9i CHARGED WITH HORRIBLE CRIME From Thursday's Dally. A Whit Man of Seventy -First, the Accused. A white man, a resident of Seventy First township, named Archie Ras berry, was arrested yesterday after noon by Deputy Sheriff J. C. Culbreth on a warrant charging him with com mitting a criminal assault on a negro child eight years of age, by the name of Elisabeth LovltL daughter of Charles LovitL He was committed to Jail, without ball to await a pre liminary bearing on this capital charge., The details of this crime, as alleged against the prisoner, are too revolting for publication. Byrd-Hatcher. From Thursday's Daily. At the borne of the bride, in Car eer's Creek township, this county, at I o'clock, A. M., yesterday, Mr. R. P. Byrd was married ' to Miss Ellen Hatcher. The groom Is a prominent business man of Scotland Neck, N. C, and the bride Is the beautiful and ac complished daughter of Mr. Wm. Hatcher, of Carlos, N. C The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. A. Humphrey, the pastor of the bride, In the presence of a few relatives and friends. The happy couple left Immediately for Scotland Neck, where they will reside In the future. The best wishes of their many friends follow them. Death of Mrs. J. D. Geddie. From Thursday's Daily. Mrs. J. D. Geddie died at her home in Flea Hill township this morning at S o'clock, aged 57 years. She li sur vived by her husband, a prominent farmer, and ex-County Commissioner, and the following children: Mrs. W. A. Bryant, Mrs. Fred Owens, Miss Hattle Geddie, Mr. J. D. Geddie, Jr. and Mr. William Geddie. The deceased was a daughter of the late William Henry Melvin, of Cedar Creek, who was also once a member of the Board of County Commls s loners. She was a good Christian woman, a charming friend and neigh bor, and her death is sincerely re gretted by all who knew her. The funeral will take place from Lebannon Baptist church to-morrow morning at 11 o'clock. State News of Interest. The saw mill, boiler and engine rooms of the Whlteville Lumber Com pany'a plant at Whlteville were burn ed between 11 and 12 o'clock night before last The loss is said to be up ward of (100,000 with only partial in ' anrance. Nearly 200 men are tempo rarily out of employment as the result ' of the fire, the origin of which is an known. The mill was owned largely by CapL Nathan O'Beary, the Bordens, Edgertons and Deweys, of Goldboro, while some stock is owned at Whlte ville. A large whale was captured at Cape Lookout oa Sunday and was towed to Beaufort Tuesday, where it will be pulled out of water by the shipyard railways. The monster is about fifty feet long and twenty-five feet around the body. The estimated value of the bone and oil is 600. TRINITY COLLEGE Commencement Programme. Sunday, June, 7, 8:30 P. M- Bae- calaareate Address, President John C Kllgo. Tuesday, June i, 1IA. M. Bacca laureate Sermon, , Rev. Henry Stiles Bredley, D. D, 8L Louis. Tuesday, June 9, 1 P. M.i pAlumni Dinner, Address, William Ivey Craw ford. PhJX Class of '91. Durham. N. C. , Tuesday, June 9, 8:30 P. M. Grad uating Orations. .Wednesday, June 10, 10:30 A. M. Commencement Address, Walter H Page, Editor of World's Work, New York. Conferring of Degrees. Unveiling of Washington Duke Memorial Statue. , , " . , Chronic Constipation Cured One who suffers from chronic eon- ' fttl nation is in danger of many serious aliments. Foley's Orlno Laxative cures chronic constipation as It aids digestion and stimulates the liver and bowels, restoring the natural action of these organs. Commence taking it to-day and you will feel better at once. Foley's Orino Laxative does not nauseate or gripe ana is pleasant to take. Refuse substitutes. McDnf fie Drug Store (O. O. Soaders, Prop.). Insist upon DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It is especially good for piles. Bold by Armfleld Drug Co. There Is a Pink Pain Tablet made by Dr. Shoop, that , will , positively stop any pain, anywhere, in 20 minutes. Druggists everywhere sell them as Dr. Bboop's Headache Tablets, but tbey stop other pains as 68811 as head ache. Dr. Snoop's Pink Pain Tablets simply coax ' blood pressure away from pain centers that Is alL Pain comes from blood, pressure conges? tlon. Stop that pressure - with - Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets and pain is instantly gone. 20 Tablets 25c Sold by B. E. Sedberry'a Son. , Hera la Relief for Women. If you have pains In the back. Uri nary, Bladder or Kidney trouble, and want a certain, pleasant herb cure for woman's Ills, try Mother Gray Austra lian-Leaf.. It Is a safe and never-Iail- n regulator. At dmpgists or by mail td cts. Sainvle package FREE. Ad-(in-. The Mrtber Gray Co., LeRoy, N. V. . . - . WViik women should read my 1 11k No. 4 For Women." It .was .n 4i'H'-.sly for women who are it wi U. The Hook No. 4 tolls of : ,-'s "Nl'iht Cure" and Just i t i. milling, healing, anlisop- muit can be siioppssfully ii T!m hook, and strictly confl 1 iiiivli-a Is enilroly free. -. : :uhMv Kuciiio. Wis. The , ,i: i by ii. 11 SoUburry'a BRYAN WILL NATED. BE NOMI- Raleigh News and Observer! Those good Democrats who doubt the wisdom of Mr. Bryan's nomina tion have seemed to forget that, out side of New York, which Is unin stritctcd, the doubtful Stales are prac tically uniuiimous for his renonilna tion. Why? In Indlnna, Illinois aud Ohio the three great Western States two of which the Democrats must carry to win this year the dele gates were Instructed unanimously to vote for Bryan's nomination simply and solely because the Democrats in those States believe that Bryan ca carry thousands of votes that will be polled for no other Democrat, They may he wrong about It, hut tney must be presumed to understand the lt na tion in their States.) So far as North Carolina is concerned, its voters would be glad to vote for Bryan, John son or any other sound Democrat, and Its Democrats are willing, therefore, to defer largely aa to availibility to Democrats in pivotal States, if the Democrats In Indiana, Ohio and Illi nois had believed that some other Democrat was stronger than Mr. Bry an, they would have Instructed for him, or there would have been divis ion of opinion. As It was, the vote In these three large central pivotal States was unanimous. The men who opposed Bryan in 1896 upon the mon ey question were as enthusiastic for him now that this question is settled as were the enthusiastic Bryan men of 1896. It has been sent out everywhere that both the Alabama Senators are pposed to the nomination of Bryan. and people have jumped to the con clusion that their view represented the Alabama opinion. Alabama has primary next week ' to determine whether its delegates will be for Bry m or Johnson, and a number of men from Minnesota are touring the State -peaking for Johnson. Another Ala bama opinion, contrasting with the views of the Senators, is contained in 'he following letter from Hon. Henry Clayton, a veteran member of Con- Tress from Alabama: "There is no doubt of Bryan's nom nation, and I am becoming more and "nore of the opinion every day tha; "ie can and will be elected. I see pemocrats from all parts of the coun ry and they tell me tnat me Demo cratic masses are solid for him. Tbi !s a Democratic year. We -are going to elect a president and going to elec he House of Representatives. Were anybody else other than Brv in nominated. In my opinion, w vould Jose the House of Represents fives. With him as the nominee J hink that it is reasonably cerlai" 'bat the next Houae of Ropresenla 'ives will b Democratic. Members of Congress who are familiar with thr Mose districts which have been goinv Republican in the last few years, tell ne that with Bryan the nominee w an pnt these close districts in th democratic column. Senators do not always know best ibout what public sentiment is rr what is best for the party. Cloistered !n the upper chamber they som" (imes get ont of touch with the pec ole at home, as the Alabama Sena tors will learn a little later on. Mr Clayton has been In the House twer; ty years and be gives the true res wn why the doubtful States favor Bryan, to-wit: "Members of Congre -:w vho are familiar with the close dis 'ricts that have been going Repiibli ran In the last few years, tell me tint with Bryan the nominee we can pu' hese close districts in the Democrat c column" that is, Bryan will bring votes to Democratic a cm wees for Congress that no other Democrat car win. Missouri and Kentucky are tw Mates that were formerly rock-ribbed Democratic. Both went Republica- n 1894 during Cleveland's term a President, and both returned to Dem ocracy under Bryan. In 1904 Roow- velt carried Missouri and in 1907 Ken ucky went Republican. The Dem" !ratic leaders in both States, absolute v essential for Democratic sticcea? ire agreed that Bryan's nomination i." necessary to put those States in the Democratic column. They-may be wrong about it but their Judgment of their own States is better than the opinion of any man outside of those States. Beyond the Mississippi, ev ery State that has acted, except Min nesota, has instructed for Bnar Why? Because tbe people in tho States believe that Bryan can more votes than any other Democrat They may be mistaken, but who knows conditions in those States bet ter than the Democrats who live in them? A few weeks ago a Republi can from California was in Raleigh and. he said that with Bryan as the nominee. California would go. Demo cratic for the people of the Pacific slope were desirous of a change. Even in New York, where the op position to Bryan in certain big news papers Is greatest, many Democrats and, many Republicans believe that Bryan is thousands of votes stronger iban any other man suggested. Those facts are presented for the consideration of those Democrats in North Carolina who have -been afraid Bryan could not win while some oth er Democrat might be elected. They will no doubt have weight with all Democrats who stand for the highest interest of the party. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrnp I does not constipate, but on the other hand Its laxative principles . gently move the bowels. Children like it. Sold by Armfield Drug Co. Tired nerves, with that "no ambi tion" feeling that is commonly felt In spring and early summer, can be eas ily and quickly altered by taking what Is known to druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop s Restorative. One will ab solutely note a changed feeling within 48 hours after beginning to take the .Restorative. The bowels get sluggish in the winter time, the circulatlor often slows up, the Kidneys lnactiv and even tbe Heart in many cas grows decidedly weaker. Dr. Shoop's Restorative is recognized everywhere as a genuine tonic to these vital or gans. It builds up' and strengthens the worn-out weakened nerves; It sharpens tbe failing appetite, and uni versally aids digestion. It always quickly brings renewed strength, life, vigor, and ambition. Try It and be convinced. Sold by B. E. Sedberry's Son... ... ' -: A Californian's Luck. The luckiest day of my life was when I bought a bos of Bucklen's Ar nica Salve;" writes Charles F. Bud- ahn, of Tracy; California.. . "Two 25e. boxes cured me of an annoying case of Itching piles, which bad troubled me for years and that yielded to no other treatment." . Sold under guarf antee at B. B. Sedberry's Son's drug store. ' . .. Mr. John Riha, of Vlning, la., says, "I have been selling DeWitt's Kid ney and Bladder Pills for about a year and they give bettnr satisfaction than any pill I ever sold." Sold bx Armfleld Ding Co. WHY PROGRAMME OF COMMENCE MENT WEEK AT THE UNIVERSITY. Saturday, May 30. 9:30 A. M. Scnioum form lu front of Memorial Hall and march to the C'hnpt 1 for prayers . 10:30 A. M. Sun lor Class Day "Exer cises In Gorrurd Hull. 5:30 P. M. Closing Exercises of the Senior Class. 7:30 P. M. Annual Joint Banquet of the Dialectic and Philanthropic Lit erary Societies' In Commons Hall. 9:30 P. M. Anniversary Meetings of the Literary Societies lu the respec tive, Halls. Sunday, May 31. 11:00 A. M. Baccalaureate Sermon, Rt Rev. Thomas Frank Gailor, D. D, S. T. D. ; -:" :', ... 8:00 P. M. Sermon before the Young Men's Christian Association, Rev. Egbert Watson Smith, D. D. . Monday, June 1.'x . Reunion Exercises, . 10:30 A. M. Classes of 1858. 1SS9, 1860, 1S61. 12.00 M.-Clasa of 1883. . ' 12:30 P. M.-Class of 1898. 1:00 P.M. Class of 1903. , 1:30 P. M. Alumni Luncheon Commons Hall. in 3:30 P. M. Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees in Alumni Hall 8:30 P. M. Annual Debate between the Representatives of the Dialectic and Philanthropic Literary Societies. 10:30 P. M. Reception In the Libra ry by the President and Faculty. Other class reunions, at hours an oiinccd by their Secretaries. ,. Tuesday, June 2. 10:15 A. M. Academic Procession "onus in front of Alumni HaH. 10:30 A. M. Commencement Exer--isea in Memorial HalL Orations by rembei-8 of the Graduating Class. 12:00 M. Address by Hon, Martin Xugutine Knapp. T J. D. Announcements by the President. Degrees Conferred. Presentation of Bibles. esth oF Miss Carrie Green. 'rem Wednesday's Dally. it is with sorrow that we announce 'ie !eaih at Tokay, this morning of lis.-: Orrie Oreen, daughter of Col. V. J. G-een. Pesides her father and p nic-ilicr and her sisters, Mrs. Pem broke Jrnes. of New York, and Mrs. "ieo. B. Elliott, of Wilmington, Fatb- r O'Brien was with her during -er last hours. The following tribute o the deceased, was written by Fath er O'Brien: Miss Adeline C. Green was a deeply relirious character. Her strong con fictions brought her into the Catholic ?hnreh to which she has been very 'nva!. Her loyalty to the church was ixtricrdinary, even generous. She vas generous not only in hearing the oacMng3 of tbe church, but in obey: ng her commands like a child obeys the commands of its mother. Besides her generosity in hearing, believing and obeying the commands of the -hurch, she has been a generous con ributor. As she lived, so she died, a practical Christian character. She did not fear to die as she felt prepared, having been fortified with the sacra ments of the church. As.a sincere and practical Christian character we will miss her very much, but are consoled in her beautiful and peaceful end. May her death, .while so full of resignation and submission to the Will ;if God, bring comfort to her bereaved father and mother and devoted sisters. 'lay the rest in peace. A Reqniem Mass will be snng for the repose of her souL OBITUARY. Wednesday, May 20th, at ten A. M. died at Tokay, the residence of her father. Col. W. J. Green, Miss Ade line C. Green, in tbe forty-second year of her age. Tbe funeral services will be from St. Patrick's Roman Catholic church at 11:30 Thursday, May 2 1st. Funeral of Miss Green. Prom Thursday's Daily. . The funeral of the late Miss Adeline Green took place from SL Patrick's Catholic ehurch at 11:30 o'clock this morning. Rev. rather O'Brien con ducting the services-in the presence of a large congregation. The intet- ment took place in Cross Creek ceme tery, and the grave was banked with a profusion of beautiful flowers. The following were tbe pall-bearers: MaJ. A. A. McKethan and Messrs. 8. H. Strange, V. R. Rose, W. B. 'McMillan, K. 3. Lilly and C. L. Jones. RESULT OF NEW HANOVER CON-. - VENTION TO-DAY. ' . Through the courtesy of the editor of the-Wilmington Star, we received the following telegram at I o'clock this afternoon: ' Wilmington, N. C, May 20, 1908. Observer. Fayettevllie, N. C, The New Hanover . County - Demo cratic Convention to-day gave Home sis and eighty-four one hundredth; Kltchin, one and forty-four one hun dredths; Craig, seventy-two one hun dredths. ..- - . ' ' v. - . - W. H. BERNARD. "Health Coffee' 'is realty the closest Coffee Imitation ever yet produced. This clever Coffee Substitute was re cently produced by Dr. Shoop of Ra cine, Wis. Not a grain of real Coffee In it either. Dr. Shoep's Health Cof fee Is made from pure toasted grains. with malt, nuts, etc. Really it would fool and expert who might drink it for Coffee. No 20 or 30 minutes te dious boiling. "Made In a minute" says tbe doctor. Sold by L C. Woot- 1 Valued Same ss Gold.' : B. O. Stewart, a merchant of Cedar view. Miss., says:- T tell my custom ers when they buy a bos of Dr. King's New Life Pills they get the worth of that much gold in weight, if afflicted witn constipation, malaria or bilioui neas.".. Sold under guaraatetv at- B. SL Bedberry's Son s drug store. 25c. STORAGE RESERVOIRS TO PRE VENT FLOODS AND AID NAVIGATION. A plan has been proposed to stop forever the costly spring floods at Pittsburg iftid other places along the rivers which drain the Appalachian Mountains.- These annual devasta tions are so certain in their recur rence that thoy have com to be con sidered almost inevitable. All the efforta of the Government with dams, restraining walls, and other engineer ing works have proved Inadequate to coutrol the streams when they have been swollen with the melting win-. ter snows. On the other hand, tbe - Government projects have proved un availing to maintain the same rivers at a dopth great enough to permit un hampered navigation later on In the year, when the flood waters have spent themselves. This latter trou ble possibly causes a greater financial loss to the South than the Hoods, out as ltls not concentrated Into a brief spectacular outburst, less la heard of it through the newspapers, u was, indeed, the problem of navigation that gave risf to the present scheme. ...... 2-dosen boxes and cases marked "Co It Is now proposed to go to the seat oa-Cola" In trade-mark form; also all o fthe e?Il to the headquarters, of the bottles marked "Coca-Cola" In trade rivers and anuly there two remedies: First, the maintenance of a forest ' i-nvar which will tnon tne around nor. .. . ; ous so that it will not shed all the water from its surface at once but will soak it up and release it gradual-' vo'irs at stratealo points which will retain surplus flow when It is not use-; tui but only does damage by being allowed to run free, and will pay out to ,nlv neoriari The United States has spent $30,- 000,000 to improve navigation on the rivers which have their upland sour- ces In the Appalachians, and work al- iXoVorforeltlsflnlshea: . does not include the Ohio, proper, which Is largely supplied with water from these sources, on which more man o,uou,uwi nas Deen spent, iw riour nTaYyDo8fXUse rive, peclally in the upper stretches, dur- lng several months every year that steamboat lines have to suspend op erations and many companies have abandoned the field because with the light-draft vessels they have to use they can not compete with railroads, although steamboat transportation Is normally much cheaper than railroad rates. The Government has striven for a 4-foot depth or even, in some places for a 3-foot Btage and been un ible to maintain it throughout the year. Experts from the Geological Survey, with the storage reservoir scheme in , Tiini, last year made a caretui study of the rivers which flow from both ; :ides of this watershed, located reser voir sites, computed tbe amount of water they would hold, the heights 1 of the necessary dams, and the pe riods during which the rivers could be maintained at various depths tbove their iow-wates levels during the dry seasons. The results ot this study are published under tbe title "The Relation ot the Southern Appa lachian Mountains to Inland Water vavlsati'n." as Circular 143 of the T.irest P-rvice, and can be obtained free by writing to the Forester at Washington. The initial cost of these resrvci-s would be greater than the worki i"dr the present system, bnt tbe authors of the circular say that the storage reservoirs would give the relief. bth in regard to navigation and to floods, which the present pro jects fail to supply and they point out that the relief so gained would be permanent, whereas under the system now in operation there is a continuous expense In dredging ' the channels which become clogged with sand and silt washed down by the spring floods. especially from the unforested areas around some of tbe rivers. In the long run the storage reser voir method would be cheaper as well as more effective, for, as one of the sponsors of tbe plan says. It is better -business to add to the tops of the rivers and get what yon want than to keep digging out the bottoms In an attempt to get a river deep enough to float a boat in. CniH. That Hana On. Colds tnat Bang on m tne spring ae-' plele the system, exhaust the nerves auu open me way tor aenuuB uiuraw. Take Foley s Honey and Tar. It quicsiy stops me coxgn ana ezpen tne cow. it is sate ana certain in re - suits. Mcuume urug a tore i.u. o. Souders. Prop.). When your food seems to nauseate - take KodoL Take Kodol now and un til yoa Vnow yon are right again. There Isn't any doubt about what it l rill do and you will find the truth of , this statement verified after you have '' nsed Kodol for a few weeks. It Is sold by Armfleld Drug Co.' Serious Results Feared. ' Ton may well fear serious results from a oough or cold, as pneumonia and consumption start with a cold. Foley s Honey and Tar cures tbe most obstinate coughs or colds and prevents serious results. Refuse substitutes. McDuffle Drug Store (O. O. Soaders, Prop.). ' ., , , It Reached the Spot. - Mr. js. Humpnrey, wno owns a large general store at Omega, O., and is president of the Adams County Tele - phone. Co, as well as the Home Tele- phone Co., of Pike County, O., says of Dr. King's New Discovery: Tt sav- ed my life once. At least I think It . did. It seemed to reach the spot ' the very seat of my cough when ev-' erytblng else tailed.' . Dr. King's New Discovery not only reaches the cough spot; it heals the sore spots and the weak spots in throat, lungs and chest. Sold under Guarantee at B. E. Sed berry's Son's drug store. 60c. and $1.00. Trial bottle tree, The World's Best Climate. Is not entirely free' from disease, on the high elevations fevers prevail, while on. the lower levels malaria Is encountered to a greater or less ex tent, according to al'itude. To over come climate affections lassitudes, ma laria, , Jaundice, biliousness, fever, ague ; and general debility, the most effective remedy is Elect rio Bitters, the great alterative . and blood purifier; the antidote for every form of bodily weakness, nervousness, and insomnia. - Sold under guarantee at B, E. Sedberry's 8on's drug store. trice sue ' V. HUMAN FILTERS. The function of the kidneys Is to strain out tbe impurities of tbe blood wntch is constantly passing through them. Foley's Kidney Remedy makes the kidneys healthy so they will strain out alt waste matter from tbe blood. Take Foley's Kidney Remedy at once and it will make you well. . McDuffle Drug Store (O. O. Souders, Prop.)1: IHl CHILDRFK l,IKflf . KEflTiZD Y'S LAXATIVE COUCH .SYRUP ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. . Having qualified as administrator ot the. estate ot the late Dr. Thos. D. Hulgh, deceased, late of Cumberland county, N. C. this la to notify all por sona having claims against the said decedent to exhibit them to the under signed, on or before April 8th, 1909, or this notice will be plead In bar ot recovery. All persons indebted to said eatnte will please make Immed iate pajment v . - - F. R." ROSE. Administrators . NOTICE. North Carolina, Cumberland County. I, C. D. Hutaff, Proprietor of the Coca-Cola Bottling Works. Fayette vllle, N. C, do hereby certify that the following are the marks used by me on b.cxes, crates, cases and bottles used in the business ot bottling and shipping Coca-Cola and other drinks sent out by the said Coca-Cola Bot tling Works, Fayettevllie, N. C.i All crates marked "Coca-Cola Bot tling Works. Fayettevllie, N. C.:" all mars: rcrm. "fayettevllie, N. C. Ail bottles marked, "Fayettevllie, N. C. jv.. n.i. r,., 1. 1 1 -,.. i j jjuhhuk vuuiiiauv, sum maras on Domes oemg blown on the ',"aM ,DO' ' This 8th day of May,190(f C. D. HUTAFF, Proprietor Coca-Cola Bottling Works, . v.. f . . . ' ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. --"'"'" UDOn we estate or Mrs. mme Davis, i deceased, late of Cumberland county, N. C this Is in notify all nersons hav- lng cialmg agamBt the said estate, to Present them to the undersigned, duly n, uu or wiore uw any oi April, 1909, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of yeir recovery. , All persons Indebted to said estate must -ake immediate payment. lul "ay ot P. H. S. Averltt, Attorney. JNO. M. QWEN, . Administrator. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. Notice is hereby given that the part nership heretofore existing between C. M. Watson and L. R. Watson was dissolved on February 1st, 1908. The business will be continued by C. M. Watson under the style of C. M. Wat son & Company, whom we trust will continue to receive the liberal patron age of the public. C. M. WATSON, U R. WATSON. MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF VALUA BLE LAND. By virtue and in accordance with the terms of a certain deed of mort gage made by N. A., Charlie, Kate and Lizzie McArthur to John L. Smith, and which Is duly recorded In "Book I, No. 6, page '60, office of the Register of Deeds for Cumberland county, I will expose to sale to the highest bidder, at Public Auction, the following de scribed lands in Seventy-First town- ship, Cumberland county, to-wit: Lying on both sides of McArthur's Creek, Beginning at a stake and point ers. Ne!i McGili's N. E. corner, thence --ith hi' line South 29 1-4 chains to his crrrr; thence West with his line 18 chains 75 links to his other corn er; thence with Miss Taylor's line South 10 1-2 chains to the 100 acre line: thence as it South 80 E. 30 chains M a pine stump, the corner; h-rco East 14 1-2 chains to Bute's line: thence North 18 1-2 chains to a large pine. Holmes' corner; thence n-ith his line North 73 East 17 chains 'o a pine stump, his corner; thence Sruth 8 East 25 chains to his other corner; thence North 73 East 20 ebiins crossing the creek to' his other ennrr: ihence N. 20 E. 24 chains to HelireV corner in Baker's line; thence with Baker's line N. 15 West 7 1-2 chains; thence North 75 East 6 1-2 chains to a stake and pointers, Pat- rick Neill McArthur's corner: thence , with hi? line North 85 West 44 1-2 chains to Peter McMillans corner; thence with Patrick N. McArthur's line South 35 West to a stake near rlne " ui me creeK oeiow me oia mitt; thence South 45 West ? chains to a stake In an old road: thence North 53 West 14 chains to th he. Beginning, containlna 296 acres.1 piace of Sale: Court Honse dnor. Fayettevllie, N. C. Time of Sale: Monday, June 22, ' 190s. at 12 o'clock M. Tenns'of Sale: Cash. JOHN L. SMITH, - ' ' Mortgagee. Robinson & Shaw, Attys. May 20th: 1908. PAIN fftis In ibe bm5vin urTwbera, hu Hi MOM. Ma beomwUnn, pln li blood yrin iiiOiIiii awsamllr At leaat, to mn T. Bhoop. ud to prorc It ha hu amted UtU pink tablet. Ifaat MM-nlled Dr. Bboop'l Bndacba Tmblaf soasat blood nun sway from pain Santera ' ttaaOectUebarmlnf. pleastnflr deltgbtM. Owtiy 1 IboDiii lalalj, It ionlr aoallsM tba blood dieo UrosbsnaliesdsetavK'iblooapiBawne, ith?igainhilsfioo with bob an dMpleM. ratl. nerrooa, If blood . aonswttoa-biood mmm. That tanAr i a wrtatnty, hr Dr. gbooo'i BttOuhf Tabled itos - fo nftnlBs.aadtba tablets simply dlaolboM Bbannnatmalbkiod uraamua. Brnaw roar loser, sad dotsat It get red, sod wall sad pam roar (X eoon H do. It's gartlon. Mood pnaauja. Tontl tod H wban pa Ir-alwun. IfxtinptrConiiDOO Sana. k, " Wo MU si tenia, add skaaTtnlly faassDMOt , Dr. Shoop's , Headacho Tablets B. E SEDBERRY'S SOh. K-ilii criminal LAXATIVE coueH jm$it Tor coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles. No opiates. Non-alcoholic uooa lor everybody. Isold every where. 1 ' The genuine ' fO LEY'S HONEY and TAR U la a YUow package. Kef use substitutes. . Prepared only by . Foley A Comoanv. Chloawov .McDume Drug Store, (t, O.-eouders, Proprietor.) ; FOLEY'S mmm Headquarters for Southerners N. Y. o o j o a o a ar & Situ wuh t. su w M.nr iirv"'-- v II- ' H " - j tl TOW. .4 i ". Broadway ctmral Hotel. Cor. Third Street IN THE HEART OF NEW YORK Special attention given to Ladles unescorted SPECIAL RATES FOR SUMMER OUR TABLE is the foundation ot our enormous business. American Plan, $2.50 upwards European Plan, $1.00 upwards 8end for Largs Colored Map and Guide of New York, FREE. TILLY HAYNES, Proprietor, DANIEL C. WEBB, Mgr., Formerly of Charleston, S. C. The Only New Yerk Hotel Featuring AMERICAN PLAN Moderate Prices - Excellent Food - . Good Service. HOTEL . RICHMOND . 17th snd H. 8treets WASHINGTON, D. C . OPEN ALL THE YEAR 100 Rooms, 50 Private Baths, -American Plan. -$3.00 Per Day, Upwards; European Plan, $1.50 Per Day, Upwards; . With Bath, $1.00 Additional. A High-class Hotel, conducted for your comfort. Directly on , car line. Union Station, 15 minutes. Capitol, 15 minutes. Shops and Theatres, 5 minutes. Two blocks to White House and Executive Building. Opposite Metropolitan Club. . . 8ummer Season, July to October. Wayside Inn and Cottages. Lake Luzerne, N. Y., in the Adi rondack. Switzerland ot Amer ica; 45 minutes from Saratoga. Send for Booklet CLIFFORD M. LEWIS, Proprietor NOTICE OF SALE. On Friday, May 29th, 1908, at twelve o'clock, M., I shall expose to sale at public auction, at the Court House in Fayettevllie, N. C, fifty (50) shares of the capital stock of the Holt-Morgan mills. Terms of sale, cash. HINTON JAMES, Rose k Rose, Cashier. Attorneys. May 9, 1908. NOTICE OF 8ERVICE BY PUBLICA TION. North Carolina, Cumberland County In the Superior Court, T. L. Bullard, Gustavus Bnllard, Sa rah C. Bullard, Harriet M. Ward. O. F. Bullard. W. T. H. Bullard and Sarah A. Bullard vs. Margaret E. Bullard, J. C. Hall, Adolphus Hall, Thomas Hall, Benjamin Smith and wife, Sal lie Smith, Rufus Hail, A. Hall and wife, Elmira Hail, T. J. Bullard, J. U Bullard and H. S. Bullard. The defendants above named, and especially Margaret E. Bullard, J. C. Hall, Adolphus Hall, Thomas Hall, Benjamin Smith and. wife, Sallle Smith, Rufus HaU. A. Hall and wife. Elmira Hall, T. J. Bullard and J. L. Bul lard, will take notice that an action, entitled as above has been commenced' In the Superior Court ot Cumberland county tor the purpose ot making a partition or the land'! belonging to the estate of the late Joseph Bullard in Cendar Creek township. Cumber land county. North Carolina, among his heirs at law and for the purpose of allotting to his widow, Sarah A. Bul lard, her dower and thirds in said lands; and .the said defendants will further take notice that they are re quired to appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Cum berland county, in Fayettevllie, N. C, on the 8th day of June, 1908, at 12 o'clock M, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiffs In said action, or the plaintiffs will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. ." : - , ' This. 12th day of May, 1908. ..' : -. A. A. McKethan, . . ' '", ; Clerk Superior Court . H. 8. Averittv Plaintiffs' Attorney. - " 1 ; NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION, DE t? BONIS NON. v, ; The undersigned, having Qualified as administrator, de bonis non upon the estate of Gea A. Burns, deceased hereby gives notice to all persons hav lng claims against said estate, to cre- sent them on or before the 6th day of April 1909, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to the estate will please make Immediate payment ' , This 7th day of April, 1908. - ' 1 v ; - JOHN O. SHAW, ' Administrator. De Bonis Non H. McD. Robinson, Cook k Davis, At- , tomeys.' JUDGE WINBORNE'S AN ' NOUNCEMENT. " To 'the Democrats of North Carnllna I -am a candidate for the'nomlnsv- iion ior me omce of Attorney-Qeneral. I I am STatiflad in learn, tmm InllA.. from all parts of tbe State, that my candidacy is so .favorably considered vj bu junuy 01 me leaaing people of the State.' fihnnM t ha elected to this high and responsible uuiub, mo peopie 01 my mate will r,ev er have anv cbiib ta nmt hai tlon, if straightforward, upright, and uujr vuuuuci, coupiea witn what abll uy I have, will prevent it. Should you deem it nrnner in I - w - , m....,hhiv KVIUV one else, your nominee will have the mini iuyai support irom me as I have given the nnmlneaa nf It,. I... ,t.l-. lur 1 s,"5.j"k,u'r')' vita years, BiJNJ, B( WINBORNB. Hertford County. U 111 ' I IE CALL AT HEADQUARTERS THE FAYETTEVILLE ARII0RY , Gillespie street, opposite King's wagon store. ' . Here you can sea the best issortuent of . Breech-loading Double and Single barrel Guns from the best makers in the oountry, England and Belgium. Also Revolvers for horns protection. Also Shells ot all Including New York Club (J M 0 Nitro Club for Dupont fowder and the Philadelphia ALIO 8ALE8MAN FOR THE CELE BRATED 'MEILINK FIRE-PROOF 8AFE8. Ths Finest Assortment of Sportsmen's . . Leggins on tbe market. Gun and Lock repairing a specialty by the best workmen. 1908 the Forty-third anniversary of the establishment of the Fayette ville Armory by the undersigned v . ' '". ' i Walter Watson, Gunmaker. '. Largest Commercial School in the Carolinas. CAPITAL STOCK. , . .$30.000. .- . ' RALEIGH, N. C. CHARLOTTE, N. C PDLI ta BDIIStMO. riSOMOMTJNSDBAHC SLDO. Dirse Schools give the world's best in Modern Education. - Oldest Bnsine College in North Carolina. Established.' Positions guaranteed, backed- ly written contract No vioation. Individual instruction. We alto teach Boon keeping, t-horthand, Penmansnip by msiL Send for Home Study rates. Writ to-day for our catalogne. Offers and High Indorsements. They are free. Adilresi. KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. RAIJEIHH N. 0.. or CHARLOTTE. N. () THE E. A. POE BRICK CO. 1 FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. THE LARGEST BRICK. PLANT IN PLENTY OF BRICK ALWAY8 ON HAND, O AND CAN ICE-CREAM. From now on e will be prepared to serv you with our Delicious Ice-Cream, either retail or in quantity. - One Trial Will Convince You of Its Quality. . All orders will have our careful and prompt attention. Can put it np in bricks if desired. The McNeill Bakery Co. in Green Street. OARni I IVI A Sy r 'IN MANUFACTURE MACHINE TRUCK WHEELS, For Saw Mills, Planing Mills, Dry' Iflln. T.. a. .11 u ,y ,mii miiu ,1 wvm4w run QIUCR of Pips and Fittings. z if 1 1 if gn 1 1 ii 1 CO 0) c- u n r - 6 o 1 1 ! ' 1 ( i 1 i 8 felpSiiBP-1 .i: !!?ni lull fe i i i i CTSrap iS I & i: isis: : : Ti : 1 :- : I "!t7t f 'f.r si ifiiiili ; . 1 ; . . . : r: : . ; i : Bia: suit: SVSSSX MM. 5 saatt tgiaaa SStSS: sJsJSSSHStSSS ds "1 Max! sutaaaaauaaj!! r o 1 s m 7 : Z r-r wtt v I j W Brands, and Peters high-grade Club; agent Bbot Tower Co. NORTH CAROLINA. MAKE PROMPT SHIPMENTS. m3 C U II it 0 ' s' RUSSELl:' prp'R- Fayettevllie. ' - - N. C. WITH AXLES AND BOXES. COMPANY in 1 . L'l ' - Wll 1 , - n c a mm a ti ; ! 3 lit Until IS ? I IS J if I CO a ;