f 'A lJ ' hoyond tho luililinrt of Cj! -r : Temple ' - XotwitLsfjinin diatri bci-from France,-ro istili t' that th arn"in!?itinn it-- ticca of Frocraasonrr shows its origin..., - . Tako away from it iTewish tradition. v cercrnoniala and customs, aad wL:it i;" there remaining? . ; . .-y - Oar ' 3Iasonio i.iolo.of ccr.-.r v.i tii'V .... ' ' . (jfil- W":'.- -TiPfVS PuMixhers and Proprietors. v J. McSWEESr, Editob. v - l :o-b: . '- .SUBSCRIPTION Cash in Advance. . ; six months, ...... $2 00 Veoje VV;V- .y-v,3 00 ' Tencops.or more, of , the ,VEtKi.Y", one vear,;to'oneijlac?, $iS. 50 each. v ; x ,AI)733TISIiT5--iE5JT. . WEEKLY AND SEMI-WEEKLY. . I.", f - il S1 ' f . ume , muicatea. onr coniru n on 1 he Jews reckon iron . thoy..;r of tho world, mean in as Anno Lvris. i , f7-r3 fr a 'Dionysjua Kxig1' 3MBER" 1, i86'8;-'. MA" 1 Rquarn or ies, nrsi iuwruuii; n: w - Ea.chrecalarinsertioQ.ftfterwaril8f 50 o U A - ne square, one monthv . . ; I . . . . $3 50 t ! twp niouths, . . . V. .-. . 5 00 " frr r : i six months?. ........ 112 ; 00 one year,-, ,22 50 One ... - - v WEEKLY. i Briarctirree nionths. r. . . ..$3 00 ', sir month . .TV. . 8 CO oyp year,. : . . 4. - .15 OO 7 . J 1 - 1 ' ' 1 T - ' ' " ' " - " - "V ."--y..W.MlHM H iT7 ' 4 Pitt, eighth -'Monilayfafter llife tlilrfl iq 'AptUncTSeiiteiijj it ttS0Pi5ie 3Tiiu - Mo i ul ay in Sepfrmberahr. February; ' ber.' ! Vv ; J i : .The Supreme Cburtcp i-ts'of. a Chief Jas n Eteecombe,- f t-nth: fohrfavafter" V Sur'rr;" eig!ith:Mdriday Rafter ' the tindvfpttr?A88oete i tfces -There are the third MjtiJay in September and third Monday in April, ond eptenv yea,t. commencing ou..'thytrst Monday iuJau-. February. ' ' " ;blT. ; : , . - : uary an) the first JMonci;A ia Jane, ftmi con " . u- :, . i ' Vailkin Pnfh Mnndiv -flfter the tinning ua long us the im J - interests way re- third judicial district. . I adKiti, tentn jviomiay aiier ine q b . . l I . Wayne county. thfirst R.o;day in : .third 'Monday in 'April and , Septet . ; - ; .;om?M: ' , . St.t-mber aild February. ? 1 : -. KM Personof Yadkin, (Jef Justice . . ione3.thVthird rno,Miay in Sep- . Ea;tnaeVcfVei Wmber'aud February. t Polk county,. the first Monday in . juhmm. salary, .j Vfl ?$2 5t0' Onslow, 6rVf monday aftr the March and September; . , ; . - . Wm B, of Beanvit, Associate - fourth monday in September and Feb- : Rutherford, third Monday in March E p teJaVV rurv " ' """!' " and September. tice, salary, ' . ' 2,500 tkiirvi iiiriiiii'.i v &fiiiiiiiiri iiiiii . .11. .lift. i I i im i I . .0u i. i y ' ' I. : I I K I I : . , . ' CJorrespondenca of the Ealeigh SentincL. , Inder; tlieToplar. -. - t -r - - - - iaCon tracts for a uoisor lssforcnrB, ux or tweltb month, it reo.sonab.e rates. ; runry .. . v f . Txn Linss or ls9i btetier, maka square , Eenou iif th nonday vn.f ter-iii.'J2l2T - - --- - y f ,l 1 -w-,., ?,v niu&ij .nut" ii uo vino, uu uiutcu tri.of ' f" - 'of iud f" ! r f f Anf i An i n rl A n rouse'the sympathy and interest of those' who fcnov it best; and to con-; centrate their ; thoughts: for a iew. ino.rneiits on the present condition of Avha't was .ufiQO'jour' fountain-head ot learning and ' culture A : fountain ueauj .now, aias; .cuowmj anu ury, I stand utul'r the old Poplnr-in ,,1Tn;v The Election: ; -It is now conceded that Seymour and Blair haye-'canjed tho! State bf Oregpn bya small , majority. v'This rentiers It certain that General ,G ran t has been elected by military violence ana iraua. r u? c'euioiiii utu . ine.peopie, vvuuju uuu u iuhuhs. For Seymour:.-:; :-v VV New Jersey r-l . . . ' bujing a printing-j)rGs. ere nui actuated by any ' pecuniary interests. Eftch'of them is-engaged in other pur suits, which require his means, time, and talent. But with a view of far thering the cause of the country in the late campaign and promoting the in terest of the towa-and eoniumnity, lvstal.lished this paper. The mana- J - u: n gtrs of the paper are, now zealous effort to extend the circulation, and we are happy to .say our efforts bave been crowned with a success far bevoud our brightest anticipations. v "Ve now appeal to our ukw ""u,,e out Uie country to aid us in our nn tlertating.; The merchants of this place and Wilmington can aid us very fcffecWly by advertising liberally, and for every dollar" so' in vested five hun dred per cent premium will be realized. Several merchants have advertised hb erallr and forcibly see the feeueficial re- .. - " - fiur fripnus assure salt jntueir inwc. - k.t vc have eiveu them a, satisfac .rw.r V'e know we have eadeav- , a A, aud all e now ask is that be sustained iu our t-fforU to make this one of the substantial papers ofthe dav. And with substantial as ' miraaces from the eammnnity ui way of advertising aud Reciuriuff us. addi- ' rAtft, will lw J - vday after" the - - SUPERIOR - CJRT. ' T T . on slXL Murch an(? oepiem .1 here are - v t.j.- laV auer - , -T - ,.. . m lvoases. .vtujr uuSo ...y. , r- February. .', I -r:..M U.,rr oivhth Monday at-. L.h.mta Disfrictswi h the conit of the Gov- . . ..1. f rr the. I . iiecivic-iiM.f, . -"- -n-- hJI IiaM- in Carteret, muu. ...u. .j ; Monday in March ana ernor . . . - rorn mpt jinn i-1 . w - - - - - - r 1 pjir 11 uuui anuuni iw v " " 1 - - k - a....,.,.Uor " will cm. ti nne for two vueek unless the I. . nrr?nTr nffpr the iminPks 13 sooner disposed 01. Uaoarrus. ""J " " - . T- w the peorA Terrn of l.ird Monday in jjiarcu auu ocFv. .rrr.rr" 0:1.2.500. - - a - -. . ber. , f TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. curmor the-bufding fourth monday in September and February. . r 4 . Wilson, eleventh monday alter tne fourth monday in Septemoei aim February. : roraTH judicial dtstkict. Robeson county, on the fourth mon iwl February.' "Bladen, second monday after the fourth monday in- August and heb- ruary. ' . . Columbus, fourth monday after the fourth inouuay in auusi au . - BrunswicK, stxin mouuuj n.L. . . .. ,1 TVuLrn- fourth monday in Augusiauu-"- ary. ' ' . j r ii mnunr pifrhth monday ai ter the fourth monday in August and February. Sampson, tenth monday after the fourth monday in August and teb- Duplin, twelfth monday after the fourth mouday in August and teb- ruary. fiatawba county, first Monday in - 1 . March and Bepternner. Aiexaiiut'i, iui.u ; I C ...ti.iiKur .'.ft . i 3,. nftor flip Iredeil, seconu jiuuua; . . n r I. y.inf uni. third Monday in iuaru.i auu ww... Wilkes, fourth Monday after the . r l ......1 C2rfm . third Monday in juureu- anu ov". r..Au .Wth Monday alter the third Monday in March and Septem- 1. . - oer. n. ,i , i:.j.n ;rriit 1 iMondav alter uie third Monday in March and Septem-: ...... TV r ,.TV-ftl 1 fonth Monday after the UtlW-l' v....-.- third Monday in Match and Septem ber. ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. OUlce eiuuii jciiia. - ' . -.V- l -i 1 i 1'nAl ITT T.. ISdmuna v r'u..., t? Thomas Daniel L Russell, Jr Rrtlph P Bnxton Samuel W Watts Albion W Tourgee John M Cloud George W Logn Anderson Mitchell .TniTiAs T. Henry Riley H Cannon. 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th do do do da do do do do ' do do do oUtadud !the paper tirndj esUu- o .". m ...... - ! JIHUrU. AN ACT IN RELATION TO THE POWERS AND DU TIES OF CLEKE.S OF SUPERIOR COURTS. Km TriTons -Elected by the people. of olfiie four j'eara. 1st UlStriCl 0 K, dlHeiw 2d do Joseph J Martin 3d do John V hnerara - 4th do John'A Richardson 5th' do Noil! McKay Cth do William II cox 7th do J It nana 8kh do AH Joyee 9th do - W 1' Ryrium 10th do W P Cal.lwell 11 tU do 'Virgil SLnsk do II .rteury arm down arouuu iia 5 "o.rfrr der its shadow, with rSV.; decided that these groveshou i d be chosen, and here they w ; Beth.s legend truoo. ; pleasant to b2lieve, Tanu -n,u..v old dwellers on the Hill have alwas cherished. For seveiuy-uTo this old Poplar has stood pre-eu,. . tUacx cnrroUl IllU" iojcoi. veterans; has heard the tune.u, lee bell ring out tne noma , " 1 ....,.h..,l tliH students and uav auu vo"" - , . ,c .. . 1 ,i nnrt from .. ....:. ... Lull nnd lecture-room, XUc.vaiiwua noli- - . r. has been one of the boundaries ot m'pntdav ' pro- t lie annual vuim. i cession; has listened to the drums and clarionets ot tne uauu, uuu aF. a benignant shr.de over the gay throngs that wandered tnroug. Air;i as Masons, iu dating from tho vqi.u mencement of tho world, only eonti::. ua a ilasonic usage..' Tho chriH continued it for five' hundred Tear., without censure, an I surcfr -Ir. ov.h censure, dn surely ?Ir. ou v do it. ' ' ,..1 tl Of this Seyrnour and" Blair r have The Gonial Assnnbhj of North Caro lina do matt: Section 1. That as this act will be incorporate lhe Scnf aC,lu,: greeting the practice and. procedure of the fJourts, required to be reput ed to the General Assembly at its present session, by the comm.ssmners ippointed for that purpose, it will be n ntvd in the general act and not t . ,!t. ui tins else where anions .- -General Assembly, unless .otherwise hereafter directed. r Sec 2. The Secretary of State i required to have the third section ot thit act, and that portion relating to the. Superior Court Cie.ks, printed at least weekly in four papers publish- , .'.1.:. ctuf-. nnd the sum neces- cam uiBui..- gary for that purpose is nm- -rr-priated Irom anymonies in the lica iury not otherwise, appropriated. Sec. 3. The terms ol the seveia iSunerior Courts-of .this State shall be..in in each year at the times here J hter stated, and .hal cpnunue to be held for tWO.weeKs pu P . -' legal hoUdavs excepted,) unless the business shall be sooner disposed ol. . FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT. TWtie county Ififtt Mondy in March and October. . Hertford, third monday in March and October. Gates, fourth monday after the first Monday in March and October. Chowan sixth monday after the -. .L.ir in March and October. - Perquimans, eighth monday alter " the.first Monday in March and Oc . 1 1 Pasquotank, tenth monday after ! the first Alouday m iuaiu. L ' i'i ' . Camden, twelfth monday after the - first Monday in Aiarcn au " th Monday at VUliuuun, - . ter the' first monday in March and October. ; errnvn JHDICIAL DISTRICT tWpII county, the first Monday in September and February. . Washington, third Monday in Sep tember and February. . Martinrsecond Monday after the third Monday in September and eo- ruarv. . ? - r Hyde, fourth Monday after the third Monday iu September and Feb- Beaufort, sixth Monday after the third Monday m Demeuiuci TTTTTn JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Harnett county, second monday m Auuust and February. i t-...,iid nmndav after the sec- ond u.onday in August and F ebruary. u..t.,,orv. liniith monday alt; the econd monday in August and fcYbiuary. ;th .rind.iv after the se., I ond moudav i' August and t ehriiary. ! Union, eighth monday after the sec- ond monday in auum . Anson, tenth moudav after theses cud monday in Augurt and February. .T:......n...i twehih monday utter the eecond monday in August and February. T-nrm .irmTCIAL DISTKICT. T?.,ton ronntv. on tile fourth Monday in Ancnst and February. ' ' Alleghany county, first Monday in , fonrth "ES o a....:i .....I siittprnhiT. Ashe.i third Monday in April and Ol' tlt'lliwri. ( ... 1 r.,.-. rl.ixr ff-nri Watauua, secouo jkjuu. ... . . - 4 ... ..: 1 .... ,1 dn r.rth Aloncny m duK.!uu . - , i t.r 4v.t-Hi T-.Tmid.iv after uie fonth Mdnd:T in August, and February. Brnuviek eonnty, sixth Houday after the fou"' th Monday in August and February. New Hanover count, eighth Monday aftor . u,i-5n iiimmtand February. .K.-t,.;r.l Mmuhiviti Am-il and Sap- VHampou county, : tenth Monday tter.. the till,,m,u . u.,w, .Tnndiiv in AuffS iuvt . J?eiiruirv.. te.nber. , r ' DMi.v count v, UveUth.Mony alter the Mitchell, iouriu ,-,.uui.uuj . thindJUonday in April aud Septeni- ber. r.j.. c;vth-lr(indnv after the hird Monday itV April and Septem ber. ' . , r. Ma.lison, eighth Monday nicer u u Arfemus -Ward gii1tJe;doll Vntr rho ce morceau .ny1""'" 1 :. . .. 1..r. m.:nil.T ii VUhCh: third Mondnv in April and Septem- , j lun fifty-six year ,of age. tii..-.mu- tmlh Miwdav after mruarv. , the third Monday in April and bep- ...ni.urL.Fw1. fourteenth mond.ny - ... , uinurii......) . i reiuoeh. cfter the second monaay iu -and February. Erxra judicial distbict. Granville county, second monday in August and February Warren, second monday after the second monday in August and Feb- Franklin, fourth monday after the . 1 ... .mil I41. second monday m August au - '"johnstonnixth monday after the second monday in August and 1? ebru- dF Wake, eighth monday ' after .the second monday in Auguit and h eb- ruarv. . v'. fDfl, mnndav after the sec- ... 1 ia,. in Ananstand cebruary. Halifax. .twelfth .nonday after the second monday m augusn - vi.'thnmnton. fourteenth mor.day .rt..-41. crtnd mondav in August uliei lite w.. and February. SEVEXTII JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Guilford county, the first monday in March and 2eptemoei. .. 1 . 1 .,.t ttttt iT'DICIAL DISTRICT. IVU.A.fc . .. - ... ti-.ii firr MundaV in UlV county, April and September." . Cherokee, third Monday in April and September. . Macon, second luoim.iy . a I ..1 O ,- I' I turoiliia ilia. - 7 . campus or pressed into the .Chapel in those glorious-old June days. The old tree still stands guard, but over grounds that are now emp- ty and forlorn, me uiy ties to my solitary footsteps, and a . t f frnm vonder tangled and dying rosebush. I look around 1 n,inrr tn disturb the pro- ami sec , ... 4 n,I m,!;rn(.!io V silliness. A I r : n nlnk frock is leaning neiiro sM 111 t . ri i , n ... ,.11 in front of the South building, and a few of the ne- 1 .,:.,. whn now have posses- Son her.e, are passing in the distance ..1 . ; k,rp. The sdn shines .j.t... i,iFnct nnd West, the . down on me uiu-"" . v U ... i...n fi,n Tpritatiou rooms; , Liiorary iiitus, M...irf ... 7 1 - ..11 closed the era- t ' fn,.-. .,i.ioa . hsuintedt Strong and ineflnceabre fmemorie rush unbidden anu my v. .i;.! rrr. nn this Niobesit- secured a majority upon a fair and honest vote. vvny u-r- ----- North Carolina, South Carolina, Ten- nessee, Aiissoun and w est are for Grant? It is sa e to say na ot one man in five, unoo true u 2 any outside interterence, vuu.w . . J .. - u,r o.Uitarv violence tor mm jcii "j - Ua der its auspice of hordes ot-egro voters, these States have been declar ed carried for him. Their votes to .1 .:iv. ti,rte nf Mississippi, Vir b , . 1 TUvn. which, bv a pure ginia an" - - - - f act of military despotism, were not , j . 0 of n L decided tha aiioweu iu?" -- Un nil .-. r. 1 : r rr m li iiiav contest. i!t'ulv v " 1 ... fkl r.X7S? summeu - , , .J j' .V.Wo npnn 6 of the electors auu 1 1 umieuotaiua. Mlo Grant was not elected, out j ,.r ,l i-,vnnp.r. lending seve- power 01 . , . . . . 1 .t .l nanrni9 tO 1116 ral hundred inouMiiiu polls, and keeping back several hun Sred thousand whites, he was dec la - ed chosen. This is an merw fV. Journal. O - v vi Ji wiii liAW IB- - tablishmcnt of their order huMtTr Anno Ordinis-7 13, 'jwiv' r n .q ''hjo. Any teSpW Anuo peposiv , 41 "i nririiyrhftaarl? n t to lo-icnow . Morrtrixif fli a To - , . 13ilu- r tfc End of tire 1'assover, vvki.v. .,' 7W a Masonic rfcnd ether Compatatlen. ow-phy with his relentless scyine, . , is this our Universuy : j busy The sexton; gathers them in. j her novv in death ? fkpen a niL' this v'rfar. I vvas born ,.E yat decay's effacing angers tl 1 Sr,f e of UaL of parents. As Have kept the lines where beau in the btate ol i.np I . Ts she to lie thus in the (J - - f t .,ftr.itJ n reat deal 01 is lu . - , , . X)o I be :. .i.iiPmvvnnd and childless. with his relentless scythe, is vey ; Is tj,i8 our University 7 b The Masonic fraternity are alone in ... . . . av.j f .l.-nninrr tune, com- mencing the computation from the .. -T.M-1d thug A. L) creation 01 i" ., 5886" Anno Luds in the year of light Laf of creation R:u"s":. Tlonted in the The Aiaso ne j ;:"A.ihl aa vc. Vsher,rmeaunuvv ; - Thrist the vulgar Jow at. 3.60, t.h SSrewSext 4161, that of the Roman Chnryh, 2934. The Ohaldon and Egyptian ; year -rlotftii from the auwuiiw ri-V . Feast of renticoat, ceieoraiea uva ' - Sivan. . ' :,'-'' Feast of tho ew , icar,, cciepraicur. f stTisr;. ' , ... V , i .--.-i ft: Feast of Tabernaclcs cclebrated 15th , t t Feast ot raimsr 'ftieDraiea Knd of tho rcast ui ' cclclratei ::. . , . , Rejoicing loraiscovery --. , A celebrated 23d Tisri. " ' " Consecration oi me ai'i - brated 25th.Chislen. . J - Ineffable rreemauns "y -j... tafn other days, aoiof which are fa- . . . vorably regaraeu uy - - ; mi r..r.f nnnimnmor&tlVe 01 IUB Reconstruction of tho temple,. 23d . ? Feast comnieraorativo of ,ths return ( ( from Babylon, 20th ofThcbcV Days of the Vernal and - Autumnal ErhcySalso, in tho various grades -cf:..r rreemasonry, ' - 1 X, T..,L.Maf nr Whit-Sunuay. , . tho fifteenth day, or seventh -Sunday ; v . 4 Tiitr of St. John alter Jisicr . v T v r AiuV,:siV the 13aT)tlSt, iii" w , . tne uapi , Christmas dar01r 25th December, and the Day of bf.,, :4 John the EvangcUstPccembpr 27th. i)UIV(l . "Sensible to tlic Las; It has long lecn observed by cal writers, that death is preceded .by Uu insanity-a fact which ha5 occasioned the remark tnax. wu p. , i.-.n therw'ere about to die.. This reminds ofh case; vhich occnrreO: manr- ' ?1,e&l: Sr&tic?! year of th? J.- , X1l,c ::-- , . -f . , ar,r,nr DUt 1U C1M1 ii nn- uti" - r , , f ; T sht to he tnus i.ij uwk " uega" i" . v.iitim no li i.eimj ... 'over .y orndul fof hoursndy, w. - ,,,roent8tioIlg of .How bri,ht .hau,tue ... v- ,tng aroulld her. re. U...JL.. .ld r.arrJ.me round in their j mains. ; ; -.oA villncro t,,,! Mo,.d..y Aprn and Seprber. arm9i soyina, ...-er . b r ,,. Kearly twenty o. the S,r i boh Iw..n't best families in the P e are - K old enough to properly nppreciate it. I anva neaiiny.u'" dauger ol loosiug y-4..- -T tate-his .relatiyosi :?ftmlU fL nlh.ed insanity Of the do-. rn t nn h ir 'cu mwfcjj - . fitrift. It may uo t , tnatthe presiding judge was not,only V convivial, but also very ga lt. t tl "What were your husband tf last . words?" inquired the attorney. ' The pretty widow blushed, and loo.- in- down, Replied; 'Td. rather. jimU.lr n ... . .. t ...i-..-,.. V, .n th Mnndav alter the third Monday in April and September. Hay woou, sixiu iuuin.nj n.v. third Monday in April and September. - ..:!. t. HT.wl-.iv nf. Transylvania, eigntu iuj i it. x am uu'"j . i tied a cood moral ter the third Monday in April and cv)aracter. I W never a rail.od . . . .. . i:r.r- Althr in eariv . ..rnpin mv ii'r. . O .. K UP Henderson, leuur juut.u.tj ...-. the third Monday in April and Sep tember. Slate Government. WriT.ivM W HoLDEN. of Wake, Gorernor. In- urtteu 4Ui of July 18G8. Elected for 4 years from lfct January. 18G3. Robert M Douglas, of liockinjrhatn, Private TL Caldwell, of Buvke, Lieutenant GoTern ioai.vt"u' . ...... 0 laf. .TAimarv . or. electra jor -jio. . Henry J Wenninger of Craven, Secretaryjf State, elected for 4 years from lbt January after thelirst monday m March ana . jj'b Adm, cf pnV Aodor, September., ...,. , t. I s ES S! (Urecior ju uijr ? , i t a:.! ,i -.i.finft mvselt to truth i my small bills, I have been gradu llgrowing respcctnbler every year. I luv my children, and nevei mistake another inau's; wife for my own. Iam not a .. memoe . . t . j . i..-. o hd should nt leel meeiui uuu'i --- r, ... .. . - , ,afe to takea:dose oflaudanu!n and lay down in the streets of a yi.Iage that had hone with a thousanddo - Urs m mv pocket. my i v"" m is bilious, although I doiwn a dollar in the world. Iam oarly riser, but my wile is ; VJ i I may add that! am bald-headed.- keep two cpw. . ,; . pest i.iiuim-o i r: and their houses are standing unten anted and desolate. . ! Thebusines of the Village is at a Standstill, while I am told thnt-no ifuwer than six places have been late 1 1. tMblished, where liquor is open- 'J . .l .iti-7ona nre Ivsold. borne oi uu. v.v- -even now on their way to Cal, forma Borne lare in Louisiana. fOf those 1 aa hnvrt been public pro- w nose i i into w. i perty for years-Judge Battle is re 1 t." i,4v.nld coods from novuir mo hwu--w...- c . 1,1s beautiful home-der to h,m for ;. vears iu . It.' ll.n r.!i'Q a ft I II 1 I rmt & Ll i ji ? 11 v.r.l- ntl L1121W - 7 I February. The Turks and Araos .,Butf indced, you must ma .am.- 1 to then- year from tho 16th of J uly. Your cluim mny be decided by it Drcmsc or Gemsehild, king of stm blushing, the widow .decli ned tc - -PewTa oServed on the dsy of his telK At last ft direct appeal from the. , -nhlic entry into Persepolis, that the bcncU elicited the information. .!-: , lun entered Aries, and Sn commemo- bcnIo 8aid .Ki83 me Polly, . and ppeaL M "lL of this fortunate event ho or- thftt otuer bottle of champaigne. ,r da ned the beginning of tho year to w know not ,vhethcr it was ou. be removed from the autumnal to tho rfttion for tho deceased n.J vornaT enuinox. The Brachmum be- . wife thftt iu8pired the judge at . . . Al tL vcar with the new moon in his instant, bat be at once cried witU , T.;i The Mexicans begin in Febru- tllQ enthusiasm of conviction: ! Mill t .... , , The Jiexictuio uv-um an me cammi hfMrin to tirOWl 4l, lfiotl irv wncn liiu v. --o . biuiu . nf.iirp itnpn I croen. Their year co. p Ashlev, ot isew muuvci, ""t""-; iffSJlfcSchools, elected for 4 years from 1st 0 S o! Rutherford, Superintendent f Public Works, elected for 4 years from lt At53l WiSS of Bladen, Adjutant General, appointed by the Governor. ,q . . - W C Kerr, ol jjiecRieuuu1K, ---- , U D Coley, State Librarian, appointed by the r- ,- , f. lch"PMFarrirof Chatham, tenth monday after the . toJ appointed by Governor and Council. I - ij'JV x.aaji " ; .- c,.tQTO rf Sfate:Hen I Henry J JienmngBi, oi.-. - r v ; ,.. uaswcn, v first monday in March and Septem ber. . Person, sixth monday alter me first monday in March and September. Orange, eignin raouuajf unn v first monday in oyiarcu y,... ber. Vllitliiani, vv-..w.. first monoay in March and Septem Randolph, twelfth monday after nauuwii'ii) ......... - Treasurer; s Asmej, v the hrst monuay iu - t' tcio. leinuer. Alamance, fourteenth monday al ter the first monday iu March and Sdptember. EIGHT JUDICIAL Dl5iKii4 Davie couutv. the first Monday in Am ii and September. " ;n Ann Thelioaraoiuw r r;- Kowan, iniru uiuuuhj .iu " 0f tho University. XI2 " "ZZ fi and Sentember. ! ty in the btate; term of oiSce - of Truces 8 n,;rtn. RPrnnd monday nicer, vears. W""u-"'.'' 1 o .i.;.i ,An,1nv iii Anril and oep- -nni-RTt OF BDTJCATION. BXA.U t ! i.nnnt n.irprnnr. Kacre- Th (Governor, uieuwu.m . tur of State. Treasurer, Auditor, Pe a of Pubhe Works, Superintendent of Pnb firinsfructioit and Attorney General consti- tute the btate uoaroj Tffc Snnerin The Governor is rrwiucuw "T tendent of PnbHc Instruction Secretary ot the Uoard. ii,. Tmsleea Th Board oi jsaucauou ei leave behind him the graves oi m of the moon tne v -"th childrt. Prof. Hepburn is in Ohio ham Vrof. Martin is in Te:messee. ?D , minute m tJUn0.dPiBan i'nnntiifl .".liavinls twenty days in each- .Cr,onvMR nmmT.-January tcrm;'u". tho last five are spent in mirtli ana g me CoOrt commencci on no business ia suffered to be done, nor t! Mxt. even any service ,n the temples I e theh st Mo d.j n f Al.trce nians have nve mi" v ' " 1 "-- - - - . 1 1 r Abyss mans mvv commences virat wnk Atirilicat ions for U- ! cense motions causes on 1st Cir- .;. CUSecond week Second aud Fifth Circuits. ... . , -L. Third week Fourth ond Sixth, .. Fourth wekevent..WCgh ,., Fifth wJ Ymru v.tu., .v ( f tions, &c. on the 30th ot August Vt5 1UIU itj 'J vhieh commences t The American i .on tne ui..uj,-". and Indians recon from the first appearance of his t? if'n nt the vernal .equinox. I III 1 I 1 V. A. - - . A 1 w . , .. i inir vi:ir me A-i-ies. iTnMiard is in New York. rroi. -xiio cu at the vernal Smith isin Lincolntoii. 'r pnuhmx. The French year, during io nrpnnrinir to move to iienue.." f , Aerovingian raec, ProfPhVuips alone has not yet deci- ' 'S on.hi the troop, arrangement, of the Ciretl W V ' . - 1 i Taoall lesiVel J .V,?r.li W!1S the firSt Ot I .i - rlrnlr t W ill remain,1 lor mo ?.! nn hisnevv nonif. xm-o.... were revieweu, hu- . on mo "w-'" - - , ' ,e houses they have t nro MlfiflUWeis nicy Uocrnn on uuiioi" - , mi. - I I In HO UflVrH'" ---y childreu-the graves of the.r-ead. eecles.us .AUarles IS P- .mlnrf on t&" . . . ..trrtfol in IIlilL l ounurtr ... - . . . :-;i vcai1 Gov. Swain was mo, .. - - , minted, in 1824, t Xyii V lusuii) uv vv- j the third Monday iu April aud Sep ten, ber. . , Forsythe, fourth monday alter tho the third Monday in April , and Sep tember. y i GEEIt AL. ASSEMBLY. ' The General Assembly commences its annu alion on the third Monday in .November in each year, and is composed of fifty senators Sl oneyhundred and twenty BjjbWJ biennially chosen by ballot, on the first Xhurs- certs but most hn VSSrbpXnced in her pres, proktedthe say, 'last niRuv-. oolk witui TtoSo a Vh funding name i him. Its o uule toirance worthy of the dLiice. we ni ueither for young ladies, u y. . avind tute coarseness "Pidai iaiprud.nce) ana try u - o-- ft tract the attention pi they St nI?- W p" or. vulgar P1C ltVj..JZ f,nm low. companions ?-r boos f Buw.-r"A nnr, v.dies. whcD We have heara --?T- rv. my her collar cnar.wu "V nd ao that her that it was put on arun; arid a.so t bonnet was he was -flooretU head When disconcerted, she was did Uaugs oa."c.fIJ.v i . formed -by Pops f" cJ exnn.ii.ation on "U.e r .u. -, ,;. which pta w wawa Uj: ropertv ot thUtcrm. b. t W ujr""" riiTionTfiia cives :..t,. f.nd thn new bivic - i "v..- . ... .. S"" . t" I 111 Li Wau.- " - , ,. !, fl. I , . ' , . reH-niW. Jt..ir S....l. advi,e all W -Hi. ; thoae .who knew .l';f h --'eoimeneei on the 1st ol ;gf, 0f. property.". ..od -' love Chapel Hdl, in tho n. .. I .ff " , IS,' Lh, ol diligent ludy, ... prosperity. " j h 19t not fc, .n-ppo na --- ( of . di . prac-; , round her once more the aflections f ve ard our institution as eo- tice (Chitty on oi i - r 4 tl -.!: -