A f . l .- , ; .- rw - , - -- - I .,' : ' - - - m - " - ' - -r ,.'.. .v .l-wScSWEEN & CO.,' "- ' ; Publishers and Proprietors: M. J. McSWEEN, Editor. :o-o:- TERilS pP'THS EAGLE: SUBSCSIPTIOi: "asA. in "Advance. Semiw Weekly; l year, . I.. . . . . . $4 00 . i . six m0nths, 2 00 Weekly I year, . . . .-. $3 00 : six months, . $l 50 Xen copies, or more, of the Wehklt,' one year, to one place, $2 50 each. Transient . .- WEEKLY ;AXD SKrr-tvprTrir.v 1 square or less, first insertion. $1 -Lach regular insertion afterwards, , CONTRA CT RA TES IX AD VAXCK SEMI-WEEKLY. 00 i 50 One square, one month,. . . V.C - 4C " ., $3 50 . . iwuuiontns,, 5 00 six months,, one year, . . ; .12 00 .22 50 . WEEKLY. . yne square, three months, ...... $5 00 01. laomns, 8 Vi) one year, ........ f .15 00 ibs tJXKs ories.s, brevier, make a square. Y Y. TICKKTS! TICKETS! " In any quantity con be hai at the Eagle wioasani. , , BEGISTEB! REGISTER 1 1 ! KEGISTRARS Fayetteville--M. N. Lcary, Jr. . John Monroe's Findlay Morrison. Carver's Creek Lovid Black man. Sen. Flea Hill John W. McLeran. Cedar Creek D. J. Davis. .Eock Fish L. W. Levy. Seventy-First Daniel C. Monroe. Quwhiffle M. N. Taylor. Black River W. H. Wad. Lock's Creek -Hector Strickland. Gray's Creek j-Elias Basley. i Post Oflice, J ' . 1 Fayetteville,'N. C. f On and after ijJfnst 1st, 1SG3, until further notice, the mais will close and arrive "at this offioe as follows: Nort&ern, Southern, Western and Eastern Mails via. Warsaw, will close every day except Sundays at 12.45 p. m. Arrive every day ex cept Mondays by 7 a. in. . Western Rail Road, carrying mails to Moore, Randolph and Moutgoaiery counties, closes every Monday tmd Thursday, at 6.15 a. m. Arrives same days by 3 p. uL Bostiek's Mills, LiUle'a Mills, Mannm, Al bemarle, Norwood und Swift Lslaml via. Lnm- beTton and Roekinghain every Wednesday at C30 a. m. i ' Lumberton, Elizabethtown. Rockingham, Wadesboro'au J offices on the W. C.& 111 R. 11. via. Warsaw, every Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 12.45 p. m. , I GEO. LAUDER, P. M. Office hours will be until further notice very day except Sund ays from T. 30 a. di. , till 1 p. ra . and from 2 30 p. m., till 6.30 p. m. On Sundays from U.3J a. m. till 10.25 a. m. DENTAL NOTICE. IP H. P. rlAWrPDV tiU at his post devoting his whole time and tident to the alleviation of sutfeiiag hu- IU.1U1IV. Nitro Oxyd Gas adminiKtered. and teeth ex tracted without pain. Oflice in Fayetteville Hotel Duildiugi front room over Hale's book store. sept 3. swl-6m BUGGIES AND RGGKAWAYS AT REDUCED PRICES. WE have now on hand a very large' and complete assortment of BUGGIES, ROCKAWATS, and HARNESS, which "we are offering at greatly reduced price. f A; A. McKETHAN & SON. Aug. 5, 1868 swl-tf NEW GOODS, At the Fayettevills IFirst-Class Fancy Dry Goods Store. JUST RECEIVED this day, by Sr. Halcyon, a fresh supply of Ladies Dress Goods, Shawls and Cloaks, Bleached Shirtings. Duch ess Kid Gloves, Balmoral Skirts, French Cor sets, Striped Prints, Dress Trimmings, Spool Cotton, Paper Cambrics, Jaconets, and a large assortment of Fancy Dry Goods too tedious to mention. F. W THORNTON, j Oct 26. ; ' 13-swtf . PETROLEUM AT 65c. PER GALLON, TURIN ER's TIC DOLEREUX Oil XEURALGIA PILL. ELLIS'' ELIXIR OF CALISAYA, RAKER'S CHO COLA TE, j SURGEOXS SPONGE, , ' CIGARS, TAPIOCA, BURNETT'S COCOAIXE, ', Genuine Brown Windsor and other Soaps. Genuine Florida Water and other Perfumeries. ' Kerosene Lamps, Chimneys and Burners. Large assortment Euglish Tooth Brushes, Nail Brushes and Hair Brushes. IL It. IIORNE, Druggist and Apothecary. Oct 22. ". . 18-sw-lm. 1 REMOVAL. rflHEO. MARTINE has removed from hia JL old stand, up town, to No. 29. Hay street the store formerly occupied by W N Tilling hast as a Crockery Store, and more recently by J K Kyle & Co., as a Dry Goods store. He keeps on hand all kinds of HARDWARE, fc.. and will be happj to see his ii 1 1 . ! Sept 10. j JOHN W. HIJVSDAJLE, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR Al LAW, 1 No. 2 Hat Street, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. PRACTICES in the State md Federal Courts, and in the Court of Bankruptcy for the 3rd Congressional District. , Prompt attention given to all business in trusted to "his cure. Claims collected any where in North Carolina, j Aug. 5, 1868 ; swl-tf M. J. McSween, ATTORNEY AT LAW, '' Fayetteville, N. C ,f Recently of Rockingham, N.C. W- ILL ATTEND the courts of Cumber land, Richmond and Moore regUarty. All business attended to promptly and dili gently; Special attention given to Bankruptcy and collection of claims throughout the State, and also to TJ. S. Revenue Laws, i Aag 24, , . !i , W,. S.-lf. YOL. 11 AS. T. PETTWAT. BOO EH MOOEJE. PETTEl'AV & MOORE, COMMISSION. MERCHANTS, Wilmington, A-'C WE keep for sale at lowest cash prices a !; fall and varied stock of Mc'rchuiidise at oar .branch Houses at Alfordsville. Flnrl : Conecre and liumberton. - r ' Produce taken at highest ' market prices'for merchandise, - ......... . We make liberal cash advances on consicm-. menis 01 tjotton, is aval tstares and all kinds of country produce to our Wilmington hou se. We order merchandise for a commission when preferred. Prompt, sales and; returns guaranteed. Highest prices paid for Turpen tine at Eureka, Back Swamp and. Thomp sons. r - . i LUborera can 'find ajaoptoymant: hi-ryrtsent- i end anptc We keep a stock of mules, horses, wacons. harness, 4c constantly m hand. We buy and sell real estate. Parlies, in want apply to Jas. T. Petteway, Lumberton, I or Messrs. Petteway & Moore, WilmiDgton. ITOTICS TO DSBTOHS : Parties indebted are requested to pay as much as they can promptly. By ' doing this we will be enabled to assist them another ywir. They must ahow a disposition to meet their obligations as far as they can. Oet 5. sw-2m ALL PERSONS 1 RE NOTIFIED not to trade for any notes XX. mase ayaoie to myself, dated at any time si ttee 1857, as all my notes and papers were taken by a band of robbers, who took them from my house on the night of the 10th October, 1S68. Among nty notes was one owned by Job u W. Leak, signed by Martha llunier or A W darner, which the public are warned not to trade for. A liberal reward will be paid for any infor mation concerning these papers. JNO. W. ROPER. Oct 13 17sw-3t C B. DIBBLE. B. G. WOETil. GEO. 3. DEWEY DIBBLE, WORTH & CO, 188 Pearl Street. NEW YORK.. TISOMPT Dersonal attentinu irv&n khIm XT Of N A VAL STOBES, COTTON, and COUNTBr i August 5, 18G3. - swl9-tf. IC1M eTi III N I W G O 0 D-(S! JOHN A. PEMBERTON IS now receiving a lars and choice selection of all the JMew .Strls , of Fancy Silks and Staple Dry Goods, Hats, Boots and Snoes. f'K mflybefpund all the Dress Ciooas, Frencn iiftrroraericir, New iStyle Ladies' Cloaks, Ac. These Goods were bought principally for Cash, and will be sold at prices to suit the times. My friends and old customers and everybody general ly are invited to call and ex amine the above stock. We lake pleasure ia showing these goods whether you want to pur chase or not. We icill k be undersold. J A PEMBERTON. Oct 5th. - ' sw-lmo. E. II. COWAN, JNO. W. CAMEBON. JAS. E. HIIX R. M. COWAN & CO., AND WHOLESALE GROCERS. Agents for M. Datis 4 Sons Liberty, - Va.,) celebrated Virginia Chewing Tobacco. ' Agents for Lister Bro"s Superp7tosphatt of Lime. Agents for Vulcan Iron Works lhchmondl Wilmington, N. C, i No. 32 North Water street. Aug. 5, 1868 swl-tf REMOyED. AFTER this date we may be found at the "Branson store," north side of Hay street, lntfely occupied by Mr. E L Pemberton, at which place we olfer for sale. Groceries, Hard ware aud Iron, Also, No 1 Peruvian Guano and Bone Dnst. We will sell low for cash or country produce. W D SMITH & CO. sept 3 sw4-tt 5 a o 00 - PI E- P 6 C H 03 W w w H W - (0 P 0 H s. 8 - w s5 so o f-t a 3 S 3 a c3 o a, B a W 3 03 o 5 i o O E ! O O t i O 03 JAS. G. INJUR & CO., BAHKSKS, AHD EXCHAITGS BROKERS, Front Street, : ; f ; Wilmington, N. C. , "VfEGOTlATE LOANS and Discount Bnsi ness Paper. Purchase and sell Govern ment and "Other Securities on Commission. Receive Money pn Deposit r: Buy Gold"nnd Silver Coin, Bullion and Bank Notes. Make collections and remit on day of payment, and trausaot General Banking Businea. ? Oct 15, . .' sTrl5-lm j - - J - FATETTEVILLE, Keceived, this day: 10,000 lbs. Yac Paw Sugar, an extra , -article, . . . 5 hhds. Cuba MolasseSj-Hiuperior 15 Boxes State Cheese, good. 10 Cream - excellent. . 1Q cases concentrated Lye. 20 boxes Soap, superior. For sale by - -i - Wm. A. WHITEHEAD & CO . . . ; No. 5, S W corner i Market square. - Oct 12. : . sw-15-y :E. J. Hale & Soiv r BOOKSELLERS Hotel . & STATIONERS, SCHOOL BOOKS in general use. BIBLES, HYMN BOOKS .and STATIONERY of all kinds, ' at wholesale and retaiL l', - ; ' ke j Orders with cash attended to. ; I Persons who do no tpay promptly on pre sentation of bills need not ask credit, . Fayetteville, June 5tb 186S.; I Aug. 5, 1868 N . swrl-tf . T. . JONES. D. G. WOBTH. N. O. DAKtEL T. J. Jones & Co., i AND General Commission JTlercTiants. 27 Hat Stexet, Fayetteville? N. C. I A full stock of Gbocektjes and Provisions j- always on hand. Also, regular dealers m Limb, Plast tc, Cement Land Piaster, Gua no, Bapuh's Raw Bonk Scpeb-Phosphate. S" Liberal advances will be made on con signments, to bo sold in Wiimington or New York. . Represented in Wilmington by Worth & Danuil, ' " New i'ork by Dibble, Worth k. Co. ' j Aug. 5, 1868 . swl-tf J. D. WILLIAMS & CO.. ,' GROOHRS AND COMMISSION MSRGHAITTS, Aug. 5, 1868 swl-tf P. A. WILEY & CO, BANKERS. DEAL IN Gold and Silver, UN C URREN T MONE Y9 EXCHANGE. STOCKS AND BONDS Aug. 5, 1868 . swi-ti GREAT Inland Air-Line1 Route ! ' PASSENGERS and FREIGHT. BETWEEN New Yerk, Philadelphia and Baltimore, and aid all Southern places, via Wilmington N. C. ! TIME FREIGHT Forwarded by Express trains at very low rates. No insurance necessary. j For particulars, rates, fcc, apply in New York at 291 Broadway. I In Wilmiugton. at the WiL and Wei. E. R. Transportation office. j And in Portsmouth, Va., to E. G. Ghio, S. & R. R. R. "In New York ship by Old Dominion Ktearuers. Philadelphia, by P.W. & B. R. R. Co., and in Baltimore, by old Bay Line. WiL SAllTti, . Master of Transp'n. Wilmington, N. C. PETER MALLETT, Gen. Agt, 291 Broadway. E. G. GHIO, Supt'dt. Portsmouth. Va. Oct 15. -tf the FARMERS' AND PLANTERS' FOR 1869. -Wholesale and retail at the Faj etteville Book tore. Oct. 21, 1868. wtlstJan REGISTRATION. I "VTOTICE is hereby given that the Books of ; Jl Registration for the Fayetteville Precinct, will be open on the , - ; t - loth insL, at 9 o'clk; a. m., .AT THE COURT HOUSE, and remain open until one (1) o'clock, p." m, after that time, at my Shop from 2 to ,5 o'clock each day, to the 3d day of November. : v i -r 11 N LEAR Y, Jr., f: ' ' A ? - - -f f .Registrar. Oot 12. ' . ' ' w t8N UDOLPHO WOLFE, 22 Beaver St. New York. The subscribers beg leave to inform the citizens of North Carolina that they have been appointed agents fox UDOLPHO WOLFE, ' of New York, for the sale of his celebrated SCESIDAM AROMATIC SCHNAPPS, And Bottled Wines and Liquors. ; Mr. Ws name Is a household word in every part of the Southern States. A.uxs,AJ.n x vujuijiiiiva, " . Wilmington, N. C, Agents at Fayetteville: ' S J Hixsdaxe, . Jas N Sjecth, ": .- . ' ' HRHobxe, Auff27." - w-tf TJST SBA.SON", ' " -;. . 4 doz. Snaths or Scythe handles. f 2 r Grass Scythes, 40 to 52 inches long, t . 1 . " . " 36 inches long. ' - 2 " Short - " 20 to 26 " I " 10 - Scythe stones. ' -' 6 potatoe Hoes, for digging slreet potatoes. Well wheels. Sheep and Cow Bells. , .t . W. G. MATTHEWS, . ' j58i60Hay st. .Oetl . . . : w-te , - J IX N. C, MO DRY G Good Old Times Cc J s Lack! Let Everybody and . JOHN A. PEMBEBTON J old occupation and hn. .- ' -J- Large and Magn i of Staple and Fancy. Silk I Boots and tMloes, &c. , , . Many of wL tirBed to hia :d out a . OCX that all who give him 4 aicvall go away sat' isfied that the-3rur w that we are at last reconstructed. Nothing ia moxe convinc ing of this fact, than the prices he will sell you the best quality of goods in his line. - Let everybody come and seo" that the above is all true. . ' ' Strict personal attention will be given to Orders from the Country. - ? Any article sent to or der not proving entirely satisfactory in price style or quality, can be returned and money refunded. Also, any article purchased from him not proving al that it was recommended can be returned on same terms. 7 This is the: way we traded in good old times let us all get back to it. . He trusts that after an experience ot twenty years attention to the Dry Goods Trade, that he will be able to give satisfaction to all, and j respectfully invites all of his old friends and. customers to give him a call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere, as he will give you the lowest "Regulated Prices," and will always be happy to show you through his stock, whether yon purchasa or not. North East Corner Market Square, Fayette ville, N.G. J. A. PEMBERTON. Oct 29 s: 12-wtf . New Store, NEW GOODS! AKDtOWPRIOES. J. K. KYLE& CO. HAVE opened in their NEW STORE, Kyle's corner. No. 1, Hay St., A large as sortment of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, For the Fall and Winter Trade, V consisting in part of, ' Btck and Fancy Silks, French arid English Merinoes, Irish and French Poplins, Empress Cloths; Black, Figured and plain Alpacas, De Laines, Lustre, White Goods of every description, Cloaks and Shawls, ! i "riitvf ests andjLiravvers, Uloths tmetts. Hats, Boots and bhoes, JHe- rino Shirts and Drawers, Hoop Skirts, for Ladies' Misses and Children. Hoods, Collars, Sfcc., Carpeting of all qualities; 10 4 sheetings, 10-4, 11-4 and 12-4 Bed Blankets. Our Stock has been selected with unusual care and the trade is invited to call early and and often and get good goods, at the lowest prices. J K KYLE k Co. Oct 5. . wtf NOTICE; .-TO THE SPORTING PUBLIC AND THE K. GREAT REDUCTION In the .pricj of Powder and Shot, and Cartridges of all kinds. Double Guns to be sold for $10 and upwards. " 1 ut. Single Guns for $5 and upwards. The cheapest house in the State for Repeating and. other kinds of Pistols. . I . Another lot of the K. K. K. expect ed, in a few dajs. All kinds of Gun Materials always on hand and for sale cheap for cash. . 5S"-Qun and Lock smithing done on the lowest terms and all work warranted, at the Fayetteville Armory and Sporting House. 2 doors east of W. C. Tn-y's store, Hay Street WALTER WATSON, Master Armourer, sept 14. 1 6-w3 m - GROCERIES, &c "TT7"E oEFer at market price, lor cash or bar - VV, ter the following: 45 Bags Coffee, Rio, Laguira and Java.) . 50 obis. Sugar, (different grades.) 35 bbls Mmle.ts, (oak and pino bblsl) 25 bbls HolassesJ t .. .50 boxes Candy, (Knickerbocker.) s 50 kegs Nails (assorted.) . 700 bus. Corn. ' .500 sacks Salt." 30 boxes Soap. . 50 sides Sole Leather. 25 Bags Shot. : 25 gross Parlor Matches, 15 boxes Candles. 49 bbls. Heavy City Mess Pork, And a generaL assortment of Goods, usually sold in" our line. i . f ,W. A. WHITEHEAD & Co., No. 5, S. W. Cor. Market Sqr. ;. wtf Oct 12. REMOVAL. ON SEPTEMBER FIRST, we will move into our NEW STORE, Mabket Squake and will in a few days com mence getting in our. ! .. .V NEW . STOCK, r -to which we would ask the attention . of pur chasers. ':VTr.''. -f; v..,- ' J. K.' KYLE A CO. Aug21 - ; ' irnl ' : ,4-Wtf MRS. SWANN twill resume the duties of her 8choti on Monday, Oct. 26th. . Terms, as heretofore, half in advance. - Oet 1 -w5t NOVEMBER 25 1868. t-.A- NEW STOCK OP SUBSTANTIAL and : : FASHIONABLE GOOI)S, i Dry Has just been.recei?ed by ' ..-r -mmt , f mm B00TS, SHOES, HATS, Ready -made Clothing , And Fancy Goods. The Prices areyas usual, as LOW AS THE LOWEST. .... V . : : ( Call early and make your selections . Sept 17. Tv-tf JOS W JENKINS, j Bullimore. B H PENDEB. Late of Tarboro, X. a JOS. Wt JENKINS & CO , COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 29 South Street, Jialtimore. QOLICIT consignments of Cotton, Naval tj Ktores, ana an oiner products. 1 All orders for Bagging, Rope, Bacon and other supplies promptly filled, j; Will make liberal cash advances on all con signments. P. C Box 383. WE KEFB TO: Mechanics' National Bank, Thomas C. Jenkins, George & Jenkins Baltimore. R R Bridgers, Prest. W & W R R, i John L Bridgars, Tarboro', N 0 - j Hon Geo Howard, Tarboro', N C. I Oe 1 . . . . .Av-3m i DANIEL A. SMITH. DEALER IN AH Kinds Furniture and Bedding Sah, Blinds and Doors. South Front Street, " n'.,;i....'J.M. "r si ua ij: ! Mrs. Deming Having Returnd from New York, IS now prepared to cut, or make, Dresses, Sacques Ac., and furnish Patterns, of the most approved styles. Ladies from the country, waited on, at short notice, and at moderate charges, i Residence first house east of the Semi nary, nearly opposite the Post office. Address. Mrs. H. S. DEMTNG. Il-w4tpd Oct 17. SNUFF! SNUFF!! Rail Road Mills, .Eagle Mills, Carolina Belle, Rose Hill -Mills, G. AV. Ga-il & Ax, For sale by W. A. WHITEHEAD & CO., No 5, S W corner Market square. Oct 19. lsq -w-y . AGENTS! AGENTS! TXTANTED! Ladies and Gentlemen in V every town and city in the United States, to act as agents for ! Austin & Co's Great One Dollar Sale. We are now selli ng a great varietyof rich nnd valuable goods, consisting of Dry Goods, Gold and Silver Watches, carpets, Furniture, Silver-plated Ware, Cutlery, Fine Jewelrv, Sewing Machines, &c comprising nothiag but useful articles wanted in every family, for ONE 1 OLLAR EACH, which cannot be pur chased in anv retail store lor twice that sum. t Our inducements to Agents are greater than any other House in the Trade. Send for des scriptive checks in clubs of Ten for SI Thirty for $3, Fifty for $5, larger ones in the same ratio. Circulars, giving full information, sent free of charge. Parties desirous of acting as agents will send in clubs, and receive in retnrn for the same, Dress Patterns, Wool Blankets, Gold or Silver Watch, Woolen Carpet, Sewing Machine,' Web of ; Cotton, and various other valuable articles,- in proportion to the size of the club ' Address " . AUSTIN & ca. 106 Summer St., Boston, Mass. Aug 27. , w-2m MANHOOD: HOW LOST,' HOW ESSTOEED, Jcst Published, a new edition of Dr Culverwell's Celebrated Es say on the radical cure witbout medicine) of Spermatorhotr, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Semfnal Losses, Impotency; Men tal and Physical Incapacity, Im pediments to marriage, etc. ; also, ConKuaip tion, Epilepsy, and Fits, induced by self-indulgence or sexual extravagance. Price in a sealed envelope, only 6 cents, i The celebrated author, in this admirable es say, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years successful practice, that the alarming conse quences of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, -and effectual, by meaus of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, postpaid, on receipt ot six cents, or, two post stamps. Also. Dr. Cnlverwells "Marriage Guide, price 25 cents. Address the publishers, , . - CHA8. J. C. KLTNE & CO, ' : 127 Bowerv, New York, Post OlHee Box 4,586. . pt24, w-iy ' V , V? :r NO. 21. S-II. F1SI1BLATE & BROS. YOU WILL FIND THE LARGEST, FINEST and ; CUEIPEST Q 0.0 D S SUITABLE FOR1 LADIES, Gentlemen, and CHILDREN. Oct. 12. I wtf- B. D. WAIXACE. J. B. 80UTHEKLAND. Wallace & Southcrland, COMMISSION MBECHANTS; KUTT STREET, (Between Mulberry' and. "Walnut sts.) Wilmington! N. - C. Oct 15. 10-wGin ALEX. SrBUNT. J. W. EINSOK. JAMES 8PBtHfT. SPRUNT & niNSOX, GENERAL. S II I P ? I N G AND . , - ' ' COMMISSION, MERCHANTS, Wilmington, X. C Oct. 12. 10-w6m REGISTER ! REGIST ER! ! -1. Don't forget to Register. Every man must Register or he can not Vote. 1 J you Registered before it will not an-, iwer unless you Register now: . rvegisirurs win register names between the 15th of October, till and including the'day of election, on. the 3rd of November. . the tiinl'S an will register, and should ..not regis wr to mi , 1 ) nn at other times. No improper voter can be challenged except jwhen he proposes to register ; hence, the peo ple should know when and where the registration takes place1. 4. The Seymour and Blair Clubs must be sure to have proptir persons at the Registrar's tables to challenge improper voters at all times. See to this. 5. There is no election in Virginia on the 3d of November. "Ve learn that negroes are being brought from Virginia into our border counties, on the pretence of working, .but really for the purpose of registering and voting at our elections. Remember, nowian has a right to register or to vote in' this State unless lie lias been in the State one year before; the elec tion, and in the county, where be registers, thirty days before'the elec tion. 0. We beg our exchanges, public speakers, and friends generally, to have the people fully informed on the above subjects. ' j . 7. Tickets! Be sure to have every precinct well supplied with tickets. The names of candidates for Elec tors, &c, should be written or print ed in full. Every County must or der their own tickets in time. A friend of ours, recently returned from a trip through St. Charles par ish; tells us that he rodo thirty-four miles-through the parish, and in that time did not see a . woman or child. On asking the reason of this, ho was informed that the negroes in the par ish had-assumed so threatening an at titude that for their own safety the defenseless portion of the population had been sent to the city. 'Let us have peace." Ar. O. C resent. Queen Isabella's trip! was made with five hundred pieces of baggage. A most wretched punster in Fay etteville, N. C. says Queen Isabella should now be called; "Queen Wasa bclla.1 AnoTiiER Large Contribution. Wm. Bishop, of New Haven, Conn., moved by the example of Mr. Helm bold, has sent .to Gov.. English SS0, 000, to be expended ; in aid j of the Democratic national ticket in that State, and particularly in the city. Now,-who is prepared to "sae" Mr. Bishop's $SO,000 and go an $S0,000 better? Gentlemen will do well to remember that less than one week is left before the election. N. Y. Sitn. - I .X... " I" .-V -4 - '"j " 7 ASSOIlTllilNT ,OP ,. XXJ. ' O. Who dro tiio cood Kii-Klux? "-A: The solid rncn of Boston, dii-' guised as Indian .who pitched th tea into lioston uay. Q. -Who ara the bad Ku-Klux? fr"The Southirh men di?2uiseil si ghosts, who shoot the nerrrcea t!ut" - Q.' .Who is a revolutionist? - -If. .Frank J3laiu, who fought four years against rebclliorT, J ; ' ' Q. .Who is. a trool v loil man? I i'l'A.' Jo. Brown,. wbo fought four -years for rebellion.' . ' ' ; V i. Q. ;What is a republican form of government? -V' ;- - " rj4.:. Where a Union Soldier can't Yorelirrress ho swears bo is no better than a negro." '- v -t . , . ';;Q.WJiat is impartlarsuftrage? 4r,Takidg tho baliot from intellt " gbot -white men and'iring it to ig- ' norant Wacks. - ' ' " Q. -.Who iirst difpersed State rov' . rHrneh(s' ol; tho point of the bayo- net? '.-- t- ' ' A. The Radicals. V They dispersed the Southern State governments of ISC5. -.- . . . r'zt Q- Who was tho first carpet-bag- ?. What was the cbrnc' the Confederacy? . A. T he uecro. Q. What was flie corner-stone of reconstruction? . A. The negro. Q, How is G kant to let us havo peace? ' I he whole clajs gives it vp. The election of Grant means tho curse of military government Tor these ten Southern States: thdtc'ost of which several hundred millions per annum must be borne by the Labor and Industry of the co'untrv. that are already cround to the dust bv Radi- cal Robbery nnd Radical Oppres sion. A'. Ir, Express. University. Last- yVdncsday nichr. Rpv. Wavman. a Rlshon of tho African Methodist Church, preached iir tho Chapel of the University of North Carolina. This was the first public uso of tho University build ings by its present Trustees. Tjie next may be a meeting of the Union League in the halls of the Dialectic and Philanthropic Sjcieties. , Every man who votes for Grunt and Colax has voted for a negro. A. II. GALLOWAY, the elector of the 3rd district is a negro 'Aratlm., white men of North Carolina willing '. to vote for a negro to cast the vote of the State for President ? Gen. Grant says "Let us havo neace." JJjsfnind. n.n ri.irfi-,U of Ohio, savs'this is to beTTTcijruu uv 1'aIilllf rianguhir piece ,t)f:stec) -rrh:..?'.-',, 'bjli? -not. what the Arkansas candidate; for a nomination said wl?bn rfu. bti rat into he committee room, bowie-knife iu hand, and demand: "Why the ' you don't harmonize in here by voting ior me ana my menus. The New Government op Sim in Recognized. London, October 20. England, France, Prussia, Italy and Portugal have recognized the provisional government of Spain. A new volnmo of tho North Caro lina Presbyterian commences on Wednesday, Jan. 7th, 1SG9. The paper will be enlarged; und other wife improved. Interesting Revenue Decision.---Tho commissioner of internal rev enue has had tho question propounded to him: "Where an administrator wishes to assign a mortgage not duo, to the guardian of decedent's heirs, in order to settle his trust finally, is It necessary to stamp tho assignment? No consideration, of course, ruissing from the guardian to the administra tor." To this the following" responso has been made: UI reply to your letter of the 19th instant, that tho assignment of a mortgage requires, in ever case, the same stamp as .a new mortgage, for tfie sum still secured. The tax does not depend as in tho case of a convey ance upon a valuable consideration." Rates of Advertising in New York. Complaints are sometimes made by business men as to charges made for advertising. Tho following are tho rates in New York: In tho New York Tribuno, twenty five cents per line for each insertion; eighth page, thirty cents per lino. Business notices, fourth page, ixjy cents per lino for each insertion. Fan cy type nnd cuts aro charged double rates for ppaco occupied. .In tho Weekly Tribune tho rates aro two dol lars per lino for each insertion, and " thrco dollars per lino for announce ments. Tho other New York papers charge tho same rates, with tho ex ception of tho Herald, which is fifly cents higher. Tho business men of New York all advertise extensively and consider even theso rates cheap. Compare theso rates witL tho, prico of advertising in some other citicst " "When the storm is over, the Con servative party, representing, as.it does, THE PROPERTY AND IN TELLIGENCE OF THE STATE, will take the guidance of affairs, AND ALL WILL BE WELL" Judge Pearson's Mitter, Then why not "take the guidance of affairs" while the storm is raging? Now is the tiina if svee - ", V l sr -r t 1 i