t : f . ' ' ; f: "i 1 t 11 ' I: f !- J . 1 !. j AD V E H T I SEMEN TS . ! Mclver & Bro., Joriesboro W TL T 1, .two lmudred cords of fine fluit purchasers See advt. - r 10 See business card of Hptit-d- vrn t V in Pnwinnt oi "- nr7 -ttomer Jones, y 10, Cortlandt St. N. Y. with the agency of :iw?ffF ay?tteYille N. C. Strict atteS given to the sale of cotton, rosin & spirits! E. J. Hale & Son have received further supplies of Goods Godie's Ladies' Book for 'Mbite Goose T InWartS? tr 1 iW163' Crayns Pencils, Inkstands Hucilage, Paper, Letter Writer. r;ooiijpoJM,;&o;&c.,i.gfeoadH.--- . - ' He . aS' aCoot 1x1 gard toMand I He has all, sorts erood. toor n.m?i,Kff, 0 l and offers great inducemnts. " ' v 1 ' . n . . -- Ui9C4 VilCtU l IL Lilt nil2ith ?,tlc mule, stayed from W r ,1 . ' uuveruses mat on the Carver s mill on Beaver Creek; Any '7 sa1 mule will bo liberally reward- .' f , i -J ' ' j. Mrs. Banks. No. G. GroAn Sf u ! I ceived all kinds of Crackers-Ovsfpr Fn t 'tUir' Sugar, &c &c to be sold at aoiesaiej or Retail. . ; . I I B. Davis wants a good Tinner. . See advt. ! .IV B. Davis has on hand tin ware, stoves, &c &c. Hoofing, guttering .&c , &c done at snort, notice. : . A. R. Carver gives notice to Oyster Houses : that he has just received Chafing Dishes and wmer nxtures ior cooking and serving Oysters. Seo advt. : ; 0 up " faI1:I4.?EE3, Memobial Association op FutoEEiCK ' ;J?i'BatyA;--iVd gladly give space in : our 'columns' to tnc "Appeal for the Unrecorded Dead." which will be found on the net page. It is presented to the bereaved i and sorrowing people of the South, in behalf of a sac red cause, which is endeared to our hearts by the sad na touclncg records of hardship, privation and death. to be ibund in the memories of every stricken house hold, in the annals of every march and campaign, and in ihaiterrible histort of every field whereon many true and bijave hftve fallen, and are now resting in mournful appealang to the gratitude of ihe country; for which they became a 'noble army of martyrs. " Had we ' the " eansj how" gladly would a large portion be contribu ted to -the accomplishment of the noble; ends no ten . derly ttnd beautifully set forth by these true-hearted women 01 Virginia. , .!. na3 jUocoie indeed a "lost cause," and in duty to the pang's andl. fatal wounds of our own beloved land, we gave up every hope that we had cherislie.l. and relinquished the principles which ne had fought .and stuggled to establish; and our honest and true .Allegiance is due to the jgovernment to whose Authority and power we tuve yielded. i iiutpurucraa are our own. Yes, onrjdead are our own. ineir lortnnes and their lives were staked and lost urour defence, and "to rescue from oblivion the memory" of those who died thus, 13 the least of the task w hich tve and our children 'and our children's . childrf n most labor to oerform. j :..JJut Khile; v.-e thus commend to the aid and support ox our people, the undertaking of the" ladies of Virgin la,. we must enjoin upon our citizens one thing' which ' iney niuat nt lorget or- m any wise neglect. Last 'week, we mentioned one npeol which must be re garded even if anotlier is received. It is narrow char- Tity which begins "at home" and goes no farther.: but we must not step over the still and upturned corpse in our own House to go and weep with our neighbor ; -"Not 'six hours journey from our town, the bones of men are lying, who, eighteen months since, marched ' into our streets, haggard", suffering, ragged and weary, 4mt.with a proud and martial step through all their dilst and misery, deieuders still; true, unfaltering, valiant to the last bitter end, ; And our old and sorely tried citizens, who had sons ! - xifar otjin the ranks of the army fathers and mothers V hou(te.red a prayer daily, on their lips, and cherished one hourly in their hearts, lor those "for whom the u place was kept at' hearth and board so long;" wives sister and maidens, dreaming and waiting and hoping - for husbands, and brothers, and lovers had these ! raised ;thelr teads and their spirits for a moment, from the despair into which they were drooping, when the invadipg army, with its serried hosts, and rumbling v cannoli and wagons, andflauntiug banners, had passed jnto the distance like the confused image of a hideous . dreami and listened to the sounds which came back with the moaning wind, they might have heard, like a knell n the heart, like the tap on a muffled drum o'er corpse, -the faint, Holenin boom that told that the field of AvesjiKjioro was receiving its bloody, ghastly burden O; faithful, brave, heroic J O, tnie and manly hearts . thus snapped in twain, without a face to bend above - you in the agony of death, without an eye to beam upon -ou in the last throes of the spirit, but the piti less face of the plunderer, the gleaming eye of the assassin! From what darkened homes "The prayer went Tup. through midnight's breathless gjjoom, . . j And the yuin yernipg woke inid festal song!" herd in the ' 'sunny South is j the an$j ous heart .breaking, breaking day by day! IJones lying over the . plains where the roaming brutes feed, and heaped up in th( forests and by the streams vhere all is silence and fo-gi3lulness! JJones of men whose grand battles and heroic charges will be repeated and declaimed and - fipplailded by posterity when we are indeed forgotten in the.dust! It must not be. We must be up anddO' . ing in this work. We have not words to express our thanks to the many ienos, w ane ana coiorea, wno came to our as BisUince, ui our great extremity on Saturday night, ' v hen we lost our kitchen and another outhouse by fire. Nothing but their well directed efforts prevented 'the destruction of our dwelling and all other houses on the premiss, And dear reader; no-niatter in what neighborhood you live, and howgood your neighbors are, prepare yourself to believe that we live in a better one. . ?One could almost afford to have a kitchen bum eveiy night when he receives so much kindness as we huvfr from our neighbors iiFthe last 21 hours. CoiffEBENcE. tho North Carolina-Conference of the M, E. hurch will be held in this place next week. We way ekpact to see a number of reverend gentlemen of 6ne abilities, conspicuous among wnom wo will men tion Bishop pearco considered by very many the first orato of the country. We have never heard him, but expec great things of .him. The Railroad has put the fare down one half to all who wish to attend Confer ence. . ." ! -J.. We were presented, yesterday, by our friend' M,r. J. A. Worth,- with a number of the fiuest sweet po tatoes we have ever seen, ; He calls them, as well as We : rememoer, the West India Yam.' ' ' Snh things always make , us anxious to see our . County Fair re-established, that our people may have uome incentive to effort in the production of fine crops. Extract of a letter from the President of the Egypt Coal Mines to the President of the Western Railroad, dAted October 22. 18CG: ' yln the Fayetteville News of Oct 2nd. last, I re gretted to see a notice that the Egypt Co. Had suspend ed work at .their mine in consequence of the high rates pharged for toll to Fayetteville. So far from this be rue, had I found other parties in the State willing to Diake ends meet in the same spirit as your company, J would have continued the transportation . of coal to Wilmington. I trust, however, that the interruption vmtypfjjhojttotfioTV' . . j. ' ; siTUistioiijrijraisjiijr. I - f .i .wju W JXatUM U1'U1I.J t kft0ll . . Washington, October 28l inebecretarv of SLitp. bna AAr.c,A k o; SSwf uT- behalf of Lynch &nd McMahon, re cently eonYicted m a Colonial Court of Canada and sen- SCTT-ff Sf? "Pn a charSe hat- beinS citizens of tne Umted btutes, they were actors in the Fenian raid, he saysthit the United States Consul at Toronto ha.s uw iiJBiruciea to procure, for the information of the government a copy of the proceedings of the trial and conviction, and also of all further trials' n tions o a similar character which shall take place an Canada; t i i The Secretary says: "The President directs mA' assrare you of his confident hope that his Majesty's Goviirninent will not only cheerftdly comply with the request tlrs made, but that they will think it proper wawim; me juaiciai proceecungs aioresaid with a careful regard to the rights of the United States and to tha maintenance of good relations between the two countries. For this reason, it will be to the President if you should be able to' assurance hat the execution of the sentences pronoun ced upon conv icted persons will be suspended, if occa sion for delay shall arise in the manner before men tioned to make it desirable. It is tha omninn ofth government that sound policy coincides with the best uupuises 01 a oenevoient nature in recommendinff enderness amnesty and forgiveness j j The NeW York Herald's Torontn . i- j . . "i"-"-'" Willi dispatches ;are coming m from all the mMn mandingthat no mercy be shown the convicted Fe nians., s : Si l. . , s. , B The threats made by the New York Feniana tn Avon rra the death ojf those convicted, are doing great injury to ' Ul-t' :':. ' -, : Washington, October 29.! ' Miss Fanny Seward, daughter of th Kfrrtm Estate, died jthis morning. 1 j Tne Committee appointed bv Tatti onjthe President, with a view of obtaining executive interference in case of, American citizens condemned to death at (Toronto, had an.-interview Ubis mornin. The President said he had anticipated, their memorial ;as wonH be, perceived by copies of the correspondence published Oils nioming. - lie expressed his svmnathv with their mission. Interview very satisfactory to the Coinmuleej i ; . , , 4 s . ! T?pni,T TOX'TW vnt)tr 1 New YorTr.' Opf 9i? i Further discoveries are being made of forgeries of Judges names to naturalization papers in this citv. l , 1 J I ' i . - . T U'l"! Ji- . New York, Oct. 29j The Democratic and National ITnirfri ommiHaac - v V VUU4 VVXVU bate pasHed resolutions, reouestinnr th& ,fi to make speedy interference lor thesafett and protec- uufi vi ijyiitu auu.aicjianon. 4 . i An lnimense meeting has been held in Buffalo inf sympathy Ut the prisoners. Markets and Financial. New York. October 27. P. M J Gold l4C. Ootton dull at 39 a 41c, sales of 1,500 baltes. IFloiirnrmer sales of 590 barrels; Southern 5i? t a l i4 i wneat 1 a 3c better. Corn 3 -a 5c better. Oats 1 ii 2c fhigher. Pork irregular Mess1 $34 62; a S3. ; Lard jfirmer. Groceries firmer. . Soirits Turnen- tine 80,a 82c, Rosin $5 25 a $13 50. ! I M ! I . f . j New York, October 29, M. GoldA$l ;6i; Exchange lJh, Cotton I ouiet at 39 1 a 41 4 Uiour and neat farmer. Corn I a 2 better. Pork lower. Ill . i Examination of the Baltimore Affair. ! I ! i Baltimore. October -27. R Xf ! " Tlie examination of witnesses asainst the Poliw Commissioners before Gov. Swanh. was continued to day at Annapolis. At three o'clock the case was ad- ;joutoied till Monday, when it is believed the matter will be fendeii . ? Fenian-ana- Buffalo -October 27. An appeal! is published in the mornincr papers here for! a mass! meeting of the Fenians on' Sunday nitrht. It urge$ resistance to the execution of the :, Fenians lately sentenced to death at Toronto, j ' f Montreal, C. W. October 27 The jevrs that Lynch the Fenian has been sentenced to tleat .caoses lauch discussion here .f Another larce lotjof war material has arrived from England, ; i 1 ' ' " Toronto. October 27.; The trial M. other Fenians will prob.iblvnot be cam. mebced befcjre Wednesday,: , Mr,- McKenzi(e who is re- staifted y the American Consul.to delend such as sxn Ln.eriaans, hot being ready for trial, I i Southern Markets Gov- Welles. ! '"-:' New Orleans. October 27. P r ! Cotton quiet and steady r low middiincs 36 a m? r Goldl47. I f . . . It is reported on good authority that . Gov. Wellies will re-convene the Constitutional Convention of 1864. lie says lie lias assurance trom leading members of Congress, thit he'wili be. sustained by force, if neces sary. j -1 Mobile. October 27 ' Cotton- Soles to-day 900 bales. Middling 35 a 36a. Liverpool. Oct. 26. Cotton mfla-ket dull at 15d for middling uplands. Prices -have declined from a quarter tot one. half on the EURTHER SUPPLIES OP Books & Stationary, I BRUISE OF THE ALABAMA AND SUMTER J CkPT Semmes, C S N, ' I i ' GODEY LADY'S BOOK, for Novembeb. ? YOUTH'S HISTORY OF THE WAR. , BANCROFT'S UNITED STATES Yol 9th. . PARLEY'S BOOK OF ANIMALS MOTHER GOOSE FOR GROWN FOLKS. LINEN, COTTON AND HEMP T WINES, i CHALK CRAYONS, PENCILS, & INK STANDS SELF-SWPPLYING MUCILAGE, f ALSO BLANK BOiOKSJ; . : i; f ENVELOPES Wedding, Note and Letter, As sorted. Ii , ' si'' PAPERS Commercial Note, Billet, Cap, Bill and Letter Letter Writers, School Booos", &c. , Just Received, E. J. HALE & SON. Oct ,30 it lTKEjSH CE ACKERS, JUSTE .CEIYED AHD FOR SALE ! BY OTOLESALE OR RETAIL, SQDAl BUTTER, OYSTER, LmiON, SUGAR, and FARINA EG G, MILK, and WINE , f j At ! BANKS' CONFECTIONARY. . No. 6, Green Street. . Oct 30.-11 pd Hand ! Land !! Land ! ! ! ji HAVE FOR SALE Large Traots and Small Tracts. JLi Good Lajad and poor Laud. Good Plantations with first rate houses all in fine order. Turpentine lands, boxed land unboxed, , Parties wanting to locate alto geherjeun ie accomodated. I have two tracts .tliat wohald Accomodate 15 to 20 Families, Many of these -tracts are ocihgea to be sola. i i . ! j j JAS, G. COOK. Oct SO. ! ! 30-tlJ STRAYED, JO miles from Fayetteville, on Wednesday night last, th4 24th ins., one Black mare mule,: medium size,: and bund in the left eye. Said mule was brought from Caswell county N. C. Any person on returning isaid mile t me I in Fayetteville, or to W; H Carver at; hia in 5n a. j ! ' i uesiiueruiiy rewaraea, f i T C LUTTERLOH. i ' It Oct 30 Look j j And fty so to your Comfort, JJoing Save Health and Expense EVERY DESCRIPTION of TIN WARE for House, .keeping purposes. . Stoves, adapted to either wood or col, including the celebrated -Riit" "Oomet patents, for Kitchens. TWllinm nma f- to be found at the Tin Establishment f r IB DAVIS, ! South East Corner Market square, ! Sismofthn rffu D i Roofing. Guttering, and all tinlnf jk promptly executed on reasonable Terms. Th tiqn of country dealers is oiled to onr stock and our " W i are Oy s ter House s ATTENTION! JUST RECEIVED AT THE 66 CROCKERY STORE," A LARGE LOT OF Oyster Cliaflu? Dishes, And Fixtures Complete for COOKING OYSTERS. A Ii S O Castors, Soup Plates, Pickle Dishes, Mustard Cups, Salt Cellars, Spoons, Ladles, &c. it. cjm run. ! Oct. 30. It WOOD! WOOD!! TWO HUNDRED Cords Fine Wood, OAK AND PINE in lota to suit apply to Messrs. JOHN D. WILLIAMS & CO. Fayetteville, N.C, or to MdVER & BRO., Jonesboro N. C . Oct 30. 30-2t-pd . i Wanted Immediately. A GOOD TINNER. To a good workman, liberal XjL wages and steady employment will be given. f ! I B DAVIS. Oct 30 ; : 30-tf HENRY HOMER JONES, DEALER IN Cotton and Naval Stores, Office, No. 10 Cortlandt St., , New York, J ESTABLISHED 1828. JOSEPH B. BROWN, General Agent j FayettevUleK. C Strict personal attention given to the I balo of Cotton, Rosin & Spirits. REFERENCES: New York County National Bank. New York Produce Exchange. Oct. 30. 30-tf AND FARMERS' &! PLANTERS' ALMANACS for 1867 Wholesale and Retail POCKET DIARIES, large assortment, for 1867. E. J. HALE &SON. Oct 23. 29-4t in MYRQVER & SPEARMAN, No. 19, Hay St., TTAVE just received a complete and well selected J.JL. SlOCif oi DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CUTLERY, HARDWARE, ROPE, I ; . j AND BAGGING, Of Superior Quality. &c. Oct 23. i 29-itf CANDLE FACTORY. mHE UNDERSIGNED respectfully informs bis I Friends and the Pubhc generally that his FAYETTEVILLE CANDLE FACTORY 1 is again in operation. Persons desiring to have candles moulded, by sending their orders with the tallow, will receive prompt attention. A. M. CAMPBELL, Oct 23. jg.tf FINE OLDJHJRYEAR. rpuis EXCELLENT WHISKEY unsurpassed any- jl wuere ana oi a very nne aualitv is JceDt alwav's on hand, at ? : D. M. MCDONALD'S. Oct. 23. 29-lm mwm AMB DISCIPLINES Of the M. E. Church South. E.J. HALE & SON. 29-4tin Oct 23, JOS. B. BROWIM, WHOLESALE GROCER, UAY STREET, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C, IS NOW RECEIVING a choice lot of Sugars, Coffee, i Cheese, Molasses, Salt, Soap, Jcc, &c , SOPE, BAGGING AND H00P-IE0N. Ml of which will be sold at low figures for Cash, or Produce taken in ex change. Oct. 23. 29-tf Isaac Hollings worth, SESON STREET, ONE DOOR WEST 0? ...... j CATS TEAR BANE, FAYETTEVILLE. N. a, DEALER IN DRY GOODS. ; Groceries, Hardware, Cutlery, Yankee jw aiions urocaery, Glassware, f GUNS, PISTOLS, POWDER, CAPS, &c . " Buyers would do well to call and examine his com plete Stock and low prices before purchasing elsewhere. "Cl- . . 29-3m. ! ! 9lPO ! 91Tnf3 9T1 m 3j3u-fuo nnnoT eq wso dB9u;o Smjq spood siq-esuaid oj irej jou gua aijli ;tju; mqi ossioud pi ps rrui an; tpjaVjo ry JO 30S p9)399S rp.1l B juiAidjM si au; -juaurnosffB dAoqs aqj oj uotrppa aj t '07g fsassBopj 'dnxvg I tjdj, UuSng aago3 '.CiauQ S11 paqapo saptai 10 a3i y 'atxc AjaAa jo sapqjy otvb i - 10 ixed xrf Sarjsisuoa eurj srq ui ;da Xrprusn spooS eqj rr jo oojs p)oeas 9. pun SaiAiasai ou oq y 3dOAS NMOl-dn 3 HA Those haTlngr Rosin and Spts. Tor- PENTINE would do veil to ealL before selling, on MYROVEB I SPEABMAH. ; No. 19, Hay at Oct 23. J34tf BUSINESS (UHD&, . PRINTED per HUNDRED or THOUSAND, a th levest pnevs, at the HE YS OFFICII Wonderful but True ! MADAME REMINGTON, the world mol A. oologist and Somnambulistio Clairroyant, while in a tlairvoyant state, deUneates the very features f the person you are to marry, and by the aid of aa instru. ment of intense power, known aa the Psychoaotrope, guarantees to produce a perfect and life-like picture of he future husband or wife of the applicant with date of marriage, occupation, leading traits of character, &c This is no imposition, as testimonials -without number can aserL By statin? nlace of birth, ace disposition, color of eyes and hair, and enclosing fifty cents, and stamped envelope addressed- to yourself, you will receive the picture by return mail, together wiuaesuw iniormation. Address in confidence, , Madam Gektrttde Cmrvn. I03r, P. O. Box 297, West Troy, N. Y. . eeptao, lows. . 6m; K o o P5 eg s4. o eg . o s p J3 Go o. to -5 s o o CO r a O a 1 58 CQ O CO CQ O O to & e p -CS o o ; o fTJ. S ' el PQ w w o Y8 -I R t o CQ o a c3 o o C3 CQ CQ' CO o O o DENTAL EXTRACTING' TEETH without pain, py using citrous Oxide Gas. Its AffWs upon the system are of brief duration, yet erenerallv leaving n rptiso nf rvort,,nr, Invigorahon, similar to that resulting from a free expoHure. to fresh atmospheric air; it exerts a power- -fill innTidnAa ? u . ... . i uFFv K etisenciai matter tor orgam zation and in promoting the various formations of di gestion, absorption and circulation. ! . x aisu nave tne hprav or lthi?olen for fr gum. This fluid is thrown upon the gum, with the application of a pump. I am now in possession of all tne latest improvements in Dentistry and I am using tr . ..-. vijowu ouicu uum, ior nmng. . J. H. FREEMAN, Surgeon Dentist, . ; FayetteviUe, N. C. ct- i 28-tf GREAT SALE - OF WATCHES, JEWELRY, I A u ' ' " SILVER WARE, Oak Million Dollars' Worth ! ONE DOLLAR EACH! "VVTTHOXJT REGARD TO VALUE ! Not to Ids paid for until you know what you . are w receive i , , BY A. H. ROWEN & CO., (Agents for the Manufacturers.) No 36, Bcekman St.j IVew York. Read the following List of Articles to be sold for One Dollar Each! 200 Gold Hunting Case Watches, $100 to 125 200 Gold Watches, various styles, 75 to 100 200 Ladies' Gold Watches, 50 200 Silver Hunting Case Lever Watches, 35 to 60 200 Silver Hunting Case Lepine Watches, 35 to 55 300 Gold Composite Hunting Watches, 25 to 50 300 Music Boxes, Shell and Rosewood cases. 20 to 75 200 Elegant silver pl'td Coffee and Tea Urns, 30 to 50 1.000. ' Castor Stands, 20 to40 1,000 " " " Fruit & Cake b'sk'ts, 20 to 50 1,000 , " Butter Dishes, 15 to 25 1,000 " " " Ice Pitchers, 20 to 30 1,500 Silver Plated Salt Stands. - 8 to 15 2,500 - " Goblets, engrv'd and plain 5 to 12 3,000 . Cups, gold lined & engv'd 10 to 20 1,000 . . Call Bells, 6 to 12 3,000 Sets Silver Plated Table Forks, 4 doz 10 to 15 5,000 Pair . Spoons. 5 to 10 10,000 Sets " Tea Spoons, h doz, 8 to 12 2,000 Pair Butter Knives, 5,000 Napkin Kings, very ; handsome, 2,000 California Diamond cluster sets ladies' 5 to 10 5 to 10 jewelry, 10 to 23 1,000 Brazilian Pebbles, gets ladies' jewellrr. 10 to 25. 7,000 sets Ladies Jewelry, assorted, 5 to 10 5, 000 Pair Crystal Pendant Ear Drops, 8 to 10 3,000 Miniature and Enameled revolving pina 8 to 15 ,vuu enameled ana Pearl i5roaclies, very handsome 8 to 12 2.000 Ladies California Diam'd cluster pins, : 8 to 15 2,000 Genu . a to 10 Aouotrents nns, set witn stone or Dniiiaat, o to 1U 5,000 Gents' Scarf Pins, assorted styles, 5 to 15 woa 4uvt jjrouoicbn, uucu cuitsou, iv iu ii-t pin uquui oiveve uttuiis. nvu Bines, o vu iu 5,000 Pair Ladies Sleeve Buttons, StolQ 1,000 Pair Coin Silver Sleeve Buttons, 8 to 12 2,000 Sets Ladies Jewelry.' coin silver eagv'd 10 to 15 ttMK) Silver Chains, G to 10 ,000 CaL Diamond Cluster Bings, JO to 23 .3,000 Seal Bings, 5 to 10 3,000 Gold Thimbles, Pencils, &c, 5 to 10 10,000 Gold Lockets, richly engraved, 5 to 10 5,000 Plain and Chased Gold Bings, 6 to 10 10,000 Shield and Signet Bings, - .. C to 10 4,400 Belt Buckles, gold jet, gold &, vnleanitefc 5, to 13 2,500 Gold Lockets, engr'dback3, watoh face, 10 3,000 Larse. new stvle Bincrs: set with bril't's 8 to 30 2,000 Ladies Chatelaine Chains and Pin, & to 28 2,a00 Gents Heavy Guard Chains, 12, to 30 7,800 Gents Vest Chains, lame assortment 5 to 85 1,000 Splendid Steel Engravings, 5 to 10 1.000 Elegant Bronze Mantel Clocks 23 to 50 10.000 Gold Pens, Sl'vr Extn'sin holdr & penciL 4 to 8 la (KM) Gold Pens, si v'r mnt'd ebony holders, 6 to 8 5,000 Gold Pens and gold extension holders 15 to 25 A 000 Ebony Gold Mounted Spiral Pencils, & to 10 Each and every article in the above list is represent ed by a Certificate. These are placed in similar en velopes and sealed. Any person obtaining a Certifi cate, to be had at our office, or senl by mail to any auoress, wiu Know wnat tney may nave ior una uollar. e charge for sending Certincate paying poatage and doing the business, 23 cents fctvoh. Five will be sent for $1; Eleven for $2; Thirty fiw $5; Sixtyv&ve for $10; and One Hundred for $15. Any person receiving a Certificate for an article ther may not desire, can exchange for any other article ia our lABi or tlie same value. By tbis metnod we are " ' 1 v AUtI4MU WO UUUUU BW WU MVU4 uuu J, vu uw Tuie) mock 01 goous as a nominal prvee, while all have a chance for seennns articles of tha Tery highest value. We warrant every article as repre- umxi or money reiunaeo we aoucit paruea who nave oeen nntairjy dealt with by imitators to give xu a tair tnai peiore passing judgment, t-. r-AGENTS liberal Commission and valuable rreiniums, conaisting of Watches 4c,, given toAgentc Aaarasa tui ordera to A- a. BOWO CO., P. O. Bos, 42T0 Sew Tort NEW GOODS"! 3STO. 40, Ka,-y Street, ' IS UOW-RECEIVING-A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED "'" STOCK OF DRY-GOODS, CONSISTING IN PART OF A Fiae Assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, j LADIES HATS, ! Prints, Dehunea.1 Merinoes, Alpacas, Flamnels, f Cassi. meres. Fancy Trimming Bibbons, Yankee Notions, c &c Also, a full assortment of - ! . Gbocemes, H-uidwajie, Cbockebt, &c, &0, at Wholesale and RetaiL : ,," ; - 40(1 exmine before purchasing elsewhere. L 2. ,1 - ... 263m. oiaie or jortu.Cnroliiiai CHATHAM COUNTY, f VrOTICE IS HEBEBY GIYE2 to all whom it may XI concern. That there wfll be a ' Special Term of the Superior Court of Jaw and Equity, held for" t&e County of Chatham, at the Court House in PitUboro, on the first Monday of December next, to hear, try. and determme all such civil causes in law and equity , Ti 7. emsiveiy cognizable by the Spring -Term of the Supener Court, under an ordinance of the Con vention, adopted June 21, 18C6. entitled " Ari Act to change the jurisdiction of the Courts; and the rules of pleading therein." Officers, Suitors and Witnesses will govern themselves accordingly. - ; ' p j. a. Thompson, a s. a cL2 ! ,t. 20w . . HEADER CREEK ( MANUFACTURING CSPANY. ABE now manufacturing from their new and im proved in&chinerY. & snnerinr fi.lj rf A L .,v, i i . .1. . . I . . ..meum mo which mey are oaenng.in lots of from . '!.,, '600 TO 05,000 YAEDS. . i ''hA nn'tua nrill Kn . i . . . .... . ; i' -vw nw w evoicuimi lis in mnrA ir rha it- M5jt ui ouyers to sena taeir orders DIRECT TO TILE UNDERSIGKED. All orders or communicatinna in v.- : Will hA r, T i ; vo flV-O fivmjiuj oucuubu WJ. J. H. HALL, Pres't B. C. Mfg Co. l'J-tf Aug, 13, '66 PETEOLEUM. BEST QUALITY. : JUST liECETVED i i AND ' I FOB SALE, HOENE & BOBINSON. Oct 2. ; 2G-tf LINSEED. TT7TNTEK WHALE, and ' . YV TRAIN OILS. ! FOIi SALE DY HORNE EOBINSON. Oct 2. 1 " 26-tf WINDOW GLASS. PUTTY, . ; ' VARNISHES. ! POTASH, ! WHITE LEAD, CONCENTRATED LYE, PAINTS AND DYES OF ALL KINDS, ! ...i FOR SALE BY HORNE & ROBINSON. Oct 2. 2G-tf PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY PREPARED at all hours during AT. HORNE & ROBLNSON'S Oct 2. 26-tf - HUBBELL'S , BITTER WINE OF IRON; ELLIS ET.TTTT OF ' i CALISAYA BARK. Salacine, Keith's Eclectic Remedies tlarge assortment) and other chemicals and Pharmuceuticul orenaraliomt just received and for sale by - - : . I HORNE & ROBINSON, : i : , ; Vholesale and Retail Druggists, ! . Hay Slixet, FayeUeville, N. C. Oct 2. . r .; . : t 2G-tt I W..C. TROY, H COMMISSION MERCHANT, GROCER AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN TOBACCO. 25, HAY STREET; NO. (Old kjmuu. jx iuuLim iiiCAuurxn, jvsqr., j Fayctlerille, JIT. C. Oct 2. 26-lm. WARREN PRIOR Watchmaker and Jeweler, HAS JUST RECEIVED A STOCK OP "Watches, Clocks, Fine and Common Jewelry, Castors. Cake Basket ' Gold, Silver, Steel and Plated Spec . tacles, SQver Thimbles, Pistols, Percussion Caps, MetaUic ! Cartridges, Pine Scis-. I t? ,l ' ! I iielts, Powder ' Flasks, f I ALatnematical Instrunients SDrwTnfliftlnfl Vil, j - ' ' " rT v vuu - , Guitar Strings &c., &c. j : I l respectfully solicit a continuance of the former liberal patronage of my oH ctustouvers and the rxihlia I itcuvuiuiy. . , . , t i i i; if , . V " JM V fl i , , ! : wocjes ana watcnes repaired and warranted. 3r Jewelry and other work in the lino neatly repaired. Oct. 23, 1866. 29-lin-w BOOKS AND STATIONERY. rpHE BOOK ASiD STATIONEBY BUSINESS. JL of the undersigned is conducted, in their absence by Mr. 1. T. NEWIiY, on a strictly cash system. it Has Deen removed trom the Bank ot Clarendon to the iayettenall& Hotel BuilcUnz. Hav Street where or derH withcah or personal application, will be prompt ly attended to. '8epft.il. J. HALE & SON. 23-tf WESTERN RAIL ROAD. A Fimthe23th inatrainwiUberunooTir -ti. DAY, of every wuek, for the special purpose of transporting n uuu Wood will not be brought down on anv ctther day. .' i L. G JCLN'ES, Supt. p Oct 23. . - ' . 202t SUPERIOR .......- t . ... Imported Wines and Liquors. A TTt dosuroas of baying a pqra ortido of f FREKCH BRANDY, "TT. KCIX MADEIItA, PORT, SCUPPERNOXG . BQURBOK AVHISKEY, I . - v- ! , . - and PINU OU HUM, Will 4o well to call on 1 4, . MYROVER & SPB.UUIAK, no. 19. Hajstrt, : OcLZX ' 29-itt For PZa.lt - spades, shovels and fnrVo 7 J Tl and extra orea lidU, at " J T IV- U. JdATTHEAVS!. Oci2 2G CHEAP STORE AND NEW GOODS. DR. JAS. F. FOTJLKJES EESP?KCTfUvLY informs W frie anfl.mstom ers that he has now in Store a well selected stock U Jb Pall and Winter tinnHa ConsistiDo: in paxt of the follouino- .r ticlea: DeLains, Meriaoes, Alpacas, . Slack Si&s, French 1'UUa, Shepherd Do, Plaid Lindner, Cloths, Cassimerea, -SatineUs, Opera Flannels, tfiite Da. Bed Da.' Brown DenMstioc, J Urown Drills. ! Flowers. DeBage, Ginghams. Ladies' Long SkawU, vv ooien Kuawls, Bleached Domestics, Bibobns, . -Ladies' Hats and Bonneta! Undies Hose. Men's and Bots' WooI and Cass? 1Ttj. Children's Hose, Misses' and Bovs' Half Hose. ladies bnoes, m . Children'. Shoes, Men a Boots and Shoes. Thit- PwwJ. Laces and Trimmings, J . plumes. Floor OaCToths.1 Together with a arietr of other articlpn in a first class Dry Goods Store, These Goods have been selected with great care, and will be sold at ; WHOLESALE OR RETAIL at the very lowest cash. prices at which they can4e placed in this market Purchasers will do well U call and examine for themselves. ." ' , JAS. F. FOULKE3. P1- . 22-iCm ' NO. I, HAY ST., J- K- KYLE & CO.. ARE NOW RECEDING their FALL and TNTEB supply of DRY GOODS, embracing all article usually kept in a First Class ' ... DRY GOODS ESTABLISHMENT. Our Senior Partner residing in New York will enabla us to keep up our stock by every arrival, insuring tha latest styles at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. Purchasers will find it to their advantage ia examina our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Sept 25. 23-tf A New and Grand Enoch IN ' M E DJ C1MEI DR. MAGGILL'S 1 PILLS A1TD jSALVE. THESE wonderful medicines are now so familiar to the people that hut little endorsement of their val ue as a physic need be made. The pills of Dr. Mag- ' Eiel contain no mineral. They do not gripe, and thev do not enfeeble the sywtem by extreme burying. They are universal hi creating - . 'A VIGOROUS APPETITE: And correspondingly strengthen the digestion. They tone the liver, clear the head, and steady the nerves. To those who are not familiar "with the use oi DR. MAG 01 EL'S FILLS as an anti-bilious remedy, the following extracts from various letters will be, it is hoped, of sufficient impor-. tance to justify the quoting of them here: WHAT THE PATIENTS SAT OT t DR. XAGGIEL'S FILLS AND SALVE. The best Pills for headache I ever had." "My liver works like an engine, thanks to your 'I am pleased to say . to you, Dr4 MaggieL that I would not be without a box of your Pills for curiair me of morning nausea for the world." - You will find enclosed one dollar. Your Pills are onjy ceuts, but I consider them worth to mean VDzab Doctob My tongue had a far on It every monung like Uio back of a cat. Tour pins took k. away., ' . I took half a pill and erushed it to bowder. and nrm it in jelly to my little babe for cholera morbus, Th dear httle pet was well in three hours after." I suppose it is hardly worthwhile to tell yo tar burned foot has got well from the'- use of your Salve Enclosed find 25 cents for another box to keep i& their house." ... Send me another box of Salvet" Enclosed find 75 cents for two boxes of your iLicv giels Pills and one of Salve," ; . . The niQst gentle yet searching medicine I ever swallowed."-;., .. . j ' , .,, . 31AGGIEVS FILLS AKD SALVE Are aunoct universal in their effects, and be almost always guaranteed. . a cure can , FOR BILIOUS DISEASES -Nothing can be more productive of cure than thes ; "a uiu con ta i um ta or in is mot -distressing disease ox removed. ,U"hese remedies a made from VEGETABLE COMPOUNDS. They will not harm the most delicate- female, and earn be given with good effect in prescribed doses to ih youngest babe. " ' FOR CUTANEOUS DISORDERS And all eruptions of the skin the SALVE is most in valuable. It does not heal externally alone, but pene trates with tha most searchinir effects to tha verl rn.i of the eviL DR. MAG GIEL'S PILLS IXVAELUiLX CCJlfi XH JfOUCiJWIXO VISZIMZS: Asthma, Headache, . ,i Indigestion, . Bowel Complaints,' Coughs, Colds, ChestDiseasos. Cotitiveness, Dyspepsia, . Diarrhoea, Dropsy, . Debility, lnnuenza, 'Jt- Infiammation, . Inward "Weakness,! Liver Complaint, Lowoess of Spirit, Bingworm i SaltBheum, Scalds, i ' . Rheumatism, ' . -Skin Diseases. , Pfcver and Agno, Ecich lox qpjiiavis12 PUk. " ONE PILL IS A DOSK. 3rNoncE. None genuine without the eogT&nl trade mark artmnd each pot or box, signed by DC J. MAaaiEL, New York, to counterfeit whieb la felony' Sold by dl respectable Dealers in medicini throughout the United Suta and Canadas, at 25 cenU per box or pot. -6. . ; l or sale by JAS. X. SMITH," , Druggist and Apothecary, Market Square, PayetteviU, N. C. Aug. 21. . ' , . 20-l2m A NEW ATb GRANT HPQCH Dn. Magotxi. is the founder of a new Miml Sya tem! ' The quintitarians, rhose vast internal doses enfeeble the stomach and paralyze the bowels, mart give pueedend to the man who restore health and appetite, with from one to two of his extraordinary Pills, and cures the most virulent sore with a box or so of his wonderful and all he ding Sulra, These two great specific of the Doctor are fast superseding all the stereotyped no trains of the day. i Extraordinary cures by Maggiel'a PilU and Salve have opened tha eyes of the publio to tha inefficiency of the (.so-called) remedies of others, and upon which people have so long blindly depended. Maggiels PilU are sot of tha class that are awallowed. by thje dozen, I and of which every box full taken creates aa absolute necessity for another. Qoe or two of Maggial'a Pills saflico to place the. bowels in perfect aider, tone the stomach, create an appetite, and reodfer the apiriU light and buoyant! ' There ia no griping, and 'no reaction, in tho fornx oi coostipntioo. If the liver is affected, its func tions are restored; and if the nervous system ia feeble., it is invigorated. This last quality inakes the medi. cinea vary desirable for the wants of deljeate females Ulcerous and eruptive diseases, are literal! v extinguish ed by tb difctant power of Maggiel a Salve. - Ira fact t heee announced that tZagiePs' 1211 ious; JMspepttc and Dtturr&ea JPHIU cur where all other faiL "While fur Burmv Scald, Chil blains. Cuts and all abrasions of the skin UOffiePm Salre in infallible. Sold by M.Gorrx, 11 Pinet New York, and all Druggista, at 25 cecta per boi