! - 1HE FAYETTEVILLE HEVS, ''! 5. B. ' Li ' 7"" t rr ' "" ,. : ; r- : : TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, im; For Governor UQtfATH AN WORTH. OF RANDOLPH. ;;.'im4- a ,rrr. lao. IV &pesirjnan is our authorized trav- tent :for tiubiscriptioi and advertisin 2 1 ;:.v 8f f u ivl.-t -j-'ich v-auVo. time i SPECIAL NOTICES. hVc hereby give notice that single copies of the f.O sold on lv at this io'llice. situ! wl.mv ili-.i nr.rri t ''. til- ftihcr persons Otl'or to disiiosn of mhiM.nniW i ul'eiIt. carunisUuiccs, thiey do so vrithout our. au- tuonHflur-'conseui.- - I AltIOU'h OUT tprms urn fn!i vnr ennntrv p.re kiryently 'requested to .send' the names of be trustworthy and reliable men. who wish to be for .the Znkwk birtj nre unable to pay in nd We will send the liimer. and wait for a I short $r the amount ot their subsription. ! .rrfor snbseribers would confer a favor npon ns Kull!o iioiice oi any reiiiissneKS or uegii n the pjirt of the earners in the delivery of their i v.. HY Jn '-iiee ! V!k .jtllfHc.-i Incuts I Ml :-ordr & pacing rcM iTLcr atcJ Lcfi no niafr nillH his offspring with the sorrowful spectacle )of Ifctlevilleia decay.- t1 i . - Li . I i - - ". . ' i t lut we (think -fro can put the neccs'Sitjof aid to our oad on sire ground, on a foundation that will kdnii? Of nd oticMrefbfng it. The aid asked for mn.it le nrmicd oij the j State's mortgage pu the ito.-k! already built, willLiin 1 &w yars, be utterly worthless. I Vow which is tiest, ftof refuse us the aid to male it a good tfie fcitate to the amount of her stock, if tliej Legiskturb fiake the suUscripiion asked for or to refuse anfiilose all? To'this it has to conic at Liit. rul thel soioncSrEthd; Legislature sees it in its tnie 1irl,t. w. betiterl' ! I -j i ' From letters taiat we have seen from res'pectahlp tvar- tic in tutintirfcr, within a lew days, we th'mk! there ho Wiiters-see the matter iu it im. lortant bptiriEgi and are fully alive to the necessity of thi esten;Jdti ' off pur riwuL. ' j piESliEKrs EECEPTIOII AT UIDIA1TAP- topi i dtp' tliircmerlli X EXP TV A'l1 ION TO OUR PATROAS. i wpn:xhaed the ah-'itsjiraetot, Ave1 h ity, tjulargfcment gojd will and .material of hiuncdiately.- made a and improvement, by the f aew.iimss and am additional supply, of -type. j lh;t art) jml v,u:t i; tivcly -x.tvnjl " X a'tu'n i ml h lili.-.r.il ;tr,d oc 1 1 l'ur . iiUv ;i tl u n: accomplish- lb-wilts .uimlo'iui fUy-prch-ired for the Tioiit 6f a design vhic-Ji weliubli:shed for the iaforma- : tion offlotu- reader: -tb issiaaixce of a semi-weehly edi tion uilooiiTt-cetioa viti i.h Wefcklv Nwsl ji!H-r Isveicjhvn.'l veil the-time and trouble jwhieh ireu in tae execntibii of this nlan.'aiid tlie ad- i to be. deduced 4hirc from, with the compara- Kie.l'h-.3 enlJTHl'OilliJlt wbh-b b:is so f:ir (1 to it, wft Lave dej-itled topostione until some nc, this publication of the .Semi-WeelilvXews. Via v' t-.st?i.n?. iif;in!trt w- lm-licvo thn't. sit ito 1ia- S " 4 A ' . .- . , the need of a good semi-weekly News andCom jouriial willivs felt in our town, and thaS niore sv.,!'p )it will b-j cheerfully offered to it. . The ia- i.nteuk.-d chifiuj. to jneet the wants of merchants T?Tn.i7.c-si i' nyeijieyiiic, ami as.tne pressuru E l - IirrAXAroLis, Sept. 11, 7:15 V. M. Avcfe .tncusauas tjitjrailroftd' station. It was witli tltociilty that the carnages Rot tlie Lrowtl." After this i t IF I ' -iivuui ! lntil bttti 'Mccm)lisli(l thev niovcd : m the dii-ectidm 'a I hc Bates House, where quarters had lKEmjpared for them, escortedby po litlical stM:ite8, and others bearing txirclies, Tijriegjkl ; jhmterns; and transparencies. TIi()u.sa?ds Itpei-sons were gathered 'round tlio" hdtil, c iJ-ering the excursionists as thev passed, find intermingling . cries for Johnson fiose for the", latter prepoiidera- i T?1 fl -tbo twl?resOUia I ir.,. .1.4 f - i. v nl-y- -V i . lienrd from, by increased inajoatiei, tei slioxt time the President was f J ' - . . a. ' ' f i 4iid Gil pit 4- . . 1 I!.. . J -i. Llll'rJ ail IL I'l'V KimVT.T.lTTlf T!in Voc-i i.ir -w-ftf. I ii ' f ' - . - - " I ucn- uraiiT; m oincinnati A Sieaificant K.h7rVft nitrocMecd try General- Meredith from the I 5 . -i.i -1 .-. , . . :i fit Ulo Hotel, wlnie niaiiv cheered fr-ri of llarl tiinos sce;urn:o vriitte an inability to suicribo ex ptiisivp. 2(svrs jpaper tlum a weekly, jit cmlj us V.i v. iut until the aflairs of our cbnnnu- j in a ir.vre j ioKncruus condition a state of wliich ve .-hope vt&y sooii t see. The di.Siip- 1 l.J1ti!-'nt ns is trifl"uM;,j and so much .good! really - - . - -i i - i !(ut of i t, Ih it after, nil v. e have very few regrets h"d -on the shbiecti I'OVV t' lorti? hvm, :aMl ( tiers called for Grant fusion hva's almost deafenini'. kill that tehabh Aio devote all the tiipe land v T.lny.h' intRfe'lMW case would have been divid ir.ng it more careful atteiition more, good reading matter, tki-ng if, a first'- t lkss fuinilv paper.. X ho in- ' .11 of it cireubiion u very satisfactory to jus,: and . Ai e v. lu-i-n ' p'Mit .1 ho in -)1J .-us.a l'crg M, "uJoh tJw-AVeckJv, aiixl . )j-jiai-atini, aftorduig a'hd i uc-t cv'iipUiu thatja-jKU-t of our fcnterpri:se has mpafini.ly abandoQiyl. Anv persons who have t tlie Si'ini -'A'tT : Jy' tuiJi receive t!ic amount duo m upj lv:.iihm at ir office. ly making such ition lumicdLtch' the y will confer u real favor r inioii I pohlrc lvoph the n the T'i a in l-hite '4joi' rul-l-. MiaV the b Th aSorllr It ni oil mien 4dext: In' behalf of the National1 Injiiv I welcome you and tlie gentlemen who . accomp;iny SUMMARY OF! MEWS uoiFi. rrT-q"Tn, week:. Const aktixofle. Sept 11. The Sultan of Turkey, impressed with the impor tance of being in diplomatic, communication with the th American capital, and is abont. selecting an influ ential member of his governmen t to proceed to "Wash ington nst JVliniHter, Ilesnlent and rienipotenaary, j ' The Turkish arm y is about to be armed entirely with Icarbiucs of American manufacture.' i . : Agents of the government are to leave for the United States to contract for their manufacture.. : ! 33 Kims', Sept 11. King of Prussia has decided to phir- the I'riuce Hoyal over ine lvingoom oi iianover as jce-iioi, ana iu.it his Highness will 'soon take up hi-i; residence at the palace m ine cit' of Jlanover. h VrscxNA, Spt. 11. the whole Austrian army to be placed on a. Teace r i- - . . t looting. . j . j Cincinnalij Sept, 11, P. 5L Trrp. n-rvrr-wnT Tlimi-uu -w-v. i ir 1'pviTn-rvT The city conncil have refused, by a vote of 18 to C. to tender the hospitalities of the ty to the lresident A meeting of prominent citizens, m the Chamber of 1 1.' A 11 . - - ... cejnion io tne aiscmgulsiied visitors and a committee i . was apioimea to mae the necesitrj' arrangements. jjiaink XjLXctiox. l he election held in Maine -for Governor, tate officers and members of Congress re suited in increased majorities of the; republicans. lletUrn.S fl-Olll 113 tntrnu rrirn CV.ayr,'! ..fl..iiia n,nn1.i; , ' .v .'lj(llll 'V - A i-JJ !! , . V 1 1 can, for Governor.' 13.2f?i. mul T'"l! l.7,2o republican majority 5,741-hv nett republican Hum ui i.iiM over inu majontv 01 laKt year, lhey have also earned ili the coiigress'iouid ! districts, thus far BimTZTKCl fXV rnT.TTTVTRTA. c; ftPT. OrflTlt-VlKitfi1 Vm.l'u T.,i-Ul ,.t;,.u A.rt I , - ' j.ntiiii. ji iliUIAL. 1 lit IC liie con-, he was enthusiastically received. During tlie perfor- 1ltKl "i'-'eu n-cuieiiiiiLr. oecretaiT, - V1 ;iulVI!K wnom were several soituers. iicwarii&iiid Secretary Velles were next in-'I Pueu.ueire ; me tueatre, and i';ggiesfon, member of trodu4p,;tW spectators applauding! themJSJSa 5J1 - ' ' a - . v- via w i. L.t f .- -i- 1 1 i 1 1 i i Ttiu. I CiintOt :i1n '.viU -nof. ilDTI Pler.se "tell the commander of the soldiers to come and General Grant next uimcareiL aiul hefom h'n. traVOniiit w-niii clsimatioii, iwhich was loud and long contin ued. rt :;; '- . . . ' . lAdinural Farragut was introduced and it greeted fwitli general applause; as was also! Alajor-(jeneal"Eosseau, of- KentuckVi ' Gen.i Kawliisgs ws introduced as the chief of Gen. G!rant'stani which secured hliii a full share of the tf inuituous honors. ' i '. j TliQ ffrcKijilent again, went to the portico in c0mpaiy wiih (ieneral Meredith, wh.o, nmidi Jlo -AyiW coiifusioii from thousands of ithroatsi iu tlie .MLreets. addressed hmi ns fcdW- i :md the great body of thd j)eoi)lo distm4 von tci lie caMt;d hf pur .State. This-dutv to me hi V)le:iH;int l)ne. and it is dmddv . Wiw. t lippk iiyfuiid me and see men assembled here! oil an wiautts oi Dart. v. it. is no- if . i j A l nJ'v vJiXA I 1 1, - u that a ratdful people should thus assemble t do M hlmor. not onlv asdluof "r.vUf,..f. HAD POLICY. In ci'i'tain por'tluiijiV'wf the 5fcit o, -the newspapers re fud -jiiorin'' to a;;'itate nolkics itL'jiiii. uml nr ftLllin.-' ' ' ' ' . X - - O 7 ? io leopiu'to orgain'zo n party for the coming I eaiffp'aign. j V 'do not believe that political s are c a'-.-. iiteu to be ol-anv benefit to our I '17 !.:-.' 1 f ' f ' " i -' T . - . . -i-ne iH)Ji;;)i;iKni oi good ami true men, for t. General Assembly, and a determination to the (.1 i boriatoria 1 . el e crth :i , i-: all that' is required on it oi tuo ( xtizvns ol i4-tli Ciaolma. f ! - :ve tlnnli that jyuch Teal injury is. done td tlie andjier jM-ople by tho' plan, bo persistently j, 6f-magnifj;ii!;'(he evil designs of a few inis scoifndicls iii e ry section, into a faction con--lo eju!;h to c.)i(t.vol any department of the Governuient, or wield a ixsiectable inliaenco sit Riot-box. man . VT. Iloldon wlio has peihaps done Carolina ' i-'iore-harnr ' tlian anv other iiuliviiln:-il : ;n all a r borders, and who must bear with him to the L;'"avc fund he is liow an old man, who must see tho ' nd of l,if.i not far distant, to cause him to review Iris jast djiys,) the conviction that his native land may well ,ua in its -rum. as its cruellest and bitterest ene now incapable, if all tnie patriots would nttcr--;.avd him iu tho future, of exercising any evil upon her welfare. Mr. llolden's continued de feat.-; 4id tlie stinging rebukes given- him time and a- gain ll- his fell' w citizens, at the elections, have - bro- ken hflii'dovn. ' V.'hv uttemnt to invest bim with '-.in j.nipoi!fariee that n .-does- not "possess, Imd make him i lie loiidtfr of a f.iet i;.m which does not 'ovist 1 Worm ' i ::a no, msignijieaat a.s to 4 render ".it unworthy of hut as h mip. In the great terrible"! contest; "V wFu'uur eouiury nas passed, you were U3ei,jas- it werv, in.;ui ordeal of lire, an1 ypu stlW Jrm'by the old Hag, and the Uniod lffV Gojistitution. With us here 'on that! trying iioul to be for the Union was t!o be on! I of personal safety and quiet (but in! ypiir opiiei it was. otherwise. There to be l)yal whs linsafe and dangerous: there to .b faithful to the Constitution was k Yf vm. cur.se my, i. IV (ilMfl Svejgh imi.ib notice - - 1.U3 life in kianer, yet ainid the storms yciu verei ijiithfuTlto the Constitution, tnie and faithful then; aiil n(u-. Slandered, abused, alid ma-l hgned)y :tpo enemies of : the Union, then as! vyytju dfd not, and I know you will not; Jflter :ii thfc dinchai-ge of the great trust eoii-1 irreKi(i,pc twwnre joit ; thnvthe great bodvi fjr tliel reconstruction (f the Union1. It isj laiu, jlimple, and just to attempt to adopS ajiia caxy;mt.. .liio other plan submitted for restora ton )laeii t-st-s To bd ft many -whb.nrc the (ruest and firmest friends ;t;li Carolina,' arc through defective judgment, ; hex in a false ana unenviable position before thensj'rld insulting to her honor find degrading to .her -pfiule. If our- people, excited by alarmists an J politii;mst consume the preseut in strife' and conten tion, jilud in the jars and quarrels' of faction and parti- zaush p, n day will come wheniheir regrets for a course of !l:'4lu so .us' aud detrimental to their Hestinterr I II he more poignant because then unavailing. Id our manufactures, restore life Smd- vijror "vtrf0' lerfcct tI,0! s.vistem of agriculture, -tnd retrieve our p; it prosperity, is the work, and the only work, now bcfoI-us. We, who at the close of a bloody var, wH-o il'ived to Jib an don political princqiles which had iilmost a jart of our faith,'-have no time now au: quest i- wis which are the ' peculiar pro v our yoiyiucrorK, who are anxion? still to work l tihiupoii us'; . . - Til We J FA Y E I I E V I L LE AND COAL FLFAAjIS railroad. fyohld, vcryj- respectfully and 1 earnestly invite n to the paper ou the subject of our railroad, et m the -.rrby tenon, of Hist week. ' y word utteml tbare in regard to the matter is id ought to, have its full weight ith magnani- linJs all over thb Statn ' '' ' : ave, in this town and county-ever since the m of Internal Improvements in our State, con- 1 !i TtVM-ilrt f.. ....... ".v , ' .. .. v.- - .iiuwuj; "-.iu iur cery omer portion OI it, !S-yos and libeml speeches from our members. Itaeir sehrtues of improvement, when it could be ti:,t tt.,, ' r , , . .. .... v v.era loasiuio and promised profitable fkt'J0 T'0i fiow ns a mattor.of sheer justice to . muni hition sixjicti, i , , . L i of uljove, be. granted? Surely it cannt bethatthtt Legislature Tense u 2$ T of doing im to m fpone.fth, most aucicutj Wtl 1 entcr pnsn r communitie s m th State? If one tdnth of -the rf Tv bcbtWea some pther portions .of thu bLte, had been given topavettevillo J q like .Inldren, m . applauding. admiration. -Jr ofMiace, bat tho sigh of sincere borrow ii hym us by one in decay. Tjie death of a !T p likfe the dedh of all thing5 morlal-Ka soleonx tUn? is to prevent tnn'mi n.iir1 :tte powerihi the. hands of men who shane tlv IrtriHia&m of the country ' against tti ww and mitldi ; clasq for the bonetit of. the rich.1 In 3'ou J tlif people have a tnie and i faithfui fnendlind servant Upon "you, in this trying hour, tiey rely- God -sparing you, the peo le feel tl ;ey yill ims safely through the gpat'c :isi: f and that the heritage of civil ancj religions s I berty will be transmitted! to those! T'ho eciie after us. The jirayers of countlesH thousaids go up .daily to the throne of Cxod ihat yjjur irecious life may be spared at least liatil 'jifTtr gi-cat work of the restoration of jieopl4 ar in earnest and you, above all iher i ien? in the land, in ay confide! in them 'afnd til st them. They feel that yoil are one f them, jl will detain you no longer. Thi? fust in litiiuu'e came to see and hearj you, not pe..l jig;vji, Itr. President allow me to welr eome .vknifto Indiana, and on behalf of the peorile of Indiana I expend to you a heartfell IIx?sidr welcome. - (5 en eral Meredith asrain' introd n ood thi Ree me. ' Baker, the commander of 1ja "sin'iVora wthers, marched into the theatre to the private box of Gen. Grant, who, without giving Hiker 'time to make his wi.-hes known, approached him and said, "sir, I niunnpouHcitip: tne rresideiit Is my CainiuamVr-in-Chief. I con.'.ider this dunonstrnfin!) in rll.;t;,.. . t i-.v. -i .in-.-tiuwa LA . tne I'resHlent of the TTnit.'.l SJnf va ou will pioase take them xway: I, am greatlv annoyed at tms demonstration. I will be glad to soo you to-mon-o v.-when the president arrives." The crowd fi nally tbspersed, cheering General ! Gnuii as the nc-t President of the United estates. f 1 I v Froi New York- , Kew Yokk, Kept. 11. A Toronto special s;iJj-s that Canadian aj)ers urge that the U. H. (Jovcrment is responsible! for the Fenian trou bles, and demand that England should declare .war if they are not suppressed. I A Chicago special says a Convention of National Banks of the Northwest have passed resolutions disap proving Mr. Hooper's amendment otl'ered in Congress, requiring the Banks to redeem their currency iuSev York, Philadelphia, and Boston J also to eo-opei-jito Avith parti.-s in the East to have Judge Nelson's decis ion regarding taxing of stocks reversed. Ilio Jiwieiro correspondence of the b'th. savs that the allies arc sti'l in a mor.uss, under the gnus of the en--m.y. unable to advance, or withdraw. Tho small ihx had broken out in a m tlign.mt f.jriri ani-mg the allied soldiers. It tvas reported that the Par.iguavans, re inforced bv 10,000 men, were advanced upon an allied camp at Corientes. - i New York, R-pt. 13, P. II. Crime Nkw Yotik. Carl No.-ite,, the Prussian forger, has confessed his guilt and agreed to return to 1 ruasirt, Briggs. tho d-fanlting teller of the N:Ksau B.ii been held to bail in the sum of ninety thousau 1 u-s. ' ;ik, md has dul- 3IovE?.irvrs of Washington. Soot." 1?.. P. T riic PttE3ii2xx. The Presidoat arri ved at 1'ittsburg, at ('. P. M., to-diy. He will reach this city at o P. M Saturday. . t JRiicai CoN-vnxTioN ix II iss.vcmrsBTTs. EororW. tbo entire ticket were nlWTfttci'trjTTo-cIf'rr'nT' " - ji I - -':;' ,r t i Nev.-Yor.x, Sept. 11, P. JJ. Markets. Gold Shi',. Exehang n nninal. (Cot ton firm. "Whe. it droo:ng -and lower. Plonr droo)ing. Pork steady at S:SJ.5'J. I Tunontinc h-av-' at 05007. lioin firm at $3.750SO. ' , WisirrxaTox, Sqit. 14, P. jr. m The Psksidext's rnr)G3Ess IImewaki. There were riotous deuionstnitions at the Plvsiilont's- reception in Pittsburg, o-j Thursday night. ' The party left there this morning. Secretary Seward was too unwell to accompany them, but will leave in the next train, and arrive in Washington (to-day) Saturday. The Ixridge at Johnson, Pa., broke down this morn ing with a crowd of persons who assembled to soo the President. Th-y fell twenty feet, and four or live are said to be killed, and 3!J or 40 wounded. c. The Hon. "Alfred Hucrer has addressed . tho following letter to a "war" paper in this city: ( Ciiaklestox, S. C, August 22. Sir: ii most unwillinsrlv leave tho fibxr-nrifi? and retirement which old age and circum stances have provided; but a remark in your paper of the 1:5th seems to demand it. A wri ter signed "S.," replying to an article in Kar- per s 4Uagazme lor August, introduces my name in these words: "This must refer to Al fred linger, for many years postmaster at v.jituiescon, &c., ci.c. turn to the ilagazme, arid to; my snrprisc find a contributor whose purposes and motives it is not my business to define, making capital out of so barren a sub ject as myself. Beginning with the "Burning of Columbia," and the abuse of General Hamil ton, he says: "Amohe; others to whom I was sent to give' assistance was "Mr. Hr.er. n. well known citizen of South; Gvrolina," and then recounts an elaborate conversation about a band of thieves, calling themselves "Wheeler's cavairy, &c; and m another part of his nar rative writes: "Wicn the citizens of Columbia begin their investigations of the burning of that city, and the pillaging bf houses and the robbing of citizens, let them not forget to take the evidence of IIr Huger!" I am thus put on the stand without being consulted, and shall commence by saying that if this'individualor any other was. ever "sent" to-my 'assistance," Ih o mission has been strangely, disrecpirded. I never savvi any such person as he claims to be, though I was an eye'-witness to the burn ing of Columbia. I never had ahv siudi intor- tf'rars with any human being in General Shcr man's army, or out of it; and if investigations i are mane anci tne evidence of Mr. linger is j called for, I shall, with a deep consciousness ol wliat is due to truth, sav ttiat. bf-fovn Al mighty God, all that I saw; all that I heard. an iiiau sunereel, au tnatl believe, is in di rect opjibsition to what is affirmed by the wri ter for Hnrper's Magazine, and for wl;Jch he o notes Mr. linger as a nortion of his autliori- -- . j r- ty; and I ask leave to add; after maturely re- nf.'cimg upon tne events ot tli.at'tearlul nigbt, when; every feeling of humanity seemed in lu , v t ' oliliterated, if my well-being here and here after depended upon the accuracy of my state ment, I would say that the precision, method, order and discipline which prevailed from the entrance of the .Federal army to its d-r:-vtnrn could only emanate from military authority. lidwicould I come to any other' conclusion, with the fact, regarded as indisputable, that the city was doomed before it vvsm t.sik(n?:iml tjiat as the, tragedy progressed, everybody s.iw the programme earned out an they" h id' pre viously expected? or am I to believe my own senses when an individual pretending to be an qlricer talks of burning the city, pillaging houses, robbing citizens, .vc., as if these -were unfou-ided charges? AMiy, sir,1 I never sup posed that I was dealt with more hardly than others, because I know that the "plunder" was Universal. Yet Mr. Kuger, who is to bear wit ness for one who was sent .to assist him, now deehiresthat he was ruthlessly nibbed; that his person "tfas ruthlessly violated ;' that food was taken from his children, and that his family were brut ally insulted-by well-mnunted and well-armed' men in tho uniform of tho United States! . For nught' I know it nwy be usual or oven necessary to grant this license, while the denial is equally almird and v:ivLc!, and the attempt to implicate others is a consummation of both! But this is the end that such things come to, and tho natural consequence of cull ing witnesses to prove what; the witnesses themselves know to be false. I s7iw those who were ivpuarcntlv idvinir their viwations i"bin- cTim:nistiiio iLs-; 4 canning wiui t!um foolish attempt to hold Hampton responsible, is beyond the tether! of his last calumniator, and is hardly worthy of a serious 'refutation. These few questions, when they are asked, will be found difficult to answer. YHiere was Hampton when thoj conflagration began to take its regular course at eight o'clock at night? Did the cotton which was Inirning at tlie east end of Main street . travel against a gale of wind to the extreme westnoro than a mile off? "Was it not there and then that wq were called on to perceive that our doom was sealed? "Whv trdk of putting out the fire in a church-yard, when it i3 notorious' that the sacrament silver belonging to the nltir vras stolen, and I think, subsequently given up? Did Hampton burn the country seats surrounding Columbia, leav ing lu3 kith and kindred without a shelter? Did he burn every farm-house on the way-side and away from the way-side, every grist-mill and flour-mill? Did he bum Camden and Vinnsborough and Cheraw? Was the quan tity of silver-plate taken from the citizens of Columbia sold for Hampton s benefit in New York and elsewhere? Is it the necessrv pruv- :,.. ' x.. 11.1:1 i. n , -1 '"te ui wnx to ounteruie au merer and shame? But enougn; when the Searcher of hearts corn- Hampton Aill i . . . mences Hi- be found entrenched bv triitb xil nt n t .1 1, A by -that strength waich prospen h' and victo ry cannot give," and. which "adversity and malignity cannot take away, ; ' .ur. Junior r We are doing our best, with Heaveu'.s help, to have a cJuhtry once more. rvorth, bouth, .Last and West aia rnlistf.,1 in this holy cnterprisrJ ' All havs ioined hands m tins sacred wort and a Chj'! Ulaistrate distimmishcd for his hiirh KCTls! of fllltv fin! I for his inflexible courage iii its Performance I wisciy tens us, "it we. cannot forget the W;t . we can never have a iutnre ; and standing as I do, almost in sight of the grave, among the oldest men in tho State that gave me birth, I will say Amen to the sentiment. 'Let the past be forgotten, if such is possible; at any rate let it not be referred to il tho object is peace and the hope is in" tho future. i am, v ery rcspcctiiuiy, your olidt. servt., An:;n) Huorji. o si rionni ATE ft. Oi 111 riOlxDLfil u Cv UMUi. WO, I, -GREEN ST-, MARKET SQUARE, OLD STAND Or ALSXAOTEIt JOHNSON, JK.,' 1 i :0: ' 1 '' EAYE STOKE AMD.'. i.-.1 ARE DAILY RECEIVING A L A 11 G E AH D WELL SELECTED . i O F LADIES' AND GEHTS' ' i - FAEL AND WINTER ! GOODS, : . Consisting in Part of Mcrinocs, DoLaiiics. meeting of tha Governors Is there not He70 lution Ahead' rroti the N'cw W.ik Jkn-.-.M of Scrt 1. The secret conclave of the i:alic:tl (wivem-m of tho Northern States, m 1'hil.ultOpliia, jiftcrthc uij,rannn ;t f the Ci.nveiitioaou Tucsiy List, is one of the most siiiuificaat uml ulxi mic sipw of the tiuifH. A th .rtioii of the ilfiahl nve t!i? publle the benefit of that on! Weaticsilty bust. Hat we have the strbaest ixv.fius ' for sayiair that the imestio:! tiu-:i 'e?it'j) tha.iin tiegx snfiira.p was not the only w ivtost iai-mu-tant one di.scus.stHl; ly thi.s conclave. It is umler st)ol that a revolutio:i:H7iro,'ftai3 was c?itcrtaiueV lookiii" to iatme nolitical coiiti'i.tf2l.! th...t i lrei:u-e anus and tihcK-ut amieil State or-'anizittions 1 i . ,....t;... :av iv j. .i. iiLiiiict me conservatives an. I 'osiMy with the IVK-siiloat, iaj the event of thif Helical s lin.. m dan-,r ot Josiiuj tl -ir rvrcr through the f-snit If i.in uw-iiims, xz is cvnie:it that these reillv l.m gerons leaaers of a l.iii'ero'.is purtv swf il-t-naiu'e-l Uf hold on to their pm-elriit all lvz inls; liir, ns Cloveriior l.or.y, of .J.une, .s.iid,if lluy L.e it rttvr "thca nil is io-si. i.iey are Uo.il.tless j.ivii.i:tfl to iniTK-h siud remove the President; and t.i.i.i:e Hen V.'mle or son, Otiier violent "Jacohiii :;i his iv!-.,... ,,-.1 the le-itimate iovc r U the F.xccutive-to the extent of ! c.:ilm out the militi:-J of the States. - l i.'i. -i . . i governors oi Nt.iti s, r x-GoTcraors and Iieut-Ciovcvnors, c.j;ipt)S4-d this new .secret Ja. oil- . meluh The vioh-ritl d.-claia-.ti .us f tlie laV V.ihlo Rxtf '. hvcbraiuU Tiiale and f.mi-.h', M.-.-k and white, in the -J,xt) Convention and at public meetm-s in l'hiiadeli.hiH i ' nn.it not Ikj regarded as v. ry serials; but it is fr 1 . -wiicit-iii, v.iiu me secret nic tin oi a UkIv f ieni Lo ur iwcumt power oi e.uveu oitiicm Stittes iu Alpacas,. t Calicoes, ; j Sheetings, " j j I lCKine;, Hjfes, President rdio Avas received Avitli a fei- litlzzas for Johnson, . ones for Gent nnll Kpirie rtide remarks. I ' Grunt; The (President -said i i -i m it - . r 1'fLiJowj UiTizEKs: (Cries' for Grant.) It m. not j mT intention (cries of "stop," "go n,") tp italic a long speech. If you give ime fonv atteiition for rive nriiintes (cries of "Gb cjhl" Stoj)! "Xo, no; wu want nothing to do withiijutk-s." "Grant, Grant!" "Johnsonl" and gi paijs.) I w ould like to say to this roTvd herky to-ni"rht (cries of VShrit nn! A1f it 1 M , , T 1 A don't Tisian Vfll. l fuill 'fJolinRpnl XhcPrf toh .aryou." "Johnson!"; "Grant!' f "Granti" "Grant!" resident mused a few mumpnts Wr,t1 tiieiiirqtir xi irom .me nalcoin-., j' j I Hoijip ivid Kilgbre went to trj- his powers cjf persiias ion. "Keep order,'' he paid, "for cne intjmcjntMiear me." ("Xo! no!" Cries fqr MGnintL" And groans. ) "Let me tell von. oL itcni 01 Iiiliananohs and Indiana!" I Tho cori- fhsion stijl continued. : "Let me appeal t!o 30u AftAinr but the crowd were unrelenting tired mvhi the portico and the'exeursionisps Tfenjt M. tleir dinner. Tiio disturbers in trie crowd 'oiltinued to groaii and make other dis tracting nbiscs. Several disturbances occur red, j wjlthj. lamentable results. Pistol shots wcre; fjtcdl.by which one man was wounded in tiie eyfi another in his knee. - According to the bcft information obtainable, a marshal on liorsebsjickl kvas sepn riding along the line of march huievidentlv sriviup; directions, as the men j)pn piereaf ter stretehed out their ranks. I'erso: i ere observed knocking down with clubs, fcevpralpf the transparencies, one pf which )o$e tlie inscrijition, 'Johiison, wel 'comelj jTlfe lesident." The holder of this transvr'&rehcy was thrown down,' and a shot fired hmi. A Mend came to his relief and fred s f tie assailant. At least a dozen or The rcsull is that one man . was shot in the and several wounded. i I Thd IPrfesident received a few friends and retireM to! bed at an early hour. j f cipwd hnally dispersed from before el Lat about 10 o'clock; at which time Thd he hfJ the cii)' fas quieL BY THE ATLANTA CABLE. ' ' " - ' !' Talis, Sept. 12. The Emperor has sent a special mission to Mexico to coiiler with iLixiiniliiUi. ! r !' - I ': Borliu, Ro;ti 12. The Zetraijj to-lay snys the ro-openiu of the East ern question by Prussia cimnot be fur pacific purposes. . i Paris, Sept. 13. I.hc 3Iomteur of to-dav publishes a cuuventioii yluch was .signed in the city of; Mexico, bv which Maximilian transfers to French Agents one half of the receipts fnnii customs -thxonjjBotitj the Einnire for the pnrpo.se f paying liabilities of Mexico to France. The convention goes- intd; operation on tlie 1st of November The Journal shites" that the French and English govern men ts have cvnjoiijtly made active "representa tions to the Sultan of Turkey, against the acpiisition, by the U. y. goA'cmajtaat, of an ishmd iii the Gulf of Agonia. ; " Bksux, Sept. 13. The rrnssian chamber of Deputies hiis votwl an elek-toral law and parlimnent for Saxonv. The nego tiations between I'm? sia and Saxonv mahe ven slow proffross. It is anul that Pmssia tlcinands the "taking of thb oath of loyalty to herself by the Saxon troom, the payment of ten millions of th;ders, as indemnity to IVissia for expenses of the tfar, and the right to garrison the fortress of Kaingstern and cities of Dres den and Leipsic with Prussian troops. i St. PsTEKSiirKG, Sept. 13. A farewell banquet was given to-day to the American Embassy. Ass't Seer'y Fox, aaid several United States naval officers, were present. Count Girtz made a speech, exprtive of the hope thrtt4he rr: of gooxl feeling now prevailing between Eussia and the United Stat es may le perm men t, an d stated that there was no danger of its being considered as a men ace to other nations. - '.:- . ' Boston, Sept. 12. Johnson Meeting in Boston. An enthusi astic meeting was held in Ifanueil Hall, last cvemng, of the supporters of President John son and his policy, for the purpose of ratify ing the proceedings of the Philadelphia Con vention. Col. Isaac H. Wright presided, as sisted by four vice presidents, witri Robert Cj Wmthrop at their head, including John Quincy Adams, and many of the leadin" pol iticians of the National Union party. i The principal speech of the evening was made by John Quincy AdarnsV SIr. Adams was welcomed with ringing and repeated cheers. After a few words of introduction he proceeded to give the reasons why ho ave his cordial support to tho proceedings of the recent convention held in Philadelphia. Ho said that he had waited months hopin" that this trouble would not lead to a sprit in the Republican party. He thought now that this troubio would not have arisen in the ranks of the Republican party if there had been less of passion, less of bickering and of sucn actions as those of the Radicals in the recent Congress.; He then proceeded, at considerable length, to advocate and defend ine poncy oi resident Johnson. mi TT -W - . Qfibrt itnade to prevent tliom Ysny nf'jtliinfrb'o cause I know nothing. It gratifies me, h'.nv ever, to relate this instance of kindness. T.iv ovvn hou:;e was about to ba " destroyed by the firing of an adjoining building. Theruvvcro two AVesteiii men looking on- soldiers in the true sense of the word and I asked one of them, (their namen were Elliott and (iood liian, one from Indiana,-the other from Iowa) Havc you a family at home?" Ku answered "Yes.' I said to him, "1113- family are ill in that room; have you no thought of vour own?" Tl ic man showed that he had a heart, and as the incendiary moved off to other objects, he did assist me, without being "sent," and with my servants and the only child big enough to fhand si bucket," wc saved the house, with its helpless inmates, thanks to tliis Good Samar itan. I j 'J , ! j My conviction is that Columbia was cruelly, and uselessly sacked and burned, without re sistance, after being in complete possession of fiencral Sherman's army; but who gave the or der to apply the torch, "is hot for the victims po know? or care. Hundreds Of helpless wo jnen am'd children were turned out to then fate. It is the historian's business to lind ev idence to meet the case, -not mine, and mv Voice would never have been .heard had I not been unjustly dragged before the pul lic. "The truth and the whole truth" will probably nev er appear; but it is recorded in the "highchan cery of Heaven," where no human power can Make tho erasure. ; I Mr. Editor, I crave your patience a little longer, mid beg your attention to the first sen tence in the article of which I complain. .It reads thus: "If Mr. Vvade Hamilton is nmlniK 'to add a deqier shame to a dishonored name heh as attained that end bv his renewed at tempts to hold General Sherman responsible t. . 1-.. 1 r ft t -. . - . . A . xui tut; uurning 01 Columbia, ami its terrible consequences.'-" Now, sir, I speak for every honest inan between the mountains and the sacos't, -and between. thG Savannah, and tho Pedec, when I say, "If this opinion and this epithet are not equally revolting and insult ing, then the common sensibilities of nature are made extinct by the 'sufferings wc have endured."- If -"Hampton," is 7 a "dishonored name," then there is none within the limits of this down-trodden and persecuted State can be considered as unsullied. Here in South Carolina, and throughout the South, every hu man being feels that where the name oi Hamp ton is well known it is most revered, and lie who bears it the most beloved. Beforo the present incumbent saw the light that name was identified with all that is brave and hon orable and generous, liat a noble sire ( who emphatically and habitually "did tlie honors" of his native State) has left impressed upon V. J".u as a legacy to iti Shirtings,' Flannels, ' Ribbons, . FlcnvcrsV FcJiiliers, Gloves, Hosiery, Belting There i; dui-'er ahead, and it b--bw.. 4i. n . . ' . mv vative mas.ses oi the. "North t: huiX- f . i . ..... ' v w . v. ii, in.- SMMitii, there is no daligt-r there. The peple of that .r to Trunks, rat 1 rimn . r iifrt Keetion have experienced the horrors uf civil v 'Vi iV ilt"-ri"e :uul r4K" ilwiroTit-hlv kr.bdnvd tha Hh-v V-nsi? tC. rcU-l.Uwii.ay;:,ux.- Ti'tUn-er i at bom," wwr iuovwry State, county Aii&cUy efiule AurLu. Z ' T Froiii tLe ev York Daily Ne.vs aAlS-STHIFE OF THES CITIES. Aug. -jcth. A long mooted question in mnsieal circles has rr -ccntJy been penaaiieatly .settled to Uie g.vat Mti.sfae tion of lovers of justiee geiii-raily, :ind esjt cial3y to tho deligat oi Soathc-rncrs. wh'i hae- vatehed the Jon" struggle: with iutenscj interest, iiostoa, New and i5aitiiu:ie Lave been; the eonJend'n:g parties in this prolonged ilisp ate, -which vai b.bliy inaugurated by Alcssra Win ivuabu & Co.. of ii:iTtiini.t-.. .1. ...,.,:.. whtther the -hub," the nittrep..lis the Monumental J iuruoiuu;L'U-si American piano, great couimcrcial town of 11 t.uu uiib iieeis:oii Hits not refuted fn.m sujv one stated Valises . L....., .,.,.,.U.WI . . . .-. READY-MADE CLOTHING. inai, but lroia ft merits of thorough comparative tests v n iNtwWk, Chicago and bther iusruvnt bnsiufi TT li centres of the coaniry. Ia ever- instance parties oi- I LJL KJ powd to the Knabe iiani".li:v 1.. l... ... .. i p CLOTHS, CASSIMERS, 7 -i . i . J ueiore an nonest committee, -r have r fnsd utterly w wic i!kiu auu oacKe.i u vu iu the Lice of irn- lmneiit defodt. Thi mast .s,f.ie th is.sue as fully as if a atiomd Convention hul decidi d it, and in tlie' luture the South caii Uat .f .manufacturing the Ut piano ot the-country. Kuabe & Co. Lave been making iuese superb in-itrnments for thirty! vears, and their fame is nothing ih-U"; bat other pi M to concerns h ive Kpning into ei.stem.k mcanwhil.-, claiming to beat the md House at its oan traIe, ami u contest with them was mcvitabic. Ilebce the Viiriww tri n Lm. eopie will have tht iir ihi-h-.'-c r..- . another maker, ami must he Lnmurwl in them; but jin juucie so long :neci as tais one that n;t so often provcvl superior, and freely accorded tlii.s palm bv the best judges of Europe and America, has certainly more thau ortunary claims tipm. a purchaser's attention Substantud, durable, handsome to look -at, dtli-'htiul v listen to, keeping in tune longer than uuv known haung a dehcau toneh and giving S;uh of.uiity ,uul purity of tue as only a JviihIh)" can, we. C-annot but commend the universal Verdict in their favor. Tho gTcat Southern house is again being extended to' ir ett iue wiui ut outs immense ami constantly iuercasin" AJSD 'S business, and tins ttiiiC4)lLint success, overlapinntr quarter ot a century, is, alter all, thd true and iaJLs paiaoie tesi oi woiiu. CE0CKE11Y, NOTIONS, AMD A GENERAL ASSORTS EfT OF A vi-Mt to their elegant wnrerorm; Xo. liroafV way, in this city, wul denioik-lrate the supc-rioritv of these celebrated instruments still more fuliy than "anv description which could bogiven of them, The N. York Herald, which has hitherto firmlv snp. IH.ited the iWidcnt, i to-day issae pronounc'uH Lw plan ot reconstruction a miiurc. t.-,-tr.r ms generous action to the late revolted btaU-s has been I 100.TtfA.l 1 .1 1... 1 - . " BlVi'11" vi pwpio as covering a Iicen.se for an guinaiy outrage against jkhjt negix-s and abolition yanke.s; and tkit the grmid swell which commenced m Maine mil sv. ep the whole country us against the rreMdeit s policy. . ".- .. """ --.tiLuer generation b1 and untarnished. If tlWn i' T r vug illUUIJ"- us more chen.slied than the: rest, : it is he i?pon whom tins gratuitous "assault is so brutaUv and yet so feebly made. And if to-day or to-morrow a canvass should be opened for "our rep resentative man," to fill the highest office in the gift of a heart-broken but grateful people, none could be found strong enough to compete with him for their favor. And it would be tin- tnie to til f IlT-in rr nnrl fba AA Zt . i - ; c wiuj. xi bucu were not the unanimous decision. I have said that 5IARHIEIr OntLe Sth inRLyW lJennetLsTa! S.-C, bv the Kcv. U:. alsh, .lr. Tups. G. VALU.cx, of Marl Wmgh, to iliss CAhsia. IL, ditughter of the lato ileeken Towusend. . ,.0uj!.il?st-''?rEenrette;TflIe, R. C.. bv th ; x 'Alsa, Mr. ohn M. Wadwix. of Fayette- f hV u7i daughter . Brtltiwore, Md., on the Cth inst, by iho '.Hev. C. A. Kent, ilr. I. Iu Snrrs, rf Grttnsboi-o, N. C. to jiuij. i . ox4-li'let, oi Virginia. DIED. In Houston Co., j Texas, Nov. I55&3, ilr. Joioc M. ilrECHlOX. I . ! . . - In same Co, Aug. 7, lSGo, Dr. Wjl A. Mrscnisox. They were born and raised in this place. , In this town nil tlio 4.l i,,uf VTru V vr -v "fr i i-f -wife of Henry CLiy iloiTitt in thd 21t.t year of Ler n .- r i I-- mf TT T , " ixi.w uuuuiUlUUS UKUSlOIl. X JiaVt? ROlf I f hot The Hon. J. G. 'Abbot fn1l,,i :n n I n,,, m. x -. , x nATe saitnat fcT,.t. --v.,v4U0uuu1u 10 v1"""" must una evidence as to the Bxcecn. f Iburnin'Tof Coliinilui nml lm-;ii -.t.:i. i. But this seed of life and lovi, Just lent us for a d ay, i Came, like n blessincr from abo Passed, like, a dream a way! j ' : ' i But for the dream it broke indeed Yet still great comfort gives; 'What was a ilreain is now our creed We know that she yet lives. ' FOR .LADIES' GENTS' . WE All ." "" :0; . - .' ONE of our partners being constantly in New York, we will be able to supply the Trade and Public with Fresh and the Latest Styles of Goods by every Steamer. MERCHANTS Will Find Our Wholesale Department WELL SUPPLIED with the above Goods at a small advance on New YorI Prices SEPT, 4, 22-TF ) - ' -. - u i-u. iiuu ii, i tie - Com. T ; f

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