THE FAYETTEVILLE NEWS. State for five yews next, ami shall liavo therein a '- j TUESDAY, JUNE 19, 18G6. -, 1 - THE STATE CONVENTION. : i On Monday (11th j) Mr Mebane, from the committee on adjournment, reported a resolution to adjourn sine die on Monday next but no action was taken. . The following ordinances were reported by the different committees: ; : 1 j ; " '' -' An ordinance authorizing the sale of the Western N C Railroad, recommending its passage. A minority report was submitted opposing the proposition to sell. Both laid over. ,r-' VA report from the committee on finance recommend ing that certain Provisional Judges be paid for their .services: " . ; ' A. lesolution, denying the right of Magistrates to levy ' taxesj for certain purposes. j . "1 j ' Mr. Howard, from committee on stay law reported an ordinance recommending its passage. ' The following amendments to the Constitution .were adopted: J ,' .-. ' . i .;j '! : 'That no person shall be eligible as Governor or Lien't. governor, unless lie shall be- a native citizen of the State; or shall have1 been a native citizen of the United States for twenty years, shall have attained the age of thirty years; shall have been a resident of' the j before the day of election, freehold in lands rind tene- nients to the value of two thousand dollars." ; ' "That all officeholders and electors under the Con stitution of this State shall be white persons." ',.: . . "That privaie property shall not be taken for public -une without just compensation paid-in duevtime." ' '- , Mr. Buxton's amendment providing that no perJ?o"n in this State Bhall ever hereafter be imprisonej, for cdebt, was defeated''" ;-M -s'x' On Tuesday the Convention took up arr ordinance to authorize the exchange of Stocks belonging to the State for bonds issued before the year 18G1, on ' its second reading. ; . .'-'-- Mr.. Barrow moved to amend the ordinance bv strik inf?tht the word "year" in the fourth line of the first Becfion, and inserting the! words "prior- to the 20th of May, 18GL" (The object of this amendment is t6 cov r the case of bonds issued to the Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford! Railroad Company, bearing date . April 1st, 18C1. These bonds were issued in pay ing for iron purchased-in New, York for said Road.) ( Tle amendment was adopted and the bill passed. ; On Wednesday, an amendment to the ordinance concerning the basis of Representation, making tax ation the basis in the Senate and white population the basis in the House, to go Unto effect when the Consti tution is ratified by the people, was adopted. ? On Thursday, a number of petitions, ; resolutions, etc., of an unimportant nature.' were offered, and the Convention took up for, consideration the Stay Law. Mr, Moore, of Wake, spoke in opposition to" the mea sure. Mr. Howard spoke in favor of it. He knew the people demand such relief. Even the subject of repu- OFtlCE OF SPECIAL AGENT.: - Post office Department, Raleigh, N. C, June 14, 1866. CONGRESSIONAL: In the House of Representatives on the i J FOB THE FATETTEYILLE NEWS ; GEN. M. W. RANSOM, FOR GOVERNOR. tion latijOtisi thapeah pember may procure H.ISICMVC , : i LI. .1. A x . rr 1 ! A i- .1 ! vrX wu k . -ii i oiach. inu to voce, ne, nowever, trusiea i ir uiu wr cuuvevinx ine roans wm nere- ulu ..u:x. ' u u alter bft insinp.rfrL nnlpss fhfi fpfc nnth nf . . J . &. . A-Lxa u ca -- ------ -j done in iucure legislation, lie tooK ocoa- thei Diddetms on file at the Department. L:. :ru- t -ja . Afcdntrkctor must be 2! years old, to :w uninA;M t L! -i I : I 111 W"UCi baiviljg . iu CHtilUUSU UIVI1 gWVCIU- ment8 in the eecedme States.1 Under his the House concurred in the Senate's amend- irantv dv not less man rwo euar- r . o 2 v J ' a i antop tontte certificate by. a Postmaster,. the Speaker announced that the joint TWfre?ord' i. ; .. , lution had passed. I Jtrtace ap cent revenue stamp on it, ana senfli oy raail direct to f Con tract office, Pbstoffce 13thinst., Mr. Stevens proposed and the -. Messrs. Editors:l-As the nam nf aon'i House consented to debate the constitu- Matt. W. Ransoni nf North e papers the Qu- BV request of members of the Conven- . V WU,?HM?U 10 coiwuiu- Matt. w. Sanson, ot Northampton ioJl$ fSTrW mentioned Tath iUUoiftUu -oxasL Yx.A" Mr. Stevens closed the debate, saying the and elsewhere in connection with 7 . .1 1 epartraeni, so amendments wpr nnt nrh no hr desired. I K.ofrtril nfflr.Q c vr-u "V . a ronv for " 3. 3 . -w.. " wi ui ui vai unua, 1 taKe tv iui as they dld not reC0gnjze the j right of the this occasion to say that it is my humble FAYETTEVILLE MARKET, June n 9. 1' COSBECTEB BT B. T. PEAECE. I ! . l 1 - n enable! hirpt to give legal bond. der or ibidpers. a r j: : rx x . rtit ? 1 . , - - v it iiwuw iu uic eeceumg states. rToOer;: "Tf" dL Pr tion' rrt.Jji.,Ji. i... .u.x xiousc cuueurrea m ine senates ar jT7 u "ut T "i'Sr 8"ai ments to. the constitutional amendment and BACON North Carolina,! Western Sides. BEESWAX..... BUTTER....... BEEF.......... BAGGING Gunny Dundee CANDLES Adamantine . . . Tallow. COFFEE Bio. COLLECTOR'S NOTICE. 'United States Internal Revenue. 3d COLLECTION DISTRICT, NORTH CAROLINA. 20 a 20: , Collector's Office No- 50 Hay Street. 20 20J -r-r-i ,Faytteville, June 7th, 1SGG. 25 (a 30 TT tt ?Gi en "Pointed by the President of the. reso- epartment. D. C." I : Persons! Whose namesare sent on for ap pointment ps Postmasters, &c, must be 21 years bf age and must take the test oath, whjch jmul be sent with the bond after the appoiatmer i. ;.'' : . ;. ' ' ' -: J Atlay.fcho has a living husband can not be Josmi stress. Unmarried.ladies and Wic djwsf caj: J-'.' 1. .; jy'-f Applicat ons for appointments must be sent to First Assistant Postmaster General. SX)td officesjiiay be removed short aTstan(Jes toj accommodate thfftreighborhood without h$nging'thei3 am e of the office. I Atiy Sonij over 10 years may ; carry the maiLoy taKmg the jest oath. The proposed constitutional amendment will now be submitted to the! Legislatures of the respective States for their action. Mr. Stevens proposed a substitute for the pending bill reported by the! Reconstruc tion Committee, to enable the States lately in rebellion to regain their privileges in the TT1 ' mi . P T -1 11 .lx? m rtrt Vinf. nn l j i ujiuiuii in iaci Luuitc uuuiu De mane by the people. Gen. Ransom is a lawyer of the first ability, a fine orator, an experi enced j politician, and is admirably fitted in every respect to discharge the onerous duties pertaining to the office of Governor of the State. He is moreover a rjpe scholar, a high toned and chivalrous gentleman, and a most energetic, noDularand whnl. , T 1 t . w 1 " f man. 1 inaeeo, i know ot no man in North COTTON YARNS. Carolina who so admirably combines more l?x? - sterling qualities or who can till the position in question with more honor and ability. In regard to Gen. RansomVbrilliant ca reer as an able, accomplished -and gallant officer it is unnecessary for me to say any thing in this place. His military achieve ments iorm part ot the history of the coun- 30 40 8 10 35 40 35 40 "30 40 25 80 . jiuieci rLitp 1 vi 1 tt;i ca t., nal Revenue for the Third Distric t of the State of North Carolina, notice is hereby Riven that an office for the - v r ?? 01 Kaul Intt" l:evenne has len bpened at No. oO Hay Street, (JleKsrs. Starr A: WilliainH lmild ing.) whtre distillers of spirits and spirits of turpen tine, manufacturers, and all other jroj4.t -whose nppli . ca? "orlicense have been filed with the assessor of Raid district, will call and pay their taxes, and obtain their licenses. Said district comprises the counties of . Brunswick. Columbus, Bladen. Sampson, CutnlKiland, Robeson, Richmond, Harnett, Moore, Montgomery. 4- union, lhe material point m the substi- try. But perhaps it may not be improper tute is tne admission ot 'lennessee with her to state that he wn tSnft nf tho mCf .., present Senators and Representatives, but ar general officers in the army, esteemed she is hereafter to be excluded unless .before honored and hPL u i,;D ksj iJlO VUllI -FlaLI1vI1o'1 IJ 1 the 1st of January she extends the right of sutirage impartially to eve'ry class, besides ii. ' it ! -1 1- a 'i raiyyiirg cne constitutional amendment, to whjch reference is above made. In the House of Representatives on the arms. GRANVILLE. bers of I thei Convention for thei cb-opefatibp with me, and for the aid they hav myenjjne, in re-establishing mail facilK ties in iarWs parts of the State. Hoping, herjeaiter, ;entlemen, to receive more such actslof kindness at your hands, I have the 1 . ' 1 I., xl. 1 J -1 ! x 1 iipuor jto Do your oueuieiiL servant, A. JOBE, Special Agent. The Proprietors of the Petersburg Ex press regretfo announce to their patrons and friends that their entire establishment 14th insi. the Banking Committee reported was destroyed by fire at an early hour on I a uiu aincuuaiui y ui uic iicikiuwai uaniMug i tiic uiuiuiiig ui-LUC XOLII 1USI. IJy iillS Ca- .- I 1 ; 3? !.' i .i-l c x I i ;x' . , . . Tl t.JUiii.. J 1L.1. i. il jj iiertjuyniuuuer my lumihsiu lue wcm- n j..x: r x i.:x. ..::xx; i i. i. .l i t r. - . ... i law. in u v iiiiiilt nil si rt-Miiii .nun tii t.f.ii i iiuuus v inn. vvf imvf iiFrn pnmno an Cheertul . S.i. fii: x:il x j x ' ., x. Li? X . cent, of the circulation ot existing national to suspend temporarily, the publication of banks, and to allow thirty millions otcir- a paper, which has greeted its many read culation for distribution amongst the new ers continuously from the 24th April, 1862, DOMESTIC GOODS 4 i Sheetings .!..;. FEATHERS ... j..' -FLOUR '! Family . . . Super. . . : Fine ...... Scnxtched GRAIN Corn Wheat... Oats. Peas ...... Rye...... HIDES . Dry L. Green IRON ' Swede 8 j;'. LARD ....... i.. MOLASSES.,!-. NAILS i . SALT 1 Sound, per bush. . 28 30 nso11 and Stanlj o- on ! Deputy Collectors will 24 2i 1 1 . . : . 1 , ! divisions of said district . when the assessments are Liverpool, per sack-. southern banks. This contemplates no increase of the present aggregate, national bank circulation of three hundred millions. A STRONG SPEECH. insi on the jbill to restore the Southern State$ to iheir political rights. He was aii old line demobcat, and believed in .the doctrine of ecssionf. He believed that the several States: pf ttiis Union had the right to sepa- Tate ftom i4 each acting for itself. He be- i ! ij i i "!xLLi j . xr' j t ifhtfon 4i. kw, ,vhi, fh .TOOa. nf iieyeo;tnaBaDuaes ana usurpations iiau oeeu ' : This ni avo dftcrbvimssiriP the ordinance practibe'dM fid threatened to so great an ex- f iwhich affords the relief the people so much desire, and tent: bjvf their associates and partners in this 5 '1 .. . 1 . .. . - ' -i.!..... JJi.l - x xl-I XUL xl From Mexico.- The town of Hermeslla was captured on the 4th instant by Garcia and Morales, together with a garrison of 2,50.0 men aud fifty I'renchmen of the For- House of Representatives spoke f ?8n Legion. jOnly three of the latter were iciiauvc. x-x X' iciiiU 1JI lcot alJU LW u 1:1 ullUll residents were also lIr.Hariiis, of Maryland, on the 14th rqust have in their present condition ' Oil.Friday, sundry resolutions and ordinances were offered. . Amoner them an ordinance to chance .the .election of Governor, etel, to fin t Thursday in Oeto- . Thc fconsideration of the Stay Law was resumed. A nunibe of amendments were offered and discussed. Some were adopted, ahd, sme rejected. The debate j was principally upon points of law. It was partici- pated in by Mr. Dockery, who warned the people a- gainst the tendency to riin into repudiation. ' J?y Mr. ferebee, who asked 'if Mr. D. had voted at th6 last sessiori of this Convention for the prdinance prohibit ing the payment of the Avar debt, and said that jthere governmental compact, that the southern States jwera; justified in going out. . These convictions he could not chang6, nor did he thabkj Hhey would be removed. He woiilcl fetaln by them and proclaim them as .long as ii idtizen of the, Confederate States wajstimcHanins, or sdbjectto penalty for as serting tnase convictions. It ' w were also killed. The French account says that the liberals were after wards routed and 150 killed.! The liberals have also occupied the town of Tulo, the Governor escaping. The , liberals were much encouraged by the correspondence between the United States and France. It is said that Maximilian is prepared for the withdrawal of the French troops. The contederates captured in Mexico had 1 - 11 - M - At J f to tne present, save tne tnree vveeKs suc ceeding the evacuation of the city by the Confederate forces. In the course of ten days or two weeks at farthest, we hope to have so far repaired our losses, that we shall be again enabled to greet the public, and pledge our every effort to render.' the papepas acceptable in the future as it has been jin the past. In the meantime we beg TURPENTINE j tne inuuicrence oi our cenerous reaaers. virgin uip. j Very respectfully, A. F. CRUTCHFIELD & CO. LIQUORS j Peach Brandy' Apple Brandy . N. C. Whiskey SUGAR Coffee C , Com. Brown. Crushed TALLOW ..... I The CROPs.In New England-the crops are generally reported good; hay will be abundant, and the fruit yield millions in ad vance of last year. In the South the gen eral report is that the crops will turn out well, although Crude. .......!. Spirits... L TOBACCO Leaf ..!. Manufactured . WOOL I 50 0 13 13 50 12 5013 12 12 50. Ill 12 1 70 1 80 1 50 2 00 1 00 000 . 1 60 1 73 125 0 00 . 121 15 05 0G . 10 121 a) CO 75 . 10 12J 0 00 1 25 . 3 00 3 50 . 2 00 2 50 . 2 00 2 50 . 1 50 2 00 18 20 U18 . . 00 30 .. 10 12 500 5 50 , . 2 co 2 no .. . AG (F 4s 00 00 20 0 20 25 being made in said divisions. SPECIAL NOTICE is hereby civen to' ALL PEE- SONS, that the Revenue Tax, on all taxable merchan- paid or secured to me, before leaving I o-; rz S ' ' dise, niustbe this district. Office htuirs from 9 A. C. June 8. M. uutil 5 P. M., d:ilv. W. WOOLLEN, Collector. H-3t APRIL 20TII, 1866. JUST RECEIED AT J. E. KYLE & CO'S, I QAA SUMMER SHAWLS, from 1 25 up to 7 50; 0JJ 50 Doz. GLOVES; - 13 pieces French Lawns, the handsomest I - erer Been in this market; - -Colored Brilliants: White Do.: . 12 pieces Lihen Drilling for Boys' wear aU colors, worth 7o eta. to 1 On; we. sell them for 50 cts. i.r j-ard ; Lvir Nets and Coils; . losiery; Belts; Buckles; . 'Toweling, Marseilles; Ginghams; Cloths; Vesting; Cassimeres; Coat Binding; Buttons; Silk; Twist; Spool Cotton; Hats; Caps: Boots; Shoes; Stra'.v (iotKls. large stock; Hoop Skirts; Parasols; Umbrellas; Ribbons very cheap; - - Bareges; Black Calicos; Fancy Prints; L. C-Handkerchiefs, very low by the i doz. And all articles usually kept in a Eirst Class Dry Goods . ESTABLISHMENT. in cnmr n n n rtoro ovoocciup w I I III UUUI liV.1V VAVvtigi V V rains are complained of. The wheat throuch- settled on ttie church confiscated planta- out Georgia has been harvested, and al- tions. lhe liberals claim them as prisoners, though the cron is bv no means excel ent. t i a i j The captors promise to release the old men, but will put the young men in the liberal army. Colonel Bland of Missouri, will be released, having a family. Two nephews it turns out better than was anticipated some time ago. Along the lower Missis sippi frequent crevasses have caused great destruction. In Southern Illinois the wheat AVILMTNGTON MARKET. i . i JCXE 1C TuBPEimxE. Sales of 403 bbls. at SI 75 for Virgin and $3 for Yellow Dip, ' j Sphuts Tubpextine. Sales of White at 53a54c. Rosra. No. 1, 5 50 to 6 50; Pale 0 50 a 7$; Opaque 3 a 3 50. I Cotton. Advanced. Sales of ordinary at 33: mid dling 31 to JSC. : He5oni&ded that Tennessee wpuld have and a sonfGei??ral Mce were captured, crop is said to be a failure, but corn is prom- il i i 41 t ii . tii' .. Li xO flnnpral Shelbv is encacrfid on a cotton and isinnr wiU Tn HKio nrl TrwHonn tUa ,xrboof to qe ;admj Gohgress; republican! ted into the Union! bv act of Looking -to the laws which the ?party might ertact, Ikfr. Harris General Shelby is engaged on a cotton and cane plantation lower down the vallev. and will have a large crop. said there; W something in the spirit of the The President Stands to his Guns. r me ixx- xuuxuxx cuxxxxx.vxx.c u x,xx. Soathm people that will thwart your de- ti- nnt trnp that flip President his in inv settle, who avowed himself the author of the ordinance . h n t! uwni ;oriu -iC 18 not wue inat tne rresiueni; nas in any prohibiting thpayrnentof that debt, and We the Ef?.U V Ny have weied the standard intimated an intention to -draw back" I "When the war broke out. I had the dreadful alter- the standara s ot their pride a becoming auestion of reconstrution. In no instance native of taking the one Bide or the other. . I became a'traitor. and went into the Southern, army. I i went a traitor, and went into the Southern, army. I went iik a spirit of desperation; more than of hope. I soon i'Sund that it was impossible for such villainy and cor- ' I 1 1 I X i X X XI- 1 n j l Iljuion 10 succeeiu x goi out ui me urmy iiiiu reiunr ert home and advocated peace on all occasions (Oh, you miserable scamp! Can you expect to be trusted pr believed, after such a confession of du plicity and rascality as that? i The Stay Law passed its second reading.. Gov. WoiiTH. Gov. Worth announces to the pedple of lorth Carolimv that lie is again a candidate for gxf bernatorial lionofs. For good and sufficient reasons, no .doubt, he anticipates1 his ncfrnination by the people. In his card published in to'-day's'r aper, it will be seen pride ip tm estimation ot their enemy, ine has he n any shape, manner or form, ex southipn an appearance of friendship to ot ine meras oi ine laie contest,, toKens ui fU nr nnhfrrpss He is. as we have ihe endurance, courage, and prowess of reneatedlv of late had occasion to state. t ( ' Ai i . 1 ... . ! i r -7 his1) popld. Sad spectacle though it be, it wilill notipiniinish his tone that he can, on 11. walk over the crraves of nearlv thrEefthunored thousahd of, his courageous enemies, ii! fStanitng on the Yankees' gravej Hie will not deem himself a slave. rejuiere, he said, tnanK ijoa, outn- atesH enough to make the constitu- repeatedly "opposed to all constitutional amendments at the present time, and to conditions pre cedent to the admission ot loyal represen tatives from the Southern-States. He is, therefore, necessarily -committed against the so-called congressional plan, involving as it does changes in the organic law of the land, and servile conditions which must In Ohio and Indiana the wheat promises very badly, but in Iowa, Wiscon sin and Minnesota it is excellent. In Mary land and Pennsylvania itis only moderate. Washington, June 1G. Messrs. O'Conpr and Pratt have gone north iEliti report that their Last inter view with the President was, satisfactory. There will bejno change in the condition of Mr. Davis for the present. ' The Senate Finance Comnttttee has con cluded the consideration of the new Tax bill lately passed by the house. They will report it on Monday, with the following important amendments: The cotton ! tax is reduced -from five to two cents. They strike out all the House amendments to the income tax, leavinc: it FRESH STOCK. JAMES N. SMITH, . Druggist & Apothecary, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in AMERICAN, FRENCH AND ENGLISH Chemicals, Drujrs and Medicines, GARDEN AtfD FIELD SEEDS, i LIQUORS, TEAS, SPICES, TRUSSES, INSTRUMENTS, GLASS, PAINTS, t - . , Oils-'farnisFies, Gtues Etc. Give Us a Call, and See fcr Yourselves!' ;?if-Th Senior memWr of our House, (Jame.h Kyi e. Sr.,-) resides in ISew ork, for the iurine of pim-hf s ing i .1. K. KlLi: V CO. April 20. 7tf - I ! - Spring & Summer Stock. 1 JACKSON & PEAKCE. TIIKEE 1XKHS ABOVE Linr.BTT rOINTT, PERSON KTKEET. NORTH ITK OF OW r'XTT- I T r AfZTT TTlTt 7VTC f A W I A AAA A A Wm A A. A AW' f. - Offer for Sale a Luge and c.uvfnlly selected stx k of HARDWARE, A general TINWARE, CUTLER ALSO assortment of HATS, THE-subscriber is now in receipt of his Summer supply, embracing every article in his line, to which he invites the attention of his old customers and others. Orders from the, country promptly at tended to and satisfaction-giiar.Uxaeil, both as regards price and qiiality. Prescriptions carefullv prepared. I . . JAS. N. SMITH, I " Market Square. Fayetteville, June 19, 18GG. 15-3m . be accented bv the southern States before Hhat he has been a consistent Union man throughout, ti(ihai amendment passed yesterday inef- they can have a voice in the deliberations j; and as such must prove acceptable to the administra- fectuxil. f He then referred to all of the of the National Congress." 1 r tion at Washington. There is no' probability that the Hoiden clique will hav& a candidate iu the fields The course of Gov. Worth has been such as to commend I him to all classes, and his re-election in August next is as certain now as was the deteat ot Holden last $so- vember. p ' , ' - '. . - The Stay Law. We publish to-day, from the Ra- y leigh Standard, the "Stay Law," and the report of Ijie T Committee thereon, recommending its adoption! by the Convention!. By reference to the proceedings of this body, it will be seen tliat on Friday it passed it 2d reading, and if it has not finally passed, it will doubt less soon do so. It is jfavored by a majority of the Convention as a "measure of necessity, and to : avoid, ! i -111 isms 1whicti originated in wnat ne caiiea the Christiipm North, and, said that-the con- trasti could be carrieu further, r Booth, the assassin, 'soldiers. inraer beisCure that :liis ;c t l. " ' t- a 1 I - 1 1 1 1 1 to the nogs; ana nis neaa adorns some pnre- i i ' i x. J icnuseum; ins neart is preserveu iu nis spinal column can oe seen, dv m learned will see how ,he must Natio?ial Intelligencer. noiocicai on1 iwnicn Mr. Davis OFFiciAL.j-Here it is at last. The National Republican of yester day says: j ."We have the best ot reasons tor assert- F,as not caught but bravely shot by jHe was brought to this city dead, ft of fVo rcwujr, rr frvr- lilo nrrpst micrlir. 11 . . . . . - ... . P xi- x xi t : j. x x:x Jx j by proving his identity. Alter ig mat iiierreBiueui uues uuiiueuu 10 itrails were torn out and thrown t(i( havisuffdred bv the near approach of the as.tiie -lKiirman of the Committee says, the ''greater bMlet t( (the marrow X)f the Spine." The 'evil of repudiation." iSever; lovjginal, bill (as published) ha1 jsection 14, prohibiting the aiplication of its provisions to debts contracted since tne nrst day oi May isoo. al amentlments to . the have been adopted: one to RatuerHard on the 'Unwashed." An exchange, noticing an advertisement headed "Two Sisters Want Washing," -remarks that if everybody who . wanted washing were to advertise, newspapers would be in a j nourishing condition., j The "Salisbury Banner" an- uuuuct's luui suitie euierpiisixig muniuutu xuia upcxicu. a shower-bath in that flourishing city, and says: .; 'This is Romethiner new; and as 'cleanliness; is next to godliness, well as4he best security against ick ness, we recommend it to our young men." ; j What an ungodly set the young men of Salisbury must be! interfere, either directly pr indirectly, in the case of Jeff. Davis, notwithstanding the strenuous efforts being'made by his counsel in his behalf for executive interposition. m i -r-k' T f 1. .!. ill. ' 1 rne rresioent considers ine case entirely a judicial question, and wilt, in no event in terfere with the course ot justice in the rtibflii4remains were deposited, God and case ot Davis. i . I 1 liorthrn Secretary of Wah only knows vve are sorry 10 nave to. announce inis ere. we Know tnev wercnoc naiMjea uow8iuu uu iuu r1""- x.x . wumioun. nr hrnl-pn hpnrfprl mnthpr 1 speculation on this subiect mav as well tVf. shoi Mlfrfit: fvr.laim: "Would to Ond. cease now. Norfolk Virginian. 'f" j (T O . lha$ di,eai for thee Absalom, my son, my as e?nl,ited under t.hp. nrnsp.nh law. Thpv reduce the tax on smoking tobacco from BINGHAM SCHOOL twenty tohtteen cents per pound. The tax on iclothins: is increased from one to two per cent. Atax of five per cent, is impos ed oh all kinds of paper except printing paper, lney suspend tne tax oi ten per cent, on the issues of State banks for one year from July 1st. ; It is expected that the House will expel Rosseau, of Kentucky, next week, for can ning Grinnell, of Iowa. ' Family Groceries find Provisions. They invite buyers to inspect their stw-k ln-tore pilr chasing elsewhere. ' Fayetteville, N. C, April,14, 18C0, Clf ; JT ORTIICA rrMTE subscriberrt rescctfuliv infonu Uie public that X the ENDOR IKON WOltKS are now in oration and prepired to rill orders for Rollecl Ii-on, oi Calins, Ilollow-yai-e, AliH'Cn-slinsj,' '&c, at short notice and easonable rates. They will furnfsh and lit up IliON. or Ihidge Work, Ac, with dispatch. We wish to purrhase five thousand-Tons WltOU(iIIT aud CAST SCltAlMKON, fr whic h we will pay cslsIi, or trade Bar Iron or Castings nt liler:d rates. We solicit tlie patronage of Southern nun to South ern Manufactures. I . Addivss CLEGCr. DOWNEU CO., Endor Iron Works, Fayt-ttfville. SMITH, Agent, 1 -avetteville. W. D. Feb'y 5. sqp.'t IMary She was The Timsii.The dullness of the present season at the South is having' its i effect on the Southern press. Journals:. which a' few months aco could not crowd! their advertising favors in large sheets, but were forced to issue, "extras," are now diminishing by de grees, and many are forced to suspend.. Th restricted mail facilities render it almost impossible for a paper; to sustain itself by its subscriiJ tion list alone, ex aiithbrity and probably a more merciful heart: but rreston King was lamtor that ay andjl they were excluded! Where is fresjtonl King? Echo answers, where! She wa'then! executed sneedilv. and notwith- j - ! i ki i i r ' x j , - SrpEEME CarET. The Supreme Court of North Civj 8tkuoin2 1 her heart-broken daughter has rolina met in Ealeigh on the 11th, inst. A number; Lok ar Ealeigh of gentlemen were admitted to practice in the County: and Superior Courts of; the'.State. Messrs. Jas. C Dobbin, C. W. Broadfoot and J. W. Hinsdale, of Cum berland County obtained County Court licenses. Sad Results of the Fenian War. An active member of the j Grattan Circle, in Brooklyn who possessed a homestead a fortnight ago, sold it out and invested the proceeds in the Fenian cause. He is now. penniless, and dependent on his daily labor for his daily bread. Another Fenian of large sympathies, residing in the fourteenth ward, invested $10,000 in the movement, which was his all, and the savings of t.wpntv.fivp WAnra lnrlncfrTr On TSioolmr sbaU not rejoice over one repentant hehJ onlleft of this 'amount a S100 Angels of mercy sought the high- Fenian boQJd. An Wd widow sent her only son off with the Williamsport contin gent, and sold the cottage in which she lived, givinjiQthe proceeds to the cause. The failure of the Canadian expedition had so fearful an effect upon a well known med ical gentleman of Brooklyn, that his reason :? 3 T -r-r n 18 aespairea oi. i. x. .'own. ! iTuesday afternoon ithe ladies' car in the Surratt was convicted; of course. tried bv a courtmartial! Her imra4diite execution was ordered! She entreated! for four days to enable her to oijerconhe jthe shock, and be the better pre- parecr toljmeet .ner uoa. "JNot an nour thundered forth the voice from , the War Ippjirtini'bt!" On with the gallows, the coffin ana the grave! "The angels of Heateni 4 j'!:, sinner.- Messrs. Editors: I am requested by many voters from this District to ask you to announce the follow ing ticket for the next Legislature: : Fyr Senatorial District of Vttmberhiud aud Harnett: Hou. A. McLEANi I Fur Representatives from Cnmberland: I Col. WM. ALDERMAN, JOHN D. WILLIAMS. Respectfully, ! "BUSINESS." We are; Authorised to Announce JOHN W. BAKER, Jr., as a Candidate for a seat in the House of Commons, in the next Greneral Assembly. To represent the people of Cumberland county. June 9, 18GG. . 14-te MEBANEVILLE, N. C. . A NEW TERM will begin on the 25th of July next. For the accommod.tiou of . young men who can not take a classical course, an Englisli & Commercial Department has been organized. For terms address. ' - - . 1 ' CoL WM. BINGHAM, i Mebaneville, N. C. June 19. . i 15-lm STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, CUMBERLAND COUNTY. Roderick McRae and others.1 Ejejtarte. Petition for the Sale of Land. Y ' virtue of a decree of the Court of Equity for Cumberland County, made at Spring Term lSdG, on Thursday, the 2d day of August next, at 12 o'clock, I will sell, upon the premises, a tract of Laud, con taining about 1240 acres, lying on Big and Little Rocktish, belonging to the heirs of Colin McRae, de ceased. Terms: A credit of six months, notes with 3-1 rnpd B1 approved security, June 10, 18CG. JAMES C. McRAE, C. & M. in Equity. . 15-6w ! i MARRIED. 1 In Wilmington, on the 13th inst,-by the Rev. H. L. Singleton, Mr. FRED. G. ROBINSON and Miss ISABEL, dihter of Miles Costin, Esq., of that city. DIED. ; On Thursday morning, June 14, at the residence of her father, Hon. R M Saunders, in the city of Raleigh. Miss ANNA P. SAUN DERS. i NEW BOOKS. TN VINCULIS the Experience of a Confederate 1 Prisoner at Point Lookout and Elmira, Surry of Eagle's Nest, by John Esten Cooke; Life of Stonev.r.ll Jackson; Morgan and his Men; a Rebel War Clerk's T)i!rv: Seven different works bv the author of the Schonberg-CotU Family; Joneph Grinvaldi, by Dickens J The Youth of Shaks-peare; Shakspeare and his Friends; Alamance; and other Novels. Cantwell's Justice; N. C. Form Book. A variety of Masonic Books. - ! E. J. ILVLE & SON. June 19. j . It GEO. Z. FRENCH, No. 1(1 Sox Tn Front Street, irinifrtsrfoii, !. c. "Wholesale Dealer in Srorcw$, jgrovfetoius, Wines, iiporjj, CIGARS, WOOD, WILLOW. AND TINWARE. . 5ff-Cotton and Naval Stres Bought or Received on Consignment. May IK, 18GR. ; 12tf THE PELOUBET, ORGANS. THE undersigncil is the stg nt lor the side of tbi-M-ceh-brated PARLOR ORCANS, and h;is now at his stonf on ILiy Strict, in the town of Fayt-tteville, specimens of these excellt nt instruments for iusjection They Ure - unsurpassed in legnnce, uiiexcelltil iu tone, and unequalled in cheapness. Persons ilesirous ox pur-nasing are liniica km jui and exatniue them. - j it THEODORE MARTINE, JZI4: : 1 1866. roRi866, 1866, BRADLEY'S CELEBRATED OR I j:-rre charge $5 each for announcing Candidates for office in the columns of the News. We are pre-j pared to print election tickets on short notice, and at low rates. rnade apjplicatiori for her remains, so that shelfou'shib pour forth her sorrows, they are ill 'in thle keebins of the War Departmeht. Poniius Pilate delivered the body of! Jesus train from Greensboro', North Carolina to to Joseph, but a worse than Pontius Pilate Richmond ran off the track about half a i -it.i.r - - . 1. , - is here. 11 The degree of L. L. D. was conferred on; of North Carolina and President of the Stat6 great deM of damage to the growingcrops . I -l 1 Ii - very violent storm of rain and hail visited tne eastern part of this county and Richmond county on Satucday afternoon last Below i Lilesville the hail caused a E . 1 M 1 1 r .20 Convention, and President Johnson, at the commencement exercises at Chapel Hill. of cbrn and cotton, and in Richmond the The Senate Committee have agreed upori rail fell! so heavily as to damage the roads M badly and do greatinjury in fields. un- er. bul Lvation, by washing the lands. IVadesboro Argus. mile east qt Coalfield station. The rear or ladies car alone was thrown from the track and precipitated Jover an embank ment about thirty feet, making two or three revolutions before it reached the bot tom. A Mrs. Trotter, residing: near Dan ville, was the only one killed. About fifteen others were wounded, some of them severely. Among those was the venerable 1 WANTED, Bishdp Early Of the Episcopal Methodist rpO rent, fbr the remainder of the year, a large, rell- Church. He is said to be injured internal- LSTmi omci ' " " ly, and supposed to be mortally. June 18. . ' i5-4t FAYETTEVILLE MONEY MARKET COEBECTED BY . P. A. WILEY & CO., BANKERS, Farmers' Bank of North Carolina. . . Bank of Cape Fear i " Charlotte......,.....! " " Clarendon Commerce ; Fayetteville . ; " Lexington, at Graham " North Carolina Roxboro' ' Thomasville " Wadesborough. " Washington " Wilmington " Yanceyville Commercial Bank of Wilmington . . Merchants Bank of Newbern. Miners and Planters'; .' Greensboro' Mutual Insurance Co . Virginia Notes average about South Corolina " " j- Georgia . " . : Gold...-. Silver I Exchange on New York, selling per cent prem. To the Gentlemen of Fayetteville. I g . 14 ..25 ..15 ' .. 5 ..12 ..10 .. 13' ...35 ..25 ...25 ...15 ... 3 , ...15 ... 5 14 ...30 ...20 .... 5 . . .25 .18(2.20 25 .140 .135 -nHOSE GAUZE SHIRTS AND DRAWERS are JL being duplicated at auction prices. Call soon and be supplied, j i mm . June 19. j. R. Mcdonald. ' IC-lm New Arrival of Goods. At the old stand of SINCLAIR & VAKDERBILT. JADIES rill find a new stock of Beautiful Dress Goods- lints. Etc. Gentlemen are invited to examine the Elegant Summer Casslmeres, A number of patterns. CALL AND SEE. PRICES MODERATE. T-E3aGL3S O-AX-C. May 14, 1$6G. V 10-lm " THE ANNUAL MEETING " OF the Stockholders of the Fayetteville Gas Light Company, will be held in the Town Hall in Fay etteville, on Thursday, June 14 th. W. N. TILLINGHAST, Sec'y ana Treas r. June 1. i loun EACH HOOP being compost d of TWO PERFECT LY TEMPERED SINGLE SPRINGS, braided tightly and firmly together, edge to edge, f'-rnims one hSopand mak1ngtheSTRONGEST ; and FLEX IBLE, the LIGHTEST ftnamosiLiniAD mThey will not bend or break like the SfXGJ aJrliUMijo, oui wiu and BECTIFUL SHAPES, in all " CROWDED ASSEMBLAGES, CHURCHES, , THEATRES, RAILROAD CARS, FOR PROMENADE, OR HOUSE DRESS, In feet, they are SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS combining .."" COMFORT, ECONOMY. LIGHTNESS. AND DURABILITY. ENQUIRE Jt uu BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ETJ.TPTIC OR DOUBLE j OJrlVLXlU OxUAli FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. Manufactured ex elusivelv by the sole o ners of the Patent. 97 Chambers and 79 and 81 Reade Sts. New York two cents per pound tax on cotton. '5., :' M . i: '

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