" - ' 4 ; . ' ...... .. , r .... .. - ' ! v i , 1 -taJ M. J. McJS WEEN?v . Proprietor. yu vnf"n i c....... 2 50 Thted months,.) . trxia Bincle copies five cents. r ; win Ha Kntotiit)n morning of. pnWication by trains and boats, and Q, ready for town snbscribers at 7 a; ai. - 'J? l. ' j .The WEEiY EAGUS. published every Thnrsday tt S3 per annum or $1 50 for. six TbVey makic?a lri.WeeUyissae,Tttra yean $3 50 for aiximdnths. .. -. ...aD;-'-.-' - v-4 llie KcTT-Pmldent or threiiCli 3Tari0Eaiid Patrie Maunco -de M(?M do Ha shal. of Prance and i ar Senator was born at Sullv,in a? France in X825,atttb:e hpolpt .t?t, Cvr: Vis Menl' io' thd'Aigenatr wars in 1830: while actinias aid de-camp to General Archardtook parVin ' the expedition , to Antwerpt al, tained to the ratte of Captain iu; 1833 and after holding tho posts of ;;oid:de: foot' ; chasseurs in 1840, Lieutenant. Coloner.or the foreign gViw ... 1842 Colonel of the Forty fust ot the line in 1845, and General of Jim Brigade ' in 1848. When rin 18o5, Generar Canrobert left the; Cnmea, General McMahbn, then; in,. Fiance, was selected by the Emporor to, snc ceed him in the command of a divis ioa, and ijwhen" tho chiefs of the , al ied: arniies t resolved ,on assaulting Sebastopol, September 8, then as BK'ned 'General MeMabon " on tlio ' rj-.i'A- ;,nat: nf carrtinir the woi-ks of Malakoff, For .his briPiar.t f .0i,--n-T his occasion he was made Grand CroVs of l ho Legion Jtf Honor; and in 456 waa 1 J nominated J TTni(rht Grand Cross of the Bath. shat and was created Duke of Magen ' ta in eommemoralion.uf that victorj He repreeivted France atMh curort-, alion of .Wiliiain,!., of Piussia, in Novem berf'l86l,'.:and :; was notnma uul tatlje command ot the third corps d'armee Tbclol)er4rilMwitctJ Governor General f Algeria 111 1864. In ,tlie recent: war; between vFratice and Prussia, Marshal McMahon was the most popular and prominent of tho French " .commanders, and his great reputation as a military leader survived even tho crushing defeat of his forces. In his first collision at Woerth, rushing on to - revive" the temporary overthow of a brigade, he, found himself confronted by a vastly Buperior fbrce'of the enemy; and de spite of -.pei terrible fepnK;.P? best trained soldiors of Napoleon k armies he was overwhelmed with fear ful daughter.-- Thence by a masterly retreat'through the Vosges mountains ho concentrated the remnant of his forces at. Nancy, and ..formed the nucleus of.the armj- which Mie subse quenlly led in the effort to raise the sieire of Motz, The result ot the fatal mistake of this movement along the Belgian frontier was the culininaT ting disaster to the FrencB arms at Sedan, where the fate of the. Napo leonic dynasty was decided by the surrender of the Em peroiv Marshal McMahon was not, however in 1 coni mand at .the time ot tho stirrender, having received a most ilangerous wound at the previous battle. :J At the conclusion of the war with Prus eia Marshal McMahon (having recov. ered from hi wound) was ' appointed to-a command by President Thiers, and took a most active and decisive part in thesuppression of theCom' L .1 n V t. i n Su r rec 1 10 n i n ' Paris. U n del 1.:., j:nn;rit ilitt second sieire ot . thiit 1113 Ull VVHV" city ras conducted to a successful termination, and tho terrors, of the Commune rule ended in tho aUem ted dcKtruction of the city by fire, for whichand fir tjiei bloody excesses perpetrated uhderi it, sanguinary retribution .was subsequently, exac ted. Since that time until the coup a etat or oaturaay ne reuianreu manderin Chief-of the Army of the French Bepubiio .-i- : Tt is said that tho' late Chief Justice ChaVe was' the finest scholar that ever nresided over the Supremo court. As a Latin and Greek scholar ho was not surpassed by any man in his profes inn TT read French as readily as English was a'finished Italian, Span ish and German scholar and thor- His appreciation of and perfect mas tery of tho works of ShakspcareUy ton arid earlier British poets, and the later exponents of the poeticart, ordsorthahd'others of the Xake camp' to several generals in "4 rica, and taking part in the assault of I 'nnstahtine. wasommated major ot GenralH!V VV! pnicnoiin parf'in the Iialian campaigt. r.V Tr,o Vei-eived the batoflof a Mar v . f V i - . ' ' j. A--.. i 1 r ; sv :.: . -- - , - , t ... -. . . '4 . "-r ' ' f.' " ' - ; 4 w .""' " . -; r ' . v , V V - . ' v ' f '1 - x . J I '" I ..-..,' . .n - ' ' f ' rt?r Impdrtaint Bailroad Movements. :- !Tho : imfooftantanhounccment - of x ne: con so 1 1 g a ie a s m a u age m e u 1 .hj v Pelersburxr and Weldon and the ; Pe tersburg and. Kichmqnd(raUroads.was ih'iV.co n, binatioiit wHiroterininedp. ies on" Tuesday. j Mragland;'; of i'etersourgine jtr retsiueuu ui i,ue jro.t tersbu rg and WeldoA Company, was ma'de; President of the Petersburg and Richmond road, was made ; General Alariager of the consolidated line. il Tfiisls a decided riioverrient in ad vance, and highly beneficial to the trade of this city and the whole coun try traversed by the two roads. Pe tersburg was once a wall between us and the whole country beyond it to the South. Ail freights fro m Bich., mond for that 'country not long ao were subject to charges and commis sions for transshipment in Petersburg No there' are. no, such delays and burthens to restrict ciur trade in tha d i rec t ion, and eve r y t h i n g . w e ship that goes througii Petcrsbui-g will be conveyed with railroad dispatch to its destination. ; - V This is a great deal gained to our merchants. But this is not ail that is gratifying ithat comes of this com bination of railroad management bo tween Richmond and the North Car A olina line. :The co operation of the roads gives to their rolling stock a j regularityTand efficiency of movement that: will impart increased activity and vigor AO our commerce with thei Southsido and with North Carolina. ye shall thus soon be in full posses . n - 1 . . ! ; 1 .. r i sion'Ol tne auvaiuages 01 rauioau communication southwardly that , we have had the ri.'ht to expect, and of which we have been so long deprived. The Weldon and V ilmington , rail road will no doubt en tor ; imo t!e niost liberal and cordial relations with the combined line from Rich mond to Weldon, and we shall have the most favorable opportunity to share in the verv rich trade of East ern Carolina. 'Colonel Biidgers, of the Weldon and Wilmington road, is - . . 1 ' 1 1 . a. : a sagacious, practical, auu energetic. railroad mar, and knows how liberal schedules and rates affect trade anu railroad profits. Mr: Bagland is also a man of shrewdness a d unflagging energj. iAssisted bT Mr. AYayno he will make tlve most ot the trade Tor which ho competes, and will, in pro moling the " success of his line,5 do irreat things for Richmond. 5 About the same time tnat tins most interesting railroad measure is adopted an important change takes place. on . tne ioi-k. Jtiver ran auu water-lino. The new company' which has purchased the York River railway wilt" in a few days have possession of it and it, is understood will ... at once inaugui ate. a dailj line, with connect ing lines leading to both Baltimore and Philadelphia. . The Eastern-Shore railway will form a part of their routes.r Tho connection with it will be at Annanicssix, A ceo mac county i. Capacious. and fleet steamers : "wilt be put on tho York river and Uhe Chesapeake bay, and a trade and travel will spring lip via the, York river .--.between, Richmond and the North not before seen upon the route aud.never anticipated by its most en thusiastic friends. , , . . These movements we may justly consider as tho most interesting to this city that have taken place for a Ion " .time. They will facilitate' bur commen e, and, . ot course, increase it j very 'decidedly. They " gjve-pus more.fSea room , and enable, us to breathe fi'eer and deeper. : It is well calculated tblinculcate despohd-i ency to have railroads .and not de rive- proper benefits from them, to have broad, deep waters, ana not . use them for the purposes of commerce But-' now we are no longer to labor under-such a drawback upon the i-outes named, and we may well felic itate ourselves : tberef or..Tbct people of Richmond, may put; a higlr value upon these improvements. Richmond Dispatch. . i. '-, ff. , t . ; ' ' " 1 '."MOT. ' The Examination and Commence ment exercises of the Goldsboro Fe malet Collegot take place ou tho 5th and 6th Oi June next. ' - IThe population of Africa is snp- posed to bo louU'ju. . : . X ; (Froia the Itepul Courier. f has .established The Postmaster-Gener x discdutinued and-chtujg-folloving offices in. 2s . 1872 -'C::i K ' r - This list has been can f 0.molmes,;: Chief Clarkyt f.p'. frcTv. f b V ir" '' " '' as 'names of the since July 1st,, y prepared brl O. Newborn Post wui be oi "great" 6tiviceiu--iierciiaiits, liuai- ness men, Jf ost oince officials,. kc . r , r T . t y - . 71 " ESTABLISHED .3 J Banks, . Best's Station, Beam's Mills, Beaver;! Busbee, Cotton ville. -Wake, Wayne, , Cleaveland, ?Cherokte,!'i : Banctmde, County. . ;: i , : , , j tt . i ' ' ft " ' t ' ' tt I .: ; I . " 4 ..,.' . ' ; , ' . t tt c t t ; '""..'( . ' . , . ... i . It : Cumberland, Damson's X Koads Halifax, Dockery, . c , .W.ilK fa, . Fields, v.. ; Fountain Hill, i Forks of Tennsee, Fulton, Hawk lliue, i Hollow Poplar, . Jericho, . Laurel, i Lathams, Little Sugar Loaf, Long Creek, Myatt' Mills, Nantahluh, : Neuse, " Osgood, Queen's Creek, Petty's Shore,' Uidge's Creek, Rose Hill, Hose Bay, Sharpsburg, Scoti's X ltoads, Town Creek, m . Tull's Creek, , Tusquitee, 1 Vallev Springs, -Winfall, , -; Yellow Mountain; Lenoxr, Greece, Swain,- . Darie , HitChbll, Wayrop, Franklin, f , . "Beauljort, ' Bladen Mecklenburg, Wake, ; -Swain , i Wake, Chatham, - ' . Onslow, ' , Hertford, Montgomery," Duplin, Hyde, i , j fash, ' Iredell, ' Brunswick, Currituck,1 Clay ' Kutherford, r PerquiuionU, ? 1 Mitchell, EE-ESTABLISHED.' , ' Mecklenburg " Harnett,' 4 , Pitt, Randolph, '. ' ' Fnuikliu, ";. Madison, Polk, Alexandria; BarcL'yville, Bethel, : Buffalo Ford, Cedar liock, Cross itock, Columbus, County. t i r 'i- tt ' . t v . . " t I ( ...- Fork Swamp . Beaufort,"" . . Mnrtindaie : Mcekiraburg, Mill Iviver,! . , HenOcrsou, Mo u ut Vernon," Itowan, Morton's Storel Blainance, t tt Moyock, Currituck, Person, , Rutherford, Wake, Caswell, Beaufort, Surry, Lc!H)ir, Bladen, Olive Hill, ; Oak Spring, New Light; Purley, r ! Puugo Creek, Rusk, Strabane, ' t tt tt it it tt Yorkville, r IIas been' discontinued since July 1st. 1872 .... DISCONTINUED. I Claytonville, Buncombe County, .nearest. office, Davidson. ' V ' Castle tiavne.,. New, ijaaoter county, iieax- est office Wilmington'. ,? Caldwell, Orange .County, nearest omce, llillsboro. ! . ;- !. : V Chimney Rock. Rutherford county, nearest office. Grassy Knob. . : - . ' Columbus, Jfolk County, nearesL uauco,; Ruthertordton ' - f " Friedsburg, Forsythe County, neareMuo Salem. - : f . -r. . Five Forks, Stokes County, nearest omce, Little Yadkin, - - " ' ' ' , Fulton. Davie County nearest omce, jj.uwis.s- ville. , .: - ' Gladesboro, Randolph :- County, nearest office, Pit tsborough. ! - ' Gnmesland, Fitt .county, ueateat v. WasbmatonL' . Hay Meadow, Wilkes Countr, nearest omce, Wilkesboro, i - j '. Hunter's Bridge, Beaulort county, neuiebi. office Washington. ! Judestitle, Surry" County, nearest . ouiue, Hav Stack. . . i . " '.' independence. : Caswell county, nearer officoVYancyville. . . , . ', ' Jumpius Run, Alexander county, peaxysi. offiece Statesville. I :. , Latham's. Beaufort County, neatest omce, Washington. " I' ' ' . Merry Hill, iseitie v;ouniy. uetiirean .uw Windsor, i ' I 1. " . Mill River, Henderson County, nearest office, Boilston. ! ; " ' Monk's1 Store. Sampson county , awueai ol?ip- Np.wton Grove. .'i ; Morton's Store, Alamance county,, narest u Nealsville, McDowell County, nearest office. Trti!ii C y- FT. .. . -. '-.-',. .. New Light, Wake County, . nearest office Pleasjmt Retreat; McDowell County, nearest office, Catawbaville. ., -J ' Peidmbnt Springs, Burke County, nearest riffiAMnrmmton." : ' . Salem Grove, Alexander County,, nearest office, Stony Point.. - ' Smith's Ford, Caharrus'.County, nearest nffioa T.nnnRt Tievel. J ' Stones Bav, Onslow. County; nearest office Tot Sail Sound." New Hanover County, nffice. Wilmington. r f . Walnnt; Creek, Buncombe County, nearest ctace; Asaevine. i - .. Wheelersville, Nortnampton County., near est office, Murfreesboror p? v Vi, ? ( t White Plains, Cleveland County, nearset Shelby. t t v V u .. . - i NAMES CHANGED. Boon Hill Johnston County, to Princeton. ; I i 'UIHUi '7.'. '.'.'M 4 11 i 1 i j . .... .. . ?3 ?0 IptfVl'.O . j V ' ' J " -t ' J ' - - - ' .,1: .'X '1 Craighead, iMecldenbnrglCnnty toBun tersviile. . ; n:, Uri 1 Catawba Yale, HcDoTvell Caunty . to. Old Hotel," Berhe Cbnnty, to Leriston. ' " PoweU'aJ'oint Currituck ? County; 16 "-Call- fomia.t Cunios lNTESTio-KsIsGlrs; LcDicnoirs; ivn T-TPiitrtcAriE,:"Th"? rt-'cords- of l1 ahle applicationisot Jnaicraa'. reU. pnicticable inventions : he time nd talent expended in devising some machine which it is supposed will make the inventox's fortune would; if appliecl to' his ordiriary .daily labor, make him a thoroughly jcompeteur.mecnanic "and secure him a comlortab' e livelihood. As a proof of the truth ot.thej above remarks a few illustrations may be given. ' In ;1870 the owner of vome bee hive,-irritated by the loss nf ii imnevbv, the: bee-moth, asked'for a patent for a combined henr6ost;and; beehive. He naa noiicea mai mo ucp-iuuiu '" j, ntnKf wiiiloi ttA hnsv bee wbrks1 br day. "His desire,' therefore; was for device that should admit the worker by i day and: keep! out the thief, by night. ? Thus; his. ingenuity r euectea the erection of a henroost pivoted upon abee Viiva rT-rvirlorl with elites. The bees were iex- pected to be in their- hives just ' before-dark j tne neus ngmmg-oii.tutJir- rw to'cloae the gates of the -hive and, keep tlen shut all night. The early pnsipg of, he ,hens would -autouiaticairy 6pey the gates again and rt.nrtS tfi bei their jb6ney all ; Safe to the airs of heaven and the! no w Jrs of earth: .He received me' diucuw ? ; r ', jr .t . n i I. i - i 1- 1 I .... ... .. ? had oil en been fitruckiby the flection of! the distant-windows at sunset d hx) far iight traveled. -He, therelore-proppyeft a, uaiioou for each town sufficiently largfe to raise a Tinge, reflector,4 that was! to 'be hoisted every eve-' niu" at dusk, about the time -the hens - had Hut in the bees, ,the renecJtvtn 9,f; the, sun tne village; was sure presented his: aOplicdtioni through . rpatent attorney, who told hhc, it! Ayas doubtful, if it could bii obtained.- - j ;,5 . j, ( ,f ,rI 'i' l T In the fall, of 1872 a gentleman apphed fof and received a patent for building, houses ou wheels and rollers, bo that n case of earth t.iiAkft thftv miu'lit roll fbrwiurd or. backward, Anpther applicant; asuea, iqr a paieni-rjgm. for an artificial' moon" tllat should light each tv,f Tiai it without eibenBe."" -His eye - c - . j IvJtll and not be shaken ,to peicesU t .,,..., diii or a patent ior i A n. bed. so lrtcreniorisly contrived uiat when the clock struck the lie, t torn of the bed dropped out. Uoclaimeu in u iuis uix nvuiu , probaoiy awanen tue wetpi. - .1, for anatent for a combination of a cannon r.n anlouyh. For this .purpose, no njeai A - - . . .t 1 three applications, makiUg . mo eJongauui handles of tne piongn nouqw so as,w "iui x wpv t.d ho keot '.loaded till the guerillas were after the ploughman (the Miinon were tben to be fired, the , gntrillas shot down, and the farmer to go on; his way reioicmor. , :.i : . r l . In 1870 a verv ingenious gentleman trom thft rural districts applied for a patent to pre- vent cows from switching their tails. He pre- sented two models-one shaped" like a bottle around the end of which the eowVtan was to be curled; the other was a square block, wim u hole through the centre, h wherein tne tain was ro ne nut ana lieu iu vuun ou; -"y animal could not witnaraw u. (From Charlotte Democrat. ) Election of Jtidges. At the' election in August next,' twelva Judges ot the Superior Court tne superior court m v" be voted for. . In this Judi- Ige is to bfe elected. ..Judge SSSluS ties, no oile will regret that State M ill have to be voted tpr. an cial Distnpt.a Jud Logan's term expire? ft .i.nft ' M.n-s w nf -il'iHivl nrtiR. no oile will regret that Judge Logan's timers about out. He actual-1 ly hinders the transaction gut of Court. - Let the names ana eoou lawyers, o laujjuacu v.. "-"-'"" i - '.I : and then we are wining iu irusi, iuc uiaiku ivi should bo made for-a JudgeJ;aud, if none are I made, we .oeneye aitvgwuuuui u trJsbre'i bnt while on the -..V,:- f nUtinn -TrirJnrnia Wfi will RftV th;lt the " - . . " " " ! r- I Another gentif-niaa stpi Wo on in the winter ; as well hr in. the; sum- ajj ftction touching the brethren' ad-' 1 , iner. The office decided that-this invention - the body kriowriaSbe1 'Jj was worthy ol: protection -and, gave hnn.his Assembly;' tdgeVher'' wiho, .'niiri for a dombination of a with all action tonchirig ti&lbody "1"' the honest people of tne. jLispict. . point two . comtnissionero io; ODzer.;,,,, While we shall oppose the election of an in- . j jmJlar cpminitlees ifappointea.;;; competiint mdn, we wili.favdr the election of VIl Accemtdv nt th PrPM soml good mail" no matter how he is brought by the 1 al 1.SSI?blT , "i kiv, TWmiff, a No toartv. nomination bvterian Church io; the United btafes, w,, thA intpfritv of mnnv of the Lawyers thanlonlv know they have m their J udges. j - . .-1.4?. w T" 1. .1: 3 IL.il many suits nave been brougc lawyers merely lot "blacK i and that tho lawyers knew when thev advised their clients It is no uncommon thing for us to hear yers denounced by people who have no ness in Court as well as by 1 those :who 1 6 from experience.' We want to encourage spect ior tne ui f ' . .. w 1: . there must be legal proceedings. If a lawyer cannot make a living by. inning, or; inhe Courts of the State for before Mfegls- trates' Courts. j '.vd c' xf-o..-.- swr Tint wiat Kits f 1 been invited;4nd: has; accepted thedn. vitatioi befoi U miliary iuicvjwuiu, " , . i l : . r tv.nil. . hrl I n( n ririn 11 T1 1 1 ill III . t'HUU V 1!UUU. ' UJUUV a retormation Diore we cau j oy.an Jiainourg Diuuciib V uv a of the bresent manner 01 r' . A)r.i,i. hriiVUt nut ihi tbo clafisP'iAJd honest priictice, ne snou a re?oFi. u ; ,f "... ., fi,.,!,;,; ! ai . m a something else, for p veunooa, t-roi . K,.l'uv,: " . . . Li .V fn sliort and "smart xncRs thn nffeT' ana. on ail civinc it u . " a, to deliver tboj annuahauureas i to levy ubj)cuwi..dwvW ''r :0; the literary i: societies of; the connty wnero tnevoieuas ucuu ubit - niversity of -Tirgimaod July 2dr 1 has been tfcieatcu. f Ii' 1 . TERIIS OF ADYERTISIIiG. :- Half incV(5 lines in brevier) o-dU 'J;l$r- C One : inch -one - insertion . . . .vrrr; 1C0 One- .icclu two Insertions .Y..:iJA;:iVZ37LZ Ona jnch onopth,., ,, , ;.,l..,7" Dna inch, , three m.onths . . . . . . ... 7 ' One, Until sir month .'ai.'iiVl (ivr'lZZo'd " vne xnea, ' eJiTormon'lis:..,-., eial Advertisements. Ana generally one ana a Half times the ratc J of the Weekly paper, ; . . ) .jLxheral eontracts made for reemlar or mo-' ' 1 12 o'cioxA oniay -befoTff ppblfeAtipa ?nr' ; J , ; r inseruon next moroWb) lBIW):if?'l. VIVll "-Weoa6rV?s&vtib "say iiiruchconc(nfc -General G rami's LlouisiAua' proelamationJ ft ijl ij nrrr -fftflpY axA . not toleri.hl'W familiM fwifS.' . 'J? ' the fanif r "?TTr -jt; ---(;, ir-.-t 'r-- - . a few ifc6rtfs i5n the subiecl; Firtt,tthe .j'Xgislatnre of !T.-;-ra r?r.!,I :-f.t e facts of the usurpation in that State .thv07T dli is not ours. W,e desire, however, to eny ' , ; fe words on -tW subjecli !,1 :: '' " .- fcs.im-I'dAhgeto life. or property, ' thexefoxQ Geas. eral GxjJt had' 6 right 16 act 'npbri 4tu , ! aci withaut arToisition froia tb Icgislature t ,vi of Lonisiaija; . j fH-.5 J j.oilriu ifiitaVl i 'Secondly, Genernl Gjai?t trios to- hide be.. ihind Congress ahd' the State , cotrt ts,' " He-has , . good refisoh for puttibjs: Cou'greJ-,betwectrf,"',t mm anu xne anuiguuiiou ut ( cvuuirymcoj-iuit but be only adds to his own guilt"aud denies ,,1 himself .with 4uplicityf when he, attempts o..., screen his acts4' witV 'sdeh tribttlials sV the 1 State conrts of Iid'nisiaria'.J Thos tburts, )in ) he.weU knowTV ara the creatures of KEtk.l ct logo gover himself own creatures for' the Tiery purpose' for which Girieta nment or r ratner. -as HEtxooaj .. 4) is,Gkant s creature. General OaAKi thrust into place . td - be tsedi l I Gjukt has just; rused them.' , We! do nots trnvzit o CI ose that the , President, or rather j tHa . man.', : 4 j wno wrote nis proclamation (.ior.ii ws ew- t dently 'written' by o; sharp lawyer)," 'expecte'' '115,1 tq deceive tho people'of thla eountry. n Th' wn proclamation,' wp.8,- probably ipt eftded : to det i ,t ( cMVej Europen readers, and especially t those. Vs,j crowned heads whose peoples,, according' to. going to establish 'republican forms of goremariol ment in thepirownquttrie. v,! cur. .n t roti jlia 'LomsiANA. isa satrapy. Her 'fate maybe.ni the' fate pf New York, whenever General" i"1 Gb1it choses to employ the irmy arid nary ' ' to Establish a nsnrrjincr Governor in the latter. Hit IHE , o vciwukb yf.ia uuiutun. -PllESBYTElUArt J TO 7 t'tlTIIt 6VTMtVLiTAa,r NicolisVas; 1 6ri' Bills ana .Overtnres, presented tte n W(J . llowinj? SaperiVhiclrHasf'urittnU0 mo'usly npprdved b.thbmBf1;;11' -' ' "Resolved, That th6; General ; Afisetri bly do solembly declare that; in ncc6r- "f auj i7nr,wn' the U d Id School ;Synbd 'Of 'since the teiinioni I"' Missol'ri bas been, 1 sil .,1.-1 ?lfbfWhf J' ' . ,. T rc lt A r a precedent in. the fatnre; hi v." " I , 1oi03 - Confidence in the soimdiieW of V.., ( , T- , .. ,,.. , , ,r.,l doctino . and .Christian churacter .Of,; , ... these .'bretlir.cb , 'and ' cinnot.4oBf ! yhll -mmA' intim'nt n' 'romfn union .WonVdV , . . r - .f 'th'eibar. . ilV. 'ri:'1' Jl re 8 mai, n.uw . scpari. vut7V o . iiwf , fath. t to . increase mutual, Ivftinir; antl , , ePteem a'nd q a practical mOoifeflt- n n rfonr oneness in Christ' 'With 1 tion Ot Mlg l. ' ynri , yd,. regara.to tuu f i;iv . uiatif.MW" if 'vr tjie : relations OI nqrco , anj. otaie, orv ,r sta nuai;dsto-wi, flncils are ... to haadJa.and ..con- Cod wv- -t .iw t , . . i meddle,, with jCivij ffair81,which--,ep1I! ccrn,tho Cpmmon.wealthjj unlcwjbjc ( f bmb!ftk9o;Mr"wi!;.fitRW traordinary. j.; -it t ?jd . .r.J 71 traordinary. ; . , r. lt , ,)( ,j .zr.l y vf That al Chnrcb oyvert,Vibelhei es- - . ir " ' ' ciniauvc. m-, t., jr--.v'Tr, iuui aDd by theOid School Synod, in .pIlSj 0 j 80iri, to seek closer anymore -jrerj-iQ nal YeiatipnsJwUtliesejiea. u , Jn. I'nnc nrfl easy to make if yotl how: "For. instancor ft .t is Deiieveu mat i Qpj named iiuniopremurKuu" ihih," lt.? 'this State by . . d nrer: brd his rvivAc punned n -r-. i . . 1 J : I L M Zt T to enter suit. done. ' I Here is nounnp n iii wvnix - - - IaXI-iinore easy, sir' remarked ''punstcf. i"? bY "Jiist Ion off half tho name,' -and Jilfcrn:i tpeaKl TX , , ! . ...Ui,. ohnA- lot re-IX. Ull. jucrt- n umwm'v.,'" ....rw .1 i.' . i. -Li ii.. nii i mhit a f ;ii llllb W X LIIU . ;.---- --- - - .ig the1 '' end J of ' tverY ' d on ther0 is d 'great aviikoing noii The proposition fithdlicfflilatnroE J i BChooI, was:6oraetninng man uuwub, ...

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