THE OBSERVER. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C, MARCH 14, 1895. EiUfcliahed in 18S3 by S. J. Hal, 8r. X. J. HALE, Editor and Proprietor. A REST FROM LEGISLATION, r We observe (hat most of onr contem poraries are ' rejoicing that the adjourn ment of Congress brings ns a rest from legislation. Especially does Mr. Matthew Marshall- one of the entertaining writers who enliven the columns of the New York Sun with the sophistical disquisitions on the finances and economics which the half-deep people of the 'metropolis" swal low so eagerly especially does this all knowing gentleman elaborate the rea sons for the prevalent state of mind. He begins his column and a half article thus: "The rejoicings on the Stock Exchange, last Monday, over the final adjournment of Congress expressed pretty fairly, it may be presunfed, the- sentiments on th subject of the citizens of this part of the country. It is true that the expiration of every Congress and of every State Legislature for years past has likewise been hailed with delight, but that does not in the least diminish the significance -of the demonstration. It is also true that the Congress which lias just passed out of exis tence has shown rather an incapacity for good than a capacity for evil; and that its sins have been sins more of omission than of eommis . sion, but nevertheless there was no telling what it might not eventually have succeeded in accomplishing in the way of mischief, and now tbat it is safely dead and buried we are ready to give thanks as for the removal of eome devastating monster of the ancient fables." - That seems to express the truth, and it is probably what most of the ptople who "get their ideas from the money centres think. But those who have been so ef fectually pulling the strings of govern ment from those centres for two years, do not think whatthey employ Mr. Marshall's kind to make the people think they think. There never was a Congress which so completely fulfilled the desires of the con trolling interests in those parts. When it allowed itself to be bought, or hoodooed, to consent to the unconditional repeal of the Sherman law, it fulfilled the wildest dreams of good legislation that those Mr. Marshall represents could ever have en tertained. If its members have erred since in the estimation' of these gentlemen, it has been simply in lagging superfluous on the stage. Their work was complete ly done with that one act. . The foolish notion which Mr. Voorhees and Mr. W. I. Wilson so sedulously propagated that the President , would use the same power which he employed to secure the repeal of the "makeshift" to secure the compre hensive supplementary financial legisla tion which the country so much needed, was doomed to wither in the bud. It is plain that the President never had the slightest intention of doing anything of cut from $16,000 to $6,000. Bill to con solidate agricultural department A. & M. College, (Congress gives $17000 providing college be forever separate from any other!) Mewborne to be manager of both, passed 57 to 22. Tuesday Governor Carr sent a special message saying if the penitentiary appro priation was not increased this institu tion must meet a crisis within the year. Appropriation increased to $45,000 for two vears. - Countv boards-of education and county superintendents abolished. The bill to appont nine new directors for the penitentiary came up, some of the mem bers, Democrats, sfarted to leave the Hall to break a quorum, when the negro door keeper forced them back. A scuffle fol lowed, and had not the door been lorcea open a serious riot would have occurred. It was decided earlv in the session that 6i votes was- necessary for aye and no vote, but last night there were only 60, when the Speaker cast a vote making 61. Smith, of Stanly, faced the Speaker, standing in the middle aisle, tall and de fiant, and protested against such action. All the calender cleared and adjourn ment comes to-night. Bui for nine new penitentiary directors and for election of State Librarian by Legislature killed to day. F. A. O. the kind, and the coup tie grace was given to all hopes that he would when he went off to the duck marshes of South Carolina and left the Carlisle bill to its fate that is, to be killed by his anti-silver Eastern democratic friends- It is plain, therefore, to those who have memories, that, in the estimation of the money sharks who infest our Eastern States, the 53d Congress is the most " "patriotic" and deserving of any that has assembled since the ones that authorized the greenbacks and created the national banks and taxed State banks out of ex istence and dropped silver from the coin age law. After describing the effects of the Baring . collapse and the recoil produced by the extravagant living which preceded that, Mr. Marshall winds up with this: "However this may be, and whatever may be the opinion entertained of the country's condition, no legislation can improve it. Con gress cannot make wheat and cotton and beef and pork sell for any more in the European markets than the competition of rival agn ' cultural countries will permit, and, as a con- sequence, it cannot convert the millions of dollars of railroad securities now in default into sound interest and dividend payers." And ' so on. Now, in those words "no ilegislation can improve the country's condition," is the seat of the monstrous fallacy which underlies all the goldbug arguments. What the country needs is not legisla tion, but the undoing of legislation. It needs rest from the encroachments of Federal legislation upon the domain of State legislation. The States turned over the coining of gold and silver to the Fed eral government, but they gave it no au thority to refuse to coin either of those me tals. Nor did they give it authority to make the false-money greenbacks; nor to repress State bank notes, that powerful engine of credit which enabled the States to subdue the wilderness and diffuse wealth under the oldjpegime in such fash ion as the world hadynever before seen the like of. . V We do not need a rest from legislation . legislation that will undo bad legislation. As well might one withhold the antidote from the victim of an overdose of morphia, on the ground that it was medicine which caused the trouble in the first instance. We are in the extiemest need of legisla tion legislation which no doubt this now repentant Congress, the supply of Con sulships being exhausted, would have been ready to give except for the certainty - of its being met with a yeto. That was what Vance meant when he plead with the three or four faithless Southern sen ators who helped the republicans to shift the burden of affirmative legislation and tie the hands of Congress thereafter. : THE LEGISLATURE. Speckl Correspondence of the Observer. Ralkigh, N. C, March 11, 1895. There is quite a wrathful feeling in the heart of Mr. Tom Purnell because no place has been assigned him; all the others of the Big Five were suited while he was left out. The code commission is full. Guthrie, Russell and Blackburn, with Malvern H. Palmer of Warren as clerk, bnt now that the salary is to be cot down Guthrie and Russell are not so anxious for the place. The two new criminal circuits are "judged" Ewart for the Western and Cook of Warren for the Eastern. S. Otho Wilson gets the nice fat place of Railroad Commissioner and Kitchen gets Leazar's place as superintendent of the penitentiary, tbat is if he can oust Lea nr. Harry Skinner made a strenuous effort to save the Wilmington charter and when he left tho caucus thought he had done so, but French the next morning got his fol lowers in line and poor Wilmington went under ' police board" rule. The criminal court of Mecklenburg and New Hanover went by the board aud the Eastern crimiual circuit f seven counties was formed, this circuit being forced u.pon some counties that did not want it. . 1 There was an effort mad to add six ad ditional directors to the asylum boards, but this Skinner showed the populists would not do. ' Grant and Moody had made a contract with Qov. Carr that if he would appoint, to fill vacancies, six directors they would name, the asylums should be let alone. Gov. Carr had appointed these men, and they hid been confirmed, and the party if they wanted to keep together must abide by -this contract. There is much kicking against Grant and Moody because it is said they have knocked the republicans and populists out of some good jobs by this contract, but it will stand. It is said that on account of differences with president Hoffman Mr. McGlenn who succeeded Mr. Harding here as master machinist of the S. A. L. shops has re signed. Mr. McGlenn came here when the shops were closed at Lanrinburg. A bill has passed the legislature that gives the fusionists a majority of three on the board of agriculture, and puts the A. and M. college under the same control. The power to select books for the public schools has been taken from the bands of the Stato superintendent of public instruc tion, and now -each county board of edu cation has the power to select books for their respective counties. It will prove a costly experiment. The book publishing counties it is said paid $10,000 to secure the passage of this bill. The bill to recharter Raleigh, and which was known as the Young bill has failed to pass. The Shaffer bill went thmi gb, and while it is calculated to put -our city in the hands of the republicans and popu I'sts, still it will be under white rule. The Young bill would have negroized the city. The Atlantic and N. C. railroad will go into the hands of the rep-pops next Sep tember when at the annual meeting of the officers a president will be elected. Tbis will probably be Grant of Wayne. This legislature has assumed the right to name the State proxy, and that will be R. B. Kiuey of La Grange, who will nominate Grant. In the room assigned to North Carolina, in the Woman's Building at Atlanta, the ladies propose to- place a large bare pine table, and upon this table, in a frame, the petition and bill for an appropriation of $5,000 which the Senate so promptly ta bled, and in another frame a picture of th members of the Senate with the ayes and noes marked. "Only this and nothing more," but it will tell all who visit the Ex- why he wanted to play "dog in the office of superintendent was placed op- Morgaotop; bill f.r support of pen. r" and refuse to the University on it8 8eoond reading and was postponed; Wft pltl. . The debt is t22,CX imld not have. The committee to elect state libarian by the legislature appropriation is at the rate of CUE REST COKKEHT. The goldsbugs, seeing the handwriting on the wall, now. whistle to keep their courage up. They strike an attitude and say, "come on with your silver issue." The world do move, sure enough. , We give up most of our space to the closing acts of the Douglass legislature, whose proceedings our excellent Raleigh correspondent has been carefully report ing from week to week. Next week we will give a list of the acts passed. Winding up the Legislator. Special to the Observer Raleigh, March 13, 6 p. m. Monday, Rice endeavored to pass a reso- position in Atlanta, why the women of North Carolina have no work on exhibition there. The bill to appropriate $20,000 for the State exhibit failed also. ; The friends and foes of the "State aid" question appeared before the educational committee last week, and bitter, sharp, personal speeches were made. The fight before the committee was principally made by President Winston and Maj. Guthrie for the appropriations and the Baptists led by Rev. Mr. Durham against it. Mr. Dur ham said Wake Forest would not have an appropriation from the State even if her charter allowed it. Maj. Guthrie then asked him the manger what he would reported favorably with only two dissent ing votes, so the University gets $20,000 annually; State Normal and Industrial School at Greensboro $13,000 with $5,000 annually for two years for sanitary and other improvements; the A. and M. college hero gets $15,000 annual appropriation with a $7,500 for two years for new domi tories, etc. The worst blow that ever be fell the University was the election of Otho Wilson as one of its directors. The penitentiary goes to the populists with Kitchen at its head Nine new direct ors are to be appointed. There is a $22,000 debt on the penitentiary $20,000 being the result of the drop in prices of products. ljt was decided ouce to nave no more joint caucuses, but last week one more, was held to make an equal division of the spoils. A bill to reduce the bonds of sheriffs failed to pass in all save one instance, that of Pamlico. So many of the bills this session have been stolen or misplaced. It has created much annoyance. None of Wake's representatives voted for the completion of the confederate mon ument until the last ballot. Shame upon them. The putting of women on the school boards of Goldsboro is but another wedge for women's rights in North Carolina. Surely it will never get a foot hold. Monday in the Senate was a busy day. The following bills were introduced:- To prohibit boycotting by railroads in North Carolina; to allow the commissioners of 1 remont to regulate sale of liquor in Fre mont; to make the State Geologist ex-offiiio commissioner of Immigration: to incor porate the Warm Springs railroad, to abol- isn the omce of treasurer in certain eoun Bill passed by a voto 32 to 9 to reduce the appropriation to the State Guard from $250 to $150 for each company, and the salary of the Adjutant General from $000 to $300. Bill to create the office of lumber inspec tor aud imposing a tax of 10 cents a 100 foot ob round logs, half to the inspector and half to the school fund passed with amendments that the bill take effect July 1, next, and that the salary of an inspector shall not exceed $800. Many counties were . -.1 0 il. . ,1.- Kill. bill to regulate the insurance business ana to create the omce of insurance commis sioner at $1,800 salary, to hold office four vears after election by the legislature. caused warm debate. It was alleged that it was created for political purposes, sen ator Fortune admitted he was a candidate. It was tabled. Bill to appropriate $5,000 for the woman's exhibit at Atlanta was tabled 34 to 8; the inheritance tax bill was defeated. There was a hot discussion on the new criminal eourt circuit. Dowd'e amendment to strike out New Hanover and Mecklenburg was lost and the bill passed. In the House favorable rtports were made to the democrats in the eon tests from Edgecombe and McDowell coun ties. Bills introduced: To prevent boyeots by railroads; to reduce bonds of henffs; to protect creditors against fraudulent uis tributiot? of property; to protect the or ganization of the Raleigh electric light company: the county government bill was made special order for 11 to-morrow. Bills passed to make appropriations for the east era hospitable for the insance at Golds boro $37,500 this year. $40,000, next year for maintenance, and $10,000 tbis year and $7,500 next year for new baiMiogs; toe machinery act was amended: an amend ment was adopted requiring foreign B. & L. associations to list for taxation their stock held by citizens of the State. At the night sessiou of the House: Bills to incorporate Bank of Tarboro passed 3rd reading: to amend the charter of Golds boro passed 3rd reading; to prevent sale of low gride keroseue oil was tabled; to levy a tax to build a new jail in McDowell county passed 3rd reading, also the same for Alexander county, and to authorize Greensboro to issue bonds. Bill to incor porate the Roanoke Railway and Bridg Co.; to appoint trustees for Goldsboro graded school passed 3rd reading, on tbis board of trustees are three ladies. Bill to charter Winston Salem and Southbound railway company passed final reading; to amend charter of Wilmington and South ern railway company; to appropriate fJ. 000 for repairs and support o? the Deaf, Dumb and BUnd asylums, these passed 3rd readings; to amend the charter of the Atlantic and N. C. railway company, pro viding for the appointment of 8 directors and a State proxy, aud allowit g the State .a vote for every share of stock passed 2nd reading; to ineorpo-ate Tenn. Kiver im provement company passed 3rd reading. In the House: To change time of holding Superior court of Duplin; for State board of education to tefund money paid to it for grants to which the board could not make title both passed 3rd reading. Bill to pay It. D. Burton and S. G. Ryan $963.43 attorney's fees in ease of State vs. Wilmington & . Weldoo railroad passed 2nd and 3rd readings; also bill requiring trustees and mortagees to more a ecu rately describe the premises to be sold. in ins senate on luesday bills were introduced defining fraternal beneficiary societies; to increase number of directors of the penitentiary; bill to allow oyster dredg ing by natives under license, was taken from the table- and paraed 23 to 4. It was stated tbat it would yield $50,000 to the state; the bill to allow the people of Richmond county to vote on the creation of Scotland county passed final reading; bill to provide for eonnty adoption of school books was taken np, and the bill passed; bills passed amending charter of Ashevide; to abolish August term of John ston Superior eourt; to incorporate the People's Fire Insurance Company: to in- cot porate Morganton and Shelby railway; to amend chatter of Concord; to change eounty seat of Kutnerford fmro Rather fordton to Forest City; in the House a res olution was adopted commending the senate for passing the Confederate Mono ment Din, and nrging the Moore to pass it. This resolution was sent by poet, grand army of Republic: of Asbeville: bills were introduced to amend tho charter of Raleigh providing a police board which is to appoint all officers save mayor, who is to be elected: bill passed ineorporat ing the San ford Lilliugtoo and Eastern railway; to incorporate South Atlantic endowment company of North Carolina; to incorporate Atlantic, Yaoeejville and Reidsville railway; to incorporate Carolina and N. W. railway; the bill to extend the charter of the New York, Norfolk and Charleston railroad was tabled; the bill to change tbe present system of count, gov ernment passed, just as it came from the tenate, by a strict party vote of 74 to 30 democrats voting no. There was quite a sensation on a vote on an amendment by Ray, democrat, providing that the people should elect magistrates. This was lost ayes 12, nays 73. Tbe bill passed its final reading and becomes a law to-morrow; The next bill taken np was the senate bill providing for tbe election of 3 additional magistrates by tbe people at tbe next elee tion. Ibis also passed by a strict party vote 01 to 01. In the Senate on Tuesday night the bill to incorporate tbe Farmers' Life Asso ciation, passed Jrd reading; tbe bill in creasing the number of directors of the penitentiary from 5 to 14, and abolishing removal of Coort House; to incorporate Morganton and Shelby railway a bill to allow Mecklenboru eounty and Charlotte to boy fair groan ds, and to provide tbat the State Fair shall be held la loariotiA two vears, and at Raleigh two year alter nately, was put 00 the calendar; bill to elect 9 additional directors of tbe peniten tiary eame up on 2nd reading; this tu stated to be ooeoosntotionai. 11 was 10 order to pat tbe penitentiary in charge of the fusionists, A bell, of Jobaaroa, said as 99 per eeot. of the eoo vtts were repub licans he was ia favor of giviog tbe repub licans tho care of them, tbe bill passed 32 to 6; Senator Catver, of Cumberland, is aa aspirant for the position ot manager of the penitentiary, ia the House bills pens ed incorporating-the BJoe Ridge M. E. Confers act: nearly the entire session was to ioeorporaU Farmers' and Mrwbsots' Bank of Bryaoo City; to amend charter ot the North Cerolio Savior d Trust eoto paay; to allow aoioeorporated insoraoea companies to do baste io tbe State by depositing $20,000 with Klate Beemtaryt appropriating $1,000 foe tbe completion of tbe governor a mansion. Ia the Hoee Mr. Ueademoa celled at tentioa to bis motioo last night for moo eideratioa of tbe penitentiary appropri ation. There was some debate oa tbe aab jeet. and French moved poefpoeeaeot uotil Monday at 11 o'clock. Tbis motioe prevailed. Other bills were of a aoioor character. Tbe code eommisaioa wee re ferred to Judiciary co -amide to be re ported oa bat or da. Saturday's Seoale proedior:Tb rev enue bill was eooeidered in eeaaiitee of tho whole: ao aaeodaeot waa adopted given to the rvene aet 00 its 3rd read-1 the whole: ao aaendnaeot vaa adopted 1 r airley. lleory 40 a ing; the drummers license tax of $100 waa 1 reducing the tax oa cif arettea to 5 eta. per I Galea. S 1 lowa lot stricken out. as was the tax of 1 per etot. I thousand aed pattiog a tax of i of 1 ceat I Gtiatore. Natbaa 5 a M on loDaeeo warenousemeo; an anaenu- ment was adopted prohibiting druggists from selling whiskey, win or beer, except by physicians prescription, and a tax 01 $50 waa pnt opoa druggists who ao aell; the cigarette tax waa made o instead or 10 cents per thousand: another adopted amendment taxea each bed io a boardiog house 50 cents; lawyers are taxed $10, bot no other tax ia imposed opoa them; there was also a purchase tax imposed 00 all eorporatiooa exeept railroads, banks and insurance companies. At nigbt aeasioo in tbe benatr: Aet to amend charter ot Chapel Hill: to provide for election of Justices of tbe f ; to in corporate Rockingham conoty Fair Asso ciation were all ratified; bill known as toe Shaffer bill to ammd and revise the char ter of Raleigh without extension ot eor- poratelimits passed 2nd reading; to prevent bringing of suits for damage to real estate against lailroads after expiration of 5 years passed 2nd reading; to incorporate Currituck aod Camden Railroad Company passed 3rd reading: to aaeod charter of per pound 00 piag tooaeeoi loieioappiy to dalera only; it was decided that U $250 lieeoee tax oa piano aod orraa dial ers should not apply to reside ot dealers; a tax of $10 waa imposed oa dentists; ao aoreodaeot to Ibe raacbioery aet was adopted; providing for listing property aod oolleetiog back taxes, wbea aaco prop erty shall not have beeo listed or taxed. It waa decided to remain her eotll th cal endar was cleared; bills paaard to allow Craven to tmld bridges; to amend charter of Kiastoo. The Uooea passed a bill appropriating $20,000 for repair aod improvemeeta and $7,000 for sew buildings at white bUod asylum here aod $7,000 for oew building at the colored esylaa; to establish whisky dispeoaarr at Hickory; to anstod charters ot New Bera aod of Raleigh; to allow only aetive physicians to bo members of Craven county's board of health; to incor porate the .100, Ossipee aod Atlaotie railway; to allow aoioeorporaled iosoraoeo companies to do bosioee opoa depositing $20,000 w;tU th State; to pay widow of MU! Brown. Margaret. Est 130 aete Lombertoa road Bobbin, J T 1 towa W CemberUad IUatdea. II 1 acre Wilaiag'a road Rredy. I E 1 towa k CaatbrUed Boyett. O W 1 acre Hope MtU Bmwo. Martha 40 a tree joiaa 8 R TUr Cart is. Prestoo 151 aeree. Carver 4 Evan CUoapocil. Martia 4 acre reatdeaea Davis, A J 1C00 acre oa Big Roek (Uh Davis, J C 157 acre Rock&a reei deoe Dixon, Pbiler 53 acre Caadeo toad EnatriM, A W 34 aere Hop Mills. No 2 Evans, Rbea fair groaad Fairley. lleory 40 aere raetdeoca do 50 acre ioio Ilobbe land Hat wood. Joba 2 acres res fair groom d Dendereoo, Joba 4 aere near J C Vaeo'a Johnson. Jaa FI 1 lot Hpe Mills Jeffry. David 1 aero Wila'gtoo road Msrpby, Litxie 1 lot fair groaad Marpby, Freak 14 aere Saodv Raa Matthews, M J 190 acre Mslatyre land. McKioooo. Duoeao.Est ot 5S1 Roaelaod MeMillaa. Mrs A 1' 4S3 5 2) 6 20 4 SO 5 30 6 73 120 u,r.dTa. a. 11 iju ar Jmt Rao a w MsOiX Barak J 50 aerta Midd'-a Creek MIetoa. A K 10 aeree reMdeaew 3 So MtUtyre. Sara 143 ow 3 30 McKsv. Teter 82 aere Maalr lead iiS MtKay, Andrew 51 are lUg Waaea 3 71 MsKat.Tbo 23 serve riee 3 73 MsKar.JaoM eiaereare 310 J 50 MKy,Ja17aerern 130 3 SOlMcKav. AitiMU, Hwr 3,000 axrve McKeOar Ua4 90 TV MeKao). Mrs Mary 700 aere B- Rockfua 10 70 McKbo. A J C5 a re 5 K2 McSeiU. RoM 25 da d 3 65 Toby M do Le 3 40 MPVt-ko, OmU 6 Am d 12) MsPbereoa. AaUe6 da do 1 30 MrQaeea. da a 223 da da 23 15 Newtoa. JeM S3 d de 10 Pettemoa. J 00 A 150 da da 4 Ray, De 10 do do 3 Ray, Mary 477 aere reasdeae Ray. MarrareC 300 aere Deea ereek 7 Uodwte 14 I Carter, Faaa 54 err rr Ja Ilsye. flame Z3 aere rA Moor. W 11k Mov. Grant 75 1 McDenUI, Lew mi 10 are jo GJi Ms V --a. D T R 78 nrM r4w MN T. . au ar Meaner row. 1 1 3 1 x J 31 (Nell. Cea 7 erree k U44 J" 'ijlof, Mr Franras arm Fat I y n, )a,B7l JU ITrakUIUgj r annaawMw wnvm w aw,vw w anew , mw rn j mimim Old Fort passed 3rd reading; topayR.O. Adaa Warner ot th shell fish roes mis Burton and S. G. Ryan attorneys fee for sioo $1,400; to provide for sew trustees for Stat in railroad suits; to regulate boars th Ooldsboro eolored normal school; to ie- of work in cotton factories was tabled; to doe by half th bond ot ralieo's sheriff; incorporate Orphan's Home at Goldsboro to appropriate $5,000 aaonally io tbe sol passed; bill providing for pooitiv dam- dters' boar; to appropriate $7,500 aooaally ages against railroads for disregard ot to the A. & M. college for ow dormitories contract Indefinitely postponed. I a Douse and heating apparatus; the majority re bill passed 3rd reading: To allow Ash- port of tbo election eoaaittee, ia favor of aa m a a -- an . . ville to destroy SvAXl.tAW 01 oooaa; toiesiore 1 re Die asm member rroa nortuaapteo tbe old limits ot Weldoo; tbe public pnot-1 was adopted. ties. Bills nassnd to nhnlish nfflnu nt tm lution allowitnrtli. n..i.t:. ri 1 j I a 1 1 it , . c i- - r V & -t-'ixAvi out ua&iinu 1 " i luo a., nuu jm. cuuege, idu maae in tw Ul 01 0lecKlenDUrg to hold positions the members of tbe board of agricnltu the new court cotnm tabled t nni i ! 1 1 . . 1 . . ... ..... code com wa.1- AUC 0111 create 1 rusiees anu proviaing mat tbe president Vfas taMi. ttmiu great excitement or tne f armers' Alliance guard appropriation I ber of the board. r.x.v . . . -v gricnlture presiden shall be a mem was placed upon second reading, then rules were suspended and it passed 3rd reading; to provide for punishment of crimes commuted on state line; to pro vide for collector of arrearages of taxea in city of Wilmington passed 3rd read mg; to amena enatter 01 tne Atlantic and North Carolina R. R., passed 3rd reading; to authorize rayetteville to own acd operate an electric light and wa ter power passed; bill to allow persons to probate their wills before death passed 3rd reading; to amend charter of Morgactou passed; to incorporate Masouie Temple ia Wilmington passed; to reduce the appro pnation to tbe Oxford Orphan Asylum was tabled; amendiug charter of Eastern Band of Cherokee Iudians passed. In House: to increase annual appropriation to Oxford Colored Orphan Asylum from $1,500 to $3,000 passed; to provide water works for Kinston passed 3rd reading; tho galleries were crowded when Cox moved that the ladies be invited 00 the floor where the members would give them tbeir seats. juany iaais were standing wmie men 10 the gallery were sitting down; to amend charter of New Bern passed 3rd reading; to incorporate Security, Deposit and Trust Company at Wilmington passed 3rd read ing; to empower commissioners of Stanley county to build a jail, passed 2nd reading; fflr. uampoeii, ot lyberokee, introduced bill, when Ray, of Macon asked him if he (Ray) voted for his bill would he be given tbe place of private secretary when he (Campbell) became Governor. Campbell raised a laugh by saying: "No there are loo many hungry republicans aod popu lists waiting for the job;" to charter bank of Liumberton; to amend charter of War- rentoo. Wednesday in the Senate bills passed final reading: to provide for redemption of land witmn two years alter its sale under execution; incorporating towns of Swans boro and Albemarle and St. Louis; ameud- ing charter of btatesvilU; allowing the people of Rutherford county to vole On ing bill came np: the majority report had passed tbe Senate 10 spite 01 tne rat tbat the minority report abowed a lower bid ot $531. The House passed id majority re port as it eame from the ftenate; Mr. Kay madeqaitea atir by several cuarges, one being tbat he understood that the Stewarts bad agreed to pay $500 for tbe eon trad at Edwards A Bronghtoo'a bid. I a tbe midst ot bis speech Ray was told that hi lime was np, but tbe eloquent young represen tative bad several members to yield their time to him, aod he finished his speech. the bill passed 59 to 34. Io tbe Seoate 00 Thursday a Mil wia introduced to famish convict labor for the work to be done at th dsaf, dumb and blind institute; B'lls passed to ineo porate South port and Western railway; 10 allow Elizabeth Citv to vote 00 issue of bocds; to amend charter of New Berne; to aaeod eharter ot Charlotte aod Meekleoborg rail road; bill to rotate Sute fair between Ral eigh aod Charlotte was ao amended aa to keep it here aod allow Meekleoborg aod Chariot te to buy fair grounds; bill to aaeod Raleigh eharter passed Z7 to 10, eight pop ulists aod republicans voting with the democrats agaiost th bill; for relief o! J. Rowan Rogers, ex-sbenff ot wake; to al low Wayne county to eloct eoooty physi cian; to appoint special tax collectors for Wake; to complete tbe Colonial records; bill passed second reading to preveot pref erences by insolvents aod require pro rata payment of debts. Ia tbe House aa unfavorable report was mad on th bill to punish boycotting by railways, and favorable report 00 bill for a reformatory for yoon criminals; hill passed appropriating $05,245 for main- tenanee and $4,590 for debts I losaoe asy lum here, also bill appropriating $100,000 for western hospital at Morg aotoa; bill to ameod the chartet ot Wilmington aod con tinuing present administration aotil 1897, passed second reading; bill appropriating $10,000 to confederate moo u ment passed second reading 60 to 33, aod passed final reading at night. At night session Senate Bills passed third reading: For relief of State deaf aod dumb asylum at Morgan too; to incorpo rate South port terminal improvement rona pany; to allow unincorporated insurance companies to do bosiaesa in th Stat by depositing J-U.UOU with btat Secretary, passed seeood readiog; to aaeod eharter of New Borne; to tneorpotate gaardiaa security, trust nod deposit company ot W ilmiogton; appropriating fllrl.UOU for support and repairs ot Morganton asylum; to amend eharter of Polk railway aod Aberdeen aod West End railway; bill es tablishing code commission placed on 3rd reading was so amended as to reduce salaries ot commissioners to $1,500 and clerk's salary to $750, and to require com missioners to pay Ineir own railrood ex penses. It passed. Ia the House a bill makiog an appropri ation $1 for every dollar raised by the peo ple of Winston for a eolored normal school passed its reading; tbe substitute b'U reg ulating B. & L. associations passed second reading; bills passed third reading: to es tablish graded school at Rotherfordtoo; to provide tbat tbe insane 01 Chatham eounty go 'to the asylum at Raleigh and not to iteotiary 000. Th $17,500 yearly, aod to cover tbe debt $14.1S3 for 1S94; $3G,000 for 1S95 and $25,000 for a eootingenVrond for 1S9C Bill passed 2od reading. ; Io tbe Seaate 00 Friday the revenue act was taken up; amendments were adopted increasing the school tax from 13 to lSets; increasing tbe pension tax from 21 to 3i eta. aod tbe tax on real property from 23 to 24 eta. on the $100; to include clubs which dispense of whisky among those wbo pay Iiqnor tax; taxiog druggists, who sell whisky, just as Iiqnor dealers are tax ed; to exempt B. ft I, associations from double tax; to make Ibe license tax oa life insurance $200; to tax plug tobaeeo i eeot a pouud; the bill passed second readiog. In the Bouse tbe" bill appropriating $13. 750 annually for maintenance ot tbe nor mal and industrial school, aod $5,000 yearly for two years for sanitary aod other im provements passed 3rd reading; a bill was introduced to incorporate the Western Carolina railway; bill to abolish criminal eourt ot New Hanover and Mecklenburg and create a oew coort of seven coin ties passed bra vote of 53 to 43. Oolytwo speeches were made, these being by Ma Clammy for, aod McCall agaiost tbe bill. j . . . v rr Saturday bight's session ia tbo Seoate: Bill to tabIiso graded, school for eolored race at Wiestoa passed third readiog. 8. Otho W1U00 was Dominated for R. R. commissioner to succeed Hon. T. W. Ma son by the pops-rvps and Mr. Masoa waa aomiaated te anseeed himself by the dem ocrats. WiUoo tecwived 33 voles aod Ma oa 3 a strict pery vote; for Jndreof th oew Eeetera criminal circuit eoart Uoo. Cbae. A. Cook aad Jodge O. P. Mm res were tbe nomioe; Cook's vote waa33 to U eras' 3. Io the Hoes ta allow corporations to be come goardiao aod accept other trusts; to abolish tbe preseot board of di-eciois ot th N.C deaf mute aod blind inaiilntiva, passed second rending bat was killed oa third readiog. Io the Seoat President Dougbtoo bad a megoifieeot silver service preoid bim. Popolifta aod republicans all agreed be tally deervd reeogaitita fur bin fair ruhogs aod kiodoas to each Svoator opoa th floor. Each peg ia both boas waa giveo $5 extra. Roslia MeSeill. Joba H 43 aere re' Big Rock fish ; Peppers, A 1 ford 37 acre Wimioga road Pelt'ioot, Chen 12 acre WUaiag'a road Roe. J C 33 aere re Rom, Mak 11S aere. part ot E Roe land StrieklaaJ. J W 22 acre Doaa plana Siaaooa, Mary 1 acre WUa'gtoa road West, J Z M 24 aere re Williams. Is E 1 lot WUm'rtoa road Watsoo, Mary 5 aere Wtlmingtoa road J J 105 acre Roekfisb Wilson, Joba 3 acre Caadeo road Yoeng, W H SO acre Beady Raa Brwingtoa Geo R heir of 133 acre WUmiegioc road Boi, J II 4 acre toll hoasa Carroll. Jamre 10 acrea C P 4 Y V railroad Gibsoo, Joba 1 acre fair ground Hogvos, Emma 8 aerta Wilmigloo road Henderson, Joba reaidea plaak road Jacksoo, Davis 40 acre WUmiogtoa road Jenkins, Aonie 23 1 aero Beaver Creek Marpby, C 8 fit renideaee Sandy 21 47 5 C3 4 50 12 33 1 20 2 10 2 33 3T5 4 79 3 73 33 43 2 20 4 71 3 &5 9 20 13 70 9 CO 3 30 6 27 ft. Mrs bod fa II C 133 aws ar roa rat ix. 1 u;i 23 45 C3 73 40 2 21 Art is. WrarJ7 Ks3r4. Mr H A 443 rW Carver, Mr TeJal 213 news Gsy una Cam. W and M J &aring 533 . Dof leea Cbssna, Nsary 75 err wj pU Carvod. IIrv 23 aere Aatry U4 )4 wards, t..m 19 err rn. i.wi FeireWta, J II Sr 73 aim oil 1: S 20 8 0; SO 7 4 07 70 30 95 33 45 20 21 Cvlervous People sboald realise teat lr and permanent care coed U ton Is te tan ent lor teelf foend ta aaviag Pure. Blood inse tbe awn a ot every orraa aad tisene of tbe body depend npoa tbe pnrttyot laeUood. Tbe who werH know tbe standard blood pnrtanr la Sarsaparilla And therefore It U tbe only trn and rt-1 table medicine tor asrvon psepla. It makes tbe blood pare aad aeattav, and Ik as earns niMiiess , mekns the nerves Irm and strong, gives int alsep, nenlnl vigor, n good appetite, perfect digestion. It dons aU ibis, sad rare Srrof nla, Ecaema, or Salt Raenm aad all other blood dUsnsas, bncsnnstt Pure Blood Bantu prove every word we bare said. Tnoonands of voluntary Wtl monlal Inilj esubllsb the Uci that ; 8ara parilla iic sure ifures to Get Hoods W-vav "I have take Hood's aaranpsrttla for aerofata and tha malt ta that I sat rwrraanm ly eared. Ol-Ar on K. Ixrmjaf, fJchle C it VTm Virginia. Hood's Pt I car aU Utar Ills, neaanpe. son. fer-nMarm. tie anadarna. iadleesUiav 8a MeAlister, F A 1 aero WUmiogtoa road MeArtaa.Johe202nereMXetttaad 2 20 MeGoire, M F 1 acre raaidecc WJ. minrioa road McKisnoe, Archi 200 acrea Big Rokfib MrKsy, Abeey 7 acrea Dark breach McLean. A D 43 aerea Chicken mad MeLeod, Robert C3 atrsaSaady Raa Partridge, Aabron 8 acre Camdea road Roan, Jerry 116 aero Elixa Ron land Ray. Sarah E 100 aerea iota E S Mebb Rirbardaoa & Moor SO acrea joins R MeXeill Smith. Mary A 141 aere residence Cantdea road Seer lock. Ediabora 23 aerea mm- dene plank road Si met. Pleasant 9 aerea Lombertoa mad Turner. PR hairs of 3) aerea Wil mington road Wabb, Martha I acre Petliford laod Williams. AWx 41 aerea jotea Joba- Roc hard ). Martha 0 aerea H P mad 1 Rater. Kittve 27 aerea Boar ermk . 1 Robert . J P, Ag 1050 aerea Lutla Roektaa . Shaw, J A 210 aerea ma Sbaw. CaJvia 16 aerea m Shaw, Joba O 317 arm Black troek IS 35 bhaw. Joba U, Ada r 24 acre Joe OUUa Biaaoas. O W C aerea res Kaadv. R T Eat 50 am ioine Ma la ou ' 2 20 freason. La 45 aeroe ran & C3 Womick. Was 190 aere re 3 l Womeek. Msrr 200 arte m 7 70 WrrrvIU, J F 200 acre rva 7 31 W&iaaa, J E. Eat 140 aerea ma 3 10 Webatre. MattiaMaeraarva 9 70 Bnske. Wright, Eat arm Lit- tl Rieer 15 70 trfCxwHjrrut. CampUn, FVra A 10 acre Little ereek f 0 Jerrignn, J F 73 acres Meaatai ereek 4 12 Lnoox. R P 125 nerve 1st bra nab S 75 North. O W 60 nr-a baeb brnnrb 1 30 Baitb. J P3Siarlamptkernad 5 07 Pbari J -be C 14 eer Lrttl- ek ' 3 II Lrrru atrxa Toarjrtarr. GilMaed. ALU arms Tackaba $1 10 GiKiUad. Mary E 67 err a Little River 1 70 Kennedy. WuUam 100 aerea Jamea creek 2 23 Lsnh. Aaa M 77 aero LittW River I 47 I Matthews. J C 50 aerea Craaea eroek 1 20 McCrimmoa. Lovdr A. bnrs 208 aere J amen cmek 170 MeCrtmmoa. Joba 18 aema Jamee 1120 creek MsLsod. alat and eastee 223 acrea 1 851 Utile River MLoJ. Martha 91 aerea Little hirer 3 50 I MeLnod. Kate 95 aerea da McRne. Ma 43 aerea Bafala creak 3 SO I Priest . J n 300 aerea rW eat IMeat, E W 155 aerna Jem creak Pnent. Mary aad Flora 412 acrea James tmk Beat boro. Unmet A 250 aere Jaaaea creak catTta raxuc Towunr. Boardea. J W natal 450 acrea saad bill $2 70 Bowdeo, Mary estate 117 acrea rvea- deae 1 70 flair, D MD 10O aere rmiJeaca 4 C7 Kaker, W R 1SS aerea msdara 6 49 Collier. J W 27 acre mmdecea 1 3J Coedey. Jaa heirs CO acre lUee Braaeb . 13) Caabwell, Nona 15 arm oaa Joba 20 00 24 65 20 67 70 00 70 25 20 10 70 70 90 05 Gainer. Daniel 27 arm redearw Hall. W J 7 aems mroaeana Hsa. Jaa W aerea ra4aa HaH, O A 61 arm MaJv.a kd Hair. W 40 arm mssdenee Hair. Q F 15 ara reaadeaeie Jack-soa. Jaa A 2j aerna roMdenr Jobnana, Jaa B35 arraa Mattta Usd Mattbewa. Da area (iWmpaoa r) 33 acre Mattbewa Uad Metvta. J W 72 na m4eae Meteia.rlaeaaj A 46 nrres raa Una McLasn. ffiCo 5aea Urfra Mnaery. WUy 25 arm N a aery Uv4 Ri ey. O R 23 aerea mJeec riaanmi, m II 37 acres maadaxo Stoipao, Kaaa y) aere riAaa (Marliag. R W 5 nera maadene I nderwood. D 8 45 arm ma.imc Wbeaaer. O F 411 arms matdetx Wteairr, Mrs Liabeth 57 arrna m atiaoce Wu'litaa, Calvia 50 arres reai4eew WirUamaon. Ma Mary C 41 acre raa Janro Aveeett. 8 J 37 arm maadeacw Hsna, Jacob 75 area reasdeara Fmrriotb. Jaa II 20 arms radro Hair, 8 R 54 aema matdenra Jarkaon. Jaa E 130 acres rrvadear Tw, WiXam 9 acres rvaadeae Ftaber. Mrs II C 19 aeras former residence tuttrra ban. Aademoa. W W 13 acres retadeooe 1 : 3 c Jr. 1 u 1 ir s 1 1 4: l r. 1 t r 1 it I 3 3 U : rv 1 r. 1 r. 4 r : 1 2 1 ; 1 c 1 3 I m S 1 1 1 4 4 3 3 SO 23 61 65 20 a 64 30 1 70 1 50 3 78 20 50 4 :t 1 tr 1 r 1 c 1 : 3 r. 4 a 3 Z- m at- :c 3 31' 3 3 4 :r 1: v t U 3 3 20 20 1 70 j-jood' Amendment to exeept hew Hanover, Meekleoborg, Edgecombe and Halifax counties war voted dowo. McClaaay was the only democrat who voted for th bill. Twelv republicans aod populists voted against it; bill amending charter ot Wilmington passed third reading 5 to 40; appropriating 610,000 to tbe confederate monument passed final readiog 54 to 43; French introdnced a bill amending tho criminal eoart bill ao solicitor aod clerk of Meekleoborg aball be solicitor aod elerk of the new eoart ootil the end ot tbeir present terms. Friday nigbt io tbe Seoat th following bill passed tbird readiog: Bill to aaeod tbe nharter ot Camdea aod Currituck mil road; to transfer Cbatbaa county patients from tbe Morganton to the Raleigh insane asylum; to charter tbo bank of Lombertoo; Salocf Landf:iTaxes1894 The following Lots. Pieces and Parcels ot Land, levied noon wtll be sold at Pablie Ane Uen at the Conrt lions of the Conaty oa Mon day, April lt, nest, at IZ'eioek te satiaf r tbe no paid Tssre, together with th costs and expenses da taereea. X. M. mil. Tax CaUeetsr. OKAY caxtK TOWX&lltP. pabbb. oascaimoa anonrr. Barnes, Orio D 50 acres Cbickeo road 1 20 Barnes, O R 40 acme Reno Barnes 3 00 Byrne, Laura 10 aerea residence 2 05 Byroe, David 10 acres mideoc 3 50 Carver. Nsooi R 45 acre Dav Smith Uod 1 IS Caabwell, J J 100 acre Ganlberr 2 70 Canady. D M 50 acrea residence 1 20 Davis, W G 85 acre joios Sirah 8milb 3 81 Davis. Jamea R 135 acre Asby ereek 1 Cft Elmore. Joba H 45 acres reatdeoe 4 73 Oil mom, Faooy 40 acre resideoee 2 70 Jobosoo. Alex 10 aerea Gilmom laod 3 20 Melvio, Thoaas 33 acres resideoee 4 44 UeLaoeblio, Lbas 28 aerea Tbaae Uod 1 73 Raiford, Ed 5 acre reai Jenee 1 20 bmitb, Normao H L 25 acre Kill Davao 1 70 Thames, Calvin C5 aere resideoee 2 7 Black, Calvia 23 acme ronideoee 1 20 Iraaford. Feooy LZ30 aerea biml laod 5 20 Dry, Celie 40 aere joioa McNeill aad others 17 Davis, Greea 30 acre Bladea line 1 05 UagbecDL 23 aerea joina Smith 3 53 Jones. George Aon' 25 acre joios Nichols I 80 MsNelll. J D 190 aerea McNeil! Uad 5 23 McNeill, Hector 30 acre Bramble plo . 2 30 opearmaa. Heir 340 acrea residence aod awaap 7 DO Kocrmsa TowysHrr. Aroett, Elizabeth 1 towo lot, Ilopa axvxjrrr-najrr Txwsmr. Ad rack. A II 45 aere meideeee $4 23 Bui. NeiU 1459 aerea maideaea 30 43 Bate, Lelber 50 acres Cbickew road 5 65 Bui. Mary M 50 a era Cbieleo road 2 70 Baie. Arebi eatataof Uta reatdeoe 14 Ou Bomett, Jsnoett 25 aere rndcaca 170 lUaa. O O 53 aerva maideaea 3 89 Bra 1 on. J D 23 aere mnidmea 9 69 Rradahaw. A 8 C3 acrea maideaea 4 KS Itaker. E G 94 acre aear poor boons 4 20 Itaie. Joba It 25 aerea mwdeoe 1 20 lUaotoa, Laaey 50 acme resideae 1 55 Cain. C J 50 acre mmdeoe 7 36 Cbavoa, Ed 203 arm maideaea 4 24 Carter. J R 157 aerna maideaea 9 77 Carter. Mm J R 32 aerea Stewart's Creak 1 70 Carter. William 45 aerea maideaea 1 95 Caibretb. P J 199 arm maideaea 3 45 Campbell. Mr Joba 230 acre resi dence 5 11 Campbell. A B 240 acrea Chirk a road 5 70 Caapboll. D K 1C0 aere residence 3 70 Campbell. NeiU 30 maideaea 2 03 Colli as. Heary estate ot 500 aere Ute maideoc 3 24 Davis, D It 154 acrea MaDaBe'a Creek Davis, Laare estate ot 1000 aarea Pnppjy Creek 5 70 Davis. G O 193 acre maideaea aad Poppy Creek 4 50 Dobbie. Henry 45 acres renideoea 4 65 Elliot, George Jr 45 acre renideaee 2 55 Elliot, Daoiel 4 aerea maideaea 3 96 Faulk. Anthony 15 aerea resideae 1 90 G iil is, I) C 200 acres lesideoee 7 09 Gillia, Mm E J ISO acre maideaea 6 04 Gilchrist. Carolioe 10 aere maideaea 1 00 Gailes, W II SO aero maideaea 4 03 Hobba, A F 78 aere reaidenee 3 20 Holliegswortb, Heary 74 acrea mat- deoe 4 20 Hostler. Jam 12 earn maideaea 1 47 lioaard, J A 100 aerea residence 6 33 Hendoo, Handy Jr 2S0 acre mat- deoe 8 51 Hart, 8 E 22 seres renideaee 2 25 Hart, Joseph 15 acre bomeeed 3 63 Jaekaoo, Alfred 8 arm maideaea 1 00 Jaekaon, Arthie 30 asm residence 2 23 Jooea, John SO aerea maideaea 3 13 Jobosoo, William 25 aere reaidenee 2 20 Joheson, Heory 55 acres msaoea 159 Kelly, Handy 25 act reaideeee 2 13 Kiveit. H J 224 acres roaideoe 5 ia Liodaay. Flora 50 acrea Little Rock- flab l S3 Monroe, Mary 4 arm maideaea 1 20 Monro. Initio 73 acre Poppy Clock Monroe, Harry 25 acre reaideeee Monroe, T 8 37 acre reeidaeee Monroe, E D aod D D 810 acre re sideoee Carthage road Monro, lleory 113 aere residence Mooro dc Gilchrist 45 acre Hog branch Mooro, N V 53 acre maideaea Monroe, Dolly 21 aerea Beck bead Creek Monroe, D J lirs of 100 acme Stew art a Creak Miotx. D K 250 arm maideaea Maxwell. 8 F 20 acrea mat da nee Medlia. J F 27 nam Pappr Creak a . a a a na Moaigomery, airs M c. a Chickca mad 43 Marcbiaoo, Pea re 6 acre mnideaaa 3 24 McAllister, Nep 11 acres lewdaaen 3 50 MaAnbar, Mary C 40 acme Horse branch 53 MArlhar.Oeorc45aerarnaidenee 2 35 MeCall. Ellen 33 aerea Bridge brneh 1 CO MeCaskill. W P 62 asm maldeaaa 2 15 MeDooald, Isabella estate 118 aerea lata residence McDoa, Mr Margaret 419 acre renideoea Carver, Joba acre reaaden Deoa, Wm 10 aere )oia Tokay Dean, Robt 25 aere ooe Tnkay Farmer, Cetly 11 arm Farmer Uad Fowler. Robert 556 aerea reaideee Giles, Jacob 3S7 arm teaideara Gmdf. M W 61 aevnn reaadeaaa Hemminrway, Mm E L 157 aere Joie WaaC Hair, W It 43 aere reaadanea Hair, Karab 35 aere reaa dene Kmr. W R HI aete rmiJoa Si !( old. Geo 40 arms mai deaea McKay. O A 236 arm maideaea McKay, W C3U0 arm Hagbtoa Uad Parker. MatUdy 43 aerna reaidenea Ray, Wallet 20 arm bnase plana Ray, Emma J 610 aarea aaad bail Rar. Sarab A 193 aerea Cap Fear River SarU. 8 R 121 aere reside Satih. Mrs KsK 500acrra McKay 1 2 1 1 10 5 1 2 4 1 03 73 CM 45 75 16 05 78 67 43 75 10 19 70 55 73 30 4 1 5 1 1 IS 05 13 40 1 51 5 70 3 17 1 C5 2 70 5 50 2 11 4 60 63 13 m 20 70 91 95 50 78 50 90 Smith. Loft 49 aere mail Stewart, Ida E 250 aere Jaa Wood Uad 10 70 Taw, L B 14 aerea Ray's m3ai (M Taylor. W J 127 aerea reotdeaea 4 0t Wilkes, Snaaa R 137 arms rex dene 3 K5 Wil.iania, J 8 6 aerea reide 2 25 Wicker. Mrs Mary E 1000 arm m- sideaee 14 73 Beabow, Dr D W fj 360 arm Uo ga lea U ad 2 53 Bni, II K 500 arm Ron Hill 1 4 87 Hal. Jua 10 neve rasidea 181 IWU. Jaaaea 8r 25 acme reaideOea 107 Bai. J 8 154 aerna iaa Wicker 3 77 Lamer. Joba Sr b8 aerna iotaa Broad foot 1 04 Doaa. Chart 10 arms radeoa 105 Dardea, B A 95 acre RockafortTa Creak Dardea. Gea B 95 acme Rykaford" Creek Dardea, J T 113 acrea maideaea Dardea, Geo D 95 acre RorkfUb creek Dnaa, A H SI nera plaek road Elliot, Pegge 23 aerna rnaideuee Gmham. R E 19 aerna ma Herring. L O 17 aerna jot as Tulle g bast natcber. J H 200 aerna Blaa Uad Heat. Amballa (Miaor) 71 arm OJ- aaom Uad nat. T J 210 aere 0.1 mora Uod Heat. Oliver 25 aarea Hnt Uad King. Oew II 10 aerea PbUbpe Uad McKay, 8 aaa A 155 arrna mnideaaa McKay, Cberta 15 aerna do Over by, C P 1 asm Eamka spriors Perry. Sanaa 4 arm residence 1 7i nay, Asbory 3 aerna do Smith, Mm Jeoaette 10 aer 8mitb. Ron 49 arms ma I 7 Kaitb. W D 150 acre ioia H K Bui 1 45 Went, Mary E 100 arm ma 8 12 lack ajTxa. Raia, DaaUl Sr 10S aerea Sdver 83 38 UotM, Kbeabta bears at 50 arm . Ml,r? 120 Joaaa. r I 103 aarn 8 A E Popa 3 83 Mobley. II F 271 acre Mattbewa Uad FUa H.II 3 73 Monde, Mary E 193 acres maideaea 6 40 Mckay. Martha 25 aerna mnideaaa 1 20 rsg. Mary i. 10 acres met dear 1 00 i s m, Jeha R U aarn Paaa Uad BUsk Rivat 4 25 otnckiaad. Mrs LA eetat 335 aerna "ca 6 33 StrieklaaJ, J F 50 acrea Aotry Uad 3 85 Tboratoa, L G Biaor heirs 64 acma Homcpaa 3 31 WuMerd. AJay E 131 arm ioiaa Baia 2 73 Warrea, Riebard 81 aerna maideaea 5 23 mumma. Alataader 22 deaea 1 00 Wu:iaRS, Haywood 35 arm meideec 3 80 nu xnu. mniJeaea 83 70 Carter aad 70 00 95 63 20 70 30 20 20 09 99 20 SO 70 83 83 0 HaXard. G F 50 arm readea lUsjrd. W J 830 aere Tnmbn3 Byrne. TVoasas 15 acres liisten Uad Devnae. Wm 79 acres maideaea Kuber. Hsady C3 arm maa,tana Home. O L 175 acres Rig White Hair, Henry C 90 arm Teaadeae Ivey. D B 14 arm reaa dear Melvia Irvi. 257 arm ree Jeac McGe. Jao II 20 arm reaadean 8mtb. Jeakia 240 acrea reaadaea. Smah. Leoetdas 63 aere maadaae Seas Vaaa M 33 arm Und Daaiel 30 arms raiiene Tatam. Baa ana 43 s rre rv-aidene Kkas, J eel D SI acre rataiear caxna raxts towxkh:t. Anders, James me Green at Atkianoa. Mm W II re Be nt Alatoa. tWUas ma Moom nt Brown. Tubeb res OiZeapi tl Broadfoot. Rt re Moor nt txtoa. Daeiel ma Gme -. tlryaat, Mary Jane ma pemaa nt Hentoa,Tbsaias imp CpbQtoa tUker. ftey 3 aerea Wert a Uad lUebe. Ed imp Ortif at Bamef, Evandee m Neetb at Brhaa. Wm raaaat Mclver at Cm. Daetd me Hay men t Coie, Mary E ma CWbam CarmU. Mm & W 147 arm! Ud CbaSa. Jnie re Ramary at tmvu. Mm KDtaj Mnmford nt Da. Js me re Sen 4 IVriaa. Jim rea lUenat at EOaott. Wm ma Wiaalow at Evna. Daniel rea Moor nt FnvettevirGaa Ligbt Ca pUat aear Croa Ureek Fn'Ier. Manab r-a Peraoa at newera. J E vaeaat brtdra Grady, D MD iap Ramaey nt Gorbam. It C imp McKmaam pne umnam. rmarta imp Can! Soring GOI. Jaa II m Mamfeed at Gardaee. Was tmp Hsymsant Gee. Henry imp FHah Alley tit an, Creea Hnn IUmnt Gev. Charlaa 3 VI am, flarmeaat tda. WUey rm Ut4 Pane ttenae llaeley. LatW la lieeee aa Hen I r..n. O II iaaCWUa nt Hnahe, Jerry tsap llaamt et Mnaaa. Wrxht aaaate tj aerea Ore la4 Mafaaa. Uaneas re Psmaey t Itame, J.m earaat Nan a Harm. T tl res OiiWpa a HefiaAd. W C re fcaaaatl at HaCtdav. Aba vnat rnaaa AOey llaat, tjeee ran tiree at Heav. A r ree HtMarlai Hi3 MeKincrwwrth. W J rea Uarnaennt Hsnden. Andrew aerea keah land Jen, J 11 res Cembe!l a..y. Ke f rea M aattsed at Lamneta. Mrs Zm U rea MetnferJ at Maorn, Jerry let CaaUam nt Maeee. Mr fj a. Hrira. tmp Ilsrmeaat ! Marphy. Itaaiet lain bVedWa i Mitcheil. Ilaery aa Maaaas at Miner, Vra Jehn rea Harmeaal Maaha. T U. imp O.Ueap at Msinee. J J lata Wart at MttHSe. n 1 rea Co! png nt May. Dti Keheeana at Mewaon. Alfred re Ifamaay nt MsAUUSer. Jamea rea Fraaaun a. McALiater, XaiWu re Wunjeg-Ie read MsAlltatee. A 4 am ran d da Wry. W H vaa tnmenke Oeertay. C P. tstr ntae iNraaa nt Pearve. Laey re Frtahn alay Pea. Abaee 5 neres Worth Und itnnimer. Mam Carrsa ran Tnms PetUfnet, Ann re arusaiariaa mad Pa ran, A Vet M aerea Marraam mad Bohanaea. A A re Keore at Keaaaa, Nataaa reap Warlh at hataanen. Nat aaa. Hear ef Jafry Keh- Uao. imp Wank at Keddxe. Mr M 8 ea Perae at lUnerta. Mr Ada W rea Masai ard at Ksaith. Lney Ja&e re Cbathaa nt Hmtfh, J Unp f&enat et tMaU. tUWt arm MaUtrre Uad HenHaeh. ta!pa.ia fee Franklin nt rVrnrtaafe, Oee C re ChlUa at HaaMlaea, NeU. hera. Imp Mtleer at tMewnrt. Pete 1 1-10 aerea Harm's kJ Meeart. Starwood 19 aere MrUlrra lai a 1 f 10 70 I BraJy. WeaUy 50 acma 0 16 1 Carter, 8 F V 171 aarm n 4 k:- r n Z y (. 4i T c y 1 y 27 . 2 5 I - i 1- t t: rVett. Uen. rea Msavfard at btepaeaa, Henderson 4 nera Mtlntrre K.aaaa.a. E H Imp Taintaa mad Taviar. Thema 8 lean Honiara at Tnoealen, A a v I ssme ai Taaauaa-e, Mr W U rea da Terry. Frank raa bam bi3 Torter. Jss r Xnrth nt Wu:aaaa. Jeg K ma ham bUl W'i:: aaaa. Jeedaa C re Oree at Wuiiaaaa. Kahett etara e Per at Wt: aaaa. Haare M imp Pi man nt W.laaea, Kat Wert land u 1 aaa. Wke tap FraakUa at Watea. Mra ME taap Greea at Waiaea, A tl re Oeaen nt Waaai aa. W P raa Maw at W,a. Mm W It lap Hiairy at Wen, tmi'f re W'wMarto mad WevL tat C OttarWa-w hat WeddeU. Lney re Maam at Wa4. Mrs L re Mnmfard nt Prrd. Betay imp tUymewnt UaVhaa. Aarea fdraaaa Ua4 Lane, F-aaeee ree Melear nt Leey. Maftaew Hamajflan bd Leney. L. W tasp I&ennt s rreek Mearee. tl" C re Ursa at heal Mra fern re CeaaWlee r'.-f-aea.a. Kaaday t nera Wan Wad WtUnaa, Jaa rea Oasiry et a 'A : ri Ttf :t y c a y i:: tr ;i iS 1 3 ;ri Tf ? I J- jti I p ? i 1' i i 1 a -e i : lm 1 : . : le y a ;s ; t i ' i IT C te 15 J a ST r" : 1 9 ,71 l

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