mmmi wwww OID SERIES "91.. I.X NO 3,OM FAYETTEVrLLE, N. C. THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1895. THE OBSERVER. nuw sibiii .a., sit . 8IHCI OVX LAST ISCCX. TEX milTEEaiTT. THURSDAY... ....... MARCH 14. 1895. Latest Xaws from all Farts of th World,. Prs- parsd Especially for tha Baaasrs of "Tb Obssrvsr." It Educates Xur Poor Boti who Otksrwu Could mot got aa Kdaeatiea. SEWS AST) COMMENTS. Representative McClammy of New Hanover seems to have gone body and soul over to the f usionists. He was elected as a Democrat. The aggregate of appropriations made by the last Congress is estimated at about $2,000 less than 500,000,000. The largest item is $141,381,570 for pensions. , Among the many Democratic members of the late Congress who favor unconditional bi metallism are Representatives B. F. Grady and W. H. Bower, of this State. Queen Lil of Hawaii was sentenced to a fine of $5,000 and five years' imprisonment for conspiracy to overthrow that government. It may be modified. The chief conspirators are sentenced to thirty- years' imprisonment and heavy anes. Several are banished. The ladies constituting the Southern Me morial and Literaiy Society have decided to spend $13,000 in making fireproof the Jeffer son Davis maision,""fbrmerly the White House of the Confederacy, rnd to convert it at once into a museum for Confederate relics. V. K. Vanderbilt was divoreed from his wife Inst week, a lady of Southern birth and lineage, who is too proud and good to live with a libertine. She gets $3,000,000, three fine houses, her three children and may marry. He cannot marry. Mrs. V anderbilt was Miss Alva Smith, of Mobile and of excellent family. The Senate of New York disgraced itself, says the New York World, by passing a bill to re-establish the whipping post. Fortu nately there is a civilized Governor and a very considerable number of civilized men it the Assembly between the State and the final adoption of any such measure of blundering barbarism. - Editor Stov'all seems to be afraid the Con stitution is going out of the democratic party. On, the' contrary, says the Constitution, we propose to. yank-Editor Stovall back on the platform and hold him there. This same cry was made against, every true democratic pa per in this State by men who have turned out since to have been traitors. Skates were tetted against the bicyele re cently at Copenhagen. W. Henie, a Norwe gian champion skater, who is also a bicylist and won the 100-kilometre world's champion ship at Antwerp last August, raeed against the Danish champion, Svend Hansen, on a safety. At 500 metres the bicycle won in 55 3-5 sec onds. Henie making 61 seconds. In a race of five miles Henie won in 16 minutes 31 sec onds, but Hansen had broken his rear tire. President Faure of France is adding to his popularity by visiting the hospitals of Paris. He enters a hospital, speaks encouragingly to the patients, leaves money to be spent in wine aDd tobaeco for their use and frequently goes into the kitchen to taste the food served to the inmates. Whenever he leaves a hospital he finds a crowd of citizens waiting to cheer him as he enters his carriage. Faure has set out to endear himself to the people at any cost. The total number of newspapers published in the world at present is estimated at abont 50,000, distributed as follows: United States and Canada, 20,934; Germany, 6,000; Great Britain, 8,000; France, 4,300; Japan, 2,000; Italy, 1,500; Austria-Hungary, 1,200; Asia, ex clusive of Japan, 1,000; Spain, 850; Russia, 800; Austria, 800; Greece, 600; Switzerland, 450; Holland, 300; Belgium, 300; all others, 1,000. Of these more than half are printed in the English language. Ex-Congressman W. J.-Bryan, of Nebraska, addressed a large audience in Cincinnati the other day on bimetallism. In an - interview he said he believed the Democrats would nominate nilver men for President and Vice President and that in this event there would be no silver party. He described Thomas B. Reed as a magazine bimetallist and a legisla tive gold-bug, and declared that maoy Re presentatives, and Senators are just like him. Mr. Bryan speaks of Bland, of Missouri, as a strong possibility as a bimetallic candidate for the Presidency ' . . Consul Penfield's report that not one mer chant ship flying the flag of the United States passed through the Suez Canal in 1894 does not greatly differ from the reports on the sub ject in other years. For the decade 1870 to 1SS0, says the New York Sun, only fifteen ships flying the United States flag passed through the canal, and of these several were ships of the navy. Only one ship flying the United States flag was reported as passing the canal in 1883, and there have been years since when no American vessel of any sort passed through the canal. The appointment of Senator Ransom, says the Maxton Scottish Chief,, as minister to Mexico at a salary of $17,50d, and Wilson, of West Virginia, to fill the place of Bizzell, as Post Master General, is looked upon by the great mass of our people more as a reward for their devotion and fealty to the President's financial ("gold-bug") policy than their fideli ty to the best interests of their constituents. We are always ready to rejoice with North Carolinians in the elevation and promotion of any of her citizens, but the true sentiment of the mass of the voters of North Carolina is very poorly expressed in the promotion of Senator Ransom. The Washington conference, sitting in Rich mond, embracing the colored Methodists of Virginia, Maryland, West Virginia, the Dis trict of Columbia and a part of Pennsylvania, refused to hold a memorial service in honor of Frederick Douglass. The thirty-second annual session of the conference, over which bishop Mallalieu, of Buffalo, N. Y. presided, had just organized, when a resolution was offered to hold a Douglass memorial service with Rev. Dr. J. W. Bowen, of the Gammon Theological seminary of Atlanta, to make the address, it was voted down. Those white things, sitting at Raleigh, are lower in the scale of humanity than negroes. Colored Jnen when you meet a North Carolina legis lator make him take his hat off to you. The British steamer Iatrian, forty-three days' from Liverpool ha arrived at Norfolk. She encountered severe storms on the pas sage, and her eoal gave out. The direc tors of the American Sugnr Refining .Com pany, of New York, have declared a quarterly dividend of 3 per cent. Geo. L. Shoup was re-elected Senator on first ballot in the Idaho Legislature receiving the entire Mor mon vote. In the New York General As sembly, Assemblyman Blake's bill abolishing eapital punishment was lost on final passage by a vote of ayes, 46; noes, 68. Fire broke out on the British steamer Naparima, at Bos ton from Cuba, with sugar. The fire was ex tinguished, but the cargo ia thought to be seriously damaged by water. B. M, Tay lor, Commissioner of Revenue for King Wil liam county, Va., was arrested, charged with jittering a forged order upon the Common wealth for the support of a lunatie. The directors of the Postal Telegraph and Cable Company decided at their last meeting to issue $5,000,000 additional stock. A meeting of the stockholders will be held March 28th, to authorize the issue. An examination of estimates submitted to the House of Com mons of the operation of the British Postal Telegraph Department, for the year ending March 31, 1895. shows a growing deficiency. The actual deficiency for the previous year was about $2,400,000. 'Seattle, Washing ton, has been agog with excitement for the past few days over a report that the dead bodies of two infants and a Chinaman bad been found in the main water reservoir in the most aristocratic portion cf the city. The story was not credited at first, but it is now positively stated that such was the case, work men employed in cleaning out the reservoir being authority for the statement. The bodies were flesbless and had evidently been in the reservoir for some time. Miss Blarche Chapman, of Jacksonville, Fla., seventeen years old, the daughter of a day laborer, has just fallen heir to $100,000, part of which is invested in lands in Atlanta. It was left to her by her ancle, the Rev. H. B. Crystal, of (hat city, who died in New York recently. . The Four & easons Hotel of Middlesboro, Ky., was bought in by I. Untennyer, of New York, for $28,000. The original cost was $1,500,000. Three hundred and ten negroes left Mem phis Thursday morning, on a special train for Savannah, where they expect a steamship to carry them to Liberia. The negroes were gathered from Arkansas and Mississippi. Catholics of Haverhill, Mass.. are excited over an anonymous letter which Rev. James O'Doherty, pastor of St. John's Church, found under his door, stating that the church would be blown up by' dynamite next Sunday and that Father O'Doherty would be shot on sight by the sender of the letter. About $25, 000,000 of the new bonds are ready for deliv ery. The National bank of Texarkana closes its doors. Of the 173 financial measures before the Senate of the last Con gress 131 remain unacted upon. The Ve suvius returns to port after being at sea de stroying wrecks on the North Carolina coast. She will soon resume this work. Henry F. Wing, cashier of a National bank of Wor chester, Mass., committed suicide. Mar tin J. Connolly of Brooklyn, has had his brain drained. He was suffering from an abscess. The recall of our consul general at Ha vana, is demanded by the Spanish and Cuban authorities.. Six thousand negroes in the western States aro preparing to go to Liberia. Fire broke out on the Government trans port Fern, on her way from Philadelphia to Boston, while she had 400 pounds of powder onboard. She was saved after a hard battle. Mexican bankers are refusing drafts on New York because tbey are uneasy about our currency situation. The Indiana Legis lature has passed a local option liquor law. Most of the Democrats voted for the bill. The Governor will sign it. Fort Wayne, Ind., suffered from a fuel famine last week on ac count of the failure of the natural gas supply. The suffering was intense, as the temperature was below the f reeling point. The City Council of Lynchburg, Va., have decided to issue $60,000 of five per cent, bonds to defray the cost of the building of the municipal elec trical lighting plant. This action is severe to the Lynchburg Electrieal Company. Liabilities of failures in February amount to $11,250,122, against $17,859,670 last year; $4,619,782 being in manufacturing, against $9,109,986 last year, and $6,926,692 in trading, against $8,220,207 last year. Failures for the week have been 234 in the United States against 248 last year and 58 in Canada against 60 lastjyear. The following are the total net receipts of the cotton at all ports since September 1, 1894: Galveston, 1,533,456; New Orleans, 2,216,860. Mobile, 225,684; Savannah, 840,543; Charleston, 394,873; Wilmington, 223, 762; Norfolk, 407,254; Baltimore, 97,762; New York, 159,055; Boston, 236,986; Newport News, 31.025; Philadelphia, 63,584; West Point, 250, 635; Brunswick, 92,317; Velasco, 592; Port Royal, 129,428. Total, 6,912,721. Prince Achille Murat killed himself last week. He was horn at Bordentown, N. J., in 1847. He was grandson of the great Marshal of France. Brad street's says: The general business situation shows more improvement. From several centres this is declared to be due in part to the adjournment of Congress, and to some extent to better weather. Gains are shown in improved demand for lumber and other building matorials. In the South, Au gusta cotton factories have received a large number of orders, many for future delivery, and in almost all directions jobbers report in creased sales of staple dry goods, hat, shoes, millinery and hardware. Cotton goods gene rally are weaker and prints cloths onee more down to 21c. for 64s. Jobbing at Charleston is more active and a number of merchants are North to obtain goods. The smallpox is spreading so rapidly in St. Louis that tho au thorities have taaen heroic measures to sup press it. The south bound Florida vesti- buled train was wrecked by an opened switch at Scotland, Ga. Three Pullman and two coaches were overturned. One lady and her daughter. 5 years old, were killed. One of the coaches was occupied by the Roland Reed company, many of whom wen injured. Assistant Secret aiy Curtis gives to the public a statement assuring them that there need be no uneasiness about the treasury being unable to meet the obligations of the Government. Chailes A. Dana, of the New York Sun, is indicted for a libel on Frank B Noyes, of the Washington (D. C.) Evening Star. There are 15,000 miners on strike in Pittsburg regions. Seven operators agree to the 60 cent rate demanded by the miners. Daring the past two years it has loaned $3,649.25 from the Deems Fund, thereby aiding 55 needy Students. During the past 20 years it has aided about 800 needy young men. by loans or scholarships. It is now giving free tuition to 126 stu dents, who eonld not otherwise be edu cated. Of these forty-two are preparing to teach. Fully one-third of the students in the University are aided by loans, scholarships or labor, and over one-third are supporting themselves by money which they themselves bare earned or have been forced to borrow. The spirit of self help is so strong at the University that thirtv-three students, even while par saiDg their studies, are at the same time supporting themselves wholly or in part by labor. They manage boarding clubs, set type, work in laboratories, serve as stenographers and type-writers, sell books and clothing, give private instruction to other students, teach classes in the village, elerk in the stores and do many other kiuds of work. The following brief state ments, prepared by the yonng men them selves, will givo an idea of the spirit of eeonomy that prevails at the University, as well as the spirit of self-reliance that enables so many poor boys to get a Uni versity education. It is not exaggeration to say that the University by its loan funds, scholarships and opportunities for labor makes it possible for any worthy boy, however poor, to obtain in North Carolina as good an education as rich boys obtain elsewhere. vr i o. . i on v I I To shut off such men from opportnnu (No.l). Started on $20. Now is self-1 nf higher education is to deprive No. supporting. In September, 1SVJ3. I started cannot continue to aid the talented poor boys of North Carolina. The following unsolicited letter speaks for itself. The young man U without a father, is very talented and is going through college partly by labor and partly by loans from the Deems Fund. lie has a scholarship. ; "Chapkl Hill, N. C, Do. 20, D4. Preside. Geo. T. Wimtlom: . . "Dear Sir: The first term of this scho lastio jrear has ended, and I think it my duty to thank you most gratefully for the help you have giveo me and the kiodoeas yon showed me when I first came. When I got out of money and had to have books yoo kindly lent some and pat yourself to no little inconvenience in many way to help me; when 1 was naturally homesick and despondent you gave me s much en couragement and good advice, which could only ho .repaid by tha gratefulness of my heart. Let me thank yoa again and agaio for the kindness yoa Lav shown me and substantial pecuniary aid yoa have given. Just at the time when I was about to givo up all hope of a University edoeatioo yoa came to my aid, and now I am determined that such an education shall be min. Be fore I came here I had written to so many schools, stating my condition and asking for work to pay tny war, and being an swered very coldly by all' of them bat one I was disheartened, but yea appreciated my condition and gave me the coveted aid. "Feeling a thankfulness in my heatt which cannot be expressed no paper, and being determined that my life shall be such an one as to cause yoa no regret for the kindness too have shown and the aid yoa have given me. I am gratefully yours. to the University, having $20. On reaching there I borrowed $50 from the Deems Fund and afterwards $59 from a friend. I made $55 during the spring term by working and by teaching. On returning this year I borrowed $50 from the Deems Fund. I am now teaching pu pils in the village at odd hours, and am making enongh to meet all my expenses and pay off some of last year's debt. I have a scholarship. (No. 2. Keeps house, pays all college ex penses, supports wife and three children, all on $300 a year. I am 33 years old, have a wife and three children, moved here from Johnston coun ty and keep house. My only property is a small farm, yielding $G0 a year. I raved a little money from teaching free school. My money will last me until April, when I shall borrow from the Deems Fund. My expenses are $25 a month. This includes house rent, wood, books, clothing, all for myself and family. I have averaged ttach ing, as near as I can guess, four months in each year for the last ten years. My ambition is to be a successful teacher. I have a scholarship. (No. 3). Made $85 on farm and earns $25 at University. I saved $S5 which I made on the farm, and I have borrowed $150. I earn $25 a year by labor here. My expenses last yeai were $240; this year (for half a year) $t4. (No. 4). Worked at carpenter's trade. Before coming to the University I work ed at the carpenter's trade and saved enough to pay three-fonrts of my expen ses. I borrowed the other fourth. (No. 5). Assists ia a boarding club and lives on 22.75. I am earning my board by assisting in a club. My total expenses are $32.75 for half a year. (No. 6). Saved all his money teaching public school. My total expenses have been $70.60 (half year), and I saved it all by teaching public school. (No. 7). My expenses for half year are $02.90. I made the money school-teaching. 1 (No. 8.) Lived on one meal a day. I entered the University four years ago and lived for awhile on one meal a day. I had only $5. I was kindly aided by the faculty and students and citiiens until I got work. 1 have borrowed some little money from the Deems Fund and from kind friends, and by laboring hard have managed to pull through for four years. I shall graduate in Jane. (No. 9). Waits on table sets type. I support myself almost entirely by waiting on table and setting type. I give my note for tuition. (No. 10). Sets type. Supports himself entirely. I support myself by setting type. I set type all the time, except when reciting and attending lectures. I study at night. (No. 11). Kara s bair bis expenses by clergical and rtenographie work. My total expenses for last term were about $100, and I earned abont $50 by do ing clerical and stenographic work at odd hours. (No. 12). Sells clothing and euts wood. I sell clothing by sample and cut wood. Daring the summer I sold books. Last yesr I helped cure tobacco. 1 borrowed a small sum from the Deems Fund. (No. 13. Manages borrding elub. I pay my board by managing a club, all my other expenses with money I earned by teaching last year. Total ex penses $125 exclusive of board. (No. 14). I made $25 teaching and bor row the rest from the Deems fund. (No. 15). I make $50 a year selling clothing. (No. 16) Painter and Decorator. l am living partly on money earned oy painting and partly on borrowed money. Total expenses $6o.75 (half year). (No. 17). Sold frait trees and taught school. I am paying my own expenses with money that I made selling fruit trees and teaching school. Total expenses (half year) $70. (No. 18). A painter. Best scholar ia bis class. 1 earned some money painting the Uni versity buildings last sammer, and I have private classes, which pay part of my ex penses. The, rest I pay by a loan from the Deems Fund. 1 have a scholarship. (This student is the best scholar in his class). (No. 19): I have been encouraged and helped both by faculty and students in trying to work my way through at the University. I worked on a farm and made some money befor coming here. Made my board by managing a Club. Total ex penses (half year) $25. (No. 20). Couldn't get help elsewhere. I am going on a scholarship and am to get a loan of $50. 1 am able to attend the University only on these terms. Could not have possibly attended otherwise. I would not have gone to any college, as I could not get such assistance. Fully one-half of the men in the Univer sity are of the condition and character suggested by the above statements. The list is given as sample of the sort of men that come to the University and or the ways that they earn a support here. If the University is forced to rely entire ly upon the tnition fees for its support, it Drive rtnrth Carolina of strong leaders in all profes sions and occupations. It is not only false economy but is contrary to the noblest im pulses of humanity. But for the Universi ty at least 125 poor boys annually woold be nnable to obtain the benefits of higher education. Shall the doors of the Invita tion be closed to such men as tbeset Whal corresponding gain would the State there by receive? i Highest of all ia Lexrening Power. Latest U. S GoTt Report THE rXIYERSITT COSTS THE STATE TEST LITTLE AND THE AVERAGE TAX-PATER CONTRIBUTES LESS THAN FOUR CENTS A TEAR FOR ITS 8CTTORT. The University received from the State last year $30,000, being $20,000 regular and $10,000 special appropriation. The regnlar appropriation, if collected per capita, would amount to less than It cents per annum to each inhabitant; bat the tax is paid entirely by property, and the mass of the people in the State really contribute notning to its support. A man who pays ooly poll-tax contributes nothing. A man lsted at $100 pays less than three fourths of a cent annually to the regular appro priation, at $500 less than 4 outs, at $1, 000 lest than 8 cents, at $5 000 less than 40 cents. About nine-tenths of the tax payers would pay less than 8 cents a year for an appropriation of $20,000 to tha sop port, of toe University. THE UNIVERMTT COSTS THE STATE LESS THAN SIMILAR IXSTnXTlOXS ELSE WHERE. The State of Virginia makes the follow ing annnal appropriation (for whites), not inclnding iimi appropriated for repairs: University of Virginia. 40.000 Virginia Military Institute, 30.000 State Female Normal School, 15,000 William and Mary College and Male Normal, . . 15,000 Medical College, S.000 Total. 105.000 South Carolina appropriates for whitest Hera ton College, - - t 50.000 South Carolina College, SO 000 Citadel, 20.000 Wintbrop Normal, 7,500 Total, $ 107.600 North Carolina appropriates for whites: University of North Carolina (being 20,000 regular and tlO.OOO special), 30.0t0 Agricultural and Mechanical College, 17,500 Normal and Industrial School (being 12,600 annual and 4,500 special), 17.000 Cvllowhe Normal, 1,500 . Itaie aferuiuassars Brt. The biennial report of tha Stale 8apr iotndnt for the two years prveodiog June 30tb. 1895, has just eome froe pre. We give extracts, says the Teachers' In stitute, from the recommendation and re marks toot ined therein, which will proba bly be of interest ta oar reader: first. Tha levy of more tax for the sop port of the schools: The Coost'iotion commands a fomr months' school la each district every year. The total ripic fur school for the year 1893 "94 wore fT77.07.. 29; length of school tern nearly tbirteeo wek: $200,000 more needed la eotitinae the school foar noths and pay I be teach er as at present, a bo at $25 per snuolh. Sixteen cents on tha $100 is tha present rale of taxation. 7 3 5 cent mora on the flOO will raise the required amount. Sod. The Coda be anendd so as In maks it easier to boM election fnr special tax in townships, towns or ciiie. The system of schools ia loos Stales that have provuiona for local taxaliua have been decidedly benefitted thereby. Th great need of the system Is Ih I op tion school tsx feature." This will bring the matter home to the people. Tha mo . ey will be invested in a Aom school. The tax-payer will real is tho fnt- front bis ineslment. A spirit .f rivalry will r crested. It will rreate centres n' inielli pence and Longer It to. sod teller paid tearbera a 111 resatt. THrU. As appropriation eofBrieo. to conduct a Couoiv Institute in every roomy rath J ear. Carry the Inetitnt to earb ecu bly and require the teachers to attend and improve themselves or drop them from the roll of puUie school learners. I'omrtk. last the school system ia other respects be left intact. MPut money oouh into the system o support it, and it will cots pare favorably with tba tie." "Let t violent changes be mad ia the inter est of fsl economy. Wo most have su pervision, and lo have this well dooe we must have paid Sopervisoss. No 'cheap John school system has ever amoaaled to anjlhiog. and io Ibe very nature of school work no such system ran ever grow into anything asefal ia Iraioiog citixsosfora free country controlled by a free, indepen dent and noble people." From the statistical labia are gathered the following interesting fscts: Neater white eaildrea of school re 3W.70B Average atteadaaee 149.040 Number colored eaildrea of school sve 213.1BI A vermes attendant 71.244 N amber of schools tasrkt (while) 4.BII N ass bar of schools taaf at (eoloesd) 3,294 Vslaeaf school property (wait) S7.14im Value f school property (colored) 301,149 M Number of first grade teachers (white) .911 Number ef first grade teachers (colored) ,C Nassber seeoad grade teachers , (white) 1.14 Nsmber seeoad grade teachers (colored) 1.SC4 Nsmber laird grade teachers (while) 239 Nsmber third grade tearhers (colored) 631 Number Institatrs held (whits) 34 Nsmber Institute held (colored) t4 Nsmber teachers attending (while) 1.K4 Nsmber Use hers attending (rdV 915 Number schoolsosee (whiU) 4 334 Namber m hoe 1 houses (colored) 2,010 Averse salary f teachers (wall TVs 7re4 XVesf last lafsay. THE CLIMAX or lyfAMT. KaWifh Xwsl OWth. Tb aclioQ of the Ho ia pastier a revolution thai when it eJjoura n should do so oat 4 respvet o Fr-d DoeUxs and hi whit wife, has erratni a sea tioa ia every -rutrt f ih Miniry, W can understand bow it eboul-l esriie sur piis ever T here except in North Caro lina, bat il CMigbt sot lo have oeeasioaed any sor prise or enieraaiin lt. Ia fact it oaakt lo bare- been ei pec ted. Il was only a lofiral neqaeae tolh other acts of Ihia LgiUiore. It I. sn . kicking out n on UvjreJ. et Confederal soldier to nisk pUeo for a hearty necro man. It tamed down another maimed soldier, and mad him aerept a Bale plac aoder lh nerro. which L woold not have done t-nl for hi etirrme poverty. ft eU-eled a ero pJiiieiaa from Cumberland. i whom ihe Iieai. Governor, every Senator and employ bss t g lo s-t nn order for his er lm or wsges. Tb House has paasl no election law framed with lh porpua of enst.limr necro voter to repeal withoat of detection. Il has goo from step In step aloor this line of Afrtranixine Ik Rials nntil tb negroes, who share th feelinrs of lh Rieheaond etmrtlv Utky, are all fllT -J.V e. .toon lo K.dly." said he. "a si'ht I'e long l-een wai ling to se. and lhal is hil- ro-ft a-otkn an Itf s sifrrr." The resolution ef adjournment in honor of lh nerro who omd a whit wife, mnd thus proved himself an eaeasy to1 both races an.) ike far of both, is woes a thousand limes than either of lh oth er. Il ie-lhe climax of il all, and mast not only bring lb Mash of sham lo veey whit man in lh Si ate, bat also dtat every negro who has any ptiJe or self r spsel. W hsv reoehed lh eiituat of infamy. Will obit men. who hsv a spatk of Siai pridor love of home, go farther with Ibis revolution that ha now renrhed its climax in ndnring miscegenation aad its consequent horrors. Tb t44l f u VerVa. BWs JWrml of Cuss In their aaaual review of ih cot to trad rr lh season of 153394 Ellison A Co. sv iheir estimate of lb aambe of spindle employed in lb cot to iadsstry in Ore! Bniain, lh roolinenlal eooatnes, iucladiog Russia, aad ia India, in rh Tear sine 1SS9. From this and prio .? . -. . - . VMimaiesor Messrs. tViltsno lb olhmg tsbl has been prepared, showing I m nem- nev or sptaoie lor earb or lb ten yar the krreas withia hi poriod: (treat tlnUMJ. SpssWs ( 4 . , - --r- ' . . vv w Right Arm Paralyzed! Saved froa SL Vitra Dance "Our dauxLur, I '.iocbe. dow fif. YIV.. k4 o terribly aict4 with BtrnujiMi, ar4 br Wl u entire na of bcr rtfcv ana. tba bri liiyslcLia. mnh no UrocSu tbT3J-Jv-Uf "r UUe of Vr. KUca itrrviD an4 ha rxioed 21 powoo. Her DcrvouaocM aad srmt tomsof Ft. Vitus Uoc w entirely roo. to tired rtx4 rrgBlxrl ao4 Las rrcovcrrd coop." ua It d rra, bcr arpttlia ta spco&d." KEX, B. a. BCLLOCK. ftratoa. B. T. Dr. Allies' Nervine Cures. fta ft.. . , . . T- i i M aneS as a snM.. I .sis r Miss SJIJ "' s. s. a uraie .- SV ul tm srs. eetHt. o rsrwst ml by us w. auio MJZZZl,9V2. .U BY ALL I8tGJtHT8. a ea larfaa. !, IssT. I SB, laws, I", lrl. isej, la. ISM, as eos.f ?. n too ii t sy s ttvsfts SXTOS.ens tl W e vs ex J or IT os xilts ti&osso .rar 41. . sos TJJos sr Mtmnt J Vro ; efN ITVsns 2 To. aw iTvo cos t u V.n xrr .7j0 so r sal s It Tsl.S Xjai n V" o ? i n r.' os a twits 4i TTS fc ? S I) MI.SCO x ;aM 4ixrv IT i t I c . SlurjlHiid 1,1 le Iiisuruitr) Com. Mn of Italtlmnrr, Eaj Hertz Cttsttl, C:rrcnii c Assets. . f I.7W suae brpl as I I'mtff II'. lees, lt ) .) CO V M. II. LLACKl UKU. Ireeat. PtstcTuas: Ilamtllan . Ws. II. fVrk.a. CTkrvs- I aa Uevrses. I" Mortoo jMeart. 1 14-: as . 1 asm as. Ja Uiil. vt ss ji. Ji Palle. beaes-e Cl Jeba.ts. CU or !.! JNU. a TII-UNGIIAST. OesersJ Aeeat. I-I7-W tm ! at etie.:. X. C. a JUST A FEW WHS" That aorne of the jounp; mrn hare to aay who hax ridden the I RAMBLER BICYCLE,z Afrasra. JL J. YsUerss W tV, GcvTtxsrjr: Replying I y fsvor f reeeat ! (a r tr4 l-s iw -lUmVter Bsc, W wa say: Th lUmUer is a mr fovfert I every tpt a it Is aoasskU I msh a wheel. I ha r4 Is (S) .feeeet avsVs f wboei (smseg U asmbe wa a ColcmUa) aad I has r4-le masy avsee. hstihtRta bier U lh ess test rvaaief a4 IV most eom fortahl wheel I rU tlsl I has mr mted. I am oar I sasil waal I trad nasi. Wtshiag yoa a3 th y r3y . ia sis Ik best wheel earlk, I T very lr'.j, t- m. pnrxrx. FVy I Ui J. J. Vol res. a 4 Cm Co-vvsasar: Hrr4ic yr ;ery as t -Hw I Lh Ik RmWle IWjsSe." I aee4 ty MaJ ssy s tiwm. Lost J I sw4t a T4mW, aad aft rid it t anoath. I o4 M aad fThaf4 a -Hasikier I rsa VsiaU!v str that tk RamUe ht Ik best I k eve aewanle-l. a4 reaTf VI a4 kaww what ridtag wa aatU I k4 ssy ttahier. Tara, I- B, IUWEXTIUL. A. B. Williams, FAYETTEVILLK, k. o. Commiastoa Merahaai. Hover of Cotton aad Naval i. aad LValer ia Hair, Li roe, ftaaief aod Ceeaebt. HssT PkOFLVloXAL CAKD5. isai t. ir?.- nseeeoL S it It 4.CO.SO to Hit 7t 14 Average salary of teachers (whit female) Averse salary of teachers (cTd male) Averse salary of teachers (eofd female) Th diminution in th namber of stan di in Great Britain in is eir-Kined by lh fact thai at that limesboat COO.TOO spindle wer broken sp in v a noes dt I nets. 300.000 of them beicg replaced by new mitl creeled tn th Oldbsm d. strict. The wid disDrooortioo ia 'k iaereas 23 04 1 wilhi tb last lea Sears In Ores! Britain aad ia tb other cotto spinning -ootne is very lematkabh. J. a. a as a. a. a. j. r. atira. a. as DBS. HARSH i HIGHSJIITH. C":t :?. 2. Ccf? HizlzX Zzizt, a. i. nrsrsa, ax sx a vaas w ktmi.a kv s m, HUITIB, T18T8, ICS u K3 M 19 2? r4tttTKTii.La. n. c P. 3. PITIIBSCI, 0, 0, s All Model of tho Rambler $100. WRITE OH CALL FOR CATALOG I F. A.J. PEMBERTON L CO. BONDS! If ya has to ss say kis4 wt CraJe h4 n rvii k wu rr r t cava tk Aers re4- I he aTs4 tk Aef wt tk -L is Onarsat 4 AesAet taa- rsoe 0spy." 4' paasrs U ha4. I n raraian fmm a ai4 1 rrt Iarae asay 1 aa rsprsosat la Uar-.tara ras Issfi etisn a4 traa Csaatta. Ay whk arxeam So'sttuUn) H tasi4 a4 kae a rrte acamst ss e.iWr 4irrr a t4irrt from t in on. Wa U timis t ree laswasise, tke ar ketler Caaspaaae IX tk W'wsiHil ta my sy: TIIE.CTXA. THE AM EUCAX F1KE, THE WCSTLJOt ASSrfcAXCX CO. THE IIAMBCKO BBFlfEX. THECAEOUXA. VH'i rjte Vaisaw Aswrt. vV raioss; v kae s3r seastra- Uoa f Lh va? f rr ta-rr- &. R. nt'sVaX. PclirHsilraiCaiGiii!! 1 a rxnx ax 9 rru AxacxntzxT kxiia- cu8 AmAcrrrv sorxxxnx Total, G6.000 North Carolina thns appropriated Ust year only fCC.010 lo tb higher education of the whites against $105,500 appropriated by Virginia and 1 107.500 by South Caro lina. The whit population of South Caro lina not bait as urge as lost io oor State, and yet tha Slate appropriates nearly twice as mucb money annually. Virginia's whito population is not so large as ours, but its appropriation fur higher education is nearly twie as much. For white higher education last year: West Virginia appropriated, Connecticut, Vermont, Pennsylvania, New York, California,- - Kansas, Ohio, . , ' J Michigan, Minnesota, Illinois, Colorado, Nebraska, 1100.000 80.000 32.000 130.000 606.000 1M.000 M.000 , 1T3.000 &1.000 174.0UO 137.000 550 0U0 178,000 'Besides tsx of one per cent, on 9100 for University. The list might be extended. Appro priations for the higher education of tb eolored race are also larger elsewhere than in North Carolina. Mr. Flinders Petrie has noma across a eurious cemetery at Uagadab, io npper Egppt. The people buried ther are not Egyptians, for the bodies ar systemati cally mutilated; the heads aro taken off and buried after th bodies, and tha larg er bones are broken off at the marrow end and gnawed. The articles fouod belong to the latest stone age; there ar ston and alabaster vases, beads, beautifully worked flints, ivory and bonehairpns aod combs, and a great variety of pots, many of them decorated, but no iron or bronxe. Soma papvrl have also been found, io one of which we have for tba first lima the com plete list of tha first ten Ptolemies io Oreek. Bostsa. TsystUvQl As. Th Teachers' lost it at contains, in th following iat cresting information, a bit of gratifying aewa concerning Fyeileville excellent Oraded School Sopcrialeodeol, Misa Matthews: Th ninth annual session of lb Associa tion of City Superintendents of North Carolina met in Ralelab, December Th following Superintendent wer pre sent: Eg'lesion of ArbevUVr, Tom of Dutbsm, Nobl of Wilmiogion, Mosof Raleigh. Grim sir y of Greensboro. Blair of Winston, Co nor of Wilson. Davis of Tarhoro. and Ovetmsn of BalUbnrr, How. II, of Gotdsboro, wss nns voids hiy kepi away, aad Shepp. of Reidsvil!, biag an unmarried man, spent his spar time in Riebmond iostead of BaWifb. Anson tb visitors wem President Winston and Pro fessor Alderman of th Univerniv, Pio fessor Claxton of lb Normal, and Slate Superintendent Bcnrboroogh. President Blair presided, aod 8pnotodal Toms acted as Secretary is lb aboe of Sec retary Howell. Eoeooragieg reports wtr beard from all th Supriaiadai. Val. abl papers wer read bf Nobl en '"Poli ties and Kdocatlon." Mo on "Th Clas sification of Popil in Pa bit School, Toms on "Normal Traioiog aod Drawing ia Poblie Schools," Connor 00 A Method of Teaching Latin to Begin ors.n Ad dresses wer mad by Spriolndnt Scar borough, President Winston aod Profes sor Alderman. Th of Ibe Su perintendent body of tbo 8(alo baa nader goo quits a cbaoga doriog lha Ust two or tbre years, aod ooty mm or to "on- rioals" have "held oot fatttrol at tbtr old , ss a ao,s .a iHQTLP n imni. Th Fstrsetls FsU f ih stk Osfht ts lalp tk. rt. iyiM 4e hfts f ess.ssi i.aJ Goldsboso. N. C. March 2. An Appeal ' h pairvoite PeopUof th Sooth: Th Ooldshoro Rifle. Cmpy D. First Regimes!, North Croli Slat Usard, hav aodrtaken I snatk lb long neg lected spot, lh battlefield of tWaloasviU. N. C, wber so rnaay of Ih trav hero of lh Sooth fell Cghiicg for a cans lhal was right. So far tbey hat beea so eeeafal in raising soCeseat foods to py for a handsom monsment. which has been erert e.l. They ar now ens sed in Bovtig Ibe saered hone of lh lUn h roe who leil. lo Ibeir finsl reslieg pise Dearth monument, which is aLsuloiely necessary, a in many iaslaac ihey 1 blarbiog in Ike sa. Th Oistane I Ih balllefiekl from ik eity U ner 2 mile, aad Ih near! point I riilmad IS, oo SM)UOt1y Ih el peases hav beeo Xttf heavy. All lb avaiiab'. fands bv tree eahaosted aad tbey now repctfaCy sp pal lo a genemaa pablsr f-t aid, so lhal tbey tan complei lb removal 01 lb ded aad dedieai lb aonmn' on Marsh 20th with appropriate cor monies. Very respectfully, W. II. II. Con. CVm'o. T. II. Bat. Secretary. Botocvill Monumental Commille. Papers interested in tb cans will (Was eooy. , T OtaSMiM,i ml r.rMieiilu ft... .... . . 1 o issesa t)ym oae f ta fss est S tnuars w. BiLcooD, VTT01IIJ3V sat IjAW. PRACTICE IN ALL THE Cvt'ttTS. All Ssaller r'are4 la k s hands ltrtSS! Si leal 1 orncE invMAi.E bcilmno. r mrt siili k. j. r. LAW FIRM. Tke a4erixe-l are frs-m this day mm iate4 I the 4seiM- of L kersver tkeir svurri may k rn4. Tk twM tr oi;i a ta it C la Fytt .ie e a save 4s v la esery Week. JAVILS C UCRaE. II. MACRAE. Jsasary I. lOX nJrsa e ar 4 Vy I rather aaI avesfal. skissesast feteaS rsedeasrs to- f Iketr tXTXXXSU 4XT UHlIlinT. t araia rem i4 casitmi rs. ta Ik Insist as e4eet4 direct thai I wul sf-f tkem at lies isa ti ssi sura. mrs srro rata rassaay o arva iur Ilayees Seta artjtar eZl ns rra's-i; v lltf tsltaisssi a4 hsacsow kIC XL. a04 la ts egrtt aad teal dopUy. rsSrrssa C rs S sol w S ye tmrnUtr uW the a rest r foil sve. fa kr their ha'ieaa'.e peW Is ety ar?y ea as as Ik ssaalie ft, ss4H petite seed sriet, are e?ee4 at. Tr f snow, sets ta statu tk,e .wsl 1 thee f se4. w:i e se rXXJT. &7ALSTT d st wCArrm cr tru ru a a k paper. T et siaskl sVsKaadL 'l 1st ri"y sppeakt) lee tardea at lawev prsee. I k t at a fall set meat ss" softs':! y avr rrss Ik ssst. eessaksr e ef SATU LtXtAXTX A SCXt, whsrh ar fee4 at oa e4 a -. 11. K. nLNE. tss a rest 1- It-M fs Itc lieaderan A Co. SsttlraM A Th It 82 v la lh world for Cat. Brais, Soee. Ulcer. H Rbeam. Fver oee, T t.r. Ckappe4 llsnds. CkUtlsiaa, Coras, aad TO THE PUBLIC. Th 4rltre4 aa k fa4 ai k S Or. street, oket k :) k t 44 4 new fse4ak kas WfsJ work of 1 any hiad reairta Ik servsres f a Uy. Ilr0-H3m JollNO.MlAW. Good Things! SPICED PIO FEET. COD FISH, POTATOES AND ONIONS, MACARONI AND IT'LL C&EAM CHEESE, PICKLES, CABBAGE. TURNIPS, BEANS, PEAS, OAT FLAKES BT THE POUND, SUGAR, COFFEE, KIUIM U s v uojiv v m nsssasa ass on iwwti " , I . , . . si.nd- F.ysti.v.n. i. .bead of ibo otbr tiLred .',17,. North Carolina town, in that ah. ha I 1. JruZLZ u SE BARSEV A. . tlliX.s sill. INK. we, v FIAMS, 110 MI NT, BACON, LAUD, FLOUR, MEAL, Boston was originally named Trroont or Tromoantaio. from being built on tbr hills Beacon. Kopp and Fort bills. Io 1630 tha court of Charlestown ordered th name chantred to Boston. This wss th name of a citv in England, a contraction of St. Botolph's town, a town in Lincoln shire, which rrew op round a famoos monastery. Qoiek Wseiag. London Answer. Ua was an artist at sleight of hand. song and danco iady she. Tbey met at 1 they love at 2, they .tosrricd at half psst 3 A brief, brief drearA of wedded bliss, tbtn she criticised bis (rick. Tbey wrangled at 4, they quartyed at 5 and parted for over at u. wt , ladv SuDrintodot. Wilmiogto aod Raleigh eom sooood io havieg lady pna cipals. Tbs ar foliowiog th xampl of many or oar nod 0 cm iii nod oo rooolie which hsv lady Priaeipala aod Supriotnd nts; and as soon as it brov a thoroughly accepted id iat id otrcn aod muscl ar not important factors in the matter of odueatioo, Ih srvics of mo will b at a discos at. Lady teachers ar undoubtedly jast as rffltieot, aod ar said to b moch moro loyal In ibeir superiors io offle. Tb Aotitioa retd Tot, of Durham, President, aad How!!, of Ootds boro. Secretary. Tb oett mtig will b in Kaleigb. Lcembr ZO. iSeatnrki. For saie by B. E. SHibrry A So. Fsjelle- ville. J. C Dr il- Swse . ss. aw 1 rt.mvs.9ai , , w t -m,, S- ,4 ftM .)ft, S. S'" IM' -- ftft s.-.. t. t ! a rasa- This remedy ia Wcomina so well-know a and so popular a to Bd no special mention. All woo nav a sea rueeui inner stag ta asm sod of rraiss. A parvr sadicia doe not exist, and It la gaarat4 t do all that Is claimd. Uctrs Bitters will ear all dis ease of th Liver aad KiUaers, wiU remoy Puaple. Boil, Salt Kb am and tky affec tions ead by impar blood. Will driv Malaria from tb ey, aad prevent a well as ear all Malarial fever. -For ear f Head ache. Cosstlpnnt aad Indigewtlon try El-1 trie Bitter -Tmr satiafaction gaaraaUed ! or tnoTTrf an.lod. Prie M etc. aad fl.Ou pr boUle, at B. E. Sedberry Son's Drag btora. Don't Forget that when you buy Scott's tvraul tioa you are not getting a secret mixture containing worthiest or harmful drugs. Scott's Emuliiort be se cret for an. analysis reveals all there it la u Consequently the endorsement of the medical world srwr tmlkim. Scott's Emulsion ercomet Vitimt promote the. making of SiiJ Uk, and givet ViUl Srfftt. It b no equal at a cure for Cor Cca. Sot TKrost. Beiit. Wash Lrv Costumptio. ScrofuU. A!, tma. iabo. ad Wasting Diseases of Children. ittis.a.I. as s ss " ooassas. rENHYROYAL PILLS asV-ssa. a aaVoan 'U msi-mstl ssr,r.. nt M m T . "V " 1 rf Wat f a. tsm - m, mm H syajMt'lMai wsi ImSTHT. itxaxrtJT-sTrrxjL oxitircL-corcxTiJO. OOOO OtLQO VATU CB MUX. PAUh.tR ft HAIR BALSAM ftftj . t I juk eft. 1 s- nil a 1 at -r' 1 t pi. 1 r, - ftj 1 J.ilH Mftw S II I se ftft m Ik.. M la-eft " S-,--. rftfts. Tm. ft. 1 ft. MIWOI' VOr. .. Tft. . - sb mm. . m W-".-l a - X. X ?-M t FANCT ELGIN AND GILT EDGE BUTTER. CANNED GOODS AND FKUITS c. II At King Brothers TOC WILL F1NI EnirPn3E:!il GitiSuli Only 1 Cent a Paper. TV m wk k(kt ed of as 1 o s4 BOX IT 4-r 4 fiss! i"k re4 from 4 Ikes wkokvyof a this W'tU ear nse mr. a4 w gsors- U ey fpt t k Are i rra JftW. E CASJsT A LAKGK S1.kK VT zzEnp, lull til Tu.::2 ad at lir ta si 4 (at4v asT 1 . Is-1 at r star or sa4 a teat ty trmly. KING, Neat Dm to Fsot t . " Draxxie's aad lse4av, t'trrutt, K. C, t I t : t i ' it? 1 1 ; 1 4 i

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