Te ride far the 0i4(4 tthooL Tbs Trustees of lbs Graded School net Wednetdty afternoon to take some aetioo In regard to providing a per. manant louome for (be Graded School. After some discussion, the matter waa referred to the Executive Committee. tltlarard sitae. mahHfs'l fWlieatra rernrfierl from Southern Pines Thursday evening where they plated for a dance at the Southern Pines Hotel under the man agement of Mrs. Charles T. Geyer. They report a moat delightful trip, and that the dance and barqutt was the most elaborate aSalr they have ever furnlahtd music for. Child Illltd by a Tram. North bound pieatnger train No. 78, on '.be A 0. L., ran over and instantly killed a seven year old colored child at Rex Toeeday, . A number of ibildteo were playing near tbs track, and If is Slid that while attempting to ton across tbe track in front of tbe train, tbe child fell aod met its death. gro Woman Prttchr. Oae of tbe sighta on tbe streets these days is tbe preaobiog, from a goods box in Maiket iqaare, of Almira Mo Dongald, a ne?ro evangelist. She has a, good voioe and fhw of language and aoon gathers a crowd of colored people aronnd her, who, dariog prayers, make an impreEsiveeightgkoeeling with bowed beads in tbe street. She is a Fayette villa negro, bat has traveled extensive ly for a number of years past. It Is said that a petition Is being cir culated among the residents ol Hay mount, asking the Legislature to In corporate that section of Cross Creek. It is also said that application will be msde for an amendment to the charter of Fayetteville for the exten sion ol the town limits, so as to take In the western suburbs ot Haymonnt. This would give the residents of a large district electric lights snd other city advantages. Com U See Bob of Ineeuort. Mr. W. P. Fennell, an attorney of Chicago, son of the late Char'.es N. Fennell, who was a citizen of Fayette ville prior to 1850, is In the city lor the pnrpese of seeing, for the first time, the home of his ancestors. He says he feels like he has known Fayette ville all his life, bsving heard his par ents talk of tbe town so much. Mr. Fennell examined the files of the Observer, and found in the Issue ol Jnne 30th, 1S40, the announce- ment of the marriage of his father to Miss Catherine J. Hargis. Tbe (V 1 w Year. A number of church bells, led by ' Bg Ben," the splendid bell of Hay Street Methodist church, rang out the old and rang In the New Year Wed nesday night. From the Observatory at Washing ton tbe Western Ualon Telegraph Company that night sent out time sig nals throughout the entire country, at 11:55 to 12:00 midnight; 12 55 to 1 00 A. M ; 1:55 to 2:00 A. M ; 2 55 to 3x0 A. M. (Eastern tlmt), for exact mid night signal to Eastern, Central, Rocky Mountain and Pacific region time, marking the beginning of the New Year throughout the country. Dire stars aid OSlgera tf Biak of Tayttlevilit Ilieud The D reotors ot the Back of Fay etteville met last Thursday, and at 2.30 that afUrnoon the stockholders met and elected the directors for tbe ecsoicg year. Tbe newly elected directors then met and re-elected all the officers of tbe bank as follows H. W L;lly. Prudent. J. R. Williams. Vice-President. J. C. Haigb, Cashier. E. J. L ily, Ass stant Cashier. G. G. Myrover, Teller. H. J. Marsh, Discount Clerk. A. B. Williams, Jr., Collector. The directors elected are : Messrr. H. W. Lilly. W. J. McDiarmid, A A MtKetbao, W. S. Cook, Jamea R. Wil liams, Ed. Smith and A. S. Williams. A Lively Ckaae. Steve Bennett, a negro, gave tbe c Boers a lively little chase Thursday Bennett bad two negroes prosecuted before 'f quires Overby and McL?an, on a charge of breaking into bis home and, after bearing tbe evidence, tbe magistrates decided that tbe prosecu tion was malicious and frivilons aod tax ed tbe prosecntor with the costs. Be failed to pay the eot-ts and was held in tbe magistrate's (fibe pending the ar rival ot an iffioer to carry him to jail, While tbe magistrates were bniy at something else Bennstt broke from tbe room and flsd down Gillespie street through Russell street to D.ek street, where be waa finally, overhauled by Deputy Sheriff Moosgban. Cantiaa Tr leaool. at CtBf tjllua luii; Tk. Bfln.l.. ..knnl nu itI r1 . "w vuuui uuiiuieu vi vamp- bellton Methodist Chnrob, of which Mr. M. F. Crawford is tbe excellent (Superintendent, erjoysd a Christmas tree on Thursday, January 1st. The following was the interesting programme Song, "Merry Christmas Bells" by i i Prayer b, ll7.Tr. Crawford. Solo by Miss Ltnra Wright. Presentation ot pni for faithfulness i to Miss Marv Edia's elaia. by Mr. M. F. Crawford. Bolo by Miss Janis Wrieht Callinff mil Premutation ot Bjok of Proverbs to the young men from Mr. M F Craw ford, by Rev. T. A. Smoot. Distribution ot prms to sebool. DJBg, "God be with you till we meet again," Bsnediotion by Bev. T. A. Banoot. It you feel 111 and oeed a pill Why not r.atehaae the beat f De Witt's Karly Biters Are little anrprisers, Take ooethay de th rest. B. Ho!l. Houton. Tex . writ I have ased Little Early Biter Pills la my tastily tor eoostipalioa, tisk headaehe, ta To their sat I ast indebted tor the ataiu oi aiy laaaiiy. aang uros. It. lake's Chsreh and tha alt aer iI Wiaetws. Rev. P. R. Law has the following In his Lumber Bridge correspondence of the Lumberton Robeaonlan, which will be of Interest to onr readers, es pecially so to the members of St. John's Church: A pretty church window has an at traction for ns always. Hence It was a pleasure tous tospnd a minute In St. John's church In Fayetteville last Wednesday. Its windows Interested and delighted vs. They are exquisite. There are w. idows and many larger and more atrbltlous and cotily ones, but we have not (ten In many a day any more grace.'ul and pleasing to the eye. Tbe coloring was rich and full, yet not tawday. The complimentary relations of parts were wrought by a cultured mind and a trained hand. The plc'.ures were scenes from the scrlptuie and happily chosen. If there was single bistorlc error It escaped our eye. They were memo rial windows. Gracious reminders they are In the sanctuary of worthlesr who stood for what was best In tbeir I'me and deserve to live as active lrces In tbe devotions and lives of to day. Tbe whole Interior is good to look upon. Much ot it, as Is true of most of our olr'tr courches, is rather antique than modern, but was taste fully wrought and there came to us the sweet sense, most Indefinably when we asked why. that we were 10 tbe house of God. We do not feel that way in all churches Fcr reason good and true we alwats feel at home, a rV.'clcus feeling, is it not. among the Episcopal (Oik ot th? mighty hosts, who fly the banner of Immanuel and rtjolce always at their greatness and glory in tbe earth. Ths Aii-8tlon Ltigm P.t'.fetm I Tbe executive committee of the North ' Carolina Aci.-Si:oon League met in 1 Raleigh Tuesday eight. Taere were j present Mr. 2V B. Brouhton, Mr. Joha A. Oites, Mr. J. W Bailey, Dr. i A. J. McKelwsy, Dr. T. N. Ivey and i Mr. 0. C. B.&ir, of the committee, and Rev. Mr. Kesller, who were appointed 10 act w;tn tbe eomrri'.tee by tbe Bap tist State Convention, and Mr. K Nimocks, the representative of the Eastern Methodist Conference. After fall diseossion lha committee nnani moos! j agreed to advocate tbe passage j by tha Lf gislature of a law having the ' following features (1) Prohibition of both sale and man faciore of intcxieaticg l.qaor outside ot incorporated towns, reatnetiog the manufacture of I qior to towns of five hundred inhabitants or more. (2) L cal opt:on election 10 counties or incorporated t"wni at any time ot the year opon oO oats notice upon petition of one- bird cf the voters, not cf'xner than once in two years. (3) Io such election the-qsestiou may be vo'ed on if dispensary or saloon, or prohibition or ealooo, or prohibition or dispeisiry, as the petitioners may re quest. (4) Prohibition of tbe importation of inti xieaticg I qsors into prohibited territory. la) After July 1. Ilk 3 applicants for license for manufaciare or sale ot in tcucating 1 qaors sbail present with tbeir application a peuaon 10 tbeir b- naif signed by a m-jm'y of tbe qaa.li fi-d voters of tbe municipality. Froaln.nt Iiw To ktr Htii. Mr. Cbas. R F.;ot, a muiti-miUioo aire ct .ct ijix, organ zr ot Ice rubber and aboatadcun other great . . . f , L . I iru?.e, euu aiu ui me maimer cumpacy , at Georgetown, 8. C , tbe largest plant I of the kind in tbe world, arrived in the ! a:Iv Thnraritv niffht ir.d rAtri.arprart t I .k t.p c.i. ; .u- tbe Lr yette. tiny in tbe morn ng ' ' ; he was driven out to the pice product p'ant of the Australia Manufacturing I J j b - dmpsoy, in which be is interested. I u-l.. .u.l:.j ju-.: t uti,.,!l,1u,lul!1.ul81,1:? ment along, mowing mat tnis was a 1 famous qiail sbaoticg seciion. Itwi r laur!. The collector o'. tbe port of New York says there is a regular gang ot tobacco smugglers bringing leaf into this coon :ry. Tbe Consolidated Tobaceo Company proposes to increase its csp.tal stock from thirty millions to forty millions. G?imaoy has preferred eiaims against Vemzoela, not eotj-et to arbitration, amounting to 1300 0J Io a train wreck at L ttle Bock Ark,, thirty-railroad employes were irjired; four fatally. Andrew Carnegie bas given New O.leans a quarter ot a million of dol lars to establish a lir rary. Tbe Chinese government refnae to pay tbe international indemnity in gold. Tbe rejoinders of the European pow ers to President Castro's reply to their arbitration proposal hate not reached Washington. Woolen mills at Kooxvtlle announce a reduction of hour of labor without tutting wages. Miss Clara Sweeting was shot and killed near Pensaola, F'a., ty a boy; the thootlng was accidental. Wm. Jennings Brysn leaves Mexico I Ivr1flv fin Vi I rrtnrfi tirtm J 1 ' Bubonic plague bas broken out afresh Mszatlan. Mexico, and peo ple are fleeing from tbe city. Germany regards President Castro's reply to tbe powers as an unqualified acceptance ol the arbitration proposal. A F"'htened H' Running like mad down tbe strett dumping tbe occupants, or a hundred other accidents, ie everyday occur- rences. It behooves everybody to have tellable Salve handy and there's none as good as Bucklen's Arnica Salve. BorM- Cuts- Sore, EcMn, od ptlt oisappear qaicaiy nnoer us Booming effect, j.sc at B. E. Sedberry 8c Sots ding store. Belief for Thousands. Huneiek's Liquid Sulpbor will give you immediate relier, stops all irritations bv one application, dattroya the germ and parmanent y eoret eeirma, tetter, pim ples, ringworm, dandrno, open sores and all blood and skin diseases. Hundred ot eases have been permanently eared that had baan nmnonnaad lninpahla and whara a 1 other remedies have failed to effect a enre. No home thould b with I oat Haneoek's L'qald Bulpbar. For sale i ey u. tt. llorne es Hons, Oteth f Mrs. Laara taa laker. A telegram was received here Friday morning annonnoing the death, at bar boms In Pittsboro, Thursday, of lira Lanra Ann Baker, formerly of this eity, widow ot tbe late Capt. Joseph Baker, who was killed in battle near the close of the civil war. The deceased, who was 7S years ot age, was tbe daughter of the late John Barber Williams, ot Pittsboro, and a sister ot tbe late Mrs. W. N. Tilling hast, of this eity. As Miss Laura Will iams, Mrs. Baker, wai a belle and beauty. IU. Miss Loola Moore gave a delightful card party last week in honor ot her gnest. Miss Addie Erwin, ot Morgan too. Mrss Calvert won ithe pri, a handsome souvenir, which she grace folly presented to Miss Efwiar Miss Bessie Robinson charmingly en tertained a number ot her young friends, last week, at her horns on Green stie-t, io honor of Mies Douglas Bill, of Durham, who is visiting her. Oje ot tbe pleasant featnres ot tbe eve ning was an Observation game, in which Miss Jessie McMillan won the pretty pr zi effered, aod Mr, Jaeqaelin Cross ell gracetully carried eft tbe booby. Buk tl FajatkviUe. The stockholders of the Bank of Fayetteville held their regular annnal meeting Thursday. They heard, with great pleasure, a most gratifying re port from the President and Board ol Directors showing a healthy condition of the bank, Its growing business and enlarged patronage. The bank, during the past twelve months, has done a larger and more profitable business than for a number of years, having paid out during the j year ten thousand, eight hundred dol lars to its stockholders in dividend;; , and, to the savtngs depositors, over : three thousand dollars in Interest, be- itdts creating a nice surplus. The Savings Department Is an at tractive feature of the bank, and, from the amount of interest paid out, ap pears to be liberally patronized by tbe pec pie of the community. We are glad to note this evidence of saving j and thrifttnesaamoni our people. The : saving habit may be easily acquired ! by the steady use of a savings account, and we hepe to Me the local banks build up a large business in this line. I Jlairiece at Dm. Mr. Thomas H McNeill, editor ct tt e : Democratic Banner, ot Dunn, aod well ; known tn many of our people, was mar 1 rie j at tbe Oates Hotel Christmas to Miss Bertha Gerald, daughter of Mr. i and Mrs. T. L. Gerald, late of Kansas j C.tv. Tne ceremony was performed j by Rjv. W. B. Morton in the presence , of a party of friends, among whom were j Mr. A. B. Harold with tbe bridegroom, i Misfes Aooye Harper and Ora W.lson w.th Messrs. C. R Yoong and A. L. Newberry, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Privett i and Miss Viola McNeill aod Mr. and u fl C. L. Wilson, TBI TALUI Of IXPIIT TKIiTSIlI. , m . 1 ... every one wno is am ciea wuo a . j , . . ehrooie disease experiences great dim eai,y ja having tbeir ease intelligently treated by the average pbysieiao. Tnese diseases can only be eured by a specialist wuo unnersiaous mem mor looeblv. Dr. J.Newton Halbawav. of A'lanta. Ga .is acknowMged tbe most fkihful specialist in tbe Coiled Statef. Write him for bis expert opinion ot your case, for which he makes no charge. The North Carolina YEAR BOOK For 1903 Eeaiy January 1, 1X3, A complete Dirteto-y and Compendium, m a vaatb.e statistical informal ion cot enng ir.e basinet, manufacturing, ii.dm tr a , political, edseaiional. historical ard re;i?ioa hf in ihe State. Tdis too is of creat value to all Busi ness Hemes, Who eeile Houses, Traveling salesmen, lawyers an I fhysicitns, Ed a etor. and Minis'ers. Teherf, S'.adenli. ti Ueslen, Pab.ie tffleikls and Men of trfurs. From tbe Press January 1, 19C3 LT'&nd in your order now. THE NKWd SSL) OBSERVES I L'BLISHINQ CO., Ealeigh, N. C. NOKTH (.AROMSA Court M.E. White vs. W. W. White-Notiee, Tbe defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled at above bas been eommeoeed in tbe Superior tonrt ol Cumberland eoonty to obtain a divoree from tbe bonds of matrimony and tb said defendant will farther tske notice that be is rtq aired toappar at the January term, 1903, of tbe 8a pertnr Coort ot said eonniy to be held tbe 7ib Monday before tbe first Monday io Mareb, 1903 at the eoort bonse in said county in Fayetteville, North Car olios, aod answer or demur to tbe cmplaint in laid action or tbe plain t ft will apply to tbe eonrt for tbe relief demanded in said eomplaint. This 24 h day of November, 1902. A. A. MeKtTHiM, Clerk of he fioperior Coort. A 8. Ball snd V. C. Ballard, Attor oeys. Things Wo Lake Best Ofton Disagree) With U Because we overeat of tliem. Indi geition fallows, liut there s a way lo cscatietucii conse'iuences. A dose of K 'Distant like Kodol will relive you at once. Your stomach Is simply too weak to digest what you eat. That s all indication Is. KmlA digests the food without the stomach's aid. Thus the ttoma:li retts while the body Is strength ened by wholesome food. Dietioir is un necessary. Kodoi dieetts any kind of good food. Strengthens aod invigorates. Kodol Makes Rioh Red Blood. Prepared only by E.C. r)sWiTTCo..Cblraok Ite tl twtUewnlaliuZSa times Ute Mo. sit A DESERT CARAVAN. It Start Arrays taa Dnan Vuih mt faaara. There wore the lust words, Instruc tions, cautions, adluua, and then Abdul lab bold up his band. All gave the cry of the camel driver, and the uncouth boasts, twUtlug and snarling under their loads, struggled to their feet Another cry, uud they tKgaa their roynire. They traversed the square, passed the tnosque, turned down a nar row street find In five minutes crossed tbe line that bounded the oasis and en tered uiKin the desert. Immediately the dim lender took his place at the left and slightly In advance. Tbe fourth ou the right ot tbe dun was tbe black nicer. He carried two wa ter skttis and Abdullah's saddle. Then came tu ranks fifteen camels. All riding hi tbe center. On the right flank rode the two women, with enormous red and white cotton sunshades stretched be hind lheiurtheuat an tuterval of six rods eame fifteen camels unattended. They simply followed the squad In front. The dun leader and the black racer had lauyards about their necks. Tbe other camels had no harness save tbe surcingles that held their loads. In a panic, a sandstorm, a fusillade from Reduuius. a mirage and a race tor water, if Abdullah and All could grasp these 'auyards the caravan was saved since the other camels followed the dun leader and tbe black racer at sheep follow the bellwether. Abdullah walked at the left abreast of the dun. At Intervals he rode the black racer. The pace of a caravan Is two miles an hour, but Abdullah's, the two crip ples Included, could make two miles and a Quarter. The black racer could make sixty miles a day for five days without dn. iking, but at the end of such a Journey his hump would be no larger than a pincushion, and bis tem per For centuries It has been the custom of Sahara caravans to travel not more than five miles the Bret day. 'The Des ert." by Arthur Cosslett Smith, in Scrib ner's. JAPANESE PROVERBS. Sob Rrallr Ftae Saylaca Worthy ot I'alTersal Aeeataac. The Japanese do not expect to gather grapes from thorns or figs of thistles, but tber phrase our thoughts somewhat differently. They say. "The spawn of frogs will become nothing but frogs." We have a saying, "Despise not the day of small things." Their "Famous swords are made of Iron scrapings" la much more picturesque. The idea of our "All lay the load on tbe willing horse" they express by 'Thofe who know the ropes do most of tbe h.iullug." While our commonplace "Out of evil good may come" finds with them a tine poetical expression in "The lotus springs from the mud," and In point of poignancy our "Adding Insult to injury" is vastly Inferior to their Rubbing salt on a sore. ' Tbe Japanese have some really fine sayings worthy of universal acceptance. h as "Thine own heart makes the rid" or "The poet at borne sees the entire universe" or "The throne of the god is on the brow of a righteous man." Their nice observance of manners Is videuced by sayings such as "Excess of politeness In-eonies Impoliteness," their national suspiciousness In the like Ion't trust a pigeon to carry grain," and the handy man's abhorrence of a bungler finds expression in numerous uips such as "Learning to swim In a id" or "Scratching tbe foot with the hoe on." laBlaaattae:. I didn't ring your fare up yet," said the conductor, holding out bis hand. Oh. that's all right.'' whispered tbe ayissenger who was trying to evade paying. "Just keep it In your pocket won't tell the company." Chicago News. Mereaary. "But you don't think he's mercenary,. fa pa . "Why. yes, I do. I'm afraid be re- gnrds marriage as s get rich quick scheme!" Puck. ?lo Comparlaop. First Boy My mamma belongs to one of the first families. .Second Boy Pooh! That's nothing. Mine belongs to one of the last faml- lea.-Life. WANTED 3 Toons- Men fro Fay etteville aad vicinity at 'ones to prepare for Positions in tbe Government Bervle. Apnlv to tnler State Corns. Inst, Cedar Rapids, Iowa- WORTH CAKOLISA. I la tba Soparlor Caart, CanbarlaadCiHuity i Oct. Tina, IMS. J. 8. Mordy and wife va. 1. W. H. Both, J. U. Smith, W. At. tteddie aod wile, Mary Ueddie. HetUe ttmith, Jamea Jen kins, waiter Jenkins aod D J. Breee Notiee. The defendants above named will take notice that an aetlon entitled aa above been eommeoeed In ths Sapsrior Court of Cumberland eoonty to fore lota a eertavin storgace, executed by la. A 8mith to D. J. bretee apon eeriaia lands in Cumberland eouty. North Caroline: and tne said defendants will lortber take notice that tbey are rt quired to appear at the next tern ot the Ba pert or Coort ot said county, to be held on tn 7th Hon. day before the lat Monday io kUreh, 1903. it being mo tfta day of Jan nary, uus. at the coort noose 01 said county, 10 ray' etteville. North Carolina, aad answer or demor to the eomplaint in said actios, er the plaintiff trill apply to the eoort for the relief demanded in said complaint. This iota day 01 novsmner. iwi A. A. HaKaTsua, Cark of tha Baaaria Caart Bine'air k Bolton. Boss Boss. Attor- aays tor riaintrx. M0ETGA01 SALE OF REAL ESTATE Bv vtitaeof Ilia power and aathorMy ttinM ia a certain mortaage dead exeeaied try J. P Taoaaaoa aad wife, Jaa e A. Tbameoa, to J 11. BBctingnam. irattee. 11111111 a Boot A Mo ft. nam 173, aad afterwards afobroed Cote B Bnekmgaam Iraatee, raaarded m Boat J, o. 8, page t6t, I will of er far tale at Uoort uoaea floor, a t;miieriaa aaaiy, Ihe kigbeat bMaer for aaab aa Batardiy, Ji ary ICib, 1901 at 11 M., Ue mtlcwac teal aetata, tcwH: la Crete Cretk townekla, Caa- rlana eon.r aar rayetfvllw, oa Uw eaat Ida of tbe Btklgk roai, met is aa uteattoa of Vaataay ttreet, beiag part nf a aloe aere met. fernwrt baowa at " W. M. Wright mat Sew lot1 Briiunraa; at the comer of a teree acre treat or let aad rannrag taoara wl'h aaid Kale lab toad aonk 12, wal chains aad S Hake ta a auka. the eomer tbenee aorta 78, eaat IM feet la the ceiatr cf the fence, rauaiag parallel wMk tr.e road oa lha rear of tbe koatea, taraee whk tbe (tarn, aaraNel whk tbe road, a tbe direct Ire, aoaik II eatt ekeiae and Nabt t tba corner, thence teeth 7a. watt 10S bet W Uw be- finnrae-. Tien ha ihlrtv foot ttreet ea tklt land, which Is covered ta abve i Ipttoa end epoa tae bad tbere t ais Itataiat koaeat or eovagee, eieretiog, aowever. twe of Ike kuoara aad lots waicb bare keea told taee Ike eiecatioa rf Ike above aeelioaed tMrtfage, UaTtDf a lot spaa whlefc there are iaar keaiat 10 aeeoM. Tbia December 1, 19P1 H.L.COOK AuotDcy for the aarigBee of tbe aurtsagee Continues to make Miraculous Cures READ THIS LETTER i ALMOST A MIRACLK. ., . Dii-tox, 8. C Aur. 18th, ltOt, la f2!?2?1lI".t?H!ff",wr i rhaumatitm In a very bad form. hL i?,i.'.h 4t" started 1 had to .v. up my work and to to riLuoki . kinf0"'?' UJ fh,"ra' M' dwn back until my ST' oiT1 ,M '? " baly for nearly tw.l.a mootbi. r t?m-oiJw ITffi. r.i'"1 "d thriv.ld up I tuOurad death au??,rt fli1 Sr ,U dllIs""' phrlcl.m In MoColl, Dillon and 1 2V.h? oul' 40 m T.nol. ""' Dr. J. P. Swlui.of Dillon. 21,?i,"l 1 n to tak It and bafora the Brtt bottla waa utad up I TW wS fli, r"r:J 1 a aalf bottlaa and was completely eurid. io .,ZJZ TXZ!Z?L..? "T V"1 kV exoellent .rar tinea. Aava had mw fkL" 1 rd "Rhsumaoids" u by far tha beat H!L S.... .."! u,Im 00 lh saarhat. I eannnt tay too much for it. I have raoomnwnded It to eUara sum and It has eured them. - B hmiffirtift? 1 Sf.0 to 10 bout x dayt after I began to take to TiUa7t?t itia TJ'i? "'I.0' " ! month, after I beao to take it, I eould walk as toad as anybody, aud waut baok to work asain. All Druggists, or tent exDrrat Bobbttt CheoticsJ Co., . How Can I Keep Up with the Times ? I T is pretty hard lo keep political news, the scientific news, the literary news, the educational movements, the treat business developments, the ana vaiuaDie articles in the hundreds of excellent magazines. About the only way it can be done by the average busy man and woman is to read a magazine like "The Review of Reviews," and, as it is the only magazine of the sort, it is a good thing to send $2.50 for a year's subscription. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT says: ' I know that through its columns views lave been pre- sented to me that I could not otherwise have had access to j because all earnest and thoughtful men. no matter how widely their ideas diverge, are given free utterance in its columns." - EX-PRESIDENT GROVER CLEVELAND says: ' " I consider it a very valuable addition to my library." The Review of V 13 Astor Place, Read The Review of Reviews NOTICE OF VALUABLE LAND FOB SALE. Bv virtaa ol a rower of la la eoateioed In two BortirxKea, the oneuecaf a to H U Cotton on aa lftih day of June, U99. br W. C. Godwin aod wife, Boo Ella Godwin, of Cambarland eoonty, N.C , whith waa antnad to ma by tha laid 8 H. CotUn on lha l!Mi day of Jnly, 1902 Tha otbtr waa netnud 10 R. A. Joido on the lOia day of Oct, 101, lrC Godwin and wife, Raa El a Godwin, wbWh waa alao wrunedto me by tbe amid R A. Jordon on tbe 14th day of Oot'r, 1901, both aie recorded in Ihe offlee of tbe Rftiater of Comberlan eoonty. Tbe Brat in Hook r. No. 5, Faff' 135 1 ha teeond m Book L, No. 5, Page 22. I will oder at pnblie tal, to the h'gheet bidder lor eath, at tbe eonrt doom door m Combrland eoonty. on Monday, Ihe 29U day of Dee'r, 1902, at 12 o'clock, M the following dweribed nal eetata, eruiaU in UlatK uiter lownablp, L amber land coon'y North Carolina, boo- ded at followr Beginning- at a stake and do Id tart. W H. Pope t onrper which ia near a north eonret from D. J. Oodwm't bonae and trtnea north 4, eaat lib It. J. uoawin'a Una otne ebaina and fifty linkt to a stake, tbe dividing corner, thence wiib E J Godwin ' line Ktalb 7, cut 17 ehaint and 25 Unkt to a ttake and porn ton, L. a. lhi corner, on nia aiiea, taanea wna nia line eojth bo. eaat 6 ebaina and 82 linka lo a ttake a- d pointers, L 11 Lee't corner thence wit" nia Una and ptMed hie romar oottb 1, aeet 15 ebaina and CO unki to a atake and poiotara, W. B. Marron't corn-r, thence with his Una north 85, writ 24 ebaina ard 75 linka to a large pine itomn. Warren's eonar in the lane, thrnoe with Wart en '1 other line north 4, eaat f ratios and 75 linkt in lie other comer in iba line of K Godwin, deeeated, aaid tract now owned by W B. Warren, tbenee with tbe Kna of MM tor Tty tooth 14 wett. eroeeuv tha FayettaTilla road 8 ebaina and fifty hnkt to a slake and point rt, W T Mnith. deeeaeed. beire comer in tbe head of a branch, thence with Omi h line toaibZebainiaDd WUnbelo Ibeeotner, tbenot weM wiui anutn line s ehaina to tb Una of tba II 0 acre tet of W. H Pope, tbenee with bis ne to ihe beginning corner, eoatainiu tavantV' Ire (75) aeree,more or leei Hon ot sale : 12 o'clock. December aStb 1901 Teime ol taU itrietly aaah. Thie the 21at day of November, 1901 G W. bUTTOBT. Aetignte of Moctamgaea Tbe at ova tale noetnoned to take nlaee 00 weaneaaay, reoraary , 14. maw art at uodwln. Attorneys. SALE OF VALUABLE LANDS Under aad er vfataa of a eecrae of tbe 8a- pericr Coart of Com berbrnd aoastv. atada on tbe 7tk day cf April, 1901, ia a caaeo therein pending entitled Keill Bale, et al , betraal law cf John Bale, u-pirte. Ida aadaraigned, aoa- miaelooer, will, oa Monday, Jaa aery ran, 1903, at 13 o'clock M eipoea to ale at pabhc aoetico. to tba richeet bidder, at the Market Uoaaa in rayeUeTtlla, M. C, tbe fol lawiag deaaribed laada, to wit: Vint Tract: Tbe laada known as the "Home Tract" of tea ate Mia Bale, aad aaa ooatlga cat tne re to, at nearly to, eowprterDf Ike koaa laada, tit Dated ea or sear Beaver Crack aad oa beta aides of Ike Centre Plank Jtoat. aboat era miles westward from rayetteville and engaaitv roc lain mg acoet an acrea, aad of waicb 283 acrea bare keea alb.! led lo KHsa Bale, widowcf law John eie as hot dower er thirds la aid estate, aa appears frees report of caaaarloaert, roooidid ia Book AJ2al page t4S rreordeof Geabertand acaaty. Tbie tract la ke com cabjeet to Ike aid widow's dower. Second Treat : Ainat 97t aeraa. kacwa tbe beaver Creek factory Leade. being what m mi of a large itbot ooagni rrom DeaTer vraac factory Com near. Tbm tract wiU ba aabei. Tided into eaafler tracts to taH proepeetrre aarenaeera epoa anpneauoa to tae andentaaed. Third Tract Aboat let aires aw Patterata Branch aad Morgaaloa Boad, aboat Italics weetward from Parettovilla. PoartkTraeti Aa aadirMed ona eereatk a- tareet ia aboat 1M eerea which i dtd to aajoka Balsas eoe tf tbe eerea hctre of Deneaa Baa, deeeaeed. PUtk Tract- Aboat 11 aad a lebT acres, ea Beaver Creek, as described a a dead from Jamee M Gerley aad wife Mdoaa Bats, dated Jane lU, 1833. eSxth Tract: Aboat M acres, dtesrltsd a grmM to Joba Bale ef Dee 28, 1858. seventh Tract: Aboat Hand aac third aaret at fct dead from J. R. Carter aad wit to Joba alt, recorded la Book B, c 1, page 802, Keg' ister of Deade oOee of Csaberlaad eaatv. Khjbth Tract Aboat 19 acres, as to a seed tram Meedborm Boawaad wnetoioha Bate, dated Sept. 7lk, 1881. Taraui One half eaab; kalaaaeea II aoatht time m 8 per cent mime Title retained aatll aUparcaaaa atety it paid. This Ike ttk day ef December, 1(01 m. a. ilJiCLAUt, CeaMmaioasr. RANa-MINALlT tT ill6l AOAXS lUmCACO. Kodol Dyspepsia Cert nfefe rtu rw tat? Vary truly. JAMBS WILKK8. Dreoaid on recti nt of , . tUltfrnore. Hd. well informed on the hundreds of interesting Reviews Co. New York ( JkUantic Coast Line Railway Companj CONDKKBKD 8CHKDUU. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. DATXD Nor. 30. IMS. or- 9 a A. at. P. V P. M.A. M.P. M tl 41 9 10 13 45 10 03 PM Lcctc Waldca Ar Becky aft. Lear Tarbm 7 S5 111 Lv Booty Ml, Leare WUaoa Leave Selma Lv Payattovlllc Atflercacc 18 4S 10 1; 1 34 10 48 IS 1134 4 40 la JO 5 10 St P. M. A. M. 8 f 4 9 43 19 M 8 40 8 88 8 05 ArQeldabcrc LvSebtabOTC LTMamolia ArWUmiactoa 8 (8. 1 81 8 00 8 37 4 88 10 18 8 00 P. TRAIN8 GOING NORTH. s.SSI -3 or- 9 ktl til Mi P. at. 8 18 10 19 11 84 U U A. at. P. M A. T 00 8 80 e M J oj 9 38 It St A. at. P. M P 8 88 18 15 18 j3 111 I 00 18 55 U 1 lot 8 84 8 31 It FS 18 45 t-at f. bt P. M. T kia Diviatoo Mala Line bain leaTM WIL aUagtoa, 8.18 a. a, arriva Payettovillc 12.20 a. a. Laava laycttoville 12.12 p. a, arriva Baaford Lit a, a. Eetnraiar haves Baaford 1.44 a a, arrivta Payettovillc e.OO p. a. Leave Vayctaville i.08 p. a, arriTM WilaiagUn 8 CO Beaaatttvua Braach-Hnla leaves Bennetts villc 8.10 a a, Maztoa .W a m, Bad Kprtngi 182 a a Parkloe 10.05 a a, Hope Mills 10 26 a. a, anire t'eyettenlle 10.40 a m. aUurnine kava Parattoville t.08 is, Hope Mills 5.20 p a, Parkica tUp.a, Sad Bpriim 8,12 p. m. Maitoa 141 p. m, airlva ItoaaettovUla 7.40 a- m. Coaasaioas at FaycttoviHe witb train No. 7t, at Maatua with the Carolina Central iUilraad. a UM Bcrtigi wito tbe Red ccriiin aad rW acre Bailroad, at Baaford wttt lie Beaboare Air Lac aad Beatheta Kailway, at Soli Witt Ue Dnreaa aad CbarloUe Jteilroed. Tramsea the Beotland Neck Breach Boad have Welaca kit P. M., BalUax lies P. M antve liilltni block at 4.10 P. M., SreeoTilk mar r. a., aunaoa mac r. a, aWUraaa aaves ajaatoa7: A. jLOnaaVUto 8:80 A M. Arrrrtag Halifax at lUt A. ML, Weldoe ll-X) A. iCcaiJy Baaaay. Traas oa Waduagtoa Branch leave Wash. Inftoa K)0 A. M., aod 146 p. M., antve Par Stale IM A. ML, aad ftU P. ML letanktg leave Paraeietli A, aL, aad td P. Marrlr. WaaalnpealOJt A. M., aad fclt P. M. JHU, Tram lavas Tarbore, a. 0, daily esetpt ftaa dayatiMP. Baaaar. Iti t. M., arrives Ply twett fetter., saiivP.M. ttotan tag J Uavss Plyaoaih dally except aaaday, VM Traia oa Midiaad X. a Bnaek laavMOoUe. boro daily except SaBaaT, tOO A. M., aniviaf bemilbtele tlO A. M. ltotoratag. leava Bah teid 7K A. Mj arrtre Uoldeboro ttt A. M. Traas ea VaahvUle Braach leave Botky Moaat at 8J0 A. M., trta P. M., arrive naaa. vUle UtJS A. M., tJl P. M., Bprisf Hope 11,(8 Tmla ea Chatoa Hraaeb leaves Wanawttr ""TT?! il V 8asay, at 11 et A. M. aad 41s P, at itotmag, ajaves Uttatoa at 7:00 A. tL. aad 14) P m" " " Tafat le. 71 aakaa tleee scaaacttea at Wsl. dcafcrstl peats Martk daily, aU rail via Blah W.J.CBAia, . B. KIsTLlI, H uHSIZAS Ctoal Maatfar, Traas Mtaagcr, A. M Lvllstaaoc lo 09 Lv rayettavUlc 18 40 Leave celma 8 18 Axrlre Wlleea a 57 Lt Wllmlnrioa LvMmraalla LvtMdebora P Leave WUaoa t 57 Ar Becky Mt, 1 to ArTarbere Leave I baa Lt KeekTlfT Tie Antve Weldca 4 88 w. j. Mcdonald, BENSON, IS. 0. I will be glad o reoelve vonr orders for ANYTHING IN THE UQU0H - LINE. I do not deal In eheap steam made corn whisky, but handle onlv ths open fnrnteg eepper distilled, old time torn. I earry In stook all of ths eslebrated bigh prloed Btedlnnt aad low grade Rye Whiskies. A full tins of Imported and Domestic In different brands, beaded by the celebrated Budweiser leer, Apple and Peaeh Brandies, Bum and Gin; In fact anything kspt In a first-class liquor bouts. Eemembw, in lending In same daj This Is the nearest whisky hones to Fayetteville In North Carolina, therefore express and freight rates are necessarily eheaper than from any other point. My prompt at tention to orders in ths past Is a guarantee for the future OT All goods as repre sented or money refunded. HEADQUARTERS. Notice! I have Tor Sale or Exchange Tor Lumber, Shingles or Laths. 1 two-horse wagon with boiy, 1 two horse wagon for hauling lumber. 2 one-horse wagons with doable body, 1 jA kAvaa aarasAwa mm 1 1-Vi 1 n eat fctAila These wagons were sent as exhibits tor tbe ymuj 01 uyuouuurg, vt I have also a large shipment of ( HEATERS, double-lined not the cheap, thin things that will barn ont In one season, bat ths kind that will last for rears These are ja t the best CHRISTM&S PKKSEST you ean make to a friend if you value being continually blessed during the eold winter. Price from 12 00 to $4 60, seeording to size. WALTERWATSON'S Hardware Store, opposite Frank Thornton's Dry Goods Store. Carolina Machine Co., 0i 1ET1EVILLE, N, 0. O.. 8. BU88EX, Prop'r and Manager, Mansraotarart of and Dcaiera In SAW MILLS, ENGINES AND BOILERS, and General Machinery. amTBawt, Betting and Mill SappUes constantly on hand. CrREPAIa WORK a BPICIALIT FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP, Iron and Braa Castings of all kinda SYDNOR & HUNDLEY Richmond, Va, THtllltTBtT STOCK Or PIMM AND HatDtUIrl FURNITURE IN THE SOUTH. COBBESPOrtOEIfCK SSLHIITIB, 709-711-713 1. BROAD ST., Richmond, Va. ABDERDEEN I BQCKFISH lUble In E feet Novetnbe 26, 1900. Dally Ixceptl Daily Except fionday. No. t STATIONS. Mall and Kx- Pr- Aberdeen, N. U. Ar. 4 28 r. ar. Leavitla, " Lv. 410 " Jnnctinn, " " 350 " Montroat, " " S 45 - Thnberlaod, ' " 130 Ktcford, " 3 80 Dandarrach, lit Arabia, " ''150 ' Bock tl ah, " " 1 80 " oaaoay. No. g. Mail aad Kx. praat. Lv. tit a. at " 30 " "9 40 " "tot " "10 28 " "1100 "11 88 "1180 Ar 12 00 noon EN DON BRANCH Between Aber deen and Juniper. Mail aad Ex preea. No. ta Lv. 7 00 IT "716 " " 7 25 " " 7 60 " Ar. 8 00 " Mail and Ex prea. No. 23. Ar. 10 OoZu. Lv. 3 60 Ar. 310 " Lv. 8 40 " Lv. 8 30 " Aberdeen, N. Laavitt. Janction, Britton. IJnnipcr, Tram No. 23 will wait al Janctioa for No All train, anmlntv Ave H.thul. am -- k. ander perfect control. C. at. VLUK, Oca. Bept, Approved t JOHN BLUE. Pratt. ft'LamDs TJte "Ben franklin" Lamp C h 1 a neys. They are ths best made; sold by as for twenty years. Every chim ney has this label. Lampt trora 10c Up, TIUilMOHABTSCBOCKEBT STORE FAYETTEVILLE MARBLF AND GRANITE WORKS, Striotly Flrst-CJlaAM Work. Call) npters st my ywd or write for prists. Bwrpaetfully. K. L. BEM8BDBO, ' Proprietor, - v-JPJtUvills,N.tt Wlnei and Larger Beer your order 70a get Qoodi u ordered. Notice ! County Fair by the Taylor Wagon Com- See the West In Its 190? Prosperity, Homeieekrs' rxearsion tiekets are sold over the Burlington Route on the first and third Tuesdays of fash month at one far pins 12 00 for round trip to the territory east of the Booty Mountain!. CHEAP ONE-WAY RATES. One-way Settlers' rates on same dates, to a large txtent cf western territory at a trifle more than half rates. THE RICH WEST. The generous harvest of 1902 is a strong appeal to Bomeseekers. Investors and Renters to v sit the West and see the re wards wh'eh have come to farmers, stook. raiseia and fruit gioeers in the territory traversed by the Burlington Route, the Northern Psoitis and Great Northern Bail' roads torn the MississipDi River through to the forth Pacific Cotst. TO CALIFORNIA. Weekly California excursions in through tourist sleepers. Select parties in charge of special conductor join them Best and most economical way to reach the ooast via the al'-year and seenie routs through Denver, Scenic Colorado and Salt Lake City. MAIN TRAVEL THROUGH THE WEST. Ton ean thoroughly rely on ths Burling ton's passenger service to Denver, Kan sas City, St. Joseph, Omaha. St, Panl, Minneapolis to the whole West, North west and Paeifio Coast region Consult jour nearest ticket agent or write us of your proposed trip. It shall be a pleasure to send you a careful reply and any ot our publications fiee on re- 3 nest. . N MbifRILL, L. W WAKELKT, No S N. Pryor Ht, Genl Pass'r Agent, Atlanta, Ga Bt Louis. Mo. NOTICE. Having just returned from the Northern Markets, we take this method of annonno ing to the general pnbllo that we are now prepared to supply ihe dtmands of the people in the FURNITURE line, in all of its branches. Ws have tha brst selected stock of high and a.edinm grade furniture In the city. It Is a well tnown fact that we have always led in low prices. Quiok Bales snd Small Profits being our moitj. Polite Salesmen. We have lady clerk, and guarantee every lady visiting u shall have prompt attention. Ladi-s in the eity, pay ue a visit; Ladles from the country, stop with us when In town A visit to our ttore will be an eye onener tn all. Xnniu.j .-.ji.m i- nr.-.,, ' """7 " io wm eare you money, have led In Inw nri. r. is We sell for ceah nr nn th naf.li-. .1 u,.Miiiuaut yiau. The down town farnlture dealer (the Ben Taylor old stand, nut to A E. Rankin 6. B. NEWBERRY. Carloads received daily. We also run a , - "-b" impair shoeing by expert, 80 cents b 1 "on rtrpair Shop Horse- ir ry us Metal aur M Sealer. Wboleeale and Retail la Iron, Brass Copper, Lead, eina, Old Rnbber Boots and shoot. Cotton and Woolen Ran, Tailore Cllpptngt, Bonis, Hlda, Wool, TaUow, Beeswax, Jfura Rope, espedally. 171 bay In ear toad Iota or in lea 0nntltU m - euyuiing 10 an drop rop ae a postal ana 1 wul call. L. LEVIN. PropV. toper Hay Street, foot Haymount ravwavllla, J, rj, rrixa ST. LOUIS and SAN FRANCISCO 11 and Indian Territories, on the following b.XT?s,tr t'1""lw. Dum ber 2nd and 18th, January Oth snd 20ih, Atlanta. Ga. 1 I 0 (1 a 1 11 ' 1

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