... ....J . ,rn 1.1s Insurance Co. '. i' ;'u!nr Annual meding of the '. !n,!.!ois of tlie Coulliein Life I n ; i.v:' t Company was held on Tuea ' y, f'.c plumber iff, 1906, at the office (jtliie Companj, A large number of s'ock-lioldurx fiom every section of of i:;i-tera Carolina were in attend ance. The meeting was called to order at 12:30 p. m.f with Mr. E. II. William son, president, presiding. The report of the .Manager was made, and was very gratifying. The manager of the Company reported that the Company was in a flourish ing condition; tlmt , the, progress the Company had made had exceeded the expectations ' of the most sanguine stockholder. The condensed report was as follows : 'The Southern Life Insurance Com pany was organized last September, but there were so many necessary le gal requirements that the Company really did not get their license until November second, and did not issue their first policy until November twentieth. ' "The Company started business with (very borne Company and for eign Company, working closely in ' North Carolina, and almost every cor ner of the State covered by insur ance agents, but by hard, persistant work the managers of the Company were able to accomplish Jar more than was anticipated,, in business written in the first twelve months. "It was at first thought that $1,' 000,000.00 of business would be 1 creditable showing for the first year, but 12,500,000.00 in paid for busi ness has already been put on the books, and there is one and one-half months left in which to get more bus- ." "By careful management the Com pany has put aside $12,556.06 for policy and stock holders, besides pay . ing all expenses, including $6000.00 in death losses, and setting aside $2,- 824.10 as a reserve. The managers of the Company have gone a long way towards covering this State (North Carolina) with agents. More has been done along this line in the last two months, than in any preceding four months. ' 'Our force in Sooth Carolina is rap idly covering that State and by Jan uary the first the two Carolinas will be covered with agents and working like bees. - "In Georgia,the Company is espec ially fortunate in securing the ser vices of Mr. Neill McQueen, one of our directors, as State , Agency Di rector. . "The assets of the Company amount to over $180,000.00 The insurance written from November 20th, 1905 to Jieptember 12th, 1906, , was $2,999,' 350.00.. , "Tilt outlook for the continued pros ferity of the Company is exceedingly bright The people of the three States i;f which the Company is doing busi ness, have given the Company- their Hearty endorsement by placing large part of their insurance with the Institution. . f "In the course of the next few years the Company will have grown to be a tower 01 strength in the financial world and will be a. great benefit to the South by. encouraging Southern enterprises and keeping that money at home, to encourage our , people, likh has hitherto baen sent out of the South." .:. . Realizing that to extend the busi ness over a large territory and to en ter several States, that a large capi tal is necessary, the stock holders voted to increase the capital from f 125,000.00 tO $150,000.00..' 1 Me Manager reported mat over this amounti had been subscribed showing conclusively what confidence tue people have in The Southern Life. i tie following gentlemen were . elected Directors: Ki-f.i,rs. A. L. James, Z. V. "Pate, J. W. Carter, R. F. DeVane, W. J. Johnson, W. H.Sikes, John Blue, W. . IVc.T. L. Chisholm,!. W. Mc- J '.!in, T. B. Upchurch, L. Shaw, A. I,, f'l.aw, A. McDowell, N. Mc- ( 11, John Elliott, J. B. Carlyle, J. . Johnson, R. D. Caldwell, I. A. I o, K. T.I. Biggs, J. V. Ward '. '. L. Ilw'.t, John A. Oates. E. II. .'..;,..ti'.son, J. G. Shaw, A. E. Ran I' 1, K. McMill.-yi, C J. Cooper, J. V. .' '.,-r;;ati, W. A. Vanstory, Adam . :;Y,ir, II. B. Smith, A. II. Slo- A. L. JTcCaskill, John Under- v 1, j..1.u McDulSe, L. Carter, I5r, I, a f,'u ..on "sviiemer or notany iu our fair land has rl ,nl of Directors than this r t'.r has been a success in The strong personnel of I 1 '-.is guaranty to every pot 1 ft ihoMer that the funds of , . y will be properly' in the mid business will be honestly conduc o!iey hoi ' 1 a.t.r fr el of I" rs' iiH and Com? uor.f y I.: ,y t 1 h rs t C icy a 1 T. H symp 'i. Sti 1 t hus mad;-, V! ;J cxprcisedilieir high nppiu iaiiim t-j V.i. Cooper and the kt (n -hi ; ! r lm .r untir ng eliorts to extend the business and to build upa strong institution. ' The stockholders tln-n adjourned, The Direrturs then held their meet ing and elected the follow i ig officers for the coming year: E. H. Williamson, Pt.m -t. R. D. Caldwell, W. J. I .imson and A. L- James, Vice Presidents, John A. Oates, Secretary. C. J. Cooper, Treasurer and Mana- er . J. V. Mcuougan, Medical Director. Charles E. Brooks, Actuary. A. W, Peace, Assistant Manager. The meeting then adjourned. It is with great pleasure we chron icle the fact that the Southern Life Insurance Company -has grown so rapidly. This company baa had a phenome nal growth and rightfully deserves the confidence and patronage of the people of the South. The Late Mrs. Mart la. The funeral of Mrs. Jno. T. Martin, who died Tuesday, took place from her residence at "WhipporwilP yes terday, the services being conducted by Rev. D. H. Tuttle. For the past thirty years Mrs. Martin was a con sistent member of the Baptist church. She was the widow of the late John T. Martin, a brave Confederate sol dier, a member of Company G, 33rd North Carolina State troops,' Lane's brigade. She is survived by three sons, Messrs. J. T. and C P. Martin, of this city, and W. M. Martin, of frloncl?. A Big Salt lasrltmfcc. Mr. James Marsh, of Alderman, through his attorneys, Messrs. Sin clair & Dye, has filed complaint in his suit against the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company for perma nent injuries sustained while engaged in building a house for defendant at Nocatee, Florida, in the spring of 1904. - The complaint alleges) that he, with others who were engaged in this woik, were in the habit of keep ing their tools,: etc., and spending their noon hour under the building used as a depot at this station, and that on the day of the accident a box car was standing on the siding with a gang plank extending from it onto the platform ; that a train backed ra pidly against this dead car, without stopping, with such violence as to jam the gang plank against the de pot and overturn it, the house tailing on piaintin, fracturing ribs and nip bpne and leaving him a .permanent cnpple. Thirty thousand dollars is the amount ol damages asked for. A IrairtiMi FaamllT. Mr. Hardy West, oif Seventy-First, who was in the city last week, made such a remarkable statin ent that it is well worth publishing. He said that though he was 78 years old and had ten children, he had never had occa sion to send for a physician in a that time, - either for himself or fam ily, until a few days ago, and that then he took the first dose of medi cine that ever passed his lips -four calomel tablets. This is certainly a most remarkable record. Death ( Mr. J. IL Cknrck. ' - The news of the death of Mr. J. D, Church, in New York this week, will be read with regie! by a number of his friends in Fayetteville. Mr. Church,- who was at one time State agent for the New York Life Insu ranee Co., was a frequent visitor to Fayetteville. Mr. Church was stay ing, at the time of his death, at the Forest and Stream Club, in Vermont This Forest and Stream is practically a country estate, consisting of 600 acres of land with a main building which might be either a big private house or, possibly more properly, small and well designed hotel. There are outbuildings, stables and every thing necessary to take excellent care of , the 30 or 40 members and their families and friends. ' Mr. Church, at the time of his death, was president of tkjs club. His administration its-affairs had been unsurpassed. obcaoo'a UepuMicaa TiueL The Robeson county RcpnUicai convention, at Lnmberton last week, nominate! a full ticket for the legis lature and county officers as follows. Senate, K. L. McCormick; House, E G. Johnson and R.-M. Phillips; Clerk of Court, A. B. Mercer; Sheriff, W, C. Culbreth; Register of Deeds, W, R. Surles; Treasurer, K. Atkinson Coroner, Giles flavis; Surveyor, Dan B. McNeill; County Commissioners, W. C. Hall, J. T. rhivett, L. E. Tay- lor, J. S. McNeill, Redding Thillips. The Republican nominee for Con gress, J. B. Schulkett, spoke at ('.: convention..-.... - To fare A Cold la One BtT Take LAXATIVE EROMO Quinine Tab- IriM. Irv rwiiwl money if it fall to e-irf. .. W. f-uOVfc'd denature 011 each box. 2uC. A tiiara't',.? d irre for ri!c-a 'hin , 1.1. iiJ, I'rotniiliii i'li' "- a'" a" -n'-l to n I 11 muv 11 1'A 0 LiltX r f 111 0 t ) 14 cl-UB. 'c. ,.J i-e J (.- ; i tjU km if l!"i nil . No curt" , , t Villi 111 nil ir ts'ue in mi 1 )')C. , . V'ttH Tiyin!'. ' " ' W. II. 1 , 11. f i' 1 ' ' .r J 1 ion .-.:m v, of T. ' !, V t., s: it in a - " f - t" i l' to 1 , ' ''. , 1 -'s 1 ,, ,," 'J,? r-Hy ideal food. lr;;:::'3 Ciccult 'nro tlis ideal f fA iT" fT,'r T f rx . ' Qub '; coda crackers rijhtlj xaad5 in the first phco, rightly protected first, Izzi end ll the tteio. y tight, ' (JJ moistm proof packazs, . , NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY . l,Jr rr rr rr...:i Gives rest to the stomach. For Indigestion, dyspepsia, sour stomach, tired stomach, weak stomach, windy stomach, puffed stomach, nervou stomach and catarrh of the stomach. A prompt reliet. , a 0,e t l a. J Ask for the 1906 Kodol Almanac and 200 Year Calendar." SOLD BY ARMFDZLD & GREENWOOD, DRUGGISTS. XHE OLD Is a name occasionally given PERFECflOS by its admiring friends. There's no doubt or lta reliability Tuns baa tnorougbuy testea tne vutn 01 tne sutiemeni that it THE FLOUR THAT NEVER FAILS, Is it worth anvthine to von to KNOW the Flour is eood the BEST, and the baking an auaured weeessf to Know Is also cheaper, because it huts lons-er Try it u yon naven t Always Th3 Cc3t z?A Chccpcst Our present stock ia made from new crop proceHd, and exceeds if possible tne You'll not Dnd s more np-to-datel eomea to quality and quantity of goods, the trade, it's not onr tanit 11 yon naven t lonna ine way nero we want you BAf JCJ1SG AND TIES. RUST PROOF CUKAM CBtteK, and other seasonable goods. ., a. p. jonusorj, r.:oncacr, Ko. 107 Hay Street. rr-,0 1 atalfa AaA 4t I T ACCEPTS nioney on depoait, keeps upon proper orders or checks Irom yon. MONEY upon all forms worth more than the amount loaned. ISSUE3 DRAFT4 payable in aS RECEIVES TIME DEPOSITS and agreement. , IN FACT, it is our pleaanre W generally in erery reasonante way. WE WANT sn account from every section. We appreciate small account just as mucn as larye ones. Ibis lac alone has built up for the Cap Fear Metion IL" .3 Ever L:;!.: If it in 1. ....,1,1.1,.. -I. a-.-l ( ,1 , ' TWE I " mi, ai. our ( .nvf"-" " i f"i 'iTin.il? r hn r-.i,iiv r, ' nr'il vn in 1 : i-i-,-.- r"ii'.A!.; , i 1 ON Of 1UK I.'.'.lf 11 AU. H)KTHK I, J i , i 1 A 1 1 -." I t 41.'. la uji - f - turn do likowiae. li il a conli1,,, ,' y :""ftn z f-T I'l'I-l15; the nr bi-it Kn !-.r anil Fiie I'nu.f Vault and fnfp; a re. .? an-I Citrfiil Co;nl of Pirf-toiT; an bopoit, capa bij :x' I e xpericn'-i il n-i'i " '-it; 'J ('" ir''"r of t' i ( i'fincy r- "innlr an. pt-rv z our buuieM nii..,niU, il A - ..i.io.'-r! , M ,50.11 otlinia securer place for the safi e.-piu of your tuu !.. (. on ig f.r any s-1 . ice. itL A tA fnul &'A ycl'uvr, ';iii & to w, o.i'l we will ri'inni t ou;: i- ! 1 ! e wuKl.ed sweet and c' ' '!, Ejc.j'single, inc. Kec 1 11 ! , ii .iiiicnls .1 i. CI f 1 ft, ; '' '' t s " Oyspepqia ft-ftaf FawCaf RELIABLE" ,. it 1,VJ!.KIX1J1J!. yon puyii.. and goes fwthax than any other Flour. ... Fb'jr Sc! j in Fsycusvi'ls. wheat, by the latest improved milling nigoest excellence nereioiore attained iy store in Fayetteville than here, when it and courteous attention to the wants of SEED OATS, SEPTEMBER MO LLfc ffHf Isvetterille, N. C Phone 58. it safe for you and pays it out only , , of security, but requires the security to be parts of the world. pays 4 intcreHt on same by special accommodate our customers and the public ' MERCHANT and PKIVATEFH in tlii .1 i:r.: XATIO'.'AL" is a'.ASv-i up an.l drc- . 1. t lliitterinj compliment? Won't yon id 1, l ?., t f inuut of tor the year nulicsc I'mfuln'r Slut, HKIS, Lied with J. It, Ti ounp!, Insurance Coin niiHgtoner: Instalments paid $ 6,277 KO Interest received..' . ; . . 131,89 1-inflS received ... , . . . 6 05 Kntrsnce fees . , . . . . . , ' SM UU Transfer fees 2 25 Keleaae fees 8 00 Money borrowed . . '. ... 11,500 00 1 I 18,270 28 Dlabbraemantai Loans on mGrtgftgea (white). .$13,450 00 ... ... .. (colored) 1,000 00 Paid on withdrawals dues . .. 85 00 Salaries . 100 00 Advertising and printing . , l'JO OH Interest . . . ; 78 77 Amonnt returned on borrowed money 3,000 00 Charter and court fees '. ... 28 25 Ietlsrer and books ' 45 Seal and Notary fees 6 00 Bond of secretary and treas'r. . 10 00 Cash on band Deiv.31, 1005 . 428 7L ' 118,270 29 i , - - Aaactm"' . , Loans on mortgages (face value) , f 14.40U w Cash in bank . '. 428 78 '.- " ' $ 14,878 78 . Liabilities: Due shareholders (instalments . paid) .... ... . . . ou Due shareholders (earnings v credited i,. 138 25 Borrowed money . 8,600 00 ' . , $14,878 78 FRANK H. STEDMAS; , Secretary and Treasurer. H. W. LILLY, President Taxes! Taxes! Taxes! 1 1 Ths tax books for the year 1008 are now in my hands for collec tion. Please come forward and' settle promptly. , W. H. MARSH, Sheriff Cumberland County. Change of Polling Places Pollinc olace at Newton changed to one-fourUi of . a mile - to west cor ner of D. K. Mintz land on Yadkin road. Polline place at Ray's precinct changed to Hyke's AUii, or near it. The name of Ray's precinct is changed to Currie's Mill precinct. ' The voting place at Lock creeK Academy is changed to Wade at John McDonald's store. ' Fourth precinct of Cross Creek is changed to A. D. Boone's, photograph gallery, Hay street. W. G. HALL, Chairman County Board of Elections, ' (James M. Lamb & Sons) , Fayetteville, N. C. We now have ready the new crop of Roman Hyacinths and Paper White Narcissus, Freesias, &.C.. ' for early forcing; Choice Pa'ma and Ferns for home decoration. We are ready to talk 10 you about Hedges, Koees, i.rer greens and Bhrubbery for fall planting, Uut flowers always pn hand. so:;etih::s coi::g at J al TEE SIGN CF YE EE3 tEVTL. On account of my increased buiiiiiess, I have found it iienoswiry to double my lloor space, and now occupy ho. 112 and 114 Donaldson street next to the Expreas ollice. New type faces and new machinery enable me to lunnuti y,..,.,d.;..L I t...nl..j of every description promptly and in ac cord with the latest ntyltw. A share of your atpronage is respectfully solicited, aH.THopsdr). . 112-114 PonaM -on Stiwt, '1-hoM 1H8. - Fayetteville, N. C. C 1 "--"T rt. Pi w.. ... 1... j... L, J., T" m e,!l tii',:e ne in piHking :",i)tm-m pin,,-!, t, mhii-h are :! 17 tue i ,ie Wnte 1 al. 4 f I rr ,1 1. AMihtof A:r,- .! f.r P ' r " 1: u i. l'li ase read the law of North Carolina Laws, 1905, Cbf'i'ter .inoSection 80: "The Sheriff or his Deputy, or tax collector shall att-nd at the court house or his office in the county town during the months of September and November tor the purpose 01 receiv ing taxes. He shall also In like manner attend at least one day dur ing the month of October at some one or more places in each township, of which is days' notice shall be given by advertisement at three or more public places, ana in u news paper, if one be published in the county t Provided that nothing In this section shall be construed to pre vent the collecting officer from levy ing and selling after the first day of November, puine snan nor, sen u fnn Hmt rinv unless he has reason to believe the tax-payer is preparing ,to leave, the county or btate,' I intend to follow strictly the above law. A Deputy wilt be In my office to receive taxes during my absence, and I will be at the following places on days mentioned from 11 a. ni. to 3 p. m., viz.: Rockfish Township, Cumberland Mills, Monday, Oct. it. Rockfish fownship, Hope Mills No. 1, Tuesday, Oct. and. . Rockhsh lownsnip wope jviuis o. a, Wednesday,' Oct. 3rd. . - .- Pearce'a Mill Townshio. Holt Mor gan Mill, Thursday, Oct. 4th. Black River Township, Godwin, Friday, Oct. 5th. - - Flea Hill Township, ueaaie s urn, Mondav. Oct. 8th Cedar Creek . lovjnsnip,, bteamaOj Tvesdny, Oct 9th, , ; Beaver Dam Township, v;iay I'onr,, Wednesdav. Oct. 10th. - , Beaver: Dam Township, jessup s Mill. Thursdav. Oct nth. Cedar Creek Township, Downing s Store, Friday, Oct 12th. 1 Gray's Creek Township, Alderman, Saturdav. Oct. nth. Carver's Creek , lownship, wooa s School-house, Monday, Oct 15th. Carver's Creek Township, Carver's Falls. Tuesday. October 16th. Severity-first, Ray's, , Friday, Oct ober a&th. Seventy-first Newton'B, Monday. October 29th v 1 ., .Little River, amiui s tnop, lues- day, October 30th. , Qnewhifle, Cabin ' Branch, Wed nesday. October ? 1 st. Quewbitfle, .. Raelord, . lhursaay, November 1st. I have made these extra appoint ments for1 the convenience of the tax payers, and I trust you will meet ma at the time and place above mention ed, as all taxes must be settled in the time required by above law. Respecttully, ', W. H. Marsh, Sheriff Cumberland. County, Fayetteville, N. C; Sept. 15, 1906. Commissioners' Sa!a cf Valuable Una. Bt rlrtuc of in order of the Bnnerfor Conrt mule an the 20th da; of September, 1WI6, in s Sroneedlng entitled "1. K. Taylor, et vs. unit A. Sessome, et al., the undemlirned, an eommisglonera appointed for that purpone, will otler for sale, to the highest bidder, for caih, at iliaoourt-houiH) hi Haiti county, In the CUy of Fayetteville, on Monday, the i'nd day of Oclo- her. Hum. atlSo'eloek M. the following lands. located in Flea Hill townxhlp, to-wlt: ttieland which was allotted to MarUia C. Besaoms as her dower in the (lands of tha late W. J. Hossoms, containing 88 acres more or lens, and bounded on the west br Beaver liami and the. Fred Kreece estate, on tne north by the lands or o. K.lavlor, on the eant by the land ofAllee Holmes and Janle i. Tavlor, and on the south bf the land ol J. A. Muriihy, and for a desnrip tlon by metes and .bounds, see record of divi sion of the estate of the said V. J. Hessoms.de- ceaaed, now on tile In the oilice of the Ulerk of the Huptirlor court. , . This September 30th, 1008. . t H. h. COOK, N. A. HINOLAIR, Commlsilonen. NOTICE OF SUMMONS North Carolina, in the Superior Cumberlaud county. . Court. W. L. Lery and wife, et al, vs. Robert Levy una wue. ei at. neira-aH-iaw. To the heirs ftl-Uw of Annie K. Lamlert, de censd, whose name and reHldencet are ui known, and to the heirs-at-law ofK. J.Lery, dwastsd, whose oauien auu rtusiuenoei are un The defendants, the helrit-at law of Annie K Lambert, dffctiwftd, and K. J. Ievy, deceased above named, will take notice that an action entitled an above has been uommewed in the Superior Court of Cumberland county-, for the partition and iale of tne two parkin of land ir uattMi in fearce a mm uwnNinp in iaui county in which said defendant, have au Interest as alleged In the petition now on Hie; aud the fl&td defendant will further take notice that the are required to appear before the Clerk of the fritter tor Court of said county at hi oiiir-edn the court-house in the tjitv of fayePevlue on the Zind day or October, lfjno . at 12 O'clock. M and answer or demur to the complaint lu said action, or the plaintiff will at-olv to the court for the reiieraemamiea in gala complaint. This lbth day of September, linfl. A. A, Wck KTHAN.' Clerk ot Hnuerlor Court. H. L. Cook, Attorney for Petitioners. Executor's Notice. Hnvlne Qualified ax executor of the last will ami tewiament of D. F. Homo, deceased, lute of I nniiMM laud county, N. C.thls Is tonotiiya p(roiiH having claims aualnhtt the en tale of said deceased to present Hi phi to the utnlerslR duly verified, oa or before the 17th day of wop te!iitr.jyj7. or this notice will be nleaded m bar of their recovery, Ail persons indebted to mm eifte must irtuste nnmedmte payment. This 17th day of ptendter. li H. Al.Klxr,ieniitor Executory Notice IffivCntj duly qiislitiM Rp.vf!ulor of thonslnte of the lute Mrs. P,H.Luttriob, iiotieft Is herchv Rlvpn that nil persons hnliting t?ift!m nnrnt hiii tciu must jvrpnt thom to the unUuik'fi i?4,iii!v ftutdftiitleatJ, on or betnre th tenh dfty of HoU'iiiber. 117, or tins notice will te fuR(U'(1 in but of rnrovfrv. AH pvrmw tn (U'bUtft totheestnle must, mnko immltftfc" imy Dii iit. F. K. kOJjJ';, tA-eciilor. S",iloni1fir VAh, tm, k lime, Attorneys. I 9 fc Knvfnt: qimlUlp4 as fulmlniNtmtor on thecs- tHt of M rn. Attellft N. V 'uxm, tlvww&i , tltl i to nnhiv nil imrii' hoiumK cmim aiUnst s!d entfsio to pu"cnt trie Kftme to me on or hrfor tho iHih dm- of Hfni'iiilMr, tWYJ, ot this notice wsii ju - n d in bur of their recovery, A. II, Hii.i-IAMH, Atlminlntrfttor tm ii hove, P. O. Ahhos8 Keuuert, H, C. I. A. Nf tmmSsnrt, Attomy. - - -a tii'. Jwtb, luod. Having qimtiflH ftx Rfhnh nMniff hoNlistff filinuis i t tutrix upon tbfi ins in to noniy nil .) Vi t 1j ( jllOiElpt Si i y n .miy. tsir, . is isii, AiniiUiiMtrftirix, CALL AT Ii."-' 8 M f'.illpspie stmct, opPOKite llere you can "o t'1" Erecch-loadisg Double from tlia boat makers in the country, Kngland and r.elgiiim. Aii.o ltuvolvors foe home protection. Also ,-, , . Shells of all Brands, Including New York Club HMO Nitro Club and Peters hlgh-graile Club; agent for Pupout Powder and tha-'Philadelphia Bhot Tower Co. The Finest Assortment on me market, uunanu uiumiHinuig year, 1807, will UetheJborty-seconuanniverisary v. iuoowvi.o.....v...... ville Armory by the undersigned ' ' Walter T7atS0n, Gunmakpr. i Largest Commercial SciTool in tha Carclinas. .; CAPITAL STOCK .... $30,000. . INCOFtPORATtO RALEIGH, N. C. FDLLEN BUILDING. , These Bchools aive the world's best College in North Carolina. Established. Positions nuaranteea, mokm rj written oontraot. ; No vacation. ' Individual instruction, we also teach .Jwolt' keepinn, Shorthand, Penmanship y man. eena lor norne biuuvw. n u to-day for our catalogue, Oilers and High Indorsements. They are free. Address KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, ' RALEIGH N. C or CHARLOTTE, H. 0. ' ' . E, A. POE BRICK CO., INC.)l I , , ; BRICK MANUFACTURERS , . FAYETrEVILLE, N, C DaUy Capacity ' ';' f -90,000 Brick. FLAMT NTJMBEK ONE LOCATED ON A. U. L. EAILROAD NEAR PALB GROUNDS. ' "Dill Was Hers Before ths Town Was." ' THE GLD RELIABLE llmM Hills. JAS. D. McNEILX. JUST A Car of New, Choice Milling Wheat ' " " WHICH is BEING MANUFACTURED ISTO " " . " O ft. FLOUR. ' - - Why buy western flour when right a' home you can' get ' ' ' THE BEST AND PUREST , flour made? Use 0. K. flour and be happy. The McNeill Milling Co., Prop'rs. KT Remember, WE DON'T ADULTERATE. Sucat Easli Corn FMsfcy Sl-50 rar ffli. 4 full quarts "Old North State" Corn Whisky. Si years old ...... . $2.00 Laurel Valley Corn Whisky, 5 yearsold, .... t'i.'Zo per gallon, 75c. per quart. lour full quarts Golden Crown liye Whinky. , . . , . . . . .' . . $2.00 Remit by Express or Pot Office Money Ortlor. Write for fall price list. G a 'nil i nrrr? 215 main gthiet, r UiliL-L.lt. DANVILLC, VIRGINIA. Ml 1 1 ) ' 1 f"5 A ti ! .1 will c , ' i j-oa tl.ut thusa roc-1, 3 r tl i very I. : ivr t I and other purrr" i. 1 U3 your or1 'Ji:; lii not perfectly r'S . .-y, r:tarn tt ('r c ponse and money v. 11 1 n rJ' a."J. 1 r.t on. A'l i ;.;rment3 are v.-. ; j i 1 1 '-.ia r- '1 1 j Portal 'hi r Kiim's v,. y I'imi, a-nit t of an 3 Sir-l2-!-rrJ C :i3 of Sportsmen's Legsins - ;-;.'. V, i" v,,,' CHARLOTTE, N:C PISDMOMT IN8UBANCK BLDQ. "k in Modern Education. Oldest Businesi PLANT NUMBER TWO LOCATED ON SOUTH END COOL SPRING STREET. " ' ;"Cill Will B84 Hers Wrsei) the' Tcwn Ain't." j geo, McNeill. RECEIVED f lour full quarts Miller's 1'nvate Stock ofRve. . . . ; . . . ; . . . . .$2.75 Apple Brandy, per gallon . .$2.G5 Green River Rye, bottled in bond .......... 1 . $11.00 per case. ,U if" H or L.rprr ? l m ;) Or ' f. iM-l t 1 or v. 1 n.e u h-i -t I e fij-.; , ... t I'. i ! 1 f I. it a n 1 i 1 A '. i :.v f fldA"' ! ,mp 42 f-jr l"-t ufiiit i- U, a I . 1 lii U, a 1 nil ( ' r 1 mi .c-

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