OBSEHVER G. H. HAIGH, Editor and Proprietor. FAYETTEVILLE. N. C. THURSDAY. ..........JULY 28, 188 " - . . tv . r mm. ? 3 ..M-aa a rri , T, 5 Wo w:W t omnla?n ot r Wed this city, Monday pjght Jbtii, ir. V ihe North in their treatment of their greai the ca4?S te$Km&r, MueeTby j Kansas CfTf, O-iJuJ-y 22. The Clever rAt tliA Tipcrrn Thev erv down the South Ihe exepssiva heat, Pr. iianh-'s a&e was 5 laml invitation has just been .completed. because we aroonnosed to social equality, fff.- ! F jybijje they will have none of-it in their 1 churches, tlipatres, hotels or bathing place?, firs Jwq days wjJJ 1 deyoted to the fxwn-r Theytft care to iae jth that ftey f ?!- PPfcWn? ?r liee.e fe P1.1 OHIO pOLITICSi. The Democrats of Ohio met in conven tion at Cleveland last Thursday and nom inated a full ticket for Sftate officers. Thos. E. Powell was eh&scn as fh standard bearer to battle with Foraker for guberna- our throats. ut tne latest, if ft had happened down bouth, would have created a holy, bowl, and just ly, too. It appears that at a UPS r. dance j at Steubensville, .Ohio, the noise and con-1 fusion created by the dancing, a real, old- time Virginia reel, so affecjQd the serves and tempers of some; that a crowd col lected and placed dynamite under the ! w it up. Some of the col- torial honors. He S3 spoken of as aggress ive and in full sympathy with the Admin- istraiion. as xuurman BiiT.y uecuutju, ored ..kg wer(J cHppIe(-. Thig ig ft singa. it is C9ns;dered th.o be nomination that k-wyio show iove to their friend could have been made. and brother. ' Perhaps 'they wish him in tion; anil ."demands such judicious reduc tion (of the present burdensome tariff as shall re.su jt n producing a revenne suffi cient only to' meet the expenses of an econ- .omical administration of the Government, Heaven. There is much damage being done North by wind and rain. Baltimore was deluged last Thursday. The cars were washed off the track. The rushing waters in some the payment of liberal pensions to Union places attained a depth of eight feet, and soldiers and sailors, and-the payment of newly built houses were washed from their the" interest and principal of the public foundations. debt j and, if necessary, favors such reduc tion of internal revenue, except on liquors, as will prevent an accumulation of surplus in the public treasury." It endorses the act of lhe President in his wjse and noble defense of sett jers on the public domaia, and quotes the following declaration : public "Our public 3omaiu is our national wealth, the earnest of oip growJLlji and heritage of pur people. It should promisp limitless development and riches,, relief tp a crowd ing popujivtion and homes to thrift apd in dustrv. .'These inestimable advantages should be jealously guarded, and 9 care- .1 -V t-i.'".! : 1. Mrs. Spencer, in her letter to the Raleigh Kern and Observer in regard to the good old University of North Carolina," very truly says: ' . , Let its enemies do their worst, it will be in the future, as in the past, the best ami brightest thing Sorth Carolina has got. iJThe Planet, edited bv a colored man in Richmond, Va., advocates Cleveland and Lee for 1S8S. He says, "if you want peace I you have it in the person of Clevelaud Birds ml tiia Crops. For Uie Observer In a article in your last " issue you speakpf the destruction tocropsfrom worths insecls, &c, caused (as yon think) by the destruction of tho birds. How is it, Mr. Editor, that the crops in and around town are so fine and not troubled with insectst It is a well-established fact that a bird cannot lay and hatch out her young near town. The great search after eggs by the inevitable inall boy, to fill up his col lection and, as his parents think, in tho furtherance of science (fulsuly so called) and the constant twang of tho deadly juvember, have made the bird a thing of the past, around here. Yet the crops grow. One farmer said ho planted his corn twice, and it was pulled up as fast ns planted, bv the doves and blackbirds. He poisoned a lot of corn, and the woods wf-re filled with dead birds. After that his corn and peas came up. Another in the lower part of the county said to a sportsman : 44 If you don't come down and kill tho partridges I will poison them, as they pull up my corn and peas as fast as they are planted." Some thing to be said on botli sides, you see. Dou't favor in vour good paper ."posting lands; it is a Yankee innovation, and we have enough of these already, God knows. aW . The President Will Visit St. Loois. The invitation U in book oraa, making a volume 11 inches long, 16-inchea wide and four inches thick. The bindpg is of seal skin. On the front cover of the booV, cnnlr in the liindiner. is a sqaare of white satin; bordered wjth Wuc plush. . Upon the satin,-elegantly engraved, is the following ."Kansas City -" ' To the President and Mrs. Cleveland Greeting. 1887. Upon the back of the book in gold let ters is "Kansas City Greeting," and be low it, "To the President and Mrs. Cleve land. Tho water-color pictures, by Mrs. Bar son, are bunched 'together following the title pago in the following order: Kansn Citv. Kansas, Missouri, Texas, Tndi.in Territory aud - Colorado. Then conies tho invitation signed by 21,000 cit iaons. Tho book is enclosed in a ease of imitation sealskin, embossed with gold and lined with gold plush. - -A Town in Sains. ADVERTISEMENTS St. Louis. July 19. A special from El Paso, Texas, says: "Close upon the heels of tho disastnous news of the earthquako at Bavispe come details of a still greater calamity at Hacariac, a town zU miles from Bavispe. It had before the catastrophe 1,J0U inhabitants. When liavispe was destroyed the town was badly shaken up, aud most of the inhabitants fled. Since then tho town of Bavariac has been visited bv a succession-of shocks vnt have re duced the whole town to rnin- Most of the people escaped, as tlicv v. the country, terror-stieken, on i!.;: ih.-l dis turbance. war, there stands Lee," &c. Greensboro has granted the right of way the government should secure 'them Jto the I to establish a street railway, and is making people.'' -' "ft'e detnand that all aclii of thp a survey for city waterworks. Verily, our goverment pQ held for actual settlers who . are citizens of the United States and for towns W progressing. .Sme sje eW The Randleman Manufacturing Compa- ' Md in regard to tabor, the resolutions iis 'b nuected with theutside aro r,rononTied Rnd nnrniRraVnWfl in tl.mr WW by telegraph OU the 1st of Septem- declarations. They say; ber, Labor, being' the ehief factor and great conservator of free and liberal intatiUitions. should ehioy its full share of the common "benefits derived therefrom; therefore, we favor such restraints of the centralization and encroacluneriis of eorpoi-ate power as will bring the best possible protection to honest labor and at the same time conserve the interests of honestly employed capital. With Jheso issues fairly and squarely STATE NEWS. Bailroad Items. JFrom oar Exehnngea The length of the railway lines in the State Jane 1st last is reported at 2,214 miles. So far fifteen miles of the Roanoke and Tar River Railroad have been laid from Boykin's depot, and trail?'' are running. Jfifty conviet Jjave been applied for, to maintained, with the Dure, unsullied record 1 grade a road from Madison, Rockingham of a Democratic President ' before them, they should bp confident of victory. But the field "wl fy6 stubbornly contested, for upon it in a measure depends the result in 1S88, and the Republicans cannot as well afford to lose it as the Democrats. Ta them it would ba fatal. Consequently, the field will be fought to the bitter ecd. But we predict sueess io the Democracy, for the Government has brought peace and good wiU, and a change would affect the financial condition of the country if it did not encourage Tuttleisj.; PRACTICAL WORK. The Grange Encampment and Farmers' Institute Fair, which is to be held at Mt. Holly, Gaston county, fronj Aug. Qth t,o 13th, wil, if energy, enterprise andjudi eions advertising avail anything, be a great affair. Addresses are to be delivered by poine of the most practical and learned men in he State, upon subjects of vital importance. Among the names we notice Kemp. P. Battle, President of the Univer sity of North Carolina ; Thos. M. Holt, one of the largest manufacturers in the State; H. E. Fries, Dr. I)abey, of the Agricultu ral Department, and a host of others. Dr. R. II. Lewis will deliver an address upon ebsilage and its advantages to fhe stock raiser. This Encampment has been espec ially aided by J. T. Patrick, Commissioner of Immigration, and will doubtless prove . a great success, lolh in numbers and in the amount of information that will be given by practical men. We note the above to show that there is life, energy and activity in the regions west of us. They are determined to help their portion of he S,tate, both by attract ing immigration and by throwing new life into its people. The people of Eastern North Carolina are not as active, they are not working as they should to develop their portion of the State. Our lands are as good, would produce as toucij, and CQUfd be made as attractive, county, to Stokesdale, Stokes county. It is'jreported that tae Wilmington & TTel don Railroad has purchased property in V11 son and will build a otton compress thereon. Large numherg of 'freight ears are being constructed Tor the Atlaetie and North Caro lina road by the North Carolina Car Company, of Raleigh: The Nashville baneh of the "Wilmington aud Weldon Railroad is completed to Spring Hope, in Nashcountyr some twenty-five miles from Raleigh, and tm the line from Nash ville to Raleigh. Trains ow run to Spring Hope. The Oxford Torch Light is reliably informed that the contract for the building of the Clarks ville and Oxford Railroad has been awarded and the contractor obligated to have the ears running' to Oifot d by'lieeember. This looks like business. - Two railways are in eourse 0 eonstrnetioa with Tarboro as an 'objective point. One is from Hamilton, Ihe other from Williamston. Grading on the former is going actively on. It is intimated by the Tarboro Southerner that the latter road will be extended to Wil son, to connect with the Short Cut. One of. the happiest incidents of the President's life was enacted at the White House on Monday, when Mayor Francis and a delegation of nearly a hundred of the distinguished men of Missouri came in a body to iuvite him to come to the city of St. Louis. The speech of Mayor Francis is a noble one, and we regret that space forbids our giving more than & portion of it. : . We are here, therefore, sir, in obedience to the mandates of our people, represent ing all sections of Missouri, her commer cial, manufacturing and agricultural inter ests, and reflecting the desire of every city, town and hamlet within her borders, to urge you and Mrs. Cleveland to favor us with your presence. . This invitation ema- nates rrora , tne people, your sovereigns and ours, and not from any organization, civil or military, political or religious. It is a spontaneous outburst of a community that never suffers its reputation for' hos pitality to be aspersed. It is a vigorous and feeling protest from a generous host against the absolute declination of a dis tinguished guest to be the central figure of an invited company. . The reasons why you should visit the West are even stronger now than on the former occasion when your reply was a favorable one, whether viewed from our standpoint or your own. Our appearance beforo you in largely in creased numbers, coming as we do from even most remote sections of the State, furnjshes an indication of the feeling pre vailing at our homes. The people of the West revere the high office of Chigf Magis trate of the Nation, and their loyalty and patriotism impel them to honor him who fills that exalted position. Especially is it so when the man who occupies it performs his duties with the wisdom, fearlessness and patriotism which characterizes your administration. No organization, however strong, and no occurrence, however The British Naval Itevis-jr. NOTIONS Filer Cilllll" PARASOLS AT COST TO CLOSE OUT STOCK. Corsets, Gloves, Hosiery, Ribbons, Laces, Iace Caps, Collars and Cuffs, Fans, Zephyr, Embroidery, Silk, Cotton, &C.&C All O 2x o s x T o xr O e 17 HAY jul 21 STREET. jinn. dte. TO THE FEONT. I A, & ARK ASH FRtntTS; I Foreign, Domestic and Canned. I CANDY: I ROYS TER' J (Fnh and Ikxt.) I I GROCERIES. I I FCOM I , FROM I GSUTTLATED MX1X to OiKKRILn TLCZ I FKUM I Macaroni and Cheese I TO I MUSTARD and PICKLES I TOBACCO, CIGHaS and SIBFF.I I , . Cml1 "rlf mm4 firm. I THE IMPROVED Lioxpox, July -. ilie j)arrr 1 s re on cur in tho opinion that the i-wvi-rw t Spit head on Satuway Mas th hn'bt display naval strength tne woria has ever Reeu The Paris Fioaro Rays: "A long time must elapse before it will be possible to again witness so superb a collection of warships, England may justly be proud of the review. It was an imposing mani festation of her strength and wealth .n - Trfal Voleaaie Eruption. . Malta, July 25. A violent volcanic eruption has occurred to the Island of Uali- ta off the coast of Algeria. Stream of lava are issuing from the crater of the vol cano and the glare of tho flames emitted are visible for 4ifty toilcs. DIED. G0LL1TT MAGNOLIA COTTOH GIN Awarded the First Degree of Merit over all other makes, AT THE LATE WORLD'S EXPOSITION AT NEW ORLEANS. PiA samplo 50-saw Gin, complete, on hand. Call and examine. juiy t if R M. NIMOCKS. THE SUM IPR0T1 GI. After a brief illne. nenr Salem Cliurh, Moore county, N. 0., on Jnlv 18th, 1KS7. Mrs. Martha Catharine, wife of Mr. Win. 11. Thom as, aged nearly G2 years. A sleep 'in Jpsuh. , - ' J. P. M. A Gift for AIL In ordor to give all a chance to tent it, and thus be convinced of its wonderful eurativa powers, Dr. King's New Discovery for Cou- pumption, C-oughs ana Colu, will be, for a limited time. Riven away. This offer is not onlv liberal, but hows unbounded faith in the merits of this great remedv. All who suffer from Coughs, Colds, Consnmption, Asthma, Urouehitis, or any affection of Throat, Chest, or Lungs, are especially- requested to call at li. E. fcdberry's Drug Store. Beaews Her Yonta. Mrs. Phoebe Chesley, Paterson, Clay Co., ( Iowa, tells the following remarkable story. the truth of which is vouched for by the resi dents of the town: I am 73 years old; have been troubled with kidncv 'complaint and lameness for many vears : could not dress mj'self without help. Now I am free from all I 'rutin ft sAivnpfiB ftml n m 1 a fn li nil mr im I .... - . 4 :n u . 1 1 ' 1 1 1 i I u uuuscwurn. x uc my iiiniiis iu liiei-ir c nnrtsnr tv-iII ha Ntnnmw I t . AdH intnMu.'t -k I ' . , . . v ... .v uu jumvin w jj!jtew f0r having renewed my THIS lb. THE Latest Improved Cotton Gin now on the Market. J.B.STARR, Faretteville, PC. C June 30 3m rOR SALE BV 3tolionl Collc??c of" "Virginia, The National Bank of Greensboro has de clared a semi-annual dividend of live per. cent. The water works at Asheville are a . failure, after SO or 90,000 had been raised to supply the town. ' . The old Salem bad, which has been one of Salem's organizations for nearly one hun dred years, has disbanded. . -Five wolf scalps were taken to the com missioners of Macon county last week, and .for each $5 was paid as a reward. It seems djfiicult to get the apointed mag istrates. There were over 800 places to fill. It gives extra work' to the Governor. A little girl near Monroe lost one eye and injured another by falling with a cup of lye and dashing the liquid into her face and eyes. . It is learned that attempts will be made to secure licenses for the sale of beer and wine at Durham and other prohibition towns in the State, The citizens of Beaufort have subscribed $1,000 to be donated to the jteaehers' assembly should they decide to eree their . assembly ouuuing in tnai puce. , $32,500 in gold ore was brought to the XT. S. Assay Office in this place, by one person, from a gold mine in Montgomomery county, last week. Home'Di-iiiocrat. The Sampson Light Infantry, Ctpt. W. L. Faison commanding, will go into encamp ment ior a wees, commencing the zud mst. Capt. Fajson has issued General order No 1, About fifty names have been enrolled to form an artillery company at. S?jllic:liiri? trw Vo bnt ,we have not demanded for our nortion 1 known as Battery A. It will be the onlv kr- whatwe Klmiild. nor hava nx,. ncA. 1 tillery company in the State. It will be cohi- , The President then responded as follows: "Jly reply to your very complimentary and hearty addres will be very brief and practical. At the time you did me the hon or, withso many of your fellow citizens, to invite me to your cit y, I Mt it was an in vitation which should not be declined. I felt that you had something there of which you were deservedly proud. You had a city and a locality there which it was only rifrht and just that you should wish the chief magistrate of the country to see and appreciate. Uf this feeling 1 have .a re markable proof. It was not at all neces sary to convince mo of your good faith and sincerity that so many of your good people should come hero at tins inoppor tune season to bring this- invitation, and j-et you don't know how much it has pleased me to see you all. (Cheers.) Tho desire to come to see j-ou has increased each day. I don't feel now that I can do otherwise than accept your invitation. (Great appaulse). The arrangement made beforo-was entirely free from anv compli cation and presented no likelihood of any. You are aware that I agreed to visit the city of Atlanta early in October. I only speak of this because when wo are about to decide upon the day when I can visit you, this Atlanta visit must be taken into consideration. However, this is a matter that can be arranged afterwards. Luckily, we have plenty of time, I shall be glad to meet or correspond -rith the committee of your citizens, fix the date and make ar rangements in detail. But the thing must bo done. I will come. Bitters for having renewed my youth, and removed completely all disease and pain." Try a bottle, only 50c, at B. E. Sedberry's Lru otore. Bucklea'i Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sores, Tet ter, (. happed Hands. "Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For Sale by B. E. Sedberry, Fayetteville, N C Fiftieth Session commences October 3rd, 1337, continues six months, For further information write for Catalogue. jane 30 2m J. S. DORSEY CULLEN, Professor of Surgery, Dean of Faculty. SEDBEEEY - Ua jiwt received liia umiul large iiily of BTJISTS Fresh Turnip Seed. OVARIFTIF ySnfi TO SKI-KIT FROn X H JJ JAPANESE GOODS. CHINESE GOODS. Remember hi motto : "NEW AND FRESH OR NONE." jay 21 tf The Sir John Lawrence Siaster. f.be effort to help ourselves. . Our seaboard towns, "Wilmington and New . Berne, both to-day should be treble their size. Arid so it is with fhe htfand tewn; our people should be np and doing, and especiallv phould we endeavor to buid our railroads manded by Captain Theodore Parker, a f ormer rv esi cornier. There is to be a new enterprise at Raleigh. It is to be known as the Southern Printincr Company, and will have $60,000 capital. . It will print railwav tickets as a sneeialt v. be sides doing all other kinds of printing for rail- ;ways,&c. . -.( John Campbell. Iivine near Leota. while Grocers' Strike fot 'Trade ! For some time we have Wen a member of this strike, aud "Strike while the iron's hot" is our motto. r, come fti'-ii-r. ..ring your mends with yon, continue be yovi v.-ork. ""op GOOD GOODS "JaS Can be bought f A. S. & CO. We as!i for your trade for tl; reason that we ffive as many Roodrj, of as goo--i quality, as can be bought of anv othr. reliable firm or merchant, of this city, . We willingly meet nonoraDie competition. We try to have an ! IN ALL VARIETIES. ; Beaill Ornamental ai HS6M.. CALL AT . . THE BOOK AND MUSIC STORE .1 AND SEE THE Japanese 1 Chinese Goods. juneoti I ' McNeill & co. HEMIQIME GEO. A. THOilSOX. "Wido-V-wnlm! : Stock EepleiMEi and Kept FlDj Uj! EpicarMaa know the TootW Dl jij, ! be fomad la ay Mok. Sew tUi kufujj j ar uninviting, Fulton Karket (comtxlj Erf, Tripe, Put Fret, Chipped lWf 0ra Strictly Fancj 1 MVerrl, SprintrW IL, FenV K. C. Haia, Xorih Carolina Haa aaiCv- nTa X. C Break or Ilreakut iStritK awiit ! rotniuaada. ' mt iustrt rurn ' 0 TOO WELL know for toaaxaL Iwrrril UrgMi itoek of W. O. WDmn'a Crmrken, (Wp- ot ariety anJ LuyrK ock of PirkV, Vnmnm, JrU'teK, Jama, Fruit. 'Xnta anJ Caml. Vmi t Menta, Canned VrrtaUrit, CantH-d Kraii. CW G ootid Lamb TongiR-a, Mniiruoui. S.tUU. ( j'wipv Since ; Foreign and loiucsiic Kruiu n wrr. 4 m their own fluiJ, Extract aixl Ivrnrr. lKpurvl Olive Oil, Pure Crab -Apj-ie "iurgar I Korml Ilaking PowJer and all other kwwlW &Lh Powtlem, Oatmeal, Hoiuinv, Mamrvtil Kariuai. Vennicelli, Pine Apple and EnjrlUli Ijrr C1." Fancy Full Cream Jlild Sumnier CbtW, (Irrr U Boaated CoftVea onn railed. Traa DWk and Cnra edeetrd by an expert, Siwe of all kiwi. Cn Starch, Gelatine, Ianndnr Start h. Laaudrj Swofa, ToiWt Stmpa, Illaeinir, Blacking. Shoe Dirwint; anl Poll-ih, and anything that can he m-n:i"orJ aal fonnd in First-chtM Iltmaca. Gbuwware, China, Crock r nr. Tmwarr, Wmti tai TMHow-ware, Cutlery and C'orJ-ie ajJ 21 ALVA XS JX STOCK. 11793. F. I. L. I. 1. 1 1 tiu San Fraxclsco, July 25. The Pacific mail steamer City of llio de Janeiro arrived last night, bringing Hong Kong advices to July l and xokohama news to July 9. By the loss of the steamer Sir John Law rence in the Bay.of Bencral. before rerort- ed, 800 lives were lost, mainly ladies of the e7 to-the wanta of oor customers, with the 1 a..-- M! ? T i -i I TlAttT nf ft1niii(r mnrA tik Alia liaf ffiinVintr oesi lanjiues in .rental, on a pneriniaffe to I ; , " . ? 1 . """'" v.wvajf a,rvv viMWUictO A t vviaiv bilVUU V fal consideration. , ' V inat our pwn ports .would profit by the agieen on his Wh. on tnrv tTw w; tho Jnfrcrernant. From the 21st to the development of the western portion of the attacked by some unknown miscrant and 26th of May a cyclone raged in the Bay of Daaiy wounaea witn a knife in the region of I oengai, wiin aisastrous results to snipping rieh nnon thinoa 'nrhib R.i ,uu , oupicion atiacnes voa negro, wno I ana aiieuueu wuu gTeai loss Ol me. Ihe rich upon things wich our State should had made some threats.-ir. V V : storm was the severest in that onarter The water supply of Raleiirh proves a irreat. I since 18C6. iudennff from the renorts of the I of T!Ofif ' TV. II Int.onU 1, .- tl- . i I 1 L 1. il JI ?i We hereby certify that the entire filler of all Cigars man ufactured x n i TCP under the I UL I LU brand is made from chniee Havana Tobacco, and entire ly free of drugs, chemical or flavorings. . KOOKE BEOS. receive the benefit of. I-iet the pepple of Eastern North Carolir na stir themselves, and show Tb.e world i. that tbejr sectmn ppssesses as great at7 ItracUonsastheWest. It will detract noth- ng from the VVest, but wilt tje a'movp for good along the whole line. " , SPECIAL, TAX BONLSyj- The followjng s an axYertisemenf tan from a New Yqrlj: panj:; , V ' On Anjriwt prpx ; ehgaved Trurt rtincite pfJheLiutad State TiilTSiipany;will beiwwed u 1 YUS agreement hr Jhe w;tUement of the 1 . rni . . ..." . . u?ujni. x do intensely not weatner was to a degree mitigated by the liberal use of water on the principal streets. The supply is ample me pressure sumcient ior ail purposes. Work on the new standpipe is two-thirds com pleted. Chronicle. "Wolves are not all destroyed. An exchange says: The Westerly B. I. Xews notes the kill ing of a she wolf and nine whelns. near the Roan Mountain Hotel, on the North , Carolina and i enpessee una. According to the report, which we presume was taken from a local paper, tni creature measured ten feet. The eighteenth annual session of the North Carolina Local Preachers' Conference of the Methodist Church wil be held at Kutherfprd college August ISth to 3Qthr ... Gol. John W. Cunningham died at his home in rerson county, Saturday, lGth inst. t He $a.B more that seventy years of age, and has been a' prominent citizen of the fcltato for culators ar?determinea tQ u pyery liXPw!?. 'S these eertificates each a'pplieaut souhj furnish a full UewTipUve lit on or before Jnl' 20. . . MORTON, BLISS & CO. It is evident, that' these financier and efEort to make the State pay this debtj or honer, ratner to defrand and rQb the tax payers , Greepsbprot Xorfh State: J)r." Benbow pt worth Carolina. The Uistorv of theso twenty tons of corn (ensilage) to fhe acrt has acre on vessels which weathered it. The passengers on board the Sir John Lawrence numbered 750, the officers and 1 crew numbering 50. ... The President's Atlanta Trip. Washington, July 24. The details of the President's trip to Atlanta have' been arranged. The special train will leave this city on Sunday niarht. October 19. and will reach Atlanta on Monday night Tho I President will spend Tuesday and .Wed-1 nesday tn Atlanta. He will be escorted through Virginia by Gov. Leo and his staff, and through North Carolina by Gov. Scales and his staff, and throngh South Carolina by Governor Richardson and his staff, all of whom will go with him to At lanta. ; At the Georgia line he will bo met by Governor Gordon and his staff. At Atlanta he will be met by the - Governors 1 and' United State Senators of tho various ouuiuern oiates. ii is expected tuat,.ne will spend Tuesday looking at the exposu When in want of superior quality, give us a -call, i Other goods guaranteed standard in quality. Call or send yoiTr orders in time to avoid the rush. Wa will give Highest Market Priees for Country Produce. "WE ARE AGENTS FOR , The Cliippr Plow And for the 8outhsi.de Manufacturing Co't. Fruit Crates, Baakets, fee. We are also Shippers" of Scupper- ' . ncng Grapes.' ' - A. S. HUSKE & CO. Btatx ot Maktlaxd, ) Crrr or Baltimore, t On thie J2th day of February,' in th year of our Lord, 1SSG, before- me personally earoe PAUL 8CHARRER. foreman . , for KOOKE BROS., and made oath that the foregoing dec laration is true. EDWARD RAINE, -Notary Public. 5 Cents Straight: Oaefier a Nickel lOO for 9S.OO. Hokey Pokey W. J. Mf DONALD, JR., jo!y7 flOl.K AOKXT. tf bonds ig well known, and that the State fcn6 e ?oc yeaF? .-P" fd Pn jiesday wil ho d a pub io maysteer clear of it I Jll It SSS Elfe?? epon and makea snort address. ,; , w ,ia jcyciuiou, or ama jear wni raise more corn pn six ares "uk mem. it must return Democrats in 1 " ri manure tnn ae am on the ten-' He pf&ce. John Tyler, a son" of the late President Washington City.. 1BS. liAXKS propotics to make, during the hot aeason, ijpjiey t'oKey For the Children, in place of TaiSee, and will eommeuce work as soon as her inqulds arrive. ' Also, ! ' . .. , , -. Crystal Vlaf;o Ic) Pfeamf put22joad8 to the acre Here is a nut ior Tyler, Is lying critically, ill at his home in the fertilizmff men trt'irn.V ' ,-' 1 w.olr,, ru.. !- - Tle BEST Ice Cream made. ff CUMBERLAND HOUSE. The mert convenient to the travelling public. Is only 50 yard from the C. K &. Y. V. Railroed, in M pleHmnt kxwtion. ' i ' . Tabie fare the BEST the market affords. ... :' , TKRJI REASONABLE. - Con veuiont for Drummerm. jaayWly P. H. BELL, Proprietor. Cane Tvlills and E' 7aDorators -Jl that bjuk o Mooau-b I this bbt, Wt him k-rrt. We sell the above brand of dear, and v knowledge no superiors, few eiual. The HO. II CIOAS is far shead M r"1 many Citrar of aaree price. Sle of the jt ISrio, U,Zi,WU ot Uie annvalieu .no, ji A. 8. HUSKE i AirentH for Favetterille. X. r. Proprietors of F.LLL brand, jure TIN! Another big drive in Tinware at HEADQUARTERS, G. A. THOMSON. t Horlli CaroTiiia Cnmtsraii J . - -"V In the Superior Court. , -i -' : :'' t JL E. Cade it n Ti r- . w rv.1.- J. W. and wife LixsM. A. MrKimmoe aa4 wile alia, Miuririe UcSLimmo. JoJi K"; McKimm, Latra MeRmBTVn"r"j Kimmoo, Arrh d MeRuatnoa, Still McRj lUanebe McRnnmo." ( Twelre Patent Cane Mills, two and three rollers. - " Patent Fnniaccaknd Evaporator. Sheet Copper and Galvanized IrojB for Pans. ' .. ' . , Fifty Setts V . .. . Tobacco Flues, T T v v m . l na ani wicTom nave an m"- - . ... .!..., .... I It Jlndd. That nebhciioa - Coolrliier Stoves r McMIIXAJJ BUOS. , rltlM 9Tak Heal A" ' ' . Par PUlaliri IV-Ww- . la tbk rauHs it wrin to the rfi4rt",L . Cothattbi defendant J. W. MrKi.y Lnsie, and A- UcBimntot and wife Ann Manie MeRhamon. Jom McKi-nxw- Runao. La ant McKimmoa. Tbomr-on Mc'l'm Airikihald UMfimBwa. .Will Urkiujuton 1 lia , JulyH Tobacco. ' , k COMPLETE LINE OF ' TOBACCO, all GRADES, Trom tO Cents to tl.&0 per Pound, : " jCanlwliahof ' , : ' ' ' - w. j, Mcdonald, jr. Ml. . if . t . . . .-wi v a w i per pnWk.bed ia Kayetteville. X. r the aaid deteodanta, t appear at the CrlH FayeueviU, M. C, oa the 22nd Uv and answer r de-aer to th p' fl wkicb M derated ia aaid oftVe. or the P"f ? u appry to the Court for the relief drtna1 " T?;- - - CO. CMS. : C3erk Soperior Coart CumbcrW Jy" j ROANOKE COLLEGE, Kll tbeVirginia Mountains SI49. SI76. Or S204 A Tkmuk totreMM tw4 k'SaiTc'r rw. AOdrwe Jkuv i Jtiuu. fr v. " - iiyi ' "

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