miming. Scottish Fire Inenrance Company Organized Ample Capital and Surplus. A large number of influential busi ness men of this lection of the State met in tbe parlon of the Hotel La Fayette laat Thursday, and perfected tbe organization of the Scottish Fire Insurance Company with a capital of f 100,000.00 add surplus of $25,000.00. A call for this meeting was made about a week ago by R. G. Harrison, whose labors in connection with the organization of, this fire insurance company have brought together men whose business ability and means as sure the success of the enterprise. Mr. L. Shaw, of St Paul's, N. C, presided over the meeting. The fol lowing gentlemen were selected for the officers and directors of the com piny : J. Vance McGougan, president; I Shaw, W. H. Sikes, J. W. Johnson ana a. k. Kanicm, viee-presiaenis; R. G. Harrison, secretary and treas urer. The board of directors is composed of the above named gentlemen and T. O. Evans, president Bank of Max ton; K. R. Barnes, merchant, Barnes ville, N. C; H. W. Lilly, president Bank of Fayetteville; A. A. James, merchant, Laurinbnrg,- N. C; J. H. Culbrtth, wholesale grocer, Fayette ville, N. C; Ralph Jessup, cashier National Bank of Fayetteville, Fay etteville, N. C; Alfred A. McKeth an, cashier Fayetteville Savings & Trust Co., Fayetteville, N. C; W. K. Kindley, merchant, Fayetteville, N. C; C J. Cooper, manager Southern Life Insurance Co., Fayetteville, N. C; T. L. Northrop, physician, St Paul's, N. C.4 W. J. Johnson, lum berman, Red Springs, N. C; T. L. Chisholm, president Bank of San ford, Sanford, N. C; A... McArthur, plant er, Wade, N. C; Franklin S. Clark, manager Georgia Pine & Turpentine Co., of New York; W.J. McDiarmid, lumberman, Fayetteville, N. C; R. A. Morrow, wholesale grocer, Mon roe, N. C; J.F. Gilmore, lumberman. Rex, N. C. ; Allen Edens, president Bank of Rowland. Rowland, N. C; W. B. McLauchlin, lumberman, Pur vis, N. C; A. R. McEachern, mer chant St Paul's, N. C;J. H. Marsh, physician, Fayetteville, N. C; H. M. McAlister, cashier First National Bank of Lunberton, Lumberton, N. C; Q. T. Williams, insurance, Lum berton. N. C awl-FalrleT : One of the most beautiful house marriages taking place among promin ent upper Cape Fear people in many years was that which united Mr. E. G. Davis, a talented young lawyer of Dunn, and Miss Nan Fairley. the charming daughter of Rev. David Fairley, at the family homestead last week, Rev. Watson Fairley, pastor of the Fayetteville First Presbyterian church, and brother of the bride, per iorming the impressive ceremony. - The ball and parlors of the hospit able country home were tastefully . decorated in ferns, mistletoe, and other woodland greens, with an ar tistic setting of chrysanthemums and ' carnations, the color scheme being green and white. There was a large attendance of 'relatives and friends, and after the marriage a delighful wedding supper was served. The bride was gowned in white net over taffeta silk, with the- bridal veil and orange blossoms, and her bouquet was of bride rosea. The maid of honor. Miss Ida Fairley, sister of the bride, wore pink organdie, and car ried pink carnations. , The brides maids were Misses Nellie Davis, Louise Robinson, Eloise McDiarmid, and Roxie Hodges, attired in white organdie, with trimming of green ribbons, and carrying maiden-hair ferns. The best man " was the brother of the groom, Dr. Hoagland G. Davis of Baltimore. The groom's gift to his bride was a beautiful diamond and pearl brooch. Tbe wedding party were"entertained at lunch Thursday at Holly Hill. : -A Wmlmi WnnrW There's a Hill at Bowie. Tex., that's - twice as bit; as last year. This won der is W. L. Hill, who from a weight of 90 pounds has grown to over 180. He says: "I suffered with a terrible rvitifrli and Aewtnr era v m tin tn rlis of Consumption..' I was reduced to 90 pounds, when 1 began taking ur. K intr'a Km Diapovrrv for PntiKnmrv. , tion, Coughs and Colds. ; Now, after taking 12 Domes, I save more man doubled in weight and am complete ly cured.". Only sure Cough and uoia cure, uuaranieea oy a. tu. oea berry's Sons, druggists. .50c and fi.oo. Trial Dotue tree. Gives vigor, strength, vitality to your nerves, stomach and every part of your boy It 1 easy to take; swallow a li ttle Hollister'i Kocky Mountain Tea; it does the business. Tea or Tablets, 80 cents. Ask your druggist T Car A CoM la Om Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tab lets. Druggist refund money if it fails to cure. K. W. UKOVE'd signature is on each box. 25c. A Guarantees cara For PUea t tolling, Blind Bleeding, Protruding Viles. DrureisU are authorized to re fund monoy n l'ASO OINTMENT fails .0 cure in 6 to 14 days. 60c Scholarship lor Somebody. The Ohskhver will give to any lady or gentleman, who obtains the largest number of subscribers to both the Daily and Weekly, from now un til November 1st, a scholarship valued at $50.00, in the International Corres pondence Schools, Scranton, Pa. The winner may choose a scholarship from the following list: U. S. Civil Service Examination. Law for Business Men. Contracting and Building. Surveying. , Plumbing. Boiler Making, Monumental Works. Interior Wiring. Architectural Rendering. Newspaper Illustrating. Carpet Designing. Wall Paper Designing. Book -cover Designing. Pedagogy. Stenography. Book-keeping. The following good men and true were drawn at the last meeting of the board of county commissioners, to serve as jurors at the January crimi nal term of Superior Court for Cum berland: D. E. Barber, T. B. McNeill, W. O. Dean Rockfish ; F.M.Page, C. Tew, Wiley Goodman, Almon God-' win, W. T. Baker, W. McCorquodale, C. C. McLellan, Black River; M. II. McCall, A. W. Smith, D. Carter, J. T. Downing, J. F. Home, Jr., C. M. Jordan, H. F. McDonald. C S. Wil liamson, H. J. Cashwell, Cedar Creek; N. S. Surles, D. J. Lucas, Carver's Creek; Charles Hedgepeth, C. W. Rice, Pearce's Mill; H. L. Blue, J. K. Hawley, C H. McLauchlin, J. A. Jones, R. G. Harrison, Cross Creek ; M. J. Fisher, Toney Home, W, W. Anderson, G. W. Hair, Beaver Dam; C. L. Cook, J. H. Cheek, D. I. Breece. R. B. Autry, W.' H. Williams, Hin- ton Culbreth, Flea Hill; J. W. Mc Neill, N. H. Smith, E. J. Davis, W. Gillis, J. R. Carter, Seventy-First; D. Patterson, J. A. Cameron, R. F. Freeman, Quewhiffle; J. A. Cameron; D. R. Darroch, Little RiveT. Fatal rire at Waste. Wednesday a house was burned near Wade, occupied by a tenant of Mr. Adam McArthur, who owned the building. The tenant was Daniel Williams, and his four-year old child was burned to death in the house. The child was left at the house alone, and the fire was discovered too late to save either house or child. The President has commuted to life imprisonment the sentence of Adams and Sawyer, the negro mutineers of the schooner Berwind, convicted of murder in the United States court at Wilmington, and condemned todeath. ccBtea Up wit r? inI Upper Hay street is no mean rival of its more ambitious neighbor, lower Hay street: and perhaps no quarter of the city more strikingly illustrates its growth. The younger readers of the Obser ver know nothing of the halcyon days of upper Hay street but the gray-haired iremember when it was the wholesale grocery district of Fay etteville before the warv-a scene of bustling life, with lines of canvas-top wagons blocking the streets. For many years after the war it was given up to small shops and hukster stalls, with "Brick Row" occupied by negro fruit stands and eating-houses. Handsome new stores have recent ly been builtand now two large struc tures are going up, one, we are in formed, designed for a hotel. The Atlantic Coast Line Railroad passen ger station is there located; there is a good hotel, crowded all the time; well conducted boarding-bouses; an excel lent cafe; Armour's packing-house, flourishing grocery firms; fur and junk dealer, a handsome millinery store, etc. LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIONS With Tags About the Same Color and Design As This -Thev quality A he genuine sun cored tobacco used in - REYNOLDS' Sun Cured and sun curea looacco grows, nas caused imitation brands to be 1 brought out and offered as the genuine Reynolds' Sun Cured to tmsuspexting dealcrs and chewers who do not look closely at thepnntirig on the box and on the tag. T These brands only imitate the outward appearand and do not possess the genuine inside quality that has been found in Reynold's Sun Cured ever since Reynolds' Sun Cured was introduced and which has so increased the chewing of sun cured tobaccos and proven so popular, that the word "Sun Cured" is now printed on tags or in the advertising of many brands claimed to be genuine sun cured tobacco; , s ' Did you ever see the word Sun Cured? used in any chewing tobacco advertisement, or on any chewing tobacco tag or label, or in any other way, before it was introduced and used to identify the genuine Reynolds' Sun Cured? You see it frequently now, because many imitation brands are being made to appear as nearly like Reynolds' Sun Cured as they dare with tag, shape of plug and style of package so similar -that experienced buyers sometimes accept these imitations as the genuine Reynolds' Sun Cured. , . . ;: Don't be deceived into taking imitation brandsor ike genuine. Be sure the letters on the tag spell " R-e-y-n-ol-dV . Sun Cured," and you getjtbe.bsst value in sun cured chewing , r tobacco that can be produced for chewers. Sold at 60c per -, pound in 6c. cuts; strictly 10c, and 15c. plugs, with chewing qualities like that which was sold from COc, to $1.00 per pound before Reynolds' Sun Cured was offered to the trade. B SURS TOV GET THE GENUINE ; Manufactured by B. J. KIYK0LD3 TOBACCO CO, Wliste4lm, V. C. McMlllaa-Sloeoaih Manlaaa. Mr. Ben McMillan, a native of this city, now engaged in business with the branch house of McMillan Bros., of Mobile, Ala., and Miss Mary Hins dale Slocomb, the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Slocomb, were married at 8 o'clock last Thursday at the Slocomb home on Dick street, Rev. I. W. Hughes,' rector of St. John's Episcopal church, impressively performing the ceremony. ; " In the north parlor, catching now and then a ruddy sparkle from the hearthstone about which the fair bride had passed her happy child hood, bright youth, and budding wo manhood, loving hands bad upraised an altar of hymen under the roor-tree, for the consecration of her marriage vows its artistic design and tasteful arrangement and blending of colors being the work of her sister, Mrs. N. D. Emerson, of-Wilmington. The decorations of the altar were asparagus fern, with carnations and lilies of the valley, while the Southern smilax wound in graceful folds around the chancel rail. Over the broad mantel were vases of the gorgeous American Beauty roses, set off by smilax and Alpine violets. The hall nas decora ted in ferns and American Beauty ro ses,., the lights softened by pink shades. The dining-room was "done" with rare skill "and taste in Vhite narcissus, carnations and smilax, the wedding feast table set off in bride roses and orange blossoms. Before the entrance of the bridal pair, the little acolyte, Willie Glover, advanced and lighted the, wax candles on the altar, while little Misses Fran ces Green and Louise Slocomb held the ribbon in the formation of an aisle. The best man was Mr. Dan Mc Millan, of Savannah, and the maid of honor was the younger sister of the bride, Miss Marion Winslow Slocomb, whose dress was Nile green radium silk and her flowers white roses. The bride was gowned in white lace princess, en train, with orange blossoms, and she carried an exquisite bouquet of lilies of the valley, from the florist, Wolfe, of Savannah. After the marriage a wedding sup per was served in courses. The wed ding gifts constituted a lavish dis play of silver, cut-glass, china, Japan ware, pictures and bric-a-i rac, many presents being sent from friends abroad. Only the members of the family, relatives. and a few most intimat friends were present Mr. and Mrs. McMillan took the north-bound train for a honeymoon trip to New York and Canada, Mrs. McMillan's going away gown was of dark green cloth, tailor-made, with hat to match. The building of the Fanners' Ware house Company on Franklin street is nearly completed, some cotton being already stored, and its arrangement is excellent for- handling and safely storing the cotton. ManZan Pile Remedy put up incon venient collapsible tubes with nozzle attachment so that the remedy may be applied at the very seat of the trou ble, thus relieving almost instantly bleeding, itching or protruding piles. Satisfaction guaranteed or money re funded. Sold by McKethan & Co. Two days treatment free. Ring's Dyspepsia Tablets for impaired diges tion, impure breath, perfect assiiuu- lauon of food, increased appetite. Do not fail to avail yourself of the above offer. Sold by McKethan & Co. "Pineules" (non-alcoholic) made from resin from our Pine Forests used for hundreds of years for Bladder and Kidney diseases. Medicine for thirty days, si. 00. Guaranteed to give sat isfaction or money refunded. Get our guarantee coupon from McKethan & Co. ManZan Pile Remedy asucvi - 1 ran. Tag grown on soil where the best J To Be Frank you have really never eaten a true soda cracker until you have eaten Uneeda Biscuit The only soda cracker which is all good and always goo cl , protected -:. from strange hands by a dust tight, moisture fg proof, package. . NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPAKT 11 It. 106 head Mules & Horses Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Etc We have all grades of buggies and wagons on band the Cortlandt, Hackney and the medium andgcheaper grades of buggies, also harness, etc., to go with them. We pay the highest market price for. Cotton Bevill & Vanstory. W. A. VANSTOR . E. H WILLIAMSON, JOHN ELLIOT, R. G. HARRISON, RALPH JESSUP A. B. McMILLAN, THOS. M..SHAW . . . . IH? National Bank Fayetteville, N. C. THE DESIGNATED DEPOSITARY FOR The United States Government, The United States Court, Thr -tate of North Carolina, The County of Cumberland, The City of Fayetteville, And of Four Thousand Valued Customers, And w ith Assets of over Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars ($800,000.00) of fers to the people of this community every conceivable Banking accommoda tion. We will soon occupy our handsome New Bank Buildineon the North west Corner of Market Square, due to the fact that our marvelously increased business has rendered our quarters inadequate, and shall be glad to have you call to see us and permit us to show you through our banking rooms. We are having constructed therein the most modern. Burglar-proof Vault, with all-steel fittings a vault in which your ernment Vaults at Washington. L Remember, we pay 4 pep cent. Interest In our Savings . Department, . And you can get your money whenever ana vxranesy nas ouui up mis strong are so justly proud, and wnose luture wellare is so noticeable. Deposit your money in a Bank where it will be appreciated and cared for. That bank is THE NATIONAL BANK. When we can be of any ser vice, call on us. Yours most truly, I RALPH JESSUP, r I - - - Cashier. A.B. McMILLAN, Asss't Cashier. Notice of Sale Under Mort gage. By Tlrtna of the power ind inthoritr fires by swam iuhi nonguw.eieeiuea dt u. t. wir rl uxl B. G. Carrie, his wife, which U recorded lalheollle. of (he Hecltierof Deeda for Can-. berleiwl eoantr. In Book K. No. S. r l the allowing property will DO eipOMa IO Mi 07 pablleeueUon.Tbc That tract ot land In Cumberland eoantr. ad join lDf the land of I). B. Campbell, i. and N. B. Blue. Tarbell Lumber Company, and others, eoniainlng'nlnety 90i arret, more or le and known as the land belonirlng to the Bandy are bam estate, and deeded to said I. J. Corrle by Martha O. Bay, a reference to said deed being hereby made. Place of Bale; Court House door, TayetteTllle, K. C. Tlmerfgale: Monday, January 7th, 1907, at 13 o'clock M. . Terms of Hale: Own. Ieeember. 4th. lliut '. '- - J. W. MclAUCHLIK COMPAKT. Mortgagee. BoUnsoa Shaw . attorneys. FOLEYf HOIIEM 1 f;:Tli3qrpal LAXATIVE cougl) remedy, Tor coughs, colds, throat and Inns; troubles. No opiates. Non-alcoholic, Good for erery body. Sold everywhere. - Th genuine; rOLEY'S HONEY and TAR ft la a Ye I low package. Hefuae substitute.. i Prepared only by Foley el Company, Chicago. McDUFEIE DRUG STORE, O.O. Bonders, Prop'r. . 1 ' HOixirrcn- -:- ' Rocky fountain Tea Nuggets - - A But lUIelaa far fiWF.nl. fritf fleilea Bealtk tsa Beaevel Ttfer A speelrle tor Cnetirwilmi, ItrtfeeMloa. ln ml Kutnite Tmiklu btwJu V , - UkKXL Bad Bntath (Ullrslnh flom.1.. RnMl and Backache. Hi Rocky Mountain Tee is Mb Jet form, m cetrta Dor. Gen 11 1 00 made b Hoixorm Darin OwrAKr. Madison. Wla. COLOEIf NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLI For Pal by 0. 0. souders, at McDuffie , , troK own. ... Our Mr Bevil has just returned from the Western market where he bought 106 Head 'of Stock, consisting of the best that can be bought and we are satisfied we can please you ' if you are in need of a horse or mule. We have on hand nice single and double driving horses, as well as nice saddlers; and a nice lot of mules of all sites, from the heavy log mule to the cotton mule. Come look over our stock of . . . . President Viee-Presidents. . . . . Active Vice. President. Cashier. Assistant Cashier. Teller. money will be as safe as in the Gov you want it. Safety, Promptness uovernment institution, of which we Two Dyspeptics If you ara too fat it ft because, your food turns to fat instead of irraKla strength. Jf you ara too lean the fat producing foods that y ou eat art not proprlj(stdarid assimilated. . Lean, thin, strincy people do not have enough Pepsin in the stomach, while fat people have too much Pepsin and not wash PaiKTsatine. ..... For Dyspepsia contain all the digestive Jukes that are ffltmit fffl kMbh Mmt. . 1 - . " ' '"""v wwiikh.1 iiu in tcucQf those proportions necessary to enable the stomach and digestive organs to digest and assimilate all foods that may be eaten. Kodol is not only a perfect digestant, but it is a reconstructive, tie jus building tonic a wall Kodol relieves Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach, Heartburn DlrufrUt m .U. U . i Coostipation, You will like it Digests What You Eat Rest the stomach, rebuilds tbe tissues and gives firm flesh. f la ms ealy. fw I . I tnpttt U tW Uk Mats, srty tmf ae4 emery .rs.O.IVrwits rxtalltr. 1 - L0.,Ctl..(,n.s A. Ask for the 1006 Kodol Almanac and aoo Year Calendar. ftoW by Arafi&GreeDWood4rugp;ista RHEUM-AID for rhettmatiam ia ahenlntalv arithnnt an equal on earth for curing Rheumatism Pains, Bruise, Inflammstions of all kind, etc. : Kheum-Aid Medical Co.. Bole Proprietors, P. O. Bos 440, tsyetu -Tille, N. 0. For sale st all druggixU 3.V botUf, . Administrator's fiotice. IIbtIiis; this day qualllli'd u ilmiiiliralirof Hiihu Hiirin.ilernaMul. late of uimuotlaml C'ouiily anil Miaie or Niiilbt arollna, liils Is tu piiliryall irMiiuhaviiii cialiua Kaiiiattheei' tale of.islu dvneaxiHl to eihlhlt llmin tu the "U ilerAlKiinl on H brlore the I7lh day or Novum ber, ltU7.or Ibis noilne will be ilrailwl lu bar of their recovery. All uernons liulubteil to said estate will please mule Immediate paynieut, This 17th day or November. HMO. J, VANCK McUUUUAN, Adrnlnlslrator Q. K. NIMOCKS, R ti. MaiKak, Attorneys. EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having qualitled as exeoutrlx or the last will Snd testament of J. H. Hatiey. decease!), late or Cuiuberland conn it, N. C this Is to notify all persons bavins' claims against tbe estate ot said deceased to present Ibom to tbe underslxned, duly verified, on or before tbe 2Mb day or No vember, luu;, or this notice will be pleaded In bar or their recovery. All persons Inbebted to said estate will please male Immediate pay ment. This 2Mh dav ur November, IM. KI.1ZAB..TU KATl.KV.Keecutrlx, P. U. Uope Mills. N. 0. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrator of the es tate ofTravis Ucdsole, late of Cumberland coun ty, no'loe Is hereby given to all perso shaving claims agalust said estate to present them. duty authenticated, on or before the Brd day oT Dec ember. IU07, or this notice will be pleaded In bartlieieor. All persons Indebted to said es tate are notified to make Immediate settlement. This Decern ber 1st, luos M. 8. II. AL'TKY, Administrator. H. L. Cook, Attorney. Executor's Notice. Having qualitled as executor of the last Wil and testament olS. J.- Uuy, deceased late or Cumberland county, N. C this Is to notiry all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased, In present tbem to the under signed, duly verified, on or before the IWth day of November, 1907. or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All persons In debted to said estate will please make Imme diate payment. This 20th day of November, lis. A. J. GUY, Executor. P. 0. Sherwood, N. C. H. 8. Averltt, Attorney. NOTICE. H. p. Beasley vs. J.C.Btedman and other cred itors named in a Deed of Trust executed by B. V. He aley to . R, Taylor, deceased. All creditors of B. . Beasley preferred In his legal assignment to B R. Taylor', dated the 23rd day of June, 1897, are here notified to appear at the omoe of the Clerk of tbe Superior Court of Cumberland county, at Fayetteville, N. C, on December 12. 1IKJ8, at 12 o'clock noon, and answer tbe petition In the above entitled mat ter, which prays the appointment or a new trustee by tbe Clerk pursuant to Section 1037, Kevlsal or W08. - A. A. McKETHAN, Clerk Superior Court. Stati or Nobtii Cabolina. I w oaol Cumberland county. f o. MM William Kiley enters and claims SO acres of land in Cedar Creek township joining the lands of William Hiley on south and east, William Cashwell on north and M. S. Riley on the west. Entered 27th day of Nov'r, 1906. W. M. WALKEfi, Register of Deeds and Ex. 0. Entry Taker. PerC Statb of North Carolina, I . noon Cumberland County. aa 8U Alma Colerider enters and claims 100 acres of land in Pearce's Mills, township joining the lands of Cbas. Hutler, (i. B. Patterson, Alma Colerider and others. Entered 6th day ot Nov., 1!06. W. M. WALKEIi, Register of Deeds and Ex. O. Entry Taker. PerC. Stats of North Carolina, lM oooi Cumberland County. o-l-Mary Susan Harris enters and claims 50 acres of land in Beaver Dam -township joining the lands of B. T. Jackson, O. E. Simmons and others. Entered 15th day of Nov'r. 1906. W.M.WALKER, -n. Register of Deeds and Ex. O. Entry Taker. Per C. Stati of North Carolina, h , Cumberland County. wo M. M. Pope enters and claims 200 acres of land in Black River township joining the lands ot Bedy Page estate, Josiah Pope Erasmus lee's ' estate, Rachel Tart, et al. Entered 6th day of Dec'r, 1906. W. M. WALKER, Register of Deeds and Ex O Entry Taker. By A. G. Culbreth, Dept. Service ByPublication. NORTH CAROLINA, 1 In the Superior Coort Cumberland county. before the Clerk. Mrs. W. C. Pearce and husband, E. M. Pearce, vs. I.e. Bond and Alice Bond, his wife: J. D. Graham and E. M. Graham, bis wife; D. 8. Mas sey and Mettle C. Massev, bis wire: W. C. Par ker and Mary F. Parker, his wire. The defendants above named, especially J, D. Graham, E. M. Graham, D. 8. llassey, Mettle C. Hassey and W. C. Parker, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Cumberland county, before the Clerk, to partition a certain tract of land situated in Pearce's Mill town shin, county and State aforesaid, In which the said l.D. Graham, K. M. Graham, D. 8. Massey and Mettle C. Massey bare or claim an Inter est, and the relief demanded as to the said W. C. Parker, consists In excluding tbe said W. C. Parker, one of tbe parties defendant, from any interest In said land; and tbe said defendants will farther take notice that they are required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county at his office in Fayetteville in tbe county and Slate aforesaid on tbe 22nd day of December, ltott, at 12 o'clock M., and an awer or demur to the complaint or petition In said action, or the pialntlfrs will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In said com plaint or petition. , This 21st day of November, 190S. A. A. McKsthik, Clerk Superior Court Q. K. Nlmock, Attorneys for PlainUfm. ... Commissioner's Sale of - Valuable Properly. Under and by virtue of an order or the Supe rior court ol Cumberland county In a cause en titled "Joseph H. Pearce and wire, etai, against J. M. Pearce end wife, et al," the undersigned at commissioner, duly appointed, will exi-ose to sale at public auction, tbe following describ ed valuable real estate near Fayetteville, N. C: First Tract: That valuable farm known as "Boideaux," located near Victory Manufactur ing Company's cotton mills, and about three miles south-west or Fayetteville on the north side of the south prong or Blount's Creek, con taining I II acres, end being the same land de scribed In a deed duly recorded In Book Y, ho. 4, page 325, etc., In the ottlce or the Register of Deeds for Cumberland county. On this tract there are 75 acres of cleared land, of which even or eight seres are planted with senpper nong vines, Are acres are an orchard planted with apples, .peschee, plums and pears, Svi acres are planted with dewberries and two acres are planted with bunch grapes, and the remainder of said seventy five acres is adapted to the cultivation of track, cotton and torn. On said rrm there Is a very comfortable six room dwelling house.-wltn louthouses, stable and barns. Second Tract: Ninety acres of woodland ad joining the "Bordeaux" farm and the Victory t'ottom Mill property, and being the same land descsibed In a deed from George L. Smith and others to Henry Walters, Book B, No. 4, page 233. and from Henry Walters to Alice V. God dard. and from J. it. Ooddard and wife to J. M. Pearce. Book M, No. 6, page 128, office or Kegls ter or Deeds for Cumberland county. The flrst and second tracts above referred to will be of fered for sale Jointly and separately. These ere good lands and offer an opportunity for s de sirable Investment. - --.. Third Tract: la Bockfish township, near the Fayetteville and Florence II all road, now A. C. L., and Plney Bottom, adjoining the lands of Tllllnghast and others, containing 63 acres more or less, and being Ihe same land describ ed In a deed recorded In Book Z, No. 4, page m. Register's office of Cumberland county. Time or Hale: Monday, January 7th, lWt.at 1J o'clock M. Place of Sale: Court House door, Fayette ville, N.C. Terms of Rale: One-third cash, one-third In six months from date ol sale, and one-third In twelve months from date of sale, deferred pay menu to bear Interer. from time of sale at the rate of six per cent, per annum and title to be reserved umll tbe last payment. Bale made subject to confirmation by the court. Fayetteville, N. C, December, 8rd, 1004, JOHKPH H. PEAKCE, Commissioner. Robinson 4 Hbaw, Attorneys. &a stood tho test 25 years. Avcraga Annual Sales over One cad a Half I wil. iw iois record oi merit crpcai to you? ' Enclosed wkh svtry bottle U Tsn Cent, padume cf Crovs's THE SOUTIIERil LIFE INSUIK GO. FAYETTEVILLE, II. C. hat established record of being "The First to Pay a Death Claim." . "The Southern Lift" has offered no flattering, deceptive induce ment to the people but has and it offering Life Insurance on straight business principles. Any other basis is t Scheme to ... deceive the public. "The Southern Life" is helping to build up this section by keeping the premium money at home, Take your Insurance in "The Southern Life,'1 The Strongest North Carolina Company. E. H. WILLIAMSON, President. ' . , J. V. McGOUGAN, Medical Director. C. J. COOPER, General Manager. " Largest Commercial School in the Carolinas. " CAPITAL STOCK.... $30,000. RALEIGH, N. C. PULLIN B0II.DINO. These Schools give the world's best in Modern Education. Oldest Business College ia North Carolina. Established. Positions guaranteed, backed by a written contract. No vacation. Individual instruction. W also teach Book keeping, Shorthand, Penmansaip by mail. Bend for Home Study rates. Write to-day for our catalogue, Oners and High Indorsements. They are free. Address KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, KA LEIGH N. O.. or CHARLOTTE, N. 0. CALL ATI HEADQUARTERS THE FAYETTEVILLE ARMORY, Gillespie street, opposite King's wagon store. Here you can see the best assortment of Breech-loading Double andTsingle-barrel Guns from the best makers in the country, England and Belgium. Also lievolvers for home protection. Also Shells of all Brands, including New-York Club U M C Nitro Club and Peters high-grade Club; airent for Dupont Powder and thw Philadelphia Shot Tower Co. The Finest Assortment of Sportsmen 's Leggins 0n th"k?,V. G.un .nd Lock Pairing specialty by the best workmen. Next year, 1907, will be the h orty-second anniversary of the establishment of the Fayette ville Armory by the undersigned ' Walter Watson, Gunmaker. Sweet Mash Corn iisly $1.50 per Ballon. 4 full quarts "Old North State" Corn Whisky. 2 years old ...... . $2.00 Laurel Valley Corn Whisky, S years old, .... $2.25 per gallon, 75c. per quart. Four full quarts tiolden Crown Kye Whisky . J2.50 Bemit by Express or Post Office GA Mil CTR 215 MAIN STREET, s r IVI I l.l.Crl DANVILLE, VIR( The 'Only Indispensable Magazine" ITS THE AMERICAN MONTHLY REVIEWofREVIEWS THIS YEAR IT IS MORE IN DISPENSABLE THAN EVER PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT ays! ' "Lk." rwif h In eolumss views bin beta presented to ent Hist I mid tuttsr how widely tbeir ideu diverts, ersflvsm Ire utersjus U lu wlumD.' WE WANT AGENTS torepresent us in every community large and small, for full or spare time work. The liberal commis sions andcash prises offered, and the marvelous selling qualities .JfFS? Ee5ew w connection with our strong new Mag udne Clubbing Combination!, or with the handsomest little set of Irjoueretrtaw-.oitt "LITTLE MASTERPIECE" serles AIfiMn7Qyv,Tlth OT w'Uotit experience, to MAKE totelM nffu,mSlX IN Y0UR HOMETOWNt yes more. rKS!!!lneL,1th "o P"1 except ENERGY a bust S 5 if?' bMvi?S f"1 wlU uuur yu both a permanent lAwStevWiib4 irUd toteUyondl abolTltif , Rwlrl T0D,T befoJ? T forget It, to the Review of Reriewa Company, 13 Astor Place, Room 400, New York. DO YOU KNOW AN AGENT? llmnJrrh ri' "Options to rariou. mazines? A ZZTP hl' (orer) nBm "J address-won't rrd.n.7e,tiWb?5rl,ptlon PREEif thr, person you rrcom mena lends ns five orders within thirty days aftcPhis ap)oUitmBnt. FULL " '"" EXDress CKarirr.sPr.lH -r - I O .A trial will convlnceyoa that iiimiuusi sun UUTO (lurpuejus, ffA.1 mmHmfanjmm vatnun t niiiuea atoncu. a sntp-oenH aro Remit by Postal o Writ for price i ii e ssns-rs Grove's Tasteless Chill CHARLOTTE, N. C. PIEDMONT INSCBANCB BLDQ. Four full quarts Milier'a Private Stock ofBye .2.75 Apple Brandy, per gallon .... $2.65 Green River Bye, bottled in bond . . . f 11.00 per case, Money Order. Write for full price list. VIRGINIA. QUARTS - . .J mm. -j w tlio-o (Minis n r. - iW beti it BVUi .tj X n;t . ,- .('I I HIiJ if lie. t Di r. ... . . . . t mat o in. n. t c.i . n . Cxprtst Mo.it y Q'dvr Uit of other Uquon. - erssot' Tonic on No Cure, No Pay. Blnck Root. LlW Pills. 50C j r