:;--';iVv:-:'" rH'-V---Y -Yv-: Y:!'Y.-' '.Y--Y;'-Y, : - ' jp':'j?fszpj' . SY) " s: -yr ' : r tr -" . to 71 j ;;;$SE T)I?nrTCTTTlT Tit'n :o: NdwSf:. Y TUESDAY, iii l: ;& j. h. myiioyeii, TUESM,SEP1ER 18, 1866. I SHli '0 24. k:irw-z ... .... . i.iL... .u. .- ..MfmP! I TECttJSSt. One 3eur, hjix iuontfrv " S3 on Oul .Squaro, (1 iirirlj teas") first insertion, $1 -Off '.Vo one Y:ir, bias saiiarc. . . ..... ..15. Oil six luoutlis V Qiiiirtej Cuiuiiiu, X wnuurca, U laonlhs, 4 " 12 " i . 1 . c . . ,5 (Ml ..., 00 : ; 25. 0)i 40 (;a 75 01 Jr 40 U 75 0!)i roi ,) 125 0.) MEStlHa dF THE RADICALS INJ &EEEX3- H Tl e impi-ession generally 5 prevails that a pij ic irnoetingf under the auspices of the :Soutlern radicals, was hehl in this town one Oljiy lastjweek. Gur-iufbrmation on the ubjet lea Is 'tis to believe that a formal m(!etihg w; a not hehl here, as many sup poseJ j It, sxjnis tlmt a kind of conclave or conference was held in tiie oil-ice of the As sesso:itfori t 113 distribt. The ilogul of the concn s one Doctor (so-called) John iewi? jo i 1 . 0 12' 150 fa. 200 001 ccnjTiiaine a pof pou S'urffcbh'.in curuviu; iu ulvfTilsrn.entii to W coiitimied inside, Sfl Jfti ' : ' r I-' Mjamar miutain' rroiiu the New 'York News. - '. j . i Tfcg Ilssan Express aiid.tlie iFrenea, Enipcrcr- 5 a" v i - - ' - ; 1 ;" rlTne newa from Enrope by Atlantic Tel- ; jrc;r4ph' fiijmia'rts tlie suffsestioti thut we uule"sotne ..w'eeks 'n go, tmt -the Knipr-css I pbjnelR, as! isupposed, the oyertiirow 01 ilie . m '. '' C " ' '"" " a -.1 ! j!1 ril l., - --wv it' 1 KaYiotta Mad ironolo Jburonu- as tue avnnt .Hov tain tin vears !' nresq crlv H man lit thjs tow son, of ForM'the county, fortn- nacturcr ot spurious nostrums 1, and who,, bv the way, some n the course of his "practice" fpot of "mush" for a man who otiiaving the cholic. During off the war he was a (so-calletl) the' Confederate Army, iand ac- fa own aumis-stons, while can- vassi'Epnsythe couiity a5? a candidate for Me.qtn;ntioiip to which he was not elect eu viile;i the capacity of Surgeon, pe r jredj li'iiiS If by ;iiding and conniving at ileserjtfon (ionilthe Southern Army;. This man jtohnMn, according to our uinierstaiul- THE PRESIDENT'S TOUR-,- BKILLIANT EECEPTIOX AT , ST. LOUIS. Eur-ri- ns; the iinrtit :-t3vi!ntu"HnS-'i-l 'TTis ' miksmn ! to this town rauFjrr oi iier imneriH consorr. iier 11ns- ' Jast.wfc'p cl wns 10 imnare certain icroii . . k.- . L 1 - . 1. I . insr; M "Ileid Centre" of a secret ileague, an oallh-bHrnl organization,' haying; for its sioiiLto the Court of France may have been .jntfife O 'der, and qualify therivto-r return lVMii!d('(l upon n hope of securing pecuniary itq Utpr resectiye homes and in the ivarious nsiltance innnltlie French Cfovermn'etit tbj -'unites, ?Vtoici the order. Amnnjj those iMistuin the cnunbling throne of Maximilian, 1 in attlendklce, !we observed William F. ins a . I . . . t t j '111 ft 1 1 lmtiit the same time it. contemplated' an- i IxCiuMrso!,! 01 .Davidson,, more common Kihmtlv, in tljti event of failure, the abau-j J,. known Jul his own county, as. "Col. lotireutoi tlielmenal enterprise, ikax- 'Vu!jMtn :Klmdy.7' lie is a very j proper iininan, with coinmendaDle rt-uraru lor tne m(n to oe fjnirared in such a ousmess, ana )t prove-a very pliant tool jn ' To'uraee & Compauyj. If it and we are one ;who believe lit ir against tiio Covernment in ;iii'iy and cam toil oi ins amjaoie ..spouse, will nDrdOU i .- . . a -.. Provided in good time for her escapOi'th'e hfnds )i;on the crnslrot-his tumbling hi rip ire; ana was iwrong It iiity: be some coiisolatioifto both of therh ; Was, tp-huo ,ti)j-'le'etti:at;'in. tlie course of events as; -ISG'l it i; Jevyis8 wrong to " plot jn gainst 'iil'r.e&dr -foreshadowed,- their -period -,of. sep-" Mt O novu;;'' Ijli'o.' people' should be warned it rati on will J)e brief. Carlotta is so Weil " hiiaiiist th kind, though it does notprovoke;me, I will tell y ou some:tcwfcif things "thaC luxve been done by this radical Congress cheers in connection with'Kew Orleans, and the ervteusioo of the elective franchise. I know that I have been traduced and abused: I know that it lias come in advance of mc here. You have as elsewhere, been told that I have attempted the exercise of arbi trary power iu resisting laws that were in tended to be forced upon the Government. Cheers, and cries ot "hear." That I had exercised the veto power; "Bully foryou;" that I. had abandoned the party, that elect ed me, and that, I was a traitor, cheers becausc l exercised the power in attempt ing to arrest, and did arrest for a time, a bill It.,- r.n...l .. nT." 11 I." 111 need tovou to-night it is not Tpr-theJ p' " i ".U"I!" 8 rrau,.V f n 8noa,h.i Tf i.irnn 'T1' Yes, that I was a traitor; and eu.i 1 nave oeen maugnea. i nave oeen A telegram from St. Louis, dated Sunday last, Sept 0, says: j ' i A complimentary banquet was given last night at the Southern Hotel to President Johnson and his cabinet, General Grant Admiral Farragut, and: the Diplomatic Corps. L " . i Soon after being set down, at the "South ern," a large crowd collected on Walnut street and called lustily for the President, ife answered their surnmonsjby appearing on theortico, and delivered the following address: ! . p ''Feiloic-Cilhais of St. Iyyuls:-. In being introduced purpose unl 4ioud to mpet so ' many her13 on this occasion, and under the favor- Cry, "How. We will at- o twliresof the 'uncertain tenure of her itn pc- pFaco ialiwm that. s'ie' .has very ligciJ-ee.tly avoided - at th file 8oriip a a d' ! eircu ju st a n ce' aM e'nd a u t .jpp,ii ';;f)bjecjt Uie iLorniai recoirmtion or .ner ran.K'on ner uieir t I to fhe'Cijurt of. the., French' empef-or.' q-.to wT;''Xi;ress desire, the; customary cow- lies and o lii cia lienor; liave been u;s-1 led with; "'.and tlie august; traveler,!' un 1 eg to parade tlie borrowed- robesj' ;pt . H ' in'i.'s's- that ('nay''-so soon - be cauce!e, 'a re : mo: prn ,iwillii je re: pac i M!!(l I .1 l i : ks up ner royay m m-r V'On)na:r.ie:r.i,-; ... ! il t sensible woman, pursues i her i n n;-;e rr rapl m a plain and. bu.'y'neSs like wla. elud hei - -- r t J i : 1' ; -I'li-el: rah-S fcrr.sbom Palrloi, mischievous tendency of this sunion faction. M Bad uum are of it!, and if their own private promoted- through its genev, d victims, for all they ca!re,'inay able cicumstances that I do. about our British subjects." tend to John Bull alter a while, so far as that is concerned. Laughter and loud cheers. I have just stated that I am not here for the purpose of making a speech,' but after being introduced, simply to tender, 2ou my cordial thanks for the, welcome you have given me in your midst.' A vjice--"Ten thousand ...welcomes" --hurrahs and cheers. Thank you sirs, I wishjt was in my power to address you uner favorable; circumstances; on some of the questions' that agitate and disturb the public mind at; this time questions which have grown; out of the lierv ordeal 'that wo have passed through, and which I think as important as this we have just .passed by; though tho;j time lias come when it seems to imo tney; all oupht to be prepared for peace, the re-( hellion' being suppressed and the shedding of. blood being stopped, the sacrifice of lif'ej being suspended and stayed. It seems that the time has arrived when: we should have; ( ) upon the Constitution and: vindicates the I to hope they soon -will be. -will mako 4i,V rights of the people, 'exercising the Yeto best market iu tho State. It is now. .wi i power in their be)ralf. -Because he dared ""'ays has been, as good as aiiy. We have tft flo thia. thAV rfn r nmnr nm tnc nhnnt I iui'ui-u uxlciaaj jwi muoi jw conitl rne t - f. impeachment, and by way of j stimulating KbS cftetl tov.Tmls repairing the rumn f . j...CJJ. -i.J,. of tho past few- years. Our merchants nw , ; V tu,s,uaMgc0uuuencowunineSo.u.e. receivis large and xvelF selected stocks of " throughout the country, they talk about clsf and offer as favyrable inducements tW impeachment. So far as . offence3 are con- retail and wholesale purchasers nsnnv - r cerned, upon this subject of offences let me ets in the Stated There is no section or' aslv you, voices, "plenty here to-night, H cuminujnty, xnai 13 so weu provided witlr to go back into mv history of legisla- water-jower for mamifactiirinmrposefs. IiJ tion, if there n called a Judas Iscariot, and all that. I know, rity countrymen, here to night, tnat it is very easy to indulge in epithets. It is easy to call a man "Judas," and cry out "traitor.'J But when he; is called upon to give arguments and facts he is very often tound Wanting. Judas! There was a Judas, and he was one of the twelve Apos tles. Oh, yes. the twelve Apostles had a Christ. A voice "a Moses too." Great laughter. Tlie twelve Apostles had a Christ, and-he never could have had a Judas .unless he had had twelve Apostles. If I have played the Judas, who has been my, Christ that I have played the Judas with? Was it Thad.: Stevens? Wras it Wendell Phillips? Was it CharWSumner? dipsesand cheers. Are they these men that stop and compare themselves with the Sa viour, and everybody that differs with them in opinion, and try to stay and arrest their diabolical and nefarious policy, to be de nounced as a Judas? "Hurra'h for Andy," and cheers. In the days' when there were and even you of this State, let me ask &c wo have aa united suppW the fmWt 1 . 1 .1 water-power, onnnfailinj? streams. riio lir.4f re is a man here to-night who m-the n,L,r ' . - . 0 ScaT ark days of know nothingism, stood and malrm n. lanm nuantitv nf battled more for their rights than I. Lvoo'ds. Little Itivcr Factory is bein- r-; (Voices, "good, 'j and cheers.) , ly rebuilt, and nothing is wanting hut a little, ' - more confidence and encrgj- tc? dispel tho THS AYETIEVILLE AND C3AL PIEID3 clos P adversity that now hang over our KAIL 11UAD, - people. The samo clouds threaten other" i r -"- communities Uoi only inearth Carolina but The election-for members of the Legisla- throughout the entire South, Let us arous turo is near at haiid, and now is the time for from this lctliargy. So long .as we s:iv to our ieople.to look ai-ound and select as can oui-sclves that werarf xlo nothing wo .v:L'l d didates to represent the true interest of our nothing. While on the other hand, if v, e do- i Iowa and ot tlie fetatc at large, men wlio un- termiue to ao, it v. e say that we ivil and onlv- derstand that interest, and v-ho will devote belioyo that what others have done wo . can themselves to th$ work with zeal and cne-r- do aLso, tjien the work is half done. Let us gy, regardless of 'every other ' consideration: go to work, looking above the storm,- bevond liie State of ISorth Carolina holt fa a mortgage the cloud, und bv tho oyo of fciith, lav hold v. on the Westei'n Railroad for money loaned to upon tho promise: "as thy day i 1T1 M ' 11'JI 1 1 I a . . tne company, w Uiie au tue monev suoscrio- strensftli snail be. cd to the capital stock of the company, lias been subscribed and paid by individuals, and in many instanceis by persons who were, or are, but poorly abjlo to spare the amount, the State has never subscribed a dollar to the capital stock , of this 'road, although. is, so thy AHigh Tribute to the Character of Gen. Lee, every In a long editorial article, calling for a subscription of & 10.000 to Washington' JT . 1 J c7 7 V Z " i Vltege bv. tne tnends and admirers of Gen. other - road in thd - State has received a two- f . 0 T-,- , , . T . , , ; third subscription; to its capital stock. There Lee in Lneland, the London Standard of is no road in the Stato -so well calculated to August 17tn., speaks ol bun as follows:- advance tho interest and deveW the resour- ' 1 here is no living hero there are few, . e .l.v'aeHiu lit: t'aat ev iliirfK:tirtn P-rai-a Pntfiv than r.eiisui-e " for the farce of irnot iialifm that they have been playing. . IThey ire Id' that cVass of people who have great-j tifrust -upon them, without taking any! jutlcular iaiiiif " either to-.. assist or retard lac lie Operation. I. -t They have been, .rat Iier- in---j liii: siud tl t . . . - t . ... 1 - 1 ' ir . i rtrulnents than prjue.ip.als throuhoilt the ' our Kiiiee.tij e'xpijriment of; the Mexican: advent uric', th4-vfor;nk lust iument of a imghty and ; intri!guin i;f- it ft..,f" t Itlltlti Lllill I V I VIKV U k l.til.3 III Mil V IIIIOpillVU Jntell the chances of success. Napoleoia - V ...!.. 1 roil has how a new difnculty to "graptdej wit! ' ianill tlie Mixican speculation 1i:im lost all - TUtcH'st in iiisi eyes m view of the serious h w!as l;e liicyby jdrowiieu. j 1 1 MrM Aga ' terLTie a:ul. di'.'stnicii-y storm r iinov.-n- in Uiuo eounoy;- -visitea it countvy on Sunday nigiit.' The 1 more, .'vivid ami . glaring,' ac' y.irs. ouder and" nioro lociifui than he'a.rj'1.' About ball-pa-si, Axd. ' 6'- leace; when the bleedin-' arteries should ' r ve 1 jmics, and when there was a be tied up. A voice "New Orleans." Go Y?l v.mo u.eie were .j iiuases, were on. Perhaps if you luid a word or two on" "noehevers? . les, whde there were the subject of New Orleans you miuht unJ "s there were unbelievers. Voices w.. i,rt..t- : fii.C-J... ru,,,.i,j "three groans for 1 leteher."! es! oh. ves! iui Oi-uuu 1 1 .J v - j j a u :u iinui 1 cos of the State, if wo only liad the means to it any, among those whose names shino complete it by miiiking a. connection with the with the purest lustre in history whoso N, C. Road, either at Greensboro or Sails- character has commanded so hbdi a tribute bury. I do.not .propose to ask the State to of, affectioll ail(1 admiration from their incur any additional dcot, or make any fur- f.,M.Q nf rncn,f 011, . - ... nr.w J.hJun nf inforT.nl imWnvMiiMit--biit f ,oes as that ot General Lee. No life more think the people of FavetteviUe may ask the perfectly heroic, no reputation more tin- Legislature to suliseribe the amount our road tarnished even by thb minor blemishes now owes the State, and for which tho State which are not uncommonly found in unison holds a mortgage, to the capital stock, and with the highest heroism, has ever been authorize .tho company to mortgage the road connected with a great national struele to some eainti'.u.srj lor a sunicieni amount 10 ter'and cheers. and ii you and ascertain tlie cause of the will iro baeidi llIloeJ'overs in Christ,' men who persecuted ho riot in NcwiR1u! 6,la,ur,e(i ad brought him before Pi- Orleans, perhaps you woulih not be so df preferred charges and condemned prompt in calling out "New Orleans.". JL t j " 1 V - V . . ua - the unbelievers; nnd this is the same per secuting, diabolical and nefarious clan to- you will take up the riot in New Orleans,! mediate cause, you will find out, who was 7 h. would, persecute and shed the resnonsible' for the blood tiat;was shoJ1"' Wl i,u" V:,,L luu,uJf uunueii 'there. .:.u::i tl), (ill; 1 -n .1 'cliaslied with -feaTiul rabidity, f Airly trembled from the! j-iliojjk,- teretl and leu- irom tno roois oi shock, ites thrown into g?eat c'ohsterna- niKes; were jarred by the in ponreo. 'uovvn -.'an- torro fr.)ui curb nvere IJoodna ee hoiirs thisirirhtful vet . V ,0 DC n. late, tvro persons If vou will take up th riot at Ne V Lhu-s.J t-f ' l(lt le-t mo tell yon- Orleans-Jvnd ttnf.o lt.-bacK tfe J "BuTlv,"i'y.mr.'will find that" the 1 riot at; time since I heard some one say in "the liter. extend our road tb some point on the N. C. Li ir ,;n r! b road- In the present eml)arrassed condition T . V - .1 uu,u wuiau- of our people, it 1.4 impossible for individuals, tensile 01 conscious genius; no.tiege of af- or tiie State, , to subscribo trom tiicir scanty jauuu, uu uiih di-uoi tue pruie almost funds to any public work, and I fear sucii inseperable from ordinary" greatness ot will continue to be .our situation for a long mind, which can endure evervthing but hu- iiiii'j w come... xl; i jiob i3:isoii:.uxu lu fni- 1 rniuation, and regards submission .ii 1 ii 1 1 -ii, 1 .-j ' 1 pot;e mat our roau, witiiout connecting w some othei', can niako enough to pay tho with in terest upon its cost, and lay aside an amount New ts, aiid t to CllIO. subliiie were l-zilled in lightiiuig, and on Whet.'lin!f Crook, If.'Cst of Iiefo. a vihole f;uikiiv; was plication of - European issues.. His at- flFraiilv: La i:i'.i tin 1st Ii ten lip 11 is now concentrated upon the attj ; Sipuycd by t (of the iuitionaSitv that has sutldenly !fi)VV tut! pr;tig into riyalr of the iniluenCe and Mietji'torsliip' of hrai ice . upon the Consilient. rri-ul bride' - and -po!er of Prussia thvovv ;i J. er ! ?win!.(.r OWIl T pride and pov .phaow. upon- 'the p.'uileries, and will rjofc .uiea.l? to haunt Napoleon like threatening ipjjeJters until lie shall have found hjis op- i Vorinity to measpre his strength, in di f)loiacv aiid 5 n. anil's, with, this nev dii tiirljiijr of his idreaiin of supremacy. Tlie j ibealy and e'.Oqueiilce of Carlotta will ap , peal jh vain to; thatj inflexible natun3 that now finds itself in competition with a vvill -. as( ptiyerful, an anibition .as grasping, and jipp rently resources as vast as his own. The fate of Maximilian's - Empire wias' der ' ! I t tern iiied upou the field of Sadowa. The vPr.ulsian needle gun ha3 wounded .Mqxican a-fe Oa to hojs Tia Raidlcr, -an old 'and; ekteemd v, -residing on iarkct, iust below "oet, in tho .-First. Ward,! wa-:ija- stoji-m, and ' got out of j bed ;to the i'ind'ows. Bho kad lowered iiio ws iail war?1 about stepping out of her bom mo .enter that oi iier son, wnen tiio. wd.4 'skruck with lightning. Mts. 'Stiid- Oi leans was substantially ldanned.' crowd that we bad a .Moses. ILnug If you will take up the proceedings in their Au?l I Know sometimes it Ims been said that canvass v'ou will understand lhat tliev then 1 1 Ayouhl-.be the Moses 'of the .colored man. knew e.Fieers that a convention was" to be j "Never," and cheers. Why, I have la called which was extinct by its own power bored as much in "the ' cause" of em an ci pa having expired. That itis said that the! i.tiop as; any other mortal fman living, intention was that a new luovernment wai'it, while I have striven to emancipate to be organized, and on -the 1 rgamzation of j tin? colored man, 1 have telt, and now tee!, that government the intention was to, 'en-? j 15 we hare a great many white men franchise one portionof-ihupqpulation, call-i thrjt want emancipation. Laughter, and ed the" colored population, who had just ! cheers. There is a set amongst you that been emancipated, and at the same turns ; have got : shackles on their limba and areas disfrauchiseiwhite men. fGlvat cheeriii'r.i i nnich under the heel and control of their When you design to talk about New Or4 1 masters as the colored man that was eman- leans confusion you ought to understand j cip-atcd. Cheers. eurhcient to "meet tno iirmcipal of its niort- p-'1k' c"VvVt. T5it -4f tlo Kt.rvt -wi' ileMe itii movtarrc: arm .mtcTtio ttinowixt i stocii., vno e lloor and died almost instantlv find a?jentleman named Hermann Sjaurb wspiistaiiitly killed. Ho v,'i and rot up to .see u 'saio m an; fed m$ -d())J iiuoimng room i .... n jst.ru c 1 tilO Cl H - 1. iiourc impfclialism to the Very death. 1 AJ Cask of Iioifiiiiibis AFFicctiojx. A corr:Sj)ondent of the 'Springfield Rtmubh- - Canwiiting fV()m Sah Praiicjsco, futnishei ; tlie jpSlowing incident so horrible in ts de-t- ;tai)4tliat the pen o a Hawthorne jmiglit veae into a romance; "Complaint. -was maiMto th, health olliccr that thei occu . pali J i) a handsome resi(lence in one of our :' fas'l'ilojnable quarters was creating '-a nuisance by kviping the corpse of his wife pn the huilpijig to rhe great discomfort and il beullh of the neighborhood. It appears Vuatjthe wife erf .the person complained of -lh?I about a yrf.r ago, when the h i sbarid purchased a metci.be coffin and placed tho vcors$; in one of the rooms of his resi fence. . It was alleged more "particularly that thp ...'fiayjprevtous to the complaint he had taken I ,,ej-Kly from its coffin and washed it wit.li g; rdeti liose, afterward replacing the1 coffin jwh ;rc,- at the. time of the complaint, lit still : Jenjained. , Sincere as was this evidence of f imuyiiig and unalterable affection, the spec tacle f of-that: stricken and inconsolable wnjower playing the garden hose upon the decomposed remains 'of his former-Partner i-.n ' r. seetns to have been too mnv f.vr Uvt boj'Si'i The health officer thouirht sb too ana the nuisance was abated. The jwhole pidtuj-e, with 'its terrible minting 1 of tlie glilistjy and ludicrous, requires'.' no!- com imsnti ; I . '-....-'- - - m - , . 1 . . 1 .1 . :-' ; ; - , 1 SVvro'rd of kindness is seldom spoken in 11. ifis a seed which, even when drop t 1 1 v cuu u ee, 's p nogs up a .no vv er The bodies rdiikfre;e"r screen nbou cliildrhn es f. ion .LThMdaci a inije above Briug(!port. . Iio flcareu to nave uctn between tno rand tHveive years. ' . jsge done to -property and the grow- tng crppsii'u. Ohio 1 county m tins State and ?e awavi wicli lie: y, x Ot: br nd ling Creek, about , pix" miles from oh tlio Ohio side of the riW r, the r. llellis. Iso'oinson . was-'carriie.d 10 ilool, and that gciitleiiian, his t-Jieir nve cmUiren were tirowncd. were y:k ried 0 inemaiiderl fro jbf Lflfflibajjdy, an tj its' restoration has been whom crow id rivesits Christls bd worn by Uernlfint, what you are talking aboui. When yod I call upon you liere to-night as freemen, emancipation of the arouH.-( 1 all -wis io open- Just as liis roo litning .-and -. fell to tiib'iloot a T I s -I El .eacun-jf out 01 ms room no was mm t t t - t - oi lour Oi. uie emltlron read tlie speeches that were made, or takq Lis mien, to favor the the facts. on Friday and Saturday before? ; white man, as well as the colored ones. I that Convention, sat, 3rou Will' the? e find 1 have been in favor of emancipation. I that speeches were made incendiary in their j have not hing to disguise about that. I character, and exciting tbatjportion of thej j have tried to do so much, and have done.as population the .black population to arm j milch; and when they talk-about Moses and themselves and prepare for the shedding of j the colored man being Jed into the promis- blood. (A voice "that's so, and cheers.) cd;land, -'where is the land that this clan You will also find that that Convention did 1 proposes to lead them to? "Cheers.1 When assemble in violation of lav.,! and the intcii- ! we talk about taking them out from r tion of that Convention yvas to supersede the recognized authorities in1' the State gov--ernment ot Louisiana, which had been re-j cognized 'by the Government of the U. S-: and every man engaged 111 that rebellion BelmQiitlbdunty, Ohio, can scarcely matedl be ehiti- reretb They were floating in the r -"ebeU-ion in. that Convention, with thq intention 01 superseding and upturning, the civil government which bad been recog nized by the government J jof the United States Isay that he was aj traitor to th Constitution of tlie United States, (cheers,) and hence you find that another rebellioti has commenced, having iltsj origin in tho Radical Congress. These men .were to gq -there. A government was to be organized j and the. one in existence in Louisiana was to be suspended set aside; and overthrown-' You say you talk to me about New Orleans; and there the question was .to come up when they had established their govern- TtiK IMn Ckowx. Wht-n the Atistriahs ecVniilyfcaded Venetia to'Franee, tjiey car- 11 enice the famous Iroil Crown by the Italian Government, to rtnee has ceded Venetia. This among the white, population, and sending them to other climes, what is it that they propose? Why it is to give us a "I rcedmen s Bu- company can eiiud the road, as .above stated, and it will soon pay a handsome dividend to the State, to say nothing of the advantage that must accrue to the country through which tho road would .pass. In tho passage gf Gen. Sherman's armv through this town, hundreds of our best citizens -were reduced from ailiiit ciio to poverty; property was destroyed worth more than a million of dollars; no ap peals that, could lie made to that conquering hero, in behalf of ilielplcss women and suffer ing children, could induce him to spare the Cotton Factories pf our town, for fear that some poor Confederate soldier might be fur nished with clothing to cover him .from tho cow, or ttieir inaipuacturcs oe ccjiaugea lor provisions to keep theia from starvation. In the languago of a correspondent. of the Ral eigh Progress, writing from ilmmgton, ho w;is digging "a grave of enormous length, and at one end of, it stood a towering monu ment, --upon winch was engraved the single word "Fuycttevilie." Ker gallant sons led the van in tho lirst victory for tho Confederate cause, on the plains of immortal Yorktown, while every battle from that to TBcntonville, has been fattened, with tiicir .blood. The name of Fayetbevillo must lie inscribed upon that monunient, and standing to-day stripped and shivering bv reason of her devo tion to a "lost cause," preferring to fall if fall slie must --with her proud' record untar- nislie grace, alloy the simple grandeur of the Vir ginian soldier's nature. A piety without the lightcst shadow "orpfiarfsafsm, a senso of duty to which the sacrifice of every. per ot course, have marked his whole courso nnd guided his every public act, whether as a soldier or as a citizen. A fumily con nection and the nearest living representa tive of the great champion of American in dependence, General iLee has been tho Washington of the Confederate war; lika Washington, a man "whom envy dared not hate," but without even the'otie dark stain of doubt, if' not of dishonor, which tho death of Major Andre has left on the mem ory of his prototype. No more "selfeas man and stainless gentleman" ever lived: no soldier ever set a more admirable ex ample of the soldierly virtues of honor, cbivalric generosity, and manly simplicity; no great man ever retired into obscurity, after witnessing alike the ruin of his cuiso. and the destruction of his private fortune with more of Christian patience and un shaken fortitude. . . "Of his military achievements we need not" speak. It is enough to say that nearlv all his victories were won against enor mous' odds, and that his four years defence of Virginia has few parallels in history, ;is an example of great results accomplished with small means and at fearful Ulivadvau- maddffrdni one of the nans driven through It was i (Jharlemange, the first Emperor ot more than a thousand years ago; withOT, W Was teesjetved in Italy through the; terrible leva$fatio t of the Middle, Ages; and was -. II: ! 1 -VT 1 ' 1 . 'x I nnaiiivworn oy isapoiran DonapariB wao, is crowned King ot Italy at JNli 1 Austria became master bf Loriis the! crown followed the fortunes of tmlny, and now that the country ;is madb : part 01 the Italian kingdom, the Italian government justly claims, the crowi: an. I bardy fhecd asam rl)l'Atinr " tn o A ,- r I 1 r tt r 1 1 J m . i 1 x ,. .. 1 : i. r 1 , 1 f h.4m from an ron hnnd .e-rie rc lhir I!t-l,l- il 4UL!;UU" 01 '"'sueai powers; willed he ierf or, which is said to have beCu of. the two governments was to 'be rccog nizecir iv : new government inaugurated under the defunct Convention, set up in vio latioii of law and without; the .will of the " m 1 ' ' 1 "".it'' 1 - 1 people, men wnen iney had.established, tbeir governments and extended universal, or impartial franchise, as th :y called it, to this colored population, then the Radical Congress was to determine hat a govern ment established on negro votes was to be the government of Louisiana. (Voices; "never, and cheers and "Andy' ! ! So much for the New Or there was the cause and the origin of thq blood that was shed; and every drop of blood that was shed is upon their skirtsj and they are responsible for it. Cheers. I could test this thing a little closer, but will not do it here to-night. But when tou talk about New Orleans, and talk; about the' cause and consequences that re sulted irom a proceeding of that kind, .'per haps, as I have provoked . questions of this AnLtiier for tlie INbrthern Louisvil :- --- ir . are nfw 1 t ties: I F cu tllt-rr bewa;diii grand "prize concert ' swindle, benefit of the suffering tioor of -Alabama, with headquarters in has exploded, and the leaders under arrest by the; city, authori- piir-score. simpletons who have giy- i"(oney to these scoundrels ;aie now their losses. "hurrahs for " -': ' . ' ! eans riot, -and i r. ti 1 1 reau. iiuu a?cer giving us a rreetimen s Bureau, , what then? Why,; here, in tho South, it is not necessary for me to talk to you, where I have lived and you have liv-t cd, and understand the whole system and how it operates. We know how the slaves have been worked heretofore. There is the original ovrner who bought the land and raised the 'negroes, or -purchased them, as the case might be paid all the expens&s of j carrying on the farm, and, after pro ducing tobacco, cotton, hemp and llax, and all' the various products of the South, bring ing them into the market without any profit on them, while those owners put it all m their pockets. This was their condi tion before emancipation. This was their condition before we talked about their "Moses." Laughter. 1 . The President continued to discuss the Freedmen's Bureau Bill, and said; There were respectable gentlemen who contend that the President is wrong because he vetoed the ..Freedmen's Bureau Biil; and all this because he chose to exercise the veto power, he committed a high offence, and therefore he ought to beimpeached. Voices, "never." Yes yes, they are trying to --!? ... ... ....v impeacn nun. v oices "let them try w ) If they wcm satisfied they had the next Congress by a decided majority, as this upon some pretext or another violating the Constitution, neglect of doing or omit ting to enforce some act or law, upon some pretext or other, they would vacate tho Executive Department bf the United States, (Avoice-"toobad they don't impeach him.") But as we talk about this Congress, let me call the soldier's attention to their immacu late Congress. Let the. call your attention to oh yes, this Congress that could make war upon tho Executive because he stands lished, still true to the State that had pledg- taSea- What is now more interesting to en "tno last man ana tne last (loiiar. to our v'1"-""1 1 i,uo!",a' una-jcut oi iiui common effort, slie appeals to the representa- man, as displayed in the various exigencies tives of the State j she loves, to assist her in of that trying struggle; the simple honest icj.iiu xilx nuaLt.vn.il xwx m.x-.. in xicx cou Kinuiy leeuug wiiicu prompted 'inn to days of prosperity "3 aided, by lier votes in console his soldiers as they recoiled from me. jji'iMiiuue, mill uv CiieeixUI mmcai tL Mnnnn.,rmrn,l l,;..l... ,.Cf.... . of all the taxes imposed upon h'or, in build- V - ""'r . VJ ingall the railroads that Environ her, and th arance, "It is all my fault;" which have cut off from her the rich trade the unaflected self-depreciation which pro she once enjoyed And now with her facto- nounced, when Stonewall Jackson fell, "I ries destroyed, her. people impoverished, al- would wish, for the sake of our crmse, that though the htato owes to her banks . more I had been disabled rather than you;" tint thanl ne Hundrbd Thousand Dollars, loaned christian chivalry, which no outrage could" to it in good faith, but which the State Con- provoke t0 retaliation, which, "after Vir vention ielt bound to repudiate ; she simply 1, , j i. , . 1 1 1 x -Ai 1 . asks that the saiiie aid be extended to her Pma had LC " Withheld railroad that she1, throu-h her Legislators. ."?.a"n.v that invaded Pennsylvania fro0i . . 11 a a. m - - 1 so willingly extended to other schemes of in- mulcting tnemost trivial injury on person or temal improvement. If this is done, a bright property; which, when his own est ates had day vvid soon dawn upon her, m spite of the been plundered, ravaged and confiscated. dreaming correspondent ql the Progress, who took care to protect the houses and prop doubtless, in turning hia .back upon his own ertv of his enemies; the horror of ustle ' section and deserting Ins own Smte foimd blo0f,he(1 ,vliHl wilhstooJ the crv. fll. ' Ins own wishes lather to the thought ho so M,-u..f;- ,, ,, , ft;T. . unkimlly utters. ' retribution excited by ; 1,10 murder of Sou th-.. We call the attention of the Legislature to ern P"oners 111 cold blood, and supported this proposal to ike .stock in our road to the the resolve of the President that unless th amount of tlie mortgage, in the confident be- actual murders were taken no blood should lief that it will b for the best interest of all be died but on the field of battle; the tmicl parties. It is but an act of simple justice to ing unselfishness of his last words' to his LU ; tlu"c ri V1 ctx x disbanding army, on the sorrowful "th of outlav of money on the iart .of the State. i ..ti "1 1 U whileyit will mate -profitable, or available April, "I have done my best for you." Bur. that which, as it now stands, promises but MV mer wuen tnc cuui little, if any remuneration, to the State or in-1 01 .a 8rcat ana ,0,,R -Ctonous army was a iiivicmais. a e uoxe uis jrreKs tnrougiiont the pivui man mm a paroled prisoner State will aid us m bringing this matter to that the peculiar greatness of Gen. Lee's the attention of the people of every part of nature shines out with uneoualled brizht- the State. FavetteviUe is ft North Carolina town. Any ncsa. thing done U restore her shattered fortunes wil enure to tliei benefit of our sister town last General Assemblv, the Public A ilmington Tho produce of the A est, espe- K. PP Battle Esq., up to the preset cially from the vaUey of tho adkin and the redeemed nbl sif- ia, Ja ihn rich valley of the. Din ,nstead of going to tholl , the issue of irgima market., will hnd a . cheap nnd short amoUntof $1,241,000. transportation by rail to this .idare, and by New State Boxds, Under tlie act of tho Treasurer, the present time, has redeemed old State Sixes, and the inetrest'on new bonds to too the river to Wilmington. Our Cotton Facto- ' When1 was lxiefsteaV the highest When tories, when rebuilt,- mid we have every reason the cow' jumped over the moon.