,5 r C Or - i C" C3 i-.c., c ...... 2 n 1 25 ;? cf pntlicr.llca ready for tov.ii every V t i riont.L3 . . . .Ire rnciitl:,! en mo 1R u; tr..:-55 r.u-1 boats, and 1 K-o.scribers at .7 a. it. en J a La!tirc3tli3ratcj tin hirr Liberal contract: n:a.T2 for r: :.ir;cr ryi- per in cr CI CO for six cl 1 advert!.: cr-icnt;?. " - Tbo. 7Tcc..I rna!i-:j a tri-v, " . for fix nontLs. n Use: i i i t lly isu:, C7 10 a year; i'3 CO t U i IX ' t ; ! .conr.r..:rc:.r::.c; cr thh zxclz. " . Dec. 10 1S72. -iln. Editoi: : : ' . 1 have just returned from the Simp son County Agricultural Fair held at Clinton last' wee!;. This YfaSj taken .altogether, the best Fair- in the State .this jettii There was more lire stock, and better stock than I have ever seen .at ;Fajrt Jiomof . t h ec e-bogs : ,and cattle I am' satisfied, were equabtoany in the United States.-1 Fifteen yoke of the nne3tandmo&t superb pxen.'head ed by one still Jarger, in all 31 oxep were hitched to a huge triumphal car on which iwas carriedi three hogs; one weigning Qer ivvv fpound8 anq the other two of eight months old weighing some .200 each Following this was a large number of snlendid horses, fine cattle, in the parade. There were over. 1400 entries in all, of wbich pvO. weref,in floral. Hall, but the display, and flualtyoof articles in this departmeu t: h aid ly equalled our rocent Cumberland Fair. , In Aricul tural products the Sampson Fair was but little inferior; to, the exhibition in the Live .Stock,. Department. Fine potatoes, corn, vegetables, and every species of. farm prod net twere; well rep resented, and many fine implements of Husbandry, aud also articles of : work; manship in wood: and .metal. .Nearly all these articles were produced at 7iomet either grown on Sampson soil or fashioned by the skilled bauds of our inecuamcs.t ; ' me Sampson r air is strictly an: Agricultural institution, and is, I believe, ,the best .representation at home. industiy and native produc tion in the South. . There was very large crowd Thurs day and Fr iday and the attendance was good all the time. t The whole oc casion was one of unusual pleasant ness. The management was excellent, and Col. A. A. McKoy, Chief Marshal and lutf&;tH3-wer:inbst attentive and accommodating iu their duties. The officers of the Society, also as heretofore- distinguished themselves by a courteous and faithful perform ance of their responsible duties. This Fair was fully equal to any in the State in social5 enjoyment and the pleasure of mingling "with hospitable aud re fined people." One of the greatest ben efits of our Fairs is the social meeting of friends,1 and the forming of new ac quaintances. " 'In' hospitality the peo ple of Sampson and especially Clinton; surpass any people ! have seen. In all ih'e arts and industries, in en -terprise, intelligence and 'successful farming, Sampson is equal to any coun ty in this"' State. " For several years the county, has been much underrated. It can raise1 as much cotton " and corn Edgecombe. 'The cotton lands ber 3. 1872; to me: leje, 2 , C, on Wednccdrj 1 first Sunday m December 1 r - Pt i o o (1 1 n 11., The grand podge of Hasona closed its session on Thursday evening last. x ue aeiegaies nave, Teturnepj, tp r loeif homes with the impression that the legislation. of this session of the Grand ;hcci cuitcr, zo u.' . ITc conn oft J to , .etauochc friends. The son of 'alTevr ,1 fiii tzre r, h AJa&lSppreii t icexl a a ? s paper priater.iiT r.Vermont,-and came to JNWXork in 1831.with .verysJittle monev, and no friends, He tobtained . . w V- - - - distin noivn 10 , at the , IT. X. .vo rid. -of lc2 one Dodge will be productive of , good, to work as hn ordinary 'type setter ihr a the Order of theState. v n , ? printing ofHce,. and showed his-Jntel- as here aregerierally superior to any in Edgecombe, Pitt, or Anson, and this is saving a great deal, i win say inr ther, that Stimpson is the best and must successful slock raising county in Aorth Carolina. I attended a hop Thursday and Friday . nights, where I saw as much grace and beauty as I ever found assembled elsewhere in the State. The large number of pretty women was a genaral subject of remark. U ; Cape .'Fear. i 4 North; XyAKOLiNA M; P. Conference. The North Caroliua Annual Confer ence ofn the Methodist Protestant church convened at Tabernacle church in Guilford county, N. C, November 27th, 1872, and made the following appointments for the year 1S73 : Rev. It. II. Wills, President. Albemarle Circuit; R. R.- Richeaux, Snp't. Roanoke t T. H. -Pegrnm, Tar River " , G. A. T. Whitaker, Halifax J. L. Swain, Granville ''- ' J. H. ilbreth, ' . N. Granville ; 44 John Paris. , Tabernacle Mission, D. A. Highfill, Assistant The subjects of greater, importance tfiat "received . the attection , of ,jih Grand Lodge were nqri-affiliated Ma sons and St. Johns CoJlege. The fol- ligcmco and ability, ' Inn partnership wiiQ a irienupne unaertooK ino pnqi ing of a-onejcent daily, paper, which Qoon -failed; and Mr. Greeley then lowing resolutions wer adopted in fonnd another partner, with whom h started the- New v. iFoficeriV& lonrrjat which hadifbr seven years And a halfai high? repatation ior its literary aqd critical abtlrtr;.?;' JMri! Greeleyf j ws subsequently editor ot The Jeffersonir an, fand then of the Log Cdrfiinbut .hiV great work was the leslablishmenl o the New, York Tribune, theifirst i nura her; of which was issued- Apnll841 reference to non-affiliated Masons: yilesolved, Th at a wilful d oa affilia tion is a violation of Masonic law, and should be placed on ?the. same , footing with every other Masonic pffonss.. Resolved, That subordinate; Lodges should punish every violation f of Ma- sonic law where the officer Is duly con victed - . Ilesolved. That resolution No. 2, oa Hon. A. S. MEnmrrorr.This gen tlcriia.n was; on Tuesday of last week, elected by tLa Legislature of North Carolina, to bo -United States Senator, for six yearsfi-ora and aftcf! the Mlh of .March t n est. . . - T ; V The con test Jbet ween him and Gov. Vr.ncs or "rather between their frieuclo c fe forth a hill, .ur.iiEN villi: - a:;d GoLDscono Kailhoad i Wo aro rlr.d i . . . . . iu near uiai greai inierest 13 m;mi" . Tested by the people of Grccno ;nnd T Pitt county, in the projected .Railroad;?'' VToaro now more confident "thau ' :j':f ' ever, that the rod vnll bo built, fnr..l s-iiiV very proaaDiv icrc another cro .c i -' -. r -' i - ' I scited "a - little unnlcasr.nt i h'ft mulo't.hn mna h : .i . x" (rfttig,and peidinini:csnlt called i froZi t'Y:aci:tf RnclTill-ii lk ' : soro e J m or aderi t remarksVi f rbm ! i niber of jqurna s; buW the opinion are, fall v alto to their nteesXs?i dMoZ is yeryj rapw?v .gaming ground, that will be seep$py if refejfencd too a Inotltfol r? L 1o Judge. :Mbrrimpn;d election (wiirnpt fn another; column, uneeting.pf thor -An mrure the party, jf bfch'h't is'and :GolVy5Bbro citizens iW toBe4 held Tn tfi2 Trt f K?o rrfj K r irnD Kl tV, rrooio f Vl - V.xr , . j - . i jl ii vino nwia j nanMUi t' aoomiivu; 11 v rBVv ' -" u Thomas McElrath. his partner, with 1!?68 D ' lDe;;BBn"' oereuyre. out nv business abilities" it js not peaiea. , n ' w - -- likely : that tho Vrwne wotild ever Iiflsolntions were adorned convert- It , -'iL' . ! ivji -T - , nave nirainRn ir,s nrp.RP.ni ancftRss . --!" - - , I',-. r t ' .... 'Although Mr.: freeley's talents! wero enioiiy uierary ana copirover-siul,- he had a most' enlightened sym- (yrf'x j - ii ,-VVu6.appfu. tb for iuith branches' of "science PftPaW1 the fegreisiv spirit oHe ago ing St . John's College into an "Orphan Asjluni'.fpr the protection, training and education of lmligent , prpuan cuuaren, Tne urana Juodse - appro of the Institution. Mr. J. H. Mills, of this city, was elected ; Superintendent of the Asylum, with authority to solicit contributions for its. support from ali classes of our people. - , . . The Board of .Directors of "St. John's College' was discontinued, and resolution was passed expressing a the i appreciation the Graod tbo h dof ,his life ha IMmm fessed in Vcatl'1ekni1)oTiu'car the Board have laborea to advance the interests of the institution. Sixteen new lodges were chartered. The following are the officers for the ensuing year: John Nichols, Raleigh, Grand Mas ter. Thomas M. Gardner, Wilmington, Deputy Grand Master. Clinton, A Cilley, Lenoir, Caldwell county, Senior Grand Warden. .Robert W. liardie, b ayetteville, Ju- - t tt i .. ' "r r , nior vjrana w araen. in which he lifed. He was hbtably the friend of the industrous, tlje in genious, a n d t ho i if te 1 1 igen t ain on g the people; and, his journal oaves much popularity to this" trait in the character of its principal editor, j XI is influence as a journalist has been ac- , , , !.... ' ii".; " i , '1 ill' uno vieugeu py an panics, aim ai- d been p as s ed u w ca U i e r i n g po 1 1 U car, 4 to r ma , he has left a few personal enemies be hind him. He was the recent-candi date for the Presidency, of the Dem ocratic party, and to over exertions made dnring the late campaign is due, it is believed, the illness which has so fatally resulted. Horace Greeley was a remarkable man, and his namo will occupy an eminent place in the an nals of American liiitdry. ; ; f . ' " . ' No General Pardons to be Granted hria hpr tir ant ixra anil hnnnvnrl.fnA I Inlt.ci. iTiluJ li 'i-tr -AtlUJtM '? . ) fl 300 (!! ber; nor iye any material jadvantage noxUat 76'cI6cUi Tdr -th'b ftnrnWWJ tfttbf..bpppfs.lng,pary.;Av),.v o takiog, the. initiatqry stdplJ-VVe jrosiU . It is said that Judge Merriraon took to 'see a , h full : reprcsehutiarjr of &h y.AlauLi no ipart Mn the contestbut, ' that classes of. oqr citizens, but eepeciallyr, , ; r what was done, was'the work, of his jbf the'bropertv hIdefslifia Kx hafc ' friends. irhei-Republicans voted for ors.i:. Let us feointo tliVs 'grdat'etitcf -r Ki oaadl' him as, against the. caucus .4iomineeu prise, shoulder.nto'shbulder! 'adto C - 1 I A T 1 . . . . . .. . ' aim noc uecause yiipa ;oim ipetn landless foljpolitfcs. VYe mustniravo wi adi toD.than thoy did Gov. Vance. this important railway and iust hoWuM-in rt' . J udge JIorrAmon is;, is :a cood, man J the Prospects are, fair and flattering i,V V and forgetting the little breeze t we of succcssf Come lo'tTie' meeting ahd'4 4 L phq over xne eiecnon, an goQd,jnep koipe jprepared J to! Subscribe toi,tn6wt- Ar would do well to give him 'hear Cy capttiiT stock We? lea rrr that a -trtnti 65' Hi wngiavuiawuuo - iuiui uaiuiiua lias ma-is. meeijng is ;io, pe; pqia in ine-ioi'f ,mtn reason tq do: proujaiQioerioenator..? crterest Friend of Temperance; Un Sat 1f XTOISIIHIU William E. Anaersdn, Raleigh, Tn the KTiKrnx-lTtTR'PREsinFa Ptiril Grand Treasurer. ' : Tnv' Th following IflttfiH addrnssd r 1.1 itr ' ti ' oh.'f. 1. n .1 . . - f. - ioraia u . jLain, xaieign, vjranu to Governor Scott; of South Carolina, Oraange Circuit, Alamance, ' ' Greensbor' ' Randolph V Davidson ;r ( , Asbeboro ' ' Guilford i Haw River- r Winston Yadkin Baltimore ' . ' Catawba n"ni jsi r - i Mecklenburg ! J. S. Dirnn, Monroe- .1;SfT J Ketchum, Stanly ' .'A. J. Laughlin, Buncombe - I. J. Ogburn, J.It..Ball, fcnp't. C. F. Harris, ' ! J. H. Tag and J. W. Heath, 1L W. Peeples, H. LeWalleu, - . Joseph Causey, W.'C.Kenn"ett, A. W: Lineberry, C. A. Pickens, G. E. Hunt, To be supplied. Sup't u 1 175t Tor TllVAl f. R. P: J Harrfo t Pigeon Itiver . i - Taylor Harrison, Ass'L Carraway .Jacob Guyer, bup't. Eev. A. Gfay,'Conferance ilissionary. The Conference adjourned Decern- Secretary. Rev. J. C. Marcom, Harnett county, Grard Chaplain. ' 1 ' ' . ' . Samuel A. Williams, Oxford, Senior Grand Deacon. B. F. Rogers, Concord, Junior Grand Deacon. . J. W. Gidney, Shelby, Grand Mar shal. ' ' - H. A. Ghdcrer, Madison" county.. Grand Sword Bearer. . J. W Beasley, Bertie county, Grand rursuivanf H Tiler, "This session of! the Grand Lodge South Carolina, in behalf of the citi will be remembered as one of the zens of tuoee counties w&o are now most harmonious that has ever been confined in the penitentiary at Albany held. The intellisencei!of the l)6dv and in the jails of the State of 'New surpassed' that of former sessions; York under sentesce for violating the indicates- what pblicy 1 the President iutends to pursue in regard to pardon ing indiscriminately persons now un dergoing sentence for committing ku klux outrages: j . ; "Department of Justice, . ) Washington, December 5, 1872. j . " liobert Scott, Columbia; S. G.; - "I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication1 of the 16th ultimo, ; addressed to the President, and by him referred to me, . C. Prempert, ' Haleigh,' Grand enclosing the appeals of the grand jri r, . . . . r rors of York and Chester counties, ii Raleigh News. The Penitentiary. The popular ity of this institution is still without abatement.. Its inmates number from 350 to 400. On the first of Novem ber there 59 white males, 1 white enforcement act of Congress, Senator Robertson, Judge Mcjvay, the" Govern or, the-Attorney-General, and the!Sec retary of State of South Cardlina, with otherp, n lorse their concurrence upon the appeals. ? - I "I have to say, in answer, that in my Inm aIa y OOl rs r iw I vnnlA3 . n n fl 1 r r.moino Krnu Judgment it is not only impracticable .. . .I mi but improper to grant an mdiscrimi- tive to men than to women. , The . r r j P. ... . -r , py .. . , . . . ... nate pardon to the citizens of York Directors think the convicts can with -A,i' T L , . a little help complete the great, stone and Chester counties who have been uddmg, and save immense expense. act or t any person described only Dr. Hill wants more hospital room. bjVhe locality in which they 'reside," The reports of all the .officers are lu- - ,11,fo(i f- rtTooo -rjj cid and instructive.: Biblical Recorder. against the laws of the United States. I have no means of kndwingthe names, numbers, or degrees of :guilt of the citizens of said counties now impris oned as represented in said appeals. M-ftornfa nl;: nl:1 on Raleigh, Dec. 10. Wm. H. Porter, V. S. Commission er at Fayetteville, was removed from his office for reasons satisfactory to the court! and which will appear in "Separate applications' for full with the remarks of Judge Brooks bught.to be made by' or on the behalf to-morrow. 1 j T " ' 1 of each of said persons, stating rsaV stantially the circumstances of crime 1 From the middle of 1862 tofthe;last aii'd 'conviction; of June, 1872, the United States paid cation : is madefc Vill bejebrisidered jrans tne sum 01 iiou,uuu,uuu. xnio i wiinout ueiay, ana as iavoraoiy as me amount was forwarded in gold, on ac- President s sense of justice will permit!: count of jewelry, laces; silks, gloves ; "Very respectfully, , crapes? .merinoes, hats, human hair ' ! "Geobge H. Williams,. aud m iscellancous toilet articles. f ' C "Attorney-General. been cured: aho HcV'fourlh fouh'ci 1,ko to.' trbol.1e Ua i r: - !-..'. t -J till- t'i t stisriitost - timalants Tinch , others ,,. -iv P?01 impnnujr, are pay ior, ,r them. i I have Known cases of chron ic neuralgia;'' from which' torture ! Hdd: n bjcnh endured for years,, cured by ,s -- ' . a v ceasing tOdnnk tea,anai:cotle; regf .ucta tliat!thev?ofte'n mnk2 uiiVreat deal fJivrt h'rrir fit f In oeen ma .urn auiiu)', JL" iaufc our oniy com plaint is its extreme popularity. Ah other asylum for the insane is needed. Yes, if wc had fifty asylums, all man: aged as this, they would be full.. The temptation to go crazy is toq' strong to" be resisted.iWicaZ Recdrctex ' New DfiXEANinDec. 10. Warmbuth 'has1 petitioned the 8th ingly.; Excessive brain work ronders District court against' Pinchback's as- them much more susceptible This ii i snsccptibility must ; bo counteracted by the avoidance of those , .thing i brain worker wants is to replace . ' (not stimnlate) his vitality as fast it is sleeting ; The 1 citizens': meeting he uses it-up. To'thn;end ho.-wantfrul ton xd f II !' ' I . " f . . . ,- . I - ' '.' 1 L 1 . snraing the Governorship. The peti tion denominates Pinchback as a wrong doer and trespasser. The court issued the injunction prayed for by vvarmouth. 1 he weather is cold and or ineir riguts, ' was5 very large,- not- sooiumg. .v- sumuiant ,croaa-'rPc.7t, 'iw withstanding the ?inclemeney -of ;the some jiartor tho'rccjuisite. nourish; ? J , weathen i Gov V.tWainouth and' Mc mfcnt since the System' canohly ro-" ' ' ' r,i o." Vvarmouth sotrstests' an 4 ceive ascertain portion of matter info y spok appeal to Congress. - ' j f - - it at a time jandjfipbropriato'- it -hac" A -memorialhas1 been adopted 1 fir moniousIy? t It yoii set i to .worfapfrHyi iH thd Chamber of Commerce, which also- a stimulant, Or set a stimulant ' tp. t aaopieu resoiuuons proresiing against worn on u, tne acuon is. muiuau rii, , the usurpation of the State Govern- I will not assimilate fully tlc honfish-"l"r' n 1 ment by unscrupulous adventurers: ment which ? may cotno' immediately11 000 OI " . - -I.A ... .. suDDortea by i.ederai bavonets. A fttterwardi ir-n1 n ;i: I .;t? suMia; Committee of one hundred was an- - All : the. diseases, to whrch woaro,. ffTir' . - I l A m - r ! - ... m M r I . poinrea to prepare a memorial to tne eonstituiionai name are aggravaiea 4 . President and Congress, who1 shaJ by the use of snntulants. They s-v . visit Washinjrlon and ask that the sist the development of cfironitf ieiom-' c" If develor Federal soldiers be removed from the plaints, and make all sickness harder Capitol, :in order that the duly elected to curo It is not necessary to speak officers may have access. The Kellogg of their bad effects on alhneDt of tho . t -iir Legislature elected a ' new Attorney- brain. - But most of these,. I, believe,,, , General, srho telegraphed to Washing are to be ti-aedd origiiially'to tlieir uso. ' ' ton to stop proceedings before the Su- A healthy brain "naturally seeks re- preme Court instituted by Attorney- lief fn :slcppi whon it isf i lif etll ' iJcft basil General Ogden. Pinchback. in his one that laiji beqn,Hpirr.edauddriveubtr, f ?fl u message recommends prompt action. - by-stimulants loses-, that; ;incli nation j( From the inability tp : rest snrincH . tho whole train of hcrvotts "and cqro- ' ' IjorisTANA. New Orleans Dec. 10. The Custom House Legislature hai passed a resolution jimpea?hing; Warmoth by 6. vote of; 58 t tOfG,., and appOinted a committee to inform the Senates -' Pinchback has, qualified, and taken possession of ;the Governor's office. -War moth . is,, suspen d.ed open d i n g i m -peachmentJproceedings. i M; e ; ' 5 MontqomeiitDeo! 10. The Capitol licgislature has elected F. W. Sy kes, of North Alabama Senator. Sykes was a Greeley elector. Resolutions loojdng to, the impeach ment pf Gqv. Lewis were effered and referred. " r""r.'!rV , -" ; : John J.rPitterson' was elected t U. S. Senator yesterday by ' the' Soutli Carolina Legislature, but was subse quently arrested and lodged in jail on the charge of bribery. .'(' i A "'"'. - ' -: ' .-.. i , " ' c ( 4 - -.. - ' ii i f ' 's Te fiEYWitL 'New' Yorl)ec. lO.-Tne contest is progressing before the Surrgatefovet Hhe" Greeley , will. The last wtt: "pLS,' witnessed alew hours before his death1 when ,"wiine!.s testifiesV: Greeley as consCidud and ratipnaL " ThVformer will gives' be qu est s to Mr. G re el ey 's rela tiv es a n d a share of Tribune stock t6 the' Child- rcns Aid Society. : . t nt - r bral diseases; Mlnr- I believe that the one working ttUB i brain at prppcr, hours Ad giviogi Uko aiiirii the, requisite rest- relation ana.njoar; ,, f lCd'lK rstiraent, anaViYeve'r stimulating it "in! . . to unhealthy action, nighVgo on do- ' V ' ins the vory.iJharde8t mental wdrkxl 11 ' i(Sl from youtlv to ; extveme old age t itodd hna never suffer aratom.'ftorq4t-rOu lhpy.ni(i-it O-KV feid oil) X1 J . ' ! J 1 ; . . I . . .i fill i 11. tli! f Tnr TTTfimr.fST a.4.i - - ... j , ' more Bridge Company havo 'success-1 '" -nl " fully; bridged a mightj' chasm ir tho u'rxdlni 5AndeSj ot; Peru ;on tlioV .l'mp-o.f, tfti Lillys n Lima and Orange rUrpanV j b?t v-;i R,0 ad u (across the AgUa do Verrugas, . . mountain" torrehtattle1 heiglit ;t)t:,t lr . 12,pQQ, fectrrabovenhe-:-ihfMby -tlfO? spans, ...three of which are ll0.f;fetiHI41 ha jopgi.d tho -central-one -125 fectfr" resMPg on picrsbuilt,J,a wrought . , iron ,Aolumns, which arof.resEgctlviy j rci ' 145 feet. 252 feet, and ; J82.eet. bigb,:H t jt li "Ntw: Y.obk'1 Bc.Therenbrtetf ftfj0 : with the Tnbvne ana uauiey xiaii . with the Herald itraulhoriatiTel V;on tradictcu. K . ' I ....