THE OBSERVER, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. MAY 31. 1900 We desire a live agent and correspond ent at every postomee in uumoeriana ana adjoining counties. Correspondence on all subjects of local and general interest and opinions upon matters pnblie of concern, are invited The editor will not be responsible for the yeiws or statements of correspondents and reserves the right at all times to revise or correct any article he may think requires it. Correspondence for the Weekly Observer should reach the office not later than Mon day. One side, only, of the paper must be writ ten on and the real name of the writer accompany the contribution. No atten tion will be paid to anonymous letters. EPThe date on your label tells yon when your subscription expires. Receipt for money on subscription will be given in change of date on label. It not prop erly changed in two weeks notify us. mix to raw AJDYXxninmm.. Clyde Line Sailing Days. D. J. Wilson For Sale. Hollingsworth & Co. Organdies. Charles SU John Winchester (Va.) Inn. Rev. B. H. Simmons Valuable Lots for Bale. Standard Oil Company Wickless Oil Store 4th page. We offer the Weekly Observer and Home and Farm, one year, for only $ 1.25; two papers for almost the price of one. "Home and Farm" is one of the pop nlar papers among the farmers. It has four departments woman's, children's, poultry and dairy. Subscribe now. Compujaaatarr to Kiss Dalsey lama. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Williams en tertained a number of young people last Friday, in honor of Miss Daisey Smith, of Ooldsboro, who is the guest of Miss Eliza. Williams. Among other young ladies present from abroad were: Miss Calvert of Maryland, Miss Myers of Washington, and Misses Laey Chad bourn and Robinson of Wilming ton. . In an ezeiting game of whist, Mr. Hector McGeachy earried off first honors, winning eight straight games, and presented the handsome prizs to the guest of honor, Miss Smith. Bla4eas Cmmt Ticket. The Bladen county nominating con vention met at Elixibethtown Fri day and nominated the following ticket : House of Representatives, E. F. Me Culloch ; sheriff, C. W. Lyon; treasurer, W. S. Clark ; register of deeds, J. 8. Williamson ; surgeon, J. W. Downing ; coroner. Dr. Q. L. Clark; commis sioner, C. P. Parker, W. K. Anden and R. L. Bridger. The convention endorsed the Na tional and State platforms, and passed resolotioos endorsing the State ticket and Hon. C. R. Thomas for Con cress. Xiss Xsggie steam aa ta Kerry. The many young friends in this city of Miss Maggie Stedman, received Fri day the following invitation: Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Lyon request the honour of yoor presence at the marriage of their daughter Margaret Bernard Stedman, to Mr. David Cunningham Sinclair, on Wednesday, June the sixth, nineteen hundred, at twelve o'clock noon. Methodist Episcopal Church, Elizabeth town, North Carolina. Taaaa-hl I vu OitaMN. Chief of Police Flowers received word last Saturday that a negro answer ing the description of the desperado and ex-outlaw, Alexander Gilmore, was at the Atlantic Coast Line depot about to take a train North. It proved to be a ease of mistaken identity, howt ever. It is now thought that Gilmoie is the man who committed the recent robbery of 50 odd pairs of shoes at the Atlantic Coast Line freight yard. The morning after the robbery he was seen in Campbellton with two large sacks on his back, the contents of which looked very much like shoes. He went down on the Hurt as far as Cedar Creek, and was recognised by an ex deputy sheriff who had arrested him on a previous occasion after a fierce fight, and the boat hands one of whom he used to be but as no one had a pistol and dared not tackle bim unarmed, he was altowed to leave the boat at Cedar Creek, where his home is, and where so many of his earlier exploits took place. He earried the same two sacks with which he was seen in Campbellton. Data mt Dr. Gar(e ljaaas. A telegram was received in this city last Saturday by Rev. H.T.Graham, announcing the death, in Baltimore last night, of our former townsman, Dr. George E. I jams, recently Treasurer of C. F. & Y. V. Railroad in this city. No particulars were given and we know nothing further of the cause of his death, but this announcement will be received with deep and sincere re gret by his many friends in Fayetteville. Dr. I jams had not been in good health for some years, yet his death was altogether unexpected. He was an able, faithful and efficient officer, and was held in high esteem by the officials of the road, and by all who were thrown with him in the friendly intercourse of social life. He was somewhat reserved in his disposition and in the habits of his life, and was, for this reason, not so widely known here as he might have been, but those who enjoyed bis friendship sod had. shared the delightful bospi- tahty of his charming home knew the warm-hearted sincerity of the man and appreciated the- sterling worth of his character. Dr. I jams leaves a wife and two sons to whom our sincerest sympathy is ex tended. A MONRTRR DEVIL FISH Destroying its victim, is a type of Constipation. The power of this mur derous malady is felt on organs and nerves and muscles and brain. There's no health till it's overcome, But ut. Kine's New Lifa Pills are a safe and certain cure. Best in the world for oiotnaeh, laver, Kidneys and Bowels. Only 25 cents at B. E. gedberrj & 80111 v(K store. TUB THIRD DISTRICT CtHTBN r TlOtf. ' - .raretwvill, Jaae 3'ia. We received the following telegram at 3 o'clock Monday afternoon: Wassaw, May 27, 1900. Observer. Fayetteville: "There is a full meeting! of the intra (jongresslonal Democratic Ex ecutive Committee present. une28th was chosen as the time for holding the convention, and Favetteville was un animously selected as the place of meeting. "John Underwood. - This is good news, and we can assure the delegates a hearty welcome to our city on that occasion. This conven tion'will nominate a member of Con gress and a Presidential Elector. Hon. Chas. R. Thomas will probably be re nominated by acclamation, and H. I Cook, Esq., is the only person we have heard so iar prominently spoken of for Elector. . The counties composing this Dis trict are: Cumberland, Craven, An son, Sampson, Moore, Harnett, Dup lin, Bladen' and Onslow. Aa Escaped Ceavict Casxartd. Chief of Police Flowers captured at his home in this city last Saturday an escaped convict named Geo. McAllis ter. "McAllister was sentenced bv the Cumberland county court to one year in the penitentiary for larceny-more than a year ago. Last summer he escaped from a force of convicts work ing on a railroad in Robeson county, and since " then he has been travelling about the country, spending most of his time in Richmond : and Norfolk. He reached here on a train this morn ing with the intention of paying a short visit to bis family, and then go ing to Aberdeen to accept a job on Blue's road. Capt. Flowers, however, heard of his presence and he is now in jail awaiting the pleasure of the peni tentiary authorities. The reward for the capture of an escaped convict is $10. Tae Kelt The long looked-for " eclipse of the sun came precisely on schedule time. the acme being reached at 8:46 this morning. As Fayetteville is not in the centre of the path which the eclipse followed, the corona did not, asde- scribed by Professor Jacoby's article printed by us on Saturday, spread out its rays far and wide. Not having seen that feature, our people cannot say what they might have thought of it, but we have heard many say that it could not surpass what we did see, at the supreme moment, namely, a wonderfully beautiful' ring with a great setting, as of a huge diamond, on the right (or South) side. 1 Great crowds were out in the streets. as well as in colgnes of vantage about their several dwellng places, ready to greet the strange spectacle; but, from all we can learn, the best view of the eclipse in Fayetteville' was from the cupola of Col. Starr's handsome resi dence on Haymount. The specially favored upon this occasion were Mrs. L. Banks, Miss Minerva McNeill and Miss Florence Smith. The view from this site is always superb, but upon this occasion words, we are told, were inadequate to describe it. As the eclipse reached the point of totality the lights and shadows upon the foli age below and upon the hQla and dales in the distance was beautiful beyond description; it was worth the journey to the top of the cupola to see it, and will remain a liie-time remem brance. Many think the unusually cool weather we have been having is in some way connected with the eclipse. It is certainly very different in the matter of dryness, for example from the "cool spell" we usually have in May. When the moon which had hidden the beautiful sun from our sight was passing on and let the sun spring forth with that glorious flash of light which startles all beholders, a lady who was gazing, with so many others, at the wondrous sight, exclaimed: "Then God smiled and it was morning, Matchless and suprm ; Heaven's glory seemed adorning Earth with its rare gleam I" ; found (it is said) among Edgar Allen Poe's unpublished writings. Deal H a aTfltle ChlM. In this city early Saturday morning. Hector LeRoach, the little eight months old son of Mr. and MrsT R. A. Melvln, left this earth for his home above. The funeral took place from Cedar Creek Baptist Church Sunday noon, in the presence of a large con gregation, .several of whom were from this city. Messrs. H. B. Downing and John McP. Geddie made a few com forting remarks. A PronUaeat fpaaktr Comisg The sTtxt Lieutenant Governor to Speak ia Casaber land. Chairman H. L. Cook announces that the Hon. W. D. Turner, candidate for Lieutenant Governor, will address the people .on the Constitutional Amend ment and other political issues of the day at Cedar Creek, Cumberland coun ty, on Saturday, Jane 9.h, 1900, at 12 o'olook m., and at Manchester on the 11th day of Jane, 1900, at 12 o'clock m. Mr. Tnrner is one of the strong speakers from the western part of the State, and the people are urged to go out to hear him. OnwIii Oat fib Fart Case. The trial of Mr. Andrew Johnson, charged with aiding and abetting Thomas Fort, who is charged with criminal assault, in his attempt to escape, was set for this afternoon before Magistrate Cashwell at Hope Mills, but has been postponed to next Tuesday A telegram received here last night from Laurinburg announced the criti cal illness of Master E. Henry Rose, theyouogeat ton of Rev, Sr. J. M Children's Da, at the Fmbytariaa Chare. we.. . . . - a ue Beautiful weather Snndav brought out a large congregation at me rresbyterian church. The body of the church was full to overflowing, and the service was riven np to the Sunday school for its annual Children's Day exercises, which were of even more than usual attractive ness. The pulpit was beautifully decked wiui nowers which gave added bright ness to the service. The exercises were in charge, of capt. R. A. Southerland. the accom pliahed Superintendent of the Sunday &chool, whose zeal and ability have done so much for the school. After brief devotional exercises the programme prepared for the occasion by the Foreign Missionary Committee of the Southern- Presbyterian Church was gone through with in a most creditable and attractive manner- hymns, recitations and responsive readings. One unique feature of the exercises was the group of seven girls dressed in the costume of as many pagan or moslem lands, each of whom presented an urgent plea for the gos pel for their own nnevangelized mil lions. Still another unique feature was the group of four boys Jn sailor costume who received the offerings of the con gregation in miniature boats.. This offering which was unusually large was to aid in the completion of the Congo Boat now building in Rich mond, Va., for mission work in Equa torial Africa. The Pastor announced the names of eleven children who had recited the Catechisms of the church and present ed them with' testament or bible therefor. - The service closed with a hymn and the benediction, and all agreed that it had been one of exceptional interest and impressivefbess. A Taraalala at Iarg. Sanday Mr. S. M. Taylor discovered a tarantula in a buneh of bananas in his npper Hay street store and sum moning several friends surrounded the spider -and attempted to capture it. It managed to elude them, however, and jumping to the floor scampered off. Mr. Taylor had his store turned upside down, so to speak, every nook and cor ner searched, but to no avail, and now this ngly monster, whose bite is popu larly supposed to be death, ia the terror of Mr. Taylor and the neighborhood. Webster, however, will set their minds at ease, as be thus describes the tarantula: "A species of spider, the Lyeosa tarantula. His bite somtimes produces a trifling effeot about equal to the ating of a wasp, and is popularly supposed to be eured by music" The T&n af the lelipee. A minute before the eclipse was total. a large hawk was seen flying directly over the town, and jnst as the sun's rays died out altogether, the hawk sud denly darted towards the earth and perched in a tree on Person street, huddling up as if going to roost. A gentleman living on Haymount tells us that having seen the eclipse just after the war, be this time paid all bis attention to the doings of bis chick ens. When the darkness became clearly perceptible they all ran for their roosts, and just as the veil wis thrown back and that brilliant gleam of light burst forth many of the roosters erowd right lustily. Caaaaerlaa Wait Saareaiacy Claa. After the speaking at Cumberland Mills last Saturday night, by Messrs. McKetban . and Oates, a White Su premacy Club was organised with the following officers : Mr. J. W. Hodges, President; Mr. D.T.McDongald, Vice President ; Mr. T. H. Holmes, Secre tary. Qoite a number of" names were enrolled, and when CapL McNeill and Mr. Underwood speak there on the 8th of June, it is said that a large number of others will be added to the list. Throughout the whole eonnty much enthusiasm is being shown over the establishment of these elubs. The peo pie are determined on white supremacy, irrespective of factional or party lines. WH1TI HAN'S COlVTKlf TIOIV. Dial era tie Preclaci lact aaa Jaaaty C veatiaae. The Democratic precinct meetings for the various election precincts of Cumberland eonnty are hereby called to meet at the usual places at the usual hour on SATURDAY, JUWX 30TH, 1900, for the purpose of electing delegates to the eonnty convention which is hereby called to meet in Fayetteville, Wednes day, July 4th, 1900, at 11 o'clock a. m. The precinct meetings' for Cross Creek and Pearoe's Mills townships will be held on Friday night, J nne 29ih, according to notice to be given by the precinct chairmen. The countv convention will nominate candidates for Sheriff, Register of Deeds, Treasurer, three eonnty Com missioners and a Senator aud two Rep resentatives, and transact snob other business as may properly coma before it. Let there be a full attendance of the whits men of Cumberland at these meetings, and thus emphasize the posi tion of onr people on the question of ettablithing permanent white lupremacy. very Democrat is expected to attend these conventions. By order of the eonnty Democratic Executive committee. H. L. Cook, Chairman. E. R. McKktham, Secretary. May 29th. 1900. The Prince of Wales Wins the Derby. By cable to the Observer. EDSom Down. May 30. Diamond Jnbilee. the favorite at two to one, won the Derby today. O wned by the Prince of Wale, rii mood ale was seeona ana James R- Keen's Disguise third. The President Off Again. Ft telegraph to the Observer. Washington, May 30. The President and several members ot his cabinet left at 9:30 today for Antietam battlefield to witness the aeaioauoQ 01 we Mary laud, uonqmoot A TBBB1ILI AsTVAlat 11V VLB A mi. a.. ' a Ffrgra airways A While Weaiaa. News reached here yesterday of the most outrageous crime ever committed in Cumberland county.- Messrs. S. B. Godwin and J as. West came to town hurriedly at mid-night and reported to Sheriff Burns that Mrs. West, the young wife of the latter, and niece of the former, was criminally assaulted by a negro man in Flea Hill township yesterday afternoon. They were both sworn in as deputy sheriffs and re turned at once to get together a posse and go in search of the fiend. From what can be learned, it seems that Mrs. West was walking in the yard near the fence, when she was siezed from behind by the negro, who choked her into insensibility. Mrs. West made v a brave struggle and screamed for help, but, as her husband and all the hands were working In a distant field, it was to no purpose. The negro, who made good his escape. is described as young rather black and well dressed. From the description given of him, Chief of Police Flowers thinks he was in this city yesterday. - There is intense excitement in Flea Hllryhnd. if caught, it is thought the first lynching in Cumberland's history will have to be recorded. A Declstea mt flaca Paaiie latere.- A decision of the Snpreme Court of North Carolina Tuesday, of mush in terest to Fayetteville and the' other towns in the State, was in the ease of the Board ot Education vs. the Town ot Henderson. In this ease it decided that all fines collected by towns' and eities upon prosecutions for violation of criminal laws of the State must go into the common school fund and not into the treasury of the town or city. This has not been done in many towns and eities, and the decision means al most a revolution in the financial man agement of such operations. They will not only lose from their treasury these fines in f utuie, but many of them will have to refund to the school fond such money thus collected in the past and turned into the town treasury it is aid. Articles mt CaaaatMaUea. Articles of consolidation amalgamat ing the Norfolk and Carolina, Wilming ton and Weldon and Southeastern railroad companies, the Atlantic Coast Line railroad companies of South Caro lina and Virginia, into one system known as the Atlantic Coast Line Rail road Company, were yesterday filed for record with the Register of Deeds of New Hanover eonnty. The Safe Deposit and Trust Com pany, ot Baltimore, is named as the financial agent ot the new company. The most important feature of the reeord, says the Wilmington . Star, is that $18,000 in revenue stamps were required to be affixed to the document. Tae Coafsdrate SeaaUa sTenh Carohaa Has Sight ef Way. The tenth annual reunion of the United Confederate Veterans began yesterday at 12 m., at Louisville in tfce splendid new hall erected for this occa sion by the people of Louisville. There are about twenty five veterans from Fayetteville, in attendance, several of them distinguished soldiers during the war. We received the following gratifying telegram this afternoon : ' Louisville, KyMay 30, 1900. To Observer : North Carolina's- large delegation has right of line. Louisville's arms are wide open. John N. Prior. The ex-eenfederates and the other visitors have found Louisville swathed with bunting, the stars and bars of the Confederacy predominating. General John B. Gordon, the com mander-in-chief of the United Confed erate Veterans, arrived yesterday from 8helbyville. ' The hour for the great parade of Friday, which had waited on General Gordon's coming, was fixed for 2 o'clock p. m. Marines of All Nations Hastening to Pekin. By cable to the Observer. Pekln. May 30. Four hundred American marines from the cruiser Newark have landed and reached Tient Ting. They were reported hast ening at all speed to protect the Amer ican Embassy nere. . ueiaicnmenrs from French, Russian and Japanese marines, which were landed at Takn, and one hundred British marines are to-day following suit. The Imperial troops, sent to disperse the Boxers, found themselves hopelessly outnum bered, and several hundred were kill ed. Two trans and many rifles were captured, after which a greater part of the remainder went over to the rebels. The Landing of American Troops. TientUioff. May 30. One hundred and eight American marines with ma chine guns and a field gun landed last night amid great enthusiasm ot the res idents. It is believed the Boxers will disperse before the foreign soldiers without a fight.. This place is no lon ger in danger. British Landing Troops in China. Shanghai. May 30. The British war ships Olandoand Algerine, are land ing one hundred men at Tako, where the French, Russian and Japanese guards have already disembarked. The Boxers are apparently without arms, except those they have obtained from the soldiers, many 01 whom have openly joined the rebels. COLD STEEL OR DEATH. "There is but one small ehanee to save your life and that is through an oneration." was the awfnl DrosDeot set before Mrs. L B. Hunt, of Lime Ridge, Wis., by her doctor after vainly trying to core her of a frightful ease of stom ach trouble and yellow jaundice. He didn't count on the marvellous power of Elect rio Bitters to euro Stomach and Liver troubles, but she beard of it, took seven bottles, was wholly cured, avoid ed surgeon's knife, now weighs more and feels better than ever. It's posi tively guaranteed to cure Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles and never disappoints. Price CQa at B, S, Se4- berry & boot, The Beat Preacripliaa far ChllU and Fever is a bottle of Gaovx'a Tasts LM8 Chill Tohio. It is simply iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure no pay. Jfrioe, fiOo. A. B. WILLIAMS. COTTON BUYER, HAY STREET, BTATBTT B V1l,X,at. JV. C. FAYETTE VXLLll HABKET8 RXTISXO DAILT. Middling... ............. 8triot Middling.. ' ! Good Middling .....93-16 Strict Good Middling 9 Spirits ....... ...... m . 46i Common Rosin.. ............. ...1 10 Virgin ...2 20 Yellow Dip 2 20 Hard........ ;.l 20 - RXPORTID BT 8. HTTSKX. 8RO0XR. flour lit pat, sack, 2.4042.63 Family Flour -2nd pat, sack $2.00 2.20 Oides dry per lb. 810 ereen ner id. S 1520 8 HalU StalO 8 46 65 65a75 75986 05960 Wool washed Bacon hog round per lb " nam aides . shoulders Oats S3 lbs ner bushel Peas clay " mixed " white. Meal boltedM lbs per bushel -unbolted 48 fbs per bushel 60956 Corn old 56 lbs per bushel 5560 Onions select per bushel 1.001.25 10911 4 20926 . 27931 26 a 17 8a9 none 25 a SO 20925 8c 1U12 Ua4 1.001.25 696 LArd K.U. Tallow . Docks - Hens per head Roosters per head Turkeys per lb Guineas Country Butter Honey strained per ib Feathers new Potatoes Irish Pork Valuable Lots for Sale. aaaaaaaaaaaa One lot contain hi ir 11 acre of land atHoininff the Williamson at Holt Cotton Factory, 'with three honsea on t, with spaee enough to build six other four-room houses. One Bvs-sere lot on east side of Wilmington rosa with a savsn-room house on it This iol ia well adapud for tonck (arming. Act Ons vacant lot oa west aids-of Wilmington road containing nearly tw acres of land. Two bonsai and lots on east side of Cool Spring street sdioinlng Mrs John 1 homsoo and others. Thsss lots euntaia 4 aerse of land. Any person wishing to buy either of the above lota may apply to Mr. J. B. BK'AX- ITOOTorto KKV K. H. SIMMONS. StatMvills, N. C, $259000 To Be Given Away0 ries, as shown by the official census of 1900. We hare made arrangements with THE PBESS PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION to enable our subceribers to participate in the distribution of the crises, amounting to $25,C00. n 1 1 D fl EX CD UNTIL FUBTHES NOTICEe rery one who sends us $1.00 UUfl Urrbrla for one years subscription to The Obsxbtxb will be entitled to one guess. Present subscribers mar scription will be extended one year from tne price 01 our paper; you gee ue guess aoeoiuteiy free. VnilD CIIECQ When you send in your subscription you make your guess. lUUil QUCwu Be sure and write your name, address and guess as plainly as possible. As soon as we receive your subscription we will fill out and send you a certificate corresponding to guess made by you. which will entitle you to any nrize that you may draw. Be sure and keep yonr certificate. We will file the dtrpueate with The Press Publishing Association. Erery subscriber will receive as many cer tificates and hare as many guesses as he sends yearly subscriptions to The Obskbvkb. If yon want more than one guess get your friends and neighbors to subscribe. They Will at ISO V VttUUVU IV UUO gUO.aU VALUABLE INFORMATION. To aid subscribers in forming their estimate, we furnish the following -data : Tear. To'al Population!. Incawsa. Per cent 1790 3,929,214 929 214 31 1800 5,308.483 1,879,269 35 1810 7.320.881 2,012,398 37 1820 9,638,423 2,317,571 32 1830 12,860,020 3,221,567 33 1840 17,069,453 4,209,433 33 1850 - 23,191,876 , 6,122,423 35 1860 31,443,321 8 2J1,455 SS 1870 8,558,371 7,115,050 22 1880 50,155,783 11,597,412 30 1890 . 62,622,259 1 2,466.467 25 The population for 1900 at an increase of 21 per cent oyer tne population would oe Ya,JZ,vzz - An increase of 13,150,672.) At an increase of 23 per ct it would be 76,399,144 (An increase of 13,4 o,at.) At an increase of 23 per et it would be 77,025,366 ... ... nn " . (an increase oi ii,u,u-l At an increase of 24 per ct it would be 77,6 51,588 (An increase oi iD,ray,9 J9.J At an Increase of 25 peret it would be 78,277,812 (An increase oi 13,033,001 j This is One oi the Greatest Offers Ever Made : In ease of a tie, or that two or ufbre es timators are qoally correct, prises will be diTided equally between them. This contest wilt close one month before the population has been officially an nounced by the Director ot the United States Census at Washington, D. C., and The Obsxbtebt will anv ounce the date when the guessing will elose. . RErJJ Efti B ER peze n,ST The Press Publishing Association has tsank or Detroit, Mien.. 1 or tne express purpose or paying tne prises. TBS CASS MUST AU JO Ji f AN X euiy at.vy par year. io ni ui ru Aovjtiuiabi wtv&. A44reMyoaror4wti''OaYVF7UaTiUe,N,c, Winchester Inn. This elegant hotel, situated npon the outskirts 01 uie eity of wucnester, va , wiu do formally opened June 15. - It cost oyer $125,000, and aecommo4tes 250 gneats, is modem in all appointments, runty Itir- nisnsa and eonducted npon a nig a plane or exosi ienos. Ths eity of Winshsster, made famous by song ana story, mt in Historic reminiscence m 10 eatel in the hea't of the 8benandoah Valley. Its elevation is over 1,100 feet the atmosphere cool and dry The Inn is located upon the hill side westward of the town, and a cool, bracing air fans it at all times. The many places of interest in this, beautiful 'alley anneal stronirly to the tourist and those seeking summer re t. A yUit to the old battls- fields is i-tereetine;. - Beautiful shaded ground surround the hotel, a chance for the 'children to romp ; no aigns "8 eep rif the grass, "excellent highways, saddle rid'ng, eycliu. tennis, fishing, bathing, eto afford Bseans of enjoyment. An erce lent p ches tra during ths entire season Rates from $12.50 to $21 per week for single rooms ; $16 and $49 for double rooms. Booms en smite with oath. Wtite for particulars. CHABLcS ST. JOHN, Winchester, Va. e. o. d. Two sound young horses for sale, for eash or on time. Apply to D.J.WILSON, Palace Cafe. Are You Interested in the Greatest Coun try on the Globe? a If so, send your guess and subscription to The Observer, Fayetterille. N. d, and reeelre a certificate which will entitle you to participate in the distribu tion of $25,000.00 to be dis tributed in 1.0C0 Cash Pri zes by the PBEBS PUB USHING ASSOCIATION of DETROIT, MICHIGAN, among those making the nearest guess or estimate of the population of the United State and Territo take advantage of this offer and their sub date of expiration. No adranee is made in Ptp- ffl 13 Aiaiflfifl as Follflir To the nearest correct guess, - . $15,000 To the 2nd, - . 5,000 00 To the 3rd, - - - 1,000 00 To the 4th, - . . 500 00 To the fitb, - - . 80 J 00 To the 6th, - 200 00 To ths 7th, - . 100 00 To the 8tS, - . . 90 00 To the 9th . . 80 00 To the 10th, . . - . 75 00 To the 11th, - . . 60 00 To the 12th, - - . - 60 00 To the 13ih. . - . 4100 To the 14th, - - - 85 01 To the 15th, - - - 30 CO To the 16th, . . -. 29 00 To-the 17th, . - 20 00 To the 18th, ; . . 151 To the 19th, - ' . . 15 fO To the, 20th, . . .. - 15 00 To the next 180 nearest orrect guesses, $5 00 each, amounting to - 900 00 To the next 100 nearest eorrect guesses, $4.00 each, amounting to 400 00 To the nest 100 nearest correct guesses, $2.50 eich amounting to 259 0) To the next 200 nearest eorrect gueaaea, $2 00 each, amounting to . 400 00 To the next 400 nearest correct guesses, - $1.00 each, amounting to 49$ 0) Total, 1,000 prises, amounting to $2',000 00 00000 o o o 00000 0 SubscriptioD Blank. o o NAME 0 o o TOWN.....;.r....i. 0 o STATE o o O XUX UUJltOO.. ........ .......... o OOO OO OO O OOOOO $ 15,000 deposited $25,000 in the Central Barings YOUR OBDER. The OBSaBTXft OOStS JOU O 53 r ja . S 8 5 K to g 1 t O 8 3 j3 5 ft 0 " P CO 0 S J d3 a , W -J 61) Sr-X -. O H PUXE, SPARKLING, BUBBLING " SODA WA TER, j degrees only above the freez ing point. ; NEW AND HANDSOME ONYX APPARATUS. a veritable feast to th$ eye and at dean as a new pin. DELICIOUS SYBUPS. carefully made and drawn from porcelain jars. YOU WILL ENfOY the cool breeze from our fan while quaffing refreshing drinks. No wonder they are appreciated. WE SPARE NO LABOR, no ex pense to make them popular at HORNES PHARMACY. CLARET LIMEADE, The Best Soda Foun tain Drink. Get it at KING BROS.. Druggists," Hotel LaFayette Building. One Minute Cough Cure, cu RICH AND POOR alike join in the song of praise to the merits of PERFECTION Flour. And it is equally popular with both classes. The poor can afford it 'because PERFECTION is cheaper in price than most of the so-called high-grade flours; the rich use it because they find it better than other brands for which they must pay more money. All pronounce it the BEST and CHEAPEST flour sold in Fayetteville. We are offering some sneeial drives in closing out at one-half to two-thirds original thing for new groand. LIVE STOCK FEED in any quantity the year round. . Heavy and Staple Groceries of all kinds at lowest prices. NIMOCKS, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, 10 Hay street, Fayetteville, N. O. 'Phone 56. do; 1900c The South Side Fruit Carriers Petersburg, Va. "Write for Catalogue and Prices. Just received a ear load of the "Old Hickory" Wagons and Carts, all styles and sixes. - We Can Save You Hooey if. You Will Examine Our BUGGIES Before You Purchase. . Wa make a snoeialtv of nice BUGGY HARNESS, and have m nice lot of Double and Single Wagon Harness, Strap Goods, See our Fine WAGON SADDLES. A. E. RANKIN CO. 1 . FUR NITUI&Et Walter; caLci. d.le ixa.1 Parker, Colt, Bexnington, Westley, W.& O.Scott, Shot Guno and Repeating Rifles. Colt, Eemington, Smith & Wesson. Harrington Richards and - OTOlIJalUl AXlUsf VAIa sjtJTVAT-rale . Paper and Brass 8hot 8hella, Pistol and Bifle Cartridges, Loaded Shells, XeyttOM B. L. Implements. Hunting Coats, Hunting Vesta, Leggings, Gun Cases. Belts, Leather and Canvas Cartridgs Bags. Qua and Bifle Powder direst from the Hagajdne ud Shot fronvthe Taotory. 84 1 catalog 4 ffilAtTwVimXQ. Thousands Killed. Thousands of insects can be killed by the use of the greatest insect destroyer yet discovered for Ants. Cock roaches, Flees and Sod Dugs. FAYETTEVILLE DRUG STORE. Stoves. - Bon?eb9 Hollow-War e. Pump Pipe 4 Points. We hare on hand the leading brands of Excelsior 8 tores and Ranges, Garland, Elinor, Farm Girl and the Blue Flame Oil 8toea. - PUHPS. We handle the celebrated Douglass, Pittsburg and layers' Deep Well Pumps. Tin, Agate Ware, &c. Full line of home-made Tin-Ware, Ag ate and Galvanised Water Coolers, 2 to 10 gallon lee Cream Freesers, White Moun tain, O. K and Aratie, the best on mar ket. Fly Fans and Fly Traps, Table Cut lery, Spoons and Scissors. Lot of Crockery. Glassware and Lamps still leftu hand, which must be sold at some price. Fruit Jars. .Jelly Tumblers. Prices Are Right. Tours to please, i MoMILLA.IT DROfl. We take old stores In exchange for new ones. . Reversible Landalidea. Lurht Drafts, eta.. value. Take a look at them; just the A BAD FIRE, that, and a total loss. Having an insu rance policy ia the only remedy for the disaster. Eternal readiness for a Are is the only safety. No man can tell when a blase will break out. Be fortified against the flaming visitor by a policy ia one of our poweiful companies. We can make yon a life-long stranger to adversity. BONDS OF ALL SORTS executed en short notice in the UNITED STATES FI DELITY & GUARANTY X)MPANT, of Baltimore, Md. NIMOCKS & COOK. General Insurance Agents, 10 Hay st, Fayetteville. N.C. fPhoneCS.) and Baolieto Bridles and Saddles. - FURNITURE! It is not my intention to sell my Furni ture by large attractive advertisements. I simply drop in an advertisement to re mind you that - "The Old Reliable Newbem Fiirniture House" is the place to get all kind of new, latest designed Furniture at the very lowest prices. I invite you to call when you are wanting anything in my line, and 1 feel sure that the prices ana quality will sell the goods. ' C. B. NEWBERRY. Watson, Bichards, Peter Wbley andPrexnier

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