' ! - .l -!. I- . . ! . " . ". t ; ' ' ; . - -'-r 'v':-.,fV'-;:v.-i : ., ; .iv. . I - ' . y ', . . THE FAYETTEVILLE NEWS TUESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1866. form of feorernment must fall : and cease to be, so soon as si majority of the inhabitants comprising it I'e decided upon a preference for any other. shall Sf-Mr. Jno. E. Spearman is our authorized tra-p- j eling agent for subscription apd advertising. 1 For Governor, JONATHAN WORTH. OF RANDOLPH. Government forms, changes or alters no political prin ciples; the latter bring about revolutions, ; overthrows, subversions and changes & government What is at present a fcfct andtby the assent f the majority has v," if nuwpic, may ue in tne next genera tion totally HE SOUTHERN PRESS OPT THE NATIONAL CONVENTION. So iUr as wc have been able to learn from onr Pr. changes, we think that the larger portion of the South ehipf ghs will support the proceeding f th- Muvfcntion at Pliilar1o1rvi,; t- t. . ! i o uupe uu sucn mil t? more earnestly since the lapse of a FROM WASHmtlTON. TELJjlJG SPEECH TO THE COlDHTTEE FROM THE PHILADELPHIA CONVENTION HE PRO- uujxja tmjs i'lxA.iJJUiiM AISECOND DECV Washington, August j IS, There was a great crowd to-day. to lieai thu dead and extinct, and no pledges or reso-4in resnonsp in TTnn. Rpvprdyjfr,T,Tr,0 v, frSSiCOntinUeJitS J.1 . state presented the official- procrldings of the iramea on ine necessitv and exigencies of ia can possibl bind and shape tL course of different f? UOnventlOO.: i ttfemng With menintkeffuture. - - feeling to the scene represented of South With.ihd experience of the recent pai fresh in our Carolina. and Massachusetij I entering -the minds; .ind down still and overpowered by the crush- Convention together, the Brtgjdent said ne ing forcDjrthe arbitrament of arms; and with the light WftS overcome, and COuld nojlbut Conclude of the present shining upon a disruptured land, with that an overruling Providenc : was direct- old instilttitions overthrown and destroyed, we recog- illg US aright. He Said: L j i 7. nize thefefct of the extinction of state sovereignty and Our brave men have perfr med their du- secessionjand, caU-it by what name we ties in the field, and havn Un ir " 7' WW 1UU1 to nil- en. Grant, he nd wmie we the righ m e dignity of a principle while we are perishable; but (turning to foeced tj: acknowledge it in every action this dntrma ' .. v r i . .- A - aj i w uva.jli.V TT lb ui tiit,l V Hi" 1. 1 1 III 1 il i u nnmna I . geiurauy atuubed to the purposes of this creat na- which orthrows U n,. aZ continued,) there are greatcrf and more im- ipuai assemblatre. Some imimala 1;. 1 1 vl ill a , 'i - J (4 . i! " j--...., vAUitoo iui carueai nuur is saDrema ana mnKiiwwttinir eriffort htr).. i v itf to dof evcp'thing to ree peace and tranquil- can tell fhat one half ceiitury will bring forth? Mar- haVe had their CO-Operation jn the field, we I :? ' 7 Tl 1"eet with such grave objections to certain if? .tion of Principlesthat ntillificadcin, secession, or anything else that is unable Applause.! The ExecutirE TPnartmnt wi lyuiiniieu to repudiate the Droceedinff in to fitanrTwIit.h n nl n unA r :i . I f . -o i .. j jt ' icouiu.uv.iio. aiiu puiLjr i ijciva uicu iu puur on uu me wounds and re- pAauoraia, must iaii as tney Have fallen before and are stnrfi f h a TTninn ., . . .. . I they tioto. W4 believe thnt nil tha Tm. i.i. X11CX1 are nrtrerl 4r I fallmcr to-Aftv np.fnrA fh utionsofthe two papers utteredby this.body. UsdshourelheZ .Wffi 8ald' in ne then, rut together all th iB f r""" " "1C ve"'f nt. every ettort . ' .tw Fveut une restoration of p -ya wuuuiuu oi meir WeiC it and nflnMM 1 nnt T-,iT1rtf : -rr-u uy a aevowon to the South and a ieal- statesmanship and wise legislation and dinln . V I, J .! i .-t w-.. w XV -PwHon-sentimenta which no one can corded fee the world began, and how lopg were they mnemore or purtiapato in more fully than we do. letters cf! living light on the pages 'of history? often y, ; , : r T UCUeve Would Uy the not unt their authors were laid in the grave ; never 4,a luu rmOI our people. ghnnMiw. uurBuncuon ana support Bat when we Lv jjpoii th(? present, and Speculate upon the inevitable iu- Jurewhen wo behold the opportunity , i aL o us, aud calculate the concessions that we are now re- . for one ence m, ... , - -"-vvDoiuiM tuaii we arenc fiuiml to-make; then reflect upon the conseou ( Vjwhich Mil surely result from the failure of the CnJ L Ventiou to accomplish any good, and see in these re" ijultyiot an honorable yielding of the political doc : r,lff mes jWhich we id ready confess to have lost in fact, t V ut4uiniliatiog, .oppression, insult and disgrace under !" 'TK) '"'mion of a corrupt party which has no scruple mvu, , iiiiuur uuiisiuerauons are lost in the no great enc nud we feql that here 'llVoia this nettle, danger, '. r J-, We'll pluek the. Mower, safety." j ,lljofold aditgc, to -strain at a gnat and' swallow - n".f;1 '"PPra to nsto be verified in this case Ve 1:ive. carefully read the documents published to fPIe of Vie United States,' and' wilth a solitary'ex ptfc.u, . there is no political principle ' enunciated Uhorcin, which the force of arms, with ouracknowln tiiieut tuuler'oath and our submission did not establish :igureuu montlis since. of the rectiom .moment after men's opinion underwent a PROCLAMATIOIV. -u-cuu noc establish to the uierican people, With regard to the particular .The luSnv resnlt, nf harmoayin the Union.! kvV hJlVP. RPPn hanging upon the verge of the Government, as it were, a body called, or Which assumes to be,the "Congress of the United States." while, in fact, it ia. tf .Ccragre53 of only part of the States. We have seen this Congress assume and pretend to be! for the Uniqn, when its evefv sten and i n'ft tonAaA We puMish to-day the Proclamation of the President perpetuate disunion and make a disruotion! ga f;558' declaring the rebellion ended in ot the States inevitable, i 'Instead of Dro, estate of Texas, and throughout the recentlv insur- motinc, h9rmftn ' 'T. f,0 ttooutn. I his proclamation i mailoim ,Jlamo f u , . .j . ' interests Mf peace and harmony, and for lesW 3 'PP11 e Character of tion of Jthe constitutional IS Pelties . retaliation and , revenge. This nion. i made firmly and fearleJlv ZA the and policy of . I 1 - w --: J VAAVUlI VII 1 A- r : , 1 , M. I a tne usurpations and unlawful measures of a revolu- - T . ! Jou government l Tne humble lareT I am as much opposed to the indul- in 'a- 18 tlits aeciaration of a man . , 10 "UVY 4uurssiug you gou v egotism as any one: but here in .i who, at the same trmt. in a ea r, , hafnnrla no U 1 ' i .? J , . .. . v u uukuwei 111 a niiHtnw-fciTrf -emDiea rr, 00 'cPye 01 anotner de-- conversational manner, while formallv re- tion to W L"riVh! The man- ceiving the proceedings of this Convention, cyof thedministration of government. w n,Z. Ve,w ueaupon to occupy x may pc permitted again to ask what have fear that &e pressure of a turbulent and urcruDulous ?n this 1 to gain, by Consulting human ambition, faction cin oveiTower a statesman so here more than 1 iiave gained, except in one tnotic. te will perform tn tu ia0t fiirAM iL . -.w tuc vyuuotitutioii oi tne countrv. and inino;.' imv rane i npnrlv t i.o,, i ! ..It- , J AiicaBUXO XUai I Koin,. I, 1 . . n .i ll . . ' ' T , , . lUttVCUUCU ne estawaies, and fulfill everj pledge that he has made IU5 virtue 01 118, provisions, he placed in the high office which I pies, and views commensurate with all the States, and co-extensive with the whole people, and contrast it with the collection of persons , who are trying to destroy the country, I regard it as more important than any convention that has sat, at least since 17S7. Renewed applause. I think I may also say that the declarations that were there made are equal to the Declaration of Independence itself; and I here to-day pro nounce them a second Declaration of Inde pendence. (Cries of "glorious," and most enthusiastic and prolonged applause.) Your address and declarations are nothing more nor less than a reaffirmation of the Constitution of the United States. Yes, I go farther, and. say that the declarations you have made, the principles you have enunciated in your address, are a second proclamation of emancipation to the peo ple of the United States. (Renewed ap plause.) For in proclaiming and repro claiming these great truths, you have laid down a constitutional platform upon which all can make common cause and stand uni ted together for the restoration of the States and the preservation of the Government, witnouc reierence to party. The only ques tion is the salvation of the countrv; for our country rises above all party considerations or influences. How many are there in the united states that now require to be free? They have the shackles upon their limbs, and are bound , as rigidly as though they were in fact in slavery. I repeat: then. that your declaration is the second nrnc lamation ;'of emancipation to the people of viic uuuea orates, and otters a common ground upon which all parties can stand. (Applause.) Mr. Chairman and gentlemen, let me, in this connection, ask whathavel to gain more Louisiana and Texas by combinations too powerful to be suppressed by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings or by the powers vested in marshals by law; and ; Whereas, by another proclamation, made on the 16th day of August, in the tome year, in pursuance.of an act of Congress ap proved July 15th, 1861, the inhabitants of the States of Georgia, South Carolina, Vir ginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama, Ajuuiaittuo, xcAoo, xxi ivausaa, iiXiSSlSSippi and from or be separated from the American Union, and that, therefore, each State ought to remain and constitute an integral part of the United States; and did further declare, in the same last-mentioned proc lamation, that the several aforementioned States, excepting Texas, had in the matter given satisfactory evidence that they ac-; quiesce in the sovereign and important rei olution of the national unity; and iniereas me f resident nf (ho tt:j - wulkU "'Ifl'tecl to convey to the mintli J,Z il I P" senona nn. The words insurorents" si-nA ruiK, ' Ji3 UJLJTV ("traitor -and utve. a place no where in these papers) And he has a pt' puce little with the spirit and temnr f v ; ! , f . - X "A HYGAA lAA most union loving and ' Conservative of the Northern . peopUj who expected to send delegates to the assemhly ;at rjul'ideljdiui there to receive an open . acknowledge ment Iv fore the world that the people who have been gvvAMf conquered were battling for right and truth ( , , voc vveiit,inerfl (xa . . x "uuoiuc ui niw imiionai resourcps nnH Ged cases, suspended throughout trm TTnJfpr. i,f r . sources, and fQfo ;. . uubu" uuii uicieiurf, io ue sanctioned or out th'p w Tlenf ?Kt0 T !?Ue throu8h- ,,OTd. ePt in cases of actual neceity 2ari0fctt?JrebKe"!OI,,u0r UntU fr rePelli,,S i"vasion or supressing insure sai.l procla?iat.oii8hould, by a subsequent rection or rebellion, and (hi P.i Sfj .; lUA j . V . - ---- vui vjuvcillllltJUt. One. tO hP. lssnpr 17 PMt iL. h- ,i . ., ' . uiu I Pf. no I liUiU ill HilCTHfl. ."inn fminnrrlni.nnf,n,l I A nrl o.,..!.. i.1 i . - . . I .va. kj 7 nig x (11 L H III rTllAr in tn u jlla.- a . . . - l. , . -- f m auiucu uuuu euiciv ueuiiemen. Tni shnniH ka i ttu.i ci.i'. . , -- uc iiuweiii, ana steaaiast. Tlie lieht enmh n,i that holinf iTli , ,. ' i . " "' wiiiiuu OiaieS. De mOflltiPil Ail. r. 1 . .1 uuu ."v uwiawa uuilliv iiiv Win (m n in nirnn. I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f T r 1 rn rrrotitir 1 1 1 -, I ' vne.oawn tot day breaketh to onr pvas i, La t uii . . "1 fu genius 01 our liepubhc and its inar. takes his stand upon that 'charter of our under the constitution nftho nn JJ The Mpy resuit3 cf this proclamation of peace are ".ties . f he great rampirt of civil and I may say that I have held, from the low- case of the Mayor of ."oluM "uerty. irroioqgpd cheenn.l est to the lushest, almost everv nosition fn early life to which a man may attain in our Government. ciaihatio: writ of Jim public career: enough to gratify a reasonable nmhitinn .nnnhnnr. ii I If T .fci-J il . . genius of our Republic 'and its insritnti r.:..x:. . r , "Y c.,c,eili;e uie l wauicu uuuioniy, or II 1 Wished to Der- ever . . I TTr tii'. 1-. J t i atrain assumes thn fintiQO o-taviii" ueeii tauo-nr. in IIIV Tl . 1 J - . if : W.AVAIIAIO I CJ AAA !hiiudinatioti. too insim.ifirknf ' !T- U1 mfi Psmon elsewhere, t - O w AAACnAAt XlSltl JU .vitlli iliom lm ("ii'ntnf.li. - AAAtivAMAnvArtue. i "traitor -flnH i-im shau sit Mice more in its national halls of a "UH.,? 2Lmy 1 others, add to make it petuate my own power, how easv it wonhl TV,'olU,Ui:.i...i .i , . . ' IX1V eUlOe. Hpsirt.w annUiioXI i. U-1J i - i, ..' . .. woemj nuu wicivKii snn.ii no rtntron ai. i i- i i ) vt uiiniiuoc.i i uat c ucc in 1111111 nnn una i .- - l: i f ill. "w vaaa.waa uuui meir mgn I rpi tj .j , 4 . I i J uu icm tuab wuiCll P3. ; t , . Iheresident proceedel. and denied the was Dlaced in mv hmrl th J:i. . , fthnWftff U U "J '!.. I . - . . 11 .... . V w.y UiCOSUIC , nr":0 reuu m ine resolutions of this pro- , ,1U uau ever Deenj tyrannical or canea "the reedmen's Riirp.in hu 1 - In -.r,, C 1 t . " - - I WT i . . - "" a repealing me suspension of the oucn cnarges, he said, were daughter and applause.! With corpus) and abolishing military arrests s'm ply intended to deceivfe and iIpIikIp fh which it nlnfP n? t .. andtrialrfbv militarv mmmW,. Ut.." i , nnhlin tnin.1 ui;I- J. " . . , - . U3UClluu x COUIQ i j .'1" vo, jjwiikuiu Parana f"""v -""iu uuu utility. , tnat ttiere is a10D wuis, iia no possibility of error nr mic, Some nnn m nnxTro. l,: 1, r. T n - y ""uvuu- ' V VA vv 11 1 J r A ' "R'lnrir?!! o?ppnf. tho inVinKif orfo iV.i t I m . - o.wv,a, ...w .UuUl.kuuio ui tuab uart I ftr-ltPS in tha onrv,n f - . - ofthe State of Virginia lying west of 'the ther dedaV; TthT 'b U.tS to'bT.fnT named as might maintain a loyal adhesion Overcome ad mu.t to the Union and the Constitution, or might bealt with sols tSe'e them vol' nU be from tune to time occupied and con- become friends, or else they must be he d trolled by the forces of the United States by absolute military poweV, or devaluated engaged in the dispersion of the insurgents, so m to prevent them from ever aSSffi were declared to be ,n a state of insurrec- barm as enemies, which last named P0, Cv ZlZ ' e Un" States; and . is abhorrent to hnmanity and otfieK Whereas, by another proclamation of and 'reeaom, the 1st day of July 1862, issued, in pur- .Whereas the President did in the sam. 7th It0 01 C0nf,re? apPr0V?d June Proc,aion fu"h declare that he etnIS 7th, in the same year, the insurrect on was tin f .!, tt:,i o... :j- -onsutu- declarcd to be still nxistinor in f rin Qtnfno I i:i j. O " w umttj I otllUCIJI, : j r.i ai " . -"vuu.. vuiimiuuiucs uuiy as iacarps nnrl .n.S I .""P"011 ,ot rtain not as territories, dependencies, provinces specified count.es m the State of. Virginia- or protectorates; , further,' that UU l!l A Ol a . constituent otates must neccssanly be, and V -MAciuuiiugBsiu political ngnts, immuni the proclamation ties, dignities and power with the several VPrP rpvrik-pi nnd Ci.i. ...1 I. ai . , . oft 10th,-18Cl, were Wed?d sSwbiou re uni a. i v uu vai uuuii. i kiiiii'knhh- i irioni ninn 1 1 ri - . . - 3 P-P'e ?f .th" before named States. eVce 4. wM? v- j . . 8 11 ua,suaieu "'i to De and become more and more OrV. Paving in their renewed j.WJfUI. aiJU icau- allegiance; and lort in North Carolina, were declared to be Whereas, the VAIA AAA CJ1 tpiCkbU VI United Statesman Procwlnnf A', ,1 C A 1 ' 1 i , n . i , fcAAA Aivoiutm uiu iui lUcr Op- State oi .insurrection arfninsf- thn I i Q "ic.iuai oiauuuig uniiies, military occupa- d I finn nmrlinl lm .,:i:i A 1 t t ttti f t . . i iimiuui-iaiY, ujiiiuirv LrinnnniA anri thp iC Td Dyt anotn" proclamation of the suspension of the writ of habca, corBr: uLee of th,.el,'7bfr,nSG3, mad 'n pUr; are' ia time ofPeace. dangerouVTo pub suance oi the act of ijonorrpss innrAvn 1:1 - ' am, .. . iRM .:.r.r 1 u"i-",.coinPanDi0 wim tne individual tnk7.tin.-r' '?;'""u oeciareu ngbts oi the citizen, contrary to the genius mi hf16,,,d,ll,'n',,?i,0fU!' andpiritof our free imitations, and ex !!??JP??.w'a'n.5: hastive of the national resources, and and or Same nVoclarnnHnn f?ilaA revoked; that the policy of the Government of the I TTnif nA Sfnfz.ii r xl 1 ... Whereas, the House of Representative r' t;rT- 1 ADeS'n.ng ot tbe on the 22d day of July, 1861. zdoote T Jl"?11 i . , . - "4 fMvM A A LAVA KJ I -v-.unuu iu mc wurus loiiowingr, viz: een conducted in uniformity ill) (i(!.)Crilt with tllAni in-Til I iti tllU he tnuon were to confps tliTne,i, a! I - . j wf) CbO uiiciuitis to tne a restoration of strictioq,t embodied as an active and Uvin itb 1 preservation .of principles which should be inviolable jiii.a finviol;lte. Such expectations were of course un-.r-iwpnalJlo and not to be entertained fey those who ippreciHte.l and realized the difficulties and Uronbles wfuch imvtbVRefcus since our surrender of the holy f:iUls0 Ul v llioh wo had staked and lost sonwh Tii. 1 - ii I . ... r " 1 j y uic iiciiiuie Wi, 1 .it they were .nevertheless suonorterM ,,,1-1 a ;ATjJV . .iVVVitUof- Iks Lir, W!,v.. x.., . Vi . cuupupn, -fai;, . .. .,1 ..r,. r.J we.cldrett Petoe nd or cdnditibn, ; 1 'cession was i-ebel lion, that' lie ijnum .r the states must be presence!, and they ft H.'l true champions of thej sacred princi las ..of .the. Constitution anl twi.i.J.J hvi V.1 y 1 . '-i'uijuuan government. l!w,Sg1:! thCri t--- Aether just-' . "T'-Vr.::. vuujr war 01 lour they were of 0 -r '" l"' ui mutiny even the liatioiial lininn rVi,,li.' ; vuuifuuoii. rjrmr.i- pie, ;. and to serve as a guide and bright light in the exe cution of law and justice, there Tvould have been no measure to onr satisfaction. 1 j say again: let us be patient To produce or- flf na3 lintl confusion, to subdue the passions usurninor nnM I . ! I 1-,.1V trampling upon narhts secured bv the Con stitution. It is done by 'those who make sucn cnarges tor the purpose of coverin tiieir own acts. ".hnt'a nr o rvn nnt-o , ii"'u.i. , t v t aa uijiikia 1 11; l s vii nnn n . . l. ----- pi rtp- v viin mguis uiu louowing as an piause.j 1 have felt it mv dutv. in vin- auxiliarv. riano-ht.nrl i it -m i x i- . - I mJ ' L n-v. in WVlJUUjLiUII HI 1 ;i n,fnd control the tide of angry feelim? enPfiT1flpr- nation Ot the PHnciDles- and ConsHtufinn the other nnnUnn f n.... a. . t eel by tli4 terrible-stniAHrle whir.h wIIt,. " nfmv ,nuntf. f u J i". ""7 . " "fc v,uvCiii,enc, 1 ir,',s.-iivn, -i in ex- kmivpisiU'dly declared-tliese'men; ti -x-. i.iu WX. CSJ Mr JEE3 "Taars. menT-nf " ' F the I,lc' is ipon that I have a way ments of mv nature, nnrlin,',. .... - if ;j n... t , . '') my life have made me, either tLnlPrCt,Ce- 0PPures- M "ature, "r of a Subsidized, calu&n. press the cntri, rather d.kenaive in its drive me from mv Durnosf "RES? I Wlfll flit. m-inr.inlnn r a.1. 1 i . Resolved, by the House of Benrm.- : Z.wX -i, ",0-,aSl Damea Pr- - , , , - " - i viuummuii icwilbUa till LI lives ot the Uomrress of the TInitfid Sfnf T 3 F'e. Civil- C'jZX have remained at the caoital of thT; ' coa7 7 the d.s-' the grounds therein stated, and here n and; with fifty or sixty millions of approp i- vo U.nVtXSi T DW t reCite1 did then and thereby proclaim ations at my disposal, with the machinery Ind in8arm, tutional government, and declare that the insurrection which to be worked by my satraps, and ZZI ITlJ1' th.at heretofore existed in the several State hZ ents in every town and village- and then ,n fiiT cu'"B"cy, congress, oanishing lore named, except in Texas, was at an end with; the Oiil Rights bill" ZXZd fseaD' lmXJ.&h and henceforth to be S SeTad our part in any spirit of oppression, nor State S ior any purpose ot conauestor .rnose of nvprthrA ' "l:: r'ry ""4 and eQded, and the ne-rrjmt has been vtiiiv,aa vTrrr"TTie nguts OTesTtTlsiiej-iusttTiinonl c"ri tY .uiieu ocaies nas Deen sue the peo- of those Stiles, but to defenfan Sit s Meto,7 -tablished in the .s reuea; the supremacv of th n.i;i.. .1 . "V "ias,ana now remains there-- ments'ot mv nntnrp r,T.ii . ,V;J a,1 ; ; - .wwajra reuea: the sunremno.v nf , . r U1 --i mc, luisuira O l ' upon U IL 1 TP u nnw nn T 11..A io vuusuiuuoa, ana IO in unrpsietor nJ 1: j , , in mvfeelin neither the tnnt "I L""1 u,at Prese.rve the Union with all the difrnitv. tho iru c-. u"ulsPulea and such of WrL ; " . --r"-- JCC1 U1 onress, eaua tv .inf. rirrKfc r P. -v - -M.tcu ouuus omcers as havft hppn ,,1,, u ""V verai states commiss nnl Txr.fu;., t 'J or m on jit t lu,r avowals. It advocates, forgiveness and forget ffesf that the basis of theRe- InMf ho m equal Representation, and the priV ilogcs ol trials by juries and the writ nf unu ' ii -i ' . ""ucus COIDIIH. is lown hese broad propositions-Tht however er! teiulfd ma can unimnairpri.-nnH fK 7 . uj character, But I will avT7w u io,;. -i t , VurPe.. Lreat an- jects are.accomnK.h I.T 1 ir. r S e.are: ?ow the undisturbed exerri.P . 7 iJ I : I wviMIU lYlCUL'f, III 1 XI I nPTlAf HVAAf I w v - i i '. w wui7V)i iui r ai .nil. i innpi' ' a h w Washino-tnn. 'A nor OS HT Moray' Stanton's Infaimi.rVh TtJnuv. can deribunces Stanton and nhnrcro partial Responsibility for the New Orln0 nnta i Tf , a.i 1 ..... v"""", Lfi:i a" t .. . ; y .1'"" avvu DdVH i n;ir. no imthhnij i 11 1111 imrnr onrt f-i i i 1:1. t .1 . 1,1 . j -"'aawhhvv lli f i;.:. uuff" iro.m lDe "tunon, there is not tne people of the United StatP. fPr.i . eiiouffn on earth trt vlrivo . . v w. - .a.v- mo 1 uiu 1 iia cJULiiusiiisrirt rnnonnn 1 tt n oud and prolonged annlnnap l w onpj T " .n"' "-J u ine K feP' Loib wUh my hu! commissioned within the limits of the said taken my stand upon the hVAnrf ; " i r c fcUPior except cease:" and Al'I . --T I'liuvilMLO l vt KlAly UULIIIII III f F I 1 . OVICfnrn 1 to of their official functions; and resolution m the words following to-wit: Stanton did not even answer the .have not been awei or disinaved I -v VA Wll I I.1JLL1UI W Ill III. I 111 U H M 1 1- V II I I I rill tf-kV lktf-hM - ll atcn. The Prpsirlorrf ,a .. timidafAl oifl- iua i ' rf . uujci, iu a political and , -. IV vl U I . . J ""-uio til Wetfeday last. Whefilinor Aiirr O t ht TIT .17- . , ------D, -b -rr, x . iU. trcst i Virginia Johvsnn. W CSb, V IJ tC UlO llirisdlffinn " L ' . the powcirs abrogated to'ine arbitraiv eclAot .fe? PllC7. Was held tb-day Wiu usurpations and must not be permitted imt favery is now and forever ' herealW abolish! Onnnrvn f rPTirnOOn,- rv C w a. jl . ments, but have .iZ.T: Zr.rJ" tn?i h,S" behests of with natrintaV .nW .:tvJu"cu T.'e "ave "lwa's bee" respected and j- 'aiim, owuiiuiujr me tocsin uueyeu Dy me. Annlnnspl ; . , viaicu me tuauei oi no- w. nairman. I Ii-ivp sniii mr,m Col. erty m danger. Great applause. .! ona Previous occasion, and repeat now, that all that was necessary in this trreat CJ nnrl thi. 1. .7 J ! v' "erai, "Kesolved, That the nresent denwTi,iA lik tha C ! ' Vi sal.a State of Tex, civil war has been forced upon thecountry named, aVeTell and lovallv H! r 0,5 by the dMunioolst. of; the Southern Stato have conformed, or wnf "of oTSf 'i TL'T 'ainst thc ' constitutional legislation to the Snd tioTof "S, " ?;i,r 7l-u .V118 aro,1 the capi- mg but of the amendment to thi r 6.- iai: tnat in this nationnl the b atos of the union and can never ,,t . . that ifo State shall linvn i. . ' - I . . " separate itself from the ,gkeral national Government, and by 'force of arms - 4 t ; ; ifuionsix ior itself an indr,PT,w tUi;e1 1" lus, mciul Porition and holds them to day -iuid if there be a man who secures the heartv 5 I! A , I . J I V II j ii ap J.WiKennerlv fnr fiZ-C " u B msc despotism was that the r.i; .rrjrvj audible for G i j Lf ew ork, Aug 26, PM. lueimencaD Peopie ttfhear and properly , vxviu uiaiirii.i .iipn rrnow a-: i uuioiiiiiiii. npir nin i-innw nrw i i z MP1 announced in the sso- onD4 seeinS wh the contestants were! about, they settle flu's question on the side 6f the Constitution and distiifctjjovetiinient If nor we unders'taad tbe W, CBted dispatches of th mnlr, and what the strufffflft :: wns uont t Mr. Johnson, he has proclaimefl t---..V the trektv of Vwo nf TD-:! dfttfirmin Iti. .L. " I I 1 t 5 - Wt HIIIII..1 I W li 111 l-II.Iil.l IT 7. V A ikj 1 , r w w man. i ilhenXure we Klitipnai Uui We Ipxtc th e endorse the aims and obieets f uion Convention, not from expediency it word; it means in nolitinal S..'rend,i' of truth honor to selfish and inadequate Jilteivsts, and -a contemptible slrifKiU U i . - - ; o lutu oi yiiimtoo oi variable public opinion- ;but from I. ai a i; mere bp a m:ui who securer ih ,L ". ji A nU J- . . r v Vi iuC usutuuo .ui,r,Mi,UuanratfmetfX ttTS hio?dEft,d,8fatch saysthat tfie King fPnnc.ple. I proclaim herito-day, sbutUiha iuL.i r .i... !..... PPP' of the Has ordered the Saxon m strc ) have on nrevions rvs!. k. I T soutvithe head of the Executive nr r r rr y-u , oaxon ministry to co-onpr. "ave on Previous occasions, that mv faith' r.- ..ibuicui, is mat ate with tho - -. " ... n tu i. . n ., 'j . j " ... m. - : - auitjunues. "ho " "" siu mass oi me Deon e in rhP rt.arir. Ti!i . M . .u ranktr.rf: Adonmkl.. l . .. I aof. V&v..u a a i . . ; " t r r 1 O0oin Tf a nas voted a loan of cou ,gf Vnis struSSIe whe,n the clouds ?AlvrEf nnsV ! t0, be most lowering-my faith, was rS!? dTtch SS tbat the seige !"stead jf givjbg way loomef up through vvas raised nn tha 'Oqj mi .a thp n,-,A; u i . . i . o i : v . v . j v A.fii i i nn . x.aw vjiiiiiii. ii-rinn ttthiAk ' ji i ii .uv x nn i ri vumn i wiiii vv iiii'm i w i nr t i" r t- r i i ne cessity aud a sense of fhA nliii. .t .'. t - ""o"u una oy ine peo .ii n nrtl,ii C,il. i i l ... ; I j trVKi, " vV.Ji" -lu W1 V-ages at the end of the w ar. These hnsu who havu foniiBil u T-iniiMni Ju ... x'vrAAVAttA wiiunua witn j a,jr.a telegram says that the emnrt ra:su3,!nded six months .nny aD- P0", in the vui ciciv iinrr m i 'nKo. i i nnmno i -; . ) i . i " "-iioiisuii. can no reiVMentatn e leaders of the Southern Sti.tes, affirm in i j rrwiuttivora 10 Ming about goodfe'eling and a H'-uni'ou of the States, that. tSm i a. . . . . . rVj7, ..AHA me riejiaent.are The . . i . . aav it isuiuiis- mey Ml nibiii ii.. .I'll. . -ii t I " . j-a. .aa w icjt-v. lue xvuucal party, and to accede toiho platfarm ofa restored government as it is 'now trn; Thtx 'Hls which they ' make, and the m wjueu thoy otter are identical with !those requir- ' V a y tlie P00 of the Northern ; ; , " aroinad bUnd if we reject the last u i. unnappy and distractetl land; because in . uauwaiioa ot the plan which is to affect mauon, tneir past history, their arid thft 11 ll;ifni.ii !.-..T AT. . .. - J ....., AUiH.1 LUL'm TJ- o II K1. .T--1 linn ..Ji,; i , .. . i ' ; reoei- Hon v Wb we know m our hearts to havej been a ricX nous.7 heroic blniL-re I for i;w,. ..Jv ? g i.id that th.v .1t"7.i J., " . " Tu Pdence, who roceivn I rZ -T" f rts the men i i, iwZ; ! ut, lUucle admiration of f i 1 soioiers iuthe cause of right I 1 1 tiro i-j - . ArtAAl irrr : view l the pn, and :tv.u"i; ueueve. ihose fa rCSKtTd in tl lae been estabUshed with a ' ZZ 16 principle can continue to exist after 'th m 1 m has upheld itshall have laUenawaoS wntjean retain any particular form anlon4iW hf views and wishes of the people who compose U UM1 Je significant of a determination that it ia J A Republican Constitutiou and a Kepublican and conclusions lii T 1 T , , ' v HIUII, i 11 il 11 x had intended to sav. For thn K-inil nii sion to mvself p.nntnJn T-r, v aa slon or resentment, will recolWf. nnU and m the resolutions adopted bv the Con J :y - the wole country; that this war is 'CUMUUi bl me remark that and at the present period I hold above all price, recur with feelings of profound gratifical state fhf,? t'Tf0- ?"y f those Whereas adequate provision has b non, to the last resolution. Mr.t.!n,'n. , 10 aeiend and mainta n the Rim. I made hv rnilirni-tT -A. x. . . nn JZZr : i. remacy of the constitution nA .n fi,- i" X Vul". .7. u.uIrs 10 enIorce the c j . iuc laws 1 .iau cue iic made in pursuance thereof, and to preserve authorities and LIU. I I 1 1 I f I Tl XTT1 1 K nil iU. J " I tj . w.VtM wim cm tUO aiuQl and rights of the several States endorsement of a convention pmnnai nr. spontaneously- from the great mass of th? people. I trust and hope that mv ftnro action may be such that von and tho Cnn vention you represent mav not reo-rpr. th assurance of confidence of me von v separating, my friends, ceu exe-: . -" i mo IdWS "Ul""' "1 Uie aCtS Ot nnrrrA.cc, 1 iL. -i o,iU:i.- , " vv Hfetvaa, uiu me C1VU nnri r . . -- cccure ooedience fo the i ana laws ot the United SU otate of Tpvne ;r . ttto m.llfnr r. - a. icsuri. complished the war -ouriit t?.-V..1 Tl or 8Uctl I)urPose should at : i-iTi ' - i Aiuu i nmo uerome necessarvt diffn tv. ennalit CoMtibitinn A l'"": w -I ... . , awj oi me United Statp . uiiiiii I ill 1 1 ! i I it iLiiiij i.iii .11 'irn I ' . r- and that as soon as thew nWpnf. M;iif. "7:. 1,1 .Aexas Ji a resort to I vvw Whereas as these resolntinns rr,Tu I Now. . th one and all plee accept my sincere thanka BD.ot " concurrent, in form are sub- President of the United States I do .herX' klnd. "iftatlob. of regard and SU the, . and as such have hith- Proclaim and declare the -WiflyrS ?.Ieave yesterday, (Sunday.. W0"ld be well jn the end i jw ii ;i i t r i -mii a u i.,. a. m 'Fin t t , tcicgiam savs rhat mv cnnnrrTTmiTT w .1 at . . i . ,j -" i . , i ... . .taavu, we an kuuw mar. r.v. iruitien nv n nnncmz - suu Rr.r. m trhih ia. 0tt.i a'Zj.- - j. . j . " - wuowcumuus conviction ot j 'viimcy iciaie ana rpcnof ttam l i i i -l . . . I prf r KnAn . . It - . vyv.u uU , e.iuoitea on tbis occasion. I " , ""U'jrt are regarded as having neretolore existed n the State of Tas nt I reoeat t hat T sbnll -i,.., , t exoressed thn fiono r n .m j - . . ,,ctHan,w it?xas at j ------ M""M1a.yB cuminue to De f. " U1, y"gress upon the is co De henceforth so rcrraMn Iang exercise m that State as in the other States before Assistant Secretary OF THE exerted more effectively by. the many by one. We have seen a Cdn-ress " - I 1 1 , . " ' '""'l Ul I TTT1 ... J " FS8B. RJOTi.,?t of .e United "amed. in which the said nsurrection a, ULT -""."luuon, wnich 1 have V U?;1'.:1011 01 lhe 13th rof proclaimed to beat an end by the afom than 1 made mv fruidp. grad- At the conclusion of the President' s re Treasurx Convert rr"'- 1"ut" v e "ve seen a Cdn-ress ffrad- At the PAr, a.. P rrT'S "any encroach. stPn BfJ J ..:ix I .,..1-0 l a... 7 " nrpco,1 ,nUiL....il . 1 it.i.?v.i,nntJn !; v, AAmcuiijue a. yiAiLrrvue oitne curionq innirionfc, r Ma j - r J "F ttUU vioiaie 1 "ixwo, nnce cumusiastic ciieers were P-ivpn r mat, me numonty 01 the U S lie exponents of the present government of the TTmt of day after day, month .nft.Pr rrTArrfh rh fnr'An Tu -. j . Were Slven ffi . , .UU7B.U,a: Haud it, politic,! creed as it now Unds: thJ ifil'ailV 7 J V aejPa movement is Stitutional rights and th:7.rrrr;:T..:" HlrTI" Vri" 1 ' vaau vuii (ciBiiiii tir n r 1 ki.j 1 . . 1 i u . uuu timou mi iiiiii i uvuv.iui vi i ii 1 1 1.. " uuuu ici . ssisrnnt- I i-.mmc nt- i-, t . i , c Tiitto iccc Vi 1 j At . . -s.otu uiix-. uu euu oy ine aiore- i tl' IS? lerCl?d that the nsurrection said proclamation of the 2d day of April. nmCOnl nnH Unl'll il , n . . I A ITT 1 i. -. . . , . ,.. , . iinu i do lurtner proclaim that the said Secretarj0f the r Treasury,, to the a cor- facts-which urn 0. t I . n .. v- nitt; dent's policv. -Mr. nti'-l"'!81' f .ynSss ftiat seemed-to forWet there if-: nous ment ciples aCon a limit to their sphere and and; three more for . a "ad Deen duIy commissioned insurrection is at an end, and peace nrl ftffhflfin r--.r.-. - ------ :UuU1,luiycu eierciseoi tneir "-""y m authority now exist in - r uuvcumem. Ave nave seen i xne rresident then took rfm.;-;. omciauunctions: and - AjTA.s-.ai.eii ii ii i r lhrottrhout ..ii . uuiomtj now exist in r,J whole of the United States of was the door. opening into the! hill, with" ftPn Whereas the President nf thp TTn;f M. gentlemen states, by further, proclamation, issued on , testimony whereof I have herewith set re-electiftft nf fimr Tir--u'. a. I your and mv sin9 tvi,l. t t -rrrr " w t wi m wiiuuui on-1 - . "uau uas nppn ThPf ansn posinonj I ne eniovs the k nirnlnr a V4 uur ouenumc:? 1 w l -n.: fortune to! be thought nn J,, u to stand by the Constitnfinn Zc J? 4 " w AH (MfMUD M1MJ J.WM. I V I w - w a W a ma B III srW II I STV r T n fl am a iv A - every shMe of political oninion. wi,i 1 consider the proceeding 7i 7 w r. iMh , o the ever T hear him snoken of' ,l,.f, C mention more imoortant th. XCI "r " . . ;F 11 "iT. f.i" V. r!''V".01 "el-resident which is now in readiness: the PresUcnt of the United-States: A PROCLAMATION. Whereas, By the Proclamati. . nTr aaxx ouncu ui, wueLaer dv a- ,7 "xan jtnose oi any oi me united states m virtue of f h .r- former secessionists Unlnn , , convention that ever uiLa xL t L u: :. A ."e ? tUe power L - m, wai uieu qi. i-A, - -vuiuieu iu me u. I cau iu nun uy ine Uonstltutinn nnrl Iottto or peace. Ricn, the sneaker is Wftnt frt States. Great Applause.1 WhPn t hloVar tht ui i."r Vi1. ?.ancL straiarht-fritrwr1 .fm: j u.- . I citizens, cominnr tnfrfii- ' ,1, . l , . '. . cuuon tliereof nA 1 T ' ""S-ocuaeujiionesimaD, 0:fx: ., r . C1 voluntarily, and I oDstructcd in tlie States of South Oarnlitm and that 14 what we want now." . elttlnS council, with ideas, with princi- Georgia, Alabama. . Florida? Ms .;;',m oridof the most radical of th. 1..' "tT'P0. ad s?Pe of legis- Orant by his side, where, as the ly corrupt cotton rins in the dnn,f orif "... . A. 8 Seen.a Vongress in a min- ol the committee and members of the CW e 2d day of Anril. 1S6G. did nrnmnlf. m' and caused the seal nf il, tt:. ' 1 t . - I J .!. ,1 . . . O I Nrntnn 1. IT? 1 r t.wi4 uuu ueciare mat there no longer existed 77 lu ue amxea. any armed resistance of JJone at the city of Ww.h.n or others, to the authority of the TTnifp,! twentieth day of August, in th States, in any or in all , the States .before ord one thousand eight hundreH mentioned, excepting only the State of lx and f the independence of the United Texas, and did further promulgate and de- btates of America the ninety-first, clare that the laws could be sustained and Andrew Johnson enforced in the several States before men- By the President: - , tioned, except Texas, by the proper civil ' H- Seward, Secretary of State authorities, State or Federal, and that the people of the said. States, except Texas, c pENEEAL Beauregard's Property - are well and loyally disposed, and have bteP3 were ken to-day by the Govern conformed or will conform in their legis- raentto.stay all proceedings for the iire lation to the condition of affairs rrrtw.no. 8ent in the matter of th., nr.i: out of the amendment to the Constitution Iate Confederate General Beaureirartr of the United States prohibitine slaverv property in the southern St.it p ; IT 13 ' within the limits and lurisdiction of thp l - . . United States, and did further declare, in I Generals Pikh- ir.n..i. ' the same proclamation, that it is the mani. Prominent nfT,. "? . fr fest determination of the American nennlp Philadelnhi.a nTb J.. . !n? ,ale that no State, of its own will, has a nht diately upon a stump n"' ou r throuSoS or power to gooutoflor separate itlelf the Westem.States mp,n tour Wwfihont . T- I ' . v . WAAVv V U1.V ration pa the Philadelphia decFaratioT of myself 03 . weU . .? Veneral Grant e hand. prpcip I . patriotism Mdt4b E of Z - 1 ' PROCI,AMATI()T- GoWoeth in the IUsTERJi Counties. S'6 baVS. be8a denonncell in the ,. BY PRESIDENT JOHNSON. rM" us - Eastern ZZ- SJand upon slander, vi ( WL Li.. . I vuuuiv.savs: 5 - m-ioviuu uuun virnnorof .rn . a I taniAiirciX. JX.irr in TU . .!;. 1 & "uviul 1111 ni ino mnar 1. v ii in innri nr f Northeastern connties .of. the VllT??' made itl way through !3 theCJtt of. f? President's Peace ProU "Tf' "Kpeopie are united in desiring the 1 Vnat gentlemen, has been ' 1

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