.iyyv.,.(D FAYETTE VTLLE, N.. C, THURSDAY. MARCH 7, 1895. I,D 8BKIBI ' LX 1HO3.07 XIV 8BB18I ... Bit -.! Post Master General Eissel resigned from the Cabinet last week. Wm. L. Wilson of West Virginia has been - appointed to fill the vacancy. The champion eotton raiser east of the Mississippi river, is a Mr. Wilson, who lives near Yazoo City, Miss. With nine males he made 300 bales of cotton last year,, after sell ing which at 5 cents a pound, he netted, over and above all expenses, $3,950. Judge John Handley, of Pennsylvania, has given $250,000 for a free library for Winches ter, Va. Mr. C. B. Rouse, of New York, has given $70,000 for other purposes, and Mr. Kobinson, of Louisville, has given $15,000 to endow the old academy there. A Washington despatch says: The indica- ions are that the President expects to go to North Carolina on a fishing and ducking trip shortly after the adjournment of Congress. The lighthouse tender Violet, upon which his earlier trips were made, has been ordered to leave Baltimore for Washington. THE OBSERVER. IXCX 0TT1 tAK XS8TTX. H URSDAY .MARCH 7. 1895. HEWS BHD COXXXHTS. Latest Btws from all Farts of th Werla, Pre pared Especially fer the leaders- ef Tke Observer - The organized militia of the different States in the Union numbers all told 141.356 men, of whom ' 107,396 are privates, 20,410 non-com missioned officers, 9,505 commissioned officers and 4,047 musicians. The average ratio for the whole country of the organized to the number available for military servtee is one to every sixty seven. Wm E. Gladstone has been living a very quiet life in the Riviera. He has been spend ing most of his time reading, with' interrup tions only for his meals and two long walks a day.. Mr. Gladstone in engaged on a literary work that will coon be published. His fami ly and friends 1o everything in their power to keep the agd sta li $inaii's mind from politics. The British House f C mmons. following the German ReiehMxg, bus adopted a resolu tion favoring the holding of a monetary con ference to see what can be done to remedy the evils arising from the fluctuations and growing divergence in the relative value of gold and silver. This resolution was present ed and adopted nt the instance of the British Bimetallic League. The following are the total net receipts of cotton at all ports September 1, 1894. Gal veston 1,518.639 bales. New Orleans 2,172.679, Mobile 223,514, Savannah 827,520, Charles ton 386,074, Wilmington 221,993, Norfolk 396,141, Baltimore 96,045, New York 157,258, Boston 227,978, Newport News 30,812, Phila delphia 61,88, West Point 253,735. Brunswick 92,877, Velasco 592, Port Royal 129,423. To tal 6,796.601. Drunkenness has increased alarmingly in Belgium in the last forty years, according to M. Lejeune, lately Minister of Justice. The revenue from the excise ixl 1851 was 4,000, 000 francs, now it in 33,(X)tf,000; the number of saloons has increased from 53,000 to 175, 000, and the annual consumption of spirits is 12 litres per head of the entire population, or 48 litres for each adult. Crime has increased 200 per eent. and insanity 138, and of every 100 deaths among males 80 are traceable to alcohol. - A bill offering a reward of $100,000 is pend ing in Congress to any inventor, of any na tion, who shall, before the year 1900, con struct an aerial vessel capable of going thirty miles an hour through the air and carrying passengers and freight. But inventors need not wait for this bill to beeome a law before putting forth their efforts. The sum of $100, 000 might be a trifle to the fortune that would await the man who should construct and cover with patents the air ship thus called for. ' Bradstreet's says: While the eourse of gen eral trade during the first two months of the current year has been disappointing, Feb ruary ends and March begins with tangible though not as yet satisfactory signs of im provement. It is encouraging to note that gains are reported in the volume of trade at almost every Southern city, notwithstanding advices from Northern cities, whose jobbers supply Southern and Southwestern markets, that low prices for products had curtailed purchasing ability at the South and Southwest. In thirty years the consumption of tobacco in England has risen from 29.000,000 to 62, 000,000 pounds, and from an average of 19 ounces a head to 26 ounees. In the same time the consumption of non-alcoholie drinks has grown far in excess of alcoholic drinks. In 1861, 125,000,000 pounds of tea, eoffee, cocoa, and chiccory were imported to 265,000,000 pounds in 1893, while the rise in wines and spirits was from thirty-five to fifty-one mil lion gallons. Beer rose from 24 eallons a head in 1861 to 331 gallons in 1874, but has fallen off again to 29 gallons. The Government debt statement issued last week shows a net decerease in the publie debt less cash in the treasury during February of $34,033,327. The expenditures for the eight months this year foot np $249,171,000, about $250,000 less than for the eight months of 1894. For February, 1895, they are $25,696,000, or $1,250,000 less than for February, 1894. As compared with 1894 the expenditures for the fiscal year up to date show increases of near ly $2,3000,000 in eivil and miscellaneous ex penses; nearly $1,000,000 in pensions; $2,225, 000 interest; and a decrease of nearly $4,000, 000 in war expenses; $1,000,000 in navy ex penses and $50,000 for Indians. The Delaware Legislature has elected no Senator yet. ---All men connected with the building trades' association in New York eity were . called out at 8 o'clock Friday. More than 10,000 men stopped work. There is bo change in the status of affairs be tween France and San Domingo. Oar Gov ernment has interfered in the matter of the Government of France ordering seirnre of the eustoms receipts of San Domingo. Pop ulists of the Legislature hold a eaueus and try to devise a plan for avoiding the respon sibility and consequences of the Douglass resolution. They decide that no more good can eome to them by holding joint caucuses with the Republicans. They also insisted on replacing the co-operative board feature in the County Government bill. . The eaueus also decided that the Criminal Circuit bill was a Republican job. Marion Butler made a speech denying that the Populists owed anything to the Republieans on account of his election to the Senate. A Chicago firm gets the contract for the publie building at Newbern, N. C. The gold reserve now stands at $83,948,672. An Illinois RepuV lican convention nominates a candidate for Congress on the 1,476 ballot. The recent municipal election cost the eity of Philadel phia $115,901. Before the adoption of the Australian ballot a similar election eost $29, 300. . By the seizure of the schoonor Caro lina, trying to unload whisky at Charleston, S. C, the Dispensary law will be taken into the Federal eourts. Near Anniston, Ala., revenue officers find four blockade rtill in a radius of five miles. Morgan field was eonvjeted and sentenced to eighteen years in the penitentiary. He took an appeal. The other four cases against him and Searcey's eaes were continued. . The President has appointed Mr. William L. Wilson Post master General. The boldest train rob bery ever committed in Texas took place on the edge ef Dallas last week. Fifteen thor onghly armed men held up the Austin and Texas Central Fx press at the Missouri. Kan sas anti Texas crossing, l ne ngineer ana fireman were mad to leave the engine, then the robbers eut loose the express and baggage ears, placed men on the engine, pulled the throttle wide open and ran northward, leav ing the body of tho train on the track. Just before starting away with the repress ear the robbes compelled Engineer Tom Averett. to get into the cab. He was made to rua ont to a point near White Roek creek bottoms, about five miles north of the Dallas union depot. They stopped and compelled the express mes senger to open the express ear and admit them. After they had finished with the ex press car they put oat the headlight and other illuminations, leaving the engine and express ear in total darkness, except the light fur nished from the fire box. They told the en gineer to back his train as soon as he pleased. The French War Department has com pleted experiments with a new gun, which is guaranteed for a thousand rounds. After 3,000 rounds had been fired, with the heaviest charges of smokeless powder, the rifling was found in fair condition. The muxzla velocity was 3,- 000 feet per second. A large number of persons, mostly students, have been arrested in Kieff and Odessa, Russia, on snspicion that they were engaged in revolutionary plots. Amontr the prisoners are several Poles and jews. The Brooklyn Baseball Club left New York last week for Savannah, Ga. During their sojourn in the South they will play six games each with the Washington and Pitta- burg League teams. Three of the games will be played in Savannah and three in Charles ton. Rev. Dr. Lyttleton F. Morgan, one of the nrost -prominent Methodist Ministers in Baltimore, died last week of pneumonia, aged 82 years. He was received into the Bal timore Conference of the Methodist Church when but nineteen years of age. About 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon fire broke out in Bryan Fields' stables, Kinston, and rapidly spread to the wooden buildings in rear of Oet tenger Bros.' store and the Opera House. The two main business blocks of the town are in ashes, including all the stores and their ef fects, also the Free Press office. A dispatch says: It is by far the severest fire ever in Kin ston. The loss is fully two hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars and the insu rance in the aggregate is small. The origin of the fire is reported to have been a eigarette stump, carelessly thrown by a boy in Bryan Fields' stables. Commandant Le Chatte- lier, of the r'reneh Marine force, fought a duel with Harry Alia, inflicting a wound from the effects of which Alis died in a few minutes. The weapons used were swords. M. Le Chat telier in the first encounter broke Alia' guard and drove his weapon through his opponent's body, piei eing the right lung. The duel was the K suit of a controversy carried on through the Colonial press. A building in New York which workmen were tearing down col lapsed and several men were killed and a num ber of others wounded. -The treasury statement shows a decrease of the publie debt during February "less cash in the treasury," of $33,594,281. -For the eight months of this fiscal year the Government expenditures have exeeeded receipts by $36,205,000. The receipts were $12,000,000 more and the ex penses $250,000 less than last year. There is a marked improvement in eustoms receipts. The cruiser Montgomery, at Mobile, has been ordered to the eoast of Honduras on a seeret mission. By the wrecking of a pil grim train in Mexico sixty-five persons were killed and forty wounded, many of whom will die. Max. H. Graur, the insurance ad juster convicted in New York of arson, was sentenced to the penitentiary for thirty years, and Mrs. Ida Lieberman gets six years for the same offence. Cuban officials made a raid on an insurgent resort and eaptared 20 rifles THE LEGISLATURE. Special Con-eeponHeace of the Observer. " Raleigh. N. C. Feb'? 25, 1895. The bill in the legislature to require rail roads to redeem unused tickets, and which i known as the scnlpers bill has passed. The tw most important provisions in the bill are "that at least 50 per eent of the ticket shall have been used, an 1 that it shall be presented before the expiration of sixty (GO) days from the date of sale." This direct tax fund, the disposition of the unclaimed part, of which is giving mach worry to oar law makers, cannot, according to the priviao of the government when it was refunded, be used until G years will ha.'e expired, and those six years will not be out before 1897. Theu the legisla ture of that year can repeal or confirm the action of this body as they may deem best. The following. is an outline of the cot n ty government bill that the republicans required the populists to adopt: There are to be three eounty commissioners elected by the people. In counties wltere there are 200 voters who petition for it, the Gover nor is to appoint a board of audit and finance of two members. The eaueus com mittee also recommended that next year the people elect three magistrates in each township. This the populists swallowed also. The populists were urged by their leaders to stand out for their original bll with the cumulative feature, but the re publicans boldly declared that they had already yielded enough to the populists, and that they were now fully determined to assert themselves. North Carolina is now without a State printer. The contract with the best State printer expired last week. The committee on public printing is to meet to-night to make another effort to determine the low est bidder. Many think that it will be, found that Edwards & Broughton of this city will be the fortunate ones any hov the bids are so rinse that it will take ex perts to make the decision. Th-re seernn to be a very general fWling of satisfaction here over the Mexican ap pointment of Senator Ransom. Rather a strange oversight occurred on the fix per cent mii-resi tun, ana mat was that there wax no ratifying clause at the end, si i according In the rode. al. bills that have not that rlxiiite go into effect 30 tiny after 'lie. adjournment of the legixtntur and as It is now ntMiiil determined that instead i:f having adjourned the 15: li nf FebV as Senator Moody said they would do, it will not be until Hie 17lh .f March.' Thus the toot.t-y lenders have uenrly I wo months in whic t negoti.it loans at the old nttH of 8 per cent. On Saturday mort insr Mrs. Mary S Speight was found dead in her room at her home here. She wan the daughter ot the late Hon. John H. Bryan of this State, the sifter of Mrs. John C. Winder, Mr, A. P. Bryan. Mrs. Andrew Syme of this eity, Mr. Henry Bryan of Newbern, and she also bad a brother in Baltimore. She was a charter member of the Ladies Me mortal Association, and almost from its beginning had been oue of its vice-presidents. Her funeral was held from Chi Ut ehorch on Sunday, and the vestry of both EoiscoDal ehnrcbes attended in a body. On the 6 per cent interest bill several republicans boldly "bolted" the caucus ac tion, which had ordered its members to vote for it, as it came from the Senate; French, Ewart, Williams of Craven, and Petret voted Ho. There has been a favorable report from the House committee to appropriate $".20,- 000 to the Atlanta Exposition. The State Temperance bill was tabled in the Senate on Wednesday but the vote was so close that Mr. Tattle who is such champion to the bill says it will be intro duced in the bouse witn some cbances. The ease of Mary Cram vs. Katie Co (one woman suing another for a husband) will come np March 6th. This is of much interest here an Mr. Cram and bis alleged wife Kutie Coe Cram have been living here for years, and visited by some of Raleigh's best people. Wife Sio. 1 traced tbem here, and demands the husband. The red-hot wave of indignation over the action of the Honse in refusing to ad jo urn for Lee and Washington, and then doing so for Fred Douglass, is still rollm on. It created surprise outside of the State and telegrams poured in asking for particulars. The Caucasian sayt that it is false, that the House did not refuse to ad i'ourn. for Lee and Washington, but the laleigh News and Observer of Sunday cites the motion of the House, and the tabling o! the motion of each instance. Bat no matter if h bad adjourned a whole day for each of those gloriously great men, that was no reason why, even oue moments adjournment should have been accorded Fred Dongiass a negro. Let the lashing continue. v Following is the fall text of the" bill in troduced by Senator Abell, of Johnbton. and passed by the Legislature to make G per cent, the rate of interest: Seel. The legal rate of interest shall be six per centum (6 per eent.) per annum for each time aa interest may accrue, and no more; ana mat the taking, receiving. reserving or charging a greater rate of interest either before or after the interest i . may acciue, wuen anowiogiy done. hall be a forfeiture of the entire interest which the note or other evidences of debt carries with it, or which has been agreed to be paid tbereon. And in case a great er rate of interest has been paid, may re covet back twice the amount of interest paid in action in the nature of an action for debt: Provided, such action sliall be commenced within two years after the payment in full of such indebtedness. Provided further, that in any action brought m any court ot competent juris diction, to recover upon auy sucn note or other evidence of debt, it shall be lawful for the party against whom the action is brought to, plead, as a counter claim, the penalty above provided for, to-wit, twice the amount of interest paid as aforesaid, and alo the forfeiture of the entire inter est. And no costs shall be recovered by any party, whether plaintiff or defendant. upon any to and 12,000 cartridges Two eonspicuous in- Last week the Belgium eabinet brought be-1 surgents surrendered themselves. Busi- for the chamber of deputies the arrangement I ness failures in the United States for the past by which the king of Bel ei una transfers to I week were 250 against 261 for same time last Belgium the Congo state. . Hitherto the Con-1 year. Stealing 'by the regents of Okla- go state has had the king of Belgium for its sovereign, but has not been subjeet to the "eigian government. This is now to be chang ed and the Congo state will.be in effect a Bel gian colony. An understanding with France was had before the Belsrinm cabinat Kirnuul to advise the deputies to receive the king's gift. France claims to have the right to suc ceed to the eontrol of the Coneo state if ita present owner or his heirs on the throne of Belgium should ever part with its soverei?ntv. but aereefaWh ting to theip ab. homa Agricultural college has been done on a sensationally large scale. Congressman Bryan is circulating among Democrats of the House and Senate a free silver address to the democrats of the United States. He wants the free silver Democrats to take control of the party management. The infloensa, or grip, is sweeping over England. The sentences of the Hawaiian insurgents range from $5,000 fine and five years imprisonment to thirty-five years and $10,000, the former being imposed on the ex-Queen. Fonr weie sentenced to be hanged. who may endeavor to recover usurious contract. Sec. 2. That this act shall not apply contracts executed heretofore. Sec 3. That all laws and clauses of laws in violation of this act are hereby re pealed. Senator Moody has introduced a bill to tax inheritances 8 per eent. on each $50, 000, this tax to go to the public school fond. Several States have adopted this plan and rouna it worxea wen. out at a much lower rate. The House, it will be remembered, passed the bill to create the eounty of Scotland oat of part of Richmond. In the Senate an unfavotable report was made oo the bilL As the latter passed the House the question is left to the vote of the people of all Richmond coanty. It is claimed that it would in this way be voted down. In the Senate on Monday bills were in tordneed to provide for revising and di gesting the publio laws: to amend the code regarding standard keepers: to amend the act of 1893 regarding financial associa tions: to amend the constitution by pro hibiting any official from taking free passes-from railways: to provide for the display and arrangement of the woman's xhibit at the Atlanta Exnosition: to change the name nf the town, of Elm City to Toisnot: bills passed to , amend , be stock law of Chatham: to incor porate the Carolina Mututl Fire Insur ance Company of Charlotte: to patron victs oo Warren county's road: to aroeml the charter of SaluLurvs to amend Mecklenburg's game law: to incorDorata the Raleigh Mutual Saving and Deposit Company: the bill to create another eanre of divorce was' tabled. In lL House a resolution was offered to raise a special committee to consider a reduc tion of the salaries. commUsioos and fees of all state and coanty officers. . Bills were ntrodaced to compel taxpayers to list their solvent credits: to consolidate and mend the charter of Raleigh: to nrovide for a publie school tax in the various school districts: to repeal tke bastardr law: to regulate sales of Jamaica ginger to change the dividing Hue between Greene and Pitt counties: to allow Currituck lo levy a spec- ai tax: to amend toe code reirardinir statement of actions: t regulate hours of abor in manufactories: to incorporate the Roanoke railway and bridge eomoanv: to incorporate the Morgantou and Shelby railway: to protect owners of timber trees: to enforce the payment of taxes en insol vent debts: to amend Taiboro'a charter: to establish a colored normal school at Winston. There were G9 bills introduced. The G per cent, interest bill was discussed 3 hours. There were 19 amendment, vix: to put the same penalty on national banks as on .individual; to make 7 per cent, le gal rate; to except eall loans; to except Henderson county; to exeept anr eountv that wished to refund their bonds; to ex cept B. &, L. associations; to leave to the vote of the people the interest question; to except Wayne countr in transactions between its citixena: to r Quire the bill to take effect next Januaty: to provide that the act does not pertain to commercial ca per: to accept New naoover and Craven counties; all these amendments were vote down and the bill paused as it ram from the Senate. Rules were susnendrtl and he bill paused final readinir the vote being .ye 74 nays 16. On Tuesday the followmir bills acre in- tmduced: for the relief of ei-Clerk Wat kins, of Craven: to allow members of the t-gisOature to hold other cfSrr: to allow AlrUowell cou:.ty to levy a rprcial las: to give Uavidson coonty the ronvivt rtmd law. Bills pirsed changing the lime of holding courts in Durham and Alamance counties. The special order forth. day was taken up at coon, this being regu- ate the sale ; of liquor in the Stale: an amendment was offered excrriiirir druir gists: another requesting 'a majority of voters to call an election, : both ef whits were adopted. Many members spoke and the galleries were filled with ladies who istened with a great deal of intercut to the debate. Senator Hoover made an earnest plea for the bill. A motioa to ta ble was made. The vote was a lie 21 to 21. President Doughton voted no. In the House bills were introdared as fol lows: To require owners of bicycles to dismount when meeting other vehicles: to amend the charter of RaM?h so the mayor will be elected by the people: to regulate taxes oo property insured arainat loss by fire: to protect all owners of sheep and goats: to allow Crave eountv to build a bridge across Neuse and Trent rivers: to make it a misdemeanor to send in false alarms at Newbern: for relief ot Robert O. Burton: the special order ot the day was the election law.bilL . Tit debate occupied only an hour and a half. ' Five amendments were offered, bat all were called down, and the bill passed 2nd read ing just as preferred by the fusion caucus: a resolution passed 2od reading that the legislature go to the New Berne Fair on Thnisday and return on Saturday. Bills passed allowing pensions to widows whose hatbands have died at any time since the war from injuries and woo during tbe war: to allow all eouoty officers to give bona in security companies: . lo prohibit killing of fish with dynamite: to allow truktee in certain cases .to act as attorneys: to amend tbe code so sum moos ean be served on persons who mo away: repealing the charter .of the Eastern band ot Cherokee Indians: and to prohibit coun ty officers from holding office more tbaa two terms in succession. Bill to make separation nf man and wife a cause of divorce, was made special order for Fri day, and a bill to create a code commis sion was made special older for Monday lbe beuatn on Wednesday considered the following bills: to allow persona to probate their wills before death: to amend tbo code regarding tbe insurance law: t stay executions ot judgments for debts: .to equalize and reform taxation: to allow each taxpayer $200 worth of personal exenip tioo: the bill to invalidate uiort races. deeds and other instruments witnessed outside of the state was tabled. As a spec ial ordr, the Chandler liquor bill came np: an amendment to strike out the words eounty commissioners was lost,' there be- ipg a tie and tbe president otiog no: an amendment to allow counties,' township, cities and towns to vote npoa tbe ratifica tion of tbe bill, and reject its previsions by a majority vote, was adopted 30 to G. An amendment to submit tbe bill to tke qualified voters of the State' was- lost. Monday's amendment to strikeout section 1 of the bill wss adopted. Ibis virtually destroyed tbe bill and tbe motioa to fable prevailed. The vu'e on Moody's amend ment was very close. A senator who had just previously left the hall- would have voted against it and tben president Dobgb ton would have bad for tbe third lime to have settled a tie. The renolulioo lo ro to tbe New j Berne Fair was lost. In 'the House a favorable report on tbe bill foe the election ot commissioner of- Agricul ture by tbe legislature: unfavorable report oo tbe Mississippi liquor law: report with out prejudioa on the bill for compelliue attendance at tbe publie schools. Bills were introduced to incorporate the French Broad railway: to regulate the sale cf malt, and fermented liquors: to regulate assignments for relief ot plaintiff is quo , Highest of all ia LeaTtniog rower. LaJest U. S. Gov't Report TTT IT warrents and suits: . lo incorporate the Knights of . Dam eon with insurance priv ileges: to allow Hyde eouoty coromirsiootr to make title lo lands: to exempt from road duty, persons who psy road taxes: to amend the law regarding tbe distribution of public school funds: a resolution was adopted that tbe House visit tbe New Berne fair, on rrtday Z2nd: the bill to regulate tobacco warehoo charges pass ed just as it came I mm me cwnatrt the election law bill passed final reading after' two hours debate by a strict prty vte, ayes 74, nays 31, democrats voting imk - benate on Ibursday bills went intro duced to provide for the election of justices of peace: to amend chapter 11 voIubm 1 ot tbe code: to restore local self-govern ment: to increase I be age of liability to road aork: to amend the code relative to search, warrants: to allow holders of un registered lands to register them: lotrats- fer Slokes county to tbe 5th rongreseional district: an effort waa made to reconsider yesterday's tote, and go to the New Berne Fain Starbuck said tbe tbe populists and republicans senators bad free pase in their pockets. There was much feeling in tbe discussion, but the resolution was again tabled: the bill to transfer Mitchell county to the 0th district, a special order waa die- rued and mad special order for oeit Tuewda): thw following soeabere of tbe aKiiruliaral lnard m fill ;eeoeie were1 nominated: E. L. Franek, J. J. Leg, and E. A Allen, all legator. Bid t Pjr Rev. SoltKBoa PutJ $"i.2S4 money ad vaucetl In Ine Uolvervitv was discus I and pa mux U BUI ! aive Farmers' Alhanew ah insurance feature paused.' Bill lo pre vM alolintioo or misbranding ot food pnsaed 2d reading.. i la lbe Uuuiw Crews- colored seal np a resolution. "Wnereai Fred Doaglaas died yestvrday, and wbewas we greatly deplore tiU death, be it re solved thai lUe loKiae ad. jourii ml noon em m snark -t rmpfi." This wa ansrndad by raak-eg lbe boar 2 iaUad of 12, and was then adopted. Blls passed inrorporaliflff the Carolina, Tam and Ohio railroad eesupaay; to aoafer jeris-tie-lion lo probata of deida in ertam a; a resolution . was ndup'ed to iaqair iat thw manage neat nf lbe ienileatnry dar ing lbe campaign, wilh iwfvrenew ate ment that eunvtrie were luck-d op dorieg tb rlrclioo oo lbe RMake Fares so tbe guard ttil'i vole. Seuaior Moody' bill In lax inherit ace baa created much itrei. Tb Senate JodirUry core mine Has rwMrie4 lao kxil favorably. This tax Las be-en atopt.l ia several Slates, with good ruU, bai lb rale of la ii ion in saaeb lower ihan Sa-ai.-r Movd' bill for 8 oi rml oo $50,000. lo the, Srnle, on. FridaV a re4lia w inlrodnrrb l pav $100 to Erly who P'Hi tied lb seal af MileJwJI fro-w Bertie; Bill wt re ictroduonl to inrurpuraia tbe N. C -rimr and lrt moipanti rlnve Sen t rounty to the fjlh riHigiewiwoal di Irif i; o resolution lo adjourn at 1 o'clock a 'a uiaik ot respect t tbe roeroocy of Ui-i.i re Wabinglao Waa a,iltd; Bill pMM, 3rd leadina lo pleVenl I he adak tali-M and atUhandliasT of futl a4 food iege"irilt In incorporate tlu Sahfnrd, Li Imgion end Eastern railmad; l protnl for a ueccremi tat on inheritance, for ike supi-ort nf lbe pubiio ohoola waa SB ad a peeil order foe Monday; Bill to prevent -o re chattered i hen r nee ewoBpaaie from iloing bnMBeo in Ihia Slal waa alao postponed until Mooday. lo tbe House a resolution was offered Ibal when lbe Uooso adj-Mir il do an in reaper! in tao birthday of Wasbin glow. . Tbi Was adapl4. Bills were .introduced e force Utaa of ue efraclnr; to create aaelber eaaea of di vorce: to provide for regiateriaT all ea registered deeds; lo aak eoabty oCWra responsible for lynching in loei counties; to arc a re fair, and honest settlement of lueses uader iesarao) polteir; toeatab lih county boarde of Bedioal examiners; the bill to pay solicitors salaries was made special order for Wednesday;. Bills passed, allowing tbe peopj of Banco rob to vote on whether liquor shall bo sot-l at Abbe ville; to confine to peraoos who stand ia the place ot a parent lbe right to sue for the wrong issue f marnage ireerses; to require all public school teachers In b ex amined; for tbe relief of clerk Mirror of Morklenbnrg: lo amend the charter of lbe Charlotte gas company; lo prevent 'poeausa bfanling from Feb. 1 lo .Oct. 1; to rrqair railroad to redeem unoaru tickets. On Saturday in tb Hoe bill were in f roduaed to divorce J, M. Lo and wife ot Merklenbnrg; le ehang tbe line - Sa1y, Os(on and Merklenb lrg. couM'tee; Bills ' oeeib paaard to amnd tbe charter of Gasionia; nds received j joeorporaliag Wake basking and cority company; lo incorporate Ilia aiurganioa and Shelby railroad; to iaeorporat B-l-trroof; to in corporate tbe New, Berne gas light company; to incorporate lb city sewerage company of Wilmington; In mend E1geonabo road law. to improve and extend Wak publw f-wl laws; to amend the charter uf AlbcnarV; tovileod the eorpoiate limits of Grift.. There was qnpVa debate nn rvpraiing the law fining a man $50 fer curving at Urn net la Mills in Ruthtrfordlor; after a looif debate Uobt. W. Garrison of Mecklenburg a soldier, Was put on lb list of first claaa p0Mifer. In Hi Senate: A bill to aid lb work ut lb Stale Horticultural Society; loallow Leaks vill to issue bon le; In build a jail at Al bemarle; to amend charier of..U'4Jboro; In amend laws of 1S59 in regtrd lo sol diers in lb Ut wan a bitl for lbe relief of certain tax payi ra nf MrlXiwcll county on account f loaaeabt fire; to amend charter Beascmer City: JH to amend lb charier e( of lbe city of 'xiWtngtoo. " f . , Tl.9 special rdr for lb Senate was lb 1411 to. lend (h rrobamcntal aaeoriaiioo $10,000 to pay for broni statuary for tbe'Coafedrratemoiiuineiilj tenalor. Moody of Haf wood, made a very able spevdi in cbanptwnsbip a( Ibis bill; tLetawasa -pg (lire knurs' debate on Ibis bill, but it waa finally kiUed, thjr vol leiag 8 o2S; lke 8" who .voted for Ikia bill were: Msr. Adams. DxiU.'Fowter, Mitcl.ll, M d .4 navwood.Ric. While of Alamance, While of Peraurmaoal Soatr S'aburkilem,n-1 d lo know what sreitnty lb Udjee wera lo glva when Senator Moody .announced amid much applause ibal be would be ibeir ecbrity; tbe bitl is lost, aod lb ouieMk now is that tbe ntonumeot will only be lbe handsome eranit bas with tbe maaraifi- rentshaft35fetinbighib, Tneladivsof course trerrrelly disappointed that lb ;nagpifieut bronxes will liav to b aban doned, but it can not be helped. . . . : , . Ataam Oelea . Tbe Best 81 v la te world forCaU. ttrni Bore. Ulcers, 3lt Kbeam, Fever Sore. Tet ter. Chapped Hsnds, CbklMsias. Corns, and all Skin troptiona. and positively cares Piles, or no pay repaired. It is gosraateed to gtv perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Pnee 2i nents per fcox.- For sal by B. K. Hrry 8a. Fayette- ville.N.C. TV 7ri DasgUss lafssiy. HVB ttUClD TBI STATE. CWWa Ol . Douglass was a man of bigb ability, aod the colored race bM him in bib and proper esteem. His icUlWaabty eotn maoded tor him a latge measure f re pert for tbe wbif people of tb South, but there was nothing in bis life or pnMi ser vices, nothing in the view be took and ei preaeed freely of tb South and of South ern people, in suggest lb adjournment of lh Lrgiltur of a Southern Stat In bis honor when be d.ed. But this an inn derives its priaripl sig nificance from what precede-! it. However ill It mtgtit be regard! if viewed aU.o. it shall not be looked at tv it elf. but in con nection with preceding events. Wbatt These: That a rewdoiio to adjourn to-day, ia recognition of WasSmgloa's binbday, bad just been voted down; ibal lh 19th of January, before tber was any claim that th work of tbe aeaaioo was Broaaior, the Legislature refused to ad ourn for th birthday of Gn. Robert C Tbe are tb facts, all intertwined, which w prea upon lb coo i deration of lb poopU of North Catvlia. Tn fla refused to adjnaro in b-we of Oeorg Washington; refused lo a-'joorn in honor of Robert K. Lee; adjoernej ie bono of Frederick Dnagta, Words declare with all da deliberation that it baa disgraced itself divgracod lbe State. 'JUST A OT IIS" That onKi ol the jountr turn have to suty who have rlddrn the cfl AMBLER BICYCLE- HEART DISEASE. Fluttering. No AppetlU, CoaU not Sleep. Wlodoq Stomach. Tor a lor.g Urn I bad a UrrfbU PJn at ray bcart, which CsUered aJ- IncemaaUy. I bad no arreUU ao4 coukl act sleen. I would be competed to til up la bed ao4 bclea gu f rota lay tocxcb oatU 1 Utoog&l very taiaato wrml t ray Urt. Tbcro wm fccUcf of orrreoatoo aboc. ray bean, aod I waa alrxU to draw m tu'.l breath. I cdq: 1 oci rweco a from w ivhot rrsUsr. Mbcavl laduocd toe lo try Dr. Miles' Heart Cure a&4 ua b-irrr to aiy II haa cored no. I bow tua atpleodU arrtito acd alcrpwcU. lu creel was iruJr raar- DAUT K. ITAU. rNjtarrina. fa. ' pr.litlMlwafimiieril ea a aoafwe le M hu tie ul W.k ilej II St SL C I ifaaars. X. J. fi iSea mm4 C UuTuatr. Beplyiag I yaw favor reeewt 41 to ro gr4 tola -tUatUrr rWjl- Uleay; TV KamUrr W a awor perfect I every wy tst a It i sniaaiil I saake a WeU 1 aav ed tee (S d.fre.t saskes I wbeela (aaaeag la staler waa CaCsatUa) et I bar rvl4ea ataay ssaee. not lb tUas V3ef is lbe eeueel raaaieg a4 Ik saast earn furtabt a keel ta rvle aw tkat 1 aae ever aiej aaa r f aJaaS aeerr ul to trad aaaia. Watiag yao a3 Ik aoreeaa yea f!y 4. I aeCier Ike ke-el wkeet e eank, I Tea eery tra'jr. r. m, hnccTZ Fek y 12. IKA T i Ur. at a kWai Co. iJuZ iU BV AtX DUCGOIST8. atT(T 3laryl:iiul lusur.incn Com- Itn ! Ilaltimnrr, Aaaela. 1 1 .Ti.o).1 Ca) I Korj! as I Volte f IUI Un. JJ oXU C j v M. II. l-LACKIXiRD. lYeavat. rtarcroas: tlaaiittn Kaie. Wa. II fvrkia. rkrta- ' IVvrWa t UKi Sart. l-eca II. Tkeasaa. Jokn OitU W as II. Uckfr4. Jaase PaMe. Ueofe t". Jeakir a. Call e r i Hm JNJ. B TILI.INOIIAT. ieoeral A real. I -IT- . Zm FajelievtUe. N". C A. B. Williams, FAYETTEVILLK, N. O, CommiaMoa Mertbanl, Hujer of Cotton aad Naval itra, and Dalria flair, Liate, flafr and Cement. rau tocuUkKi aki th xomt CAaouxA Mora. Rkkateed Daaadrk. ' . That lb party in power ia North Caro lina ia al limy representative of lb good pvopl of Ibal Doble o4l fal ia cooaptca ooly abtwn by the relutKn of repee4 Paaaed and adjournment ordered in lbe House on Thursday ia reepec! to lb orv of Frederick DoagtsM ! W can apprecial lb d4re of lh c4 red members to bouor oo of Ibo moat aotel men ot their rar. bt bow ibeir whit allia oonld mak sorb aa invidion distinction against Wasbingtoo and Leo w can espUiuoklr on lb grouod that they arc ot ibeopinioa that Douglass was a greater and better man tbaa either Wash ington or Loe. ' This action, so repalaiv to tb feelings of all Ira North Carolinians, shows ibal the negro vol ia a great power tn tb polities ot that Slat. U waa tb in sirs moot of whom tbe Populists and. wbtt Kepublicaaa mad oso.ia ovvrtbrowing tb Democrats ot North Carouna. Aad yet we are told that tb negro ta oo longer power in boot bn a politics: Tbe or)t Carolina fact is at variance with lbe Virginia theory. Tb negro a treat power in Mmk Camiioa: be t a rroat power in Virginia. Bat in North Carolina b baa gotten lb ao4oey. wbil in irgitia b waiting for tao white lo divid so Inat b nay mak bis vole leu against the Democrat aad in favor ot just aoeb a combinatioa as is de fying tb eeatimeot aod outraging the foeling ot ertb Varoiina. But tb North Carolinians aro not going to Und this sort of tbiog long. Soon they will ris ia their Bight aad clear tbl political field of tbos intruders. Uowlbey will da it we do not know bat tk ar rwBC to do it. and do it iboroegbly as well. TUt ROLL or 1XTAMT. ' Tb toll wiag aro tbeaa'ooaof ibfa- neessbor of Ibo ILaoa of Keprra. latlvaa, oorapoaiag that hybrid . fato which igr4 tb day devoted t lb memory of Ooorgn Waskingioo and ro fued to oborrvn tb Stat babday eaad in MaaMUatkul nf Ro. toliart V LO. but closed ita fc lb day in rospect 1 1 ff . Cl"':VkJ r. to tb aietoory of tb negro taiseegooaUoa I A A I I 1 Jr try. OSm ts MMtef l rotaeiM. jr. J. J. IV li I I' Hi S 4 Cm , O c TVS a tx: Rer4iaaT yawr a; aery aa t -lw I Uk lao tUrnkWv IWyrle." I e4 aty atai my S- taiae Leal Jaae 1 kaiaa-t a Jaakaa," aad after rUiag tt too nvaa-ik. I i4 rt a4 parVahl a -BaoVW " I eaa nabtaitaiuv aav Ibat li &aaVle te Ik beat I aae eee nweaaleo. a4 raaCf del not know wist rvl'ag was natj 1 bad my Earn bier. Ail Models of tbe Rambler $100. WRITE OR CALL. FOR CATALOGUE. A. J. PEMBERTOM & CO. BONDS! PKOFEIOSAL CARDS. i. k. Maasn. a. . i. r. masstra. a. a. DEi HARSH & HIGHSHITH. 0": ::. 2. Zzrztr IZizlx. Zzzizt. FA YKTTKVI IAA . C. a. u acwraa. a. av a. raasit w. rraa. sv v CHS. EOIUB, D1INT18T8. XrnXT. 1S. Coewee Me e S. ra kttk vn.a.at. a-a f. I FiniRSCI. 0, 0. S Aftet 9 f ' If veo ba to aiee aav kle4 of Ct Wa4 It wi t W wU far re l eaa lb 4e-ee4. 1 ke aeeepe4 tke A-ery mt Ik -Leaiao Gaaraale 4 AraiAeal laeo rear Ompaay." oe f tketroget om eaates f tt S44. . . . . 1 ea reran yaw a ip a a. mmm oay kiad mt Aeevieat lawaraace e may oe4- 1 Ja reyeeaeat Ik H Clara tiaeaaa iW laeeeetleo aad aarae Ceasaav. Ayo wkokaa a measa eet-ec a aav tl ! 14 aad aae a gwaraate acaisat leaa euker dtrect mt 4rt from ett'.aaiso. Wae II seme t Tire lsawraaee. tare ar o ketter COmpaaie tkaa tkoe i aealea ia my agency: TIIE JsTTNA. TBE AUCaUCAX FIRE. THE WESTERN A-KSURANCX CO. TUE HAMBURG E&XMEN. THE CA EO LIN A. luaeewea'lac TitUm U lmm Aaaeva. Wt aeraaifati.'v kae srag sins te of ta vol mt tVe taaaiaaio. a nni an rru, aaaomTvxvT kxua cat AmAXTiii goTxxnn. Header 's es are aeol by tracker aod eaeefat. ibontM fcieate rarAea I Ut, Fred Douglas: Abbott. Alasaaaer ot Tyrrell, Pa tern aa. Brown, basbaoaa, lampbell. Cktlaslt. Crew. Cram pier. cam. Da via. Drew. Ellcdg, Keart, Kraaek. Harris of Gaatoa, Headeraoa, Heektaa. HssUr. Keathlcv. Letabacb, Lak. kteCaaUy, MrUaa. MMkaeL Morrow. Norm at. l'lre. AlVe. Bwtl. Ba, Bryaa. llurskam, Ckeek. riHULFN W. BIUC00D, PoUIlp of Baadolpk, Pool. Cramet, Dardea, IHioo. Iaaraa, FXte. llark. Geniry." llama ef flyle, HtUmaa, lUSsist, Job a aon, Loary. Lianey, Msvea, MeaUnaey, MLee4. UiUbeii, . Norma. Fe. rbii'.ipsot ritt. aa rUACTlCE IS ALL THE OOfkT. matter placeA in iia kaal OiH receive t-resBpl 'letio. OFFICE HINiUiALE BCIUHNO. rAVirtaiii.LK. j. r. """LAW F.IRM. Tb aaderaixard are from Ikis day hit tile-J a ialtee r U wkr v laeir I ae vtee saay ke rair4. Ti partaer wi.lk-a lalkeaSeeia Fayvttenne e e a.w 4a va ia every week. JAMIH C MCXAE. H II. MACRAE. Jsasary 1. 15. i tietr xxrxxiAs:i aat luuiiun. I aaia remiad eeaec. la Ik kaMt mt er4crte direct IkaJ I d eav-'f tkean ml IUa4rreea prw toisoaomera, Tars savts rata rarjanr oo ntx oa Batyees mt saaVeraj aaatif e ana reeaav rra'a-ieoalv iketr ea4 wmi a4 ksslnsms ASCII, eaI34 la Ka eegetaki aa4 gaeal dwplay. Ut mln mi s A C rrfmm $m ymt mm awyee mmmUtr IWa lie ( eal aw fmU .-, fr wkmh ikeir kira prie 1 very nearly ewr ne aw aw ta eaaa.jev fopeea. wj oa- rtieg aee4 Aeaiee. e aer4 at- . Tree iiaoai-i i aakiX iWete w-3 ewr- ekaae mt aeeAa will rmmmA't tllsT. Qt A1JTT a aest aCAXTTTf 9T tXX rwikec tka m- kee mt paper. . a a m . -a . . ft . St - T a ataials oewa. (is tar bats j I sppreetak;! lac paprrs ml lewev prtee, I aav MmI o fall nertmeat mt eb:i rre 1 1 ke aA rtimtUt Seas a PATH UaSlXTat SO Si. wkwkare efeee at mm trmt Mfmftr. li. K HOH.it. r Arm I. U-M fer llrr lieadirean Co Good Things! cod nsn. Ry4d. Smitb of Caswell, tfcaith of fcobeaoa. nqairea, biriekiaad, Taylor. Tamer ef Folk, Walker.. WMi. WUha Yatea, f!f.- Ritk efaeela4. Hpeaa. SlkeiaUlr, - . ' HoUon, Torser of ItiUbaU Vkrs, Walaer. Wbiteaer, Weoteo, Veaeg. TO THE PUBLIC. TV ee4enJ-ee4 eaa ke faaa4 at k- Se a Greea "!reet. wkee ke will k ft I ae 4 aad new trie! wko ka Ireai wek at say kind retjitria" ikeerveef aa atiaraey. luapevuaizr, U-. 4 Sas JOHXU.bU AW. "A fearful eraok. an awfol eroak, Mr wif has eome t be -1 So said a friend, on dreary day, I confidence to me.. "Did'et e'er Inquire." said 1 ta bba . What paine aad cke sk ka wet ' At like aa aot she ' trtrd kv . h orn aa of wemaa's woa. Uterine disorders peeially depreaa.tb snirits and sap tbe energies aad. vital for. For. lbe distressing eoaplslats. faacUoaal trregularitle. canst oral discharge, const a at pains, weak back, laasitede, dalloeaa, sinking sensaiioea and all weak ne est a. pecaliar t I wemea, Dr. Pker's Faveril Prvosnpiioa I tbe speeiD. ,-.... ' ' ' ' 4 LoeOe, . .' Good looks ar mor than skin deep, 1'e pending upon a health v eoadirioa of all tb viral orraca. If th Liver b laactlv von have a Bilious Look, If your stomaeh b4 die- ordered yo bar a Dyspcptl Look. and If vonr Kidaots b affected yo bar a Flacked Look. . 8enr go 4 heal la aad yoa will aav good look a. Electria Bitters is ta great alter- at it and Tonic; ecu directly ea taea vital organs. Care Ftmplca, Blotehea, Boils m eivea a rood eoraBiaiia. Sold at. J1 1 . r . el 1 . . , C. jrmv aa4 Do yen travett Ar yoa a ablpperf Tke Ka4-McNal!r BaUwav Gatde aad Raad- Book" cantatas all pertinent iafermatioa. Ask yoar KsArWealcr. Ancomlc Women wit pale or tallow complexions, or sfficring from kin erupliooa or f&crof ulou blood, will -find juflk relief in Scott Emulsloa. II 8E BARNEV INIL. A . BAtEtlAA tll.Sar, I'-SM.X T. n - a t aw A . i. Mu a. -tes w r t.e- a- r. ttarea.s. ' ejaxa. MiMaleMII- PEtuiYRom sncED no FEET. POTATOES AND ONIONS. MACARONI AND FULL CREAM CHEESE. PICKLES, CABBAGE. TURNIPS, BEAN., PEAS. OAT FLAKES BY TOE POUND, SUUAB, COFFEE. BACON. LARD. HAM'S. 110 MINT, FLOUR, MEAL, FANCT ELGIN AND GILT F.DGE BUTTER. CANNED GOODS AND FUCIT8 C qultki AllVof the stages of Emaciation, anf t a general decline of beaiui. art l speedily cured. Scott's Emulsion " 'ro a triti.ii r i ,a,.y. 1 1 X A IT AJT-l VtTZX. tak look Debi ttlra health atreqg Cotdtt : Cunr- away the pale, haggard hat comes witn ocncrai y. It enriches tbe biooa. tet the appeuie, crcaica berry it Ukk a :ri 1P 0iAi rrfft-coxytxtii o. COCO sotixxa WATXI 01 KXXX. flesh and bring baca and vitality, for Cowr, , Tbroat. Bl'.r,'.Jr,rS tumotioa aad vVasbg te- tt.T. AAtiiasiaW SOS. aaa aa. PARatat HAIR BALAAM Mm It V ..ifl mm. mm I mil a - ti 33 r UIKnrSmfekl. IWeaaaawrM At King Brothers-- TOC WIU. mo Only 1 Crnl a 1'aifr. TV msy wk koagat ee4 mt mm taat e mmm eae BOIIT aaa wet wu -Iran at oua mil I res ee4 Ta wk key ef o tki tmo will aav awe aeay. aa4 w raarsa- lee every paper I k ,rw trunk AnraL WE CAEST A LAEGE STUCK OF . Dnp, lull Eil aad at tesarre ta arte sad ,! f mt i ia. Ca'J at r atr or e4 aa year ecoT ky mail. ----- Tears traly. KINO ilKOTIIEUS, Nest Dw ta Post See. Iaregrwi aad beedme. rsyctlrrO, S. Cm . j