. . -km OBSERVER. G. H. HAIGH, Editor and Proprietor. FAYETTEVILLE. N. C. THURSDAY OCTOBER 6, 1887. )YE MUST STAXD TOGETHER. The Republican party makes a great hue and cry on account of the spjid South, ana questions our loyaltyimpugns our motives on all occasions, and in every Republican convention Jheir resolutions. are bitter and full of hate. The hate is with them, not with us. We are for the Government, to be .administered for the good of the people, they are for the spoils. Ever since the war the people of the South have by every act manifested a de sire to let bygoues be bygones. It has en - deavored to work only for the good of the country; to place racn: men of character and brains in all places of trust, and to do this, it was and is, a necessity that Democrats fill the offices. The country holds the white people of the South re sponsible for every act, and especially for a just and equitable administration of her affairs. Experience has proved that to en sure this the Demecrats, or white people of the South, must rule. "When Repubiicans ruled in this State the State and counties all suffered; and to-day, although many years have passed, the effect is felt.' But if they again get into power there are oth er measures of greater weight that will be brought forward. Foremost, we believe, is the question of mixed schools, and al though the childrep of the wealthy may not be thus brought down, yet the poor laboring man. who has no means ot edu cating his children (who are as dear to him as the rich man's are to him), and who relies upon the public school fund, will find, under Republican rule, that he must either let his children be raised in igno rance or go to school along with the col pred, thus entailing upon them that dire evil, social equality. Can the poor labor ing man stand this f Can he possibly be induced te cast, his vote with a party who, for the sake of elevating the negro, would degrade his child t We think not. Re- Subhcanism may do well-enough for the forth, but our climate does not suit it. We, the people of the South, are to-day more true to the Constitution than those fho brag that they fought to defend it; and it is by our firmness in standing together in votiug for the best men and right meas ures that the present prosperity of our land is diie, and for our peace, our safety, atid for the general welfare of the laud. "We should hold together in solid Demo cratic phalanx. $EW YORK DEMOCRACY. The', Democratic Convention ;of New York, which receutly assembled at Sara toga, was perfectly harmonious. It is, we believe, the first time since the war that the Democracy of that State have presented a jSolid front on all issues, and the delegates, after making the nominations and adopt ing a platform perfectly plain, decided in its opinions and policy, one that can meet with little or no criticism, returned to their homes jubilant, feeling that the ticket nominated will be sure to carry the State. They have placed no man thereon who runs on the credit of his father. The plat Form is rather too long for us to publish, bat we give elsewhere a meagre synopsis of it, and it will be seen that notwithstand ing the opposition of the New York World and Sun, President Cleveland is heartily endorsed, and that his administration has received unqualified approval. Gov. Hill is with the Democracy, and will bide his time, and as he has filled the Gubernato rial chair made vacant by Cleveland, so at a future time, he will fill the Presidential phair. ISew York is the pivotal State; as she votes so goes the country, and it is gratify ing to feel that the Democraev are now "in line ready for the fight to pave the wav for a sure thing in 1SS8. The predictions are that the Democratic ticket will carry the State by 25,000 to 30, 000 majority, and thus keep the party in line for the great struggle. 'lne yacht Volunteer, has beaten the Scotch Thistle. So America takes the cup The newspapers are beginning to talk about a successor to our present excellent executive, fortunately we have abund ant material for a score of cood Onvf.mnr We see mentioned, Armfield, Dowd, Jarvis, iiolt, btedman, Saunders and Coke. To this list we add the name of H. R. Bryan, of Newbern. Of excellent family, of pure character, of fine personal appearance and physique, of higrh attainments and sound discretion, he posesses all the requisites of a uovernor to ensure a wise, progressive hnd patriotic administration. To he ot success we roust have a strong man be fore the people. We confidently believe that Mr. Bryan would poll as large a vote as any one the Democrats could nomi nate. Perhaps J udore Gilmer has a strong er hold npon the people, but he is from the Harao town as Gov. Scales, and that per hap would defeat him before the conven tion; and it is understood that he has no notion of allowing the use of his name We would be glad to know that the nwinlo pf North Carolina would have for the next term so good a Governor as Henry R. isryan. rutsboro Jlome. While the Observer is pleased to copy the above, and does not think the Home could say too much in "praise of Mr. H. B. Bryan, yet our preference must be for the man named by the party in convention. MISSIES. ANDERSON THOMAS. In Washington City, on the 21st ult., Davio Marsdek Asder bon to Miss Dora Thomas, of Richmond, Va. PARKS COOk. In Franklinville, N. C, on the 4th inst., Mr. Hugh Parks to Miss Annie. C(ok, daughter of the late Jas. G. Pook, of thlrt town. ; ' DIED. SLOCOMB. On Wednesday evening. Sen i.nici mu, xjucjbk., utiugiuer 01 Aioert 11. and Lillie E. Slocomb, agiad two years. "He : shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry i them in His bosom." We have here, from the ! pen of an inspired Prophet, a aweet picture of j.u3 pen ue onepnera or tue souls of men. . We see jnm gatiienng in Jlis lovine arms the lambs of Ilis flock, and bearing them la wav' ""'u jmru, coiu eariu to t he green pas tures ana me still waters of Paradise. With tenderest love He folds them gently to His bosom, softly winincr from thHr th fif. pf pain and sorrow which they have shedlefe below, that they may enter, in perfect Iwkeet upon the joys of that blcHfwd Wwip aS? mercy bas He taken to Himself the soul of this lovely innocent, wnilo vet S!?JyI,,i"'; Alre?y h3 her sweet spirit tKf thf joy8 ot Pradi8e, already has she iwcen her place among the great cloud of wit- nesses that encompass us around. There will she watch with loving eyes .those who have been dear to her on earth, ajid whom for a brief season she has left behind, looking for ward with eager longing to, the day when they with her shall have their perfect consumma tion and bliss in the eternal glory of Heaven. AUTRY. At the home of his parents, near Fayetteville, N.C., on the evening of the 28th of September, 1887, Festus Clyde, third son of A. R. and Lizzie J. Autry, aged nine years. Little Clyde was a child of unusual promise, bright, intelligent and deeply affectionate. Among his last words were, "Lont, come take me away" Jesus, who said, " Suffer the little children to come nnto me, for of such is the kingdom of God," heard him and took him in His arms, where he peacefully fell asleep. The Socialists in New York city demand recognition as an independent party, and will hold a convention for the nomination of State officers. They say they can cut down George's vote to $26,000, BEAUTIFUL HEW BOOKS. " The University Publishing Co., New York, are now publishing the neatest and most uso ful sets of School Readers that have yet been presented to the public. The generation of school children now learning to read and use the English language properly are greatly fa vored above all others. Here are, books filled with interesting and instructive articles and beautiful stories, printed with the blackest tvpe upon the brightest paper, and embel lished with the very finest engravings. What a contrast between these brilliant books and those which we thumbed over in our boyhood ! The oldest of our readers, as well as the youngest, will be delighted in looking over these elegant volumes. They may be ob tained by inquiring for or ordering "Holmaa New Baaden." It Contain ption Ineaarable 1 Read the following: Mr. C. H. Morris, New ark, Ark., savs": "Was down with abscess of Lungs, and friend and physicians pronounced me an Incurable Consumptive. Began taking Dr. Kings JSew Discovery for Consumption, am now on my third bottle, and able to over see thework on my farm. It is tho finest medicine ever made. Jewe Middlewart, Decatur, Ohio, savs " Had it Dot been for Dr. Kinp's New Discov ery for Consumption I would have died of Lung Troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am now in best of health." Try it. Sample betti at a. . Sdberry Drug Store. Xlsetris XitUra 3 V This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special mention. All who have used Llcctric Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine docs not exist, atia it is guaranteed to rtd all that is claimed. Electrie Bitters will cure all disea ses ot xne JLaver and Kidnevs. will remove Pimples, Boils. Salt Rheum and other affec- 10ns caused by impure blood. Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all iiaianal levers. i or cure or J load ache, Constipation and Indigestion trv Elcc trie Bitter. Entire satisfaction guaranteed. or money refunded. Price 50 cts. and $1.00 per bottle, at B. E. Sedberry's Drug Store. luklu'i Araiea laWa. The B'at Salve in the world for Cuts. Bruise. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tet ter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price '25 cents per box. i or bale by B. L. Scdbcrrv. Favetteville. N. C. ADVERTISEMENTS. For Indigesstion, Sick Hpadache, Constipation, Inactive Liver. The merchant plunnintr business schemes. The preac her strutrglinfr through his thotnts, The 8iatman rn iuwmhlr hulls. The broker wild with ' phts and chIIh," To covl th. Mood and brace the mhid, Will TARRAXTS SELTZER safest fiud. ort 1 2t WM TERfl WIT IX HARD TIMES, Has passed away, and you will find HEADQUARTERS, GEO. A. THOMSON, Open tea Percy Mora until 8 P. M. JTITH STOCK FTLLT VP TO HJiADQUARTEEM ST A. X DSHD. . My stock i now replete with every Toothsome Luxury and Substantial that can be had -Thanking my patrons for tba--rest enjoyed during the bot- -weather, I would impress vitlt--xny vigor and willingness to--mcet the every want of my--patrons, already anticipated--iu MY VARIED STOCK of- Family Supplies, Provisions, . Dainties, Delicacios. Confections, Crockery and Glassware, Hardware, Cutlery, Tinware, Wood and Willow Ware And Any and Every Thing that en bo called for. in.veryone .nas a pressing invitation to examine and price my goods. Respectfully, ' GEO. A. THOMSON. Headquarters. THE rAYETTEVIIXE hoe ai Hat Store Adjoining and connected with our Dry Goods IIonso WS HAVE OrEXED A Haoe s Mat Wa rail BttealUa't aar SplcndiaStock OP FINE SHOES and HATS. WE ARE SOLE AQEXTS rOR A. TO" cto a justly celebrated FINE SHOES. As these SHOES are. popular all over the I South, we count ourselres fortunate in getting the control of them hre. Our atock f - H - A - T - S - IS VZXY COMPLETE and contains shapea. all the latest and most correct Tie Hal aid Shoe Store is a Success! Corao and see it. nr"Will keep open at night from now until January 1st. Respectfully, ROSE Sc LEAK. ept 29 2t A FRESH SUPPLY -OK- SBOCEBIES! I liavr )nt itnrTl from tV Northern nsrket. I v iv v i . 1 J which I intend to oflVr t th t-till Ht th rr tow- cm niHrirm. i an noi inirna u ) nnicpoll. ram- ilea who will leave lhfir oixnr with me mv rlr upon it that they will be M'irfartorilv and i ro'mi.flV ij ' Cana-! GU r all kiarfa, Da(r, C'aflirr, l.artl. II mrmm, Brrakfa! Mtripa. FI-OI R A SPECIALTY. TIral, Kict, Iloiwiar. fa fart, Aartainc that a Famllr VTaata. Call and examine for Tonn-lf. I aliio kN-p Hartlwarr, Woottea aaI Willow Ware, Tiawarr, Arc. tGooAa dcliTered free, Call on A. V. MAULTSBY, P 22 tf . 9 P.rwn Street. Is quick to relieve, and still it has no opi ates or any other hurtful medicines. It is almost a panacea for pains in the back. A few doses have relieved wliere overy remedy had failed. Mr. Cyrus Murphy, a farmer near Fayetteville, says: "I take pleasure in statinjr that I have used Prior's Rheumatic Rem edy for Rheumatism in back with enire succcxr He says further: "I also used it in the case of my little boy, -who, ow ing to a D p D hurt on one knee, II. contract ed a very atubbora case m that kneo. His leg waa erooked. I tried several reedie without efteet. "After using ?. R. ; JL. I have kearJ M further em- : plaint, and his Uf u gradually ! gaining its Proper. position. T$ ; all who may be suffering with that ; distressing complaint. Rheuma tism, I would advise them to give j it a trial at least, aud be convinced of its virtues." Pat ip in 60c and $100 Bottle. PEMBESTON & PEIOR, Druggists, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. i -pi Tobacco. A COMPLETE LINE OP j TOBACCO, all GRADES, From SO OmU to $1.50 per Pound, Can be had of w. j. Mcdonald, jr. Family Grocer 1U M tPo ItBLo iio ADVERTISEMENTS. ROB LEAK HAVE 2TGW BECTLIVE3 THEIR W m FALL AND WINTER Stapl O and Fancy Dry Goods. They do not care to make any great flourish (on paper) over their attractive stock. They simply invito their customers and the public generally to come and see for themselves. ; Toair Stock Was Kever ; Larger, Krrer More Beautiful. ; They have all the - LATEST novelties ana styles in Dress Goods and Trimmings, And the Cloak Department is filled with STYLISH AND LOVELY WRAPS. WRAPS. WRAPS. ROSE & LEAK Are well equipped in every way to do an in- creased bnincwK: Thr TCX ITOCT. They hare TEX tTOCX Tfcey kar polite aad They hare polite and competent salnnwu. eorapetent saicaniea. They have a large and They have a large and conveniently nr raiigfd store. conveniently ar ranged store. , They are disposed to Thoy are disposed to be reasonable in I "rices, be n-Hsonable in 1 'rices, And aim to dal hon- And aim to deal hon erably with all. orably with all. TnET ArntEClATK Yom PATRONAGE, AND WILL STRIVE TO CONTINUE TO DESERVE YOCR CON FIDENCE. n Will keen 0!K-n at nicht from now util januarv ist. T . . Respectfully, ROSE & LEAK. Oj! 1 1 1 11 1 II C"V 1 1 - The rAettcYillfr- Cotton Seotl Oil ."Mill Company hare a.lir ! !.. to. ir fr r -t r t'l.int :a a.ilni.MtJ Vn. mneto nui t!..-r t .tt. n i ;..,. Hi- Ccmiwiv i now piNfrr.I to fc-.u with -ai-nI:t:iri. in 'th bent mannor, on at rrni;.NV tr:n iw mny Oin here eiM?w.n-re, ani Or!ivT in mer-hnl.iMe nrnVf, mniit- "i n.iu. int. .xnrainy mhii iim n ahAre of fh? imniiai;- of t.ltuiUTa. Ttior w ill t.nw dailr. J'ottoti in the S.-ei at the Olna, hiiJ r!u Cotton !""J. for whirh the hihst r.uu--t rrit-es itlte KOOKK S WILLIAMS Urn rharv of the Oina. and N. 1J. ALEXANDER thi Oil Mill, mni will be the Mill recularly erer bnneM uy through tha i ev'wou. J. D. WILLIAMS. . Prwiidi-nt. T tteville, . C, SpL 8th, 1887. tf Fayettevills National Bant, FAYETTEVIII.E, Tt. V., HrpU ti, tHST. In view of the near HfproArh of the expiration of incrimnrr 01 ini ihiik, m eilul meetlilir of the Stock holder haa been riillcd to Like pl.e fn Octo ber 20, 18S7. Ht II oVliM-k A. M.. at their lUnkinif Ilonae in KTettevi!I.. N. st whih time the question of chamnnir from a X.t?ional into a Suite nann iinlcr a charter ohta:ne. fnmi the lat Ix r- i..i.4i, vtiu w rouiucrtHi. me re:iwuiM tor the rro MMel cham.'e will be fully explained at the meet mi- All Sto kliol.l.-rx are rcinet.l either to attend in perwni. or Hend their roxiea to aotne StockhoMer. t'Liiur Litnu tut ouicvr 01 .ae OiinK. WM.IIUSKE. sept 15.4t Cahier. nf ARE THOSE WHO SAVE THEM LABOR AND CARE. e are contmuallv Rtnvinj? to offer on this market the most reliable goods that can be had. Much time has been spent in the past two weeks in seleetinp wholesome and tooth some articles from the Northern markot. J hare visited the markets of tho world, and en- uimurpu 10 purcnas sacn goods as were en- tu-eij rename, ana we now extend A CORDIAL IN'VITATIOS te AU to fen ami Stasia Ou Iteek. We hall take especial pleaanre In howine the Ladies what we hare on hand. We en deavor to keep a store where they can come without fear of soiling silks or satins. We call your attention to the following new tevun, uu a 1 rial 01 mem. WE GUARANTEE THEIR QUALITY, A LSO SA TISFA CTIOX. Martha Washington Buttered Flour, Martha Washington Rolled Oats, Martha Washington Magic Flour, Finest Jams in class, Graham jour, x-jno Appie tjneese, Sapeago Cheese, me thedar Cheeao, Finest Cream Cheese, Fi nest u at tAige liutter, Finest Sour Mixed x icues in ouix, r xnest Sweet Mixed Pickles in bulk. Fineut Chow Chow in bulk, Picklinr apicee in i IB. paekages, Orange Cider, Ci iorma c runs m giasa, vjueen Ulires In jara. e cannot mention all the nice things: in iew. iau ana see lor yourselves. w iiau 10 welcome you. FltKSIl FISH AXD OYSTERS. We will furnish to our customers promt ;?.1SIfJui reeciTed n extr 'o o FAN- x v-aim)i. some (Jream Chocolate that is as nice as we ever tasted. Our stock of HARDWARE is large, and, we think we can safely say, bought as low as any biock in r ayettevaie. We will give you hoi- IMflfEl) FACILITIES Mserae Fnenfls Pocket Yon can get a well-made, good metal rocket Knife at McNeill & Cos You can get a well-made, good metal Pocket Knife at McNeill & Cos. ; For 25 Celts. I For 25 Ceils. For 25. Ceils. I m m ..... ...... .. ..... '. 2-Bladed Knives, 25c. 3-Bladed Knives, 25c. 4-Bladed Knives, 25c. PJlillinery and i lias just retornetl from U. Nf:lir:i firi The Latest and Most HATS, Til's. PLUMES, HOSIERY, MRS UON'N'ETS, VELVETS, GLOVES, CORSETS, No. 17 IIuv Street. TO THE 1 THE IMPROVED BULLETT MAGNOLIA COTTON BIN Awarded the First Degree of Merit over all other makes, AT THE LATE WORLD'S EXPOSITION AT NEW ORLEANS. WX sample oO-saw Gin, complete, oa hand. Call aud examine. R. M. NDIOCKS." CeM Fi Great BeflatfisiPmrer. Thsy are aa Trasspareat az.d Co!.rIeai as LigM IUelf, And fr aofliHMM of nidiinukce to the eye ratinot Ke rxcftlrd. enal!iinf the writer to rtJ tor honra with ot f.tti.ne. Ia f t. thr are Perfect Sight Prcosrvero rorn the lraiinir rhvi-aiia in the I'niU'J Saitt-a. jrovenH'Ta, wnatiira. VeKiatitra. Murk- men, men tl mt in all pmrnni ana in UilftTKit brunchea of Irn.le. h:uikrrm met-hnnu-a. etc., run le triren who have had their aitfht imiroveJ It their one. ALL EYES FI1TED Aaa ike Fit Oaaraatera kr D. K. KIIDDKRUV, KavHteville, X. C., Thoae gtaaeea are Dot aupplieil to intkUera at any price. A. K. HAWK US. Wnn! PSA ? n?PHT5 I atlavta. oa. II UUUt-UUUU Umi uiu C n ' I AUSTIN-, TEXAS. jnne 1 Merchant Mills. GIS3 NOTICE! COTTON PLANTKlvS will please note the fact tint I haeput NEW AMD I.IIPOVliU OINH AND .TI A C II I X K It V in service ror this season's work. With plenty of power, labor and conveniences, I can turn out your work satifactorUy anil wim promptness. As I always pay tho 1TIGIIEST CASH PRICE for SEED COTTON, voa had Ut tereoma riht alonjr to ths Mill, unload, gat your CASH and be happy. uespectruDv, jas. b. McNeill. CP 1 tf E. A. P0E, Manufacturer of BRICK, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. t tr Seuteiubar. 1 mli the hmmt Tt.4-k i . 1. - r. . " wnw III mi State, t 01 ,, , 1 " " GUINNESS' . . .. 1 , Brown Stout. Selected from Choicest Brewings. . Also, a Oenfline article of MUwaukee Beer, For sale by . A. MOORE. lUiiives, You can get a well-made, good metal Pocket Knife at McNeill & Co. Fancv Goods. DYE t where he ppont tiro wiks in MIeetin Desirable STYLES in FANCY FEATHERS, SATIN'S, VEILS, LACES. FRONT. Olifiiioo. 3Iy lU'sidenco on IIu mount FOE SALE. .i.v orr.x t on ixsrrcTios ruo 1 a. n. I 6 p. n. to aay one wihirvM m purt haau. Trnwmr. One. IvtowHi thrre JrH at per tf-nt. mtcn-M. tr h rah. 0erhank'inir the titr. cinvmirnt to Market Krant fnl mttn.U. 4 fret by i-"0 f.-t. apW-nJiJ Jrainavw nrA ererr mriimci Thr main bml.t. v hae (?) Utrira rwwii, 11 IWt i-in h. ntry. r!-.. ta. hr. k eviUr, tine UnrJ tank. l-fTO cala rpaif aM.trhe.1 to Ka'h moi. roomy eo..k mxn with krra. grtnd water, in-aiu ami 'at ore rnt.iaa. hrr.nerv anj fuwl yard. wood honar atahle. wtm mtul carriage Luar. anmmrr and wir.trr th '.-, row honae and fred miga brx-k furnare. mraJiiw wiih dink and fiaa pnnd. apkdid TevefaMe jranien. alt in Rn orW. The how U eiitararaSiTelr new. and conreoienL lWma Riven November L 1M". T f O. A. THOMSON. For. Salo or Rent. For the pnrpoao of rkamnng- rem&me. I will aeTI 1 or rent the plare on whir I now made, eitaated on the ea-t aide ef Cat Kear Hirer, thine nulea below toe tareoth IlrvUe. Thrrt ara oa thia elre ab out 3-0 arrra. tao-thinla f it ander rufuraiam. wnien naa neen ntIy enmpoated for the raat threa yeara. r or pirther arbral ep 1 2na liars ao.ir 1 . W. Idaho. X. a 1 FAYETTETLLE GRADED ail NORMAL SCHOOL milE VIFTERNTII SESSION' of thia SCHOOL a. m conawyrtba MONDAY, SErTEMHETl 19. Pupila will be mvived at ratra rarrimr fmia 11250 prrarhnol year m the lower cra.l.-a to DO in the hiKht. HfcrT.au sr U frrada. ftoant may be kaj ht rrp--tabl familtm at koiit irn dollar prr to-mik. Uraduairauf tW Sibnul ant fullr ptrnaml to en trrthe Frcahnian CIm in Col!Tr. Further icforuialKn mar K bat oa amWation to It. M. MSfOTKS. C. W. ItUOAIlKtHlT. W.X.TILLIXOIIaKT, T 1 Kacfauve Commit toe. TOIdTEO. a BaBBBBaiaaaiaaHBM ANOTHER CASE OF Toltec JUST RECEIVED. J. WeDenLD. JR. FRESH Cigars Foreign i Domeslic Fruits Always on hand. - Also, a full opply of Fancy Groceries. .p20 J. L. TATUM & CCv IW-IDUJE W. . ...Ku( Kia4 10 laiorra aer eua- tomera ana tae pwblie generally that iHX HAS Tart SXTUaJrXS fraa WIW TOaT, "I'll UnMMfrtnl I. .1. M A. f . . anu is reeetnng- and will eontinne toreeeirel CofflprisiEiEYERYTHIHQi3lMsLi33 She cordially Inritea Ibam Vo calL MUS. JOllX SHAW. FayettcTil, N. C, 8ept. , isg7. VEUTJhEMKXTs 1 IT Tl a new u Damn! m v wl I j dirndl: VIGILANCK Tin: i Home's Teted Kero J. Not withovt aril ! I . mf if for trmim Kr.li r.N r; i i f I hid. , flr aril ony m h mm ill , . tlioNrw York .ste b. , vu, " ' -u.-,-. 1 --.4 . i " a ur- unu mow m nnl nr.. lfe . ! "1 hT? il Ao mt m nMrnir j-Ti.r-l mrthoiL cnoMiiiM'm ZtKtmn th, .K, y ,. y.y V.i The Melhodist Conference- IV not wait t.- J..r 1 GET UEADV tU THE i " Both are to be held in rvn In nrrlrr that Toar wl-h. 1- kr.u mrm www omuy tntmi.K th. , . -.u Kvr Braaikl r-amllr We invite an huiwa ,.f WALNUT, ClfKl.lrr. FUUNITUKE! ELDJAXT CIIAIKH. luroirnra more. Ur ml SASH! . Imwij:.n; I;!'y UXIiEhTAKE!:.-i sTuk Is cp with th. Tiitea. I cs?B 3. butETZ 4 fjV a aa4 ' ' S-aa REKOVAI. f I if- murl .11 . , . 1 V -1 . - " " . ot u . iniinTy otT1 n 12 ... . inn in: .i r an.j.T tr crDt-t lfcB I, 4 I fTVaJl aa4 ee tn. Autofsl Watch lU bat HWt -THE- Aurora Watch la iL CMt ClTtizl made Vatck. ai is o-o- If ail aoriM:T a irfl-dua Lrt Werren Prior & Si Irt ftcekbalien La ti ATF:U Vatca Tmetorj. tad RaUir j afvs'J If -O-O- -SELWT IV (7 WEDDING KIN(i -jyp- 'Bridal Presents -or- THE JEWELl-I! r.bi YT woaM rrrwtfa! rail yonr attt-r.tin to a rplendid line of Pants Goods rOa B0TP aCSOOL UXil. Jaal toeiw mmm mt friers Abo, 50,000 YDS. HAMBURG. AliO OTHEB ' EBI3. FBOn 4 CET II. No need to eDnire f-r th o-ca'.led "IUr:a Counter," as you CI tr.i BROWN & RODDICK ar Oar UtrrU Tmr" 5 C Branch cf "Wilmington No. 9 North Front Strwt. Wilniington, N. V. 1 tf aif 23 FOR SAXE. r, at ra pp i tawty aJ-f ?-:r (aotf ot au aa4 wi'" fc.. ,Jxri' LAND SALE! Bt irloa of a Iaa iaaaiarf trm, Coart of HarorU e"iny, -V t- , -day of Naramtwr. at U rf mt-, m tarn !! w aacuon a toWv of Ma vt Ui x. iLWi Him. V. laaUaUa MarrW. drCBaaci M l" ' of .kina rraJ ra ila mm eta. .j1" lerrmjvnawa and intcrriewa rrff iariimd. - . ..-. v Ida PEIOB, TO Parents an J GMfc J. E. KKTAN iviu run-j. numerous itousenoid Articles. A. S. HTJSKE fc CO. J.ily7 tf V TtU, lSta day of Srp-, 1