as-ee. , I -AO im 1 " ' . . . 1 - - i - - - - i -in m i. n mi ., , - - A. a gBlES t.XII NO 3.914 4 No. 203. 1 his quarter-tawed oak writing desk is pol ished like a piano. It base 9-lnca beveled -plat glass in top and a deep drawer below. Ar tistic French leg; -also finished in mahogany J S3.05 1 T" to our speo U ial Driee for VLT this 910 deek. ! (Mailorders filled promptly.) -XTe will mail anyone, free of all charges, our new 113 pace Special Cata Hume, containing Furniture, Draperies, Limps. Staves Crockery. Mirrors, lectures, Bldiur. Refrigerators. Baby ' Cat-rig s. era I I? is tlie most com plete rKk ever puMKhect, and we pay ill ro'tare- Our Uthofrrapbed Carpet Ca alible. ahowi- carpets in colors, is also vours for the asking. If carpet gampiei are wanted, mail us 8c in jiaaips. Tere is no reason whr yt u ihoiilJ PflT' ynur lai d'-aler 60 pet cent, profit when yrni can buy fn-ra the mi l. Drop a line now to ihe jaoney-6ave.a. - . .. JULIUS HINES & SON, fc Baltimore, HcL ! Please mention this paper. ""4L I PARKER'S gL HAIR BALSAM Sizj CTmiiih and bcuurxa ta halt 41 PronotM mnriast fTowth. . . r Rem Pails to Beaton Qrsy "V - -tf Hair to its Toothful Color. Wit.1! Canes scalp dinan a htir taUiss. Vjrn IOc.aSdti.uoat Dregjri FAYETTEYILLE, N. 0., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9. 1897. i Boniutinv f k . ft V iva . I i ' - -. , - - .rMaaMMMaw (Fron Than lav's Daily.) vatkat Or TUSI02T AXD TBIUMPS Wm. J or BBYAiriS. "And Irynn last year with this trloriona Democratic inwe w. ioi .kI . wefuvewrvedthaadandjdaam- rxxoTtxiT Accxm vx axxx.virt - - -UU8TIB. arranged, and news service. Nothing ' conlA tu I 'sham international r.!m.i.ii;. v.. Iberaot the Morainz Post, the new dallv I m. a. . .' ... wuiumr, i. . ..-i-uum ttmm i - 4fv4M ,auM aswaa aeaiy asT ia ananinemumpb. of loyal Democracy forRobWn ffl."'01 rooia i. . . f . 1 ruwht.MlnaMit "pressea in the address adoDted W- na' I u vrBIUB I"iea ana by the iJemocratic State Committee eiplesof the Chicago and State plat" on Tuesday night. Every single thinz Vm 1 ? the Demo't- party, a contended for by the Observer and id0Pt ".J896. ntirety; aod ifa r j .. I wm siui support thots rjrineinl I-," . cxprewion tnere nntil they are written in onr Uwa. ' ana nouiing vnictt they opposed. I0 , "We would be untrae to the una sad otner woras, it recoras the rout of the I ,OT!" etttnee the Democratic cartv v;ieveiana f osionists and the unquali- r a n r"Vir OQr IT"atst tied victorv of tr,- wii-- ... W" uuam J. Bryan, if we --- j rauea to express oar oonfldene. in hia means Democratic harmony as op- honor and iiterrity and in hi. devotion posed to "harmony" with those who 1 of bead and heart to the welfare of all are the enemies of Democracy. In I ?' People. We emphasis toe fact short, the Observe. Wtr. lh. our ?rStest etory was woe in the have. rv tnir war nrvvn tfi. Ms. I x. W- . a rf wawaa asit VUViUV conquered peace for the Democratic household. ; ? It is important, as we go along, to ' record the truths of current history so that we may be guided by. th,e liyht of a real experience. rLef us take, a; glance at the leading incidents of the fight which has just terminated so gloriously. i. a. - w" " . FavetteviUe Presbytery met la ad- Mr. man l iaornMl aainM m t Pms-.. ager, and Mr. Pence, the city editor church Thursday night to take actio. rnUy gave proof (as editors of the oa Mr. McXel way's Tesignation and Press-Vis Jtor) of their good breeding transact other bus! sess. : mm all as sT-.S . w. taimcu u journalist la I a N. Femaoa was mad prompUy correcting a garbled extract i moderator and Srr. P. V. T. ... stated clerk. The following delegate were present: ': Revs. II. O Hill, D. D, A. J. McXelwsy, J. S. Black, Hugh Craig. C O. VardelL W. P. Thorn. H. T. from the Observer copied from an other paper, as soon as attention was called to the error; and we naturally entertain a kindly feeling towards them. Mr. Furman, the editor. Is a Kentucky, where "WPpeT.,n"; - f1' m' Graham. W. B. Arrowood. A. M. Ha. iu a u a i ! Kmamaintaa. a kktt.savaw; n. ui iiiii i ni a rvi mat a s . - 'We view wiih alarm ih. a.;;L r . Vir. L, " V! V " A. McMarray. oondition of trade and the om VZT' 1ST naro- of aUprodoots raised bvonr oeonl! !l" an1 W do bnt we remind thoa who heard Bepab-1 know now " PP sUnds as to luc vticago piauorm. Iican orators in 1890 nrediet dtra dia aster if the Democrats were elected, that MeKialey is President of thrae United States and both branches of Congress are Republican. The people are swift to draw the proper eoocla siont. We thank all patriotic citisens who lrcrass ef Ssawaaev la Xm(1aa. Elders J. W. McUnchlia, Bethel; G. Bule, Hope Mills; G. G. Mrrovet, Fsyettevnie; D.,11. McNeill, Phlla delphus. . . i Rev. Dr. J. M. Rose of Concord Jtery and t Rev, F. P. Ramsey of fcbexKzcr rtesoTtery ta tha srnou cl The importast week of the Method 1st Coefereoea Friday was the electien ef delegates to the Oca era! Caafereaea, The foltowiog were eheesa i O-rkal Dr. Joha C KOre. Dr. JL A. Yale. Dr. T. K. It ay aad D. P. IX OwledeJU Lmj J ph O. Brow. Beajsaila N. Dak., Dr. D. & Z&eos aad U UBatth. TboeeiereoBS whom FayetteviSe peo ple are mere partisalarly Uterestai la reeetved the feOowieg voteai 'CWieal-Rev. J.T.Gihhe. 24 Rev. iff. Yi, u. uoore. 31; ttv. K. A. WU. na. 1 Rev. B. R.Ua0, U; Rev. Dr. L. U. PiaaH, D. The eeeeeeafal eaadldates reeetved the foUowieg voUet Dr. Joha C Kilge. Vk Dr. H A.I Tatec, 84 Dr. Itsy, 86 Dr. 8 eiadsa, Fee Uy delegales Mr. Q. XL Kitaocks rew4ved 11 votes, the third highest. the two soanaafal aaadidatea vatrs hwtac ae felWwet Jeevph G. Brew., Mi Aaaataiat wra aakiaf tha SFXT FREE ; ' to housekeepers Liebig COMPANY'S Extract of Beef COOK BOOK- telling how to prepare many deli cate and delicious dishes. iddresa, Liebig Co , P. O Box 2718 New Terk, On the 13th of August, the fusion I joined with ns last year in carrying the organ contained the following: lor our presidential eandHat. . a j- . M " lnd we invite to the future CoooeiUi.f A distinguished veteran Democrat the Democratic party -the party of the ww..,. . "--1 peopie au men wbo believe in its ttng w sec nuw a jusiun vj iscmocrais BR Ckk-fccste- EscUaa : rtntlYROYAL PILLS It i.Tl ICtesUs. L.DIE. . seslsa wtta. hia. rtbbss. T.Icb SJSCIW JtlftMl issf II MtslllS is wampm tar jmlnliii, MiMSS sat RsUefer T oil amsr. sy istsao aaiwaaiMii I PI,HL PUiLADA-. PA- Mra WMBM lis, ; H. W. UUy, President, OFFICE FATETTKVILLE, N. C, Manufacturers of "Lake George' AA 44 Sheeting. Cotton Tarn. : CmnlierM MA Court Office Clxrc Sttpkiob Court, Cdmbkbxhi Couxtt. N. C By order of the Hon. Thomas H. Bat- ton, Judge, notice is hereby given thai a Special Term of the Criminal Court of Cumberland County will eonvene oa Mon- tay, tne ztn day of uecember, isa7, at the Court House in Fayettevilte. at 11 ocloek a. m. CYRUS MURPHY, C. 8. 0, Oct 12. 1897 Ex-offieio C. C.C? Marble and Granite ments -and - Headstones ! The public is cordially invited to visit ay yard, where they will always finds enoice collection of I Monuments Headstones to select from. My workmanship stands SECOND TO NONE in the South, and my prices are as low tin be obtained for strictly first-class work. A large lot of DESIGNS to select rxom. . 1 - - , Very respectfully, K. JL.. KKSI8B VB-fl. Proprietor Faetteville Marble and Granite Works nd Republicans to literally wibe the Populists from the earth." On the 24th of September the same organ contained the following: The Salisbury World interviewed Senator Ransom as he passed through for mowing Koek, and savs Senator Ransom will certainly be fonnd in the next campaign, and those wbo know him predict that it will be one of the greatest campaigns of "bis lite. The same day the fusion organ de clared that it was "settled" that the Democratic organization would con fine itself to State issues. On the 26th of October one of the brethren said: "The-r sized up the situation when, it said: 'In the next campaign the fight will be made on State issues.' ; On the 18th of November another (endorsed by another) said: "Why nject the disturbing financial issue in our btate election, when the . re demption of the State from the despoil- era is the paramount, important and vital issue?" On the same dcy another, referring to the recent election, said: "One thing is seen, that wherever the na tional issues of free silver and tariff were vigorously kept out of question. principles, deeire Us supremacy, and who will assist in carrying out its poli eifs. "In lees than one year opportunity wil. be given the voters to express a firm adherence to thore principles. We regret that the ballot box was not this year opened to all North Carolinians. North Carolina is now accidentally Re publican. ' We do not believe that any number of intelligent and virtuou men expected or hoped for the present rule in this State. We are sure all good men are eager lot a change. We Lave fallen on evil days la North Carolina. They recall the days of reconstruction. They demonstrate the truth that no Sonthera State can be governed with honor and the Republican party. Too large a number of its voters are iruorant, for the masses to control, and too large a number of the leaders are venal and. corrupt, to give North Carolina good government. . We look wit j horror upon the evile wrought by a combination of Republi cans and the corrupt elements of the Populist party by means of whioh our Legislature has become a faree, many of our office-holders become corrupt and criminal, and ignorance and vice raised above .intelligence and virtue. We denounce the efforts of this com bination to place the insane of the State at the merey of incompetent, vicious and 'lustful men, and we con demn the ehanges wrought in onr laws wnereoy ignorant and impure men have been r laced in control of schools, ' The London cotresDondent of the1 Philadelphia Record rives this ar I Kentucky, were present aad wert la-1 Duke, 17. count of the changing habits of the rHted to sit la the Presbytery as cor-1 Baalifieatjoa Evssca&si Crssplet social folk of England, which lllus-1 responding members and were Intro-1 received 3 votes foe la J delegate. trates the tremendous strides towards I daced to the body by the moderator.. democracy la that country since, for I Wheatha Moderator eoeeladed read-1 ' example, Thackeray's day : - I log Mr. McKel way's formal leader ef I Aa iaportaat salt Is la progrwae Ve There is much in London of to-day I resignation and asked what action the I "e the redetsl Court la WJmisgtoa wnicn wouia make onr grandmothers Presbytery desired ta take. Cant. 8. C. I &ieh has soma interest foe a assiber Tha Rrgistcr ef Deeds grsaU4 a marriage, lioeaat Friday ta Mr. A. J.McQacra sad MLMtuatkarlMMarrW lpa.boChof Rociah.. The FayeUevCe Telrpheae aad Tele graph Ceaapeay are aew glvieg eea- tiseoae servaa; aaytiave, day ee sight, with the eseeatiea ef sertaia boars Sssday the nhe aaa ba eaed. stare, but nothinz probably won hi surprise them more than the change which has come over the west end of the town n recent years daring No vember aod the early part of Decem ber. May fair and Bel pa via were then a desert of closed shatters and brown holland there was absolutely noth ing, from the social point of view, and people who were obliged to be in town at this period, owing to shortness of money or the remissness of friends. Rsokia one of the GHBmueiooets ap pointed by the church to. represent 1 their cause to the Prebytery, arose aad ia a speech of math feeliog sad elo qaeoee eoeabetted nobly for the reten tion of this pastor eaaeh beloved by his church. Cept. Rekioe meet forcible argument was that it was aawiee te eser the eoaaeeiioa bet wee a a past or ef FeyetterLUe people oa aaeoaat ef relaiiaoshlp to the patties latere edi It Is entitled the Uaited Stale vr. Tboe. P. Deveteax. trustee, Jesses AUis Walker. Cats D. Whiltisg. Joha Coaaa aad wife. Eaaaab P. BoOra, Jeaa W. BoCw, rtalt D. Walker. Net tie C Walker, Jsalss Dsvls. ALee L. Everett, Maria O. Walker, Maria A. Yeatrrdsy owe of the femak kaadt st Halt's factory got the ferriagrr ef her right ksad caaght la tha ma chinery ssd (t was so badly snssbed that ampatstioa was aeceasary. At the aaees meetief ef the Broth erhood ef S. Aadrtw Uet t'at. the foSawieg eSeere va elected far the used to put up their front room shut-1 aad his charge who hae jest began to I Fotgate, Fred Feagata, Mary D. Oil, I taeaieg Tear t J. A. Worth, Direetar; tera, and if you happened to meet know each other well aod whoa love I Norwood Giles, gaardiaa, Mary P. Da. I Andrew Broadfeot. Vaea Director, foVTcoJnoof d.S:-3 l" ' f ". JiM W. Da-U. 8. Daaka. IWrvUry ,4 T, know. I His description of the silken eord I George Davis, Jr PlaU W. Da via. !. . j i j 1 . . . .IT : . t r. a i;u tv..:. t . ... -..- v., v, . . n V At Ut last oevtJag of tW board of great cable of affect 10 a which finally Davis, guardian. Henry D. Walker, I j, mt aIiju 1 v. . v j . .t. - . j a.:. 1 jir.i. nr -x-.rv. nr n w . n 1 - - etnas ioe paMi pw)iiM ni n auavr. I AVi-V Iar loaaLaia tklarwd lw4asv the gar ta the The leersavawd etat af eseass af tar- tar. the he Ugredieat af a pare hak tag pawier. hae laataeed soais saaaa- taatarswe la eeaatMaie harat eiaaa (vhaeheoate Vat three awatsaaaa4) sagaty ev whaCy U lsa UeW. sitk- lag a very law seat hat asvhaUaoav hasia g aewden aad t facts aie taeea thins ieiene sawders try lasaeeeaeat af a lewar pries, aad by talee rseteesauusasi as ta thear ka g t el teats aad saraU-s valsa, Oar sat saw s eat eay'i."H are aea tisaeaeiy ware eg Laa eahoe araat the ee e eiaaa haiuag paw dare, ! af the aaaheaswaeaa ca&uee rtuea they twrpert ta Iha taa-i. Dr. J. W. MaJea, Pre, ef CaeaMstry at iha Catversity ef Yirgiaisv, a eeaeetMS of tea very kifheet. rweatalaea hath U Uks aaaatry aad a We A. aha has is Is aa eaa beeai s ea4 ethseatlea ta veeuraiaea eg the eahet, earn "I am aeeadecJy af eyaaaea laat beta the ea seeee (aiaai) ttjmt aad the t ea se etc twahaea a civee rse la eeares eg aaakieg Waaa. are sarieea a heaah, aad aa thai as is eat tag tees the he ef each teed s 1 1 1 an run as ehee4 aa seeiury greeeda be cectietiaj by lew. whaa aa aaiaavwy ea w3 ki atgtry rsepinsi as Dr. every aeaeeW e U ta bar pewer ts laaara her fasay easiest the aaa ef theee aaagersas gaosla. It weeli be e,e la'seit'i ta give the naavae af the siaai bakiag pawaers is the market, bat the aUager trees eJsss waald seaes U he eenoee aad aUrwosg. hums ef thr prsensissa ia alseeet every 1 1 n 1 ia steak. Oaa' eraty epeakiag. they are eaU at a lewer prtee. Baenuejaa. aiseeee eC Nowadays all this is changed Pic cadilly and Bond street swarm with 1 carnages, the theatres are full of well- known faces, the dubs sre even fuller 1 than ia the season. There are even some evening receptions snd ante Christmas dances, while the smart restaurants, formerly non-existent. now prove their ratsoa d'etre by the number ol pleasant little dinners, which take place at one or other of these bright reorts-. alike on week dava and I Sundays. Then the skating rinks, of which there are severs!, now patron ized by the smartest people, evidence to any one looking ia between the hoars 01 rive and seven, that many well- known people find Loodoo a desirable piece, even in what was once styled "drear November." lee deary te cake sad rpaU. they are pat sp aa tetlW. Cede Ua careens usees aad ae a avail er af safety. PreL Jte2st ravers the ee ef the we4 keewn bread af bakiag pewder, Koyvd. whaaa his teats have shews, ha s.rt, ta be maae rross the ssaat heeJUiai seele rvaia. eatireiy tree frees alaai aad every Man trail lent city Ion 0 tales msdehrrt. targe Democratic gains attended the I eonrts, prisons and asylums. These ! . I st aaa t Vi ai wmm' m Klsa aAnsaaaeHAae $ WaUh Seats the 1 contest. .'Another said: "If you wish to find Democracy still in its purity, come to We have it moulded by Vance and strengthened by native vigor and patriotism," aod, on the 25th of November, referring to Chairman Manly' s call of the executive com mittee, said: "We think that no mat ters ofgreat importance will be dis cussed on that occasion. We trust that they will find it expedient to adopt no policy or suggestion that may be offered." Against all this and an unlimited quantity more of the same kind, the Observer said: - "The only practicable plan for get ting enough whites together to win, is to hive them 00 the Chicago platform. That is the Democratic dootrin- and good enough for - onr former.. Demo eratie friends. As to the other whites are the inevitable eonsequenees of Re publican rnle. The Democratic party promises the people 00 its teturn to power to correct all these abuses. It will guarantee every citizen his right, but it demands that virtue and intelli gence shall rule the State. It will re store to the white women of the State the security they felt under the twenty years of Democracy inaugurated by the immortal Vance. To the accom plishment of these ends let every pa triotic citizen rally to the white man's party. 'To-your tents O! Israel I" WHIRS OmClALPL USD LB. BK1QS3 We have lately had a good deal of light abed opon the methods of the ofi eial elsss of Spaniards in the accounts that have eome to us of Wejlet'e course iaCuba. He is said to have left that unhappy island with an enormous for tune, the result of converting to bis own nse a large part of the pay and those who bave always voted with I supplies intended for the army. His T. B. NEWBERRY, Thornton Block. - A representative and well established hoane in Fayetteville extensively engag ed in the furniture business is that of Kr. T. B. Newberry, located on Hay street, in the Thornton block. The pre sent store oceapied compiises two floors. 20x100 feet each. He has been establish ed since March, 1897, and has built up a Iftrge and constantly increasing trade. Bere is handled a large and- most com plete line of medium and high grade inrnitum, carpets and mattings, toilet sets and house furnishing goods of all kinds. This -is a reenter installment the neeroes there is but a handful of them who desire white supremacy, if there are any." Instead of the do-nothing policy ad vocated, as above, m the name of Vance, the real voice of Vance spoke in tne eommiuee s meeuog ana con trolled its . action. In other words, the progressive . instead of the ' eon servative" plan prevailed. . A sub committee consisting of chair man Manly and Messrs. Winston, Ashe, Webster, Klnttz and Hale reported the following address intended to open the way for the re.union of the two wings of Vanee's victorious Democracy- which the committee adopted and has issued: The Aiaress. subordinate officers, of course, shared in the plunder in some degree, after the manner of 8herman's bummers but the bulk went to headquarters. That is simply a vsristion of the Boss sys tem, which is said to bave so eanched Croker. and whioh ' causes the eost of government and of living York to be so much greater thaa in the cities of the progressive nations of Eu rope. . Under the head of the 'Passing of Spain," Tk Outlook gives a picture of the mother eountry of Cnba which sup plies a companion piece to what we have been hearing from the colony. Says The Outlook: Soain'a mineral wealth ia trreater than that of almost any other Euro- . . I nam MinntrT! 80 nr cent, of her soil is representatives of the Demo- koned aproductive. and her varied " : . . . . .a Ex. U. 8. Senator Walsh, ef Georgia, aa onr readers kaew, has just bees elected mayor of Augusta. Deis a silver msn, a Bryan man. aa editor of re- uowd, aod a hater of bosses. He thas peaks to the Atlanta Constitution of his victory aad hw be won it t I consider the result an expreesioe of the will of the people. 1 have ad vocated reform ia municipal affairs and fought the trade aad barter of city offices. I bave attacked the flag rant partisanship of city officers. I was the candidate of the -people of Augusta; uy victory I attribute to an expression of the will of the people to sustain me in the stand 1 have thus taken. I bave never bad aay doabt but the majority of the voters would appreciate the wisest course. Against me was arrayed the whole- city gov ernment. I bad to light the aaa rbioe. It was a battle from the be ginning. I feel pleaeed that my friends were so loyaL I-wish to thank them alL I shall give my utmost endeavor to put in practice all the principles I have advocated. I shall try to do what they demand." I , . 1- . 1 , I O V T J 1 J : ft t as I - w eica iuoumj aai us uaTBiir ureses 1 oaraa wsunj, iwviti. jeery X I vi. I. r.r,. wss lodaed beantifuL Cap'. Raakiaa I Walker. P. B. Maaalsg, geardles, aad I wem fccttaia will be a alike the a a a . awa . . a I If erv mw a I epeeca naa a gnat cueci epoa tee aiary v. r.aiaer. eat dtv fonntalaa ia that It will The ease lavolvrs the title te SentVs Island, or Bald Head, sear the saoath of the Cape Fear. The Ulead 1 12 as ilea square aad very vsJaable. The Wilmington Meeseeger says: The eaeae is a salt la equity bvoegbt I by the Usited etalas la fnresloee a ded Mlet treat exeeatad la 1320 by Joha F. Borgwia, 10 iteaerat woeepa u. ewirt, of the Uetted Btatee eagiaear eorpa, te awe ore the Uaited Stalee tor a debt due thees by Baej. Semite aad treats for ether parties deeUred la said deed. The del eadaaU reet the claim ef the I virgla loagleslpUt. wsiiivw tsiis tavaa aaoaw I aa exeeutiea sale aad sheriff's deed I K 'l JIT.' CoLW.M.A-Sro. sisjer -oae iw. - I Thuradsy by Constable viwa iiaM avava eie aeare aava oeea la the eel eel ponsaaioa of the leads la II aa mamj te aa-Uh a eU a4 aat ae te (4 rt e H af ywe e aa 1 a 1 eerty m Aaestaeat te Plaa ef OrgtBltitiea. The following rrsolatioc, offered by Mr. II. S. 8tevens, of Duplio, wss ia New I adopted by the Democratic Exeeative I tive. Committee at their meeting on the 30th ulU That all white electors who tateod to vote with us in the next election, and wbo desire the re-establirhmeat of Anglo Saxon supremacy and honest government in North Carolina, are cordially invited to participate ia all of our primaries. ' a grvet effect delegates and especially the large aaa ber of interested spectators present. He wss followed by Rev. Mr. Craig, who spoke a favor ef diseolviog the pastoral relatione, Rev. Dr. Hill then arose and ia a powerful speech ef clear aad laeid ar gumeat, the key-note ef which "duty," fa voted grantiag Mr. M Eel way's requeet He stated that as either Seperiatondent of Home Miswees or editor of the Presbyterian Mr. MeEel wsy's influence would be greater thaa aay pastor's la North Carolina, aad when both of these positions were pro posed to be combined la a ma a of Mr. McEalway'a ability it would be folly te prevent It. the other eommiseioaer appointed by the church, followed, aod la a abort speech preeeated his aad his eherah s ease naost concisely aad poietedly. Mr. G. G. Myrover alee made a few appro priate remarks. . Mr. YtcKtlway'a speech la "de fence' of bla action wss superb aad when at Its conclnsioa Rev. Mr. , Var dell asked him to state to the Presby tery whether or not he kit la bis heart that it was his Christian duty ta take the step he pro poet d. and McKel way answered ia a clear voice, but with much emotion. "I do," the scene wss most impressive. The question wss then put "Shall the pastoral relations between Rev. A. J McKelwty and the Fayetteville church be dissolved to take effect January letj" all the delegate with the exception ef Mr. O. Q. Myrover, repreeeeticg the Fayetteville church, and Rev. Mr. Hes se!, ot Dsnn, answered ia the sffirma- Th I Oaa Maaae Uafi Cfw swaps. eeaSa. Seecliiias. eU tare eed laa-t trceVsw. U seat te take, safe la aee aad eat te tore Eaoe. letter lea satk-w mt rwt Mr. G. W. Lake irorived a yeatcrdsy fjrota ear farmer rut, Mr. Grenaniyrr, who Is la Loa IsUaa ercklag a aaltable sfte far a I amber miTL Mr. Greaamyer says that be la Ulakisg of locslisg at LrcsvilU, oa the H. CP. & G. rail road which road reus far a hraadxvd miles though a sBaguLScrat farest of A 1 I if I i 1 rvr. Ceaearwta Caady CaOWlU. the meet wis I ufal ai at, 1 anal i niary aw U sea, plawaaat ead retreat tag ta tsa sels. eat sweuv ee4 pesaaeaay a. Xawya. aver ee4 tiaiaa. elaaeasig tea eaawa ijniea. Jisrl - -' - - ft, ... - - ft,A PVaaae bey aad try a Wtaf CCC ta-dar. EV ae .aw km. tWd a4 rearaeid k eara eyaaeagzlate. fteidVy A. g aetaerry Thuradsy by Constable Msaltsby oa a bail warrant sworn oat by Mrs. H.MsD. Roqinsoa, Eeo-,1 eoatrovervy. elaimieg Uses aa their I M. O. Denver. The mxa la charxrd own aad that the Uaited States have ae riiht te the foreclosure ef the deed, aad also epoa ether grenade. Baby ine! eat sM luted ., rawele Thetr 4 Breve Talk. rith offer chasers. -THE "The KAtt : m u M" I inUtft the Democrat or ner Bisieri :.Mi.HMi Thsar hnni h.n - Ul MUtCB, tTlbL'cr iUT OIMU UI VU I . ... . a m al. I KllVUIlUllil V a VW MVae jeekly or monthly payments. Mr. New- States, wno, wun a nrm " " r no considersble war since the dsysof wrry bays his goods from first hands for I principles embodied in tne ynicsgo Napojeon to waste her resources, and e8h, and is thereby always enabled to J platform, have won splendid victories heir eoaphical position has so pro- extra pnee inducements to pur- for the people. tA K-r th.t .h has been snared the aTn reminintr at the success of the I ,. n.nii;iiiMifar flaetaand stand- A. sijv. p - . I KSWeW vm. VV U'lataa. vs Democratic patty in the late elections, armies which other nations have we remind the people that Democratic nad to meet. But, in spite of all this, majorities -were Isrgest, and Republi- sne u to-dsy stricken, bankrupt, and can majorities were smallest, in those impotent, with debts which she ean States where mat piaiiorm waa iu 1 never meet, witn tne nigues. t-aio i issue. It is a signincani last mat illiteracy in Europe, excepting mat 01 Democracy was defeated in the States I Portugal and the Italian islands, (in where' local concerns were auuwou au lssa lne latest date tor wnicn ngarrw overshadow the principles of the ParT-1 ean be found, 715 per cent, could Democracy ia for all the peopie. xne neither read nor write,) ana wunout recent MnM"-. -1 Amm, fV. ln,. ki. -.j rn w," . form their belief in bimetallUm. their - From 1800 to 1877 the annual in- deuenment straignt ror tne nearest Collects Notes and DnittS '!D"' oatf- As be approached i I UUK" "rr- . , , I - 1 nrAAda and Drsctioes, ana, aoove an, Der eenU iu;. hsfrori at -- tne tyrannous koiu i waa one-hair or 1 ner cent, per annum atAndard.- They show that they willhrne rate for England for the period Bank of Fayetteville j PAYETTEVIIiliE, N. C. Does a General . Banting Easiness DECEIVES DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO CHECH free. "Uodrr the Sed Craseeet. "I never in my life saw a msn such a magnificent physique. He very handsome, splendidly proportion ed, and of astonnding physical strength. A few days before I met him he bed been the hero of a feat about which all the troops in Nish were still talk ing. ' It seemed that Abdul Ksrim Pssbs, the Commander in Chief, while inspecting the troops one morning, essually expressed a wish that he could capture a Servian prisoner from the Servian lines. beard tne rem arc. roue op, ana salut ing, asked to be permitted to get the commander a prisoner. Abdul Kerim wonderingly gave the required per mission, and Ahmed Bey, without another word, wheeled bis charger. Rev. J. S. Black accepted work In the group of churches Sardia, Sum merville. Flat Branch. Barbecue and Spout Springs.' St. Panls. ML Tabor. Philadclphu and Lnmbertosi charches were consti tuted a pastoral charge and directed to employ a pastor at as early a day as practicable. Rev. II ugh Craig was elected chair man ol the committee oa the Bible cause. Rev. F. P. Ramsey of Ebencxer Presbytery was granted permission to labor in the bounds of the Presbytery until the next regular meeting. He will devote a part of his time to teach ing ia Raeford Institute. TW Bla eM Ca The suit ef Underwood and McNeill Ahmed Bey, who over-1 vs. the Drummoad Tobeeeo Company Uper eenLn ror lue oemem vieevioe vpvytu uiw va him, hoping to drop him on the wing. Payable here and at all Banking Points in North Carolina, AT SEASONABLE CHAKGES, j and remits promptly for all collections. Capital Stock - V- : $Z50,IB1. B"No deposits reecved on interest, t H. W. LILLY. President. ! a. a. M.cKTiiAKr vice rresi., J. u. H AIGH, JO., uasnier. ayetteville. N. C. " i Farm for Sale. ; 1 IHIU uiuioia J 1 am a wm .. ' . .nn fnr tha y Farm and Beaidenee located about orai; Who wss n ... . dranenaia and chronic ne ro e an . hlf from FavetterillC. I nhieaero DlallOrm anu iua I - nrl hrnainir oout one hundred acres. Two hundred I wno stood on it.' ; - " I DeWitt'e Little Early Risers, the famous res adjoining ean be purchased. The I ..jjo less significsnt i the I tact t nat 1 j fof ttomach and liver trou- anil ,a 1 1 1 ..j a. - ! - . n . I . . . 1 'CftAA. N AW Y lf K I . . XT ... . T n . -V .mw.m 7 I fnjl DMIU1D Uft ftWV ' . 1 UiHSW . . . l. w "Q, oatR. frnits nA nMtahaa. Qoou 1 7 r 7fnnO maioritv SSI in-.. .nhmit tn the robbery of trusts, the domination of bosses ana the oppression ot tne money fw.i. The condemnation of the hypocrisy. and falsehood ol tne nepuoiican panj is crashing. . . u..v.. "It is eaualiy pronouncea, wuum f f .... 5 Um wheat we near h, iouu u - - floida of Ohio and Iowa, or struggling most nearly corresponding to the last decade was 11.65. Russia alone, with her vaat stretches ot arctis steppes to h taken into account, has a lower aversge density of population than SDein. The latter has but 88 inhab itants to the sauare mile: the average for England is 497. The Bpenisn noiasi to dsy are vacant, the towns so strange-. for utterance in the wealth eongeeted j j empty that they eeem unreal. centre or -r , ."pj," Yet thia is the nation which, four 000 Snrality-a candidate whose only hundred years sgo, ruled the seas. wjbsi T SS VW SI IAfTt I . wjwawaaaawawswaswawsawaawJs campaign uiien.n0w. Um. M. B. Ford. Ruddell's.111.. suffsred But Ahmed Bey galloped on unharmed having deliberately . marked oot one sentry tor his prey. The sentry emp tied bis rifle at the audacious horseman in vain, and too late started too run. Ahmed Bey swooped down upon hint like a spsrrow hawk upon a landrail, and bending down grasped the man by the collar in aa Iron grip aad flung him without an effort aeroes the saddle in front ot him. Then he galloped back agaio, bending over hia horse's neck as the bullets whistled over his head, and delivered his bewildered prisoner to the iurxiaa eommsnuer amid the delighted shouts ot the whole detachment." - . for $30,000 aad Interest, balance dee on parehase money for the Underwood cigarette machine aad which waa to bays been tried la BL Louis oa the 20th losL, bas been earn promised. Dr. MsNaiil returned frost St, Loais Friday morning, and ox pre ean himeelt as satisfied under the elnamstasees with the result. Messrs. McNeill and Underwood have been pat to great ex pense aad trouble oa aaeoaat of the breach ot contract by the Drummoad Company. We bave authority for stating that tha sum received by Messrs Underwood and McNeill is more thaa $12,000 aod and leas thaa $20,000. Mies Lou Hawley baa retaraed ta Newark, New Jersey. Mies Nellie Da Vase, of Feleee, is vleitisg Miss Oeorgie Eiaks, ea Oreea Jadge R. P. Baxtoa aad Iaae Mar ebisoe, Esq., are atteediag Harnett eoesty court at LiHiagtoa, Mrs. J. M. Clark baa retaraed frees Greeeebore aaooea pealed by Mies Mamie Yost of that place. Mr. W. N.. Williams, who as bee sick with fever foe the past two weeks. Is coeval seeing, we are glad ta leare, The Mextoa eorrcepooieet af the Lessbertoa Robeeonisa eaym CoL Frank Blount of FsystteviQe waa ea oar streets Thursday." Mrs. D. H. Bell has rvtsrsed to ber home la YelJaleta, Ge. eeeompeeied by Mrs. Colombia ToUr aad Mr. Eagvae Maultsby. . Mrs. J. J. Jacksoa. of PitUbora, whobsa beeo visiting ber sister, Mrs. J. H. Came ta 71st, retaraed heme Satarday moraisg. Cent. H- T. Thesspeoa, ef tha Dar licgtee bar, son ot ex Gov. Tboapeoa, of South Catoliaa. paid the Owuvxn office a pleasant call Satarday arernlag. Proprietor Lyon aad epeeial hunts man Bragg, ef the .Red 8 prion Hotel, were la the city - Fndsy te uneet a party ot north era busters who are te be the guests ot the botsL Mr. aad Mrs. Theodore Marburg aad Mrs. YieUr Oraierer, whe bave bee speodiag several dsys very pleaeaatly with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Liny on Hsy with aitrsoptiag ta leave tha Stalt without pejisg Mrs. Drsver a ta board, tall. Ta coioasti ears MU i Georgiea aad bas bee here tha past SBoeta trrisg to organise a fraternity. lie was seat to jail upoe failure te give bond.' t Tha North Caroliaa lVrabyteriaa Pablisbiag Com pa ay of Gaaiktte, baa beta Incorporated by tbt Sacrtlary of State, for a period of thirty year. Its capital stock, divided lata shares of fioocach, la to be, with privilege of lacrrasisg to fioo.ooa The baalacaa of the com pas y abaS b the paUicslioa of a weekly rtligioas arwspaper kaowa as the North Caro liaa Ftvabrtrriaa aad also carrying oa a general priatiag aad paUiahisg busiacaa. . ' Tbt lacorporators are Rev. A. J. McKalway, j. W. Stagg aad J. R. Uowvrtoa. Vl j f The Beet Salve ie the werld far Cats, Braleaw, Serve. UWra. Beit Raeam. Fever Swree. Tetter. Chspped ileaae, ChUtlaiae, Cwae. ead all kia Ersa lleas, sad poastivaJy eeree aa pay rvqekrwd. It as gaaraataed te aire perfart satMaetioa er secosy re feeded. Priee SS eeais pe box. Fee saJe by B. E. Bed berry A Seas. : . "i9 yvr2 ).-v 1 a. wSvi'a " sawswawaav awaw Every othrr feels aa iadc acribaUe dread of the paia aad dxaftr attend ant upon tbe soost CTitjcal pe riod ef her Lfc. Becoaiar toother should be a scarce of joy to alL but lb uSeriap" aad dinger of tbe ordeal make ha aalkipatioo ooe of euaexy. MOTHER'S FRIEND : Is tbe remedy which rclaeve women of the great paia aad auf Icrinf incident to raslcrnity; this boos which ts dreaded aa womxa's severest trial is aot ooly raadc eaialcis, but all tbe danger is re moved by ita use. Those who use this remedy are no locrrr do tpoadent or gloom v; aerrousaezs eauaea and other cLrtrcssiofj coo diuoos are avoided, the ryttcm it made ready for the coming event, aad the serious accidenta so coo moo to the critical hour are obviated by the use of JrUthaea Frtead. Hum Ucug U lixomKrmJiaaarjrwsaMa. eaaaa try sbaU eaa twawie mt awvee. fill a -r'aii'a. 'i i aesstarTasty tw aasrrtxa srarurea re. n Dawt Taeaaaw a e4 hi Away. Tear lift &ter and a desirable place. J' I tbe people of, the Good 1 7". tA ' t,T Apply to "' - - .he Court of Appeals, a One Minute Cough Cure cures quickly. E. S. SAUNDERS, 1 I '"'"' .nnnort bv an-1 ThaVs wnat you want! .. KntaBaoa. Weev bilious or costive, eat a Cas caret candy eathartic, sure guaraateed. 0t,tf, If you waat to unit tobaeee aalag easlry aad forever, be aaada weLL etroec atae etie, full ef new IK aad vigor, take No-Te-Baa, the woadeewwrker that saakes weak saea strong, ataay gala tea aveads la tea days. Over 400,000 eared, bay Ne-To-Eae from year owe dracxtat, whe wiU gusraatee a cure. Booklet aad sauspie xAilad' free. Addrees 6UrUng Besaedy GeChloaceee New lark. Sold by 8. -1 Sedberry k Boas. mount, retaraed te WUmiegtea There-1 fr " Meeers. WUhsm Feadrieb aad Doe Duffy, whose visit ta Mr. Paul 81oeomh bas beaa a very pUaeaat eee, retaraed ta Peaarylvaala Tharsday. Come agaia geatlemea aad yoa wiU find the latch string oa the eat aide ef ear door. Rev. Dr. J. M. Rose has retaraed te Morgantoa. Beeore lea vis g Mr. Rose received a telegram from Morgantoa stat Is r that the Preebyterlaa eh s rah at that place, ot which he is pastor, lost severely by the failure ot the Piedmont bank. Tbe 8 parte a bo rg Herald has a long and glowing aaeoaat ef a dance aad reception give Mooday eUhtbyMr. aad Mrs. Tboe, L. Geff. of that city. Mr. Ooff la pleasantly remembered la Fayetteville aa la also a daaee be ease gave bere. tal erveeetSewa wWw e aaava TW ewreiy Is Te ike tt yeer tteeal WW e wiae aaao ve- a eiaaa amn e araM art M esirtake jim: kw i teat a mt Pfaaai, ibwIiI ala rr ft iw Waa mt Ikw iwri aua If a dxtaavd by ( a aanwara a a bv fH ee mt aw tail te de tt"f rrraW awt. fee raw W vrrtaie Ua aaartataa wors. la Wswwd ar aa If rswaaipaaiaa ere p'T Ma e waraaira Uet the rawaay ef aaisaae daw aaa Ie nam e aiwick fcs- , Ta erabe Ut te ae Is e I 1 attly tomty the rysaraa watfc tw. rwwal Coidrw feldsnU Dasfiary It vttalsw aw tesieural ls ewuaw te a.. H It a taw Ike liwv fee aiis-r mm all tl. ti ree t r PROnSalOXAL CARDS. WAsaa-eri una waAtaae. STJEcnisoH tt rorr, llzuji n! tnTn il Uy, . yaiaiumxa. s. c ED. R. UacKETHAn. Attorney and Cotmaellor wanrTTarrttvub st. c J. He MARSH, II. Da. rilTSICIAN and 8 URGE OX OSeet X. L Gsraee Market Beware. FAT K IT li VILIsE, W. c. ia a. sTswrea, baa raoaau aad iwre to rtc. red. fermMky tfialii aevwtite. r4 sUrrstsosv, aiwarelar Krrar A- n i. kf watnaf Se the earrv atiaMtaw ad aaalsrtrectA tt a Wlttf lka wd hwrr ea e-aae kraae as by Ow wraAral in nirsv Cwswysswasc- aiwr asaka MVkal rf IM r a isvsl um - I m ss svr, r" smll. Aerflt. iii. mm, . SE2TrXST8t rsriTTaTitta, su i aa. a. a. raTTsaeosu aw.j.a.tirra imt ai The agrieultaral department reports thai the sales of tsrtilixers this a at am a I are S3 IS per eeaL greater thaa they wtra a rear agu. ksis.i.1 prwmsi lsawiUaUstaiaaaewaaaf. br.wvr a l m as sssss- tft rwi I CHlia Merml I t Msmi Uks U I ill aarwS Srasa lw aa a) ftmsa OmCXi Ovw? Baavk ef yayaetevCTa, A eere ead serwaaeet eev bar eematfesv I imwiirrrr w a Doe aa tw. rstree s r una a n -Is s graCe UaaUre, twe a avud enWue, ae OA in i ad rtresst i I Si I 4 i M lis Kov. 23, 1897, FayetterUle, N. C. I statesmaB wuv -