TWO SPLENDID BLOODHOUNDS. Arrive for Sheriff Watson Tuesday. BheritT Watst ti Dot to be caught uinS- TtK-dr he received, two splendid fun-blooded, high pdlsred bloodhounds from Philadelphia, fur which be paid a pretty sam. One of them is six years old, and weighs 74 pounds, the otber is 4 years old and weighs 55 pooads. They re beauiUfnllr marked, powerfu!' bnlrt dogs. sod are guaranteed U be food worker. Next week Sberif Watsoa will begin a series of trial twos with- them, and be wilt soon know their eusllUes. : The Sheriff has also ordered two bloodhound pops from Cuba, said to bare remarkable qualities ta ataa busline bat they will not be skipped aatil the weather is cooler. These booads will act only be a great pro tection to Canberlaad. bat also to the sairotrndiag com ties. Tbs Trial of Alex. Wilfl; From Thai-Sclav's Dally. The trial of Alex. Williams, of Car ver's Creek township, who has beea in jail the pan week, charged with criminal issue It 00 aad incest with bis daughter, took v'-sce reaterdav after noon before "Squire Orerbjr. The pro secatisg witness, with ber Utile four-months-old her cade and aunt, were ia court, aadJestifled to tnaar details too revolting to relate. At the eonelasiou of the testimony, the Magistrate an; Bitted the defend ant of the charge of am lit, and held him on the charge of incest, requiring a bood of 1154. This the prisoner (are, and was discharged from easto- The testimony rerealed a horrible state of affairs among a number of ne groes ia the neighborhood, from whch tbs parties to this caae come. A Surprise Marriage. From Thursday'! Daily. Mr. Paul Taylor aad Miss Kate Wil son Keels stole a march on their friends last night, and were quietly married at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs, WUHam Taylor Keels, on Maiden Lane, at : 19 o'clock, Ber. W. M FaJrley performing the ceremony. The happy young couple left on the mid-night train for WrighUrille Beach, ria Wilson and (Joldsboro. Death of Little Daughter of Mr. Fred Woodward. frots Tbc.-wUy r Daily. I Margaret, the little seren-months-old daughter ofMr. Fred Woodward, of Durham, son of oar former townsman, Mr. George Woodward, died at the Marion Seaside Home, Wrightsrille Beach yesterday. The remains were taken to "Durham for burial THE FIREMEN'S TOURNAMENT. Programme of Evtnta at Wilmington. The programme for the firemen's Interstate convention and tournament to be held in Wilmington, Angnst (, 7, S, and tth, has bean completed. The race coarse win be on North Fifth street where a grand stand win be erected. The steamer contest will take place at the foot of Market street The con ren lion win meet at 11 o'clock a. m, Tuesday, Aojrost tth. and It win be called to order by the president, J as. D. McNeill, of Fayette Tille. There win be an in vocation by Ber. B.W.Hogne, followed by the ad dress of welcome which win be made by Mayor W. E. Springer. Ia the afternoon at 4 o'clock there win be a complimentary ride to WrlghtsTille Beach oa the ftuburbaa line for tie delegates. At Bight st o'clock there wfll be another business meeting of the asso ciation. . The program for the remaining days of the tournament is as follows Wednesday, August 7th. a. m. Street Parade. 11 a. m. Engine contests, (toot of Market street). 2:2ft p. m. Horse nose wagon races. :4S p. m. Bowling contest (Lami na.)' First prize, $25; second , $13; third, IS (four men to a team). I p. m. Firemen's BaU (Lamina) Thursday, August 8th. 9 a. m. Hand reel races. 2:30 p. m. Grab reel races. S p. m. Hook and Ladder contest. 7:80 p. m. Firemen' lull at Caro lina Beach. f p. m. Bowling contest at Lumina. ' Friday, August th Interstate Dsy. I a. m. Hand reel faces. II a. m. Grab reel races, ' 2:20 p. m. Horse hose wagon races. 1 p. bl Complimentary ride on " Steamer Wilmington (for firemen and Visitors. ; . ... s p, m. Bowling contest; award of prises. - ' . . Prizes. Engine contest (quick steaming) first .prize, $50; second prise, $25. ' . Engine contest (long distance) first prize, S0; second, $25. Horse hose ; wagon . races - Frist prize, $150; second, 176; third, $25. Hand reel races First prize, $50; second, $30: third. $20. 'Hook and Ladder Races First prize, $100; second, $50. Interstate Prized, . Horse hose wagon races First prize, $150; second, $75; third, $25. Grab reel races First prize, $100; second, $50. - Hand reel races First prize, $125; second, $75. The Mania No. . - ii amber three l a wonderful mas cot for Geo, H. Parrta, of Cedar Grore, bio., according to a letter which reads "After suffering much with lirer and kUnt-y trouble, and becoming greatly cliM-ouragcd by the failure to find re liitf. I tried Electrio Bitters, and ss a rexiilt I am a, well man to-day. The Crbt bottle relieved and three bottles coii'ptated the cure." Guaranteed best r'!ii-(iy fur atrrmscn, liver and Kidney Inn!'. 1, hr 1). U. Bedberry'i 80a, RAEFORO S PROPOSED NEW COUNTY OF GLENN. What the C'.enn County Club Expects. We find the following editorial ia the Red Springs Citizen, which win be , interesting to oar readers, aa the proposed Ciena county takes a good slice of fine territory from Camber land: : "From time to time, store the de feat of the Glenn county movement ia the but legislator, we have beard of the Ciena County Clnb. organized by the citizens of Raeford for the par pose of forming a sew county with the comity seat at Raeford. Now, ao one blames these good as4 hopeful peo ple for their fartberaaee of a cause that means so mock to Raeford. Bat that they should seek favor from the people of Red Springs township, or eve Bine Springs township, is one of the things not discernible to as. They make ao attempt to show by facta and figures' what benefit is to be deriv ed from the anaexatioa of any part of Robeson to that portion of Cumber land with which to form the new eosn ty. It is strictly a Raeford movement, gotten np soiely to benefit Raeford. If benefit to the people is what ht to be desired, why not take in all of Red Springs tow&tsip. tot fading the grow ing and progressive town of Red Springs, with the privilege of voting oa where the county seat shall be? That would be a reasonable aad business proposition that the voters and tax payers might entertain. The Ciena county promoters, in the boandaries suggested, come within one mile of Red Springs (to Graham's mill), leav ing behind them all that valaable property of the Atlantic Coast Line which traverses this township. "Our proposition is simply this: We do not object to any movement made by the people of Raeford for the for mation of a new county, provided they leave off sach portions of Robeson as win affect as either hi oar fat ore bw siness or political movements. "We were shown this week a pri vate letter written to one of oar citi zens which contained a card solicit ing bis aid and help. We publish be low the contents of the card, without farther comment: Constitution Glenn County League. "We. the citizens bring in Western Com ber land and Northern Robeson counties. North Carolina, fax removed from oar respective county seat and thereby experieseingf great inconven ience and disadvantkgea, do for the relief of these conditions hereby or ganize the "Glenn Cocnty League," whose united membership earnestly appeal to the General Assembly that shall meet during 109 to rr.Hfc Glenn County as herein provided, and tor the Bovemment and regulations of this League, we adopt the following constitution and by-laws: "Section L The name of this organ ization shall be The Glenn County League. "Sec. 2. The object of Glenn County League shall be the ultimate estab hshment of Glenn County oat of parts t Cumberland and Robeson eoaatlea with the following bounds Boundaries. 'Commencing at a point oat Lnmber River at the extreme sooth boundary of Bine Springs township Robeson county in the lines between Robeson and Scotland connties, and follows said line nearly north with the pres ent boandaries of Robeson aad Cum berland coon ties to the Xorganton road on the Moore county line; thence with the, Morgan ton road to the point where said road roasts Little Rock fish stream; thence down Little Rock- fish to Central plank road; thence a straight hne to Davis Bridge on Big Rockfish: thence doe south to a point that would intercept a straight una (running from the old corner of Rob eson and Cumberland, established in 17W, to Bethune's Bridge in Robeson county); thence a direct Hne to Be- thone's Bridge in Robeson county; thence to Graham's Mill; thence a di rect Hne almost west to the begin ning. I have read the above and approve the same and hereby appeal to the General Assembly of ISM to grant this petition. Kama P. O THE TRIAL OF MAKE LEVY. His Cass Mads Bailable. From Friday's Pally. -. Make Lery, a bright mulatto 1 years of age, waa tried yesterday af ternoon at 4 o'clock before "Squire C P. Overby, charged with the murder of Will Ray oa the Fourth of July. Ex-Judge Button appeared for the defendant, white there was no one to represent the State. - The State presented a' nmnber of witnesses, all of whom testified to about the same effect. 1 Ben Snipes, the first witness, stated that after a big row at Rock Springs church, where a festival was In pro gress, a crowd of them went down the road a piece, and Frank Jenkins walk ed sp and said: "Boys, don't let s have any more f ass," and started to walk back. Make Levy then opened his knife, and made a lunge at Jen kins, and In doing so, stumbled and fell, the knife penetrating (he calf of the leg of Win Ray, who waa standing near Jenkins, and who bled to death In twenty minutes. Levy remained around while the boys were trying to stop the Sow of blood, aad then dis appeared. (It will be remembered that Levy appeared at the jail Bandar and surrendered himself.) ; i - Andrew Monroe, Frank Jenkins, Jas. Thomas, Sberrod Graham, John Cog dell and Henry Snipes all testified to tbe same effect, - -. ' They all agreed lb saying that Ray and Levy were an friendly terms at tbe time of the killing. '' The Magistrate bound Levy over to the Superior Court In the sum of $500, which be so far has failed to jive, and hejremalns Jo Jail- , State News ef Interest, Greenville gets the Eastern Caro lina' Teachers" Training School. Aa aonncenaeat was made after as all-day sessloa of the Stats Board of Educa tion Wednesday evening. Later State Superintendent of Pan ne Instruction Joyner said the Har ringtoa site at GreeaviUe was select ed, this having forty-three, acres, val aed at $3,(40- Altogether GreeaTffle gives f tacladlag bonds aad sites, leas the cost of the recent boad etectioa which was shoot $2.00. Death of Aa Infant .. .. .. .. -lift bally 1 Mary, the lafas daaghter of Mr. aad Mrs. E. V. Edeaa, of Seveaty-Frrst, died at their home this morning at 4 o'clock. The funeral services win be held at McFberaoa church to-morrow morning at 10:3a, Heart Strength tr. Sheep' RoGforaKuo B. E. SEDBERBrS SOX. ram" kidhy cunn WILL CUftI YOU of any case of Kidney or Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of medi cine. Take it at once. Do not risk having Bright"! Dis ease or Diabetes. There is nothing gained by delay. 50c mud 41.00 Bottlss. GEO A. BURN Feed Livery Department The Best in the State. 'oElesad attaatrrs drivers. U o afl the eoaauy roads First-class Har ness and Saddle Horses always oa haad aad for sale. Sole agea for the nwbrsled BABCOCK BUGGIES Livery. Feed. Sale and Exchange Stables. I am located oa Person Street (Mar tin's old stable) where complete lines of Harness, Buggies, Wagons and ev erything needed in this line can be had. If ales aad Horses Boas&t and Sold. In addition, I am prepared to far. n isb all kind of wood, cat any length, at short aotice. Patronage solicited. T.IL BUIIARD, PHONE 516,' J. & . ZXahoney, Portsmouth. Alexandria, and Sorfolk, Va. Oistillers, Rectifiers and V7ho!ssa!a LIQUOR DEALERS. A0S8 ef car Prcisstsf -arSngtoa, - ' Csmmeroa Springs, - - Hampton Bonds, " ' BeDe of Virginia, . Lake Drsmmoea, ' Bed River, Mshoney'i Best, PEOPLE of ANY COL02 Treated Vtllc! AT THE Sign of ye Red Qrirll PRINTING wf ewery .fMCriptlm ., ... . . ...... Our highest aim is to please ens- " torn era. ' Let us please yon I 'PHONE 196. G. H. THOMSON, Faydtetvlllc, N. ' - : C CKsit to Xxprcts Offleet BmwSIii Ts.srHawtWilailiMieil at 1 m.eswil 1 11 1 ill 1 ii !w th. as atnsk tenn IsaM kh HiMin iwj Btds mrm Gmmma ULmIL sauatX waaessS'nSaMti ssssTSSis Bwfeul'li saws hi linns, ansae es sawa as assess, waa til TFiie pjalional Banli CAPITAL flC0.CC9.CX ' Fayetterille. N. C, May ij, 1907. STATEMENT AT THE CLOSE OP BUSINESS MAY list, 1907. AS CALL 8 r ; ' ED FOB: - Loans aad U. S. Bonds 1 , , ,' , , . . , , 739,625 51 DemaadLcaas. . . . . . ... . . ... .... 3.741 01 Basking Hoaae, Vault, Famitnre aad Futures . , 11.671 79 , Cash oa hand aad ia Basis-. . . . . ... . 44,678 70 Capital Stock . . . . Prafit aad Loss . ... Surplus . ......... Circalatioa D. S. Cmrrewcy . Re-Discoaats ....... DEPOSITS .... . . - . INCREASE IN VOLUME OF BUSINESS SLN'CE UABCH at. 1907 ........ $60,458 IS W Invite) your altemtlon Saaw is subject to sny comparsioa. this trne tak of progress. Call oa as for any banking accommodation. Yours most truly, W. A. VANSTORY, PraaMsat, RALPH JESSUP, Cashier, A. B. McMILLAN. Aast Cashier, SCHOOLS THE KOBTU State Normal and Board, braadry, taitinB, aad fees Far fr.e-tnitioa stadeiirs. tia. Tss SoaaiL Dsrarrsswr erres thoronwh instrnetioa ia ths inbieeta tancht nithaaehonls sad colleges, end STirrisI learning. Teaemera auasi fcrmeraaiea or ether eoiiegea are offered a one-year speoal eoarss ia rYdacogy and allied objects. Tan CoaaaaciAi, ncrsaraasT offers practical instractioa iaOtsnogisphy, Typewritint, Book-keeping and other praiac ss snbjeeta. Tbs Dstsbtbks-is cw hlaanai, asts ssd Doaasnc Scixsci provide instrae- oea in msauai irsmtng ana m saen snDjects as retste directly to the home and family. , Taa McsicDsTBTaKBT, ia addition eoarss ia vocal sad ins ramental nnsic To secure board ia tbe dormitories, aaaae oeiorsjuy ia. 1 be isu term opens September e, 1SW7. For eataloitae and other informatioi, address. I I FOCST, PamiDBXT, GazzaBoso, S. C. BINGHAM SCHOOL 1793 1908 fOi US VtAKS son kc MEM SjBnmni. auDnaa csdaded Littleton Female College. pie liH location. Health resort. tm i-i.oventa tut bosrdmg l larr aad social life. Conservatory ad vanl ig in M usic Advanced coors m A sud 1 location Bust net Collese, Bible .ad botmsl courses. H aith record no surpassed. Clove personal sttent on to the health and ao rtal d-vropment of each pnpu. uniform I USK M VKKT liJW. 26tu Annual Session will begin oa dress fmmm a-aaaaallslsija. OAK RIDGE INSTITUTE OAK RIDGE. NORTH CAROLINA" TWLarjaat aaal Beat trnipf Flnioc Scfcool ior Toaais hUm mad Boy. ia fnaaaaa far Coaesc. far Waaaaiii. ior Ue. k Tear. XU year aaaVr I I eraaaaa. Foavcoanra. 2H .Imals aat Taar. Tcraaa aodanaa. Staaaaa agar Crttaaaoio.N. C-. ona taoaaand feel abovs tha MtevaL For beaacif at caralofae aadrcaa J. A. aaal M. H. HOLT . rTiacvafe. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. . 17SMsw7. Head of ths State's Educational System. sjrTMDrra. Library contains 45,000 volumes. New water works, eleetrie bghts, central haatmg STStsm. Aew dormi tories, gymnasium, Y M. C. A. 'Building, library. US BtavaaaSa. 74 ia Faculty. The Fall term begins Bept 9, 1907. Address Psaacn P. Tnasia, ParacxnT, csariL biu, c. I TO1NI TRINITY COLLEGE ttm DepsrtaMatt Collaclats, OradaaM,iaglMriaf aal Law. Lwsw Hbrarr iaeUlUea. Well Wstpped labomonaa la all depart Bau t teleoes. iiTmsaatoni far alia ii wltk beat sppsrahM. gspaa- . as very awdersla. Aktiorwenar " Toong Mea wishinc to Btndy Law should in ' vestijeate the tuperior . ... advantages onersd by - the Department of Law ; ' Trinity College, i . ' tot Catalotiw aad ftntber tabt auttos, acldiaal ' D.W.inSOM.Reglitrar, J - Durham, KorIi Carolina. Institute anil I M M aj M M 4dt M .' IUUUU IfliiiSHdUiil, HALnoa, Borrs tssouas. A hifjb-grsd eollecs for women. Twelve Departments under tpee iaBsts Kxcelleat -.buildings sod spaeioas gronnds. Every preveav Ureagsinstflrssnddisesss. Takes a limited number and gives indivi dual attention. Founded hah torn tary ago and rnns aoieiy spon its aserits. For eatalorne apply to HESKY JEROME 8TOCKAI1D CurtJ IndiVcxtion ' and Sour Stomach Do not suffer longer.. Ton ean be re lieved immediately by Hicks' Cepadimv K mouces ine proper now of gastrkl juices and cures the distress and scidity, U Try it; It'a pleasant to Uke-It's liqufl 1 uuaa sascne tm, - At an mggw Mr 1 100,000 00 . . . . 1,940 17, . . . 5,000 00 - . . 1 . 100,000 00 . . . . 44.000 00 659.777 74 to Ha above statement. Yoar appreciated patronage has crested AND : : COLLEGES CAROLINA Industrial College for ass of text books. He., $170 a year. prnsntnifsljfuiiiiiig fm llm piiiffssiiNi of to tbe degree coarse, offers s certifuute all free-tuition applieations should be vpur fa, COI.l F.E jad km LIFK mmi at TNE SHWHSa KMOOC Mor hcMri aa br olrdR of hM 134. RKS! Hoi arate. hrsL Klcctric lights snd other pupils last ear. High standard of schoisz- worn on nil public oeeanont. September 18th, 1907. For catalogue, ad Ju&V. i H- KUUUJUj, rresident, Littleton, N. C. -s.O I Trinity Park School, j . emwiaai rrepsrsuny aesooi. Kxru- teste of Gradaattoa Seecpted lot aa- mmcv w aauuis Buaweil vwjesaa. Best Equipped Preparatory School ia the South, f Faculty of Ten Officers and Teachers, f Campus t of Seventy-five Acre. library eoatainlnf Thirty Thooaand Vol naaa. Well Equipped tiyaoaaiaas. Hisk I Maadarda aad MnderB Metkodi of la- Frequent Lectures by Prominent Lecturers. Expenses Exeeedintiy Moderate Seven Years of Phenomenal 8oeeeas or CatalotM and otkor nubrautioa, addraai H. If. NORTH. aWstaaatcr. sHiaaAsf. n. c f ! COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AKD KECHAiSlC ARTS. PractJcaJedncaHmiaA4rrlcultttie in CirU, Electrical, and Werhanlcat EnfcJneering; ta Cotton Maottfactar fng, Dyriiij and Indostrial Cheta- Irtrw. Tuition $45 a year; Board $10 a moatJa. tao Scholarship. PRESLDEHT WTJISTOlf, West KAleigh, V, C. Scottish Fire Insorance Ccmpany, . Fayetteytlk, H. C., Haying been appointed an Arent ior this Company, I am prepared to issue rU policies, and thus encour age home enterprise. Business soli cited. P, K. ROSE, Mgr. E. M. Stevens Conlraclor and Builder c es)AJiMrrk T ' l.rf tf"r T rvfiK ") , V H TiCcif fit nil UtUU r" .11, NOTICE OF LAND SALE. Under and by vlrtoe of a decree of the Superior Court of Cumberland County, la a special proceeding therein pending entitled Thomas H. McNeill, Administrator of Nelson Starr, va, Miles a Starr and W. H Robinson, Heirs at Law of Selsoa Starr." being s proceeding to sell the lands hereinafter mentioned to make assets for the pay- it of debta doe by the estate of said Nelson Starr, the said undersign ed conamlaskmer will on the 20th day of July. MOT. at 13 o'clock, M, at the Court House door ia Fay- ettevtlle. North ' Carolina, sell at public aactioa to tbe highest bidder for cash the follow Ins described par ed or lot of land situated In the City of Fayettevilie. la Cross Creek Town ship, County aad State aroreaaid, bounded aad described as follows, to wn : BeeJaninCvOa the west edge of Ram sey street beyond the town line, at the ner of lot No. 9 on the plan 01 J. W. Lett's land, and runs southward ly with Ramsey street to the southeast corner of lot No. 11; thence with the line of lot No. 11 westwardly to a stake 219 feet from Ramsey street; thence southwardly with Ramsey street to a stake, tbe northwest cor- of lot No. 9; thence with line No, 9 to the beginning oa Ramsey street, containing nearly one-half acre, and It is known and designated on the Plan of J. W. Lett's land between Cumberland street on the south, Ram sey street on the east and Hillsboro street oa tbe west as lot No. 10. (Ses plan surveyed and made by D. C. Mae Duffle, and to which reference can be made), oa which there Is a bid all tene ment house. There la reserved and excepted from the operation of this deed a small lot of land conveyed from the original tract herein described by Nelson Starr and wife to E. N. Williams and F. D. Wll listen, by deed dated day of , 19, duly recorded ta Book No. , Page , in tbe. office of the Register of Deeds of Cumberland County. Sale made subject to the confirma tion of court. This 19th day or June, 1907. Q. K. MMOCKS, Commissioner. Re-Sale of Sophia M. H. Riley Land. radar and bv viitaa aa a Sacrae ef tha 6apa. rlor Coon of CuBbcrland coaoly In s rpecial proceeding thereta peal'"I sea eatiuea - m. kuey.ctal. it. Joan B. kUay.etal." tbsaa denanail eoauilaK4Msar. annotated bv the eooit. will, on Saisrday. the dayofjiuy, UU7. at 12 o'clock M. al Ike eoart hooaa door la CuaberUad eooatv. sfsls offer for aalsio tb klgbeit MMrr, (or cask, toe follow mg trsrt of pa.'cal of laud . iltoata. Irliic and betns ta Cedar Creek loaaitaip. CoBberland coox.ty. Bum of Sortb Carolina, koandtd and dtwrib- sn at follow .vu: BertsaJDs st a otaks Bear Wm. BUey't fence, s corner of toe rarvev of which thb Is a part. 1 rnanus with UM oM nne north y east :enaln loanake la a branch: hence aortk ttr west 10 ehaini t links to a stake in the old Use: thence son lh SP west 1 chains to the old Use: thence south 89 east u) ehaina links to the beginning. roaialnlBg seres, asoreor i ss. oetng toe same tana aesenoea in a aeeo i' om John Kiley ana outers to eipnts m. n. Bilev. reeonle In Book - B." No. 4. page tu to the offic, of Register of Deeds (01 Cumber land countv. sale subject 10 eoaarauaon. i bis 2M day of Jane. IW7. U . A VEkUTT, Commissioner, Notice Sale of Valuable Town Lot Br vlrtoe of an order of Ike Superior Court of Cumberland coup it. made on the 2nd day of Msv.Urn. In as action therein pedlnr. en- titied Chsllesii. Adam, el ai, rs. James A. Adasas. et al. and bv slrtoe of tbe power rest ed In me as ronunisloner. I wlU. on the 23rd day of July. IMff at 12 m. . expose to sale at pobtle anetloo. tor easa, to the highest btdder, that valuable Iowa lot. to the town of Hope Mills. K. C knows as the propert of the late Jono w. Adams, ana boonaea as follows, vis: MealnnlBs at aa iron stake Kaihew Morgan's corner a blackjack pointer 00 Harrison street. and runs S. 56 W. (7 feet to a stake a corner of James U- Johnson's line: thence S. SP W. 210 feet to a stake: tnence a. xr s. 07 feet to Malhew Morgan's Une; thence S. Kr . 210 feet to the beginning. llnteo3eJ: Jnly23rd.U07. Place of aale: At tb Lot. TerauoftSale: Cask. D. 1. CAiiU WELL. Commissioner. Administrators' Notice. Having Qualified as Administrator of Thomas bennett, deceased, ' late of Uttmberianl county, Btste or -North Carolina, tnis is to notify all persons having claims against tbe estate of said deceased to present the same to me for payment, duly authenticated, witbin twelve mon bi from date hereof, or tbis notice will be pleaded in bar of tbeir recovery. All persons indebted to paid state will p'eaae make immediate set tlement. Tbis 12th day of July. 1907 C. 8. BESJiETT, Q K. KiaocEs, Administrator. Attorney. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Having this day qualified as execu tor upon the estate of Mrs Anice Broadfoot, deceased, late of Cumber land county, all persons are hereby notified to present their claims against said estate, duly verified, on or before tbe 6th day of June, 1908, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted 'to said estate will please make prompt payment. THOMAS BROADFOOT, ' Executor of Mrs. Anice Broadfoot Parettevllle, N. C, Jane 6th, 1907. Robinson A Shaw, Attorneys. Bates from Fayettevilie as follows: wesson Ticket, $10.70; sold daily April ItUb to November 30th. W-Dav Ticket, 19 00; sold daily April 19th to November 30th. 10-Day Ticket $8.10. Coach Excursion. $4.60: sold each Tuesday; limit 7daya. Endorsed "not good ia parlor or sleeping ears." - Xhiongh fuilman bleeping cars via ATLANTIC COAST UNE RAILROAD corny. . Write for beautiful illustrated folder containing maps, descriptive matter, hsts of Hotels, etc. : For reservations or any information, address " W. J. CBAIQ, Passenger Traffic Manager, T. O, WHITE, Oeneral Passenger Agent, Wilmington. N. 0. GOOD PLOING KEANS HEALTH rtwasMasiat Flllttill Jllli . - iiilHtiiECiiii Expert Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fit ters, 'Phone 338, Fayettevilie, N. C Temporary office at Coca-Cola Works. Time of Arrival and Departure of Atlantic Coast line Pa isatr sasal Mall Tralsssnt rajrettav. .villa . , Ko. (I, Soolh, Lt. a. at. tor BennettaviUt, Mo. M, worth, tv. H a. as. tot Richmond. ' f o. w, gonUi, Lv. M a. as. tot Columbia via rloretiee. Ho.M, north, Sr. II a. St. . ,j So. , North, Lv, Km p. as. for New York, Mo. M, West. Lv, 15 10 p. ss. for Kanrord, , Ho. M South , Lv. :M p. an. for Tampa. No. SI, East, Lv.Krjp. m. for Wllmlnrton. No. as, hotitb, Lv. 1-iOfor BennetUTilia, a, c ' No. '. North, Ar. rarctlerllls 10; a p. ss. No. R. North, Lv. 11:30 p. m. lot Saw fori t4 Norfolk. . . la, talk, As, ll-ST 9. SV-' " 1 1 ",Boutn,Af. 1IR, ss. Ho. H, SoaUl, Lr, SJJi a. at. tot Ttmpa. : ' CALL AT HEADQUARTERS THE FAYETTEVULE AMI0R Y, Breech-loading Double and Single barrel Guns from tb. best makers in the country, England and Belgium. Also Revolver. f0, home potion. g,,, of induding Sew York for Duponl roaoer sou uie iluiiuv The Finest Assortment oothenurkeLrGunjLo year, 1907, will betoeronyeeconaanmvoiaajj v. - viUe Armory by the undersigned Walter Watson, Gunmaker. Three Carloads Mules and Horses Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Etc We have all grades of buggies and wagons on band tbeCortiandt, Hackney and the medium and cheaper grades of buggies, also harness, etc, to go with them. We pay tbe highest market price for Cotton Bevill & Vanstory. GiYes rest to the stomach. For Indigestion, dyspepsia, soar stomach, tired stomach, weak stomach, windy stomach, puffed stomach, nervous stomach and catarrh of the stomach. A prompt relief. taaarai attksba- lawef UJsWtss eoossssa. raw Ask for the 1906 Kodol Almanac and 200 Year Calendar." SOLD BY ARMFIELD & GREENWOOD, DRUGGISTS. Largest Commercial School in the Carolinas. STOCK .... $30,000. RALEIGH, N. C. POLLS! BD1LDINS. These 8chools give the world's best in Modern Education. Oldeat Business College in North Carolina. Established. Positions guaranteed, backed by a written contract No vacation. Individual instruction. We. also teach Book keeping, Shorthand, Fenmananip by mail. 8end for Home Study rates. Write to-day for our catalogue, Offers and High Indorsements. They are free. Address KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, RALEIUH 1. C. or CHARLOTTE. N. C. AN OLD MELTOW MOBTR caao-irta COPPER DISTTLXBD WHISKEY. Batiafactirin Onsrsffeed or root MOHXT RsTUKDKD. 4 QUARTS SHIPPED IN PLAIN. NEAT PACKAGES EXPRESS . 65 PRE PAI D J).ti Til COUSIHS SUPPLY Mi RICHMOND, VA. Brr. V I Wl af -war Consisting of bed linen and table linen has been the burden of Iht modern house keeper, and for the successful solution of ths problem, , We have Placed Special Machinery in our Plant that enables at to do better and cheaper work than i possible in the household aaa"u;un!Wt'i T tpM " ' We are Pleased to. Quote " the Following Low Prices: Towels . . . . . . . . , . te rillow Cssea ........ 2 Bolster Cases ........ 2o . Bheeto w-r-T -r:. V." ". 8e BO LOT TAKEN FOB LESS FAYETTEVULE : - 6 i UEDBETTEB SCHOOL BOOKS ! , , We have both KEW and SECOND-HANDS school books. SLATES. CRAYON; - vvvnifrm www--w Mil t i i auuu s&K,v&u THE : NEW : Brands, - . -,- of Sportsmen's Leggins Our Mr B evil has just retarned from tbe Western market where he bought Three Carloads of Stock, consisting of several nice double teami as well as several trotters in the lot, the best that eaa be bought and we are satisfied we can please yon if you are in need of a horse or male. We hsvs on hand, nice single af double driving horses, as wall as nice saddlers.; and a nice lot of mules of all sites, from I be besvy log mule to the cotton male. Come look over, oar stock of For Dyspepsia Tom KM CHARLOTTE, N. C PIEDMONT HUOEAIfCS SLDG. MM: WHISKEY Best fotBdldnalandFajnarVse 4 Quarts, $3 Shipped in Plain Sealed Package, Express Prepaid. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR YOUR MONET REFUNDED. Oar Mattel ' "Not Hew Cheap, bat HWCeed." Remit by Kapraav a P.O. MoruyOraar. THE COUSINS SUPPLY CO., t V RICHMOND, VA. Reference: Planters National 'Bank. war , Table Cloths. , . ... ,8c Napkins. . . . , .. . . .la ,- - tray Covers t" , . . le Plain Bureau Coven , '. . , i THAS tbi AT THESE RATE& STEA1I LAUirDRY, RROH. Pron'n. . . " mmn in kkih, BUHOOL ROOM. DOOK t STORE.

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