t 4 1 , i ' i. it 5 !'! 1 ' t'i ... - ! 1 1 ! : r. N f ' ! i j - I J ". 1 V-'K-r c 1 PI- "4 i a i:1 4 1 ! ! i : 1 ' , ' ! , -i ;! ' " i ."' ' ' HI r H:; i u ,t:-ti. )-'-5",.- REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. ' Compiled Weekly by MscKethan Real Estate, Loan and Trust Co. - E. R. MacKETHAN, Attorney. 11,000. A. S. Roe et nx. to Annie K. Eraaa, 1-11 Interest Eraamoa Et ana, estate. 1800. Rena Bondi to Edward Boa da, 100 acres Orar'a Creek. I13S. L. M. Williamson et nx. to H. L. Alphln. 289 acres, Bockflih. 1700. C B. Newbrery et ox. to Bar bara A. Darls, bonae and lot, Branson Street $175. E. S. McKethan et nx. to P. D. Odom. 25 acres, Rorkflsn.' $200. .J. E. Darls et nx. to Hassey and Pearce, timber, 243 acres, Roek flab, - 750. J. W. Rail et at to Massey tt Pearce, Umber, 130 acres. Bearer Dam. $2100. L. L. Pate to R. and C. Pate, 101 1-2 acres, Serentr-Flrst. $ . K. A. Laacashlre et sis. TP N. H. 8mltb, 2003 acres. Eureka Sprlogs. $ , N. tt Smith et nx. to C. R Hudson, 1-2 Interest 2003 acres. Eure ka Springs.- $505. H. L. Tolar et ala. to E. Blake, 241 acres. Gray's Creek. $1860. F. C. Tarboro et ui. to E. C. Blake, 63 acres. Gray's Creek. $25. Hunter Smith et ux. to U. A. Smlih k M. A. Lancashire, house and lot Grore streeL $126. Anderson McNeill et ux. tc Chas. McNeill, 13 1-2 acres. Serenty Pirst $. P. L. Ray to A. A. Winiford. op tion $6,500. 186 acres. Calvin Rv Thre ' n 'TcBr de et ux. "o J. A de, 4 7 10 acrea Lladea. $200. N. P. Nunnerj et nx. to C. C. Cnlbreth, 17 acres. Cedar Greet. CENTENNIAL Of Methodism In Faystteville, October 2549, 1906. SUNDAT. 11 a. Sermon, by Bishop Alpheua W. Wilson, D. D.. LL. D, Baltimore. Md. 3:30 p. m, A Model Sunday School by J. G. Brown. Raleigh. X. C New Responsibilities that hare been discorered belonging to our Laymen. by CoL John F. Bruton, Wilson, X. C .lp.iL, The Laymen's Movement. by Bishop A. W. Wilson, D. D. MONDAY. 11 a. m., Sormon, by Re.-U L. Nash, D. D., Gibson. N. C. t p. m . A Hundred Tears ol aleih- ... :u U Fajettevllle, by Ret. T. A. Smoot, Wilmington, N. C Tl'ESDAT. i U a. m Sermon, by Rer, W. IL Mcc re, D. D. Rockingham. N. C. . S p. m. Methodism and Literature. by Rev. T. N. Irey, a Editor of (he Raleigh Christian Advocate. Metbcdlsm and Rerlrals, by Rer. D. 1L Tut tie. Rocky Mount, N. C. - 'TV , ' -1 . i. .: 4 - ,v A CARD. ' ' I have been informed that my nami was placed on a ao-cauea luueus Ticket, as a candidate tor Commis sioner. Thle was done without my knowledge or consent and I desire to s'ate to all my trlenda that I do not Intend .to run on thla ticket, bat, on the contrary, I will vote for end sup- pert the regular Democratic county ticket, aa well the "Btate and National ticket. - R. J. HAIR. Oct 15th. 1908.. F0LEVS KIDNEY CODE v'WllAMII TOM of any cut f Kidney off Btmdder disease that la not Vcycmd the reach ef medl- cine. Take k at once. Do tmse or Diabetee. ' There b trothrftg gained ey delay. fOc. and !. Bettlea. cduffTe "dVuo"store, (0. O, Soudert, Prop.) HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR SEEO COTTON, COTTON SEED AND BEST EXCHANGE GIVEN AT Mo NEILL'S GIN. NOTICE OF LAND SALE. North Carolina, Cumberland County In the Superior Court. J. D, Harris. Administrator of the Estate of Ann McLemore rs. E. C. McLemore, et aL By virtue of a decree of the court In the above entitled cause. I will on the 2nd day of Nov.. 1908, at 12 M, at the Court House door In the City nt Fayetteville, N. C, expose for sale the following described land, to-wlt: Lying In Cedar Creek township, Cum berland County, adjoining the land of B. A. Jackson, et al: Beginning at a stake and pointers. Amos Burns' corner, In the Bullard line, and runs as said line N. 75 W. 7 chains and 22 links to the corner near the road, then as the road N. 8 B. 11 chain to a turn In said road; men N. 4 chains and ,14 links to a stake and oak pointer near the road; then as E. O. Simmon's line. S. 65 W. 12 3-4 chains to a slake where' once stood a pine. B. A. Jackson's corner then as his line. N. 72 W. 10 1-2 chains to a stake in a bay; then W. 10 1-2 chains to Jessdp's corner rf the Hav- wood McLemore land; then as his line N. is, E. 36 1-2 chains to the cor- llAr In IhA Anil nf thA i1(tih thnn Afl TtOt rtsk ha VlM ErteDX I DiS I Ann and Jane McLemore'a line, S. 75 rtiirns' cnrier: then as Burns line, S. 3 W. 12 3 4 chains to a pine; then S. ") W. 4 chains and 80 links to a pine; then S. 19 W. 14 3-4 chains to a stake f-n the run of the creek; thence S. 29 !L 6 chaina and 37 una to Rinnlcg, containing 83 acres more or less. Time of Salet Monday, Nov. 2nd, at 12 M. Place of Sale: Court House. Terms of Sale: Cash. This October 9th, 1908. ' J. D. HARRIS. Commissioner. A. 8. Hall, Attorney. PAYCASH andiaave money on your gvocery bill and farm tnppllci. We are rtducln oar busineai to cash bails, and are offering extra close prices on Groceries oi all Idnds, Farming Utensils, Saddles, Harness, Tobaccos, Cutlery and General Merchandise. Fertilizers We can supply fertilizers for cash or m time, with approved security at reasonable prices. A. P. JOHNSON, Manager, ; Wholesale and RetaQ Grocer, , No. 107 Hay StreeL ' Fayetteville, N. C. Phone 58. Weal; Vomen TamkMfflse waytoWlm. 1 write 9tmt wsw. twe wsaaMaaaj nasUm-AbMS. takMeal etnBS HI la WO aw Unimil, Mk eaasSML kSlMO. B BovVlKlsMOmtil Br. Shoo1! luaaofattva. Ska ( Tbrmv-Dr.nlinaMOiaT-wstocaml MBtasaa sBseeritarj issMoy, waDs Da HAT STREET M. E. CHURCH. PATETTEVlLLE, N. C, 1908: Oeatli ef Mr. Jeaaa Newton. We have lost learned of the death test Tharsdar. at Chester, S. C, of oar former eonntyman Mr. Jesae Ne- ton. Mr. Newton, who was fifty years of age, was bookkeeper for a larc;e firm there. He la survived by a wid ow, who was a Miss Wtlliford. of Sampson county, and sereral children. also by the following brothers and alsters: Rev. Thomas Newton and Mr. George Newton, and Mrs. Robert Rog ers. Mrs. H. M. Pilyaw and Mrs. Da vid Johnson, all residing in Serentr- Flrst, except Rev. Mr. Newton. WE0XESOAT: f ? aa. Sermon, by Rev. T. A. 11 a Smoot. 8 p. m. Distinctive' Doctrines ot Methodism. Rev. W. H. Moore. D. D. Methodism and Missions, by Rev. U L. Nash. D. D. THURSDAT. 11 a. m. Sermon, by Rev. D. H. Tat tle. 8 p. m. The Methodist Itinerancy, by Rev. J. T. GIbba. D. P. E, of FayetterUIe District. Possibilities of Methodism, by ex- Governor Thomas J. Jarrla, Green ville. N.C. . . The members and those friendly to other churches, aa well as the gener al public, are most cordially tnvitei to attend all . these services. gtosysSialuisllvsai waeOr ea Jftsal bmds fbs Paskwatfve tsaohai ssrassaoal sas aaasmdanbtooisnaiwini ' , B1ttiMCnrV.as as as hwrksi9-i as woawkOsfoaalMav BassSkafMsaadUkaik Hnkima wMa tka laakawflva, mm asrvoai i Jims I, strai www vtaor sad aadlBoa, fcntMi hi watWl BaWaM 1st tfcftf irlfH MawgMgt tats fir. BmaVs -TablsaKrlioaia-wsa asaandtasle A Pretty Home Wedding, Prom Wednesday's Dally. Miss Janie Kelly, of this city and Mr. Charles W. Sanders, of Kinaton. were married this morning at 10:30 o'clock, at the home of the bride on Haymonnt. Rev. Geo. P. Smith, pastor of th- Methodist church was the officiating minister. The bride was becomingly attired tn - a blue coat soiL There were no at tendants, the wedding being a very quiet affair. None were tnvhed ex cept relatives and friends of the brid. Those present from out of town were Mrs. C. O. Malnor, of Carthage, a sls- 4er of the bride, and Mr. Thomas Dan iels, of 8mlth&eld- The home was beaatlfnly decorated and presented as exceedingly pretty scene, tn perfect harmony with the ' occasion. Mr. Sanders holds a responsible po sition as bookkeeper for the Lenoir OH and Ice Factory, of Kinaton, and is a young man of fine qualities. In Miss Kelly he .has won a bride worthy ot the best that life holds. She had many' of the traits and gifts ' which are rated high, bat after ill that she possesses the unaffected and womanly attributes go to make an Ideal home." ' ' "'"i'-" Mr. and Mrs. Sanders left on the 12 o'clock train for Kmston, where they .will make their home. : ! The relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Sanders wish for them a long and happy wedded life. 1 v ' 1 , "r-. n ! ; a V Br. Sidtf glit pro B. rL SfcuotrWrS SON. HAT STRRET M. E. CHU RCH, SOUTH, 1834-1907. CAPT. J. H. CURRIE. Re-Elected President. From Friday's Dairy. . , . In spite of his protest, Capt J. H. , Currie, of Cumberland county, waa re- , elected president of the North Carol! na Agricultural Society la Baleigh last night, and along with Secretary J. EL Pogue, Treasurer C. B. Demon, wsi tendered a vote of thanks for the big '- snecess of the 48th annual Slate fair ' Just closing In the State capital Both 'Messrs. Pogue and Denson were re elected. Major W. A. Graham, Com missioner of Agriculture, was elected . rice president at large, this being an offifaee not heretofore existing.; R ports showed the present State fair highly successful' , '. -AVED 441ft BOVft LIFE. - "My three year old boy was badly constipated, had a high fever and was In an awful condition. I gave him two doses of Foley's Orino Laxative and 'he next morning the fever Was .gone and he waa entirely well. Foley's Orino. Laxative saved his life." . A Wolknsb, Casimer, Wis. McDaffie Drug Store (O. O. Souders, Prop.). Served as coffe, the new coffee sub stitute known to grocers everywhere as Dr. Snoop's Health Coffee, win trick even a coffee expert '.Not a grain of real coffee In It either. Pure healthful toasted grains, malt, nuts, .'etc. have been so cleverly blended .as to give a wonderfully satisfying coffve.taste and flavor. And It Is "made n a minute, too! No tedious 20 to 30 minutes boiling. Test It and see. Dr. Snoop created Health Coffee that the people might have a genuine coffee substi tute, and one that would be thoroughly rntlsfvlng In ev possible respect 6old by I C. Wooten. . ' THE GODWIN'S LOCOMB DEBATE AT WILMINGTON. There Were No Rejoinders. Prom Friday's Daily. Hon. H. L. Godwin, Democratic can didate for re-election to Congress from this District and Mr. A H. Slocomb,, his opponent, filled their second ao- polntment ef the canvass In Winning ton last night Strange to say; thej simply made straight out speeeher without rejoinders, unless Mr. Slo- eomb's speech eoold be called a re joinder as he spoke last The Wilmington Star says: The Sixth District Congressional candidates In actios was s novelty In the local political camptign which serv ed to draws large crowd to the Court House test night to hear the lasnes discussed in joint debate between Hon. H. L. Godwin, the Democratic nomi nee, and his Republican opponent Colonel A. H. Slocomb. The novelty proved quite refreshing and Demo cratic leaders expressed themaelves In every way pleased with the result of the meet "Each of the gentlemen spoke an honr without rejoinder, Mr. Godwin leading off with a discussion of both State and National lasues and calling upon his opponent to stand with htm on the record of the parties, Colons! Sloeomb confining himself almost ex clusively to National questions and dismissing Mr.-Godwin's arraignment of Republican misrule In the 8tate with the statement that It was an ap peal to sentiment and prejudice about matters of which he had no knowl edge. "Every available seat in the large Court room waa taken end many stood Is the doors and In the aisles. ' Mr. Godwin was first to arrive In compa ny with Democratic County Chairman Furlong and President MacRae, of the Bryan and Kitchin Crab. Colonel Slocomb came in' a few minutes later, escorted by Postmaster Wallace and Secretary D. D. Lennon, of the Repub lican Committee. Both were received with applause from their respective supporters In the ban. ., ; i.";. - " The meeting was called to order by President Cameron MacRae, of the Democratic Club, who Introduced Mr. Godwin, referring , to his service In Congress in the Federal appropriation bill, the deepening of the Cape Fear, the drainage of swamp lands and oth er matters making for the upbuilding of the district : - , "R. W. Herring, Esq., presented C"oi onel A. H. Sloeomb at the conclusion of Mr. Godwin1 address, saying that he needed no introduction to. the peo ple of the Cape Pear.- He was a busi ness man, asuccessful business man and the people ot the district would make no mistake In entrusting 'their affairs into his hands." - ' v The following letter has been refer red to na.' Letters in reply may be ient aa indicated, or, if sent to as, will be forwarded: . , 396 Harrison Avenue,' k Boston, Mass, Sept 16, 1908., The News and Observer, Raleigh, N. C. , ' Dear Sit: - . Waa there a Gillespie Mac Donald that yon know of died in North Cafe Una, leaving his fortune to DonaV fac Donald? Gillespie waa in th-' shipping business; - came out froo Scotland; died leaving his fortune v the above mentioned. I hear this Wa' advertised in the Cape Breton papers some ten years ago. II yon know of any such person please write and let me know and I will appreciate the same. Thanking yon In advance,' I remain. ' Very truly yours, : f J. C MacDONALD. To those afflicted with kidney and MadJer trouble, backache, rlienma t'sm. rineulfS for the Kidneys brings relief In the first dose. Hundreds of people tday testify to their remark- Wood's Liver-Medicine in liquid form for malaria, chills acd fever, rejralates the liver, kidneys and blad der, biines quick relief to biliousness, I sick -headache, constipation, pleas ant to take. The $l.oo bottle contains hc.'.iiiff and tonic properties. 30 I i times quantity of the joe. size. . . . - .. mi ' r . 1 - I . ...... t . . . , ' , . 1 ys trial Jl.OO. iney puruy iuri nrei uuk onnga rarci. ooiu oy 1 ' h,J. oU by WidCeUian & Co I MacKethan & Co- AS TO GILLE8PIE MacDONALD. as follows: ' White Oak township $35,000.00 "Central township.... 1 ,000.00 "Frenches Creek, .......... 75,000.00 Colly... ..... ......... 2,500.00 TVarious 10,000.00 i The Flood Damage in Bladen,. The following letter, which we find reproduced tn the Clarkton Express, wui prove interesting reading, as County Attorney Nimocks Is preparing a like statement in regard to Cumber land: . -- ; y "Major Human C. 8chnm, C. A. C. Fort Cashwell, N.C. . Dear 8ir: . In compliance with your request A Sept 18, 1908, 1 beg report the follow ing damage resulting from, the over flow of Cape Fear River latter part of August of the present year. In sub mitting this data I have endeavored to be conservative and have gotten 'at the facta as near correct as it is possi ble to do npon information. The amounts may be considered small by your Department, but If you take into- consideration the condition of the farmers yon win readily, see. means a great deal to them. In the first place our people have to buy nil their supplies save corn and meat and their only dependence to pay for tbepf advances by the local -merchant is in the sale of their cotton and corn. Th" being all destroyed not only leaves the farmer without bat also leaves the merchant without because the farmer cannot meet his obligations and It s far reaching -in that the farmer can not' make another crop without help and the merchant cannot extend this help on account of his loss,. We will be thankful for any aid your depart ment may fit to extend until our people can make another crpp, ' "The loss estimated by townships - rne wnoiesome, harmless ' green leaves and tender stems of a lung healing 'mountainous shrub, give to Dr. 8 hoop's Cough Remedy Its cura tive properties. Tickling or dry bron chial conghs -quickly aad safely yield to wis nigmy effective Cough medl tae. Dr. Shoop assures mothers that they can with safetay give it even to young babes: . No opium, no chloro form -absolutely nothing harsh or harmful, It calms the distressing cougn, ano neais tne sensitive mem. branes., Acvpt no other. Demand nr. Shoop's.' "Sold by B. E. Sedberrys BOB.' Total .112800.00 T would add further that our county haa appropriated two thousand dot- are and our citizens by private dona tions five hundred and sixty-nine dol lars for immediate relief. ' ' "I would also acknowledge with gratitude generous donations from the citizens of Wilmington, the extent of which 1 have not been officially advis ed. "Respectfully submitted, "A. A. CLARK, Chm'n, "Bladen County Commissioners. Woman Interrupts Political Speaker. ' A well dressed woman interrupted a political speaker receatly by continu ally coughing. VU she had taken Fo ley's Honey snd Tar, It wonld have cured her cough and expelled the cold from her system. The genuine Fo ley's Honey and Tar contains no opi- iu. u. Bonders, prop.). Do not let snyone tell yen that something else la just ss good as De- witt's Kidney and Bladder Pills be cause there Isn't anything Jnst good. v Sold by Armfleld Drag Go. NOTICE! By virtue of authority contained in certain mortgage deed executed on the 13th of November. 19QS, by N. G. Smith and wife S. M. Smith, to J.. G. Layton and duly recorded in Book B. No. 8 at page 389, Records of Cum' berland County, the undersigned mort gagee will on Monday, the 9th day of November, 1908, at 12:00 o'clock M, at the court house door m Cnmber 1 land Count, R C, expose for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, a certain tract of land In Cumberland County, North .Carolina, in buck Ktver Townsmp, aescnoen as follows; to-wlt: " !" : 1 Beginning at the Dunn and Clinton Road at G. E.- Lee's line and runs E. with G. E. Lee's line 150 yds. to a '.take, a corner in Andrew Wade's line; then North with another of An drew Wade's lines to a corner in said Wade's line;- then W. with anoth er of raid Wade's lines to the Dunn and C'lnlcn Road; thence S. with the Road to the beginning, containing 15 i.-n-e more or less. This 9th day of Oct, 1908. J. a LATTON, Mortgagee. Godwin k Townsend, Attys. for Mortgagee. 'RAM & SOUTHPORT RAILWAY SCHEDULE OF PASSENGER TRAINS. Effective Sunday, October 4, 1908. NOTICE. North Carolina, Cumberland County, Under and by virtue of a certain mortgage executed on the 8th day of October, 1906, by R. A. Bule and wife, D. A. Bale to Carrie H. Oates, the un dersigned transferee of said mortgagee, and all her lights and title in and to the propesty conveyed in said mort gage which is of record In Cumberland connty. In Book E, No. 8, at page 479. will expose at public auction sale the followine described DroDertr. to-wlt: In Carvers Creek Township, and de scribed as follows: FIRST PIECE: . Containing fifty acres. Beginning at a stake near branch running S. 22 chains 36 links to a stake between two pointers; then E. 22 chains 36 links to a pine cross ing the forks of the road; thence vi. crossing a branch the head of the creek 22 chains 3fr links to a stake between three pointers thence W. 22 chains 36 links. Patented by John Hodge 1778. SECOND PIECE: Containing sixty acres. Beginning at a pine John Mc Neill's third corner on the head of Rai ford's Creek: then with his line N. 21 chains and 60 links to the corner; then with the other line W. 10 chains; then N. 8 chains to Smith's line; then with bis line N. 71 E. 32 chains and 40 links;' then 8. 15 E 16 chaina to Dan lei McNeill's line then as it S. 75 W. 20 chains to the corner of a small pine then aa bis other line S. 15 E. 21 chains to the beginning. Granted John Mc Neill 1800. entered 1785. ALSO these articles of personal property: -One gray mule which the said R. A. Bute bought of J. U Girrel in the fall ot 1905, said mule being 7 years old snd weighing about 1200 pounds: also one one-horse wagon which the said R. JL Bole bought of A. Salmon in the fall of 1905. Time of, Sale: October 17th. 12 o' clock noon. ' Place of Sale: Court-Honse door. Fayetteville, N, C. Terms ot Sale: Cash. This September 16th, 1908. D. S. OWEN, Transferee, CARRIE H. OATES. Mortgage Cook Davis, Attorneva. 3E VfErSELL ARE YOU UNDECIDED where to buy your bill of Lumber? H so, all you have to do Is to look ai the prices we are quoting for.,. HIGH GRADE LUMBER, as well aa everything that Is lnclul-d In building, for interior - or exterior work, from the Timber In your foun dation to the Shingles on your roof. Office 'Phone 129 I. J. McDIASniD & COMPANY Far.!. 'Phfi; 2.'0 P4 FIFTY HEAD OF MULES AND HORSES. FIRST LOT OP STOCK THIS SEASON, ' Our MR. BEVILL has jnst returned from tbe Western Markets, where he bought Fifty Head of Mules and Horses. We have any kind of a Horse yon may want High-Class Pacers and Trotters nd Good Business, Farm and Family Horses, Single or Double, as well ss several EXTRA NICE SADDLE HORSES and Pairs of Harness. We also have any size MULE, fiom the heavy log Mnle to the smaller cotton and farm Mules. Each and every one guaranteed to be exactly as represented by us. Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Robes, Etc., And the well-known Babcock Buggies and Hackney Buggies,, and also ban on hand at all times a complete line of the medium and cheaper grades; Harness, Robes, Etc, to go with them. . We keep all sizes of wagons-th one and two-horse on hand, and can furnish yon with any kind yon may want, out of stock. W Pay The Highest Market Prices For Cotton. ; , If von need anything in OUR LINE call and see us. BEVILL tV VANSTORY, fayetteville. n c INCOSPOSATKD ' NOTICE. In a I r ' L argest ommercial School in the Carolinas. CAPITAL STOCK; . . .$30,000. RALEIGH, IT. C. - . CHARLOTTE, N. S'thboundl Dally. I: 6 Z P.M S or f doses "666" win care any care of Chills and fever. Price 1 5c - ; 1 '-. To quickly check a cold, druggists are dispensing everywhere, a clever Candy Cold Cure Tablet called Pre- ventlcs. ; Preventics are also fine for feverish children. Take Preventicsat the sneeze stage to head off all colds. Box of 48 25c ' B. E. 8eS berry's Son. Stomach troubles, would more anick- ly disappear if the idea of treating the cause.' rather than the effect, would come Into, practice. A tiny, inside, hidden nerve, says Dr. Snoop, governs and gives strength to the stomach. A branch also goes to the heart and one to-thr Kidneys.': When these "Inside nerves" fau, then the organs must fal- tor. Dr. Snoop's Restorative Is directed 'pecifically to these falling nerves. Wlth 'n 48 hours sfter starting the Restora tive treatment patients say they real ize a gain. - Sold by B. E. Sedberry's ton. ,i- ... ,; , ... 1:15 1 1:64 2:11 z:23 2:35 2:55 3:15 3:41 A. M. :00 :42 6:59 7:14 Lv Stations Raleigh I McCTrs IW'hv Sp'sl varina 7:2rjPqy Sp'sl 7:45 8:05 8:28 P.M. A.M. I Kipling L'ngtoff ' I Linden 4:J0:15lAr( FayVllle I o 9. LA M Arl ILyJ Nthbound Dally. o 2 P.M 8:30 7:52 7:37 7:27 7:19 7:00 :41 6:15 8:45 3:03 2:45 2:34 2:25 2:05 1:44 1:17 1A.M. P.M. J" ' -CONN ECTIONSW ,,' - No, 54 will make connection St Ral eigh with Southern Ry. train No. 21 for f. Durham, Oreensboro, Oxford, Clarksviiie, Chase City, Richmond, AshevUle and main line points: and with Seaboard Air Line for Hender son, Norlma, Weldon, Norfolk,. Rich- mono ana tne Mortn. ; No. 55 will connect at Ralelxb with Southern Ry. r train No. ' 144 from Greensboro, Durham and the-vVest: and Wttt A. X- trains Nos. 28 and 66 from the South, and the "Shoofly" from Nortina and Henderson. Mek Ing connection at Payettevllle with A CV U trains for Raeford. Wilmington Red Springs, Maxton, Bennettivlllf" Columbia, Florence. Charleston. 8a vannah,- Jacksonville nnd all. points By virtue of authority contained certain mortgage deed executed on the 30th day of Oct, 1905. by N. Q. Smith and wife 8. M. Smith, to J. E. Wood and Perlian Wood, and duly transfer red on the 24th day of July. 1907, by said J, E. Wood and Perlian Wood to J. O. Larton. which mortgage deed la ot record la Book E No. 6 at p. 10, Records of Cumberland County,' the undersigned. Assignee of Mortgagees, win on Monday, tbe 9th day of Novem ber, 1908, at 12 o'clock M, at the Court House door In Cumberland Coun ty, North Carolina, expose for sale at public autlon to the highest bidder tor cash a certain tract of land In Com-. berland County, North Carolina, In Black River township, described as follows, to-wlt: - '-. e- Beginning at a small pine at the run of the Pope Branch, Geo. H. Lee's corner; thence his line N. 16 1-2 E. 4 chains to a stake, his corner; thence his line N. 83 W. 1.16 chains to a stake, his corner; thence his other line N. 7 E. 4.30 chains to his corner tn N. O. Smith's line; thence with said Smith's Una N. 83 W. 17 chains to a maple, his corner on the run ot the Pope's Branch; thence down the run of said Branch as it meanders to the be ginning, containing 7 8-10 acres. This the 5th day of October, 1908. -J. O. LATTON, ' Assignee of Mortgagees. Qodwln-A; Townsend, "4;' Attys. for Assignees. -. - i roixaa BUILDIMS. HBDMOHT ISSDSASCS BLDG. Wanted For Cash AIL kinds of old books and papers. stamps and corns. War or Indian Rel ics, old furniture. School books bought, sold and -exchanged. Largest stock, lowest prices, oldest house. Bend for pries list. Southern Book Exchange, Raleigh, N, C. " : These Schools give the world's best in Modern Education. Oldeat Bnsine College in North Carolina. Established. Positions guaranteed, backed b; written contract . No vacation. , Individual instruction. .We also tesch Boot keeping, Shorthand, Fenmanaoip by msil. Send for Home Study rates. Writ to-day for our catalogue, Offers and High Indorsements. Thsy are free. Addrr- KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. .' " RALEIGH N. 0., or OH ARLOTTK. N. O " Bottled in Bond Whiskeys 3 .. fl u UtolMllhmMUiarniihliwIhnlWIn. Bstsbltahed thirty yean Neord for htndllng only rUbl oena voar mui oraert to as. Stutfutlon guaraatMd. Utad dsj noelTcd.sUppsd la pUIn pctet .WS PREPAY EXFRRSS -SHOEMAKER RYE WHISKEY . 1 v-'t : ". 'V- - i . 1 Qal. 4 Ota. 19 Qm uazarus cwo, -uream or wniskiea".,..S4 00 , , Virginia MounUIn (strt, 7 yrs. old).., 4 00 v Albemarle Rye,, "fine",..;... 3 00 ' Cabinet Rys.:.,,,.,,,,,,.,..,.,.-.,,,. 2 50 l XX Red Rye.:,. 2 26' . Red Cross Malt Whiskey.............. t 60 :i Yadkin River Com... 2 60. i Georgia Corn, purs whits or yellow.. . 2 25 Virginia Apple Brandy...,.,....;...,; 2 60 Shoemaker Rys (bottled In bond) 5 full Ota. $4 00 4 00 8 00 2 76 2 60 3 60 2 60 2 60 2 75 6 00 $11 00 12 00 8 60' 7 60 6 60 11 00 7 00 t 60 7 60 12 00 Bvnd trial order today for any ot tbe above, Ws guarantee the auaUtr W , Complete prtco list and booklst ea all brands ef Whiskers sent on rsoneit, - OUB CAPITAL IS S2S0.00O.0O I 1 1 1 nuer Annmi iii n. -' v unuiAVO UWUintUl Mil 1 . r LYNCH BUBd. VA. , 903 Mala Street south. v A JEWELER'S EXPERIENCE. C, R.Kluger, the Jeweler, 1060 Vir ginia Ave., lnaianaooll. Ind.. writes: 1 w so weak front kidney trouble 'hat I could hardly walk a hundred 'eeV Fcnr bottle of Foley's Kidney ?esnedr e'eared my complexlon.jiured n-r back-iche and the Irregularities dis appeared, sad . I can now attend to Vwlnei every day. and recommend Foley's Kidney Remedy to all suffer ers, as It cured me after the doctors and other remedies had failed. No, 61 will connect at Ralelah with X Southern Ry. train No. 112 from Oreensboro and the West, and 8. X. Lt tralna from North, and South. Makf Ing connection at Fayetteville. with train for 8anford, and main line train for the North. . .'J No. 62 will connect at Fayetteville with A. C. L. trains from Wilmington. Raeford, Bavannah. Florence,. Ben-1 nettsvllle, Maxton, Red Springs, and 1 points South; connecting at Ral eigh with Southern Ry. trains No. 139 for Durham, Oxford, Clarksvllle, Chase City, Oreensboro and the West, and No, 22 for Ooldsboro; with S. A. L. "Shoofly for Henderson and Norllna. and Nos. 41 and 43 for Sasford, Ham let, Atlanta, Columbia and the South. NOTE. This company will endeav or to make schedule and connections as outlined above, but does not guar antee same. t . J, A. MILL. Raleigh, N. 0. , . PresldenL ' HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR SEED COTTON, COTTON SEEO AND BEST EXCHANGE GIVEN AT MC NEILL'S "oinJ ,. Vaughn, Miss., says: "For several months I suffered with a severe couch. and consumption seemed to have its grip on me, when a friend recommended Dr. King's New Discovery. I began taking It. and three bottles effected a complete cure." . The fame of this life saving cough and cold remedy, snd lung and throat healer Is world wide. Sold at B. E. Sedberrys Bon's drug store, 60c. and 11.00. Trial bottle free. eHsa wvffaUBf BVfMsWWsV FotMdV ' f ib'.- Guaranteed Uliiskevs ! All eur eoods am luaranteeel ander the faro Food Law. - If not satlsf notary,' money refunded on return of geods, Ooodsshlppedlnslainnaaksgessamedayardsrreeelved. . WE PREPAY ALL EXPRESS CHARGES. liaMuut My It aid ; sttbsr NtM w fjarm imy r4tr, ar liflitirti Lsltar, PHees e Oaee-a set Hated will ke famished raamt. mtw Hrw...,,.aa..., ,,,,,,,,,, OrorOom re......,........,,.,,,,, I pictloo Br... .,,,,.,,,,,,. OKHaoty Rra. w, , ninwo KT. ...... M, c. Can WWn. Vlrctoia Cam WhUir v.a Mia nnaiHM,o, Swanoia holMna OVn AdpI Sfan4r ...,..,,.,.., VwyOIS ApplaBnuS,,, Paaah nua ,..,.', NJUat. IHBOTTLia. rWUIei.tlalleM. 4 hll SM. IFaHth, N 1 ineoaass ...Btt n M H N M M M N M H I N I M 18 i.3 ii: rt in a N 71 2S tin MM Our Specials, 'C If fk"'fl' ; iaa.awLaal Ivuil V Fine Old Copaor Distilled 4rllte. . . ruNOttv $2.65 , S.OO c::i'.:: dye Smoath and Mellow. . 4 Full Ota. trull Ota. ' $3.18"''- '. '!-$ 8.00"' .Cousifis,SuPRLYXo,g:r!:!:"-j,-Va.-

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