THE ILLUSION OF WAR. Rklmrd he Galliene.! War .. 1 abhor. And yet bow sweet Die sound along tbe marching street or drum and fife! And 1 forget Wet eyes of widows, and forget liroken old mothers, and the whole Dark butchery without a souL Without a soul save this bright drink Of heady music, sweet as death; , And even my peace-abiding feet Go marching . with, the marching street; For yonder, yonder, goes the life, "And what care I for human lite? The tears fill my astonished eyes. And my full heart Is like to break; And yet 'Us all embannered lies. - A dream those little drummers ,; ' make. O, It la wickedness to clothe Toa hideous grinning thing, that stalks Hidden la music, like a queen That in a garden of glory walks, : Till good men Iotc the thing they loathe! - . Art, thou, hast many infamies. But not an infamy like this. O, snap the fife, and still the dram, - And show the monster as she Is! "KITCHIN ON FIRST BALLOT." Mr. Fence's Washington correspond- ence. - O. P. Shell of Harnett, ta here the - nest of Retireaentative Godwin Mr. Shell, who is aa enthusiastic support er of W. W, Kitchin for the governor ship, thinks he will win eat on the first ballot TWENTY-FIFTH ANNAUL CON VENTION. Of the North Carolina Sunday School Association. The greatest Sunday School meeting of the year will take place la Burling ton on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, April 7-9, in the Christian Church. This will probably be the best convention, the State Association has ever held. The Burlington people are making every effort to make the delegates welcome. The entertain ment will be free, and anyone interest ed in Sunday School work may attend. The music will be In charge of Mes srs. Tullar and Meredith, of New York city, both of whom are known loved in oar State. It will be worth a trip to Burlington from any part of oar State jnst to be in the song service of the convention. They have few periors as leaders of gospel music. Among the speakers on the pro gramme are W. C. Pearce, of Chicago, the Teacher Training and Organised Adult Department Superintendent of the International Sunday School Asso ciation; Mrs. J. W. Barnes, Superin tendent of the Elementary Depart ment of the International Assoeia ' Hon; Rev. B. W. SpUhnan, of our own State; Dr. Jan. A. B. 8cherer. Presi dent of Newberry College, S. C; be sides many other Sunday School work- , en in ear State. lkr-wflr be of interest to all Sunday School woikeis to know that the af ternoons are to be rreo t- Conference Work. . There will be Conieience on P-jurry Work, on County rnd Town ship Officers, on Organised Adult Class Work, on Baraca and PhilaUiea and - on Teacher Training. Some of the subjects to be discussed are: "America in Sunday School Work," World's 8nnday 8chol Con vention at Rome," "Studies of Jeans as a Teacher," "The Pastor's Relation to the Sunday School," "The Making of a Teacher," "Marks of a Wen-Or ganized Sunday School." "How to Win and Hold Men," "The Boy Problem,' "Children." "Temperance," The Adult ' Organised Class Movement" and other subjects vitally connected with the ; Sunday School. '". -,7 '-" ' This Is an interdenominational Sun v day School Convention and every Sun day School In the State should have a representative in Burlington. ' Anyone wishing to attend should , tend their name to Mr. W. K. Holt, .... Burlington, and entertainment win be provided... :.-.- - To Have Old Fiddlers' Convention. The Woman's Civic Association is making arrangements to have a Fid dlers' Convention lrfthe armory opera house on April Z3rd? Death at Cambro. " We are sorry to anpunee the death of Lottie If. Morris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Morris, of Cambro, N. C She was bora Sept 11th, 1898, and died March Sth, 1908. She was 01 only a short time; ; was taken sick Wednesday and, died Thursday night mt l:J0 o'clock. Tbe funeral services were conducted ed by Rev. D. H. Graham at Cameron Hill church. The pall-bearers were Messrs. Neil! Shaw. Oscar West, Will iam T. Clark and Hugh McD. Ray. ' A friend writes of her death as fol lows: " . , ' -. ' ." '. ' "She was the sunshine of her home and the idol of a devoted father, mo ther, brother and grand-mother. She was too Bright a Jewel for this world. and her Father has taken her to shine tor His glory. May God com fort her bereaved parents and rela - Uvea. ("Lottie, thou was't mild and lovely. ' Gentle as a summer breexe, rieasant as the air of evening, Aa It floats among the trees. "Yet again Ve hope to meet thee, When the day of life is lied, And with songs we will greet thee, Where no fare-well tears are shed." A weak stomach means weak stomach 1 i-rvos, always. And this is also true f the Heart and Kidneys. It's a pity (. girk onus continue to drug the .:,. , or stimulate the Heart and .ns. The weak nerves, not the s tliemsrlvi-s. need this help, s rr;aiiis why Ir. S hoop's Resto , i n, ntid is" promptly helping so !, , st'otH. It tf.x's dirwet to the , t v (i : . !. Test this 1 .. It. IX Podberri Charlotte Captures Convention. From Thursday's Dally... The : State Democratic Executive Committee met in Raleigh last night In the Senate Chamber and selected June 24th as the date and Charlotte as the place for the meeting of the State Democratic Convention. The committee met at o'clock and adjourned at 11:30 o'clock.'' Seventy- nine members were represented eith er In person or by proxy. The selec tion of Charlotte aa the place for the State convention was over Greens boro in a vote of 49 to 19. The invi tation tor the Democratic hosts to meet In the Gate City was presented by E. J. Justice, J. S. Carr. A. M. Scales and others, while Charlotte's invitation was extended by J, H. Wed- dlngtoa. J. P. Caldwell, W. C Dowd, Heriot Clarkson and a large delega tion of other Queen City people who came to Raleigh to-day on special train. FMr. Soaks, in presenting Greensbo ro aa the place for meeting said that his city had 'discovered the conven tion, that it was the logical meeting place by virtue of accessibility, facili ties and for heartiness of Its wel come. The claims of Charlotte were ably presented by the gentlemen nam ed. A resolution was introduced endors ing the candidacy of Hon. W. J. Bry Tbe following substitute reaoluUoa was offered by Mr. McMichael: Resolved, That it is the sens of this committee that it is not within its province to endorse the candidacy of any candidate, national or Stale. Tbe McMichael resolution wi adopted, by a vote 41 to IS. - The Raleigh News and Observer says: "While the committee, never having before passed a resolution endorsing any candidates, decided not to break the record and establish a precedent that some thought might give trouble in the future, tt was clear that a large majority of the committee is for Bry an and will so vote in the State Con vention at Charlotte, though there strong minority that will proba bly fight instructions at Charlotte. STATE PROHIBITION. Fayetteville, March 10th. 1908. To the Public: There are thousands of good citizens who, desiring to overcome the evils and abuse of liquor, have been voting for prohibition, and there are also thousands more who, while not prohi bitionists, were satisfied with the Watts law, leavingto each town or city the right to satisfactorily adjust this question for themselves. Before these men can be induced to - vote for "State prohibition," and destroy the principle of local self -gov ernment so dear to every North Caro linian, questions like the following must be satisfactorily answered by those advocating State prohibition. I trust some one among them can and will do so: 1st. The country voters of Cumber land, who are already disfranchised from voting upon the liquor question for their own benefit, and the voters of Fayetteville. are asked to go to tbe polls sad. vote to reverse the will of a majority of their fellow-eitisens. lir ing In Wilmington, Washington. Tar boro. Rocky Mount, WUliamston. Wil- Sansbury. Winston and other places and force prohibition upon them. Question: Would any prohibi tionist be willing, or would it be right or honest, for the above named towns to vote to make Fayetteville and Cum berland "wetr T Would you? ? Does' not the Golden Rule say: "Do nnto others, as you would have others to do unto you?" 2nd. Win State prohibition make the law any more stringent than it is now, or be any better obeyed? ? 3rd. .The P. O. orders. Express mon ad orders sad bank cheeks show about $104 a day going out of Fayetteville and Cumberland to other places for liquor! "Our prohibition law is now ss strong as legislation can make it. Question: r Which is the most conducive to mor ality honesty, law and order to drink in Fayetteville ILLEGALLY, or to drink in Wilmington legally? 4th. Are the voters not asked to vote on May 26th either 'Tor' or "against" ."the manufacture or sale of intoxicating liquors" anywhere in the Stats? , .. Answer: Yes or No. . Sth.' Should your old mother need a stimulant for her old age; should your wife, sister or daughter, in the throes of maternity, absolutely need alcohol in some shape to save her very existence; should your son or yourself be stricken with pneumonia or. some similar disease, demanding a stimulant to save. life or give strength Answer: Where would you get 1. it its sale or manufacture was abso lutely forbidden by law and the law literally executed? . , 6th. Would ft not be better for the husband, father or brother to be able to get It quickly and legally, than to have to slip and sneak around some den and get it ILLEGILLY, or to lose valuable time in sending out of the J state for it?? What would YOU do, Mr. Prohibi tion, under these, conditions? ? The above, and very many more similar questions' must he satisfact orily answered before thousands Of men or women will stand or vote for "State prohibition." Respectfully, JAS. D. HcNEULU Bert Barber, of Elton, wis- says: 1 have only taken four doses of your Kidney and Bladder Pills and they have done for me more than any other medicine has ever done. Mr. Barber refers to DeWitt's Kidney and Blad der Pills. They are sold by Armfleld ss Greenwood. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup acta gently but promptly on the bow els. It stops the cough by soothing the throat and lung Irritation. Bold by Arf.sld A Greenwood. THE CUMBERLAND FAIR. The Premium List Interest in Horses Being Manifested. The Cumberland Fair will most pro-1 bably follow the Raleigh Fair, which comes off week 12-17th of October. this year. ; ... The premium list is almost ready to go to press, with larger premiums than ever before, and also many spec-1 lal premiums by the merchants and banks of the city. rThe secretary also stated that some I very consul eraDK. interest was Be ing taken In the light-harness horse all throughout this section, and that during the summer tt was probable that some very Interesting matinee races would be given. 7 , Several One horses have been re-1 cently brought to Fayettevflle by I horse lovers, and also a good many la Robeson county, and the good track I at the fair grounds will soon be the battling ground tor some stirring con-1 tests among; the amateurs. MISTAKE CORRECTED. Correct the mistake of risking pneu-1 monia by neglecting; a cough or cold when Foley's Honey and Tar will not only stop your cough but expel the I cold from your system. Foley's Honey and Tar contains no opiates and ta the 1 best and safest throat and rang remo-1 dy. McDuffle Drug Store (O. O. Sow- ders, Prop.) . Use De Witt's Little Early Risers. pleasant little pills. They are easy to take. Sold by Annfield Greenwood. Foley's Orina Laxative is a new rem edy, aa Improvement on the laxative of former years, as It does not gripe or nauseate and is pleasant to take. tt la guaranteed. Stoo that tickling cough! Dr. Snoop's Cough Care win surely stop tt and with perfect safety, tt is thoroughly harmless, that Dr. Shoop tells mothers to use nothing else even with very young babies. The whole some green leaves and tender steins of a lung healing mountainous shrub furnish curative properties to Dr. Snoop's Cough Cure. It calms the cough, and heals the sensitive bron chial membranes. No opium, no chlo roform, nothing harsh used to Injure or suppress. Demand ur. snoop's. Take no other. B. E. Sedberry's Son. Health Coffee" is really the closest Coffee Imitation ever -yet produced. This, the finest Coffee Substitute ever made, has recently been produced by Dr. Shoop of Racine. Wis. Not a grain of real Coffee In it either. Health Coffee is made from pure toasted ce reals, with malt, nuts, etc. Really It would fool an expert who might drink It tor Coffee. No twenty or thirty minutes boiling: "Made in a minute says the doctor. L. C. Wooten. ; ; SERVICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLI CATION. North Carolina Cumberland County. Fitzgerald Company vs. W. L. -De- Roszett, Jr, C W. Perkins and L. Stein, Partners trading aa DeRossett Development Company and Sarah Robinson. Ann H. Robinson, Joanna W. Robinson, Elizabeth A. Robinson, Lloyd M. Cromartie. Eliza B. Cromar- UeE.lL Robinson and Mildred P. Robinson and Mattie P. Robinson. Notice. The defendants above named, will take notice that an action entitled as above ha been commenced in the Superior Court of Cumberland County for the recovery of a debt due the plaintiff by the defendants above nam ed for labor and materials furnished defendants in laying granolithic side walks on the lands of said defendants, situate in the eounty and State afore said, near the city of Fayetteville, known as "Monticello Heights," more fully described in material furnisher's lien heretofore filed In this court In said action, in which ail of said defen dants have or claim an interest, and In which action the plaintiff also seeks to ?nforc3 its material furnishers lien by the sale of said buds, and the applica tion of the proceeds thereof, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to the satisfaction of Its said debt and inter est and costs: And the said' defendants wul fur ther take notice that they are requir ed to appear at the March, 1908, term of court aforesaid and answer or 4 mur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint This 22nd day of February, 1908. . t A. A. McKETHAN, "- Clerk Superior-Court. Q. K. Nlmocks. Plaintiffs Atty. SALE OF: LAND UNDER M0RT- - GAGE. Under and by virtue of a deed of mortgage executed by W. H. Tew and wife, Cathrine Tew, on October 21st, 1904, and duly recorded m Book Y. No. 6. page 183, In the office 01 tne Register of Deeds for Cumberland County, the undersigned mortgagees will expose for sale to the highest bidder that tract of land lying and be ing in Carver's Creek township and described and defined as follows, to wit: .. . , ; Beginning at a stake on the river bank, James McKethan's lower cor ner and Lovett Blackman's, formerly A. R. Smith's upper corner and runs thence with an old marked line North S5 degrees.-West 81 chains and 50 links to a stake where formerly stood a post oak. The aald McKethan's lower back corner and J. A. Calvin's corner, thence with an old marked line North 35. degrees, east 11 chains and 91 links to a stake;, thence north 35 degrees, east 1 chain. 69 links' to a stake Jn Hatcher's and Capp's line; thence south 5 decrees, east - 79 chains and 91 links to aa oak on the river bank: thence down the river to the beginning, containing one hundred and nine and three-fourths acres, more or. less. . Place of Sale: Court House door. Fayetteville. N. C. Time of Sale: - Saturday, April 4th, at 13 M. Terms of Sale: Cash. y'i . J. H. CAPPS, - FLORENTINA CAPPS. Mortgagees March , 1908. . ADMINISTRATOR'S, NOTICE. rl.. anallftnt tt 4t tohtrator of B. D Black, deemed, lata of Cumaer aM eooaty, K. f ... IAV H to botiit an peiwui mnrciiH ralfut thm aatala of tht tatd decmant la cx- bibll Ums to tba oodrntsacd oa oc bafora the 7th day of March IKJ. or ttale aotle will ba pleaded la bar of tbetr reeovary. all anon ladebted to taui male wiu ptean ataxs naaw- Giaie payment. - inta tna no air or atrni. I. A. BAKKJiS, AdmloliBator. a. a. afuKauan, auy. , State of North Carolina, Cumberland County No. 2904V . D. E. Beard enters and claims 25 acres of land in' Beaver Dam town ship Joining tbe lands of D. E. Beard north, west and east; William Dale on the south, lying In and on Turnbull Creek. Entered 7 day of March, 1908. W. M. WALKER, Register ot Deeds, per A. 0, Cnlbreth, Dept . AIltLaGoM a crcnciA sCodd cot Day- .Oa.aafwatT.ltos. .&arTrrveCo, . IS? I ted wtttt m phradua Md m H wu Ckawkwipttoa eitha Lni . laecsnawpttoaorrMBowela. On MkllmMl art annul Sottas. and tt tony toM wi I sawed ea tails M neSSST. IWSSSdteS SW aw) dtnat anratins kv ISOi 1 rseand as ens al roar tknaasna as poor sniaissanl lisjjouiss wufieanaianymnia,anaj t Almanea bsevr Hf aar. boast a tfij asm bonis at CODOL DT V P&U CURB endtheraml noM IM hatri. all. TUB 0.01-0 111 0BORO1A COUlJt HOT BUT. I sept aa salons S anS bb twa wttaans I wees anew wi aw wwlL a a aiaaMaiw; aid to ttuwi noBtta) was trek and beeity. lstflesaebttle aa. assonaily as I Sod a aas steal purine? . . CfonCTwand a&boRiatu. CONFORMS TO HATIClfAL ruxe food and csuo lav This, b only a sample of. tbe neat Rood ton is dally done everywhere by Rod o 1 for Dyspepsia. Sold by Armnekl A Greenwood dnifrt To snack aaiSy solos or CMpaa with "iftrevantter 1 sm lie leal a yimiumili Testes a cold with rmvwattafesrivtrantoMwruasndrw ebnswstDears It ansfaiua. To bason, Pro vaattawmena svaa a Owaptr ssawjd sold, bol arlr at tts sassaj Mata-thay braak. or hasdef than aariyeolds. Thati snaby batter. tasTs why fhvyaaertatftavwittej. . fiaiwillisaialitaa Candy OoMCOMa. Vo Quiiv fcw. ao phr-A sotUnt staksoJag. Hies tor tlx eUitiin anil thoronsMr saw too. II yon feel abmr.lf row yon seat all aver, think of And Aunt knot your child. It affhtoi day. Benin arob. abb Us rwfwaUea greatest etMancr. Boldta is boxes tor tba aoeka. ate la Ce boxes of toa year diuutas string 70s B. E. SEDBERRY'S SON. mim laxative Fruit Syrup Pleasant to take The new laxative. Does not gripe 'or nanseate. Cures stomach and liver troubles and chronic con stipation by restoring the natural action of the stom ach, liver and bowels. efusw) ubstHutee. . Pricet SOo. McDulBe Drug Store. (0. O. Bonders, Proprietor.) NOTICE OF SALE UNDER MORT GAGE. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained In a certain mort gage deed, executed by A. G. Tolar and rife, Janie Tolar, which mortgage deed is duly recorded in Book "I.' No. C. page 183, in the office of Regis ter of Deeds for Cumberland eounty, N. C I will, on Monday, the 13th day of April, 1908, at 12 o'clock, M, at the court-house door in Cumberland coun ty, expose to sale to the highest bidder or cash, the following tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in Gray's Creek township, Cumberland county, State of North Carolina, ad joining the lands of W. S. Evans and others, on the south side of Big Rock- fish Creek, bounded as follows, vix: Beginning at a stake and three pine pointers on the south side of , Rock- fish, and runs south 12 east 65 chains to a stake and pointers, William Car ver's corner; thence with his line south 13 1-2 east 15 chains 69 links to his corner; thence continuing south 13 1-2 east 30 chains to the back line of the survey; thence with that line south 42 west 14 1-2 chains to a pine and pine pointers; theuee north 48 west 58 chains to a stake and pointers; thence south chains SO links; thence west S chains 60 links to a stake and pointers; thence north 12 1-2 west 20 chains SO links to a stake, a corner of 60 acres of Mitchem's; thence with bis ' line north 12 1-2 west JO-cbatns to his other corner;- thence with msrked line north 10 west 13 chains 50 links to s stake and pointers on the bank of Rockftsh creek; thence down the middle of the creek to the beginning. containing 230 acres. 7 This nth day of March. 1908. JOHN W. KINO, Mortgagee. H. 8. Averitt, Attorney. It NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. 1 Notice Is berepy given that the Co partnership hertofore existing (since the withdrawal of Mr. James C. Mc- Diarmldr between the undersigned. nnder the firm name of W. J. McDiar mid Co., has been dissolved by mu tual consent Mr. W. J. McDiarmid will continue the business under the name of W. J. McDiarmid A Co, and will meet all of the obligations of said former Ann and is entitled to collect all sums owed to said firm. In retir ing from said firm, Mr. C. M. Hughes solicits for Mr. W. J. McDiarmid, trad ing as W. 3. McDiarmid ft Co, the same generous patronage which the firm of V' J. McDiarmid A Co- has heretofore enjoyed, s This Sth day of March, 190g. W. J. MCDIARMID, ' C. M. HUGHES. THE CHltDIP.f I.IRf tt KETuNSDY'S LAXATIVE OMasia, lal Mima ,sh tvspansas, sense UMTS MM Stop That Cold Prcvcntics The Three Great Mistakes Made by Prea.cb.frs and Other Religious People. The above is a title or name of a book written by Arthur Charlton Smith, of Fayetteville, N. C, and copyrighted on the 15th of October, 1905. The author or writer of the book wrote it and had it published to point out the failure of the preachers to really convet the (xople and make them Christians, as they did not rtally preach the Christian religion as Christ taught it. and consequently their doctrine is spurious, and not a Christian doctrine. There are nearly 200 different Protestant denomina tion, and about 50 different kinds of Baptists and the Roman Catholics all of tbem preach false doctrines. People Every where Tiring of Reli " .: gion. Berlin, Nov. si Gen. Booth, in an address to the Salvat'ou Army here, said that the people everywhere seemed to be tiring of religion. He believed there were 1,000,000 people in London who never ' entered a church It was the same in Europe and America, and even in heathen countries. The above taken from the Atlanta Constitution of the 25th of November 1907. I have reduced the price 01 book from ii.oo to so cents, as I did not write it to make money. I am in my 79th year and cannot expect to live long to make money. - - . Persons desiring a copy of the book (an address me at. Pembroke, - N. C Can send money by post office money order or express money order or by registered letter. Arthur Charlton Smith. Author. Pembroke, N. C . : - NOTICE. . - . Fayetteville. N. C, Feb'y'dth, 1008. Notice is hereby given that I have this day sold to Mr. V. J. McDiar mid all my interest in tbe hrm of W. McDiarmid & Co., and am no lon ger financially interested in siad firm, For said firm I bespeak tbe same pat ronage it has heretofore enjoyed. . v. JAS. C. MCDIARMID. T' NOTICE. Having purchased the interest of Mr. J. C McDiarmid, in the firm of W.J. McDiarmid & Co., I assume his part of any liabilities ot said firm. All sums owed to the brm are pay able to the members thereof. w.j. McDiarmid. Feb'y 4th, 1908: COMMISSIONER'S 8ALE QF VALU- BLE FARM LANDS. By virtue of the decree of the Su perior Court of Cumberland county, at Ferbuary term, 1908. In a cause en titled "The Southern Life Insurance Co. vs. Devotion Averitt and wife, Lu- cinda Averitt," the undersigned, com missioners appointed by the decree in said' cause will expose to sale at puk lie auction for cash, the following tracts of land, located in Cedar Creek Township, Cumberland county, N. C. bounded and described as follows: First Tract: Beginning , in the home line in the Pole; road, and runs said road North 75 E. S chains thence as said road N. 88ft K. 21 chains ;thence as said road N. 70 B. 15 chains; thence the road N. 72 B. 12 chains and 64 links to W. J. B. Hall's corner; thence as his line S, 32 E. 5 chains to his corner; thence wun nis other line N. 72 E. 11 cRains to bis other corner: thence S. 39 E. 22 chains to Purell's line; thence as his line S. 60 W. Z chains to his corner; thence as his line S. 25 E. 18U chains' to his corner; thence as his line V. 56 E. 20 chains to a pine stump n s corner in Bessoms line; thence as scssoms line s. 82 E. 12 chains. 20 unxs to , Kessomr -. corner; 68 E. 13 chains to N. stake ; thence S. 43 chains to A black- gum Joseph Bullard's corner 800th side of the Big Vineyard: thence W. 45 chains to a stake in said vineyard swamp; thence N. 2 chains and 60 links to J. B. Downing's corner in said swamp; thence with another of his lines N. 45 W. 16 chains and 3 links to a small Juniper; thence S. 46 W. izcba ins to a small short straw pine in Henry Nunnery's line; thence wun his line N. 66 w. 3 chains and 80 links to a stake Nunnery's corner, tnence as Nunnery's line 8. 53 West chains and 70 links to a stake, Francis Caudy's comer; thence with his line N. 60 W. -7 chains and 67 links to a stake In Starling's line thence as Starling's line N. 45 E. 17 chains and 30 links to his corner thence as Starling's line N. 45 W. 2214 chains to bis corner In a ditcb; thence as Starling's line 8. 45 W. 22 chains to J. B. Downing's corner; thence as his line N. 69 W. 20 chains to Root McDowil's corner; thence as his line N. 45 E. 9 chains and 10 links to a stake McDowil's corner; thence as nis line N. 45 W. 8 chains and 60 links to a stake In the Home line; thence aa tnat line N. 45 E. 12 chains to stake; thence N. 45 W. to tbe begin ning, containing four hundred And fif ty acres, more or less. . For a fuller and better description of this tract reference is hereby made to Book No. 4, page 512, ot the records of Cum berland county.' Second Tract: Beginning at a small Juniper in the Vineyard and running South 4 W. 13 chains to a small. snorr. straw pine in Nunnery's line thence with his line 8. 60 E. 14 chains ana so links to a stake by the fence tnence Nortn 53 East li chains to stake in the Vineyard; thence N. 45 w; to the beginning, containing 17 acres, more or less. For a . fuller and better description, reference made to Book H, No. 5, at page 30, of the records of Cumberland county. See also Book BY No. 6, page 43L Regis ters omce or uumoerland county. Time of Sale: Wednesday, March z&tn, iu, at one o clock. P. M. Place of Sals; Fixed by the Decree Manet House in Fayetteville, N. C. Termi of Sale: Cash. H. Mc D. ROBINSON.. C. W. BROADFOOT, " ' Commissioners. Fayetteville, N. C, February 24th 19US. Notice. ' Bavins aoalMed a executor of la last wnv and lotaaMot of Nancy ). mnoa I lal. of Miairjcrtaoa eon my, l. rj., uu tt Co aotllr thoe baTlnf claim aslM af aatata to ara aaat tba aaata la Um awtonlrwaxl at Cedar Creek. N. C.oa ot brfot the Srat da of J -a. aary. Ira. or taw aotiee will be plead la bar of ailprrwmlBdeMed U Mid atlata will plea ana imair-i im, amjawvaii, . Iblala.21nl Iw;. W.t.eLirTOW - " Sxarwior. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. Tbt aoilattlraod latins qnallr)4 atadaila wlratnr aixia Ui tat af B. 4. Vemfd . dre art. ut of Caailrlao4 eotraty, a-rby slvat TtW to all pcravna hxlftiled to MM aUI to aiake Iraaj-xllal mtbml All wrMmi bartn eiaint arainit eai4 etat will praami tbta for Iar i cu iwfiie mtrmtit irom int. oat, or ttiit sotiea WIU bw plead la bar of loeu r- eory. ao.S, UOt. POVZLL4 BK1RI). Nolle. ' , 4 Hating qualiBed ss executrix of Miss a NUIleit. dtctased. late 0' Cum berland County, rth Carolina, Ih'S is to notify all persons having claims gainst the estate of the a'd accessed to present them to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of Ftbruary, 1D09. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. , . A. H. MA1XKTT, JSxecuinx, Fayetteville, N. 0. Feb. 15, 1908. Notice to Creditors by Sorvlvlnp; Partners, v Notice is hereby liven that L. E. West, one of the partners of tbe firm heretofore known as. West & Will iams, died on the 8th day ol January, 1008. and that H. P. Williams and 1. R. Bullard are the surviving partners of said firm, and as such surviving partners will settle up the estate ot said nrm,-' mereiore, an persons hold in? - laims seainst said estate are hereby reouired to .file same, duly itemized and .venhed, wun eitner ot the undersiened. ou or before the 8th day of i-ebruary, 1900, or this notice will be pleaded in tar 01 ineir recov- err. All persons inaewcu-10 saiu hrm will also make immeaiare settle meut This 8th clay of February, 908. H. P. Williams, Wade, N. C, T. R. Bullard Fayitteville, N. C, surviving partner of L. E. West, de ceased. V. C Bullard, attorney for surviving partners. .'A 1- - Aollce ol Sale Under Mortgage, By-Ttrtne " mwd-hr aeeordane wltlr the termi ol a cariain aaea 01 nariiw rwcuiw bT N. A. Heir Bar, mania Meinour, . Arthur and Uil McArrhnr. which Is dull recorded in tba oftice of tba Register of Deeds for Cumberland County, In Book "I," No. 6, pan W, 1 wUI axposa 10 sain, to tba blghast bidder, at public auction, tba following de- MrlhMl iraIa of land ! . . In SovenlT nrst Township, on DOia irae or HeartBur s uraea. oaxinning as a iwsa.aoa Minun Nlll HnOIII'a a or til east corner, and running thence with bis Usa Bouth ebalns to his coiner: thanea Wast with bis Una If4 chains to bis rX her corner; thenoa wlih Miss Tailor's Una Booth 10 chains to tbe lOOaerai Una: than aa it Booth SO East SO chains i Bine stamp, corner; tneaea nasi Mcaainsio uta's Una; thenca North lH chains to a larga pine. Holmes' corner; thence with his Una Horth is East 17 chains to a Dine stump, his corner; thence Bouth S Cast chains to his other corner; thenca North 71 East 20 chains, crossing the creek, to his other corner; thenca Nor in A3 vast ri enains Ul noiaaes cornvr in Baker's Unr; thenca with Baker's una North I Wrtal Hi ebalns: Ihenea Karta 7s aast CM chains to a stake la Holmes una: thence as u North so Wast u chains to a state ana pointers, Patrick Nelu slrArthur's corner: thenca with his Una North 86 West UU chains to Peter McMillan's comer, thence with Patrick N. Mc Arthur's line 8ooth K Wast to a stake near the rbrd of tbe creek below theold mill; thenca South 4S West S chains to a stake In an old roaJ; thence North M West M chains to the beglunlng, containing 2M acres. Time of sale. I huraasj. narca u.ijesm o'clock at. rise ol sale. Coort House door, rajeueriitt, n. u. Term of sale. Cash. JOHN L. SMITH. Hortasgee. Robinson A Shaw, Attorneys for Mortgagee. ISIS Feb. HI, 1VUB, The above sale Is postponed until Monday. March 23rd, at 1 o'clock P. M. ROBINSON A SHAW, Attys. for Mortgagee. This March 12th, 1908. SAW AND SHINGLE MILL WANTED We have a tract ot timber contain ing about 2 million feet of Juniper and Cypress located In Bladen and Sampson counties, North Carolina, about four miles ! from the Atlantic Coast Line and want to contract for the logging, sawing and sticking ot same, (no hauling to the railroad to be done). A portable saw mill could be used to advantage. . State in your reply how soon you could commence work and - we will have a representative show you over the timber immediately; also give full particulars as to size ot saw and shin gle mill, number of teams, oxen, etc you could put to work. Address, AKERS LUMBER COMPANY, (Inc.) v5'" - ; Lynchburg, Va. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. North Carolina, Cumberland County. Having qualified as administrator of Wash Melvin, deceased, late Cumberland county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned on or before the 24th day of ' February, 1909, or this notice will he pleaded In bar ot their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will make imme diate payment. -. t This 24th day of February, 1908. D. J. CASH WELL, '-.-?. .-..-r Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Marston Barnes, deceased. late of Cumberland county, North Car olina, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against said estate to pre sent the same to me, duly verified, for payment within twelve months from date hereof, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement This January 21st, 190$. . t , ,;..s o. R. BARNES, Admr. . R. r. D. No. 2. Hope Mills. N. C SERVICE Or SUMMONS BY PUB LICATION, - North Carolina, Cumberland County .In the Superior-Court, Before the Cleric if ; '. .". - . . Malsey Rmmery vs. W. J. Nunnery 0. W. Jolly and wife. Addie Jollv. N T. Snnnery, Kirby Sonnery and Cleys lond Nunnery. . ... w Tbe defendants above named, n t ee pecisllvW.J Nunnerv. will Uka ao tiee that sn sction eDtitleJ as above has been eommesced in tbe Superior Court o: i umberiand eounty to bare tbe dow er interest of the plaintiff allotted and set a part out of the lands of the late Amos jiunnery, deceased, in Crdar Creek township, tbe said plaintiff being tne wiaow ' J saia Amos Nunnery de-e-aed, and said defendants, and espec ially W. J, Nunnrry. will further Uke notto tost they are required to sppesr before the Clerk of the Superior Court of said eounty on tbe 18th day of March, 1908 and answer or demur to tne complaint in said action nr the plaintiff will apply to the Court for tbs relief demsnded in aa'H complaint - This 18th day of February, 1908. 0 ' A. A. McKETHAN, '-: ;'. i-V ' Clerk Superior CtourL - . ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. '' . Having qualified as administrator of Lillle D. Butler, deceased, late of Cumberland eounty, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the un dersigned on or before the 27th day ot January; 1909, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to the said estate will make Immediate payment " r. IL HOUB3, Adm'f.. A. 8. Hall, Atty. - This 27th day of JasuarTTTOI.""" CALL AT HEADQUARTERS THE FAYETTEVILLE mipRY, Oillespie stroot, opposite King's wagon store. . Here you can see the best ssaortment of Breech-loading Double anJ Single barrel Guns from'the best mskers in the country, England and Belgium. Also Beyolvers for home protection. Also ' . OnCllS Ul all . ... . . Including New York Club UMU Nitro CluD for Dupont rowaerana iae luiiaueipuia, on the market Gun and Lock repairing 1908 the Forty-third anniversary oj r,ne wmuiituuioui w me ray one ville Armory by the undersigned Walter Watson, Gunmaker. Three Carloads Mules and Horses Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Etc, We have all its les of bwnriea end and the medium and cheaper grades of We pay (he highest BeviU &l iHCoasoasTSO Largest Commercial School in the Carolinas. CAPITAL STOCK .... $30,000. RALEIGH, N. C. ' CHARLOTTE. N. C rDLLM BDILDIKO. l!rll. ?nn P V the w5r,du'! b?,tJ ,D ModBra Ednoition. Oldest Business iSfSfi ii? Cyohn' . Kstabbsbed. Positiona guaranteed, backed by a ttTfihCh.n?TMt, Tjd-" UMtructibi: We also teach 1W KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, RAIJIIljIB If. 0., or CHAKIjOTTK, n. 0. - IQSJAMilTEE All our goods are guaren-atJ nn: tf.-c'Piirs Fod Law. .... If not satisfactory, mercy refvneed or -eturn of goods. . Goods shipped In plain paickasas same liuj crtlor received. WE PREPAY ALL EXPRESS CHARGES. cC,tJ-Whiskey, bottled is bood. -y. oU Eureka Rye Dan River Rye..... "" Gray Oocae Rye Tnapectlon Rye ' Greenwood Ryt HiehavireKye ' ' N. C. Corn Whiskey ... .. " VlrdnU Cora Whiskey , Very Old (s.C Cora WhUtsy 1111111"" SwaaOin Very Old Apple Brandy OUR SPECIAL BRANDS i AMULET CORN WHISKEY, COCKADE WHISKEY. r.Jicn.Woap,m aa hv alther PeetaJ or Express Money OHer. or Rerts tarad letter. Price, on Qood. no, jed will be runuahed upon Tsquest t The Cousins Subolv Co. t OMBeriabi. HaMnierHigti Richmond, Va. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE." Having qualifled as admlnlsrator of the estate of L. E. West, deceased, late 2 J?mnty of Cnmberland, State of North Carolina, tola Is to notify all per sons having claim, against the estate of the deceased, to present the same L?ifM 21tfment' in1 MthenUcated, within twelve months from date here of, or this notice will be pleaded In bar or recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment . , . . . . This 22nd day of January, i0g - - J.F. WEgT, Admmlstrator. ' xr ..1?.C,R.F,D.No.. vaumuiwaS) Attorney. State of North Carolina, Cumberland Countyv-Ne, 290S. ; ; " J. B. Pope enters and claims 78 ac res of land in Black Blver township Joining the lands of Joslah Pope on south, the Sampson county fine on east, the Thornton and Barefoot land on tbe north and west Entered 20th day of February, 1908. : : ' . ; , V W. M. WAKLER, Beglster of Deeds and, Ex.. 0. Entry Tafcw, by A. Q. Culbreth, Dept VALUABLE FARM FOR RENT. I offer for rent for the crop year of 1M8. the farm In Cedar Creek town hip, known as the Thomas 0. Hall place, containing about 260 acres, about 78 Ot which Is cleared. This rental is made by order of the Superior Court, and Is to be let to the party filing the highest bid. which Is to be secured. , : This farm Is about sixteen miles (rom Fayetteville, on the Elisabeth town road, and is said to be a valua ble ona7 .. -, File your bid with the undersigned at once." . t.. .s , : A, A. McKETHAN, C 8. C, : i RfcWvor... v'rett.-yroiriso.r"" " uiaimoi j i n-. L1..I, !..!.. - a. ana rewa u.Ku-B..u. vuu, .KeU, du vn ALSO SALESMAN FOR THE CELE BRATED MEILINK FIREPROOF 8AFE8. , ' The Finest Assortment of 8portsmen's -- " ' . Legglns . - ' " a specialty bv the best workmen;- Onr Mr. Bevil has just returned from the Western market where be bought Three Carloads of Stock. consisting of several ties double teams as well as r several - trotters in the lot, the best that can be bought and we are satisfied we can ' please , you if yon are in need of a horse or mule. We have on hand nice single snr double driving horses, as well as nice saddlers; and a nice lot of mules of all sizes, from the heavy log mule to the cotton mule. Come look over our stock of : waonna nn ham)ih riUA u..i.'.. buggies, also harness, etc, togo with them. market price loir Cotton -;? Vanstorys yiSDstOaT IHSOSAftCS BXDfi. eorri.t:s. i.ijugs 4 f.II Oft.. I Foil Ola. rwitlka. I .alien. 7 21 II tl ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. . ' Having qualifled as administrator of ' Mlaa Ellen Smith, deceased, Mate of Cumberland county. .North Carolina, this is to notify all persons, having claims against, the estate of the said deceased to exhibit" them to the tin-7 derslgned on or before the 12th day of February, 1909, ot this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. Air persons Inbedted to the said estate will make immediate payment ' "' UM J BRANDT, Adm'r., . ; ; Greensboro, N. C " This 12th day of February, 1908.. 7 V; EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. . Having qualifled as executor as pro vided In the will of L. J. Morgan, de- t"J!v 'lat!, of Cumberland county, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the es tate of said deceased to exhibit them ! to the undersigned at Fayetteville on ?Snefor?,e 18th dy ' February, .' 1909, or this notice will be pleaded in ?a.r ot their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please i make. Immediate payment . ' This 17th day of February 1908. . 3. J. MORGAN,. . " - -.j Executor.. ' ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ',HaT,nK onallfted as administrator M Ann Mclemore, deceased",' late of -Cumberland County, North Carol Ina, this is to notify all persons having , claims against the estate of the said deceaaed to exhibit them to the un dersigned on or before the 4th day of February, 1909, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to the said estate will make immediate payment A''-- - ' J- D- HARRIS, . ' Artmlnt-j rfttnc inn ra auy of February, lu. , A. 8. Hall, Attjr.