.2W3I! HJJIV:. .SYAI SiiT " 'nrT on i"t'i v-i kh t 1 w -- . ,. - ' .ft . f .J T ' v- I . TT m I vr 5 1U jUI ijkA..- u a. -w a j ' -1 U a ! J Jiuw;- , f.aw j WUlTtvi r'.;i ! M U .hoi,;) aril 1 J iruuiU ftiTi-hr, Jf fc? ; Ir-.l -1.1 1.. ...f ... . ' , I 1 Trr i . -'A ' PUBLISIIED-EVERY -TUESDAY. Editofiaaa-'sProprietors, FATETTEVlLiLE. rN.' G. On year,'- -;t3'.a - $3 00 iff" "','5' Oil Siiuitfe, tl inoV or lefii ftfst innortion; $1 W)1 . Fcr one yeai. one square'. ;15 00 r rr" it laosths, ' . ........" "0 "Per Aria monthVf ' ' Snt'V."."..',, 00 For Quarter Column, 5 Kquaresf," 3 inontbs, $25 f. v; 1. 1 r . . '. . f i t :.,,. :4Iif? 1 f- '.-i-. '." -i ;.'; ' i1 !i9'i'1 iGQ Vor Kklf OoUmn, 10 gqnar 3 j - r 40 . & r ;. . m U. X t Jr ic- k. C". :s Wlllll 'Hi 1 If Mi' 125 Tor On Colaan,- 20, wimares. , f months, 75 ft 12 BULWER, CAELY1E, AND DICKENS-' t t f i Allan tjc Cijy Cox. cf Cincinnati 'Gazette. who cannbtfefmin frdnV bursting infolatfstii ter, ,Yoa ciin, tell .af,onceK on .looking at u his face wbicisbjr nojraeanexpre8sive in Hr6rtinticirdefat: t "V? . "" V ' -v ' .'-r - 3-5;' i ween, wnicn nas Deen inus rpiateo to m satinzes. , JJickens precisely ft8 he writes. A' y6lihg hha frorii ;Ptiila Jetphia TostlHa j" . - . i . - .- t was; president of' a prominent etical hlo6ili npvv'bbsefvlniri'aU!. superficially, and yet whata eerijheurUis ; theTeVarVa vefyealtS cpnceaien;onueLiju8resi a en I t iat he CUrrpntfl nr ihoitir l4f.ro r . . I . .,. ,...- r -7----r w waa unwilling, on account oi nis poverty j tue conirarj, iui f.na vgreajions snriug. il the observations of life; he wo u Id be not li inir withdutf seeing, 'observing aodliyihg with what e beboJds, ? -HftS-.iia-. i 4riforinHime'8'h'is';.-wifc n'-'stately-lady, was. to Jbe jseeq prj Kqcli occasions. , Ijr blaekiycfs, ifulli fbrm measured conduct, we re" i u st r Ikin cpti t rust with1 ti lose, of her usban(viid.',w diiarivl vvhrlch disturbed '4heVn&!&tf6hs''a'na to H ronbseJ m arrlage, -even though" heh ad tasoii to believe that, his 'passion wasf jfS4 iurnediir ' made this confess f i6 W6f htsif riendsjand tlitft story fls n4paesjy una pnue. rtacnea.tue ers X)i .me young;jIadyj apdtouphe her, yery qatural- iy4 1jli.4 UUva b-J.t :tiut r. ''fe ,h,: .f.i: li .IAr fe vv weeks after, th e fai r Phi lad el phian was-drivhig'ort the beach'itonopwhen -hflr 1hdrae7.bcaier;tri2htcWed-;..at'UF atfd II. -7 T j lo Aing oi. to.evi, voluptuous tmellxjf physic'-V Kea oi Dy-in'iaio air; uyron. n4us -'What wouidat 'tnoc, seafaring; taMi7,, iked thii KTn?: u r - - 0 ,TH Qnring thrilling. nartjTe i frym n;.nnpn- lished history "by Artenia;.aTd -cf ; iheSepuhlio M Franse, daring the time of its subjection inner: the rule.of the Ottoman Moraopa,'! Eoletlo 'jhe 31oerii3 opposed to relet to Lord Byron, an Italian i who rst visited those shore as idealer in fark, end whose.' snb Heqtiini"hatr83 of the Dichesa oTBirmingham extend4 d CTea to the Kihg: Those noble title rancA Jber lud! berlU'l! and e are goTerned to mich; thisis U last ef eartW 'are n6C.howeirer,t)igiriai With-Kbbetkr, hving We tmee ttrpremted by Cardinal Keefcer in'? th" a Amexicaa Consrress on the occasion 6f that cenhtrf Oe-i rhamatan ' t .'v:M ; f claririf war against Afghanistan : ot iaity;yea! r:ina inLliia litirn ri? ni'.riviiv nmi in tiiar , :urur: siory opens iiiiiia eariy, pare oi ine yparr17. lYaice' was rocking wildly from, centre to. clrcumfereoceriTherarchi despot and unscrupulous man.'Ricliard tha fftl'off ati ,prjt:us4 !j?acle;; SK$ lost al TcotS- L J JI. .was trembling like. an.aspen. leafi upon Vrot of Vrified 'ahiiiijtlwmcD:- had !iunl Lbi 1 1 th rone i J .Hei ; had. been ;V8uccessfulv infongit me yaiuaoie 'aia oi liicneneu and --The-cona nd mm and - ep 1 grara.--csWJ Ih'o New YorUi-Comrriircil) tri-pc?aaps tha on, nis maritime 'ciocnmg and ruttinir on an expensive suit of silk, bespaneled wltfi diamoiids ... This! T am Roberto vlhe This!" cried the Rover. anrlWW t ? ! m8t appropriate dishes in which tr rervn - v 'mvui f MniUfc .1 ' t a . ' ' . . , , w . w ju eactut The methods, of the two arc. dif ferent,' The conundrum states a nroncsi Rover!" .,'21: 1 ',' i'; . tiont.and requires an answer without a de- The K.ing,was. thunder?str'uck. Cower- nioristration. The-Epigram - argues : -tha- mg back in his chair.oltate, he- said in) Hwo'na reaches a logicd conclusion: a. tonc: of mingled feariandaraaiementj 'jThO'Epigrani; is; i!ow'.v . The' conundrum' 'ii We1l may-1 be gauMarhed!?.! ii hut ! .quJck.; Tho If tter 'requires ' accuracy b 'Ber-Fud! behind! bcr-lud! shrieked the latelJ.V ne oimer consfstin j Jot 'argu Rover,aa" h&M.vv ahdrse-nisto! and fird AP.ent. In Tact the epirram is ..a. labored it at the Kmgrvvho tell fatally 'killed, hisH conam, s oin GePCQd generally upon last words,. being,:5 (Ve aVergoveined' too':- P,aF UP0Q words t To illustrate: 'Wny rouchthisja. the fast of earth! At this 'u therei10 hereafter-for chickens?" Be- -u! urey uavH ineir nccKj iwirieu m LniS- Iii a latOaGermim Work, WeXter;.und . AYt'iter" .we find the following interesting gossip on Several - literary f celebrities of Iliilvver lives in his beautiful villa in Ful- ham, n miiet,t lonely villace, nbdve London A tranquility disturbed-by : nothing, reigns in the house.' ?sf)t withstanding the warm ' ppring-jJay;t;Bulyer-Rjt8wiiear the fire-phicn, where a bright-coal "tire h burnrngfi ,Out-. nde, the branches of a cherry, tree, cover ed with nit exuberance of , blossoms, hang down on the window, and the low, chirp-; ing notes of the birds penetrate into the room. The celebrated iuithor la tall, slen d e r form , vv ra pped i 1 1 a sky -h 1 u e, sol t-' 1 j nod , silken morning gown, which is fastened 'with a strong cord about the waist- sits at 1 . i s 1 a rge. en i pty . t n b 1 e, a nd h a s befo re h i m only'a-blank hook, in which he I writes' his ' iiiw novels, his larre, light blue eyes cast longing glnncVs butthe whulov, his "au burn hair-fl(v8 in rintrleis downron rhi Irih! Varrow forehead; the la rge, sleriiff r nose rhinos p;ver Ins small r.iouth, and Kis I red whiskers fiill from his long and narrow chin upon hi breast. The whole face.looUs decidedly too liitr.: He; has a ! sickly- ap peariince, and i??. .abstracted. : j .lllis fO'niily n Hairs 'are at the bottom of bis riielanch.olyv . wJdi'b rio' 'one, ; t . fail to perceiy IBs .lif-; tie dangliter died; his son, heir to the bar- onetcv, is estraf.gel fn;n .him; and his wile, Idy Bulwer, has long shice been separa ted bom him, atid lives in the city. JItHis entef her room. Sheisits at her writing table, for she is likewise at work upon a novel,.,--Her corpulentj jonn, lier : '. -round ;fai-(. her radiant, deep blue eyes, her raven hair, everythingvis in strik1ug con trast withrthe apm;arance of her , husbaudi ' Sly? conternplateshe rjoitrait bfben son; charges, her husband .with "'be'ipg a'mthcT Bovelncf', and fefusingi to paT his dt bts. lle'r'birgw eyfc8.Jookj;aC,u8 ;'laugutdly; her full Cheeks contain a n'uinber .oT-dimples, Hicb as Rubens bkel to jaint; her lip's are ' st II as swelling, fresh and red as those :6f Titan's daiighters and;yet sbe js -nmcb o vcrtbrty.;' On tbinkiujjf hisi ourVuspic pns are aroustMl; the crimson oh her cheeks is too fragrant; tlm heavy braids surniouiit-j ; ing her forehead aje; too -black ji'rman , iters' are decidedly top kirid-anq po'ite, ami cannot be;-' sincere-- we rescape froaV hex, bearingrin niind the hleeding ireartisof her "melancholy husband, " arnJ5th6 flimlirntnl Hone ofXhis .novels. . u J x" 5 j, , But let us pass on; vve reach h not her qui et village, Chelsea. On Ithelawnj in one of 4be small gardens sits Scotlat jd's celebra .Yed author, Thomas Catlyle. He hasca book on his i knee" and gazes thoughtfully intorvacancy. 'His is a "dry, jt-uint form; ' lie wears a morning gown and cap, and draws clouds of smoke from bijS short clay Tine: he is the Diogenes of Chelsea. If vou 11 . t cwverse. itb him he is aUfirst dry arid la J conic lie conducts you then It o ilie-pret-Sf tmg room of. his' wife. ; I a lei! Mrs Carlyle is a lively, pleasant creature, and a woild'Of Athfltfght .beabis from her dark cyes. She has learned ajgreat deal; her fithertgiivherj ajnoit proiouuds edu cation, and she is possessed of la keen, yet inild' judgment; 6f which her husband him self is afraid. But there she sits now, sew- ing with .3r Iwindsome fiugers-af new-f aV- . T . . tl at lor rer uiogenes. one wears an eiT gant morning costume. - In these surround! Ings we begin to feel at case. 'jThe portraits of Goethe, young and old, an'dv ifean Paiif, are look'ng down upon us.u Garly le be-; comes talkative and witty, and displays; his whole tamous eloquence. But he is de cidedly one-sided. A'ou like to listen Ao him, but you mUst'heveare ol interrupting him and, above all, ot contradicting him. Ids cares Jo his.literuVv : acti vitvl and in tiies noisy busudi!ot the-world. Hrj-f TOrTAKE;A WHIPPING.1 j as, it happens in , romances, chanced to r. be tuwa Iking:: t by r the ? bor- derof a the t sound ing rmainVVas -HHdmerj Would putit, thiiiking-6f the ch6erlesVfU-j turVwttliout'ltlie idol of his sotil (for fdfth-j : . Tlie Western Morning ,Ne ws,i ari Engl ish! f eiP sdhlibmonca I ' phraseology see Silvan us. ournaij ha the following iresh version of Sir WmJ Donn in1 destrrijrirtg' the Oflearis pjrterybW idll;he; tumbled! O'MpT-j 1 i g a n ' th fe 1 1 8 n aUe-ea t e r ."of 1 1 re t an 3 .an Ii i iSchnaripsgootrof .. Holland, a. retired dealer I i. gi n.and, sard i pes, .fiad j u i ted thei forces' -some,. nineteen men. ami a i brace ol bull pups inall and werei overtly 4at' ivork, horse's 'headwaajdragged a ew huh(fredi -tneir- object being tO"'-oustJ the tyrant: yards before he could . check the. animal! O'Mulligan : Wa8'' a young 'man between iiuv-ioreo. years ui uuc, aiiuwas cuieiiv an old stoHf -''"' 1 , :jvtr.A iicivens, in one or nis dooks on AnienCaft jouhialists represents hemas tprning every incident into a, report witlv! 8Woortea ivholly, fof course. -He held hJr asensaiioumeauer, so inai even wnen tne j n hy rtis'iiiitil she Recovered.' She mur- eiciitor got inrasned tor personalities, he'at ojnce'brpaght out . a special edition with 1 1 1 e flu i ntngj a n h o ii n ceir entQtThe Editor, Oo winded' gainv " Ttis" not;,Ii think, gen erally known that MrDickens! :was refer nng to aiVlactnal, case, which is tolerably ', noiorious . in America, , anu lSiioni witn great glee by the person f most deeply '3u t'rcsted Tjmt person Js';no iothertlian the hotoriusTames Gordou Bennett, of the New York Herald, arid '.'it is thus that ,le tells hisistory to his triendsJ The Her ald had' Ion some tune, violently attacked a 6 course, and then snatched the half faintimr j girl from the Velucie. Once jfi his arms she ! dfstinguished for being the son of his aunt uu.nis. 5 1 cat gruiiuiuuicr a ojue. j ouuuappa- coot was a man of liberal education, bavins niOredjher gra shji ' passed three .veek8i. at .Oberlin College, 'they, val k'etj tV the, hotel Ayitfi .rosy blushes "He Iwas a rriah of -great 'hardihood, also, all oyer. ther daceW .'ji; .V Arid would TrequentlVead!'a"u "entire col- js,Tbat nigh tithe wealthy i father heard. of umirof 'rfiilway 'matters" : iri the; Cleave- his 4 with ow fhp. ved the'girl." 1 ' - ' 'u u e tyrant Richard the III. , (late Mr. "Whi'ithe del didn't. you;.pr6pose to G,0r) 8at Pon-I,l!l throne.irt the palace hoi'if, .Hi.iu l..o clirt r I bnnin mint nn :: wiu '-iw VI ( towj -til ui j i i jruuii tnui kiiv VI A. iu v i uiij hill 11 daughter a: rescue, andr after talking j land Herald without shrieking out with 'heri1 discovered that she loved the fet-' agony.' , , . , .'... . ; ,i .Trjfefo1l6w1hgjn6rTi!hgiiev8erit4 for! ..i,.',' ; ,r : . :", -. ,! clprkl'aiid diae.ovo red that t'KU fidliUv Iri- I . - ( 1 , , Chapteb IL Thk Kino. exciting juncture. Messrs.. QJdulligan ; and oennappsgoot wiio-iraij previously enter-' ed into 3l;coparlnRrship:'willi the! RoVdr for the purpose bf doing a general killing busi-' huss) burst in6' the roon and cut off 'the headland let out jhe iuwardsTof alVthe I noblemen;, they encpuntered. jThey then Kinea- uiemselve8,3 ond diedi like heroes, wrapped up in the Stari Spangled Banner, to slow music.''- ilK t i tiw-'f it-.. ,.v-i Th'e RoVer fled. - HiV Was feaptd red hear Marseilles 'and thrust ihft&n pnson where he lay for sixteen weary ye a rs, all attempts iu trsuuim uH.ing luuic. uue nignt.a lucKY thought struck jnm. , He. raised, the win- d9v and; got out..5, Putjiewas unhappy xveuiorsu auu ayspepsia ;preyeu-pon his vitals. . He tried Bcerhavu-s i Holland Bit- ier8 and the Retired PliyscLnri8 Sands : of Life, and got well. 1 He tllen' marned the 1 o vely : Countess D-Sini th; .' aiid lived 'to a green old age,' being ' thetriuuVphTof virtue aud downfall of vice.' " 27 " "" Here no one' is -disposed to questroa tho concl osiorrV If any 'one should do 60 rcos bmrig'may oe resorted to, tliuu '72 " ' ; rr pUin that chicken hay no hopa i , k . f ForaworWorfatowXlLia.'r' 'v' ' Siace fiite declares thai they nhcmU ir -' ";T tr . . ciTheir next irorid (zxecks tvtrle2)ui tlijjr 1 ;jj8ivcrttB "STu Neport-joaVe an.thea.-,.;.., . haul XJharleyone morning, to Joe; . . . Is "Pray telT me the difference between them,: - s FoxVjother my wi if Jt kno"1"-i; "t- n J id. r I 't f i; v,. I - 1 jC best 1 . - -- 1 - n ! 1 .1 1 . . - ., ot the statd ofour heart unless you told: cmines, anu gorgeous trappings surrounap herof it YtAi diin't' expect a pretty wo- . vy.y vnC.c. ur r, m. smicm j I.- iJ Not the Gift, bat the -Hotive. n . A poor Arab, traveling 1 h thb desert1, met with a'spring oj clear; sweet pparkliri water. Accustomed as 1 tie" was to his bracking wellsT to Ins simple , .mind it ap peared that such watcr as this svas worthy of a monarch; "and fillmg his feather bottle Qooth Joe, Ti the easiest matter, ... "At the one yott go into th traUr,""" ' ! 4 .dv At the other it eoea into vonl"? K - eMathew Arnold throws ouVtoma napnl ! liinf rn i.nprs ' ' ' "' :' ' What poets feel not when they maka "" A pleasure tn creating, ' '. fc Th wnrlf?. 5n U trim - wHI . V- 1 t; Pleasure in contemplating. -' -f ' " - What have the women to say to thiir M Cornea were Urn.-1 so faU decL-rea, ' ' " '" '-To smooth our linen and our cares; 1r' ' ?' -nj i And 'tis hat just,. lor hy my troth ; ' ' . They very often raffle both. '.i..a i,t -viu . . m . 1 1 1 . . j . 1 . . . .1 - .... ... i tain ai:irtss. , uu,uays mc luuv ss uus- .-tii- coon nrtn -7 '....i ' auu coiui-n aniigr. sioou reauy at nis oecK. irom uie snniiff. he determined to p-o anrt , biniselt an actor, came to the Herald ; r,;.VAw., Uu iJ. i,.J.,i ... He sat moodily for a .while, when sud- present it to t he 'calinh' himself." J-4 o nee. sr uir niio jir. nenneit s rnoin j i '!:. .ii1.: it.;' aemv i is sworn nasneu iron its snverni j iir nnnr mnn rrvnimi n-frronf HiefanA urut sau!,- you Mr. Bennetf.'; -I amr"r-Vi0 ' ; ';.V -; '. ". . mJ scabbartl, ajnd.he shouted-r - , iii before he,reacbedf his- spyereign,; and laid wasaheire dy, "take a seat." j "No sir; In i k,,w ' 1 that Virn iwv nnnr nl ! VSlay?s some wine.ihoPV.: t . - f -; his humble oflering 'at his feet; , The caliph will 'not ta vife lineritioned - ; t - - a -' fllll l!ll'M Itilll ItTT j..,. , vou vei V . xime-j WOIJU "But !k a sea Who' is your wiM'' t Kevcr;1feart of bvr? your oraifiarie-cniic lias instilled . . ti ': - ' r' ' o-' ' ii . i r 1 1 la i. is, ms aiiau t . . -uui i i tlitl.i)i-Hirj,rtor of on. rolled h?r.' i i snousio e.- baid;fook from bis chair,? iiluug; 'iiiru rery; rich; that it was riot probable you Tl!? wonJ,liad scarcely escaped his lips . i ! ' . : U ..fVI ;i cre tt', "ucket of champagne and a' hoe were "Notiseiis! I don't wantniy daughferto" Pjnced'before JiimV ;;; ;'; ; niarry' a ..W aMint; My own . is ; high ' M- .,n? JK1 bucket to. Ids ku ke' h.?ni;lnr?a,l:,'' ""'V??' 1 d.Tfie voungrnian went and-I presiimeithe. r "KVott, traveling on lightninjj; wingg, kicktd Jntogai his i two csime u?an uiKlerstniidingJ as 1 am in -' W rnZ&"S n and cuttings '? lJV A fofnied'ihat'iKey are to .be' married the 6ret ?A VShout - this iidpm. Kno weac tnou j augnt or tnese .inmgs,. most .nooie The Boston Post gives publicity to the following dialogue about the vexed qucs tiori of tho weather? ' - ' 1 "I think." said Isabel; "be twrfol! sVy' 5 H.c Jt '-ra Is treeprng sadly only hear it sigh. J I - Io not." fwiid QuUpj fcommuert its woes, ' It does not weep it only blows iU snows.",. It were not difficult orraltogether un-? pleasant to solve such problems as-"thisi awu pieces oa uio ooara; ueorge to move ,lid; not despise itile glft-brotilto I-'u SSSiiSSSy him with SO much: trouble 'He 'ordered I -' He, nothing daunted, movea right straight - ' some of the water to be poured irito U cup; 8 na 011118 ' - drank it ntid- thanking thy'Arab,:witn a '. Coventry Patmore gives the following: courtiers, arpund.) . tl j water, but to the urprise of all,, the caliph I js i forbade thorn t4-touoh;a4Stncla diop.r: ji-O I smileortlered him tV be prest'hted wltlr'at Illf,l?a?1 .Tflad:; " '" rrfiW 1 rri: ):- 'i.-f" 'f5 r J l W dU girt becanw .ha .good.. ; , . : fr;: -ii' " T 3 r"'" ''r i -To-which we might add: v -T f fcilWerto.-tas victim dor lie called upon one ot his em- ployecsi:Wrote out au account of ihe atl'air, c.iusecl sensation cards. to, be.struck, off- Fourth Kditioii Atrocious Assault upon the b Eilltir;" 4 "Filth El n ioii further I; r t icul arU of the Upwardly Asa.u 1 tsupoh jpardbiif d J tfiis Vomannerly, r cowardly - as- jsault '"ii pop an unarmed man, ; but for bile jcirenma-hcei. Tjiia -despicable wretch, Inot content with ferocious violence," had ;t he unspeakable ineauness to take up. a Iquarter f t o&ar piece which was lying.( on .the table and to pocket' it."i -S'Tlie - nexi r 'The'iiarative is not a whit new or origl; "eiutysp, tr an.rtne wmg orew irotn tne inal, except in the fact that the patera-: "Ppej pocKet oi msgoiu.iaceu vest a paper Treason stalks monster-like throughout ! -noble s s Already the peasantry scout at cat fish, and demand pickled salmon for their noonday -repasts miliashas'senseenough to prefer his daugh- ufun x Ia 1 fW happiness1 to1 unfflu6u8 richesw! il toi?ke a ch;1 I1' ttV.i'j'v:V: '.'' v- 1 - 1 v, t. - - i -us Treason sta ks m Litr) T I f ' The Latest Horror. Tle atrocity, o BJt my anJ the brftve Hellitysplifa eftFieUinwrUvr, -.10.21 Jersey has beeu ; otTOQ tf, QKo . arn ,.mVButr ro surpassed by a horrible aflairat tlm market i J;mm 'Bully for you, Count, sam the king. Onthe afternoon of the 24th of ' August i .... ' . - ' ! ' mea Wed. a bsI man becaoaa he's bright - ' iThm Post th bodies' Bonner 'aaatli A Ca. .1 111 I ,L -J - . - 1 . j I -,.r.lno poor Ai.B T.aa. qu.uea.inB trotting horse. DextfR. . . ;. : royal Inrescnce w.t . nl.hbart,tV.il,pK .Irihofof turned to his courtiers, and thus explained iExcuse mf let oeoTjUbeiieTa itK t,t- trn -let people bellere tl Who can! Jju -MTl 0 thin ff vai-atinhe.'k'eroTr rrIW V'pr.Boanez was tdwsys aXexter-otss manl" Jr iei'n'lai the motives of ? 'his cblfduct: . "tIViVingl.Jiil travels of the Arub.V saTd . he, V'the. water iM lKe l.itlier . bottlpJ.iuI K -impure iiVCiIX . "'- WV. T1. ?i? love, and ,M' sucl. I have, rec.irrf it ith' 2,'--" K? ?J'. f . ii... i 1 x . s ii i. n-..-j i inuiisurc i J3ui wea iiuci-1 euuereu . .1. . .. . i . i;'. i?ar! f t wounded.4 In such love wUh-rbur ;Ird h'P,T Tn rn.... P.-.k-i. OOr'ClltS.:v:iJ.Viral i I f. ii-JVi'T I hH r nnfc ninT-K m,nUirnM. !,... i .fuiin-nr bells are not rung-by mechanical forcf.but? . A gcntleman,receptly,openedaJettpn83- oy toe pressing or a smai DuttOn to'lhtf dressed to his son, containiog i suggestions f.1"00""??001"0 trouaitnend to the latter tor a novel which " ' T.0 0""' " " r .v' vu J,,,6,,u6 ,B, ma n beckoned to one eigntf years, name f anpy Aoai tT II Vl 1 .... .: ' . I in.lll .3 '-57 1 ctiinh erfr inpf links mnnrf nrri hunii I "fi - -va. - ...... , . , . ' v j i vuii.i-, -.!..!. - .4:4. -i - -. i ?,"r"j i u ,..o Tk i loner as tue outton is nresseci. uittnehsnd davwheiKthe acior, appearHIupon: t be fuV 1 I f . . , AVC nfW 1r - t. tfVZ siae,jieiwas creeieu wuu cries on v v no t y 5 s wij , ; i j , t : . , stole BeTilaett's quarrer?'' and whenever he j iiri-in;iiijl; tho cntnil ; rV ? crrAti-Vl ' liliri 'until ! "l n' a ixrlfn prp HrlvPn Vff th stnero 1 Jier.byjpreseut Of 1 o.wi ,.,ii::-..Ti,.' nAA linnuH 4rD'! -him into "."a rieighboriti. my revenge. v . , ; f .vl if fit Ht 0ne oithe heaviest and most skillfully; played confidence games that Was ever per- perratetrmas lusr eome'to iijinr, ire panic !. t 'l - '-v. -;y. i 'T.i rl uiars William vvas-'never seen again ahve Vi 1 in'c-a fabbrer ffoing home from 'wdik: fbuh"d in tl:e?fop-arden dissevered head Vesting b jJo'h tW o ' h op-pbTes at' the foot o f a h edge. JleiraoTwith .it to the cottage of tiie Addmsj - ' id f a n i ly y 'a nd '1 1 was im med ia tely ' recogniied a iub iitruu ui i ue missing uiri. x no wouie oi wnicri, in oner, are s ionows; , pit. kuini-u .v.u Berkley, of the firm of Berkley: n?S 'HTCnej,, A leg, anosiooiwere. : & Co.. of Grand ' Ranids. Michigan, found inne-place, a- torearm in-anpther,; veryapprovea snm-piaster;tnat i ftave Tr-f-7." 'L V' 7. .s. .7.:n u tn wr airh1 nirif, Mnnt,r1 .wiW i.n:6 ,wi -nr.i ' U,r Vk T Yy T u- U 1 tnQ ce.uar. auu men ryouraecre wiirue out. 1 7- ; , ----- - --7 . -""w"-- . v 'ir: t'-iu -v -ertainlv think vbtr arJ ffivmitioliirr, ih on? 9U" PKCts, Me puU. till hand 10 U28 OJJage.r witn tnem- ,t M e very . iieao - . i ... . r' - . u,:.Ii 4, 1, nnrltnt: fnnKpi Wtn ; Kor (T rmn.1inv HntK t 1 i.tnK 1 nit ner . large ooscs. iet Jointly .put . ner - i r7 V1' u pending hath this extent, , . , - Hr. S9 th .pin. The, hare ; begins ..to, patter .la - tnu: -U&V. f. j. ' -ii - li'i'i 1.' ' ' ' f. 'It .1' !.. ' on thft tahnr. th drummer in heat hisHnim. rrii and front of my oflendin Bros was stavin? at: 1 hotetrib ;thisVtitv.i One a hand, severed trom the wrist, a foot icut dayahe,4verbeard. two, menkspeaktng, in .pffiatth ankle.isthe mutilated . trunk,. full glowing jterms of the wondrous vilueiof a of stabs arid gashes; a part of- on' arm,- tha lead mint which thevJ ovvned.l He becnm'e heart and intestines, and the tattered rem- greatly'iTterested, and his curiosity narTts'bf the; clothes were picked up Cat- raised tblsuclra'pitch as to prompt him to tred over;long;dUta fci ;J V: lL'l J -rA'-'M.'.. ! i' j-' J. " I'J !'l.nan nfictoA rttii 'flirt rtr'a oiif t(T on1 th(' no more. weillsaiJ theing rWngli.nd SSSiS deatU'. head to clatter nd-,oll iU to? 'Til WW la l aW:L. X &&$2l eye., or tb dog to;bark- r.d4 inap pVowd ; false I y,bM with wbwn g oJ hartfcolar W nice fam. When the hand is lifted frool tho battoo.' -twtfrd have cut ofT'yer head, and spilled ffTV-T. " V , OT? " -.-- iristantl' all is bol-Viw ; ... .J ... k.r.t.tri .11 nvirNl.W Br! ' Sf. T y! circtoto me.' 1 will : Ri.isH themolT.'and pstantiy all is.qulet. , ; ... . ,...... . .'if. Chapteb I1L The Rotib.! nil .1 h - i: Jti ntfTi::' j!:;-;-i-jv m0M, daughter, who had been for come tirheri: TI,r.IlinS as the scenes depicted m, the w . .. . - .. . I . . L -I . H A. L u . A ' . a v nitPstinnR. He was Mrhtn,! with thi? d&- a Jetiow.or.iuuiuercii uuaracir-r was' bi firWWintivviHh him nf ftiA rninp. nnd he- rested" on suspicion, and traces of -blood '"'' L I x t ' : ' a ' i. it ' came anxarayao purcnase nninteresi. iu it. nf;iriurfi hlS ffe'rnrefiiWedi-H.i -t.SiliA -.1 . were found on-hisclotbesj ;While in hiijberto the feoyer, 1 dfsgtiisd -'is a 'common aia.ry was iouhu inisr ejury lbfttliret!'tRe.lpVhS hand:. Satprda , -a " r ' w. -W v Y .- w - - - -r J II preceding, chapter iodubitably lyfere I'll .t oi., tins, .are cecioeqiy ; tnriuingur are we, in tne migiity presence a n A ' .a tin 1 feflf.Al.t.alml' " and 'corseously-mhiled "Coiirti faring nsthnd8 befoVeliimIt'' is K hnkspeare was onre acting,,, herpresence., Ub AUA :,ii.j;;i;i,mV, endeavored to put hinr at 'p easatjt 'per- small. fortune werevlinked to;penuryr t A i... a. . , : '... iener, sirou; anu conclusive in' Its -Jan- killed a young cirVJ(irie'and not.". . oiitr n jur .iuuuu xuni guiujr ;thd pil iVil?mTif?riFeiWia5 aidecided ! j h ..,.-. n ,, m.L - . . w . ii . . j i ... . . . t a i - a c. i w He resembles aclear-soundiug bell; you lnp rUtifaA gppa pcoperitpi iioiu aotineyj touch it, and it resounds, but only to itself. t hiomaUe 3up;Uiett.rri5 Pteverthelesswe liermans are aiways well Plexitvr bewfeii thei stage Vdisciplitie 'and Bunge waB wnce written ana .posiea: ,n a P0'41 .f1 ""irn1 .LWk'.i?.vI;tU. '! .Vi u thatrbf Jhis lovaf rYal!ahtfvlJ Alter raaov when the same intormant ca led' upon the V, AuffUSt , 2, v ,vSo,n Said the KinS, "thOU WOUldat have; tbVtm . ,S 3.jZ?2 ti . .?4?J!? Vnhnrr Inn-IrlenA n VnntrnUf -Iv. l 1 ' ' J".. i: . a a vain aiieiupi, vvu are iuiu i.iiaixiizaurui i jrvo J jr- '. - ww. u v-.- , u..u; ., ..Pji,....-vruJC,.j - ,--r , 7.-:raVM .nnetSriw HirfMiimt.tft.it.mtiine. I ne ou.oi ome mMandentandinSj -.'Xbe V.'H.i-nV.iVia in Anln ha AnmantiirnH mill " Tl T' nnni19V! tl rlPPICI flPT' linmn VKl llU-l- . O ' o . 1. 1 " J vV'riy.ViY.vxV herulbv'e. 'ShakeareVwithdut .worus the shQcJanglyHnutUatetate-ot the re- loonanu spivce yer mam fi. . - ttife? mkmteV hVFwaWV PPeal amekesritiJmpdssibJe.toasceitam whaWdejireeKofd violence .maVlhavetPrPve cedeneimutder ineic rcpm unypvj ;ni i MtiM tinlfoonh' move;Hcttcr;- VvMderrce ainstlhtfnrisoner seems strong, hadn't rather; coast amongl sea-puns tnan . qr .o.-r. ,4zr, 'l- x mnh' . ... - - . - - . r..tM.i w innr iii wiiii-.i iih iiiiit .m. iijirij I'lmami- i ijand-rsharks. i Alv name ?i sweet AViiuarrr. . - - -r - t j I ... . .. -j la., i . . . 'ri.llK I Itft i . - " t V I . a. r . I rlt fat if 1 f. ' I at ease itv parlyle's presence, fur if there is ; Engrishmarl who estceiiis and, reveres j Let ' us go now to Charles Dickens. : Thfcre are:,severallaristocrati?carriMgeaarid plain hacks in front ol bis elegant reisidence, . where a nd merous party is ksspmbldd; The celebrated romancist has just returned from an extended tnp'toSwitzerlarid aiidXjenoa, . and gives toniglit a soireej suc order of the jay at riisJ fiospifa ofe rfbuse. He is blonde, his eyes are. liiht blue, his face flushed with wine, neither meacre nor round, but'brimful of good humor and kind-heart edness." He is conversing with i two, ladiea priceviid though the- tieLWdmer raised his bid, offering them S90,00b.,!it Vastf'Wb pulpoeTTfiy wTr ffexi bf e i n ; tneir de- terminaimrhjw fOrsettttT'Aliff mterraea u u pe , aga nuDpat iieTia i tfa nil mTa ly persuaded the owqejrSjOf jhe miitpJet juin purchase: a ItentiMtjjto sight xiraft onftbeirand Hapids house for&GZpp of the pu rchase money : an d 'a d raft at thirty ; iav lO.VIicij civaiUlHg 4LUUU!.,- Jif.K.uat f e:fgothev?nonermiuW'fi real&edliian'dsomei thoy .sow at a.iscount, and now enjoythe;j 'proe'eed of their -viUaihy' iMrBerkley is; TficT poitittm !M yorfs the diffiqol ty oi-imagining, opw(- puyvoyM .out a . r.Y.iu maniaclajid he.isTcertainly . not that -could?c6rrinTit such1 aJ frightful butcherf. : .vi;.rf;.v '.-rV-Kwifr.afcri-Tr n' t .firm 1 '.te"Kdpratowp fossil emMniiQf a h.umarv being J hat .must hnve:beeasas giahtI.Sinilait remains have; linnn - flit . ! T Tl ilfl C tt i fl roK I A' ItroWtV! can describe the scene; the reiterated ihe tears,. the .Wrinin of bchdjj' the united entreaties of father, mother. ahd) diifghter4 for the restoration 'of tha. 'fatal But the tole ndmitted of no exec o-1 and the younglady' had to reDcnt'a?' 11?: iJ.Lj:i. t '- f - - - -! leisure oi ner moruinnie naste. a grcat,icapitalist.Hi8"expen'e been foundiinTPIeaslitr-tOwn'shipJ twehtyi!;: ayer my' hearty!" yeued have taught him better. Chicago Journal- feet under ground. . ; . ' William, in ulcct strains, remind ? janu7sn.aras. il iuy name it1 ovveei imanr.ii . l - V A'W .7 tl I - - i . 1 -WWVi.WBIW.I.IWM -wasUi-J Dam mK eyes "and Svveet vu lam 4l-"V marble flopr, aud. swung- his. and tepdl?ring it tOrher?TW- aprofound pisjments study, amodest beb- vtcr. a ;ut?!?Q thi!W' :.?f sailors on the. b broudryrode.otT tbcjatage - - exceljn any thin-ival liable, U rjrci bcUa tajrre ,and cpru?ntyinQta4it like those; - t ' . y y " ; be above conceitfVna amount cf nzzU 'lj 0U. shipboard. A'.t. limi.. :ii 'l Mr.rt. '.-..iA new st vie of bonnets has. made.it'a an- eomnlishmentU renter iP-.'.ir, t tMann.erV; said the king; gravely,'' thy, peafance in faTijini a tivlnatB have natural giftsyou-ov:c thcto' Ihe danguage b exxeidiiig' lucid, UiaViiod set DWihff bounty; Jf you Ixq improved vou'r .t6'anfet4hatahio:j8:wojkrh;-- . V.t.'...-.J. .l..it aj'J hndefstanding-and studied virtue, vou havft oweeti 1 - ihe elections in Ohio and Pennsivania.1 onlv done vnur dntvcr ,Wnr" n: 1:1 -1 -J -J WJ1 fc.a M.a-a ha l.a 1 .11 a ding the I take place to-day. tie reason for vanity. ! -

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