' ':'.-.', - ... ' r i :i: Hi- 5'. is tyof lhed TUESDAY, OCTOBFiIl 30, 1SU0. For GoYCthoiy JONATHAN WORTH, OF IlANDQjLP.il. ! ballot okt f. SPECIAL. NOTICED "MrV Jno. E. Spearman i puv authorized tray elm nsjftut for subscription and advertising. J Wo hereby giye tiotjoe that single cQpiafj of the tered News Uro4only',t th office, and where tlje Carn rry Dr or otber p.-. -ns Qffcr to dispose qi copies unuer diffiifent cirai ,ist.mej, they do $p wunaut ftur, an- f hiDrity Or'cqnsf'ut.' ; 1 suie Althonch our terms are 6ash, qur country in friends are i urucntly requested A.i i i T" ,i x., ucu oi . if cisHMUi i uv a... i i to know ti) be trustwcrfliy ana roijame men, wijo wjsn io i .nhKcribfl for the Niws but are unable td pay in ad- any TAijce. ' We will send the paper, and wait for a short I ft&t tjmo for tlie amount oi tueir suuenpuon. Ileturns from C8 counties have so far been received, Ciyingi Worth 2S. 453, and Dockery votes. This makes Worth's majority, up to this time, 19,9 of j course hi? ftjoction is beyond a doubt," and we think it J ?VJ loss. certain 'that- his majority will be very great, I iiougli the cntire.voto of the State will to comparatively j RmaU. Johnson, lluthcrf pny CQUiities in whif 14 J40C IVive the votft of e;ich coun THE FAYETTEVILLE NEWS. . . i i i tit. . 1 1 i lu . h ft. i iiiLnnnui . it ux auix utiiXUAA uuuu - t niu . kerv uas-nopio eu f,,!-, I i u i until January 1st. the ty in full when the entire re- r f7 " ' , V. ; al of the reimunder v ''ti tarns are received.. - - . f ! " M must oe Bum, eiwer w qjukuuty,' msn xhiuiw u-ithiriw nt THE BAJ.TniOUK D.IFFI CULTY. 'flit' 11001 troubles in the citj- of Baltimore, ' spring j I onllicting'and opposite, political iuterasts, W' from, e 4nd 'threateinug, at wie 'time, seriously and tenrilily to ndiin-'er tha poiu e and security of the people of the cftv j aud probably of the whole of.JIaryland,- hav ox-" cited aii anxious aild deep felpj thrcRuhout tha' whU A'mtry K Iu ordr to give our readers fsucW of them ivs pxve fiot been alrialy made acquainted with the faofis bear ing upon this .grave question) a cleat insight iftwi the riiun;ituro and progress of the dfl3tiltici; wje copy irom the'Balt. Sqn of the ;25th the .jfollqwing explana. .ioii"and accoujit of the estublisbmont fif the Board of -Police-dominiioijors, its. olyects ;aiid cjutias, and the prescribed .lii;)U iu lie exercise of its authority to gether with liQiije sound and yery tationai views upon the idsitiqn qf pitch party in the cqseC The Smj pysf. 'T-'jii the yeftr eight eun hundred and sixty the' EjCgisla Jure' of the Btate, lqr the ji-ttev security of the j public peace, ttie pliiilic, health aud-.thu tJP enforcement of te fvvs re 'iilating d-lections, j,ud othpv kindred puriw)ses,. i-oiiutnted the board ot plice commissioners, t giving . I- An thciii almost unlimited powers i'or'tho efflcaciqus. a i. oin-pt-and! energetic tjiseharge ot tliwr dnties, ai t qthui'i th in, arcongyt other tilings, witli tne power ol appoint'u g and reujuying the ordinary' and ;extraqr rv no.ice force, th judges and the clerks of the e- 'pcti jasaull vesting them wij.h a supervisory; control Lvuiv these drticm in msiny' particulars. For the pur- Idoso of fi'uiitding-' the . public .against the prostitution of the : powers qf the commissioners to jtQhtiml pur Uiosfs the L 'tiisl'tlure ?,i:jlutlly requita I Unit ihiy sU'ouk I .. ' . - ... .... I '.. I .In .V n-,.,,f,J 4.r,.l r. gWltf VlO.1 I I ' Q Cfl.yc. ml mini I ii". I" lui'iiwii uij j vjj- volat or'remrve (',.' Jir"i'.fi' or. on.acaMid (f ihcydili cal (ipinbm if siik'$(i'-i or for any other causje'or rea son (than -the litni-s's or unttiuA if such persqn, in th'eirbest judgment, for the place to Avhich he. might be npi 'piateil,' or from Avhich -he. might be remoyd. 1'o'r ih e purpose tt' Mijl further enforcing the impartial ' performatn-e 't their Unties, tue jegiature irqvi(tea, bv the act of !?Pi2, that "for ollicial misconduct any of said fcoma.issioiier uiay 13 removed by a conciurent 1 .' vote .u'? the two houses of the tjenend Assembly,! 'or by 11 tlta Utjcu nir durin'i ihti recess thereof, I ; ! i Direct charges y.ero ui- id ng:lnt "the. Pqlipe opm- '' mi8sioncrs, iii a petition prexeuted to. Gov. .Sytrqn by i'-'-r- --tWns that thev Av .nnd rnnr, r .pv u'" ,.-,.,,,,,.. iitical opinion f and further, h&t they were guilty of , 1. -malfeasant in pjSoe by an improper direction and con troL pl the ailnoaUans for yotcrs, as. set forth! in tl16 Eegistratrbn'Law, - By what plausibility or correctness of reasoning tbQ commissioners could deny the jurisdiction 'of the Gov ernor to "decide upoirthe specific allegations ot niis Vonduct whiph had been proferreili" every one must be at a loss to conjecture after roacjiug( in the act of the Legislature , as quoted above, the right of removal vest ed in the Gpyerior during tl0 recess of be legislature Cf,Maryland, S '. - ! ; ' But tbo Sun further says 1 '. I . The Governor of the State having summoned the Commissioners to" answer to the charges which have been made,l they have appeared by counsel and denied his jurisdiction to decide upon the specific allegations of official misconduct which" have been preferred, The I Governor has decided thjit he has jurisdiction, and j has appointed tomorrow to jjear witnesses, touching j'the charges in detail, apd has notified' tha coiijmissiott l ers to be present to defend theft1KPVe5, in conformif ty with the 13tli and 1-lth sectiqrj of the 42d article of tho code, which authorizes him, upon con)piaint made Kgrnust any civil qr military officer who can be repioved il or suspended hy him, to' summon any witnesses, to tes- ii ; tify for and against- 'such, complaint, and to lurnish the i parties chaiged with a copy of the pomph;int and no j ' ticfi of the time he -will inquire iiito and pxaiinp the .- i same. The commissioners, by their qounsel,. have thus .'t.ftr -declined to u(jiiipseo in the Governor's decision in favor of Ins iuriridii'tiau, and have indicated their pur- .K)s0. to take no further, psvrt in the investigation, and lavoipcunoa to state wnetner mey wouia suDmic to I the ''limd judgment of the Governof Iloul4 it be ayerse - lp them. . Such, then, is the present attitude of tho ' oaso. sso one can cer ainly know how iar the charges which have lirtan triiulrt n:v b Kntniiioil bv tho pvidftnc.fi. "iior Ciin i t - .,- - 1 - : t j ' . - ) ! any one mulci'take to sav what may be the ultimate I j iidgment o the Governor.' rjis. action, whatever it may be, will tie taken publicly, 'upon deliberation, ancl the evidepvp upon, which it nyiy bp based will bp sub mitted for revjew at the bar of public opinion. Now, before the sligljteat jntimatkni h;d been given that the Governor wjbuhV even entertain the jurisdiction, and certainly in uttpr ignorance of ' what mav be his final -p judgment upmi thu merits, sich industrious appeals nave oeen made to popular passion ana to tne spirit 01 lawless violence that the Governor has beep called up j ou to issue a prqclarj)ation oi' warning 'ftgwiust the for-" mation of niihtary and other pombiuations in the . city ju Diuumore ior tne purpose 01 resisting tne laws ol Ithe State, and of sjmiiar combinations elsewhere "for I the, purpose! of invading the State and depriving' her .Citizens of tin ir rights under the law, and to control "the 'people by violenpe audMntimidatiou.' We Ijad MOt supposed that there was any earnest'signiricancein t he rickless iuvpeation pf revolutionary 'passion rhjch fpr several day had beeiLidulged within and without the SL'Atei . K or have we attached anj- very grave imporv. tanc to the calls fur military 'organization to resist the lawlM dele; luinut ion of the Governor .of the State of Maryland. Still less have we been able to give onr assent to.thb snpgestiotv that the police commission? t'-rs could in any tyentbe ho reereant to' their duties asj citizens, h so far violate' the design "and spirit of their J office, ' as tp counteuauco an appeal to forcft against the thief magistrate of the State. Could I' thev contemplate such a thing, they would most clparly Ihj utterly unlit for the offices they now hold, notwith standing thjy ni'ghj be ?guiltlos$ as nnbqrn bates of the particular cuui-gesyhich baye bcoa preferred against tliem. - ; .5The indications now are that the bitter and proacj ipB : ;iive partizads with whom these' commissioners are af i filiated, and . under whose guidancp and influence they aye toanifestly actgeb 'are beepming sensible of the se 1 V"riou8 toistake into whioh. their Just for political power fr: iias ptepipitivfed them, and are becoming also ppnvinced f that the strength of the lav i-s Against thfiin and i able t-erusli to'fJ. see. bere anotUep result of the ' traDge .anoihaly jn the wqrkingg of tfhe ; povernnjent U' a minority', controlling the botj Snch tq nnnatnraj j " and unprecedented state of affidrs i the history pf this ! I . republic musk in tha future meet with still seyerer . jcheckJi uponj its unbiwful assumption of power. ' t ' To . place, undue and unjust restrictions tipon the - rights and Hbprlieg of a people ajready prone'and help ' !BS' hiay be carried out with impunity, and must be - buffered in sifencp. But to carry the arrogance of die? HtlWAna tno Jorm oj qorruptiou up to the very dieni - remove officers" and jn.Tfts -onceonnt. of their TKfTWT" T7jniiLlAa.jiretBra.ble aSiat JaTf?fg .a plafie in the Union as well estab- a tissachusetts and Pennsylvania has been il i' 1 t - ' Li:.; ' ' . , I el woven w pe;aipresenwmpracucaDie. .. s , r ;i ' -i -i l r . ' I The planj of centralization, doing away with the fair gai judgment of he people at the polls, or distorting the to suit Ithe ends of a few holding present power. accomplished; but it will be the strag-ions--, not the wprk of a. day. 1 1 I . .1 ' ' V A fit in conclusion, we cannpp leave inis .suujeci witn- expressing an earnest hope that, the troubles in JijtUtiinorB kff ended withonj; the possibiljtypf bjoo4 jlied, "We cannqt share in the ridiculous wish whicl we often hear expressed, and which is sometimes ut- 1 even through the press, . that the Northerners J M-j . & & . . thejnselves: , ' . ... e f i YfrvT-BWH- w . K - ! . pi iuijjipis we are unauie wj ptroive., .v uum mc, . the fqjlesi signinpance of the saying, 'tbe last hair ruin us. a peo . , , -. - JA - v-u-i, .touto f 9 grainy we wisa i. m u x uux ucxicnw destruction. C03IM unicatee: Mi ; IFDB THE FAYETTEVILLE NEWS.; EXTENSION OF THE WESTERN EAILHOAD- In the communication, which you did me - Tli i HT ' r ' ? Y tor the eXtenSlQU OI OUr eSiern lVaiiroaq, or Ureensboro'that the writer- formerly pre- WTO uirr Ww ri itT 1 TV 1 . ll ' ' 1 ' F ' !), the North Carolina liaihrqad, but nqw helieyes, Itine rolicy judicates Greensboro' 1 i1 ij r y , '' i ' - I and thtlwe are una.be now to reach .aiy dtHer, p.114 that bv a rmitecl effort -ve can gain ihatpni ; a . ai' J ; ! ,I propose j to resttjto t ntages of each. V., r 7 ; rrf " T -m-" 4ui cwj, -ih -iM ju.iafjui lttjnuuiu necess. ecess,ar1 to construct at least SeYentv-nve ihi liics of tRoad, oyer a ro ate Kiuch more.un- ,n. xt :,i i ' ., iavorame ii. eiixjer pj n .omerfeit IS proballe tliat ft 'purvey wpuld hqv( that a. uenecuop wquw. nave oe incie iar tp ne riyfUTi 01 -direct line. pernatlS as iar a3 INew Arvt-oi-'A4. Hnnt'o fr fA .Vt l,A tt.Ui;; trT :lt -VVr V--.."Z V 1 luoimtams-r-rana prooauiv to witnin t or - b niiies Qt e isqrtn . varoip, itaiiroad and kl f 11 1 Ml1 l . ' t ' m " -x tnen rpn jprajiei wiu it a qjstance oi or 1 l-i- -n-oo fniQccnrv f rvf nn t-' too 1 nn 1-io4-. i Ana I Ktalment of trOOUS new country and haying tq cross' the Yadkin ' au encanipr,ent 4t the mouth of AJiltE -.riveyv Alter turned to this by the British, government, tie four years of toil jind suffering,- bore in tri S 4 hayy expense If a hue cocl;beund SJ wa instructed to repeat the demd, and did uuipll the -Conquered BWA(romChattan- unnu&g outli of Asheboro, passing thrqtiffh i $lie region, ot bcience Mill and Salem Church, below ithe crossing of the N. C. Itoad, a tine Muuxij wvw dvc. i sttuie LiitbU lltlC liiiiiUiLiU.-J UU. CXkilCi. 1lltJ Jl LU lit Ul ICil) ; i ' i "' ' a O " line t(o ji-eat'to hte qvercome, in our impov erishcl Condition that we- could prqeure little or Jiio aid from Salisbury, as all the energies hnd all the means they possess will 'be ' rermMred to "nush their .rp.n.t wnrlr iflio X ' : jfJ- -T. - ' . "Tf O i " i ilWestainCSoi'th Carolina lloaif from Morgan- ! ton through, the mountains, Jt is admitted, ithat tuil we once reach aUsjbuty, all that ,' ' i i i " ' 1 1 i. - ...i:..! ri'.i 1 , we iieauuiuue reapaj wiatj pe moSL magnjncpnt wqrk m tle btate -would m an accqiiiplfshed fact -q, great lino froni beypnd the; llioiintams to the ci'tv 'of Wilmin?tom fm..ii...n.T . : 1 j ii i i - ii. ' 'i xuiib ayumu eumuuuiu tuu produce wnnoui a ; rival anu. maKe wimnngion a cityj mqeea but oin it bo done? The writer thinks not. ,&q f ar as firofluca is concerned, the writer ! .i 1, , - .1 - . : . ... ixi 11 11 1 1 ;i.rii 1 ii iv h i'i 111 1 1 iiiifiTirki even; thej reiQQte probability thOit whgij our road freiched Hih-pqjirt, it could be c6n- tinued J orthwst to the Virginia or Tennes see roada, then rjigh Xoint wouid ;claini oiir cqftsilerition, but-is there even such reinote probability? Cai; the State even be induced to undertake such a work? There ii'.uo hope gf it. I Theh when our rqad reached jits termi nation Jwp shqfild have no connexions and le r,s jnuch "in hQ woqs" as -vyo are now at Eg'pl All experience has proven, tha nq rail road can succeed under stfeh circum-. 'fcl Si 11 I'i 1 1 1 Li lstances-rt-cau we bfine any combinations to our aid to obtain the means to build from Egyi3 to Hiffh Point? Some suhscriptions piay he obtaiued along the line, hut to j no great extent. -Randolph county when-m pros perity, w)puld hftve ajded rnateriajly, but; in adversity there is but little to hope. The amount pf roadto be constructed ! would1, be apout 6Q miles, over p, favorrhle route, Npfv ftf? to'CTrpensboro'. It mis (been !ad mitte4 ( jhough others do hot) by the writer that We should get less procluce by this ex tension, jthan from eithop of the others but we cajn epinbine circuinstances afnd' mea.nar to build I to Greensboro' and I fear cannot to uriyiojhejr place j the distance is sliorter (sq,y 50 males the road easier constpijcted, and whenwe shall have 'reached Qroensboro'twe will be in fall connexion with the groat lines ofitravelland our road loill pay from the start. Itwi b to the interest of the N. C. Iidad tq hae is at (rreensboro' it will be greatly to tlit? interest of the Piedmont Boad tho RiehnioiKl and . Danville the Road to be constructed from Danville to Lynchburg and the Orange and Alexandria, road, A e can cqmniand the influence and aid of Greens anvule and Ilichniond, and oucrht to command that of Wilmington and Salisbury, a combination much stronger than at any other pQinta pombination that . gaft ijq the It 1$ td be hoped that the Convention! tq meet at Moyhit Vernon' Springs; on the 1st of November will be well attended bv our people, aind that plans will there be matured to secure! j a road to one or the other of the points; uifentioned-it must be done, ; ... . I CUMBERLAND,- SUSV1MARY OF WEWS, 1 - . i The Ka.vy. department has a report from the com- Imaiidiife iifilcer of the steanier NeyvbernL dated Key IWest, Oct. G. ' He picked up five men on a iraft 75 nilea ea.st of Cano Canaveral, being the captain,! cook, rnjite iand twd sesuneh of the British barque Ambrpsa, which foundered in a gale on the 1st, They were the sole surviQ!.'s cji a crew oi io, ana were nearly exnausted; The President bill appointed Josua D. Geddiags Assistant "Ireasnrer o the U, S. at Charleston. ; 1 I -iAppiis1, Oct. 22; B.AMTpjfaE Tolioe 0o5f jxissioxeks. The case of the Police Commissioners was taken up this morning by Ktov. Swanji,:, The complainants were represented by Mesi9' liitrobe and Scheley, and the Commissioners by MesSPS, IStockbridge, Alexander and SUrUng.- The latter reac a reply, denying the jurisdiction of the Governor, bnt avowing their readiness fq answer be fore a OonTfc of competent jurisdiction. J .' j "The Govternor decided that he ad the jurisdiction. Tfee coon8! 'be Commissioners then withdrew, saying thecr mission waa at an end. . - Oil Crrx, Pa., Qct 22. ! A nre occurred mis morning, aestroying nearly a fourth 6f tie oil-shipping portion Qf the CJy, Through the exertions of the Fire Department the fires were prevented Ipreading to the City, or' its complete de Ktructgn would have fo J wed. Loss about $30,000. St Louis, Oct 22. YfOXJEWT IStobm j x St. Loup?, A viojent hurricane swept dverr the city on yesterday, destroying several A number of pcrsoutf were injured. " 1 buildings 1 ! I Baltimore, Oct 23. The Poijcs Coaonssio Excttemest. The police Commission Excitement continues. Gov. 8wiTin has i , : :. , , r , r,r. issued a proclamation warning the leaders nf&llille- gatherings against the ctignity pf the State; tht ii in the event of riot and bloodshed, growing out of these revolutionary preceedings, they will be held to strict apcquntability, and that the power of the $tate wUl bp exnausieu w uimg meni 10 puuisnineut. . I '. New York, Qct. 23. The Cholera is alarmingly on the increase on the Hudson river opppsie New York. There have been l cases and y deaths smce Saturday. Vww i,rfiTTT1Tmva IntemaiRevenuehas Jssued additional regulations con- cernnig the transportation of cotton in bond. The ZFXZ'Z J.? ?e tnct to wv wo vvmm iu yum nransnuueu to wlie,',J uiemawici i ncn me cotton is pro- - w-'ug iwiijf filed, the assessor rTJTZ 83 PP06? 11 ;i . 1 - , . the owner, any want of accuracy in suchrenort of weights to be uorreptedby tbe certificate of weights at -tff I'""'" "H vvwi nwiuuuueu. X UlH avoias 1 . a r 1 11 , 1 - me necessity qi naving uie copion weigned by a gov ernment oflieer prior to shipment The old refla tions still reuiftiu in force and will be observed when ever parties wish to ship in the wanner there prpvided. New Okleaks, Oct. 23. I From Mexico. Private advice from the City of Mexico say tuat uen. - Jejia nas started fu ionterey: he has 7,00U men, wjth orders to retake Matamoras. It is supposed in Mocicq that the mission of the Empress in Europe has beon successful. Itje regiments prdered to- Jr ranee are ordered back 5 . '. 1 - rtgawn PoHcy U be pnrs, Srecial dlsnatches Rtatfi that th Frfthh nvmmpnt the "withdrawal oi the nrst m from Mexico. ' If this is grante3 time allowed for the witlidraw- rU be remQYed and the Whole 1 y i There is no official confirmation of the reoorts about 1 oufi government demanding payment rrom England qf ! the Alabama claims, nor tha Ta determimition hKa been 1 reached to establish a nmtefltnmto over Mflxif;fi. f A lengthy letter from Seor.tury Browning, addressed -"o J Hutu kOUipKHT uiunuui, mivl(H.-.nv to a committee in Quinoy, J1L is published this morning. It argues forcibly against the Cjustitutiun- .-nd in vindication of the Present. xQTos -ScSSaJtf SstSi has nrenarfid a shitement, called for by a resolution Qfthe II ouse d urine the last session, in reference to the disposition made of all the cotton and other prop. .rty cow$ intq ti hands of Treasury agents dm-ing the war. vrW -o,nfft -n .fL gnanish royal iecree intended to make impossible, hereiilter, the prosecutiqn of the African slave trade m "M1 111111 frto -iwco, anq prftyiaingior ineemaneq.a- lion of every person who is m slavery in those provn- pes, whenever they touch the peninsula or its adjacent ' " ' t - st, Louis. Oct. Mr TNmAVMTTmmK MnfiK tA Montana advice' stte thftt fifty Sioux IncUana r-pcenUy attacked killed and several wounded. L Baltimore, Oct. 25, 1 Tut, BAtyiMOSE Tbqpbles. No new developments regarding the polioe Commissioners. Their counsel . stiU deehrie tq participate in the examination of it" nesses tQ-morrqw. ! Washington. Oct 23, 1 It is hoped he.re that danger of serious diflloulty in Baltimore, .on account of the Tolice Commissioners,' is nearly over. Such arraugements will be made as ; will ensure the preservation of peace in any event. ' ! i. The president cqnsiders that a requisition from the : (joyernor ot any btatc, no matter lrom what cause the ' dimculty may arise, must be r dimculty may arise, must be responded to. . -New York. Oct. 25. !' Tjopwb ubca Advices from Turks' Island state that it was leveled, on the 30th. ult.. bv a ter- hurricaue destroying over 800 houses Over 3,000 persons are Tendered houseless and homeless, aiid are almost naked.' i - - - i ' . Y?? 120.003 bushels of salt were swept away. Six loremn and twelve island crafts lost with twenty of tilfi;r rpvv . New York. Oct. 25 vC Cabie Rates to be Reduced. Cyrus W writes to U. -Jf. Craig, announcib ing, :that after Nov. I, ""B" WQU it. .... n r li gh the cable wjll be re- - Washington. Oct. 2G. Geh. Sherman - arrived here last night, ftndjs the guest of Gen. Grant, ' ' " ' The President has ordered pardon to be issued Ho ,gx-.Confederate Seprpttuy qf the Treasnry, Trenh m. ;' Wheeling. Oct 26.1 ' West VrnGiviA. Elections. --TUo election yesterday , shows Radical gains in this State, JJoreman elected Uoyernw and Iibbaf4 to Coqgress. , - ' ! ,J .. : Annapolis, Oct. 2Gj ThB Baltimobb IiqjBOOLio, The investigation of the charges agajnsfc tha Polico Commissioners cbai mencpd this morijin. ! ' Gov. Swunn claim a jurisdiction to try the case and pass judgement and wijl exact obedience, to hi decis ion. , If will be later than Wednesday . next before it w-ill be announced and if, in the coin-se bf the investi gation, the innocenoe or guilt of the 'Commis'iijpners appear, he will act instantly, ; i Washtxotox, Oct, 2G, P. . , Pbom Wa3H3xgtox. Gen. Sherman, accompanied by Gen. Grant; ha4 an interview with president John fcon this moi-ning, '';. , i NEW York, Oct. 27.1 Feniax SrMfATn?, luch excitement exists here ftinpng the Irish, in consequence of the conviction and sentenoe to death of MeMahon and Lynch, Fenians, in Canada. The Common Council has adopted resolu tions that, in a spirit of hnmanifv. the Mavor. AMw- men and Commonalty request Govesnment ol?Can- aia vo par-nou J-jyncn ana nis associates, expressing the wish that the President will unite in the request, ; v New Vobk, Oct 27. j Cbttioai, Condition of the Empkuqb Napoleon. 4, The Berlin correspondence of the Tribune says that, on the 17th, the Chief Surgeon of the Prussian . amy left for Bearritz, to consult with the phvsicians of Na. PXileon on the possibility of an operation, - j ; A dispat-on hao; peon received from the Prussian em bassy at Paris sayipg that there was no hope fiir' Na poleon, and that hia doath may be hourly expected. v New Oblens, Oct. .27. t United States Aifn Mexico. Gen. Sheridan, on yes terday', addressed a letter to Col. Sedgwlok. command ing at Brownsville, directing him to warn all adherents Ot any party or pretended, flovernuient in Mexico that luby wm uoi oe permuiea 10 violate me nontraity laws between the U. S, and Juarez governments. The in structions wul be enforced against the adherent ot the so-called imperial governinept of Mexico .ad 'ftlsq against the Ortega-Santa-Anna factions. " .J ' . -. BY THE ATLANTIC CABLE. ' - Pftris,'Oer.i. It is rumored here, to-day, that another mamfesto. ig about to be issued to the different diplomatic rvjpre-i jjentatives of the empire. : i London, Oct. 4$. !- Reports fronj Candia state that, after ftur days' heavy fighting the cbrhjtiau forces ha,d repulsed the Turkish army. ' i , LrvEBPooL, Oct 24, pJm. It has just been decided at Manchester to work the inijls only on short time. j i 'Berlin, Oct.-23. I The treaty between Prussia and Saxony has- been fully and finally - ratified. Pursuant to its provisions, Saxony is to pay 10,000,000 fiorinn, The armv of O i -i l i " J caA.ouy nas aireaay oeen uissoiveu. . Paris, Oct. 23. liumorss are current that a change in the French cabinet s imminent,-caused by the Einperor insisting on the negotiation of large loans.; -! - ' PnavE, Qct 2G- ( The Emperor of Austria was received heye favorably by the people and officials. '' i FtOBENCK,Pct.2G. 1 Victor Emanuel will make his forma entr- jntj yeni jca on the 7th of November. - - - "T : j Appointments, . . The Hoard of Internal Improyementa have lUAda the fxying appointments, viz: .j ' i ' Johij JJorfjeet, Edgecombe, .) j Thos. D. Hogg, Wke, Directors. . 'Jidw'd Kidder, New Hanover , . ' I A. A, McKay, Sampson, State Proxy f i CAPK FEAB AXJ:T)TXX BXVZ3 MXT. CO.7' H. A: London, Chatham, j . N Clegg, - -W. B. Qox, Wake, A. S. McNeilL Harnett. Mmagers of ti,e Cape Fear and Deep Biver ' navigation jc. Dr B. Fi Arrington, State Proxy hi the Wilmington wad JJinchester ulrcjid. ! i FR0I1 WASHINGTON. XnE FBEXCn EVACUATION ASD FHOTECTIOX OF THE JUAKEZ CJOraiXMEXT ACQUISITION OF TXKBITOT.Y BY THE UNITED STATES- THE MONROE DOCTRJNE TJIE ALABAMA CLAI3ISr FEBEMFTOBy pVNDS ON tfXGLAKD FOB INpEMNITYr-rTHE ISSUE IN MARYLAND PRESIDENT JOHNSON SUPPORTS GO VEEN OR SWAIN PEACE WILL BE MAINTAJNED, &LC. (Special Dispatch t? the Baltimore Sun.) "Washington, October instructions to Hon. Ij. D. Campbell, Minister to Mexico, trPTfl rrenared on Saturday last, but owinsr to Jiis nou-arrival, were not delivered to him uptil tp-day. It is doubtful, however, whether private affairs will not prevent his immediate departure. He has asKea leave 01 the Jf resi- -wr t 1-1. . .1 dent to remain long enough to hx up his af- fairs, put the iresitient rephed that tha ur gency of the case admitted of no delay, and that if he cannot laave at once, another min ister must be appointed in his stead. ' Should te decline going, another appointment will be made to-morrow, t ; . The French government ask for an exten- sion of the time for the withdrawal of the first installment of ita troops till January first, of- fering in that case to waive the time aUowed f, , witfi1rn.wftl fif i lull. of itn f nnn land remove-all the troops substantially at burg, Wilderness, ChancellorsviUe Spotsyl J one time. Ts proposition has not been as- vania; ? House, and m scores of akiriuish- sented to. but it is insisted that it shall com- mence at once, and proceed rapidly as possi ble. It is hoped that the whole body of troops will be withdrawn within three months. In view of the anarohy prevalent in Mexico, ill lia fvn T,1iirp7 o-nvAmmATit and flnillv fiHtablifih the Juarez government, ana nuany eamisn it. Ih consideration Of this,. Lower Califor- nia and the northern part q! Sinola and ipY" v anreenient has been made by our governmint t5 f?uamntee French claim's a-ainst Mexico, but should it appear oe- disnt it shall not Hesitate .to cio s. xne en- forcement of the Monroe doctrine and the es tablishment of a stable tfovernment in Mexico are considered of paramoiuit importance. The matter has been fully discussed in. the Cabinet, and unanimously agreed upon, THE DEMASD ON EQ.VD, j Some time since the instructions were sent to Minister Adams to make a peremptory de-' mand for the losses sustained by our mer chant marine from the depredations of the rebel privateers An evasive reply was re urr7.::i Cliant Ulf me nju u uepw-yum ui- w rebel privateers. An evasive reply was re- to tWs nQ dcfinite repiy has been recei- ved, bmt the tone of the Bntiah press ana; the feeling show that they are willing to submit the matter; to arbitration; or to a board of national commissioners. This will not be as sented to, but a prompt and full payment in sisted upon, - ' ; . : The National Intelligencer has the follow ing oh the same sulject: . QUft FOREIGN BEI-VnOXa. The statement is made by well-informed correspondents, tnat non. j, v, 1 Jampoeu, minister to e.ico, received I important instructions, The Government, it ia report- ed, requires! urgency of action in respect to them. It is said that the 1? rench Lrovernment asks for an extension of the time for the withdrawaltof the troops until January 1, of- fering in thtit case to, remove all the tixops sulstantiallv at one time. It is urged, how- ever, that the withdrawal shall commence, at once and prQceod as rapidly aa possible. I - Some time8:ineo ,ifltnqtiqn9 -vvere sent to for inqemnity forjthe losses sustained by our merchant , marine from the depredations of the rebel privateers An evasive reply was returned, it is said, to this, by the British Government. Jle vas instructed to repeat the aeinand, and did so, hut to this no den nite replv has yet been received, but the tone ritish press and tho feelers put out indicate that they are willing; to submit the matter to arbitration or to a boand of nation al commissioners. This will, not be assented to, but prompt and full payment insisted Upon. We publish these revelations as they reach US fronf unusually well-informed sources, but cauqut vouch for their entire accuracy. Cor. 'of the Baltimore Sun. ' .' Wabhingtox, Oct. 23. Governor Swann has been here to-day, and had an interview with the President in reference to the political complications m Maryland The subject was also considered in .Cabinet meeting Under the decision of the Supremo Court' in the Dorr case it is the duty of the President, when called upon by. the Executive of any State, for aid in suppressing tumult or insur rection within his State, which cannot be sup pressed by the, force under his eontrol,vto fur nish such assistance. This ''will be done in the present instance should tho necessity arise but it is hoped that it may bo avoided. Tho President has no right to go behind tho call of the Governor, and will have nothing to do with the matter unleaa thus called upon, THE BALTIMORE ISSUE. The proclamation, of Governor Swann is fully approved by the President, and should it be necessary for him to call for aid in main taining peace 'and order and enforcing hia legal authority, it will be promptly furnished, In the case of the threatened resistance in Louisiana by the Boys in Grey to the author ity of tho Governor of that State, in the re moval Of the Sheriffs, the same course will be pursued -but t is; hoped that in both cases; the necessit,- may ijot arise. ' THE SOUTH. There are some violent partisans who are seeking to gather, replaut and cultivate anew all the seeds of contention betweetl the North and the South. We regret to set i that they are, to a certain extent, successful; that the good sense and magnanimity of the people does not immediately and emphatically con demn and frustrate the attempt to confirm ari antagonism between the sections. The North had never more cause than now ' to love, to admire and respect the South. In war they proved themselves valiant, constant and tself sacrilicing; in pea.ee they prove themselves dignified, in their sorrow resigned, but not uuuimaieu; xaiuiiui to tneir covenants and true to the best instincts of an enlightened and free-born race. The war and its results have developed some of the finest qualities of the Southern people, and has demonstrated in them attributes of" great value tg them selves and to the -country, that jt was not known before that they possessed. We knew before that tb,ey were bravo, chivajric, gener ous and inte"Uigent; we know hqw that they are energetic, resolute, industripui, and ca? pable of niaking use of all the resources that nature and seienae have placed within their reach. , We know now tnat they are able tp ,do more, than gather tho fruits ifrom their prolific goil; that in invention, in ingenuity, in the manufacture of what is essential to them in peace and war,- in everything e ceptwpajtb and the experifjaco oi accmuuhi- ting wealth, they ardttie Tecjuals of the North, We should be proui;t)f this, not envious or afraid. It is another promise of prosperity and grandeur for the Republic It should teach us at once to ' cancel the elements of antagonism, aud to wake every effort to fe- cure the friendship and confidence of a peo ple sp well qualified to co-operate with us iu Al A 4 1 1 the gret missiop. of approving the of self-government. They are to Denenoenou be our co- laDorera in uie worn qj streDgtHening our nationality; and it is opj: duty, as it 13 our interest, to save them from oil unnecessary humiliation and disadvantage. If the Ita&i ca13 wjuw act m view of these truths, the peace and happiness pf the country oould cv "ureu. . cw. .,il 1 IT r T AN APPEAL FOR THE UK RECORDED DEAD, i - - To all true hearted Women and men, who would Jiescue from oblivion the memory of Die Brae who ttied in defence of Nome and Country. the ladies' Memorial association, or fbideb XCKSBURO, VA. , Present this appeaL The stem pressure of military necessity made it impossible, proper- lv 40 care for e remains of the gallant dead who fell on the bloody fields of Fredericks- wmtu. " .w vwrnuie, wumu myw been reckone4 battles. Our Associatiqn proposes to preserve a ro- cord, and, as far as possible, mark the spot where pvery Confederate soldier is buried in this Yicinitv. whether he leu on ineae memo rahle felda, or otherwise died m the service, v. V? , . In a hind stripped of enclosures and forests, desolated and impoverished as ourg. we can- not, without aid guard these graves, from e v r vm- 4'' v- v cover tiiem with; our native sod, and vitU pi ous care garland, them with the wild flowers from tb,e tields i But with the generuus aid and cordial co-operation of Hhose wliQ havo suffered less, but who feel as deeply as w.e do on this subject, we'conficlenly hope to accom plish far more: to purchase and adorn a Cem etery ; to remove thither the sacred dust scat tered all over this region and to erect some i : 4,. i ii. i w aeaa, -j ) that noble ajmv of martyrs" who, for oogato Gettysburg, sleep on the fields of their fame unnoticed and unknown? Shall their very names pass from the knowledge of the living, to be cherished only in the mind of , . k 1 1 1 il J rim "to wiom tne memory 01 tne ms,i is lire- CUIUS?" ,. ! What spot so ajijffopriate (o.r the la&t rest - mg place 01 tnese neroes, as, some command- ing eminence overlooliing the ever memorable plain of Fredericksburg? Ard what nohler uxJi. iui liic utiu is tiiiv.1 i4ai4er yi. uuiiucxa women, tnai upon its. summit; to, rear a mofl- ument to the unrecorded Confederate dead, which, through all time, shall testify to tha gratitude of the people for "whom they so gor. ( riously cued? As no. State, and scarcely a town or CQunty through4ou1t the limits of tle Ldo Confederacy is unrepresented on thesa battle fields, may we not rQpe that the 'eo-ov eration required in order ta accomplish our holy work, will be as universal? An act of the Legislature of "Virginia, v?Ul be obtained inconxrftting our Association, bo imi tl jwrojirtj axMky bo ivo!4 pfrpetiially de- I dioated to its aacred usos, , I x"We solicit such contributions as the appre ciative sympathy of friends, in all parts of tLe. country and of the world, "will extend to us. So soon as sufhcient means are obtained, our; Association will proceed to purchase and im prove grounds appropriate for a Cemetery, and remove thither the remains ot vho honor, ed dead.. Our Association, although iia co-gunixation is but recent, has been enabled to rescue from oblivion the names and places of burial oi man y of the noble spirits who fell upon the fields of Fredericksburg, ChancellorsviUe, the Wil derness, etc. The object of the Association wiU be pressed forward as rapidly as the re quisite means are procured. All auxiliary so cieties wh,eh may be formed, are requested to correspond with our association; and should fupv c;rA i,0: ,wtinWirmn l Ka sriVllv , appropriated to the graves of any individuals, or to particular aUte or section, the trust will be pedly discharged. Any one may become a Life Member oi this Association by the contribution of Ten DoUaw. Donations should he sent ta Mrs; J, H- W al lace, President! or Dr. F. P. Wellford, Treas urer, Thev will be dulv acknowledged- Mns. J. H. WALLACE, Pjiesidejst, Address .Miss ANN JANE CAIiTER, Con. Sec! Fredericksburg, Va. ; All contributions mav be made to tho Rev. Jus, 0. Huske of this place. ' ! THE NEXT LEGISLATURE, SENATE, Orange John Berry. j Wake .Willie D. Jones. Davidson J M Leach. ' j Franklin Washington Harriss, j raven-M E Manly. , - J ! ' New Hanover CoL Ed. IX Hall. ' i . . Lenoir and Green J. H. 'Coward Wayne SV, A. iThompson. Rowan and Davie B. F. Johnson, Guilford Peter Adams. r Rockingham TJ. Hanr, ' ' 'i Alamance and llandolph II. S. Robins. Carteret & Jones Calvin D. Koonce. j ' Burke, McDowell and Caldwell A. C, Avery, Surry, Ashe, Yadkin, and Watauga A. C, Cowley. Perquimans ana vasquoian xvhio tl. quwiv i i iw.-i- xm 'r ! Northampton H. C Edwards. Washington and Martin-J- E- 3Iooret Halifax M. L.I Wiggins. Chatham U. li Pascball, Mecklenburg 4, H- Wilson. Warren F. A. Thornton. j Anson and Union IX A- Cavgto Iredell, Alexander and Wilkes- 4- Henry HUL Lincoln, Gaston apd Catawba M. L. McCorkle, thimberland and Harnett ArcU'd McLean, j Duplin Isaac 13. v'eUy. j Person Jno. W. Cunningham. - ' ! Pitt C. Perkins. Johnston T. D. Snead. Haywood, Macon, Ac .R, iL Henry. Buncombe, Henderson. &c, I & Gash CisweU Livingston Brown, Onslow Jasper Etheridge, Hampson J C WilUama. Nash L N B BatUe. ' Ktokea and Forsythe J Matthews, ' HOUSE or COJiWOXS, Montgomery Jordan. Richmond Peter McRae, Haywood Green Garrett. Henderson James Hlythe, Madison N. Kelsey, Yancey, Jbc WiUlama. Yadkin T. M. Vestal. - Orange W. W. Gness. 8. lx Umsted. Alamance R. Y. McAden, A. H, Boyd. Wake P. IL Rnss C, J. Kogers, H, 8. Perry. Lavid&on C. F. Lowe, Dr. J. H, Shelton. . Inranklin J. J. Davis. Rowan O. G. Foard, W. H, Orawford. Craven S. W. Chadwick, A, C. Latham. -New Hanover R. H. Cowan, CL W. MaClammy. Carter tJno. L Perry. ' zrn? Ajne-r J tL Everettj G. C, Qarrii Lenoir IL F- Bnght, S, Houston. , rTr. T. S. LutteTloh. Cumberlana w. ' ti.-,!.,, Rockingham-Jno. Holderby. JL Henderson, jicDowell--James M. JieaL Burke Jnn. Sudderth. i 1 Caidwell-James C. Harper. Alexander Carson, grryH II Faugh, . - . Brunswick D C Allen, Greene F II Eountree. . - Kandolph-oel Ashworth, E T Blair, - rerquimans Thos. Wilon, I Northattmto7-D B Peebles E A Martin. Pasquotank-r-J B Jones. Washington Chas. Lathwn. , EdecoSu and Wilson-Mes. Baker and Wood- ard. . HalifaiP O dark, w a ..m-Mecklenburg-B D Whitley. J M IlutchW Cnatham-eo May. Geo Moore. Thoa W Wombla. Warreo-Tbos J Judkin. Jno BTttmbulL Buncombe Montrerille Patton, Person Wro A Bradsher. - Wilkes-P Horton, Tyree York. Gaston D A Jenkins. DonlinT S Kenan, Zaek Smith. CleVdand-O W Wtfield. . Pitt-J Galloway. W R Wdhams. Anson-A J Dargan, W P KendaU, Union Jonathan TrnlL - Johns ton-errv Gydwia, B P Hinnant 1 Onslow A J MurnlL Sampson Jno Barden. Q W Autry. Harnett-rBenJC Williams. , Jones Jacob F Scott - Nash Jonathan St Stono. ' Foreythe P A WUson. E B Teague, Stokes Silas Westmoreland. ' FAYETTEVILLE MARKET Oct. 30. CORRECTED ST O. H. HAIQH k BSO. BACON North Carolina,,. 2T0 2G 22 g 25 25 0 2dt 45 0 6U m 40 is 35 37k 30 35 25 30 Western Sides. BEESWAX. , BUTTER..,,, BEEF -. ,' Gnnny...., nu.ndwe. CANDLES Adtimantine. ....... Tdlow, COFFEE Bio COTTON COTTON YAIINS DOMESTIC GOODS - 4-4 Sheetings.,. ,...,.. ?EATUERS..,..,.. 05O FLOUR-r- FaHtiVy..., ........'.. 155015 75 Snp...t .-...' 1S25915 5a Fino. H 75(15 00 ScratOied . U W(a)14 75 GRAIN - Com.....k .U 1251 35 Wheat. 1 50 2 00 OaU.,lt.v. 70 811 Peas , 1 ...... 1 60 fa 173 Rye. . ....... ........ 125.0010 HIUEii-- I -w-v ury . . . Green: 10 12 05 06 X0 312l 23 30 36 () C3. . 10.. H. . ; s,iea LARD MOLASSES . rit3 V Rriiil nan Vc;V ..I 0000150 ...V 3 00 3 23 Uk.. 2 00 2 50, v 2 W2 50, Liverpool, per sack, LlQUOllS Pycli Brandy v c Scev 1 OO fa) 2 00 sitiAlt . Coffee C, Oom. Brown , Crushed 18 (S 20, 12 (i) is. (n) 25. TALLQW 10 12 1" i;asES N,o 1 E,osin, Commoin btrained, ui:PENT;iNii Virgin Up, 1.50 3.00 8 00, 3 5a C50 700. 500. 55, 00 0CK- 20 25, Spirits. - TOBACCO Lif. . . , v. . . . . Manufactured WO,OL...,,..... yAYTTEYILLE MONEY IIAEKET- ! . ; QUHIUXTKU BY P WHY & Ca, BANKERS, Sarnxers Bank of Joxth Carolina, 15". Baitfcof, Caw Fear. ,25. inariotte ... v, 15. Clarondpi ,.... .4 Comneroe. .'. . t ...13 44 FayetteviUe. .. 10 Lexington, t f t ...10 Lexington, at 'Gahaiu'.V.V. 20 North CaxUna.VVN .35 Raxboro. 25 ThomasviUe, N.s." . x , ..V.25 WaeKboronKh. , . . 20 " Washington 4 Wilmington ,...,,.. v.. 15 Commercm Bank of Wilmington. 15 Merchants Bank of Newberu. !. . . . . ! i ! '. !35 Miners and Planters'. ..,. ,,.!'! 20 Greensboro Mutual Insurance CoT.,',V.V..l 5 Virginia Notes aventje about. ..V.'J2S toutn Uoroiina . - 1RWr Gehr, Gold. :i..:.'J'iuti Sbver, i . . .1 30 1 a? Exchange on New York, selling- i per oent, preia 30 (Sk 33 32 0 33 2 62i WILMINGTON MARKET From the Wilmington DLspatcJxJ TyRPENTINE. The demand for this article ha been good since our last review and prices had advan ced 40u, bbL up to thursday last when it went down tq $4 55 bbL, a decline ot 50 j., at which the market is steady. The receipts are light. Sales dur iSJTthe week of -irgin and yellow dip as follows: 8at . urday, 25 bbls. at $5 bbL Mondaj-, 450 bbL at $5 50 $u "& bbL Tqeiiday, 38G bbls. at G bbL Wed nesday, ol4 bbls. at i r& bbl. Thursday, 255 bbly. at $5 53" bbL Friday, b3 bbls. at $5 55. ROSIN. Market active and prices have ' consider ably advanced. Pale and No, 1, $2$3, and common . and No. 2, 50c. $1 25, higher than when we made our List review. The teceiptH have been fair, and stock left on hand better, though light for the season, falos as follows: Saturday, 77 bbl. No. I, mt $6 50f 8 50. Monday, 12 bbls. oauunuft, v $5 156 do. No. 1, at itK-$9 65. Tuesday. 150 bbls. connnfai. At $4 50j 314 da No, 1. at $8$8 50$8 759 50$10 25. ; We3nes,day, 152 bbls. strained common, at $5 25 5 50; Nv 1. $7 75$8; 9S bbls. pale 1 window glass,) a t $12. ; Thursday, 210 bbls. common, at $5 00; 115 bbls. No. 2. at 5 75S$6. V . . Friday, 230 bbls, No. 1, at $7$10 37i; 350 bbls. Xo. 2, at $5 50$G; 1U0 bbls. common, at l 75. SPIRITS TURPENTINE. The Market for this ar tide has been in. a. ycry nnsettled condiUoiA, On Sat-. nrday and Monday sales were made as high as 85c. since ihat time it has been steadily declining. Sales to-day were made at 70( 72c Sales for the week as follows: - - . - Saturday, 11 bbls at 821c, 3 gal, tax paid. 85c, s ! 84085c, 830vS4c, . 42 Monday, . Tuesday, Wed'day, Th'rsday, Friday, 310 65 181 124 200 76, 7880o, 75c 4 7072c COTTON The market has been nnnsuallv aniet for this article, and the sales have been light Un Mon day and Tuesday S3 baje$ sold at 35c for low middling, and 36361c for middling, and 3737ic for strict middling. Oq Thursday one small lot sold at 36c. for good middling. Friday 44 bales sold ai 36c ior ' middling, and 6 bales af '3,5c for low middling and middling. - GRAIN. Com In the market for this articl we notice an ad vsnoe of 1 00 1 5,0, 3? baaheL The receipts for some weeks have bo&4 light and- the stock her considerably diminished, though sufficient for present need; 8,000 bushels yellow sold from store on Wednes day ai $1 20. We quote from store at Si 25011 30 for mixed and yellow; $1 3001 35 for white. . TIMBER Supply on hand sufficient for present wants. ' Most of the timber now cm hand and unsold is damaged, and millers prefer to wait for better. a tide and a more active demand for lumber. Several rafts were received during the week and sold ai f 8 25 8 7fbr ftsaaoa, ju;J fjQ Jl jyr fcdr EaiH