VI IK OBSERVER. THURSDAY, AUG. 20,. 1908. Index to New Advertisements. Quo, D. Elliott Notice,. ')', ! , John Molinnit- Announcement, - -0. F. Talbot Announcements , B. A. Poe Brick Co, Build Now, A. D. McGIll for RegUter of Deeds. C, J. Smith, Admlnstrator's Notice. : H. C. Dockery Farmers' Convention, J, B, Tllllnghast Special Sale Pitch ers, The . National Bank Take a Broad . View." 3, Q. Holllngsworth, Agt, Excursion to Norfolk. .3. 8. Riley Golden Diamond Gravel , and Kidney Cure. ;-'. Galatla and Hope Mills. In a game of baseball Saturday Odlatla defeated Hope Mills by, a wre of 8 to 5. The batteries were, Oalatla, Faircloth and Lindsay; Hope Mills, McNeill -and Trogden. Struck out, by Trogdon, 7; by McNeill, .9. Time of game, 1:50; Umpire, McNeill. Local Briefs. ' Sergeant James Rudd, who has been In the hospital here since his accident at Benson, where hg was wounded in , the side by a switch handle while at- tempting to board a train, was able to continue his Journey to Fort Moultrie, Ga., this afternoon. 8cared Nearly to Death. -' Yesterday in the late afternoon, an old colored woman was walking along HlllBboro street under the elm trees by the side of the walk when a black or whip 'snaka fell out of a tree and landed near her feet. She was ' so . frrlghtened that for awhile she was paralyzed. The woman looked to be 60 . or 70 years old. Judge and Mrs.' MacRae "at Home." A dlspatcah from Chapel Hill says:' ' "Judge and Mrs. James Cameron MacRae were at home to the members of the summer law class Saturday night from eight to ten. Music, de lightfully rendered, by Mesdames Cam eron MacRae and Walter Grimes, was the principal feature of the evening' entertainment, .Delicious and tempting refreshments were served, including a liberal supply of the judge's favorite Havana cigars. The evening was highly enjoyed by the class, every member of which, upon leaving, voted Judge and Mrs. MacRae the most charming entertainers. Drowned Near Manchester. Will Smith, colored, while bathing in a pond near Manchester Saturday afternoon was drowned, and It was several hours later that his body was recovered. y Several other colored men, who wit nessed the drowning, say that Smith dived from the bank of the pond, rose to the surface once and then dlsap- . veared. . It Is presumed that' his head trucka snag in the twttom 'of the pond. The body was found later in the afternoon by the section master of the A. C. L . Smith, who resided In Wilmington, only arrived at Ranches . ter Saturday on a visit to his wife. F. I. L. I. .118 Anivertary Sunday. ; The Fayetteville Independent Grays will celebrate their 115 anniversary "Sunday by an outing to Wilmington on . the steamer City of . Fayetteville. ' They will leave hero Sunday afternoon betweet-4 and S o'clock, arriving at Wilmington early Monday . morning, spending the ' day. at Wrlghtsville Beach, arriving home Tuesday morri lng about 10 o'clock. .' ' . Semi-weekly drills are now being-held Wednesday and Friday nights. Frl day night will be uniform drill, and Major Vann wishes a fuU'command, The boys are highly pleased and are ' looking forward to great pleasure Sun day and Monday. See the ad In the Business Locals. ' : 8tate News of Interest . . Governor Glenn .appoints as dele- - gates to. the National Fishery Congress at' Washington, September 22-26, State Geologist .Joseph Hyde Pratt, Frank Wood, Theodore S Meeklns, Joseph " P. Tavloe. George N. Ives and J. B, C. Ehrlnhaus. A. G. James, who says that he is a deputy sheriff at his home at Pern. brokei Is In the city prison in Wilming ton awaiting a hearing before the may V or to-day on the charge of ' assault with a deadly weapon upon Dennis .'Murphy, colored on whom he is alleg ed to have drawn a pistol. The pris oner went to Wilmington dn the color - ed excursion, run from Hamlet, and Immediately became Intoxicated. PEOPLE AND THEIR MOVEMENTS ," Miss Nannie Thames is visiting, her old home near Parkton. . Miss Mary Pate, of Wilmington, is . vuuinv'tinv uncle. Mr. James fate, near flhnrwood. ' . '" Mrs. 'A. B. Royal, of Gamer, Fla, is a welcome visitor in the city, where she has many, friends who remember ' her as MIbs tela Highsmlth. Mr. W. M. McKethan, of BrookvlUe, Fla., who'with his family are spending the summer in Western "North Caroli na, is here oh a visit to his old home. Mrs. S.A., Jones has returned home on Moore Btreet- from , her visits in lower Robeson, Columbus and Bladen countys. She enjoyed her visits very much. v "'. - ' FOR' 8ALI.-V ' .. 108 -aores of land, 35 acres under cultivation, some timber; situated ten miles from Fayetteville and one piue from ; Stedman,:, convenient to two Churches, also to Stedman State high school. Apply to Mrs. Liwie R. Strick land. Stedman, N. C. Will give good terms. . . , A LITTLt MON8EN8E NOW AND THEN-THE CUMBERLAND . FAIR, OCT, 81, 82 AND 23, : " -Il'.NSDY'S - LAXATIVE 1 COUCH SYRUP Bid BEAR CAUGHT MONDAY, n Beaver Dam Township by Mr, M. B. Hall and Others.. From Saturday's Dally. jn tar-away Beaver Dam on Monday, Mr, M. B. Hall and others caught a big black bear that measured five feet long, and two feet and eleven Inches high In a steel trap, made especially for catching bears. , - s 1 Mr. Hall who was in the city this morning, showed the reporter the right fore-foot, . and Is showed that this animal was a' number of years old. He says this bear is what la known as the "hog bear." and that ha has lost several fine pigs, along with number of others of his neighbor hood, by , these bears eating them. He says there must be some thirty or forty of these bears Infested in and around the swamps of Beaver Dam, though .be has not made much effort to catch (hem. When he went to re lease this animal from the steel trap, another bear ran across his path, but he didn't attempt to shoot it, as he had to attend to the one already in custody. PIC-NIC AT MANCHESTER. The 'farmers' annual ptc-nlc at Man chester last Friday, 14th Inst., was one of the most enjoyable of 11 3 many so cial gatherings which have assembled on the banks of the historic stream of Little River from time to time back to when "the mind of man runneth not to the contrary." i - There were not ''many old people, nor- neaas or lammes present, per haps the temperature of the weather bad something to do with it, but the young people were there in great nura bers and It Is doubtful if you could find a better looking set, of "young folks' anywhere in the State. The heads of families who graced' the occasion' by their presence were of the highest type of citizenship and dfd every" thing In their power to make the occasion a success, and give the young people a good time. There was no speaking, no music, no dancing; and yet we doubt it there ever, was a social gath ering in which people mingled togeth er with more freedom and ease, which after alt, is the only way to have a good time at a plc-nic. ' " The plc-nic was held within two hun dred yards of ,the site on which the Little River Power Company will erect its plant, which Is to furnish Fayette ville with lights and power. This may mean a trolley line from Fayetteville to Manchester as well as to Hope Mills. , - No section in the country has made greater progress in the last few years than Manchester and it must be very gratifying to the leaders who have stood together and made such a noble fight for special school tax and educa tion, without which no people can hope to accomplish anything great, or keep Up with .the progress of this the 20th century; The children of Manchester will have as good advantage as other chil dren. The special tax was carried without a dissenting vote and the chil dren will soon enjoy a modern school building with a male teacher as prin cipal, who will' be assisted by one; or two lady teachers. This will be a first-class high School. - A WHITE MAN KNOCKED IN THE HEAD. Various Rumors as to the Affair. , A white man, who refused to give his name, was knocked in the head in disreputable house early this, morn ing, and it was at first reported that he was killed. He was able, however, to leave this city to-day, saying that he did not want to prosecute anybody, that he was In company with two young white men at Fayetteville, that all were drinking, and he really did not know ' how he received the blow. That he received a blow, by some means or other, was quite evident by a big wound in the side of his head, and which he had had sewed up by a physician. It hj reported around town that the man was sand-bagged and robbed, but he says he does not know what happened to htm, but that he had not been robbed. ' MR. SHERMAN NOTIFIED. Governor Hughes Not Present, By. cable to Observer. . .v - Ctlca. N. Y.. Auk. 18. Notification day of the Republican Vice Presiden tial Nominee Sherman, is being oh served to-day with all the pomp and noise that was to be had in either Cincinnati op : Lincoln. ' Guns were boomed , at daylight as a ; salute and there has been great enthusiasm all day. There was a big parade and hun dreds of visitors are In town. Among the prominent' merrpresent are Sena tor Burrows, who. delivered the ott- flcation speech; Ellhu Root and Frank Hitchcock.. A peculiar feature is the absence of Governor Hughes, who waa uot invited. The Dead Brought to Life. By telegrap hto Observer. - ' New York, Aug. 18. Oscar Culver, a ward patient in a hospital here, suf- farinir from . tuberculosis, who was brought back to JJfe after being dead, according to every test ana is Dream ing again to-day, and this time It was nroved beyond refutation that ne waa made to ibreath-after being pronoun ed'sad.the first time; by Injections of stryohnlne and applications oi oxy; gen. ; - ' , " 8ulcide By Jdmplng In a Well. By telegraph to Observer. Madison. Fla., Aug. 18. Mrs. T. Phllllns. 70 years of age, of Hanson, pid nmwmltted suicide early this mnrnine by ' leaping in a well at boarding house where she was staying for het health. Her neck was broken GALA DAY MX, Annual Sunday School Plc-nlo Last Saturday, On Saturday, 'Aug. . 15th, the people of Rex had their annual Sun day Hcbool plc-nic, which Is always looked forward to with great antici pation of a good 'time. '. ,--.r; Rex Is on the. Atlantic Coast Line Railroad in one of the. best, farming sections of the good pld county of Robeson. This plc-nlo was annunced only a week before, yet In this short time, the people came together and made It a great success in every way. They , have a good . Sunday school, which is growing and Improving all the time. This school has at Its head good men Messrs..; Ed. Currle, Mur phy, Hall and Maxwell and others who make It an ideal Sunday school. Rev. Mr. Grant, who is a native of Scotland, delivered' a Sunday school address in the morning, which Was earnest and Instructive. , " '; The dinner hour arrived and was an nounced by Mr. Maxwell, ; The long table, which had been prepared In; the grove, was. literally loaded down with good things to eat. The large crowd was Invited tothe table,; and after Revi Mr.. Grant Invoked a blessing, they Began to help themselves to the sumptuous dinner, which!1 for variety, quality and quantity, was-all that could be desired by the most fastidious, and delicate woman, as well as the strong and robust man, who stood like an army with banners ready to conquer everything before them. Their motto was something like this: "He that hath no stomach for the fight, let him depart." The battle was on and they that went up .to fight were hundreds of men, brave and strong, and by their sides were ladles with hearts no less brave and true, and women and child ren not a few all coming up to battle so strong and courageous, but the bat tle was not waged long before, it was seen that "the battle Is not to the strong, nor the race to the swift," for, In a very short time,1 there was not one left to continue the' fight. The young and the old had fallen back and reatated to the shades -of the trees where they found refuge from the burning rays of old Sol, where they spent an hour or two in social inter course, giving cUptd a chance -to put in some good work which he always uses to so much advantage on occa sions like this. After this the audience reassem bled In the house, where they had some more good singing by the Sun day school class, after which Mr. Max well, the superintendent, Introduced Mr. W. B. Malloy, as the speaker for the afternoon. Mr. Malloy took for his subject: "Home training lor the boy and girl." His speech was well received by the large audience pres ent. And thus another day passed into history and the people went to their homes carrying ,wlth them many pleasant memories Which had been revived by this meeting of friend with friend and the shaking of hands once again on this side of the River. White Men Charged With Criminal Assault By telegraph to Observer. Manasas, Va., Aug. 18 John C. Furr and Harry Furr, two white men here, have been arrested charged with a criminal assault on Mary Nestlerode, a 16-year-old girl of the neighborhood. Is claimed the men went to the home of the girl in the day time, and Miss Nestlerode was ravished. The men were arrested in Washington. , Race War in Tenneesee. By cable to Observer. Knoxvllle, Tenn., Aug. 18. Because of ' the determination of the Kings Mountain Coal Company to work ne groes in the same mines with white men, a race war is iminent in the Jellyco mining region. Seventy ne groes heavily armed are barricaded In the commissary, surounded by 400 white men and an attack la expected at any moment The sheriff has reach- the scene and has surrounded the building with his deputies to protect the negroes. Campaign for Woman Suffrage. By telegraph to Observer. Seattle, Aug. 18. Four Seattle girls, sisters, have started an active cam paign for woman suffrage in this State by means of which It Is hoped to pre vail upon the legislature next winter to give the electors an -opportunity of voting on the question of establish ing equality of the sexes at the polls. The girls are Helen, Louiser Gertrude and Lucy Kengley.- ; Great Coal Strike Threatened. By telegraph" .to Observer. Pittsburg, Pa., Aug. 18. Forty thou sand miners in the Pittsburg district are excited over a meeting of the operators" which has been called for to-day at which a blow may be struck at the heart of the union miners. The union leaders of, the miners have. de manded that the mine owners take a greater check ofl from the monthly pay of the miners. v This the owners have refused to do and a strike is threatened In the en tire district. - v' , ' All-Nlght Battle at 8prlngfleld. By telegraph to Observer. . ' Springfield, 111., Aug. 18.Vrher was practically an all-night battle between the troopers and the rioters last night The militia were fired at from ambush In all parts of the city. A negro this morning was discovered trying to set fire to a building. He fired at the trooper who discovered him and ran. The soldiers returned the fire but the negro got away.- The out-breaks were evidently, planned as they occurred in 7. time. nail a OOZen spot i me bbiuh uwe, Tatrt wt M fatalities reported, THE REPUBLICAN COUNTY CON VENTION, No Now Recruits In Evidence. From Saturday's Dally. The Republican county convention met at noon in the Court House with halt a hundred meek followers of Post master McCasklll present and meeker Mr. C. C. McClelland in the chair. The County Boss would have carried out the Duncan-Adams Instructions to have a big crowd at the Charlotte conven tion by making delegates of all who would attend, but the State press had already warned the boys of the game, ana tnereiore our adroit postmaster ieu down. He well knows, however, that he can handle the four or Ave dele gates who will possibly attend, much more easily that a large crowd, " Then, too, his conscience is easy. He made a good bluff at carrying out those in structions..: '. v ':-'"' In other matters he worked behind the scenes, but secured everything he wished..'- i ': ''.','. .' I.- The Republicans are promising Rae- ford Glenn county with as much assur ance as It they could really deliver' the goods through a Democratic' House and Senate. Those with Jobs present -were A. 'I,. McCasklll,- postmaster; John A., Col vln, Deputy V. S. Marshal; D. J. Cur rle, postmaster - at Raeford; C. R. Wakeland, U. S. Commissioner; D. C. Downing, of Raleigh, U. S. Deputy Marshal. - ; Others on hand were Dr. Sneed, 'if Legislative ambitions; T. A. McNeill, who always runs for Register of Deeds; Nathan Williams, the Black River Magistrate; Cyrus Murphy, one time Clerk of the Court; Wash Car ter, , D. B. Culbreth, Westbrook Bare foot, Alex. Cain, W. W. Wallace and J. B. McFarland. Quewhlffle, Gray's Creek and Little River were not represented, so .only S delegates were named until the chair man and secretary were added to make out the required number. "We have no delegate that can be deponded on to go," said Mr. D. .T, Currle, 'when Quewhlffle was called. Delegates to Congressional conven tion' were named by the various town ships, after Mr. McCasklll told the con vention Its duties in this respect Mr, M. Bill came near embarrassing the convention again by a motion to call the roll of precinits for the pur pose of naming the precinct chairmen, but his move was adroitly sidetrack ed. Just before adjourning Dr. Sneed found a chance .to get in his usual re marks on Republican prosperity. He said "let's put forth a solid front co the enemy anyhow, for we have the Democrats on the run," but he failed to mention Taft's or Roosevelt's name or the latter's panic. Alter secretary Wakeland drew a resolution saying recruits would be welcomed in the party and a chance given them to name county officers, had it introduced by M. Bill and adopt ed, Mr. James H. Johnson was then permitted to move an adjournment. The following, delegates were ap pointed: Congressional: A. H. Slocoinb, Na than Williams, P. A. Kennedy, J. B. DonIng, F. C. Newlln, G. W Cox, F. Berkman, W. P. Collier, T. A. Geddie and C. C. McClellan. State: A. H. Slocomb, B. H. Jei- nigan, M. Bill, W. W .Wallace, F. J Vinson, J. W. Carter, M. C. Lon Alex. McNeill, C. C. McClellan aud C. R. Wakeland. - A motion prevailed that any other Republican in the county, who de sires to attend either convention can do so and cast hispro rata of the 11 votes. ; No Instructions were given the, del egates and they go foot loose, to vote as they please. The matter of calling the county convention for the , nomination of county officers and Legislature candl dates, was left with the chajnaan. VICTORY NEWS. Miss Annie May Lovltt left here last week to visit her mother- in Greens boro, Georgia. Mr. and Mrs. John Blount of Rob eson, visited Mrs. Blount s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Musselwhite,' Sunday.' Mrs. M. C. Leggett, of Elm City, N. C, spent last week with her daughter, Mrs. Garvy Williamson. Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Page, of Rose Hill, N. C, visited Mr. Page's sister, Mrs. Godwin, last week. Mr. Fleat Williams, of Falcon, visit ed friends here last Monday night" Mrs. Hannah Stephens, of Fainnont- vislted her sister, Mrs. Hill, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Williams ,of Sampson, visited relatives here last week. , , . Quite a number of our young peo ple attended the camp meeting at Fal con last Sunday. ' MIbs Swennlce Butler visited her sister near Alderman Saturday and Sunday. ." Mr. Elite Humphrey, of Parkton, visited friends here last Wednesday. . LESSIE. The German Old-Age Pension Scheme. By cable to Observer. Berlin, Aug. 18. One of the effects of the German old-age pension scheme is rather peouliar. The pension is for- felted If the workman does not work 48 or 49 weeks out of the 62 on .an average, and this provision has been a detriment to strikes.- ' At Milan Cardinal Gibbons is inter- viewed and exnressea muoh pleasure at his reception at the Vatican. He says there Is probability of one more" American cardinal and says he would like to see more than one appointed. -There are many imitations of De - Witt's Carbollied'Wtteh Haiel Salve but just one original. Sold b'y Arm- Held Drug Co. . t ' TV oH ol Fop Indigestion. 1IQQU1 Relieve. io5 stomach, I Rallmi aoar Miration of the-hear Dirwluujroae FAYETTEVILLE. MARKETS Revised Dally. COTTON. ' -Reported by Charles Halgh. No quotations today. PRODUCE. A. h. Molvln pompany. Flour 1st pat.,; sack..,.., $3,000)3.25 Family Flour straight .-. ..2.EO02.75 Meal bolted 46 Tbs. per bu.. 900 1.00 Meal unbolted 48 lbs. per bu. 7075 Bacon hog round per ro ,,,.1011 Bacon ham ... ........15&16 Bacon sides ........ ... . . . .11012ft Bacon shoulders 12 018 Lard N. C, .11012 .85 090 Corn Ii6 lbs. per bushel Oats 82 lbs. per bushol...... 65070 Potatoes Irish, per bushel.... 76080 Honey strained, per lb . . ......708 Country Butter ,25 Ducks ; 60 Broilers ,.2026 Hens per head .. ...30035 Roosters per bead ..80 Eggs . . 15017 Guineas 80 Geese 60075 Feathers new 36040 Wool washed ..15020 Hides dry, per lb 12018 Hldes-r-green, per lb. 606 Tallow 406 Shucks 46050 Fodder ... 1.1001.25 Hay ..... .....69076 Announcements. Announcement. Fayetteville, N. C, June 8th, 1908. I hereby announce myself a candi date for renominatlon for the offloo of Sheriff of Cumberland county, sub ject to the action of the Democratic primaries. N. A WATSON: ANNOUNCEMENT. Fayetteville, N. C. June 6th, 1908. To the Voters of Cumberland Coun- I hereby announce myself a candi date before the Democratic primaries of said county for the office of Regis ter of Deeds, subject to the action of the Democratic convention. I have done nothing to merit anything at the bands of the people of Cumberland. save that of being an humble follower of Democratic principles In support of Its nominees. This I will continue to do whether I receive the nomination. or not. I solicit your votes. F. A, MARSH, Gray's Creek, N. C, ANNOUNCEMENT. Fayetteville, N. C. June 15th. 1908. I take this means of announcing my- sen a candidate lor Register of Deeds. 1 feel assured my Democracy is well known throughout the county. i accept and abide by all deolslons rendered by my party In convention assembled. W. W. HU8KE. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself a candi date for nomination for the office of County Treasurer, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic Primaries aud Convention. D. GAS TER. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Register of Deeds, subject to the action of a Dem ocratic primary and a Democratio con vention. J. B. BROADFOOT. ANNOUNCEMENT. In answer to numerous Inquiries of my friends, I wish to state that I am a candidate for renominatlon for the office of Register of Deeds of Cumber land County, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries and conven tion. W. M. WALKER. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself a candi date to represent Cumberland county in the House of Representatives of the State Legislature, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic primaries and Convention. JOHN UNDERWOOD. ANNOUNCEMENT. Not having been solicited by my friends, but of my own volition, I an nounce myself a candidate for the office of Register of Deeds of Cumber land county, subject to the Democratic primaries and Convention. A. A. HARRINGTON. ANNOUNCEMENT. I respectfully announce my candi dacy for the State Senate, subject to the action of the Democratic party. Q. K. NIMOCKS. ANNOUNCEMENT. Lobelia, N. C, July 20, 1908. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Register of Deeds subject to the action of the Democrat ic County Convention. D. K. BLUE. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce my candidacy for the -office of State Senator from Cum berland County, subject to the action of the precinct and County Democrat ic Convention. CHAS. G.ROSE. " July 27th. 1908. ANNOUNCEMENT. 1 hereby announce myself a candl- flata for nommation for the office of County Treasurer, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic uounty uouveu- tlon. v'C, ' J. W. COGDJBUiL.. ; "ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office ot sheriff of cumDenana county, subject to the action of the pre- einot primaries and county Democratio convention. " r .r . ' . ?n "i V,. ' .. JOHN HOLMES. """ ANNOUNCEMENT. ' 1 To the voters of Cumberland County: i nerenv announce mjseu u cuum- date foT the office of sheriff of Cumber land county, subject to the action ot the Democratio primaries and conven tion, w ,-'" -:H : V I " ; O." P. "TALBOT, ' ,..ryttevUH,lt. CLAUi,.i3t2ui?M GOLDEN DIAMOND GRAVEL AND KIDNEY CURE For sale by J, S. Riley, Hayne, Sampson County, and by druggists. Sold In Fayetteville by Sedberry's Palace Pharmacy- and by Perry's drug store. Cures incontinence. . A. D. McGILL FOR REGISTER OF, DEEDS. To the Public: After loklng'over the anouncements for the office of Register of Deeds we find there is yet room for one more, and we Democrats of the West will we present him as the logical candl worthy a man as there Is in the partv, whose political record is in every res pect unimpeachable, i Mr. McGIll Is too well known . :is a soldier of the Confederacy' and si tlzen to need any especial commenda tion from us. Furthermore, Mr. McGUl has not solicited us to take this action, but we presen him as the logical candi date, and we ask the people of Cum berland county to nominate him for the office of Register of Deeds. There is at present only one Con federate veteran holding office In Cum berland county, and the days are rap- Idly coming nearer when there will not be one left to ask anything at your hands. If we have anything to bestow on the heroes that fought with Lee and Jackson, let us do It now be fore it is too late. Neill McGill, D. K. McDuffle, R. L. Be- thune, G. D. Andrews, D. B. Currle, Archie McGill, T. Bacot,, N. S. Blue, McNair McGill, L. J. Collins, D. C. McLeod, J. D. GllBson, Jeptha Bell, M. L. Itothune, G. A. Graham, U A. McDuffle, M. G. Ray, D. B. Glllis, W. McDuffie, M. G. Ray, D. B. Gillls, W. E. Sikes, J. I. Holder, J. R. Buie, H. P. Bowden, W. H. Dalarymple, N. A. McLean, D. G. Blue, J. W. Towns- end,- W. T. Baseman, R. M. Gillis, Colin Shaw, D. S. Owen, J. H. Cur rle, R. H. Owen, W. H. Owen, H. McR. Kennedy, D. F . Blue. OWN YOUR OWN POWER This Gasoline Engine Absolutely Free for 30 days TriaWith a 5 year Guar antee. Write for Free Engine Book, and tell us What You Want. Guilford Hardware & Machinery Company, GREENSBORO, N. C. NOTICE. In Re-Application to the Philadelphia National Bank For Issue of New Certificates of Stock. Notlce is hereby given that Certifi cate No. 2386, for ten shares of the capital stock of the Philadelphia Na tional Bank, of Philadelphia, Pa. which was issued on June 2, 1882, to Mrs. Annie K. Kyle, has been lost or destroyed and after diligent search cannot be found; that the facts in connection with its loss are unknown to the undersigned, except that said certificate 1b believed to have been ac cidentally or unitentionally destroyed. That the said Mrs. Annie K. Kyle is now dead and application will be made by the undersigned Executors for Is sue of new certificates in lieu of said lost Certificate No. 2386, and all per sons are hereby called upon to show cause, if any they have, why a new certificate for ten shares, or certlfl cates aggregating ten shares, shall not be Issued by said Bank, in lieu of the lost certificate. W. H. KYLE, F. B. KYLE, Executors ot Mrs. Annie K. Kyle. Fayetteville, N. C, July 24th, 1908. FARMERS' CONVENTION. The Sixth Annual State Farmers' Convention will be held at the A. & M. College, August 25, 26. 27, 1908. A splendid three days' meeting for the study of agriculture and the discus sion of all questions of direct and spe cific interest to farmers. Stock Breed ers' and dairymen's meetings, August 28. Programmes are being arranged for the study of the following subjects: Cotton Culture, Tobacco Culture, Corn and Small Grains, Horticulture, For age Crops, General Live Stock Husban dry, Dairying, etc. Also special meet Ings for the women of the farm homes, and lectures and addresses of general Interest to all. Speakers have been secured from the United States Department of Agriculture and from neighboring States, who will be assist ed by the leading agricultural workers of our State. All should plan to come and' make this the greatest meeting of farmers ever held in the State. Re duced rates, lodging free and meals at cost. H. C. DOCKERY, President, Rocking ham. TAIT BUTLER, Secretary, Raleigh. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator upon the estate of Peter. M. Smith, de ceased, late of Cumberland county, C, this is to notify all persons having claims as:alnst the said estate, to ex hibit them to the undorsigned, duly verified, on or before the 17th day of August 1909, or this notice will be pleaded In bar ot tneir recovery, All nersons Indebted to said es tate must make immediate payment This 17th day of August, 1908. Vl. C. J. SMITH, Administrator ' Fayetteville, N. C, R. F. D. No. 2. H. S. Averltt, Attorney. INVITE YOUR FRIENDS TO COME AND SEE THE CUMBERLAND FAIR OCT. 21 ST, 22ND AND 83RD. C, W. THOMPSON Gontracto Supplies and Fixture. .See me before having your eleotrloal work done. BEST WORK LOWEST PRICES. BUILDING Now is the time to build Sash, Doors, Blinds, and Builders' Hardware, CHEAPER THAN FOR We are the LARGEST Dealers in this Mantels, Tile and Orntes. Buck's Stoves and Ranges. WHOLESALE Get Our Quotations, and uwm -A TRIP TO- Bait iinore Is Especially Attractive Now via Chesapeake Line Steamers Leave Norlolk Dally, Except Sunday, at 6 p. m. CLUB BREAKFAST, 25c. TO 60c. TABLE D'HOTE DINNER, 75c. For Particulars and Reservations Address W. W. Croxton, T. P. A., E. T. Lamb, Gen. Agent. -NORFOLK, VA. ' E. J. CHI&M, G. P. Take A Broad View. of a bank account. It isn't merely a theft, fire or other ways of loss. It cheap way of remitting money for with your creditors for another. Have An The National Bank and reap all the benefits like other mentioned by a great deal. Yours for pleasant banking W. A. VANSTORY, President. S. W. COOPER, Active Vice-President, I E. H. WILLIAMSON, JOHN ELLIOT, Vice-Presidents, A. B. McMILLAN. Cashier. T. M. SHAW, Assistant Cashier. BICYCLES, I carry a first-class stock of on payments to suit the panic. Prices reasonably low. A trial will con vince you ot quality tnat you never Deiore nave uau. my repair ucjmii ment is strictly first-class, and reasonable. I repair most any old thing. Call to see me next to New Market, Person Street. Respectfully, Excursion Norfolk via R. & S. and S. A. L. TUESDAY, Aug. 25th, 1908. Round-trip $3.50. Leave Fayetteville 6:00 A. M., arrive Norfolk 3:30 P. M. Return ing, leave Norfolk Thursday 9:25 A. M. Aug 17th. Persons desir ing to return before that date tickets will be honored on all regular S. A. L. trains. Paities wishing to Temain in Norfolk until 8:30 P. M. Aug. 27th, can do so by paying 50c. additional, which must be jrranged when ticket is puichased. J. G. Hollingsworth, Agent. Special Sale oi Pitchers. PITCHERS for every use. ' " , : PITCHERS at Bargain Prices. BIG PITCHERS and Little Pitchers. . FANCY PITCHERS and Plain Pitchers. - ' : CROCKERY Glass and China Pitchers. ' At TILLING!! AST'S CROCKERY STORE MATERIAL! an j -do your Repairing. MANY YEARS BACK. Sei lion, and our prices are the V -A. Paint, Oil and Varnishes. Bel i ri p. Pipe, and Mill Supplies. AND RETAIL Send 1's Your Orders. A., Baltimore, Md. means of protecting your cash against is more. It affords an easy, safe and one thing. It improves your standing Account At business men. There are more than those BICYCLES. the best bicycles that money can buy, H. Ft. M'DANIEL. IDE