OBSERVER. .Th C V, &.YUV. tore down one of the j fayetteville; ru. c. Thursday at 19 Otma StrteV .J.kWf X.VCI T r,BU,7 (Observer Building.) PtcsiTAt- t Drf-iVwrtv; TTT .1 A 1 I TCf T-v . . - Ti i.! J il i I ft o.- . n - r T -mm i 3 1 . . . i ioiwui lvuBiwju. tto uuuenianu ni,ivii,i.s lAtuiuiAiiaN. it is saia mat i A o&alJj lycloI. JUT. das. vans. -rr.;i.M.wmu that there was a UtUe:fracas yesterday at 8u DUJS scarce, i ney cenatmy are whose farm was no terribly mutilated by s shown us epoci- pay. ISqswh, rotl. mens ine cotton iana ne says u an iooks So say we, and so say all. tue same). -It s completely stripped of .JULY 28, 1887. If you have a pig pen, ask your neigh- Lnmbertxn between a Mr. White and Mr. SSti, 7hihS wlrtSi the storm hust.week, ha: bot if is agreeable to hvm. Your nose Stone, in which pistols were used, but no- fto toipi?8 mens of the.cotton (aid uot snur .ine Dreeze that his does. . body hurt. gr ille fcweet Potato crop is looMner fine t Henrv Collins left one of his finest wa this year. The finest and largest crop j termelons in our composing room the other uuw wo nave seen is that -of Mr. W. W. day. Like all of CoUinVs melons, it was fin advance).-.-.....-,....- ...$2 00 ; T" v ' v I. . exactly npe ana luscious, ana was nageiy M1? ''rllitW wrnand .?hero ws once tannery here, and the enjoyed after the heat and toil of the day. I W " .. 11 . - I n mA ' ami i 1 ttti I "r r vrn . JrutHnerexprraiHmmmirejuuunH-. i wv u wueve &resuu visiDie. vv nv iuessrs, lucMUlan i5ros. are now PUttlllff would it not pay to start it up again? There I themselves in readiness to supply farmers are plenty of hides. j with cane mills and evaporators, and also A good opportunity is now offered to Wltn flues for tobacco. They always keep up with the times and push ahead. They are an enterprising set of men The "Wilminerton Star savs. If the Cane We understand that some scamp threw Fear afnd Yadkin Valley Railway should dollars for his appearance at court, went THRESHING MACHINES A RP1.CIAI.T1. Sitnptrat, Mont Durable. EcooornioJ nl Prrferl in TKIt3tS OF SUBSClirPTWX; K.lTKS Or ADVERTISING.. nln will le inwrted for 1.00 per Kqnnre its leaves, and the field looks as if it had Boa Days. Siritts, the dog star, now I been ravaged by worms, as there is nota rises and sets with the sun. This contin- ing left but stalks. A persimmon branch ues for nearly forty days.- The peculiar filled with young persimmons, is not only effect it produces makes more sickness denuded of leaves, but each persimmon than at any other time; so our people has one or more indentations, showing the should be careful in eating and drinking, force of the hail. It is singular that now i V antes no Grain ; Clcnai it ready fur Market. TtosliiiipEs & Horse Powers. . Maw JlilU aa4 ntaaaard Iaapleatcala grm- ctwuij. Moil lor liluatratM cntaioKu. A. B. FARQUIIAR. PflnaijlTSBia Agricoltor! Works, York, Pa. jiine 30 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Between Seasons. I have just returned from the Northern market, where for over two weeks I bare been selecting and purchasing a . fresh stock of in. Seasonable Goods, GE3XBAL FATETTXVUiZ WATtXTT. im 10 W t,le ti" n1 fift-v CKDVi toc ule- (''"' ..i i;....ii..n. M'(vini. t f..r n.ivertiiuS for any pace or time nwy visit Washington City at a small cost. rlljl'','- Kr AOVIiBTISKMKXTI. It may not occur again this year. If , you ! cau spare the time and money, go. but especially in cleanliness. Another Escape. Andrew Johonson, who was convicted ou Tuesday for an of fence, being required by the Judge to give a justified bond in the sum of five hundred 'Tokat lranj its. VaKX N sotice. j i) Williams LAtia aie. PEjiBERTos & Prior P. R. R. 8 -. c.schoolteaeher Wanted. Vembf.ktox & Prior Turnip Seed. ' J. MoIonald, Jr. Toltee Cigars. vrxk Thorstos Between Seasons. " MiKtUF. Guinuess's Renowned Stout. 'tovvx'and county. IT"U '9U owe tor yur subscription to ,,e 0iVEIi sen t10 money, for a receipt-- ' rv Y. V. Railroad last weV. whinli ! came near striking one of the passengers. We have heard of no arrest. f Several shipments of ice were made from uere last week. The home demand has increased wonderfully this year. A few years back it was considered a luxdry; now it has become a necessity. or Morehead, Wilmington would bo badly m cliarSe of daPttt7 Sheriff Qark to pro lert. . . There is no necessity of its being left, and it should not be. We have before called .attention to the necessity of a chair or chairs in the Court House for witnesses to sit in. It must be a very tiresome business to stand for an hour or more and at the same time be sub- and then there" is a small Jplaco in. the field left untouched, showing that the littlq cyclone rose and fell1 at intervals. - Wo hope the cotton may come out (and think it will) and yet produce a good crop. Sir. Evans says he thiuks his loss will be from $r0 to $500. V WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 1887. ling Round, 12) Si.Um 12 llnino. 13 Wjrr. Hclk Mkats !.-. 8J Kboiililera. 7 cure a bondsman, and while in the store of 11ELP 1 orR lowx. 1 he foUowing sen- Mr. Garrason, he eluded the officer and sible article from the Wilmington 2Ie$ten madegood his escape. Nothing has yet Ver if read and followed by our people, been heard of him. would bo of immense benefit to them. Read it caref ully and j-esolve to live up to its teachings, and success will surely fol i low. Here it isroad it : In the work of building up the town In looking over the tax list for Quwhifile 3ecte1 lengthy catechatical talk district, wo were glad to see that there are J Eccles' Bridge is now undergoing repairs. a few sheep left. Mr. N. S. Blue crives in It was greatly needed. The county should Tf Sew beBSCKlBERS. V e will furnish 135, n. M. K. Blue 75 and L. A. Blue 5G kelp to keep up this bridge, and the cheap- sheep, and others, smaller quantities. I est mode (in the end) would be to hare a These, wo believe,' are the largest sheep substantial iron bridge. Suppose our com owners in the county. missioners discuss the feasability of it at We hear it on pretty good authority, their next meeting! that the C. F. & Y. V. Railroad ComDanv The Fayetteville District Conference was I ii .1 - 1 h..n .1 lf.i 1 - . i . t t m J. Green commenced sirimunff I nre ""ffKing seriously or extenamg tlie eiu at luaxioa ntst wees. jvev. o. i, , . m - it . 1 tit 1 m m roaa soutu irom isennettsviue. not to t'am- uidds was in atienaance. w e team tnat dem Junction, but' to a point some ten or I each district was well represented. twelve miles below it. This would give I The following were elected delegates to the road an outlet to Charleston. We mentioned the ravages of the fire near Manchester last week. Since then we learn that fully fifteen hundred acres of the fine pine forest belonging- to Maj Wright Iluske were destroyed. Thelightn- Rathkr Strange. The Asheville Citi trett says: Our friend, Mr. J. C. Thompson, of Fay etteville, is here. Wo would be glad to see more of his townsmen here, consulting both convenience and pleasure. It must have been some other man, for I city lies in the increasing and accumulat or Mr. Thomson has not left Favettcville mg conndence of its citizens. Side. 10 !Um. 16 Shonlilvn, 6)99 IUgoisu, 3 Beef (n foot. 3) Dremcd, 58 Rkkkwax, 1820 MiTr: North CaroUom 20 a 25 NortlMTii, Coffee Java, 30S33 2T 1 31 20 9 25 85 2 95 1.40 1325 10 -v.. 1 vr... CaivUiut Farmer from this date for two Jollars and tweuty-five cents a jear. . , The increased assessment in Fayetteville lj ,101""' .. Col. w. pes from Tokay last week. The cottage of Maj. D. O. MacRae is miicli improved by a coat of paiit. ' We would like very much to see the Denies of streets placed on each corner. ' Two car-loads of poles for the Winston Electric Light Co. were shipped via Wil 10a Short Cut ou Tuesday. -'-, , Tk riff r rose sufficiently last week for tk boils to resume their trips. The bot tom bad fallen completely out. Thu and next month is the time to plant tuttinjps froiu roses or other flowers. They giW easily, without much trouble. fur a fiiK? watermelon. ' It weighed 32 lbs.; aJ it was a treat greatly enjoyed by all the this season. He, however, anticipates do ing so shortly. Our Mr. Thomson has no "p" iu his name. every citizen has a duty to perforin. There c Yar must be harmony of action and unity of Cotto Tiia, purpose at home. The true greatness of a Chickens, . They must ' 'i..--. v 11 . .1 1 . ...... I . vt. rmuiiT. pnn xogeiner ana pun continually. na! We Kaiu., ,3.006.56 limes prospects iook a little trloomv. tho iokxbikal u70 . " . ! 1 1 1 . - .. .. I 1 n . . v stead put forth a little greater effort. Towns will not go themselves, but the en terprise of the people must make them go. If business is dull and the laboring men idle for the want of something to do, the uimculty should be bridged over by estab- the State Conference: Messrs. E.J. Lilly, H. K. Worthy, R. B. Clark and O. H. Blocker. , Alternates H. C Wall and W. I. Everette. The IJxcursiox Yesterday. The larg- ; est excursion that has ever left Fayette ville, was the colored excursion to Wilson yesterday. There were not sufficient cars I lishing industries and manufacturing en provided. Fully five hundred left here, I terprises that shall afford employment, and many were afraid to go; others could not find even standing room, and requests aua every stranger that enter tho city were made to ride ou the cow-catcher. I becomes impressed with this and soon For a. warm d v it was not verv airreeable. I catches the fever. If he does not locate. Advertisements giving rates from different li?' aWAy LenJJiDS the Pmises Com, tint, . Hat N. Cnmlina,. Northern, 70 50 83 1 00 100 f6 608 00 KIILR, Mint pood. 11 Hint damaged, 5 8 IhrSalt. 918 1 Orwn. 41 Amrioan, 3 Lu X. Carolina, 1A Wwtfm, 819 1 LEATHER I'pncr. ronntrr, 2340 Me, Hrmkirk. 25 a? Hurrvean. c"mrr. 25 M Moi..NErt, 23 50 (IOJWix), 2.65 Pork Kmh, " 61 Mem. (None.) i-trrvroES : Sweet, (Xone) fabrics peially adapted to this time or the year. e hare the advantage of now placing before our customer selections of new and attract ive stylca of good not poa aeraed by any other house in the city. Itoily th new goods are coming in. and, in order to make room for them, the balance of stock bought in the early part of the sea son is offered at almost your own figures. The coneeMions in prices are remarkable and noticeable. So, by shopping wi t h us you have the pri vitege of selecting from a new, frenh sto;k, just bought, or making your selections from goods oonght only a few months ago, at about cost. FrankThorhtori iriMh-uew.wco Schoolteacher Wanted. Salt. SroARfl . Coffee. Grannlated, SnEETrxoa, Siircaa, Taluw, Wool 8iiRrr Own Wliils t.1.73 2.00 R re WhUk v. L 75 X 00 A p. Hrandr, 1.75 a 00 rih Urundj, 1.73 8100 6 74 61 50 5 18 services ac tne rresoyterian nurcu win points were sent out, out parties at tue tp ou the othc y- thosfl h . , , dmercnt stations naa to remain at inar caused fires in five different nlaces. at I going repairs. The workmon are now I home. one time, in the neighborhood. : Major Iluske estimates his loss at fully $10,000. We have before us the catalogue of Salem High School, of Huntley, S;impson county, N. C. This school, conducted by Mr. Marion Butler, a graduate of the Uni Vrsitv of North Pjiwitina. with ffinr m- petant assistents, w susUining nobly the at ChaP1 Hill. busy tearing down, the plastering, and will replace it with a ceiling of pine, oiled and varnished. The church will, also be repainted and otherwise improved. The Pastor, Rev. Mr. Phillips, whose health is not good, will in the meantime take a re Coaiix Bladen. We learn from the' Wilmington Star that several laft-ge and wel defined seams of lignite or modern coal, have been discovered ou the Guion place at Owen Hill, on the Cape Fear river. creation among his kinsfolks and friends The Star says it is of high grade, nearly approaching pure coal. There is evident- be foremost iu tho good work of pushing and booming the city, are continually fighting am on ir themselves, or are classed off into rings and factions, and whatever enterprise one else. down and if theyare evertistinirlvexnresS' ing doubts as tothecity's future prosperity, or all the while stand and do nothing to help themselves waiting for some unforeseen providence to turn something up how can they expect other people, who know noth to rings ana iactions, and whatever RriRITS 1 prise ono party tries to build up, some ulr nt 28 ;lse, through 'jealousy, tries to tear .S'?1 J . i : tt. i i oer bliL for rt ; and it theyare everlastingly express- Fayettsvilla Crttoa sad Ifayal torss K&rket Corrected 6y A. E. Jlamlin Co. COTTOX. The market opened on Monday of thin week at 101 cents firm, reuKkuinir. ou Tneadar aud yeenlay at tne miiic nre. AAii s lJK. pinta was ana yerteruay at 2C rem. Itotiin waa atcArfr, price ramriug from 30 and o0 eenta ir eomnmu. Cnide Turpentine Tlard LO0, Yellow Dip $LC0, irgm s.uu. Wilmington KarksC W ii.mixotox, I. July 26, 6 r. X. RriRITS TCRPEXTIXH The market peno eenu per RHllnn. 1 he nuirket naoted firm at XO reuta nunetl nnd Ko cenU for lioml NrainetL The cituena of Willia'a Creek are anxious to secure the aerTices of a mule teacher. X married aaaa pre ferred. AJJrea " A. B. C, jnty23 1tpd Alderman, X. C NOTICE. I will hare all the time, if poaHUe. the beM Tteef the market snurda,juMl I hone my friend and (- towers will rotitinne to uror toe with tkeir patroo age; abm, to hiire readr the small change, to aroid trouble and expenae of eollectini;. and aim to enable I me to continue the buMneaa withont being oporeatd for the many nuall amonnta which in all buaineaa make np the ajcrresate that inakes ooe'a buaiueas 4iMU)t and atjiumble. )aij2SZt j.tau GUINNESS7" Brown Stout. Selected from Choicest Brewings. reputation that it has had for the cast It is proposed to nave a grana uiumina- tiijrteen s years, i Sampsott should feel tioa ot tue pinuacie oc me ruw, wuuuwin 1 proud 0f it oa tho 1 completion ot tue L f . K 1. V. Railroad to Mt. Airy. . . ' : t .1 . 1 1 . 1 ; r : 1 . 1 a so mucn mai tue eiecmc lisrui, isuwi iw thed it - beams on Sunday and Monday. Mr. l'hipps put all things to rights on Tu csJay. ; . ' ' The I'anviffe Reporter says: The track nn laid tvio miles west of Germanton last Saturday; by well directed work the track may be HiiisLed to Dalton by the middle of August. " .- Tlu-v Qoiumissioners of the town of Fay- ,.. It is rather too bottoread, and the nights are rather too short fur the "earl v iro to Tlte electrical storms affected the dynamo bed f olks to Ac0omplish much.'; But we do( wish to sec our library and readin room better patromzeu. uur jToung men ought to take hold of it; thy have no idea of the benefit that may be derived, nor do they know how much some day they may regret the "lost opportunity.1 ' Tuesday morning1, as Mr. C. Morris and Miss Burt McDuffie were taking an early morning ride, Miss Burt holding the reins. she made a too-rapid attempt to turn the (titviJIo aud the v llson otiort t,ut came 10 1 corner dust above Mr. J. B. Broadfoot s) teruus hust week. We hope now the right and suf"""lded in upsetting the buggy and A way is granted, that the much talked of throwia Soth to the ground. .Fortunate ateiisiu will proceed. ly neitrwjwere hurt. The only damage The Fayetteville Coruet Band gave the was a broktin shaft and a few bruises to citizens some delightful music from the J the horse. An Exchange says: It is a theme of great wonder how generous people are with cotton blossoms to the editor; we re ceived eight, but not a single watermelon. If they would divide their generosity up between the cotton blossoms and water melons say half and half we would raise no serious objection. We are very fond of cotton blossoms they tickle our palate but a little Watermelon now and then to klwny of tho Market House on Friday evruing last. 1 ueir x nuay aiieraoou oou fcrts are much enjoyed. It is a wonder to us that no one has had i . . . . - enterprise euouru to put up a lew private baths. laths, i With a tank at McNeill's mill, with bot and cold waterj might be Jilaetdj any where iu town. Hiss (jullier, the polite and ;ladylike tel egraph operator, informs us that the busi BeU ot this office has increased cousidera Wy tbis year, and that the business of the umuitr has far exceeded that of last j'ear. Does this indicate dull times! Passing by the mill of Mr. J. D. McNeill wash 'em down with would not be out of place. The author of the article which appeared in last week's Observer in regard to the part the24th and 4Gth Regiments took in the Fredricksburg engagement, was no less a personage than the gallant Maj. T. D. Oil rvuimf.'iv wo wnnilovAiI ir 110 nn.(I TlimPil I ' ' 1 . j , .. ..v. It. 1 ..,-.TTT- 1 w Li rib jie SHW. . ne j siaio . iuis , uvuausc several parties were aniious 1 to know the author, aud further, asit gives more weight to the article. - - Happening in the office of the Register of Deeds this week, we spied three copies of the Colonial Records. They made us think of two of North Carolina's most gift ed men: one, the compiler, Col. W. L. Saunders, who, although racked by pain, Mr; P. M. Wilson, for several years con nected with the N. C. Agricultural Depart ment at Raleigh, passed through Fayette ville last Saturday. Mr. Wilson has been engaged by the C. F.'&. Y. Y. . Rail way to visit all points on the road, and to write up for the information of the people its many attaaetive points and advantages. As h is thoroughly, conversant .with the woods,- timbers arid minerals, &c., of N. C, he will doubtless ; givo not - only a pleasant and interesting account, but be the means of bringing before the public a work filled with valuable information. He will devote himself tothetownsaud villages their advantages the many places of health and pleasure, but especially the ad vantages that will surely follow the comple tion ot this thorough N. C. Road from the mountains to the sea-board. Mr. Wilson is a pleasant, graceful writer, and we expect to see an account as pleasant to read as a novel, full of good, practical, common sense. It seems to us that there is not sufficient care taken of the deeds and other impor tant county documents. If by accident a fire should tako place, it would subject the people to great trouble and much expense. Tho Register and Clerk are. doing all they can. They keep the books and papers iu capital order, but they should have a vault or fire-proof safe to deposit all valuable papers in. Every man in the county is in terested in the matter, and the cost would be comnarativelv small. We would sug- ly near Fayetteville a vein or basin of oil. I ing about the advantages of the place, to Tho writer and several others some years I and do tho work : of building up the ago, were mueh annoyed with the kerosene taste in their wells on Haymount. , It af terwards disappeared, l)ut it was evident that the oil was in the wells. . Can it be that a basin is near here f D 1 8TINGU isiied Visitors. Prof essor Viala, of the National School of Agricul ture at MontpeUer, France, who has been deputed by the French Oovernment- to investigate and report upon vine culture city T . It would be impossible to induce people to stop and locate in a city where such a policy is pursued. Let onward and forward be the watch word of every one. The wav to build ud a city and to bring about better times is for everybody to work for it. Talk about it, writo alont it. Think and dream about it until it becomes a very part of yourself, and then yon will be capable of infusing life into others. Advertise extensively and attractively iu your local papers; ad vertise it on your stationery, so that every time vou write a letter the advantages of the city will be heralded abroad." If per- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HP o 3Hl o ic&o Mfwra. Pembertnn & Prior: Oentlemcn: flaring boea aa un fitrtinuUe sufferer frotu Klteuraatiatn for aome time, brought on from Q change of rliniate, generut exposure. etc.. and luiTing tnefl erery reuteir w iih but Utile benefit, had ronrlodwl that life waa hardly worth tiring, nntil I eaine here ailJ waa induced bra friend to trv o riuunit RbeaoaaUc Krwf. After nuint one anutll bottle. I A oerame ita lira! Inend. and hereaf- Also, a Genuine article of Milwaukee Beer. For sale by ' A. MOORE. ISST. in the United States, and Professor Scrib ncr, chief of section of vegetable patholo- j chance the city has any disadvantages, seek try in the Department of Agriculture, are ? remedy them, or hide such as you would fS It Ua 1 p 1 aucax f 'l l fit auil J. P and was holding court; but upon en quiring found out that he was settling with his hands, who had been cutting poles for tiie Winston Electric Light Company. Engineer J. A. Pemberton brought to 'on on Thursday of last week a train of tiiirtyjseven heavily laden cars. These cars were loaded with rosin, spirits, lum !r, &c. ' This is the longest and heaviest fain that has ever passed over this road. the guests of Col. Groen at Tokay, in the prosecution of the line of work in which they are engaged. They stand among the the faults of any member of your family or your most intimate friend. Do not be afraid to sav that you have the best town in the State. Inform yourself as to what advantages and resources you nave, or ter will alwnra kee a lottlt It M a pnod thing. wliing too all bucixm in your endeavor to bene- auucnng niinianiir, I am Your, ice.. AlF.X. H ESDKRHOX. Cleveland, Ohio. -July 19, 18S7. O (Re. o llEl n He'ssen 1HH7. JTILMIXC.TVX, .V. c. r4 frea GolJaWro Wlllete.) Send your name ami and name ad JreM ot five ot your neighbors or friends on a poatal card and fret free for yourself and eaeh of them a specimen copy of the xe rr djil r rj rER, The "Wileinitoi Hesstnjer," A LASGX Z2GHT-PAGZ PAPER. first iu the field of viticulture in their ro- spective countries. Prof. Mala being a ow th" f "TKri-SinS l Mf nnfegn ' n, cjectriciau in the a recognizea autnoniy in rTanco ana tne t w .Rrnintr to prove that there is not such an- nanv. and ha traveled all over this roan- I .. " .. . . i , I --.- . . . other town on tne nice 01 tne eann. try. hile in t avettevillc, in the interest Keep confidence in the ultimate growth of his company, he was advised by our of the citv at fever heat. If vou meet a i townsman. M r. J. D. MeKeilL to trv P- R. grumbler talk hi ra into good humor, and I R and he did so with the above happy I o n en p I nt-M PQ? R fl fl R P author of several interesting works on the subject. Complete Talegraphla Zna- peXeht. Beet Xarfcct SeperU. A Live, Wlde-avalu Deia- oeratia JouraaL The Prido of the Stato.t PTBLTSHED IX WTLXnfGTOX. Ths Hessengcr .PaUishhg Ccnpanj. rrJBSCSIPTIOSr: Thra X oaths oa Trial for S2 00 ta Aivaaoe. TIIE WEEKI.T Draymen's Anniversary. The Dray men of Fayetteville will have their annual parade and treat on Monday, August 1st if he persists in croakiug kick him. A lit-; tie muscle thus expended oltcn does a crreat deal of pood. Let the young men It is to them that the These annual meetings are alway ploasant I keep wide awake and are participated in by many of the future destinv of the city most appeals merchants of the town. It is a pleasant pouU sleep while there is a thing you cat , , , . . . do. When a stranger comes show bin time, and good order, good spirits and an abundance of watermillons are sure to be there. . This occasion will be made more enjoyable by speeches from Col. W. J. Green, T. II. Sutton, II. L. Cook and others. Mr. Jas. . i - m, i a. '.a . .i ,.t tW mrt r,f tlm nmcPftds of thfi lot or AiKinson win ue master oi ceremonies anu railroad stock which they have concluded wiU be sure to 8ee that everything passes to sell be applied to this, and also to a gen- onT t a -u eral fixing-up of the court house. The ne FayetteviUo Cornet Band w.U be Judge's bench must be an awful hot place, V" au J entertain the crowd with its and if the nresent iurv room was taken eueQlIUi music away and the room extended back, then a little bit of fresh, air might be permitted I to come in from the east. We think these suggestions worthy of the consideration of our commissioners, nnd hope they will 1 look into the matter. can stranger comes show him around and convert him to your own way of thinking. Make him feel that you have an interest in him and would like to have him becomo one of us. Keep tho town and its resources and business capacities con tinually beforo tho people in every possible way, and the persistence will tell, and tell with a wonderful effect. Personals. results. PSHBEETON & PSI02, Enlists, FAYETTEVILLE, X. C. 1 Pat up in 60c and $1.03 Bottles. jnly 23 . tf TOLTEO. ' ANOTHER CASE OF Toltec Cigars JUST RECEIVED. Magistrates for Cumberland Coirs- Court Week. Court is in session this week Judge Connor on the bench. This is the first time he as presided in this dis trict ,"and if it were not a sort of stereotyped thing, we would be inclined to say some thing handsome of him. His charge is spoken of as very clear, sensible and ex haustive. It would be well if such charges were published, that the people might know the law. The Court has not been a very interesting one, and the docket will Visa ilnna a. nnhlp work for his State in eol- The prospect of a good cotton crop is tf- ott,0- wwi-rlc tho ntW ty. The Governor has appointed the fol I - - I let, Ll VV. I.WV4 u a v w -'J f..u.w.i- - a, tottennir. nnd Favottvilla mav extect 1 -. -r rr.iJ l : otli. nJ-i :...j ltiumir M-immtoa fnr fhimhrrlaiid Conn- - 1 r iu. it die w uJ cia uiaic x uuiri ootoicu t 0 n - I 1 1 1 i. I ' I . . . T .r T 11 " TT " nine, a. u. mczieui, . xx. uog- Beard, Simon ' Hales, Herman e a, aud to have our streets mijst of snffering, toiled night and day to Jones, J. W. Goodwin, Alexander McNeill, Any hiied with the fleecy staple trorA .t, a worlr ' that it mio'lit be. com- I and Edwin Sessoms. , - .c i ' j " e . , I iurrounuinEr counties. ' . I ,., t- t. j.l.-.. p i Mr' J. B. Underwood is now making several more of his machines for putting on the mouthpiece to th fcigarette. t On Saturday w saw a new. machine, which had just been finished, in operation , It is a simple anair, ana m m3 death are not given Rome one in the cierarette business had not : invented it before. But, this i? always the J x Fine Colt Killed. Sunday aftef stotm; and for nearly, -if not quite an hour case;it takes a genius to nnd out these n0pn, as a boy was bringing the two colts of I s ono constant, uasnaqri roar. vxt was little things. Mr. Underwood has had this jfr. Geo-.iA; -Bums from, pasture, when ' Miss Kate Galloway and Miss Hattie Dewey are visiting Mrs. Geo. D. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. D. Williams left on Tussday morning to spend some time at the Sound. Mr. T. M. Rose, now of Norfolk, Va., is j spending his summer vacation with his family over Haymount. . . Mr. D. H. McLean, of Harnett, Solicitor McNeill-and Mr. W. E. Murchison, of Moore, attended court here this week. Mr. John W. Mallctt, who is engaged with his brother in tho lumber business iu South Carolina, is on a visit to his family. Mr. Frank Thornton has just returned julr 28 VT. J, 3IeDOXAl.l. JR. tf ORDRIt YOCR literally " surroundins counties; 'e suw last week the drawings for the "Wvcment of Mr. Q. A. Thomson's '"'Use; on Haymount. The drawings are "ade W Mr. A. B. Danererfield, And show (ndetf ul taste. When finished the house 'Ubfi one, of the handsomest in Fayette- nUe. of court week. From the looks of Death of Alex. Leach. A correspon- .lonr. nt. to 'thft Kobetonmn in- ance forms us of the death of this estimable bid things, we should not be .; inclined to think n-Antlpman. which occurred at his home ou that crime was increasing. The salutary ' i. . i .1 j Puppy Creek, Cumberland county, on the lesson oi two years ago naa uoqo goou. 6thinst. His age and the particulars of be finished to-day. The1 mam cases were those who took to. themselves v wings and j from his Northern trip, j He says he fouud flew away. There has been no crowd, and goods cheap, and that he has bought a the streets have not presented the appear- quantity of them. AIT APPEAL TO THE XTJ3ES. It is a beatuiful location. " lightning strudk the house of Mrs. Written for th Obaurrer. Owing to a very awkward error by the print ter in our last week's issue, we reprint (cor rectly) the followine noetical "contribution THE STORM. On .''Friday afternoon we from a lady friend. Iast week the lieatling ..... , , , .. . , I HNWIi xu kUV illlSOVt, llfll 11 euvuiu HUTU were visited by a real ld-tim thunder been' .Tothe Muses." En. Observbb.3 - Go 'way, Muses ; don't distract me, , t . . the J, terriffic. Each flash .seemed so near that . . . , . . t. . rnnfoH sur tVin.t ftithpr'Voor own 'or thft near tne onori ut aepot a aog aiiacxeu i onts; and almost demolished it. . Fortun- I VnApliine built here (under hi3 supervision) tey the family were away visiting their j w r j. YT. Johnson, and he speaks high- J.ue storm was jmrucuianjr i y jr j'g worK-ue, win inaKe several Vfcfe, and did considerable damage to I ttio a tha increased business f of .Messrs'. k. crops. &c. , i . v;l ii.- Xr s.nn rpmiirfi them. It is a uniaue The low stao-o of sstpr fn thft Cane Fear I inTfintion. '' - - i o - - "-r i . I . - . l . i i , ti. j MrMWe came near saying Col.) John was of blooded stock and highly prized by mount-were struct, out wuu Mign uam- Mr. Burns. diirii one of them, catching him by the tail. In House or your neiguoor naa ooen wruejc, hi attenrDt to iumn a railinsr near bv. the and we expeotea to nearoi lemDie inings; weight of the dog caused him to faU, break- but fortunately not much damage was inr an artrv m his neck, from the effects aoue. x wo nouses ue m luwer x uyeuo- of which he died shortl rafter. The colt ville and one (a smaU shanty) over Hay- the summer months is a great m- ehience to the people living neair the especially in the matter of mail f a J fUenda last week, to the mutual enjoyment a. A 1 1 1 1 n .M vai nAar rnnifl kdiiiiiii -u i . l. . f""- ' I ox ecu I Y. MacRae spent several days amohg his old j age. A large oaK on nay mount, just in rear of Miss Mary, Weeks' residence, was A Narrow Escape: Mr. John D. vAu- split in twain, and a cow belonging to a try was in' town. "on "Friday looking for a Jcolored man was lolled near the" Cemetery. physician to attend his tsdn, Charlie, who j Considering the violence of the storm, the had been run over by a heavy laden cart. constant and instantaneous report or tne Charlie was: walking beside the cart ' driv- thunder and lightning flash, We feel that ing tue muie, wnicn Demg ingnieneu l it, was aiuiu&b a iuuhuuiuus csuav. u dashed off.' In his attempt to hold hun he rain-fall was not particularly great, but ' . 1 i ii . ' i : xt i ' i j : .1 .i - T..0 I . j&j,' Jem I j J .onimoH ai-nra nrnnftrrinns linfl 1 no " ? I , " Ho looks like ah alderman, and I I AM Vva ... r Pushed for their 'convenience. : ft the Raleigh people say he is a 'good one. wa be well for our business men to take J jjeaT wnat the State Chronicle toys , pf him; ltt necessary steps to:procure it X 1 4 Mr; ' John Y. MacRae is always fuU of express business here is becoming enterprise and is early in the field in avails on.. J. .. . . . , f hntr Wmself of new inventions. To-mor- considerable .importance, &na; m . . M.ond anniversarv of the com- L "1? raPidly. The sHipraents ot straw-1 ,penee'ment 4t his drug business, here. Hi rries TiOaa u.n. nAUtnai Rr.nL. I a' l.oa asnmp(1 lafe'e i broDortions and ......... . , I'' , -TT I." . . 1 1 .1 . L ad.led material y to ito receipta this is constantly increasing, .He has just put passing over Mm, rrom mp to.snoumer. xie torrents tor aoout an nour, ana tne tuun Jtar. v , . ; Uro-n fans, of eleeant desicrn, operated suffered considerably,1 and off' Saturday der and ligutmng wag yery severe, but 4e L'7. Tr.u rw" bv water' power' furnished by the water w a bemorrhaire. and' it way feared not eaual to tho previous evening. The "ui it ti if ani a avai oriira flann l . mi i i.i i . w i - - - -v . , . - Drnm I, '7'! .y " -rr .r?r. .-""mains. ,:xne. jans marine r,A, a d sustained severe ii -i", ana withal, nohte to those wnO f,,iiv cool these weltering days, anuaiajsr wtrcmize it, '1 Rae's is a more popular resort than ever. - w - . - . 1 that he had sustained ' severe internal 4n- rain was1 muh needed,- and will prove of juries. At last accounts lje "was improving,1 great benefit to the grpwing crops, ' Don't keep me from pots and pans. Don't keep rne from brooma and action, Busy cares and household plana. I've no time for winsome fancies, No indulgence of my heart, Which, yielding to your thrilling glances, Feels the laih of duty smart. If our livea were ever blended ' Ah what pleasure it would be i Duty' behests all attended, " - And my soul attuned to the. '.lathe other life a better t Is it broader more eotnplete T k Shall be loosened there each fetter . -, Binding here my hands and feet I Here entrameled, heated, toiling, ( Circumstances, place and time, ' All eom'aine with earthly soiling . ; To forbid na upward climb. i , So often vanquished, often grieving, . The spirit bides in ill content, Like Inner fires, earth's bosom heaving, . ' . Ever seeking room aud rest. ' - ' ' s . . ' Mat? W." Turnip Seed FROM PEMBERTON & PRIOR, And you will get Selected 54 took. . "ALL CSOP C7 1SS7. CNot an old paper offered for sale. julj 7 . ' tf Land Sale. Ut virtue of a bond for title, rgiatarod ia Book T, No. 1. pMrts 490, for 100 acrea of laud near by J. Uar- alkali illiama rrnHJeoca, ana trrren by bun ana jdo. D. William, nartia of the ooe part, to Joaepb A. illiamis f toe other, wherein the partiee of the Irat part agreed to jciTe the partiaaof the aeooadpart a ftod and lawful deed to aaid bwd when he ronpiied with the term therein atated; and whereaa be, the party of the aecnnd part hua failed to do bo, we, the rarUee of the ft rut part, br the aathoritr therein iciven n will eetl at anrtion the aaid land for eaah. at lite Market Ilnoae In Kajetterilte, en Mondav, An gnat 'Mx, 1887. ! . jnly U Xa a Large XZgU-Fage Paper. Tbe Brigktart aad Beet Weekly. Flaaaea Xverybody. LAiOEST CX2OJLATI03r ia V0STE CAiOLCTA. rrice 910 m Year. rTSenJ Postal for apeeimen copy free. AddreM "THE MESSENGER," jnly 21 tf Wilminjjton, N. C. - Stop and Think Let the good people of Cumberland and ad Joining counties nse CAEOLTJri lAHKI P0W. DER, a home product, aa frooa u ue Den ana u cbnp as aay exeeptiaj alas pswden, which are pronounced injurious. Compare H0MTT8 EXTRACT 0T YABTIiA with the Vortaera sad tkat yoa are maiac and see if it is not three time aa strong. Give a fair trial to mr CABXTTTLLT H3XCT 3 TEAS. They are VXTZZ. and their Arawtaf or enp qaalitiea carefully selected before buy in. Price LOW. I do not charge for extra pains in selecting. H. I. BCOIMVE. JnlyJl " Wool! Wool! GRAPES. ' Orders through Postoffiee or left at Geo. A. I Thomson's store will receive prompt atten tion. ' ' . ' -''' . ' r ' ' " . . ' : A. McBUIE, , july 28 4t . - - 6uperitendent. FOB I light Caah Price paid for Wool, or will attend to ahipnent of aame to Gwyn tc Chatham, Elkia Valley If ilia, to be Made into Thread or Cloth. &um- ' plea of Clot h, Blanketa, etc., can be seen at any time at The Grocery and Hard ware Store of CHABLES HAIGH, . . jalyatf XO. 22 HAT STRKET. EXCITRSIOn TO AUGUST 2nd, 1887. ;" LTlTCHStTE?. t"" - -' CSASLOnSTILLi; &c G4 tm Retaina e AnVlrwia till lag. . Train will leare FarettcVule at 5: 40 X. ul and ar, SickHeadache UlllUUailCOd. -I Car.UleU.Uou, Constipation. Fff$9o50W The maeeJyrppiUi people feel, ; However light niar be their meal, ' , : - Klioiikl ne'er be auftered to rcpoe . Aad breed a tram of enver woea. When pert'ft ktaitk tiieT maw "wure Thrrmgh TARKAXTS 8ELTZEK safe and onre. jnly 28 . 2l If eat furor Me opportunitr to' riaiit, beetdeadtoi apital of Uie Nation, - BALTOC0ZX, rEXLASXXrELA aal VTW TOZZ. A solid Ticket arOd eorb ren4rer. Tirketa irffl be on sale nt by a W. Uke. Agent, on eremmg of Aniraft IM and mornmr el J"- For farther infornaOa nrT'T , T faxtoa,X. C. ' rO. W. LAKE, Ajrnt, July 21 21 . J raretTflle, X. C i

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