Report cl O ' f'L AaSocitiOM18o4: -Entered according".. ActotCongscMrn the Sl- U-""", bv J- S. Thrasher, in the Clerk's ofiive of th'lisff-ict Court of Ths Confederate JHutcsi for the- Northern District of Georgia PjTF'.buu, Aug. 12. Northern dates to the.lQth have been received. Unoffici- nl dispatches 'claim- ft great victory for A v ri!l over McCausland and Iiradley tVhnson on the 7th ncarjMocrefield Har dy county Johnston and staff was cap Inrcd but escaped. He also ckimx 5 to Go9 prisoners, trains, colors, ar.d sin'ull urtns captured. , . The Commercial-Advertiser -pf. the 9th says tbst Sherman and Thomas both tel egraphed to Washington that Atlanta wi'l fall this week certainly. -A rebel wugo" ttaiTi, numbering S5 W.igtHv?, wis captured in. Loudon county. Nothing from the armykof the Potomac. Four expeditions entered 'Florida,., des troying the railroad, -burning .bridges and committing other depredatious. . . .. 1, --, Ikcinioxr, Aug, 12. BaltimoTO pa pers of yt sterday hav; been received. The Yankee cavalry have reoceupied Martinsburg. Sheridan report his forces thoving upt the Sheniandoah. -Valley against the enemy .V- Atonr .)'clockJnj VVednes dar.skirniishing$fc ejng xn , tea, miles, frra City,,Pointf.v It is assertft-J thaUStanton has tender ed his resignation, aod was promp'ly ac cepted by Lincoln'. .' Othor Cabinet changes are "reported; - bht i t " seems ' no doubt that the resignation of Stanton was in consequence- of a quarrel with Blair. '. " - Clintos, Aug .-11,' via. Mobile. 2th. New Orleans papers of the 9th received. Th'cy "Say 'the Tecumseh struck a torpedo rmrr:?ft Port ' Mnnin a.nd( went lou n im mediatelv. All on board perished, in- cluding the Captain, except 9, who are prisouers. After passing the fort, the! Tennessee came up witti three wooden vessels of the fleet, delivering a broadside, and still looking for the" Hartford, n ig amp, wiin raragnc on wan u. ine aio- 1 t , j . , ., , nongahela bore down and struck the Ten- i nessee amidship. The Tennessee and j Hartford thon got side by side, tho form- j cv pouring hill broadsides into the Hart- ui u poi uiuio, jiuiug, ia uis l run xct- ta sasrs, a fearful loss of life. Later the Lackawaunu arid others came up with Faraght, until the Tennessee surrendered. Papers report that Admiral Buchanan's ' leg will bo saved. lie told them he would ' le willing :o die two minutes afterwards if he could have sunk the Hartford. Lt. Conistock (Confederate,) and Lt. Preston, (Yankee) are both reported dead. Ittcnoxn, Aug 12 -A special to the Wtiy, from Petersburg, gives Northern news to the 10th. The rebnls were completely routed in fight at Moori-ficld, with a 'loss of (U0 prisoners, und were pursued by Averill f5 '. miles. liradley Johnson, hi stall', colors, ' artillery, trains' and a quantity of sma'll .inns were captured. McCausland" barely 'scapi'd. Johiisou wore no insignia oi rank ana suoseq ut'ntly cheapo I. Two campaign has opened actively in r ion.ta t - ss no i a - I'.d pi o.vccul-d vilu. iircat sue r I -.riioy. l!ll U'S from 'riTit or Shennuu Alt quiet in front oi r t ...v. ,i. At i. ant Aug. 12. T'urc Ins icen u..:. l. ..i. ; i.: ............. i. Ci . .. ...Mmiig u., ui cwcu.c iu.t o- ; ' ?lTho batteries on' Marietta Mrcct nnd ' cast of the St:ite road, opened upon the city at I o'e!o k this morning, and tinned to the present lime, striking a number of houses on McPonough street. ' "No. casualities are reported. t The enemy are repored still massing on . thelcn, but making ho cflort to extend j their right MoBrr.c, Aug. 12 Heaving firing is re ported at Fort Morgan on Tuesday and Wednesday. . To-day the telegraph wire was cut be tween the city and the front. - Two ves sels were ofT Tog river bar this evening. The bay .-horo is covered with the debris of Federal vessels. Large quantities of tar, pitch and tur ventine have been burned to prevent the viR'inv from coming un the river. Troims are arriving, and good leeimg ex- o -I . .. i-ts. Monir.E. Aug. 14. - Jl:i. Carroll, agent er the exchange of prisoners by Hag of truce, visited the fleet to make an effort j l..r the exchnngo ot the paiiphin Island j nsoners. raiTagnt stated -that the pris- ..,. ,, , , . f' - ,v l, nC 1 oners Mad been placed nt the disposal o; (Jen. Canby, and he (Farnignt) could do nothing with them.' Arrangements were I made to send packages to the prisoners 1 from their friends Gen. Maury has ordered the officers and KtJdiers to remove their families fur ther inltnd. All noncoinbatants are or- It icd to leave aud are busily, crossing tho j i iv m sigui. J liefe are heavy forces in North Mi s siMsippi. and theixdestination is reported to b,e Mobile. - , ; ... - - . . rETE9BPROAJU"f5- A bout 6 clock last evening considerable musketry firing and cannonading-' sprung up along tlie lines, and ws participated in by both side?; nothing more, Lewever, than thc- discharging of wet guns and small arms by both parties after the rain which pass ed over the city. , Atlanta, Aug. 15th--At a late hour . 3 tjstcrday evening the enemy attempted ,lO; drive in the pickets on our centre, but. after a sharp skirmbd, were repulsed. There was desultory firing along the lines throughout last night and to-day; but few shells thrown into the city. A body of. the eneftvy's cavalry dashed into Decatur this P. M., and moved in the direction of Cobb's ilills. A small force of infantry are" reported in Decatur. Their actions indicate another movement o"n our'right. Heavy skirmishing is go ing on at the centre this evening. Everything looks brighter and more hopeful than at any time since the jdege began. Kicumosd, Aug. 15 Baltimore papers of the 13th have "Been .received. Noth ing definite from the Shenandoah Valley. Jt is believed that Early is relreating bo nne me superior lorces advancing against him. A telegram from New York reports iht 'capture find destruction of 7 vessels, whom 0 liiiie.s toi'utheMSt'oj" Sandy Hook, ' hy the uew Confederate steamer Tallahassee ni J rotlVN "0-rtns brinarp- ng their pension, -with tho intention of making u a Use of operauons". . . - . '"" Guerrillas continue rer vcticc in Ken lucky. '"' - --- --- . .'r Stati-ton liao-,nt 1 i oij-urpn n as itot resigned ambt says, : "Hav 2Trted , aCCept LC wmUhe;Armyof.the rotao They rlatc not vohiTilaly relinquish it..' A petition is circulating in Ohio and other States re questing the postponement of - the draft until an attempt bo madVby ne-otintion to secure a peace based on a Constitution al Union. . . TJ11 Ht-rald thinks the time has arrived when the Administration, on behalf of peace and reunion, may advantageously open the door to an armistice and a Con vention of all the States. It'adyises Lin coln to send three Com misaipn eis to Rich mond. The Paris presses, under reserv an- nounce tho conclusion ef peace between G ei many und Denmark terms unknown Confederate loan still advancing. U. S. stocks further depressed. Petekskurq, Aug. 14. The enemv crossed w ith a division of 'cavalry and perhaps some infttntry to-thesorth side f the James river last night. -It is sup. posed to be only a demongtration while the real blow, if any is Intended Willjbe strutk somewhere vhip., Hey.canpon fctug, lmr vien" ltgai'g-tier ! jgjr'prtrefcfrast two days; proYcs that ah"e"tgagemeht is going oti "between our batteries and the Tie enemy are attempting to cut the carial across Dutch Gap or Turkey Bend, 20 iniles below Richmond at a place .7 miles wide and G-4 mile across. Our riv er battel ies opened on the enemy's work ing parties ard their gunboats respond ed. The object of th$ enemy in cutting the canal is to fl ink some of our river bat- . 7 ouulu' Mutroi uames luver irom i'etersOur. CP Some little cannonading and picket fir ing, but matters are quiet. t 1 ETERSBI7RGL Alls?. 1 i Th TTraM rf fi n , , nnt r . tne 1 1 th contains live columns etvinjran il,i.rtU account of a great Mass Meeting at which McCl.llan wan nominated br President. One hundred thousand people were pres cut. The Queen of England in proroguing parliament declared it to be the purpose of her Government to adhere to tho ncu- tralitv nolicv. The Herald says that Grant, when he visited Washington, left the army of the Potomac commanded by Butler and in timates that he wants Meade removed. The Herald says ifStauton ii removed BuMer will be Secretary of War. There arc indications of a san guinary engagement near Little Bock, Ark., (says the Meridian Clarion, 28th uit..) at no distant day. The enemy are g:Jhcring a'l their available forcos from garrisoned points on the Mississippi and placing them under Steele. Slocum's Yickiiburir raiders did not. disembark at Viflclnu r L.if nnvjbr.1 nn in-. fl,P .rivr to Stcolo On'.mf t.l.-. 10-r-n o, , ! I hyi c'oing in with their c ivalry, ! :md Churchill and others, with their iu- fautry, doubt in the proper phiee e.0 thjs Iu,Ced We should Hot be SUf- riscd if the 'h ovtT". Stecl. wiH UiaUe a rong cllort to itnve our torces ou irom the vicinity oi Ijuhc uock and Du-vall's Blu'f, hut in doing so he mov lose his fUwthold in Arkansas. Now is the time for cavalrv onoraunos against; Memphis, Yicsburg, Natchez, &c towns Lave bccn ncarly strippcd These :arly stripxcd of white troops for Steele. Terms of Peace. The Herald -lias the following on this subject : In his ultimatum, addressed "to whom it mnv concern," Mr. Lincoln lavs down down the- abolition of slavery as one of the terms of peace. Where did he get his 'authority for this? "What section of the constitution authorizes it ? When was the war for the Union transformed i i i t i 1,1. mro a crusaue against slavery r xy wnat right docs JVlr. lancoin presume to say that the emancipation of negroes is as much the object of this war as the restor ation of tlu Union ? What. party sustains Jlim in tis view of ttlG casc ? if tie s,ti wish to comQ h fc i(lto the Uuion .., , , . , 4 with slavery what party wm dare oppose . - ,11 tl,e,r return? J he Northern people care nothing about slavery. hat they want is the Uuion. Who wiil refuse to let them have that when the lay down their arms? rebels offer to ront Preparations for Defense. The romerv Advertiser of Sunday morn ing says Gen. Maury has telegraphed to Governor -Watts. tor every man that he can. send, The Governor promptly issued diis "proclamation, appealing to every man antLboy capable ot bearish arns. to report at once for the defence aLA&bile the rai litm are ordered to tiepomt of danger without delay.- The Governor will do all in his potver to save the Gulf City, and Alabama's seaport. The successful de fence of Mobile, which is the defence of Smth Alabama, now depends upon the ready response of the people ol the State. Reinforcements for the garrison cannot be .spared from the armies of Georgia or Virginia, or from any other point. The home people must, go at once to the com mercial metropolis, or sh will share the late of New Orleans, and then wliat part wiT be safe from penetration by the hated vandal foe ? The -SpringBcld Republican's "Washing ton correspondent speaking of the Balti more nomination says; There are those that feel that the nomin- tion of Governor Johnson, of Tennessee, is inconsistent with the doctrine on which both houses of Congress, and the two lead ing, political organizations of the country may finally rfgree that no electoral votes are ta he counted except from States rep--sented in the preseut Omgress. It is an anomaly in politics and' Government, that a man should be elected to the second of fice in the country who has no immediate constituency, and whose lellow inhabit itants will not be represented ia the bdy over which he is to preside. Gen. Payne is ruling Kentucky with t iron rod, lie has confiscated fifteen stores in Paducnh. Large numbers Irtyc been driven from their homes and tiuii propel ty cirlfificutctL "TOPINEfnABUY ON liny I'LAtf- We clip tha following paragraph from the'New "Eork Evening Post ; . , , :ifiv6 hi thro cotonttf:'p'$cis have l ivorcu thR miblic with ,aa oxtrairdicary . i t . j- i t ' j- v - that the soldiers have 'given their oQcers la understatfd that thy will hot in futaro assault etTrthworkf; they hint that the co!rcd troops were went .to make-the as-' sauU 1asi Saturday becanas jfcm white tri ops reftised'the post of honor and dan ger ; and they assert that a large numbr ef ofiicers among them five jjenerals- hare offered their resignations." As an excuse f r the bad co.d ict of the troops, the Post s.tys the men were impressed with the idea that the Coufede rares had mined fhe noxt lino of their works, and would blow them up, . and thcrerWe ihey would not charge upon tLem. .. " - Other United State3 papers lay the blanre of failure to the cowardice of the negro troops.. - - - - T.e fact; is indisputablc.nrs the Bich mond ifc'c ntind, that great demoralization exi?tg in Grant's army; and the "country papers'' are corrccs in their "statements. ..-Both whi ta a ndblack behaved Coward ly . The tatemeHt made by army cor repandQts of great loss in while officers of negro troops, showing that tk?sc oSS ceTs exhibited more courage than their loss of negrQivatesyi . compafiobn witttTl their white oniccra, was equally great as compared with tliloss of white privates to their officers.-. The fact is all white and black, officers" and men- behaved cowardly, as is well knoxvn to -both ar mies. " " ' " : Grant has lost most "of his veterans hy sickness, expiration .of term of service, and casualities suffered in the terrible re pulses he has met with in the present campaign. JJew levies and negroes now compose the bulk of his army, and they cannot be relied on. It is only since the veteran have been almost annihilated that he .has sent the negroes to th "slaughter pens." In the "battles of Spottsylvania,they were kept in the rear. He was afraid to trust them; and the disgracfaJ repulse he met with at Pet ersburg, wlien forced to rely upon them, establishes the fact that his fears were not groundless. The HDtieru 3' encamped cn the James are now suiTering fearfully from diseases in cident to the climate, and Which wit! bo increased ten-fold as autumn approaches. By removing them to the Upper. Poto m?c their health would be improved, but the facilities for desertion would greatly over-balance the advantages on account of health. Grant and his arm3' are near ly played out, and the question of who is to succeed bim,is already asked in the North. The Yankee picket on the Rap idan, last Spring, wa right, when, in answer to a question from a Confederate a to their object in changing the com mander of the Federal army, he said, fjiuVt ''Grant was getting too big, and Line in h id sent him over for Gen. Lee to hrt him down a button-hole or ;wo. The Cincinnati Commercial of the 20th announces the-h ath of (Jen. Daniel Me aid S;lV. iiVll.a at t!lO iWKtf'IH O i. is brothe!, t'ol. George W. "McCo"k, la tSteubi nvillc, Ohio, at two o'clock p. m., Saturday It will he remembered that he was shot through, just below iho light shoulder, in the assault upon Ken c-saw Maun tain, oh the 27th of June.- When the torribie nature of the wound is considered, the woiulor is, not that he is dead, but that he lived s. long, travelled so far, and was so hopeful of recovery. The Peril of the Capital. Milledge- iilc escaped falling into the hands of the raidcr.s, only bythc skin of its teeth. The train containing troops from tin place, sent to protect the Capital, passed Gordon only a few minutes before he Yankees obtained possession. Had they been a few minuses earlier our forces vou"ld have been intercepted and Millcdgeville would have fallen a prey to the spoiler. Napoleon once observed that battles were lost and won in a few minute, and in this instance" tlie Capital of the State was saved by the enemy being delayed let's than a quarter of an hour. Had they hurried a little faster, -tho. lnet few miles on their way to Gordon, we should have suffered the mor tification of seeing the Capital of the Fuv pire State in the possession of the vandal too. Military men should take care of the minutes.' and tlie hours will take care of themselves. Mncon Covfederte. Trite, rut Treasonable.-A relig ions pamphlet recently published in Phil adelphia, saj-s : "The Agio Saxon rac.e of men to get territory to which it has no claim, makes treaties to plunder those who enter into them, breaks them to get lands, then blows the helpless to 'atoms becanse they dare to remonstrate and seek self-preservation by force of arms, pro fesses to be the measenger cf peace, yot carries a. sword ever warm with the blood o ijts owh immediate kindred. Within the hast three years it has 8lin a million ad m a contest between broth- iiilv a half of men ers of one family. Riot in Washington. There vtas quite an extensive riot on Capitol Hill, Wash ington, lust Thursday. Some 20 or 30 soldiers from the Lincoln IIosplta)aattack ing a number of colored men. For a time the affair threatened to be serious, stones, brickbats and crowbars being extensively used. FinalPjra colorrd man got an axe and mad an assault upon the so? iiers, killing one ard wounding anothai, it is believed, mortallv. Tlie j-tfh.iers final by set fire to the shanties, and some half dozr en of them were burned. The poliece at 4est succeeded in quelling the riot, and made many arrests. - An Honorable Man. Col. "McCan dless, otHarrisburg, Penn., having been offered hy Gov. Curtin the appointment of Brigadier Gneral, in a letter to the Adjutant General declines the proffered j honor, and sa s : " The post of honor, as ths war is now conducted, is in remain ing a private citizen." Col. McC. is pres ident of the Keystone Democratic Club, of Harrisburg, and a gentleman of intel ligence and high character Gex. Eitward Joussos. Mnj Genera, Edward Johnson, recently at Char! estonl arrived in Richmond on Tuesday, looking in excellent health and roiuilioji, and ap parently reidy to resume his valuable ser vices in the field at a moment's notice. General Jeff Thompi-ou i. a)"-o ui llich- GCSdlaM Uotb'S rtierraiice, '9-70 ITS 23 --25 H 811--; '1r L. 1. k rnurr t-i .stie. ......4 ticaaforf, Uladen, - - -es4 316 637 127 510 5 JBriinswiclci Buucombo, Cnhirru?,- OaracTeM, Carteret, Catawba, Chatham, CapibeilaBd,; tOlG Cbrokse, - ChUTVan, Clay,- Claarclaad, Columbus, - Craven, Currituck, Davie, Duplin," - Davidson, Kdgecombe,. Franklin, F-urgytfa, Gaitoa, Gatea, GGilford, Granville, Green, , Ralifar. Harr4tt; " " 279- 523 , 26 4 IT SI 7? 100 113 12fl 373 1377" 330. 74 '204 -3- Ilendtfi'un, 12P3 HerifonJ 190 81 4SS -3 I 288 JLft'- fl3- Varolii Madison, .. .29 Martin. 22 MeDowcU, , 723 Mexklenbarg, -42o Mitchell, -':"' Monofnerr, 72T. Moore, " 1060 Xash, 317 New Hanover, 287 Northampton, 385 Ora.ige, 1151 Onslow, - 342 Pasquotank, 163 Perquimons 85 I't'rson, - 653 Pitt, 64D Polk, Uandolph, 1357 Uovran, 1345 Richmond, 634 Kobesoo, 931 RockiDgbam, 699 Rutherford, 1147 Smji?on, 4fi4 Stahly, 743 Stokes, 653 Surry, 68 Transylvania, .... 13 120 . 2d2 1237 29 ST'i 293 20 13' 101 22- ' &5. " 407 31 320 273 " 257 ' 701; lo : si - - est . 5CS ". ;734,;. 12oi. 4 ' 714- 14 620 1311 511 360 946 778 869 396 443 7S 4 63 196 119 149 378 171 178 3 1 Tyrrell Urfiioa, Wake, Wavnff, Warren, Watauga, Wilke?, 65G 269' 70G 174 417; 4 S3 4G 4G4 G2f 70 466 58 714 ' ii"'3'?ie - "19 274.' :r - ,- .827 i 223 49. ;:Wiv'; Si w m - ...... -27S -r y?&& ' "Hi . J3 .J"..- , :..-mi;it)sea:::;ri 132 123 61:" '.'aSTir- " - 65; Vti ' - 4&7 ' imy :., ",952 8 37S ' 244 'V- fli S' : -6(iC , 4ZT-.. ( 49 : 2tn 1H1 v 66 - "1889; ies r. . 234 :'-.. ? - . 172 - seiv. :iir ioi 230 V625r'' - '. 35-! lira- . 1497 1271 850 134 765-.' 15 338 V0 432 436 395 94 53 V 423 1G15 isa 1172 714 Wilson, Yadkin, Yancy; 52.S33 , 20173 Majority, East Tennessee. This --fruitful re gion, (remarks the Bristol Gazette of the 1th insL.) could now be occupied by a small force, from all accounts which come to us by way of the West. Gen, Vaughn's brigade of ttiat sections of the Sta'e could now take it and hold it. That command has been almost decimated by hard mar ches and battles. Ivor this reason they ought, to bo sent to thJr om State to -If i v"c our the f-T'frtL-aj bushwhacker- remaining. s ct.un. they could .it t!i;r I d r:iiL: a-am. Ucsid II .1 MOVC- mcnt on Sherman, and won' relieve At lanta. As long as the Yankees hold Fast Tcnncsse and navigate the Tennessee river from Huntsville, ATa., to the rich bottoms j of the French Broad and Chncker," Sher- , J ' mau can feed li'.s army. YVt: humbly say I i. i v? ii x 1 i.: :n I'j an oiucers, iois is iniy, -nuu uiitj wmi prove it. Take Last Tennessee and Sher man retreats give it to them and he stas at or iu Atlanta as long an he de sires to. Marmuduke on the 24th ult., destroyed a transport near Skipwith's landing. He had the boat beached in order to save the women and children, and then burnt her. We learn, also, that one of the marine fleet struck a snag and sunk in drc1) wa tr, carrying down, it is s-yid, -some six hundred soldiers and th -ir hor.-es. It is thought that stirring news may soon be expected lreui Gen. Price and his gallant command' , Clii'on Citizen. i . - : ' A Letter of Wasoington.- A letter written by Gen. Washington, acknowl edging the freedom of , the cilj of New vork, which was voted to him. was sold jn that city for $2,250. ' There are now nine thousand rebel prisoners in tiie. barracks it Rock Ldand, Illinois, and five thousand three hundrt-d and seventy-seven at Cmp Dauglas, Chi cago. There are alo jseven hundred at Alton. Thus there ia a considerable Rebel army in Illinois. . " ' Eaklts Results at -SfAKTtysBCEG.V-A "Vasbingtoii writer says i samciej,t , AatejdaTTo juruLsh their array for a perhofgmoiiths, 'and probably for a ioiiger'' time, alf'of which, invalnable ti the interests of the rebellion, have been carefully and leisurely gather ed up by the Joe and transported to Rich mond ' .. . 44$ . LT ; - y fkoit Texas. A private ".otter from Texas says that the prospect of a heavy crop in that part of the Confederacy is promising. It alio states that the people are in fn.c spirits and. the Yankees hate neaily all left the Texas coast . Augusta Vkron. and. Bint.'' " The latest novelty in London-and Paris is the photograph letter signature. Nrto- and letter sheets are now grrtton up with miiiiatur'e oval "thoton-i aph ot the person rising them aCiiicd to the right hand lower covoerofthe last page, after the wrds, Very truly yors," w hich ar printed in the usual place Ther" are get ting to be quite as fashionable as the carter de visile ' MitlTAKT rCHAKurs. "Maj. Gen. Maury, of Mobile, has been Ordered-. to take command of the Darptnient of Alabama, Mississippi, and Ea?t LouisiaBa a place mide v aca n "by Oen. S. D. Lee being aligned t the command of HofIs COTps in t?e army of Tennessee. JGen. Miggins succeeds Gen. .'Jaury in the Hcbilc District. Augusta Chronicle and Sentinel, A fev days after Gen. Hood assumed the command of the Army of Tennessee, be. tvith his staffs visited all the hospitals at Atlanta, and the result of his strict in spectioh was a return of fifteen hundred men to the rrout. Rain. After a protracfed drougth, which was beginning 16 have ft very inju" rious effect on the crops in thjs sect ion wc were bWsed, yesterday afternoon, with a c-pioijf s'.ower of "in. . COIlIlECTLD U Y 1 V. l.TJTT. " Aug.. 16. 1851." U icon & 4- co y. it. i rK...... ..... Lird it reevrax R ntfr . C Un (g) 4 It ...... r2 M $r fl .:...-......-.v.-.r...2 7o - ...6 00 -- ' Tt 1 50 1 74 V , , lfv o(rS7 ft ............. f 18 O 4u -btraeh. Angles & Tepclieg ?1 50 lb Ct!V?o v....... kG tt'Mi ram Sc ...... .... 1 7a , do f? k tract " Jjogrood Fl iur ...... 5 R S6 To $Uo (fjlCO barrel t rseer 12 60 n 13 C ? busei -i?-dclri-.'r....... STOl.ia 5) w bondred Jl y 10 60 t htto.ird. SI-Hcks ' $10 00 -tMiundred "tainCorn -$'18 -CO m 20.00 ) busljsl fWhcat :...V..:.... ? 25 00 bushel '-'"-- 'Rri.. ........ 15 0 S20 -Iwsliel - Oats S10 00 V bv.jhcl ' ...' 17 21 OO'hiishAl II iej Green. 2 3 00 "9. lb D'rv.... T CO 3 0 4 50 V 'lb ....... IS CO p. lb 15 00 V- & 50 00 p ga3on ....50 00 i-VcsHon ?.tlher -l?nner Sole iu uors-rCorn Whiaker. Ap;le and Porch Brandy M-hiisos X la 17"Z'L- ..- - 3 50 t5 4 no ib ..,j..r- 20 -Go i bn?hel 4S 10 00 p bn?hl .. ..... w.'et ''.".7.;:1 lvi( e' Sdar - Sltr-.eiS. CO -r bnah:! $1 00 V .'lb 10 f? Tl. :.....'..;.'Family Bar 2 00 ) fu .-.5 00 V lb Tt::et Hpi -itsTwrsentine 1-.....3 ftO gat. FaiettefUIe4.4 SheeUoil SO" 3 GO T?-Yr.rH .Sail '$33 00 i ? bushel 2 50 300t? lb .; oo. 8 oo ib - Wool - t-" Awri-4Cihy i.164. eeTt)aTaArlHBHBigrer1tte 'reqUeiat, an ,wt few.ea-3ih-. to. luarr? Wt quote; on ths hoof at2 2a tr 2 .75 per lb. ior Hat meat, as in tjnaiity. Bac.oti soils from carts at from 4 fcJ 4 r per lb. for ho round.. Beeswri.-c, 3 t? 3 50 per lh. " But.ter 7 to 8 per lb. Corn sella at ay ner-ou?iiLi. vorn aieai w e cnot rsm 112 the granaries, in the s!ail way, at 25 per f bush!. EgpfT, 3 ou to 1 p?r doze. Flour 24 I ShifH sales from store lurin,sc the w?ek at 170 j to 1 75 per bbl. l';j- sn&erfine. Potatues W ', -Irish to 12 to 15 ; S weet; 31 per bushel. Poul 2 ; try CLickans 3 to 5, and grown fowls 7 to . 8 each. -. Iiee Clean, 55 to 60 .cents per lb. b 17-4 j the "cask. Salt We quoto Sound made from j utoru at JO ,to 35 per bushel, as in quality. j Sugar Brown' 6 75 to 7 per lb. Sheeting t ayetreviuc-iactorY, a 7a to. 3 per yard. Spirits Turpentine "Nominal at 6 to 6 per :"al. Tallow 3 t3 50 por lb. Yarn. ..By the bale, 30 to 3'2 50 r er bauch. MONEY MARKET. Th ore No saks to re port in bond oo for the. week. There has bcn a fair enquire for specie, and rates have advanced- The foljowing are the quotations which tho brokers are now paving : Conf deratu bonds, 1SG8, 98 j do. 1877, 113 ; do. 1SB1, 115. Gold 19 ; silver 18 for one. Exchange 18 to 19. Bank Xofes Xorth Carolina. Georgia, 2 50; Virginia and South Carolina, On"". - 1 50 tor S.C. Troasurv Note?, 1 15. Four per cent.. Gi 'jrtiticate?, 60. 7 30 Notes, BO. WW ADVERTISEMENTS. OFFICE TOST QrACTI-:R3IASTER, Ql AHTSRjlASTER, ) il District, N. C.. :, Nr. C Aug. 15. ) 4t Cotisri-essloiial FxVYLTTEVILLE 't'o Hie Farmers of tlte Jom- e-i-e.j.io2iiil JIwtvit. TAX PAY'ERS who have paid their Ta in blind to Army Qr. ilr's or , Cotnuiiisa rie, r any officers Commanding a Company of Troops, etc., uj Lj--LJ Agent, etc., will forwu'd the", rece'uts- to mo and I will credit their estimates tor the same. - - . J. M. McUOWA.Y, Ca 't. & Post Q M. 4 tli Cong. Dist. N. V. Tiolice to Coopers. TWISt to make a contract on the art of tlie Government, for 100 C YPKUS, JU.VI-l- ER or RED OAK barrels, to hold dorghum Svrnp. The .barrels must be good. ! Khseiver, .Presbyterian, and Wilmington ' Jotirnal e: 1 e!'.l bit' t (::pt. ilcGowfin. I F YOU V A -NT to Vll C.T.RVi flglliL-Jps. jour teeth be iUiu to buy cVjw iijr tobacco of ISAAC HOLLTNGSWOirriL lf.5-4t 8 rccciveu ai ? a tine assor v. it ;u,.t ij incite TUST received at No. 17, Iaiket Square, . tment of Linen rupee, wide, a very dusiralue nr ticle,sni'table for Trimining. Hindings, Skiits. Ed; at ;ius:i, &.c, to be seld at ; low price; call (tf) 17, Market Square. rpiIE UNDERSIGNED is duous to pur- chase a lirstrate POWER PRESS, in good working ;rdcr. Apply atnso to P. J. SINCLAIUj -158-tf Ed. North oTai(liaian. IV'v Boolts ! 'cw SJooKs I rjniIE FOLLOWING popular orks 4iave jj jit been received at i7, -Marlsct SQitarc, "EAST LYNNE" or The Earl' daughter, by the nnthor of -The Heirs of Ashlev," "The E'ail'o Secret," The Red Court Farm, r:c. TLi.s viork lns just teen bued froia the Viess and has a deserved popuhuity. "MACARIA," or " Alters of Sacrifice," a few more numbers f tv.s great Novel have ai rivel. "M IS TRESS AND MA 1 1)," a f ist receiver!. A!-o the Illustrated Now.-: eon tabling a portrait, of (Jen. Hood. The "Mer cury" is received weekly. Alao tho Maguolia W.Vkly. " lu7-tf NSW IViUSlC. THE SOTTTH. Words bv the lamented Captain S. LkUOY HAMVJND, of tho EiKaw Regiment, Muslo bv P of: llewetr JtlE AWAKE MOTIIEft. A repW: to the ever popidar 'Rock me to Sleep, Mother.' Word? by Mrs. Stratton, Music by Joseph' Hart iJenck. Dear Mcjicr, I've Coma ome to. Die; 'Thy No One to Love ? . S. tf .Spangled .Cos3 and Pare Field of White. U'willi iMr; Jilag. : - The ujijfhei-n Crosi, . . - SouffierB Soldier IJoii :". '" " - All (fuhtU; Aloiifr tboVoCi'ac To-Night; Hoik me to Sleep Mutber.- - - My Wife and Child. ' Kathleen Mayourneec. r Viigifiia Marseillaise, ( Frepth and English wrd. ) FareTrell lf-ficliliting Hope. No &hirrst?er.- ' H.rp of the South, Awake! GotHi-tJye, Sweetheart, Good bye. Mother Oh! Sing me to Re t. The March of the Southern Men. Love Me Musical Souvenir, containing thr',e Songs. In addition to the above, t h'i following new pieces have just been received: Prav Maiden Pray; Auta lca; I lleraeinber the Hour; Standard Bearer; Mary of Argyle; Morning Prayer. jZt!'"Particuh-r attention is called to tpr col lection of "Music- Qdl at No. 17, Market Srpiaro. 145 -tf MISTltESS AJiD MAID. JUSTRECIEYED a few more copies of that excellent NYEL a-t No. 17, Market Square. 66 M' 1STRESS AND MAID" a nousehold i'tory, bv the Author of "Jobs Hal ifax UKNTLEStlS. . . "The Ogilvies," "HeAD or the FAJiiLt. " N'drmxG New," "Aoathiv's Hcsbavo," &e., ie., &c. Just received and For Sale at the Store unK&r the . . June20-tf CAROLINIAN OFFICII". - .. WRIXIO PAPJGK. JUST received and for tale, a superior aiti cle of ... Ttoi.3 s&iid Letter Papcrj i tinnioally cheap, at the store under the j Ju.,e20-tf CAROLINIAN I OFFICE. '"" ' -.-- - . - - - ...5 , Of-"Deceased OiTiccrs and H-A tilers. vTiLSOX, "N. C, 2 vane 2nb, 1864.. '1 JTE UXDERSJONED hs been, appointed J J a Ce;umi5Riotf to uf stijrate, rolloet no ti.r over to- the"rart:es entitlea tner' to. trims fo4uR-rrjafrcs"oj,p8 v ajid ailow,- fieere.and okUere frdri-tbfs tate. ' Tl parties entitled are rstl the rido of the fleceascd. if anv. if tbro be no widow th'n. efndly, thectildor children, U there besnrh. if there bo neither wlttar or ehiblrcn then, tuLdlv. th father, if there be. neither widow. hi"u, e'WMren o'r fstiief then, foirthly the mother or the deceased, and in cefut oi aI o theso then, fifthly, the esecutor cr adinltiiitta- tor ot the deceased. JTheclRirrant rlrrfaimanta mustfu Ih his. her or tE77TWrTl.1 aCwlixt of on diidnter estei witness a r to the- relation!?!;. nd ii frrr ca?ea. where the cl irvt is not tb widow i - - , " -.. . ' ' I ant or cl$.jn:ants of a higher :r jr The tice of the Pease be:ri.vrhon the aHitlavi i ?nbseribcd rro-t certify to- the credibilitv of tli' oiuuq ui 4rtrr. (. iiviti i i v ne t.x I: - lJ -flVV u l n "LI ui- I witness, and 7Jerk of the t'ountv Corrt ronst certify, under the sea" of th.' Ccuit,;tLst he if j JosGee'of the iJeac?. : If Ike aire nt or claims jafc be a rli!d or cjiildrcn of the deceased, ard h, fh".or thev ne nnnors, the. cliiini must -ho rrpoutd by hin, her or their cwardinn. arv., th? fa t of hb bejn;r gnaMinn raust be cc2-ti:i4 to under seal of the Cyantr Court fTierlt. . - v oen tb CiRi-n is br. nn Ttecutoc or 1 administrator, the fact" f xkb esecutorship or f administratoisbip must be iesr'tind to. and-r seal Ly the CToa:rtv Court trrk. - . -.s tl - I T i ... .77- ?r ... t7- Any p?r-?n !I.-?ctl io'ere'-t-d will b farni-h- ed, rx-en wprlicctien'v VLtL s frcrter forfts eavli: funtv Court rietki,,- oT ah'ta aifeStjeBse, . rarties intreFtod mithr nrrtterially.aid rce in tht inrvestigotionflf Tnerr Claim, ff at the time of foi WTardinE fheir iwcer t me. - tber Tt411 in- forni Wee of the dat pi' the death.of th dectas- ea, wnero he died, WP kiuert, whether ar not theyor any one for them, have received the personal eli'ccti which dceeasoi hrd w ith him at the tims of his death,' and flisther or not the fleceased if a noj-commissioned o piivate, had ever received the State's officer or bov.ntv. It i,? very desirable that all claims ishou'd bo j torwardi'd at as early a "day as mnv be practb cable. In all cases, give tire claimant a' Post! O.lice and County in full, 2 JXO. A .STANJ.Y, CoinraisPi.'iner. 123-tf TO TBE FRIEXDS OF THE S lid) SERS QtAttTEKliASTtlt GkXEHAL PlMWK TMEST. ) KaII.ROA r.l.KEAU. " KiertmoNl), Feb. 20h, 1SG4. ""fHE nriends and relative!. f soldiers in I the Army of Northern Virginia are hereby noiiHed thn an nrrangmeiit has this dav Per a' elTected wlih the SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPANY, to carry all pack ages of food aud wearing appa.rtl to kith mond.Va. To fecure the advantages thus obtained through the expreM company the following instructions mustjae observed ; Faakages must not contain more than bandied pounds; be well secured, and daialv marked, and sent at the expense of the siipper to either of the SoMin.s' Relief! Associations, wliich are located as follow f: In North CaroVina. at Ralei-!; in Souih Carolina, vt Colombia; in Oreorgia, at Au gusta; in Alabama, at Alonlgonnry ; cr nt my other point at irbich one of these As eciations have an offrce. The Agents of these spocialions will there take charge of them,'nd fhip daily, by Southern Express Company , to the prop er Airents of the respective States at Kicli- munu, ""y, ww. - ut u -v, .uv To meet the wk-hes of the soldiers, and to1 give them a certain und ppeedy coimuiiuica- . Hon with home the Southern Express Com- pany has agreed ro give thi-freig it prefer euce over everything else : and in.- order j .hat -no olisimsle.may-ocenr to the- piiccrs" ol -ktu!aBl an enterprise, the fcvoral i Kailrov'l Ooiapanies are hereby requested , to rei dr the Express Co3Jny-sm;b lacili- j tiesis MtJUt- lal ili arrange-1 mu'iit 'iwpoirn!?f tiiccoj, . - . T As tiv: S-.-Jljern Bvprcss OoJlipai.y OS- 1 ,), all recjn.i.sibiUt v of Ihe trail -T-oi ta- Ion of tiioce puk... (he relief A'OCT-, ?,.ns are rcpiV to witbd-nw their ., acted as-tra-vc!- n g messenger.. V the Khet Association ; vvil! establish agencies m the rear oi ni -ie ai micp, they may enjoy lie same privileges hereby secured to the Army of Noithcrn Yi i a' nia v, tv.siMs; Lieut. Col. and Quartermaster. Approved. V. K. Lawton, Quartermaster Gen. OFFICE SOUTHERN EXPRESS CO. 4 ) Ai'OI-sta, C,x.. Feb i:o. ISC-l. THE SGUT1VEUN EXPRKSS COMPA NY lujreby r.otiiy the friends -and relative ol'Sohlir5 in the Army ot Nor:hern "Ya".) and cl3eV.her54 that they are prepared to carry out arrangements as aunounced in tho above eaid uri that they will dq all in ho r power to fulfil its reqiiirenieiisst JAMES SlIUTER; Geni Sap't. & Acting Frest So. Esp. C niay0tf. TH W nsw . i'iiio;it in v. N PRESS and shortly to bo publishea, a book witn tlie aUdjv title, prepareu uy im; i l i-tKLliU-! ft' .....j " ....... . . L . ... n-lif-k lii L-.i.l ii,if ly -o years pine- I . . . .i . , - 4.;. - 1. - . . 1 ... t?ce m I'lionog: apic ivrmni, n.n oij ueeu m ') the United States Senate nd. who barf been for the last sevtno'en moniirs, ana is now, re porter.of th' AtlanJta Int'-lliganM-. The Dictionary will contain imli'-Af ion?, by mean if-a. simple noinenclature, tr writing w ith Ph&aogr.aphic letteis, about 10,000 words of the English language, of ninety-nine one hnndreths of those in common use the re niaimug.wo, '"'f I,' main in "-.words being easily written sifter thes fn the Introduction tf? the .Dictionary, emi- ple instruction will b -tivcu for Jjeginners'of th- study of Phonosrraphy, wbh lithographed illustrations, prepared by one of the best ar- j tists. in the Confederacy; The obf-ct of the i publication is to make a staxdabt-' for Confed- t erate Reporters, aud to render it pojssiblo.lor tht uiucli coveted and beautiful ait of Keport iirg, to bo learned even without' the aid of t tf-acber. ' v """- Al tlie wotc will ce errpenr.trc. new type Saving been proctM-ed xpresly t-T it, only a i small elit?on Mitt crfr-ied.'' TtK'ie tlioiIc sire copies are r-qafffeid to sent! to tfro nutfir A tlie -.tote will te. expensive, r.fiw type ha sma sire conies are ixatt their orders at imw; tfr ttc recoruea, aceiu- Eanleil with the price- of "the same, which will e five dollars per copy. The book in paper cover, and suitable- for. Use, will be sent u all .subscribers, W mail, -without additional ex pense: Af E. MARSHALL, dtf Augusta, G. COTT03rJDAIS, IVo. 1. THE FayetteVUle COTTON CARD Mann - fstctfring 'Company are now uianufactur in Cards, superior to any run through the blockaile, and at present ?eljing fM ale rice tfcesinprle pair of by the quantity. .Anypert-on ordering -six or n ;n airJ, Will be securely packed and delivered -iningtfjiii free, of expense." Call opoa or address A. A. McK ETHAN, J. A. WORTH. ALEX, JOHNSON, Jr, Fayetteville, N. C.,. AprliMH . wjk"xxr:i A GOOD Crta1A''Hor?e, for whicb I w ill pay the hilMt price in mnny, or hrt-r n. bacoii, AC, Ac Apply iil this OiSee. in crn 106 tf Autrtioneer anl FAYKTTEY1LLC, , DB.X. H. FKEEMAHi HAS RE tar ned to bin Otlice atel has on band a -oil otof GOLD FOIL AND TEETH. Abo, GO LD and SILVER PLATE. 1 32-Jm FOUR PER CENT. BONDS. Z. "TT"ANTED A few 4 per cent. , Bonds 'i V Apply at the 151 tf CAROLINIAN OFFICE. ri u:sB papers in lu.i; r copv tfrwhicp, fcpr the eroater convenience of paitip, v. ill be ferwar- deu-assoon as Waj fee ifracticabla to RKAUTIFD-LLY ILLUBTRATBl), , r ' CSAUTIFULTA ILLUSTRATED, . -I5HAUTI F ULL V ILLUSTI! ATfiDj ' EbEQANTLY PKI.VTFf) I LIMl A.VTLY PKlTKi) " ELEUAKTLY ril'TKH F-vnitY 'STTjUrixv ' ' KVfinr.SAttTlJ'DAY, ' tVFltY SATURDAY r;U ; - - - - - ; THE GU F. T LIT ?TftAl1r WFElt fA" THKOKKVP- liTKITA'WV' lYHKHLY - TlilvGtiKAi' Ln-LlIAiCY WiJI-JKLY OF TIIR OrjTlM - , :; , . . - of Tai; sou-til i . . " . -' ,."" . , ' -4 ' ' ' " .' -. . BP.tLT.fAX'r AND CltAUMIXO, : WITI! ROMANCES, HGKTCflF - 3JU - r.l n V MV. A T. T.rrR - "YnVPT W1 C. - ' AJ J V f 1 ' f TS A ll A X Tri Tlf YVt Z lU ' TIIKWAR! ':: EOF.Tft-S, HVTWt, BIOtftJAFHT. ' WlTICISMC A2iD Mi-CELL A NY, . TRA PTSTATIOX FTiOPX lt 45nM A ", Iilli;Ciiojt:it 0'IE.U"lA,. - - . - - " - - . . i'akiftg a complaTe Ca?krt-oC.: , . , 1a '& Soufhtyzi Ziiieratntt t IT IS A IIO Vfc JOURNAL ' PTlT? TTir. TfflfTsfrnnr.n t . -.-. . : 1 A S:Ul.UlL,iib i'.M'Wt FOltlIlE CAMPS A TilAVHT.I.Kr.'s COMrAJ'TrS toft THE CAlts! J",CTRYTOtY-1 tie Ziuntu, hp wall aJ the f.w-o lL are writing Tot ..- ' . " , -. T II E "."'M E It C t ft "IV - - - .....i. -- - - r5 Subscribers can bo pwpplied with back ctuaee;, contRiulng the foilovirg RCAUTirUL TrPILIJNG STOniF.S: Tin; Tkv: :iiax TRiiiirnj-' a Tal" of Lor " Jbtjohf. Elliott';" a Tsle of the Yor. " : or,TiiK" (ijiosx BenkatA na ihk REF'-fiErs yir.CF.," fvranled on inci dent- of the War in North Carolina. ' 'ThkTJeshrtku's DAVaarEi:;" an exciting Tale of Keal Lir.-. Jkx.nik Aeioxj" n Romance. "Tie.Fi n:t MukUeh:" a Tin iltitur Romaone. "KKcrTK!.;" a., exciting Story from the Ctr man. "Ai.viio YrKir,'AT.! or Fr.oaKTTA'f- IlrN;" an lt:oioi Tale of Lvve and ar. liLi'K Axb r;" being Incidents Ami Anecdotes of the ar, e tc. . . I S. LUST KAWI&XH : " NON 1 N TI-' il V Vs N T 1 0 N " TllF, LEFUCJEV'-AS llOMKi" ' " T 1 1 P C A ST I K O F S FA G N 1 'TO TllM IJFSFUTi'l. f4 UFA' 1M DO VKU SWAMP."" All th"?e articles, together with an emllc&d variety of are contained in the first three numbers of Vol, IV, ISC J, (commencing April 30,) of thiftic alty SUPERB FAMILY JOURNAL, SURPCRfPTlOX Six months 10 Ihe Trade supplied at $25 per hundred. Addre.-c, R. SMiTIfi, Editor and Frorietur, Kabdgh, N. (7. June I -dJm yy iV j X j VAXj toll rs PURT.TSITED AT FA YETTEVTLLE, N. C. on Tuesday of each week. It is ui;ido up l'om the news coi tained in the Daily Noiiu Cabuliniajj, an . will ahvay-j contain 41,0 . . YEHY LATEST TELEGR&SIIWM.U N, Hafln" tb- advantage of tha news of tho lKKSrf ASSOCIATION, of which the Daily North Carolinian id mui-mber. -raJMLA-Kfl"--'1 - r xs j k j b fully and carcffr.Jrfrtc-d each day, " ac ?;;'"'"- " "-. vy"y." 1'' , ;,n(,'ennI.pc!p()vnnut . ., s-( l 0l'hy?:S ,ml 1 n.V,e,Anmei. hi" V 11 ,'V c,V! of l; n);)ti(,rj; . , . t Oi r M si i:n s and ot hcrp ".' requested to u i a? A e.Kxrs, an-: each A gent s. n ung fix or m W subscribers with the mney for .ix in ;uhs, will receive tli j AVeekly 'paper mx h uhs Er:itis. rt escHifTictrrs will no be ta'-ci for a to. i )d than fix months ; ml in no case w ill tle.j "ap r be sent until the cney is received. n.q,. AnvKRTisEMKXT insert el for . &'2 ! r puiie ot 10 lines for th tijt, and cue dol! ir for laeo suc'cdincr pub! cation.. 'a rrcirss or siis'scislPTior : WKi'Ki.rTsTELT.iaExctn -Three m nth.,$3 ut) ' i ftK lii,)Htll, . 5 Oo 1 . J. SINCLAIR, . E&JTi II ANJ) pKOV'K'KTOlt. WOOL, NOTICE- QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT, lvAi.KKiii, JuneO, tC-i. TA M NOW PREPARED i.rexchange Cottert Vain for Wool, u;.on the following term, viz : One bunch of Yarn for three pound washed Woe.l. l one bunch for four pounds unUarh- ( ...... f,a have bem appoint '.! f" evine the ex- cl,;, ,t tl ie followiug phices-: OSiord. lai- boro', Kiii;t'.n, i.'.ii tn't ine JjaL.ey t oticonij Rock iii: ham, J lender .-on v die, Stat.-v ille, r.ox- boo'. A.-.h ci!!- l'itt-boio', J.oui.tjUrg, ray et.e-r'"Jb. ainad at thi pla'fi l'erj-oi)5 -seipp.i'-i wool t this plaee will please i ni'k on Ihe patk.-to who they ai u fiom. nnd the cetton vain Will be foi warded jimuedialetv . . . $ T bop - the p-'o' 1 will patriotically rc-'pond to the Hi'tre noiic . as the W ool is for clolh- iii ' the N. C. 4i)o.rf. . II. A .00 I), A. Q. N: C. A . .TuneU.tljul. - . "-keu Th" -papers in tie State will please copy untif.iulv ltt; BICOX FtiU SOLDIER'S "FA MILIEU. STATE Of yORTII CAROLINA, " SfJiTKNCT DKI'AHTMFNT, Jiahifh, Jttnc,Z7 1bi4. .To rdunty Ceimiiis&ioners: I am prepared to atll," i-cofr'i to any if the ronti; flti f?tnt toj-'ilte use ni"ixjfis'ei-t faualieK of Soklifcrs.a poi lion of tle'ljrc;on ac cumulated for'titat purpose. - Coototy Cmnii tionei j-. who are in need of Bacon Will cmmu cate with me. ." ' TTIOS. D. HOGG, Maj' & C S .Tunc CO. A'l pn;..-r in the .S'tafe wiil crw four tin'ies and -end bill to me, with cop)' ot paper containing lire advertisenntif. 1 SMALL VTEAM ENtUNE IN excellent runjiing ordr, with, 11dti, I'nllevs. Ac. cpmplr t. li':r been ii f - f Uttfe. ' AKo twi Turninjr JHthe5. one Inge axl ne-ymal-l, w it ft a full- -A of head.-! and (ixturc-f together wit'i ;i larpri Tot of Turner Tools, . fscrcw t utterly Hand and WtbSawp, Yiccs Clamp Screw., Ac, Sic. A LSO, ;v let of 1I ns aud Rriar Rorts. Apply to- Mis- L-EHERLES, liny St;, neit door almve .Mr. JAlartinc's. A LL PERSONS who wapt Shoe Woik done (making and ropairintr), shouot call on u.n at my sdup, near t?o RiQ.- Fictorvj on t'e alluy tt5at lead by ho htit of i'iu- t. Wright, E.-q., and yo can gut it done cheaper than at any other idjop in io i n. All soldiers can bet their work done at ra!f P rvrz. Wm il It LING TO N . for Sal, j PER CENT. DON DS. Apply t this Office To Yt liont i t .11 it y I'wucrrn . flMlE l'ARTIESwho-obiained fi om my room -on Sunday th-2."ith Of .Inly, Package containing Fire-Hundred and Sixtv Dollar in $20 old ii.-u, .tud three 5 50 bi U 't the new issue;, wiil please ictifVn i; -: Yhcr hav keept it long en-mgh, 1 knoit'ho they are, audhonld they to return it within th next 'x dav the -Tianse of the party Uking it will be pub lished. . , JOr N MILNE. lajvttevillcnoteL July 9 3t