I- 1 I VOL '.2.1 ;t . . , ;t- : " ' ; LL t ?1i ". ; U .,. . . ' 7. 7 f.- ; :'i 1 1 7 i j ..ty "' J: 7 7. 7.;- il H , - 1 .-1 .... - i.;--v - J . : ! I . . I 1 " THE EWS. ! PUBLISHED EVEllIf s TUESDAYS - Hl .Lr& J y5R 0 Y E.R, Editors and'Proprietors, " ' r - FAYETTEV1LLE, N. a I : ."'ilt.viVi TEIUUSi Weekly, One year,! . $3 00 Do, r .... . Six months. , , ,. , g CO On Sitiar, 1- inch or less first insertion, $1 00 : , each subsequent insertion .t. . ' 50 For one year, one square:...,;. ' 15 00 For six months, For three months, " i ; . . i . . . , . . ... . . For Quarter Oolamn, 5 squares, 3 months, .V ' " ft ' 4t 6 9 12 9 00: 6 00 $25 .?rP? man's face: and a' horrihlvIZ2 gOfth Jn cst!ig; nod dread w.ug ujr a uw comer, ;a young ;man ai the -Vol .tV tu.oea,l5hao -tXVl" na a,, man? - For Half jCoFumn, 10 squares - 3 i -,.!; : .'.Vv:-;;Ll2i;r:- ''4.125 .- 20. squares 3 months..,. 75 60 75 "Tor On Column, 1 4. '' 6 9 12 125 150 200 THE BEST MAN WIKS kER. CITAPTER I. a fry n-i - . v lum iuurfsor as rha r t.: 11 friend, Nj Jsleyi and saying that he had come to the Gathermg on his way to Bkli quhidder," his lather havina tnU u sheep-farming thereand how, for auld ac quaintance; sake, hemightbe lucky enouch tagethis lessons injarnitng frorfcTan, hifc jeIMaJess0n he meant.to rut in practice as arl2r Australia. ! Tarn was pleased to find his friend had, not forgotten him, nor Was he .pr6jof against the compliment neat ly ottered to his farming mUli nr.... J j. . I . j -i; 15 oniu. -i illuiCUVCr ;"c7, , "eife i ot hospitality ;amon the Celts, and Tarn made his young friend welcome td the best his house afforded, so long as he (iked to stay. ir-haired, blue-eyed man, tall and hgt-jimded, but with the muscles and sinews ofa priz,- fighter. . Ho had been It . T r;c, )ovf(uul in xmiourgn, was we iiy day" jyast Ace tbe Mrox and protec iion o.the (Country. . ; . ; , , borne ten years ago a descendant of Rob Hid woy in the loveliest partQlBertshire, i nestling among the often-sung Braes of 3alguhidder, lies Loch Voel, upon the Jihnrpft 11 f -which T?rla"Riiir 1ivaI an1 r 1 . . . t ... at im -ana wnexe, in 1-1 quiet loneiy ki rK-yard,' ! n f in l! m-rAA U j 7 7 0 . "-wc -...t.;.ni:.; 1 . li 7? ' ' 1 . i . f .. UP mHmodftril tomes, and ah h frt h!,l f.k crests 1 ;i n .a 1 pure s omeiu ana ner aid." - iihnn nhii.a 1 T 111 There' We M'Oregors 0U io theletad' of SinnaStrulnrry reaC,,e,i the " ;l D.lihi4d M.'4-regors who e.k with ffife Bro .except ;wt. chirfsi Olid imonirst whom no ".toW ir .;. l"! .1"1 ' !" 8r'!i. brought down their i,oPulw as those which trVat oi the wild SF3i.S .dayswhcrithecJari with the "namenatnelew dielS "f " uc? f ' Kiel was. no idle or losrej fiverwth MfflM 3 ? ,n;Ve J?er. we., told,; is sure to 5-fqt.bTader. iSSS, : ' teti f' iD gollc..:haired . with whra iiiei.di S iw 1 ?Z '?? be. one toig laugh. and to whom the world JSCS Jvv ""i 1 "? W-a"ed ,or tf W ,,?i,her frowns, no, .uds. brWht thl ?fg bear, Jler latheV, Tarn M'Gregor, mh a fwmer, Sth- tff ' f i"5R STCct ha1 and well-to-do for lu. stltjonj his aous heji fll' v"? ""'V &f,ed "OW 1,8 ,ed him oq thetilla, and Helen was a.tidy hX'' y W, hand in the house, quite able to take many Si L r 1"" ,00 loVK .i.rP.:.froif.-hern.oth,r'i.b0ddpr.:v -.. , Wec.betn 1lle !wo- and yet. before Thee stood away from the chaican,! Sffir ",Ut rear the foot of Meal-meach. . A lovely lit- wLwTmOi ? . k C-uM thu ..esteadihgit was, too. with highrey tt 1 " vd rocks.on.one s.de, or. theplher a oak.and, d thoi bn J, ai Oow Sed" helove Jwrch vood. among the branches bl which wis jrtin.uE i t . love biter lUtSh $mM!J? wing, Nelly," rt brighter and warmer hinds. KPtW' Z'v"-" ca"";r"ni"n8 Tarn's cottage had served the wants, of Z h ,7. ''r escP"' fiom " - mr-t - i SKj"D,ue snood, the grav cotton short jrnvvn to tllC QUPCn ! 8at nnntliPP no rr , i'viouu. ri n ipti ; lickle ails me. Tam M'M. ; -It r V11 P,liin cIothe8t the ordinary co- rqma - o't. x I tuilie OI A nriVftrA crnth.- tt ' to tak yuVeU&an f " rf hUnCU' -"redd ma.r, and to shame a hypocriTe w ' the Z ? th? n Ci mV . Mr.Brown.' truth." : V 5 Ji Wl tfte. u,r A' .the Queen's carriage apppared Her lu J- V6 uw i,u me people first 10 the nffht. then fn thp lofr . and continuouslv with no phn l - III 1(1(3 eenv and nmi hti amrai;A. . - the creat Tho nUr-: m,:. l::r ne.r. Iace- WIon-iij r... . ; " vo.y.crwueira ner, , : man giowerinjr down nnon UU i, 1 7-; ..TT t;-.uence; ot T , ' - 7 noP hiding her at.xietv I,ln-'an went on speaking r hJ f "?.wn on, cnieHy.I be ieve th - .i . wou her . The fifth;dav h ad ; r.rtmo flHCRs 08 the bills previous season, and cr if u.f fpll inWrK " ouc inat ttien-- x!a ne tellow, and you all hear with road to BenarfliCk V nt i,". man, shake hand Jour road to IJen Lodl. nnH nar l With miv an.! w.. .1: ttuu your younglHigfdenand-, "frS'fWte: wJ, lbv said bea knIte dVdw 1 d tun"urieac oyr8ee nff rHelen's oaI in. i" ." con tin- ,,A,ci,. iam glanced at h in too r iPPL9 ,jj0j. J.::.-7 1, 0 -Veit?n 8 uai mine to his cooscienu w w i Nie Pa fpA . . ",,u loo- glance, ot the vie- i-doK mut B; i 5?n in C;7I 41 siV .-.V- U9 Il50-and h.s eyes all si tui k wiiii. i hii i I r r 1 1 ; v .-j . . : j' t ' .' - ' I'lic ill i no nnni uiiii : irwr cri tma . . . i-'iiiiiiseiii leara that urn..i.i .... . . . : v . i.- . n ; p ir o crowd ispercetf. Who wa that carrmtrn urit-K'it.A ' o..i .-r . . . w . n iui Lilt wijmTir" - iiiuiMj policeman - near whoin I stood," and mlin.. T I 11 ... . A uaa oeen tulkiog. "Bless heart' said he. A U C a 4 T I VM 111,111 acB belore? ; Tiinfafr nrnn. at m o : ..11 it i i - n an xiencianu ni i .c' Hid herself amomr th wh; : . " ' Dimn', n.,. - ; e man i 1 Dow,, the pass came the sheep, fillmff! knees by Niel's side, and covering will 7 ? lhat hc can,t e,P lt he ...r with their voices,stopPing ow 'Ziracwi'' l.and. sob aCi. " 5 LW r a' 'i"" S out of her sight-day then to snatch a mouthful of heather. 'Na. na, Niel, 1 canua let alone. I maun dHr, !l t.. r66 ,,er-witl1 that wiJ' fc'' iy' 'neing away to" the hill-sidt tel. them. Let me bide, lad: it?s hefi hffi0lJP? P Prince Al- jtl lilt place. Aud when I ; ,a 11 'h fittest ben sleeps comfortable in that fine tomb I hae your forgiveness shes built for him Miaft all And Ljes to the Almiirhtr ni.u .l a"' And th d .0..v . a, uounuins: i.. , ucu a uae vour lorcrivtnpaa I ho. k own over scaurnnH h,K.-K..i.0 ...v, ?-r (r im n rr,b .r 7. lVr61VtneM ne-a b was nearer, and. d'byVhe soSs i" 1 1. . 3 f" locust trunchl uiBgwn, nad-. tur.ied as d ami ru,, uk" v , V. . . - ,M , 4 . ' . . ILS n.iu upon a roc, along the foot of which n; air. ana nrnrdud nr Mull r..n I : ..txir..n ' f: x ' . i, .. i WOW, a throne. ' tn cfV,lAK ok.M I ,V.r.rao icil.it, Uuncan "said Niel. founds "I " w uwu,u ? I "l Vr , Pas8,nS' did she recognize 8eJ laying his hand upon the kueeW tbe Iovp n fit " V S r.e:erence her old col ley, thevery.Moss she had civen:i an'a shrulder.... .-. 1 eiing tUe iloie ot the people. Neither awe. nor L.1!-?. '-Pl her; nfouth Uf? sternly"! no ,et the S Llhf f o.. .cam, mrward tawateh thrirt !.,.u iwarst. ram nm Hi, m- t .-. -.ct'- :y hjok. upon t heir ailing into his pd . de;-,dS " Or as bad. for I had tb , hoc art &i'ect. ."r "" "P" ? and huw inr iiuur rt.. . J i o.t frt fL-. iT it xt? r !" Heart ner subjects believo hpr tn K Ti, . o i UUCK. WaKllltr Pvonr ' w larc "is nie. 1NI0I Cllt m nnr t 1.1 . . ' . ru ; f-i " 1 ? -t ., i . -...wv vim. iiupi sninu on..... - y-v r !r u u. u.epass, and rousing a perfect storm ; J...r Mad wP-jealousy. I said weM "J I ZkT.. "I1"" ,U,US8'. .V.ne tUe 01 oieatinir. , 7 . to Ke ver' .fV,r . i. i .7 ?. ","J4:',M,C was iinpeUjiiir lier dauirh. I : HTI1E3 res couBnra v .v.:. ; , VFhe "ing'good adv ct, tho o..t.t A4 - . . ,uuJCcMs trom t petl of John Quill, who seems to have had ratLer.a blissui experi n.ln;wIaUotitofW(A;atttew 1. Ne-.'cr ro mnHmr. .u ? '1 ' ' ; ' Vr.M kl i fcUC S,r 'parents., - J xou d better edrj in fh. -u? K tT - j -wt wu t marry lier if v don't trr. unl er 7 , -'7 t. you, rind Ton may be able tc hvph If h,. i r haid on iyou. . ,0'": Oil Pftll na n..l. . y-w iHucu as possioie. ; If the dJ 4 tie dIr f.L-1 gwntc you, the lit , ingyou. J ; ;.1 -.7 "a fcipoT , .did tiiis Way, ana my prt V-thaw pourd at me, teach the dog U bita nin in 1 the trowsers I climped over the fence. ' 11 !th0)-ring board.. If:;: ... cf,ewn ia AersouIinconseqnca of her conduct however. rh.,. A..ncV ' it yet. j . ' - uuueca- 3. If you see any other lellows prowHa-' about always euchre th-m if vnV T .. , you see one of them buvinrr tirk. fJ .u" :. O ui IUEJ sh a k e n a n d d ry . Th en rry prince Christian who - . Helen tried tn u.. u. . ! n.7,n .hull ; '. xV "f e cer Helena to mar, - one, uui uer ims wen i m. auci wuu nara V pan? I u ... . . . " d him bv : " W c'a him through the cou v ! '""..r d- . " Kiii a tfiir.i i i .i. 7 i smii will me luinpr nt B r t , - uhjci ui a th Pr, tua A-'t , 1 . r'1 as "1B incess He- ... uici i teuu nerseji. iiufitu . . . ne. and catch' him n,j . i: . " T 77". UUV4 "'""miea Came. The dofr i:uno i-nd,;.... . . V side fViria rtivurii .1 . . t , --a . -.v. i wouiiig op 10 ner mm iiit-u ue went. .r,u.waV wniMiig at lier.. side, . lickiii" wnen 1 Sot to 11 her hands and face. As somi na ...... ' got possessum o w'.M.hthe SKovrris ."r" r bl""ll?: w' ta . blue I 1 ."'t"'"1"-.:..' Wheii I heard tell , he was thi S ""a.C,fi.of we r,"" was l,eu round Moss's neck ncarlv 1 "lie gang mad. Evrv fut I t.r I,.,, i in ja aaving ex-! on o ujacKass L?.. wool-' Helen l-Hi-l 4 wlen the dapt jd!md T. 4t-couiuxeu. cue-'ribbon-? it-.. ...J' ... L atvi never r.-m i it . .1. .' . . I .: "kmi y uusumins nun- i -very, .unwise ai " w uurK ni3ii . no nui tu.ifi ;i . i hui dif t .1 r. . - i ... - j . hot bunim coa a' v..n. i.(.s.v..i , . i cue prclended vy A recollect I wna en rrf,! -.1... r iis-i . . . . ""i i.u uii my ui-pu. mnrri.ipp. - . rr. . : e- v . - -.- - 1 - m--w r iwiii i 1 irri r tfrr mm.i 1 .t ti -. - ! iiviiicu "wos vrwu. 4n irouiCT Incf -l. 1 tliePrJnee nf UfDl..a ; - i.;..- u .? . ir?.ucr &t -tako tnf,0 1 sT : F""'. meu , iia-ipeaK ifnne a. naa. like an old jackass, ad begfn .bujinf tea- snoons. mi . i.:r.. . r uwuers, ana - candles. 1. hers; and she knew no h-iud but could . .vuMauuu. piui.is, ings, With elaborately: nd house-leek predominating. KVht'B nA-.,J Koaes and honeysuckle flourished in the S.iii,;' tl 1 i 1 Jintl P llOtui-lnrf i'i.nr.,1 4-U t t 1 J . I J i narrow borde,r, and, clustering round the windows, met gay and thriving geraniums, yotive: offerings from the gardener at Glen biickiej.'h.o was qua of Helen's many ;, .'ad mirers. Helen, being fancy-free herself, Ism lassie, w te? half the lads LU. one s in tne IVrV 3,hreH D-n,ipuir lad, fient a tillehe ll gie rfow, but gangs as dour- v ;';Wh(-eslit, faitht-r!" cried Helen, sh 'it linn- ns mouth with a rosy little palm. Here's was wont to maKe a joKe aboul ove; and A rKp r,tk n.,7 , ,, , c :.t 4 - . ' as sne spoKe Duncan stalked un to thp not caQng for either lair or gatherings, es- ida'or j It was V P .Mm.i1-fnnAh nf thp inhU . T 1 1C Wa? W to see that scmethiti": innldpn lived. 8he could 'no mnrnnvrtwl era than can the violet hide away her trea sure8 from the bee. "Iove will venture in where he darna weel be seen, and accord scapeu muc , oi u,e goS p. wnicn attaches Ud gone against the grain; the express on to other girls. Yet, quietly aa the ' ttleJ Uflh r.. 7. ' in. exPress,on , ' .. - . t' - - I'Vi iiw i ii iU. Liin; iiiiih nr Ilia 17-V1 i .... .....ii i; ....i i . ii , i x r ma vi"i v kjait,' were (jhariged; his clothes were thrown on with a Carelessness unlike former days, arid his eyes, restless and bloodshot, turn- uoW Helen's lovers Uh W . K ; ' Uelen, as he made some 'cojqinonpiafce remark, to her father "con- slaekin.makin theirwayfothefarm; while, Urning the! weather. ' ' con "I"- , ! r Helen s color, deepened. Somethinrr ?n r , p.,,v'" ne man s teyeg struck Uke a kni place by the ingle nook, andwhile talking bdt 10 tne, jaruier oi me ewes, wool and mark- th " . : J .". 1 J I . . . i , ! , r ets, wouiu nope vw eaten a stray glance. Rinner iuhu usuai, iioiii xeien; wno, now ver. went on with her sitinninn- a if m " - - .7, j r-r---- - rr -. ,-r IB eyen wee seeking hers, and 'there . was no such tding as love or -Wooing; 'And many a lad douotiess thought, wiUi ilobbe Jilli- 01, inat "wnirung a uig sucK wr a thread trailing to it," was bulpbor and tiresome work. j . ; - ' -. :l - '-j One;came ofltener than the rest, so often that it was whispered about that Helen and .Duncan were courting, nor did Duncan at- tempt to deny what in his inmost heart was true. He had loved Helen long, and only waueq ior a larm 10 enter tne lists cpenly. Now he had a farm and decent house to take mirJr tin Ii irt t nt tlx A ' .inkl . a!.' . 1 o who iv, hc I'lyugiiif me ,,o,' . nine nau come; and soon seeing he had the good will of both father and mother, he was content to wait patiently Until some! happy day when Moggie' heart would waken up and his lomeet it8Teward. And if Duncan .was patient it was because, never having doubted his success, he experienced a sort of gratification in beating down his passion, or anticipating from a distance the time when illelen. would spin by his own hearth, and pny him . back. . tenfold for what . she made him suffer how.' 't : - t , i:vh-x al Thehone8t folks in Balquhidder called Helen a lucky lassie, and watched the court ing whb general interest, not unmixed with envy, Tor Duncan was one of the handsom est and steadiest of the "young men; ?more than that, and whatjperhaps went even fur ther imongi the girls, ; Duncan -si was : the champion wrestler," runner," and1 hammer thrower, and twice had he carried offprizet from jthe Braemer . Gathering, v Duncan's courting made no further impression upon Helen; whea the.Qathering pf 85 drew on, , Alt the world, went itoVBraemar t tliat year, and .Duncanrinacb to bis surprise w iL. . . r- - in nin . 1 r i . tiiiwirniiini.' a ai i - r - - m rs a k - she ,hi,;ke- .h l-amih;, cam tonZZ oY , eln" t K'e '-7 uiifas ened the stnng, and found a little bit Utuv(' "'"J l'-a awa. whar 1M never otl.erTJ wL.n H V """ ,J""J tUc relitlH,h,nX were' necessary, and ,fa ' ' f white cabco. and read on it written i 1 . krtmed la til" the d.y o' judgment ?led l2 -if ! . "'"V ,fi'rl wlw "; babJ"Ju:?P'!r had shrunk so that" when w-:!" b ood the words, EWp 7 WV CW l 0N!drmnn,.y ken what loviKr Mounm T.. """'""H "f B',",.',,ber1?t f JUtU Quill. mto ,V jV , Helen cannot tell fo ,his how ,f I but even y.,u ,ia t,l w,at .J,' " f "".t was not cou,,led - J,Iy jerked up, and came h full" V" home; but m little more than half an hfu i "'C1 I'MW-,,eitl,-.r bluW.or.d,,,iia,irw ruark ll L T?' ?'8ra,tory re- "r: ba tcr.ng the devoted, child's brain, the , f aJachan wa, deserted, and ,C men "" 'f L 'b; ' w.. her l i r". Ye Jj Zt l'T f"r Knl'f ' 1l,ioS-' w,lil g-' ' and women were all ou their w-iv ITL M"M (oru5 me, N..v i... r.r I . JS t0 ?ltf " f lbo lutant jji terms which an-WS, hanogbeeg Itej4t ia a box with -'-, Keiver's CraS. a barren , rock t , IM''-' W Ecr P i J"i8""t-J ' P-.rew the baby tafi : mouutans, from which it was said aC:1'11 - trj to . fcrjie ye,' and r awa1 fives on J of9 C.,ir'stli"'.'J a pauper; he ; d 'e (it was a bov had spaY ia - ' berland reiver had been fluu- ir. rh.M content." ,. ? m l,u-8 '"be Queen's bounty, who i ot j crib for fourdays. ' I.",-.:,.. days. The miles of mtelJ'Shni Tarn wa, the lt to hold out . the hand 3 tTZ,? Pri"Uw.,netln"!i , If? 8irl ' J.nH give It t.p, ' were soon crossed. l h. ' of fomive,,.. l I,.. .... . "."? . P . ready money. L-,st winter she 'ry it eainj- Bu,. -...:?! ' - 11? Ill Oj-lSVn.n. . t ' V l I C SIKJII I I llVwUf I An,f f vf r:riiiifir : r- - wvv iv 11 11 i fvii nr i & r i ... ... . i i t 1 1 u iiifli . i iii it 39. vfirai r r tva.. j i w . t rv i t rr" . juesiev was resruH r.-rt. !.. , . .mm ti,tn i,,,w.n., . . . : .ruo iur nun uv e vinir ,,iac an umrmaiive in irr-..m.. u . and safe, but not an t VtV.:. V5-TI,.n , ,h.. ;" rTS.-,. . "n,.a. "niMion in the cuards, and Tnlac- don't consider vourseifeV." 1 ound.poor ladl tl,ey WhU k- "SK K'nl'L ttZi uu.u upn. i-ruiriad- he's pravin', mavbe" th,,hf r,i V7 . rr1" ",oc u, lus.ier 7 .7 at last she got to xrx-t n r. n Ln . " . , o""' Vl "'"i "vxiuichu iiui i ie hMwsn(rfffi ,.n peci u whinpv.ip I ... i - - . !'He, had s'PP'-d over the Crag, and'in )Ui- Gregor, who had fallowed her old I auiiie io inu uoor. .... .-' , , - tii? ovlu" , ... " wwir, anu - sometime "i ot this raised such a clamor that thp PrWa i would holler nut- .r..t -. . - , . , A tJ j VNB - IIIII m . i ,. ; I eut- his -com-jtue tjiri before I got fait ly Vthe hoase."5 :i . Kissall thp liffl .i,;u,.n : . '--t 0 . uu i.iuuuE.-aca whin niQh - . t i m i i ' t t m tii v . .. ivir-i ji i ii i iaii(i ivdv . m m . . w : - v 11 i in i r m m m m mm n-k a a. cleft, he bad faile.. Sn 1 "7 fo V ,0" bv " Pr ce Sf ??, rf " if are dirty and do suY.' ' had followed, 'but it was Vhe fourth Kvicom.ade of Duncan's, and then t kL 1 W,'nI"ns batIt 'he-popular f candy in your hair. Lei the boy ,,,, : ' fore he could get the faithn. taTe " first time that !le I, id ea & anT dXo mid. '. 2" " QTQ ha,!:Nth JTU-and raatB '0' 3fS - 7 h.m, and bear tidings that might savel im." .di with onefof the gallant ret f ,ded a vJa ' Sine" , ? ,T'rr ?"! " ft X?r ! II " " tnuP C"J y pV' " 1 Such was thoaccount Neil eaved ; ''". afterwards nieMamed -Sir Coli??. A , l7' . Since llie dotb of hi. father. "S1''-, ,'; " - V'.. , eh was the story that meuas f S Pieoats." .he poor orokeihe ted ' d .tX Int MW -ason ! "I .Mta,; whL he no' hi sut ."S "l did thaf, ' ..,' ,7 Ml ... wards,' when the braes i , w , - iu. - ; v"6,J 'i-n a exand Ihfi mVRLHrtnuJ ilisannooror. ,.c t. i t aicuuu ey, that the full significant nffh.f i . . ca""ied; their relicion ;friuninhMnrlir Was reveal to hrT :: I thTilh these tmible days when a bloody uduuiu was inought a good shelter." It was nearly -a month sln. tk- j lany.pna various; were; the reports cir-!'1 becn: carried home from the Cm cu ated., until bv, the 4 PTnlrufinn '.f ..- 1 Xllllht had lUSt fnmp Kti 1 1 ltri.. Ll.l I davs thev all settled down ;nrn r, most like, twilight. Tr,i:i0 -.-i.- , - judgment against Neil-a judgment which P'P0 preparatory ;to his early bed 'time the n'a niilrinrct rtein F ...J I. . i 1 Wnmdn l.-llr ;Ken ' cii3 MHiiiiitr anu -jNiel, lyin Helen's outburst of trrief and nl atrivn Iface nnwittiiigly strengthened; and it was linn iv Leiitfveu iiiul ieii - n vmn i-irnn -1,..- Joye, had grown f tired of her, and, to rid Mmself of ber arid his debt of gratitude to he;r father at once, hadj made a moonlight Hitting, Efuncan-openly-took little-part in all that was said, so ninrri on f u..U r ; ; , i -, T ---w.. ou tuad Liiuao My PbPl? wn afe alwaysinl aJtrarilvS, looking ;atterj their Jieighbors'gagairs began to hold hihi ubTas an examnlnf nncoifiK generosity.! 1 Therer was 7 one however, to iVvnofn tiia (tiipn nnn n riittai.cn. : : c .. I . "'MV-lbl. U tklgOIIJUa- lion, and that was Helen, who, from the upon a. couch; Ue laird's sister; hadsent to Tarn s perplexity, who interrupted many times with, denunciations' against the text.: Suddenly, the open doorway: - was darkened and Duncan stood in the entry m ,? Welcroeladi'crienm' j.'8 !? limtearthehaver8V they . bu& tv - j 1 lu preP? aoooc lne . W Gregory Kead. that 7 asaiu. NieL , ti llt UTrlDr l.n ...... sprvthpOnPmf r; " ? io me uuuse.; As his wife wasthen yinj; ve- ejtr I wnitpd nl rt - 'ri V "Vinr opposed that the deep interest exc ted by Int hrf un l flnl 7 ,Ur the reform.question had tempted him from Ivtl .n ' t Crf,,,S are' f her bedsMe.- But in the midst of Disraeli", every class of society. I amused mvsefbv .11, tU 7 ! ufomnrf t- . - - i"i - i" uiniiiucanfu. . na ........ i . i i i t.-4 l,one.waicing as pone other could, hzard voice, looking rou mi rr.ii lorir mcinnaw . mr v . ' i . ".n.v'iT,M'rt': ve iccc anu -saw t!Ay,-ay, man, S t down siid T.,m l!ptat rhad ) come ppon .thi! ta - . - -....wf,vs in i aril uy listening to their conversation.- One name was vc.y ouen mentioned by. them -it was that ot VMr. Brown." I had often heard of nuiyoui nad never seen him.- I will not repeat what I heard; it was only a repeti tion of what had been : whispered to me more than two years ngo, and that I had since hear.! Jn parlors, in club rooms, on the.strei t, and in confldeniial discourse. Ii is not necessary to sav wh.th tr T K.l I...... : the point is that theI people believe it. There, was a little stir' about the gates of aiariDorougu House? the policemen bleared the street and made the'people stand back to the sidevvalk.4-5 A'srgnal was given, and the gates wercJhrowji open. 7 . ...77.7 A detachment of mounted soldiers emerg ed, then came an opeu carriage drawn bv four horses ridden by postilions. Upon the back. seat-was a lady dressed very plainly, and7 wearing a black bonnet with a widow's cap. : She seamed to. be sleepy her face very full and: flat, .was Pushed;, her eyes were, dull and almost, closed. Upom the driver's seat wero two flunkies with pow dered hair, and coats covered with gold lace; .'upon the knifeboard behind two-footmen similarly arrayed; between them1 and were suon.alterwards tnuiul in rr;vA box of the Alhambra Theatre, a house at which no decent women ever are seen, and to which gentlemen go only ubroa. These are tri&Vs but they are the kindxf trifles that indicate important things. ; At -the time when the people of England have at tained a political power they never before possessed ct the time when they r can,--if they;will, sweep away any and all abuses, and rid.themselves of any and all useless incumbrances; at this time, the royal fami ly of tho kingdom ; have alienated l, them selves from the people, aud the people from them; and have left nothing to bind them to their rubiects but thp vnmiA rnA i:r..t... : traditions ot loyalty, and that fear of change which is one-of the strnnrrnst ;nfl,...... . - o-"-- "iimcuvrj that control the English people. This tra dition "and this fear will do well enough so long as thejkies are bright and the seas smooth; but when a storm ar i s, they, will hp. iftiinil fn Ku nM.lf- 1 .i ; , . . t - The number of feet nf I . luaiiuiat tured at St. Anthony Falls, on the Missis wppi,; last year, was over 7l,4lO,51S. yilu ed nt SI .Ran inn :r:i .o . great.-many. ancient : iruns amonff-tlifl milif rv Jifv.KA- I . o , . ' '"s4f .muiliu Ci J til Wl.lcn nri vnlnnMa .-ft m..:.: t . .- . nothing else. -Tho Luxemburgen-lament ,-9 bitterly the loss of the rganisou, which is nv not very unnatural, as it hW ' '-'i-l cd that the Prussians spent one hundred and ! '1 ninety thousand. pounds ;a year'among thW;? . t tuwWpeople., As some Jittlo corapenia- tioo King Grand Duke hasorem! tu msko Uie town a present of the buildings prert- Kl ously employed for military purposes.': ti ' 'A-t also of the ground gained by the destruc--' "'- tion of the fottificationft.' A. thin V?nnVr; is not1 valid without the tunt rf th rK. ber, the latter was ib'raeet'on the 'SOth inst: tb: confirm' the- act.1 ; ; ,'7 7 .7 7't V" -V - ' 7 Every doctor7in respectablet practica irx .. uou11151.u11. ua9 unuer ; ireaiment frota, -::-- twenty to fifty cases of typhoid fever. Tbi - ht diseas? is unusually fatal. .l: i-. .If ' , , , Philo Bradley, of Hampden Co?;tt, c'snr lT -:. sends to Chatterton'g fruit storV; 871 Broad- A Vj way, strawberries as big as billiird fcallsV 7 " cheap, and twice as -luscious. 7. 7 - . 7 A "Chicago paper thus sums up th n iults;of Hancock's campaigns-air.;: th5 ,.: Ifintanat U A ft l a - ' -nuer marcuing. eleven hundred t . - 77 cavalry a distance of eig'.t hundred- niilrs, - -:: With Prodiniftii' tmnmrrt 1 . i o niiiua, u succeeded in capturing one old ' Sioux wifi ' i Vbro!scn leg' end uu idiolicCheyeaua giV X -.. or 6" p nu make an enrare- inent with the girl, and get your tickets af- 'l I terwards; and whea thev is nousc & ways act ss f you were at home and 7 tfcej '7 were only vrsitors, sad uever ieare rst L V . iJnlnT ud h'S' an ' hlve freqnentlr -U 8at until daybreak. urhSUt.. r.r, A . . , .1 ? . .---- -c mir one snoreu .. th-re yei if the fellow had stayed. ' 4. ir the old man has worldly w.altfc.erl' "! pre, a dislike to greenbacks, ind fcilkV : V -er.ng afterIoveinasm.il house.;. . : ' lien von inninr,. :ri mi. j don't tM oa you koeesit., ridiclo..:eI Sides UMHir rwjr.1, - '

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