-w V I' -f. 4 r t. 1- :$ 2 I. ' THE I F A YETTEVILLE NEWS. Tuesday,-o 1G, 18G67! JONAtHAHWORTfli OF ItAXDOU'il. ! i ; bl'KCfAL NOTICES. ; ; trSilr. -Jr.o." K. Spearman is onr 'authorized trav-iu-;i'u i'uc subscription tmd advertising. .' jiSaarjH'jp' Jcr.eby give notice that singlu copies of the i.'.vs iTr sold only at this oliice, and where the :carri J i s? or ijthcr jw.vsous oifoc to dispose of copies under .ititeresit circuit) stances; tlicy. do so "without our au- bntv cr oojim.hi, : ' . ..rj i " i ' " ' ' ' '" p Ht A1lbou!i oar terms' are cas"h. our country izitwH am urg.-iuiy requested to send tha' name of inch- t-f-'th.-ir,- neighbors and acquaintaeces as they L'iv "-' t b ; "Ut worthy uu:I reliable nun. who wish'tii j til'.s'.-ti;? for th' Nkws bat are - unable to nay ad-iiicevj- - ViVw.li Kii'd th panjr, and wait io: a I abort ;u.i lr thijiiiuoiint ui tLeirsubsri-itiou. 'I, ib clrrnon of a. Qoverucr and SUte Legislatora I f, piuc' jag Uii jur$- a-A-are, oh inursday, latli. Wo f I v ;mI not iiiire.S5 upon o.r reader: the neeesijity ,of .'! '.; Ji lvri a Tall kjid'Altlifactory. Vote for candidates whq K-' ' jjj'i wllcctrodit .lipoa themselves, and ndvyipe the I a tor-; ff is the community which select? them as invmbfM to tUi to Louses' qf he :Legialaturd of the J 'JL'hcj political mr etiag tO;day, which was tppointtd at i'iy laju an-hour for an insertion of its . proowifliiift in o,f coluiHus.-y i)l probabjy devJlope to lAdsb.r.uai the v;s of tbi 'candidatea for the fpmiiig f.egi.HlUturf , aud vU enable our citizon to docitje fully 1C'U the duty which may devolve upon them a.svoteiU , .W-e ta o liot. from nr?t to last, allowed onrs-ves to lo drawn into any1 discussion of a political ihVacter ;on this or any' other t-lection. We have been con vinced aud have acted upon he couyictaoik that i:h man's 's.'i-n.so of honor and duty to hinj cojintry, . f jh -u'id dki.:tv U lfi ciur.se of action so 'far as the national P iital .'jutstion.)) wt re concerned, and that a llibend ad coipn htnsivc view of It ho prtseht condition o( ihip:Ui.'SM6.iVi tuubUdur peopla to, see their way . jtltiiflj. V ilzn Tn'taur; of accomplishing, the right ; re f U'!,; if ih.-y eoald not cohsnmu) ite them. .,s W ex . t';::' -'"i pi''-d'.'tM(S, the attempt to organize-a branch 6. t'io II I'lit rd i)is,rty in this fetato hart proven; a failure t f-a. ".iV'-l .f.ii!iirt;4 I'li'o (TUijtcrriatorial -nomiiieo-1 flatly fu.'ied tu.rior' j.o . -;,ucnhcii''ly proaerbd to him. iii-ty huVi. been hj-f motivvs 'for such action. i 1 Las th cliuid to pennit, his' nruno- to bo ucd in ip j5!iti't;i to tho pros;ut Ctpveraof a consistent sup- . i ?.rte of tho TresidouUnd his policy of tho reiitUiration; f;TLort;fore'UiH blr'3 coming from tldH ; direction from Uivi en nri. s of the South who hold the ground cdl'V IWhe-tlism at thof ' North will ; bio- exerted Hauit.tLe .wx-lfarc of Noh Carolina, 'wherever its ti o;tol;'t.tT;j -iit-mws a'ro found, not in the". Noting for overior, ini f.r;tIio members seijt from each county to tK'oiSciUkto sn'l Houko of Commons. Lt cmr rtennlft. . Oa'Thiu-hday, bear U" mihd thiy important fact : That culled upon to consider jPmtiosiiou3 pC a vvijhty and important character, h-M iir. ,,! i ng vpry rnearly 4 fee gravest interests bf this t.:;ctiru. ,: or is tlxis all. - Cfew difuoultios ahd fespon Gi biUtri..'s -gi-Qfr-iug 't ii'f xl4 prest'Dt IN'orthcrb elections hi- fiVr.il t a the legislatures of the different States juont. For this work we want meuj of unim. j.WcLtbie inlojrity,1 rmnebsv and calm judgment ; a ;ijJs!)'movy orthr wrty 'muy iruih the futurdi th-li'oiior cf-our-'.itnk . f' pr tarnish !' "a and the he c-:oti;pl;;sio-i ..of tho ' pct . Itgialatuie jiiid 'the maur.'er of trtatiug tnem, will have- imuch to do a t-l ltuure posiuoir ot orUi Carolina as a i&tite, l'hk'-ro ait- son i'd -Tconositioaa '-deslifhed to b6! forpd' uP.j.a ootisidevatiou of the pcqplo, - emanlatiJg from iaai both Xoi tU aiii South, who do not appreciate tho ,3roul4os Xnd diCicultics of. a coa'juar.ed 4nd ruined .p ol, or who care for naught but ; tho advancement 4 . fcuvir o.vn euu.s,.wm( c aro covert designs: upon tho t T.wpir .nua.pnncijno.cf every mmi Mho may accept '.v.V-.bj.rd. ; -To -receive aiiy thing, or to form any cpalitioa i'r y.th thoVxtremistJ in C(j)l)ress, viith the belief that it bestto ma.tho;:m6st advantageous terms possible ; Vith pitrty which holds the power and influence, is to aU V o;;roOlve"to be deceived into a reliance upon .'. iaeii fhb'Laye broken faith with their" cwu people, .-..;.Vio-iau.ti Uio ymstitutiou and tubvtrted tho ohljcst and luost fl-trished prihciples of a free goverjimebt. It vbaldl bo n:.eleto .eipct lhat their faitih with us would bo moro Kcrtipulciusly kept. - 1- ; Thd abclit-ioh pf'-iao iutitutiou Tat slavery, the ad missioh.of npgro tstioiouv iu thq civil coujts, the re-'.jp-uijiiHion of the r.tbel warch.'bi, nnd the repeal of tho prdina.nco of .secession, weie.in our opinion, not ig nominjorts concessions to an enemy end & conqueror, A'ut change..! iii ourState constitution, and jn the syg t.0iu o O'lr '.tute government, which w-fi-o rendered noceif.ury from the vaults of a great civil and political revolution, ;vnd tlt-y voukl forever have . been stum bling blocks to ( ur future progres even if tve had been ixsrmittcd to -retain thorn.' The concessions which we an; ta-m'alio n'n.4 the only oneg which a true patriot can letJ himself called upon to make, are such as ho bUers lib the bitter and pr&ssing- needs of his sul!prii;g! conn jiry. T'o heal its wonnds, ho must give ef his own Ktrcnsth ar.d bow his pride. But the demands and enactions of a party, having for its aim the .overthrow of all tbat may mkkp republican government perfect, ore not those which appeal to the hearts of $ucu vho recil!ylove dioir country. - ; i La oitr.people then cling Moadfaetly to he remaic icg confer ativp principles left to guide the Btsns whxch wauder in dvubt Hud perplexity, and iiopifl that the; time may eomf, wheu, ftwa 1 this wuii';of opinion arid thiir ntreas?tiin.n irwcntiw' ct au insktiabl ma jority in. tho Nortii, a modbrats arid liberjd Congress may bo chosen, wLich,. laboring with a wjsendablc Executive may brine hbout tho restoration of peace. GOYEKSOIt-- WORTH. !fS. .The peopjfl seem. to be r.nited in their viawft ,approaimg .Gubernatorial election. No effort so far I vlis wo know, (with the exception of tho recent misera ble and abortive attrmpt made by W. W. Holden to r oppose the Conryative tpivit wiuch npV animates j tho citicus of Noith Carolina, with a radical and pro I ,6criptive iaciion) to bring into the field any-public mau' LgOf ihe State, in order to agitate uny issue cf a noiitirrd th.ractcr. With the good scas's and jadgment which wo Ulievo to be chm-acterhstio of our people, all seem to have weighed wll the valuable services and sterliu- ; ability cf Jonath. AVoaxr-; his eminent fitness for tC position which ho liolds; Lis. irreproachable inte-rity and purity, aud his coieucy, a l0y6r pf tho Uni- pn' as it was. The peculiar circt;mUncii which ma- ,?m lOOKt euitd.le m :h.st year tafih the ofScobf the Chief AJ4giStruto Of the StAta, remain w. r.t..-w .Jy eiruoandreasonlecourscjsthn wiiich is be Jicg pursued-re-e!cct him with largely iucreased ma. eimavry section of NortU Carolina, j There can U' bhj d'iuhi of the result at the poll 0i tho 18th; put ;on- that account tho people should not Suffer tliem.' plveq to bo betrayed into an indifierenco dr lacji of in V'roKt m that result. Jt every man go to the polls pJidvote mr 'Jonathaa Worth that tho conservative ad lawwibiQing BentimeriUwhiGlj cqntrol the every action oi tho good citizens of this State may bo fully mspluyed, and that it may bo proven one i again that Androv JoLason and th Unionist cf tha North hare iliegil fr.aiitltixl surportcrs 01:0113 tk SUMMARY OF- ftEWS. 1 i ' i . JKOKTHISJSf. ELECTIONS, .UlSJ patChltO thfr Aillinnnl ITi.,n -V,T.fr 1,. States that th Republicans elami Philadelphia by oily V.0UO majority, which is a largo Democratic gaiu as vv.u witii me eiectum oi lSUi. ! mt rU I . Philadelphia, Oct 9, Midnight, ;i ; xu iirxesa esti.iate.s tie majority for Geary, in this City, at 5,000 knd in the State ft mm P :-DifjffeHerW Tha4- Steven say that Lancaster " o n";, Vy Ior td Hepuplioans, ttnd Ailegha- 1, F?!fc?af? sains ?Qr the Republican" of Cak in pie JOA Distfict, and tfo.mtz in the luth for Congress, li. AnQtier special reports iiepubiiean gains in all the m vs4uus una aisq m jsastsra UJiO. .Iher'wtiqru&oni the West. I lar- I l.an4:U, tehif, for Congress, has 4.GJ0 majority, ta pin of52.600i Kelly, Myers and O'eil, SapabUcans, ;leGteil'bv roilnc.l t,o...i-;t;.o r . gain fclecte J by rellaeed r TayLor beafs Kass in the 5th distrust, whera tie dem pcralrt touiidntly expected a gaiy. ' j DenBiiKOn, Bin., in ulcered in the 12th, but his elec ,t;on wull be cjDntested on the ground of illegal voting, j Jno; jCarroL rep., reported elected in the 1st diL, Hitui urumujvi) a pain. t -TheiCQugr.stonal delegation Btands'17 Eepnblicans : rr!"v'v?!, ww It h 1 ill j.4 : . . 1 A. " , - a 1 . jjipublieiras gifo. onaand the election in ' the .12th.' dis- tnet to, yo cojiteieo. ; ' j m -r:-; I ' I Cincinnati, Oct. 1CL ! 1 contest in tha 1st district between PendJeton, Deiu and Eggit-ston, Kep.' The latter probably elect ;ed byvUJ niorityra, los of lOJ on tha vote of 'G4.' ; Pea Ref ublicans certainly returned to Congress, ,andi perhaps Seventeen. . j ' " T I :llepUci4a litate ticket elected by a large majority, :"wH. j ludianapphs, Oct. 10. IvlojcUon rturtfs very indefiaile and unsatLs'factory, but thii li(?piblicans claim the States by. a reuiced ma jority I ' :. -! I ,. ' . j Ii lo 1st pist, Niblack, Dem.!. is elected; in the 3d, Huntfli: in tlie 5th, Julian, in the Gth. Bums: in 9th, Colfax; in the 10th, Wuliamsi and in the 11th, tSUa&k4r"uU &euablican3.: I t '"' i y --j- 1 L 1 ' " t . 1 I . I BitTiMQaE, Oct. 101 Thf jcity rfection is progressing 'quietly and is cbn- fined fesclusifely to registered' voters. ' r I rhibtdelnhift. Onf.. If XHtj;l'f'Ti.v.vKl. ELEOTiaN'J-rrho Legislature of the SLlte wil stand: Sen.ite, Eepublicans 34, Cori- seryapsres 1U1I.)USQ. KepiVoijcanaj 63, Conserrativeg 33, Xha Kalical majority qa joiutbailot is 33. ft I : I H I 1 ? HASHIN-GTOK, UcL 12i Tnrj TJ. g. Circuit Courts The U. S. Circuit Coiirtj met yiterdayat Trenton, New Jersey, but ad journed for tee trin in accordance! with - tho opinion of Chif Justice Chase that Circuit Courts cannot: bo held, kintil a hew assignment of Circuits is made jbv Thqijlieavyfetorm, which commenced on the after EOqn ;4if the SCtU, still coutiuues.1 The quantity! of -wjiicij latieo is extraordinary ana ths aamstge in knivliy insltances ; has been very: 'serious in this Yicmniv. s . - - . !! ! f London. Oct 101 B? -rus Oisv.xio CmiB. It is rumored that the Plempptentiilries of Prussia aud Saxony have amicably adjasted all ctifTxculties, vad peace negotiations hive been formally continued. L - j i; I Liverpool. Oct. 10i Coifm "firrajer. Sales, to-dav.of '23.1K)0 Kitni UTirl. lNDI.VIOT,T5L Ofl 1 1 4. . -ix-' twjiurns irom k-i conuttAS give n u.ticd majority of 4o,70:j. (The remaining !43 couues willlprobably reduce the; majoo-ity to about 4j. 00.';) I I ' - t r j Geai Morrfm. dam.. 'elected to ConcrrfiEcin tho District. , i -.. I , if l , Washixgtox, Oct. llj A SnsatiPs "Rmion axt is ! Effects -The Lite lAiN,Ac.7-fdispttch appeared in- the Philadelphia i.eugpi- thi$ rjiornihg, dated "Washington" announcing th:i$-t&? Pzeii lnt htd nroprtn'i certain iaterroi tones to the; Attorney General, respecting the coniti- vuuufliiuiy qi vongres.i; ana tnat an qcitiion m writiin telt q-ite kenoiisly in nmrcaiitile circled oiject being an advan to 63 during the, day, owinf td its iullu- tnce. There is " 4-' !') xk t" authcrilv for saTinr lnworor" statemin4i$ hot in nccorAfr' 'r" 1 .-- L . . X1U U UK3- I, ,! .i-r lcr ,uv ever neen submitted hv the Psett to. the Law Odicor of the government r.! J 1 j - ' LrvERPooi- Oct. 12. , j d . --...wo. i.uaiiveu 10 loo. i eld Iives 71i!. i iTHsvTtiJ Theatre Em -JTfc0 t;V:it iTl- tre took njreilast night, a few minutes onlv aftr he udiehbe left; and was entirely cousnmed. The Jewish SynncMgu and other adjoining buildings wee iniurPf1 TniilJ, - "-t.x'wIiuia, UCU 1.1. tor of; Ihe ledger has. caused vigilant be made iito the orlgton of theldis' 1-. t - 1 . z. inn imnirip. investigation to inSrH been siibmitted by tho Present Tjf E y,l,enera1, AU ot facts, together ii Trt -f ; Kfjici. luru.uuo lUQ lniorrnatinn tbeshinton correspondent of the Led-S? jfc?' have btarm frtivw.W . t...m:..i uo . . imui.u in 1 iii;-' 1 Hvifinnr ThQ3 4 i T- Tonn- ma" by the name of Thpmisoii. jvho has been employed as Clerk in the F??Jd 133 city, has been arrested on the ehaw of j robing the government of goods Taluedt betwn foujrtecmand fifteen thousand dollars I , New York, Oct 13.1 Latest Exclucige $ for sight. -, ; . Cottiou firmof. Sales of 17,000 bales middling Al a i3M If :. ; ilotnr dull Wheat steady. I- ; n i'J-inies contains a report of an interest ''ST week tha parish of :fflfbd4op oonjmittiiig a murder on the. loth f Jy lSOo. The defence, moved to trao the 1 jindictmens on the j-round that at committed the murder bo nn -li ' ":ZLX .; tA i 7J. T . .. J . . ' ,v """'t, oiiujeci, p,soi Louisiana relative to slaves, ana junenablo to a special: iribnnn.l oAa " I ! forr tHoir trial, that the fftnf l 'wot, iJk n-..-ix--. ;r, " .. r"""- i w uwHoa oi tr;e United States ' was 40 setj him free and abrogate nil We 1 ofcrimS ! - 1,Tr,, J PiU"c- --ne prosecution held that ! S'M4 Ff9 constitution of 1804. the STSCTrfl COI?e frffi- -as ! i. r 1 "waaac u,ixeeman, and was ,OTJw?J,,vt. ,th? IaW3 for frei. : JAM- ? consataUoh J ?dS3 FHa- Gates held that the constitution Oa 10(04 wais Ulecral. and thnf abolished In the parish of St. Martin until ocember 1865, vvcn tho General Assem bly of the State ratified the Constitutional pmeiiclmnt prohibiting slavery; that thb t t T!7 iUB umeie is alleged to nave committed th iAu-i- a' i "T' '-""w, ttULi that Ithe motion fn-nnasli miic r.,.-i rr-i 1 1alJ.-?77r."V3U7"- . . I j i; i ., , " VviAOOAia ,wuu'y r -cwucuu jumcoins proDiamnfinf. wasnot decided upon, as St.; Martin was ono . -i . or tne parisneB excented from if i " n 1 i .. 1 - : "rwu. . AmOST Valuable Buitr.n extensivti frahds which were! ieu iu ims citv. nvrnftflirmi nt.nn f a.j jeix oney.it was deemed advisable" by the U. S... Treasury Department, several months nceto tabhg . in Baltimore a-Detect Department, which was donoT several shrewd -v - . - ' " wumui- r AA.ll.- 1 1 1 . . I so assidouply as to have almost entirely bror ken u$ tho operations of the counterfeiters, or their aiders and abettors in the circula on pf thej "queer," as it is vulgarly termed, &o far have their efforts been so successful toere;4ro now no counterfeit Treasury notes .yui"fon,-. except a lew oi tho old issue, whichjaroj catily dctcctod.2? Trantcri, From the Loujsvilla Journal,' Oct C ; GS0J1GE D, PREIITICE'S INTERVIEW yTTH ' JEi'J'EilSUN DAVIS. ij i .the course of an interview fhnt we had wjth Jeth. Davis in January, 18C3. the euujtci oi me lenns oi peace was lntrouuc- cd. Mr; Davis asked us what was thp VtltV'B i. i . .! , . . 1 ili-r nrinQ ?mH r'i-msinr. tr a Hu-iam.. t. . IV ( UWIJ Union into two .confederacies! she would - - - - . WWMV..av VM M . . III 1 I If" - . . . - very soon be dissolved; that, State ufter State States singly and States coiribinedly 'would secede, and tlie whole Korth' be split up into petty povyers; or no powers all of them contemptible in the eyes of man kind, and not one bf them willing or able to contribute to the payment of the nation al debt. Mr. Davis replied, with hi char acteristic calmness, that this was certainly true, but that the same thing would hap pen, and probably happen all the sooner, if the North shouhcoiitiuue to prosecute the war. We thoughtlat the time, that Mr. Davis was. greatly mistaken, and told hirii sq. We still trust thatj we wece correct iq uur estimate of the character of his opin ion, but just now we can indulge no qver conQdence that we were. The North con tinued to prosecute t?.ie;var and the South, after the bravest anil most despefat resists ance, known in war's annals, was. conquer ed. But now comes, the Nurth's trial Now we are to see theltest of her internal strength. If out of-the dreadful war be tween tbe North and the South a Northern civil war arises; if Northern armies mrcl against each other, vengeance before them, and blood and death and desert behind, many Northern-States will very soon weary and sicken ! of the horrid .work; and will probably adopt secession as the surest and quickest remedy, fully relying upon the mighty troubles and perils of the Federal Government as a perfect security against coercion, Most likely the northwestern States will so off first, renudiatiuir of course-. their proportion of thjj pub!iclebt, and thus piling higher thanjever.the monstrous financial burden upon the shouiders of the remaining States. These will have neither the will nor the ability to bear up under the crushing weight, arid so others will se cede; and then others, till the whole North' shall be divided up injo such poor, little non-debt-paying, feeble,! mock-nationalitiesj as a citizen of one of the! Mexican States, or of the South American republics, or of one oi the petty, miserablo German principalities might look j upon with contempt and scorn Jeff. Davis's declaration to us as to the consej quence of -the war to jthe1 North, if pres ented, will be amply vindicated, and what-l ever resentments, if any, I he cherishes against the Nprth will be abundantly satisfied. lrrs tell t(ie northern fanatics -km a lover of our tchoU country ice solemnly tell them that unlet mad Jiess has seized upon their hearts and brajiis they will not insist on pushing the dissensiofifbeticeeii the President and Congre.sto the finlilinn point: -j&&YtFr$yl$$ti assured that if the fight comes ir wiirue to tnem mtrm-niie as tner tervmt, I account of in either history or traditiom They will rind it an infinitely different thin from the war of the rebeUion, dreadful as that wp-s throughout ail its annals. - They will fcnd themselves a divided people; divided among each other almost equally, divid ed and mutually hostile, whilst the whole popi uittuon oitne Houtn will be a unit, able to strme for their friends of stand afar from tht? flash the crack and the roar of war, as mav seem ! best to them. The thick cloud novv enveloping the So nth may be partially lifted but night and storm, surcharged with bloody rain, will close over the North. EMIGRATION FR0H THE SOUTH. "Wrt hn.VA RPPTl xitli rnTTrif tn4- V.1 u five hundred whit.fi nnl nf Xti. Pn,ni; are now on their way. hi nr.o Wlv no ' slants to tho rnrfh,rf iv o. ' . J " - " v .w. I f CiX j OUl X V Hi 1.1- CI Al J 1 1 !..' - . " - - i Ktu uue ooutn tuus losing i there are feuch immense needing development. "Vhy OI But we very much fear that the violent coursd i fihipftinn rf flit Jurtli fn tlm rom.,;: ..i nftftr lifr tlrffirn sha rtrnfiirnrl in milT-.,,. , jv" v..,.... .V ...i, ivvuumyn ut nr--- ".i -i - r"" "J tmhl.rvi.,i;.i !-.. i ' ; aged exactly as! described. It is net remark- . 7 " ..w,.v. ( me wm to .population of the Southern ! - 8c""man, or a part 01 tno r"" r aa mat country is J4JtWWM m.b iiuuvnag me particular circum- . . Vatamiyv it suggests that his Lor.UMr t,ja stalls nf tb mftf n,'0 1.3.- !; t very sensible arranffemenLI -TIia MrPW tf .ii. .,P.ful1 sfotAt.9 v4. 1 : -it-- i - , . , : xmoeriai sfiiininn nr f.liir..ifi ;i- "3 1 Pie. we rannnf. Rnnsvlr wifli n,.tm'n u4. :i i nnce HiUene may be as eventful and rdmnrrp- ' it is persuaded , , w v mviu 1VU Vl(illlbV X L i 1 1 I. I I.. of the Radical party towards the South is . ?umV toiaqomething useful not with creating a general feeling" of apprehension advantages. It would be well if our very antagonistic to material prosperity r , eu would 'display the same good sense The extravagant threats and the niahJ ."' 1and thought. Too often their sons are nant spirit evinced by some of the leading P?ougnt up with no other view than that of Radicals nre well calculated to alarm tho' TK" lr equaniy. mc xiuuicais will naver storv . H.wivaio H1U 11 V Kl tLl JTV this side of universal suf?. Wn,l wi Kxi i o-,..! .. t' . "WO lJJI Sfi " q Tl "uera a11J- taw is uy no means anaTree-- aGIe future Itisnf cut refused 3! negro suffrage. If thev 1 with jtlmlit; i- neSro enuality beat Sfeul fr h2S?5?5L ecclesiastic for tho last thirty ve7 ""Xl ecclesiastic for the last thirty years An.ldtlw only a handful of negroo" S -&c of voting, cannot stomach nelro ful'ii of votin the polls, is it strange-'that thS peopio oil feouth look urfon it with .ibsn!t 1 5 mi. . 1 ; AAtAAA. xiiey nave not had the advantage of a lonn- chnAlmi. n.: .i; a:. . . . aoutn. The people there are afraid of an 1 uiumatea,!anu snouid these be lost, by o-"- - ar a eiiuea. They were FridavT LLi annulment of the pardons .granted by thd Pecion otherwise, the heirs expectant emaciated, having been Cruelly ' angles Ited'nSo4 ' V off President and a general confiscation of prop-i fown upon tho world, with expensive bu&e. and f0 them were nearly idktic LIME-The .toATi, i r ; orty. Besides all this, tho Southern peopl3 tastes. u? means of . earning even the ne- ;? Protracted c'onfinement ia darkness, at $2 2o2 25.y cask. -i - 86 om store cannot but see that, they: are to be subjecfed- of 4 Sod thoroughly "rS seeu Ue kavirg Ander- i aot-s. from .tore at t S2 ava, . ..... L iZXZrSl 'democrats would asscmblSto hear him O --v..v.iiw tiACAA VAAV.AAA:AO A Ail ill Clioe xxow mucn to be regretted it is that tho pt..jjAu uui4ituo iiiii.;e just allowances au c.-.x!-1 . , i - - J. "uunai.tt tWA tuo. oouuiernpeopie.jin reference to tho tender siih s. rf i:i -r , do not expect rational consider tC j v "-,w vii LicAii L' V- nnr wn T?ori;i " a.t- -a .. . "lfc"w "vm mchi-v, ohcxi xs us ianaucism nr ifa -ia ai a . .. . . we have the most melancholy foreboding as to the future of tho South The destroy, bt t proteiVnoa of th mount Tt? ri6:5!u HAiUtillCULiy lilU-lUtUlliea m tllPir hnrkla i - A . " . VAAVJ A' 1 liJlUH n. i 1 s has ever seen. Nat. In Wiarncer xuiu uiq wona 1 Civil IIiohts at the Noetil V -l - v ' avi- -i SJ Jfhung ? moVat Delhi, in tho State e seo a no- . o . curious to observe hoy cato oiu: Radical cotemporaries aro orer this lXl y hnPP?d South of Anason and JUixon's hne we should have heard J uu exicnsivYi now! on th:? . subrct I as Correspondence of the Bound Table. SPICED WITH THE SUPERNATURAL. London, H?ept: ! 8. -There has recently been reported an apparently ant nnold woman in Austria Av autnentic account of ho thricp dreamed of seeing lier grandson, wlio had;gono to the wars ' wounded and' bandaged F.Ti " .1 '(- . O ' V4U , uu:c tua u vuuuiiu iuc auuuu unuy SUOluu ' . i, . . . J ' .KiL.i ' ii. i it have been wounded; but an accident occurred of late in a family of the highest intelligence and position, which I ventureito put now for the first time in print, for the attention of tho speculative, as bne for the truth of which I can personally vouch, j A young lady, engag ed to a gentleman who was voyaging in a distant part o" tho world, was seated in a library one afternoon, when tho said gentle man entered the room and stood between her and the grate, gazing upon her, She en deavored to approach him, and then to speak to him, hut could not; land she only remem bered gazing ihe next moment cm empty space. She was somewhat nervous about it for a little while, but was. easily persuaded that she had dozed and dreamed" of her lovor After an absence of several months moro the gentleman returned in good health. On hear ing the dream alluded to, ha inquired with an unexpected earnestness into1 the date of the matter, and it was at length di J beypnd a doubt that on the date of the vision ne nacl fallen overboard, and had been for a considerable time after his rescue entirely senseless. "I only remember," he said, 41 that I felt that I was drowning, and my last conscious thought was bf her who was to be my wife." While alluding to this shadowy sublet. I may mention that Dr, Herbert Mayo, F. It. S., professor oi physiology in King's College anci 01 comparative anatomy mthe Royal College of Surgeons, announces in his lately published Letters on the Truths Contained in Popular Superstitions -hi3 conversion to a belief in phrenology and in phreno-mesmer-ism. He also jives the following story: "From Boppard, where I. was residing in ISio-'lG, I sent to an American gentleman in iu"" " iuA wiiiiu.il wmcu voionet j . an 1 .i . r. " '" uuuer my caix?, naa cut irom his own head and .Wrapped in writing paper from his own writing desk. Colonel C wasun- known even b'fnarns tb this Amn . . - .i f-,-"-- case, that colonel C aad partial palsy of tne nips ana legs, and tliat for another com plaint he was hi1 the habit of using a surgical instrument. Tiie rutiaat laugh od haardTy at the idea of thojdistaat s.oa;aaaVoulist having so completely reahzd hini." LEAitHDfa A TRADE. The New York Sun has. an article under the head j of which might i "Hovaltv ' learnin, T" Stly - be commended to the at - tention ot our young, men. Tho writer says That probably three boys out of four pre-, fer to enter tlie "counting room, or 'find a place beiiind the counter, under the delusive idea that theyj will in this way stand higher in the social scale thah if they became Car penters or paiiitcrs. There ar-o probably hun- c.fwl it!.. itv, fclb- i.ro-ont time, who ard out of employment, and would gladly accept (situations at from twelve to fif teen dollars ppr week, when if they had taken the wiser course of acquiring a trade, their services would be in demand at doubly thesa rates. Merchants advertising for clerks-or salesmen would bo overrun with applicants even where, tlie positions offer small pecuni ary inducements. "Why one .form of labor should be ; considered ' so much moro honor able than ancjther, we aro at a loss to under Kthnd. In Etirope this distinction does not exist in so. great a degree. It is the custom in Prussia rior the sons of the royal family to ue instructed: in some handicraft. The pros- ' cui, uuhii i.pce, ana neir to tho throne; selected thpri aDly ll in some unima ! CUIustances crowns become i could earn a fair'livin i, a at 0f Sllls father" ho may yet fihd , v - PencUriS fortunes which their fathers have cnC,,v. , ' . fl rr---3 ;; - - s um tpe.uii iu acquinny it' - v ajj - Jib would promote physical vhror. aud rW.I ; T , ; .- , . o- rl'-".7 time which niiV form of rli j. uissipation. I TTT7 ! Pirn iKrr nt.r. I. - y 1 ir ' " 1? , nst Demo- "vi-urnii, JllUl V1VIL UAE. i llfi , 1 , , , . . p, uu xnaay evening, was : nt.U,e hlss!?S ""9 naU c'rerices, of the i 1 n- Vj ??d M1 KM1? :-uy, lLT rePul- . . ft CO rv.-no H-.r.f TT ,' A j mer, tho democratic candidate for governor v-,aao LAAtAo aajldilt v- Trier, tne f pmnfriifn- r , was to speak,) and that a great concouise of TilA republicans, fall of defiance and bent on mis- ;t u Ah . a .1.. , . vaaaca, vAiusu ll ei. up a pomieai procession; j 1 a: 1 j 1 to parade it through such streets, and at such -an hour, as would bring it in contact with tne democratic gathering and brush its edce .-.nsT 4-V.nn -:a;La m .. o muiie U row a patriotic purnosp rl,;K ' j . t eeded. in 1 -. A A -ry- fc J xj wmv-wVWVAU.. lSf AVh P f .'Tarty of great moral ! S 7 Passions llav been kin- and ensity that they break forth in mob vio- At,: k:iai; ... - o I OTI tt 1 Tk Tt f11T -. " . J I - I -lehisiant repubhean I JJcr excellence, ' . " we aro driftimr in y cfvz-kTkrr rtIi.n,.f . - . n 45 Vl"iitr"l -wwartw anotner civil I ucaucuuuus ouioreaiA: of hu- mun passions,, and wnen, all over tho Xorth A u a IT : .... ' ' . ' 1 w ilia V."l LAI, tT fiercest public passions aro kindled into Tindicuve rage, it is timo to raisa a rrv warning.A ior llorjti . a - ? f mo celebrated horse tamer, -J a loyeiand, unio, on the 41h csebssz: II r ....... .ji third he was brought in wounded and.band- lieman. who h.irl nn Mno wl-xitfUTav . k-k ' . v--. ..iicun.. , niioi.uijr 1. i.- uv, uiuti iiaw wuuiu tne uisirict wnere the - to identify the proprietor of the hair. And prisoner could bo. kept, or where hi personal comfort all that he didjwas to pi icq the paoer in the aniheiat. COttltl be 'J weU provided for. hands of a nnil p'n-im'on ,r - . "No "PPbcatiou has been made within my knowledge S Wntnil iiJ " 1 S.oa,aanbalJf L for the counsel of Mr Davis, for a transfer of the prfs- bao stated, m tha opinion she sravo on t in oner to civil mt,ir i)Jn(w or.i:-:.7p"-. r as a compositor. Tho - From Washinirton. " , ! '?J-l?i? No-1 at G"ud: $s 75r7. wJi! vnnnnr Vrinnol Tnt-Qw. I ,.t T.- ; 1 ' ts population, wheri r r ? , : .r iJ xiu.uue is uemg in capabilities thr ' st.ructetJ 111 tne same, trade, under the chare is this exodus I OI aa a, the arL Whether - this is a ea- C332XZBC Tuisjaonjrur&sjMiE.. Irnportaut Correspondenc? Tag Ca39 of Jelferson Washington. Oct 13. P. SI. The President has addressed the following letter to the Attorney General in. regard to the triaboi' Jl!ersou Davis: : . Executive Mansion, ) o: . Washington, D. C, Oct. tS, 18GC y Sir: A special term of the Circuit Court of tbe Uni ted States was appointed for the first Tuesday of Oc tober, 1BGG, at Uichniond, Va., for the trial of Jeffer son 'Javis, on the charge of treason." It how appears Uiat tnere will be no session of that Court &t .Uich niond during the present month, und doubts are ex- .uciuer me regular term, wnich by law should commence on the 4th Monday of November next, will beheld. Iu view oi this obstruction and the conse quent delay in proceeding with the trial of Jeffersoa l)avis under the prasecution for treason, now pendiu" m that court, ind there being, so far as the l'resident is mformed,-no good reason why the civil courts of the United States are not competent to exercise ad equate jurisdiction within tho district or circuit in winch Uie State of Virginia is included, I deem it proper to request your opinion a to 'what farther United States. J I tun, sir, very respectfully yours, m tt1 TT - . Ajjdhew Johxsox. io Hon. 1L J. Stanbcry, Attorney-General In response to the abovet, the Attorney General, un der date of thel2th"insL, states: ." un 44 1 am clearly of opiniqn that there is nothing in the present condition of Virginia to prevent "the exert-ise of jurisdieUou in civil courts. Tho actual state of things, and your sevend proclamations of peace, and of Oia restoration of civil order, Truarantee to th civil nntiiw. ities, Federal and State, immunity against mUitaxy control or interference. It sconis to me thit in thw parjicur there is nq necessity for further action on tho part of the Executive in tha way of proclamation especially as Congress, at the late session, required tho Circuit Court of the United States to be held at 'Rich mond ou the first Monday of May, and the fourth Monday of November in each year, and authorized special or adjourned terms of that Court to be ordered by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court at such time and onfeuch notice as he might prescribe with the saine ower and jurisdiction as at regular terms. This istn explicit recognition by Congress that the state of things in Virginia admits the holding of the United States Courts in that State. He also states "Mr. Davis remains in custody at Fortress Monroe precisely as he was held in Jauuarv tmit m UllS last, when, in answer to a resolution of Coil CTTfVia vmt reported communications from the Secretary of War ""ai, oiiuMiuv; tiuii no was ueiato await trial m the ciil courts. No jicUou was theu taken by Congreas, in reference to the place of custody Nalpmin.1 h.w si l-,. a,. L., -;- iwi iruusier mm '---"y"-V Avtoruuy -01 me u. States civil custody. rrv tv:....: in : wr tne district of Virginia, where Mr. Davis stands ""Ijr treason, has been. notified that the prisoner ;' woulJ b? Kri'eurel to tbe United States Marshall VP.a?iaf indictment, but .the District ' AiwrutY uecuues 10 navfi tn ouniiis is;ni u, . - t "-.i cvauNa - - jl ui uca.i Monroei to Fort Ljifayette, on the ground, chiefly of sanitary ponsideration. A reiereuce was promptly made to a board of Snr- geoas, whoe report was decidedly aderse t6 change oa the scarce of health and personal comfort. I arn unable to se:; what further action can be taken on th j part of the Executive, to bring the prisoners to trial. Mr. itis m ist, tor tbe present, remain whera he in inaue OV.niS COUnsel for hl trnncfu. f-.-nrr. V.. uiitii uto court, wnicn n:ts shall bd ready to act, or until his custody is demanded 1.11 i.iiii i 1 1 11 1 ... . ill : i . . "1 P1 ore courts." .- , misunderstanding oa eral SU22ests tlmf. tr nvni',1 or.tr J tho SUbiftcf; ni, y.l. c..1-.t-.11 1,.. ; issued n tne command mt of Pnrtr. k i . - - J T M UI l AV, A. nilU U1V1 un render the prisoner to civil custoly, whenever dem .ud- I edbvthe Uaited Suites Marshal upon process from i the Federal courts. : . . j Mr Htaabery encloses a letter of the United States i District Attorney for Virginia, who states in answer to - - - - .-- M JI.UO W. OUl .aC 4.. J.UUU, ny no uemaiul had been made upon L'pm comfort and health. Otaer to hA mrn ririn!i1 !?, , r UTd.b!? d.el!verei1 to tbe United Shites -Marshal of the district whenever he should have demanded him on a capias or any other civil process. I Hariiotand Financial. r "ii i T. , ' New York, Oct 15, . Gold $1,513. Exchange 7. Cotton very firm at ' a uae never naril nnv rf.-in it huf T I - . 7. I1 lour steady hcat la2 better- Corn 2cts. better- Proviaions steady. Terrible I?ire in Qua be Foreian dates to tho nn, nn , 1. . r , Times comphmenU Lord Stanly' speech ' at the cable WuetJ which waa, it says, designed to satisfy the safe in its Uke in band aims, which " uv II LI1H T erjmdjodpnent cjui be brought td bear. "THE Crowxinq ; Hobrob. Fifteen Union soldiers conhned at Andersonville until the The above mm.n.nl, 1 .: i ' . xa js u "o-r un'iwa aiuung a pot o.i norrors served up bv the Chir. M-c4- -F - 11, . - - " - .. O" the rapaclOUS crons nf if TTr.f0 I IP JM J if I i Jji I I li .a, .1 uiiy, snaum De taten by the Executive with a view to a Kjieetly public and iirtial trial of the ac cused, according to tha Cmistimti,i 1 ...... ..!.- -tuns tlJC i:ie mnitiry autuowties for the surrender bf JonWs.v ! ;...v a vj Jinitivil, 1 . r Davis, -u qrdar that ha might be tried upoa tho Lrom mo Wnniingtoa D;p.ueh.l in ..h..an , 0 . "1. . ulMJ lAXa Tr.iniHf.rri... 1 Ciruhurt 'at til .VJ. . .wl ""re .tive . i , . wxiuiJk. JU -liny last, . I " tinnrcinT IMtt, at 3 T that Uo reasons had influenced him in not removing Vlra yellow dip, but on that day it dec liua from their custodv. H- ti- jl . , i iihi: Yri.,i.. ... -i i J : . lue saie.iccepinsr, and tho otJi.r i,; , an al X'russian . " ,C"'U1C ure occurred la Uuebec l.osfc TifTKt r - a . Kua?e Decn u fjliow. i - n TYrtot i-. i x: -m . ' wave aiik ntcr's trade, and prob-, F . ' : - 11 1. finable reverse of cir. ' t-r; ,17 . . . i i :T Ul"e re aestroyed. four men anj 7 5, fn 'Sr Vrl . 50, of , 11 - ' T K"ulBtulwn UP and one omcer wounded, lui a 1 "-t lua uul at 3 87i; at a discount. Jin i : iuo ao. Aa, 1 at $7 15. inPK.wRi.w.. v ' ciuse oi tne war, were last Monday discover- dwlW rfi, T 7 - were 8old ut 35c-. ed still in confinement in a cave eafTthTn- ZZJS SLnd ta, guarded by rebel' guerrillas, and tntnlW for 8tric' middling ThurHvTu K,i?.tn.?f .S38f imi.r..inf 1 . -. " J fit :i7At71 r T.-jji- ? -T .7 gcu uunos 1 A WJ J..v Vb&iitv w mill tOA T .7 1. . O M.V W. A AAAUO readers. We fancy that the news in thenar- 3ldfr nilV lualL- inferior to ordi agraph will be "news for-the marines." Just I ket pricew declined- ; xpuiLS a IU6 aOOVe ai'fi flWll ntorl .the Radical al in . tho ngh neither pubhsher nor people believe ; f. . A a -. JLUU AAv5 AAA Lilt lTliim.orvn.Tkli iu w-k vl.i1.,nK1 il..i .-i'. 1 . i- rp 7 1' xiAArtOAtj mui it needs no con- i traduction. Th sense, of a common idiot j could teach him that such a state of .afiairs ( could not exist. But th.it in n-; ,lt :ist. Uut that in nowise s from trumni newsmongers from trumpin- them un and Tl ... . "i ruw"g precious tit-bits of evidence in fa- . i.i.i - v or 01 1 reoel condemnation, i AVe had an idea that there was nothing in the vicinity of Atlanta that could answer tho purpose of a cave unless it is somo of the cellars, from above which Sherman burned the i homes of yuaows and cnildren, and these are by no means shut in from tho light j ' I - Atlanta New Era. Caors. From all parts of this and sur rounding parishes, we daily receivo the in telligence that the crop is devastated by the rust and army worm. . Not one-fourth of the cotton crop znado in 18(J0 can be . obtained now, according to the nearest calculations c.ear tneir expenses. Some will be nearly ruined. -ot only will they have no cotton to jend to market, but the com crop is also a SSSSl y lt8eIf is an Reparable loss. jli we can depend on the estimates made by disinterested or interested travelars, but very few planters will make more th t xesst case, depends entirely up on the sncceas of the latter ciop, in many itLhhesXatchilochn 7ww ' FAYETTKVILLE MAuxi,T"n,7i7" BACON North Carolina,, y'esU;ru Sides BEESWAX.. .t."... ...... liUXTEi; BEEF BAGGING"" ' Gunny Dundee....!., . CANDLES .v Adamantine .... Tallow, . -..! COFFEE Bio... COTTON ..." COTT0N YABNS. DOMESTIC GOODS- 4-4 Sheetings .... 25 (rf W ' C 'it " 45 (yj 6u 4121 l ....... 40j45 35 & 371 I 30 33 J5 (ft au 1 3033 30 32 . 2 co j 75 ' I 1822l! 1515 50 . , 14 50(5$ 13 00 J .. li(s)U 50, ...... 13 O0(o,14 00 FEATHEliS . . . FLOUR Family Super . . i. Fine Scratched .... G1IAIN Corn.:......-.. ' 1 40 1 50 1 50 (a) 2 00 7080j 1 CO 175 1 25 0 10 10 12i ' 05 oc! Wheat i Oats..?..f. Peas i Bye..,..,,. Dry .. ........ I"f MIt! Green... ntoN ' t t 1 : t t ' t ...... Swedes LAIiD ....... 10 121! 25 3U 60 75 m oa 1 1 3IOLASSES . I t t ' . NAILS . - I 0 00 (Z, 1 CO - a 003 25' ; r 2 00 2 50 2 00 2 50 502OQ 1&0 2O1 22 25J 1012it 6 0o' . 3 oa M 5 15 r ; 4tU 4li 00 00' f 20 25y Snnn,1 Jr "1 Liverpool, per suck. HQUORS Peach Bmndy. Apple Brandy . . . . . . N. C. Arnistey SUGAR Coffee...,...1... ConTTlJrown. ....... Crushed TALLOW...... i i ; 1 i . ij : ROSIN No 1 Rosin, Common Strained, TUliPETlNE Virgin Dip, . . Yellow....... LtiT ' . t . . ....... 8....... 'T Tnnir po t f r: y"":" Manufactured.. , TTVw-r . ...... , FAYETTEVILLE MONEY MAEKET. COEBECTED 111 " " . P. A. WILEY i'CO., B-VNKERS, Farmers' Bank of North Carolina.. ... 15 Bank of Cape Fejir. 1 . . . . 2o, . . . . . 1 .....4 1 3, . ..10 . . '. . lo, ... 20 35 .'...30. .....30 20 . . . ." 4 ....20 .. .t . 5 18 ....4U ...20 5 . ...25 182U :... ...140 "Charlotte ' i " 4 Clarendon . . v ! " 44 Commerce J.. 44 Fayettevule..i...v...l'! i Lexingfon. i f ? " S I ' : ! ' Lexington, at Gralnuli 44 North Carolina. . 44 Rpxboro'. !. 44 Thomasvfde. . j. . . . "".". . 4 VVadebborough. '."."".".". 44 Washington .-, .... . . '. . . . 44 Wilmington .4; ! 44 Y'taiceyvule. . "i . . " . c ii Commerchd Rank of Wilmington Merchants Rank of Xevberu? Miners' and Planters' . , '.'.'.'. Grdeusboro' Mutual Insurance Co. Virginhi Notes average about South Coroiiaa i -Georgia . Gold I. Sliver " ' Lxchange on New jork, selling J per cent, prtm 1 30 1 35 demand for but lor lined 50c. Ivanco of ten cents a Lbl ",,..1 !,.. ,5... ; 7 steady ut $4 G.a ' ; " " uow SPIRITS TURIENTINHIn this article we notico 733 . .a Prynoua. quotation V uiiUS ma vees navo been light and the sales corrcspondinglv so. There i8 aoine demand from purchasers mu ; ,. V.v .... , .... "i irom ... rbJ otCiu iu vu me ruling price. ROSIN. The demand Has hn f. noticed no change of any moment since our'last re XUe TeCelTltM ll.1V )u..n nt.ir t.'.l.. ... -. We have review. li ui.l i t lulMUJ' u1" mo quantity ba w.ucxawB Uunnuiy cnaugeU tiimds. For the u&L ffewdavsthe ir.wn,.hn.. C:.:. f rme.pau ... - , . iuc ueea iignt. wm ti sellers asking more th-ji ,,r.., .e ...n. . , , " uc uinpo.-jea to L4. 1 flilpii... tl. ....... . - tioa.-1.iv -4 1.1,1 . tt'- -n 1 comiuou ,u i3; 5U do, No. 1 at $7T hl?l LS .UbU No2 at i $7 37 -f?S? bbU common red at 5.J 87i; 1G3 bbls.- No. 1 GRAIN Com n olmnr,. r -.i. f .er review; rmtrket weU supPlieaud onlv t r.S demjind. One thousand bushels ! ' COTTON-On Saturday the market Vaa qniet and JtTn "'4 to ""orable reporu from fo80c bushel lor JlIiit-ii TlilBER-For this article there has been some de and fox mill urn-noses. Rn.i Ba ...... 1 .. . ' xaand for uiiU purDoaea. and uuCZiZJ tne following prices: ShinninfTSliyr vit: r.n i .. U.J - - . -' . , uccu To the Voters orCnnilierimifi V'o A Jtf? esttnre!?- eitation of many of my felloe- 3 01 wmiuoiuof the next Geneial Aaem Carolina. ! W. McL. McKAY. S 2G-tepd I 2gSffi Vc are authorized to au- 'fc-4H- nounce DUNCAN O. MacKAR Evo a cuuaAaute to represent th people of Cumber'd unty, in the Horn of tJAmmrV. . ..,TLu-a ; n. TT"t7c l" rrpresent the people of CumbPrl.u , i al AWr-Ju 're Ue5' al AsMimbly-ond to say that YlrM Vu "eitUene: to the .rtmtil .e aubacnu a equalize the netrro u-ir:!.0"1168' mtenoing u nUVKnta . . SSw..fc' vU.yi)us.'. y .U doctrn,M cf the icuU KoSyS" 26-St U.e Hon of (U?.:. '?r. ' ? Lo represent tha rnnL """C:, AmoiJ- wuuuuus. aii ini nTt f i...i .. t. -. ., : "x To , ..wiwi iuuuii, ana o ! . July 31. isoG. ' na county. . ' l-to JJJr We ai-e authorized to an- of CulTb?. 1 mduntmbly :t0 repre8eat Pla JJg We tire autliorlzed' to au- nounce Capt. NRIXJ. it m VV aa a Candida to for a met. i a. Vj -LiX,Ui . t Sta

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