i. .11 111 JPj li1 A 1 JDj 1 1 Mi V li' iJj lb 111 (tool IS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1866. NO. 22 vol,. l. .71 It -. v.l-- 77, , 7 THE NEWS, . X rUvdsilEl) EVEIIY TUErftAY. 1! I; . &;.!. JL MYROVER,- ' 7 . . ED1TOUS AND PllOl'KIIiTOiiS. ; ' ifroti the N. Y. Freeman's Journal. MASSACHUSETTS AND SOUTH CAROLINA ARM IN ARM! , Weekly, Do. One year,. Six months, f From the Augusta Ga., Constitutionalist JEFFERSON DAVIS. $3 (M) 2 00 RAT EH OF -ADVERTISING,- ihw liirc U ;U or.-lwjK) first insertion,; $1 .00 n'li sulsii'picnt insertion, I'tti'' oho year, teic HjUii.re, ............... For six luoiitlis, " j !For tlirco months, " i'or (itivrkr Coluuiii, 5 squares, y.mouths, :; . - . " o v.' i ' tt j t j . For 4Ialf Coluiun, 10 Kiiiirch, 3 :t. -it ! -.- I'tt I -,.,.tt .. , . o: ;., V For Un' CJoinviu, ao Hiuarep, 12 '". 4 (I - 0 12 " :.o0. ..1300 . ,.l 00, , ::; oo : 2.r oo to oo 00 0!) 75 (JO . . -10 00 -75 00; 100 Mi ,125 00; 75 0O. 125 001 150 00 r 200 00! Mr. Davis will ever have will beat :.'t!lv'erUs'iiie insertion; "'.' nM to l3 continuel inside, SI each GOT HIM THERE- "Mcrf Are1 but children of a larger grovvth!?r A maxim of the late Dr. Elipha- let Noti vf hich he used to repeat so con- m pacn senior ciass m u nion oui- i ra 'n I' frron f rn n.lc rtl I i t -i , i - t ioois: iinere are a lew exceptions, young gehtlenjijnj Just a few the exceptions knaves! !tl:ynaves:"and fools - niake' un this world!'! f if these sayings are true, and worthy! M acceptation, then the shallow Z : pieceoi opening iuino rnnaaeipnia v.oiiventiuu mitted- himself to the was a sopd device. We cannot accept either tlese maxims True, most human beings tirejstunted, forant of the will and the discliillne that develop' the man out of the child.) The 'few. who Jreal Ivubecouie men pitiway childish things." bo,again: StultaruW infinilus est Humerus 7 says the Holy Wfit: of Jthesdfbo h. naves. 1 1. KiNa opRoME. A very imposing cere- I j "-""j "-iouuiuy latvepiace lnrans. me Jefferson Davis is said to be gradually offin of the Duke-of Reichstadt, son of going down to the grave in a deep decline, t Napoleon l., fa to be removed from its Aus A .writer in a Memphis journal observes: ! triantombtothelmperialsepulchre.beneath "Mark my prediction! The only trial that the dome of the Invalides, where his father the; is entoraoed. The Duke de Reichstadt (King of Rome who was to be) was born COMMUNICATED. tViiipaiiy y- lth Battalion, N. C Light Artillery, was transferred to Hardee's Corps, , .Jblmstbn's Army, after the last bloody iiiiht at Kinstoii;, and the abandoning of that Heeticm of the State.. Subse(iuent to the ; brittle of Behtonsville, and after the retreat- iii column had, passed Italeigh going west, the rah'ks of tile army were daily thinned : bv thti "(lenarturu of the'soldiers who had eitlierlresol'ved to hold on no longer, or be lieved that the last 'strugclc for, inde- knci i If the United States Government dnps : at Paris od'the 20th nf Trftrph. i si i " anrl not wish to incur the fearful responsibility j seldom was a child ushered into the world of cold-blooded murder, it will do one or under more flattering auspices. 11 very two things, very speedilyeither bring Mr. j cradle-the cradle in which he was seen F)avis tct ' immplinrn . trin I rr rnlnno l-.m i hv f he illlisfrlmic tnon nr,A t- .1: fstiiire-nlav that accomnanied the 1 r : i - TfiLJn -.i vi .j , :l- , . .. . . IMxi V,i -i i i i Ai ' ! itwiu uiiauu: xi tue xrrusiueut uaa notcom- vv"" inauy juumeys 10 visit him was a lIT r , tI,limi'u,a T imf ted himself to the wor,k of ! "making treason odious,"- we believe he would long I since nave saiu to tne illustrious prisoner, "go free." But it is now, we fear, too late even for the blessed Work of clemency. We aslvthen, only for justice. Give Mr. Davis a speedy trial. And the Southern Repre- onnf nfiirno in 4- t Tine multitude ot fools is past com j n'i- A r r i. tTi .Ti.- v i. ii ixi u ii if admitted, should not return to their cou ; land it is past dispute that the bulk . i , . Jj'-f,-' - i iL j stituncy without making one unanimous FOB THE FAYJTTTEYILLE KXWS THE COTTAGE UNDERGROUND- Ii the visions of the night, slumbering on my couch amid the quiet and hush of the still midnight, "when the pulse of the great world seem UaUng low, I had Cant. C. B. Cook. Snnrt. J. K. Kvlo. Cond. kin I w , . p. i . . . J 1 shall call a meeting to receive the report of the com mittee, and take whatever action may bo necessary to continue the organization. ' t - . The Chairman appointed the following as a - committee Cant. T. J Robinson. i a revelation of deep mysteries opened, to mo in a dream. " Behold! In the deep heart of a forest of lofty trees a goodly mansion arose, surrounded with orchards and Tineyards and brilliant flower gardens. There were al so fountains, and a river flowing near. Childhood, youth and old ago were gathered leneath its sheltering roof-tree. As a friend and guest I hal boen invited tnuner. C. McRae, Private Al Overbaugh. On motion it was ordered that the pro ceedings of this meeting be published in the Town papers. i . There being no further business, before "NVitli niaiiv others I roved simon? the orchards I meeting, Oil motion Ol UOrpl. J. U. MC- and flowery teiTacesand by the streams, inhaling as it Rac it adjourned, subject to the call of the were, fresh enjoyment every moment until warned by phiirnnn approacmng noon to seek tno cool halls of the man n i -lice had been made. Company B, in P T the iiiiiin, still 'Stuck it out .very .well, a.hd -ifmehibeBi declared that they would follow "Old Ju" to the;Mississippi Valley if he siid the word. But Gen'l .Johnston noverV'said the word" and at the last lialtbi?low" .'Greensboro' it became apparent that the old warrior aufl. all his forces were 55 Is are, more or. less,.the dupes of But there are men in every civil- izekl lanli that are neither fbola nor knaves. As tli4; delegations of States were taking their places on the floor of the Convention at jits organization, on the 14th inst., Mr. RandalJ rughed to the front pi the platform anil ;anaio5inced that the delegates from Massacl usetts and South Garoliua would nowlcailidi into the Convention "arm-in4 1 a r ' I. t i Viid they came! 'The impression: numcrus in the ; Convention ereupon, to cheering ana to weep- ie august signt. iiaj. uen. uoucn off Masaadh usetts headed this procession. friJeek as a lamb, the Hon. James tit- - t i . i Lawrence Orr of South Carolina. Every otiier Mass achusetts man tliat followed had Cfroliniap in tow, leading him up arm. able : 'toojiji 1 1 irinm tt a . : . M. - 1 i wrriiruT un " hnr. linvJhfrf r st As snnn VI-,.- -- as this startling fact became well establish- edin j the minds of the ragged and irre spouslble sub ;and privates, -an ominous -silence Prevailed, and . 'freuuent and close . . 1 V . ' A Blairs. everytntnff, .t!i i . i if Soutl to the Black Republican altar erected for the .sacjrihfce by Weed. Seward and the pDhe band played, meanwhile. lit trnm tit-Tfiil ' I'rvl ti rviKi o" -frk Sublime, rapturous, enchanfinff vision But evqr y cool head in the "wigwam," capaMe of doing just a little thinking for appeal to the chief Magistrate for justice if the more daring attribute of mercy finds no lodging-place in his bosom. ; All the good the Convention can do for the South will be niL nihil, if Jeff. Davis is left to linger in prison without some show ot sympathy in his behalf by his late com patriots! What a chance is here for A. H. Stephens to immortalize himselfi j Will he rise to the occasion?! !; Macon Daily Georgia Citizen. . Amen, brother Al, to every word of it. Jefferson Davis fought gallantly for these United States when they j were, indeed United. He sat, Ln honored statesman, in that same cabinet chairj that Stanton now defiles; and he spoke, as;a noble orator, in those halls where Siimuer traffics on his shame. He was once the President of a great, though unfortunate, Republic, and Commander in chief, of armies whose ill fated valor makes even Glory weep. Once he was feared and respectedjby hisenenVies and once, too, he was trusted and beloved by his own peculiar people.) Europe sounded once upon 'a time with his praises splendid work of art. It is still in existence at Vienna, Upon the sides of this magnifi cent cradl- were emblazoned the arms of the City of Paris, a has relief representing thejp'd oithe Tiber, and another, the figure of the wotf which suckled' llorriuhis' rnirl Remus. The designs were by the eminent artist Proqdhon. ; ; Though the infant duke sprang up into a fragile and melancholy boy ,who spent much of his lonely time in contemplating the ad jventures of Robinson Crusoe, he had a foree of character which rendered him dangerous in the eyes of statesmen. He was told, in his nurserv. that he was too small and too delicate for a militirv earppr hnr Iip sbnt ! mt vo,lume' oftC11 eiijomingmc: W no one set ii ueiicate mr a military career, out lie snot , i hero deijire lo Ktato thftt tLere wcrc iumdreds of Up above the ordinary height, and insisted ': enyravhigs ! and drawings illustrative of the subject of nnon attnnr innr- n.ir.i.b nnt.il h fuinfoH I 111X1 "U1) inauiu, ani mat my comprenension f - was exceedingly acute, clearly understanding and di- i rom iatlgue. gesting the wonderful Scientific and Philosophic-d pro- - An active Search is being .made to dis- ' CCSSC'S through which our material and spiritual snb VnvfiP snn.o mt.monfoc, P thn .,L- 8u.ccs vrcT. ?aitl to. Fiiss! "V l that I beheld re- -r.v ...wv.wv rUi15 - ; cemng a wider ami higher view of tho mysterious sion. Wo entered with mirth aiul Linfbt. r. to draw fresh amusement from other, but not les pleasing sour ces. . . With several others I . sought the libnuy. Whilst my friends were supplying themselves from the book shelves, I stood turning the leaves of a volume of en gravings lying upou a table in the centre of tho room. 4-One after another, my friends withdrew until I was iet$ standing alone. Tbre entered from an adjoining room an exeeedin' ial vounrr man. Within his hand he held a large volume, richly bound in crimson and gold. 4Thero are few persons," he said, "who canlcax to loot upon the contents of this book! I entered that room one day," pointing to the one frfjm which he had emerged, "and found my sister in a deep swoon upon the floor, , with this volume beside her. Since "then it has been carefully locked from every eye. I only pe ruse these pages but you can read it." IIo held it up ; upon the back, in large gilt letters, surrounded by a wreath of Immortelles, I read the title 4The Cottage Underground or a Kevixation of Futurity.' He gavo Chairman. W. DR AUG HON, Cbm'u. Robinson, Scc'y. J. H. NOTICE. IH tIlDEU to make up the reeorus ol the Company acnrally, it is earnestly re-piCfcUtl that any Lit n bjjcjp? friend of the Ooiepay, v.h". r.i:vr havx infTuia tion valiiRl.lelollKit cnf,'wSU"snlnit"it cither to th undersigneil or Jan. C. 'rlt ,.-pct-i;dly svvh. infor mation as relates to the" dates sun i places f the'dcAths"" or sucti nonorary and notive nu ialnrs r,s have died sihetj the lat meeting of the company and :d such as reLites to the promotion of ni. n;bei-s in ith-T or ganizations. Aug. 23. T. J. i;oi;in.son. 21- Jenny Lind. A London -correspondent, of the Baltimore Gazette has the following reference to Jenny Lind Goldschiuidt: Jenny Lind Goldschimdt has just ap peared, for the second time this season, at St. James' Hall. The object of this last con cert was to give relief to the sick, wound ed and sufferers, of all nations cmrared in wlncu may be placed m the Musee des workings of an almighty and inscrutable Providence, the present war. The concert was ornn Souverains at the Louvre Thus far, no StJXo Ri,o a aiu, out- by Mr. lloehel,.., tl,e w,ll k,ou,, co.n relics have been secured which can be ex- lme of the grand scheme, the operations of which ai- noser, who, liue radajno Lind Goldschmidt 1 " t " J 11 1 . . 1 1 tt 1- 1 . . nimteu oesides the great .Napoleon s peaked Vi aisciosures oi tuat most remark- shoes, and the mended slipper dropped i iemSthe scroll of mvM"w. rh. iiin upon the scaffold by lilarie Antoinette or tration was that of a grave, as it were with its liuttora .1 " . . ' - i- - - - - . 1- n .,. ,1. ...1 T II. T 1 . the remnant ot the garter found in the bed fTw " n fp" T uc HC.CS am c i i- i &, -"v to describe, The reading matter cxpUincd that this Ol quicklime Where her corpse was thrown, picture was intended to convoy the idea that the grave His mother, Marie Louise, held in such not- it is usually thought to be, the resting place 11 l c xi of the material substances of the human family. That Small esteem every remembrance Of the a Divine law has decreed that this earth, acqursed for SOn whose birth she SO bitterly deplored, shi. shall not be the'abhb'ng place of juiy part of human tbatvvhen hedied she d.stributcd among iK&d,,. the servants ot the place all the trifles he out sin, shall, in this world, have no continuing city, had valued most, and thus thev have be- ut tnat tho Kvo is the gate or stiu-ting jKint of that has abandoned his professional career and only appears in public in support of chari ties. The audience listened reverently to Mr. Mocheles, interpretation of those "studies" of which if has been said that "they of all his compositions had most in fluence upon his coteinporaries, and will live the longest for the instruction of his successors." His original variations, which cave new beauty to "The Harmonious ;j..LtV . .iiL'-ii. I..1 i i - i i ii - i. I Frnmf.lift warm lmmos itseii. must nave lauirneu at tne transnareui i - , . o shlaml iAl; few :raen irora j Massachusetts; hm e sunny sPV Franco came tributes to ns virtues aud 1 1 l l .il ' t i. , God's i "btauuKu, couia not ueinaucea to part with any souvenir ot the lew short years he consultations in the ranks, of knots of two and three, became noticeable. ri i i L .. iii i :i.:f . w ji. i-riv mtrtir nirr t.iib necessiLV ui a si eeuv i . , . hi ... . . : iKiirreuder became fullv known, the maiori- t, i . if; r . . r . n,, , . ... - . Ity of Co. B, with horses sulncient for I transportation, turned their backs military life, and departed in the stillness the night heavenward or homeward- winch was the same thing to these poor, . . ,. m. As these vftrv lines are written wolfish pva "ce captivated the h wearied, faithful soldiers. They had been, mT lrZ are on him-eves ihat have watched his t ke, which is redolent ':'. j i nit i t I t-t i juuiuc-v uitu uiiii-m us-io iiiiu reai mo oevoua me m come dispersed. 1 he Archduchess Sophia, tomb. This law applies only to man; the substances of Fino-l-ind " ind t tIie one individual of the royal family to there'.10111 tne Ulflrtunate youth was truly objects are re-mingled with tile I nloccinnr r 1 1 Vila Pniiaii XT -i t-vr I nmi mlilrnocad i i t , tnriAit.nfn cirtntimnnr at rnn naAr a rT i uiuoiiit. v 1 4 uiu vuuul xiui'uiuuii uuulooiu ZnZXZ. " ZJ"S" h him aiT,i8 enaal and Pone Ku, the Ninth i at Schoenbhinno. UllOn i ft 1 . ... , K.-l J nnnrpil fnvtb nnnn riim h jsL-nnmief Vionndif- Iheie IS, UOWeVer, a of JSvnmwiwiiu .t;iu.,cu ; 1 - chateau, some two miles fro Jr li - n i ' ii ' j minority; tnere, oi uumDers wortn counting Mmardh into the Convention; arm-in-arm, '"; andtilLercirUfttr beloved coun- try, and they couleU not bear to look upon their connuerers then. Just the day be- y ' . v-v ' ii' fore, Hardee's duet (Quartermaster had sent iira requisition for the number of men pres- ent, who -were to i the last grateful ' in ent of our doomed country to its defend-. I crs; and Co. B, (a very large organization, with eight pieces and a full complement of '. men and fine: horses pjelbre they were killed :: and crjppled up so"' badly). returned: M110 ; men ready for duty" and ready also) for 1 the very acceptable cash. The money j ! came down, -neatly put up in package, ;v and .cosisting mostly of, shining Mexican 1 dollars. But , you must' remember that X quite a dimunition of the number 4for duty' I had been .occasioned by the recent cmigra- ! . tion of. which we have spoken above, and If 'the ono dollar and twenty-five cents equally ? handed oyer to every individual soldier of I thn arinvJ became five times the amount 1 to each reiuaining member of Co. B, in all at that time about fifteen.) But these men . had been tutored, lrom .' hardship and piiyation and suffering to take "the goods the gods provide" quietly and V thankfully, and1 enjoy them fully without inquiring too minutely whence and how they! came. And with grateful hearts many 'lit'tW- comforts, incident to the suddenly improved condition of their finances, were discussed! a round the camp lire at Trinity, suclt as chicken stew, apple jack frequently Passed around,!. &c. &c. Therefore when :Capt.- and his officers received nnWlrpfSSr vvrfTf. R1ip hnhtlv a,rrpPa shown. I haw MpUklnrTacrunt of hnr miserv. hnt not it, you who readyou, man or woman, ; "ULe wnat hrar;p : f second hastily written order from the quar ter-hiaster, wanting to Know now many .men? were really present and requiring that theextra'bpnus should be refunded, there was sent through the company a sercrt. to col- tect the balatlcp which had been distribut .ed over the recular bonus, but strange to say, "it was all gone. Some had expended . rt in luitter or i bacon "or milk: others ".had f ' couscieniiousiy iiquiuutuu uiu uuul iuuuii- i u 0t aw ed to , their comrades, and not one cent bottoin a to avqiid peoples asnses And now that man is dying for our sakes. certain splendid in Hamburg, the property ofarenownd dancer, who once captivated the heart of the young with; his memory, thus they have be- P:" , . ... iu unit? v which Driiirrs us-io Tiiit rfri m.. ni'rnn.i rn . . " --v j r , l- A i i poraneous periormance, euciiec nearty applause. To say that Jenny Lind was welcomed rapturously is merely to state what every one knows to be a matter of course.. , She imparted to her songs that intensity of expression and that indescriba- ble, sympathetic charm which are the es pecial characteristics of her vocalization. of all other animate mother earth. When the dissolution of man occurs, the spiritual is separated from the material position to be reunited after each has gone tlirongh a system of purification and preparation. The body enters the grave, dis solves or returns to the dust, and the tendency of that dust is downward through the atoms of the earth to a broad river that hives the base of all creaUsd sub stance. ! . That our human naturo is to.be purified by water I and by. fire is expressly declared in the Holy Scriptures, ana 1 received tne impression that the ISaptisnial and Sacramental ceremonies were typical demonstrations of A TuAVELLKit Badly Treated. An Englishman, named George Iiussel, travel- daily crucifixion, and will watch him till I i i t ' 1 I hlltft Mimpt.nn fft T.nnvro 1 i . I IT IT All TTT 9r "V 11111 rt tTrtll m O I f l- limiVI On i v. A w V V JLm J V. I I Uf misery, Dut not v' v,.T , haf liEribeople desired and loved! wno vnis aay iiave waiKca aoroau in iree- j Irnt-pJlL i.,,, ij u ' rt oo. nnn dom. or worshinned as vou; would in the ; receive a bonus of specie, 11 ..11, . ti TU tUx. Wftlllf i temples of theLivincr God, that a thousand i,A Doc;. Immediately after the incarcera substantial acknowledge- , . , ilj.f , i ...:xi. - .... mila awn v 'thorn .rrmrdor nmno- this : tiou of President Davis in the casemate at Wade lilimpton! Butler,1 or Banks, or very hour upon Jefferson Davis. Ask i fortress Mduroc, an old dog, who was svvitchid Sumner, is the representative ol ywuiseives u uy uomg noiuing, n uy not , T'T r . , J ; "rt'-"-- tie real Massachusetts; and Wade Hamp- ottering up at 1 dn lofiitlie real South Carolina. When of a brave man T.,flnJlnH Wo TTomnfrttt ,mnln fb.io if eSS Ot that lllOSt jjuiitil ania fTUiVio naui ruvu wuiut u.iua)! --j lur T i j i ii ii r i ... j i, . 4.u i, u i a. ;f j. vnn mv nfi. snmnrnino an nn nnnn. i nn i ..u Uuunvu i un,uiuv mc uwu .v I mi i win i m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 " ii iiiiiv i.i i uiu i r v , . j ... ..... Vw - - , and it is hoped that at the solicitation of the lhe bidden and mystical presses of cleansing through Nmg on loot in Arkansas, recently, was sei- zeu oy seme men wuose uorses uau ogen stolen, and who supposodthat the sj, ran cor must have taken them. He protested Ex-President Davis The Fidelity of hanir that the dust of nil those who "are aid Is continually, descending downward throiudi tho earth: that the waters beneath have the power to attract that human dust or substance; that surely, by irrevocable laws of attraction and gravitation it descends through every opposing obstacle,. constantly working its way as dust clear lluid through the iwres of the earth, of rock, of o0 oPthe matter, and they placed a hall- au suosumces, it passes tnrougn the great sieve of the I er around ills lieCK, hUllir him UP to a tree, a his innocence, but they threatened to him if he did not instantly tell who his con federates were.- He still denied all knowl past. 'nnn nrivor fnr thn snnl ' UUUersiailU lliat Hie prisoner tlierc COnimed tuo waters wnere it assumes a visible f. J. .Lu :u i was a diffftnint iiidividiial frnm tWn .km. rlver 11 descends into tlio place where , vuu arc aaugeiuui gui- , . , . . fires are ever burning. Tliut it was dei enormous sin. Feeble as ;a,,y neiu 111 uuress m tne iort; and when or feelingr during this stigo of purine earth, thus silted and filtered it is finally distilled into rm. Through the refining rived of sense ation was also disclosed.' Alter the process of refinincr. it was sent un and cutting him down alter he. had grown black in the face, again threatened him im- Anain ha nired less he confessed. not, and again they he said he could him until he . i l. r iv linn ueioic i . r. - . . . , through the waters a perfected j t '- X ii Jii. . a r.. xi l J ,xi jl ' I urnmon pnn nrnv irJ i ho. Viiirnlioc nnrl tlit i 3.11(1 tilKG CX6FC1SG OUt OI GOOFS. tu& Old nl1ncr cniriflfKic nlncu lot t I . u u.o nv""rlu' P- .r0,f iano, 00f Mn i, doc's eves glistened, and his caudal aoncn- iboth se iesand aU sizes were floating with renewed ani a magistrate, by whom he was put m pris- MAr . n - -n nnnn y-v ! r -rx i m irr ill rt r r n eT r . . i'v lami i niii m tt iIli i i i i i . c , ti iiiiLiliiiii i s m - . . . - w w j Mion on the words ofthe royal .the throne of Grace. And the men, doing twirled in the air, J lhatv "Indeed all things are vanii this, can seek human aid also. They can j Ss of gladness. Tins dog. followtn the IvLan livW'. , . demand that those who are in Philadelphia ftcps o meo 3 prophf -1 Si.X- . ty; evdtyiman living : ' ! I V ' i : l . . if ft 1 r. A Among what the cruel war has lett at the SolitH of honorable and chivalrous, this emptlfafce is calculated to make an im ' lell' n f ii -r i pressioni liar irom iavorame. love and affectiferi for each other never Avas the bond . 4 .! 1 ''. I -i . I tt i i --r . 1 that united these various states, it was well-considered self-interest, and the desire The current of the stream bore those forms to what appeared to be a house or way-side haven, where they were gathered in by attending angels. It was at this underground wayside'eottage, that the spirit was re- united to the body or material substance. It was a. i ft as delegates from this country, shall if ad- j excursions, and when he returned to the mitted within that Convention, make some.; casemate, would quietly he down and pa onranized effort to assist our fallen, out- S tiently await the appearance of the distin- o . - i . i t . .t i i . . . . . " . . 7 rafred pantin leader Why hdw would I ftuls,lt5U Pll!oiier. rwecenuy tne aog nas 1 revealed tliat aunng this sejiaration of flesh andspint it read in Europe, that we had Scrambled ' under, the ban of the authorities at the t into the very tents of the enemy, like so lort' and Dcen expelled from that locality, that soul, spirit and sense wcto here changed and manv hoo ' intpnt nn o-nttlncr thn largest ! Recognizing the fidelity of the old dog, and fitted for another existence. After the conjunction of many hogs, intent on getting the laigtst , , o . r . o soul and body, they together are passed through the the mutual conflicts that Would Share possible Ot benefit for ourselves! And ""la"uB 'uf' ,UIU JrUU final stage of preparation, after which the persons are followfdmplete political separation. Good yet that is the way they would righteously . . nfronAUnui0 u they are conducted to the water ni Wne upon its will islall that can be asked of these several P0St us t0 tne miamy ot all coming time. - 1 r " ; V .r'y ' guttering waves to a large area upon which the warm lailkO IvUll llOIIOVA Ul llltyOV OOILIUI I i I - " - 5 .. . . . . , 1 , , I, , towards each other. -Affection Who thinks that Austria would leave her ith the request that the dog be well ta- frlm a sense .of benefits mutually Frantz Joseph to perish in a Prussian dun- . ken care of dur.ng his lifetime. mI; . .:'i.u..i. ' j . n I Norfolk I conferred. Love is not a fire that can be kindhMjby the explosion I of shells in their Jiomesiior pounded into a people by round shoi. IThe caricaturing in a wigwam the atre onai auection that does; not exist,; is worthp loff the Massachusetts man Spofford, Who sugsested it. DAirriifROUS Countekfeits. Counterfeit ch between the two. Also, the one cent bottom of Hamilton's coat is i ot an inch could be produced. v It Was shrewdly sus- from Mie lower margip ofthe small 5()'s, ; spected that this same quarter master was while! in the genuine the bottom touches geon without one single word ot remon- afpnnna rf nnnnl Vs. ,n.n9 Anil T7 M r I oiii aaii ji i t ivi iiiui l xiuu , does not remember how the spirit of France rose up as a nerce name, demanding mat j the ashes of her great Emperor should be brought back lrom exile to repose on the banks of his well-loved Seine? And yet Norfolk Virgi?iiaji. A Warning to Young Men. -Charles Lamb tells" his sad experience as a warning to young men, in the following langage: "The waters have gone over me. But 'v-i J i .PH.. .l...iL. T 1 1 7J we call the Austrians a sluggish race, and out oi tne uiaciv u4n couiu x uo ,taru. 1 would cry out to an tuose wno nave set foot on the perilous ; flood Could the gushes of Heaven's eternal light penetually falls This is the starting point to wards home or Aiden; here the etherealized botly mounts and tlies to "the bourne from whence no traveller returns." litre in this Paradise, or abiding place, are assembled all who have died sinee the creation. It was here that the rich man lifted up his eyes aud saw Lazarus reposing upon Abraham's bosom. " Between the righteous and the wicked there is a great gulph fixed, so that though they can se and couiuinnicate with esteh ; other, thev cannot cross over. It was .this place that tho blessed Saviour visited and preached to the spirits in prison. or, as it might more properly be termed, to ths spirits in naven. assume to stamp the French as fickle we jj who have managed in little over a year to j a w - i.ft r on. lie remained there a lew weeks, was tried and acquitted, and started on foot for Memphis, Tenn., where he was found dead on the bluff soon after his arrival. He died of want and exposure, so the jury said. The Memphis Avalanche says he was a re fined gentleman, and having heard glowing accounts'of Arkansas, '.visited, that State, but his means giving out, and no remittan ces reaching him, he was compelled to walk . and work his way, and that the treatment he received, and unaccustomed labor- and exposure killed him.' j Describing the spirits ofthe Providence Convention, a reporter savs: Prominent among the ladies is Misa llutchiugs, a thin", spare, hrm-mouthed. dark-eyed, shrill- voiced, j geometrical young womau, who has several times given the Convention a scolding. There is, nevertheless, a twiiikb r'l 'i. ii ii - in ner eye mat tens oi an appreciation of the beautiful. Miss Susie Johnson. 'js a full figured, round-faced, plainly-iVresscd young S5Q compound interest notes ot the issue of JulyilG, 1804, have made their appear- almost forget our President, and ance. iJ,he lollowmg is a description ot the as stupidly intent on a push-pin Conv. notes I Wtncn are imitations: ne words as We were once noblv on tire for th'reilviars after date" on ton of the bill - Ti J l . T 1 L - - - : I Ivl 11 ItUIIUU I IV. 11 K UlHl w.w i. - . riearNifduch the words "treasury depart- action in behalf of Mr. Davis. We say de- jmaoe to understand what a dreary tning motifti UhilA tlift ffp.nninp.-havft a snarft of j -uW w..i j u hppn i it is when he shall feel himselt going down uii,.ju)1 ; q v i - I 1 1 III I LU, LCUUUJU VYC WUUIU UCVCI 111! I wi .1 1- II. - II I I . 4. . I are now ' UUUI LU VH,UI" LUU " the Arch-Angel's trumpet, "the Lord shall come down ' xu.. : (i: . :.. i..., . ni;.. t.. i 1.1.. , , pntion lis ueucious as ui uneimig stent's ui uie, ui 11 ui lining iu juaj,o .-p.u-ait. iy auo coi - . . !;i 4...k Tl.r lectivehV and aw.ird to. each according to the deeds a South- jj u".ltuu5 uiy11 .w,uv "v-"4-v . douc.in the body, litre too, 'are the serviints of God; i i . i i desolation, and De Here, alas, the ungodly and neglectful ; soul abides I lady who enunciates cUvirlv but iM-ik1 ith fear and trembling; the awful iliselosures of the I 1 ru ,r m ' surrectiou morning, when heralded by the sounds of I only aIter dellDeratlOn. MrsM. b.TowsfIH ot Vermont, e best female talker, full of emphasis arid -sticulation, with a surprising. llow ollau- rcapihgarich harvest of "extras," as lje held ihe niacin, while the note has a sracthy ap unds tor 11000 men and appropriated' them pearaocej.- There are also counterfeit. fives 'to only about 15,000. And it had indeed .been on j i fCitizens' National Bank, Fulton, confidently -asserted that he had already N. Yr the engraving of the landing of Co fowarded twenty eighty Wagon loads of lumbiM pale and indistinct, and is one- valuables to Texas. So nothing remained but to express great regret and concern, for the mistake, Which iouowing endorsement lbver 1 T- 1 a I was done uy the I on the 2 M. order: . "The Officers aud nieu of Co. B. greatly regret the accident which has occurred, and which now it is impossible for them to genu 'nrornitl'S! . 1 v .-f invited to Philadelphia had not our pres ence there been deemed of value, and if of value let us put a price on our participa ting Tf t.hp.v want, nslpt Vm nav for US and let the price be A svecdu Release to the Hon orable Jefferson Davis God bless him for an instant and a fair Trial, Return of Emigrants to Ireland.- a precipice, with open eyes and a passive will, to his destruction, and have no human power to stop it, and yet feel it all the way emanating from himself; to see all godliness emptied out of him, and yet not able to for get a time when it was otherwise; bear about the piteous spectacle oftiis own ruin; could he see my fevered eye, feverish with the last night's drinking, and feverishly look- j ing to to-night's repeating of the folly; could foil of an inch shorter than -trip, rreniiine. I The. Cork' "Rvaminer" states that Within a J J O ,1 . j . 1 I..I.I. , . 1.1 i The f C'l in CitizensMs too large and too short period four vessels which run between j ne nut leei the body ot the deatn out oi far ftp hi waiting with patient hope the coming of their lie- t i xi r - j .1 '. " . . , , iieemer, uiey ieeu upon uie m.'inna.oi nis love, npen- ing into tnat evangelical periection which sluul prepare them for entrance into the presence of the Creator Here, for the first time, they expedience that sense of exquisite enjoyment and rest allotted them in these mansions, and which so abundantly foreshadows the bUss to which they are to, be admitted in th higher heaven of their Lord. ' - . i V AIlilECIIAUSKA. Fayette ville. 18CC ' i FOR THE TAYETTKVIIXE XOVS. FAYETTEVILLE INDEPENDENT LIGHT ; INFANTRY COMPANY. Civil Meeting, Aug. 23d ISGG. 73d Anniversary. An informal meeting ofthe Fatetteville 1 is the theoretical Bloomer hereinafter referred to.' She is, evidently, tne gest guage. It bothers a -stenographer to keep up with her. Miss Nettie Col burn belongs lo the "sweet meeium" class, and is -rot un '. marvelously with feather, turban, and fix ings to match. Generally speaking the active ladies are middle aired and business like, and the iuactive ones either suggestive, of front wigs and ear trumpets, or languish- ment and passional attraction. There is one constant attendant in the audience who reminds me ofthe fat lady sitting for her portrait as a sheperdess, with a very contented expression.' Another we:iW a uggestive of an India-rubber table- mat. the other letters.1 The he.avv line Oneensrnvvn nnrl TJew York have brought j which I cry hourly with feebler out cry to be head of Columbus which is in the back about two hundred passengers each, delivered, it were enough to make him dash Independent Light Infantry Company he as not found. This is a very dan- the maiority of whom were Irish. This the sparkling beverage to the earth in all was held this day at lamp Secies present is counterfeit, as it can be altered to Irish ."immigration" is chiefly artisans ot i the pride of its mantling temptatation. Major John 11. Uook, Major W. Draughon, The intended Presidential tour through the . - j uapt. v . j . ivuuerson, uapt. w . r. Jb nzzell, A Paris' letter says: "The toilettes of . . . ... jothei paiiohal banks by changing the name, the lower grades and laborers who left lre iltflS'flso reported that counterfeit fives on land latelv. and wHo have not succeeded remedy. But to prevent personal loss to the titrst National Bank of Cairo, Illinois, in finding in America the well-paid em- Hl.... .. Ih.nr mill ct.itnlin.f l. I : 1 i- a t I . . - . . lumui - :"-y unttu i.iicjiuveii- j are in curcuiation Middle, and Northern JStates will have some. the ladies at the seaside and watering places A dansrerous counter- nlovment'thev exnected. I They state that are now more than crotesnue. Every lady I Robinson, ment owes them seven months back pay, ;0fthi denomination of $5, on the First Na- if wages are higher in the United States, jit appears, adopts the style of dress most C. McRae, Private A. Overbaugh. v ft ft- l lir i i iim i . ftiv ill t t r mm ti'i iiir kx.: .7. t- i v . m. 1 m T I L : 1 1 T ft. Jm ft 1 uapt.j j.. j.-ooinsou, vapt. j. 15. iJooK, j political meaning. The President will be Sergt. John P. Leonard, Sergt. John II. accompaniedbvMr.Seward.Ir.McCulIoch, feergt. J esse K. Kyle, Corpl. Jas. Mr. Welles and Mr. lirnwnim?. The Sec- I,:: from which they will give Major the power of Attorney to indemuify him- sell."- ' t i - -.: j , 1. We have never learned whether the quar termaster got the amount federacy or not but , we diOn't. out of tile! Con- rather think he rowning retarv of War. fhp Attornev GeneraLand tionallrtank of Newburyport, Mass, has the price of provisions has much increased suited to. her fancy, so mnch so that the! Major Draughon was called to the chair I the Postmaster General will not be able maacsua appearance, ine iace oi tne Din, j as compared witn tne punuu ucocuu j oauus ai. jjiepe give oDe ine iaea oi a oat anu j uu. u. wvuiuauu ap-iuiuicu owicwijf . 10 go. Three weeks is tne tune auuwuu thbugfi4omewhat coarse, is well done: the the civil war, and that their position would : masque, minus the masks, short petticoat, I The following Resolution was offered by I for the tnnr Of rourse. the President and nign ooots, a small hat cocked on the top Capt. T. J. ivoomson and auopted the Secretaries with him will have occasion Resolved, That tho Chairman appoint u committee fn addre thi neonlc at various places on are also the coat of arms of Massachusetts on the left and the eagle oh the right. jnlhe back ground are quite faint, as I consequently not have been improved by remaining there. luucigh Progress. Emigrants are still leav- -. . -. . . . CJ ing Cork, however, in considerable num-1 rizf and a long walking stick. This bers. ' 1 costume of the present centurv." of the head, ulentv of rosrue and nmiilrr ilr 1 i v --;:o"- -r is the of five whoso duty it shall be to make up tho records f . . . r -W :n the hot bed of this company lrom the tinio oi lis last record to the I i J. . ".. . present tune, and on compieungiu worKtae chairmFiTi 1 01 Northern Itadicaiism, liiiuois. if;

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