rir at Baclord. A corn crib, the property of Maj J W Mclaughlin, was burned at Rae ford last week. The loss ia about $700. The origin of the fire ia un known. .JThlak II Wm lar.adlary. Facts and Figures, of Raeford, says of the burning: of a bam of Mai. Me. Lauchlin's, at Raeford, which we men tioned Thursday A barn belonging to CaptJ. W, McLauehlin was buVned this morn ing. The fire -was discovered by Messrs. jonn McMillan ana VV. s. Lancaster, who reached the place in time to rescue the stock. The loss is . about $1,000, with no insurance. It looks very much like incendiarism, The calatratloa. State Chairman Simmons says that --the registration books for the coming election' will be opened at 9 a. m. Thursday, October 4th, and close at sunset Saturday, October 27th. The eiection law is a little vague as to whether Sundays are included in the 20 days in which the books are re quired to be open. Attorney General Oilmer rules that Sundays are en eluded. THE PUCE OF COTTON. President Moore sends us the fol lowing open letter: Raleigh, N. C, Sept 24th, 1906. Mr. Farmer : Can you afford to sell cotton for less than ten cents per pound? Let us figure a bit; suppose you have ten bales to show for your year's work and sell it for $500, how much per day is that for your wages? That will depend upon now jpiany folks you bad to belp you work that cotton You know if your wife and children gave you help, then your wage is re duced just so much and in any case you will find out that you have not received 50 cents per day for your lime 11 you seii ai xen cents. The Southern Cotton Association fixed the lowest price for cotton to be sold at tbis tall and winter at ten cents per pound. All farmers are urged to hold for that price, the cot ton mill will pay ten cents and be glad to get cotton at that price, then why sbould tanners sell to specula tors lor less and let them hold the cotton and make the profit Store your cotton, borrow money on it and pay your debts if pressing. Pres. Harvie Jordan and Hon. E D. Smith will speak at Raleigh on Oct. 17th. Come to hear these noted men; they will speak words of en couragement to you and will give you much valuable information on the cotton situation. Bring your neighbor, with you. Everybody hold cotton for ten cents or more. C C. Moore, Pres., N. C. Div. S. C. A Aaohf Cos i all at tlx New York Whv have all the Tontine H ranee companies failed to make good their agents' promises? In earlier numbers of McClure's, Burton Hen- dnclc has exposed the inherent du plicity of the Tontine srame. In the October instalment tip fitinum that in addition to running their business on a laise oasis, uie lontineomcials mis " managed it- to such an extent that millions of dollars were diverted from the policy holders, and spent in graft and corruption. Great office build ings were put up in different corners of the world, in which the companies themselves paid fabulous rent but where favored outside corooratinn were given their quarters at a price mat aia not pay tne cost ot heat light, and janitor's service. High salaried positions were created for toe relatives ana men as ot the om cials. Millions were rmt intn rxn. lation, the profits of which went to the "ring," while the losses were taken out of the policy-holders' divi dends. Millions more were spent in cor mntinc the legislator? and thr nroca "innocent persona never rmh ami seldom Pav blackmail: but the man. agements of the New York companies 1 A 1 1 1 r . - . ,. nave none doiu ior mirty-nve years, writes Mr. Hendrick. This is a re markable narrative it touches the interests of every man, woman, and cuiid in tne country Wi ColUer'a. The meaning of Walsh in Chicago was roughly speaking, the meaning 01 1 nomas Kyan in Hew York, or, let us say, James Campbell in St Louis. Part or full ownership of banks, trust companies, railroads, puDiic service ana utility corpora tions, ana tne accompanying "graft makes such men in a sense the rulers of America. Walsh owned Senator Hopkins, and to a large extent Sen ator Cullom. He saw fit to bring his newspaper over to the Republran column in the last election, as a mat ter of convenience. The names Re publican and Democratic are nothing to these men, both parties being merely factors in their business schemes, and before Walsh himself put on the uniform of a Republican, his cashier, Blount, did the Rupubli can "business tor him, while Walsh attended to the Democratic. "Odell has influence because of his acquaint ance with me," says Harriman, in kingly jest, and his motto deserves to become historic. Hopkins has had influence ; because of his "ac quaintance" with John R. Walsh. We speak thus cheerfnllv in the nast although we have no belief that Walsh's power ia at an end. He ha been a shade too frenzied in his finance, but hia fellow-financiers will care forhira and put him on his feet. He will remain one of the little oli garchy of banded money kings, and he will continue his work of debauch ing business, corrupting legislation, and generally acting as an energetic and devoted worshiper of the dollar mark. ' . :f :. "! " : MllMitklMaiMt The old, original GROVE'S Tasteless Chill Tonic. You know what yon are taking. It is iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure, no pay. 60c. Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar the original laxative cough syrup acts as cathartic on the bowels. It is made from the tar gathered from the pine trees of our own country, therefore is the best for children. It is good for couchs, colds, croup, whoooinsr cousrh. BIG FIRE T HOPE KILLS. Johnson's Store Burned. Mr. Joe Johnson's large store house at Cotton, Hope Mills K 2, with his entire stock of goods, wrs burned Wednesday night aVnr 10 o'clock, The fire was discovered V outhalf past nine. Mr. Johnson was not at home when the fire was discovered, but was on his way there from the Masonic supper at Hope Mills. Several ef- forts were made to save some of his goods, but the heat and smoke was so great that ever eflort failed.- The origin of the fire seems to be s mystery. His store, stock of goods and fixtures were insured for $5,400. Outside this insurance, Mr. Johnson loss (estimated) will be more, than $2,000. It took heroic effort to save his residence. In moving his furni ture out it got badly damaged. The Hope Mills Manufacturing Company's bucket brigade did good service. Disgusted Wlta Th Crowd That De feated pari A correspondent writing from Ral eigh says: State Auditor Dixon returned this morning from a trip into Eastern Car olina delivering campaign speeches, tne last one having been at South- port Monday night. He expressed surprise and disgust at the turn things have taken in New Hanover where, after Geif. II. Bellamy, of iirunswick, was nominated in the New Hanover primaries, to represent tne two counties in the State Senate, the New Hanover delegates in the convention, when it came to declar ing the nomination of Mr. Bellamv, refused to go into the nomination and withdrew from the convention. He thinks that the opponents of Mr. Bel lamy sbould have made their fight in the primary and not presented the spectacle ot Hying right into the teeth of the wishes of the party as express ed in the primary as they did by their action in the convention. It was this same cabal, that made a fight on Congressman Patterson and prevented his re-nomination. As laleraretattoa ot Article Famr at the rrafaifeltiaa Act. Several prominent lawyers say that druggists are not prohibited from sill- iug beer or wine, under Clause 4 of the Cumberland County Prohibition Law, because that clause says only spirituous liquors shall be dispensed by druggists, for the reason that the Supreme Court has decided that beer and wine are within the meaning of the word spirituous. This, of course, meins that only a quart of each can bey prescribed at one time. FOB OBSERVES BEADCJtS. To the Boys and Girls who read the t-ayettevijle Observer, the follow ing lines are dedicated. , Ye are singing songs to the measured chime Of bells that ring to the flight of lime : Ye are writing names on the shifting sand 'Neatb the rolling wheels of this uni verse grand. In the sweet spring time ye are gath ering flowers. Unheeding the- rapid flight of the hours. Mid the summer's bloom, 'neath the forest shade, . Many a weary form is laid ; Mid the autumn's glow, the ripened grain Tells of the lab'rer's toil and pain. in the winter time, earth s bndal veil. Woven of frost and snow and hail. Brings you a lesson of a pure heart lite, Trampled and totn in the weary strite For the highest rounds in the Udder of fame Where each one standing, chisels his name In the granite o'erhead, for the vul gar to read. And wonder and applaud the daring aeea ; Only to learn at last that fame Is a wily, false and treacherous dame. Leading those, who are blindly led By her, to pitfalls and snares instead. What's earth-born glory, when it's won . When all it's arduous toils are done ? Perhaps a robe all stained with gore Perhaps a name, and 'nothing more ; Perhaps the list'ning crowd to thrill With eloquence, that moves at will ; Perhaps upen the page to write A name with truth and honor bright These glories all soon pass away ; As time rolls on, Death takes his prev ; Within the tomb the conquerer lies, And by Ins side, the good, the wise. Bnt for the good, beyond the sky. Th' eternal fields of glory lie ; W bite-robed celestials wander there, And angel music fills the air. . Then seek ye rather, your names to write On the Page of Life in lines of light. That glow in radiance like the silver star That nightly beams on this world so tar, That mariners, saifenz o'er Life's rough sea, ' May safely guided to the: haven be. Christiana. Ta CM A CaM la (hat Day Taks LAXATIVE BEOMO Quinine Tab lets. Drnerist rafnnd money if it faHs to cure. E. W. GKOVK'B signature is on each box, 25e. A Cawraatecd utr Far Plica Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protruding Vilea. Drnerista are authorized to re fund money if PASO OINTMENT fails o cure in s to 14 days. 60c. WU Worth Trying. W. H. Brown, the popular pension attorney, of Fittsfield, Vt,. says: next to a pension, the best thing to get is Dr. King's New Life Pills." He writes: "They keep my family in splendid health." Quick cure for Headache, Constipation and Bilious ness 2jc. Guaranteed at B. E. Sed berry's Sons drug store. Tb doctors used to bleed mankind, . or every til that they could find. But no.r they're wiser said one to me, And give instead Rocky Mountain Tea, ; r . ASKroiiraruggtsi, . - " "THE OLD Is a name occasionally riven PERFEC110N bv its admirins friends. There's no doubt of its reliability Time has thorouuhtly tested the truth of the statement mat 11 is THE FLOUR THAT NEVER FAILS ad it nuu imj Ullllhf, MjL VU tV anvt? MID riUUi IB gUUU fcUV ULXJXt IUU the baking an assured success? To know it EVEKYT1ME you buy it? t. ; mr. Ia v Perfection is also cheaper, because it lasts lontrer Try it if yon haven't Always The Best and Cheapest Our present stock is made from new crop process, anu exceeds 11 possiDie ine PERFECTION. You'll not find a more up-to-date' comes to quality and quantity of goods, and courteous attention to the wants of the trade. It's not our fault if you haven't found the way here we want you. BAGGING AND TIES, RUST PROOF SEED OATS, 8EPTEMBEB MULLET3, CREAM CHEESE, and other seasonable goods. A. P. JOHNSON, Manager, , Wholesale and Retail Grocer. .Ko. 107 Hay Streek Favetteville, N. C Phone 66. W. A. Vanstory, President R. t. H. Williamson, John Elliot Vice-Presidents, Ralph Jessup, Cashier,- A. B. McMillan. Assistant Cashier, Tom Shaw, Teller. Hie National Bank ACCEPTS monev On itAnOait. kAAna upon proper orders or checks from you. T.KNDS MONEY nnnn all fnrmB nf I v. worth more than the amount loaned. ISSUES DRAFTS payable in all parts of the world. RECEIVES TIME DEPOSITS snd pavs 4 interest on same bv aoecial agreement IN FACT, it is OUT pleasure to accommodate nnr ruatnmrni anri tha nnhlio generally in every reasonable way. WE WANT an account from everv section. We appreciate small accounts just as much as large ones. This fact alone has built up for the Cspe Fear Section The Strongest Safest and Best Known Bank that Das Ever Existed Here. If it is promptness and Courtesy "THE NATIONAL" ia always up snd dressed. Dnete Sam, as our Government is eommonlv called, has recently recognized ns in the following manner "BY MAKING IT ONE OFTHK DEPOSITARIES FOR THE UNITED STATES." Is this not s most flattering compliment? Won't you in turn do likewise? WITH a continuallv rrowinir SURPLUS: tha heat Rnrolir and P-ir. Proof salt and Safe; a reliable and Careful Board of Directorr; sn honest, capa ble and experienced management; The Comptroller of the Currency re-ralarly su pervising our business methods, and ASSETS over $700,000 00, you cannot find s securer placs for the safekeeping of yonr funds. Call on us for sny service. RALPH JESSUP, Housekeepers, Look Through Your Linen Closet ! 8end all yellow, sUirfeil, dull-looking spreads, sheets, towels, draperies, Ac., to us, and we wJU return them looking like YOUR BLANKETS Should be washed sweet and eleaa . before blanket, 25c.; single, 15c, Recognising best advertisements We Endeavor to Give Good Service. 'Phone 42 for discount prices on large lots or flat work. FAYETTEVILLE STEAM LAUHDRY; utubj!, licit E. A. POE BRICK CO., (INC.) BRICK MANUFACTURERS FAYETTEVILLE, V. 0. : . Daily Capacity; , - ' 90,000 Brick. PLANT HDMBEB ONE LOCATED ONA.C.L. RAILEOAP NEABFAIB .. The turnpike road to peoples' hearts, Lies through their , mouths, or I mis take nuitkind.. -. 1 Ftttf riaW. And the rumnfk ralde east la ttu trade mark of the National Warm If Comrjanv. It notnts the m tn tVi 4nnA of ouaiirr biscuit and crackers in nswiWrlv - baked and, properly protected; 10 cleanly packed and frethlv keot. that thv simm fail to a t pwase in xneir mission to tne appetite and Tbis trade tnarlr alwavn anriMra Sn rA It is placed on each end of a dust and moisture proof package that keepi the contents in their original condition. , National Biscuit Company products are thus distinguished and warranted you are thus protected and guided, in buying the most mm m m t a lit xX Iut1aa.aa J . 1m way products. , T Pk of GRAHAM CRACKXRS. Yo. will initantly nooralia ttafr nperHntT trm nj ordmert GnUm crackn yv, rw tuted. Thrycwtua ill U( eoe4 i the btat Gnhaa fiou eohuvced bj perfect bekuif. ' NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY RELIABLE" vruir a. tm : j dlw i and aoea farther than an other Floor. Flour Sold in Fayetteville. wheat, by the latest improved milling nigoest excellence heretofore attained by store in Favetteville than here, when it G. Harrison, Active Vice-President. it safe fAr vn mnA wmvm it Ant Anl. uw.nritw kt -a. , V.a aAAnn l,- , VW ,WJUIlVfl til, imiUlk, AJ W MERCHANT and PRIVATEER in ihi. Cashier. drifts of snow. packing; it prevents moths. Double the fact that pleased customers are the KUH. rrop rs. PLANT N DM BEB. TWO UKJATt'D ON SOUTH END 0O0LSPlhtl : mm, Jl -- . heart and whit ' STRONG Again is what Mrs. Lucy StoYiH.ofTilton.Qa, said after taking Kodol Dyspepsia Curs. Hundreds ku 1- woman ar being re stored to perfect health by this rem edy. YOU may b well if you will talcs it Indigestion causes nearly all the sick ness thai womtn have. It deprives the system of nourish ment and the delicate organs peculiar to women suffer weaken, and becoma diseased. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure enables the stomach and digestive organs to digest and assimilate all of the whole some food that may be eaten. It nouri shes the body, and rebuilds the weak organs, restoring health and strength.- Kodol relieves indigestion, constipation, dyspepsia, sour risings, belching, heartburn and all stomach dissrders. Digests What You Eat Itollrkottl.MdiH tlau u mwfc m tfe trUl, t V c?1 tli. hanl M VIM L4fc tnUTT 1.0 MM aO..ClM..l-t. Ask for the 1906 Kodol Almanac and 200 Year Calendar. Sold by Armtield 4 Greenwood, druggists Change of Polling Places Polling place at Newton changed to one-fourth of a. mile to west cor ner of D. K. Mintz land on Yadkin road. , Polling place at Ray's precinct changed to Syke's MM, or near it The name of Ray's precinct is changed to Currie's Mill precinct. The voting place at Lock Creek Academy is changed to Wade at John McDonald s store. Fourth precinct of Cross Creek is changed to A. D. Boone's, photograph gallery, Hay street. Notice is hereby given that the vot ing place for Hope Mills precinct No. 1, nas been changed from Sessoms store to the original voting place the old bcbool House. The polling place of Little River vtaucmy is cnangea irom smitn g thop to Lobelia at Keith's Store. W. G. HALL, Chairman County Board of Elections, Notice to Registrars. The registration nf vntprn fnr ttio approaching election on November old. win rnmmptin. pnnav I ifrnhA 5th, and will, continue to and includ ing Saturday, October 37U1. This is isiin lieu of a notice previously pub- nsneo. ' W (i H ATT. Chairman of the Board of County Elections. Nswton 11. Smith, Ueneral Manager. SMITH'S Beat, estate and Investment Agency. Box fi'2fl Favattnilla N f! Rn.. ..J - , j " 1 ... w. . u a uiu ells city houses and lots, farms, water puwen, mineral deposits and Dusiness opportunities. Befers by permission to Banks of Fayetteville. list your proper tv with them. ; HOLLIBTER'8 Rooky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Brny Kailaiu fcr Bmy Paoslt. Brlngi Ooldn Batltk ud Bauwai Vign. A mettle (or CniMtlmUoa, IiKllnitloa. Lin . , 'i?T Treublea, Plmple, Eczema, Impurt Blood, Bad Breath, Blnnlnh Bowels Badcbt ud Bankacha. H'i Bocky gmiiitalnjaa ia lab JM-form, 86 cmuIh bol. Oi-nuloe made bj Hotumn Dcva Oohtaiit, Madlm, Wis. 60LDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PE0PU For "Sale by Kin? Drug Co., at Mo- Duffie Drug Store. Taxes! Taxes! Taxes!! I ' The tax books for the yesr 1900 are now in my hands for collec tion. Please come forward and -setHe promptly.. W. H. MARSH, - Sheriff Cumberlsnd County. ManZ&n Pile Remedy ' RIUIVIS WHIN OTHISt PAlk Are you troubled with piles? One spplication of ManZan will give you Immediate relif, Sold by McKethan ft Co, ' , 7 v Statement Abstract of Annual Statement of Cross Creek Building & Loan . . Association. for the year ending December 81st, 1005, niea wiui J. a. xoung, insurance ioui missioner: , Rcealptai Instalments paid. . . ' . l 6,277-60 Interest received 131 o Fines received ...... ... 5 65 Entranoe fees . ....... 350 00 Transfer fees . . , ..... 2 25 Kelesse fees . ." . . , V 3 00 Money borrowed 11,600 00 $18,270 20 Dlaburaemaolat Loans on mortgages (white), .$13,450 00 " P , ..... (colored) ,1.000 00 Paid on withdrawals dues . . 85 00 Salaries. . . . v, . . ... 100 00 Advertising and printing " 128 00 Interest 76 77 Amount returned On borrowed money , 3,000 00 Charter and court fees . . . 28 25 Ledger and books 8 45 Seal and Notary fees . . . . , 5 00 Bond of ssoretsry and treus'r. 10 00 Cash on band Dee. 31. 11)05 . 428 76 $18,270 29 Aaaetaj Loans on mortKattes (face value) $14,460 00 Cash in bank 428 70 $14,878 70 Liabilities: Dn shareholders (instalments paid) $ 6,242 60 Due shareholders (earnings ...i:i.j mi or Borrowed money ...... 8,500 00 $14,878 76 FKANK H. STEDMANj Secretary and Treasurer. H. W. LILLY, President Statu ofNomth Carolina Cumberland County. No. 2877. J. J. McMillan enters and claims 640 acres of land in Little Kiver township joinina the lands of J. B. Cameron on the north, J. J. McMillan on the east and south, and J. A. Keith on the west. Kntered 11th day ofSept., 1900. W. M. WALKER, Register of Deeds and Ex. O. Entry Taker, NOTICE OF SUMMONS North Carolina, 1 Cumberland county. I In the Superior uouri. W.ii. Levy and wife, et al, rs. Robert Levy no. wile, et ai, neus awanr. To the helrs-al'law or Annie K. Lambert, de ceased, whose names and residences are un- known, and to the nelrg-at-law ofE. J.Levy, oeceasea, waose names ana resiaence are un known: The defendants, the helrs-at-law of Annie E Lambert, deceased, and K.J, Levy, deceased, above named, will late notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced In the Superior Court of Cumberland county, for the partition ana sale 01 tne two parcels or lana sit uated in Pearce's Mill township in said county. in which said defendants have an Interest as alleged In the petition now on file; and the said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county at his office in the'eourt house In the city of Fayetteville on the 22nd dav of October, 1906 . at 12 o'clock, M. and answer or demur to the comDlaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court ior tne renei aemanaed in said complaint. This 18th day of September. 1906. A. A. licKETHAN, Clerk of Superior Court, 11. L. Cook, Attorney for Petitioners. Commissioners' Sale of Valuable Land. By virtue of an order of the Suuerlor Court made on the 20th day of September, 1906. in a Broceeuinr eniuiea -u. n. layior, etai.,vs. :ugh A. Sessoms, et at., the undersigned, as commissioners aDDOlnted for that miroose. will olfer for sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the court-house in said county, In the City of rayeitevuie, on monaay, tne Kna day or Octo ber, 1906, at 12 o'clock H, the following lands, located in Klea Hill township, to wit: the land which was allotted to Martha C. Pessoms as her dower in the 'lands of the late W.J. Sessoms, -on the west by Beaver Dam and the Fred coniaiDiuir ao acres more or less, ana do untied Breece estate, on the north by the lands of I). K. Tat lor. on the east by the land of Alice Holmes ana Janie i. Taylor, and on the south by the land of J. A. Murphy, and for a descrip tion by metes and bounds, see record ofdlvl. slon of the estate of the said W. J. Kessoms. de ceased, now on tile in the office of the Clerk of tne superior uonri. rnts sestemoer wtn, ltuo. H. L. COOK, N. A. SINCLAIR, Commissioners, Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrator on the es tate of Mrs. Attella N. Williams, deceased, this Is to notify all parties holding claims against said estate to present the same to me on or before the 18th day of September, 1907, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery, A. B. WILLIAMS, Administrator as above, P. O. Address Rennert, N. C. I. A. Murcblson, Attorney. Sept. 18th, 1906. Notice of Administration. Having qualified as administratrix upon the state of the late R. B. King, this U to notify all persons holding claims against said estate to iresent the same, duly authenticated, on or be ore the 21st day of July, 1907, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will make prompt set tlement. This 21st day of July, 190C. Mm. Makoaiiit O. Kino, Administratrix. Sinclair & Dye, Attorneys. Executor '8 Notice. Having qualified aa executor of the last will and testament of D. F. Home, deceased , late of Cumberland county, N. C, this Is to notify all S arsons having claims against the estate of said eceased to present tbem to the undersigned, duly verified, on or before the 17th day of Sep tember, 1907, or this notice will be pleaded In bar or their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate must make Immediate payment. This 17th day of September. 1906. H. 8. AVER1TT, Executor. Executor's Notice. Havlng duly qualified as executor of the estate of the late Mrs. P. II. Lutterlnh. notice Is herebv given that all persons holding claims against the estate must present them to the undersign ed, duly authenticated, on or before the 19th dayof8eptomber,-I907, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of recovery. All persons In debted to the estate must make Immediate pay ment. F. R, ROSE, Executor. September 10th. 190S. Rose A Rose, Attorney!. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified aa Administrator of the es tate of John E. Whitfield, deceued, notice is hereby given to all persons having claim! against said estate to present themv duly au thenticated, to-the undersigned, on -er-betore Sept. 271n..WMr th4-notfc will be pleaded IB 1ar thereof. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate settle ment. Sept. 27th. 1906. JAMES KIRKPATRICK, Administrator, B. I. Cook, Attorney. Time changes ideas and conditions. There's lot of things which up-to-date young woman of to-day does which are good for body and health. She takes Hojlister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Tea or Tablets, 35 cents. Ask your druggist. A dose at bed time will usually! relieve the ' ; 1 . MAFf Firnm ; 1. f ., j 1 inuni, vLVLic Last: rciir ' ' :' ' ' GrOVO's SSfiSai?? SSb!' AX Aivniwl Sales over One end a Half RGEton -vMti iwniMm appeal to yo? SZTjr,7lg CALL AT HEADQUARTERS THE FAYETTEVILLE ARI.I0RY, (iillesple street, opposite King's wsou store. Here you can see the best assortment of Breech-loading Double and Single-barrel Guns frouUhe le8tmaltersiaihej)unU)Vngland and Belgium Alsa Revolverilbr home protection. Also Shells of all Brands, including New York Club U M 0 Nitro Club and Peters high-grade Club; airimt for Dupont Powder and the- Philadelphia Bhot Tower Co. The Finest Assortment of Sportsmen's Leggins on the market. Gun and Look repairing a specialty by the best workmen. Next year, 1907, will be the Forty-seoond anniversary of the establishment of the Fayette ville Armory by the undersigned - . , , W-alter Watson, Gunmaker. Largest Commercial School in the Carolinas. CAPITAL STOCK. ... $30,000. INJ JRPOflATW RALEIGH, N. C. FULLXM BUILDING. These Schools give the world's best in Modern Education. Oldest Business College in North Carolina. Established. Positions guaranteed, backed by 1 written contract. No vacation. Individual instruction. We also teach Book keeping, Shorthand, Penmanship by mail. Send for Home Study rates. Write to-day for our catalogue, Offers and High Indorsements. They are free. Address KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, RALEIGH N. C, or CHARLOTTE, N. C. Sweet Masi Corn Wliisty $1.50 per Gallon. 4 full quarts "Old North State" Corn Whisky. 2 years old ...... . 2.00 Laurel Valley Corn Whisky, 0 years old, .... (2.25 per gallon, 75c. per quart. Four full quarts tiolden Crown Bye Whisky . $2.60 Remit by Express or Post Office G. A. MILLER, WHAT'S THE USE WORRYING YOURSELF MAKING BREAD when you can get a FREH, DELICIOUS LOAF from McNeill Bakery, only 5c? - BAKED FRESH TWICE A DAY morning and evening. FRESH ROLLS and BISCUITS EVER 'DAY. A nice line of CAKE AND PIES ALWAYS ON. HAND. OUR GOODS ARE HANDLED BY ALL THE LEADING GROCERS. TERMS CASH. Title McNeill Bakery Company, J. S. McNeill, Manager. .... 113 Highsmith Building. : ill Was Here THE OLD Mercliant Before the Town Was." jas. d. McNeill, i i geo. mcneill. 1 JUST RECEIVED A Car ol New, Choice Milling Wheat WHICJH li? BEING MANUFACTURED INTO O. K. FLOUR. Why buy western flour when right at home you can get THE BEST AND PUREST flour made? Use 6. K. flour snd be happy. The McNeill Milling Co., Prop'rs. t&" Remember, WE DON T ADULTERATE. 1 1W W I I ill fe UtMIMIfffjl ASMII AieaM m I I 4Mb pull GunnvG txpress unargePald BFUsT AWr-wm convince you -that, mediolnal and other purposes.' Send us your lecwv lausiaciory, return at our . wv. a.. BMiu-ueiibs nro ftcmif by Postal o.' Writ for prleo list - - . .... w . mnrn - & t jp.: SOLD BY McKETHAN A COMPANY Tasteless Chill wnt Btckon of CrevVi 1 CHARLOTTE, N. C. PIEDMONT INSURANCE BLIKI. Four full quarts Miller's Private Stock of Rye t2,7S Apple Brandy, per gallon .... 2.65 Green River Rye, bottled in bond $11.00 per case. Money Order. Write for full price Mat 215 MAIN STREET, DANVILLE, VIRGINIA. RELIABLE ills. "Mill Will Be Here When the Town Ain't." these goods are tho vryb;t for mors ana ir not per expense a.i l money will be ro- znaae in main rmm Expross Monty Order of othtr liquors. - ratmsdlclnal vtrtatsat tht cmu gumiaalrMUi u'jtained from tha Nat W Pint Ii.y. bean recognlsM . . bv tht medlul nrofaaalon for cantnrtaa. PUW-olM Contain ihs virtues of tb Native Pine that an of value la rtUsv. Ing BacUcbt, Kidney, Blood.BUdder and Rh.nnu tie Tronblss. Tnmn NoCore.NoPay c. Block Hoot, Uvw m,'