II tftURSDAV, JANUARY 10,' 1907. We desire alive agent ami correspond ents every postolliceintjuiuberlaua and adjoining counties. . Correspondence on ill subjects of local Mid general interest aha opinion" upon matters of.poblio coocorn, affl. Invited. Tlio' editor 'will not b& responsible for the views, ;or; statement, i sareespon dents and reserves thfyright.atalltiuiei to revise or correct any article he. may think require it.- ' " ' ' " Correspondence forthsiWeekly Obser ver should reach jb,ejiliw,notlater than Tuesday. ' ' , , One suleonlv. of the- paper must pa written on and the real1 mime of trie wrrV er aocompany.tbe contribution.,-. Wo-a-' tention wiU'beibald to ahoiiymous letters . The date on ypu label tell you? whent your gubswiritfon expires."' .Receipts' for moneyon snWeription will to glvdn -in change of dateoft!)tthebitl not lirOfierly. ehanged.in two weeks notify .us. lli'l uminty ax mint. . , CW M. Walker Notice of T-ai.d JCntry! w2.,,-,w-..-. , McNeill JWUtoy 'e6-Cumberlar.d Cafe Open. ."-.'.' ,.,.w- lOombenlandi County. iignonlWiral 80' "Mr! H. L, . Hal and bis son, . Ed ward, of" Benson have purchased property in'ttfs icif finW ' &jffL "Mute thteW Sto 4riiViP5utare; TrTeyTiayFniany -friends in this their native county. . t"',i i'AhUy J Mr. w. jj. jnanoy, agent 01 mc Southern Life Insurance 'Company,: has composed the following Hries ; ' " ' ms,Ej?y.grp5jB bflfc The Southern Life in favor grows, Ad gives protection suie t tyife,' '' Who reaps from fields where husband sows, ,ebnsnd. The greatest proof of love in life. lrt'j'4! -Jul: i-rji-.'( iflK Somexaen may live to goudi iMAgBi Before they see mistakes of youth ; How grandifheir Mts uportjthjeifltfl If they Kacftmly learned the truth: Iniaraiceiys' tor thdse'e. io1 ve? ! !;'' yebrWfelthfe-altar'niade; 10 l A love 'tis like to that above, That which the debt of sin hath pid. Mr.-Martha Reynolds died at" her home in ;th.ift jfli ;.W ednsday j na0y inz, u&Mf Seventy-six" years.:-. She! was a consistent member of the I Meth odist church of , this city for many years. Sheleavea. husband, Mr, John Reynojdsp 4lW t'wO' - thildtWi Mr. James Reynolds and Mrs. Ed Blanchard, of this city. The funeral tookCplaVe itarsdayi afternoon,' and was condtleted by Revi I. W. Hughes, assisted, by Rev. G.. F. Smith, and thejntefment was in Cross Creek Cenjftery.' V- -.'1 Scvcb Per Cent. Dividend. .. , .. At the nletiligiia Greensboro, i-orl Thursday evening, of the directors on the part of -ihe State and of J the indi vidual stocpdepr of , the gc$4; tarouna Kauroaa, leased tor 99 years to the Southern Railway, a dividend of 7 per cent, was declared. The re port 8tated"!iatJ tobronhad, been expended for improvement on the line during i9o6stb.aBevi befbrt Death ol Mr. Stevens. MrsV:Si!ren'4,5:v6ns wjdpviiof itjhe late James H. Stevens, diedj . aged 70 years, at her home at Clinton ,Sunr . - ... - - '.'J3 day. She was before marriage miss Serena Oates, the only sister of the late John AtOatesf;.Sr.k.fethe.r tf&tot John A. Oates, of this city, who left to day to attend the funeral. Theae ceased was the mother of pr. ohn A. 8tevM?'bt';,Xi.'W.w o'l 4 Death ol Mrs. WaJteiL8ej(a0.lifcijj'i The sad news has reached here of the dektH mimTvmtmUtt; of BonifavrFIa: Mrs7"Sess6ms before marriage was Miss Little River Arademy. Shfc leave; to moura Qt dlathJ Hei iabihi three h&Adtt W. Yf ttisitt:' Rev. Troy, of Durham; B, B., of rour Oaks; her mother, Mrs. Gaston 1 Adams, and three sisters, Missylw,f Mrs. Vincent, Macon, Ga.; Mrs. Matpr, Campbell, ot Georgia, iier motaer. left Saturday to -attend the funeral which was held yesterday at Boni Mrs. Sessoms has " scores of friends here who will,belgrie,ve4 tfl.,b,eair;o her sudden death. Christmas Exercises. ChriBtnias ' Exercises , were held at Hay Street Methodist Sunday school '. (in the church) New Years nigat, consisting of anthems, special music, : excellent addresses by Messrs. . John A. Oates and James M. Lamb, and an offering for the Methodist Orphanage at Raleigh. Five barrels frufts ad confections and about $25.00 t jtf cash were contributed as voluntary Chriafc: mas offerings of Hay Street . Sunday . school to the fatherless ones b(. Orphanage. -The superintendent, Dr, Judd, announced that the school had' decided to give rather ;than to receive Christmas gifts, and the plan seemed to succeed, well Has Stood The Test IS Years The old, original GROVE'S Tasteless Chill Tonic 'vYou know what you are taking. It U iron and quinine in a - tasteless iorm;, , jno cure, no pay. : 000, Wise Counsel Front the South. ""I want to give some valuable adi vice to those who surfer with lame back and kidney trouble, T says J. R Blankenship, of Beck, Tenn.' "Ihave proved to an absolute certainty that ' Electric Bittr-rs . Will positively cure this distressing condition. ' "The first bottle gave me great relief and "nfter taking a few more bottles, I was com pletely cured; so 'completely ,.thatrjt becomes pleasure o 'recommend this great remdyv Soldtindef truar antee at B " E.Sedherry's ohS ;drdj INDEX.-TO NEW ADVERWSEMKNTS. , I Fataljy Stricken on the Streets I j I Pied in a Friend's Arms. " Cajft'.'JV BUtWrwood, an esteemed and prominent citizen of FayetteviUe, died suddenly iiiolit 4f I otel yayCtteboAHXclolL. jdafluMDnbirlffJ. Ilia Was talking to Mr. Waltet? Holf'whetf' foebrclHIiued, 'I'catch'roe !'''ahd;afuibfst"(iferaiy died In his friend's tdffiJ aHfybntyfciaped naa nastenea to the spot, placing bur !oveffljCidert$& Gougan and - McKethau were ebon present, but of course without avail. I .Xapt. Underwood seemed in his -Usual .lifallH, yesterday iwrntofl.AavT' vyjnrts have nearly jBofehei hjeo7fl pye8terl(lirom(w(n(SB oe naa reason, to exoect irreat'rtSuttsrHewaTiia'ff varied information, and his in,NM wudb ars aiany-, pciiicub tntroncnuuve mentioned. ! n awnuxfl v.d iiorett He. was a native f.SamDso couaxJ federate. Veteran, .sia:Yihg-ibrliot- white, in, , the navynd afterward 'Comiiranding CofflpVny B, 51st North .piipuan 4heLlate Rev. Daniel Johnson, .at the Donald- Jiiwmivh .1.2'' ' '.9 ttt'' . m , lHf aucwy,. afli WRjare 1. j. kod inson at the Masonic Lodge. atoeeriiifiaib'jeTflS Sallie Haign, daugnter 01 the late W, H. George Ji., and Hamilton Underwood ...I..IL,.luL'l liiin.vZ-JftA luiKinfrWl M:i"Hr'M. Femtoerton, ot Fayette- Tampa, Tla. Three children, Wil- Jiaiifjt,i ilDeVereusu H. ..iaadMaVy'J1 aiives are a nepnew, J3ias unaerwooa, of Sefflp WTCuntvi Mrf .YSilfn, of sWnieciaijilhiaid-tlyde Rmprnn, nephe.gar.af..,Tttxjm, ldtlwioJ'ha' tefrwred from Oak Ridge.... - ,.-N Tht;. funeral services Tover the re mains, of Capt. J;. B;-Merw6odtook-place at'3 odocik Tuesday' aherrioos trpm the .residence on Green street. Following were ; Ih'i palleKsM Honorary uoi. i-..;.,.Y. : -Hroadioot, Col. J. B., Starr,, Maj. Ej. J,. IIale,,Maj. Charles .Haigh , Ma ,; jA,; A McKe i thanviiCapti; H. Ray, Capt,'TJ-r L.! -Capt. J. D. McNeiU Capt. )V,CE. 3tl IS- CrSsiMl V A! efesrs. W.- L. Holt, J. W. ' Atkinson, C. S. JiusSeU- -A - flumber-of iis- Ccmfede-" Trajdjj ttedeve serye ChureH New.1 The usual Sundav services Jvere held a kay itfiticsjf ahjp-ch Sunday. The pastor, Rev. Geo. F. SiriM, ifoeWtn5 Worning and nrvenn nilpfur sernions to large and appreciate congregations at both! Sfe'rJ tered to a large number of communi cabtstihn"orhing service. WELCOME SERVICE. ' FiHowmU I1 time-fio'tfoW?5f cal custom, the Baptist and Presbyterian city closed their doors QnnSunday-rnightia. week ago,' bdth ccflgeVaHonstinitYngWrthHay'Street' Iethoi8ttghurch,i a.Vflecome ser vice' to the mcomine: pastor. Rev, Gi. fflUU4"Dri Hall, pastor bT At First Baptist-xhuTtlrrBndTCgvTIr; with Rev. Mr. Ward, a visiting min new pastor1, 'MV. Smith, delivered a strong and wellxonsidered sermon eV.3Wge not that ye be riot judged," in the course of which ll!liol!O0i, eP"ss his ap preciation ot tne coraiai welcome ex. tended him, and the fraternal spirit of lils bjbtnif tfastors and ;tnei'r relative cobpiration with them in every effort for, , the advancement of the Master's kingdom,.....,,.,;...'.a, ..rr- - Mr. : j.. mm&iaipifflW?&!Q confined ttshw room for the last two weeKB, is wow Dte io, De ai aH puai, :miiatCUKrrUstrfcfi con,' approp sroprtat, lor jcunartati 10 opiates or poise son ffafy character, confotma. tor icondlttdns, iUe fNatjopol utp Pood ahd.Drpg .Xa,w,:jiittft Aofi HFor CrourikWhoopittg CSdp, Vtilt expeis U)UgnsanoiteO(a"jgaowy moving the bowels, iuarimteea by - ''Pineules" (non-alcoholic) made from resiafaoim.outPjnd.Folreits used for huudrtds, years tadder abd Kidney Aiseftsfs MedicinVflF'iw days, $r,.oo.Vi Guaranteed to nn lsiacuon or money, remnaea, jyei ruarantee coupon from KcKethai hasf & Kennedy's Laxative ij Cough jSyrttp drives out the eoid and Stops tWoougli, Contains Honey and lar. - Free from opiates. Conforms to the National Pure Food Law.) Pleasant to take. Sold by Aroitteld . A Greenwood.-' ( IKWXRD For Mnm of blck Mofnaeo bill booK.oontalnlnf thlrteea dollars in green back tnd i obeok for 11.00, Uarlleld O.l'aga, line . Clinton. K: fl. miijtffVnaaat fXJK WA'L&V-flllj Bostrnl Tj.Hl.h 4'ftuMr m tr ANTlir) A bouat and Small farva npitf raUr - .1 -. ,111 1 r ) HI 'l;.')ii Ml .7K1, i . V'l The critical 1 howeTer'ii yery ihoueti in api jfaeal through which1 the texoectantS'm(Jther1-irtiiit'ntiii') is so fraught with dread, pain J lufferincr and dannr. tUrthn ;ht of it; fills her with apprehdhsion andbrrrtr.-' -ThAAWrW- Jiecefiityior.tho reproductiori of life tope either painful or dangerous The, use of Mothf5r! PrlWd 10 prepare the system for thp roing'e'ven j "If81? Pfffi.ffrl.ty -trying crisis without suffering,- itloa of fnXKU TaTueTo 111 oipocUnl luulhen. IttSifiradfteid Regulator, Co., Atlanta, 6a. flTaaar.iiuinmi, 11 war s - - " -1"rl U Mm Pay You ill w II 1 iWrn'&it 'nkt lrfiA4rf. rtf v'nn Awn besfayseleoteastoeks of ftrrniture irj the fciMreeM eflar'ust Z'milmimMw younmore libel af 'ttftns 6n tirflrSalSf, because tedo not OwaCor ow oo(t e but direct from the manufacturers in car lots forh'arid'savd'frelghtliand'dWwunli nijuod i ..jilJ !! Ti. vnifK-m 1.51 .lwo'1lte.O.'l .1Hw:-I..V'lf).l... .VCappyjEVferytliIiiaf In Furniture liousef)irtiish?B(r;lilrlei BtoVes Mhd'SewiU' iTachilies- alio' Ktdl!iBS'palrs f rniim f maBWrs The'best machine Oil and Furniture Polish 'that will T and.- for'i ake ui''iold'f(il,Biture look tfew;' Oall TiOTl7"!XHI WT NEWBERRY 1ft kifT?rt"Pfni"i ir REVISED DAILY. COTTON, BBPOITID'BT (iHAKliBS AIGH. Gbod Middllng.riew cotton . 11 strict MiddiingV '. 'i;'-';-MS',';,;, Middling . '.'f'".' . .''.'."'" iW strict ' 'tow Middling .;; . o Hi ft. BgroEtSD Br, a., slocohb. , Spirits': v., 7 ;K 64 Cmmo Rosin y . . 3-45 Yellow. Dip 'u;.- ,i . . . 4-5 LSdraee;- -.' ; . . . . 2.75 fcUiu.iiiufl, i.,: .,,.,.,.,,., ..,, .,,.3.7,5 " ipRboucE:. ''.v.i;:;:. 1 BKPOWKD SY A. a. BCBKK, GROCIK INoorHlsi pat.,' 'sack,, . ., . 2.30, to .2.60 MnHhr 'MuWHStrala-M . -". 2.25 to 2.40 Meal bo(ted-lf3 lbs pet bu., . . 7580 ,J v unboitea-r48 lhs per bu . 7UW7& ? shoulders, J.4. frd U.'C., .-,.,- v ..- 1416 0orn-68Jbt per bushel , . . .7S80 Oats 32 lbs per bushel . . . . .5560 n..JI: 'i. ' l.ll.l ' , nn 'f ' .-flffee.t Ml, 1.,.:. : . . ;.,,, 6s&Q0. HdtfeV4itraineaper lb - ; . wi78: Uuntry Gutter T.-L-l Hens per head , ,-. Broilers, , , ,',', t Eggs, Roosters-'ber head t i': i25 . . . : .x. i5i8 . 1. ..... .: ) 354U 30 ?MAG!T1Llo .... . . 1620 Guineas, . . Geese . . a 1 . v . Featherfli-tfew .' . Wool washed .... Hidedr'peitlb , ,., "I 'i-Kireanj per lb .- Tallow . 1.. .', ; . ' Bhucks',:V''' ,1,:,. .X"; ...::45M 4 4i00l,t0 ,. 5075 Fodder . ., . i . Ht . -;i " 1 .v. 8TAT:0prK0BTH 'eABOLISAi l'jrt' . oaa-i' ICtatnrierland 'Cbunfy. "'T ""foi' pi fii'Beard enters and ts,irml 'acres : ,lpra far ,IessWaridjnB8ver;i)ni towm' snip joining tne lands of u. - k. beard and WntoW'tteirW' .;' , ' 'J' 1 ' Entered 7th', da.y;cf JaBuary.jmi ,.a . l0 ,1-1.. r '-Register Of Deedr'aod w " ; Ex. D. ICntjy Taker. Administrator's Notice. rlng'ualleri 'aa administrator t;thes f MQll.jUfidlJIievilieeeasBdvlaMof Cumber cou'niy, R. C, tbls is to notify allrjersons havtnir claims against said estate, to present thenijto the iayttwslnedrtol ,wl8eJiioa; Mi before tfis 7tlr flarW January , 1008 or this notice win ne pleaded in bar or their recovery, A.U persons indebti t- 8kl estate rfliisxratltalra mediate payment. TM9 7tb day of January, 1907.i JASPER OEDrjis, Adralniitratot. ,.. H. . AVerltti Attdrney , , : ; , , NORTH'eAKMSX'fA'tb'eWriotCou'ri Cumrjerlanacoaty.Jbefofe.tfie. Clark, 1 L-M,a B. Aulry,, AjlrotnUtratoj of iavls BeoS' ole, deceasetl, v, Jaho,BedBie an wife. etlj helrs-U-Mw-noUc., ill) i.it'i -v "u,v The defendants, Jobs Bedsolewid wife, abort named , wUl.take notice ,tbat n action entitled as above bas been-icommeneed liialie'uperloi: 1 Court uf.Uumherland county, for taetmrpbse of elllni the land ,of .Travis. Bedsbtev ideeeasMf ' contaliiliig about nftT. HoYeaialMiaeerl'ITp Cedar Creek towuBhlp, sald.couiityv for the purpose of makni;8ehi:to pay. debts of the estate, and the salililienilaulilli further Hkenotlce, that ther'afe, required to appearbefon the OWrk of the.Supeik)! .(JouFt, Oumberlaml. bounty at his etnra.la.the aourt-Boese. In Fayetteville, C.,6h Thutiy. February 7th, J7, at twelve1 rVclflck M. and answaf or demur, to th TMtttfon 'lit KUlcil ajWcim, oc 4b pMlntlf? will arw W EcoVirtfbr the relief demanded in said petition SOW 'otfftl.i.,in.j.,,.V. r.-, '. TT i This pthday of Jannaw .1997. n"i'" 1' f HI tJOoek.iAittorney fpr WtlUoner. "' H f ul s Christmas 1 UIW "! r,,lH trl-"'4 .sirMni'i't'": Uti bin oeptablff pttotijfl tiifl a pice i !((. n'l I I 1 M' . 'm:v Pair of Shoes t 1.1 ill t Aflrl ItltW 1 WiSllppets; t'l 1 s 1 1 ,Im( 4 M M', , We have a large and- complete line to Suit everyone." Would be glad to have ,.l .,t ,M you call ana inspect inem iflLntv Jennings New Shoe Stors, ' XRHPW:AID " rar rh'suniRfJari lVabsofutely1.with( thont aa Annul rrruMtth frtf crm ;'t iimatieME, ' VaipVlSruielssr JnflammatioM of. all tktattfo RnivnBiATd;Me(flrml'Oo.f BH4rieiM,'t,i'vi uox 4W, r ayette .jWfcJUiUoijalsat all drus.-lnu 25c" bottl ... 1 rresems ..ihl.mli., jttSfSZ1 Bi'mucktoasitU'- tiful and pure, , ng event linger. ThiJ t'nMftl 7f . juf. jjsyA 4 I to Investigate. I ilM ...ll.L.-jt kVinlAara that nu ..haAi. ikLM i l!dl.MM UA ' city). Our long experience in the furniture Weinyito y to malugttielnVes- ,,,,,, iic'i Hli i, W-Ki 1 On JJII 4t,o)9r,sto9 and takeailookibetowyou ' !. v.Uo -nil or ,:U..u Wiv.a-.i. RNITURE CO. SokrM3CARqfiWA,' DEPARTMENT OF STATE. vwi:-' H .It'll tiillif, -bill".: certificate; of iafso'tu'TioN! Tb ALtfItri.ifcjJfTkERslSfS May Come Greeting : Whbrbas, ItappeaTe 'toyuyatis-. of the-proceedings- ior -tfae-vottintary dissolution, thwaff by tb.9 vnaniraou consent bY all Qie; stockholders, depos ited in rriyofliot, that the Cumberland Cotton & Warfehoitse Company, a'cbr paration of this State, wbose principjil omce is siiuaiea ai inc. r, 1 t-i Street, in the Town of Fayetteville, County of Cumberland, State of North: Carolinar, (Ahm Schwab, President, bejng theiagent therein and in charge thbreoi,Upon jfhbrn process may be sehred), "has . eompHed with there quirements of Chapter 21, Revisal of 1905, .: entitled "Corporations, pre lirninary. to the -issuing-of-thi Certi ficate of Dis-solutin : ( .r . v Now, Therefore, i, j. Jfrvan Gnmes. Secretary of State of the State f North Cairolina,:,bo hereby certify that' the siuu wrpurauyn iuu, on ine 24m oay of j3ecerber,;J9o6,.file ill my officea duly exestitediand attested Consent m writiny to theidissolution'bf said cor poration, executed' by all ttiestock hoHerS;' thereof ; which . said .. consent an-'tle'' record 6f 1 the, proceedings aforesaid are now on file in my eaid oltte as pr.9yid,ed ,by Jaw-:. ! ,-ti", In. Testimony Vhereof, I have 'set my Aand and affixed my. bffloial' seal, atRaleigh,,ithis 124th' nday of Deeem- barl A.D.:-lQ06,i.: ; '' .' ' " J.' ' BRYA'N'' jRIMES, ' Seetotfrff Slat,e. , , STATEMENT j Receipts and Disbursements The Cumberiand County Agricultural Soefcsty. May loth, i.006, to Dc. 51st, ! . ' .... w :-.-T -a- REfiErrt's. r u'til dues of . : : c mbefs 1 I ;,' !R . An $ IW DO Appropriation from the, State 1 i.iaa 00 receipts lromauatinee race, j - 3 aw Receipts from advertisement , ia Premium Eist . ; . . 105 00 Borrowed by Directors on per- Sobal notfc. 298 65 Entire recetrj during Fair t wek vir;gateand grand ' stand adtniasions. race Hi- -tries iUege taxes,c.n 2 Monh IfttUfco W. from mce ' . postage r T . ... $ ."'.Sftdunds andernrlnenf Advertiains,! .U.-,im V) t8)ni 1 C-1 ' hidw'uhi uaxa0uv uini J'Vttni A'ssoctation. . .. Attendants and ponce . . . J40 Jj Paid aoteln bJii OCl 'Mm Paid for free afir! V 107 00 JOalanee on h ury' bn'a " .rWnW ' i ,1 I jjui.t.h'wi'iiManliiiiuiia f i' f- ii MbRTGAGE' SALE. " BrTlrtneOf ttii-K Ad thi)rlt,Tsteo In ine by 'Mrt1xlfrnt Biortgave exeoiitd, uu nuvsnowr. 2oufvunKW r9r vesss crjfuit, mm recordul In Book C, No. e,,pgo: 8R5, 0eo. Hois', hi h offioa of the Register of Deeds, Cumber Inn 1 county, I will eiio. fo sloj,frVpiiWle iiniiDn,OTJWiB, m :oui-uwvrae noor in Fnyelteyllle,N.C.,on February 9th, 11W, t o'clock, noon,thtfollowlna desedbtd piro MM' beKlnniiiRim the ilvt sank tn elpi tre and' ruiuiinf norm ttr west v ooauie to a corner in flioii'buroh lot! thsnoe north 76"WBit 4 chains to Uia rtialn road north 81149. east Wi rjhatua o tnhmailii road; thence north 12K" east HO onaints tnenae norm ouji" earn to rme i line; thendouth 88 east tq the rivet; thanoe the rtvmio the bolfiillniJ;'b6ntaIiilhgU7,'4 aorea .826 AO l9 V I ), F. BVKNK, Mortgagee. COUNTY H4B Bfe Count. r! f jjilWrJand,CouBty for the Year iH Jill &i . ' "U FOR THE COUNTY FUND, rjWDrtlxit To'njeipts from the sneTiy- " 1906, . , 4,387 88 Schedule B taxes, 569I.83 wfifomvfflt "1 ,:.11 oners. . r-t-., 70 .jt it -. .'-boa ywo srfU Ii5,i?'i Marnagejiicenset, . , . . jail fees from Hatnett Co., i28o 4S ioo SO irx 'if:! is as 137 s rVr- ikTappingdourviewT. . Safe of paiirorwheels, . . " " sttlff from County -ti b.- TiMacRaei & Cb , for 2 vears' insurande on court (') IwbtttHcftritHledJili . Lffunded by Cedar Creek ni.u uuivvi i.i It 111 , . Refundi5d.briFlea Hill . . $'5,745 70 To borroweaTroni the R. Si R. .Sirikinj Fund, . . . 2,00000 To borrowed from the Bank of Fayetteville, . . 5,000 Oo :,3f 1 ... ' . , r 4 23745 70 I906-J)f; 1. t ta1li$. Jrbm old aoteutft, $a,8oj ott T,n"S W. N." W. C. iii J i.t. Dr. FOR THE NEW COURT HOUSE) FtfKD; 105 Sept 27. To received from Sheriff .1 $2 , 200 00 1906 Oct. 9. To received from Sheriff "yi 2,200 00 $4,400 00 1906 Dec. 1. To balance $1,850 15 E. & O. E. W. N. W. C. Dr. FOR THE RAILROAD BOND ACCOUNT. 1906 Dee. 1. To taxes re ceived from. Sheriff to date , . J7.885 23 YiiGiU'. -'.. : ,J U'l' ' 0 itlllliiv :s ;' 1906 To balance from old account, $458 ,9a.m.,; E. & O. E. ' w. n. Dr. i 5f-Dec. ' MWnS from old aleduit K . iSHk,6TfTa7 account ...... ; 58,8 93 Receibts' frdm Sheriff ., . s3&o IflM , .,- In' ii I I, -II n ,. .. . ,,,. .-l-.l 1- t,. l,,i.v, l,,l,:. .. it . ..n-v.U iiiu , .. ,,, ' ra it -..- 1 I ,,,, .., U-"", ki( rl I. -1 ii)on ipr4 1906 -iec. 1. 10f balance Iromuotd aricount s. ! aitslntWlY lit Due to County Fund ' "1 PnViTtK Tlnnrlsi Pntifl . .... New Court House Fusdi ;U"l . ..iii NOTES OUT. lex L - ' " - Toinlcmg Fund ... . . . - v Bank of Fayetteville . . fPM-l..: . !,hi.a)Ll ,.,:,..-,.., ;""" j . E. & O. E W. N. W. C. SCHOOL i We have both NEW and SECOND-HAJIDS school books. SLATES, CRAYON j I PENCILS JSVJSKX TU1I4U HEUU&U THEtNEWtBOOKtSTORE.- EX HI 'i' 1 . r ill. t.'.lli.u r'H" f; i-.llit.'l HlWDllw . , .. .1 ... I, JL. , . . , . il-ml pi 'Li Treasurer, in Account with , Cum-. ,C.r, il-ml pl'Li Dec. 1st, 1905, to Dec. 'ist'1'906., . . ,! i a'ulrllMKl.rir i905Dec.: i '-By balanc! i, "' 'r -. 1, . from last year, r jj'"''-' By payments ' during the' '':!v: ' , year i"" i',,'( 11:11 For Home Aged & ; , - i ' i; -In 11 -in, . ; $2,029 991 )' '- ! " On'. 'i le poor, 2,190 -"-. :.v,vi .Co',isi.,-.1."i 2,715 oB"''11' i-fihfiff'sctm-: '"'' "'' n",i! miiWionj.-; . 714 '6 '' "-J.nl,,'.' , .'."ji,640 7 '-"" 1-sol vents . 8915 '871 Taxteytf .. 1J"ii;:l93;39 '.iUriJ'KeSj-' .'Wr 's.-i'sai" " .Federal prifl- w :'. 1: oners,- ."fiiii ji9"8di!, i::r' " Inquests, '.'' 'I37;!30'';; '' V Countv t)hv. ' - "i .'" eician, . 301 S ,:!; h,i! ' Pest House- ' 5J3 ' 88' 1 ' ' 1 ' : d'llt'rrunty Att'fi' 'tiy 97 ; '-HkctBis.-.''-. "-3S'f!S' '' ' Mlntiooery. .-'.' 296 J'111 " " Insane 141 55 " Court HooaeV 412 80 " Clerlc-ofthe ''-''' ' '" Boafdi'i'.ji;".' i57"4 ''" : " Interest on I jail bonds, "jyo 00 ; ! ! Road' orders,.1" " 3 t o ' -: " Auditing add" "."""-''' 1 Sink'g Fund"' ".""" '" Committee '' 84 75 ,,J ' Printing) "v.-i o'iS1--'!'' 1 " Killing Wild , I "Crtis,':'. '.''" :,--l OO"' Indigent pu"' -' ' -i'i pile in asyl'ms 463 '00 Pension Board ' 4 00 , " Clarendon - 1 Bridge,. . . 418 50 " Board Health, 9 40 " State Insane ' ' " Hospitals,.'. 21 90-' '" County Com- , ;l missioners, : . 249 30' " Agsessors, . .' ' 4300 ;" Expense of refundingja.il bonds, . 50 00 18,567 18 By 1 j4 ffo commission on re ceipta of,;$iS,r4S-7o, . By i41fc commission on payments $i8s0t-.i8, 196 82 232 10 r, . .; $19,942 64 1906 7Dec. ,1. By balance to new account, , . 2,803 06 $22,745 7 TILLINGHAST, HOLLAND, : ' -'Auditing Committee. iY ... . . cr. By paid interpsi on County Court ; Hflflse., bonds .: $1,200 00 ; " paid insurance on bld'g 318 00 " pajd to. Sipkipg; .Fund - in 1905 573 36 ' ' ja,ijl to Sinking . Fund .?oy, 30, .1906 . . . . 3769 $2,464 05 1906 Dec. By fc cominifisiaa in receipt of $4,400 00 . . By 1 'ft commission on payment of $2,464 05 . 55 o 30 80 $2,549 85 1906 -Dec 1. By balance to new account . , r.,850 15 $4,400 00 TILLINGHAST, HOLLAND, Auditing Committee. Cr. By paid interest o,n the R. R. bonds . $4,375 9 "paid Sheriff's com missions . z . . . . 305 32 " " paid ; Sinking Fund cfitmnitteebyn'ote . . 21000 pxji " Transferred to the Pub- '. I lib Roads account . . 4S8 03 $7,269 33- By 1 fc commission on receipt ol 7,5 3 . . " i'x commission on :. ) payments of $4,680 22" .1 906 Dec., 1 . By, balance ' to new account . . . 9856 5850 458 93 r tillen4haSst,' . . W. C. HOLLAriD, ,V ftJ : jAuditing Comra1ttfe " FOR THE PUBLIC ROADS. wares of superinten- jjsVAri den;t and guards-, for it.Vft costs. &c m.i.j jt commis- Tin?!8 w -iwsi. - " " etirits of , , , I !") 1 in.; m 1 ll.lhlll 1 i,,::,, 17 . . .. 63 65 "'" I ' nil lm- '''iwriiv.Yx" t3& 66 " balance w fteiw, account aos iT-j ,.... I. .1., '- ." irimy Cl . iin.i lo SMIV. ..HlWfr IW nil tr.ill of balances! fl !' .1 i'.i y,.,,. , Dr.;, " llJ&O Hi ..; ,,ti8o3,,o6.,!-, :, . ,1, 'l,fi1,M,P573ii ... 1 1 ;n ' iV.'ihMSO f&. i .; '; ';,iVI ',1y...;Kl I...1I11I .... (I,llilll n.i $2,000 bo v 5,000 00 $7,000 00 . HI '' TILLINGHAST,. I -' HOLLAND, ; , ; Auditing Committee.:; ', , i! BOOK'S'! n., prorvisions, tjBfiK 1 j I cttsmeai iastndered inieoicine, Dorauau, g b,t cajr wsoaB.i)Q perm ; ,; ,',; nejAirs, tent, and She 5 M 1 1 It MrtugaKtiucted 1 !'' rSffls commissions, IflMM rating-1 vau .. ,, costs. &c. S.O02TJ I. .ErnTiient v itlaniVf 1 THUi'atJJttUUL KUUM. uVmi-'.,' it)iVl " n itf j 110 Hurl ni) vlU til VOURKITCHEM i.m.jji "wit y. mm '"" You :ShouldHave A;l""'".;' Buck Stove il:-;'.."i To Make 'Fully! Guaranteed. ,.,:.. ,,Tlic 4lPlttstur0 Pcplcct" I. l. fence; ,'IM Fbr'Plfeldt'r'krm'.'rj'anch. Lawn, Corn weiaexj Bteeyiwire rence on ine marKcr. ..Tjytf ha, been a bi Ivance in We hae just receivedoriH car.n ml 30 days wyfill feiye the samJ old pric t, ; Buy Your Spring Fence Now and Save Money. , i :i il , it mil ru,il . , . . . . Bemerliber.'we'are headqnarteri for SaBli, Doors and Blinds, and all Building ' .iinoli i .11. Material. i ' i.rJn.I . , ..rl.. il, j;Jlir!Mli' rrrr, ' I. . i HARDWARE i .7 1 1 ii'.- Fayetteville, N. 0. Work Guaranteed. Price Right. A. E. RANKIN COMPANY. Wtiat Does It profit a man to Imy some other Flour, whicli may may or Dot prove satisfactory, wrien he can buy PERFECTION at the same price or less, and know to a certainty that he is getting The Best and Cheapest Flout sqUl in, fayetteville? Dja't you appreciate the good thingB of life? You'll not get the best there is until you get PERFECTION, -.-"Tlie Flour tliat Never Fails." , We desire to thank the many wno have favored this store with their pat ronage the past year. The year 1907 will tind us equally as well prepared to serve your wants and interests with a well selected, up-to-date s'ock of UKOCEKIE8 and GENERAL MERCHANDISE, and a line of the hlgheit grades FEKTILI ZEK9, ioolvKfing all the well-known brands handled by us for many yearB past. A. P. JOHNSON, Manager, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, No. 107 Hay Street. Fayetteville, N. C i Phone 56. W. A. VANSTOR . . JOHN ELLIOT, j R. G. HARRISON, . RALPH JESSUP; . . A! b. McMillan, . . . THOS. M.SHAW . . . 1? National Bank Fayetteville, N. C. flie United States Government, , . ...The SSfig North Carolina, I The County of Cumberland, l" " "The Cftyoi Fayetteville, And of Four Thousand Valued Customers, -And jirithssejflf j&ver Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars ($800,000.00) of Ters to the people of this community every conceivable Banking accomnioda- .:W4 'w3rso0n occupy our handsome New Bank-Building on the North west tanner -Ol Market bquare, due to our quarters It in which auitsat Washington. 'ttbcr,wepay4per cent ;;,, iailc:pest in our Savings nnPepartment, " .riWllb lui:; !.''''" ,':i': 1 " '' And ,y)0U(Canget!yonr money whenever you want it. Safety, Promptness an4iCqye6jllaa(btii)t.up thisistrong Gove nmeut Institution, of which we 'WfvW'fiRttX WftwJi.and whose fiitjure: weltire is so noticeable. ... ,'r' ' Deposit Kou,r money in; a Bank where it will be appreciated and cared for. Tliat;ban)f ,JH,E: NATIONAL. BANK. When we can be of any aer- vice, can on us. .xours mosiwuiy, 1,10,1 n,-: (1-V)H ll'll" .-. v" ' :i ill 1 . In'I.V, Olil A. B; McMlLLAN, Asss't Cashier. III .ill mi:i i'ltwl)!, ' 1 '-.'.' ' ' , .1 l , i'.v 'i.Jlii-Trrrr-rrr-r ppVE piEDtfCTIONS i)lun'i.-l .31111 11,111 ';u jaivjen iinaU iCisjttAS 3p,9P'. ' CHAf. ' Col. W. Jr, jUreen's, book, ri'ifi-iirv V-rn. -,! -I!': V.lt--iHl' ' .' . . ... Cures a Ccld in Oiktj Day, Crip inTiva aamaaaasaiatiiiwiii.ijiMiji ' wollul 'Jill ,b' JKill lil)i (ll-lllilj , , -.. ;'u or Range It Complete. . ' 1 Best On Earth. Crib aii'l I'oultry. The only Electrically' . ; . i i '. - ; i :;i: ' - u - - all wire fencing, and it ia going; still hiib, tiave another on the wav. Kor the next i : SEE OUR TWO - HORSE STALK CUTTER. The most Perfect Ma chine of its Kind Ever Made. ' . President .... Vice-Presidents. . Active Vice. President. Cashier. . . . Assistant Cashier. Teller. OR- i The United States Court, the lact that our marvelously increased inadequate, and shall be glad to have you it us to snow you "inrougn our Danmng rooms, we "thereinJthe most modern, Burglat-proof Vault, with your money will' DSTHS sate as in the Xiov- , ; i ; - - Cashier. 4,'few t(arjdsome Leather Pocketbooks very 'IRecollebtions and Keflectiona," price J2.00. .. ... Tfa?toAlk Book Store Co. jui.i t.i -.-.H.WPP9S1W rostumce, tayewevuie, n. u. Id'f'i J ' ..,.,, I ffi .1 '

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