1 1 IE OBSERVER THURSDAY, MAY 116, 1907. We desire alive agent and correspond ent at every postoince In Cumberland and in adjoing counties. Correspondence on all subject of local and general interest and opinion upon matters of public concern, are invited. The editor will not be responsible for the views or itatementa of correspon dent and reserves the right at all times to revise or correct any article he may think requires it. Correspqndence for the Weekly Obser ver should reach the office not later than Tuesday. One ude, only, of the paper must be written on and the real name ofthewrit er accompany the contribution. No at tention will be paid to anonymous letters. The date on your label tells you when your subscription expires. UeceipU for money on subscription will be given in change of date on label. If not properly changed in two weeks notify us. $1,000 Bargain Bummer Home. H. Lutterloh Tax Listing Notice. Fourth National Bank Second Page. A. A. McKethan Service by Publica tion (2f). Otli RichNotice of Land Sale., UuuJ SaleJJn- der Mortgage. Recipients of Crosses of Honor. Prom Saturdays Dally. The following were the veterans who were presented Crosses of Honor by the J. E. B. Stuart Chapter of the U. D. C, during the Memorial exer cises yesterday: Messrs. A. N. McLauchlln, W. A. Beard, Haywood Strickland, J. W. King and Scoggins. ' Fourth National Bank. The Bank of Fayettevllle received last night the following telegram from Washington, authorizing it to operate under a national charter: "Fourth National Bank of Fayette vllle, number 8682. Authorized to be gin business. Charter mailed. "WM. B. RIDGELY, Comptroller." The bank is to be congratulated on this approval of its assets and man agement by the United States Gov ernment authorities, which speaks well for the continued success of the insti tution. Imedlately following the receipt of the above notification, artists were put to work placing gold letters on the front door and windows, bearing the Inscription, "Fourth National Bank of Fayettevllle." Marriage Licenses. The Register of Deeds has granted the following marriage licenses in the past few days: Mr. D. P. Grimes and Miss Nellie Smith, Hope Mills. Mr. B.'D. Bass and Miss Mamie Hair, Quewhiffle. Mr. Frank Beasley and Miss E. J. Cook, Seventy-First Mr. N. B, Bass and Miss Loula Rol lins, Pearce's Mill. Mr. D. P. Grimes and Miss Nellie Smith, Hope Mills. -" Mf7 BN. Parish and Mils Minnie Smlthj.QuewhMJe '-'- ----- Mr. J. O. Powell and Miss Sallie A. Blue, Fayettevllle. Commencement Programme. The following is the programme of the approaching commencement exer cises at the Southern Presbyterian College at Red Springs:.. May 19th, Sunday, Baccalaureate 8ermon, Rev. D. Clay Lily, D. D. May 20th, Monday, 5:30 p. m., Plant ing of Ivy by Senior Class. May 20th, Monday, 8 p. m., Senior Class Day Exercises. May 21st, Tuesday, 11 a. m., Meet ing of the Board of Trustees. May 21st, Tuesday, 4 p. m., Recep tion and Art Exhibit. May 21st, Tuesday,- 8 p. m., Annual Concert May 22nd, Wednesday, Commence ment - Address, Governor R. B. Glenn. Mtea Mary McKennon. The spring number of "The Sketch Book," published at Little Rock, Ark., under the head of "Two Talented Ar kansas Musicians," gives the pictures ot Miss Mary McKennon and another young lady and says; . "Miss McKennon, of North Carolina, bw a resident of Hot Springs, Arkan sas, completed the course in piano and voice at the Conservatory of Mu sic in Dresden, Germany. She is a brilliant and sympathetic pianist, and aa-a teacher is 'unusually successful. Aa a musical artist Miss McKinnon stands in the front among those of - her. .profession." . Miss McKinnon, received her first musical instruction under Mrs. W. A. Robeson, of this city. , . ' -Cumberland In the Federal Court. The following Cumberland . cases were deposed ot in the Federal Court . Thursday: ,' - . .- Ed. Burns, retailing; called and fall ' ed; judgment nl at act fa and capias. D. McN. Ray, Illicit distilling; con tinned; defendant gives $500 bond to next term.'" . ' Ira Black, Illicit distilling; verdict of not guilty. ; Nelll Tyson, retailing; called and failed; Judgment nisi, acl fa, and ca pias. - '' - A. B. Williams, Intimidating witn ess: not aullty. Herman Wilson, retailing; verdict not guilty, . ' . Miss Ida Falrley has just undergone a. very successful operation tor appen dicitis at St Luke's hospital. .. Off for Atlanta. From Monday'a Dally. linitnii RtiitfiB Marshal Dockery left Wllmtngton yesterday afternoon jrlth " three prisoners aentenced during the recent term of the Federal Court In that city to the Federal penitentiary In Atlanta. Those prisoners are Ed. . .. Nelson, of . Wilmington, the young ' white mall clerk, who goes up for a period of 18 months;- Louis u. n. Jnnen nf this oltv. sentenced for 11 months, and Ed. Smith, the noted check , raiser, who was sentenced to. TWO IMPORTANT CA8E8 8ETTLED Oil Mills Submit and Are Fined. Twn 1.,..,. tu l u nu uues mat have attracted Rtatn wide attontlon. were settled in the Federal Court in Wilmington Batur- SZ'lZS WZ Jf aBa,D9t uie i,aurinDurg oil Company, of Laur lnburg, and the Lumberton Cotton Oil ana umnlng Company, of Lumberton, HOth of th rauu i,.i. u . for wJt a T g 6d tor trial Saturday, submissions enter- ed, and after a heavy fine had been uuposea on each corporation the pjeeswere nonprossed, The One against the Laurlnburg company amounted to $10,000, in the indictments against that company there were eight counts, the maximum penalty In each count having been $5,000. A nol pros was entered as to the officers and directors of this com pany, who are as follows: J. A. Jones. president and treasurer and Messrs. John F, McNalr, A. L. James, A. D, McKinnon and Jas. L. McNalr. The company was represented by former Congressman G. B. Patterson. A fine of $5,000 was put on the Lum. berton company and a nol pros enter- ed as to the officers and directors, ex- cept as to the manager and superin tendent, Mr. R. E. L. Corel, whose case was continued and a capias Issued. The officers of this corporation are W. Prevatt, president; R. E. L. Corel, superintendent and manager; G. M. Whitfield, treasurer; and Messrs. J. G. McMillan, R. D. Caldwell, G. B. Mo Leod, R. H. Caldwell, W. H. McAllis ter, Thos. KInlaw and A. A. James. This company was represented by McLean, McLean and McCormick. The charges against both these com panies were for violations of Section 10 of the Interstate Commerce Com mission act which prohibits and pen alizes the obtaining ot .transportation at less compensation than that laid down In the tariffs of railroads. The indictments grew out of the ob taining of transportation by false re port of weight, at a less compensation than that In force on the roads. Young White Man Arrested for Theft. A good-looking, well-dressed young white man, named C. C. Holland, who stated his occupation as telegraph op erator, and assistant station agent for the Aberdeen and Rockflsh Railroad at Raeford, was arrested In Fayettevllle this afternoon, on a warrant charging him with stealing a watch, pistol and razor from Mr. Clarence L. Pember ton. When taken to Police Head quarters he admitted taking the watch and razor, but- said he knew nothing of the pistol. He was bound over to the Crlm- lna ICourt in the sum of $100, which he has so far failed to give. Early In April Mr. Pemberton left his grip in the station at Raeford for few hours. When next he looked into It he found that a handsome gold watch, which had belonged to his grandfather, a pistol and a razor, had been taken from it. He made every effort to ' discover the thief, but with out success. At noon to-day a young man called at Prior's Jewelry store and tried to swap a gold watch for another one. Mr. Jack Tlllinghast, , whj waited on htm at once recognized the watch, and when the young man left without mak ing a trade, he notified Mr. Pember ton. A warrant was sworn out and shortly afterward Chief of Police Ben ton found the man and carried him to Beasley's jewelry store, where he had taken the watch for the purpose of having the Initials on It changed. The boy, for he Is hardly 21 years of age, at once admitted his Identity and acknowledged the theft. He has been at Raeford but a few months and previous to that was employed In the A & R. station at Hope Mills. He says his father is a physician in Clarkton, Va., and that his mother is dead. Jurors for Criminal Court. The following jurors have been drawn for the .May term (May 27th) of the Superior Court of Cumberland county, for the trial of criminal cases L. T. Tart, R. B. House, D. D. Bain, W. B. Porter, F. A. Page, Black River. Joel Mathls, J. L. Jones, Fred Owen, Flea Hill. Cicero Bullard, W. F. Beard, A. R. Beards Arlington Melvln, T. J. Bullard, A. A. Melvln, Beaver Dam. D. A. Currle, Vance Blanton, WI11- lm Raynor. N. A. McQlIl. M. Galney, Marshall Lindsay, P. T. Beasley, M. L. McArthur, Seventy-First D. Smith. John Mahoney. C, V. Mc Quire, Rockflsh. T. 3. Covington, E. C, Ledbetter, G. W. Patterson, Quewhiffle. B. R- Huske. Jaa. A. Moore, Cross Creek. . . . G. H. Price, D. J. Parker, Carvers Creek. - nj.-t- w-wa. N. V. Hair, W7A. vuoui, .. ... Laurln, Cedar Creek. V . J. A. Faircloth, Pearctfs Mill, Ex-Sheriff Marsh Settlee with County In Full. Ex-Sheriff Marsh : to-day made hi final .ettlement witn ine county u receivea a receipt m iu ..mt uOiml. bond, roads, schedule B. and'lncome taxe. t. S ia , .vktim taud Place ot taking -the special taxes collected by. him fof 0f indigestion and stomach troubles Qf Payeltevllle Nortn Carolina, to be 1906. amounting in an 10 aooui tiM BOO, as against $72,000 collected from the same sources last year. . Sheriff Marsh's settlement was very satisfactory to the auditing committee and tha oounty commissioners. Death of Mr, R. W.R..p.s Mr? Richard WrRespass father ot our townsman Captain Jerry Respass, -. . .. . ...... . Jta died at tne noma 01 ma uu"p " B M. Glddon, in Charlotte, sunaay aw ernoon at 8:15 o'clock in the ,64th year of his age. . . , Mr. Respass entered tne wmieoer- ate service early In 1862 as a member of Company B, Colonel Starr's Light Artillery battery, and served through with hrttverv and honor.. rH8 hat nnmber of old Mends here 1 wio "" . .nrolv erleved over his death, THE STATE CHAIRMANSHIP. iu me ,oiwr or me uuserver: TV, a Hlt,.l "TV, I nk.i . i vimirnmiiiHup, in your issue oi duv I nrrinv 11th inot mn.t hoira nitnrAa I "reat aatlsfactlon to all Democrats, so apIrtopo" ,Bnd cle,r'y expressed It was. ncultrLTwTu S&XSESZSL. of a new chairman will be In making the choice from out of the "embarass- ment r ?ner valla5,le l!om tne iniiM ot vue yuny, tor inBiauce, "what" t0 employ the language of the street) "Is the matter with" Hon. J - c- Buxton, of Winston-Salem; or non. jann u. ueuamy, ot Wilmington; or Hon. James 8. Manning, of Dur ham r or Hon. B.-W. Pou, of Smith' field: or, last, but not least, our own Captain James D. McNeill, of Fay ettevllle? Any one of these gentlemen would doubtless make an efficient head of the party organization, and the names of many others will likely occur to you and your readers, i JOHN R. MYROVER. Fayettevllle, May 14, 1907. The Grist From tha Federal Mill. From Monday's Daily. united States Field Marshal J. A. Colvin returned from Wilmington yes terday with the following prisoners aentenced to serve tei-m in Cumber land county jail for selling whisky, at the Federal Court last week: Grant Porter and John McDonald, both white, four months each and $100 fine and costs. George Jackson and Butler Allen, colored, 3 months, and $100 fine and costs each . Ed Burns, colored, 60 days and $100 fine and costs. The fine and costs In each case will add 30 days to the terms, as at the end of that additional time they can take the Insolvent oath and get out. THE APPROACHING REUNION. Pointers For Those Who Expect to Attend. It is expected that Fayettevllle and Cumberland county will send a large number of veterans to the reunion, which is to be held in Richmond, this year than ever before. In view of this fact the following will be of in terest: Headquarters Third Brigade North Carolina Division, United Confederate Veterans. Wilmington, N. C, May 9, 1907. Gneral Orders No. 12: 1. At the reunion in New Orleans last year, "Old" Richmond won the prize of having the annual reunion of the Confederate' Veterans, which will be held May 30th to June 3rd, in elu sive. She bids you come with open arms and-homes, with as much zeal as In 1861, when in 1861 you went armed to defend her. 2. Veterans who are unable to pay board will be entertained free by the hospitable citizens of Richmond, and should send their names to Captain D. A. Brown, Jr., Richmond, Va. 3. The railroads have made the rate of one cent per mile, good until June 11th. There will be ample facilities for visiting the Jamestown Exposition at cheap rates. Tickets reading to Richmond and return account the Re union will be good returning from Norfolk. I 4. It is earnestly desired that every Camp in this Brigade send Its full quota of delegates, and in fact that every member of the Camps attend If it Is nosslble to do so. The close proximity of Richmond to our good old State, the small cost of attend ing, as well as the happy time In meet ing your old comrades In arms, should be sufficient Incentive to stimulate ev- evy true soldier to attend the Reunion. 5. The attention of the Camps Is called to the fact that It is necessary to remit the per capita tax to Adju tant General Mlckle, New Orleans, so as to have recognition. By order of JAS. I. METTS, ' Brigadier General. W. G. MacRae, Lt Col. and A. A. G. No More Special Delivery ampa Needed No more special delivery stampB will ha noio,! oftor tha flrt of next July to insure immediate delivery of a let, ter. f ursuani 10 an uui ui " " -1 Bion of Congress, Postmaster General Meyer yesieruay ibbubu au iuoi on and after July 1st, next, if there is attached to any letter or or package of mail matter ten cents worth of stamps of any denomination, with the words, "Special Delivery" written or prratedon-the- envelope "Or covering, in addition to the postage required tor ordinary delivery, the article will be handled as If it bore a regulation spe cial delivery stamp. Rev. J. A. Calllgan, ot Lumber Bridge, will fill the pulpit at the Pres byterian church , next Sunday In the absence of the pastor, Rev.i.Wataon I Falrley, who ia attending the General 1 , . . v k Assemmy 01 me i-nwujwiu uiui at Birmingham, Ala. Women Pay More. Why Insurance Companies Discriml- , . 1.. 1 1 t .1. rL.nt1a Cot "' ' ' . ta believe the medical ex- miners the reason woman payi more I T ., r i;r. imniu la tna.we iaiai aumcuis .ui trom inese causes. . . .. It is not the acute anacaa oiuw ease that influence the insurance ex- aminers alone, but the constant feel- nfrntnnu. headache, indices- tlon and stomach trouble. ' These thine ohvsiciana say. kill morepeo - tntnzS, pnysiciana aay, 71" t t; ni thn man? of the serious diseases, FoT curativV tower tosil stomach trAtlhi.. B0thiHr else is as safe Vet ef- fective, nothings else can bt so thot - i f. 1 .11 -J hIi.T,. Mil ftTMl. 1 ougniy reuw uywu iu wv Dies 01 lwugcsuuu " " unlike any remedy bM; trenlrthena .nd restores to natural - . . nd gjgjteg complete . cure in even the mrae form of stomach troubles, v Sedberrv's Pharmacy sell Mi-o-na 1 In co-cent boxes under a guarantee to , . refund the mot!eywnieas-i-oes ait that is cuumeo. 101 u, . NEWS OF INTEREST. m,,, iha ,. tn tha RAimh. " "v i.-... ... ----- lumhiia n for trwlBv. vesterdav aave iiran near.a nnnrerence caiiea ul u Up their purpose to meet to settle the row between the Taft ftn(J Foraker facUon.. ' The Walter people aay the Tart people were opposed to the con- ferened-because it would have en- dorsed fbd Senator. Buford L. Leeds, of Swanton, ,0., comltted suicide in a Chicago hotel on Monday night, leaving a note in which he gave .six reasons why be did not care to live any longer. ' The Ministers of the Central Amer ican Republics called In a body yester day at the Washington State Depart ment, to learn of - a proposed new confederacy of Central American States with Mexico and the United States exercising a protectorate over them; . On account ot the phenomenal rains In Louisiana and the necessity of re planting, . a cotton seed famine. Is threatened and the cotton oil mills have shut down, to let the farmers have their supply of seed. There is a strike among the steam shovel men of the Panama Canal, and many will return to the United States because higher wages are refused. The Shrlners' funeral train with 21 dead and 200 survivors of the railroad wreck, left Santa Barbara Cal., yes terday. In New York yesterday, Thomas F. Ryan declined to say anything about a rumor that he is to retire to his Vir ginia estate and enter politics. Jamison Buys Gresham Out By Telegraph to The Observer. Raleigh, May 16. The Raleigh Times today has an authoritative state ment that Jamison, of the firm ot Gresham & Jamison, has purchased the interests of' Mr. Gresham in the railroad eating houses at Charlotte, Greensboro and Norlina. Cut-Glass, Engraved Glass-ware. Buy it whers you plaasa arid pay your . e . ' 'i "' ' own price for It,' but do on thing see our line and get our prices first WHITE MOUNTAIN FREEZERS ARE THE BEST. TILUNGHASTS SSSFm OXFORDS. Have lust received a nice lot or K P EEED & CO.'S Ladies' Oxfords In all the different LEATHERS. Also a new spring stock of the WALK .-.;r . i!--.r.-- t. OVERSHOES in,. ,A , ... HIGH AND LOW-CUTS In both Patent and Dull Leathers. Call and see them. E. H. Jennings. J. & . Mahoney, Portsmouth. Alexandria. and Norfolk, Va. QlStillefS, ReCtifleFS 311(1 WhOIBSSiS LIQUOR DEALERS, iome of our Products: Arlington, Cammeron Springs, Hampton Roads, Belle of Virginia, Lake Drnmmond, Red River, Mahoney's Beet. ORDER OF NOTICE "OR TAKING DEPOSITIONS. 8tateof Rhode Island, Washington, Sc. Superior Court Swofford M. Taylor va. Mattie J. Taylor.' , ' Divorce, No. 85. The above entitled cause came to be heard on complainant's motion for service by publication -upon said -respondent tor the taking ot depositions In said cause, and thereupon consider ation thereof, lt Is ordered that serv ice of notice by publication of the uged jn ( Wid cause to be I had ana made upon sam respondent by Von C. Bullard, a Notary Public, said publication to be made In the Westerly Sun, a public newspaper pub- llshed In the town ot Westerly to said county ot Washington In four consec- 1 Mue8 weeaiyjjnor to tne aaie I takln such dAnonltlons. and also JSTiSZ in Tha- FayettavUle- Obaarve, a pub. 1 Uva iMUeg -eekly prior to the dale ot I . . . : : t , ... ''' . uaing sucu aeyoHiim , Order granted. . W. B. TANNER. Judge. Pursuant to the above order, notice Is hereby given said Mattie Taylor that depositions In the above entitled cause will be taken before me at my office. No. 6. K. ot P. Building, In the city ot Fayettevllle, N. c, at 2 0 oioca, p. m., on the 3rd day 01 June, iwt. This April 30, 1907. 1 ' TOir-CrBtTLLARDr"" ,.r Notary Public. $1,000 BARGAIN SUMMER HOME On account removal to Morganton will sell excellent suburban home Rev. Dougald Monroe at Ardlussa, two or three acres on Lumberton Road six miles south of Fayettevllle. Excellent neighborhood, good or chard, finest water, most healthful site. E. R. MacKethan, Attorney. FAYE11EVILLE MARKETS B.KVI8KD DAILY. COTTON. Reported by Charles Haigh. Good Middling, . , , , . . 12 Strict Middling-...... i2 Middling ........ ia Strict Low Middling ... 11 , NAVAL, STORES. Reported by A. H. Slocomb. Spirits .... ..... 61 Common Rosin 3.80 Yellow Dip . . 4.25 Vi gin 5 00 PHODUCE. ReporUd by Bethune 4 Melvln. Flour 1st pat., Back, . . . 2.60 to 2.76 Family Flour straight . . . 2.26 U 2.41) Meal bolted 40 lbs per bu., . . 76g80 " unbolted IS lbs per bu . 70(376 Bucod hog round per lb, . . . I'XtiU u ham 16 " sides U12 " shoulders, 1212 Lard N. U 1112 Corn 60 lbs per bushel .... 7680 Otbr 32 lbs per bushel 60Xg66 Patatoes Irish, per bushel .... 1 00 honey strained, per lb 78 Ueuntry butter 26 Ducks . 60 Hens per head S645 Uroilers, . . . 20(426 Kggs 1616 Roosters per head 36(340 Guineas, 30 Geese 80(476 Feathers new 36040 Wool washed 16(320 Hides dry, per lb 12(j)13 " green, per lb 0(96 Tallow 4(a (Shucks 45Viaii Fodder. l.OiKgi.iu HT Wlb NOTICE OF LAND 8ALE UNDER MORTGAGE. . Under and by virtue of the power and authority given in a certain mbrt gage deed made by Norman B. Taylor and his wife, Cora R. Taylor, to J. M. Palrcloth, dated April 10th, 1905, and recorded in Book Z, No. 6, Page 328 in the Register of Deeds office of Cum berland county, and said mortgage deed having been transferred by said mortgagee, J. M. Falrcloth, and his wife, Mattie Faircloth, to Otis Rich, aid transfer being dated December 12nd, 1906, and recorded in Book J, No. 6, Page 239 in the Register of Seed's office of Cumberland county, I, ,as transferee of J. M. Faircloth, mort gagee as aforesaid, will expose for sale at public auction at the Court House door in Cumberland county at l: .O'clock M, on the 24th day of June, HOT, the following tracts of land in Cdar Creek Township, described as follows: First Tract: Beginning at a stake pa the side ot the Main Road in G. W. Wheeler's line, and runs with the read North 32 degrees, west 3 1-2 ctains to a-SjukOj theaee west K'18 chains to a' suite: thence south 32 de grees, east 3 1-S chains to a .stake in Wheeler's llne;thtoce with Wheeler's line east to the beginning, containing 5 ftcres. Second Tract: beginning at a stake Warwick's corner, the 11th corner of lot No. 2 in the division of the lands ot George W. Wheeler, deceased, and runs south 3 chains and 20 links to a stake; thence west 38 chains and 50 links to a stake in the road and Wheeler's line; thence as that line 1 north 3 chains and SO links to a stake the 10th corner- of said lot No. 2; thence east 38 chains and 50 links to the beginningcdntainlng 12 1-2 acres more or less, and is a part of lot No. 2 as above referred to. Terms of Sale: Ca8h. This May 14th, 1907. OTIS RICH. Transferee of J. M. Faircloth, Mort gagee. V. C. Bullard, Attorney for Trans feree of Mortgagee. SERVICE BY PUBLICATION. North Carolina, Cumberland county In the Superior Court before the Clerk. Thomas H. McNeill, administrator of Nelson Starr, deceased, vs. Miles B. Starr and W. H. Robinson, heirs-at-law of Nelson Starr, deceased Notice. The defendants above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Su perior Court of Cumberland county to sell the lands mentioned and described In the petition filed in said action to make assets with which to pay the debts due by the estate of the said Nelson Starr, . decease ed, the land described in said petition being the home place of the late Nel son Starr, situate on Ramsey street in Fayettevllle, North Carolina, In the county and State aforesaid, in which the defendants have or claim an in terest as helrs-at-law of said Nelson Starr; and the said defendants will further take notice that they are re quired to appear before the clerk of the Superior Court ot Cumberland county, at hrs office at the Court House in Fayettevllle, North Carolina, on the 10th day of June, 1907, at 12 O'clock M, and answer or demur to the petition filed In said cause, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for relief demanded in said petition. This 9th day of May, 1907. - ; . A. A. McKKTHAN, Clerk Superior Court. SALE OF VALUABLE LAND Under and by virtue of an order ot ihe Suoerior Court ot Cumberland County, in a certain special proceed ing therein pending and entitled, "Wm. Riley, et al vs. John B. Riley, et al.," the undersigned commissioner, ap pointed by the Court, will, on Satur day, the first day of June, 1907, at 12 o'clock M, at the Court House door In Cumberland County; North Carolina, expose to sale to the highest bidder tor cash, the following tract or par cel ot land, in Cedar Creek township, Cumberland County, North Carolina, bounded and described as follows, vis: Beginning at a stake near William Rllev'a fence, a corner ot the survey ot which lt is a part, and runs the old line N. 6 E. 29ft chains to a siaae in a branch; thence N. 85 W. 10 chains, 6 links to a stake in the old line; thence S. 5 W. 29 chains to the old line; thence S. 83 E. 10 chains, 6 links to the beginning, containing 29 acres more or less, being the same land de scribed In a deed from John Riley and others to Sophia M. H. Riley, re corded in Book "B" No. 4, page 644, In the office of Register of Deeds tor Cumberland County. . ' , , . Sale subject to confirmation. . Thin 27th day of April, J9U7. H P v"iT' vr. Commissioner. Tax Listing Notice The law requires a now assessment of all property tor taxation the pres ent year. Notice Is therefore given that during the month ot June, 1907, on the dates and at the places mentioned In the notices to be given by the Board of List Takera and Assessors ot each township, every person owning prop erty In Cumberland county la requir ed to list, under oath, all the real and personal property, moneys, credits, in vestments in bonds, annuities, farm products, stocks of goods, etc, in bis possession or under his control on the first day of June, 1907. Machinery Act ot 1907. (Sec. 23.) :;' - The list takers and assessors, and not the tax payer, must assess the value ot all property, listed and un listed. To aid them in doing so, they may examine the tax payer under oath; may summon other witnesses having, knowledge of the facts and examine them in like manner; may send for persons and papers; may vle.ir the property, etc. (Sees. 12, 13, 14, 62.) AW property and subjects of taxa tion must be fairly assessed at their true value in money in such a man ner as such property and subjects are usually sold, but not by forced sale thereof. (Sees. 13, 14, 14.) If any person liable to be charged with taxes shall wilfully refuse to answer any question respecting his property or refuse to sign or swear to his returns, he shall be guilty of a mis demeanor, and on conviction shall be punished by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars or imprisonment not exceed ing thirty days, and it shall be the duty of the list takers to have the of fender prosecuted. (Sec. 62.) If any person shall fall to list any bonds, notes, claims, or other evi dences of debt subject to taxation, the same shall not be recoverable by suit. A penalty is also Imposed for fail ure to list property. (Sees. 28, 73.) When land and timber thereon is owned by different owners each must be listed separately, in the names of the respective owner thereof. (Sec. 25.) Females, non-residents and persons physically disabled may list through agents; all others must list in per son. (Sec. 24.) Incomes and polls must be listed at the same time that other property is listed. (Sees. 26, 32.) All property muct be listed in June. All persons failing to list in June shall be liable to double tax, unless for good excuse relieved on or before the first Monday in October. (Sec. 73.) Any person exchanging taxable for non-taxable property during the time of listing, not in good faith, but to evade the payment of taxes, is guilty 'of a misdemeanor under the law and subject to a heavy fine. (Sec. 23.) Tne list takers and assessors are sworn officials. They must take an oath before entering upon their duty to perform the same according to law; and upon completing their work, they must further make an oath that the lists made up by them contain, to the best of their knowledge and belief, all the real and personal property sessed In their respective townships, which has been assessed at its true value in money. (Sec. 17.) Penaltes are imposed upOn list takers and assessors who fall to per form their duty as required by law. (Sec. 83.) The foregoing are some of the mure Important provisions uf the new I taxation Machinery Act for 1907, governing Full copies of the law may be seen at the office of the Register of Deeds. List takers and assessors are entitled to a copy of same. The county attorney Is Instructed to render any assistance necessary in construing and executing the provis ions of the law, to the end that all property and other subjects of tax ation may be placed upon the tax books of the county as the law re quires. By order of the Board, H. LUTTERLOH, Chairman W. M. Walker, Clerk. Board of Commissioners of Cumber land County. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER MORT GAGE. fiv lrlue of the Dower contained In a deed of mortK e executed on the 4th dar ofNovem ber, 1905. t y Devotion Averltt and wlff . Lucin da Avuiiu, of Cumberland county, State of North t aroliaa. which mortgage is duly re corded In nook B. No. 6, page 431 ircoids of Cumberland county, the undersigned will ex pose for sale, 'at .public auction, for cajb.the following tracts or paicel of real estate situate and being In Cumberland county, stare oi n. C, Cedar Creek township, and bounded and described as follows: First Tract: Beginning In the Home line in the Pole road and runs as said road notth 75 aat 6 chains, then as said road north 88 east 21 chains, tnen as said road nortn 70 east 16 chains, then the road north TP east 12 chains and 64 links to W. J. H. Hall's corner, then as his line south S2 east 6 chains to his corner, then with his other line noitb 72 east US chains to his other corner, tben south 29 east 22 chains, to Purell's line, then as bis line south 60 west 3S chains to his corner, then as bis line south iff east 18 chains to his corner, then as his line north 66" east 2C chains to a nine stutnD. his corner In Se&toms s line, tben as Sessoms's line south 52 east 12 chains and 20 links to Seftoms's corner, then as Sessoms's line north 68 east 13 chains to a stake, then soum 43 cnains to a oiacagum, josejtn dui larri' nnrner south side of the tfig Vineyard then west 46 chains to a stake In said vineyard swamp, then north 2 chains and 60 links to J B. Downlng's corner In said swamp, then with J J). Downing'! line west 12 chains to a siake In uirl ivimn. then with another of his lines noith 44 west 16 chains and 9 links to a small unlpei .then south 46" west 12 chains to a snoi t straw pine In Ueury Nunnery's line, then with his line north 56 west 3 chains and 80 links to a stake. Nunnery's corner, then as Nunnery's line south 68" west 8 chams and 70 liaks to a stake, t rances Candy's corner, thee with his line north 60 west 7 chains and 67 links to a stake in Starling's Une, then as Starling's Una north 4&u east 17 cnains ana au unas to nis cui ner. thed as Starling's Una north 46 west 22! chains to his corner In a ditch, then as Starling's line south 46 west 22 chains to J, a. Downing 8 corner, tnen as his Una north 69 west 20M chains to Kobt. McDowell's corner, then as hit line north 46 aast 8 chains and 10 links to a stake. McDowell corner, then as his line north 46 west 8 chains and 60 links to a stake In the Home Line, then aa that Une lotto 46 east Lfti chains to a stage then north 46 west to the beginning, contain, lng four hundred and fifty acres' more or less for a fuller and batter description of this traet. referenoe Is hereby made to book Z, No. 4, page 612 of the records of Cumberland county. Second Tract: Beginning at a small juniper In the vineyard and running south 46 west 18 chains to a sman snort straw pine in nun nery's line, then with his line south 80 east 14 chains and 60 links to a stake by the renin thence north 68 east 11 chains to a stake In the vineyard, thence north 44 west to the be ginning, containing 17 acres mora or less. For a fuller and belter description, reference Is made to Book II, No. 6, page 80 of the records or Cumberland county. Place of Bale: Market House In Fayettevllle Time of Sale: Monday, Mar 6th, 1807, St 12 o clock noon. Terms of Sale: Cash. . This AprU 1st. 1007. ROBINSON SHAW, Attorneys for Mortgages. The above sale is postponed until Monday, May 20th. RHEUM-AID tor rheumatism Is absolutely without an equal on earth for curing Rheuma tism, Pains, Bruises, Inflaraatlona ot all kinds, etc. Rheum-Aid Medical Co.. Sole Pronrietors. P. O. Box 448, Fayettevllle, N. C. For sale at aU drufglsts 2 So bottle. "Here's to your health and happl neg8"DeWltt's Little Early Risers I tairOM-4tttl- pilla. . Bold- by-Armfiald & Greenwood. ; . . . . ICE-CREAM FREEZES. White Mountain and Arctic have no equal. We have all sizes, large stock, and lowest prices. Great Glazier Refrigerators'' and Ice Chests, from $7.50 to $50.00. Thesearethe finest and best goods on the market. Sold on easy terms. Send for our Catalogue. Keep out the flies and mosqu itoes by putting in our Screen Doors and Windows. DON'T WAIT, DO IT NOW. Send us ydur orders. H AR DWAR E Fayette It Will Pay You to Investigate. You mav not know of vour ownknowledse that we have the lareeBl and best selected stocks of furniture in the city. Our long experience in the furniture business enables us to sell much below others. We invite you to make the inves tigation. We can certainly oiler you more libeial terms on time sales, because wtdo not owe for our good-we bu) direct from the manufacturers in car lots for cash and save freights an. I discounts. We Carry Everylhlno I" Furniture and honsefurnibUiux line; Slovrs and 8ewing Machines; also Needles and Repairs for all kinds of machines. 'I lie best machine Oil and Furniture Polish that will make your old furniture look Dew. Call at our store and take a look before you buy. frompt attention paid 10 mail orders. NEWBERRY FURNITURE CO. 110 Person Street W. A. VAN8TORY, President, . H. WILLIAMSON, 1st V.-Preiident, JOHN ELLIOTT, 2nd V.-President, Tire National Bank, of Fayettevllle, 1M. C, The only Banking Institution recognized in this section by The United States Government as a Depository for the safe-keeping of its funds, and with the largest resources, nearly a MILLION DOLLARS, offers to the peo pie of the Cape Fear Section facilities unsurpassed in the handling of ac counts entrusted to our care. ' SAFETY, PROMPTNESS AND COURTESY did the work. No account is loo large preciated and carefully watchid over office force. Your account is respectfully solicited and a most pleasant busi ness relation vouched for. We Guarantee our Customers Every Accommo dation, Consistent with Conservative Banking. Do You it sensible to buy ordinary Flour when same price? You KNOW what FEKFfcdlUJN is; tne otuer Kind way De good, or it may not. Why take chances? Perfection is the Flour with a character. After better to-day than ever before. Any 'The Best and Cheapest Flour Sold in If YOU want "THE FLOUR FECTION. Farming Utensils and Supplies of every sort, including hoes, spades, ines, castings, saddlery, harness, etc. Complete line of Groceries, all A. P. JOHNSON, Manager, Wholesale and No. 107 Hav street. Cumberland and Robeson German Coach Horse Company ANNOUNCES TO THE PUBLIC THAT THE IMPORTED GERMAN COACH STALLION FRANZISCO WILL MAKE THE SPRING SEASON AT THE FOLLOWING PLACES- FAYETTEVULE LUMBER BRIDGE RED SPRINGS LUMBERTON THE WILL BE IN CHARGE OF MR. . SEEN AT HIS STABLES W. C. FIELDS; PRESIDENT; f a f RrArric each er ntge ntm g r ville. N. C. RALPH JESSUP, Cashier, A. B. McMILLAN, Ass't Cashier, and none too small. They are all ap by a most reliable, careful, pains-taking Think PERFECTION can be had at the 13 years. thorough test, it is admittedly good housekeeper will tell you it is Fayettevllle. 99 THAT NEVER FAILS" then get PER shovels, hames, ,t races, plows, plow Best axes, and a select line ot cutlery. fresh stock, at right prices. Retail Grocer, Favrtteville. N. 0 Phone 66. .APRIL 16th to 25th. '.Vp3i 29th to May 8th May 10th to i5tb HORSE D. B. CULBRETH, AND CAN Bl ON MAXWELL STREET. . five yearn at hard work. . TT UU MS V SSI

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