;,,;f:rt Ti'n'S.rasbursr, civing cut that he hud just re- n) i ' V' tr. nft-c s4,-c'rf n -r V -,rth f cu L c-uiii Xurii.Ci vv i-ios. ii.e fa p - . - T 1UC4C ail . closing up and the citizens ij derive frca ihii Uriv eastic p.-v. uciii5ur be icu:e,.wha:. -wl,6u cUcn n.u. I,ec lui fyi-auty. Gov. Curtin has just it closely resemble, the lilting of the Si!- then, havec gained ? WUt bvo these sntn" gietwSc ro Ifn-i1"3 ver Veil, and the dkclo .ure to i.i- cc-.S.CCC Spttbtrn'a, who. ara to-day so Jbwf,o-i Gcf Werilimet this force o . V ,'l:nQ' , Uuu ad a&d o:!.,- J M. t-vr, a,d bloody, Wcu bv tbdt sa.ridce ( vSl ii ci the SO-.U (Wl: . txTt "Z - j - c liusii; is. iu. a j..u-a:ii;Li . i c UdiiK i iiv :iiiu Liuiibo.k. iic uiuvc ' England won't have! uuu. Ui si.iv.e who niruw Now this would beajhirj ajgijt: of protection around his "yonug ! tempting bait. Wo don't say it Yo;iidiiL J isfy, us ; but the s-ubiect is worUty ot con sideratton ' the war was brougut abou hy Nbw Eng'and and New Englander.-, and who knows but that the balance Oi the. States might live in pi ace and harmo ny, if she were out of the war. Hut we do not mean to anticipate or escribe the jacliou of th, coinl0nei.l r.et thcm enter into the negotiations untraliuheied tive Governments As to the slavery Question v.c would leave that to be settled last. Tbe bues'ft;crs tton of independence concern.? u ; L - nnaiier swere-.ne?u:oc3.v Jlauy t.tne pris The subject of slavery but part of us. ! oners, of both:) color, were more or less When ah other subjects are disposed of lite j wimr.ded,? tke- severely wo'unded werecon- Mortli wtJl- tmd itselt embarrassed by ni tP: e iricin Under these embarrassing clrumifut- ces the negroes and the Northern - Com - ..... . 15 . . t 1 rJ --T. ra.i ces tne world uas eve. i ioe lessons o: wisdom anc true puuan-i fthropy "tausrht by this war may v-c cam- : . - . . ...... : . - eae . C v r 7)c r hi. x d. I or 1454 : Holden 2ot. G over nor, Vuncfc .Harnett. For Governor, Vance 33 : - Ilo'den 172V ' Cumberland, anl Ilametf. For the Senate, Wright 1 133 ; McDuniel 097. For the -Commons. Shepherd 1167 ; Mc Cormiclk 81 ; McKay 300 ; A- D. McLean SU ; Mclftie 4ns"; J P McLean 53(5 ; AlcNeiil Klf.patrick 1S8 ; Betbune 81. Tan Lecture. We.bal the pleasure last night of listening to one of the most eicqucat appeals that we have ever heard. in behalf of tb Kentucky soldiers, hy-CoL1 V . u-i tt - - i I Jaw .iwan. fii Mobtif. lift . i cpitaiu a of brilliant orator, and a fit iepre.-tn.tave (tho noble cjsc i i which be is ertgi-cd. irK'or t toir Aimiic:. f h n r i"in ,, M, Ji i'-t it jft. . . i i . iu i i.jiii.it fcA- wui.c th lir.r.Ai- 'nt.imnrt rifc! all th . " . . - . '"' 1 PixtausMi luting for the Columbia Car;-. olinjauwsTtlantaQder date of the 23 till. Mys 1- I. ' . - - It is yet to earljrrto Bend you- arel'a ble estitnattf of etthw-our losses or those of tke'eneTnyki the 4ttl& o yesterday. lean ouly titet oB the Authority :--of one tif ihe corps icdical . directors, that a. ,ha-4 ty reckoninc:6f th casualaos iehovvs less) ' " - 1 than 4,000 and prt)bably. pot jany more than- 3,000,' tilled.Joundci! and uiisiug. on our siChUn T ttre port . uxe: gacrais, j'i. 2,000 prisouj eportea on our uoocs t of the liac 5-o . corps qi. iwage, Rliiir an raoy,wuni. rwiorceuwuis . r.i f.e i . irom-scnoijdao ueia a posiuou aiogg k our centPte-?fla,M:aoIe were utider theJ dJubtiess 'dasb" which gave us the vie- tory, for bad the Federals be'en apprissd!1 ot our appach lu iirae, they w.ould havo - - - . ! so fortified TdeirJeft as to Itivtf utterly de- feated thtf bo(d mbvemcut of the du By this hour, the enfiro pusiffoa of the enc- . . i-'.-s--tv-.:w lo.negiB wiie auaccuujus. ii-uiu oi-;wils at tlse pruipeCt ut a misery rebel , Sers aud .nufaged pbucur la; Ve veal-itiViion with jts sad eowunce5. The' my is ajeyau peittaveniureimenaoie. protect nun jn mis inuig emergency m The contesiloHroat Of frweorps of they have beretolore through uiany.avi6 than thiJ&iQM: 'ThA;esy:jverefeu wc mU1- r. PV7; w'SV' ar.t -'l''Jj u '' j fthc datigers which IhrateiiyJlvsbes irora Mr Wfto dci tio b?ev.th, ;demoral!Z-f.viJ;ch cd as the jeiny ..were near the close oTtive to the " hjovctdients and intentions ct the aftertioen. thcv w6uld rfot .no w have tweu on the other side of the liver or ru-l ined The the exeert ever, are liable to jjecome. paiiic-strickeu. aud I would npLttcr a word of censure, much less-reveal the name of the com mand, wbichj'I believe, is yet. destined to its hitherto uusullied escutchaou. ; Com- ... , , - . . peilea by;tnw ueiectioa.to uiU bacs, tor plan was complete, aud.- with! Mo to.spoakpf , military mbvemeuts,., but tiou referred to, .the execution I t"ay be stated that; every mmg prog- is perfect. The bravest veterans, how- " h i.babiv ! 1 1 .. i i . Vnnth in aunt Af-r i.r.-ir li ii. wu:cii ttie purpose preserving the integrity oi!clltt; telegraphs from "IouoCicy' uu the our linesi our anny -wiin the exception of Hardee, who is still ou the enemy's to g':t cr. evacuiite Atlaeta the battle! ha? -iveU the citv. The Federt:ls were I .tr.v:i,. e;r. rri, f ' o .? "'.TT'S it r. ra"rAr. ' I munca6.0uHwer6 approacaing tae third. Thai danger uo longer exists in the same degree as before. In the l&aguage of an ev..ii.cni cfueer, -.the, situation. may be con densed i"u asnigle statenicot "If either m ttacUs. the ether m its present cn- treniinnehtl5it is destined to be renulsed."! -i- .i,'. . .. - command hnailv, und pressed' them blow- Do are toy trong to permit open ana,' vin scve ht near Win dirtci aggresvn the irent, ft.lierman, ,,n S!1Rllj,v. oith. ami another on tbfjfere;.Cfp euly advance by the flank, ths' diAiculof-hick process he has yctj to. H, Gen.- Bragg is now at headquarters Hii missionls generally ucknowa. bit it js tMiyjpected that Tie has return ed .ah. :a: ivC Vectxil for iho eo-oper-atiootrcffVsjia ''another quarter. AN i if CI1E.T IX THE iJATTI.K OF BAT s t UBDAY. iJo?ro slave who had run away frni -'Alabiima some time ago, 'guizedf his- 5y ou'ug master" in the fight of-Saturday, and-throwiug down his mus- ket, .rushed. tlie young man and thrcvv his arms.aroinnl bis neck, at the same . time exclaiming,. You shan't hurt my ycuug mwsa" Jtiot at this time a cuff, ntRo mercifiuly disposed, fired at tho A 1 llinl'llt ' I"i!f fVkii inet r ? lkif-fi-r J - - - he obct an.ed at, took effect m the- inflssa,"' inflict'ng a severe wound upon jb'ra. t Master and slave came safely of! rt, rt.,i,l . i.-.rr.-.to ? i,o T,,.Ti aiw.'bor to mitbev and preserve it. 1 he rebe.s . ' town yesterday, on their way tosai'e quar- 0ie itndred and seventy of the vved in -""ambulance!. Wo understand hundred ts.7o thousiVMl ti'o hundred men, in killed. wounded-fpl pi istMicTS.; Grant b in ..a i - r f2'hndt H.kf ih.a CmaA.- i ,. ;cly 5 . ' dkJkk.:.,, v;..v.l IS sAov -- - , , ... -' 4 ; ui.x. .v ,t4,,c: iv-iwn m vaiuiu j ia OfivatI. Coi'aner ct-itvs tbat Irtm. TTiiThI hitter was proper! v . attended ip, ,.nd thus I,av c b" luu 1 " , ,. , , . . 5 r x" x i I av too much agitat.d with rumors and did his Iast,nunutC' repentance save- htm ; H ehcllS ons lo0altond to work. Much Irani thq.fathicli overtook so many oi;t tho wheat is felill standing m shocks his race,anLeal()r on Saturday, tho 30th iu the fields. The storekeepers havj cent of Ju iy ,;;18$2u -Ptt. Resist . a wav thy most valuable portions of theii " " ... . , . . ' ; i Ii M-.cv-wwrr i .1 . . -. . . . . . r US IOM 'iwum. , 1, w- nil vir, 111 IIIH IIIIVM. I lift. nas acfcteveit -lotuer; victory over Sherirat"e to trie aovan.ee oi tnc enemy wun !;nau -t i:iDlftv catrin"'un his left and'Tore, if our informant i.5 not mistaken, i c c . i plot and dsy of tho whole story. ?& ad. 'm:rahl' rloh.r -TC'-ws"ti-t r.nHWwwf Tv i Nh s. Wtekly. o,i ; ..i Lia iiij t-ta.aa'i vci i grpatly the ?iraAlatioTi of that paper. It avas difrcoatfeded "when the war broke out, but many readers of tbfe Times will J be glad to knowthat thy can get the whole, story -complete in book forii at the Ctr.oi-iKiAN Office. Price, $5. It is stated by tbcYankses, that Bnrn- tside s corpswhich entered the campmgu s00 strong, - and h parUcipated in all the prominent fights since the 6th .May, has been- so redueeK that ?t is now scarcely as elfcctive'a fuTi Ii7ision.-S-T'his-corps lost -heavily on. Saturday last, as it has done rn ne-iriy al! the fights around Petersburg. V . . " . . "... 'TUIXK of T. "As w-e anticipated, (trd astated in our issue of Yoatordav.) by tlvc K. x"jrk Herald tbe t'Jtb, - rtcsiyed by as, me learn nuietiing t Eariy'a movement r V I 4 ...."11 ..ntn. iron i a i aaM;sunu pun. k" ice what -we gather from the conflicting acctmnts of II. e Uer;wn s nuiuerous cor .Hh the statement that the tnk are again frightened out of their . - . . m"?k-- - ." r m s iusiwv iiTton i..incom lii niixe us v.mi- 7. ; -7- -r. - - . 1 ciuiiaiuit uuuruu . iin-vitnnu 111 wiu-; . f thrfor0tS, wh;ch ntav bc M. j u. jv -r uct.r....n 'Lincoln and the arch machinations of Uordtm military repututiou undermined by the appointment if M cCleliun ti the command illllll II V 1 I'l 111 I III !tril III 1 1 111. IIU M. J W 1. 1 v of the life guard of the Capital, while boj i'n,Uwti-iinfcl tiftdnvminirii liv&Vmrur ?J iMay the xruardian spirits t,f our ivoate J. . . ... . .... trl0 Herald baioreus cotfuin $la- Geri Eailv "The Ileratl -dors not dcea i.t cdvisaT make t-oule discoveries. 'There is an impression that the first invasion cf Maryland wes merely designed to iratner a lare siock oi supputs iu ior , scale. .Davidson," another of.its correspend- same day " 4iIt appears that when E lily left Snlck- :ti.fore hiUi until he came up wub. Lariy B main tteength m the mountains, waen Far? v made a stand and of couase drove Crook, who wac on his way -to - Harper's Ferry, joined with hhttewd forces, and Earl v, with hi. s thlrty thousand, knowing (for there ate spies in tbat eoantry,) that Gen. Wright had ru-crosstd tho Shenandoah, and was inavcbing rapidly toward Washington to mink s.ny emergency., turned upon A v rill, ""-i 4 Hunters whole ,Mond.;v, near Martin ia ; joaC e!igog-mc I V J wtl mi " nsburir. men to' ho savs the Yan kees lost from etgut to twelve bidicd j uitn.. -' - Hu trunks Earlf has not been reinforced and .discredi s the reports , of . prisoners that GerLce'6 in command Of the-expo-, ditioo lie adds that the Government is miking every preparation tor defence, but note Snail IUIS lie l- ii.fc pcioiiiicu tm rr I L I . - 1- ' Ueraia rrouciicK coirebpouueiu says : Uo tlie':ttn, in ins upatuu, tmu IIICI U alt) n uu itiiu wounuun-wij nvv.i iiir- of thn ui-jvements of the rebels. - If o was unable to learn from any reliable source of the crossing ol the river by any large force ol tho rebels. A portion ot Mosby s force had certainly crossed, however, and were committing depredatiot s. Martinsburg, he yunks, i.s undoubtelly in possession of Gen. E rly. A very unsettled feeling prevail?! in Frederick City, and the surrounding coun try.. The inhabitants feel themselves ex posed at almost any time- to rebel raids. Verv much of the crop ia this and Wash ington- county "will be lost ioi want of la- 1 if a I. U . ... . ...V. Tbe publication of the Citizen, an ultra coppcrnead paper, hiis been closed, and its proprietors, are UiVder South. Messrs. lnng!man &c N orris arrest. They wtil be sent lis Philadelphia telegraphic correipon dent, cst.tnates frly s force m tin IU'l'Vl 1 ous raid ut from Mxteei to scve.iteen thousand .ine?, and thinks that the pres ent invading force is about ten or twelve thousand stronger, making obout tnirty thousand men of all arms. This force is thought to be under the command of Gen. A. P. Hill Gen. Early having, it is said, been obliged to retire from active duty on account oi bis wound breaking out afresh; and he has, it ii understood, been assign ed to the command of the ilichmond dhs i trict. With a reticence unusual in a Ileral-Vs correspondent, he declines' entering into details, but content himself with stating hah oeeu giveiuto lass able i.enerai. and pro h.b1 v tbi ttm. in :i Tins tir.li t.i Tivel ... if. . . i . pf-Chambersburg : O-a. .JdcCaiisland was in , -, :i "..u :5a.. ii n..u. hue children. J 1U til ll ' . g m "trar rrrrn "TTri -mv irrimnwi rabid v to-r..s.. '.T.'.rr. .. tt r- - - w " Dahr-land was in command of sucU a butti!j not at a pro&$ pops when-tncy. burned Cham- ihey, will undertake it.. Buttbre is one He i3 a depurate ind fero-j thing tbat deserves ntAlce : Ocn Huat.r t&a.'rebtil troons a cious freebooter, ready -at ,uy time to vi olate the usages of honorable warfare, in cr jer to grafify his daik and ra aliquant pasbioos'. ... After he had taec. formal possession- of the tow.,, h made a proc- lamatien demanding $100:000 iu-gold.- ft w2S, of course,-, impossible comply with .such a demand, no (Imihk mA- confident expectation, of its faliure; and .- --. ; - .i as sure of itsaff-rding a pretext to-execute the prenjedita ed plati for destroying Chambcrsburg. The valuable portion of the merebaiii dise having beea removed, added to the rage and disappointment of the rebels, zrxl -.vhea thus inspired the order was is- Until t lire tbeO'iirt House, Town Half ' and B nk-ibuUdinga. A 'strong breeze friievjtUniisf, ctuwmini Ttp snrroundilitr buildings, uiwinw. ana -paxiitH., oi si.JierB iiavin - v.c - - o and chenjical ftoreV, had nianufkcturcd a quantity of tiiirieutino. balls which they incited and threw iu all directions, thus creating as rofcny different fires in difli-reut localities, which soon waited in one general ccuO.agration. . . Speetlil, the scene became heart-rending and roost appaling. The crackihg and roariu of the flames as they leapen to house, tho shrieks Of torri- andpanic-stnekeu and sulfer- the pittiful appeals dt tnc ,v ,t on.t h. y -)rA heard auove the - AnurflWinn but nil io no . .... nitiiv.; a w;tKnut t.rotes tiVlW V yfpv avsvii. i iibniwus uv, x ting, 43rniitt9d to th plundering 01 mo stores'- and onlv appealed to the mefey of the fee but nothing could appease the butoher and incendiary McCausIand. Two hundred and sixty-five of the must valuable and prominent public and pri vate buildings have beea destroyed. Tbey fired the town, as rear as cau now be as certained, at 1 lo'elock A. M., and remam ei ;ust jollg enough'to seo tbe flames spread ' - i ' i tauJ get proper headway, when the alarm was givtt. that .A verill was approaching the town. Instantly every free beoterj' iU,u'c1?1. u:V. vuauini. wus in his saddle, and took the mid hur riedly to St Thorn, with. -General Aver- ill, m pursuit. Ihp arrveti in a ' Special -tram -r from Hie We?t( about 12 oVJoek, and immediately called1 upon tb? cittzous to take op arms without t'ne formality of a muster. 'Jhe Churoa bells .weie toil oil and the residents- were generally making arrange- p. meuts to comply with thf request of the executive aud .vigilance ' committees. Anns"and' amurtw ition will, be furnished them, and places will bo found them in tbe intrenchmentx wi:b or without oilic:r. -1 o'clock 1. M. An- immense meeting rtf citizens has ju.-t been held at the Court- Ht,uc here, Gen. Cameron presiding. .''.'be greatest enthudism prevailed. He Kanize the uevuL A t!Ummitr. nf S.if.-! ty was nppoinU'd. lljrtiul law was cal i111"- rbo de.slre tho public tranquili hd. The citizens resolved to shoulder! r3' Thcrcf re v, c c;m si-eak the more arms and make : a. firm ttaud if tbe enery.r frerly.- .. should lidvance. - , i ?J ---rr rTn'i-ihr-f in' tAs. l.'-rtf Ar ufit h more entered PcnuM'lraniu. They .Hccfi- pa.l Chambeijjbur at $ A. M., to day with oavalrv-aad avtilicrv. A few bour will d velop th-ir force and intentions. It is possible their movements may be di rected against this ciy. In view of Mich a contingency, I. there lore, call upon the people of Jiai l isburg and vicinity to or ganize at onc to defend their homes. Arms and ammunition will be delivered to deb organized company upon abdica tion to the Adjutant General. No inii-tcr into the service of the State or of the Uni ted States will bo required. A. G. "CtfRTis. plans or t:ic enemy. ltncztei July 0. Most of Chnm- Ibersburg is sajd to bo in ashes, and titree thousand people are thereby rendered houseless. A ri:U. tovwints heeling is intended by Brcvkinr.de, who relhsj imkhi rvttrf n mg by the way of tbe 'Kanawha Valley. in uio meantime, lvingsireaK a to tiueut ea Washington, wfiilu Gen. list) ly- hold. the Valley. Our military authorities aro in posses sion of the e tacts, and t e attempt ol the raiders will n Uoubl bo etLctually defeat ed. rihii trior, k Jny Si). Yesterday mor ning rtagerstuwn was still occupied by Aver ill's and Cole's caualry, but.ull the stores were closed and business entirely suspended. No- pers-'m was allowed to leave Hagorstowu in either direction with out a pass -f rom the military ,antbo ities. No rebels had made their appearance on the Maryland side of the rivet, between Williamspoi t and M riper s Ferry, but it was reported at Hagcrstown that th. v were concentrating thtdr forces ot ishep ardslO'.vu. ArrrAL roit Tut kelief of ti:e cuambeks- BU.tO PiiOPLE. Cimbcrsburj, July 31. The follow ing lias just been issued by a coniiiiittte ot citizet.s : ''Appc d to the Benetolent Citizens the N,rtX" On the morning of the 3'Jtb of July, ISti'i, the rebels, under the com mand of McCauJand, with a force of about ol):-! nun, entered Chambersb arg, Pa., and demanded tlVft buafbfd tbriuund .K.llni-t vw i- Trf.r'i tlii i h'iiin! iitnloi it,,-.... ..( I r. tne town. 1 lus requisition was in writn g and was signed by Gen. Jubal Earl'. Ii is now established by indispensable proof that this demand was a mere pretext on the part of the marauders to cover a pur- po.e formed before they reached the town to burn it to the ground, without givinu any time to remove private property, and scarcely time annugh for the citizens to remove ' their- families. They, fired the bou!-ej of our citizens in perhaps fifty places, Upwards of 250 houses in the Heart ot tho to.vn were cpiistimed, including all the comparative wealth to absolute poverty. Mauy families have lost all the'rr bcddin and aU their clothtnir. excentsueh as tbev . , their persoiti. Tbe loss will be ' a i j laigcly over one .million of dollars. With ut aid from abroad there will be great j Wheeling, do not deserre credence. It is possible to accomplish bunt out of our Hue- southward many families for aiding ami yrapathiziijn- h'j tbe cesstonists in arms. Now the i ch ela Ibreaten to raid oa CcmbcarUnf! n.rl 1 lue Vpos ot retaliating Ce t P"?rty of Union Xhe-e is much ecitftment here; Report it : . i - , . " fcM..., ud mm uau oriasrts betwpn hrc andnjherry run are ara a.rj,in Kr.,. eued v.iti destruction. m On tlie line oi the' railroad vre have iron ciad cars tbat are eonstautly tent out oa a sort of ree annoisancei .: Genevel K.lly is active.' as u.uab- and ei mined to tVnd his lines ve as he can with what !vtr ..a. ro ne under ins coiitryi. A 1 Kiiy vt ri ? 4 4i foHXte 1 al TT". in Hiw Vii KCtibn, bat of daf4e.. 1 - arv"f. Tlno uiort lh.i await tS n'Svmn ... th - . o .u pcb.ible their intention. - EXCITfcJIEKT AT PITTSBi'ItfJ. Pitltter:?, p.t July a. ltenM en. citement exwta here consequent upon the news of the rebel iiivasion of Pcnn ylva nia THE PEXCE OF . YOliK CITY That iibJe and independent journ al, thf New York Freeman's Journal, in com menting upon the letter of rqin'onstrauce of Mayor Gurjiher agaiust withdrawing tho organized militia from the' city of New York , ssyS : No man who take the pains to con verse with tho peojile can mutako the threatening aspect of . affa'u-s. Trais bv the vast body ol day-ltibJrers with their wives and. families. Let us come to nkil led mechanical labor. A few days ago, an expert ship-carpenter, earning extr wage; Oil being praised to know how' it was firing with hottest labor, acknowl edgedr .Almost with tears iri his eyes, aa 1 as if it was a blatter of Shsbue, that he could not properly take care of his fami ly. Ii J that his wages wa thres and a hirf-doliafa a day, but he' had a i ii; :... i..t. plainest clothirJg for hls-fanlliy and him- jself, he said he had not enough left t feed his bouseholdVhQ hsyi.. to. Resort tu expedients to huyjfih, not of the most whoJJgne kiridyCa Hho' stuff he bbughvfot ebffefrwS nor c1Tee, Vut mta; him sick, 2'id lie had gi'en it ' up, &'c. H6w, theii, is it with taborers at less wafs? -. I hose with lamihes ' who, at, living rates, are the most quiet, must bu worse off. Those without families or re sponsibilities are always readier for mis chief ' New York city, is; this day, without knowing'it, restiug on a thin crust, with. ja trrrible volcano beiietlth it !" Our paper, in this City, circulates and ie:id y Amopg those who are lnends j bTijcetion to the calling off the ndlitia, ou the ground of public peace Might he not, have put iu the p?ea for the 'militia inen,Joii a Mher g?ot?Cd, that they wern not icUiinj to o, as we well know, aud that they were not 1lAAv ? The militia are, ?r?!ced, tho proper pro tect;ou of a free State, ami v.'c hold Uat j every -jcpau itirt by law exempt, ought to h euro! led and ai med not to be march ed out of the Statf but t preserve-' law atiil comtnon rights within. A general arming of tho whole militia, 'including the body, of the people capable of bearing arms," Avlll-.bo our only protection. Tho law abiding character of the mili tia already organized in this city needs m to .be vindicated . Nevertheless, it i to be. remsrnbtred, that the grievances of the timed boar ou them, as on othora , for tcy are ii . t, generally, of the wealthy classes. Their wives and chili iron hoed fuel and meat and brca-i, like the families of the rpst of the people. They" 'aire part of that very people on wncrm tiie" roan Its ot hlii war anifc Jbtri.iuing to press s y ' jCofoc anf tea "atiit aVigar' a so Lttuv;- are also 1 very grateful t the tastes of ntiTiti.nmi u and heir fitnd'dos, as well as to the tast. of other people. TJto tens of thousand of returned soldiers and their families aro not very ditfercnt iu this respects, aii if depriveit of things they have heretofore ljoked oti as neccssari. s, it may be diul"t ed whether they will. find a full sat Ufa tiou for the loss in the thought that a f.; vored" class - a shoddy class a class pro fiting by vhe .sorrows of the country -aro heaping ur enormous fo-rtnnes, "whi'e the families ot toil areaporoachmg starvatior. -It is well for prudent men, who have much to lose, to look these thing in ta face Efery day this war is cminuod accumulatoei tew rnilions of ptiWc debt ! In othfr word destroys .-inillKma woith of common pTejAerty, And impoVerishcM, uioro and more, the people. The day will come, when all this'will reach it point beyond -which life itxelf i no lenrger tolerable ! The course of true wisdom, w trft'iTcsee the danger, and to 0;jProvide agafinst rbv fto&fly of altera p ted coercion when the moment of agony comes but by preventing. tbe disconten and alleviating the nii.ery Wforc hand The question wift'sooa be pea-.'e, or p;U pablc ruin 1 From The Uppfk Potomac. It ap pears from U, S. papers received la.- tiight of the 2d inst., says the Richmond j Sentinel of the 4th, that Chambers bur; has been burned by the Confed rates-- Cliambersburg is the county seat of Frank lin county, Pennsylvania, in tha YaaW of the Couececheagne. a trrHrt try of th-ft-Potomac. It is 22' iiiilc frcin Hager- town, Maryland and . 42 frotTtr JIafriisburg. ! 11 e'd.iins population of rfburt Z,0Q, and ws a flouriihin.ylace. A- -(i.2atcb from - Ilarriibirg to the Washington InbTZigencer. dated A Ugust 1, says tlie Confederates only numbered if SO cavalrymen. Thoy occupied tbo town but two honrs. They arrp tha,t A verill came np with the rajrferf eight rhiles South of McConnelsburg, '-afnd whip- pea tnem handsomely." At the latewt accounts the Confederates were believed to have crossed the Potomae. Tub Sacramekto av CHERBotJn DitPAUTUjtE of'tjik NjAttaA. A correj pondent of the London Ihiffy jftrs says; "It has, believe, been already w-atioii-ed, that a soon as the Uriiteti States cor vette Saeraraento arrived in the port of Cherbourg, Jhe. Niagara, Federal frigate, whieh was therei at tht same time, put out to sea after a long conference bwtween the two captains. It is now stated that the object of the Niagria'n precipitate de parture was to look out for a Confeder ate steamer the General Lee, which ha recently beeu teen off the fdef intfdas, and will, it is thougljt, be fmioii somewhere on' tbe coast of Murope towards the fat er eud of this, rriontb. Tho I.ee is aaid-to bo a very tine yiia.tel; Well tinned and cora wanded " . . ' aaJ Fb m N weERs. We under.-1 a: id, riqs the i tftta Jaurnal, t iat the Yankees at Newbera are consider xbly excited think ing our force are grn tlpwpi -i - fj ' Lil' : u ' in.. v m ri'Miin Tf- v k r mm ch.i. w.rm win wnr if i iw jr- T - . J . . . . . . liens sicrcs are auuuvo o cioea.