1IE OBSERVER. THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1906. We desire alive agent and correspond en t at every postoflioe in Cumberland and adjoining counties. Correspondence on all subjects of local' and general intercut and opinion upon matters of public concern, are invited. The editor will not be responsible for the views or statement of correspon dents and reserve the right at all times a. : ,, An mwMifii a ti tf art.tftla ttk maw think requires it. Correspondence torthe WeeklyObser? ver should reach the office not later than Tuesday. ' One side, only, of the paper must be written on ana the real name of the writ er accompany the contribution. No at tention will be paid to anonymous letters. The date on your label tells you When your subscription expires, Receipts for money on subscription will be given in change of dat on label, If not properly changed in two weeks notify us. INDEX TO NEW ADVEBTISEMENTsT BUSINESS LOCALS: Log Chain Found. Letter 'to Armfleld Co. A. 8. Hall Announcement. ; The Southern Life Insurance Co. ' " A. P.Johnson, Mgr A Perfectionist, son. ' . 3. H. Anderson Among Yesterday's Arrivals. Boot. H. Upton, Clarence J). Sedberry Announcement. ..... " v, ; Death al Mrs. Page. Mrs. W. M. Page, wife of Rev. W. M. Page, died at their home at Pal con last week. Mrs. Page had been "an invalid for a number of years. A Gilt lor Salem School. , The Saleru Female College yester terday received a donation of $12,000 from Col. F. H. Fries, Mrs. Emma A. Fogle, F. A. and H. A. Piohl for the purchase of a pipe organ as a memorial to the late C. H. Fogle, who was a consistent friend of the college. The organ, which will be one of the finest in the South, will be placed in the new memorial hall, which will be completed next year at a cost of $50,000. - Superior Court In Seaaton. The Superior Court of Cumberland County, for the trial of civil cases only, convened Monday morning, with Judge Olive H. Allen presiding. The calendar was gone over and a number of cases were continued. In the case of Joseph Shaw, adm'r of Duncan Shaw, vs. the A. C. L. Railroad for 50,000, which it was ex pected would occupy several days of this week in trial, has been settled out of court, the railroad agreeing to pay several thousand dollars, the ex act amount of which will not be learn ed until the judgment is signed. - A not-suit was taken in the divorce case of J. M. Musselwhite vs. Thursey E. Musselwhite. A non-suit was taken in the case of Neill Monroe vs.""Robt. Gillis. The following cases were continued: Arnottvs. Cape Fear Power Com pany; Walter and E. T. Watson vs. A. C. L.; Mallard vs. A. C. L. R. R. The case of W. M. Culbreth vs. A. C. L. is set for trial Monday. Superior courjwas occupied Tuesday morning with the case of Josiah Pope and wife vs. Geo. A Pope, et al., the proceeding being a petition for parti tion of two tracts of land near Dunn, one of 200 acres and the other" loo acres. On motion of defendant, peti tioners were ordered to set out the in terests of the defendants and a sever ance of the actions was also ordered, arid the case continued. An applira tion for an injunction enjoining de fendants from trespassing on above tracts was argued until recess and will be concluded immediately on ad journment this afternoon. Representing the petitioners are Messrs. W. A. Stewart, Sinclair & Dye and. Rose & Rose. Appearing for the several defendants are Messrs. J. C. Clifford, Robinson & Shaw and C. W. Broadfoot Messrs. Godwin & Davis filed a petition asking that other alleged heirs be made parties to the proceed ings. This was not granted. , The case of Hiram G. Fields vs. A. C. L. R. R. Co. was taken up for trial on reconvening of court after dinner. Plaintiff demands $10,000 damages; alleging that he was im properly and rudely expelled fron de fendant's train. Many witnesses are present. :-JOut of town lawyers attending court are: Col. N. A. McLean, of Lumberton; W. A. Stewart, J. C. Clifford and R. L. Godwin, ot Dunn, and J. F. Musslewhite, of Hope Mills. Np. 7 J. F. P; Stewart vs. J. B. McCormick was continued. To Cure A Cold In One Day Take LAXATIVE BKOMO Quinine Tab lets. Druggists refund money if it fails to sure, k W. GROWd signature is ' A liquid cold ciireiof children that . is pleasant, harmless, and effective-to-Bee's Lavative Honey and Tar. Su perior to all other cough syrups or cold remedies because it acts on the bowelsV An ideal remedy for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough and all mrahlfi hmir and bronchial affec tions in child or adult. Pleasant to take.- Sold by McKethan & Co.- - - uit,mm Cm Wednesday eveninc April 45th, at the residence of the 1 J i - a.- aaAnt A IHsafTTI OH . N. C, by the Rev. I. W. Hughes, Rector fi tw. rvinrrh. Favetteville, Edward J. Hale, Jr., to Alberta, eldest daughter of Hetnan J ones, nag. - NOTICES ror n or mm, w 'xrjzz . . ' . l.r aw Wnltnit. Wanta, and other snort tltemtntt liMrtod In toll Daparlmant In jolM . S-pont tjrpo, for 1 oont per word for "' tloni but no advartlsauiant taltan tor lent than cenu. -terms iwiuitwj " 00 CHAIN FOUND-Oasolni to Fayatta. J Till on the Slit of April I round 101 onaiu which h the owner flan get of enqulr ng of me oftMObeerYerand paying lot thh advef cue A BIO ENTERPRISE IN SIGHT. A Meeting ol Northern Capitalist and Cltlaena Laat Night. There was a meeting in the parlors of the Hotel LaFayette Fridayevening, the outcome of which will probably mean a great deal to Fayetteville, an other mile post along the route, which is fast leading towards the goal of Fayetteville's ambition to be the great manufacturing centre of the South. The project discussed was the erexitioaoLalprinLclQtflJactory and ' one hundred and j seventy-five thousand dollars were subscribed on the spot by .local and northern capital. Only twenty-five thousand dollars more of local capital is required to ensure the enterprise, and this will no doubt be raised within the next few days..' -' .r'-'T' The following northern capitalists and practical- print goods men were present: Messrs. ' E. Davis, John Thorp, Adam- Catterall, Fletcher Cook and Frank McKnight. Dr, H. W. Lilly presided over the meeting, and among the Fayetteville people present were W. D. McNeill, C. J. Cooper, J. 0. Ellington, S. H. Mac Rae, Dr. G. B. Patterson, Drs. J. V. McGougah and Jl' "AT Mckethan,' M. Ri Home, Herbert Lutterloh, F. H. Stedman, W. E. Kindley, W. F. Blount, Jno. C. Gorham, D. T. Oates, Jacob Schwab, Jas D. McNeill and L. B. Hale. The site for the mill was practically agreed on, and the name of the cor poration will probably be the Victory Manufacturing Company. The northern capitalists present made a splendid impression on our people, and were most frank in the statement of their purpose in enter ing into the project. In the wake of this factory will probably follow a great print works and other large enterprises. It is proposed to use electric power, which the Cape Fear Power Company promise to deliver in Fayetteville within the next sixty days. Messrs. Davis, Cook, Thorp, Cat terall and McKnight were driven over Fayetteville and suburbs this morn ing, and their comments were very flattering. - Orphan Chlldren'a Concert... The Oxford Orphan Asylum Sing ing Class will begin a concert tour of North Carolina Monday, May 7th, and, until near the first of July, will travel mostly in the eastern section of our State. The second, or western , tour will begin about the last of July and will continue until the middle of September. The Class is composed of ten girls, four boys, the teacher and a gentle man in charge. Our people have learned to expect an entertainment of unusual attrac tiveness and excellence given by the bright, well-trained girls and boys of this noble institution. No cause ap peals more strongly to us than the cause of the orphan child. A chil dren's concert of real merit, in the in terest of a most worthy cause natural ly and rightly enlists our hearty sym pathy and support. Already the Singing Class has re ceived from Masonic Lodges in North Carolina many mos.t cordial invita tions. It is quite probable that it will be practicable to include more than eighty of the towns and cities of our State in the itinerary, which is arranged for the Class several weeks before the beginning of the tours. The active, hearty co-operation of all of our people is earnestly sought and, we believe, will continue to be secured. We express the sincere hope that the tours of the boys and girls this spring and summer will result in greatest success and blessing. RAEFORD INSTITUTE. Closing Exercise ol this Excellent School. Following is the programme of commencement exercises of Raeford Institute : Rnndav. Mav 6. Il a. m. Com mencement sermon, Rev. R. T. Vann, D. D. Sunday, 8 p. m. Address before the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A., Rev. Watson M. Fairley. Monday, May 7, 8 p. m. Exercises by primaries and intermediates. Deciaimers' contest T?.nnrieme.m Societv. D. MacBrvde Austin, W. Claude Lewis, Daniel A. McNeill. Tj Societv: H. MacNeill McDiar- mid, John A. McGougan, Dallas S. Townsend. Tnpadnv Mav 8. to a. m. Exer- cises by the senior class The Build ing of a Character, Maud Harris; The Achievement of Success, Frank S. Blue; The True Patriot, Fred P. John son; The Ideal Commonwealth, Julian S. Johnson; Possibilities 01 tne uia Mrtti State. Henrv W. McDiarmid: Truth as an Ideal, James T. McLeod; The HeroiirnT-trf-Sersice Dallas J. Townsend; The Rising empire 01 we East, Charles L. Wicker. - ' Literary address, Hon. R. B. Glenn, Governor of North Carolina. 4 pt m. Art exhibit. ' 8 p. m. Exercises by' Athenian Literary Society. - Recitation contest Mamie Blue, xi-i:- t .t. WiUnut frMlllan. and Margaret McNeill, ..tattle Rhodes, Kathleen Townsena. traveller! have fUnJ great benefit by taking with them a bot tle Or DH. BKTH AHNOLD B JJAUJAm. oures illness caused by impure water and sudden changes of climate. Warranted by A. J. Cook A Co..-.,.. . Haa Stood The Teat U Yearn The old, original' GROVE'S Tasteless Uulll iOniO. I0O MOW TIUVi taking. It Is Iron and quinine in tasteless form. No cure, no pay. ' &n White Mountain Frefezers . " , . guaranteed by - - ' r.. J. B. TILLINQHAST, THE REUNION AT NEW ORLEANS. A Great Parade. For two days the Confederate reu nion had devoted itself to business. Yesterday was given over to the glo rification' of the cause that died long since, but still lives on,': ' Thursday's great parade in honor of the Confederacy was set in Motion by a signal gun from the cruiser Col umbia. .The day was ideal in all re spects for the event. An eseort of-ountedLpolicecanie first and then Major General Albert Estopinal, the chief marshal of the parade, with a glittering staff in gray and gold. After this claTFering group of horsemen came General Stephen D. Le;, the commander-in-chief of the United Confederate Veterans and the members of his staffj The ladids of the Confederate Southern Memorial Association and Daughters of the Confederacy, in carriages, were next. The old soldiers were next in line, the trans-Mississippi department, un der command of General W. L. Cabel, having the right of the line, and fol-" lowed by the Tennessee department under General Clement A. Evans and the army of Northern Virginia under General C. Irvine Walker. - A MARTtAti FIGURE. - General Lee, mounted upon a su perb gray horse, was aa especial ob ject of admiration, and merely as a picture he deserved all that he receiv ed. His great popularity, added to his handsome appearance, produced a continuous chorus of cheers as he rode along, hat in hand. A NEW FAD FOR FAYETTEVILLE. Funeral Proeeaelon Photographed. A funeral procession, consisting of a hearse, two carriages and a buggy, wound its way into Fayetteville short ly before noon to-day, coming from Hope Mills, and came to a halt in front of Paton's photograph gallery. In the first carriage were six mourn ers, in the second five, and the buggy contained three. There was much ado about the arrangement of the ve hicles so as to have the best effect, and the picture was taken. This novel business over, the pro cession took up its march again, go ing toward the river. The parties were all white, but they would not give the name of the de ceased member. This fad is a good companion to one recently inaugurated in New York, where a person sings at his own funeral by means of a phono graph. FAYETTEVILLE MARKETS REVISED DAILY. COTTON. BEPOBTBD B CHARLES BA'IGB. Good Middling, new cotton . 11.15 Strict Middling 11.15 Middling . 11 Stricti Low Middling ... 10 NAVAL STORES. BIPOBTED BY A. H. 8L0C0MB. Spirits 64 Common Rosin . 3.00 Virgin 5.00 Yellow Dip .... . .... 4-25 Scrape. ' 2.50 PRODUCE. BEPOBTBD BY B. M. JACKSON, OBOCIB. Flour 1st pat, sack, . . . 2.75 to 3.00 Family Flour straight . . .2.60 to 2.75 Meal bolted 48 lbs per bu., . . 7580 ' unbolted 48 lbs per bu . 8tx85 Corn 66 lbs per bushel ....... 65 Bacon nog round per id, . . . iwaiz?i ' ham 1415 " sides. 1011 " shoulders, 10U Pork hou round 78 Lard- N. C glO Oats 32 lbs per bushel 5055 reaa clay wwsti w " -mixed 8090 " -white 110 126 Patatoes Irish, per bushel . . . -809O " sweet 5060 Honey strained, per lb 78 Country butter 26 Ducts sr?i Hens per head 3036 Broilers 1620 Eggs 1415 Roosters wa head ..... 2022 Guineas 25 Geese 3640 Feathers new 3640 Wool washed 1620 Hides-dry. per lb 1213 " green, per lb . . . . Tallow Shucks Fodder 1.00 1.10 Hay 6080 How Japs Keep Strong. Observer Readers Can Learn Some thing of Value from This. Such a thing as a weakling is hard Ivtrnnwn in Tannn. The wonderful en durance of the Japanese soldiers and sailors in the recent war has been tne marvel of all nations. ' Both men and women are well, happy and strong. The reason for this, so careful in vestigators tell us, is that the Japa nese from childhood up know how to keep well through care of the diges tive system. If they have trouble with indigestion, heartburn, wind on the stomachTlosS of appetite, sleep lessness, headaches, rheumatic pains, hack-aches, or any of the other trou bles caused by a weak stomach, they treat themselves with some of the principal remedies that compose Mi-o-na, a stomach remedy that has al ready a large sale in Fayetteville at Sedberry 'a Pharmacy. -r So uniformly successful has the remedy been ia curing all stomach troubles where it is used inaccord anc; with rimplisaittions-pven with each box, that Sedberry's Phar macy give a signed guarantee with every 50 cent package to refund the money If Mi-o-na fails to benefit Living indoors so much during the winter months nreatea ft sort of stuffy. ..ufjuAM Mnrltr.Mn in tha htrvvl and system generally. - Clean up and get ready for spring. Take a few Early Risers. These famous, little pills cleanse th liver, stomach and bowels and give the blood a chance to purify Itself. They I I 1 - -l uJ.Jmi relieve neaaauuo, aauvn wiuuivui etc. Bold by Armfleld A Greenwood. A Marriage ol Local lntercat. A wedding of interest to Fayette ville people was solemnized in Lum berton Wednesday afternoon, when Miss Ha May Humphrey became the bride of Dr. Henry Baxter Gibson, of Red Springs. ' The marriage took place at the home of the bride's pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. William Hardy Humphrey, at 3:36 o'clock, in the presence of a number "of friends and relatives of the young couple. Steda School Cloalag. ' T1ie"clo6ing - exercises of the Sted man Graded School will '"lake- place Tuesday, May 8th. t , This school has had a Very success ful year under the principalship of Prof. R. C. Oliver and.his assistants. Announcement!! Fayetteville, N. C, April 28, 1906. To the Democratic Voters of the Seventh Judicial District: I hereby announce myself a candi date for the Democratic nomination for the office of Solicitor of this Dis trict. If nominated- apd elected to this important position, I shall t-p deavor to discharge the duties of thir office without fear or favor. A. S. HALL. Announcement ! I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Sheriff of Cumberland couff ty, Bubject to the action of the Demo cratic County Convention. If nominat ed and elected, will till the office faith fully and impartially. N. A. WATSON, Raeford, N. C. North Carolina. ih. nnrlnr Oniiri Cumberland county. tne superior conn. Lucinda 1'arker vs. Pavld l'arker Notice. Thftdefendants above named will take notice tbat an action entitled as above has been com menced In tbe Superior Court of Cumberland county, the same being an action for divorce, and tbe said defendant will furtber take notice that he ia required to appear at the next term of the Superior Court or said county to belli on the 28th day of May. 1906. at the court house of said county In Fayetteville, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complaint in said ac tion, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In said complaint. This the 25th day of April, 19U6. JNO. 11. KOB1NSON. Deputy Clerk of Superior Court. Notice of Sale Under Mortgage. By virtue utlhe power and authority riven by a certain land mortgage, executed by Atlu Hill and wife to E. F. Moore, which Is re corded In the office of the Register of Deeds for Cumberland county, In Book B, No. 4, page S17, the following property will be exposed to sale by public auction , vl: Beginning at a stake and pointers, McDiitSa'a corner, runi thence North 63 West 1 chain, 60 lints, to a stake and pointers In a line of 200 acres patented by Daniel McFadyen: thence with this line north M east 48 chains 60 links to a stake any pointers, the comer; thence south 18 west 40 chains to the line of the tract of land of which this la a part; thence with that line to the beginning, the whole containing fifty (60) acres more or less. Place of Sale: Market Bouse. Tim of Sale: June 4, 1908. Terms of Sale: Cash. J. B. STARK, Assignee of I K. Moore, Mortgagee. Cumberland county. I Court, I. B. Waatherlr and J. M. Burke vs. J. D. Mc Neill and wife, Margaret K. McNeill Notice. The defendants above named will take notice that an antlon entitled aa above has been com menced In the Superior Court of Cumberland county to foreclose a mortgage executed by the said defend ants to Uus said plaintiff, J ,M. Burke, conveying te him aa interest In oertaln lands therein described and located In said county of Cumberland , to secure the payment of a certain not executed by said defendants to said J. M, Burke, and which note and mortgage have been transferred by said 1. U. Burke to said It B. Weetberly, and default has been made In the payment of the same; and the said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear at the term of the Superior Court of aid county, to be held on the 12ti Monday after the 1st Monday In March, 1908, (It being the th of May, 1906), at the Court Bouse of said county In Fayetteville, N, C, and answer or de mur to the complaint In (aid action, or the SlalntlfT will apply to the court for tbe relief emanded In said complaint. This 24th day of April, 190. JNO. H.ROBINSON, Deputy Clerk of the Superior Court, B, T. McLean, Attorney for Plaintiffs. DAGO VOICE . t looks torward to the hour when she shall feel the exquisite thrill of motherhood With indescribable dread and fear, Every woman should know that the danger, pain and horror of child birth can be entirely avoided by the use of Mother's Friend, a scientific liniment for external use only, which toughens and renders pliable all , mo pan, aim bdubis nature in its sublime work. By its aid thousands of women have passed this great crisis in per fect safetyand without pain. Bold at $1.00 per bottle, by druggists. of priceless value to all women sent freeAddresa BRAOneUJ HtaiLMTOR OO., Atlmrtm, The Southern Life Insurance Co., A STRONG HOME INSTITUTION, SOLICITS YOUR LIFE INSURANCE BUSINESS. n Stop and Think Before Placing Insurance Elsewhere. BY PATRONIZING YOUR HOME COMPANY YOU ARE KEEPING A LARGE AMOUNT OF MONEY HERE INSTEAD OF SENDING IT AWAY. YOU ARE THUS HELPING TO PLACE AT The Disposal of Home People FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES MONEY THAT WOULD OTHERWISE FLY AWAY LIKE A BIRD TO PARTS UNKNOWN. YOU ARE ALSO GET TING YOUR : Insurance At A Reasonable Price WITH THE HOPE OF REASONABLE DIVIDENDS. IT IS HARD TO THINK OUT A REASONABLE GROUND ON WHICH TO ARGUE FOR INSURING ELSEWHERE THAN IN YOUR HOME COMPANY, "THE SOUTHERN LIFE." WmJBmSHBBMmmM Among Yesterday's Arrivals Were some beautiful designs in Dresden Ribbons, in all colore; some of the very prettiest of floral effects. . Lovely All -Overs, in Chiffon, in the daintiest of Dresden colors, with Appliques to match. These you will find the handsomest All-Overe that vou have seen in Fayetteville. Jiew and pretty All-Overs in Baby Irish with lace and insertion to match. All-Overs both in Ecrue and White, as well as in black and manv new patterns. Also a large line of Nainsook and Ham burg All-Overs in the very latest designs. We yesterday received another lot of Silks. We have had to re-order silks many times, as our customers are realizing what values we are giving them. Solid Colored Silks in all shades from 3oc. to 75c.. per yard. The best China and Jap SKks in all the evening shades, as well as in white and black. A beautiful line of Ulack Taffetas, 36inches wide and warranted. Silk Tissues and Silk Kolians. We are selling lots of laces at prices you have never seen duplicated. Call and see them. J. H. ANDERSON Announcement The undersigned beg leave to an nounce that they are opening an Up-to-date Jewelry Store, located at 118 Hay Street (next to Burns' Clothing Store) under the Orm name of The Upton-Sedberry Jewelry Co., where at all times will be found the Latest Styles in Jewelry, Silver-ware, Cut-Glass, &c. S We will make a specialty of high grade repair work. Every article leaving our hands has our guarantee aa to qual ity and workmanship. We have purchased from the Diebold Safe A Look Co. one of their best safes, having a Are, burglar and anti-dynamite, vault, and this will afford absolute pro tection to any valuable repair work en trusted to us. It will be a pleasure to show the pub lic our line, wbicb is being enlarged dally. 'Trusting to merit the patronage of a generous public, we are, KOBT. H. UPTON, CLARENCE D. SEDBERRY. ' P. S. The largest and finest assort ment of Cut-Glass in latest designs ever received .in Fayetteville is now being opened, Come and see it. lathe joy of the household, for without it no Imppinc6scan be complete. How sweet the picture of mother and babe 1 Angels smile at and commend tho . thoughts and aspirations of the mother bending over the cradle. The ordeal tlirougHt which the expectant mother .must pass, how ever, is so full of danger and suffering that she Our book HOLLISTER'8 Rocky Mountain Tea Nugget? A But Modiolus for Busy People. Brings Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. A specific for Constipation, Indl(reitlon. Live nd Kidney Troubles. Pimples. Eczemt, Impure Blood, Bad Breath, Slufrglsh Bowels, Heailtrhe and ftaflkaMiA. It'll Rnekv MotintAin Tea In tab. let form, 85 cent a box. Genuine made by HouuirriR Dai'o Company, Madison, Wis. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE For Sale by King Drug Co., at Mc Duffie Drug Store. FOLEY'S IIONEYmidTAR The original LAXATIVE cough remedy. Tha (snulns FOLEY'S HONET and TAR li ta m Tallow paekags. Bafuss lubatltuus, Prsparad only by falay Oampany, Ohloaga. Sold by All Druggists; Illf-JS NEWBERRY FURNITURE CO., -DHALEHH IN- Furniture House .... i Upholstered Goods, tio-Carts, Baby Multredsen, lion Beds, Sewing Rangos and Youf attention-is especially called to our new stock in KEFRIUKUl TORS and ICE BOXES. New Spring line of Mattings and Hammocka boa been received, ' , , St. Luke's Hospital, DB. J. H. MARSH'S New - I rA B JrJO Kt'M mi It " U 3ii C W.. Jl W -J K."-r This Hospital is situated on Havmount. in the most beautiful residenii:i part of the city, and is equipped with the latest and most approved applianc. s for the diugonsis and treatment of Medical, Surgical, Gynecological, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat diseases. Special rooms have been provided for Obstetrical patients. With a Competent Staff of Experienced Assistants and Nurses. The Sanatorium provides all theadvantagts of a nicxlmi institution. Addreur, An Improvement m fron and Steel Roofing PROTECTED ROOFING. HAS it not been vour experience in the use of Common lion (or Pteel) Roofing that anv deterioration orso-called "rotting" was traceable to rusting from the underside'.' You have wondered how this could be corrected, and the heading of this probablv leads vou to ask "WHAT IS THE IMPROVEMENT?" THE IIVNDMAX ROOFIXO COMPAXY, .pioneer manufacturers of metal roofings, have observed closely and have recognized the dillicultii s you have con tended with in using Common Iron lioolings. In their elloits. to overcome such objectionable features these makers have invented I'liO'l'l t'TEl) ROOFING which is the best iron rooling it is possible to tffake, with an All; PROOF ROSIN SIZED PKOTE(TKI) COAT1XU CEM EX! El TO THE I XKEIiSIDE OFTHK METAL. This Protective Coating is cement"'! to the finished painted hheets, THUS PREVENT! X(i ANY CIRCULATlOi (IF A'llf REACHING 1 1 1 E UNDER SIDE OF TH V. METAL, and is therefore STRICTLY THE I MPliOVEMEN I" CLAIMED. Its uniform application supplies an airproof protector, WHICH PROVIDES A ItSOLUTE PROTECTION TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE METAL AGAINST IX.I I'lfY FROM CONDENSATION, FUMES nnd (iASES-eonsenuenl-ly ASSURING MANY YEARS OF ADDITIONAL LIFE TO THE ROOFING OR SIDIXG. This protective coating prevents dripping ilming frosty weather, when frost ih melting; it deadens sound, and being a non-conductor of heat and coal makes the building cooler in summer and wanner in winter. We are selling agents for PROTECTED ROOFING ajnd will ie glad to show you the actual goods in stock. Our special arrangement with the manufacturers enables us to olleTtliese goods to vou at prices lower ihan vou will expect to buy an article of such MERIT and HIGH QUALITY. HARDWARE HUSKE Favetteville. N. C. McDUFFIE'S TASTELESS CH.U. CURE. I. tho only absolutely tastelesu th!.-lria Itwlll Increaseyo'jr PRICE, 60 CENTS. Take McDUFFIE'S Little Dl Liver Pills for CV Sluggish Livers. Mc Duffle's Remedies are sold or do all we claim or yo j ' money LacK. FOR SALE BY ARM1TELD & GREENWOOD. A Perfectionists is one who, having thoroughly tested PERFECTION, will have no other Flour, knowing it to be unequaled as a High-grade, Perfect Family Flour, in every respect. There are hundreds of "Perfectionists" in ftnd atoiind Fayette ville. ARE YOU? If not, it's not too late to "get in the band wagon." No kicks coining when you use Perfection. How could there, when it is the UEST and CHEAPEST Flour sold in Fayetteville bv actual test? Try it, stick to it, and you will ALWAYS find it The FLOUR Never Falls Over 10,000 barrels sold here the past twelve years, and not live of them ever re. turned an unparalled record. Be wise Be a Perfectionist, good friend.' A. P. JOHNSON, Manager, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, No. 107 Hay Street. Favetteville. N. C . P'houe 56. Always Remember the Full Name l axative Rromo Quinine Cures a Cold in One Day, Grip in Two. n 1 111 mm Orringes, Chamber Knit, Felt Macliinos, Supplies, Stovos, Heaters. Private Sanatorium. " 4' Jt A-". DR. J. H. MARSH, Fayetteville, N C. HOUSE, Gets rlp'ht diseases and do n?feat of Lun8 I orption ln cun'r,r'0rk byBb- ' r "Crilt, "llnKJ Upr18, Colds : " '. Pleurisy, pneumonia and Asnfo and sure r0 PRICr, 2;. n : . prevents umptlor. "S. -!on ar . .- antee t Q Vi4wtttwaa 1. Uiemenk

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