7 .1 . .., i. -. X srf' i C; ; 5 COMMUiVICATED. U -ij j: FOR ; THEJEAGLE. . ." '" :'i .'I " Scotland" Ala. Oct. 5 th, 1SG8. : -r M. J: McSween: - ;, . My pcar'Friend: By 'a reg- circumstan- cep, and .very pevere and protracted sickness jn my famjly. I have failed to. Rive you "An occjisionar as soon as l desired, "but remembering the old .adage "better late: than never" you vill pardon me for 'my'inaiten . t'on - My interest-in your particular ection-the old North State, is very ,y raucU exteridecl by the cifle of 'the ;'-V few past years- v But sad as is the thought of your condition, as a State, how, much better are wc ot. Alabama? :.,:V.V;Not ' c8 oii fiscal a wag" V- GovSmith said that there was no Manger of a violation of law and that " it he people of Alabama vere ; law .abiding He has I.ttely called to 'J: '. jgether.tlje usurping body; called by r -courtesy -.-a;, legislature, and has 'ap t proved the infamous memorial of the Jgislatare ipriljririg' for troops to V- ' I0'; 4own i domestic - violence. The - l Montgomery Mail says, he has signed .y '- ' hp tmme to an u a truth, knowing, it to,be an iintruth. pv. -a ue .- scalawag leauem ih l.(le, l:ou-. : - rewoipon-uie reconst ruction acts ai- ieg"d that it was' the object to reor- ' " ,gamie junder them and thus', relieve '.' -the .State and people of"military rule 'and bondage. But thCfirat thing the ' 'carpet-bagger, do when they en ter the halls of Congress, is to pro- .pose to send Springfield noes and munition, ad libilun, - to arm the "loyal" niiliriaof the States. - Thv told us a year or so ago, and 'bad the bas falsehood inserted in , their .acts, that there was no ade quate protection to life and property -in the "rfbtrl" State, and that we Vr ; must reconstruct, to secure these blessings." But no sooner is recon-"-" stfutiun effected than their piteous Howls Are heard in Washington 'KvecatVt live at home Without mili-. tary protection." Delegations, l'k V . unto Gov. Sniith and hTs crowd, are r '-.! sent .on to iiu;lore the protection of the u. S army, and it seenis that un der "reconstruction" there is 'no ad equate protection for life and pro perty." "AVas the like of this ever known -before? Men pretending to represent communities in vvhitJi their . persons were not sale! 'The ."wicked fiVe when no man ,j pursuoth." They ktiow 5hat theyj :r not ' tlie. representatives ot any !'- bly, I'tcept a set. . of 'detestable cunip who are refuses from tiieirj 'bonifs and,kifilred ; They know that : " : ' tlwy oweto fraud and force their po -' . , 2 . sitious-rthat . it they are. removt-'d tlH'-will have totrot." r '. ;,' lij'tfii'i'-ii few weeks w.UI relieve their ; mvxious niinus Mn this subjcr. in W "fact vve pity the ;'poo'r fellows. They ' .". ao'Liro home -thev can't stay here. . ,What:ife to become o f t!i ( n i Des : jplse.il of-inen, rejected by heaven, and;.we see 410' retuge for theni ex- cent ii hari-&nri. - Seriouslj', the great conflict of ra ' ces is'rnevitable unless the plunder-; - nS political gamblers, now usurping the goyernmeu.t, are siK-edily driven . from ..their despotic thrones. .But 'this effort of ours J by a peaceable constitutional exercise of our right to vote', to overthroWthe present iniqui ty is. branded by the terified wretch es (who tremble like all tyrants at the voice of an indignant people,) as an effort at another rebellion. They .. are deluging the country Hvith jlocu rnents desigced to frighten good, easy, ' old grand-mothers with the huge cry ot another war and another rebellion. Poor simpletous," they will fail of their purpose! We design to over- throw them by so mighty an upri-V- wng" of popular indignation, that bul T lts and Springfields will be 'supere- rogatory. s.' ' By the breath jof our nostrils we will scatter them to the four winds of the earth.. Tis corning, coming, the' first great gun has been , fired by thegai!arit sons.of Kentucky. and its echoes are reverberating j all over our vast continent, bringing joy tq patriots, and Lconfounding the . "Benst" and his hosts. .i . Be ye also ready, people of old :. North Carolina, to contribute to the ; : great victory J which is - to achieve "our deliverance, and to be more sig nificant than the triumphs of our la th eri n t B u n ke r Hi fl a n d Yo r k tow n . "T'.i Whilst our- cneinies are. putting . -the deadly bullet in the hands of the barbarous negro, and firing him with - vengeance, let us organize ourselves -. everywhere in the South, into Dem ocratic Clubs. - See that every man does his whole durj be vigilant in season and out of season, and though Bhoraof.our strength, like Sampson of old, we will, by one gwnd effort, pull, down this temple of Dagon, and ciush out of existence all its Gods. ; If this be rebellion, God rant tJiat .ivery' white man Hii.the Soutti wi,M .rebel, and; continue to rebel, and .'then rebel again, until Sejrmour and Blair, borne on the triumphant shouts ; : 'of millions ol freemen to the.. Chief Magistracy of the nation, phall make further rebellioiriinnecessary." . , ' ----- RUTH BANEE. , : ; TOR THE EAGLE. . ' ' ' : 1 x BIJIXY FQE OI SAMKOIl'- i; ; ; ; ' INDIGNATION j 31 EETICr. , Nev$r deppondingut ever rea43',' -And rigbtThe littlo Cohara Democra- tic Club with a-very lairge concourso (say, perhaps' 12 or 1500) iTersons; exit? bracing many of the'fair danghters of ine oia oanner uounty. ana citizens of above characterion th'e -It thff inst ' The meeting convened at the--Bether3ieeU. ing House, .where after ealling Mr. Brown to the Chair. Speeches were called for, and made, by our distin guished Standard bearer, as Elector, J. CV Dobbin, and .CoL.T. J)eYamvin the coursa of which, The following preamble , andf resolutions, were sub mitted by J. C. Dobbin, andjenthusias ticAHv adontect bv tfiW ft . "i : t V hereas there appeared m a recent number of the Xorth CarQliha Stand ard," an article 'entitled "Work, In which this Orgati 'bf the Republican Party of the State sets Forth' the pro gramme to" be pursued by tbe" canvas sers of said party in tke''Presidential -Campaign;' , '' ; !' " .- Therefore be JtWsolved bytbe Sey mour and .Blair GlubTof vvens vjlle'' 1st, That , we have read, with feel ings of deep And; unutterable indigna tion this baseband iafamous, insult to the virtue and purity of our i$tate.vr ; 2d. That the rvilen sentiments it breathes, springs from the .loathsome corruption of a Godless heart; and can live only in. a bosom ; burning-, with Demoniac hate and fired with hellish lust. . , .. 'I oa, iaai xne x arty wnicu so oaseiy turns its back upJh manly honor 'M to advise and scek the destruction' of fe male virtue; which in .this age of civil ization would tread again the dark and horrible paths of barbarism, and which strikes this deadly blow at the heart of all .Religion and Morality, should be, and in our estimation only can be sup ported by those who are umrorthy the name of men and too tow for the society Of Devil. ; m :: . ;- " 4th, That the author of said article should not be allowed to breathe the pure air of North Carolina, or pollute the atmosphere with the foul stench of his corrupt and debased nature. 5th; That the sons of Sampson will protect her daughters to the death and that xif this vile reptile or any other should attempt to -;cphduct the Campaign" in the manner indicated in said article, within the borders of our county; we will deal out that full and speedy punisGm cut which '"God and Honor teach us the crime deserves. 6th, That we il'Ai upon our country men who have been deceived anil mis led hitherto by the leaders of the Rad ical Party to behold the fate marked out for their wives and daughters, and to join with us' in pulling down this enemy to Virtue, Civilization and Re ligion. . A torch light procession, then, head ed by mounted men was formed, -and. witJi banners fluttering .'in' the. stiff breezes that played upon the tvrink lini'Iiht of a starry skv, and Buijle horn music, ; proccdel -. back , towards Owensville to the house .of -3fr. Jas. White, where speeches were again call ed tor, and made, by Mr. Oats and Dr. Holmes. v- . i'"'r- -' i After these sjeehes the procession chad:, full of enthusiasm, moved to Owensville, where the : whole. . Pro gramme, was carried out, with -a speech by another one of our illustrious stan dard bearers Col. . A. A. McKoy, and Mr, J. C Blocker, an earnest , friend,' and worker in the cause.':.. , . V) , Space, Mr. Editor would not permit me to do justice in further enlarging on the contents of the speeches. To make no discrimination, all the speech es abounding with good thought, wit, patriotism, and eloajuenee Were well and enthusiastically received. a ' FOR THK EAGLE. - Messrs. Editors; : Thinking that yoa would like to hear what wc are doing at Lock's Creek Precihct, 1 liave'con cluded to crive vou a brief sketch "of our works and doings in this region. The radicals are pretty strong yet in this District, but are gradually turn ing-over, fceveral here announced publicly their withdnvil , froni. the leagues. .Several of our Club here, visited their nocturnal meetings, de termined, if they would not come to hear us, we would 'go lor 'em,' and beard them in their dens. All ; visits to their meetings bo far, have been courteously received, and on one;, oc casion one of our party was invited to make a speech. '. " - Our last Club meeting was held at Blocker's on Thursday, evening. It was the largest and the most enthusi aslic meeting we. have had vet, It was our great pleasure to meet our young ami eloquent Jii.lector, uapt. J. C. Dobbin, on that occasion, .And vl can tell you he made the Seminary at Blocersville ring with the touching and elo queht appeals, to ciTuig1 radi cals, lie toid.uhQW 061. Mcjiay and others liandled Dockery at Bladen boro. It was amusing and brought the house down repeated Jy with deat'eningchoorji To use his own expression he did, not leave hide enough on Oliver to .make a baby a- pair ot'shoes. iNVhat do you think of that Oliver, eh!M ,.h'... ..-. The meeting was also addressed; by pointed and forcible speeches. Mr. B?J tQ. execute an act of Congress to es offered his horscto any Radical - who tabhsh people in fheir civil rights is would give him a good reason for be- inc a radical, and although several ,were prbsent,; none. attempted to se- cuie a horso. Altogether the meeting was, a success, and has: done; much good. - ? ' It was givon outthat there ; would be a torchlight , procession -at Oweiis ville.on the following . Saturday night. I. was present at this meetingi -It too was a great success a to numbers, aiid enthusiasm..'; The procession . formed in front of tlvo 3Iethodist Church, two miles from Qwensyiile, . "iina took up the line of anarch for Jtfie, .village,. j An indjignation meeting wis; held at-.tlie" church, and resolutions denouncing: the Standard's artide on Work were "passy cd." , Capt. Dobbin addressed the Crowd iq. those high and ( immutable strain's of eloquenc that- belong.to himj alone. The assembly was completely, ifasci nated by thV magic of his .words f and the;foTi;e of h,is logic.;;Lt -Mr.iJamftS' White's (of whoso hospitality I par took) tho procossion: was addressed by Sherilf Otes, afid JP. Holmp m telLi tnnviictng' sjecUe?2 f I'--,; -V. ! "l Ov?ensville, CoJ.'Mcloy and Mr. Blocker jaixd tol.. Devane spoke. Their speehes'wers df ,the beat klnd,: mas-' fHy elouexiantrutht?he oc casion was a ngrandand: enthusiastic affair. Sampson's fair ladies and .there are none fairer in the world srraced the meeting vwitlv their-: lovely presence.' Everybody 'was I pleased j tt-ith t- niapiayr ai iaxe.iioar .uie cit&eijs jetuxedto.teir ipnies infair snJ3itsai)d honea. ixX 4-V: P. A J B. ;' ; Grand Mass 3Iecting.v Seymour: , and .Blair. Flag Raising and r Discussion at Egypt- ,000 .Persons r. , present including many pretty ' Ladies. .,TJie Clab had given notice that on the 20th inst., thejr vould thrp w .to the, , breeze a, ; Sey mour and Blair ag'and gave a special invita tion to the Club arid 'Fire Department of "Fay etteville. iuany of the former and about 75 of the latter attended.. On arrival about 11 o'clock J we. found a large collection of people,; marshals j monntied on fine chargers were there to .escort J us ap town, 'which wis done in fine style,' and the occasion . as madelouhly interesting by I the sweet miis'i from the excellent string band from Pittsboro.' The delegation was received in afewiriefbnf appropriate remarks by Cfapt. Watts, which was replied to in a lively spiiit by the detachment of artillery of the "red shirt boys." The coluuiu then formed in hollow srtate" aroaad the" mstestic tible 102 feet above 2U40 feet costing $40 was the ma4 fast and T tbe Idaiea run it 'ttf,tgi'l1i9 , breeze amidst .en- thusiastic yellipg of men and bobmine of can nan: trnlv the s "scene was 'erand "and i exciting". Mr. H 'K Loudon, JfVthen ascended the stand J and dedicated the flag in one of thi most beau. tifuU interesting and elocjueat speeches of this campaign, aftt-r which Mr. S... H. .Fisbblute came forward and delivered a forcible Jind priiotical speech of telling effects When the ldie God . biess . them gfve "nbtiee that though, there was no barbaeue yet they did not invite us up there to starve -rand we were-, in vited 'to the grave where every thing that was good was in the greatest : abtnadanpe, dainties; delicacies a 'dsnbstautials. Bntmanya bashful youth failed to realize the fall benefit of -the occasion, by the sight f of so many- black eyes and rosy cheeks but' fre oldf, folks dined and redined.-at so many dirferent carriages" until we thought we should -never need anything more. , . ,.-.,-..-.; J- .,-;;r Swann's Station, may brag on their Hotels, Halls &c'.,' but Egypt has the prettiest and sweetest ladies we have seen any where. " After which an arrangraent was- mnde with the Radicals for an open discussion, when cous in John H McDonald, rigged up in ft fresh biled shirt, elector for Grant and Colfax, came for-" ward and sustained liiraself in his usually mas terly tirade of nothing.- , tie satisfied every hearer that the republicans were hard run for an elector in the 4th District when no better specimen of humanity than little Mac could be fcmnd. At tbe close of his remarks tho Dem ocrats brought forward John Lntterloh, color ed, tv ho handled his 'cousin John" as ho call ed him. with gloves off. He gave good sub stantial advice to; the colored people showing that their real friends were the white people of the South and that under the carjet-bag lead ing they would be ruined. He said that they might tie votes in -Indiaua Ohio and Penn sylvania, but the democrats wonldjcarry No. t'l Carolina overwhelmingly. ' Next -Ft-afne the (dfaVHon. J. T. Deweese carpet-bagger, who spoke ahoni an hour with but little force or ef fect'. He harped heavily upon this being a freaoonntry. which we thought a little incon sistent since his great Congressional speech urging arms sent down here to Holden's mili tia. . A f ter his closq. considering . (that though he was a crtrpet-baggpr") hewas white, a white man should reply, 'and Mrl, n. Slocomb was brought forward and, though the weather was unpleasant and many, had spoken before him., held the close attention of the audience for li honrs. During this time ho pressed the Hou!(? gentleman to the wall. Ifr. S. said he "felt honored by an occasion to reply to- an M.'C-" But he was in the estimation of the people highly honored for having so completely an nihilated his antagonist. Mr. Slocomb's re marks were well received and we think will ef fect much good. .. Mr. H. A.'-London Jr. next came forward and entertained n for half hour with appropriate and eloquent re narks - show ing up the corruption of the carpet-baggers and scallavaggers and of the Fcand:Uous con duct of Deweesa in reference to money paid, him ly applicants in Bankruptcy, which he had so grossly misapplied. At the close of his remarks f the "white' boys in red" fired three rouuds from their artillery for the ladies of E gypt, for London and for Seymour and Blair. We marched t-j the depot after tbe enchanting -music of the string band and after a few fare well remarks by Jas. R. McDonald, " the artil lery again bid.adieu and as we glided away ma ny whita handkerchiets and sweet smiles con vinced "us that our visit had been well receiv ed and cherished by the good people of Egypt, - ";:' Bors in llzv. QUANT ON MARTIAL LAW- I. On the 22ii Jay of Npvrmber, 1S6G, General Grant thus officially addressed Stanton: "It is evident to ihy mind that the provisions of. the Civil Rights bill cannot be properly enforced , without the aid of' Order No. 44, or a similar one." , - Order No. 44 issued from the head qoaTters or the army by command of Lieuteriaht-General GifANT,' " July 6, 1S66, gives 'department, district, and post c6iiiti)ahders' , i ti the South su: preme authority to arrest, and con fine in military confinement buck ing gagging, sweat-boxing &c al leged crihiinal8f i cases where the .civil authorities have failed, neglect ed, or ar6 unable to arrest and bring: such persons to trial," the -shoulder-strap geh try to rdete riiiine at Uhei r 6'n sweet will' what was a failure, neglect; or inability of the civil law. This is JLet us have ': Peace ..vnu mber one a declaration by General Grant M,..fi : w i,: ....... iliac, in ins v ir. w, i lie uhi) piupci vviiy iu jnuwaaii uicui awuj UJ luuiiicii law. ' '- ' ' : ' ' - V ' I .... II.1' On the 21th of October, 1SG6, there then being: fears of an election riot in-Baltimore, Gen. Grants thus officially addressed the President : Military interference would "be :in te r p re ted as g i v i t lg aid t o o n e o f t h e factionst no matter how pure the in tentions or hp iv grjarded and just the .iiistrucuons. Jt is a contingency I hope never to see arise in th:s coun try while l occupy' the position of Genecal-in-Ghief.'of the 'Army to have to send troops into a Siiiiii in full 're ntlonsr.tcitJMeral , Government .(he .italics are those ;of the original put the eve of an election, to preserve the peace; ' If insurrection does come,;' the law provides the method of call- f ing oat forces to suppress it." 4 -. , I his is Let us have Peace number two. 5eu. Grant could not in 1866, when he -was not a "candidate, bear th& idea of fending troops into Mary land oh the eve of aq election, : but now that iti 1S6S, he a candidate, he is quitcrectmcied "tol sending troops on the eve fof election into Tennessee; North j Carolina South Carolina GeorgiaT A Ibama. Louis iana andlorida ay he sends troop8licKuse, - iaiirthe latv ppw: stands; -the-Presidenris -strippedtif his 'constitutional' cbmtnand, and all orders fnustf come through the Gene ra!' of therVhles.' j llll On the 29th dsry ? of January, 1 S67; Sheridan having then fbrward ed a cock-a n d-bull story about "out rages" iii Texas, General Grant thus officially addressed Stflhton: " my opinion the great nuuAejM m u rders of Union men and freedmen in Texas, not. only as : a rule unpunished, but uninvestigated:constitute practically a state of insurrection; arid, believing it to be' the Drovirie nodutv'of every good, go vrnmeflt to afford pro tection to 'the Uves : liberty, and ptq perty of her jwejeitizehs, I would.rer co"mirjiei$lfH law in- Texas, to sture .'these ends. The necessity' for goterTrrfi any per tjon of wr' tejritpmij iQarXloi law is to be jdeprgre&'lTC reported to, it should be Hfiteof ittsauf bn afM shou ieaiirtparcithorities and civil ttnbu'nsi.sj free ;a rid onpb stnicted unlit tlfey pfpve their ineiE ciericy Tor unwillingness : to perform their duties. Martial law would give security, or comparatively so, to all cl asses o f ci tizens, w i tfiou t regard to race, color, or previou'opinions, and could be conti nued until society was capable of protecting itself, or until the State is returned tl its full rela tion to the Union.. . The ' application of . martial late , to one j of these Slates would be - warning to- alU and if ne ccsxary, couldbe: extended to others ." j This is" Let is have Peace number three. It is written, you see, prior to the passage-of the reconstruction acts and puts General Grant in the position of recommending martial law as the panacea for civil illst without even the shabby, paljiation of a Congressional decree. . , It is submitted that these declara tions sufficiently establish that Gene raLGRANT has .ihe true soldier con tempt for the civil law. " The lan guage of his letter in reference to Mary land may seem to controvert this, but his words then are denied -by his acts now, and then, moreover, he was at that time coquetting with conser vatism.. He is beyond doubt, a sol dier and nothing but a soldier, with all a soldier's narrow disregard of argument and supreme 'reliance on t h e s word j To t h e m i 1 i fa r yyi mind vourcivil law . iay Je wel enough mits' vtfJtr btiheri thaVway;.is but a poor, drivennlg sort f way, and ybur little triangular piece of steel is th e t h i n g a f te r a 1 1 . Cohg ress p asses a Civil Rights - bill, a new and strange bill, that does not all at once work smoothly and General Grant is at once lor the bayonet to pare the rough places down. 'It is evident to my mind," says he, "that the pro visions pf the Civil Rights bill cannot be properly enforced without the aid of Order No. 44,." Of course it was evident. - The bayonet is always the evident resort in any iven emergen cy of your military man.' Let us have Peace! xV. T. World. 1 Mrs. Deming Haying Retnrfi4 from New York, IS no v prepared t6 cut or make, Dresses, . Sacqtieg Jtc and furnish Patterns, of the most approved Rtyles,r Laaies from the .country, waited on, at short notice, and at moderate charges. ' llesidence fifst lio'use. east of the Semi nary, nearly opposite the Post office. '; Address. v - : ' s - . Urs. H. S. DEMrNG. Oct 17. 11-wltpd SXUFPl SNUFF I ;j . Rail Road Mills,. 1 Eagle MiU?, . 2 -: Carolina Belle, , " V' Rose Hill Kills, : . For sa.le by . .- ; ".r " rY-;.--! C Y- 1 . W.. A- 5VHITEHE AP & CO., j "r" N 5, S W corner .i ; Y.. Y c jytarke't sttjire Oct :;x'l V V- ic? .-.toq -w-yj . U on. 0. v,j J bry and other Republican peYsllJ address the ditizeha of the 3rd Congressional Distriet,,atUhe following times, and olaceslr , - . . '-v- Elizabeth town" Caeaday, Clinton Monday; , r . ' Owensville Tuesday,'; Favettavillft Wednesdav. Oct. 13th. 'Math. " 20th. Reuben Matins' MiU Tharsdav, t( 22nd. Lillington Fridays . y . y Ab.Kellys; Saturday, Sheffeld Monday, ,-; . Troy. Tuesday, . , Ansontille Thursday, WadesborO' Friday, Rockingham Saturday, Oct. 8. . Y, 1; 23rd. ;. V 24th , y " 2(Jth. " 27th. ' ' " 29th. " 30th. " 31st. ,9 w-4t-pd. ; S. t. -WAiLACS..; 4Y "; '-J. B. BOUTHBtA.3tr. Wallace & Soutlicrland,- :) cokMissW. mesc'saots; r NUTT; STREET, (Between Mulberry and "Walnut ets.) . Wilmington, M. C ri MI Oct 15. 10-wCoi i . AXJUL 8PBCKT. .: . t . ' i. W. HIKSOS. SPRUNT & HINS0N, X ' GE NE R A L S H IP P IN G t: "'' :Y AND. Y "" COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wiimingtpnfc.NC. ...... Oct. 12. l0-w6m S.II.FISIIBLATEDnOS, A 'K; - - ' - ; v-'-th.--'- ' :-' -'r;'""' - YOU WILL FIND Tflfi ' ' v '' ' V-' . yj . .CHEAPEST ' ASSORTMENT OP GOO D S, StlTABLE FOR ': LADIES . -mm CHILDREN. OctllA rwtif tk f.U If . 1 Valuable Ileal Estate rlnnE subscribers will .isell tPiiftlio AuctioS? JL fen Thursday. Oct ZZd, that " - " ; VALUABLE RESIDEITCS- of the late Mr David Gee) containing about 3d acres.' On it is a gbod to-story dweling with a I necessary nt-honseSj- ROod water large quantity of choice . fruit. Situated, two miles west of town, on Morganton road. ,.""-:'.. ALSO , That beautiful Building Lot, North side of the road, containing some 6 at 7 acres," joins Mrs Pemberton and N A fctedman. " Y ' ALSO- - The Fire-Proof Brick Store.' east side Green street, at present occupied by Mr. A Moore. ' . .--also : One Share of the stock of Western R. E. Terms Cash but the purchasers rhay hare until the 1st of January for half the purchase money. ' Title-held until It is paid Y '. . - - : v : r. JAS. 6. COOK, - v: J. It McDUFFIE, Executors.-, ftepi 1? w-tda LAND SALE TOR TAKES. I WILL SELL at the Court House oh the 16th NoTember, 1868, (Monday of Supe rior court,) the following Lands or so much thereof as will pay the taxes due for the years 186G-'67 1200 acres land on Carver's creek listed by John A. McKay; amount due, $11 00 1903 acres on Carver's creek, listed by J. W. Lancashire: amt due. .- 42 50 250 acres on . listed by , John 15 00 Wood; amt dud. 50 acres on Gillis creek, listed by D. J. Lockemy; amt. due, - 2 50 650 acres on Buffalo creek, listed by Catha rine Ferguson: amt. due. $8 00 304 acres, Flat creek,' listed by C S Moody: amt. due, 10 00 . 1000 acres on Morganton road, listed by A. T. Sanders: amt due . . 20 00 1921 acres on Nicholson's creek, listed by Neill McFayden; amt due, 30 00 100 aorea -on Turkey creek, listed by Ann McMillan, amt due. , Y ; . ; 80 eta 1 lot on Person street Farm on Wilming ton road, listed by Arch'd McLauchlin, amt due, ' " 20 50 I lot on Wilmington road; 1 lot on "Washing ton street listed by A. Alexander, amount due . . 6 00 600 acres on Wilmington rOad, listed by Mrs D W Ayer, amt due. 62 50 1 lot on Cape Fenc-4iiver, and known as the Rush wharf, amt -Tue. 14 95 R. W. HA.RDIE, Late Shff. P. S'. Price of advertising and cost of sale in addition to the above. Oct 19. adv $10 17.wtda ALL PERSONS ARE NOTIFIED not to trade for any notes made payable to myself." dated at any time ince 1857, as all my notes and papers were taken by a band of robbers, . who took them from my house On the night of the ICih October, 1868. Among my notes was one owned by John W, Leak, - signed by Martha Haruer or A W Uanier, which the public are warned not to trade for. A liberal reward will be paid for any infor mation concerning these papers. JNO. W. ROPER. Oct 19 17sw-3t IIST V SEASON, 4 doz. Snath's or Scythe handles. 2 Grass Scythes, 40 to 52 inches long. 36 inches long. Short " 20 to 26- " ' Scythe stones. ' , . 1 " 10 " 6 potatoe Hoes, for digging sweet potatoes. Well wheels, Sheep and Cow Bells. W. G. MATTHEWS, 58 i 60 Hay st Oct 1 w-tt GROCERIES, &ov TTTE'offer at market price, for cash or bar (YV ter the following: . t v v .45 Rags Coffee, (Rio, Laguira and Java. . ' -. , ' . . .. 50 bbls. Sugar, (different grcidos.) ;. 35 bbls Mullets, (oak and pine bblt) . 25 1 bbls MolasseBi. - 4 : . r . V ".i50 boxes CanS-, 0Ciifttcorbockor,) . . 50 kegs Naila feggpgd,) -. : . . , ; " 700 bus. Corn. ... C' 'f ; 500 sacks Salt. . s. Y ,JY: :y ;m 1 . 30 boxes Soap. .. . ;: ;. ., ,..-.. 50 sides. Sole Leather. ,, .' 25 Bags Shot. . - y 25 gross Parlor Matches, . , . 15'boxes i Candles. . t . 49 bbls. Heavy City Mess Pork, . And a general assortment of Goods, us'ually sold in our line. - W." A. WHITEHEAD & Co . ' ' No. 5, S. W. Cor. Market Srr - oat 12. : 1 -' - - 1 w tf -. DANIEL A. SMITH. DEALER IN ' . Alt Kinds Furniture and Bedding -T' .Sash, Blinds and Poors, , South Front Street, ', .- - -; - - Wilmington, N C. Oct 15. - 10-wSinpd REGISTRATION. "VfOTICE is hereby given that the Books of -131 Registration for the Fayett eville Precinct, wnl be open on the . . -. 15tU inst; at 0 o'clk, a. ra., . ; AT THE COURT HOUSE, and'remain open until one (.1) o'clock, p. m., after that time, at my Shop from 2 to 5 o'clock each day, to th 3d day of November. MN LEARY, Jr.. Registrar. Oot 12. w tSN x. a. dasixx. T; J; Jones & Co., General Commission Merchants, - -i 27 Hat Stbxtt, v Fayeiteville, N. C. A full stock or Gbocebxes and Pbotisions always on hand. Also, regular dealers in Lime, Plaster, Cemknt, IIakd Pisteb, Goa no, Bauoh's Haw Bo Sxjpee-Phosphatk. v Liberal advances will be made on con ijgnments,to be sold in Wilmington or New York. ...I. V. i Represented in "Wilmington by Worth Jt Daniel, "" New York by Dibble, Worth & Co. . r ; . ; . . Aug. 5. 1868 . : . -. .0 :t : , . , . . " swl-tf ;:. k C B. DIBBIJI."'B. O. WORTH. ' OIO.' 1C DIWXT DIBBLE, WH & 188 Pearl Street NEW YORK PROMPT personal attention given to sales "of navaIj btobes, corrow, and ooxjstbt bodcob. with quick returns. 1 , August 6," 1868." r, sw!9-tf. JOHN HINSbXiE, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR Al LAW, i No. 2 Hay Street, - ! - - v.. JFAY ETTE VlLLE, N. G. PRACTICES iiv'the State n4 Federal JL Courts,'6nd iix the Court bfBankruptcy for tbe 3rd Congsion al District.' s . ' "Prompt attention gfren to"AlIbrisIrie8fin' trusted to his care. Claims collected any where in North Carolina. . , ' Aug; s, 1868; -'.z-.; - :::'wi-tf BUGGIES AND ROCISAWAYS AT EiibUCED lUtlCES. WE have now on hand a. very large and ocmpletea ssortment of BUGGIES, i ROCKAWAYS, and ' - ' ' HARNESS, which' we are offering at greatly reduced prices. A. A. McKETHAN & SON. Aug. 5, 18G8 ' swl-tf JOS W JENKINS, B H PENDKB. JBaXlimort. . .- LaU of Tarboro, C. JOS. W. JENKINS & CO., COMMISSION ; MERCHANTS, 29 South Street,. . , Jialtimore. , SOLICIT consignments of Cotton, Naval Stores, and ali other products. All orders for Bamrinir. Rone. . Bacon and other supplies promptly filled. -Will make liberal awh advances on all con signments. P. O. Box 383. ' - ' to Bins to; Mechanics' National Bank, ' ' Thomas C. Jenkins, . . 1 ? George & Jenkins Baltimore. . IS, li unagers, i resi. & h xi, John L Bridgors, Tarbcro. N C Hon Geo Howard, Tarboro', N C. Octl ; w-3m REMOVAL. THEO. MARTINE has removed from hin old stand, up town, to No. 29, Hay 8treet thetore formerly occupied by W N Tilling hast as a Crockery Store, and more recently by J K Kyle &, Co., as a Dry Goods store. He keeps on nana au Kinai ox - HARDWARE, fa,, and will be happy5 to see his friends Sept 10. -a - sw-u : DENTAL NOTICE. DR. H. R. HANBERRV, IS still at his post devoting his whole time and talent to the alleviation 'of Buffering hu- ... ' i mfinitv. Nitro Oxvd Gas, administered, and teeth ex tracted withbut pain. Office in Fayetteville Hotel building, front room over Hale'a book store. sept 3. ' swl-Cm , P. A. WILEY & CO, BANKERS, DEAL' IN Gold and Silver. UN CURRENT MONEY 9 EXCHANGE. STOCKS AND BONDS RECE1VJ3 DEPOSITS. Aug.ii, 18(8 awlf : NOTICE! TO THE SPORTING PUBLIC AND THE K. K. IC UJ GREA T RED VCTION In the prici of Powder and 4 Shot, and Cartridges of all kinds. .Double Guns to be sold tor 51U ana upwards.; .. " .. ., - Single linns tor s ana upwaras. The cheapest house in the State for Repeating and other - kinds of Pistols. ' r Another lot of the . K, K., eipec;t ed in a few days. " All kinds of Gnh Materials' always on hand and for sale cheap for cash. TGun and Lock smithing done on ' the lowest terms and all work warranted, M the FayetteviUo Armory , and Sporting Houha, 2 doors east of W. C. Trey store, Hoy Street ' ' WALTER WATSON, . " Master Armourer. 'i nept 14. . ' -i C-w3 m ' New Store,' r HEW GOODS! AKD J-OW VltlCKS. J. K. KYi.E & CO TTAVE opened in their - NEW STORE, XX Kyle's cbrner, No. 1, Hay st., a large asj soruoenc oi ; Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, ' . ; : For the Fall and Winter Trade, consisting in partftf, Blick and Fancy Silks, French and English Merinoea, Irish and French Poplins, Empress Cloths; Black, Figured and- Plain Alpacas, De Laines, Lustres, White Goods of e very description, Cloaks and Shawls, Ladies .Vests and. Drawers,. Cloths, Ci8siinere8, Tweeds Jeans,. and St tinetts. Hats, Boots and Shoes.iMft-. rino Shirts and Drawers.IIoon Skirts, for ...Ladies' Missea and Children. Hoods, Collars, &c.,-Carpeting of all qualities; 10 4"sheetings, 10-4, i 1-4 nnd 12-4 Bed Blankets, " u - - Our Stock has been selected with untutaal care and the trade is invited to call early and and often and get good goods, at the lowest prices. : . - JKETLE&Oo. Oct 3. wtf J. JONES. ; , o; wobtS. r I'm Mi KEMOYAL ! THE CH0CKEKY STORE Has been- removed : to Kjlei New Building, ar ; street, ; ; . . One door abpic iLit c.cmeiv r . t. Where I have opined out an ttr NEW STOCK of Goods 14 tof line, embtacmg ettrj. thing that is tasty; useful or ornate en UL ' ' .-; ic .. " ' t-l z.tr - Table jind: Pocket Cutlery, v clttorf Firedoga; ShoveU And. Ton gi JTa "v Traj-s, Oil - Clotit-- CArpetin r; s Velret Ra&iMll rPaper, Window Shade WorkBa- -r .-) . kets; !FiB9 Toilcf Artice, . ... French i.CJbina, oVc., tc '. , -. ' I respectfully invite the' eitizena . and my customers to cull and examine my Ktock. A. R. CARVER. .Oct 15. . . , ' V..;:: .i-. ;,., wf jas, r. Buim & co, -- B&ITKEK&4 . " " AITD EXCHAITGE 3H0KE21S, v Front " Street,- : , ... , i " . ; Wilmington,, N. C. . NEGOTIATE LOANS and Ducount Ban! ness Paper. . Purchme and ell Govtn ment and otner Secaritiea op CommUaios. Receive Money" cV Depoxite.' tinr Gold an4 Silver Coin, Bullion ahd Hank Notet. . Mak colleetiomi todffurlt rm fiy xfTfmjratnt; Ksd transact General Daaking Busines.1 Oct 15. - ;.:.ry ,uJvtMm . Received, (his day: lO.OOOdbs. Yae Paw. Suga?:---ftn txlrpN krticie, ; T 5 hhds.'Cuba Mblassc8,-ruriorrT 15 Boxe State Checsej--goocL ... 10 " Cream excellent. j0 cases concentrated, Ly;e. ; , ;. 20 boxes Soap,-upcriorV ' y - . " l or sale by Wm. A. WHITEHEAD & CO ' r iinr Market square. : ew-16-y Oct 12. REMOVED. AFTER this date we, may be found at the "Branson store," north side of Hay ilreet, lately occupied by Mr. E L Pemberton, at which place we offer for le, Groceries, Hard ware and Iron, Also, No 1 Peruvian Guano and Bone Dust. We will fcell low forcuh or country produce. U. H. COWAN, . JNO. W. CAMCBON. JAS. B. B.UM R. H. COVAN d CO,, '; U s d Y . . WHOLESALE GROCERS ; . ' '..," .' ' Agents for M Ddtis Son's f(Lilertyt - Fa.,) celebrated Virginia Chewing Tobacco,- ' Agcnti for Lister Brc?s SupcrphosphaU ' of Lime. ' ' " , ' Agents for Vulcan Iron Worls, . ' IHchmonim Witmlnsrton, XL C t.. . . . No..Noxth.'Vfttfir.teet; Aug. 5, J8C8 . ewl-tf , 03 - n .9 so H' ft E. J. Bale & . Sori,r BO0K8ELLRB3 A STATIONS, Hotel Biilldlnsr, ; No 41, Hay Street, FftyetteTUloi N. O SCHOOL EOOkS in general nae. BIBLES, HYMN. BOOKS and STATIONERY of all kinds, at wholesale and retail. ; . ., , Orders with cash attended to. ' Persons who do no tpay promptly on pre' eentation of bills need not aak credit ( Fayetteville, Jnntfitb ' 185S. 1 v - . . Aug. 5, 18C8,,'; i... . ' 'Y, fl-tf . Y . . 1 '. . " : 1 . . ; 1 '" " Just Receiefiti A CHOICE lot o( Prime Groor!e coakkt ing l pah ot the lollowing aiiltlcs; . 20 BWe. Coniujion to Prim Bxfvh - . : iC'Bags Prve Rio Goffoe. , . , 55$ -JJoxee Soap. " . r 20 lto? Prime FQy Chete ' '- - ' 20 Boxe A(.VtaaXitine Cendlei. Also, Choice Faiuily Boef, No. 1 Mackerel, Nails, lwate, Bagging, Rope,' Cattoi Tarn, SheetingM. Jtes. Ac. - , 1 - AU of wUick Vill be sold at ihe lowest mar ket ratal, for conn or country prodaoe. -1 A . ' . ;. W. G. HALL, . Gillepi atreet. Oct 8. "; y " ; f im nev; STORE, N X A7 G0 0 D.;S! JOHN A. PEMBERTON1- IS now receiving a large and choice felction of'allthe . . of Fancy Kilka and Staple Xrf Goods, -'Hata,' Boots and Shoes. - "Y " -' -" - . - In the above stock. stay be fosnd all the New Style Press Goods, French Embro)derieft, Lad ie' Cloaks, Lc' , ' .. , ' These Goods were bought1 princTpany 'for Casi , and will be sold at priow to auit the times- . My .friend and old eostoftterai tad everybody generally are invited U Call and ex amine the above ktock. We lake pleaeura ia showing these goode thefyou want to rnfr, ehase or not. H's soUl tv U tvuhrrJd.'- - .OctSth. . ,.. .j Mlmof JOS. UTLEVt Oroca- and Commimon Menchqni 2 3 ' c5 Q IS tls5 3 U ffB;'2fl !:?... ;r f KJ u, "j p a ,'Xl . J ' 3 . , , . ' r-

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